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Vision correction at 16 years old. Laser vision correction: can it be done for children? Surgical correction: indications and types

There is no need to be afraid. Fear usually occurs when there is uncertainty. In any case, you need to learn more about excimer laser correction: read the literature, including on the Internet. You can undergo a diagnostic examination in our Eye Microsurgery Clinic to determine possible indications, contraindications and features of the operation, as well as ask all the questions to the doctor and obtain the necessary information.

At what age is it better to undergo laser vision correction surgery?

Excimer laser vision correction operations are recommended to be performed at the age of 18-45 years. Usually by the age of 18, the growth and formation of the eye ends, vision stabilizes and correction can be made.
From the age of 40-45, presbyopia begins to develop - a condition when a person’s distance and near vision differs. That is, even with excellent results from the operation, it will not be possible to completely get rid of glasses: from the age of 40-45 you will need reading glasses. Therefore, starting from the age of 42, we warn the patient about the need to use glasses at close range after correcting myopia.

Is it possible to have surgery on a 16-year-old teenager (vision -8, no other abnormalities)?

We do not recommend surgery at this age. The optimal age for vision correction is over 18 years old. In addition, myopia should not progress. To make sure of this, you need to undergo diagnostic examinations at intervals of six months to a year (you can do it in our Clinic). If there are no deviations, then at the age of 18 we will be able to perform the operation.

What kind of vision will there be after surgery?

A forecast regarding the percentage of vision recovery is made during diagnosis. Typically, the maximum predicted vision without glasses after surgery is equal to vision with glasses or contact lenses before surgery.

What to do if myopia progresses?

If there is confirmed evidence that myopia is progressing by more than one diopter per year, then scleroplasty surgery should be performed to stop the progression. Excimer laser vision correction should be performed when vision is stable. Myopia usually progresses during childhood and adolescence, when the eye grows and develops as an organ.

Do properly fitted contact lenses affect the progression of myopia? Is wearing contact lenses for a long time harmful?

Contact lenses do not affect the progression of myopia.
Long-term wearing of contact lenses can lead to disturbances in the cornea of ​​the eyes - ingrowth of blood vessels, etc. Periodic examinations by an ophthalmologist are necessary.

The patient was going to undergo surgery to correct myopia, but after an examination he was diagnosed with cataracts. For this reason, laser vision correction was not recommended.

Indeed, if you have cataracts, instead of two operations (to correct myopia and to remove cataracts), you should do one - cataract removal with implantation of an artificial lens - an intraocular lens (IOL). It is better to perform this operation on an outpatient basis using phacoemulsification. At the same time, it is also possible to eliminate myopia by selecting and calculating an IOL, and by implanting a toric IOL, astigmatism can also be eliminated.

Are previous operations of scleroplasty and peripheral laser coagulation (strengthening) of the retina a contraindication for vision correction surgery?

The operations of scleroplasty and laser prevention of retinal detachment are not contraindications, but preparatory operations for laser correction, respectively, with the progression of myopia and dystrophic changes in the periphery of the retina.

Does laser vision correction surgery affect pregnancy and childbirth?

Laser vision correction surgery itself does not affect childbirth in any way. You can become pregnant within a month after the operation. The operation can be performed before pregnancy (maximum in the first month of pregnancy) or after childbirth and the end of breastfeeding.
Possible limitations may be related to the condition of the retina.

Why is it necessary to examine the retina in case of myopia?

With myopia, light rays intersect not at the retina, but in front of it. This happens in the vast majority of cases due to the fact that the eye with myopia has an elongated shape. At the same time, all the media and membranes of the eye, including the retina (nervous tissue responsible for the perception of images and their transmission to the brain), are elongated and thinned. These changes are more pronounced the higher the myopia value. With significant thinning of the retina, peripheral dystrophies and even local ruptures can occur. Peripheral retinal dystrophy itself may not manifest itself in any way, however, with overload, severe stress, shocks and other impacts, the risk of developing retinal detachment significantly increases, which can lead to sudden loss of vision and the need to perform urgent complex surgery in a hospital without guarantee of vision restoration.

During laser vision correction, excessive pressure is briefly created on the eye, so before performing the operation, the doctor must be sure that the retina is in order.

Therefore, an examination by a retina and fundus specialist is included in the initial examination program at our Center. If certain forms of dystrophic changes or ruptures are detected, it is recommended to perform peripheral laser coagulation of these areas.

Laser vision correction surgery does not affect the retina. That is, after the operation, despite good vision without glasses and lenses, the condition of the retina does not change and all restrictions associated with the retina remain.

Are there complications after surgery?

With modern vision correction methods that we use, the probability of developing complications is less than 1%, but most of them are eliminated by instilling drops, etc. The probability of developing serious complications is less than 0.1%. The condition of the patient’s body plays a major role - the absence of serious general and eye diseases, specific contraindications and other features. They are usually identified during a diagnostic examination and conversation with a doctor.

In accordance with the theory of W. Bates, most visual impairments are associated not with changes in the shape of the cornea or lens, but with tension in the muscles of the eyeball. If his conclusions are correct, then why do vision correction operations affect the cornea and not the muscles of the eyeball?

The Bates method is a method of vision restoration not recognized by science, which includes a number of special exercises. Bates exercises for myopia, as well as exercises for training accommodation and relieving visual fatigue, as a rule, are partially effective only up to the age of 16, when the eye grows and develops (and myopia develops). Correction of the shape of the cornea using a laser gives a stable, predictable result, characterized by a fast recovery period, almost complete absence of restrictions in the postoperative period and other advantages.

Does laser vision correction really deteriorate vision in the dark and cause various optical effects?

Such problems actually occurred during the operation of excimer laser systems of the first generation, when the maximum laser operating area was small - about 5 mm in diameter. At the same time, some patients after laser vision correction noted an unclear image of bright luminous objects (lanterns, car headlights) in low light conditions. In the evening, the pupil of a person’s eye, expanding, exceeded the zone of the correction performed, and optical aberrations were observed at the border, leading to an unclear image of luminous objects.
The Eye Microsurgery Clinic uses the latest generation excimer laser from the Japanese company NIDEK, which allows correction in areas up to 10 mm in diameter, which in the vast majority of cases does not lead to these problems.
The SUPER-LASIK technology we use allows us to improve the quality of postoperative vision and optimize night vision.

Is surgery possible for keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a degenerative, non-inflammatory eye disease in which the cornea thins and takes on a conical shape. Keratoconus is, in principle, a contraindication for excimer laser vision correction.
In the initial stages of keratoconus, to improve functional vision and stop its progression, we perform implantation of corneal semiring segments. This operation is performed using knifeless technology using a high-precision femtosecond laser. To stop the progression of keratoconus in the initial stages, we perform a procedure for cross-linking corneal collagen with riboflavin. If you have developed keratoconus, we recommend contacting specialists for a corneal transplant, for example, at the Eye Microsurgery MNTK, Moscow, in the Department of Corneal Pathology.

I want to get rid of myopia, but I’m very afraid. How to overcome this fear?

There is no need to be afraid. Fear usually occurs when there is uncertainty. Perhaps you need to learn more about excimer laser correction: read the literature, including on the Internet, as millions of people have already had this operation. You can undergo an initial diagnostic examination with us. Its cost with a doctor’s consultation is 600 rubles. You will be able to determine possible indications, contraindications and features of the operation in your case, as well as ask questions that interest you and obtain the necessary information.

Is it possible to pay for clinic services from an organization?

Yes, this option is possible. To do this, you must first issue an invoice at the clinic’s reception desk, and after receiving the funds in our bank account, it will be possible to carry out the necessary examination or treatment

At what age is it better to have surgery?

Excimer laser vision correction operations are recommended to be performed at the age of 18-45 years. Usually by the age of 18, the growth and formation of the eye ends, vision stabilizes and correction can be made. From the age of 40-45, you, like all normal people, will begin to develop presbyopia - a condition when your distance and near vision will differ. That is, even with excellent results from the operation, it will not be possible to completely get rid of glasses - from the age of 40-45 you will need reading glasses. Therefore, starting from the age of 45, we recommend surgery only in cases of myopia of more than –5 diopters or astigmatism affecting vision.

My vision is -8, there are no other abnormalities, and I am 16 years old. Can I have surgery?

We do not recommend that you undergo vision correction surgery at this time. The optimal age for correction is over 18 years. In addition, your myopia should not progress. You can undergo diagnostic examinations with us at intervals of six months to a year to make sure that myopia does not progress. Then at the age of 18 we will be able to perform an operation on you.

What kind of vision will I have after surgery?

A forecast regarding the percentage of vision recovery is made during diagnosis. Typically, maximum predicted vision without glasses after surgery is equal to vision with glasses or contact lenses before surgery.

What to do if myopia progresses?

If myopia progresses by more than 1 diopter per year, then scleroplasty surgery is necessary to stop the progression. Excimer laser correction can be done if vision is stable. Myopia usually progresses during childhood and adolescence, when the eye grows and develops as an organ.

I wanted to have surgery to correct myopia (-5 diopters), but after an examination I was not recommended to have surgery due to the fact that I was diagnosed with cataracts.

Indeed, if you have cataracts, instead of two operations (to correct myopia and remove cataracts), you should do one - cataract removal with implantation of an artificial lens - an intraocular lens (IOL), preferably on an outpatient basis using phacoemulsification. Myopia can be eliminated by selecting and calculating an IOL.

What are the contraindications to the excimer laser vision correction method?

Contraindications are identified during the diagnostic process. Correction is preferably done between the ages of 18 and 45 years. Myopia should not progress. It is necessary that you do not have severe general or eye diseases or chronic diseases in the acute stage. If you use soft contact lenses, they should be removed 2 days before the diagnosis; hard - 2 weeks.

Are previous operations of scleroplasty and peripheral laser coagulation (strengthening) of the retina a contraindication for vision correction surgery?

The operations of scleroplasty and laser prevention of retinal detachment are not contraindications, but preparatory operations for laser correction, respectively, with the progression of myopia and dystrophic changes in the periphery of the retina.

What are the limitations after excimer laser vision correction?

Specific recommendations are given depending on the amount of myopia resulting from the operation. In most cases, the restrictions after laser vision correction surgery are as follows: Limit heavy physical activity for 2 weeks (if there are restrictions on physical activity related to the condition of the retina with high myopia, these restrictions remain after the operation!); Limit intense visual stress for 1 week; Do not visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna for 1 month; Avoid drinking alcohol for 1 month.

I spend a lot of time at the computer. What restrictions await me after surgery?

After laser vision correction surgery, you can read, work with papers and a computer 1-3 days after the operation. However, prolonged visual strain on the eyes is not recommended for 7 days. You have to get used to your new vision, so there may be some discomfort at first. In the future, the rules of visual hygiene when working with a computer are the same as for any person (alternating visual stress and relaxation, gymnastics to relieve visual fatigue, working at a safe distance of 40 cm, etc.).

When can you have sex after laser vision correction surgery?

The operation is performed on people at a young active age, so this question interests many. There are no restrictions on having sex after laser vision correction surgery. For the first 2-4 weeks, you should be careful - do not touch your eyes with your hands, avoid heavy physical activity, do not be in an inclined position or upside down.

Does laser vision correction surgery affect pregnancy and childbirth?

Laser vision correction surgery itself does not affect childbirth in any way. You can become pregnant and give birth within a month after the operation. The operation can be performed before pregnancy (maximum in the first month of pregnancy) or after childbirth and the end of breastfeeding. Possible limitations may be related to the condition of the retina of your eyes. With myopia, especially moderate and high degrees, there may be changes in the periphery of the retina - dystrophy, tears, etc. In the presence of certain forms of dystrophy, it is recommended to completely exclude all possible overloads, impacts, heavy lifting, etc., women are recommended to give birth by cesarean section. If there are no problems with the retina, you can give birth as much as you like. You can conduct a retinal examination, for example, in our clinic. Please also keep in mind that laser vision correction surgery does not affect the retina. That is, after the operation, despite good vision without glasses and lenses, the condition of the retina does not change and all restrictions associated with the retina remain.

Are there complications, and if so, what are they? Causes?

With modern vision correction methods that we use, the probability of developing complications is less than 1%, but most of them are eliminated by instilling drops, etc. The probability of developing serious complications is less than 0.1%. The condition of your body plays a big role - the absence of serious general and eye diseases, specific contraindications and other features. They are usually identified during a diagnostic examination and conversation with a doctor.

At one time I came across a book by W. Bates. He argued that most visual impairments are not associated with changes in the shape of the cornea or lens, but with tension in the muscles of the eyeball. If his conclusions are correct, then why do vision correction operations affect the cornea and not the muscles of the eyeball?

Bates exercises for myopia, as well as exercises for training accommodation and relieving visual fatigue, as a rule, are only partially effective until the age of 16, when the eye grows and develops (and myopia develops). We use excimer laser correction of the shape of the cornea, since this method gives a stable, predictable result, is characterized by a fast recovery period, no restrictions in the postoperative period, and other advantages.

The information about deterioration of vision in the dark, various optical effects, etc. after correction is confusing. I have a dilated pupil (up to 8 mm in the dark), what is the likelihood of distortion if the treated area is only 6 mm?

Indeed, some patients after laser vision correction note a blurred image of bright luminous objects (lanterns, car headlights) in the evening. This effect especially occurred in the operation of excimer laser systems of the first generation, when the maximum laser operating area was small, on the order of 5 mm in diameter. In the evening, the pupil of a person’s eye, expanding, exceeded the zone of the correction performed, and optical aberrations were observed at the border, leading to an unclear image of luminous objects. We use the latest generation excimer laser MICROSCAN, which allows correction in areas with a diameter of up to 8 mm, which in the vast majority of cases does not lead to these problems. In your case, the answer can be given taking into account the data of a diagnostic examination - measuring the size of the pupil and the curvature of the cornea, which affects the maximum size of the laser operating area. Usually, in the postoperative period, 2-3 months after the operation, even in the case of such a large pupil as yours, no visual problems are noted.

I have keratoconus in both eyes and cannot tolerate contact lenses. Is vision correction surgery (any) possible?

Keratoconus is a contraindication for excimer laser vision correction. Our clinic does not specialize in the treatment of keratoconus. This is a very narrow and complex area in ophthalmology. I recommend contacting specialists in this disease, for example, at the Eye Microsurgery MNTK, Moscow, in the Department of Corneal Pathology.

Farsightedness is one of the most common refractive errors. Our eye has two light-refracting media: the cornea and the lens. The rays pass through the visual pathway, are refracted and enter the retina, where they are focused, transformed and then transmitted through neurons in the form of signals to the brain. However, when the cornea is not convex enough, or the lens does not perform its functions, or the path of the beam is too short, the image is focused behind the retina. This causes a blurry image on the retina. A low-quality signal is transmitted to the brain, and we see a blurry picture.

With this disorder, a person sees poorly at close range, he cannot read small print or distinguish small objects. To move the focus away, the book is placed as far away from the eyes as possible (to do this, extend your arms). This type of refractive error is called farsightedness or hyperopia. However, with a high degree of illness, a person has difficulty distinguishing between objects that are located in the distance. Therefore, the question arises: is farsightedness a plus or a minus?

You can correct it with glasses with a plus sign.

Why does farsightedness (hypermetropia) occur in adults?

Strictly speaking, farsightedness in adults can occur for three reasons. These are congenital problems, as a rule, they are associated with hereditary risks and are corrected with glasses. In addition, farsightedness is present in all newborn babies and goes away with age. Acquired farsightedness is usually associated with the occurrence of systemic diseases of the body or ophthalmological diseases. And age-related (senile) farsightedness is a consequence of natural processes in the human body.

A congenital disorder of the eye structure is formed in the womb and, as a rule, is subject to glasses correction. In this case, the lens and cornea will perform their functions, but the eye itself has a flattened shape and the visual path is shorter than necessary (this is the structure of a newborn’s eye). Sometimes the curvature of the cornea is disrupted or the lens is located too deep (these are individual characteristics of the child’s eye), which also shortens the visual path and causes farsightedness. As a rule, childhood hypermetropia goes away by the age of 7-8 years, but in some cases it requires correction with glasses.

But hypermetropia, associated with individual structural features of the eye, is corrected only with the help of glasses and cannot be treated (you will have to wear them all your life).

Correction in childhood requires mandatory treatment, as it can cause diseases such as amblyopia and strabismus.

Acquired accommodation disorders occur as a result of diseases. These factors include operations to remove the lens, systemic diseases affecting the structures of the eye (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc.). In this case, treatment of farsightedness will necessarily include treatment of the underlying disease. Here only correction is possible, but returning to normal vision is usually difficult and it is not always possible to achieve positive results.

Natural aging of the body. These are age-related changes that occur in the lens and provoke farsightedness. This type of hypermetropia is called presbyopia. The human body grows up to 25 years, but the eyes only up to 15. At this time, our vision is most acute. And then the process of lens compaction begins to occur.

The lens grows throughout a person's life. In its center is the growth zone, which produces new cells throughout life. But the whole paradox is that existing cells do not die, but are only pushed to the edge. As a result of this process, the edges of the lens thicken and become less transparent and less elastic. This significantly reduces its ability to convex, the visual pathway is disrupted and the focus of refraction is behind the retina. Which causes farsightedness.

Another cause of age-related farsightedness is weakening of the ciliary muscle. With age, it becomes less elastic and can no longer work as it should. This also disrupts the convexity of the lens, and the focus of refraction moves behind the retina.

So, by the age of 20, the object for close examination should be at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, but by 30-35 it moves away by 45 cm, but by 40-45 the book should be located at arm’s length, and often we don’t have enough hands , in order to read small print.

Ophthalmologists consider it normal if a person at 45 years old uses reading glasses with +1 diopter, then they will need to be replaced at 45 years old by +1.5 D, at 50 years old by +2 diopters, and so on until 65 years old every 5 years by +0 .5 diopters to add. By the age of 65, the lens completely loses its ability to change and vision no longer decreases.

The widespread belief that glasses accelerate the decline of vision is refuted by medicine. If you don’t wear glasses at 50, then at 60 you will need to wear +3 D ​​glasses, and all this time, reading will be associated with unpleasant symptoms: headache, pain in the eyes and the inability to read small print.

Types and degrees of farsightedness in adults

Although the causes of farsightedness are different, all its varieties can be divided into: congenital and acquired hyperopia. Ophthalmologists divide the disease according to the degree of vision loss. There are 3 degrees of farsightedness:

  • if there is a violation of up to 2 D, a weak or low degree is determined;
  • at a level of 2.5-5 D, moderate farsightedness is distinguished;
  • if the violation is more than 5 D, a high degree is diagnosed. It is characterized by impairment not only of near vision, but also of distant vision.

Depending on the causes of the violation, there are:

  • simple form (the most common type);
  • pathological (occurs as a consequence of eye pathologies);
  • functional (this pathology is the result of paralysis of the ciliary muscle).

Farsightedness is accompanied by a number of unpleasant manifestations. Among them will be:

  • headache after reading or watching TV, working at the computer, driving a car;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • discomfort when looking at bright light;
  • dizziness.

And of course, farsightedness will provoke poor near vision: small print letters merge, become blurry, and are impossible to read. If the degree is weak, blurriness can be eliminated and visual acuity restored by squinting or moving the text to a further distance (arm's length). This doesn't help in the future.

If alarming symptoms occur, you should undergo tests for the occurrence of farsightedness.

Treatment methods for farsightedness in adults

Treatments for this disease or natural process include simple correction of farsightedness using glasses and more complex methods of laser intervention. Glasses are used for viewing objects close up: reading, watching TV, working on a computer. Surgical intervention involves a more radical correction (on an ongoing basis).

When glasses and contacts are prescribed
Traditionally, hypermetropia is corrected using reading glasses. They are selected using simple tests (collective lenses are used). In difficult cases, in order to determine the method of correction, an examination is prescribed: ophthalmoscopy, perimetry, refractometry, etc.

In some cases, glasses are replaced with lenses (mineral or organic). The use of lenses is appropriate for an active lifestyle and on vacation, but is contraindicated for children under 16 years of age.

Laser correction to eliminate farsightedness in adults

Laser vision correction is a more radical solution to farsightedness. The level of modern ophthalmic surgery allows such operations to be performed on an outpatient basis. Their duration is 15-30 minutes and after them there is no long recovery period required. This method allows you to correct refraction by correcting the curvature of the cornea and the person no longer needs to wear glasses.

However, this method is not used for high-grade disease, as well as for age-related changes (amblyopia).

IOL implantation
This technique involves replacing the lens with an artificial phakic or multifocal lens (IOL). The procedure is longer than laser correction, but it allows you to correct even a high degree of farsightedness.

Farsightedness therapy

To slow down the aging process of the body and strengthen the eye structures, hardware treatment is used. These are massage glasses, ultrasound, electrical procedures, vacuum massage, and a number of other procedures.

Proper nutrition is very important to maintain good vision. Vitamin complexes are useful to improve eye nutrition.

One of the recognized methods for maintaining visual acuity will be special exercises to strengthen the eye muscles.

However, from all the proposed options, everyone chooses the answer to the question of how to treat farsightedness.

Prevention of farsightedness in adults

Preventing the disease is much easier than treating it. In the case of farsightedness, correct behavior will delay wearing glasses and preserve good vision for a long time. In some cases, it will help slow down the aging process of the eye. Prevention of farsightedness should include a number of components.

  • Proper lighting of the workplace (lamp power 60-100 V). Combining natural and artificial lighting is harmful to vision.
  • Loads on the eyes should be dosed, alternating with rest and a change in activity (active movement, eye exercises).
  • Perform special eye exercises every 40-60 minutes.
  • Additional measures: drops, correction (spectacles, laser, etc.), special training of the eye muscles.
  • Detecting farsightedness in the early stages and correcting it correctly.
  • General strengthening measures for the eyes and the body as a whole. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition - all this can also be regarded as the prevention of farsightedness.

Get treatment and be healthy!

  • Types of operations
  • Preparatory stage
  • Postoperative period
  • Complications
  • Early complications
  • Late complications
  • Non-surgical methods

Laser blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that allows you to correct the upper and lower eyelids. After the procedure, you can get rid of wrinkles and overhanging folds. Most often, blepharoplasty is performed at the age of 35-40 years. During this period, muscles lose their firmness and elasticity.

Today, anyone can use this procedure. Plastic surgery allows you to eliminate congenital and acquired defects.

Types of operations

Blepharoplasty has the following types:

  1. Upper eyelid surgery eliminates drooping eyelids over the eyes. The operation is performed through an incision in the skin along the fold of the upper eyelid. It is through this incision that excess skin will be removed.

Blepharoplasty of the outer eyelids

  1. Lower eyelid surgery will eliminate bags under the eyes and fatty hernias.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

  1. Circumferential blepharoplasty is a surgery performed on the upper and lower eyelids. This type of plastic surgery is most often performed on patients aged 35 to 60 years.

Circular blepharoplasty

How much does blepharoplasty cost? This is a common question among many patients. In Moscow, the cost of a circular operation is 90 thousand rubles. The price of plastic surgery for the upper eyelids is 60 thousand, and for the lower eyelids 70 thousand rubles. You can explore other eye gels in the corresponding section on our website.

Preparatory stage

Preparing for blepharoplasty is now an important step. The doctor will conduct a consultation and carefully examine the patient. The patient must tell all the data about his health and body characteristics. Many patient reviews about this operation are positive.

Postoperative period

Blepharoplasty is practically no different from other surgical interventions. Therefore, after it a rehabilitation period is needed. In most cases, rehabilitation has a quick recovery period and any bruising that occurs will disappear within a week. To avoid complications, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The speed of recovery depends on the patient’s age and individual characteristics of the body. After the operation, you can go home the next day.

After the operation is completed, the doctor places stitches and covers them with a medical plaster. In a few days you will need to go to the doctor for an examination. If everything goes well, then your stitches will be removed.

Sutures after blepharoplasty

Incisions should be treated with a special ointment with an antiseptic effect. Contractubex gel is the most gentle method of dealing with scars. If you use this ointment regularly, then in the near future the scars will become invisible.

It is important to know! After sutures are removed, avoid excessive tension or pressure. Otherwise, you can provoke deformation of the cuts.

Doctors do not deny that severe pain may occur after surgery. In such cases, you need to use painkillers.

Contractubex is a gel for fighting scars

For one month after the operation, you should not sleep on a high pillow or do sports exercises. You should also take regular care of your eyes.


All complications that occur after this operation can be divided into early and late.

Early complications

  • Edema. If swelling does not go away after 2-3 weeks, then this can be considered a complication. In this case, you need to see a doctor who will conduct an examination and give the necessary recommendations.
  • Bleeding. If bleeding occurs due to a hematoma that formed after surgery, then it must be eliminated. The most dangerous occurrence is when blood accumulates at the back of the eye. If such complications occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Eversion of the lower eyelid. This may cause the eye to dry out. To treat such a disease, you need to do special exercises. If the problem persists, then surgery is needed.

Late complications

Sometimes complications may subside within a few weeks. Late complications include:

  1. Seams coming apart.
  2. Eye asymmetry.
  3. Drooping of the upper eyelid.
  4. Tearing.

Blepharoptosis is severe drooping of the eyelid that requires repeated surgery. If blepharoplasty was performed by unscrupulous specialists, then the following may occur:

  • dry conjunctivitis;
  • cyst.

Before and after blepharoplasty

Many may then refuse to undergo this operation, but this should not be done. If the clinic where the procedure will be performed is selected correctly, then you should not be afraid of complications.

Non-surgical methods

If you are afraid to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, then you can use alternative methods. Injection and laser eyelid surgery are suitable for patients who cannot undergo surgery. The cost of non-surgical plastic surgery is much lower, and it is completely painless.

Injection blepharoplasty is the injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The acid is able to be evenly distributed throughout the body and thanks to this, the surface of the skin will become smoother and smoother. Such injections rejuvenate the eyelids and retain the results for a long time. To eliminate excess fat, doctors perform injection lipolysis. The agents included in the injections allow you to speed up fat metabolism.

The injections contain hyaluronic acid, which distributes evenly under the skin and removes wrinkles

A full course includes 8 procedures. Many patients who have used this procedure report positive results. The price of injection blepharoplasty is about 10 thousand rubles. It all depends on the clinic where you decide to have the procedure done.

Blepharoplasty with laser

Laser blepharoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that is performed using a hardware method. The essence of the procedure is quite simple. It consists in the warming effect of a laser, which penetrates the skin to a certain depth. Thanks to this effect, the skin begins to produce elastin and collagen. The effect can be noticed immediately after the procedure. The price of laser blepharoplasty is 15 thousand rubles.

Now you know what blepharoplasty is and what types there are. We hope this information was useful and interesting.

Review of modern methods of vision correction

In this article we will look at modern methods of vision correction and restoration, what are the pros and cons of each method. Which one is best for you?

Types of vision correction

Ophthalmologists distinguish 4 main methods of correction:

  • Contact (lenses),
  • Spectacle (glasses),
  • Surgical,
  • Laser.

Methods can be either temporary (for example, diopter glasses improve vision only while they are worn) or radical (laser correction can restore vision to its original level). The so-called crossover method is often used: lenses in the daytime + glasses in the evening, surgery + support glasses. Let's look at each method in more detail.

Spectacle vision correction

Glasses to improve vision are the oldest and simplest method of correction. Of course, over hundreds of centuries they have not only changed, but also received a lot of modern modifications. You can find out everything about glasses here.

The main function of diopter glasses is to correctly focus light rays on the retina, making the picture clearer. Wearing glasses is recommended in the following cases:

  • High myopia (up to –30 diopters),
  • High farsightedness (up to +10 diopters),
  • Astigmatism (+/- 6 diopters),
  • Childhood,
  • Age-related farsightedness,
  • Contact lens intolerance
  • Contraindications to surgical or laser interventions.

There are also certain restrictions:

  • Risk of injury (sports, active lifestyle),
  • A field of activity that requires a full range of vision (for example, a pilot or a firefighter),
  • A number of mental illnesses
  • Anisometropia (large difference in diopters of the left and right eyes),
  • Individual intolerance.

Glasses are the only correction method with additional functionality: the lenses protect the surface of the eye well from wind, dust, rain or bright sun. They are easy to use (you can take off and put on glasses at any time), do not require special care products (unlike lenses), are affordable and varied (you can choose several models - from the simplest to the stylish “go-out” one).

In some cases, prescription glasses are the only way to improve vision. For example, surgery is not recommended at an early age, and it is not possible to put lenses on a tiny child.

For presbyopia, double correction is possible - glasses are combined with special contact lenses.

The disadvantages of spectacle correction include:

  • Limited visibility (glasses do not capture peripheral vision and distort spatial perception);
  • Side effects (if selected incorrectly and/or worn for a long time, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue may occur);
  • Unpleasant “special effects” (glasses fog up when the temperature changes, when there is snow or rain, drops settle on the glasses);
  • Risk of eye damage (for example, from a fall);
  • Limited activity (you cannot engage in contact and active sports with glasses).

For functional disorders, special glasses are used for correction.

Contact vision correction

According to patients, contact lenses not only improve vision, they help improve their quality of life. In just a few decades, this method of correction has changed beyond recognition. The first hard lenses had a whole list of dangerous side effects and were not intended for long-term use. Modern soft lenses made from a special hydrogel do not disrupt the normal blood supply to the eye, allow oxygen to circulate freely and are not felt at all on the eyes. Learn more about the pros and cons of contact lenses here.

Contact correction has a number of medical indications:

  • High degree of farsightedness and myopia,
  • Unsatisfactory result of spectacle correction or individual intolerance to spectacles,
  • The difference in visual acuity is more than 2.5 diopters (left and right eye),
  • Lack of lens (after injury, surgery or as a result of congenital pathology),
  • Ablyopia (lazy eye),
  • Professional testimony,
  • Changing eye color (cosmetic correction for defects).

Soft (flexible) lenses are most often used, but for a number of diseases only hard options are indicated (for example, keratoconus).

In some cases, wearing contact lenses can cause complications:

  • Red eye syndrome. Most often appears when using expired lenses, incorrectly selected optical power, poor hygiene
  • Corneal erosion. The cause may be either a foreign body or damage to the contact lens itself.
  • Corneal edema. It can occur with prolonged continuous wearing of lenses, hypoxia, or the use of toxic rinsing solutions.
  • Follicular conjunctivitis. It is the result of wearing dirty lenses.

The possibility of using contact lenses should be determined by a specialist. When selecting, not only medical indicators are taken into account, but also the lifestyle, age and wishes of the patient. Contraindications include inflammatory processes, tear metabolism disorders, glaucoma, strabismus, lens subluxation and allergic reactions. What you need to know to select contact lenses.

Surgical methods for vision restoration

Modern ophthalmology offers minimally invasive surgical and laser correction methods. You can read a detailed review of surgical methods for treating eye diseases in this article.

All the pros and cons of laser correction are described here.

What is the price

Prices for glasses depend on the quality and brand of frames. The simplest models cost from 500 rubles. The price level reaches 10-15 thousand rubles, and this is not the limit. To get the full cost of the finished glasses, you need to add the price of the lenses and the work of the craftsman to the price of the frame (all together 1500-2000 rubles).

The price range of contact lenses is also wide, depending on the popularity of the brand. One-day ones will cost more (from 1000 rubles for 30 pieces). Two-week ones also start from 1000 rubles, but for 3 pairs, which is enough for 1.5 months.

Laser vision correction surgery costs from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on the complexity and type of operation.

Where to treat

Visual acuity is checked by an ophthalmologist, who can also select a correction option taking into account the patient’s wishes. Doctors also select glasses and lenses directly at the optician, where you can immediately purchase a suitable option.

Laser vision correction operations are performed by ophthalmologists in specialized clinics.

Bates and Norbekov exercises: is it really possible to improve vision without surgery?

Ophthalmologists say that many refractive errors could be avoided with proper eye care and following all preventive recommendations. Some doctors believe that the eye can be trained like any other muscle.

Palming is one of the relaxing exercises

The most famous techniques were developed by Bates and Norbekov. Among the patients who worked using their systems, there was a high percentage of improvement or complete restoration of vision. The main thing is not to forget that exercises may have contraindications (for example, the postoperative period or retinal detachment).

Doctors are unanimous: poor vision does not necessarily require surgical intervention. In most cases, hard work, performing relaxing and strengthening exercises, proper nutrition and vitamin intake, an active lifestyle and a properly organized work schedule work wonders. Spare no effort and time to take care of your eyes - then correction methods will not be required.

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And they returned part of the money towards the deduction

I have severe myopia and have been wearing glasses since elementary school.

Natalya Zhutova

had laser vision correction

I tried a lot: I went to sophisticated procedures, did eye exercises, took eye drops, changed my glasses to contact lenses. Nothing helped, and the lenses only got in the way. By the time I was twenty, I could barely see the top lines at the eye doctor.

When I was completely tired of all this, I decided to undergo laser vision correction. On the recommendations of friends, I went to a well-known government clinic - and for four years now I can see perfectly without glasses.

What will you learn

How myopia is treated and how it is not treated

Modern medicine is not yet able to restore vision without surgery. Myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism are different conditions of the optical parameters of the eye, in which the relationship of anatomical structures is disrupted: the eye is too long, short, or has curved optics. Because of this, a person sees worse.

Natalia Maychuk

ophthalmic surgeon

During vision correction surgery, the surgeon uses a laser to change the shape of the cornea according to a pre-calculated program - and brings the optics of the patient’s eye to ideal. Anatomical changes in the eye remain for life, but a person begins to see as if they were not there, and sometimes better than healthy people.

The operation does not help everyone equally well, because the result depends on the initial condition of the eye. There are also contraindications when the operation cannot be performed. But they have not yet come up with another way to rid a person of glasses or contact lenses.

Myopia cannot be cured by training and drops. There are stories on the Internet and the media about the “cure” of myopia, but usually we are talking about something else. Young people experience a so-called accommodation spasm - this is when the muscles inside the eye become too tense and “forget how” to relax. Muscle spasm causes “false myopia”: instruments show it and the person actually sees worse, but for some time the relationship of the anatomical structures in the eye remains normal. If the doctor diagnosed “habitual excessive stress of accommodation”, this is exactly the case. This most often happens to those who sit on the phone or at the computer for too long.

Muscles can be relaxed with training or drops - and vision improves. But this only affects that part of the dioptres that arose due to muscle spasm. If changes have already begun in the eye and myopia has developed, they will not help. Therefore, it is incorrect to call it a treatment for myopia.

Preparing for surgery

As the doctor explained to me, not everyone gets laser vision correction. For example, myopia should not progress too quickly: no more than 0.5 diopters in six months, and preferably in a year. Also, the length of the eye should remain the same, whatever that means.

The progress of myopia is assessed by medical history, the rest is checked before surgery during the initial examination.

In my clinic, the examination could be done under compulsory medical insurance, or it could be done for money. But according to compulsory medical insurance, everything was booked for two weeks in advance, so I decided to pay. In addition, it turned out that the compulsory medical insurance policy does not cover everything: for example, photographs of the anterior and posterior surface of the cornea are still taken for money. I paid 5300 RUR for a paid examination. According to compulsory medical insurance it would cost 1300 RUR.

The examination took most of the day. The doctors checked the acuity and field of my vision, intraocular pressure, the shape of the cornea, and probably something else. I was asked to look at the dot, read the letters, and be patient while drops were put into my eyes. The doctor also asked if I wore contact lenses. It turned out that before the operation the eyes needed a rest from them. And if you wear lenses for many years, the cornea becomes thinner and laser correction can no longer be done.

I did not find any contraindications to laser correction. We discussed the surgical options with the doctor and chose Femtolasik - it is somewhere in the middle in terms of complexity and price. The operation was scheduled for the next day.

I left the clinic half-blind: everything was foggy from the drops, and in order to see the bus number, I had to come close to it. I regretted that I didn’t ask anyone to pick me up.

Before the operation, I also took three days off from work and agreed that then I would be without a computer for a week. Meetings, discussions - yes, emails - no. As it turned out later, this was a mistake: I was only getting in the way of my colleagues. Now I would take this week at my own expense.

Contact lenses and laser correction

Before laser vision correction, we always ask if the patient wears contact lenses, and if so, for how long. The operation is performed on the cornea, and the lenses do not have a very good effect on it: they reduce the access of oxygen, “rub”, and disrupt metabolic processes and cellular composition. The sensitivity of the cornea decreases, tear production is worse. All this prevents you from undergoing the operation well and recovering quickly.

Natalia Maychuk

ophthalmic surgeon

In addition, recently removed lenses may distort examination data. If the doctor does not know about them, there is a risk that the correction will be less accurate.

Day of surgery

The operation itself lasted about ten minutes, but I spent almost the entire day in the hospital: from 10 am to 4 pm. They checked my vision again, told me what would happen and how it would happen, dressed me in a robe and took me to the operating room. There they dropped local anesthesia into my eyes, and they stopped feeling anything, although I could blink.

When the anesthesia took effect, I was taken into the operating room, placed on a table and asked not to move. I was afraid that if I moved, the laser would harm my eyes, but they reassured me: in this case, it would simply turn off. They glued one eye shut and put a spacer on the other one. After that, the apparatus was brought in, and it became dark: during the operation, only a pinpoint light was visible. I also felt a slight pressure on my eye - it was unpleasant, but not painful. Then they repeated everything with the second eye.

After the operation, I immediately began to see well, but at first everything was in a fog. They put something in my eyes again, asked me to sit, and then checked my vision. After that they sent me home.

Visual acuity before and after surgery

Before surgery

Right eye

Left eye

After operation

Right eye

Left eye

After operation

On the advice of the doctor, I took sunglasses with me: without them, the light seemed too bright at first. The eyes are comfortable in the dark, behind curtains and without a monitor. On the street, I could see well in the distance, but up close everything was still foggy, so I couldn’t immediately enjoy the result.

The first day after the operation, I was offered to wait in the dark and quiet of the ward for 4,750 RUR. But I turned out to be more prudent than the day before: I was taken from the clinic and taken home. At home, I realized that I was happy early: I was not prepared for leisure in the dark and without a computer, so it was very boring.

The doctor advised me to stay away from the phone and computer at first. It takes a week or a week and a half for your eyes to adjust to working close up, so it’s better not to look at screens at all. You can’t put on makeup, go to the pool or play sports at all for two weeks. It’s better not to touch your eyes either, even if it seems like grains of sand have gotten into them. At first, this is how it should be.

I came to the clinic for two more scheduled examinations: one day and one month after the operation. The first time I was prescribed two types of drops, the second time they checked what came out of it. These visits were included in the cost of the operation.

During the year I was asked to come several more times. The first year after surgery, examination with consultation cost 1300 RUR. From the second year the price increased to 2300 RUR. It is believed that by this time the eyes have recovered and mandatory examinations are not necessary. Therefore, then I had my vision checked at the district clinic, free of charge.

Before the operation, my friends doubted that their vision would last long. So, friends: it depends only on me. After the operation, the surgeon gathered all the patients together and explained: the laser corrected the visual impairment, but this does not mean that now we will always see well. At a minimum, you need to get rid of the myopic habit of burying your nose in your phone, train yourself to take breaks from work, and master eye exercises. Without this, myopia will increase, and the correction will no longer be enough to compensate for it. Vision will deteriorate again.

Myopia after surgery

Myopic people have weakened muscles that are responsible for near vision. This is especially true for those who before surgery used glasses with insufficiently strong lenses or did without them at all. Therefore, after surgery, the muscles need to be spared and the load should be increased gradually. I ask patients not to do anything at close range for a week, and then switch to a gentle regime - the only correct one from the point of view of visual hygiene.

Natalia Maychuk

ophthalmic surgeon

The total load in the vicinity should be no more than 6 hours a day. After 40 minutes of work, you should take at least a five-minute break and switch your vision to distant objects. If your work requires you to constantly look at something close up, your eyes should rest from this in the evening.

How much did I spend

Vision correction operations are aesthetic surgery: they are performed at the request of the person, and not for medical reasons. Therefore, they are not covered by compulsory medical insurance and In 2015, my operation cost 89,800 RUR, and I spent another 10 thousand on examinations and medications.

Briefly: how to do laser vision correction

  1. Consult your doctor. Laser vision correction is an aesthetic operation: you decide for yourself whether to do it or not. But it's still an operation, so always listen to what the doctor says.
  2. Agree that you will not be anywhere for three days. The first day will be spent on examinations, the second on surgery, the third you will sit in the dark. Then you won’t be able to use the computer for another week.
  3. Sign up for an initial examination. In a public clinic, this can be done under compulsory medical insurance, but you will still have to pay for some tests.
  4. On the day of surgery, do what your doctor says.
  5. After surgery, do what your doctor says.
  6. For the operation to help for a long time, do what the doctor says.
  7. Laser vision correction is not performed under compulsory medical insurance or quota, but part of the money can be returned using a tax deduction. When you pay, ask to prepare documents for him.

The prevailing myth that laser correction cannot be performed on children greatly distorts the consciousness of many parents. Laser correction can be done up to 18 years of age if the child’s medical indications allow it. The optimal age for laser correction in children is 10 years old, and this is due to age-related changes in a person. However, it should be taken into account that when performing laser correction in children, there are specifics that leading pediatric eye doctors, specialists in the field of pediatric ophthalmology, pediatric eye surgeons and refractive surgeons should be aware of. Each case of laser correction in children is an individual decision and high professionalism of the surgeon.

It should be noted that the history of refractive surgery in the world dates back more than a dozen years, and the first refractive surgeries in children began to be performed by the head of the children's eye clinics "Yasny Vzor", Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Erikovich Aznauryan back in 2000, a patent for their performance was received in 2003 G.

We perform laser correction in children under conditions of short medicated sleep to avoid discomfort and emotional stress

Indications for laser vision correction in children:

  • laser correction of farsightedness and astigmatism in children
    Farsightedness up to +6 diopters, astigmatism up to -/+6.0 diopters. With farsightedness or astigmatism, the child’s eye completes its growth by 5-6 years, and by 9-10 years his eye structures are already fully formed. That is why, already at the age of 10, a child with farsightedness or astigmatism can undergo refractive surgery and his glasses can be removed at school age.
  • laser correction for myopia in children
    Myopia up to -15.0 diopters. With myopia, elongation of the eyeball after 5-6 years is considered pathological and leads to the progression of myopia, which can continue after 18 years. Laser correction is possible provided that myopia is stable, which can be achieved with proper treatment. After achieving stabilization, patients are observed with us for 2-3 years, and in the absence of progression and complications in the fundus, we can offer laser correction of myopia.
  • laser correction for children with anisometropia and glasses intolerance
    All over the world, refractive surgery is actively used in children with anisometropia - when there is a large difference between the optical power of the right and left eyes, when one of the eyes has congenital myopia or high hyperopia. Refractive surgery, or laser correction, is certainly indicated if the child is intolerant of glasses or contact lenses, as well as with gross changes in the facial skeleton that do not allow wearing glasses correction.