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Small Pomeranian Spitz care at 2 months. Everything about caring for your Spitz. About how and what to feed him, what toys to buy and how to organize a place for the Spitz. Who is a Spitz suitable for?

The Pomeranian is a breed of small dog that is rapidly gaining popularity throughout the world. The appearance of the Spitz is touching. The Spitz is a small dog, with hair sticking out to the sides and a cute face, distinguished by its lively temperament and ringing bark. Dogs of this breed are slightly hot-tempered and emotional. This is a real spinning top in the house. Spitz training must be strict and of high quality, since these dogs are distinguished by fearlessness and some conflict.

Spitz dogs show their positive side as pets. Representatives of the breed can get along with anyone in the household, even with a child, which cannot be said about strangers. A small fluffy dog ​​is capable of rushing into battle against a dog much larger than him, but prefers not to let strangers into the house.

Raising such a puppy is necessary not only to pacify its aggressive attitude, but also to combat constant barking. The Spitz “sounds” for a reason and without it, so a command like “Silence!” A puppy must be trained from a very young age. These dogs have a strong nervous system, so there will be no unnecessary insults or attempts to take revenge.

A well-mannered Spitz is a friendly animal. Since childhood, the puppy gets used to following its owner and also loves active and long walks. These are slightly "flattering" dogs, so they can be easily trained. The Spitz will be ready to do anything to please its owner.

It is important for a Spitz to feel who is boss in the house. Therefore, the owner must show the puppy his authority from the first days. This should be expressed in the steadfastness and firmness of the voice and commands.

Despite the fact that Spitz get along well with children, it is better to get a puppy only when the child is 7-8 years old. At this age, the baby is already conscious and will not be able to unconsciously provoke a hot-tempered Spitz into aggression.

Raising a Spitz puppy

In addition to quality feeding and good living conditions, raising a Pomeranian is of great importance.

From the first days of your stay If you have a puppy in the house, you need to start raising your pet. At the initial stage, it is necessary to teach the dog obedience. This can be done by rewarding good behavior and punishing misconduct. The concept of “punishment” should in no case imply aggression and screaming. The owner requires perseverance and endurance.

Another criterion for raising a Spitz is master's steadfastness. Only through persistence in your demands will it be possible to raise an obedient and non-capricious dog. If the dog makes prohibited maneuvers, it is necessary to repeat the prohibiting command as many times as necessary. If the dog can “convince” the owner, the person’s leadership in the eyes of the pet will be shaken, and obedience will end. The animal must know that the owner's word is law.

Elimination of bad habits should begin immediately. Later, when the puppy gets used to begging for treats, it will be impossible to wean him off. Therefore, the first attempts at begging must be nipped in the bud.

Attention is extremely important for a Spitz. Communication with a person plays a vital role in such a dog, so it is extremely important to devote as much time as possible to the puppy. This does not mean that the baby will get bored alone. He will find something to do in any case, however, these may not be completely obedient games. A Spitz puppy can tear up the upholstery of the sofa or chew on slippers just because he is bored, and not at all out of malice; to prevent such situations, take care of toys in advance.

The guard's temperament requires constant exercise, so it is necessary to take the dog with you on any outings. Whether it’s a walk, a jog or a visit to the dacha, the dog will faithfully patrol the territory, reporting every unwanted passerby. You need to get used to this behavior of your pet, however, you should not ignore the educational moment. The Spitz should shut up as soon as the owner demands it.

The characteristics of the Pomeranian include a number of educational measures not only for the puppy, but also for the owners.

In raising a Spitz systematicity is important. Breaks in training are fraught with the pet's dissolute character. If daily trips to the training ground are not possible, teams should be practiced at home. The dog must be aware of who is the leader in the house every day, otherwise its dominant character will try to take the place of commander.

The same applies to concessions. Having once sensed a weakness in the master’s mood, the dog will immediately take advantage of the moral gap to benefit his disobedience. Only owners of the breed can say how cunning Pomeranians are. The video will allow you to evaluate the dog's mental abilities.

Pomeranian Spitz care

Before you bring a puppy into your home, you need to prepare everything you need for your future pet. It is worth carefully equipping the place for the future overnight stay if the puppy is a Pomeranian Spitz. Caring for and maintaining such a pet requires discipline.


The puppy's sleeping place should be positioned so that the baby felt safe during rest. It is quite possible that the puppy will not like the place chosen by the owner. But over time, gradually moving the lounger, you can find a compromise. Spitz do not like constancy. It may happen that the dog will take a liking to several corners at once, which he will visit depending on his mood and the situation in the house.

But the dog’s resting places must be located away from radiators and drafts. It is optimal if the puppy bed is located near the owner’s bedroom. Thus, the pet will be able to realize its watchdog qualities and protect the owners’ sleep all night.

At first, the puppy may be bored, so you can put some of the owner’s things in his hiding place. The familiar smell will calm your baby's anxiety. Under no circumstances should you let a puppy into a human bed. Once your pet has been accustomed to luxury and excessive comfort, it will be extremely difficult to kick him out onto the floor. But it is also undesirable for a Spitz to sleep on a bare floor. It is best to use a basket or other device to separate the cold parquet from the puppy.


If it is not possible to walk the dog at his first request, it is important train your puppy to use the litter box. It must be taken into account that this process is labor-intensive and can take a lot of effort and time.

Also, the need to visit an organized toilet occurs during the period until the puppy has received all the necessary vaccinations. To be vaccinated, the animal must reach a certain age, so using the tray may take several months.


Toys play a huge role not only for the pet, but also for its owners. The presence of all kinds of balls and squeakers will not only keep a bored dog occupied, but also protects the owner's furniture from toothy attempts.


Despite the luxurious density and spectacular appearance, Spitz wool does not require lengthy procedures. It is enough to comb out the fallen hairs several times a week with special devices and prevent the coat from rolling off. Caring for the coat is easy.

To care for your Spitz you will need:

  • Brush with thick teeth;
  • Brush with sparse teeth;
  • Shampoo;
  • Scissors with rounded ends for correcting hairstyles.

It is advisable to bathe the Spitz no more than once a month. If necessary, you can carry out the procedure if the puppy gets dirty. In other cases, it is enough to wash your paws in warm water after a walk.

It is better not to bathe your dog while shedding. The fur may become matted, which will complicate the combing procedure and cause discomfort to the animal.


Teeth, ears and eyes require careful care. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the dog’s oral cavity and carry out periodic hygienic procedures. It is best to teach your dog to brush from an early age. This will help avoid difficult behavior in the future.

Long-haired breeds often suffer from hair getting into the eyes, which leads to tear tracks. Wipe your eyes necessary with a swab soaked in warm water.

Pomeranian nutrition

Like any other animal, the Pomeranian needs a balanced diet.

If the owner decides to use specialized food, then this should be quality food. And also you can’t suddenly switch an animal from one food to another.

Some nuances of the Pomeranian menu:

You can't feed your Spitz:

  • Hot and cold food;
  • Pork;
  • Sweets;
  • Boiled water is not advisable;
  • Cabbage, peas and other foods that cause bloating.


Vaccinations for Pomeranian Spitz are mandatory, because the animal is active and loves walks. Contact with other dogs also carries some danger, so the owner needs to take care of vaccination.

There are a number of vaccines that veterinarians highly recommend for Pomeranians:

  • Parvovirus and Lyme disease vaccine;
  • Vaccine against plague and rabies;
  • Injection against hepatitis, coronavirus and bordetellosis.

Some vaccinations are required at certain intervals, therefore, a consultation with a veterinarian to determine the frequency of vaccination is required; the doctor will also be able to examine the puppy for ailments before the injection itself, since only an absolutely healthy dog ​​can be given an injection.

How to choose a Spitz puppy

To buy a real representative of the breed, you need to contact a specialized nursery. Wild markets are unsafe places to purchase purebred animals.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the attitude towards animals in the nursery. The atmosphere should be friendly. Only in comfort are smart and brave puppies born.

You also need to pay attention to the room where the kids live. It should have enough light and warmth. After watching the puppies You need to make sure that she is active and playful. Two-month-old puppies are excellent on their feet and show interest in everything around them.

Criteria to pay attention to:

  • Healthy coat;
  • Fatness;
  • Clean eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • A good appetite;
  • Wet nose;
  • Absence of inguinal and umbilical hernias.

It is also worth getting to know the puppy better. The baby should boldly make contact and not show aggression.

A Spitz is, first of all, a companion dog that accompanies its owner everywhere.

It is distinguished by high intelligence and devotion to its owner. He has a well-developed sense of self-esteem. Representatives of this breed get along well with adults and children. They love communication very much.

Caring for a fluffy ball will not be difficult. In return you will receive a loyal, affectionate animal.

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What breed is this

These are unpretentious pets, but they constantly need attention. At the same time, they have fairly good health. Attractive appearance often ensures a dog's victory at exhibitions.

Its main difference is its beautiful, thick fur, soft to the touch. Thanks to the thick undercoat, it is raised upward, as if after a stylish blow-dry. Most of the hair is in the neck, shoulders and tail. The hind legs are also very fluffy.

Spitz easy to learn, but sometimes the training process requires maximum ingenuity from the owner.

These are unusually lively creatures that quickly become attached to their owners. They are able to understand them perfectly. They don't trust strangers, but they don't express aggression. They are not afraid of anything.

For puppies, the period of growing up takes a long time. If your dog misbehaves, do not overuse physical punishment. This will not give a good result. Remember that with him you can always to find a compromise. It’s better to distract your pet’s attention by not forgetting to hide valuables in time.

If you leave your shoes or favorite trinket within reach and your baby chews on it, it's your responsibility, not his. Periods of activity in the pet are replaced by the position of a passive observer.

How to care and feed

If you want your pet to live a long and comfortable life, get ready to learn how to properly care for it. Then you can safely register your dog as a long-livers. First of all, pay attention to the key points:

  • owner of a long fur coat needs frequent brushing, because the wool quickly gathers into clumps;
  • Dry food or canned food is suitable for feeding, and in agreement with the veterinarian, it is quite possible to make a balanced diet from natural products;
  • bathe only when dirty or once every 4-5 months;
  • vaccination is carried out at the age of 4 months, and then repeated annually;
  • Walks in the fresh air are necessary in any season of the year, but litter box training is also necessary.

During the care process, try to adhere to a certain daily routine– feed and walk at the same time. This way you will accustom the animal and yourself to order.

Necessary hygiene procedures

You need to care for your Spitz carefully and thoroughly. Then he will appreciate your efforts and try to be in a good mood every day. He will be ensured healthy well-being.


The main advantage of the dog is its thick, shiny fur. Taking care of an animal's luxurious hair is quite simple. She is combed a couple of times a week using special brush, which removes excess fluff. Then use a regular comb. You cannot do this every day, otherwise your pet risks losing its undercoat.


The baby needs water treatments in rare cases. It is washed when it gets very dirty or during shedding.

To do this, use shampoo for long-haired pets. The dog is also bathed before the start of the exhibition. Before the procedure, the animal is thoroughly combed.

Teeth cleaning

It is imperative to take care of them, because they the most vulnerable place in small dogs. You will need a special toothpaste and brush. To prevent plaque from accumulating on your pet's teeth, remove it at least once a week. You can use folk remedies. A solution of soda and salt at the rate of 1 tsp each perfectly cleanses the oral cavity. per glass of water. Instead of a brush, it is permissible to use a piece of gauze.

Eye hygiene

They are treated with cotton wool soaked in cooled boiled water. Do it as it gets dirty. Instead of plain water, you can take a warm decoction of chamomile or calendula. After the procedure, you should not immediately go outside to avoid chapped eyes.

Preparatory stage

If you decide to get a puppy, prepare to make significant changes in your lifestyle. The first days of a baby’s stay in a new place are especially important. It is better to prepare for this event in advance to save yourself from unnecessary hassle. It is useful to enlist the help of a specialist. Consult with the breeder or contact your veterinarian's office. They will tell you what needs to be done.

Place for baby

Buy him a basket for rest and sleep. Small breeds will still need bedding. If there is faux fur on it, it will make washing easier. A natural mattress will be warm.

Place the sleeping area closer to you so that your pet doesn’t get bored without you. Choose heavy food bowls so that the animal does not turn them over while eating. This could be porcelain or stainless steel. Stock up on toys for your puppy, then he will be less tempted to spoil your things.

How to transport a puppy

The transportation process also plays an important role. To prevent your fluffy ball from experiencing stress on the way to a new home, provide him with comfortable road conditions. It is better to buy a special container.

Such necessary little things

From the moment your animal arrives at your apartment, it should have everything it needs. Buy him a comb, a massage brush, a wash, scissors with round ends, ear drops, and a muzzle. In this case, keep in mind that you are taking all these things for a small puppy.


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Caring for puppies

The first couple of days at a new place of residence are the most stressful for a pet. He can't be left alone. Spend more time with your baby, who is already worried about separation from his mother and his brothers. However, don't overdo it. The fluffy ball should sleep on its own bedding, and not on the bed with you. Allow you to do this once, and then you will not be able to wean yourself from this habit.

  • At first he may be sloppy, because he is used to his mother watching over his cleanliness. If the fluffy ball gets dirty when going to the toilet, wash with warm water and dry with a paper towel;
  • gradually train your pet to use the litter box so that there are no unpleasant surprises in the apartment if you cannot take him for a walk;
  • bathe the puppy once a month, but not more often;
  • use pliers to trim the claws to 1-2 mm;
  • Clean your ears every 6-7 days. Before the procedure, drip 2 drops of a special solution into the ears to soften sulfur secretions and not injure the delicate skin;
  • When your teeth begin to change, contact your veterinarian.

Remember that the animal’s health and life expectancy depend on proper care. Before purchasing a Spitz, be honest evaluate your capabilities so that you can timely and efficiently monitor your pet.

Care during heat

Knowing the peculiarities of this period will help you take proper care of your pet and allow you to prepare for subsequent mating. This is a difficult time for a Pomeranian, so be careful. Rules for keeping at home:

  • Keep on a short leash while walking;
  • avoid drafts, hypothermia;
  • do not bathe the dog, do not let it sleep on the cold floor;
  • postpone participation in competitions;
  • Can use special underwear which will protect against infection.

The onset of heat in an animal is not a disease, so do not try to pamper it. Treat this as a natural state of the body.

Pomeranian Spitz puppies have their own characteristics not only in appearance, but also in character. Having chosen this puppy, you need to decide in advance where you will keep it, how to care for and raise it, and what vaccinations to give. Raising a Pomeranian Spitz will require a lot of time and effort. Before you bring your Pomeranian home, you need to prepare the room and purchase the necessary care items. Read about all the intricacies of raising, keeping and caring for a Pomeranian puppy in this article.

The Pomeranian Spitz is a small breed, so a special house or basket, which can be purchased at any pet store, is suitable for a bed. You need to put a small mattress there and stock up on replacement pillowcases.

If you plan to sometimes leave your baby alone, then the best option would be a special small box or enclosure so that he cannot harm himself while you are not around. You should gradually accustom your Pomeranian Spitz puppy to its place by placing treats or favorite toys there.

But you can’t keep your baby in an enclosure all the time – he needs space and active games, so let him run around as often as possible.

Transporting a puppy

As soon as you receive the puppy in your arms with all the documents and a sick leave certificate, which contains information about the vaccinations given, you can go home. You need to transport your baby carefully. It is advisable to wrap it in a soft towel and hold it in your arms. The puppy is still too small and, most likely, is afraid of change - in the arms of the owner he will more easily endure a change of environment.

First day

Arriving home, you should immediately put the baby on the floor and let him get used to the new environment. You cannot pick him up unless absolutely necessary. Naturally, your pet will be scared, so talk to him in a calm and gentle tone to instill a sense of confidence in him.

On the first night, leave the puppy in his place with food and enough water. After he explores the area, lock your baby in for the rest of the night.

Content Basics

After a Pomeranian Spitz puppy has settled in your home, you need to properly care for him, get vaccinations and deworming on time, and raise him from the first days. By following all the rules for caring for a dog, you will be able to raise a well-mannered and loyal pet.

Puppy cleanliness

A small puppy is like a baby, so at first he will relieve himself often and wherever necessary. There is no need to scold for this. It’s better to watch him: as soon as the baby starts spinning in one place, immediately take him to a pre-prepared place where you need to put newspapers.

Usually puppies relieve themselves naturally after sleeping or eating. A few days of such training - and your puppy will thank you by stopping leaving puddles and piles everywhere.

Feeding mode

Along with the vaccination certificate, you should receive instructions that will describe what and how your Pomeranian puppy ate from the breeder. This is a very important point, because if you immediately change the food, there is a risk of an upset stomach in your pet, as a result of which severe dehydration occurs.

The best option for a Pomeranian puppy is dry food, which correctly balances all the necessary vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances necessary for the proper physical development of the dog’s body.

If you decide to cook for your pet yourself, consult your veterinarian. He will recommend a natural diet that is suitable for your baby.


Necessary walks

Caring for a Pomeranian puppy includes such an important item as walks. Like any animal, a puppy simply needs fresh air, especially if it is kept in an apartment.

You can go outside with your baby only after all vaccinations have been completed. For your first hikes, you need to choose good weather, without rain or wind. Starting with a few minutes, gradually increase the duration of the walk to two hours.

Don’t forget – the Pomeranian is a very active dog, so it won’t be possible to stand still.

Basics of education

As soon as a Pomeranian puppy appears at your home, you need to begin raising the pet at the same time as leaving it. First of all, the child needs to be prohibited from doing things that cannot be done in the future. Praise and reward your pet with treats for good behavior and scold him if he does something unacceptable.

Character traits

The Pomeranian Spitz is a dog with a great mind, he grasps everything on the fly, so shouting or hitting the baby is strictly prohibited. It is best to confidently and persistently let your pet know what you want from him. But you shouldn’t allow your Pomeranian Spitz puppy some indulgences and follow his lead - he will quickly understand that he can achieve anything and will take advantage of it.

You need to constantly raise a puppy of this breed; you cannot take breaks or spoil the dog without reason. Otherwise, she will quickly get used to it and will achieve her goal by constant barking. If you do not indulge the whims of the Pomeranian, he will become uncontrollable and aggressive.

When getting a Pomeranian puppy, be prepared to give him constant attention. You will have to communicate and play with the baby, otherwise he will begin to entertain himself - he will gnaw and tear everything in a row, gradually turning into an inadequate and angry dog.

Features of temperament

The Pomeranian Spitz puppy has an extremely pronounced dominance trait. Therefore, as the owner and guard of the territory, he will constantly bark at any irritant to his peace.

To prevent this from developing into excessive aggressiveness towards the outside world, you need to stop your pet in time.

Training Basics

Tell us how you care for your Pomeranian puppy?

The Pomeranian Spitz is a dwarf representative of the canine family.

If you provide him with good living conditions combined with a kind attitude, you will receive a devoted friend and protector in one person.

It differs from its fellows in its soft fur coat and shortened muzzle. This is an inexhaustible generator of positive energy. There is never a dull moment with him.

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Description of the breed

In appearance, it resembles a fox, which has a round head and small ears located quite close. The life span is 13-15 years. This is an ideal option for city residents.

Thanks to its compactness, the pet feels free in any living space.

It is characterized by the following features:

  • 12 varieties of color - blue, black, brown, red, or combinations of them, varying in intensity;
  • not too long body;
  • deep chest with rounded ribs;
  • small dark nose;
  • length – 19-30 cm;
  • height at withers – 19-23 cm;
  • weight – from 1 to 4 kg.

Perfect for an experienced person or just a lover of our little brothers.

What is his character?

At all cannot stand loneliness. He rejoices at any opportunity to be with his owner.

Gets along better with other household members if they grow up together. But this does not prevent the playful and cheerful mischief-maker from easily communicating with everyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Excellent hearing helps to be reliable security guard, which will immediately notify you of danger. This is very obedient, smart dog. He is able to understand you perfectly. At the same time, he has some dangerous habits.

Not realizing its true size, the short one is always ready to rush at its larger relatives in order to pester them or to protect you.

How to care for your furry friend?

The health of your companion depends on the quality of the content. A neat appearance is one of its indicators. Before it appears, be sure to acquire the necessary accessories - brushes, detergents, claw clippers. You can find them in any pet store.

How to take care of your ears?

It is advisable to clean them more often to prevent the development of pathologies due to susceptibility to infections. When the ears are clean and pink, a weekly removal of accumulated secretion is enough. Cotton swabs are suitable for this. Be careful not to damage the membranes. If you notice your dog scratching or there is unusual discharge, contact your veterinarian's office.

Dental hygiene

Massage them with paste every 2-3 days. It can be swallowed, so there is no need for rinsing. If you prefer traditional methods, wipe your mouth with a solution of soda and salt, soaking a piece of gauze in it. As a supplement, let's chew on special bones, which are also good for the gums.


If you do this in a timely manner, the “teddy bear” effect will remain. The density and softness of the undercoat is ensured by the raised axial hair. A couple of times a week is enough to avoid lumps. Direct the comb movements against the fur. Pay special attention to the groin area and chin. If tangles have formed there, carefully pluck them out. When shedding occurs, comb with a massage brush as the hair grows daily. Haircut - at the request of the owner. It is not an absolute necessity. This is done by specialists. Without certain training and tools, a beginner cannot do this.


Don't get carried away with frequent washing. The optimal interval between water procedures is once every two months. Do this only if it is heavily soiled. Sensitive skin is prone to dryness and flaking, so baby shampoo is recommended. If you ignore this fact, the pile will partially fall out where there are affected areas.

Shortening claws

Even long walks do not contribute to their natural wear, so human intervention is necessary. If you are too lazy to trim, the animal will begin to limp or develop joint disease. Remove only the tip diagonally, pressing lightly on the pad. Try not to touch blood vessels and nerve fibers.

Taking care of your health

If you want your pet to live a long and happy life, do not forget about the condition of his body. Just a balanced diet is not enough to maintain normal immunity.


When feeding expensive food, your four-legged companion will get everything he needs. This is immediately noticeable by well-groomed teeth and fur coat. If you have chosen natural products, then be sure to give the mineral complex that your veterinarian will recommend. You cannot buy such products at your own discretion, this increases the risk of complications.

During pregnancy, after surgery or serious illness, during molting, complementary feeding is required. Useful microelements speed up the healing process and improve well-being.


Often it is carried out at regular intervals. The dates are postponed only when unwell or during the mating period.

It is advisable to get polyvalent vaccinations that provide comprehensive protection against several diseases at once. Usually this is an injection for rabies, distemper and hepatitis.

The procedure takes place in a veterinary hospital with the relevant information entered into the medical document of your ward. 2 weeks before it, in strict order - deworming.

Physical exercise

For a miniature creature, this is the basis for its successful development. Even though the Pomeranian is adapted to cramped city high-rise buildings, he still wants to lead an active lifestyle. Your task is to competently organize leisure time for him, surround him with comfort and love.

How to walk?

Before you go for a walk, buy a thin leash and collar. Do not tighten it too much so that the chic robe does not fall off. Before reaching six months, do not allow him to go up or down the stairs on his own, because the bones are still fragile, and there is more than enough agility. Carry him in your arms and allow him freedom in the fresh air.

When confronted with large dogs or in a crowd, you should also not leave your furry miracle on the sidewalk. Walk every day for an hour, even if your baby is litter box trained.

Outdoor clothing

This is an irreplaceable attribute, the purpose of which is to protect against inclement weather. It is also useful for transportation. In summer, you should not confine your body with unnecessary things. If you abuse this, the condition of the undercoat will worsen. So keep it in moderation in everything.

Fabrics of natural origin are preferable. Thick or hard seams and an abundance of decorative elements are unnecessary here. They can catch or pull out hairs, causing bald spots to appear.

Need for security

Before your space can be filled with endless positivity and the occasional bark, it needs to be prepared for your furry family member. This will save your energy and time. To ensure that the dog is not in danger, you have to:

  • remove all fragile or sharp objects, as well as your shoes, from your reach so that they do not turn into your charmer’s dinner dish;
  • disguise the wires;
  • check that the mosquito nets are tightly attached so that the curious creature does not fly out of the window;
  • close the doors to the bathroom when you fill it with water;
  • hide aggressive household chemicals so that they don’t get tasted;

Cute and calm dogs can be freely left with children. They don't bite They rarely show anger towards their loved ones. The main thing is to teach your child how to handle them carefully, so that he knows that squeezing or grabbing him by the scruff of the neck is prohibited.

To prevent your things from being torn to shreds, your dog's baby should have a lot of toys. Then he will sharpen his fangs on them, and your property will not be damaged. Buy balls, rattles, cubes.

It hits your heart at first sight. He looks like a little fox or bear cub. The whole family is looking forward to the arrival of this funny baby in the house. He quickly becomes at home in the company of his new owners and amuses them with his antics. Knowing the maintenance and care of the Pomeranian Spitz is necessary for every fan of the breed.

Some people think that caring for a long-haired pet is too difficult. In fact, it is enough to comb it every day for 10 minutes.

You need to bathe your orange tree once a month or less. It's up to you.

Who is a Spitz suitable for?

If you are prone to laziness or spend days sitting in front of the computer or TV and are not ready to devote 1-2 hours to daily walks with a small pet, then do not get a Spitz, or any dog. A cat would be better for you.

Pomeranians are moderately active and curious. They will be excellent companions for teenagers who will help make new friends and for retirees. While babysitting them, they will remember their grandchildren. A good option for getting a Pomeranian is also for a family with children over 7 years old.

If you now have a younger son or daughter, then wait a little until the child grows up and understands that the dog should not be pulled by the tail or ears. You need to handle the puppy carefully, as you can accidentally break something. Of course, nothing will stop families in which dogs have lived for decades from purchasing this cute pet. And we can only kindly envy them.

What to feed?

Be sure to ask what the breeder fed the baby and buy the exact same dry food or cook the same mixture. Professional dry food is perfectly balanced, but in addition to it, the baby should also be given meat. It is best to feed your pet dry food when you leave for work, and when you return, take the dry food and give it meat, cottage cheese and other natural foods: vegetables, various boiled offal, meat (boiled and raw frozen), fruits.

If you feed dry food, then look at the recommendations on the packaging, what is the norm for a puppy, taking into account its weight? From 1 year the dog is considered an adult and switch to food for mature dogs. And from 7-8 years old for the elderly.

Are you feeding natural? Then listen to the advice of experienced dog handlers:

  • Food should be given to your pet warm;
  • Try to change the water daily or at least once every 3 days;
  • Pork is not allowed: pork with sweets, smoked meats with sausage, fried and salty foods;
  • Give milk a little at a time. Fermented milk products are best absorbed;
  • To prevent bloating in your puppy or adult pet, do not give him fresh legumes and cabbage (sauerkraut is fine).

How to care for wool?

The orange's rich coat consists of spiral-shaped guard hairs and a rich undercoat. Thanks to the latter, your pet is so fluffy. This fluff supports the guard hairs vertically.

Where can tangles most often appear quickly? Behind the ears or in the groin, between the pet’s fingers. In other places, tangles form only if you stay for 1 month. did not brush the pet.

Don't want to scratch it every day? Then comb your orange tree thoroughly 2 or 3 times a week. It's enough. An experienced breeder has puppies accustomed to brushing from a young age. Ask him to show him how it’s done correctly and continue to carefully care for your pet’s fur at home. The main thing is that he doesn't get hurt.

When you brush your pet, place it on the table. If you have it for exhibition, this is convenient for you and the hairdresser, who can put it in order before the show. Do not allow your Pomeranian to jump off the table on its own. He may get injured. Take him off and insist that he must wait until you put him on the floor.

To make your pet look neat, you need to follow these rules:

  • Bathe your orange once a month. Most often not required. It is optimal to carry out water procedures once every 2 or 3 months;
  • Dry your pet with a hairdryer. Teach him to this from childhood. You won’t get beautiful fluffy wool when dried naturally;
  • Brush your dog carefully so as not to pull out the undercoat. After all, a new one will grow only after 3 or 4 months;
  • When drying, turn on the mode so that the air comes out warm;

Groom your coat regularly. This takes on average 10 minutes. in a day.

You can read the article about wool.

How to bathe?

No more than once every 1.5 or 3 months. I need to bathe the dog. If the fur on the belly is dirty after a walk, you need to wipe it with a damp towel. You can rinse with warm water without detergent. Dry shampoo removes grease and dirt well. It is sold in cans (aerosol).

When a dog is shedding, you cannot bathe it. Otherwise, the coat will become wavy and too soft. Bathe your pet in 3 stages:

  • The dog needs to be combed so that there is no tangled hair. Before the procedure, give him a good walk so that he stands still. Ears should be plugged with cotton swabs;
  • Pomeranians love to swim. Pour some water into the ladle, add shampoo and mix. Wet the wool with water. Dip a sponge into the soapy solution and apply it to your pet as the hair grows. Rinse it off. Now you need to lubricate the wool with balm or conditioner and rinse off after a few minutes;
  • You can dry it either with a special dog hairdryer or with yours. Separate strands at a time and dry the entire pet thoroughly. Start with the paws, and then move to the sides with the back.

The Spitz should only be dried with a hairdryer because naturally the undercoat can dry for a day or more, and if it’s cold outside, the pet can catch a cold. In addition, wet undercoat is a good environment for the development of bacteria and even fungus.

Taking care of your ears

Try to clean your pet's ears at least once every 7 days. Remove secretions using wet wipes or cotton swabs. Carry out the procedure carefully. The stick does not need to reach too deep into the ears.

If you notice that the discharge from the ears is more abundant and of a different color, especially black, immediately take your pet to a veterinarian. It could be an infection or an ear mite.

Trimming the claws

Buy special clippers for trimming overgrown nails. Do it as shown in the picture. Lay your pet on its back and inspect the claw from underneath. You will notice the pulp. She's inside his claw. Cut off the part where there is no pulp. Step back from it by 3-5 mm.

Did you accidentally touch the pulp? Soak a cotton swab with peroxide and disinfect the claw. Now pour crushed streptocide onto the wound.

During walks and when in contact with other pets, your Pomeranian can become infected with fleas, ear mites and other mites. From the end of February and throughout the summer, lice with fleas, ticks with lice-eaters show great activity. They are not only dangerous in themselves, but can also carry various unpleasant and even life-threatening diseases for your pet.

It is quite difficult to understand that a dog has worms. Therefore, for him and for yourself, for everyone at home who plays with the dog, carry out preventive maintenance once every six months. To accurately determine the dose of the drug, you need to know the weight of the pet and how much medication he should take?

The first time they drive away worms is for babies from 1-2 months. The breeder does this. And at home, all you need to do is worm the dog and all household members once every six months.

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