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What breed of dog do you prefer? Which dog to choose for your home or apartment. Unpretentious dog breeds for apartments

Dogs are among the most popular and common pets not only in Russian cities, but also in foreign countries. In most cases, when choosing a dog for apartment living, preference is given to small, dwarf or medium-sized breeds.

How to choose a dog breed for an apartment

The very first domesticated dogs, according to scientists, were not only watchdogs, but also devoted companions and assistants to humans on the hunt. Only later did a certain division of all dog breeds into separate groups, determined by their main purpose, develop. The very first were guard dogs and hunting breeds, and a little later - small decorative or “sofa” dogs, which were not required to provide official, working or security activities.

This classification of dog breeds is considered to be quite arbitrary and not very informative. With the development of mankind, there has been a radical change in the scope of application of some breeds. To a large extent, such changes apply to hunting breeds, which today are increasingly moving into the category of pets.

Basically, all breeds are grouped according to typological basic characteristics or according to the nature of their use, for example, gun dogs and indoor decorative dogs. Currently, canine organizations recognize a different number of groups and dog breeds.

When choosing a dog breed for keeping in apartment conditions, it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors and parameters:

  • . It is important to remember that dogs of fighting breeds are unlikely to please neighbors with their presence in an apartment building;
  • The dog's ability to tolerate loneliness quite easily. Many breeds are extremely reluctant to stay at home alone, annoying others by barking or howling, and are also capable of damaging furniture or shoes;
  • the need to provide constant and careful care for your pet. Breeds with long or profusely shedding coats require more competent and fairly frequent grooming;
  • the presence of an allergy of any severity to dog hair in one of the household members. Currently, a fairly large number of different representatives of dog breeds have been bred, distinguished by the so-called “hypoallergenicity”;
  • presence in the house. A four-legged pet of any breed becomes not only a member of the family, but also a participant in joint entertainment and games, therefore it must have a good disposition and an absolutely calm character.

After you decide to get a dog, you need to understand that a pet needs attention and care, as well as proper care. Each animal has a very characteristic personality, its own disposition and habits, as well as temperament. When choosing, it is not recommended to focus solely on fashion trends or the appearance of the dog.

It is advisable to spend some time familiarizing yourself with specialized literature, visiting exhibitions and consulting with experienced, qualified breeders. Each breed has a different level of ability to train and learn, as well as the specifics of care or housing. That is why it is advisable to choose a breed that can be provided with comfortable maintenance and optimal care.

The so-called “non-shedding” or hypoallergenic dogs have become especially popular lately:

  • Maltese– a small breed with a beautiful and silky, snow-white coat. Playful, positive and very loyal, the lapdog is an excellent apartment option;
  • tibetan terrier– a fairly rare breed of dog in Russia, the representatives of which have a shaggy and funny appearance;
  • Yorkshire Terrier– a breed popular in different countries, which practically does not shed, takes up very little space, and can also be easily trained to relieve itself in a regular litter box;
  • – an easy-going and loving breed that has hair that does not fall out on its own, so the growing hair needs to be systematically combed out or simply carefully cut;
  • Portuguese water dog– a very unusual medium-sized breed, rare among domestic breeders, belonging to the category of active hunting dogs;
  • or small Belgian dog– a pet that is good with children and has a funny face that makes the representatives of the breed look like a small monkey;
  • poodle– a hypoallergenic breed, represented by the varieties “toi”, “mini” and “standard”, which are characterized by intelligence, intelligence, devotion, as well as an even and very calm attitude towards children and other animals;
  • – a cheerful, playful and very sociable, unpretentious breed of companion dog with an original, unusual-looking exterior;
  • – a very active and energetic, cheerful and restless breed, a true companion and an excellent family dog;
  • schnauzers– the “Mittel” and “Zwerg” varieties are very energetic, so they need long and active walks, but are perfect for apartment living.

Important! It is mandatory to keep pit bull terriers, greyhounds, cairn terriers, Rottweilers, Welsh terriers and German pinschers separately from representatives of the cat family.

If the apartment already contains pets such as rodents, birds and small exotic animals, then the dog purchased should not have a pursuit instinct, so you should refrain from purchasing a hunting breed. Cocker spaniels, Samoyeds, bobtails and Labradors are very cat-friendly.

Small breeds

The group of small or “sofa” dogs for apartment living is represented by three rather conventional categories of breeds:

  • Toys are pets with a height of within 28 cm, with an average weight of no more than 2.0 kg;
  • Dwarf - the maximum height of adults is about 35 cm, with an average weight in the range of 2.0-5.0 kg;
  • Small dogs are pets with a height at the withers of up to 45 cm and a weight of no more than 10.0 kg.

The smallest, most compact dog breeds intended for apartment living:

  • Papillon– the breed has a curious and flexible character, is easy to train and quickly becomes devoted companion dogs for its owner. You need to comb the animal a couple of times a week, and bathe it no more than three to four times a year with special shampoos;
  • – a breed characterized by mobility, energy, courage and curiosity, as well as intelligence. The dog is not shy and not prone to hysteria, can easily tolerate loneliness and use the litter box, but has inflated self-esteem;
  • Miniature Pinscher or– a breed characterized by a strong constitution, short coat and ease of care, energy and high intelligence quotient. Features include the need to provide strict training and sufficient exercise. The breed is not suitable for being a couch potato;
  • – an affectionate and very friendly breed with a unique appearance that can become an excellent friend for children. Dogs of this breed are ideal for keeping by lonely and inactive people, but require quality care;
  • Dachshund– a breed of medium size, an active lifestyle and a tireless disposition. Dogs of this breed are excellent hunters and also love water, but they are prone to spinal diseases and are highly sensitive to cold. It should be remembered that dachshunds get along extremely difficult with other breeds of dogs and cats.

Compact breeds also include the English Toy Terrier, Lapdog, Boston Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Small Lion Dog, Norwich Terrier, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Russian Toy Terrier, Chihuahua, Shi Tzu and Japanese Chin.

Medium breeds

Today, representatives of medium-sized dog breeds are very diverse, so there are no problems at all in choosing a pet that suits personal preferences and living conditions. Dog handlers advise giving preference to unpretentious breeds that are maximally adapted to urban living:

  • German boxer- a breed that belongs to a large working group of dogs with a kind and naive character. Excellent to train, and also belongs to truly universal natures that can learn almost anything. An energetic and fairly active dog is distinguished by loyalty and devotion, and also has a good sense of human psychology;
  • Jack Russell Terrier is a very unpretentious, obedient and flexible breed, whose coat has the ability to self-clean, which makes caring for such a pet much easier. Breed characteristics include playfulness and family, as well as a complete absence of unmotivated aggression towards humans;
  • Alaskan Klee Kai or is a popular breed in our country, represented by the varieties “Toy”, “Miniature” and “Standard”. A very smart, curious and active dog, it is loyal and inquisitive, and also gets along well in a family with small children;
  • Australian Shepherd or- a breed developed by crossing the Bernese Mountain Dog, Basque and Pyrenean Shepherd Dogs, as well as different varieties of coli breeds. An intelligent and active dog has quite strong protective instincts. The breed's characteristics include an easygoing disposition, obedience and ease of training;
  • Australian Kelpie is a not very popular herding dog in our country, which has genetically determined characteristics that distinguish it from other breeds. Due to its special “specialization”, from an early age the kelpie prefers to herd not only other animals, but also small children, therefore it is often used as a “nanny dog”.

The group of medium-sized dogs is the most numerous and popular among breeders. This group includes about two hundred breeds, very different in appearance, temperament and purpose.

This category includes dogs with a height of 40-57 cm and a weight of no more than 24-25 kg, but only a few of them are most suitable for keeping in apartment conditions, including the Scotch Terrier, the Latvian Hound, the Korean Jindo, and the German Large Spitz. , Kromforlander, Bashkir Laika, Bull Terrier, as well as a white Swiss Shepherd.

Large breeds

In addition to small and medium-sized breeds, if you live in a fairly spacious apartment, it is quite possible to purchase a large dog. Mandatory conditions for apartment maintenance, in this case, will be long walks, providing the pet with sufficient physical activity, timely education and competent training:

  • – a large breed characterized by a developed mind and a high level of intelligence. It is distinguished by a high degree of learning ability, devotion and loyalty, well-developed working qualities and protective instincts. The breed is suitable for experienced breeders; it requires physical activity and sufficient mental stress;
  • Smooth Labrador– a very unpretentious and fairly large breed, distinguished by obedience, loyalty, cheerfulness and savvy, as well as complete fearlessness. The coat is thick and silky. The main advantages of a smooth-haired Labrador are fast learning and good health, but such a pet needs constant education and training;
  • German Doberman– a large, obedient breed of dog with the best protective qualities. The coat is short and does not require special, complex care. Dobermans are distinguished by restraint and aristocracy, loyalty and friendliness, quick learning, as well as affection for all members of their family, including small children;
  • German dog– companion dog, watchman and security guard. The breed is distinguished by its ideal appearance, stateliness, elegance and power, very successfully complemented by a calm and dignified character. Great Danes have an analytical mind and show good results in training. Disadvantages include some high maintenance requirements and a very good appetite;
  • – a breed not intended to be kept outdoors. Such a reliable guard does not have causeless aggressiveness, and is also very loyal to all family members. The breed is distinguished by its lively mind, ability to learn and train. However, a Cane Corso will require the owner to have certain training skills and ensure sufficient physical activity.

If you intend to have a four-legged friend and have already managed to get the consent of the family, you are probably tormented by the question of how to choose the right dog. It’s not surprising, because it’s not difficult to get lost in a sea of ​​wet noses and curious eyes.

It has been known since childhood that a dog is a man’s friend. The dog is the first animal that man tamed. The dog is an eternal helper and companion, personifying selfless love and devotion.

In this article you will learn what considerations need to be taken into account when choosing a dog.

Selecting a dog breed for yourself and your child

When choosing a dog, many people are guided by the breed. They relegate character to the background. An expensive dog is part of the image along with an expensive car, a luxurious mansion and clothes from a famous brand. This approach to choosing a four-legged friend is wrong.

  1. Before buying a dog, think about whether you have enough time to raise a pet. Do not ignore the organization of living conditions for keeping your dog.
  2. Popular native breeds are Central Asian Shepherds, Huskies and Samoyeds. Undoubtedly, the plastic psyche of an animal is capable of adapting to a new habitat, but living in a city apartment is not suitable for these breeds.
  3. When choosing a dog, keep in mind that treatment and maintenance of the animal is fraught with financial costs.
  4. When choosing, consider temperament and character. If a person is choleric, you should refuse to buy a Dalmatian, dachshund or fox terrier. It is better to choose a spaniel or retriever.
  5. Fighting dog breeds need proper training and a strong hand. Otherwise, the dog will become uncontrollable and dangerous. There are many known stories of fighting dogs that ended tragically.
  6. Having a pet will limit your freedom of choice in leisure and travel. If you are planning to go on vacation, someone should look after the dog.
  7. Once you have a dog in your house, you will have to clean more often. You need to prepare in advance to fight the hair that appears on upholstered furniture and carpets.

Having a pet is not difficult, but remember the responsibility towards the animal. Otherwise, your four-legged friend will become unnecessary and end up on the street or in a shelter.

Breed selection

The best breeds for a child

If a child asks to buy him a puppy, do not be afraid of puddles on the floor and eaten slippers. Puppies behave this way only at first.

The child will become a harmonious personality. A shaggy companion will protect you from loneliness. A child, having become attached to a dog, will get rid of the complexes that often arise during communication with peers.

Children share secrets with a dog. The dog will listen carefully, understand and sincerely sympathize. In infantile children, a puppy helps develop responsibility. A dog can entertain a child regardless of age. Communication with a puppy has a positive effect on the child’s discipline and life interests.

When choosing an animal, be guided by its character, temperament and personal qualities. Prepare for the fact that the child refuses to raise and train the dog, and the solution to this problem will fall on the parents’ shoulders.

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I offer a list of breeds that are great with children.

  1. Collie. Kind, soft and calm. They are kind to children.
  2. Poodle. Unpretentious in maintenance, suitable for active and temperamental children.
  3. Beagle. Small, intelligent and friendly dogs, highly trainable.
  4. Golden retriever. Tolerant of children's pranks. Sociable and friendly.
  5. Yorkshire Terrier . A small dog with an amazing temperament. Ideal for a girl.

If your child insists on getting a puppy, forget about principles and do it. I can say with confidence that such a New Year's gift or birthday surprise will change a child's life, making it active, fun and eventful.

Home guard dogs

Guard dogs differ significantly from their guard dogs. They not only warn the owner about a stranger on the territory of a suburban area, but also attack the uninvited guest.

Giant schnauzers, black terriers, shepherd dogs and Rottweilers have remarkable guarding qualities.

I will describe the listed breeds in detail.

  1. Shepherds are classic home protectors . They are suitable for protecting large territories and are excellent for training. The owner must train; shepherd dogs do not trust strangers. When a stranger enters a protected area, the shepherd dog exhibits protective qualities. If guests come, it is better to lock the dog in an enclosure.
  2. Black Terrier is a specially bred breed for guard and service functions.. Such a dog becomes strongly attached to its owner and often does not recognize loved ones and relatives. The Black Terrier needs socialization from an early age. The dog is active and loves games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer - used in guarding since the beginning of the last century. Security qualities are excellent. The dog is family friendly. Needs special care due to long hair.
  4. Rottweiler - police dog. Security and guard instincts are excellently developed. The Rottweiler has a calm character and is capable of responding with an assertive attack. Although the dog has short hair, the harsh Russian winters are not scary.

Small dogs are not suitable for home guarding. They are focused on aesthetic pleasure; protective functions are too much for them. Representatives of small breeds bark loudly, but they will not be able to scare away an uninvited guest.

How to choose a puppy

Let's talk about places where you can go to get a puppy.

  1. Nursery. On the Internet you will find contacts for the nursery of the breed you are interested in. I can say with confidence that there are many such establishments in the vicinity of your city. Remember, a dog with a pedigree is not a cheap pleasure.
  2. Shelter. By visiting the shelter, you will pick up a puppy who, with proper training, will become an excellent protector. True, the protective qualities of a dog directly depend on training, physical activity and nutrition.
  3. Market. You can buy a dog on the market, but you can’t count on good results unless you’re lucky. The owners of the animal are trying to make money by selling the puppy; they are not interested in other aspects.

Let's pay attention to the choice.

  1. If you buy a puppy from a kennel, you have made the right decision. Be sure to ask to see photos of the puppy's parents and tell them a little about them.
  2. Ask about the diet of the puppy's parents. A dog's nutrition and appearance will tell a lot about its future.
  3. If you prefer a shelter, talk to its representatives and ask for help in choosing.

Nurseries are distinguished by breeding and care about the preservation of certain qualities and health. The nursery provides ample information opportunities and will provide complete information about the puppy and the pedigree of the parents.

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If you adopt a puppy from a shelter, you are a noble person. Here you can find a good animal, distinguished by its desire to protect its new family.

Rules for choosing Yorkie puppies

Choosing York is a serious task, the solution of which should be approached as responsibly as possible. If you take into account all the little things at the time of purchase, your pet will never disappoint.

Before choosing, find a serious breeder, visit several kennels and talk to Yorkie owners.

During the conversation, ask about the age of the puppies, the pedigrees of the parents, the quality of food and maintenance. If the shelter or breeder's house has dirty floors and an unpleasant smell, and the fur is disheveled and the puppies are kept in cages, it is better to refuse cooperation. Surely, they will not provide the dogs’ records and veterinary passports.

Let's consider the points that should not be ignored.

  1. Round paws and straight limbs indicate the health of the Yorkie. Movements should be unconstrained and coordinated. If the puppy is limping or has a hump on its back, do not adopt it.
  2. Carefully examine the puppy by picking it up. The nose should be cold, black and moist. The nose is warm only after sleep. There should be no unusual discharge or white border along the edge of the nose.
  3. Be sure to inspect your oral cavity. A healthy dog ​​has pink gums. Each jaw has two canines and six incisors. Pincer or scissor bite.
  4. A three-month-old Yorkie should have a closed fontanel. It is determined by palpating the crown. If your ears don't stand up, you shouldn't be afraid. As they age, they will assume a normal stance.
  5. If you choose a Yorkie with a curly coat, remember that the coat will not straighten with age.
  6. Don't neglect your Yorkshire Terrier's tail. It should be smooth, without creases or thickening.

Labradors are raised in nurseries. If you like dogs with a balanced character, it is better to purchase a purebred animal from such an establishment. Must be at least 45 days old.

Labradors are friendly, fearless and inquisitive dogs. At a young age, they are highly active and do not show aggression. Labrador puppies calmly react to being separated from their sisters and brothers.

  1. When choosing a Labrador, pay attention to nutrition. A healthy puppy is well-fed and agile, with a pleasant smell and shiny coat.
  2. If there are pimples and scratches on the skin, it itches all the time, the nose is dry, and the eyes are watery, it is not worth buying.
  3. An important point is the exterior. Regardless of age, the dog must have a powerful head, strong and wide bones, and strong paws. Often the choice is complicated by the non-standard growth of the animal. Don't be discouraged, the Labrador's development ends at 1 year.
  4. Look at the tail. The dog is a true protector; it never tucks its tail between its paws.
  5. You can determine the condition of the puppy by the expression of its muzzle. The breed is not characterized by sad eyes. The typical Labrador always greets people with a warm and friendly look.
  6. Color: yellow, black or chocolate.

Choosing a German Shepherd puppy

The German Shepherd is a universal helper. There's no dog job she won't do.

First, decide why you need such a dog. If you plan to become a breeder, choose a girl. Female shepherd dogs are easier to train and have a more flexible psyche.

Keep in mind that raising puppies is difficult. If you have little time, no patience, or just need a four-legged friend, buy a male dog. It's a lot less hassle.

  1. It is better to adopt a shepherd dog from a country kennel, where the puppies are exposed to the fresh air. They are more hardened and strong.
  2. Sometimes a nursery offers many identical-looking puppies. To make the right choice, you should carefully examine each one.
  3. The puppy's bite should be strictly scissor bite. Coat color is black. The German Shepherd acquires its true color as it ages.
  4. Until the age of three months, puppies' ears lie flat. If they got up earlier, this indicates certain problems.
  5. Examine the muzzle. If it's sharp, then everything is fine.
  6. A healthy puppy has thick and strong paws, a straight back, and a strong and long neck. Ideally, he resembles a well-fed bear cub.
  7. If the puppies look the same, study their behavior. You can call the puppies to you. Whoever comes running first is a leader and very active.

When the puppy grows up, he will need a lot of space. If you have a city apartment, I do not recommend buying a puppy of this breed. This way you will ruin the life of yourself and your dog. If you have a country house, there is no better solution than a German shepherd.

In most cases, the appearance of a pet in the house is a holiday for the whole family, especially if it is a cute puppy that frolics and plays with everyone in the household. However, very little time passes, and the euphoria passes: the cute puppy grows up and begins to play pranks. It turns out that this behavior is not at all what his family expected from him.

And it’s really bad when they choose an animal of a completely different breed that everyone would like. So, how to choose a dog in order to take into account the tastes and preferences of all household members, be prepared for anything and create a favorable microclimate in the house?

A few questions about choosing a dog

I would like to point out right away! On our website, there is a special form, thanks to which you can easily decide on the choice of a dog based on various parameters. So you can choose a pet based on parameters such as:

  • size
  • wool length
  • temperament
  • dog application
  • difficulty of care
  • How good is the dog with children?

The form is at the top!

Before asking yourself how to choose the right dog for yourself or a child, you need to honestly answer a few questions for yourself:

  • Will the family handle the financial side of the issue? After all, the pet will need a balanced, proper diet, care, purchase of medicines in case of illness, and toys.
  • Do family members have enough free time to care for the animal?
  • Will the household morally withstand the presence of torn things, the regular appearance of puddles and piles in the first months of the puppy’s residence in the house?
  • Will family members, when choosing a puppy for themselves, be able to change their daily routine and the environment in the house? Over the course of 10-15 years, you will have to walk the dog every day for quite a long time.
  • Will the family have enough time to spend with the pet to exercise, train and play with it?

The questions do not seem difficult, but some potential owners refuse to get a puppy for a child or for themselves, because they understand that the child is not yet old enough to care for the pet on their own. And parents don’t have enough time anyway. Therefore, the question of how to choose a dog breed is not the only one. It is necessary to take into account many nuances, without consideration of which life with an animal can turn into hell.

Approach to choosing a pet

If a person has answered the questions posed and finally understands that he can overcome difficulties, he does not need to run headlong after the puppy. The following questions arise here:

  • For whom is the dog purchased? For yourself, for a child, for the whole family, for a private house or apartment?
  • What size should a dog be?
  • What breed should the puppy be?
  • It is important to understand the lifestyle of the whole family and the owner himself, and whether he can choose the dog of his dreams for his home according to the parameters. Is it possible to change a person's lifestyle?
  • It is necessary to evaluate what size the pet should be, taking into account the size of the family.
  • Ask your household what breed of puppy they would like to buy.
  • It might be worth taking a test on how to choose the right puppy for your apartment or home.
  • Consider various options, because if there are allergy sufferers or small children in the family, you need to choose the right breed. Unsuitable options should be removed from the list immediately.
  • Think about which breed of puppy to buy for an apartment and which for a private home.

Gender of the dog

An important question faces the potential owner: what gender of puppy to get. Choosing the right dog according to the parameters is not all! A bitch and a dog differ from each other psychologically and physiologically. The “girl” becomes more attached to her owner emotionally. They are more flexible and easier to train and educate. But bitches create a lot of trouble: estrus, attraction to male dogs, consequences of false pregnancy. Although, if a person plans to engage in breeding, then purchasing a “girl” puppy is the optimal option.

Males are more active and reckless. Raising and training them is somewhat more difficult, but the results are much more impressive than those of females. Males are more consistent with breed standards, so they have no restrictions on participation in exhibitions and competitions.

Choosing a dog according to its parameters is quite a troublesome task, but how much joy a pet will bring every day, giving joy and positivity to its family.

Purpose of buying a pet

The purpose of purchasing a dog is also an important point in the question of how to choose a puppy for your home. You can take a test to correctly identify the breed. For example, a dog of a decorative breed is suitable for a child. If you choose for yourself, you can take a closer look at pets for protection. So which dog should you choose?

You need to understand what functions a mature dog should perform. If you need not only a loyal and reliable friend, but also a guard for your home, then you should take the test and choose the right breed. Such dogs require good upbringing, training and education. Does the owner have enough time, energy and patience for the learning process? If enough, then it is best for such pets to be in a spacious area. When choosing a dog for a home, the owner must provide 3 things to his guard:

  • daily training and training;
  • long walks without a leash every day;
  • strict daily routine in terms of feeding.

For a child, you also need to choose a pet according to the parameters. About 10 dog breeds have successfully passed the test in this area. Not necessarily, caregiver dogs have to be small. Believe me, sometimes a small decorative dog creates more trouble than a large one. You need to match the character of the child and the puppy, and then they will become friends without spilling water. Having an animal under the care of a child develops care, responsibility, compassion and friendliness in the latter. These are important character traits, especially since they will be developed in this way.

How to choose a puppy for hunting? Such dogs are excellent companions and are considered the best option for a large family with a small child. The only thing you need to remember when choosing a hunting breed is that such dogs need constant movement. Therefore, all family members will have to pamper their pet with active games in the fresh air. They can be chosen for a private house, or for an apartment. Often such animals are hyperactive, since the heredity of the hunter has accustomed them to constant movement.

How to choose the right dog for an apartment? For living in an apartment, a decorative breed dog is considered the best option. Their small size, affection and ability to get along with family members are the main advantages of small breeds. But you shouldn’t think that a small dog doesn’t require training. It is necessary to instill in the new family member the simplest rules of behavior. However, decorative breeds have a small disadvantage: they cannot stand being alone. Therefore, if the choice fell on a decorative dog, you need to ensure that one of the family members remains at home permanently.

Breed selection

So, what breed of pet should you choose according to its parameters, or rather, for its protection? Best suited for a country house:

  • Shepherd dogs (German, Central Asian, Caucasian);
  • Rottweilers;
  • mastiffs;
  • alabai;
  • black terriers;
  • miniature schnauzers;
  • Airedale Terriers;
  • boxers, etc.

Suitable for apartment security:

  • chow-chow,
  • shar pei,
  • bulldog.

The following breeds passed the test on which dog to buy for your son or daughter:

  • collie;
  • poodle;
  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Newfoundland;
  • golden retriever;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • basset.

It is important to remember that each breed has its own character and behavior. Therefore, some breeds are better suited for small children, and some for teenagers. In order to decide which specific breed of dog to choose for a family, for a child in particular, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

But what is the best breed of pet to buy for hunting, you need to ask a specialist or an experienced breeder: after all, dogs for this purpose need to be chosen wisely. The test for the best hunting dog was passed by:

  • greyhound;
  • African Greyhound;
  • retriever;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • Hokkaido;
  • Akita Inu;
  • Alaskan Malamute;
  • American Blue Gascony Hound, etc.

And now we come to the question of which dog to choose for the soul, for the home, for the family? Decorative dog breeds have become especially popular lately. To a greater extent, family members become:

  • lap dogs;
  • chihuahua;
  • bichon frize;
  • Biewer York Terrier;
  • Toy Terrier;
  • Affenpinscher;
  • Dogue de Bordon;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Welsh Corgi;
  • Pekingese;
  • Maltese;
  • dwarf spitz;
  • Japanese chin, etc.

Again, you need to consider that each breed has its own character. One dog will not get along with children, while the other, on the contrary, is very sociable. Therefore, it is better to seek advice from specialists or experienced dog breeders.

It is very important to understand before purchasing which dog to choose for yourself or a child, how to choose a pet for a private house or apartment, because the microclimate in the family and the comfort of keeping the animal depend on this.

What is the significance of a dog for a person? For most people, she is a wonderful friend and an excellent companion. Usually, small and beautiful dogs of decorative breeds are chosen to live in a city apartment, although there are exceptions.

Why are small breed dogs mostly kept in apartments? They are simpler in content. And the joy they bring is no less, and sometimes even more, than their larger counterparts.

So, how do you choose which is better?

Which one is better to get?

You should not think that only small dogs such as lap dogs or the already mentioned pugs should be kept in apartments. Greyhounds and Great Danes, despite their size, thrive as homebodies. But important: only in company with the owner! And you need to take long walks in the fresh air with dogs of absolutely any breed.

And yet, when choosing a pet, you should not make the breed the main criterion for selection. You need to choose your four-legged friend with your heart. Who knows, maybe a dog found on the street will bring more joy than its purebred brothers.

Questions to ask yourself to decide which breed to choose:

  • What character should a dog have?
  • What is the owner's character?
  • What is the family's financial situation?
  • How much free space is in the apartment?

The following factors should also be considered:

  • Vaccinations. You can't do without them. There are no dogs that do not need to be vaccinated to eliminate the risk of infecting people.
  • Walk. Dogs must be walked. At least 2, and preferably 3 times a day. Moreover, one of the exits must be long-term.
  • Training. Whatever the animal is, small, medium or large, smooth-haired or long-haired, they all require training and learning at least basic skills.
  • About the importance security and it's not worth talking about. Untrained, uncontrollable dogs, in whose company people fear for their lives, are not suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Let's move on to the list of suitable breeds that can be kept in an apartment.

Which ones can you keep (photos with names)?

Top 5 home

Yorkshire Terrier

The weight of this pet is only about 5 kilograms. They are very willful, so they are more difficult to train than other small breeds. They are moderately curious, active, inquisitive and sociable. By nature they are hunters.

A terrier can bring joy to all family members, because he is so cute! With proper care, such dogs can be called hypoallergenic. By the way, after he has been washed, the dog needs to be given hairdressing services - dry his fur and comb it. From time to time you need to cut it.

The structure of this dog's fur is similar to human hair, so it is suitable for allergy sufferers.

Popular Yorkies have good health. They live on average 14-16 years. Often their age reaches 20.


This is the smallest dog in the world. These pets are suitable for active owners. They are inherently loyal, active and cheerful. But they treat strangers very badly and are jealous of their owner.

The main differences of this small breed are endurance, courage and loyalty. They live on average 15 years, but up to 20 are not uncommon.


You could say. that they are model pets. They behave well and also adapt to the characteristics of their owners. They have a very pretty appearance, but this does not negate their willingness to protect their owner and their hunting disposition.

French Bulldog

They are cheerful in temperament and have a sharp mind. They love children and have a very kind disposition. These dogs are suitable for almost everyone. They will support you in difficult times, and on the contrary, they will cheer you up if they see that the owner is in a great mood.

Jack Russell Terrier

This dog has high jumping ability. It is not suitable for inactive people and the elderly. You need to raise her like this: you shouldn’t spoil her too much, because... This dog chews on a lot of things.



Do you spend a lot of time outside the home, most often at work? The Pug is a great breed for these types of people. But they are very happy to show attention to them, and will respond to the owner with very strong love. They are not discouraged in the absence of the owner, and sincerely rejoice at his return.

These dogs also love to be trained. These dogs are ideal.

Plus, they look like plush toys come to life! But in fact, they are wonderful, affectionate friends who, moreover, are friends without any self-interest.

But do not forget that dogs of these breeds have problems with the cardiovascular and digestive systems, they do not tolerate heat well, and prefer peace and long sleep to active rest and long walks. They also actively snore and suffer from flatulence.


Welsh Corgi

This is a wonderful, compact dog even for a one-room apartment. Corgis get along well with children and other animals and are suitable for inexperienced owners: They quickly remember commands and don’t struggle.

They do not require any special care: they need to be combed a couple of times a week, bathed once a month.


Basset Hound

He is very smart and curious, flexible, sociable and loyal. Most often he gets along well with other pets. He can cheerfully climb into the car, play with everyone at a picnic, and then lazily sit with his family in front of the TV.


The most inexpensive dog breed to keep is mongrels.

In addition to them, scientists have found that animals of small breeds are more attached to people and show more tender feelings towards them. They are small in size, so they do not require special care or large amounts of expensive food. Therefore, they can be called the cheapest dogs to keep. These breeds include: pugs, corgis, French bulldogs.

The healthiest

According to breeders, dogs can only become healthy with a very caring and sincerely loving owner. But there are some breeds that have very good health.

Australian Cattle Dog

They live a very long time. Of course, for dogs and in the hands of a caring owner. Approximately 12-13 years or even more. If the size of the apartment allows, she will become an excellent friend for a very long time.

Bichon Frize

This breed is valued by dog ​​breeders for its attractive appearance and friendly character. But these dogs require thorough care. Their average life expectancy is 12-16 years. But when pets live up to 18 years, this does not surprise anyone.

English Springer Spaniel

These pets are very affectionate and active, and do not tolerate separation from their owner very well. Life expectancy ranges from 10 to 15 years.

Continental Toy Spaniel

They also have an average life expectancy of 15 years, but there have been cases of longer life. This breed is characterized by playfulness, mobility and good health.

Japanese Chin

Their average lifespan is about 14 years. They have a very unique muzzle structure and small dimensions, which makes them suitable for residents of even small apartments.

Without smell

Dalmatians, Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Pinschers, etc. do not smell. Odorless four-legged animals are also hypoallergenic:



Of these types of dogs, they are the smartest and kindest, moreover, odorless, these are Papillons. They became popular during the time of Henry III. And gradually they earned the status of lap dogs of kings and queens.

They won the hearts of royalty not only with their pretty appearance, but also with their devotion and high intelligence.

Golden retriever

These dogs are very beautiful and affectionate towards their owners and other pets, with whom they get along well. They are trusting and friendly.


This breed can be described as brave, even-tempered, energetic four-legged friends. A number of owners say that these dogs even have a sense of humor and expressive facial expressions.

Of the obvious disadvantages of this breed: very loud barking. Therefore, it would be better to visit quiet places with her, for example, walk with her in nature. She is easy to train. Possible drawback: She doesn't like strangers.


In addition to being strong, active and very stylish, poodles are well socialized. They are very easy to teach new skills and even some of them imitate their owners.


Many dog ​​breeders say that Basenji is a cat in a dog’s body, because dogs of this breed love cleanliness, but hate water, love to watch others from high places and are very curious!

It is of average height 40 - 43 cm and weighs up to 12 kg. They communicate well with children. Short hair does not require complicated care: it is enough to comb the animal once a week and bathe it every month.

These little nimble dogs need a lot of physical exercise and warm clothes for the winter, plus this dog is difficult to “manage” due to its proud and stubborn disposition, so beginners should not buy it.

Due to the structure of the throat, Basenjis cannot bark, but they can communicate in other ways: howl, squeal, grumble and even meow!


These Scottish Shepherds have no aggression at all. But they closely monitor their “flock” (even if they are people). Collies try to avoid conflicts, but always protect their pack. He gets along very well with children - he considers them his pack.

Very long walks and high activity are required. Therefore, this breed is not suitable for busy people and/or those who live in a small apartment.

There are also kind and affectionate breeds that are problematic to keep in the main part of the apartments. This Newfoundlands. They require a large space, so both they and the owners will only be comfortable in a private house or large apartment. It is better not to have them in small apartments.

For the inexperienced

Oddly enough, for beginners in dog breeding it is better to have a mongrel. Why is that? Because it’s not easy to figure out all the intricacies of diet, participation in exhibitions, etc. on your own. Mongrels are also unpretentious in food, unlike their purebred counterparts.

Which don't bark

There are few of these among indoor “types” of dogs, but there are still:

  • Basenji. These dogs don't actually bark, instead they... purr or howl if they're allowed to. True, this rumbling can also be very annoying. It is advisable to keep this pet in a relatively large apartment.
  • Bichon Frize
  • Or Chinese Shar Pei. His puppies are very attached to their owner. And it usually barks either during play, or when the owner is in real danger.
  • English bulldog. Despite the terrifying expression on their faces, these dogs are actually very cute. And, of course, they will not irritate their owners by barking.
  • Irish Setter.
  • Cane Corso.
  • Chinese Crested.
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
  • Other breeds are not particularly suitable for apartments. Bullmastiff, St. Bernard, Mountain Dog, Afghan Hound, Akita Inu, Deerhound, it is better to keep it in a private house, or in an apartment of a fairly large area.

But these doggies will delight you with their vocal abilities:

  • Beagle,
  • Border Collie,
  • Brussels griffin,
  • Weimaraner,
  • West Terrier,
  • Drathaar,
  • Jack Russell Terrier,
  • York,
  • miniature pinscher,
  • American Cocker Spaniel,
  • Collie,
  • Kurzhaar,
  • Maltese,
  • Pekingese,
  • Pomeranian Spitz,
  • Poodle,
  • Russian toy terrier,
  • Samoyed husky,
  • Dachshund,
  • Fox terrier,
  • Miniature Schnauzer,
  • Chihuahua,
  • Shih Tzu.


There are known cases of using a dog as a house guard. But many dog ​​lovers live in a metropolis and want to know which breed will be the best guard? After all, if with a private house it is clear that it is better to use a large dog for protection, then what kind of animal is better to place in an apartment?

It must meet the following specifications.

By size

Which breed is best to keep in an apartment largely depends on its size. Especially for your convenience, we have divided the breeds into categories:





Useful video about dogs that can live in an apartment:


Anyone who has conditions and who has the desire can keep a dog in a city apartment. Usually they have small dogs. Only if the living space is large enough do they decide to have medium and even large breeds.

For those who do not get a dog because of the specific smell, there are also a fairly large number of “non-smelling” breeds.

Those who have problems with neighbors because of loud barking, or who do not like the sound themselves, have dogs that do not bark or rarely bark.

Do not think that an apartment dog cannot be a good guard. This is wrong.

Victoria Solup | 08/26/2016 | 1979

Victoria Solup 08/26/2016 1979

Don't know what kind of dog to get? We'll tell you how to make the right choice.

There are several important points to consider: decide on the appropriate breed and age of the pet. And also honestly answer the question: why do I need this four-legged friend?

Choosing a dog breed

There are more than 400 different breeds of dogs in the world, which differ in appearance, character and purpose. It’s easy to get lost in this variety, but you should still think carefully about what kind of dog you need.

First of all, answer yourself an important question: why do I want to buy a pet? If you need a faithful apartment guard, then take a closer look at such service breeds as a Rottweiler, a German Shepherd or a Doberman. Avid hunters should pay attention to the husky, pointer or spaniel. And if you just want to find a good friend, then first of all follow your intuition, but do not forget to carefully study the characteristics of the chosen breed.

You can often predict a dog's character by its breed. Choose a four-legged friend with whom you will feel comfortable.

Dog Temperament

Dogs, just like people, can be divided according to the types of higher nervous activity. Among animals there are also choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic people. Be sure to take this into account.

Thus, it is known that Belgian Shepherds (Malinois) are usually choleric, that is, overly active and unbalanced dogs. Such “energizers” are very difficult for an elderly person or a small child to cope with. In addition, a choleric dog and a choleric owner are also not the best tandem.

If your family has children or you don't really like the fast pace of life, choose a dog of the sanguine or phlegmatic type. So, a Labrador, St. Bernard or Newfoundland will behave more calmly.

But if you like a difficult life with a poorly trained and often cowardly dog ​​with weak nervous processes, then get a melancholic dog. These are all toy breed dogs shaking with fear.

Dog age

Most people get puppies because, as a rule, they do not yet have life experience, which means that “creating” what you need is much easier than retraining an adult dog to suit you. However, you need to take into account that the first year is quite difficult to raise a pet: you need to walk it often, constantly educate and train it.

If you don’t have time for this, it’s better to take an adult pet that was abandoned by the previous owner. Dogs are most often abandoned not because they are bad in some way, but because the person turned out to be irresponsible. So you have a chance to get an excellent adult dog. In addition, you will know exactly what kind of character this dog has.

If you closely observe the behavior of a two-month-old puppy, you can understand what kind of character he has. And a good breeder should tell you how the dog you like usually behaves. Restless choleric people and constantly sleepy phlegmatic people are immediately visible, so don’t believe those who say: “Puppies are all the same - take anyone.”


If you like large dogs, before placing such a pet in your home, correctly assess your territorial and financial capabilities. Large dogs occupy more territory, eat a lot and need longer walks.

If you don’t want to spend at least an hour 2 times a day outside with your dog and spend a decent amount of money on food, then get a smaller pet. For example, a miniature poodle, Pekingese or lap dog.

And only last but not least, pay attention to the dog’s color, the color of its eyes, the shape of its ears, etc. Many people choose a pet based only on these external signs. And this is wrong!

This is why the number of homeless animals is growing rapidly. A man bought a beautiful dog, but it did not live up to expectations because it grew too big and voracious. Always remember:

“We are responsible for those we have tamed.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery