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How to feed a kitten to raise a healthy pet? How to raise a newborn kitten. Personal experience (photo) Newborn kitten left alone

October 19, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing work, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

If you have a cat, then you can only envy you (well, or sympathize with you if the cat is like mine). In any case, a pet requires care, and in the case of a cat, in addition to feeding and care, this also means providing it with fresh grass. Why this herb is needed and how to get it in sufficient quantities, I will tell you in this short note.

Why does a cat need grass?

A cat living in the private sector “free-range” eats grass almost regularly. Of course, there is a risk of helminthic infestations, so deworming must be carried out regularly. But at the same time, grass in the diet of cats (and at the same time canines) performs two extremely important functions:

  • Hard grass stems entering the stomach help cleanse it, causing vomiting. Along with vomit and grass, hard-to-digest food remains (for example, a plastic casing from a sausage) and hair that has accumulated inside after licking come out. There is nothing wrong with such vomiting - this process is quite normal and even necessary to maintain the well-being of your pet.
  • If the cat only bites the grass stems, chews them and spits them out, this indicates a lack of vitamins. You can adjust the diet, but it is still worth providing access to grass.

As I noted above, “outdoor” cats have no problems with this. But an animal living in a typical high-rise apartment has nowhere to find fresh grass. So you have to periodically raid the owner’s flowers, receiving a well-deserved scolding.

It is possible to protect flowers from a cat, and a cat from flowers (most of them, to put it mildly, are not useful). To do this, it’s worth taking just a little time and growing fresh grass!

What will we grow?

The easiest way is to buy a bag of seeds at the farm store labeled “grass for cats.” As a rule, the seed mixture includes various herbs such as bluegrass, lemongrass, etc. However, even though such grass costs a penny, you can save even more.

Suitable for growing for feeding cats:

  • wheat;
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • barley.

By purchasing two or three glasses of such grains at any market, we provide the cat with complete green nutrition for at least a season.

Cat farming technology

Method 1. With soil

There are two ways to grow grass for cats. The first involves the use of a substrate - either regular flower soil or a replacement for it. I usually do it like this:

  1. I take a tray with a side height of no more than 5 cm: food containers, unused cat litter containers, etc. are suitable. In principle, you can grow grass in flower pots, but here the probability that in the process of eating the greenery will be thrown to the floor is close to 100%. Therefore, the lower the tank and the wider its base, the better.

  1. I place several layers of thick napkins or hard toilet paper at the bottom of the container.
  2. Then I add about 2 cm of wood granular cat litter - it is advisable to take the option with a minimum amount of flavorings.

We only use fresh filler! Using pellets that have been in the litter box is: a) unhygienic and b) can harm the cat.

  1. I fill the filler with water and leave it for about 2-3 hours. During this time, the granules will swell and our substrate will turn into mush.

  1. I sow the seeds of the halls on the surface of the substrate and sprinkle them with either the same soaked filler or garden soil. The layer of powder should be 1-2 cm.
  2. I moisten the soil with the seeds and cover the tray with plastic wrap to speed up germination.

  1. I put our “flowerbed” on . When the seeds begin to germinate, I remove the film and water regularly, making sure that the soil does not dry out.

Method 2. Without soil

The second method does not provide high yields, but it can be used even when we have neither soil nor a suitable tray at our disposal. We proceed like this:

  1. We take two disposable plates - one larger, the other smaller.
  2. In a smaller plate we make several dozen holes with a diameter of about 1 mm - they will serve to drain excess water.
  3. Place cosmetic cotton pads on the bottom of the plate and thoroughly moisten them.
  4. We place a smaller plate in a larger one, and sow cereal seeds on the surface of the cotton pads.
  5. Cover the seeds with coarse gauze on top.

We wrap both plates in plastic and place them on the windowsill. As soon as the seeds germinate, the plastic should be removed, and the young grass should be watered at least once or twice a day with a small amount of clean water.


The methods I described for growing grass for a cat can be implemented in any apartment. So if you want to provide your pet with access to fresh greens, feel free to take note of this technique, and before starting the “sowing work”, also watch the video in this article.

October 19, 2016

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When it comes to raising a kitten, the philosophy of judgment is almost identical to raising children. The quality of care and training of the baby while he is at a receptive age determines the pet's disposition in the future. In addition, the psychological aspect of the formation of an animal directly affects the adult cat’s adaptability to “survival” and its health in general.

A kitten is a child with fur and a tail, which means it needs to be treated as such. Raising little kittens is always associated with pranks, disobedience, and later with rebellions of adolescence. Before you start training your pet, you need to evaluate it physical and psychological age.

From birth to 2 months kittens are under mother's care. Kids actively communicate with each other and learn to build relationships. Essentially, at this stage, the quadruped goes through a process of basic socialization. Children have their first conflicts, and they resolve them as best they can; some fight, others silently retreat. At this age, kittens do not yet fully control their own bodies, but every day they become more and more confident in themselves and their abilities.

If you become the parent of an orphaned kitten, then the main task becomes survival. Feeding such a baby is not easy. Need a kitten feed every 2-4 hours from a bottle, warm and protect. A separate topic is the correct choice of food products, since whole and store-bought cow’s milk is not suitable for babies. The best choice is powdered cat milk replacer. You will have to massage your baby's stomach and genital area with a warm, damp cloth, otherwise he simply will not be able to go to the toilet.

Important! If you do not have experience in feeding blind kittens, do not take risks and consult a veterinarian.

As soon as the baby has opened his eyes, mastered complementary feeding and confidently stood on his paws, he can prepare to move to a new home. At this age, the main aspect is a complete and balanced diet. However, the kitten will face a lot of stress - moving, change of owner, environment and daily routine. Try to smooth out the baby’s experiences as much as possible, maintain the usual daily routine and food intake, take from the breeder or curator some of the bedding that will smell (for a while) of the mother.

Next, you will watch your ward grow up, not by months, but by days. The baby will begin to master running, jumping and other tasks that are difficult for his age. The kitten will realize that he is quite strong and will begin to climb all kinds of surfaces. Around this age you need to start raising your baby., however, the main focus should be on its safety. The baby may already understand the importance of boundaries, so try to isolate the kitten in a room, house or carrier for the period of time until you can monitor it.

Important! If you decide to train your kitten to be carried, start with a 2-3 minute period and increase it gradually. Stay close to the carrier and continue to soothe your baby.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the equipment of the rest area. The kitten will need a house, which can be bought or made at home. As soon as the baby goes to his place, do not disturb him. Your pet should be sure that he can step away from the hustle and bustle and be in complete peace and safety.

Read also: The cat has become aggressive: the main reasons for “abnormal” behavior

Up to 4 months the baby will grow by leaps and bounds, play and sleep a lot. Try to establish a routine, feed the kitten at a certain time and play with the baby during the period of active wakefulness.

At approximately 6 months, the kitten will begin puberty, which means that he will have a need to mark his territory. If your pet does not have breeding value, discuss the issue of sterilization with your veterinarian in advance. The younger the animal, the easier it will tolerate the procedure. In addition, by neutering your cat before he starts marking, you won't have to clean corners and punish your pet.

When to start raising a kitten, how and what to teach it

The optimal age for parenting occurs immediately after the adaptation period. Be attentive to the kitten's habits if it is more than 3 months old. Extremely important correct your pet’s behavior gently, in a playful or rewarding way. Don’t even think about hitting a kitten for training purposes; this will make your pet more nervous and timid, but not at all obedient. Avoid stressful situations up to 6 months of age of the kitten:

  • Frequent arrivals of guests, noisy parties or celebrations. Yes, it is a sacrifice, but it is made to strengthen your pet's psyche.
  • Walking on a leash is of no use to the baby; he needs to fully explore the home, every cabinet and every shelf. In addition, a pet that has not received it should not come into contact with street animals, this is fraught with viral diseases, sometimes fatal.
  • Punishment - at this age, the kitten is very pliable and its behavior must be corrected exclusively with positive motivation.

Cats are very receptive to training until they are one year old., this period is quite enough to master basic skills. The first priority is this. On the very first day, keep an eye on the baby, as soon as he starts to “fumble” in search of the toilet, transfer him to. If you don't have time, quickly blot up the puddle with a paper napkin and place it in the tray. Even 2-month-old kittens have a keen sense of smell and rely on it when searching for a litter box.

Important! If you have multiple cats in your home, get extra litter boxes! Firstly, each pet should have its own toilet, and secondly, do not forget that some cats go to different litter boxes - big and small.

Try take the kitten go to the toilet 15–20 minutes after feeding and stay with the baby until he relieves himself. It is worth refraining from frequent cleaning of the tray, since fresh litter does not have a characteristic odor. Keep the trophy napkin (or replace it with a piece of cloth), praise your ward every time until the habit of going to the litter box is established.

Read also: How and what to feed a Scots kitten: menu by age

Every free minute should be spent communicating with your pet. Stroke the kitten, comb it unobtrusively, scratch behind the ears (in the future, you will accustom the cat to cleaning its ears and it should trust you). Many owners report that the kitten scratches, bites, or becomes playful. From the first days, avoid the kitten playing with your hands, use! Gradually, the kitten will understand which objects can be played with and which cannot. For example, if your baby “attacks” the wires, distract him with a toy and praise him.

At the age of 4–5 months, kittens are actively exploring the world around them; this process should not be interfered with. The acquisition of survival skills in the outside world is referred to by a very broad term - socialization. Do not forbid your child to explore different surfaces; he must understand that he can fall from a height, and that he can slip on plastic. Allow your pet to play with bags and boxes (under supervision), so the kitten will hone its coordination and practice techniques for dealing with the “cunning rustling enemy.” Try in every possible way to stimulate the development of intelligence and the ability to make your own decisions.

During the socialization process, your ward should learn to communicate with other people and animals. Whenever possible, but not too often, invite guests into your home who know how to handle cats. Encourage your kitten's curiosity and desire to make contact. If the baby got scared and hid, acquaintance with “strangers” should be postponed until a later age.

Approximately at 5–6 months, the kitten will begin to sharpen its claws and this is the time to accustom it to. According to the recommendation of animal psychologists, there should be several scratching posts, at least one of them is located at the front door, the rest in places convenient for the cat. In practice, adult cats make do with just one scratching post. First, it is recommended to use sprays to accustom them to play areas. Typically, the composition of the products includes concentrates of valerian or mint. As you know, cats are partial to these plants.

If you have the opportunity, introduce your ward to other aged cats 6–7 months. Perhaps your neighbors have a friendly four-legged animal and the cats can become friends for periodic games. The only way to be sure that your pet needs friends is to try. Some cat breeds are very jealous; such pets do not want to meet other animals or walk outside.

Note! If you are planning to get a second pet, a cat or dog, this should be done either until the kitten is 6 months old or after reaching one year of age.

Newborn kitten left alone

Here it lies in your palm. The size of a preschooler's mitten. Blind. The ears are pressed to the head. Squeaks with an unbearable child's cry. The mother cat abandoned her cub (disappeared, died). What to do with this tiny fluffy ball?

About baby food

What and how to feed a newborn kitten? Let's start with the fact that cat milk is not that fatty. If we feed cow's milk, it is better to take one containing 1.5% fat, otherwise it will be difficult for the baby to digest it. And it’s already not easy for him, because cow’s milk does not contain substances so necessary for the cat’s immune system. You can feed with 10% cream, and ideally purchase a cat's milk substitute at a pet store. More about baby food.

From experience, the best nipple for a kitten is the rubber part of the pipette, pierced with a needle. It is put on a medicine bottle or any other small bottle, which must first be thoroughly washed. Or a 2 cc syringe without a needle. Milk should be warm - cold milk is less digestible.

It would be nice to have a few pipettes in reserve. Like baby nipples, they tear and deteriorate, and the pipette is difficult to thoroughly rinse.

Kittens eat every 3-4 hours. Yes, it’s not easy, but you need to feed it often, otherwise your furry baby will suffer from hunger. A blind kitten, like an infant, will have to get up at night, because it needs food around the clock.

Raising kittens is an amazing and important endeavor. Perhaps the local animal shelter has asked you to keep the babies until they are old enough to later give them to new owners. Or maybe you offered your help as a volunteer to an animal protection organization. Caring for young kittens takes time, effort and motivation, and you may find it difficult to let them go when it comes time to rehome them, but all your efforts will pay off when you see the kittens happy with their new homes.


How to prepare your home for kittens

    Choose a room for kittens. You will need a separate room. This should be a calm place where the kittens will feel safe. This room should be dark at night and light during the day so that the natural cycle is not disrupted. Other animals in the house should not have access to this room.

    • You may need to take in a mother cat and her kittens. Keep this in mind when agreeing to care for children. The cat will also need care, bedding and food.
    • If it is not possible to allocate a separate place for the kittens where they will not be disturbed by other animals, it is better not to agree to take the kittens into your home.
  1. Make the area safe for kittens. This means that you will need to remove all things that could harm the kittens. If there is a lot of stuff in the room, remove tables, chairs, shelves and bookcases. Remove all valuables and anything that could harm the kittens. Consider removing beds or other furniture that kittens may be hiding in, as otherwise you may have to search around the room for a long time.

    • Take away all small items: hairpins and elastic bands, small toys, beads. Hide electrical wires. If there are things in the room that you wouldn't leave a small child with, know that they all need to be removed.
  2. Make a bed for the kittens. You will need to prepare a bed in which the kittens will sleep, play and where the mother cat will feed them. The bed should have a roof and the area should be private. Line the nest with towels, blankets and other soft fabric.

    • All fabrics should be easy to wash if they get dirty. Kittens will not be toilet trained, so you will need to wash their bed frequently.
  3. Provide water and food. Leave food bowls near the bed if the kittens are old enough to eat on their own. It is best to use narrow and long containers so that you can comfortably feed several kittens at once. Avoid using bowls that are too deep as this will make it difficult for kittens to reach food and water.

    • If kittens need to be bottle-fed, ask the shelter if they have bottles and artificial milk, or purchase some from a veterinary pharmacy or online store.
  4. Offer kittens toys. Add a few soft toys and feathered teasers to keep kittens from getting bored. If the kittens are already older, you can set up a cat slide for them, as they can play and relax on it for long hours.

    • Toys will keep kittens entertained, and they won't cause trouble in the house out of boredom.
  5. Buy toilet training mats and a litter tray. If the kittens are not toilet trained, you will probably need training mats. Place them all over the floor and especially on the cat's bed.

    • You will also need a tray. Buy an open litter box with low sides so kittens can use it.

    How to find kittens

    1. Contact your local animal shelter. Almost all shelters have small kittens and puppies, and your help will be greatly needed. But before you adopt kittens, you will need to make arrangements with the shelter and, if necessary, fill out paperwork.

      • The best time to look for kittens is in the spring, as many kittens are born at this time and end up in shelters. In the spring there are always a lot of newborn kittens in shelters, and their staff will be glad to receive any help.
      • Most shelters require you to be at least 18 years old and have space in your home for kittens. You may also be asked to confirm that you are allowed to keep kittens (if the home is not yours) and that you do not have a criminal record.
    2. Get trained. You may need to receive training from a shelter staff member to know how to care for kittens. This is especially important if you are taking in sick kittens or kittens that are recovering from an injury.

      • Even if you are suitable for the shelter and undergo training, you may not be given kittens right away. It all depends on whether there are kittens in the shelter and to whom they are given first.
    3. Decide which kittens you want to adopt. Ask what kind of kittens the shelter has: kittens with a mother cat or kittens without a mother. Caring for motherless kittens that are less than three weeks old can be very difficult as you will need to do everything for them instead of the mother. If kittens have a mother, caring for them will be easier.

      • If the kittens have a mother, you will need to take her into your home as well. The cat will do all the main work: feed, wash, warm the kittens and help them go to the toilet.
      • If you have not cared for kittens before, it is better to take kittens with a cat for the first time. Without a mother, the risk of kittens getting sick and not surviving will be higher.
    4. Take the kittens home. Bring or ask the shelter for a carrier as you will need to get the kittens home safely. Close the car windows and try to drive as slowly as possible so as not to scare the kittens. When you get home, take the kittens to their room so they can get used to it. Give them a chance to look around and calm down.

      • If possible, take the kittens' bedding and toys from the shelter, as this will make them feel calmer.
      • Before you take your kittens or cat home, find out if they have fleas. If there are any, it is advisable to treat the animals for fleas before they get to your home.

    How to feed kittens

    1. Let mommy cat do everything herself. If the kittens are still with their mother and feed on her milk, let the cat take care of the babies herself. She will feed and wash them so you don't have to do anything. However, you will still have to monitor the kittens to make sure that everyone is getting enough milk and attention.

      • If there is a particularly small kitten in the litter, place it separately from the other kittens so that they do not compete for food.
      • Make sure your cat eats well. Feed her either dry or wet kitten food as long as she is feeding the kittens milk. Kitten food will provide your cat with the protein she needs to produce milk.
    2. Bottle feed newborn kittens without a mother. If kittens drink from a bottle, they need to be fed every 2-3 hours. Before feeding, warm the mixture to 37–38 °C. Wrap the kitten in a towel to secure it and feed it until it is full. The shelter staff will need to explain to you in detail what to do and how long the kittens need to be fed this way.

      • Do not give kittens cow's milk, feed them only with a special formula. The mixture can be purchased at a pet pharmacy or pet store.
      • Remember that very young kittens need to be fed every 2-3 hours, even at night.
      • You can make a 24-hour supply of the mixture, but you will need to store it in the refrigerator. Warm the mixture before giving it to the kittens.
      • When bottle-feeding for the first time, your kitten may have difficulty latching on to the nipple. Take your time, keep trying and make sure that the hole in the nipple is large enough to allow drops of milk to pass through. If all else fails, contact a shelter for help.
    3. Help kittens defecate after eating. If you have very young kittens, you will need to help them empty their bowels and bladder. After feeding, massage the kitten's anus with a damp cotton pad until he goes to the toilet. To make your kitten pee, massage the genital area. This is extremely important for the development of the kitten's internal organs.

      • These actions imitate the behavior of a mother cat, who licks her kittens after eating.
    4. Transition kittens to solid food. When the kittens are 5-6 weeks old, they will need to be transitioned to solid food. You can start giving them wet kitten food and gradually add dry food to their diet. Place a small amount of dry food granules into the wet food, increasing the proportion as the kittens get older.

      • If the kittens can already eat on their own, that's good. Feed them three times a day and let them eat as much as they want. Kittens generally need as many calories as possible.

    How to care for the health and well-being of kittens

    1. If the kittens do not have a mother, keep them warm and washed. Kittens do not yet know how to regulate their body temperature. Usually the mother cat will keep the kittens warm and clean, but if the mother is not present, your job will be to keep them warm, dry and clean. Make sure that traces of feces do not stick to the kittens' fur.

      • You can place a warm electric heating pad specifically designed for kittens in the nest. Warm only part of the nest and cover the heating pad with a cloth. This will allow the kittens to move to a cooler area if they feel hot. Do not use the heating pad on people.
    2. Train kittens to use the litter box. After each feeding (cat, bottle, or solid food), place the kittens in the litter box. The kittens will have to go to the toilet. If the kitten goes to the toilet in the wrong place, pick it up as soon as possible and transfer it to the litter box. Over time, the kitten will learn to use the litter box.

      • Kittens usually learn how to use the litter box on their own or by watching their mother. Keep the litter box away from cat food and keep it clean. Praise your kitten after he goes to the litter box to reinforce the correct behavior.
      • The litter box should be cleaned at least three times a day, and the litter should be changed at least twice a week. Use bentonite litter as it is not as easy to swallow as other types.
    3. Spend time with kittens every day. Take them in your arms more often, stroke them, pick them up from the floor. Play with kittens. The more time you spend with kittens, the more socialized animals they will become and the easier it will be for them to live with people.

In this article we will talk about how to properly raise a kitten so that a well-mannered and docile cat will grow from a cute baby.

It should be said right away that along with proper care, a kitten simply needs good upbringing. If good care allows you to ensure good health through proper nutrition, hygiene and creating all the necessary conditions for a full life for an animal, then education plays a key role in how comfortable and harmonious your life together with your pet will be.

After answering a few questions, you will be offered the best food for your kitten.

Professional cat food "Sanabel" is available in all cities of Russia, a developed network of distributors will allow you to find a store on our "Map"

Games with a kitten

Be sure to play with the kitten. Friendships are established in the game. Do not use your arms and legs to play, otherwise, as an adult pet matures, it will painfully dig into your body, causing a lot of unpleasant sensations.

To play, use special toys, these can be balls, fluffy balls, mice, etc. The main thing is that the toy is made of safe materials and does not have small parts that a kitten can swallow.

Do not let the kitten climb on you, catching your clothes and scratching you; as an adult, you will no longer wean your pet from ruining your things.

Don't forget about care!

Accustom your kitten to hygienic grooming procedures. Brush your kitten every day. This is not very pleasant for the cat, but it is good for the fur, so let the baby get used to brushing from childhood.

Clean your ears and eyes, trim your claws.

The sooner you teach your kitten to bathe, the easier this procedure will be later.

There is dry cleaning in the form of aerosols that are sprayed onto the coat and combed out along with the dirt. It is advisable to carry out water procedures no more often than once every two months.

You need to bathe your kitten using special shampoos that match the type of coat. The pet store will advise you and help you choose the right shampoo.

Of course, bathing is stressful. Do not scream or hit the kitten if it struggles. Choose a comfortable water temperature for the kitten, which will be closer to the kitten’s body temperature, about 38-39°C. Affection and kind words will help the kitten relax. Bathe the kitten in a basin; it is better not to use a shower head, this may frighten him. In another basin, wash off the shampoo.

It is better to dilute the shampoo with a little water in advance, so it will lather faster and easier. Soapy water should not get into the kitten's ears, mouth, eyes and nose. Leave your head dry; you will wipe it with a wet palm towards the end of the bath.

After washing, wrap the kitten in a large towel and dry it with a hairdryer set on a low setting so as not to burn or scare the kitten.

Caress the kitten, this will calm him down and bring a lot of pleasant emotions, and will also establish a trusting relationship between you.

If we define raising a kitten one principle, then it consists in one thing: do not allow the kitten to do those things that you would not want your pet to do as an adult.

Grow up kittens, care and education must change, but your love and patience must remain unchanged. If you want a soft, affectionate and obedient pet, then raise him with affection and love!

Love animals, let this feeling decorate your life!