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What qualities does a responsible person have? How to Demonstrate Maturity in a Relationship

The desire to become more responsible is admirable. At first, this task seems very difficult, but over time, responsibility becomes a habit! Keep all your promises and commitments. Organize your time and money correctly, take care of yourself and others, and do not forget about physical and emotional needs.


How to take care of yourself and others

  1. Clean up after yourself without being reminded. Always clean up after yourself and don't leave a mess so others don't have to clean it up. Whoever makes a mess should take care of cleanliness. Imagine and compare the other person's feelings when they come home and see a mess or cleanliness.

    • For example, if you make a sandwich and make a mess in the kitchen, take the time to put away all the food, sweep up the crumbs, and wash the dishes or at least put them in the dishwasher.
  2. Put things in their place right away so you don’t waste time on it later. Keeping track of personal items like shoes or keys is solely your task. If you put them back immediately after use, you won't have to search for the item you need later. In addition to order and organization, it shows that you value your belongings.

    • For example, always hang your keys on a hook or place them on the table when you get home and close the door so you know where they are.
  3. Do household chores without being reminded. Doing what you're asked is a sign of responsibility, but you should also learn to help around the house without being asked to show you care about yourself and others. Show that you are responsible enough to notice needs and do helpful things on your own initiative.

    • For example, you noticed that no one took out the trash today. There is no need to leave this to anyone else. Take the initiative.
    • Let's say no one thought about dinner. Discuss your suggestions and prepare dinner for the whole family.
  4. Put other people's needs before your own. If you have family, friends, and pets, responsibility requires putting their needs before your own. This doesn't mean you need to forget about yourself, but you can meet your needs later if your loved ones need your help right now.

    • For example, you are really hungry, but your little sister has cut herself and needs help. Obviously, you should take care of the cut first.
    • Learn to separate “needs” from “wants”. For example, you want to meet with friends, but your parents need you to stay home and look after your brother. Going out with friends may seem like a need, but it's still more of a desire.
  5. Be consistent. Responsibility is depreciated if it is accidental. If you want to become a responsible person, then choose a procedure that is convenient for you and follow it. For example, you don’t need to study for ten hours straight and then forget about your lessons for several weeks. It is better to spend 1 hour every day and regularly repeat the material covered, rather than cramming at one time.

    • To be consistent, you need to keep your word and keep your promises to yourself and others.
    • Be a reliable person so that people can trust you and your word.

    How to Demonstrate Maturity in a Relationship

    1. Be responsible for your actions. If you did something wrong, you need to admit it. We all make mistakes, there are no exceptions, but only responsible people are ready to admit their mistakes.

      • Even if no one “caught” you in the act, admit that you made a mistake. For example, if you accidentally broke a friend's thing, then there is no need to try to hide this fact. Say: "I'm sorry, I accidentally broke your sunglasses. Can I buy you new glasses?"
    2. Tell the truth to maintain genuine relationships. A harmless lie, like saying you like your friend's scarf if you don't, is unlikely to be a problem, but if there is a major deception in the relationship (for example, you lied about what you're doing), there can be serious consequences. Be completely honest with people because only sincere people are responsible enough to tell the truth.

      • Often, after deception, you need to maintain a fictitious story, which is very difficult.
    3. Stay in touch with loved ones and friends. Don't let the relationship fade. Organize meetings or hold social events to show your responsibility and commitment to spending time with loved ones.

      • Offer your help if needed. Perhaps one day you will also need the help of friends.
      • Make time for personal meetings. Be responsible enough to organize your time and make appointments with loved ones in advance.
      • Don't look at your phone while communicating. People are more important than news on social media.
    4. Look for solutions, not culprits. Every relationship has problems. We should not blame other people for everything, but find solutions. Responsible people look for solutions, not for blame.

      • For example, you correspond with a relative, and various misunderstandings constantly occur between you, which develop into quarrels.
      • There is no need to blame your interlocutor. Offer to meet and think about how to solve the problem. For example, agree to write more specifically or ask for explanations if there is a lack of information.
      • Try to resolve the issue rather than attack the person. Personal attacks are a road to nowhere.
    5. Think and only then speak. Irresponsible people rush to say whatever comes into their head, including curse words and insults. Always think about your future words. You can't let anger take over.

      • If you're too angry to watch your words, count to ten to yourself and take deep, calming breaths. You can also tell your interlocutor: “I need a couple of minutes to calm down. Then we can continue the conversation. I don’t want to say something that I will regret.”
    6. Learn to think about other people's thoughts and feelings. People know how to empathize and sympathize. When you want to say or do something, think about how it will make the other person feel. When in doubt, think about how you would feel. If this is an offense, then it is better to reconsider your words or actions.

      • We are not responsible for other people's feelings, but we are responsible for our words or actions towards them. Responsible people know how to empathize and put themselves in the shoes of others in a specific situation.

    How to plan your time

    1. Create a schedule to manage your time. Any paper task planner or special electronic application will help you remember your responsibilities. This way you won't forget everything you need to do. In addition, a planner will help you know how you spend your time.

      • Write down all appointments, locations, and responsibilities in your planner. Indicate the time of each task like “Dishes from 15:15 to 15:30”, “Homework from 15:30 to 16:30” and so on.
      • Review your schedule throughout the day so you don't forget anything.
    2. Remember that there is time for business, but time for fun. One of the qualities of responsible people is not to put off work until later. First you need to complete the tasks, and then you can relax and rest with peace of mind.

      • For example, if you need to wash the dishes, but you want to go for a walk, then wash the dishes first. Then go for a walk and don't worry about unfinished business.
    3. Monitor how much time you spend on social media. People don't even realize how much time they take up. It may seem like you don't have time to do things, but you can get everything done if you forget about your phone, tablet or computer for a while.

      • Use an app that will limit gaming and social media time on your smartphone or computer. Learn to be responsible with your time.
    4. Benefit society. Try to take care not only of your personal life, but also of the society in which you live. We all live among people, so find time for other people and help improve the life of your city. Find time to volunteer every month.

      • Volunteer work doesn't have to be boring! Find something to do that matches your interests, be it nature or books. So, you can participate in cleaning the park or help in the library.
    5. Make long-term commitments. It's easy to remember to take on new and exciting responsibilities, but over time the newness will wear off. If you become a member of a club, volunteer, or create a public organization, then do not forget about your obligations even after many months.

      • Don't quit halfway through. This does not mean that you need to do one thing for the rest of your life. If you agreed to manage the organization for a year, then carry out your work for at least one year (in the absence of force majeure).

Everyone chooses the life for which they will later be responsible.
Be an example and take responsibility for your thoughts,
words and deeds are worthy of a Man.

I have heard many times from others that you must be responsible in your studies, work, raising children, etc. But somewhere inside I felt that there should be a different and very important for every person designation of the concept of Responsibility.

As a child, when I took on some work or was entrusted with an important task, I had a sense of responsibility, somewhere on an intuitive level, but it immediately turned to the external, to worries about material things. Adults always said that my actions or words determine what the result will be. After all, since I was given the task, it means I can’t let you down, and everything needs to be completed to the end. But after these explanations from the adults, for some reason I had the feeling that I owed it to someone, since I undertook to do something, and if the result was not what they wanted it to be, then they would ask me for it. Against the background of this, a feeling of oppression and annoyance appeared, which overshadowed the most sincere motives.

I became convinced that the essence of the concept of responsibility is much broader than I was taught when I came into contact with the work of the wonderful writer A. Novykh several years ago. After all, in society the concept of responsibility is always imposed precisely from a materialistic point of view: the more you take on some tasks or responsibilities, the more the status of “responsibility” will increase in the eyes of others. With each new book, I began to discover a lot of educational things that seemed very familiar, but for some reason forgotten. Such simple truths, but at the same time opening up new horizons of knowledge, did not leave me indifferent, because they resonated with my worldview. It was in these books that I discovered the true meaning of responsibility, which had remained somewhere in the depths since childhood.

What is real responsibility?

First, let's look at the classic concept of what responsibility is:

Responsibility is reliability, honesty towards oneself and others; this is awareness and willingness to admit that the results (reactions) that you receive in the course of your actions are the consequence of your actions (actions).


Responsibility is an obligation, the need to give an account of one’s actions, actions, etc. and be responsible for their possible consequences, for the result of something.

That is, for every person who lives according to Conscience, a sense of responsibility is an integral part of his life. Such a person is honest with others, and most importantly, with himself. He will never let you down and will be responsible for his actions, even if they seem unpleasant, and at the same time his consciousness begins to say: “I’m so good, I couldn’t do that,” etc.

In my opinion, a phrase from A. Novykh’s book “AllatRa” (p. 154) would be appropriate here, fully revealing the meaning of the concept of responsibility:

"Every person is a Personality who bears, first of all, spiritual responsibility for everything that she does and chooses in her life. After all, most people understand what responsibility is. They take responsibility in deciding some life, ideological, everyday, financial and other issues. They try mainly not for themselves, but for their family, for the sake of the future of their children and grandchildren, for the sake of friends, people close to them, and so on. So in the spiritual, as in the main matter for every person, you need to take responsibility for your spiritual destiny and do everything possible and impossible in your life to merge with your Soul and gain true Freedom from the material world. You don’t need to wait for someone, you need to act on your own and start first of all with yourself. You need to be a good example yourself. for those around you, then positive changes in you and in society will not keep you waiting."

From this we can conclude: a person must be responsible not only in the everyday sphere or relationships with other people, but also, first of all, in spiritual work on himself.

And for clarity, we can conditionally divide responsibility into external and internal.

How does it manifest itself and what is accompanied by making a decision and taking responsibility in any life situation:

External responsibility:

  • responsibility for completing assigned tasks and affairs;
  • responsibility for the family, children, parents, etc.;
  • responsibility to comply with generally accepted laws and regulations.

Internal responsibility:

  • be honest with yourself and always monitor your condition, since the external is a reflection of our internal and always remember that my choice can cause external manifestations that will affect the lives of other people, or even society as a whole;
  • readiness at every moment to be responsible for your thoughts, words, actions, deeds and their consequences;
  • responsibility before God for one’s spiritual destiny, for merging with one’s Soul, for one’s Choice to follow the Spiritual Goal.

The understanding has come that Real Responsibility is within. Only I, as a Personality, am responsible for my actions, thoughts, and actions. But the most important thing is for your Choice before God: to be deceived by the seduction of this material world and, thereby, prepare for yourself death and a further painful fate for my Personality, or to cultivate in every moment a feeling of boundless Gratitude and Love, to unite with your Soul and become new Spiritual Being!

9 ways to increase your own responsibility - how to become a responsible person?

Responsibility- one of the most main human qualities. People endowed with this property are more willingly hired, it is more pleasant not only to communicate with them, but also to have at least some contact in general, because an irresponsible person is an adult child, you cannot expect help from him, he is eccentric and is not able to be responsible for his own actions and words.

How to become a responsible person?

Having become responsible for his life, a person gains freedom, begins to build his own happiness on his own, overcomes obstacles and achieves his goals.

  • The first rule is plan your day

Many large companies conduct time management trainings. It allows you to effectively distribute your time so that you have enough for everything.

Americans and Germans are famous workaholics, but on Friday evening everyone is on the golf course. None of them stay late at work or take work home. And why all? Because they have manage to do everything during working hours.

The theory of time management is suitable even for a housewife. With it, any person begins to truly value their time, learn to distribute it correctly, and not waste a single minute.

  • Train your memory

Always pay attention to the little things, which your consciousness can cling to. It will be difficult at first, but then you will easily be able to remember what you ate last Monday and whether you really turned off the iron.

The ability to remember a large amount of information is a very useful skill in life. After all, a good memory helps you track your mistakes in order to take them into account in the future.

  • Don't waste words

A responsible person thinks first will he be able to complete the task? or comply with the necessary conditions, and only then promises something. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can say that you will simply try or you will not be able to guarantee 100% compliance with the conditions.

  • Write down your plans and tasks , because you can’t remember everything

Then you you'll never forget about a very important meeting or serious negotiations. By the way, organizers were invented for these purposes.

  • Practice more organizational work

It doesn’t matter what it will be - a picnic, a holiday or a school trip to another city. Take on everything! The more events you organize, the easier and faster it will be, and the easier it will become for you to manage your life.

  • Never say phrases: “if it weren’t for work/weather/friends...”, “it’s all the fault of the leadership/government/doctors/oligarchs...” and so on

Man is the master of his life! He has the power, if not to change his conditions of existence, then to change them. Repeat every morning like a mantra: “I am the master of my life. Only I am responsible for what happens to me.” Believe what is said, because it is true!

  • Find yourself a like-minded person and develop with him in unison

It's easier to change together than alone. After all, even on a diet it’s easier to stay on track if someone supports you. Share successes, recipes for overcoming difficulties, and compete in increasing your responsibility. This is the best way to motivate both of you.

In this case, you can tell your friend that yesterday you organized an excursion for 40 fifth-graders to the zoo, and the interlocutor will tell you that she took on a complex project at work and has almost completed it.

  • Always - act

Even in the most difficult situation don't lose yourself and look for ways way out of the crisis. And if you seem to have no problems and everything is going smoothly, then don’t stop there, but think about the next goal. Go and strive for it.

  • Change

Don't think that it's impossible to change with age. Amazing transformations happen even at 70 years old. People change their lives qualitatively, become really happy and free. Therefore, there is no need to attribute failures to fate. All or almost all problems are a consequence of our actions and mistakes that need to be analyzed and corrected.

Increasing responsibility implies necessarily leaving your comfort zones. And along this path you will have to step over yourself more than once.

But you definitely need to overcome and take this step in order to reach a new level of quality of life with increased responsibility!

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To whom and for what is a person responsible? In front of loved ones, in front of your children and parents, and also in front of yourself. It is important to understand what we bear the burden of responsibility for. For our attitude towards people, for our lack of faith in our own children, for our lack of faith in ourselves, for our deeds - completed and unfulfilled, and of course for the actions we commit. And there is also responsibility for words and thoughts. To be responsible is to realize that, no matter how pretentious it may sound, you are the creator of your life and remember that it is no one’s fault that life proceeds this way and not otherwise. Today we will give you 10 tips on how to become a more responsible person.

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Human life is a series of events that entail responsibility. Getting married is an important step in everyone's life. We take responsibility for our other half and for our future life together. If the family breaks up without even living a year, then it is absolutely clear that the couple did not perceive this event in life as responsibility. Without mutual responsibility and mutual understanding, even with great love, the family boat will crash on the rocks of life.

1. A child was born in the family. This joyful event entails the need to realize the enormous responsibility that falls on the shoulders of parents. Especially at an early age, children, like sponges, absorb everything that surrounds them. Success in education is a personal positive example of behavior. If a father treats his mother with tenderness and care, then the son, observing his father’s behavior from a very early age, will treat his mother in the same way, and then his soul mate.

2. Responsibility for oneself - understanding what we are responsible for and what we are not responsible for. It is important to be able to communicate with people, refuse or accept a refusal in such a way as not to break off relationships and not offend - it is difficult, but you need to strive for this. Because this is a manifestation of responsible behavior.

3. You can become a more responsible person if you realize that we make decisions on our own and will be responsible for the consequences ourselves. Quite often, parents, in an effort to protect their children from the dangers of life, prevent the development of strength that will help them cope with the problems of life. Children grow up without faith in themselves. As adults, it will be difficult for them to be responsible people.

4. As long as we believe that the life situation, our failures come from someone outside, then we have no desire to change ourselves. Therefore, to change the current situation in life that does not suit you, work on yourself and take responsibility for your destiny into your own hands. We must remember that being responsible for everything at once means not being responsible for anything.

5. Becoming a more responsible person will allow you to take responsibility for everything in your life and destiny is always in your own hands. And we must always remember that if you shift responsibility to others, you will not be able to learn anything yourself.

6. You must finally make a firm decision to take responsibility for your life. Responsibility for all the white and black stripes in your destiny. Every morning, out loud, say this statement to yourself until you accept it as truth. Your faith in it as truth will bring it to life.

7. A responsible person is a free person, and in order not to depend on circumstances, include a sufficiently large space in your area of ​​responsibility. The space with which you come into contact, where you live, is mandatory. The better you understand a space, the less problems you'll have with it. Before traveling to a country unknown to you, study all the intricacies of local life, find out the history and then your trip will go perfectly.

8. A happy person will be able to give happiness to his children and this is precisely his responsibility for their destiny. Your health is in your hands. Take responsibility for your body, take care of it, love it and soon you will notice positive changes.

9. Getting rid of fears, especially about everything new, will help you become a more responsible person. Be honest, do not be afraid of new things, because the saying is true - the more honest a person is, the more responsible he is.

10.You took responsibility for your life, and this does not mean that you wished bad things on yourself. There is no need to lynch yourself for failures - it is absolutely useless. Just take responsibility for your circumstances - and remember, you control them. You can change everything that doesn't suit you. Don't lose your right to choose, change your attitude towards what is happening.

We hope that 10 tips on how to become a more responsible person will help you!

The Austrian psychologist, philosopher and humanist Viktor Frankl once subtly noticed that responsibility is the basis of the foundations of human existence. And indeed, for any adult, responsibility is a strictly required quality, unless, of course, he wants to be independent, successful and happy. We will talk about how to become more responsible in this material.

Responsibility: why is it important?

In the modern world, many people, unfortunately, absolutely do not want to grow up. Having reached adulthood or a later age, they still continue to sit on the neck of their parents, the state, or even their spouse - husband or wife. They play computer games, spend time on the Internet or in bad company on the street and completely forget that their role in life is also to find a decent job, receive a good salary and provide for their family.

Only a responsible person can achieve the above goals and become a respected and in all respects worthy person. A responsible person understands that in each individual situation he has a huge variety of choices, knows how to make decisions and knows that his life time is limited. Such an individual values ​​every free minute, tries to use it to his advantage and never shifts responsibility for his actions, feelings and thoughts to other people or circumstances. He does not blame others for his failures and mistakes and knows that in order to change something, he must start with himself and change himself.

Let's return to Frankl, who, by the way, developed an entire theory dedicated to the meaning of life and responsibility, calling it logotherapy (from the Greek "logos", which means "meaning"). According to the famous Austrian doctor, responsibility is what life itself confronts a person and what many of us try to avoid. He often compared responsibility to an abyss, very deep and frightening, but at the same time very majestic.

A prominent psychologist notes that our future and the future of other people depend entirely on us. After all, every second only we make a choice and make a separate decision, realize or, conversely, miss the opportunity available at a given moment in time. And not only our behavior, but also the behavior and attitude of others towards us depends on what decision we make.

About overly responsible people

But there is another extreme - excessive responsibility, which, by the way, is characteristic of quite a lot of people. For example, it often affects individuals with a shy character. Individuals who lack self-confidence and have low self-esteem often project their fears into the future. For example, they are often afraid to call or take the first step before meeting an interesting person, because they are pre-set to refuse and think that the potential interlocutor will not communicate with them due to being busy, unwilling to build relationships and communicate with them. Thus, they take responsibility for the feelings, thoughts and actions of other people in advance, thereby programming themselves for failure.

If we talk about excessive responsibility in general, then at its core, it is actually the same as irresponsible behavior, since a person thinks about others, but stops thinking about himself, taking care of himself and his needs.

How to become more responsible?

Those who want to get rid of excessive responsibility and control can recommend reading two books: Henry Cloud - “Barriers” and Susan Jeffers - “Be Afraid, but Act!” In the first of the proposed works, it is well explained what exactly we ourselves are responsible for, and what other people are responsible for. In particular, we are responsible to others and to ourselves. The book will also teach you how to set personal boundaries, make the right choice despite the manipulations and emerging feelings of your interlocutor, say “No” in various life situations, etc.

The second book is a popular bestseller from a specialist in the field of positive psychology. Studying this creation, by the way, will be very helpful for those people who suffer from shyness, indecisiveness and various fears.

Take responsibility for your life. In other words, realize that in any given situation you have thousands of possibilities and choices. But you make this choice yourself, not anyone else.

Remember the finitude of our lives. Appreciate every free minute and do not forget that at every single moment you also make a choice. Some decisions lift you up, others bring you down.

Try not to shift responsibility to others or external circumstances. Many people often attribute failures to an unhappy childhood, psychological trauma, and blame others (parents, spouses, etc.). This is an unconstructive position. To become more responsible, you need to gradually remove yourself from the place of a child and take the position of an adult who is responsible for everything in his life.

In relationships with other people, share responsibility in half. Remember that any relationship (business, personal, etc.) must be equal. Equal responsibility does not mean that your companion, business partner or manager should behave in the same way as you. This means that each of us has his own burdens and responsibilities that he must fulfill properly. You are responsible only for your own side and do not invade someone else’s territory.

Get Rid of the Inner Talker, which Susan Jeffers writes about in her book. The Inner Talker is the monologue that you conduct with yourself, preventing you from overcoming your fears and taking responsibility for what is happening. In other words, this is negative thinking and it needs to be gradually replaced with positive thinking.

Learn to say “No” to the people around you. Get started starting small, for example, in order to refuse sellers in stores. When saying “No” to your interlocutor, it is important to remember that your interlocutor may have negative feelings - anger, resentment, etc. They can be used as manipulation to get you to agree with the persuader. Therefore, despite them, stand firm in your position. For example, if you break up a relationship with a man who is not suitable for you, do not make contact. A person needs to experience the bitterness of loss, pain is a manifestation of love for him, since it passes over time.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Expand your comfort zone. Start with small tasks, then move on to larger ones. For example, sign up for training courses and get a new profession. Take on a new work order and complete the assigned task “100 percent”. All this will help you build your self-confidence.

Keep a diary. In it, note both victories and mistakes that you should pay attention to next time so as not to make the wrong choice. Review your notes regularly so you don't forget what you once did.

Formulate your life goals and begin to consistently achieve them. Take responsibility for formulating these goals. There is a separate section on proper goal setting on our website.

Realize the benefits that dissolute behavior and irresponsibility give you. This is a difficult point to implement, but very important. Many people do not understand that it is beneficial for them to remain small children, get sick, or avoid something, because... Such behavior attracts a lot of attention towards oneself, sympathy and support. Over time, you must learn to act and make your own decisions, regardless of whether others approve of them or are negative about them.