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How alcohol is made from grain. Homemade wheat moonshine. Definitions of the readiness of the mash

At the end of the twentieth century, moonshine from wheat became a kind of classic on the tables of the inhabitants of the country. It was a time when any alcohol was banned in our country. Yes, and with sugar it was quite difficult. But wheat for moonshine could be found at a relatively low price.

The finished alcoholic drink had the following qualities:

  1. excellent taste;
  2. low cost;
  3. high fortress;
  4. natural ingredients.

Moonshine is not very common nowadays, but people remember this drink.

Some moonshine recipes

There are many moonshine recipes. Each republic of the former USSR used its own. If moonshine was driven on wheat, then there was a rule: only dry, fully ripe, clean grains were taken, without pests and mold. Moonshine from wheat at home was made with and without yeast, with and without sugar, from ordinary grains and from sprouted ones. But with any manufacturing technology, the main stages of production can be considered:

  1. selection and preparation of wheat grains;
  2. making mash;
  3. mash haul;
  4. cleaning the finished intoxicating drink.

Consider the most common ways to obtain alcohol on wheat.

The yeast-free method is widespread in the vastness of many CIS countries. The end product is completely natural.

Recipe for moonshine from wheat without yeast:

  • Sift 5 kg of grains and free from dust, various impurities and husks. Wash and dry the grain. Then pour the grains so that the water slightly covers the wheat. Water should be taken at room temperature.
  • 1.5 kg of sugar is poured into the mixture and the grain is placed in a container with a wide bottom in a warm place for germination.
  • After the appearance of sprouts, the grains are transferred to a deeper container. Another 5 kg of sugar is poured into them and water is added in an amount of 15 liters. The container is closed with a water seal and placed in heat for 10 days.
  • Then the mash is distilled. Wheat moonshine after distillation must be cleaned. To do this, you can use activated charcoal tablets. 50 g of crushed tablets are placed on 1 liter of drink and the liquid is kept for another week. After that, millet moonshine will remain filtered and distilled again.

How to make rustic yeast moonshine

There are several recipes for this:

How to make a high quality drink

The preparation of moonshine is possible according to the above recipes. But to get a quality drink, and not just a village moonshine, you need to take into account some subtleties. The recipe for wheat moonshine requires cooking:

  1. wheat grain - 2.5 kg;
  2. water - 20 l;
  3. sugar - 6 kg;
  4. dry yeast - 100 g;
  5. ryazhenka or kefir - 500 ml.

You can make moonshine from these products in several stages:

  1. grain preparation;
  2. making mash;
  3. receiving moonshine;
  4. product purification;
  5. re-distillation;
  6. The final stage.

Grain should not be used fresh, but lain for at least 2-3 months in a warehouse. It is laid out in a layer of 2 cm in pallets and poured with warm water. After 2-3 days, sprouts appear. Keep pallets filled with water grain in a warm and dark place. They are turned over every day to prevent mold. After the sprouts appear, you need to give them time to grow to 1–2 cm. Such grain is used to produce an alcoholic drink. It can be used either immediately, or dried and ground into flour, which is then used for mash.

Braga is pretty easy to make. You need to take warm water, sprouted grain or flour from it, mix everything thoroughly and place it in a closed container, which is placed in a warm dark room for 10-15 days. It is desirable to take the container with a water seal.

With any technology, the finished mash is filtered

A mandatory rule is to add kefir to it. It will destroy fusel oils by 70 percent. It remains to overtake the mixture in any way. Moonshine can be cleaned with coal powder. After infusing the powder for a week, it is recommended to re-distill. To do this, the resulting moonshine must be diluted with clean water. A liter of water is taken per liter of drink. This mixture is distilled. From each liter of solution, 50 g must be drained. This liquid is further used for technical purposes. The rest is driven for consumption until the fortress is below 35 °.

If the resulting liquid has too high a strength, it can be diluted with water to the desired state, mixed and infused for 3-4 days. After that, alcohol can be served at the table.

Instead of a conclusion on the topic

Homemade moonshine is a common alcoholic drink that began to be prepared in ancient Rus'. Previously, he was persecuted in every house. Now this is rarely done, but the popularity of the drink has not faded from this. How to make it at home? Pretty simple. Fruits and berries, vegetables and grains are taken as a basis. The highest quality drink is made from wheat. It is a natural product. The main requirement is that the grain must be thoroughly cleaned from various foreign impurities. Based on it, mash is made with the addition of sugar and yeast. The latter are not added in some cases. Cocktails, liqueurs and cognacs are made from properly prepared moonshine.

If it burns, then the fortress is above 40 °, it stopped burning - below 40 °. In the finished drink, fusel oils often remain, from which the head hurts in the morning. They can be removed with activated or charcoal and oil. The sediment left from the mash is used 2-3 more times. The quality of moonshine from this practically does not deteriorate. Instead of wheat, rye, peas, barley and corn are used. The drink made in this way is easy to drink, has a mild taste and a fairly high strength. It is quite possible to cook it at home.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Making good moonshine from wheat at home is real. There are many time-tested recipes. Braga, or wort (a product resulting from the fermentation process) for a drink is made with and without yeast. This affects the speed of the fermentation process and determines the taste of the finished product. It is important what equipment is available - a home-made device of dubious quality or a modern, convenient to use, made of good metal, equipped with everything you need (filters, thermometers).

What is moonshine

Strong alcohol, which is produced by the method of artisanal distillation of mash using special devices, is called moonshine. You can make your own devices, but factory-assembled equipment is much more effective. Braga, from which moonshine is obtained, is obtained during the fermentation of sugar syrup, grain, potatoes, beets, fruits. If everything is done correctly, you will have a home-made drink that will surpass store-bought vodka, whiskey, and you will be able to create delicious natural liqueurs and liqueurs based on it.

How to make moonshine from wheat

The classic recipe for moonshine from wheat at home has been known since ancient times. There are also Russian traditions of creating strong alcohol, but the technological conditions have changed - the process of making malt, mash, wheat moonshine has become less complicated and faster. Moonshine from wheat at a home distillery is more laborious to make than from sugar, but the quality of the product is much higher. You can use yeast and do without it, take germinated grains and regular ones. The main thing is to follow the instructions:

  • prepare a quality seed;
  • make mash and overtake it;
  • purify the resulting product.

A decent drink will not come out of low-quality cereal, therefore, when choosing raw materials, you should always focus only on high-quality grain. The shelf life of the seeds is an important condition for production, since the rancid taste will necessarily affect the quality and aroma of the resulting alcoholic product. Look for grain fresh, harvested at least two months ago, dry, free of mold, debris and husks. Then moonshine on wheat without yeast will meet expectations.

Sprouting wheat

It is possible to prepare good wheat moonshine only from grain, without excess sugar. To make it a truly high-quality alcoholic drink, wheat should be prepared. It should be germinated so that each grain forms enzymes that contribute to the complete breakdown of starch into sugars. How to do it right so that moonshine from germinated wheat without yeast comes out successful:

  1. Choose quality grain that has not been grown or processed with chemicals.
  2. Put the peeled grain on flat trays or dishes with a layer of 2 cm, pour water (room temperature), covering 3-5 cm on top.
  3. Leave for a day in a warm place, then drain the water. The grains should soften and “grow up”, become larger.
  4. Wet raw materials are laid out in boxes and left in a warm and dark place.
  5. Stir the contents of the boxes constantly to remove carbon dioxide. It is supposed to moisten (do not fill with water!) Grain every 7-8 hours. You can close the drawers with a damp cloth, which is supposed to be moistened as it dries.
  6. Sprouts should appear on the 3rd day, if this did not happen, you will have to start all over again with another batch of grain. Unsprouted grain cannot be used - it is considered "dead".
  7. Sprouted grains can be dried for future use and used to make moonshine. It is necessary to dry the grain with sprouts 6-7 mm long, in a ventilated room, using a fan. It is allowed to heat the raw materials in the oven (keep at least a day at a constant temperature of 40 ° C), under the sun or on a hot battery radiator. A sweet smell will indicate the readiness of the malt.

Recipe for wheat moonshine without yeast

Since ancient times, grain moonshine has been prepared in Rus' - a natural, alcoholic drink of great strength. Even then, there were many recipes for a traditional drink, and to this day, ancient methods are very popular. Raw materials for moonshine are used natural - these are fruits, vegetables, berries, any fruits. But the wheat drink remains the leader. By the beginning of the process, it is necessary to prepare sugar, clean, better - spring or well water and a good, modern moonshine still.


  • water - 7 l;
  • wheat - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix 200 g of sugar in a liter of water.
  2. Sift the grain cleared of debris and husk.
  3. Pour the grain into a dish with a wide neck, fill it with prepared syrup and leave for 3-5 days so that the mixture ferments well.
  4. Pour the rest of the sugar and water into the same container, close with a water seal. Leave for 10 days, but not unattended, but periodically shaking and stirring so that the wheat mash for moonshine completely outplays. The color of the mash should be transparent.
  5. Strain the liquid through a layer of cheesecloth.
  6. Distill the mash through the moonshine at least 2-3 times until you get a clean, strong, high-quality alcoholic product.

From germinated wheat at home

The scheme of how best to germinate wheat for mash is already there. Germinating wheat should not be wet - just a little damp, so as not to let the seeds turn sour, deteriorate, rot. Then the mash will turn out to be correct, and moonshine from wheat without yeast will please the consumer. The drink will be created according to all the rules and will turn out lively, soft, with a pleasant bready aftertaste. It must be borne in mind that the finished mash cannot be stored for a long time, it must be overtaken in time.


  • water (soft) - 14.5 l;
  • sugar - 5.5 kg;
  • raw wheat - 5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Put sprouted wheat into a large saucepan or bottle, pour in a barely warm syrup consisting of one kilogram of sugar and seven liters of water, mix, leave for 4 days. Get a sourdough.
  • Add the remaining sugar and water to the starter, put it under a water seal for 10 days or put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck of the bottle.
  • A glove that inflates during fermentation will fall off in about a week and a half. Braga is ready for distillation.
  • A thick sediment can be diluted with water again, you get another, secondary mash for the second portion of the drink.

With wild wheat yeast

Fermentation of moonshine with wild wheat yeast results in bread vodka. Such yeast does not have a pronounced sour smell, and the finished drink will have the aroma of natural wheat grain. The aftertaste will be pleasant, soft, bready. Such “wild moonshine” can be prepared both from wheat and from other cereals. First you need to start sourdough, which will require the grain of any spring crop, water, sugar. Seeds must be selected, cleaned, sieved.


  • wheat - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2200 g,
  • water - 11 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve 200 g of sugar with a liter of heated water, cool.
  2. Pour the prepared wheat into a glass or enameled container, pour the syrup so that it covers the grain by 2-3 cm.
  3. Put the dishes covered with gauze in heat for 3 days to get a ferment. Wait for the appearance of bubbles and a sour smell of kvass in the mixture.
  4. Dissolve 2 kg of sugar in 10 liters of water, cool to 30°C. Pour the ferment and syrup into a sterilized fermentation container.
  5. Put the dishes under a water seal, send to ferment at 26–29 ° С. The sweetness has disappeared - it's time to pour the mash into the distillation cube and drive.
  6. The wheat remaining in the container can be poured again with syrup and put for fermentation, even more than once.

With sugar

Brewing moonshine for your own use in our time is not prohibited. You can buy a good machine to make the manufacturing process high-tech. But the main thing is to choose a good recipe and grain for making a drink on wheat without yeast, but with added sugar. It will not be possible to make a “forty-degree” quickly, it will take at least 2 weeks, but the work will be rewarded - you will get a product with a pleasant sweetish taste with the aroma of wheat and bread. Moonshine from wheat without yeast is easy to drink, even if it is over 40 degrees.


  • wheat - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • water - 30 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort clean grain before use, rinse.
  2. Spread a quarter of the grain at the bottom of a container. Pour in water so that the seeds are barely covered. Close the lid, hold for 1-2 days in a dark, humid environment so that the seeds hatch and sprout.
  3. Add a 0.5-liter jar of sugar, mix everything. The dishes, tied with gauze, hold in a place where there are no drafts, for a period of 10-12 days, so that the leaven is formed.
  4. Pour the starter into a glass bottle with a narrow neck, add the rest of the grain, sugar, pour everything with cool, but not cold water.
  5. Pull a rubber glove over the neck of the bottle; when the fermentation process begins, it will rise. This process takes a week and a half.
  6. Braga is distilled into alcohol by any moonshine still available - homemade or purchased. The labor-intensive process will end with a quality drink.

A strong natural drink can be obtained without yeast and sugar, but subject to the technology. Alcohol-containing mash can be made from grain, potatoes, corn, pre-boiled raw materials: this will simplify the process of splitting starch. Fruits and vegetables are also suitable for processing, especially if their sugar content is high. In times of shortage, moonshine at home was successfully made even from tomato paste! Be sure to follow the fermentation process: if it goes slowly, harmful impurities will appear in the mash, which will adversely affect the quality of the product.


For parking:

  • water - 2 l;
  • fresh hops - a handful (if dry - 2 handfuls);
  • wheat flour - 1 handful.

For mash:

  • wheat grain - 3 kg;
  • water - 6 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the peeled grains in a wide container, fill with water, covering the grain by 2-3 cm.
  2. Place the container under the lid in a cool room for 3-4 days, so that the sourdough begins to ferment, white foam forms.
  3. For steaming hops and wheat flour, pour water and soak for two days, let it brew.
  4. You can add beets, potatoes, pears, apples, berries to the bottle with parka - that is, raw materials that contain sugar.
  5. Dilute everything well, pour in 5 liters of tepid water;
  6. After closing the dishes with a water seal, leave to infuse for 8 to 12 days. Stir regularly.
  7. Distill the finished mash into moonshine.

Making moonshine without yeast in the home kitchen is a laborious task that takes time. But this is a fascinating process, which also leads to savings, because high-quality store-bought drinks are expensive, and you can also buy counterfeit products that are dangerous to health. Your own is always better, the main thing is to follow the production technology and follow useful proven tips from experienced moonshiners:

  1. Wheat can be replaced with corn, peas, oats, barley, rye. This will not affect the degree and quality of the finished moonshine.
  2. The thick, which remains after straining, is still useful. A good new mash will come out of it, you just need to add water, sugar. Such a “second” moonshine will turn out to be even better, with excellent taste.
  3. You can check the readiness of the mash as follows: pour a little into a spoon, bring a burning match. The appearance of a flame in a spoon means the complete readiness of the raw material for distillation.
  4. Beverage can be cleaned with activated carbon. Grind 50 mg of this product into powder and pour into a container with moonshine for a week. It is better to replace pharmacy coal with homemade one. You can also use potassium permanganate, but very little. The container must be kept in a dark place during cleaning.
  5. Dilution of the finished moonshine is carried out with very clean water - take the ratio to taste and depending on the purpose. For consumption in its natural form, it is best to have a drink whose strength will be from 45 to 50 degrees. For the preparation of tinctures and liqueurs, it is better to take a stronger one, up to 55 degrees.


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Moonshine from wheat without yeast at home

Cooking scheme:

  • Preparation of a low-alcohol drink from wheat.
  • Distillation (Obtaining ethyl alcohol).
  • Cleansing.

Preparation of raw materials.

There are a lot of recipes for making vodka. But the most important detail is the preparation of raw materials. Good, clean and high-quality wheat is the key to success.

The grains must be washed, selected and dried. For this sorted raw materials
washed, poured into a container, large enough, and poured with warm water for about eight hours. The contents must be stirred periodically.
Thanks to these manipulations, empty or rotten grains will float, which will help to remove them faster.

Wheat mash.

There are several ways and recipes to obtain it.

  1. Germinate and then grind 5 kg. wheat. Soak 6-8 bricks in water
    rye bread. Mix with grain. Add approximately 500 g of dry yeast and infuse in a warm place for seven days.
  2. Add 15 liters of water and 300 g of yeast to 5 kg. wheat and insist until the fermentation process is completed.
  3. 2 kg. ground grain pour 1.5 liters of water and pour half a kilo of sugar.
    Infuse for five days, then add nine liters of water and 2 and a half kg. Sahara. We leave for tincture for another seven days.


The basis of this process is the separation of mash into alcohol and other components. How
it is known that alcohol itself is very light and begins to evaporate even before boiling. Therefore, during this process, it is very important to observe the temperature regime. Alcohol begins to evaporate at 65 degrees. The temperature of the mash should be no more than 80 degrees. We collect alcohol until the blotter ignites.


During the fermentation process, sugar turns not only into alcohol, but also releases oils. These
components give an unpleasant taste, and are also very unhealthy.
Acids, such as acetic acid, may also be released. Getting rid of them can help.
second run, or .

The most popular assistant in the cleaning process is coal. It is added to vodka and insisted for up to a week. The liquid is then filtered. Wheat vodka at home can be obtained quite simply and quickly. But important
remember that pure, high-quality it is considered only after 2 distillations and
filtration and dilution with water up to 40%.

Some useful tips:

  1. Is the braga ready? In order to make sure that the mash is ready enough
    bring a lit match. The product is not ready if the match does not stop burning.
  2. It is advised to give preference to enameled or wooden containers.
  3. A sweetish taste indicates that the product is not yet ready.
  4. Warmth is the main requirement. Infuse the mash in the warmest possible conditions.
  5. To get a pleasant color and taste, you can add mint or a slice to the mash.
  6. Use waste. Do not throw away what is left of the first fermentation. IN
    the contents add whatever is needed to repeat the process. And most importantly, vodka obtained after repeated fermentation has the best taste.
  7. So that the finished vodka does not dry out the tongue, food glycerin 5 mg per liter is added to it, which can be replaced with glucose 20 ml per liter.
  8. To dilute and obtain 40% vodka from alcohol, purified bottled water should be used, children's drinking water is best. Pour alcohol into water. If there is no purified water, then it will have to be purified in the same way as alcohol.

There are plenty of cooking options. It is important to follow all the rules and nuances of cooking. Do not neglect even the most insignificant details, because a lot depends on this couple. Of course, experience is also important. So try
experiment and look for new options and tastes, and wheat vodka at home will bring you only pleasant sensations.


  • Coarse wheat flour, ground in a household mill - 1 full handful 300-500 gr.
  • Well water or purified water - 2 liters.
  • Hop cones dry - 2 handfuls or fresh - 1 handful.
  • Wheat grain for food purposes - 3 kilograms.
  • Purified water - 6 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. To figure out how to put moonshine on wheat without yeast and sugar, you need to understand that the process will be quite laborious, but it's worth it.
  2. This old recipe results in a strong, powerful product with no off-flavours, and a fairly neutral bready flavor.
  3. Peel and sort the wheat, and then fill it with warm water so that the liquid covers it two to three centimeters.
  4. The vessel with grain must be covered and set in a warm and dark place for two or three days until foam appears on the surface, which means that wild yeast has fermented.
  5. At the same time, a special zaparka is being prepared, for which hop cones and flour prepared in advance are poured with water and left for several days in a warm place under the lid.
  6. After the due date, the malt and the parka must be mixed.
  7. Since there is no sugar in the composition, it is worth feeding yeast with something, for which many people use sugar beets, apples, pears, etc., but you can even get by with a loaf or two of fresh or stale rye bread.
  8. All this must be mixed well and add about five liters of water to make a total of six, as required by the recipe.
  9. Jars or bottles with mash are closed with a water seal or rubber gloves are put on the neck.
  10. Leave the liquid until fully ripened for eight to ten days, and sometimes fifteen, so be prepared to wait.
  11. When the mash is fully mature and wins, it can be sent for distillation, according to the principle indicated in the previous version, when sugar was used.
  12. Naturally, you can choose moonshine at a time, but its quality will not be the best, and the smell may not be very pleasant.
  13. If there are any questions about moonshine on wheat without yeast, as well as its production, then the video below will be the best answer to them.
  14. There, all the subtleties and nuances of the process are clearly described and laid out on the shelves, so do not be afraid, but you just need to do it.

Bon appetit!


The production of grain mash on wheat takes place in several stages.

Grain preparation

For every 1 kg of grain, 3.5 liters of water and 1 kg of sugar are required. Violating the proportions is strongly not recommended. The product may not ripen. This amount is enough to produce 700-900 ml of pure moonshine.

Wheat is sorted out, debris, pebbles, impurities of weeds and dirt are removed. It is impossible to wash the collection so as not to kill wild yeast cultures. With strong dust, you can only rinse slightly. Next, the grains are dried for 3-4 days in the open air (preferably in the summer in the sun up to 30C). The wort can be started on ordinary grains, but on sprouted ones it is much more reliable and easier.


Zabrod is necessary to activate the reproduction of yeast fungi. The initial form of cereal starch cannot serve as food for microorganisms, so it must be converted into sugar.

Wheat is distributed in one even layer along the bottom of a glass container, water is poured 4-6 cm higher, covered with gauze. For 24-36 hours, the workpiece is placed in a dark place at 12-17 C. At the end of the process, a couple of handfuls of sugar are poured on top, gently mixed. By this time, the cereal is already releasing sprouts, starch begins to break down into glucose and maltose. So fermentation will continue to be successful.

If the sprouts did not appear, the mash will not work. Unsuccessful raw material can be discarded, try again with new material.

Wort making and re-fermenting

The task of this stage is to make the yeast work at full strength. The intact volume of water is heated to 25-30 C, the rest of the sugar is dissolved in it. The first starter with sprouts is carefully transferred to a larger container. Prepared liquid is poured from above. The container must not be filled higher than ¾. Active fermentation will give foam. Leakage to the outside will lead to significant losses in the volume of the mash. If the liquid is actively absorbed into the grain, it can be added little by little. The main thing is that the leaven does not dry out. Keep it like this for 7-10 days.

Main fermentation

The next step is to install a water seal. The mixture in the jar is shaken well and closed from excessive contact with oxygen.

The role of a water seal can be played by a cap with a tube or a medical rubber glove (non-sterile) with a puncture in one of the fingers.

For two days, the mash is left to stand still. From the third day they regularly test for the level of bitterness. Sprouts should walk on the dishes. If “silence” persists in the dishes for more than 2 days, the workpiece has deteriorated. There is no point in continuing to wait.

The complete disappearance of the sweet aftertaste indicates the death of all fungi and marks the completion of the cooking process. You can also track the final by descending grains, a fallen glove (when yeast is working, it is vertically swollen), and the absence of foam.

The question of exposure time is strictly individual. With selected raw materials and 25-30C heat, it can be completed in 10-15 days. But more often you have to wait 25-60 days.

Distillation and filtration

Finished by distillation and filtration.

You have to run twice. Each stream will separate a certain part of the harmful substances from the drink. Before the first entry, it is better to dilute alcohol with clean water up to 20%. Such a composition is easier to clean, does not overload the apparatus. By the end of the second stage, the fortress will return to 45-50% due to a decrease in the volume of liquid. Increasing the number of hauls always raises the degree.

The last step is cleaning. For wheat mash, methods with charcoal, a cotton filter or milk are the priority.

Coal or cotton wool is wrapped in a couple of layers of gauze, placed in a funnel, through which moonshine is poured into a clean container. Coal can also be poured directly into the mash for 6-10 days. Then strain thoroughly.

Working with milk takes more time. For each liter of alcohol, 100 ml of milk of any fat content is poured. The mixture is left covered for 5 days, then filtered and distilled again. The procedure can be carried out before the second distillation.

Moonshine from wheat without yeast

In order to make moonshine without yeast, they should be replaced with some kind of substrate. Most often in its role is cereal malt. Braga is soft, with a pleasant taste. The preparation time is usually about fifteen days.

First of all, you should choose high-quality grain. It must meet the following criteria:

  • Immediately after harvest, the grain is not used. It should lie in storage for about three months.
  • The grain should not be wet or with any impurities.
  • Before use, sort and remove foreign objects; rotten grain should never be used.
  • Try to find the most environmentally friendly raw materials. Unfortunately, growers often fertilize future crops with chemicals.

Water for the preparation of wheat mash is taken clean. It can be spring water or store water, without gas. It is not recommended to use tap water. Even a small amount of chlorine in the water can kill the living microorganisms that will be involved in the fermentation process. The ingredients for the mash are selected in the following proportion: thirty-five liters of water will require ten kilograms of selected wheat grains and the same amount of sugar. To make moonshine from sprouted wheat, you must carefully follow the technology.

Moonshine from wheat or malt with yeast without sugar

Wheat grains are high in starch, which is also a breeding ground for yeast. But in order to convert it into a form that yeast can convert into alcohol, it is necessary to germinate the grain, turning it into malt.

It is the enzymes formed during the germination of grains that saccharify (break down) the starch in the cereal.

Preparation of wort without sugar

To make moonshine without sugar, you will need:

  • 10 kg of prepared wheat;
  • 0.5 kg of pressed (100 g dry) yeast;
  • 20 liters of water.

Spread the prepared (washed, soaked) grain for germination, cover with a damp cloth and leave in the dark in a cool room.

For the first 5 days, spray daily with water and stir. This ensures the access of oxygen.

Then do not touch for a few days. With a length of sprouts of about 0.7 mm and interlacing with each other, grind the germinated mass in a meat grinder.

Pour into a fermentation container and fill with hot water. When it cools down to a little lukewarm, add yeast (preferably pre-distanced) and mix well.

Install a water seal on the container (if it is a bottle, pull on a medical glove with a finger pierced by a needle) and place in a warm place. Fermentation lasts 5-10 days.

The fact that it is over is evidenced by the clarification of the mash, the precipitation. The glove will fall off, the shutter will not gurgle. Remove the mash from the sediment, but do not throw it away. On this malt, you can put the mash up to 4 more times.

Classic recipe

Only since the 20th century has sugar become affordable for widespread use, including home-brewed alcohol. Prior to this, sugar was not used in home brewing, and the product was purely natural. We offer to expel homemade whiskey according to the classic recipe.


  • 1.5 kg of barley or wheat malt;
  • 3.5 kg of cereals (you can prepare a mixture of wheat, barley and corn);
  • 20 liters of water;
  • 200 g raw yeast or 40 g dry.

Heat the water to 50 ° C and gradually, stirring, introduce the cereal into it.

Advice. Using a construction mixer, you will mix the cereal with water absolutely evenly, there will be no clots.

Heat this mixture to 65 ° C, wrap and soak for half an hour. During this time, grind the malt, pour in cold water and, stirring, heat up to 65 ° C. This will activate the enzymes necessary for the fermentation of sugars.

Mix grain porridge and heated malt. You will notice how the mixture becomes thinner, acquires sweetness and changes color to yellowish, brownish. Wrap the container and leave for a couple of hours. Open every 40 minutes, stir and re-wrap.

Open the wort after 2-2.5 hours and let it cool down to 25-29°C. Then pour into a fermentation tank, add yeast and put a water seal (glove). After 7-10 days, the mash is ready for distillation. Filter it.

When distilling in a steam boiler, it is not worth filtering, so the organoleptics of the product will be better preserved. Homemade whiskey can be aged in an oak barrel or infused on oak chips or bark. Although even without infusion, such grain moonshine compares favorably with other types with its pleasant rich-grain taste and softness.

Wheat moonshine has always been famous for its softness and ease of use. from such raw materials most often involve the addition of sugar and yeast culture, but you can do without them. The most budgetary, but the most time-consuming of all, is the recipe for moonshine made from wheat without sugar and yeast at home. A bit of theory.

Wheat grains contain wild yeasts and are suitable for making sourdough. At this stage, sugar will still need to be added, but a small amount is taken: it is necessary for the propagation of yeast. By itself, wheat is a starch-containing raw material that requires saccharification. If this procedure is carried out correctly, enough sugars will be released so that the alcohol yield is not meager. Therefore, the recipe for moonshine without sugar and yeast is, albeit laborious, but still a reality.

Wheat must be clean, dry, of high quality and variety. Rotten, fungus-affected grains should never be used. Often quality grain still needs to be looked for. For those whose searches were unsuccessful, we advise you to use.

In total, a recipe for wheat moonshine without yeast will require 7 kg of grain.

We are preparing a starter for a recipe for moonshine on wheat without yeast.


  • wheat - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams
  • pure water - 1 l

Starter preparation:

  1. Remove debris from wheat, do not wash grains.
  2. Dissolve sugar in warm water (35-36°C).
  3. Put the grain in a bowl or pan, pour sweet water.
  4. Put the container on the battery or on the warm floor (if possible. The temperature should be set at 30-35 ° C).
  5. In 2-5 days, the sourdough will completely “start up”.

While the sourdough is “starting up”, we are preparing green malt, with the help of enzymes of which we will carry out saccharification.

Preparing green malt for a sugar-free wheat moonshine recipe.


  • grain - 1.5 kg
  • clean water - by eye

Malt preparation:

  1. Place the grain on a wide baking sheet or pallet, level it.
  2. Fill with water so that its level is flush with the grain or exceeds the level of the grains by a couple of millimeters.
  3. Put the container in a warm place, cover with gauze.
  4. On 2-3 days, the grains should germinate, as soon as this happened, you can proceed to the next stage (on 3-4 days, respectively).

Saccharification of wheat. You need a thermometer!


  • obtained malt
  • remaining wheat grains - 4.5 kg
  • pure water - 15 l


  1. Grind malt and grains into cereals, place in a container that can be heated.
  2. Heat the water to 80 ° C, pour it with a mixture of malt and grain and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Measure the temperature of the mixture, if it is below 63 ° C - heat it on the stove to this temperature, then remove it from the stove, wrap it in a warm old blanket. Leave for 8-10 hours.
  4. After the specified time, make an iodine test. Iodine turns blue - starch is present, you still need to wait. Before introducing the starter, measure the temperature of the wort - it should not exceed 35 ° C.
  1. Pour sugared wheat wort into a fermentation tank.
  2. Strain the sourdough, add to the wort.
  3. Within 2-5 hours, the fermentation process should begin.
  4. After 10-12 hours, close the container with a lid, install a water seal.
  5. In the first 2-3 days, it is recommended to mix the mash with a clean mixer.
  6. The fermentation process takes from 4 to 10 days.

Distillation of mash into moonshine from wheat without sugar and yeast

For the distillation of mash from wheat, you will need (we recommend choosing an apparatus with a brand distillation column). Do not make a mistake with the model and make the right choice will help