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How to interpret a robbery in a dream according to leading dream books. Why do you dream about your own apartment being robbed?

Dreams are a reflection of a person’s inner state.

Often they are prophetic.

Some people are very lucky and can see dreams every night, others are less fortunate and only have dreams to warn them of an approaching danger or a joyful event.

Why do you dream about robbery, what does this dream mean? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about robbery - basic interpretations of sleep

Nobody wants to become a victim of robbery. This is a situation that can only bring trouble. Troubles both material, physical and moral. What are we talking about? The point is that becoming a victim of a robbery a person can end up in a whole series of failures. Since losing money can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, dreams in which a person has become a victim of a robbery do not carry anything positive - only negative aspects.

Theft in a dream is regarded by some dream interpreters as the theft of energy from a person in reality. This means that someone is trying to significantly damage a person’s reputation or literally take away energy from a person in an illegal way. Such a dream is regarded as a warning and it is better to heed it. Often it symbolizes the beginning of a destructive process and that period in a person’s life when everything can still be changed for the better.

It is also worth understanding the source of future troubles. Where the trouble will come from - so to speak. What nuances of a dream should be given special importance:

The location where the robbery took place;

The emotions and experiences that accompanied it;

Who exactly committed the robbery and how.

So, why dream of a robbery if a young girl’s house was robbed? Such a dream, contrary to general interpretations, promises her extraordinary success with guys. As they say, they will steal you as a bride. What is most interesting is that in many dream books you can find an addition to the interpretation - a young man will be a worthy match for a girl and quite wealthy.

If a businessman dreams that he personally robs a bank, in reality he will hit a huge jackpot in business. He himself will receive extra profit. He can also easily expand the boundaries of his business by opening a branch abroad.

If you dream that a store is being robbed before your eyes, in reality you will live in abundance, and need will not visit you. If you robbed a store, it means that you are jealous of someone in reality, and this envy will destroy you. You should be vigilant and control your emotions.

If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed, it means that you have complexes regarding your attractiveness. Your inner world needs to be rebuilt. It is better to open up to life and live than to constantly be afraid of change. Troubles do not affect only those who are open to new achievements.

Why do you dream of a robbery according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller's dream book indicates that dreams about a robbery indicate that in reality a person is influenced by other people's opinions. Independent decisions are really difficult for him. If a man had such a dream, it means that his significant other makes the main decisions independently.

Miller also points out that if you dreamed that you were robbed at sea, it means that you are heading in the wrong direction. If the robbery occurred during a storm, quarrels and financial losses await you. If there is calm, the situation will level out, but not without outside help. Many people ignore such warnings, and in vain. It is worth really thinking about the appropriateness of the actions taken.

If a woman dreams that she was robbed by a loved one, it means that she is dependent on a love relationship. The feelings that she experiences for her chosen one are affection, but not love. If a girl dreams that she herself robbed her man, she is looking for new love subconsciously, but is afraid to admit it to herself.

Why do you dream about robbery according to Freud's dream book?

Freud sees an exclusively psychological aspect in such dreams. If a girl dreams that she was robbed, it means that she is afraid of being deceived in reality. At the same time, she expects deception and trickery not only from her significant other, but also from those around her. She should really think about whether she is harming herself with such actions.

If a man dreams that his car was robbed, it means that he is not ready for a serious relationship, but is looking exclusively for fleeting meetings. Although on a subconscious level he would like to start a family, but the experience of the past, the experience of his parents does not allow him to do this. What should you do? Understand the source of the contradictory situations created. Find the cause of psychological blocks and eliminate them.

Why do you dream about robbery according to the everyday dream book?

The everyday dream book claims that a dream about a robbery promises serious troubles and it is impossible to avoid them or avoid the negative consequences from them. This dream is especially dangerous for those who are involved in business. In this case, you should expect a trick not only from competitors, but also from loved ones.

Seeing your home being robbed means quarrels that will disturb the peace and tranquility between spouses. Even a serious breakdown in relationships, discord, or, in extreme cases, divorce is possible. Disrespectful behavior from children is also possible. They will show their disrespect for their elders in every possible way. It will be very difficult to resolve this conflict situation on your own.

If you dream that you are personally a participant in a robbery, you will put someone else in an awkward position, you will set up a colleague, without meaning to. If in a dream you had to see that you were caught and convicted of robbery, the methods you have chosen to influence other people have a negative result and harm your reputation.

Also, such a dream may indicate that if you have set someone up, it’s time to pay the bills. It's time to think about whether your actions towards another person were legal. Perhaps you undeservedly accused another person of all sins.

Why do you dream about robbery according to other dream books?

According to Hasse's dream book to see a robbery in a dream, especially if a person has begun to have a bad streak - get support and avoid further attacks. Soon everything will stabilize, and life will return to normal.

Tsvetkov also insists that robbery in a dream promises disagreement with a loved one. He also indicates a high probability of a rival appearing in the life of a loving woman, who plots intrigues and, as a result, conflicts occur. There is no point in relaxing in this situation. You need to gather your thoughts and act actively, now is not the time for offense - it’s worth reconsidering your relationship with your man.

Longo in his dream book he indicates that being robbed on the street should be interpreted based on the behavior of the criminal. If a robber behaves quietly and secretly, it means that the person will soon have a promotion or promotion.

If the attack occurs rapidly, with threats, shooting, financial losses are possible, it is simply impossible to avoid them. Finances will literally flow out of your hands. If an attempt was made to rob, if you escaped from the criminal and did not suffer losses, unpleasant events will occur in your life, but they will be temporary and will lead to further wonderful events, a break in relations is possible, as a result of which new relationships will blossom.

A. Vasilyeva points out in her dream book that dreams of robbery mean that:

It's time to pay the bills;

It's time to pay off debts;

Pay taxes;

Pay attention to your family, who have long been deprived of affection and love.

If this is not done in the near future, the situation will worsen and negative consequences will occur. Thus, the dream does not promise negative events, it simply warns in advance about the possibility of such incidents.

You should be attentive to your dreams. They are often guides through a difficult life. They take a person out of difficult situations and warn about incidents. Sometimes they promise wonderful events. Many people believe that seeing prophetic dreams is a gift, but everyone can receive signs in a dream. Why do you dream about robbery? Regardless of the interpretations, it is worth taking a closer look at whether a person lives correctly; perhaps he lived for too long exclusively for himself, did not listen to the needs and desires of other people. He may be tormented by remorse, which he casts aside in reality, and they remind themselves of themselves in a dream. Perhaps it's time to pay attention to your soulmate - give her love.

No one is safe from robbery in real life. Just looking at the reports for the last 24 hours will be enough to find out how often this actually happens. A dream book will help you find out why you dream of a robbery, but for this you need to take into account all the nuances of the dream.

A dream book will help you find out why you dream about robbery

Dreams in which a person becomes a victim of a robbery do not bring anything good. Most often, such visions in dream books are interpreted as the theft of energy in real life. The dream is a warning, as at this stage everything can still be changed.

In order to understand where the source of all problems is, you should pay attention to the following points in the dream:

  • where the crime occurred;
  • what emotions the dreamer experienced;
  • who acted as the criminal.

For a young girl, such dreams do not promise trouble. On the contrary, she will become incredibly popular among guys. It is quite possible that she will soon marry a worthy and wealthy man.

Among the positive interpretations, there is one in which a businessman robs a bank. In real life in business, huge profits await him from a successfully completed transaction. It is possible that his business will expand and open another branch abroad.

Watching a store get robbed is an equally favorable sign. The dreamer will be a wealthy person. But taking part in such acts does not bode well. In reality, the sleeper experiences a feeling of envy, which has a detrimental effect on his life. He should be more careful and control the flow of emotions.

Robbery of an apartment in a dream indicates that a person has a complex and considers himself unattractive. He needs to seriously take care of his self-esteem, turn his face to life and not be afraid of change.

Theft in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream about your apartment or house being robbed?

A dream in which the sleeping person’s home was robbed simply cannot symbolize something good. If a person dreamed that robbers broke into his house, were looking for money everywhere and scattering things, then this vision is explained as follows. Most likely, the owner of this vision is a person who is not confident in himself, but nevertheless occupies a fairly high position. At the same time, to the detriment of his own interests, he succumbs to pressure from his superiors. In addition, envious people are waiting for his slightest mistake in order to challenge all the results of his work.

A dream in which the sleeping person’s home was robbed simply cannot symbolize something good.

Additional details will help give a more accurate interpretation of the dream:

  • to feel frightened at the sight of criminals heading out to rob - soon you will need to make a serious decision, which is painful for the sleeper;
  • they threaten to deal with the sleeping person if he himself does not give up all the jewelry and money - pressure is felt from authoritative relatives;
  • for a girl, such a dream may occur on the eve of a job interview;
  • the victim is tied up or immobilized in any other way - the person is in a dead end situation, for which it is necessary to wait time to resolve it.

Seeing a bank or store robbery in a dream

If the robbery takes place in a bank, the dream can be interpreted as follows:

  • experience strong fear - you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. Envious people will create an obstacle to achieving success, and perhaps this is the machinations of competitors. It is possible that this person is in a close circle;
  • While depositing money, criminals break into the bank - a desire to change your life. It will be possible to implement it;
  • commit illegal actions yourself - you cannot rely on luck in business, you must rely on your own strength;
  • for a woman, such a vision means that she has decided to do the wrong thing; only negative consequences can be expected from it;
  • to see bandits taking my salary means serious expenses are expected. This is a favorable period for buying a home or starting renovation work.

For a woman, such a vision means that she has decided to do the wrong thing

If you dreamed of a store robbery, then you can soon expect significant profits. But to get it, you need to act honestly and not resort to breaking the law.

Depending on which store was robbed, the interpretation may vary:

  • clothing store - now is the time to change your image or update your wardrobe;
  • big - the ideal time to satisfy your own needs;
  • empty - the plans will unexpectedly collapse;
  • a lot of different goods - the dreamer expects success in all endeavors;
  • shoe - significant changes are expected on the personal front;
  • grocery - problems will soon be solved;
  • jewelry - symbolizes changes in personal life;
  • furniture - in family life everything will be measured and stable;
  • bookish - new, promising ideas will appear;
  • grocery - your endeavors will be successful.

Why do I dream about my car being robbed?

To interpret a dream in which you had to watch a car being robbed, you must first start from the person who dreamed of such an unpleasant vision:

  • for a girl it promises changes on the personal front, the cause of which will be a certain event;
  • for a man - serious problems will arise in the work sphere.

For a girl, such a dream promises changes on the personal front.

In the same case, if you had to watch the robbery of someone else’s car, then in real life you will become an eyewitness to something that will subsequently require serious moral costs.

Seeing someone being robbed on the street

Watching a robbery on the street in their dreams is often the case for those who will soon be promoted at work. In the same case, if the robber snatches the bag from your hands, a promotion will be assigned as soon as possible. But if a person shows obvious resistance, then to get the desired result you will need to wait a little longer.

Watching a robbery on the street in their dreams is common for those who will soon be promoted at work.

A quiet, sneaking up unnoticed criminal in dreams promises the fastest possible promotion, and new job responsibilities will turn out to be incredibly simple and will not be difficult to cope with. If you managed to escape from the robber altogether, then in real life problems can be avoided, despite the fact that such a threat exists.

Attempted robbery in a dream

Visions in which only a robbery attempt was made, which was unsuccessful, are interpreted positively. The owner of such dreams is a strong personality, he is able to stand up for himself and defend his interests. The near future is most favorable for him; he is expected to rise up the career ladder.

For a woman, such dreams may mean that it is not worth starting a relationship on the side, since it may not end in the best way. For a young girl who recognizes her lover in a thief, the vision is considered a warning. She should take a closer look at him; it is quite possible that he is deceiving her or even cheating on her.

Why do you dream about money (video)

There is absolutely nothing pleasant in dreams in which a robbery occurs. But nevertheless, quite often such dreams have a positive interpretation. It may happen that material well-being and positive changes on the personal front will soon appear. Therefore, having seen such an unusual dream, you should not be afraid: you should just figure out why you dreamed about it.

Attention, TODAY only!

Sleep helps us quickly assimilate information in large quantities; if a person soon has to go through an exam and the brain is exploding from the amount of new material, it is enough to go to bed. In a dream, all information will be reliably processed and assimilated, and an understanding will come of what was not assimilated in the waking state.

Probability of dreams coming true by day of the week

Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will this happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

Sleep and the human subconscious

A dream is a unique magic that captivates a person’s subconscious into the world of the unknown. By creating problems for ourselves in reality, we hope that sleep, the guardian of our peace, will resolve them.

What is the danger of colored dreams?

Vivid, colorful dreams may indicate serious mental disorders or that the person is currently in a severe traumatic situation. This is why every intrusive dream should be worked through with a psychologist.

Why do you dream about Robbery?

Robbery in a modern dream book

Robbery symbolizes your softness, which will lead to many misfortunes. The robbery of your home in a dream signifies the need to defend your views on life in the near future. If in a dream you were accused of committing a robbery, then in reality you will be a participant in an unpleasant incident that will prevent you from achieving what you want. Because of the current situation, you will be very nervous and worried, but after a while everything will work out and you will get what you want. A dream in which you are being persecuted for committing a robbery means approaching failures at work and a deterioration in relationships with others. If in a dream you were catching up with a robber, then in reality you will prevail over your ill-wishers. If the robbers were catching up with you, relations with enemies will worsen; be vigilant towards new acquaintances.

Robbery in Miller's dream book

A dream in which the police were pursuing you for robbery promises difficulties in business and aggravation of relationships with others. Chasing or catching a robber means you will be able to defeat your enemies. A dream in which you are robbed by a servant is a warning. Someone from your circle of acquaintances does not take into account property inviolability. Being accused of robbery means that some stupid misunderstanding will become an obstacle in business. If another person has been accused of robbery, then you need to be more vigilant in your judgment in relation to others. A dream in which your home was robbed indicates future troubles; you will need to defend your principles.

Robbery in Vanga's dream book

Catching a burglar in your home means that you are inherently cautious and distrustful of others. A dream in which you were robbed promises big troubles, insults and disappointment. If you robbed someone, then in reality be vigilant about your health, you can get seriously ill. A dream in which you were able to prevent a robbery promises you an inheritance that you can keep only if you help those in need. A dream in which you punished a robber reminds you that you must not forget about justice towards others. Watching a robbery means that you are an honest and principled person in life, because of this you have many enemies.

Robbery in Freud's dream book

The robber symbolizes the penis. A dream in which a woman was the victim of a robbery, and there was only one robber, speaks of her desire to acquire a sexual partner. If there were several robbers, then she wants to have many sexual partners or even provoke sexual violence. For a man, a dream in which he was robbed represents a desire for homosexual relations. A dream in which you bravely fought back against robbers may mean that someone is meeting your desires. Also, robbery and robbers can personify your relationship with your parents; the threat of an attack by robbers indicates disagreements with them. If you managed to avoid being robbed, then your goals may remain unachieved.

There is no greater disaster at the dinner table than a guest who tries to retell all his dreams.

Did you dream that you were attacked by a robber? Or did you find a looted apartment in a dream? Let's see how the dream book interprets the robbery in your dream.

How does the dream book interpret robbery?

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

If you were robbed in a dream, then in life the offenders will leave you alone.

Online dream book

The very image of a robbery is interpreted as a warning that you should not show too much trust in others, even those closest to you, because you can more likely expect meanness from them.

If you were robbed in the city, illnesses will manifest themselves, pay more attention to your health, but if something was taken from you in public transport, you have a very high risk of injury.

In a dream, you yourself are the leader of a criminal gang, and even trying to take over a bank? This is a projection of your desire to receive decent compensation for the work that you did, but remained without gratitude.

If you are trying to rob a trading facility, then you should carefully read the documents that you will be given to sign, be polite to your superiors and do not spend a lot of money.

The dream book believes that you dream of your apartment being robbed when you are very afraid of something and are worried about some troubles. A house was robbed - you should not worry too much about something that does not play an important role in your life.

Medieval dream book

If you dreamed that you were the victim of a robbery - do not trust your loved ones, otherwise you risk losing everything because of their intrigues. This may also portend the loss of a mother or father, or one of the close relatives.

Modern dream book

This dream book predicts health problems for those who see themselves robbed by street bandits. This will entail a waste of nerves and time visiting doctors. If you find yourself a victim of attackers in any transport - take more care of yourself, there is a high probability that you will receive some kind of injury.

Miller's Dream Book

If you are looking for a job, then a dream in which you are robbed predicts difficulties in this matter. And if you work, then you will have arguments with your boss. If you yourself are a robber and run away with loot from the servants of the law, you are in danger of quarrels with some of those who communicate with you.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

A bank robbery in a dream promises a major quarrel with your partner, and this could lead to a break with him.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If you carried out a robbery on a bank in your dream, then in life you risk doing something wrong, which you will later regret.

Robbery is an unpleasant situation that many people find themselves in, but sometimes such an incident can even be a dream. If a person is interested in the question: “Why did I dream that I was robbed?”, he should carefully read this article.

What if I dream about being robbed?

“Why do I dream that I was robbed?” - a question that worries many people, because a dream is unlikely to evoke positive thoughts. In fact, a vision in which a person is robbed does not necessarily have a negative interpretation. Rather, on the contrary, such a dream often means that in reality a person will experience major acquisitions and sudden joys. The most important thing is not to miss the very expected positive moment.

If in a dream a robbery is committed with the help of a weapon, it means that in real life a person will face sudden and serious dangers. These hazards may be predictable or unexpected, but if not prepared for, they can cause serious harm to your health.

A dream in which a person himself is a participant in criminal acts means that in reality the owner of the vision will receive a tempting offer. It’s just because of this tempting offer that you can end up in an uncomfortable and stressful situation. It is worth carefully considering every decision you make so that you do not end up facing the consequences of your own frivolity and short-sightedness.

In many dream books, robbery is a sign of acquisitions and future wealth that will overtake a person unexpectedly. Perhaps such a vision predicts financial success, but the person himself will have to work on realizing the dream in real life.

A dream in which a person was robbed on the street means that there are several suspicious personalities in his life. Perhaps excessive kindness towards others will play a cruel joke on the owner of the dream, making him bitterly regret his own soft heart in the future.

If in a dream the apartment of the owner of the vision is robbed, it means that in the future uninvited guests will visit his home. Most likely, these people will not bring the most joyful news and emotions, but hospitality will force them to be accepted. Also, such a vision can mean sudden crises in your personal life. Relations with family members will become very tense, and in order to get out of this difficult situation, the owner of the vision will have to show all his wisdom.

A vision in which a person is robbed, but retains all the most valuable things that he had with him, has an excellent interpretation. Such a dream means that minor problems and everyday failures will not affect the positive picture of the future. Also, this vision may mean that the machinations of ill-wishers will not affect the life of the person himself, allowing him to continue to achieve success.

What does it portend?

A dream in which several people are robbed at once usually predicts trouble on all fronts. Most likely, in the near future, both family relationships and career prospects will be under serious threat.

A dream in which the owner of the vision is beaten and robbed has a negative interpretation. Such a dream foreshadows imminent and unexpected troubles. These problems can be related to both personal life and career success.

If, as a result of a robbery, a person receives a knife or bullet wound, it means that in reality he will face serious trials. Such tests can strengthen character, and after going through them, a person will finally achieve the long-awaited success.

A dream in which a person is robbed by a friend and loved one foreshadows a breakdown in relations with this person in reality. Moreover, a breakdown in relationships can occur on personal grounds, and will have serious consequences. If one of the family members becomes a robber, then some kind of disaster will happen in the house. Such a nuisance can be caused by a simple everyday problem or a serious quarrel between family members.

Robbery in a dream almost never foreshadows a similar incident in real life, but it often has a negative interpretation. It is quite possible that a person will have to go through many trials, but a correctly interpreted dream will prepare its owner for future problems.