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The history of the television game "What?" "What? Where? When?”: scandals and intrigues of the intellectual game (46 photos)

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This article describes the television version of the game. For information about tournaments and the sports version of the game, see.

What? Where? When?- an intellectual quiz, the most common in the Russian-speaking environment. It was created in the city by TV presenter Vladimir Voroshilov. The game very quickly became so popular that in addition to the original television version, a sports version of the game appeared. The essence of the game is confrontation teams of Experts(game team of six people) TV Viewers team. Experts must use brainstorming to find the answer to a question sent by a viewer in one minute. Typically, players are asked questions that can be answered using general knowledge and logic. For each correct answer, the Experts team receives one point; in case of an incorrect answer, a point is awarded to the TV Viewers team. The game is played to six points.

Game show rules

IN television version Each correct answer to a question gives the team one point; an incorrect answer gives a point to the “team of spectators” (who, as it were, play together against the team of experts). When one team reaches six points, it wins. This means that no more than eleven questions can be asked during one televised game. The rules of the TV game are constantly changing, but it always takes place (with the exception of the first few seasons) in the Hunting Lodge of Neskuchny Garden in Moscow. There is a special room equipped with a tape measure, on which there is a top with an arrow. The questions are in envelopes laid out on the table, signed with the names of the cities of the participants who sent the question. The spinning top is spun by the manager, and the question on which the arrow stops is chosen for the game. If the dropped question has already been played, then the next question clockwise that has not yet been played is selected.

The discussion lasts for one minute. At the end of the discussion, the team captain must name an expert who will give the answer. As a rule, the floor is given to the author of the version.

If, when the leader announces the question, the expert understands the answer to it, he can give a sign (often this is a fist with a thumb up), after which the team captain can tell the leader before the actual discussion of the question begins that the answer is ready. If the answer is correct, in addition to the expert point, the team has the opportunity to take an extra minute of discussion. The number of minutes depends on the number of correct answers given ahead of time, and a team can take more than one additional minute in a row.

A rule such as “club help” was also introduced. If experts do not know the answer to a question, they can turn to experts in the room. The time that can be used for these purposes is 20 seconds. In 2007, this rule was slightly changed, after which help can only be taken if the score is not in favor of experts. Previously, there was such a rule as “masters’ help”, in which experts could be prompted by game masters within 20 seconds, but this rule was subsequently canceled.

Since the experts are not alone in the room, there is the potential for unauthorized tips. To prevent this, during a discussion of an issue, there is a manager in the room who, when he detects this, raises a red card. In addition, several operators are involved in the hall, which makes it possible to record the hint on video. If the rules are violated, the person who suggested the answer is, in most cases, removed from the room. The presenter has the right not to count the answer of experts.


General information

The game requires great education and a broad outlook in the field of modern science, the ability to think quickly, originally and out of the ordinary. From a brief description of the game, one might mistakenly conclude that in order to play the game successfully, you need to remember many facts. In fact, questions that require knowledge of certain facts are usually uninteresting; people try to avoid such questions. A good question should contain everything necessary for an answer; in addition, it may require knowledge at the high school level, attentiveness, observation, etc. Often some extra word or grammatical subtlety that is not very suitable in a given context is a strong hint; puns, etc. play such a role, so questions are often untranslatable and presuppose knowledge of cultural studies.

The questions relate to different areas of knowledge and have different styles, so the best players will be the most erudite and well-read. A strong team should have harmonious cooperation between people with different ways of thinking, and, if possible, specialists in different fields. Much depends on training and the ability to understand each other within the team.

Types of questions

  1. Common question. Connoisseurs are asked in verbal form a question sent by mail from one of the viewers. The question is selected using a spinning top in standard form. One minute is given to discuss the question, after which experts must give an answer. The answer comes from one team expert. The captain determines the answer.
  2. Multimedia question. This is a question asked through video, audio, or drawings. In a game show, the video is simply shown on a monitor. In the sports version, a printout (also known as a “handout”) is placed on each table before the question is asked. Often, before reading a question, in order to avoid tedious rewriting, long texts (for example, poems) are also distributed.
  3. Question with subject. The team is shown an object and asked, for example, to guess what it serves (or served), use the object(s) to achieve a certain result, etc.
  4. Black box question. Here you need to answer what is in the black box in front of the players. In rare cases, this can serve as a kind of hint, since the size of the box is limited, and it clearly cannot contain anything abstract (although there were cases when the box was empty, and the absence of objects in the box was the correct answer, but this is rather an exception) . One time there was another black box in a black box (December 27, 2008). As a variant of this type of question, if the item does not fit into the black box, it is located behind the scenes, which in most cases is additionally reported to experts.
  5. Thirteenth sector. Connoisseurs are invited to ask a question asked by Internet users on the website 13.mts.ru during the broadcast of the game. The question is selected randomly by the computer. At the same time, the question is completely unpredictable and no one (even editors) knows the answer to the question until it is announced.
  6. Sector Zero. At the beginning of the game, three stylized playing cards with a “zero” sign were placed on the sector. If a sector fell out, the “intellectual casino versus experts” round was announced, after which the host Vladimir Voroshilov came out to the players and asked one of the questions on the cards. After the death of Vladimir Voroshilov, the sector was abolished.
  7. Blitz(simple). It consists of three simpler questions (compared to the usual ones), but the team has only 20 seconds for each of them. A team gets a point for three correct answers. This type of question originally appeared in a game show and was later included in the sports version of the game. Despite the difficulty, "Blitz" is periodically won by experts (for example, the team of B. Kasumov in the summer series of 2008).
  8. Super blitz- complicated version blitz, the difference is that one player from the team participates in it; who exactly is decided by the team captain (in rare cases, the top is used for drawing lots). The round is extremely rarely won by experts (for example, A. Kozlov in the 2008 final, before that by M. Potashev in 1997).
  9. Decisive round. In the event that a team of experts has earned 5 points in their favor, but would like to increase the result of the game to a score of 6:0 in their favor, the team can take the decisive round. In this case, the strongest expert, in the opinion of the team, remains at the table, after which a question is selected in a standard manner using a top, which the expert must answer without anyone’s help. In this case, a mandatory condition is that there be absolute silence in the room and a complete absence of discussion of the issue. This type of question helps a team advance to the season finals if the previous teams of the season played more successfully.

Sample questions

  1. Here is an ancient Egyptian manuscript; it says about a certain slave: “He hears perfectly with both ears, is honest and obedient.” This text is considered to be one of the early copies of... what? (Answer: advertising.)
  2. The McDonald's board of directors believes that rumors that McDonald's meat dishes are prepared from earthworms can be easily refuted by comparing them with meat. Question: by what criterion? (Answer: price. Worms cost much more.)
  3. According to the humorous calendar of Belyaev and Stalber, “If this statement were true, This It wouldn’t taste as good.” Guess what statement is being talked about and name it This. (Answer: wine, “Truth in wine.” The question is based on a comparison of the phrases “Truth in wine” and “Bitter truth”).
  4. Once, Mark Twain's friend, Harry Dumaine, borrowed $500, promising to return it in a month - of course, if he was still alive. Question: What did Mark Twain do when he didn’t receive what he was promised after a month? (Answer: Dumain's obituary was published)
  5. In Ambrose Bierce's fable, a deputy promises his constituents not to steal after receiving office. When it was revealed that he was stealing huge sums, voters demanded answers. The deputy replied that, yes, he promised not to steal, but he did not make another promise. Which one? (Answer: promises not to lie.)
  6. Jerome K. Jerome compared This with the government, since both are valued only as long as they are good. Name it. (Answer: weather)
  7. Russian humorist Mikhail Zadornov said that he was not angry with the communists, since they never deceived him. But why, according to him, did they not deceive him? (Answer: because he never believed them anyway)

TV version of the game

Vladimir Voroshilov, the creator of the game and its leader for a long time.

The birthday of the TV game is considered to be September 4th. One game was held that day, according to different rules, according to which two families played against each other (as in the popular game “Lucky Chance”). The game consisted of two rounds, filmed at the home of each family. They got together for the sake of photography for the family archive.

The first questions were invented by V. Voroshilov himself, and later, when the game became popular, they began to accept questions from the audience. . It is known that bags of letters arrived every day, each of which had to be answered, the best questions selected, the accuracy of the facts presented checked, edited, prepared, if necessary, the necessary items. Of course, one person cannot do such work, and Voroshilov was helped by his wife Natalya Stetsenko, who headed the department of correspondence with viewers for many years.

Initially, there was no special name for the players, but in 1979 the term “connoisseur” appeared, this word has now become familiar to describe the participants in the game, the club is now usually called the “connoisseur club”.

The details of the game rules changed frequently, but the main prize was always books (which were hung on the Christmas tree during the final game) and a crystal owl.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the game changed from an “intellectual club” to an “intellectual casino” (although the location of the games did not change). The slogan of the game was the phrase “Intellectual casino is the only casino where you can make money with your own mind.”

Each question now has a certain “value”, which can be increased by placing the money you win on a certain playing field. Sponsors and lawyers appeared (Mikhail Barshchevsky). Since the experts have decided to stop playing for money, the value of the questions is determined using telephone voting by viewers. Since the year, the authors of questions to which the correct answer was not given receive payment in accordance with which of the unanswered questions their question was: the author of the first question not answered by the team receives 10 thousand rubles, the second - 20 thousand, and so on ; also, in the event of a defeat of a team of TV viewers in the first round, the losing TV viewer receives insurance of 10 thousand rubles, and each question not thrown (except for the 13th sector) receives compensation of 10 thousand rubles (in the case when a blitz or super blitz did not fall, the author of each blitz or super blitz question receives 10 thousand rubles). At the same time, in 2006-2007 they received 1 ruble for each vote “like the question” and -1 ruble for each vote “dislike the question”, which was more profitable (the last question also had a fixed rate of 60 thousand rubles).

After that, the game began to change, and these changes continue to this day. In 1991, a new sector appeared - zero (“zero”). If the pointer stopped on this field, then the presenter came out to the audience with three cards (later a single question was played), on which his own questions were written, and showed them to the team. He did this in his own manner, and once the players could not even understand where the introduction ended and the question began. Voroshilov called this version of the game “a casino game against experts.”

Many famous experts of the “What? Where? When?" took an active part in the filming of the television version of “Brain Ring”

In the television version of the game, pauses are provided mainly for the experts to rest. They come in two types:

  • Musical pause, when the team leaves the house in the direction of a stylized stage on which one of the stars (invited in advance) performs any of their own songs. Alternatively, it is also possible to invite a group or ensemble. Such a pause is announced by the leader after four rounds (with the exception of a score of 3:0).
  • Tea break, when the manager brings on a tray and places on the table six cups with already poured Ahmad Tea Limited Edition tea, as well as additional boxes of tea and sugar. Such a pause is announced by the leader after seven or eight rounds, depending on the progress of the game (naturally, if by that time none of the teams has won).


A special feature of the game is that it takes place live. During the live broadcast, viewers can give answers using MTS phones. However, the cost of a message has increased from 5-6 cents (according to the tariff plan) to 10 rubles.

Game show prizes and titles



  • "Red jacket" is a sign "immortal member of the club", a person who can stay in the club even if his team loses. Received by the best player of the team who reached the final of the series, regardless of the result (but there was one game when it was awarded to the whole team). Currently abolished (after the story of the loss of the team of Kozlov (the jacket was also lost) and Blinov, with the jacket were Blinov, Druz and Dvinyatin). The rematch, won by Blinov's team on December 31, 1994, abolished the jackets and a general amnesty was declared at the club.

Shoulder strap of the best captain

  • This shoulder strap is given to the best captain, who is chosen once every 5 years. Its owners are Boris Eremin, Vladimir Lutovinov, Andrey Kamorin, Viktor Sidnev, Andrey Kozlov, Alexey Blinov and Ales Mukhin.


Music in a game show

The television game has become so popular that its music is now associated only with the game show. Some topics have gained enormous popularity and are used in local quizzes. For many people, these melodies, first heard in the game, remain forever associated with its atmosphere. The main melody heard in the game's intro is the introductory movement to Richard Strauss's symphonic poem Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In addition, at the beginning of the game, a fragment of Herman’s aria from the opera “The Queen of Spades” (“What is our life? A game!”) and other episodes from the same opera are heard. During the game between rounds, sometimes an arrangement of a fragment from “Rhapsody in Blue” by J. Gershwin, James Last’s composition “Ra-ta-ta” by the group “Rotations”, fragments of the songs “Crucified” and “Israelism” by the group Army of Lovers are played. At the end of the game, Saint-Saëns' symphonic poem "Dance of Death" performed by Ekseption is played.

Sports version

Unlike the television version of the game, the sports version remains unknown to most Russians, since there is practically no popularization of festivals and games - mainly because they are less spectacular than the television version, since in the sports version the viewer has practically no opportunity to watch game process.

The game is known within a certain movement, and a person gets there by chance, through his friends, acquaintances, an ad accidentally seen or an institute club, which, like KVN clubs, regularly hold games for students.

Famous game show experts

Alexander Druz

Many players, mainly the TV version players, were very popular in the Soviet Union, and later in Russia. The most outstanding ones receive various honorary prizes, such as crystal owl, title immortal player What? Where? When?, Red jacket. In some seasons, cars and large sums of money were received (mainly if there were famous sponsors).

The most famous and famous participants in this game:

  • Some bookmakers accept bets on the outcome of the game (recipient of the Crystal Owl, the score of the game, etc.), which indicates a lack of agreement and manipulation of the game results.
  • In the eighties, the video monitors located above the round table in the broadcast studio were Yunost color TVs, apparently the Ts-440 model, in red cases. In the nineties, they were replaced by foreign-made televisions, and currently LCD monitors are used.
  • In the early nineties, the program's management conducted an experiment in voting among viewers. A frequency meter, made on the basis of a DVK-2M computer, measured the frequency of the supply network. First, all viewers were asked to turn off their televisions, then only viewers voting for the first team, and then only viewers voting for the second team. The unusual method of voting was based on the fact that when the load on the power grid sharply decreases, the frequency of the current increases. The effectiveness of this method is questionable, since, firstly, power plants have automatic control systems that do not allow the frequency to “float” when the load changes beyond the established limits, and secondly, televisions of different models differ from each other in power consumption, so when you turn off the Rubin-714 TV, the load on the power grid will decrease by 250 W, and when you turn off the Yunost-406D TV - by only 30 W. These days, voting of this kind is carried out using SMS.

Versions of the game in other countries

see also

Other mind games




  • "What? Where? When?" Season 2008. Final of the year. 27/12/08 + ,
  • "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?"- Spring series 2009. - Game one (04/04/2009) on Yandex.Video

September 4 marks the 35th anniversary of the “birthday” of the popular intellectual television game “What? Where? When?”

Date of birth of the television program "What? Where? When?" officially considered September 4, 1975, when the first episode of the game, the founder of which was TV presenter Vladimir Voroshilov, was broadcast.

At first the game was called "Family Quiz" What? Where? When?" Two teams took part in the first game - the Ivanov family and the Kuznetsov family from Moscow.

The game consisted of two rounds, filmed at the home of each family. The teams were asked 11 questions. The two stories were combined into one using photographs from the family albums of the Ivanovs and Kuznetsovs.

Over time, the rules of the game, prizes and the very name of the club changed. In 1976 family quiz "What? Where? When?" turned into a television youth club "What? Where? When?" The first players were MSU students.

A spinning top appeared in the game, with the action of which it was not the question that was chosen, but the player who answered. There had not yet been a minute of discussion; the participants in the game answered questions immediately, without preparation. Each participant played for himself.

The very first questions were invented by Voroshilov himself, and then, when the game became famous, they began to accept questions from the audience. Those who answered the question received a prize - a book, and those who answered seven questions received the main prize - a set of books.

The players' answers were evaluated by members of the honorary jury - academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Oganes Baroyan, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Vitaly Goldansky, writer Daniil Danin.

Vladimir Voroshilov was forbidden to appear on camera at that time, so the first host of the game was Alexander Maslyakov. He played only one game.

In 1977 The presenter in the frame was replaced by four voices behind the scenes, among which were Vladimir Voroshilov and employees of the youth editorial office of the Central Television, journalists Andrei Menshikov and Svetlana Berdnikova, as well as geologist Zoya Arapova. Their names remained a mystery to television viewers for a long time. Vladimir Voroshilov was the main presenter of the game, the other voices played a supporting role - they voiced letters from viewers (sacks of letters were sent to the program every day, each of which had to be answered, the best questions found, the authenticity of the question checked, edited, prepared).

In 1977 for the first time, the top began to point to the letters of viewers, and not to the responding player, and a minute of discussion appeared in the game. Each correct answer brought a prize-book to the general fund of the game participants. If the club members lost the question, the entire six players changed. In the same year, the club began a tradition of presenting a prize to the TV viewer for the best question, and a living symbol of the program appeared in the hall - Fomka the eagle owl.

Since 1978, Vladimir Voroshilov became the only voice-over presenter of the game, and the game in the television club "What? Where? When?" have become traditional and permanent.

Since 1979 all players who were members of the club "What? Where? When?" or simply participants in the program, for the first time began to be called experts. That same year, on January 24, the first musical pause sounded in the game. At first, musical breaks were always recorded. Numbers with the participation of artists invited to the game appeared only in 1982, and since 1983, musical breaks in the hall have become traditional.

From 1979 to 1983, book prizes were presented by Tamara Vladimirovna Vishnyakova, a member of the presidium of the All-Union Society of Book Lovers, director of the Moscow House of Books.

In 1980, the name of the game’s host, Vladimir Voroshilov, was mentioned for the first time, and in 1981 The club's first honorary award appeared - the "Owl Sign" - a pendant in the shape of a wooden owl. The prize was awarded to the best expert in the game; its first owner was Alexander Byalko.

In 1982, the form of the game was finally determined. A new rule was introduced: the game continues to six points. Until this moment, the score of the game was always different - as many questions were asked as the timing allowed.

On December 6, 1983, a “black box” appeared at the game for the first time (currently four different sized black boxes are used. All of them are made of wood, lined with velvet inside).

In 1984 The Crystal Owl prize was established, the first winner of which was Nurali Latypov. From 1984 to 1990, the Crystal Owl prize was awarded once a year to the best player of the year in the team of television viewers and in the team of experts. From 1991 to 2000, the prize was awarded twice a year - in the finals of the summer and winter series. The exception was the anniversary games of 2000, when the Crystal Owl was awarded to the best expert of each game in the series.

Since 2001, the Crystal Owl has been awarded four times a year at the final game of the spring, summer, fall and winter series. The best player of the winning team - an expert or a TV viewer - receives the prize.

The first “Crystal Owls” were made at a glass factory in the city of Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir region; since 1985 they have been made at the Lvov Experimental Ceramics and Sculpture Factory (thinned glass, handmade).

Since 1987 A series of international games “What? Where? When?” began to take place, and three live broadcasts took place from Bulgaria.

In 1989 On the initiative of Vladimir Voroshilov, the International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When?" was created. (MAK) is a public non-governmental organization that unites intellectual games clubs from many countries around the world and is the coordinating center of the sports “ChGK” movement. The largest tournaments are held under the auspices of the IAC - the multi-stage World Cup and the annual World Championship.

In 1991 For the first time, money appeared on the gaming table as a prize, turning the intellectual club into an intellectual casino, and the presenter began to be called the croupier.

The title of Immortal member of the elite club was introduced, who received the right to remain in the club despite the team's loss. The red jacket became an attribute of the Immortals.

In 1992 The "Zero" sector appears in the game.

In the winter of 1993, the experts wore tuxedos to the game for the first time.

On December 30, 2000, Vladimir Voroshilov played his last game; on March 10, 2001, he died. Since May 2001 author, presenter, director and producer of the game "What? Where? When?" became Boris Kryuk. Starting this year, “Sector 13” was introduced, to which Internet users can send questions to the game directly during the live broadcast.

In 2002 The club has established a new honorary prize - "Diamond Owl", which is the main prize of the year and is awarded to the best player of the winning team in the final game. The "Diamond Owl" prize is made of silver and crystal using the "Diamond Edge" technology (handmade). 70 rubies were used to decorate the owl. The weight of the "Diamond Owl" is more than 8 kg.

From 1976 to 1982, the games "What? Where? When?" took place in the bar of the Ostankino television center; from 1983 to 1986 - in an old mansion on Herzen Street (now Bolshaya Nikitskaya) in house No. 47, where the educational and methodological center of the Komsomol Moscow City Committee for organizing free time for young people was located; in 1988 and 1989 games "What? Where? When?" took place at the World Trade Center on Krasnaya Presnya.

Since 1990, all games of the elite television club "What? Where? When?" take place in the Hunting Lodge in Neskuchny Garden.

The program "What? Where? When?" has been awarded the TEFI television award more than once: in 1997 in the category "Entertainment Program"; in 2001 in the “Television Game” category, and its founder and first presenter Vladimir Voroshilov was posthumously awarded the prize “For personal contribution to the development of domestic television”; in 2002 the program "What? Where? When?" reached the finals of the “Television Game” nomination; in 2004 and 2005 became the winner in the “Television Game” category.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

42 years ago, on September 4, 1975, the first broadcast of the television club of experts “What? Where? When?". True, there were no experts then. Initially, the favorite game was a family quiz.

Two teams took part in the program - the Ivanov family and the Kuznetsov family from Moscow. The program was filmed in parts - first visiting one family, and then visiting another. Each team was asked 11 questions. The two stories were combined into one using photographs from the family albums of the Ivanovs and Kuznetsovs. Only one program was aired. It was a year of searching for the form of the game.

(Total 25 photos)

1984 Recording of the television game “What? Where? When?" on Central Television. © RIA Novosti, M. Yurchenko But the very next year, 1976, the family quiz turned into the television youth club “What? Where? When?". The recording of the program was attended by students from several faculties of Moscow State University, who spoke loudly and smoked while discussing the issue. The first episode of the game was hosted not by Vladimir Voroshilov, but by... Alexander Maslyakov.

1984 TV presenter of the quiz “What? Where? When?" Vladimir Voroshilov is waiting for an answer to the question. © RIA Novosti, M. Yurchenko That's when the top appeared in the game. True, the arrow of the top chose the person who would answer the viewer’s question. Participants in the game answered questions immediately, without preparation. Each participant played for himself. There had not yet been a minute of discussion. Answer the question - get a prize: a book. Answer seven questions and get the main prize: a set of books. The players' answers were evaluated by members of the honorary jury - Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences O.V. Baroyan, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.O. Goldansky, writer D.S. Danin.

1984 Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Igor Petryanov-Sokolov takes part in the television quiz show “What? Where? When?". © RIA Novosti, M. Yurchenko The following year, 1977, the broadcast moved behind the scenes. The presenter in the frame was replaced by four voice-overs. Among the new voice-over presenters were Vladimir Voroshilov and members of the youth editorial staff of Central Television, journalists Andrei Menshikov and Svetlana Berdnikova, as well as geologist Zoya Arapova. Vladimir Voroshilov was the main presenter of the game, the other voices played a supporting role - they voiced letters from viewers.

1984 Participants in the TV quiz show “What? Where? When?" discussing the issue. © RIA Novosti, M. Yurchenko Who was broadcasting on the other side of the screen remained a mystery to TV viewers for a long time (until 1980). And for Vladimir Voroshilov the nickname “incognito from Ostankino” was firmly established. The name of the game host will be heard for the first time on April 23, 1980, when the broadcast ends with the words: “The broadcast was hosted by Vladimir Voroshilov.”

1985 Director and host of the television club “What? Where? When?" Vladimir Voroshilov is preparing another game. © RIA Novosti, G. Kazarinov On December 24, 1977, the game finally took its final form: a spinning top pointing at the question rather than at the player, a one-minute time limit for discussing a question, and a prize for the viewer for the best question.

An employee of the animal center of the Russian film studio "Tsentrnauchfilm" with the eagle owl Fomka, the constant symbol of the TV show "What? Where? When?". © RIA Novosti, Ettinger At the same time, its first symbol appeared in the game - Fomka the eagle owl.

Then, according to the rules of the game, each correct answer brought a prize-book to the general fund of the game participants. If the club members lost the question, the entire six players changed.

1985 Experts and the scriptwriter, director and host of the program, Vladimir Voroshilov, discuss the results of the game. © RIA Novosti, G. Kazarinov In 1979, the program participants were called “experts” for the first time. Up to this point, all the players were “members of the What? Where? When?” or simply “participants” of the program. Also this year, the club teams have coaches: candidates of psychological sciences Boris Bratus and Alexander Asmanov, teacher of the department of social psychology Adolf Kharash. Coaches can call a timeout, make substitutions for individual players or the entire six.

1985 Player of the television club “What? Where? When?" Alexander Vengertsev, a builder from the city of Dmitrovograd, Ulyanovsk region. © RIA Novosti, G. Kazarinov January 24, 1979 in the game “What? Where? When?" The first musical pause sounded.

1988 Musical break in the program “What? Where? When?". © RIA Novosti, Oleg Lastochkin For several years, the game “What? Where? When?" was one of the few programs on Soviet television where you could see popular foreign performers.

1989 Participant in the musical break is Greek singer Demis Roussos. © RIA Novosti, Oleg Lastochkin In 1980, a new rule was introduced - in a critical situation, the losing team was given a special chance: the final round could be played by the entire club.

1986 Broadcast of the program “What? Where? When?". © ITAR-TASS, Igor Zotin In 1982, the form of the game was finally determined. A new rule has been introduced: the game continues until six points. Until this moment, the score of the game was always different - as many questions were asked as the timing allowed. The presenter’s signature phrase appears: “The score is 0:0. TV viewers versus experts. First round."

1985 The captain of one of the teams of the club “What? Where? When?" Marina Letavina. © RIA Novosti, G. Kazarinov The entire game is played by one team of experts; experts continue to participate in the games of the season if they win; experts give up their place in the club to newcomers if they lose.

1985 Participants in the TV quiz show “What? Where? When?" are thinking about the answer. © RIA Novosti, G. Kazarinov In 1983, the Club of Connoisseurs settled into a new premises - a mansion on the street. Herzen, 47. This season they are playing in threes. Two troikas play, one troika is in the “spare” chairs. It is possible to replace the entire trio or one or two players. The composition of the team changes at the discretion of the captain. Some of the experts announced for the game remain “spare” and do not participate in the game. A new rule has been introduced - experts can refuse a minute of discussion and use the saved minute in any other round.

1989 Experts at the gaming table. © ITAR-TASS, Boris Dembitsky 1984 During a minute of discussion, players are allowed to use reference literature: the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the dictionaries of Ushakov, Ozhegov and Dahl, the Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, the Geographical Encyclopedic Dictionary, the Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary, the Chemical Encyclopedic Dictionary, the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary.

1985 The game is on. Television club “What? Where? When?". © RIA Novosti, G. Kazarinov Three stages appeared in the playing hall. On the small stage there is a bookcase with encyclopedias. On the second stage there is a penalty box. On the largest one there is an installation for music and sound accompaniment. The player who gave the wrong answer is sent to the penalty box. Penalties return to the gaming table after the first point won by the experts.

1988 Broadcast of the program “What? Where? When?". © RIA Novosti, Oleg Lastochkin In 1985, a new change - not just one six, but the entire club - six six experts - takes part in each game. Teams change according to the principle: if you win, continue the game; if you lose, give way to the other team. Teams change by lot: in the sectors on the gaming table there are inverted game tickets of the captains. If the experts lose the round, the game ticket is turned over and it becomes clear which six will come to replace it. Decisive round of the game: if the team wins, they get the right to start the game next time and receive all the prizes. The team that loses in the last round of the game leaves the club. Newcomers take the place of these six.

1989 Broadcast of the program “What? Where? When?". © ITAR-TASS, Boris Dembitsky In 1986, once again, one six experts compete in each game. The first “blitz tournaments” were introduced. Musical pause symbols disappear from game sectors. Treble clefs are now held by team captains. Teams take musical breaks at their own discretion. A moment of help from television fans appears. This was the last gaming year in the mansion at 47 Herzen Street.

In 1987, a series of international games “What? Where? When?". At the games in Bulgaria, for the first time, it was decided to change the traditional prize system. Book prizes at international games have replaced handicrafts, arts and crafts of the two countries, and consumer goods.

1987 Host of the TV show “What? Where? When?" V. Voroshilov (right). Photo by Igor Zotin (TASS Photo Chronicle) In 1988, a series of games took place in the international club “What? Where? When?". Teams from the USSR, USA, Bulgaria, Poland, and France are playing.

It’s not just one six experts playing against the TV viewers, but the entire club - 13 six experts. Any team of experts can answer for the entire club, and the entire club is responsible for that answer. Any six can protest the answer of the previous team. The answer that was given last is accepted as the final version of the club.

Starting from the second qualifying game, a new rule was introduced: the six who gave the wrong answer and lost the round ceased to participate in the games of the season. Only a game won by the club can save the team players.

1988 Center for International Trade and Scientific and Technical Relations. Live broadcast of the program of the Main Editorial Board of Programs for Youth of Central Television “What? Where? When?”, which was attended by experts from Bulgaria, Poland, the USSR and the USA. Photo by Oleg Ivanov /TASS Photo Chronicle/ In 1989, the International Games “What? Where? When?". Venue: Moscow, International Trade Center on Krasnaya Presnya (Sovintsentr). One main six experts and nine teams of experts play. Teams of experts determine the difficulty of each question in the game. Depending on the difficulty of the question, you can get from 1 to 10 points in each round.

If all nine expert teams give the correct answer, the question is worth one point. Eight teams gave the correct answer - the question is worth two points, etc. If none of the expert teams gave the correct answer, the question receives the highest score - 10 points. If the top six experts win the round, those ten points go to the experts. If the playing team cannot solve the problem, then the TV viewers get 10 points.

The team of experts that receives the highest intellectual rating as a result of the game receives the right to continue the next game at the central gaming table. The team with the lowest rating must leave the club. A new six players will take its place.

Due to the fact that the main rule of the game has been temporarily canceled (the game goes to six points), a new limit of the game has been established - midnight. The game ends at the third rooster crow on the Sovintsentr tower.

In the winter of 1991, money appeared on the gaming table for the first time. An intellectual club becomes an intelligent casino. The presenter began to be called the croupier. For the first time, the phrase “Intellectual casino is the only place where you can make money with your own mind” appears.

The basic rules of the game have not changed: one six experts play, the game goes to six points, the losing team loses its place in the club.

2005 year. Broadcast of the program “What? Where? When?". © ITAR-TASS, Natalya Nechaeva Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov was the permanent host of the program for 25 years. On December 30, 2000, he played his last game - the final of the anniversary series of games, which decided the fate of the elite club “What? Where? When?". The experts won with a score of 6:5. The victory of the experts meant that the games in the elite club “What? Where? When?" must continue.

September 4 marks the 35th anniversary of the release of the first program “What? Where? When?” This intellectual TV game made famous many residents of Russia and the CIS countries.

Alexander Druz plays "What? Where? When?" since 1981. Trained as a systems engineer, graduated with honors from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers.

Five-time winner of the Crystal Owl prize (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000 and 2006).

In the final game of the 1995 winter series, Alexander Druz was awarded the honorary title of Master of the game "What? Where? When?", awarded the "Big Crystal Owl" and the Order of the Diamond Star as the best player in the entire 20 years of the elite club's existence.

From 1998 to 2001 worked as an executive director at NTV-Kino, and also served as a coordinating producer and chief consultant.

In 2001, he became the general director of New Russian Series LLC. Here, until 2006, he produced such television series as “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Secrets of the Investigation”, “National Security Agent”, “Children of the Arbat”, “Taxi Driver”, “Cop Wars”, “Airport”, etc.

From 2006 to the present - General Director of Forward Film LLC, producer and co-producer of the series "Katerina", "Defense of Krasin", "Schedule of Fates", "Special Group", "Cop Wars-3", "Web" , "Cop in Law", "Road Patrol". Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, member of the Producers Guild of Russia, member of the Academy of Russian Television.

The author of the monument to TV presenter Vladimir Voroshilov at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources