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Why do you dream of hugging according to the dream book? Why dream of hugging a loved one or a stranger? Basic interpretations - why do you dream of “hugs”

The article on the topic: “dream book of hugs with a man you like” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Why do you dream of hugging a man? The dream book gives conflicting interpretations - according to the details. There is success ahead, the beginning of a new romance, trust, happiness. But the plot in a dream also warns against excessive gullibility or baseless ambitious plans.

New acquaintance, romance

A dreamed vision promises an acquaintance with a young man who can be very interesting. If the sleeping woman experienced strong passion or kissed, a romantic relationship will begin.

In a dream, hugging a man whom you secretly sympathize with and kissing him foreshadows: a dizzying romance will begin. But it may not arise with the dream hero at all.

Failure of ambitious plans, quarrels

Seeing yourself kissing a competitor, an enemy, someone who causes hostility, according to the dream book, indicates your readiness to reconcile.

Why dream of hugging your boss in a friendly way? In reality, the sleeping woman has ambitious plans, but they will not come true.

Hugging a married man in a dream means: quarrels and scandals will begin in the family. Even divorce is possible.

Build trusting relationships

Did you dream of tightly hugging a man, your husband, not by the neck, but by clasping his torso and feeling warmth and affection? The dream book promises: trusting relationships will be strengthened.

Did you see how they grabbed their lover’s back? Sincere love reigned between you, a subtle understanding of each other.

Why dream of cuddling up to him from behind, from behind? The dream book is encouraging: a white streak will soon begin, a time of success in various fields.

Reassuring your husband in this way in a dream is a hint: he needs your participation, understanding of his problems or aspirations.

Don't be too trusting

Hugging a man you like means: there will be a conflict between you. Do not rush to reveal your sympathy to him - for now he treats you in a friendly manner.

Did you dream of taking the initiative with a guy you like? The dream book indicates: you are too trusting, sometimes it turns into recklessness.

Hugging a handsome guy in bed in a dream is not a good sign. The dreamer can be charmed and used for her own purposes by a womanizer.

Need new experiences

Why dream of hugging a man - an acquaintance or a work colleague? The dream book tells you: you lack new emotions and adventures. It's time to take a vacation, visit an exotic place or do something exciting.

If you embrace a guy you know, whom you don’t consider as an object of passion, take a closer look at him. You have a lot in common.

Who was that?

The interpretation of the dream depends on which man was hugged:

  • loved one - happiness, well-being;
  • husband - a happy event lies ahead;
  • lover - everyone may know about this connection;
  • father - those around you are not completely sincere with you;
  • a friend - you are afraid of separation from him;
  • someone else's boyfriend - dissatisfaction with your relationship;
  • your ex - quarrels with your current boyfriend;
  • enemy - defeat the enemy.

Also, hugging someone else’s man in a dream means you lack the attention of your partner. Discuss this issue together.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream of hugging your loved one when you were experiencing happiness? A long life of harmony lies ahead. If there was no such feeling, life together will be a burden.

Strengthening relationships

Why dream of seeing your loved one embraced after a long separation? Your love will only grow stronger over time.

Kissing your lover in a dream means: your relationship is harmonious. Listen to each other - and ensure yourself many happy years of life.

Did a lonely girl dream of hugging and kissing a man she doesn’t know? The dream book explains: an acquaintance will take place with the one who will become her chosen one.

For a woman, the plot is about hugging a stranger - someone will persistently court her. Even if you don’t like him too much, take a closer look at the one who is trying so hard to get your attention.

What does hugging in a dream mean?

at the Women's Club!

Dreams, undoubtedly, sometimes bring no less, or even more, pleasant emotions than real events in reality.

Of course, there are also creepy, unpleasant, scary dreams, but often you still have to experience the most pleasant feelings. What could be more joyful than melting in the arms of your beloved man, or that guy you really like and about whom all your thoughts are!

Alas, it happens that the very young man you secretly like does not take steps towards you in reality. And then hugging him in dreams is even sweeter and more pleasant.

But besides emotions, the dream also carries a hidden meaning. And, perhaps, hugs with a guy, a beloved man, or maybe even a stranger, promise something very important, some significant changes.

So, when remembering dreams, it would be useful to find out why hugs are dreamed of - probably this does not happen in dreams without a reason. There is no need to rush, because the interpretation of the dream depends on exactly whose arms you found yourself in in your dreams and what they were like.

In addition, the emotional coloring of dreams is also extremely important. If, while hugging someone, you felt joy and happiness, calmness, pleasant peace - rest assured, the dream promises only the best. When feeling anxiety or sadness, it is worth remembering that there is a possibility of some losses or even separations in reality, or maybe just minor troubles.

The interpreter will tell you in more detail why hugs are dreamed of. The dream options are as follows:

  • Hugging in dreams with your own spouse.
  • Finding yourself in the hands of a stranger in a dream.
  • Tender, affectionate hugs in a dream.
  • I dream about someone hugging me very tightly.
  • Passionately hugging someone in a dream.
  • Hugging a friend, sister.
  • Hugging a child.
  • A loved one, a partner.
  • Hugging your loved one while feeling sad.
  • To be hugged by the guy you really like.
  • The one you like suddenly hugged you tightly in a dream.

Such visions most often leave a sweet, pleasant aftertaste after waking up. Sometimes you really want the dream to last and not end! But don’t rush to be sad, perhaps the dream book will predict events for you that will turn out to be no worse than those that happened in the dream itself!

What to expect in reality?

As already mentioned, when remembering a dream before interpreting it, it would also be useful to remember the feelings and emotions that overwhelmed you in it. Although in general, a dream about hugs cannot promise any trouble, since this is a good sign.

On the contrary, hugs are a symbol of friendship, affection, warmth and love. So rest assured, nothing bad awaits you in reality. But the dream book will tell you what exactly to expect.

1. As the dream book says, hugging your own husband (or wife) in dreams is a good, bright sign. It promises you happiness in your family and love life. Perhaps a new period, a flourishing of feelings - strong, mature and conscious. There will be harmony and reliable peace in the family.

2. Such a dream, where you happened to feel the arms of a stranger, always portends a big surprise, most often unexpected guests. And this is where it’s worth carefully remembering what you felt.

If there is joy or at least calmness, then an unexpected surprise in reality will be pleasant for you, or even make you happy. But if it was very unpleasant for you in a dream, and you experienced any kind of negative experiences, the surprise is unlikely to bring you much joy.

3. Tender, affectionate and careful hugs in dreams are a symbol of great happiness in love. If you are still free, then know that this is temporary - very soon that same feeling will come into your life, and it will change you!

4. If you dream that someone is hugging you very passionately, beware of uncontrollable feelings in reality! You may be overwhelmed by a storm of joyful and pleasant emotions, but still, try to keep them under some control so as not to ruin everything.

5. A tight hug in dreams is a symbol of your man’s reliability. Do not doubt, your loved one is faithful to you, and you can definitely rely on him - there is no reason for jealousy or mistrust!

6. If you dream of hugging your girlfriend, sister, friend, this is also a good sign. A joyful meeting awaits you, which will bring many pleasant minutes!

7. Hugging a child in a dream is a wonderful sign. In reality, cloudless, serene happiness awaits you. Everything around will make you happy, problems will disappear as if by magic, and a white streak will come for a long time.

8. If your loved one hugged you, know that your union will be strong and harmonious. Be firmly confident in this, and do not be afraid of anything. It is your relationship that has the chance to become ideal if you believe in your partner and appreciate him!

9. Hugging someone you love while feeling sad is a warning. Perhaps some troubles may soon arise in your union. But don’t be afraid - everything depends only on you.

And if you can show patience and wisdom, if you remember how important it is to maintain a strong union and not lose trust in each other, if you always respect your partner, then no troubles are scary. You will be able to endure difficulties with dignity without losing anything - they will only make your relationship stronger!

10. A pleasant dream in which you hugged a guy whom you secretly (or openly) like in reality means either a quick date with this person, or at least good news from him. You shouldn’t expect your chosen one to just propose to you tomorrow, but rest assured, this is a good sign.

11. If this same chosen one in your dreams unexpectedly hugs you tightly, in reality he will probably take a step towards you. Or maybe he is just thinking about it, but everything is not decided. Maybe you should take the first step?

Dreams of this kind are rare, and you are lucky to see a hug. Know that only good things are ahead - and believing in this will certainly make reality much happier!

And the most important advice

  • Dream Interpretation

    Hugging with a man you like

    Dream Interpretation Hugging with a man you like dreamed of why in a dream you dream about hugging a man you like? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to dream of Hugging a man you like by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Hugs according to the dream book

    Why do you dream about hugs? The dream book can interpret this as upcoming changes on the personal front. Something like this in our dreams can mean that a good person should appear in life in the near future, who will bring many positive emotions and happy moments to life.

    If a woman sees a dream in which there are hugs, it means that she should soon expect unambiguous courtship. For men, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a good girl. And the dream book believes that this girl could even become his life partner.

    If in your dream a large number of people were present during the hug, then this is a sign of future participation in the wedding celebration. But if they were with animals, such a dream, as the dream book interprets, promises a joyful meeting with good old friends.

    But a dream with hugs does not always bring joyful events. If in your dreams they were sad, then the dream book interprets this as upcoming family troubles or problems in relationships with the opposite sex. After such a dream, you need to try in the near future to simply not pay attention to the various whims of your significant other and try to please her in everything.

    But that’s not all, the dream book offers different interpretations of the dream, depending on what kind of hugs were present there.

    If your dreams included kisses and hugs, then the interpretation of such a dream can be quite contradictory. If in a dream you kissed a loved one, then you need to expect a quick separation from him. And if hugs and kisses were with parents, then the dream book says that this foreshadows their imminent illness.

    Well, why do you have a dream in which you hug and kiss strangers? The dream book says that this means that unpleasant rumors are being spread behind your back. In this case, you just need to be a little more careful in choosing those around you.

    The dream book also has a very contradictory interpretation of the dream in which there are hugs with a guy. If this guy is familiar to a girl, then reciprocal feelings will soon await her. But if she hugs a guy she doesn’t know, this means unpleasant rumors spread by her envious people. But if the events of the dream take place at a bus stop or train station, the dream book says that this means quick worries and a long separation.

    Why else do you dream about hugs in a dream?

    If in her dreams a woman sees a man’s embrace or hugs him herself, then this means only one thing - she will soon receive material benefits from him. But the hug of a stranger in a dream for a married woman can mean destruction of the family if she does not reject outsiders’ advances in real life.

    Hugging your loved one in dreams is a symbol of passionate feelings. But only a dream book can correctly interpret such a dream. If during this period in a person’s life there are quarrels with a loved one, it means that soon you will simply regret what you did and try to improve the relationship.

    Jealous people see such a dream, because in life they strongly want to subjugate their loved one to their will. If a hug does not bring pleasure in a dream, then in life you should expect quarrels and conflicts.

    Tender and strong hugs in a dream are considered a harbinger of a happy family life. Well, if you want to know why you dream about passionate hugs, it means that you are simply driven by passion, and love and affection are completely absent in real life.

    If you dreamed of hugging a friend, know that in reality this person expects help from you, but only if you hug him. If it is he who hugs you, then most likely the dream book will interpret such a dream as impending loneliness. But any hugs during sleep mean, first of all, that a person simply needs human warmth, support and help from family and friends.

    Can you please explain the meaning of the dream: I was standing talking with my beloved guy (we are not together) then I was getting ready to leave, he shouted, something like I’ll do something now, I said you won’t catch up. He got up and ran after me, at first I looked, then I also ran, when he caught up with me we stopped. He was about to go, but I stopped him and hugged him, he immediately hugged him back, then we went to his yard. Before entering, he removed his hands from me, as if people would misunderstand, I haven’t parted with mine yet.

    Hello everyone 🙂 I’m 13 years old, and today I had a dream where my boyfriend seemed to leave me, but he leaves. And I cry and say: can I hug him goodbye, I hugged him so much, there is still a fire in my heart, like I hugged him. I can’t understand the dream because I didn’t see his face 🙁 Help 🙁

    Lord, 13 years old and a guy. This dream means that you will soon be running after him.

    Good day, please explain the dream: I dreamed of SMS correspondence, and then I dreamed of a trip with my loved one. We were sitting on the bus, I felt cold, he took me in his hand, hugged me, covered me and stroked my head, and I dreamed about this more than once.

    Please interpret the dream. Last night I dreamed; the fact that I was standing on the street and there was a man whom I love, but not mutually, he was not sober, and his friends were there too. then he came up to me and hugged me, I hugged him tightly, tightly, then we tried to kiss, but something was stopping us, we seemed to kiss, but it seemed like we didn’t.

    Hello! I ask you to interpret my dream. I am 19 years old, last night I had a dream. I saw a man I didn’t know, he was incredibly handsome. I have never met such a handsome guy in my life, he looks about 28-30 years old. He was dressed in a classic gray suit and white shirt, his smile was dazzling. I am from a nation where it is considered a shame to hug a stranger. Only those men who are considered blood relatives can be greeted with hugs. We stood under the dark night sky. I saw familiar people surrounding us, there were several of them. I saw our embrace with him, we stood there for a long time, clenched together. He smelled so deliciously of incense. It seemed like he was familiar to me, but I was seeing him for the first time. I saw him in my dreams all night, he looked at me with such a kind and loving gaze. At 5:46 I woke up.

    Why do you dream of hugging a clown?

    Why do I dream that there was a rainbow near the sun and near the moon, me and the guy, I think his name was Kirill, but in real life I don’t know such a person, we watched the moon, it was surrounded by light and stars, I took pictures of him and looked at him and he hugged me and kissed me very tenderly and warmly! And now in real life I fell in love with my dream :)

    Hmmm. I had the same story.

    Help me interpret my dream... I dream: I come out of my grandmother’s yard, I see Sasha 🙁 this is a boy, we met a couple of times, at the moment we are not dating. I love him, he likes someone else. He is a boxer, and in reality he went to Russia for a competition, and should be back in 4 days. Well, I saw him, as I understood, he had just arrived, he was hugging our mutual friends, and I ran to him, jumped on him, he held me by the waist, I held his neck, and they hugged for about 5 minutes, I kissed him on the cheek. And his words “always on the lips” and kissed me on the neck. And I got off him. Then in the middle of the road, where cars drive, there was some kind of box and there were a lot of things that I said that I would send to the homeless, to the Donbass and to the Crimea, and he just silently raked them, that is, dug into them. And friends stood on the side of the road and watched...

    Can you help me, I had a dream where my friend and I are walking down the street, and my friend is walking behind (but I really like him), I stop, he hugs me for 2 seconds, I stand in a stupor, then I also hug him in return, and he abruptly kisses me in the neck, then I sharply push him away and that’s it. What does this mean? I'm 15, he's 17.

    Hi all. Help me interpret the dream. I’m married, and I dreamed of a stranger with whom I hug, make love, and at the same time I’m very happy. Even now I can still feel his thighs.

    Why dream of a tender hug with a guy you liked before? Currently, I already have a boyfriend, but there is also something left over. Help me please?

    Hello! I had a dream that I was lying in bed (I just woke up), and next to me was a guy with a face I couldn’t see, naked to the waist. I'm not going to pull away, I enjoy his closeness. I snuggle up to him and bury my nose in his chest, inhale the smell (this smell still lingers in my nose) and continue to lie there. I've never had a boyfriend and don't have one now. Can you tell me what this could mean?

    I had a dream in which I was walking with my friend, whom I really like, and then he unexpectedly hugs me, and does not stop hugging me until the end of the dream. What does it mean? 😀

    Hello 🙂 I had a dream last night that I was standing with some related little children in my grandmother’s yard and suddenly a guy came through the gate. And I suddenly run to him, and we hug, he put his head on my neck. Then he began to passionately and tenderly kiss my neck, there was a feeling that I supposedly knew this man in a dream, he was supposedly leaving somewhere and after a while he returned... then he told me: “You know how my heart began to tremble when I saw you?" (me) - “And my heart used to tremble when you weren’t around, but now it doesn’t... because I feel very calm with you.” Then he also kissed the neck??

    I had a dream in which I was sitting and talking with my classmate, and then we hugged until the end of the dream, this is not the first time such a dream, I had a lot of such dreams, with her! I used to like her, and she liked me, after such dreams I feel like I like her again!

    From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that the woman I loved passionately hugged me and asked for a date. The dream was interrupted, and what happened next is unknown. What is it for?

    What portends a dream with passionate hugs and kisses with my beloved girl, I approached from behind and began to hug and caress my beloved.

    Hello, what can you say about my dream: I’m standing on the street and hugging a stranger with a non-Russian appearance (the guy is good-looking). Hugging him, I really feel his warmth, the warmth of his body. And it felt so good and warm. What is this for?

    I had a dream in which I was hugging one of the football coaches very tightly. And we just stand clinging to each other for a very long time. And we feel very good and I don’t want to go anywhere, neither for me nor for him. We hugged like this twice in our dreams. The dream was very long and with a plot.

    I recently had a dream in which I hugged a person whom I liked, unfortunately, not reciprocally, but now I understand that lately I have often had dreams in which I again hug with the same person, what does this mean?

    I recently had a dream that I was meeting my boyfriend and he was hugging me tightly, even through the dream I felt it. Unfortunately, we are at a great distance, and we recently had a fight, what could this hug mean? Tell

    I had a dream that I was hugging an unfamiliar woman and imagining my boyfriend and crying, and in my head I was thinking about what if we weren’t together.

    I’m 14...yesterday I had a dream that the boy I love very much hugged me and I felt warm! (He is 14 and has a girlfriend, she is in the 5th grade, and I talked to him before) Please explain.

    Help. I saw in a dream how the one I like (we are not together) hugs me, despite the fact that he calmed me down (I cried), please explain.

    In general, there was this situation, I was standing at a stop along the road, barefoot, there was snow, but it was artificial, a guy I didn’t know, but very nice, came up, looked at me and picked me up, and carried me along the road, hugging me very carefully and tightly.

    Please explain. I dreamed of hugging a guy, in the dream he seemed to be my friend. Outwardly, he did not look like anyone I knew. He looked like a young model guy whose name I don't know, but I've seen his photos a couple of times on the Internet. I asked him to hug me, and he was so happy. I pressed myself close to him. He hugged me tenderly and the strange thing was that at first we hugged crosswise, but then he put his hands on my waist. I said I love hugs, I love smelling people (strange, but true). I smelled his neck and it was so nice. He said something in my ear, that I was “wonderful” and something else. And his milky skin was so soft, he had light, almost snow-white hair and sky blue eyes. What does this all mean?

    Good afternoon. Please explain. I dreamed that I was standing in a room and someone was taking my hand from behind. I turn around and it’s my ex-girlfriend (in life we ​​can communicate with her, but rarely). And when I saw her, I hugged her tightly, but I realized that I couldn’t do this (even though I wanted to). I lower my arms, but she hugs me even tighter.

    Hello, could you help me? I recently saw a dream in which there was a very handsome guy I didn’t know (about 14 years old) and there were 3-4 of my classmates, that is, there were 6 of us in total. We started playing catch-up, and my classmates got tired and we started playing with an unfamiliar guy and it looked like he was a friend of someone from my class. Here everyone disappeared except us (that is, me and that guy). He started running after me, and I smiled and tried to run away so as not to linger. Then he caught me, we fell and smiled, and he began to hug me warmly, my heart was pounding at full speed, and after 5 seconds of hugging on the ground, he began to kiss me, what does this mean? In the entire history of my life, I have never had a single guy, and of course I haven’t had a kiss either, but then boom, and it was as if I felt everything in reality. I forgot to say, this happened on the next site from my house.

    From Saturday to Sunday I had sleep. In short, in real life I have a brother who, as I thought, was my cousin, but my mother once told me that he was taken into custody. That is, he is not our blood relative. And then I had a dream where we love each other in short. And he suggested we meet and there were people not far from us, well, in my opinion, my mother, aunt (this brother’s mother) and someone else, they said like we are a good couple, another would not have suited blah... blah. And then we hug, laugh and start kissing on the cheeks, strange right? Can you explain?

    Help please, I dreamed that I stood near my grandmother’s house and handed a strange guy a pebble with whom I usually play, supposedly as an apology, but he threw it away, then I left, and when I returned he was holding it in his hands and crying, he said that nothing will happen to him because I have a boyfriend, although in fact I don’t, I hugged him and said that we can be friends, he also had snow-white curly hair with a lilac tint, a little long, and he was dressed in some white clothes .

    Please help me decipher the dream. I dreamed that I was riding a bicycle at high speed, and in front of me there were three people walking opposite me, separately a guy with blond hair in light clothes, more white, and separately two people who were walking together, I couldn’t taxi and flew out of the bike forward, but landed successfully on grass A fair-haired guy in light clothes ran up to me, lifted me up, I hugged him, he asked me, did you quarrel, I answered very much.

    Could you interpret the dream, please! From Thursday to Friday. I dreamed that a guy who used to like me madly sat down next to me, but I refused him (in life). Then he starts telling me something, like: “Here, Polina, many people say that you don’t love me anymore, and it already seems so to me…” After this phrase, he drooped so much that I really wanted to hug him, to put all my feelings into it. I did just that and you know, it wasn’t just a hug, I can’t even describe it, as if he was more important to me than anyone else in the world. At that moment, when I hugged him, I closed my eyes and then I open my eyes and see that I am hugging a completely different guy, just an acquaintance. I immediately took my hands away from him out of confusion, I was scared. End. What does it mean?

    Please interpret the dream: There is a guy. In a dream, I dreamed that I was communicating with a classmate, and he seemed to want to kiss me. It's all in the conversation. I say, you’re not looking for a girl to date for a long time, because you’ll be leaving soon... And it’s all so sad that he hugged me, I hugged me back, but said that we weren’t allowed to hug. After all, I have a boyfriend. But she hugged her even tighter and started kissing her on the head and cheek... It didn’t reach her lips. I woke up and there was such a feeling of sadness... My heart just hurts.

    And I dreamed of my dead husband, he hugged me from behind, so tenderly, as if it was not a dream. I’m still slightly shocked that I felt his embrace so realistically.

    I dreamed that I was hugging a guy I liked, why?

    Please interpret the dream: a loved one (we are not together, he has a couple, but we had a relationship) invited me to his home, oddly enough, his parents were there, and when they saw me they shouted how beautiful I was (that’s exactly the word). Then he gave me something, and to thank me I started hugging him while he stood with his back to me (he didn’t stand with his back on purpose), later he turned to hug me too, he seemed to be reaching out for a kiss, but the kiss was something like that and it didn’t take place (it seemed to be because of me, but I kissed him on the cheek).

    Hello! Help me explain what kind of dream this is. I had a second dream. I was outside in severe frost, and for some reason I took off my jacket, and I was cold, and opposite there was a guy (we are not dating yet, but I am in love with him) with a long jacket or coat, he looked at me and made arms to the sides so I can hug. So I ran and hugged, and he hugged me with his arms and covered my back with his coat or jacket, they stood there, and I hugged him tightly, then he said like “don’t push me,” I asked “why?” he said “well, you have a big belly, and it’s pressing on my... (p.s. genitals) and then I don’t remember.

    Can you please interpret this dream for me? I left class at school and went to meet a boy with whom we were in a big fight, so I was already approaching, and he opened his arms and hugged me tightly, and then I hugged him.

    I had such a dream, like I was hugging a girl (but not mine) and the girl I love was passing nearby and saw this. What does this mean?

    I sit on the guy's lap and hug him. My girlfriend loves him, but I just like him. What does it mean?

    From Tuesday to Wednesday I had a dream, I don’t remember what happened before that moment, but I dreamed that a young man (I didn’t see or didn’t remember his face) was sitting next to me and told me to hug him, I hugged him and pressed him tightly ( I have a feeling that I love this person), after which I kissed him on the back and hugged him even tighter. Help me decipher it.

    Help me understand this dream: I’m sitting with a friend, then suddenly I start hugging him and kissing him on the neck until he gets hickeys, and he starts hugging me and so joyfully.

    What does it mean if I hug my beloved, she kisses me and pulls me onto the bed?

    Please tell me, I dreamed of a friend who is now in another country. The dream left a wonderful feeling, so I wanted to know why. That he came and gave me a soft toy, and before that new yellow patent leather sandals. I hugged him as a sign of gratitude and goodwill, and he hugged me too.

    I had a dream that I was standing next to some cage, and my older sister came out of the cage and started hugging me and kissing me, and then I was the same height as her, and we stood hugging. Give answer.

    What does it mean if I dream about my ex-boyfriend, whom I love very much, but we have not been dating for 4 years, and we each have our own lives. Basically, I dreamed that he was getting ready to join the army and was going with some girl, and I ran away from my current boyfriend and ran to him and told him, “Are you going to join the army? He answers “yes.” I ask: who will be waiting for you? He answers “nobody”, I tell him “can I wait for you? He says “maybe” I hug him tightly, kiss him and say: what about your girlfriend? He smiles and says “we are not a couple” and we walked and hugged and kissed so tightly all day, I hug him, bury my head in his neck and inhale his scent and actually feel his perfume. Then we go to the station, I accompany him to the train, and then his girlfriend comes out, and he hugs me so tightly and tells her “we won’t be together anymore, I don’t love you, I love her,” and they break up, and he He hugs me so tightly that in my sleep I feel everything, what could this mean?

    What does it mean if I like one guy, but he doesn’t know it, but yesterday I had a dream that he won a singing project and shared this news with me, and I hugged him with happiness.

    I had such a dream. I’m standing talking to my friend, who is close to my heart, but she practically doesn’t pay attention to me in life. In a dream, she is about to leave somewhere, I stop her and say, can I at least hug you? She hugs me with a smile on her face and kisses me on my right cheek. Then the dream slowly turns into the fact that I am standing completely alone in the same corridor and it is completely quiet and there is no one there. Can you explain the dream in more detail? I can tell you in more detail everything that happened in my dreams, my life, and what kind of dreams I’ve been having lately.

    I had a dream that I was walking with my classmate, but my friend was with us and he hugged me very often. Help, what does this mean?

    Dream interpretation of hugs with a man you like

  • How nice it is when a loved one or loved one hugs you. But is the interpretation of a dream in which you are hugging someone so favorable? Why do you dream of hugging? What could such a dream mean?

    Why do you dream about hugging - the main interpretation

    If you dream that you hugged someone tightly, such a dream, unfortunately, does not promise you a tight hug in reality. Most likely, on the contrary, you will be disappointed in the person with whom you hugged tightly in a dream. But you shouldn't worry so much about this. Life will definitely compensate you for the communication and positive emotions that you did not receive from this person.

    What should you pay special attention to if you have a dream in which you are hugging?

    Who exactly are you hugging?

    What emotions do you experience at the same time?

    What does the person who hugged you tell you?

    Who else is present in your dream.

    It is important to interpret a dream by analyzing all its participants. So, if you dream that you are hugging your loved one tightly and at the same time experiencing pleasant feelings, perhaps even love, such a dream promises you a strengthening of the relationship and connection between you.

    If in a dream you see a picture of your lover hugging another woman, this may become true in reality. It's time for you to add charm and charm so that your loved one does not exchange you for another. The dream book advises to take a closer look at whether those hugging in a dream are happy. If you are happy, then you will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain the relationship, but if not, you should not worry. Your opponent will not be able to break up your pair.

    If you dream that you are hugging your lover and crying at the same time, perhaps a long trip or separation awaits you. But don’t be discouraged in advance. This will be a temporary separation that will allow the relationship to reach a new level.

    If in a dream you hug one of your relatives and at the same time experience melancholy and fear, such a dream may indicate that the person will soon be overcome by an illness that will be difficult for him to cope with on his own. You will have to lend a helping hand. If in a dream you hug your mother and remember how you were a little girl, such a dream suggests that you lack care and warmth. You give a lot of love to other people and receive little in return.

    Hugging a child in a dream means wanting to become a mother, wanting to join the family. Hugging an elderly woman means being afraid of losing beauty and health. The dream book warns you against groundless worries; while there is no point in thinking about old age, it’s time to enjoy life.

    If you hug an animal and your soul becomes calmer, you will receive help from a friend. This will be the care and support that you have lacked for so long. If you dream that some man is hugging you from behind, you need to beware of casual acquaintances and casual relationships; new opportunities will soon open up for you, but manage them wisely.

    A dream in which you hug a tree and at the same time enjoy peace and quiet speaks of an imminent opportunity to relax and enjoy life. Unfortunately, this will be a fleeting vacation that will quickly end. But this will be enough for you to regain your strength.

    A dream in which someone tries to strangle you during a hug promises trouble. Someone is really trying to control all your steps and your life. If you know this person by sight, if this is your lover, try to defend your right to freedom, your right to personal space.

    If in a dream you want to hug someone and the person disappears into thin air, you dream of a career, love, but you don’t go beyond your dreams. It is worth supporting dreams with actions, it is important not to drown in illusions, not to dwell on a dream, but to constantly move forward, constantly set new goals and see new horizons. If you stick to this rule, then everything in your life will get better pretty quickly.

    If you dream that you are hugging an enemy, such a dream promises you a stab in the back. If you experience fear and indignation when hugging, most likely your enemy will be useful in an important matter. He will tell you, without meaning to, how to get out of a deadlock situation.

    Why do you dream of hugging according to Freud’s dream book?

    Freud's dream book says why you dream of hugging. Such a dream often indicates a hidden need for intimacy and tenderness. You lack understanding and warmth if in a dream you hug your lover and experience tender feelings for him.

    If you dream that you are hugging your ex-lover, it means that you will soon begin to compare your current relationship with your past one. It is important not to escalate the situation and not cause conflict with a new passion. Don't try to reproduce pleasant moments from past relationships in your current relationship. Try to discern positive character traits in your new partner - this is the advice of the dream book.

    If a lonely girl dreams that a stranger is hugging her, such a dream does not always promise her a pleasant meeting and new acquaintances. She is so absorbed in herself that she simply does not notice the beautiful world around her. The dream book advises her to leave the confined space towards a new relationship. Otherwise, she will remain drowning in her dreams.

    If a man dreams that someone else is hugging his beloved, such a dream means that he is overly jealous and does not allow his lady of his heart to take a step. These shackles, the golden cage in which he locked his beloved, will sooner or later open and she will fly out to meet new feelings.

    If you dream that someone stranger is hugging your children, you should worry about their health, perhaps an unpleasant incident will happen to them. If you don’t have children, you will dream about offspring for a long time and try to have your first child, but your attempts will be in vain. This is not due to a combination of circumstances, it’s just that the time hasn’t come yet. The dream book advises not to despair, but to wait for the right moment.

    Why do you dream of hugging according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

    The Esoteric Dream Book says that if you hug an enemy in a dream, expect new attacks from him. If you dream that you are hugging a friend and experiencing a feeling of horror, such a dream promises you enmity with him. Perhaps he is already unfriendly towards you, and now your worst fears will come true.

    If in a dream you hug your lover and say goodbye at the same time, such a dream means that life will give your relationship a new chance. Even if you were in a quarrel before, now you have every chance of reconciliation.

    If you dreamed that you were hugging a friend you haven’t seen for a long time, he will soon appear in your life. This will not be an easy meeting. This person will be able to change the course of events. If you have been plagued by troubles and difficulties for a long time, he will help you resolve them.

    If you dream that you are hugging on the platform, such a dream warns you against traveling and significant plans for the future. Everything will change soon, but don't make grandiose plans for the future right now.

    Why do you dream of hugging according to other dream books?

    Miller’s dream book says that a dream in which you hug should be interpreted taking into account the emotions that it brought to you. If you hug your lover and feel joy at the same time, everything in your relationship will be smooth. You may expect a pleasant surprise from him, maybe even a marriage proposal. If you feel coldness from your lover and unpleasant emotions, it means that he harbors a grudge against you in his soul.

    The dream book from A to Z says that hugging a stranger promises a quick acquaintance with your future husband. If you hug women, you will be suspected of malicious intent, of a negative act. You don’t have to make excuses or prove your position. It will be enough to wait out the moment and just make plans for the future.

    If in a dream you hug children, such a dream promises you peace and quiet in your home. You will become a support for your loved ones. They will value you for your best qualities. After such a dream, you will enjoy family happiness for a long time. You shouldn’t shift all responsibility for your actions onto your dreams. They only guide you along the path to your goal. You take the most important steps yourself. The main thing is to interpret the dream in its entirety and use all its clues. Even if it promises not entirely pleasant events for you, you must be determined to overcome difficulties.

    In dreams, we often see hugs with different people. Most people consider this plot to be ordinary and do not look for an interpretation, but it is better to find out why you dream of hugging a girl, since the dream carries a certain meaning. Often hugging a girl promises the appearance of new friends, including influential ones, so you shouldn’t miss the moment.

    What if you dream about hugging a girl?

    According to the summer dream book, hugging your beloved girl in a dream promises separation from her in reality. Sometimes a dream predicts a quarrel, after which it will be difficult to restore the relationship.

    If a woman dreamed that she was hugging a girl, she will be disappointed in real life. There is a high probability that she will find out unpleasant things about a close friend or relative. The dreamer will be amazed at the hypocrisy and will reduce communication with this person to a minimum.

    According to the autumn dream book, hugging a girl promises positive changes for a man. In the near future he will meet people who will support him in difficult situations and help him get rich.

    If a girl has a dream in which she hugs her friend, in reality she will have to refuse to communicate with her. Perhaps there will be a quarrel or they won’t share something; in any case, it will be difficult to continue friendly relations.

    Hugging a dead girl in a dream means serious illness in reality.

    If a guy dreamed that he was hugging his ex-girlfriend, he will soon meet a new love. The feeling will be strong, so he will not be able to resist it. After some thought and torment, the dreamer will boldly rush into battle for the beauty’s heart and win it.

    According to the 21st century dream book, if a man hugged a girl in a dream, in reality he would have a serious quarrel with his wife. Most likely, she will be jealous of him for someone, so she will start making scandals. The sleeper's persuasion and oaths will not convince her, so a tense situation will remain in the family for some time.

    When a woman has a dream in which she hugged a girl, it is better for her not to trust her friend. She might spill her secrets to someone. It is better to reduce communication or talk on neutral topics.

    According to the erotic dream book, a hug with a girl predicts new love for a man. He will be drawn to the object of his adoration, so he will not be able to resist the temptation.

    For a woman, such a dream foreshadows a new relationship with an indecisive gentleman. In fact, she will look after him and seek reciprocity.

    For a guy, a hug with a stranger in a dream foreshadows a meeting with his ex-girlfriend. She will want to renew the relationship, but the sleeping person will resist this.

    What does it portend?

    If you believe the Ukrainian dream book, then a hug with a girl in a dreamland promises a guy a new hobby. A woman may in the near future encounter misunderstandings on the part of her husband. When a girl has such a dream, she should be careful, since not all friends really are like that. There are those around her who are ready to betray.

    If in a dream a girl stuck a knife in the dreamer’s back, in reality he should be wary of the betrayal of a person whom he trusts very much.

    For a woman, such a dream may portend an acquaintance with an unworthy person. It is better to be overly cautious than to later complain about your naivety and excessive gullibility.

    A hug with a relative promises a quarrel with her, so you should choose your words when talking so as not to offend the person. Sometimes a dream promises troubles; you will have to deal with other people's problems. However, no one will thank the sleeping person for the help provided.

    A hug with a girl can promise both positive changes and negative events that will be difficult to resolve. However, in any case, it is better to be vigilant than to later regret your short-sightedness and excessive trust in people.

    To correctly understand the meaning of a dream, you need to take into account all its details, since the slightest detail can be very important.

    • The first and most common interpretation is that hugs in a dream promise pleasant meetings and the establishment of sincere emotional relationships.
    • But in the Small Veles Dream Book it is said that if you feel someone’s embrace in a dream, in reality your relationship with this person may deteriorate greatly. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of infidelity, betrayal and other troubles associated with relationships between people.
    • If you had a dream in which you hugged a dead person, then try to remember who was the first to take the initiative. If this is you, then big changes await you. And when the deceased offered to hug, the dream does not carry any important meaning.
    • Hugging your father in a dream means that the dreamer will soon have a very powerful patron who will provide support in all his endeavors.

    If your beloved man hugs you in a dream

    According to the interpretations of most dream books, hugs with your beloved guy indicate that your intentions will be realized. But this applies only to those stories where you personally hugged the young man. However, a dream in which your loved one hugged you does not carry any negative meaning. He says that strong trusting relationships will be established between partners.

    If a guy you really like comes up and hugs you from behind, don't get too carried away. Perhaps in reality you are acting too trusting, and the guy may not be as friendly as you think. Therefore, take a closer look at your lover in order to prevent a blow from behind in time.

    A hug from a stranger means that there are many new acquaintances ahead of you, which will eventually develop into a very strong friendship. There is a high probability that you will change your job and move to a large and friendly team. Moreover, your future young man will also be among your new colleagues.

    If a man hugs you in a dream, and at the same time you experience strong passion and attraction, then a new romantic relationship will not keep you waiting long. This is especially true for girls who currently do not have a chosen one. For those who have already found their soulmate, the dream promises a new positive turn in the relationship. A girl who hugged a guy in a pond or even in a bathtub will soon be involved in a relationship that, although very passionate, will quickly end. But feeling the hug of your husband is a very favorable sign. Even if a married couple is not going through the best period in their relationship, the dream suggests that their lives will improve and their relationship with each other will become warmer and better.

    When analyzing your dream, be sure to take into account the emotions that you experienced. It is your feelings that can become the key to solving what you see in your dreams.

    Hugs in night dreams always predict the establishment of close spiritual connections. Hugging a girl in a dream means meeting an interesting person in reality. However, there can be several meanings. The final interpretation will depend on the circumstances under which the person saw the girl in a dream. When interpreting this image, interpreters always take into account the emotions of the sleeper, what the lady was like.

    General interpretation

    Most often, stories in which a guy hugged a girl in a dream are a prediction of changes for the better on the personal front. If the same symbol appears to a female representative, in reality she will face persistent male advances. However, the omens for the person hugging the girl in the dream will change depending on who the heroine was.


    Gustav Miller in his interpreter pointed out that one must first of all remember whether a representative of the fair sex was familiar to the sleeping person. According to his dream book, hugging a girl you like means establishing a warm relationship with her in reality. It is also important to take into account a person’s emotions in dreams: if they were positive, then he will become very close to this special one.

    However, as a girl I know says, in reality, receiving unpleasant news. Negative emotions in dreams often change the meaning of images to the opposite. So, if a person felt constrained while hugging the girl he loves in a dream, then disagreements with his partner will await him in life. However, the presence of a stranger in this role promises a sudden visit from unwanted guests.

    The Modern Universal Dream Book describes the same plots somewhat differently. Hugging with a friend means encountering a surprise, getting into an awkward position. If it was a loved one, in reality you have to reevaluate your life, set priorities and adjust your relationship with your other half. In a dream, hugging a beautiful girl means in reality being ready for change. If a person did not know the person, he will have an interesting acquaintance.

    In a dream, hugging your ex-girlfriend means holding strong grievances within yourself. This is an indication from the subconscious that the time has come to forgive her. According to the dream book, hugging a pregnant girl means in reality causing public condemnation through your actions.


    If a guy hugged a girl from behind, kissing her neck, then in reality he will face conflicts both in business and in the family sphere. You need to be careful if the same intimacy happened with a stranger: in the near future, enemies will plot their intrigues.


    In a dream with an ex-girlfriend, experiencing intimacy means feeling angry in reality and harboring grievances. This image is a direct reflection of the current state of the soul of a person who holds on to his past with a stranglehold.

    According to Aesop's dream book, hugging someone you once broke up with means in reality having a debt to her. Now is probably the best time to reconnect.

    Make connections

    According to Freud’s interpreter, hugging a girl in a dream who sympathizes with the sleeping person means in reality experiencing mutual feelings for her. It’s worth taking steps towards her, and it will give you a lot of bright emotions. But if in a dream your beloved girl was hugged by another man, in reality you need to take care of establishing spiritual connections with your other half. Most likely, she lacks attention from the dreamer, and she may begin to look for him elsewhere.

    According to the Erotic Interpreter, hugging a girl in a dream who turns out to be an incredibly beautiful stranger means in reality making too high demands on others. This scares a lot of people away.

    Imaginary kindness

    According to the Dream Book of Bitches, for a female representative to meet her acquaintance in her dreams - in life she will understand that she has hidden interests. Surely her attempts to get closer to the dreamer were caused by the desire to achieve her goal using her.

    Reliable shoulder

    If a person pressed himself against the chest of a stranger, in reality he is surrounded by reliable and devoted friends who will lend a shoulder to him in a difficult situation. But if the dreamer felt out of place in his nightly plot, in reality he is emotionally devastated and suffers from his loneliness.

    Pleasant meetings

    According to the Family Interpreter, if a guy hugged a girl from behind whom he had not seen for a long time, in reality he would have a very pleasant meeting, a new acquaintance. If the lady was related to him, distant relatives would soon suddenly visit him.


    If you happen to embrace a pregnant girl, dream books promise an important incident in the near future. If a sleeping person hugs her nephew, material wealth awaits her in reality. In the near future, the situation in the financial sector will suddenly begin to improve. A person will receive a good profit in a business where he did not expect to earn anything. Having seen such a sign in your dreams, you can safely participate in the lottery. Purchased tickets can easily turn out to be winning ones.


    Hugging with sisters means quarrels that will lead to unpleasant consequences. The reasons for their occurrence will be quite serious. Having seen a similar plot in a dream, in reality it is better to watch your words and remain silent more than speak. This will avoid many difficulties later caused by misunderstandings. The same image predicts illness.


    If the closeness in the night story was with a deceased relative, in reality the person who saw this image will have a good rest. Surely he had been anticipating this moment for a long time, and it would come soon.

    If a person embraces a long-dead celebrity, he will actually achieve great fame and realize everything he wants.

    If you happen to hug the deceased and listen to his advice, you should definitely remember his words. They contain very valuable information for the dreamer. Using them correctly will save him from difficulties.

    Some interpreters interpret hugging a dead person as a sign of longevity. A person who happened to experience this in his night dreams will actually live to a happy old age and spend it in abundance. He will be surrounded by a large family, bathing him in care and attention. He will enjoy good health and enjoy every day.

    If the dreamer hugged the deceased face and cried at this time, difficult times await him. Most likely, his health will be under attack: he will be diagnosed with a disease that will need to be treated for a long time. And there will be no guarantee that the treatment will be effective.

    If he hugs a female representative by the waist, in reality he will take part in exciting adventures related to love affairs.

    If a person hugged his deceased mother, he feels a great need for love and care. This sign also symbolizes a strong longing for her. Having seen such a symbol, you need to go to her grave or remember her in your prayers, in the temple.

    If you happen to embrace a long-dead grandmother, grandfather, or father in the arms, then in reality a person will have to face a lot of troubles and difficulties that will appear suddenly. Grandmother is a warning symbol: soon the dreamer will be in great danger. If a deceased father appears in a dream, the person will successfully complete all his affairs.

    At the meeting

    To correctly interpret the image, you need to take into account the circumstances under which these actions took place. So, meeting an old friend and hugging her is a hint. We need to remember what connected the person with this person. Surely changes will come in the area of ​​life in which communication with her was built.

    If a sleeping person suddenly opens his arms during a serious work meeting, great obstacles await him in moving up the career ladder. Soon many difficulties will appear at work; a person will be faced with the need to make important decisions in a short time.

    If the sleeping person hugged one of his relatives or acquaintances when meeting them at the station, trouble will soon arise, which will require a lot of time to be eliminated. This plot also promises that the dreamer will soon receive news from afar.

    A bad omen is the dream in which he hugged guests: in reality, he will have to communicate with enemies. In addition, if the process was too emotional, in reality he will be lonely for a long time. He will have to endure great suffering and great anguish.

    When saying goodbye

    If he embraced someone while saying goodbye, one must take into account what emotions were raging in her soul at the same time. Thus, mild euphoria predicts a pleasantly spent leisure time. If melancholy sets in, then in reality you will have to face losses.

    In the process of this kind of intimacy, to be depressed is in reality to part with someone who was close.

    Saying goodbye with ease means actually meeting this face more than once.

    A lingering hug when saying goodbye symbolizes a journey full of negative events.

    If someone hugged the dreamer, he will have to go on a business trip, which will bring useful connections and bright positive emotions.

    If a person in a dream hugged his soulmate, parting with her, in reality the relationship with her has reached a dead end. The time has come to make a decision: separate or try to build it all over again.

    Other interpretations

    If you had a chance to hug your boss in a night scene, in reality you should expect a greater workload. Soon a person will have new responsibilities that will be difficult to fulfill.

    Hugging a person with whom the dreamer is at enmity means in reality suffering from the machinations of enemies. It is worth being vigilant and careful in the near future, and this will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

    According to a number of dream books, embracing a beautiful woman means actually moving up the career ladder very quickly. Everything in the business sphere will be easy.

    If a person hugs his ex-lover’s legs, adventures related to amorous affairs await him. Probably, the heroine in them will be the person who appeared in the dreams.

    If a little girl is embraced in a night story, the person will experience great joy and the smile of fortune.

    If it was someone else’s child, harmony in his inner world awaits him. His peace of mind will become the foundation for bringing all his plans to life. It is possible that he will take a fresh look at the situation that has haunted him for a long time, or will get rid of his fear.

    Danilova's Dream Interpretation

    Most often, this kind of intimacy has no erotic overtones at all. Rather, on the contrary, it is an indication of the fear of losing someone. In reality, the dreamer is worried about some person and is afraid that it will leave. Therefore, in her dreams she tries to hug him closer to herself. The more he tried to do this, the more attached he became to the hero of the image.

    Eastern dream book

    If you happen to hug someone tenderly, in reality you will be satisfied with your own destiny, without intending to make adjustments to it. If this happened with positive emotions, then the person deserved rewards for his long labors. He has overcome many obstacles on the way to his goal and will now live in abundance.

    But a dream in which this intimacy took place against the will of a person who felt hostility to what was happening has a negative meaning. In reality, he will have to make a choice between a lonely life and a partnership with someone who is unpleasant.

    If the sleeping person hugged her soulmate, then harmony and mutual understanding will reign in her family.

    Hugging your mother means doing good deeds in reality. They will help improve your life.

    If a person clutched a girlfriend in his arms, he will again receive hope that was once lost. But the one with whom there was such closeness in dreams will most likely leave the dreamer’s life forever.

    While having sex, hugging means fighting for your well-being.

    Idiomatic dream book

    According to this interpreter, this image actually promises separation and new meetings. The latter will be accompanied by positive emotions. But if a person squeezes his ex-partner in his arms, he will soon discover that he has a disease. If a stranger is in the arms, an interesting trip will take place in the near future. Hug a friend or someone close to you - quarrel with him or face betrayal.

    Esoteric dream book

    Hugs promise support from loved ones. If someone squeezed the dreamer in his hands, but this gesture showed indifference, then he will be faced with complete loneliness and a feeling of hopelessness in a difficult situation, even if he is surrounded by many people.

    It is worth remembering that this will be a great chance to toughen up and become stronger. Having overcome this stage in his life, a person will become wiser. This image is a call from the subconscious to him not to give up.


    Hugs with a girl in dreams are always a mystical symbol that contains information that is important for the dreamer. By correctly deciphering them, he will have the opportunity to more effectively influence the upcoming situation in life.