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How to open a hotel for animals: a detailed business plan and recommendations from businessmen. Long-term business - hotel for animals

In large cities, the demand for hotels for animals is growing. This is due to the fact that more than 70% of Russians have favorite pets (according to VTsIOM), which sometimes need to be adopted. That is why the business idea of ​​a pet hotel is relevant and quite profitable. How to draw up a high-quality business plan for a hotel for animals, what it consists of and what estimated investments are needed, we will tell you in this article.

Project Summary

The opening of a hotel for animals is planned in a large city with a million population, where the target audience is as active as possible, its volume is extensive, and its income is higher. Accordingly, people more often have to travel and at the same time place their pets somewhere.

There are very few direct competitors, since this area in Russia is at the starting stage. For this reason, there are enough free niches; all that remains is to develop the right strategy in accordance with the requests, requirements and criteria of potential clients and taking into account the existing legislation. We will give an example of such a hotel in this article.

Marketing analysis

To understand the potential return on investment and possible business profits, you need to draw up a business plan for a pet hotel with calculations, and it will be based on an analysis of the niche and target audience.

According to statistics from VTsIOM, the most popular pets in the Russian Federation are cats and dogs. More details can be seen in the figure:

It is the owners of dogs and cats who are frequent clients of pet clinics, pet boutiques and, accordingly, pet hotels. The volume of animal establishments in the largest cities of Russia can be seen in the figure:

Consider opening a pet hotel in St. Petersburg.

To formulate a pricing policy, you should familiarize yourself with the data of the NAFI Analytical Center, which says that Russians spent 1 trillion rubles on their pets in 2015, often saving on themselves rather than on their pets. The figure shows the average monthly cost of keeping a pet (RUB):

Based on these data, you can see that pet hotels are quite a popular business, especially in large cities of Russia.

Business registration

Before searching for premises and purchasing equipment and materials for a hotel, you must undergo legal registration. To open a pet hotel, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. Next, you can choose a room for the hotel, prepare it for inspections, since it is officially prohibited to conduct veterinary activities without the permission of the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. This can lead to hefty fines. On average, you will have to spend about 30 thousand rubles on registration and obtaining permission from authorities.

Deciding on the hotel format

There are no clear legal requirements for hotels for animals, so they are shaped by business strategy. The most popular formats are:

  • Mini-hotel in a private apartment.
  • Vacation home.
  • Rent of a separate building in a residential or central area of ​​the city.

Our hotel will be located outside the city in the form of a small house with separate rooms for pets. In addition, there will be enclosures for street dogs on the territory of the zoo hotel with space for walking and playing.

Hotel activities

It is important to make the right offer to your potential clients. The pet hotel will provide temporary housing and care services for animals. First of all, we decide on the types of animals for which we will provide a comfortable stay.

  • Dogs.
  • Cats.
  • Guinea pigs.
  • Chinchillas.

Main services:

  • Keeping and walking animals.
  • Veterinary examination daily.
  • Feed on a schedule and change water as needed.
  • Bathing the animal.
  • Cleaning the nose, ears, teeth, eyes.
  • Daily cleaning of the premises.
  • Walk the dog 3 times a day.

Animal training:

  • On a site with barriers and obstacles.
  • At the site for conducting OKD.
  • At the site for the ZKS.

VIP rooms for cats and dogs.

Selection of premises

We choose premises for the hotel in the form of renting a small house in the suburbs of St. Petersburg with a living area of ​​200 sq. m. m with a small adjacent territory, with a rent of 200 thousand rubles per month. Utility payments will amount to 20 thousand rubles per month.

The premises need to be redecorated and have separate small rooms for pets (500,000). In addition, it is necessary to improve the water supply and install plumbing for bathing animals (at least 10 baths). The hotel will have 5 VIP rooms for dogs and cats, 5 rooms for enclosures for dogs and cats and 2 rooms for rodents, 1 medical room, hairdresser, 5 bathrooms (2 baths in each). In addition, to obtain permission from authorities, the ventilation system in the room should be improved. It is necessary to treat the walls with non-toxic materials.

In the area adjacent to the building, it is necessary to build both summer and winter enclosures with reliable fencing. After all, clients have every right to “sue” the owner of a pet hotel for the escape of an animal.

Technical support

To create an appropriate environment and operate a hotel, you will need equipment, furniture, living quarters for pets, as well as plumbing, electronics and much more. Equipment costs in the table:

Name Price Qty Amount (rub.)
Indoor dog enclosures 5000 5 25 000
Outdoor dog enclosures 7 000 5 35 000
Rodent cages 1 000 20 20 000
Houses for cats 2 000 20 40 000
Tables 2000 5 20 000
Tools 30 000 30 000
Furniture for VIP rooms (small sofa, cabinet with things, pet house) 20 000 10 200 000
Medicines for the veterinary hospital 50 000 50 000
Play equipment for animals 30 000 30 000
Detergents 10 000 10 000
Disinfectants 5 000 5 000
Dishes for animals 5 000 5 000
Indoor flowers 10 000 10 000
Strong fence 50 000 50 000
Additional expenses 100 000 100 000
Kitchen appliances 100 000
Furniture for workers and administration 200 000
Video equipment and electronics 50 000 50 000
Total 980 000


Appropriate specialists will be needed to ensure the care and comfort of animals. The number of employees depends on the number and size of pets. Minimum staff:

Employee Salary (rub.) Number of units Sum
Administrator 25 000 2 50 000
Vet 30 000 2 60 000
Trainer 30 000 2 60 000
Hotel worker (watches pets) 20 000 4 80 000
Cleaner 15 000 2 30 000
Client acquisition manager 30 000 1 30 000
Hairdresser 30 000 1 30 000
Total 340 000

This is the minimum number of animal hotel employees that will allow the institution to function. The business owner himself can perform the duties of an accountant and supplier.

Risks and opportunities

Before investing in a project, it is necessary to assess all possible risks when creating and developing a hotel for animals. The most common risks:

  • High competition.
  • Error in calculating audience size.
  • A decrease in the solvent population due to the difficult economic situation in the country.
  • Incorrect formation of pricing policy.
  • Unqualified personnel.
  • Inappropriate investment in additional services and VIP specialists.
  • The emergence of viral diseases in pets.
  • Escape or infection of a healthy animal in a hotel.
  • Injury to the animal.
  • Conflict situations between dogs.
  • Long payback period.


  • Make a pet hotel one of the most popular in the region.
  • Expand the surrounding area and increase the number of clients.
  • Enter the federal level by selling franchises.
  • Increase the number of VIP clients thanks to high service.

Promotion and advertising

To attract the first customers, as well as for the dynamic development of the business, additional investments will be needed in the promotion and advertising of the hotel. First of all, it is necessary to create an Internet resource that will work for the entire region, launch radio advertising and printing. In addition, do not forget about lucrative offers for regular customers (free additional training services or video surveillance for your pet as a gift).

Main promotion tools:

To maintain brand development monthly, you need to spend at least 30,000 rubles on printing and radio advertising.

Prices for services

Name of service Animal price, rub. per day
Keeping and walking animals Dog (puppy up to 4 months) 600
Medium sized dog 700
Large size dog 800
Decorative dog breeds 800
Giant dogs 1000
Cats 400
Rodents 300
Animal training Dogs From 600/1
Delivery of an animal out of town Small dogs/cats/rodents 500/1 side
Medium and large dogs 800/1 side
Giant dogs 1000/1 side
VIP rooms Rooms for dogs with online video surveillance and apartment interior Additional 1500
Separate room for cats with European layout Additional 1000
Beauty services For dogs 1000
For cats 800
For rodents 400

Profitability calculation

Start-up costs

It is planned to allocate 2,060,000 rubles to start the business.

Monthly expenses

The general table of monthly expenses from the 3rd month looks like this:


Since it will take some time to increase the number of hotel clients, profitability for the first year will be calculated based on 30-40 pets per month in the first 3-5 months. You should take into account seasonality and start launching the project in the spring, before the hot holiday and travel seasons. The hotel for animals is expected to be fully equipped by mid-summer. There are plans to increase attendance in the future. When fully equipped, approximately pets will be: 10 large dogs, 10 small ornamental dogs and puppies, 20 cats and 20 rodents and chinchillas. Based on the prices, the average potential income can be calculated as follows:

Pet Amount per day Number of seats Amount per month
Dog (puppy up to 4 months) 600 5 90 000
Medium sized dog 700 5 105 000
Large size dog 800 5 120 000
Decorative dog breeds 800 15 360 000
Giant dogs 1000 5 150 000
Cats 400 20 240 000
Rodents 300 20 180 000
Dog training 600 10 180 000
Pet delivery (500 rub.) 2500 5 75 000
VIP rooms for dogs with online video surveillance and apartment interior 7500 5 225 000
For cats, a separate room with a European layout (5 cats) Additional 1000 5 000 150 000
Cosmetic (2 dogs, 4 cats, 5 rodents) 7200 216 000
Additional income from the sale of goods (clothing for animals, toys, food) 800 000
Total per month 2 888 000

The relationship between profit and costs: 2,088,000 – 2,060,000 = 828,000 – 15% tax = 703,800 (net profit).

If, in addition to standard daily care, training and hairdressing services, you add veterinary services and additional services to the price, the amount of the final profit will increase by at least 50%, which will cover the investment during the year the project is launched.

  • Summary
  • Basic data on the object
  • Recruitment and list of services
  • Costs and estimated profit
  • Marketing plan and risks
  • conclusions

Pet hotels, hair salons and pet clothing stores are an elite type of business that provides services to wealthy individuals. In order to set up your own business in the field of hotel services for animals, it is worth studying the features and risks of the activity and assessing possible financial investments. After this, it will be possible to draw up a business plan for a hotel for animals with plans for 2019. Below is an example of a business plan for this industry.


The business plan for a pet hotel is drawn up as a model for adaptation to specific goals and objectives in the field of pet care. The approximate starting capital is 1,975,000 rubles. Financing: own funds plus borrowed funds. The return on investment is two and a half years. Validity period is unlimited.

Goal: making a profit, meeting consumer demand in the field of animal care. Registration of an organization in the form of LLC. If a small enterprise has from 10 to 30 rooms and a minimum set of services, you can be an individual entrepreneur.

You can download business plan for a pet hotel from our partners. We guarantee high-quality calculations!

Basic data on the object

The calculations in the business plan for a hotel for animals are conditional. The recommended area of ​​the facility is from 150 m2 to 250 m2. A separate building (one to two floors) or the first floor is suitable for a hotel. The main requirement is good sound insulation in the building and in the hotel itself. Premises located outside the city are suitable for the facility. A place for walking or additional space for installing enclosures is also desirable.

Additional requirements for the hotel:

  • good room ventilation to ventilate rooms;
  • daily cleaning of occupied rooms, keeping spare rooms clean;
  • sufficient lighting.

The standard room size for a pet is 1m*1m. Room furnishings:

  • sunbeds;
  • climbing complex;
  • scratching posts;
  • toys;
  • bowls for water and food (water always available).

Rent of 250 m2 – 210,000 rubles per month, per year – 2,520,000. This area will accommodate 60 rooms (10 junior suites, 5 luxury rooms) plus space for staff.

Additional costs for facility development (in rubles):

  1. Repair and adaptation of the building into a hotel – 75,000.
  2. Utility bills – 7,500.
  3. Arrangement of the reception area - 15,000.

Recruitment and list of services

A sample pet hotel business plan contains information about the staff of the animal hotel and their salaries:

  1. Veterinarian – 3 people – 35,000 rubles per month (105,000).
  2. Counselor – 4 people – 40,000 per month (160,000). His responsibilities include walking dogs and feeding animals.
  3. Cleaner – 3 people – 20,000 (60,000).
  4. Manager - 1 person - 70,000 per month.
  5. Accountant – 1 person – 45,000 per month.

List of services provided with cost in rubles:

    • providing the pet with a standard room during the absence of the owners - 400 per day.
    • luxury room – 600 per day.
    • junior suite room – 500 per day.
    • feeding is included in the room price.
    • pet care (cleaning eyes, ears, nose, combing) – 200 at a time.
    • walking – 200 per walk.
    • pet hygiene – 500 per wash.
    • veterinarian service is included in the price, in complex cases - 1,000 per appointment.
    • dog training – from 3,000.

The list of services can be expanded. Also, a pet hotel can be combined with opening of a veterinary clinic. Veterinary clinic services:

To identify a pet to the hotel, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Pet owner's passport.
  2. Animal passport (veterinary).
  3. Owner's contact details - for communication.

Costs and estimated profit

A business plan for a hotel for animals with calculations contains the items “Expenses” and “Profits”. In our example, the opening and maintenance costs are as follows (amounts in rubles):

  1. Feed – 200,000.
  2. Toys – 10,000.
  3. Room furnishings – 9,500 (60 units = 570,000).
  4. Medications – 70,000.
  5. Hygiene products – 25,000.
  • One-time costs: 1,317,500.
  • Monthly costs: 657,500.
  • Total costs: 1,975,000.

In order to adapt the data of a hotel business plan to real conditions, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the prices of online stores and clarify the location of the search for a building for rent.

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As for profit, if the facility considered in the business plan is fully loaded, in one day the amount of income will be: 24,000 (60 rooms for 400 rubles each). Let’s assume that there are 30 dogs and cats each. Walking 30 dogs costs 200 rubles per walk, but you need to walk them twice a day, therefore 400 rubles per day. The total amount is 12,000. Cats need brushing for 200 rubles (once a day) - 30 cats = 6,000. Wash a pet - 500 rubles (let's say 20 pets need washing) = 10,000.

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The total income for one day will be 52,000. Income per month at full capacity is 1,560,000 rubles. If the facility is fully occupied, the payback on invested costs and funds taken on credit can occur within six months. Also in the business plan you can calculate the average and minimum profit for an average and low workload of the facility.

Note! An important calculation in a business plan is the search for the break-even point.

Marketing plan and risks

In order to conduct a market analysis, it is enough to study the area for the presence of competitors, as well as identify potential customers. The pet hotel is aimed at a target audience with above-average, elite income. A veterinary clinic at a hotel may have a loyal pricing policy, since it is not the main activity.

  • advertisements on the Internet;
  • creating your own website;
  • Business Cards;
  • advertising on radio or television.

It is also necessary to assess the risks. There may be problems entering the market. New companies are less trusted. There is also the possibility of big problems finding clients. The focus of activities should be on regular customers.


A pet hotel is a profitable activity if it operates at full or average occupancy. Additional services (including a veterinary clinic) will help recoup the investment and support the functioning of the organization. A ready-made business plan for a pet hotel with calculations shows how to open your own business in 2019, focused on the field of animal care.

What else can you make money on today? Try investing, especially since it will allow you to receive passive income for a long time. Find out aboutthe secrets of creating cash flow from scratch and take action.

Also read:

  • Business plan for a veterinary clinic - sample with calculations
  • How to open a hotel for animals
  • Opening a veterinary pharmacy

Pets brighten up our lives and allow us to receive a lot of positive emotions.

If you belong to caring people for whom it is important to have a furry pet nearby, then there is an opportunity to turn your favorite thing into a profitable business.

To do this, it is enough to get acquainted with how to open a hotel for animals, what requirements to follow when organizing your business.

Financial expenses

Like any enterprise, opening a temporary shelter intended for four-legged guests will require significant financial investments. First of all, you need a room. It can be built, purchased, rented. It is necessary to purchase specialized equipment, feed, and veterinary drugs.

In addition, the business plan for a pet hotel needs to include expenses for paying salaries to employees and ongoing repairs of the building. You cannot do without a car, which will be used to deliver the residents of private apartments to the boarding house, as well as food for them. The costs of maintaining and repairing the vehicle will also be included in the estimate of the future enterprise.


In order to comply with sanitary standards, the best option for the establishment would be a house in the suburbs, remote from housing. The building should be surrounded by a high fence (this is especially true if you have fairly large guests).

The building must be equipped accordingly. It will be necessary to build heated floors and carry out all communications: water, electricity.

When thinking about how to open a hotel for animals, you need to calculate its area. In this case, you should proceed from who will live in it: cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, amphibians, reptiles or other inhabitants of private apartments. The first places will require less, the second must be provided with additional territory for them to walk in the fresh air and play.

The enclosures are fenced with chain-link mesh. Amphibians are kept in specially equipped terrariums subject to temperature control. If you are going to keep animals of different species, then try to place them as far away from each other as possible so that they do not come into contact.

Moreover, if you get a sick guest, it is better to isolate him from the rest. Dog enclosures are disinfected and are recommended to be washed with a special solution twice a day. Think through all the details very carefully and calculate how to open a hotel for animals in order to create comfortable conditions for them.

Boarding house for pets

Separate rooms and enclosures are suitable for cats. According to the degree of their improvement, they can be divided into standard, junior suite and luxury. Each furry guest should have his own bowl for food and water, and a small house. The mat intended for sleeping should be located as far as possible from the place where the cat eats.

It is necessary to equip special ladders and shelves along which they will move. Proud and freedom-loving, they love to bask on the windowsill. Therefore, it is good if single or double “rooms” have a large window. As a rule, the owners of such establishments do not agree to keep unneutered cats.

All the details of the enterprise must be taken into account in the business plan. A hotel for dogs should be equipped with separate spacious rooms consisting of two interconnected parts. This is an enclosure and a room with an area of ​​three square meters.

Here the inhabitants will eat, sleep on a lounger or play. It is mandatory to walk guests in a specially prepared area. The rooms where they will be kept must be regularly ventilated and kept clean.

If you could not determine for whom exactly the boarding house is intended, and you are preparing premises for both cats and dogs, make sure that they are located away from each other. Females and males must live separately.

The business plan for a pet hotel should include prices for the duration of four-legged guests’ stay within its walls. Cats will cost less to own than dogs. All residents should be provided with comfort: good food, exercise, and quality veterinary care.

Documentation of the enterprise

First of all, you will need a veterinary permit to conduct business, approval from the SES, registration of the enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and registration with the tax authorities. When the hotel opens and is operating, an agreement will be drawn up between the shelter administration and the animal owner, which necessarily stipulates the rights and obligations of the parties. This document also records the period during which the guest will stay in the institution and the conditions of his detention.


Before you open a hotel for animals, you need to purchase all the essentials for shaggy guests. You will need food bowls, beds, and scratching posts. Enclosures can be summer or winter. Additionally, you can purchase toys for four-legged pets, such as balls for cats.


If your goal is a hotel for animals, the business plan should take into account the selection of employees with appropriate qualifications.

You will need dog handlers (if your guests are dogs), felinologists (cat specialists), a cook, a cleaner, and a driver. Moreover, the service personnel must work in shifts to ensure round-the-clock care for the guests of the boarding house.

A minimum of four people is required. There must be a veterinarian. If your shelter offers high-quality specialist services at low prices, then it will deserve great popularity. Hired workers must be caring people who love animals and their work. To ensure that the quality of employees’ work does not decline, they must be sent to courses.

What other services does the shelter provide?

Since opening a hotel for animals to keep them while their owners are away is not the most important thing, it is worth taking care of additional services.

The more there are, the more profitable your enterprise will be. Four-legged guests will be able to receive high-quality veterinary care here.

For each service, you should set your own fee: deworming, trimming nails, ears, teeth, combing hair, washing eyes. Your establishment will be able to offer clients dog training, grooming, and pet transfers.

Do you love animals and are they permanent family members in your home? Then you know the problem of business trips and vacations, when it is simply impossible to take your pet with you and have nowhere to leave it for a while. This is a global problem. Some people don't get pets because of this issue. Therefore, today hotels for animals have become relevant and in demand, where owners can leave their pet for a while. Let's look at how to open a hotel for pets from scratch and what you need for this.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 400,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

Relevance of the idea and market research

Before opening, you need to research the market and competition in your area. Study similar proposals and draw up the main features of each of them. Consider services, pricing, location and other aspects. You can tour each facility and look at the business in reality. This way you can assess the level of your potential competitors and make notes for yourself. Each pet hotel has its own characteristics, and you can study them in detail.

When communicating, you should not tell employees about your goals. Just say that you are going on vacation and are looking for a suitable place to leave your pet for a while. The staff will invite you to look at the rooms, and in the meantime you will evaluate the level of service and quality.

You will be able not only to communicate with competitors, but also to see the real picture of the market. Find out prices at the hotel for animals and additional services. In order to make your business bright and high-quality, it is recommended to study foreign experience, where such hotels have appeared for a long time and are actively in demand. There you will learn new ideas and be able to turn them into reality. Only after this can you make a final decision and move on to the legal subtleties of the issue.

Preparation of legal documentation

A private hotel for animals as a business must be legally registered. To get started, you will need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. IP is done much easier and faster. You will be able to work freely without having to hire an accountant, and this will save money. Reporting is submitted in a simplified form, and you can easily create this document yourself. However, you will be personally responsible. Therefore, it is important to understand that business must be approached responsibly.

If you decide to open an LLC, then you will need authorized capital, articles of association and many additional documents, as well as an accountant to keep records. To choose the best option, you can consult with a lawyer to study the intricacies of your particular project.

Step-by-step business plan for a pet hotel

  • Competitor analysis;
  • Business plan for opening a hotel for cats and dogs;
  • Searching for suitable premises, territory and drawing up a lease agreement;
  • Contacting local governments to discuss standards and requirements for starting a business;
  • Landscaping of the territory according to the requirements and registration of permits;
  • Registration of activities by opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. No additional licenses are required;
  • Obtaining permits from regulatory authorities;
  • Selection and hiring of employees in accordance with current legislation;
  • Drawing up a detailed agreement that will be drawn up between the hotel and the owner of the animal;
  • Opening;
  • Advertising and marketing activities.

Where to begin?

Any business should start with planning. Therefore, first a plan is drawn up, and then its additions and adjustments occur. Thanks to the plan, you will be able to see a clear picture of your business and build a development plan. It will also show the material component for the opening. Paid foster care for cats and dogs is a popular and profitable business. To implement it, you need to study the nuances and set priorities correctly.

After analyzing the data, you see all the risks of your enterprise. This way you will analyze your capabilities and understand whether this business is worth doing. If you have taken the positive side, then the next step is to register your activity with the tax office. The procedure takes a minimum of time and material investment. After this, you should start choosing a room and invite SES employees to analyze it. Next, the premises are renovated in accordance with the requirements and a work permit is obtained.

Nuances of choosing a room

The room should be located at a distance of at least 150 m from residential buildings, but it is better if it is large, as problems often arise for this reason. Local residents complain and inspections happen constantly. The best option would be an industrial zone or the outskirts of the city, where no one will bother you to do your business.

The ideal option would be a private house and your own land. It must be securely fenced on all sides so that the pet does not leave the premises during a walk. It is recommended to divide the site into several zones for separate walking of different animals.

The rooms will be small rooms inside the house. Their area can be up to 10 square meters. m. Each room will contain large cages in which the animals will be comfortable and not crowded. Large dogs should be housed in outdoor kennels as they need more space. A hotel for dogs does not imply expensive renovations, it just needs to be clean and well-groomed. It is important that it is warm, dry, there is good sunlight coming through the windows, and the food is fresh and healthy. Animals need care and attention, not expensive repairs.

Equipment and materials for the hotel

In most cases, owners bring their pets' accessories: a bowl, leash, favorite toys and bedding. However, all these materials must be available at the hotel in case the owner does not take them with him. In addition, the hotel must have a veterinarian who, if necessary, will provide assistance to the animal. It is important not only to invite an experienced doctor, but also to purchase basic medications for cats and dogs. Most clients are very concerned about their animals and having a doctor will put their mind at ease.

It is important to clean the premises in a timely manner, as clients will definitely want to see the living conditions of the animals. For this work, it is necessary to hire cleaners who will do the work efficiently and in a timely manner. Rooms must be ventilated and cleaned at least 2 times a day.

Nutrition plays an important role. It is important to properly equip the kitchen and hire a qualified chef. This is a very responsible matter, since your well-being and health will depend on nutrition. Food plays a key role in choosing a hotel. The diet should be varied. Products are fresh and healthy. Typically, food includes dry and meat food, but it may vary depending on the wishes of the owner.

Cost of services

Every client is interested in the financial question “how much does it cost to foster pets”? For cats it is about 250 rubles, and for dogs 350 rubles. The price depends on the location, conditions and services. This amount typically includes accommodation and meals. The cost may increase depending on the breed of the animal, dietary requirements, the need for frequent walking, etc.

To check into the hotel, you need to provide your original passport and your pet’s veterinary passport with vaccinations.

Goal: creation of the company “Cats” in the suburbs of Lipetsk.

Investments in the 1st year: 1,800 thousand rubles.

Payback period: 1 year.

Company information

The “Cats” company will provide pet hotel services to Lipetsk residents and residents of the region. The range of activities of the enterprise will also include veterinary services.

Business environment

99% of Russians who have animals have never resorted to the services of appropriate hotels. As surveys show, the reason is that low-income people are confused by the cost of the service, while wealthy people are confused by the quality. Therefore, in the economy class segment you need to set prices as low as possible, and in the premium segment you need to focus exclusively on quality.

Business idea – hotel for animals

There is no middle ground here. The exception is Moscow, where the income level differs significantly from other regions.

Marketing and sales plan

Our hotel will contain both economy rooms and luxury rooms. But it will still be focused on the latter category. The clients of the “Cats” company should be wealthy people who love to travel. Those who often travel outside of Russia know that it is extremely difficult to take a pet with you. Before crossing the border, you need to obtain a medical certificate of a certain type. To do this, you need to contact a state veterinary clinic at least 3 weeks in advance. In addition, the legislation of many countries establishes certain rules for traveling with animals; for example, in many countries, in order to travel on a train with a pet, you need to buy the entire compartment. Of course, not every hotel will accept pets even for an increased fee. You can forget about vouchers, you will need to support everything individually, but this will not completely solve the problem. Therefore, a hotel for cats is the best option.

In order for these people to come to the Cats company, they need to be convinced of the proper treatment of employees’ animals. But the first task is to convey information about quality service. The target audience for advertising should be found in travel agencies and veterinary stores. It would be a good idea to advertise near railway and airline ticket offices.

If you set the minimum cost of maintenance without food at 120 rubles, the cost of a comfort room at 250 rubles, and a luxury room at 400, then you can count on an income of 1,500 thousand rubles. At the same time, up to 20% will come from trade in related goods and veterinary services. Thus, you can count on 1,800 thousand rubles.

Operational plan

Ideally, a business hotel for animals should operate at a veterinary clinic. This creates more confidence and allows the veterinarian to combine responsibilities without wasting time on travel. Thus, it will take the doctor only 5 minutes to perform a morning round of cats. But the location of the clinic can be any. The outskirts or even the suburbs are suitable. We found a room in a small village within the city limits. As a result, renting a relatively small premises, with an area of ​​only 35 m2, will cost us 2 times less than the same premises, but located in a prestigious area, but remote from the center. When choosing suitable real estate, you need to remember that such enterprises cannot be located in residential buildings. Next, you will need to purchase cages, furniture and equipment.

In our case, 35 m2 will be divided into 2 parts. In one, the veterinarian will be able to conduct consultations during the daytime; in the other, rooms should be located. The first part will also feature pet products in small quantities.

Workforce plan

We will need 4 employees for shift work. Two of them working on the day shift must have medical qualifications. This is very important, since purebred cats are very expensive. At the same time, they often get sick due to the practice of interbreeding, as well as the desire of breeders to obtain those qualities that bring beauty, but are often harmful to health.

Financial plan

Thus, a business hotel for animals in the 1st year will require the following investments (thousand rubles):

  • rent - 100;
  • furniture and repairs - 100;
  • salary - 600;
  • tools and consumables - 200;
  • goods - 300;

Total: 1,300.

As you can see, in 1 year the invested funds will be returned, and the first profit will appear. This business is quite profitable, but I would like to warn against large investments at the initial stage. Expensive repairs and pretentious furniture may not pay off.

You can download the business plan for a pet hotel here.

About the hotel

We accept cats and dogs for foster care at our hotel

(small and medium breeds up to 20 kg), rodents.

In our hotel, cats and dogs live in separate houses; we have managed to create the most favorable conditions for them! We are located in the nearest one. The Moscow region, which means that our undoubted advantage is clean air. There are several transport hubs within walking distance; getting to us is easy and convenient: MKAD - 10 km, Leningradskoye Shosse - 8 km, Mezhdunarodnoye Shosse - 3 km. Moreover, you can accommodate your pet on the way to vacation, because Sheremetyevo-1, 2 and 3 are very close. Do not inconvenience your relatives and friends by leaving them your pets, because often your pet becomes a burden for them. For us, your cat is always a welcome guest and we will monitor her with special care. In our hotel, from the first day of operation, keeping cats meets the highest criteria. In decorating the hotel premises, we used only coniferous wood; the cat rooms were designed to special standards, are comfortable and meet hygienic standards. The area of ​​a "standard" room is approximately 1 sq.m. It consists of two levels over 2 meters high. The levels are connected to each other by stairs. A house, toilet, scratching post and food bowl are in each room.

Business from scratch: hotel for animals

We make sure to thoroughly disinfect the room after each guest. The room for cats is equipped with air conditioning. Our pricing policy is balanced; you will not find a better price-quality ratio. We provide discounts for regular customers. Your pet will always be under care, we guarantee it. Don’t think about where to place your cat while on vacation, because it’s much more pleasant to think about the vacation itself! Individual warm rooms, familiar food, comfort, care and careful care - all this will be provided for your cat. Of course, you know the character and habits of your pet very well, so we will give you the opportunity to choose a usual daily routine and diet for him. Our furry guests are always fed on time, well-groomed, surrounded by care and attention. They will be happy and easier to bear separation from you. You have no one to leave your pet with? A pet hotel in the Moscow region is the best solution to the problem. Let's all relax together! Your mustachioed pet also wants to rest. No long flights or train rides, no strangers' houses. Use a modern type of service for animals - a cat hotel specially equipped for the comfort of furry pets. This is a real resort for your pet, everything here is designed for him. Zoo care is the constant monitoring and care of your cat. No more stress for your little friend.

Opening of hotels, hairdressing salons and veterinary clinics for animals in Russia.

Business idea: opening a hotel for animals

Characteristics of the activities of CD Hotels LLC. Drawing up a marketing plan and pricing policy. Concluding contracts for the maintenance, nutrition and treatment of pets.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Posted on http://allbest.ru

Hotel for pets« DCHotels»

Industry Analysis

In the West, such a service has long become something familiar and commonplace. For example, it would never occur to the average European to ask relatives or neighbors to look after his pet while he is away on company business - he will not hesitate to contact a hotel. In the West, this business brings good profits, and, accordingly, the level of comfort is much higher and the range of services offered is wider.

In hotels, your pet will be fed and watered; if necessary, it will be observed by a veterinarian, it will be walked regularly and kept clean. And in expensive hotels for animals, the rooms have air conditioners and air purifiers, there are beds and color TVs that show films about animals. In Russia, the situation is somewhat different.

The first hotels for animals began to appear in Russia about 10 years ago in the Moscow region at dachas and abandoned stables. In large cities there was private and unofficial foster care at home. After perestroika, the most enterprising owners of such hotels began to expand their home shelters into real enterprises. By 1997, the business had expanded so much that it began to be licensed.

After the August crisis, things began to decline: there were fewer wealthy people. After all, such hotels are designed for the middle class: it is easier for very wealthy people to hire a person to look after their four-legged friend, but the poor cannot afford this service. But now, after several years, this business is developing more and more, focusing on the West. However, for many Russians it is still a novelty to hear about such a service, for which it is sometimes a pity to pay a lot of money. Therefore, the service of an average hotel is often quite simple.

Since the standard of living of many Russian residents has increased in recent years, and the development of the service sector has reached a much higher level, the business of pet hotels is also developing successfully. And if now it is possible to leave a pet for an acceptable amount, both short and long term, in a safe place, without having to burden your loved ones with unnecessary worries or, worse, take the animal with you, then, perhaps, in the coming years our four-legged friends will have the opportunity to relax in hotels with almost the same comfort as their owners

Thus, the industry has great prospects for development. Currently, there is not a single hotel for pets in Ulan-Ude, but there is already a significant demand for such services.

According to an all-Russian survey, 57% of citizens with a family of five or more people have a pet, 56% have a family of four people, 51% have a family of three people, and 41% have a family of two people. About a third of single people (28%) also have pets.

Therefore, it is necessary to timely satisfy the growing need for hotels for animals and occupy the currently empty market niche.

The scale of the industry is difficult to estimate, since almost half of the residents have a pet, but not all of them regularly go on vacation or on business trips, etc. Every year the number of pet owners is growing, the level of well-being of residents is growing, and their needs and desires are increasing.

This industry is gaining momentum every year and currently a business related to pets, for example, a hairdressing salon for animals or a specialized clinic, brings significant income to their owners. The main consumer group is dog and cat owners.

Product Description

Limited Liability Company "CD Hotels" (LLC "CD Hotels") plans to begin its activities on 02/01/12. The main activities of the company are:

Providing services for cats and dogs,

Additional services (combing, washing, cleaning ears and eyes, helminthization, taxi services for transporting animals, etc.).

The total area of ​​the hotel is 150 m2.

The hotel staff is represented by one veterinarian, two animal care specialists, one trainer and the hotel manager, who will independently carry out accounting.

Currently, there are no direct competitors in Ulan-Ude, so it is advisable at this particular moment in time to enter the market and successfully gain a foothold in it, since, according to experts, the business associated with pets will begin to bring a solid income to their owners.

The essence of the proposed innovation:

A hotel for animals is a specialized premises that meets established requirements for accommodating animals temporarily transferred by their owners for maintenance.

The chosen type of activity is combined with the latest Russian and Western trends in pet care. The solvency of the population is increasing, as is employment; many people have vacations in winter and summer, and there is nowhere to leave their pets. A hotel for pets is the way out of this situation.

CD Hotels will be able to provide the keeping of animals in good conditions while the owners are away on vacation, business trips, etc.

This is due to the fact that each animal has its own diet. If an animal requires prepared food, the company’s employees fulfill all the requirements for feeding the animal.

If there is a need for veterinary care during the temporary keeping of an animal, CD Hotels will organize medical care for the pet. Our company will be able to transport animals using its own transport.

The price of transportation is negotiated separately. In our hotel complex, there will be compliance with all terms of the contract, safety of pets, veterinary control and a high level of cleanliness.

The hotel offers standard rooms and luxury rooms for dogs and cats, introduces a democratic pricing policy and strict control over the quality of service and professionalism of the staff.

For each pet, regardless of its size and temperament, we will provide:

1. Individual approach;

2. Kind and patient attitude of the service staff;

3. Separate cozy room with all amenities;

4. Usual homemade food;

5. Walks and games in the fresh air;

DC Hotels LLC plans to provide the following services

cost per unit, rub.


one procedure

eye wash

one procedure

ear cleaning

one procedure

one procedure

Drontal (deworming)

one procedure

one procedure

nail cutting

one procedure

taxi for animals


single standard room

single junior suite

single suite

veterinary marketing hotel

Cats and dogs live in a separate 2-story wooden building, which is divided into special enclosures. Each animal is provided with a personal enclosure, ranging in size from 2 to 4 m2 and 2.30 m in height, so that the animals are not at risk of physical inactivity. Each enclosure has a house, a ladder, a claw point, and various toys.

It is very important that the animal is vaccinated with one of the complex vaccines KUADRICAT or NOBIVAK against 4 diseases (rabies, panleukopenia, herpes viral rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis) in advance, at least 14 days before the desired arrival at the hotel, and if such a vaccination has already been done earlier, then the date it should not be more than 1 year ago.

This vaccination can be done at veterinary clinics and animal disease control stations.

Marketing plan

In order for potential clients to learn about the new hotel that provides services for their animals, a decision has been made on the following customer communication system. A presentation of the salon will be organized, which will be held in the salon itself, about a month after its opening, when the staff has already worked together, mastered the equipment, and felt that the hotel has become a second home.

Those who came were promised prizes and free procedures. In addition, lists of honored guests are compiled, to whom personalized invitations are personally delivered. On the day of the presentation, the studio is closed, and the staff acts as guides, telling visitors about the possibilities of a particular procedure. At the same time, registration is made for those wishing to undergo free procedures. During a presentation, every little detail is important, so a week before the presentation, a dress rehearsal is held, where roles, texts, gestures and much more are practiced.

It is also necessary to carry out the following activities:

· creating scripts for video clips for placement on TV; video editing; placement of videos on TV.

· presentation booklets of the company;

· club discount cards;

· production of banners.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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I'm here now Home » Animals » Hotel “Barkley” for animals (16 photos)

Animals Hotel “Barkley” for animals (16 photos)

The luxury pet hotel Barkley is located across the street from the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles. A very advantageous geographical location, let us say. While Four Seasons Inn guests order breakfast in bed, swim in the pool or enjoy a massage, their pets at the Barkley Inn can get it all and much more. The level of service here is truly second to none.

Guest “rooms” have climate control and individual lighting, soothing music and air fresheners.

Cat apartments are smaller in size, but they have huge TV screens broadcasting images of birds or tropical fish in an aquarium.

For those who treat their pet's diet as carefully as their own, hotel employees will order a steak from the kitchen of the Four Seasons restaurant.

How to open a hotel for animals: a detailed business plan and recommendations from businessmen

For cats that are not satisfied with the usual dry food or canned food, tuna sushi is provided.

In addition to the spa, there is also a hair salon that offers hair coloring services.

In this case, only natural dyes are used, and dog fashionistas can flaunt their paws, ears or tails painted pink, blue or green...

...And also for special fashionistas there is a leopard coloring, a striped coloring that will turn your pet into a zebra, or even for special patriots! – coloring in the colors of the American flag. And all this without the slightest inconvenience or harm to the health of the dog or cat.

The spa offers massages and pedicures, as well as nail decorations with glitter and rhinestones.

An experienced massage therapist will help four-legged guests relieve stress by rubbing their backs.

Recently, the hotel has included swimming lessons or physical therapy for pets in its range of services. Individual swimming instructors accompany four-legged guests to the pool, where a large number of rubber toys are already waiting for them. And the least confident swimmers will even be provided with a life jacket.

And after swimming, you can relax in a sun lounger or on a special lounger, of course, with a treat or soft drinks.

Daily room rates range from $44.50 to $100 for a luxury room during peak hours.

One of the hotel guests arrives in a luxurious special limousine.

The license plate says "VIP Pet".

Yorkshire terrier Betsy is relaxing on a cozy lounger next to the pool.

Dogs on a walk.

The Barkley's Most Luxurious Pet Hotel in Westlake Village, California.