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What pills for sore throat exist? List of effective means. Choosing an effective medicine for sore throat What are good throat pills

Every adult has experienced an inflammatory process in the throat at least once in his life. Regardless of the cause of the sore throat, patients are looking for medications that are inexpensive, but effective and do not give side effects.

Is this possible, are there medicines for sore throats that meet all these requirements, which ones are best given to children? Let's open the Complete Drug Guide and look.

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Composition and principle of action of drugs for sore throat

What ingredients do sore throat medicines contain? As a rule, these are combined agents that include the following groups of active substances:

  • antibacterial (antiseptics);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers or "distractions" (anesthetics);
  • locally irritating;
  • antifungal.

Why do these medicines include so many components, can't they just use anti-inflammatory drugs with a slight anesthetic effect?

If we are looking for the best remedy for a sore throat, then it must be effective in all areas:

  • anesthetize (this is especially true in medicines for children and with very severe pain);
  • destroy pathogenic bacteria (even if the throat hurts against the background of a viral attack, the inflammatory process with pain in the throat indicates the addition of a bacterial infection);
  • destroy fungi that constantly live on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and are activated not against a background of weakened immunity (that is, with a disease);
  • stimulate the improvement of local blood flow (for which local irritating substances are needed);
  • contribute to the rapid localization of the inflammatory process.

If drugs for the treatment of sore throats are selected according to this principle, you can be sure that they will produce a therapeutic effect.

Combined medicine for severe sore throat for topical use in diseases of the nasopharynx - Kameton. The drug is made in the form of a spray or aerosol and is an oily substance with a pronounced odor. Designed to treat:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis and other ENT pathologies of an infectious and inflammatory nature.

A complex therapeutic effect is achieved due to the active ingredients contained in the composition:

  • camphor - has an average antiseptic property, slightly irritates the mucous membrane, as a result of which blood flow increases at the spraying site;
  • chlorobutanol - has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and slight "distracting" effect;
  • levomenthol - with a mild antiseptic and locally irritating property, creating a feeling of cold in the spray zone;
  • eucalyptus oil - stimulates mucosal receptors, exhibits a slight antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Kameton is intended for the treatment of adults and children over 5 years of age. Contraindicated in young children (under 5 years of age), as well as in patients with intolerance to any ingredient of the medication.

According to the instructions for use, the drug should be sprayed on the right and left sides of the pharynx, making 1-2 clicks on the sprayer. The procedure is performed after eating, before spraying, rinse the mouth with warm water. Duration of treatment - from 7 to 10 days or as prescribed by the doctor.


When, drugs for treatment are used in any form convenient for the patient - it is easier for someone to use a spray, while someone prefers sucking tablets. In this form, the drug Neo-Angin produced in Germany is produced.

Tablets belong to the pharmaceutical group of antiseptics, they are a combined medication active against gram-positive and gram-negative microbes and fungi. The therapeutic effect is provided by active components:

  • dichlorobenzyl alcohol;
  • amylmethacresol;
  • levomenthol.

According to the instructions, these tablets are indicated for:

  • uncomplicated forms of angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • dental diseases.

Contraindications are intolerance to the components and age up to 6 years.

The dosage for adults and children is the same - dissolve every 2-3 hours, 1 tablet until completely dissolved.

The instruction to Neo-Angin contains a warning for diabetics - 1 tablet of Neo-Angin corresponds to 0.22 bread units.


The most advertised and well-known medicines for sore throat and cough are the Strepsils group of drugs. Produced by pharmaceutical companies in the UK and their affiliates in the Netherlands in the form of sucking tablets and sprays.

With menthol and eucalyptus

Menthol-eucalyptus sucking tablets Strepsils contain:

  • levomenthol;
  • dichlorobenzyl alcohol;
  • amylmethacresol.

The characteristic taste of the tablets is given by additional ingredients:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • tartaric acid;
  • glucose and sucrose liquid;
  • indigo carmine.

Therapeutic action:

  • antiseptic;
  • antimycotic (antifungal);
  • antibacterial (against gram-positive and gram-negative microbes).

It is indicated for most ENT pathologies of uncomplicated genesis.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug and in children under 5 years of age.

It is suggested to take 1 tablet every 2-3 hours, no more than 8 tablets per day.

An allergic reaction to the drug can manifest itself:

  • rash;
  • tingling and burning sensation in the throat;
  • swelling of the throat.

There is a warning for patients with diabetes - each Strepsils tablet contains approximately 2.6 g of sugar.


Strepsils Plus spray also belongs to effective medicines for sore throat, its composition is similar to the components of tablets with menthol and eucalyptus, but differs in excipients. It is a fragrant transparent red solution, has:

  • antiseptic;
  • antimycotic;
  • decongestant;
  • local anesthetic properties.

Indicated for the treatment of ENT diseases, contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components and under the age of 12 years.


Strepsils Express spray is also intended for symptomatic treatment of the oropharynx. Belongs to the group of decongestants, antiseptics, local anesthetics, exhibits antimycotic properties. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the active ingredients:

  • amylmethacresol;
  • dichlorobenzyl alcohol;
  • lidocaine.

As part of auxiliary means - ethanol, citric acid, anise and mint oils and others.

Indicated for the treatment of ENT diseases and dental problems, contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, as well as in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components. Use with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, when a woman has a sore throat. The medicine is used similarly to Strepsils Plus spray.

Relatively inexpensive medicines for sore throats are Russian-Indian sucking tablets Hexoral tabs extra, which have:

  • decongestant;
  • local anesthetic;
  • antimycotic;
  • antiseptic action.

The action of the drug is based on the components already known to us - amylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol and lidocaine. Tablets have the appearance of caramel candies, which can be:

  • orange - round orange, rough to the touch tablets;
  • blackcurrant - purple, rounded with a rough surface;
  • honey-lemon - round yellow-brown or brown, rough to the touch;
  • lemon - yellow, rough, convex-round tablets.

It is convenient and safe to use these sore throat medicines for children under the age of 12. According to the instructions, Geksoral tabs extra are indicated for the symptomatic treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. Contraindications to the use of tablets are individual intolerance to the components and age up to 12 years.

The abstract contains a warning about the need for careful use of this medicine for sore throats in adults:

  • with diabetes;
  • having liver damage;
  • having a violation of cardiac conduction;
  • suffering from epilepsy;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

In the absence of contraindications, the maximum daily dose is limited to 8 tablets (1 tablet every 2–3 hours), and the duration of treatment is 5–7 days.


Those who are looking for an effective cure for a sore throat for an adult should pay attention to the antiseptic and local anesthetic drugs of the Septolete group produced in Slovenia. They can be presented in the form of sprays, tablets and lozenges.


Dosed local action spray Septolete Plus is a light transparent liquid poured into a plastic bottle. The active ingredient benzocaine has an anesthetic effect, and cetylpyridinium chloride has an antiseptic effect. Septolete Plus exhibits:

  • virucidal (antiviral);
  • antifungal;
  • antimicrobial action.

Indicated for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and mouth.

Contraindicated in:

  • excessive susceptibility to anesthetics in history and to other components of the drug;
  • methemoglobinemia (a disease accompanied by a pathologically elevated level of oxidized hemoglobin in the blood);
  • alcohol addiction.

Do not use this medicine in patients under the age of 18 years (no data on the safety of use in children). Children from 6 years old can be given Septolete Plus pastilles, which have a similar composition with a slight difference in excipients.


Another good medicine for sore throats in adults is Septolete Total spray. The antiseptic effect is provided by cetylpyridinium chloride, and the local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects are provided by the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug benzydamine. In addition to antibacterial, it has antiviral and antifungal properties.

Indicated for the symptomatic treatment of throat diseases.

Prohibited for use by people with excessive sensitivity to the composition of the medication and under the age of 18. Children from 12 years of age are allowed Septolete Total tablets.

How to use the spray - 2 presses on the sprayer every 2 hours, five times a day. Duration of treatment - 4 days.

Which ones are inexpensive?

If for a patient the main selection criterion is the price of a medicine for a sore throat, then inexpensive drugs should be sought among domestically produced medicines, such as Kameton.

The price gradation of other medicines discussed above is as follows (from inexpensive to expensive):

  • Neo-Angin;
  • Septolete;
  • Geksoral tabs extra;
  • Strepsils;
  • Strepsils Express and Plus.

The cost of drugs, as a rule, varies depending on the region and country of the manufacturer.

What can children?

The above drugs are contraindicated for use in children of a younger age group:

  • Cameton is allowed only from 5 years old;
  • Neo-Angin - from 6 years old;
  • Strepsils with menthol and eucalyptus - from 5 years old;
  • Septolete Plus in lozenges - from 5 years;
  • Tablets Septolete Total - from 12 years old.
  • Strepsils Plus and Extra - from 12 years old;
  • Geksoral - from 12 years old.

The rest of the sore throat medicines discussed above for children are not suitable because they have not been clinically studied for the effectiveness of the safety of use in young patients. What medicines to take for a sore throat in a child?

If a child develops a bacterial infection (), confirmed by a laboratory, it will have to be treated with antibiotics. Moreover, treat exactly as much as the attending physician says, and not until the symptoms begin to disappear.

Use in children under 5 years of age is strongly discouraged due to the high likelihood of developing laryngospasm. Therefore, if the doctor suggests using sprays that are approved for children from 5 years old, he will tell you that small children (under 5 years old) should not spray medicine for sore throats on the throat, but on the inside of the cheek.

What are the most effective?

It is impossible to answer the question which medicine for sore throat, inexpensive and effective, can be called the most effective. The result of using the drug depends on the type of pathogens that provoked the sore throat, the individual characteristics of the body and other factors.

  1. In the treatment of tonsillitis (tonsillitis), the most effective drugs for sore throat with antibacterial and antimycotic action.
  2. With pharyngitis or laryngitis of non-infectious origin, it is enough to irrigate with painkillers in combination with the treatment of the underlying disease.
  3. Sore throat caused by postnasal syndrome (mucus dripping down the back of the throat with rhinitis) also does not require antibiotic treatment and can be eliminated or lidocaine tablets.
Only a doctor can determine what type of disease provoked a sore throat, and the medicine that he prescribes will be the most effective.

The best medicine

How to answer the question that is so often asked to pharmacy workers - what is the best medicine for a sore throat? If we are looking for the best pain reliever for the throat, it must certainly be a drug with a powerful anesthetic effect. In the considered preparations, anesthetics are contained in 4 medicines:

  • Strepsils Plus and Express - 0.78 mg of lidocaine in a single spray dose;
  • Geksoral Tabs Extra - 10 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate in one tablet;
  • Septolete Plus - 1.5 mg of benzocaine in a single dose of spray or 5 mg of benzocaine in 1 lozenge.
Simple arithmetic shows that one tablet of Hexoral Tabs Extra contains the largest amount of anesthetic, which gives reason to call it the best pain medicine for sore throats.

Useful video

Useful information about the drug Septolete can be found in this video:


  1. Effective throat medicines must have a combined effect and be active against bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  2. Each remedy has its own characteristics of use, contraindications, side effects. But to achieve an analgesic effect helps the drug, which contains the strongest anesthetic substance.
  3. If painkillers for the throat do not improve the situation or the patient feels worse while taking them, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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From the point of view of anatomy, the throat is the entrance gate not only for food, air, but also for many different infections. Each of us at least once in our lives during the cold season suffered from a sore throat. How to treat it correctly with such an abundance of drugs?

For clarity, let's imagine the throat - the "entrance gate" to our body - a window in the room. When the wind blows through the window (the throat becomes inflamed), cold and street debris enter the room. The room needs cleaning, and our window needs repairs: reinforcing the frame, plugging the gaps, etc. If the damage is severe, more serious intervention may be required.

Getting rid of the draft

If the wind is blowing around the apartment due to poorly foamed seams at double-glazed windows (viral infection), the master closes the gaps between the frame and the window opening. For us, antiviral drugs will become a sealant in the frame.

Rimantadine (Remantadine®), oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) or interferons ( Grippferon®, Viferon®) destroy viruses and block their reproduction.

Analogy: sealant does not allow air to pass between the frame and the wall.

The production of your own interferon is stimulated Cycloferon®, Tiloron (Amixin®, Lavomax®) or kagocel.

Analogy: their action can be compared with a sealant that expands in volume and covers the smallest cracks.

If the problem is due to cracked wooden frames (bacterial infection), sealant will not help. It is necessary to use classical methods: usually penicillins or macrolides.

Antibiotics of the penicillin series: phenoxymethylpenicillin (Ospen®), amoxicillin (Flemoxin Solutab®), amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (Amoxiclav®, Augmentin®) work like cotton wool: they plug cracks and do not let the cold inside the house.

Macrolides have a directed action and specifically destroy streptococci (they cause rheumatism as a complication of tonsillitis).

Analogy: for better tightness, a foam tape is used that fits snugly against the sashes and window frame.

"Azithromycin" (Sumamed®), midecamycin (Macropen®), clarithromycin (Kladits®, Klabaks®) destroy the causative agents of inflammation of the throat. Taking these drugs, like their ancestor erythromycin, requires strict adherence to the instructions: they should be drunk on an empty stomach, that is, half an hour before a meal or two hours after a meal. Self-adhesive tape does not stick to an uncleaned frame!

We compensate for the "production costs"

Treatment of the throat should not cause digestive disorders. Just as over-sealing window frames causes the glass to fog up, taking antibiotics can upset the balance of the microflora.

In order not to wipe the window sills every time, you need something that will effectively absorb moisture. In our case, antifungal agents are suitable: nystatin, fluconazole. The drugs have a different price and duration of work, and the mechanisms of action are almost the same.

Eliminate the consequences, recover

How do we act to protect ourselves during window repair? We dress warmly and eliminate the draft. In the treatment of the throat, allergy remedies or antihistamines are used for this purpose, for example, the substance loratadine (Claritin®, Lomilan®) or mebhydrolin (Diazolin®), - they do not cause drowsiness and do not inhibit the central nervous system. Children under three years old can be given cetirizine (Zyrtec®, Cetrin®, Zodak®), desloratadine (Erius®); older than two years - levocetirizine (Xyzal®).

Relieve inflammation and relieve headache drugs: ibuprofen (Nurofen®), paracetamol (Panadol®, Calpol®).

Repair without a master - self-help

While waiting for a meeting with a specialist - in emergency situations, when it is impossible to promptly call a doctor - we use improvised means: medicines sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

We destroy the pathogen at the place of its penetration

In many cases, a loosely closed window is caused by trivial things: dust, sand, and dirt have accumulated in the sashes. Therefore, to begin with, gargle with decoctions sage, chamomile, oak bark. If a well-known solution previously helped, for example furatsilina or rivanola, we use it. Mechanical flushing of bacteria is effective at any stage of sore throat. If it is not possible to cope with mud deposits with water, we connect special “solvents”.

Topical medicines

These drugs kill bacteria exactly where they enter the body. (When it's drafty, we cover the window tightly after we clear the joints between the doors and the frames.)

Aerosols ( Stopangin® etc.) contain a mixture of antibiotics (levomenthol and hexetidine) based on essential oils: the oils are absorbed into the mucous membrane, “drawing” antibiotics with them.

Another effective antimicrobial drug Novosept forte®. Contains a powerful analgesic substance tetracaine (4 times stronger than the usual novocaine!) and zinc ions- anti-inflammatory component.

Important: you can use aerosols from a conscious age, because after irrigating the throat, you need to eat, drink, and swallow nothing for five minutes.

Sprays work the same lozenges, lozenges, absorbable tablets, For example, Septolete® or Strepsils®. Their reception is designed for a longer period of time. By analogy with washing window frames, after using such products, a thin film is formed that repels dust.

Treatment of the throat should be comprehensive and selected depending on the causative agent of the disease. Self-made measures are good at the very beginning. If, despite active treatment, the sore throat does not go away, you should consult a doctor. No matter how much you close up the window frame, but if the glass cracked (in medical terms, an abscess formed - purulent inflammation of the tissues), you can’t do without the intervention of a specialist.

It makes no sense to seal the crack with adhesive tape, and it is dangerous - the glass can fall out, break, cause injury, even cause death. In the same way, the resulting abscess is extremely dangerous. Therefore, the window should be replaced only by the master, and the abscess should be removed by the surgeon. Regardless of localization, all patients with a throat abscess are subject to emergency hospitalization in a hospital.

Sergey Buyanov

Photo thinkstockphotos.com

Painful sensations in the throat can occur for various reasons, but most often they are provoked by viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Many patients mistake such a symptom for a manifestation of the common cold, but this is not always the case.

Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease, taking into account which the specialist will select the necessary drug. In a home first aid kit, you should definitely have a good medicine for sore throat, which in a short time will help get rid of an unpleasant symptom and alleviate the patient's condition.

Specialists identify infectious and non-infectious causes that can cause sore throats. The main culprits of the disease are viruses and bacteria that can enter the human body through a kiss, handshake or sexual intercourse. Often people develop a normal one, at which the temperature does not appear, but it worries and. With a possible absence of cough and, but at the same time, the throat hurts a lot, the body temperature rises and it is rather problematic to swallow food.

The main pathology in which a sore throat appears is viral laryngitis. In addition, inflammation of the tonsils of the palate, which is called, can cause discomfort and soreness in the throat. In the absence of effective therapy, acute tonsillitis becomes chronic and pain in the larynx can occur with any even slight hypothermia. In childhood, streptococcal tonsillitis is most often diagnosed, which may not cause the appearance of vivid symptoms. At the same time, with such a pathology, pain in the throat area necessarily appears, and fever develops.

Non-communicable diseases can cause discomfort in the throat, and this happens under conditions of unfavorable environmental conditions or due to heredity.

Often, a sore throat develops when a person comes into contact with allergens such as pollen or animal hair. In addition to this symptom, the eyes become very red, rhinitis, cough and body temperature rise. Too dry air in the room and malfunctions of the digestive sphincter, when gastric juice enters the esophagus, can provoke irritation of the walls of the pharynx.

Medicines for children

For sore throats in children, it is recommended to use medicines in the form of aerosols and sprays, which are used to irrigate the throat and the surface of the tonsils. Such medicines have antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.

It is necessary to use such medicines after meals and, and the frequency of their use is 2-4 times a day. It is important to remember that aerosol preparations are not prescribed for children under 3 years of age, since there is a risk of laryngospasm.

A good effect in the treatment of sore throats in children is given by such an anti-inflammatory agent as. The drug has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and helps to alleviate the condition of the child in a few applications.

Treatment of sore throats in children is allowed with the following topical antiseptics:

  • Ingalipt
  • Cameton
  • Anti-angin

As prescribed by the doctor, when eliminating discomfort in the throat, iodine preparations can be used, which are local antiseptics, but can provoke allergies. In addition, their prolonged use can have a depressing effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and cause iodism, so it is best to refuse self-medication with their help.

When a child complains of a sore throat, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • Yoks

A good effect in the treatment of the throat is given by the following local antiseptics in the form of tablets:

  • Laripront
  • Septolete
  • Pharyngosept
  • Grammidin

When pain occurs in the child's throat, you should show the doctor who will examine him and select the most effective drug.

Medicines for adults

There are a large number of drugs for the treatment of sore throat and each of them has a different effectiveness. In the treatment of pathology in adults, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

  • Grammidin is a lozenge that has a pleasant taste. They help to relieve pain in a short time and have antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. When used correctly, such a medication does not cause side effects and helps to get rid of a sore throat in a short time.
  • is an aerosol for topical use in which an antibiotic is present. The medicine has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, helps not only to eliminate sore throat, but also completely cure it.
  • Septolete is a drug that has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The drug is prescribed for adults for somatic therapy for pain in the throat. Septolete is able to quickly cope with the infection at the local level, because it has an antimicrobial effect.
  • is a spray that has a strong antifungal and antibacterial effect. Typically, such a drug is prescribed to eliminate not only pain in the throat, but also the relief of inflammatory processes in various diseases. It is necessary to use Hexoral in strict accordance with the instructions, since a violation of the dosage may be accompanied by overdrying of the mucosa.

It is rather problematic to choose a universal remedy for sore throats, since the same remedy can have a different effect on each person. It is for this reason that only a doctor should prescribe medications, taking into account the complexity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the human body.

Throat treatment during pregnancy

Sore throat during pregnancy usually indicates the progression of an infectious disease in the body. Expectant mothers are not recommended to self-medicate and self-prescribe medications, since taking some of them can adversely affect the development of the child.

During pregnancy, if indicated, it is allowed to use throat sprays:

  • Stopangin
  • Hexoral

Women in the treatment of sore throats can use lozenges for resorption, for example, Laripront and Lyzobakt. A good effect in the fight against pathology is given by lollipops containing mint, eucalyptus or lemon extract.

During pregnancy, the following tablets for throat diseases are allowed:

  1. Pharyngosept - their resorption helps to get rid of pain and relieve inflammation
  2. - tablets must be crushed into powder and dissolved in a liter of water

Among other drugs, a solution has proven itself well, which is considered an antiseptic drug. Treatment of the throat with such a solution helps to reduce intoxication, reduce sore throat and speed up the recovery of a woman. It is possible to soften a sore throat with the help of such a folk remedy as tea with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice.

Rinses and inhalations in case of illness

At home, you can gargle a sore throat with the following medicines:

  1. contains eucalyptus extract, which is effective in combating various pathogenic microorganisms. The medicine is produced in the form of an alcohol and oil solution, as well as in the form of tablets.
  2. It has a bitter taste, but it does not need to be diluted before using it. The disadvantage of such a drug is the possibility of a dark plaque on the teeth.
  3. in its action is similar to an antibiotic, but it is not. In order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction, it is not allowed to swallow the solution and do not rinse your mouth with it for too long.

A good effect in the treatment of sore throats is given by rinsing with the addition of, or usually soda. Inhalations are considered an effective remedy for eliminating pathologies of the throat, which can be carried out both using an inhaler and a regular pan.

Almost everyone has had a sore throat at least once. At the same time, I wanted to get rid of unpleasant sensations as quickly as possible. In order to choose the most effective way to get rid of pain and irritation of the respiratory tract, it is worth finding out the causes of the development of diseases.

Today, pharmacy chains offer a huge variety of products. These include lozenges, lozenges, solutions for rinsing and lubricating mucous membranes. An effective remedy for a sore throat will be the one that suits the particular case for the patient.

These drugs have a local effect, but are not capable of a therapeutic effect systemically. For some diseases, this is an important point.

The composition of tablets and solutions for the treatment of the throat may contain substances that have a powerful therapeutic effect. Usually the main components are antiseptics and anesthetics, herbal extracts, essential oils and antibiotics. at first glance, they seem harmless means. However, in any case, only a doctor should prescribe them.

This is due to the different etiologies of throat diseases. So, bacterial sore throat must be treated with an agent that contains an antibiotic. If this is not done, use weaker antibacterial drugs, the result may be the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

In addition, with improper treatment, serious diseases such as pneumonia develop. Only a doctor is able to identify the cause after a thorough visual examination and study of the obtained laboratory tests.

If a viral microflora of the respiratory tract is diagnosed, then antiviral drugs are prescribed. Antibiotics in this case will be ineffective and even contraindicated in order not to disturb the natural microflora of the mouth and throat.

Effective throat medicines in the form of tablets

These funds provide rapid effectiveness of getting rid of pain. They are successfully used as symptomatic therapy for pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

Local exposure helps to stop the inflammatory process and prevent it from spreading to neighboring areas. The main disadvantage of tablets is the lack of systemic effects.

Almost all drugs have an active substance in the form of an anesthetic. The tablets also have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Thanks to this, the main etiological factors causing the cough reflex are effectively eliminated.

The most effective and safe pills include the following:

  • Strepsils;
  • Flurbiprofen;
  • Gramidin;
  • Septolete.

The frequency of administration largely depends on the disease. On average, it is recommended to dissolve 1 tablet 4-5 times a day. In the absence of the desired effect within 5 days, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

This is especially necessary when there are side effects in the form of allergic reactions. All tablets, like other drugs, may not be used in all cases.

Indications and contraindications for taking pills

Absorbable throat remedies can be used in the following cases:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, tonsils, larynx.
  2. Oral agents are great for lacunar, follicular and. A good effect is observed in chronic tonsillitis in the acute stage, pharyngitis, tracheitis and laryngitis, as well as laryngotracheitis.
  3. Lozenges can be used to treat glossitis and stomatitis (see). This will help reduce the spread of infection to the respiratory tract and prevent the development of their inflammation.
  4. Lozenges and lozenges can be used by people working in adverse conditions associated with constant tension of the vocal cords and other occupational hazards.
  5. Shown as a symptomatic treatment for sore throat due to cigarette smoking. In this case, it is important not to exceed the prophylactic dosage.

Despite their effectiveness, tablets, lozenges and lozenges also have contraindications for use. To avoid negative consequences, the instructions should be read before use. This will help to avoid the negative consequences associated with improper treatment.

For example, with a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, the use of drugs with an antibiotic is prohibited. This can be not only ineffective, but also worsen the situation. Antibiotics in this case will give a strong load on the liver.

Absorbable tablets are used for sore throats in children, usually under the age of 3 years. As an exception, it can be crushed and sprinkled on the tongue. The use of lozenges is prohibited until 5-6 years. When using any drug, hypersensitivity to its components must be taken into account.

For example, a drug such as Strepfen cannot be used for gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and asthma. Hexoral is contraindicated in the presence of erosions and ulcers on the oral mucosa.

Strepsils is not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation and during pregnancy planning (see). The video in this article will help you navigate how to choose the right effective means in the form of tablets, as well as sprays and solutions.

Products containing antibiotics

Such drugs can be prescribed after consulting a doctor for topical use. Antibiotics help reduce the symptoms of the disease and speed up the healing process.

They slow down the growth of pathogenic microflora of the throat, at almost any stage of the development of the disease. Unfortunately, antibiotics can also destroy normal microflora, even when applied topically.

The following types of antibiotics are more commonly used to treat bacterial infections of the throat and mouth:

  • Sumamed;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Coldact Lorpis in the form of lozenges for resorption. This drug is contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy;
  • Pharyngosept;
  • Gramicidin;
  • Trachisan;
  • Stopangin.

Antibacterial drugs are the most effective treatment for a sore throat caused by a bacterial infection. They help to quickly contain the spread of the disease and dramatically speed up the healing process.

Effective mouthwash

Often diseases of the upper respiratory tract are accompanied by a large accumulation of viscous mucus. It interferes with normal breathing and provokes a cough reflex.

For rinsing, proven antiseptic solutions and herbal decoctions are used, such as:

  • Chlorhexidine
  • Hexoral
  • Miramistin
  • Furacilin
  • Dioxidine
  • Chlorophyllipt.

With angina, Furacilin has a rather powerful effect. It is prescribed in the form of rinses 4-5 times a day. You can prepare the solution in the following way: dissolve 2 tablets in 200 ml of boiled water, apply warm.

Good results are obtained by rinsing with probiotics such as Narine and Trilact. These drugs help to normalize the microflora of the mouth and throat, provide accelerated recovery.

The most popular herbal gargles are decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark, eucalyptus, and St. John's wort. Decoctions can be prepared with your own hands, so they will always be fresh and more effective.

Safe and effective throat remedies for children

For the treatment of the upper respiratory tract in childhood, the use of drugs for adults is prohibited. Such funds are produced specifically for children. Their feature is that the dosage of active substances is reduced, and they do not contain excessively harmful additives. Such drugs are allowed to be used as early as the age of 2 years, and sometimes even earlier.

As practice shows, the safest age is 3-4 years. At this time, the child quite consciously understands the correctness of taking the drug in this form.

For children aged 3-5 years, the following medications can be used:

  • Strepsils;
  • Lizobakt;
  • Septolete;
  • Carmolis;
  • Pharyngosept;
  • Tantum Verde.

What products usually contain substances of natural plant origin. Therefore, they are considered the safest.

Effective throat remedies for pregnant women

During this period, almost all drugs are prohibited. This greatly complicates the treatment process and can often lead to prolonged forms of respiratory disease. To choose the right drug, you need to visit an ENT doctor and an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Attention!!! It is forbidden to independently acquire and take medications, as this may adversely affect the formation of the fetus and pregnancy in general.

The following drugs are absolutely contraindicated for use for sore throat during pregnancy:

  • Wicks;
  • Strepfen;
  • Falimint;
  • Stopangin;
  • Strepsils;
  • Septolete.

This is due to the fact that they contain certain chemicals that can harm the unborn child.

During this period, completely different medications are allowed that are safe for both the fetus and the mother herself, namely:

  • Pharyngosept;
  • Laripront;
  • Lysobak;
  • Sebedin;
  • breast collection No. 4 in the form of tablets.

The frequency of administration largely depends on the state of health. Usually it is 3-4 lozenges per day. To relieve symptoms, you can dissolve ordinary lozenges that contain honey, eucalyptus, mint, menthol and lemon extract. The price of drugs is quite affordable and funds are not a scarce commodity in pharmacies.

Aerosol preparations as an effective means of combating sore throat

These are mainly over-the-counter medicines for topical application, as a spray on the diseased mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Their advantage lies in the fact that they are allowed to be used by children from 3 years old. After spraying, the agent is kept in the oral cavity for at least a minute. Then for half an hour you should not eat or drink liquids.

Table. Aerosols for sore throat:

№P/P Name of the drug Mode of application Indications Contraindications
1. Tantum Verde. Every 2-3 hours for adults 5-7 doses, for children from 3-6 years old 1-3 doses, older up to 4 doses. Viral lesions of the respiratory mucosa (viral pharyngitis). Laryngospasm, children under 3 years old, allergy to drug components.
2. Ingalipt. Adults 3-4 applications per day, children from 3 years old, 2 times a day. All inflammatory processes of the throat. Allergic reactions, children under 3 years old.
3. Stopangin. Adults and children from 8 years old, 3 times a day, 2-3 irrigations. Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, any etiology. Pregnancy, atrophic pharyngitis.
4. Hexoral spray. Adults and children over the age of 3 years, 2 times a day, 1 spray. The duration of admission is about a week. All inflammatory lesions. Age up to 3 years, allergic reaction.
5. Cameton. Adults and children from 5 years old, 4 times a day, 3 sprays. Bacterial lesions of the mucous membrane of the throat. Age up to 5 years, allergic reaction, pregnancy.
6. Tera Flu Lar. Adults up to 6 times a day, 4 irrigations, children over 4 years old 3 sprays, 4 times a day. Inflammatory diseases accompanied by severe sore throat. Breastfeeding, pregnancy, age up to 4 years.

In a large selection of modern remedies for the throat, anyone can get confused. Preparations are available with various components and effects. Absolutely all of them have their indications and contraindications. To avoid side effects, you should not self-medicate. That is why a doctor should always prescribe an effective medicine for a sore throat.

The first symptom of a cold or acute respiratory disease is a sharp sore throat, which sometimes prevents a person from sleeping and eating normally. A sore, inflamed throat can also cause coughing fits, so even with the first symptoms of redness in the throat, it is necessary to start treatment, especially since choosing the right remedy is not difficult. Today, to help an irritated throat, a lot of drugs are produced - from solutions for inhalation to sprays. However, the price of drugs is not always affordable, and the purchase of an effective remedy sometimes "hit the pocket". Budget lozenges with healing components that will have an antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic effect can come to the rescue.

Sore throat lozenges

The main positive difference between lozenges and other drugs is their surface action, without entering the bloodstream, which minimizes side effects from use.


Do not allow the spread of disease-causing organisms.


Relieve pain by blocking nerve conduction.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

They fight inflammation well and relieve pain well.

herbal remedies

Soothes an irritated throat and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

When choosing one or another tool, you should carefully study the instructions and clearly follow the instructions for the greatest effectiveness of the funds.

Also, do not forget that taking lollipops should not be too long, because despite the pleasant taste, these are medicines with potent substances.

In case of persistent inflammation of the larynx after taking the course of taking the drugs, it is recommended to contact a medical specialist.