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How to blow smoke out of your nose. How to exhale smoke from your mouth without using cigarettes. Soap bubbles with surprise

In order to perform all these spectacular tricks with smoke, you will need a hookah, an electronic cigarette or a vape. Some people believe that an ordinary cigarette with a broken filter will do for such tricks, but such smoking will be doubly harmful to your lungs.

Smoke rings

Such tricks with smoke are considered the most spectacular. You can achieve the effect in two ways:

  1. Get more steam into your mouth, then quickly make an “O” shape with your lips, keeping the tip of your tongue close to the lingual frenulum. With short exhalations, push out small doses of smoke.
  2. This method involves the same actions, only in this case you must pronounce the vowel “O” with your larynx. The sound itself will not be heard - only something like a click in your throat. Remember to keep your mouth open in a wide circle.

Practice is important in this matter. Don't be upset if the first rings fall apart quickly or don't work out at all.

Double ghost puff

This trick with cigarette smoke is done as follows:

  1. Take a puff, but don't inhale the smoke into your lungs - hold it in your mouth.
  2. Leaning your head back slightly, slowly exhale the smoke for 1-2 seconds. Keep your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth. At the last stage, sharply lower it down.
  3. While the smoke cloud is at a distance of 5-10 cm from your face, with your lips slightly parted and your head tilted towards it, quickly inhale it back, trying to collect it completely.

"French breath", "waterfall"

These smoke tricks are done this way:

  1. Inhale the smoke for two to three seconds. It is important to keep it in your mouth - you can do this by slightly puffing out your cheeks, like a hamster.
  2. Now open your mouth slightly, protruding your lower lip thoroughly, and begin to slowly release smoke. He will rise up.
  3. Once the smoke reaches your nose, begin to slowly inhale the steam back into your nose.

Glass with smoke

Perhaps these are the simplest tricks with hookah smoke. Inhale as much smoke as possible, and slowly, focusing on the edge, begin to exhale it into the glass. You can use a straw for training.

Tornado on the table

Also a fairly easy trick. In a windless room, exhale a large amount of smoke onto the table surface. Then pry it with your hand and twist it smartly into a kind of thin tube - such as the base of a tornado. To create a real whirlwind, you just need practice.

Smoky soap bubbles

These are very spectacular smoke tricks. The bubbles burst, releasing clouds of steam. You can do the trick like this:

  1. Mix some dishwashing liquid with a little water in a bowl, find a cocktail straw, or use baby soap bubbles.
  2. The more smoke you inhale, the more smoke bubbles you will see.
  3. Slowly exhale the smoke into a straw thoroughly soaked in the soapy solution.

All tricks with smoke are easy to describe, but to learn how to do them automatically, you need thorough and serious practice. Only by repeating every day and honing your skills will you learn these actions, and will also be able to combine them and transform them into new ones. However, be sure to remember that smoking cigarettes, vaping, and hookah is harmful to your health.

The video was originally posted on Reddit in which a girl inhales a vape, then pinches her nose and exhales smoke through her ears.

How is this physically possible?

Most likely, this girl knows firsthand what ear infections are and is familiar with such a disease as exudative otitis media. Young people are more prone to ear infections, which can lead to otitis media, which is characterized by the appearance of fluid behind the eardrum due to the fact that the channel that is responsible for draining this fluid and normalizing pressure is too small and cannot get rid of so much.

To treat this condition, doctors cut into the eardrum and insert a tiny tympanostomy tube into it to instill medication and create a path for excess fluid to exit. Since the ear is directly connected to the nose thanks to the Eustachian tube, this allows the girl to release smoke through her ears. The girl simply plugs her nose and creates air pressure that has nowhere else to escape except through the tympanostomy tube.

The tympanostomy tube itself is like a small coil.

Most likely, the girl will not be able to always perform this trick, because after the treatment the tube will be removed and the eardrum will again be blocked to allow the fruity smoke to escape.

And by the way, don't try to repeat this.

Surprise and amuse your friends with hookah smoke tricks. The most popular hookah tricks in the world are rings, soap bubble, jellyfish, repeated inhalation and chewing gum trick.

There are many different tricks and jokes that will help you have a much more fun evening. Performing all these tricks is not difficult, but you need to be patient; you are unlikely to be able to do a complex trick with a hookah the first time.

Tricks a beginner can do

In any business there is an initial level that needs to be mastered in order to study further. Tricks with smoke are the same thing.

Smoke ring

We take a deep puff of smoke from the hookah. Make the letter “O” with your lips, press your tongue to your lower teeth and begin to exhale smoke in small portions. After a while you will succeed, and you will understand how to exhale smoke correctly.


The meaning of this trick is as follows: after releasing a small amount of thick smoke, inhale it back. The secret of this trick is this: you don’t need to inhale deeply with your lungs, you just need to take some smoke into your mouth. Having filled your mouth full of smoke, use your cheeks and tongue to exhale (push) the smoke out of your mouth. We inhale the smoky cloud that has escaped.

Liquid smoke

The meaning of the trick: exhale into a glass or glass, where the smoke reminds us of liquid. Turn the glass over and pour the smoke onto the table. For this trick to succeed, it is important to be in a draft-free room. When performing this trick, you do not need a strong tightening.

Advanced level of tricks

Having learned the basics of tricks with smoke, we learn more complex tricks.

French breath

Take a strong puff and hold the smoke for as long as possible. To make it easier to perform this trick, simply puff out your cheeks, thereby getting more smoke in your mouth. By extending your lower lip, the smoke will begin to rise. It is important not to do anything with the smoke. We inhale through our nose and we get a so-called inverted waterfall. This trick will teach you how to use both your mouth and nose at the same time.

Chewing gum trick

For this trick we need chewing gum that inflates well. Take your favorite gum and chew it until all the sugar comes out of it, only after that you can start this trick. Having filled your lungs with smoke, inflate the bubble until it bursts.

Double ring

The task is to release two rings at the same time. The order of performing this trick: inhale smoke, make your lips an “o” shape, exhale slowly and place your finger on your lips. It won't work the first time. First, it’s worth remembering how to make regular rings.


We inhale the smoke deeply and gently exhale it onto a table (preferably glass), exhale carefully as if we were spreading the smoke on the table. By sharply running your hand along the table in the middle of the smoky cloud, you need to tear it away from the table. It is important that the movement at this moment is upward and towards yourself. Try and experiment.


This trick has taken the internet by storm. Not all experienced stuntmen did it right away. In this trick, it is important to have a dense smoke ring, exhaling and holding it with a straight palm. After your ring has taken the ideal ring shape, exhale a small portion of smoke into the middle of the ring. It is important not to blow off the ring that we released. This is one of the most difficult tricks to date.

The most important thing is practice. Without training, you won't succeed.

Exhaling smoke through your nose, as opposed to simply exhaling through your mouth, is perhaps one of the best ways to really taste the tobacco. Plus, it's a charming way to rid your lungs of smoke. There are several different ways to exhale smoke through your nose.

Basic method

The basic method is to hold your tongue after inhaling and simply exhale through your nose as usual. This process can be varied by exhaling a little smoke and then inhaling again (through the mouth or nose, as described in the section ""), and then releasing a small part or all of the smoke completely on a second exhale. This is perhaps the most satisfying way to smoke. You will notice that more smoke lingers inside you longer and that more nicotine is absorbed into your body.

You may have noticed that after taking a deep breath, the smoke released slowly through the nose will not seem very dense. If you want a lot of smoke to flow, try just filling your lungs with smoke after inhaling, and then immediately exhaling the smoke through your nose. This will add more flavor to the experience, as opposed to the usual physical satisfaction you get from a deep puff.

Other methods

Actually, regarding exhalation through the nose, that is all, since it is difficult to think of another way to exhale the smoke that you have inhaled. As already mentioned (see section “”), you can puff repeatedly. And what do you do after the first puff? The first option has already been mentioned - you can blow the smoke through your nose while you take your next puff. This is a good thing because it frees up space in your lungs for a nice deep breath. So, what happens during this exhalation through the nose? Well, after you take your first puff and inhale the smoke, and take a second puff, you need to make room in your lungs for the next round of smoke - you'll exhale through your nostrils! You can exhale through your nose this way, or you can not exhale at all between puffs and release the smoke through your nose after the second deep breath.


Just like with all other smoking methods, here you can combine exhaling through the nostrils with other methods, such as open mouth or exhaling through the nose and mouth at the same time. Just imagine a stream of smoke from your mouth slowly joining the main stream of smoke coming out of your nose. This certainly enhances the smoky flavor as well. Many women do this unconsciously, again, by looking at themselves in the mirror, preferably a double or triple mirror, so that they can see themselves from the side. You will see how wonderful it can look, almost exactly like the sensations you get from it.

Severa, translation, 2010.