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Health minute quiz green pharmacy. Green first aid kit. The topic of our lesson is “Green Pharmacy”

, Ecology competition “The Earth is our common home”

Class: 2

Presentation for the lesson

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  • to form children’s understanding of medicinal plants and their properties,
  • expand and specify environmental ideas on the topic,
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards medicinal plants.

Planned results


  • know medicinal plants and their properties,
  • understand the importance of medicinal plants in people’s lives and the need to treat them with care,
  • apply the acquired knowledge in practice.


Cognitive UUD:

  • use the textbook and other sources of information;
  • describe medicinal plants and their properties;
  • give examples of the use of medicinal plants in life;
  • evaluate information and verify its accuracy.

Regulatory UUD:

  • understand the essence of the problem, accept and maintain the learning task;
  • learn how to solve problems;
  • evaluate the results of activities;


  • answer the teacher's questions;
  • carry out joint work;
  • allow for the possibility of different points of view.


  • awareness of a person’s responsibility for general well-being, independence and responsibility for one’s actions.

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivational and orientation stage.

Let's remember what significance plants have for humans?

(Plants feed humans, clothe them, make furniture and building materials from them, obtain fuel, heal humans, decorate our lives, etc.)

Solve the crossword puzzle and use the keyword to guess what we will talk about in class?<рисунок1>

Sisters are standing in the field
Yellow eye, white eyelashes.

What kind of plant can you tell me?
Does everyone think it's a weed?
Who has thorny flowers?
Are they attached by a spike?
Who is everywhere in nature
Spreads itself
And often, in case of illness,
Does it help many people?
From children to old women
What's his name? ….. (Burdock)

The grass is very fragrant
Fragrant leaves.
Collect quickly
And make some tea!
And you will find it near the house
It's called - ..... (mint)

It grows along the paths
It just doesn't bloom at all
They can stop the bleeding
What kind of grass?..... (plantain)

Burns like fire!
Be careful not to touch her!
Grew under an old plum tree
Very stinging - ..... (nettle)

Golden and young
In a week he turned gray,
And in two days
My head is bald
I'll put it in my pocket
Former - ....... (dandelion)

People save me
As a cure for colds
Flu and sore throat are not scary either
If I'm nearby -...... (raspberry)

What will we talk about in our lesson?

What is a pharmacy called?

Free expressions of children.

Let's read the meaning of the word pharmacy in the explanatory dictionary.

Explanatory dictionary.

Pharmacy- an institution engaged in the sale of finished medicines and other medical products, as well as the manufacture of medicines according to doctor’s prescriptions.

Today in class we will talk about the “green pharmacy”.

What is called a green pharmacy?

Children make guesses.

Treatment with medicinal herbs has long attracted the attention of people. Herbal medicine originated in ancient times. Herbs are a real storehouse of health; they contain substances that help the sick body cope with the disease. In Rus', sorcerers, healers, and herbalists treated with herbs.

How can you explain the meaning of the word herbalist?

But why, in our time of computer technology and fantastic medical achievements, talk about medicinal herbs? There are tablets, potions and various fast-acting substances. They help fight the disease on the one hand, but on the other hand they have side effects.

We will talk in detail about medicinal plants growing in our area.

What medicinal plants of our area do you know?

2. Practical stage. Work in groups.

Children recognize medicinal plants in the herbarium, lay out labels, find additional information on cards, and prepare short messages.

Card 1

Plantain grows where people walk. Plantain is indispensable when hiking. An infusion of leaves is used as an expectorant for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, and asthma. The decoction is used to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the gums and toothache. Look at your feet, along the path - and you will definitely find plantain leaves.

Card 2

Nettle has been known as a medicinal plant for a long time. One nettle replaces seven doctors, so says the popular proverb. It is used as a hemostatic agent, an infusion of flowers is used for skin diseases, used as a wound healing agent, an infusion of leaves is used to gargle for sore throats. The property of nettle to “bite” has long been used in medicine as a distracting remedy for rheumatism and aching joints. Despite the pungency, nettle leaves are edible.

After cooking, they are suitable for cabbage soup and salads.

Card 3

Strawberries are collected not only for jam. Since ancient times, strawberries have been used for medicinal purposes. Its berries contain a large amount of vitamins. Strawberry fruits stimulate appetite and regulate digestion. Dried strawberry leaves are brewed like regular tea.

Card 4

Common yarrow is a very interesting plant. It is used as a hemostatic agent. The decoction is used to rinse the mouth.

Card 5

Raspberries are loved not only by insects, animals and birds; raspberries are brewed into tea for colds, and jam is made from them.

Card 6

On the same stem, some flowers are dark pink, others are cornflower blue. This is a lungwort. It got its name because its flowers contain a lot of nectar. This is one of the earliest honey plants. Lungwort is a beautiful flower that everyone who finds themselves in the forest willingly picks.

It’s just a pity that instead of a modest bouquet, they end up with a whole armful of flowers in their hands.

Card 7

Lily of the valley is a medicinal plant used in both folk and traditional medicine. As a means of strengthening and normalizing the cardiovascular system, a tincture of flowers, leaves and stems is used. Lily of the valley substances are used for cardiac neuroses, cardiosclerosis, heart defects and heart failure. They are often used in combination with valerian and hawthorn and other medicinal plants.

Working with an exhibition of books dedicated to medicinal plants.

You can learn about other medicinal plants from various books. The books will teach you how to properly collect and store medicinal plants. (Children look at books, read titles, passages, etc.)

The presentation (7 slides) is accompanied by a performance by children.

Game “Dandelion”

1. The rain is pouring, the sun is warming, the dandelion is growing in the clearing. (children stand up)

2. The wind came and began to blow on the dandelion. (swing with raised arms)

3. The wind blew even stronger. (children run on their tiptoes)

4. Suddenly white parachutes flew (children crouch)

5. Where the parachutes fell, dandelions grow again. (children stand up)

3. Statement of a problematic question.

- “Green Pharmacy” may close?

Let's think about the reasons for this anxiety and think about ways to help the “green pharmacy”.

How can we help plants in spring?

What code of laws of behavior in nature must be followed for the “green pharmacy” to operate?

Select prohibitory signs for this purpose and justify their necessity.<рисунок 2>

What problems should adults solve so that the “green pharmacy” does not close?

But, unfortunately, there are other reasons that do not exclude the possibility of its closure. Let’s think about them. (Deforestation, use of fertilizers and pesticides, air and soil pollution in the process of human economic activity). Medicinal plants not only die, but also absorb harmful substances soluble in water and air and become real poison.

To prevent the “green pharmacy” from closing, everyone - both adults and children - needs to be reasonable and far-sighted.

4. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Independent work. Match the picture of the medicinal plant with the name.

5. Summary of the lesson.

What new things did you learn and what did you learn during the lesson?


Medicines are made from medicinal plants.

Medicinal plants are effective in treating many diseases.

Many medicinal plants need protection, so they should not be picked unnecessarily.

I would like to end the lesson with words

People, take a look around
How nature is truly beautiful.
How we need the care of your hands,
So that her beauty does not fade.


Extracurricular activity

1-2 grades

Progress of the event

    Organizational moment (2 slide)

To cheerful and playful music Ksenia Churina “Forest Song” the children enter the classroom and continue singing. Then they take their seats

Ksenia Churina “Forest Song”

A musician walked through the forest, touching birches
The notes fell into his palm like tears
He collected them together, collected any
And quietly hummed a forest song.

Re, re, si, re, re, si,
Fa, fa, sol, fa, mi, re, do,

Do, do, la, do, do, la,
Mi, mi, fa, mi, re, do, si,
Re, re, si, re, re, si,
Fa, fa, sol, fa, mi, re, do,

Do, do, la, do, do, la,
Mi, mi, fa, mi, re, do, si

The woodpecker was knocking a song on a huge spruce tree,
Even her wolf grumbled, listening to the snowstorms,
Everyone heard in her his own, what was more dear to him
A song makes it warm in winter and more fun in summer.

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock
Sha-ba-da-ba da-ba-da
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock
Sha-ba-da-ba da-ba-da
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock
Sha-ba-da-ba da-ba-da
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock
Sha-ba-da-ba da-ba-da.

The spring repeated it, running over the stones,
He penetrated into the heart of the forest, playing a song
All the flowers know her, the wind over the meadows,
Repeat it in chorus, along with us.

Re, re, si, re, re, si,
Fa, fa, sol, fa, mi, re, do,

Do, do, la, do, do, la,
Mi, mi, fa, mi, re, do, si,
Re, re, si, re, re, si,
Fa, fa, sol, fa, mi, re, do,

Do, do, la, do, do, la,
Mi, mi, fa, mi, re, do, si

    Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

Teacher. Man has long noticed that animals, among the many plants, choose only those that will help them heal. Man began to study these plants and their properties. In Rus', such people were called “herbalists”: after studying the medicinal properties of plants, they entered them into a special book. This is how knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants that we now use appeared.

Look, my dear friend,
What's around?
The sky is light blue,
The golden sun is shining,
The wind plays with the leaves,
A cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass,
Mountains, air and foliage,
Birds, animals and forests,
Thunder, fog and dew.
Man and season -
It's all around...... (nature).

Our holiday today is held under the motto “All high mountains will be traversed, all the secrets of nature will be revealed” (3 slide)

    Sounds of the forest (4 slide)

The sounds of the forest are heard.

Teacher. Today we will go to the temple of nature, talk about the diversity of plants, the benefits they bring to humans, the need to preserve and protect nature.

1 student. When you enter the forest

Where everything has been sweet to us since childhood,

Where it's nice to breathe clean air,

There is healing power in herbs and flowers,

For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.

2 student. The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,

There are medicines growing all around there,

In every grass, in every branch -

Both the medicine and the pills.

3 student. Well, what and how to treat,

We can teach you.

All medicinal plants

We know without exception.

4 student. You just need to not be lazy,

You just need to learn

Find plants in the forest

Which are suitable for treatment!

Teacher. We will now introduce you to some of them.

    Medicinal plants

CHAMOMILE (5 slide)


There is a little curl in the forest -

White shirt,

Golden in the middle

Who is she? (chamomile)

(Chamomile appears to the music)

Chamomile. It's me, Romashka. Chamomile – translated as “sweet simplicity.”

My homeland is America. A long time ago, like a weed, I ended up with grain in the hold of steamships, then I went by rail. There were gaps in the cars, and my small seeds were scattered along the railroad tracks. Soon the mounds were covered with soft and fragrant grass. That's how I came to Russia.

Teacher. Dear chamomile, how are you useful?

Chamomile. If you happen to catch a cold,

A cough will appear, a fever will rise,

Pull up the steaming mug

Slightly bitter fragrant decoction.

Plantain (6 slide)


A thin stem by the path,

At the end of his earring.

There are leaves on the ground -

Small bursts.

He is like a good friend to us,

Treats wounds of legs and arms. (plantain)

(Plantain appears to the music)

Plantain. It's me, Plantain. There is a legend about how my healing properties were discovered. Two snakes were lying on the road, basking in the sun. Suddenly a cart came around the bend. One snake managed to crawl away, but the other did not. People stopped and saw how the snake that crawled away brought the wounded plantain leaf, and after a while they disappeared from sight together.

With a simple and alarming name,

Calling beyond the father's threshold,

An inconspicuous flower - plantain

Grows along Russian roads.

The roads are rushing beyond the mounds,

The roads have no end in sight

And it is important that the travelers have wounds

He knows how to heal a flower.

Tear off the leaf carefully

And quench the burning pain...

An inconspicuous flower - plantain,

How can you grow up in the dust?

Teacher. Dear Plantain, what else are you useful for?

Plantain. If suddenly your tooth hurts, your eye is inflamed, your heart hurts, your gums are bleeding, run to me urgently. I'll help!

NETTLE (7 slide)


Just touch
You withdraw your palm:
The grass burns
Like fire. (nettle)

(Nettle appears to the music)

Nettle. It's me, Nettle. People say about me that one nettle replaces seven doctors.

Teacher. How are you useful, Nettle?

Nettle. A whole poem is dedicated to me: “Sends sleep to the sick, stops the nasty vomiting. Nettle seed with honey reliably treats colic. It is recommended to drink for various diseases.” Nettle is very beneficial for the body; it has a wide range of healing and medicinal properties. Known for a long time, nettle is used for open wounds, bleeding, skin diseases, for strengthening and growing hair, for coughs, etc.

ROSE HIP (8 slide)


Sits on a stick
In a red shirt
The belly is full,
Full of stones. (Rose hip)

(Rosehip appears to the music)

Rose hip.

Somewhere in the dense forest,

Behind the barbed fence,

At the treasured place

There is a magic first aid kit:

There are red pills

Hanged on a branch.

They call me the king of the bushes

For the color and the smell

My petals.

At least my bush is green

I'm ready to hurt you

But I will help all the sick

And to those who are healthy.

Teacher. We know you are Rosehip! But how can you help?

Rose hip. Drink my infusion for prevention. It is very tasty and healthy. It contains vitamin C. And then you won’t get the flu!



golden flower,
Emerald leaves,
On the one hand, gentle,
On the other hand, they are a little rough.
What kind of plant is this?
Tell me quickly! (coltsfoot)

(Coltsfoot appears to the music)

Teacher. How are you useful, Mother and Stepmother?

Coltsfoot. If your cough is tormenting you, inflammation has begun, make friends with me quickly, and I promise, everything will go away.

LINGONBERRY (10 slide)


Leaf with gloss

Berries with blush,

And the bushes themselves -

Not higher than a hummock. (cowberry)

(Lingonberry appears to the music)

Teacher. You are Lingonberry! How do you help people?

Cowberry. Fever, headaches,

Poor appetite.

Drink a decoction of my leaves,

You will instantly forget about them.

YOURFOIL (11 slide)


White shield on a thousand leaves

I’m growing on a hill, I’ll help you in trouble. (yarrow)

(Yarrow appears to the music)


I don't play, I don't dream,
I’m sitting counting leaves...
And there are not a thousand here at all,
And only three hundred and eight.
Someone was wrong a long time ago:
Without counting the petals,
No special calling
Gave the wrong name.
They didn’t count, but in vain:
Why am I terrible?
I am an excellent student in botany,
Why yarrow???

Teacher. How can you help, Yarrow?

Yarrow. I, like plantain, help people: I heal wounds, improve appetite, relieve various inflammations.

    Quiz “The healing properties of medicinal plants” (12 slide)

    What plant is used to strengthen and grow hair? ( Nettle)

    Which plant helps with high temperatures? (Cowberry)

    Which plant helps with cough? (Coltsfoot)

    Which plant heals wounds quickly? (Plantain)

    You can brew a healthy tea from the fruits of this plant. (Rose hip)

    Find out the plant (13 slide)

Teacher. You need to recognize the plant from the photograph and find its herbarium.

Nettle rosehip chamomile plantain

Yarrow lingonberry coltsfoot

    Order of plants (14 slide)

Teacher. Well done guys! We told and showed you a lot today. And you listened to us carefully and answered the questions correctly. But the plants want to give you an order that you must remember and follow. And then nature will be grateful to you.

My planet is a human home.
But how can she live under a smoky hood,
Where the gutter is the ocean,
Where all nature is caught in a trap!
Where there is no place for either a stork or a lion,
Where the grass groans: “I can’t take it anymore!”

Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.


I saw a young sprout.
Don't touch or tear.
Walk by and smile.
Years will pass and it will grow there
Healing herb.

Rose hip

Protect the green forest,
Don't offend anyone!
Don't destroy the trees
Save flowers in the forest!


Have you come to nature for help?
Be kind and take care of her.
Don't break the branches, don't touch them.
Remember, it takes many years
So that the bush can help you again.


You're a friend

Be careful not to let us down!

To be truthful

And promise good things!

Don't hurt either the bird or the cricket,

Don't buy a butterfly net!

Love flowers, forests,

The expanse of fields

Everything that is called your homeland!

I'm ready to argue with the whole world.
I'm ready to swear on my head
The fact that all colors have eyes
And they look at you and me.
In the hour of our thoughts and worries,
In the bitter hour of trouble and failure
I saw flowers, people crying,
And the dew is dropped on the sand.

Let's save the planet!
There is nothing more beautiful in the entire Universe.
All alone in the entire Universe!
What will she do without us?

At the end of the holiday, children perform a song based on the song “Sunny Circle”

1. Circle of the sun, sky around -

Do you remember the boy's drawing?

He drew on a piece of paper

And signed it in the corner...

May there always be sunshine

May there always be heaven.

May there always be a mother

May it always be me.

2. Time has passed and grown

Lots of capable boys.

Each of you wants to know

What are the kids writing now?

May there always be rivers

May there always be fish

May there always be a sea

And in the desert there is a camel.

May there always be groves

May there always be birds

Let there be animals in the taiga.

And there are flowers near the house.

May there always be people

May there always be children

May you always be in clear skies

The sun will shine.

    Thank you for your attention! Well done everyone! (15 slide)

Materials and literature used:

Target: to form children’s understanding of the healing properties of green plants, to introduce them to individual medicinal plants; teach them how to properly collect, dry and store them.

Equipment: stand "Medicinal Plants", sets of postcards or educational cards - images of medicinal plants, herbariums; game symbols.


It is advisable to conduct a conversation on this topic in the second half of May. This period of time is interesting because nature “comes to life” - everything is covered with a green veil, trees and bushes begin to bloom, wild and meadow flowers appear. An active time begins for green pharmacy collectors, which should be used to familiarize children with the most common medicinal plants, with the rules for their collection and storage.

The impetus for the conversation can be the preparation of children for an ecological path or excursion "Travel in their native land" cases that occurred during a recent visit to nature (treatment with herbs of injuries on the fingers or toes; purification of water using branches and leaves of bird cherry, etc. .d.) or installations in the upcoming summer holidays, when children spend a lot of time in the lap of nature. It is obvious that indoor conversation is only the beginning for the activities of young herbalists: their knowledge and skills can be tested and consolidated only in practical activities.

So, after the conversation, it is necessary to collect green medicinal plants (for example, St. John's wort), which can be useful in any family as a vitamin, hygienic and medicinal product.

It is advisable to conduct the “Green Pharmacy” conversation in the form of a dramatization game. Main roles: the medicinal plants themselves, Doctor Aibolit, sick animals and birds, Baba Yaga and more. You can include several play skits into the conversation that pre-prepared children will perform.

Pharmacy workers, preschool or school doctors can take part in the conversation.

progress of the conversation

The conversation should begin with a story about the history of the green pharmacy. A short message on this topic can be given by a pharmacy worker or the teacher himself. Everything valuable to a person is usually compared to gold. Nature gives man such a variety of gifts - "gold" - that it is difficult to even list. Medicinal plants are of particular value for preserving and strengthening human health. Medical books say: “If you look at nature with the eyes of a doctor looking for medicines, then you can say - we live in a world of medicines!”

People have long noticed that some plants cure ailments. I noticed that animals are also treated with herbs, finding among them plants needed for this. From generation to generation, people passed on information about the healing properties of plants. Gradually, knowledge about them began to be collected in books “herbalists” and “flower gardens”.

Previously, sorcerers and healers were engaged in collecting herbs and treating the sick. They surrounded their craft with an aura of mystery and did their best to scare away those who wanted to collect medicinal herbs, because treating the sick was a very profitable business. They received sick people who wanted to be cured in scary huts, lonely houses in the forest, where with them there were black cats, owls, frogs, and other delights adorned the walls, hung with bunches of dry herbs.

All this terrified sick people and at the same time inspired hope for recovery, for the supernatural capabilities of the healer. In addition, while preparing medicine, he muttered terrible spells and completely incomprehensible words. Of course, all this was done in order to increase the price of potions and herbs and force people to refuse to assemble them themselves.

Over thousands of years, folk herbalists have managed to accumulate a lot of information about the beneficial properties of plants. And in our pharmacies, among many modern medicines, herbs, herbal tinctures, and herbal-based tablets occupy their rightful place. Unfortunately, there are not enough herbs for treatment and people themselves collect them near their home, in a meadow, in a forest, or near a pond. Knowledge about them will be useful to every person, including you guys!

Today we will talk about the beneficial properties of the most common and most used plants in treatment. Let our conversation help you on your fascinating journey into the world of wildlife, in your searches and discoveries! We begin our journey into the world of a green pharmacy from the yard. There are many medicinal potions growing near us, you wouldn’t even know it! A riddle has been written about one of these plants:

They weren't allowed into the garden - that's why it stings!

Of course, you guessed it: it's nettle! Here she is showing off in a “bouquet” of spring herbs on the table. Everyone is familiar with it, but few of you know about its beneficial healing properties. Let's read about this in the story (the teacher selects short stories).

So, people have a lot to thank nettles for. It turns out that you can use it not only to make wonderful borscht, but also many other dishes!

However, something else is more important. We take nettle cheese, crush it and apply it to the damaged area on the arms or legs, it will clean the wound and heal. This is what doctors wrote many years ago. This application was justified by the fact that nettle contains substances that make germs disappear, and also because it quickly stops bleeding. Fighting bleeding and improving blood properties is the main medical use of nettle these days. And it also strengthens your hair!

Who knows this plant? (plantain).

Description Poem (choose yourself).

Find this plant in our bouquet. Find it on the poster. Who guessed why this plant is called that? Who knew it was used in medicine? When treating injuries on the legs, for example? Have any of you used plantain leaves? How did this happen?

The local population of America calls the plantain "the white man's footprint." Why? Maybe because the oblong leaf of the plantain is shaped like a human foot? Or because it never grew up in America and appeared along with the newcomers from Europe? After all, where the Europeans set foot, an unprecedented plant grew.

The plantain made a long journey. How did he do it? ? (Plantain review).

Take a closer look at the plantain. How did this trip work out for him? You see that from a rosette of basal shiny leaves, oblong and round, a flower arrow grows, which ends in a thick spikelet (an “earring,” as the riddle says) with small flowers. Many small seeds ripen from them. There is mucus around each seed, and the seeds easily stick to people’s shoes, to the wheels of vehicles, and thus travel around the world. Now it’s clear how the plantain ended up in America?

Plantain is a medicinal plant. People have used it since ancient times to heal wounds, for stomach diseases, and for colds. This is what a healing plant grows under our feet!

And next to it is another valuable medicinal plant - common yarrow. Why is it called that? (examination of a plant in a bouquet, on a poster or on a flashcard). Look at the plant and you will immediately understand why it is called that.

Why? Each yarrow leaf is cut many times into many narrow segments (a thousand!), It is difficult and impossible to count them!

Yarrow as a medicinal plant has been known in our country since ancient times. Its juice is used to heal wounds and stop bleeding. Leaves mashed and applied to the wound quickly heal the wound. Remember this!

In medicine, the stem with leaves and inflorescences of yarrow are used. The grass is collected when it blooms, the tops of shoots up to 15 cm long are cut off, without the rough stems on which leaves no longer grow.

Many medicinal herbs grow near human habitation. Some of them are familiar to you. Name these plants. What riddles do you know about them? Find these plants in our medicinal bouquet (if available) and in the portrait gallery of medicinal plants (cards).

So what do you know about one of them? This is a riddle about him: (burdock).

Indeed, what plant can be intrusive except burdock! Not only do the fruits of this plant stick to a person, but the burdock itself grows near human habitation, as if asking to visit a person. Burdock roots can replace carrots and potatoes. In addition, burdock has valuable medicinal properties. In folk medicine, it is used to treat many diseases - kidneys, liver, skin damage, etc. Burdock roots are collected in early spring, with the first appearance of leaves. It is washed, dried and placed in cardboard boxes.

For treatment, a decoction of the roots is used.

What kind of plant is this? Description poem. (choose yourself).

Did you guess it? Well, of course! The riddle talks about a dandelion. And this plant is medicinal! That’s what they call it: “medicinal dandelion.” In ancient times, dandelion was used in folk medicine to treat many diseases, and it is no coincidence that traditional healers called it the “elixir” (syrup of life). Unfortunately, the medicinal properties of dandelion were forgotten over time. However, nowadays interest in valuable medicinal raw materials has awakened with renewed vigor. For treatment with its help, both leaves and roots are used, from which decoctions and tinctures are prepared.

The long, carrot-like roots of dandelion are collected and prepared in late autumn, when its leaves have withered.

Medicinal plants that grow near human habitation: chamomile (for colds), coltsfoot (for coughs), motherwort (to calm the nerves), buckwheat bird (for the treatment of the stomach, intestines) - this is a real storehouse of health !

A real storehouse of gifts for a pharmacy is our environment: forests, fields, meadows! There are so many medicinal plants that can be used to prevent and cure many diseases: heart, nerves, stomach, head, skin and colds.

Forest pharmacy: St. John's wort, lily of the valley, lungwort, celandine (it is proposed to describe their properties).

There are many valuable medicinal herbs and plants in the field and meadow: blue cornflower, grischiki, valerian officinalis, tricolor violet, string, oregano... In a word, the doctors are right when they say that we live in a world of medicines! Of course, to find out the medicinal properties of many of our plants - our neighbors and friends, you need to read books on natural medicine, familiarize yourself with medicinal plants in special albums hung in pharmacies, and, of course, in nature itself!

Game "Reception of patients with a doctor Aibolit"

Doctor Aibolit sees patients. However, he does not simply write prescriptions for ready-made medicines at the pharmacy, but consults with “patients” about what they prefer to drink - a bitter mixture or a sweet tincture of herbs, fruits and berries? And, of course, he asks, what exactly does the “patient” want?

Riddle (pick your own chamomile).

What kind of plant do you want? - From chamomile or coltsfoot, raspberries, or from linden inflorescences?

What plants can be used for indigestion? (Blueberries, bird cherry).

What to do if the wound is bleeding? (Apply a cotton wool moistened with the juice of yarrow, nettle or grishchik to the wound).

What plants can be used to treat purulent mornings? (Plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, celandine).

What herbs do people use infusions of for heart disease? (Lily of the valley, valerian officinalis, peppermint, oregano).

For children, adults most often collect medicinal plants. You can help your parents collect the most ordinary plants that are familiar to you, which suddenly became not just garbage, unnecessary plants, but valuable, medicinal - “familiar strangers”. These plants will help you get rid of colds and coughs in winter, heal morning sickness, and eliminate stomach upsets. In the coming days we will go on an excursion and collect medicinal herbs that will enrich your home green pharmacy. And in order to collect plants correctly and not damage your health and nature, you need to learn how to collect them.

Rules for collecting medicinal plants.

For many centuries, the basic rules for the procurement of medicinal plants have been made, therefore, they must be observed.

The first and strict rule: in order to collect plants, you need to know them well (to distinguish them from others), to know which parts of the plant contain more healing properties and at what stage of the plant’s development - during flowering or fruiting it can be collected.

Plants are collected only in dry weather, preferably in the morning, immediately after the dew has dried.

Under no circumstances should you collect contaminated plants with rusty spots near dusty roads and highways (no closer than 200 meters from the road).

When collecting plants, place them in the space of the basket; do not tamp or compact them, because the plants will secrete juice and begin to rot.

Plants need to be dried as quickly as possible, not in the sun, but in the shade, in a well-ventilated area - under a canopy, in an attic, in a barn, in a cool room. Plants should be placed in a thin layer on cardboard, plywood, fabric, or on a clean floor - and turned over at least twice a day.

The collection of medicinal plants and their places of distribution must be treated with care: do not trample, do not eradicate the plant, do not collect every last plant, change the collection sites and in no case collect those plants that are listed in the Red Book.

When collecting medicinal plants, you need to take care of your own health. It should be remembered that many medicinal plants are poisonous and therefore you need to follow safety rules: do not crush the plants in your hands, do not touch your lips, eyes, nose with dirty hands, so as not to transfer the poisonous juice to the mucous membrane.

The following plants are poisonous and dangerous:

May lily of the valley, common celandine, European swimmer, raven's eye, wolf's bast and many others. If, by chance, you start to have a headache, nausea or weakness, you need to drink a lot of warm boiled water (Suggests making a table of these plants).

And one last thing. It is better to store dried herbs in cardboard boxes, paper bags or fabric bags.

Good luck to you, herbalists, in creating a home green pharmacy!

"Green first aid kit"

Topic: “Green first aid kit”

1. To develop knowledge about the variety of medicinal plants and methods of their use by humans.

2.Introduce recipes for medications used to treat certain diseases

3. Find out the rules for collecting medicinal plants.

4. Continue learning about ways to improve your health.

5. Develop children’s environmental culture and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: computer, presentation “Green Pharmacy”, album “If you want to be healthy”. Collection of herbs: chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, calendula, cut-grass, camel thorn, wormwood. Plants: oats (grains), onions, garlic. Newspaper "Secrets of Plants". Collection of recipes - herbalist. A basket with “vitamins”: onions, turnips, cabbage, radishes, carrots, garlic, lemon, dill, beets.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organization of children.

2. Checking children’s creative tasks /optional/.

Children are given a task to choose from:

Drawing on the topic: “If you want to be healthy”

Drawing up rules for hardening the body.

Identifying ways to harden the body.

As a result, the oral journal “If you want to be healthy” is being created.

3. Message on the topic of a moment of health.

We have learned a lot about our body, we are learning to take care of it, strengthen it, but, unfortunately, there are situations when a person gets sick.

What does your mother do when you are sick? (children's answers)

Where do you get your medications? (At the pharmacy)

What is a pharmacy?

Pharmacy is an institution where medicines, sanitary and hygiene items are sold or manufactured.

The theme of our health minute is “Medicinal plants. Green first aid kit."

SLIDE No. 1.

What do you think it is?

The Green Pharmacy is the oldest pharmacy on our planet, and its age goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Plants are the first medicines of ancient man; we no longer know how he used them, but the very first printed sources mention medicines from plants.

Herbalist is a book describing herbs and methods of herbal treatment, a collection of recipes.

An herbalist is a person who understands medicinal plants and knows how to compose recipes.

What medicinal plants do you know? (children's answers)

And now the plants themselves will tell us about this.

I am a daisy, familiar to you too

A medicinal friend will always help you

And if you happen to catch a cold,

A cough will develop, a fever will rise

I am one of the most popular medicinal plants. I have an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effect. My decoctions can be used for burns, frostbite, fever, and allergies. For rinsing the mouth and throat, for colds. Previously used against freckles. They use my inflorescences.


The plantain is growing, the time is just approaching

On dry and hard ground near roads

People say kind words about him:

Plantain, a humble herb, will help you.

If you cut your arm or knocked down your leg

He will heal your wound and give you strength

Helping people silently, without fear of adversity

A plantain lives on the ground next to us.

I heal wounds, cuts, stop bleeding. My decoctions and infusions also treat coughs and bronchitis. The eyes are washed with the decoction. Leaves and seeds are used.


I blossomed on the sunny edge

She quietly raised her lilac ears

People say she is buried in the grass

Doesn't like to go forward

But everyone will bow to me and take it carefully

I am a tricolor violet. People call me “pansy”. I help with coughs, colds, allergies. Use the above-ground part (grass)


Used for coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, burns, insect bites, and also for appetite. Leaves and inflorescences are used.

There's no mistaking my smell for anything else. I am a very fragrant plant. I soothe headaches, I am used for insomnia, for stomach diseases, for gargling and mouthwash. It is also used as a seasoning. Leaves and inflorescences are used.


I am the cats favorite grass. Did you find out? I am used as a sedative for insomnia, as well as for liver diseases. Roots are used. I can be replaced with another medicinal plant - a resident of wastelands - motherwort.

St. John's wort.

I am the herb for 99 diseases. Many legends are associated with me. People have long noticed that some animals, eating me on sunny days, suffer from itching, skin inflammation, and then die. Hence the name - St. John's wort. But I help people: they use me to treat headaches, radiculitis, and stomach pain. I improve my appetite and relieve allergies. The ointment is used to heal wounds.


People call me marigolds. My products and infusions help in treating the stomach, liver, and heart. I treat burns and bruises. Rinses are very effective. They collect flower baskets from me.

SLIDE No. 10

PRACTICAL WORK (children have samples of herbs and plants on their tables).

Pay attention to sample No. 1. This is chamomile. Do you remember what diseases it is used for? Smell the fragrant crushed inflorescences, which are harvested from June to August (depending on the region).

Smell sample #2. What kind of fragrant herb? This is mint. When is it used? Leaves and inflorescences are collected in June and July.

Sample No. 3. This is St. John's wort. Why this name? What does it cure? Collected from June to August.

Sample No. 4. This is calendula. Fragrant flower baskets smell pleasant. Collected from July to August. What diseases does it help with?



Wounds and cuts




Anyone who listened carefully will find it easy to choose a medicinal plant for each ailment.

SLIDE No. 11-12

PRACTICAL WORK (children with a teacher turn to herbs and plants on the table).

Sample No. 5. This cut is grass or crow's feet. Heals cuts and wounds well.

Sample No. 6. This is camel thorn. It treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract well and normalizes digestion.

Sample No. 9. This is wormwood. Treats digestive diseases of the nervous system. Fresh juice promotes wound healing.

Sample No. 7. This is oats. Decoctions and infusions are used to restore strength in case of loss of appetite due to stomach diseases. Removes toxins, normalizes metabolism, it contains many antioxidants.


Chamomile. Many useful herbs grow

On the soil of my native country

Can cope with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.

Herbal witch. I want you friend

Add another flower to the bouquet

Chamomile - I figured out your deception!

Look! Here is dope - a poisonous herb!

Your gift will give me a headache

Take him back!

Oh, that Grass Witch! He just wants to do something nasty! Either a poisonous root will be slipped in, or inedible grass.

Herbal witch. - I changed my mind, guys.

Let's go to the forest together

Let's collect sage and mint

Let's pick tender lilies of the valley

At home we will put them in water

Chamomile. I understood immediately, brothers.

Her cunning plan

Come on, get out of here, you harmful thing!

We know these plants, we take care of them and protect them.

From people like this one - a bouquet collector!

They have long been listed in the Red Book

We don't tear them for fun

We'll take them to the pharmacy

People make medicine from the gifts of the forest kingdom!

Why didn't chamomile take dope? Lily of the valley?

Datura is a poisonous plant that can cause severe headaches; use with a doctor's prescription. Soothes coughs and is used by people suffering from seasickness.

Lily of the valley is a poisonous plant, listed in the Red Book. It cannot cure a cut or a cough, but it helps with heart disease and insomnia.

SLIDE No. 13-15

The water surface is covered with large, round, umbrella-like leaves. They are coated with water-repellent substances. The most beautiful part is the lotus flowers. Lotus is a medicinal plant. It was used in Chinese-Tibetan medicine to treat rheumatism. Lotus nuts can grow even after a thousand years. It is considered a sacred plant in India and other countries.

Why do plants end up in the Red Book?

Human activity has a detrimental effect on the species composition of the flora. Many plants often end up in bouquets. There are fewer and fewer of them. What do people do to preserve plants? They create botanical gardens, greenhouses, greenhouses, and nature reserves. Botanical gardens are research institutions where plants are grown and collected.

Therefore, people involved in collecting and preparing plants must follow some rules.

Collection rules

1. What to collect - a person must be able to distinguish between lek. plants and non-medicinal and know what you need to take from this plant (root, leaves, inflorescences, etc.)

2. When to collect - medicinal plants are collected when they contain the maximum content of pharmacological active substances. Do not collect during rain or when there is dew on the grass.

3. How to collect - when collecting medicinal plants, each plant must be placed separately and be sure to agree with the pharmacy or other doctor. institutions where they will accept what you have collected (baskets, linen bags). Use a knife.

4.Where to collect - clearing, meadow, swamp, forest - places suitable for collecting. Plants should not be used near highways or roads because they accumulate toxic substances from car exhaust pipes (zinc, sulfur, lead)

5. When collecting, save – when collecting, you need to take as much as you need. You cannot take plants that are listed in the Red Book, and you cannot collect medicinal plants in the same place from year to year.

Practical group work (in groups).

Execution of application: sign

1.Do not trample flowers

2.Do not pick flowers

3. Take care of nature (the song by Yu. Antonov sounds - “Don’t pick flowers”)

Children perform appliqués

Practical work (herbs)

What's left on the table? (onion, garlic)

Why are they together with lek. plants?

Many vegetables and fruits are sources of vitamins, microelements, contain antioxidants, improve immunity, and can heal.

What properties of onions do you know? (treats runny nose, cough, helps with sore throat, acute respiratory infections, improves appetite) antimicrobial agent.

Garlic is a good antimicrobial remedy for runny nose, sore throat, cough, insect bites, and diabetes.

/BASKET/lemon, cabbage, dill, parsley, carrots, rare, beets

What does your mom use when you're sick?

Parsley - heartsucker - cough

Carrot - eyes

Beet - intestines

WORK WITH CARDS /in pairs/children connect the plant and the disease/


Lemonstomach upset

Cabbage runny nose


SLIDE No. 18 – check yourself

Summary of the lesson. Blitz survey.

What is your cat's favorite grass?

What can be replaced?

A plant used to treat freckles?

Instead of a bandage for burns and wounds?

What plant can even the blind recognize?

In which part of the plant do medicinal substances accumulate?


b) at chamomile

c) at the plantain

What new did you learn?

What didn't they know?

Creative homework /optional/

Choose a bouquet of flowers to treat any organ:

stomach, liver, eyes, intestines, etc.

Make a recipe using medicinal plants to treat colds and improve immunity.

Teacher's poem

I don't walk in the steppe - I walk in the pharmacy

Understanding her herbal file

Boundless steppe, endless steppe

You are the right recipe written by nature.

Green first aid kit

Target: activating children's knowledge about medicinal plants.
Teach children to concentrate, mobilize mental activity to find an answer to the question posed. Develop your ingenuity.
(While solving riddles with children, parents or teachers can talk about the medicinal properties of these plants and how these plants are collected.)

Summer is warm,
Summer is red!
Good sun,
The sun is clear!
Full of juice
The grass is green,
Collect, dry
It's time for her!
And you some grass
Yes for the winter
Stock up!
From sickness to you
She will protect
Will give you health
Power to the fullest!
Medicinal plants - what do they look like, where to get them, how to collect them, what do we know about them? Let's just get to know them through riddles! This is a simple and uncomplicated game where you can test your knowledge of nature, your ability to observe and notice.

Riddles about medicinal plants
1. The grass grows on the slopes
And on the green hills.
The smell is strong and fragrant,
And her green leaf
It suits us for tea.
What kind of weed - h..., guess.

It is considered a very strong antiseptic. Acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antispasmodic, and mild hypnotic.

2. There is a fragile umbrella in the garden
Little by little it grows upward.
What's your name? "Prokop" -
Will tell us loudly...

It has choleretic properties, instantly relieves headaches and helps cope with insomnia.

3. It’s bitter in haymaking,
And it's sweet in the cold.
What kind of berry?

Recommended for atherosclerosis. Rowan phytoncides are lethal to Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella bacteria, as well as mold. It is often used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent.

4. Here is a green coquette,
Celery's neighbor.
Pointy-nosed old lady
We know you...

Parsley contains magnesium and calcium salts. In medicine, it is used for bile and urolithiasis, loss of appetite, loss of strength, and to improve vision.

5. Here is the green arrow
She rose to the light, to the sun.
We'll put it in the soup
After all, seasoning is...

A bactericidal and antiseptic plant, it improves appetite, food absorption, and increases the body's resistance to infections.

6. The bunch of berries is beautiful,
Yellow or red,
I'm afraid to get it -
I'll prick myself on the thorns.
But I respect you since childhood
Heart remedy.

It is prescribed for atherosclerosis, hypertension, arrhythmias, cardiac weakness, anxiety and constant stress.

7. He is a weed, he is a flower,
Helped me with my illness.
When I sit down on the sofa,
I remember yellow...

8. Sits on a stick
In a red shirt
The belly is full,
Full of stones.

Rose hip
They include vitamins C, K, A, E, P, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, as well as cobalt, molybdenum and copper, pectins, sugars, org. acids, and many other elements.

9. There is a crooked and horned root,
Rich in healing power.
And maybe two centuries
He's waiting for a man
In the thicket of the forest
Under the cedar pine.

It can be used to treat diabetes mellitus types I and II, necrosis and trophic ulcers complicating diabetes, malnutrition, chronic fatigue syndrome, and to restore the body.

10. Grows like a green wall,
They pass her by
A prickly and evil diva.
What is the name of the grass?

It is used to stop bleeding, with purulent wounds and small ulcers, as it has disinfecting properties.

11. Bitter grass,
Correction to the stomach
And she is fragrant,
And it sweeps cleanly.


12. You will meet him along the paths,
You will heal wounds and abrasions,
Tear off the leaf carefully.
Who will heal us?

Its leaves contain carotene, phytoncides, citric acid, enzymes, tannins, and bitter components. Plantain is used for bruises, wounds, insect bites, burns, as a means to stop bleeding. It has good anti-inflammatory quality.

13. The ball is pale blue,
Although prickly, but not evil.
And it’s not bad in a bouquet.
Who is this?


14. Inconspicuous among the herbs,
She has a calm disposition.
Who is proud of usefulness? -


15.If something hurts,
Even the beast cannot resist.
What herb should you drink the infusion with?
With miracle weed...

St. John's wort

16.Tea is delicious and fragrant,
With her he is light and pleasant:
The leaves are torn off and wrinkled.
What are you inhaling? - Smell..


17. If the stem is broken off,
It's hard to wash your hands!
Yellow juice in leaves
In small flowers -
That juice is for good, clean deeds,
What kind of weed?


18. The sun dries the herbs with heat,
Warms the dark oak groves,
And in the forest the spring rings,
He is in a hurry to drink the grass,
Will give them strength to be reborn:
Smells like honey...


19. Spreads its openwork leaf
King of all herbs...


20. It grows in spring,
Blooms in summer
In autumn it crumbles,
In winter he sleeps.
And the flower, honey,
Treats the flu
Coughing and wheezing.


21. In vacant lots and along roads
Weed with white inflorescence.
But having studied all its properties,
You might look at it the wrong way.
Stop the bleeding
In China, it is a salad for the table.
The weed is tenacious: there are so many seeds
In a fruit that looks like a bag.

Shepherd's Purse

22. The forest turns black, awakened by the warmth,
Surrounded by spring dampness.
And on strings of pearls
Everyone is shaking from the wind.
Carefully swaddled by nature,
Wrapped in green leaf
A flower grows in the untouched wilderness
Cool, fragile and fragrant.

May lily of the valley

23. He “loves - does not love” can answer us
And he looks at you with a friendly yellow eye.
The pharmacy flower looks so much like it,
We call him our medicinal friend.

Chamomile officinalis

24. Berries are not sweetness,
But it's a joy to the eye
And decoration for the gardens,
And a treat for friends.


25. In deciduous forests
And on the side of the tracks
You will meet her all in flowers,
Something like peas.
But a strong camphor bouquet
They don't like flies and mosquitoes,
Will leave a burn mark -
Its inflorescences are poisonous.
Be careful my friend
While admiring, don't lose your mind,
After all, the infusion from the plant
Helps heal your stomach.

Since ancient times, it has been known that girls carried tansy leaves with them so that no trouble would happen, they even made wishes, which is why people also dubbed it “love spell herb.”
Tansy is also a herbal amulet. Peter I himself advised all nobles to plant it at the entrance to their homes, “in order to protect residents from bad visitors.” That is, no matter what thoughts a person comes to you with, he will leave all his bad thoughts outside the threshold of your house.
It is recommended to plant balsam tansy in the garden, next to the house. Balsamic tansy brings peace and joy to its owners.

We offend her
When sometimes we break,
We decide that grass is a weed,
It won't be of any use to us -
These are our morals.
But, my friend, we are wrong!
Thanks to the herbs and flowers,
Why do they forgive us all this!

Equipment: phonograms (sounds of the forest, songs about plants); paintings of nature (for decoration); herbarium "Medicinal plants of our region" (for the game)

Lesovichok: Man has long noticed that animals, among the many plants, choose only those that will help them heal. Man began to study these plants and their properties. In Rus', such people were called “herbalists.” Having studied the medicinal properties of plants, they recorded them in a special book. This is how knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants that we now use appeared.

Our holiday today is held under the motto "All the high mountains will be trodden, all the secrets of nature will be revealed."

The phonogram "Sounds of the Forest" plays. The Fairy of the Forest comes out.

Fairy of the Forest: When you enter the forest

Where everything is sweet to us since childhood,

Where it's nice to breathe clean air

Found in herbs and flowers

healing power,

For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.

Lesovichok: The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,

There are medicines growing all around there,

In every grass, in every branch -

Both the medicine and the pills.

Well, what and how to treat,

We can teach you.

All medicinal plants

We know without exception.

Fairy: We will now get acquainted with some of them.

There is a little curl in the forest -

White shirt,

Golden in the middle

Who is she?

Chamomile appears to the music

Chamomile: It's me, Romashka. Chamomile - this name translates as “sweet simplicity.” A long time ago I came to you from distant America. I used to be a common weed.

Lesovichok: Dear chamomile, how are you useful?

Chamomile: If you happen to catch a cold.

A cough will appear and a fever will rise.

Pull the steaming mug closer to you

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction.

Fairy: A thin stalk by the path,

At the end of his earring.

There are leaves on the ground -

Small bursts.

He's like a good friend to us,

Treats wounds of legs and arms. What is this?

The Plantain appears to the music

Plantain: It's me, Plantain.

Fairy: There is a legend about how the healing properties of plantain were discovered. Two snakes are lying on the road, basking in the sun. Suddenly a cart came around the bend. One snake managed to crawl away, but the other did not. People stopped and saw how the snake that had crawled away brought a plantain leaf to the wounded woman, and after a while they disappeared from sight together.

Plantain: With a simple and alarming name,

Calling beyond the father's threshold

Grows along Russian roads.

And it is important that the travelers have wounds

He knows how to heal a flower.

Tear off the leaf carefully

And quench the burning pain

Inconspicuous flower - plantain

How can you grow in the dust?

Lesovichok: Dear plantain, what else are you useful for?

Plantain: If suddenly your tooth hurts, your eye is inflamed, your finger is cut, your heart hurts, run to me urgently. I'll help!

Fairy of the Forest: And now I’ll tell you riddles about the medicinal plants living in my forest.

  • It burns, not fire;

She's evil, but she heals people.

What is this? (nettle)

  • Leaf with gloss

Berries with blush,

And the bushes themselves are no higher than a hummock. (cowberry)

  • At least his bush is green

I'm ready to hurt you

There are red pills

Hanged on a branch

And he is ready to help everyone from various troubles. (rose hip)

Lesovichok: Thank you, Fairy of the Forest, for the interesting riddles. But the guys and I got bored for some reason. Let's dance and sing songs.

Song "Medicinal Herbs"

Exercise "Walk through the magical forest"

A boy appears and walks with the children.

Lesovichok: Wait, look, what are you doing?

Boy: I? I'm walking! And what?

Lesovichok: Look back and see what you've done!

Boy: So what? They're still ugly, and who needs them anyway?

The boy wants to leave the clearing. But then various troubles begin to happen to him: he rubbed his leg; cut my hand; started sneezing and coughing; he had a headache, etc.

Medicinal plants come to his aid.

Boy: Thank you very much! I didn't know plants could be so beneficial.

The boy dances in a circle with the plants.

Fairy of the Forest: I have interesting pictures, let's play a game.

Game "Who can collect the picture faster"

(Children are given cut-out pictures with various medicinal plants.)

Lesovichok: And I also have a game!

The game "Recognize the plant" is being played

Fairy of the Forest: Well done guys! Today we learned a lot about the benefits of plants. And I want to give you an instruction that you must remember. Then nature will thank you!

You, my friend,

Look, don't let us down!

Promise to be truthful and kind!

Don't hurt the bird or the cricket!

Don't buy a butterfly net!

Love flowers, forests, open spaces of fields -

Everything that is called your homeland!

Lesovichok: And as a parting meal, we have prepared a treat for you. And the treat is not simple, but medicinal - this is a tasty, aromatic drink made from rose hips.

Fairy Forest and Lesovichok say goodbye to the children and leave.

Municipal educational institution
secondary school No. 5 in the village of Prikumsky, Mineralovodsky district, Stavropol Territory

Methodological development

lesson about the world around us

"Green Pharmacy"

for 1st grade students

Lesson Objectives :

– development of educational and management skills (formulation and achievement of an educational task; organization of work in pairs, groups) and educational and logical skills (analysis, comparison, classification);

– formation of communicative (ability to work with information, work in pairs, groups) and organizational competence (setting and solving an educational problem, reflecting on activities).

Objectives: developing the ability to think, defend one’s point of view; speech development, enrichment of students’ vocabulary, development of the ability to analyze and compare.

Learn to relate old knowledge to new ones, introduce medicinal plants, rules for collecting medicinal plants.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature, fostering a culture of communication in the classroom.

Progress of the lesson.

!.Organizational moment.

Today in the lesson we will take you on a short journey into the world of nature, we will open one interesting page that is important for humans. For your work in the lesson you will receive chips. At the end of the lesson we will see which of you has collected more chips.

Now listen to the poem.

If you want to be healthy,

Do without doctors

You should know in advance

Plants are of great use!

All plants are useful

They are medicines for people

Helps against diseases

Only each from his own.

If someone has a cold,

My head hurts, my stomach hurts.

So, we need to heal,

So, let's go to the garden.

We'll take some potion from the garden,

Let's go to the garden for a pill,

Let's quickly cure a cold.

You will be happy with life again.


What is this poem about?

What medicinal plants do you know?

The theme of the lesson on the surrounding world is “Green Pharmacy”.

What is a pharmacy?

A pharmacy is an establishment where medicines are sold or prepared; first aid kit (first aid kit)

What do you think we will study in class today?

(children's assumptions)

2. Challenge.

Game "Do you believe that..."

On your desk, each of you has a table with question numbers and empty cells under them. I will ask you questions, and on the second line you will put “+” if you agree, and “_” if you disagree.

3. Do you believe that if you drink a decoction of medicinal herbs during a cough, the cough will go away faster?

5. Do you believe that if a plant is a weed in the garden, then it cannot be medicinal?

Place your signs on the edge of the table; we will test your knowledge of this at the end of the lesson.

3. Understanding.

Introductory conversation.

What medicinal plants do you know? And in what cases do they help people?

Do you want to know more such plants? Where can we get this information?

Open the textbook on p.61. Name the medicinal plants.

Teacher's explanation of the task.

Now you will work in pairs. On each desk there is a plant - a herbarium or a living plant. You must look at it and read the text about this plant, and then tell the whole class about it. You can tell it like this: one child describes the plant, the other talks about its purpose.

Work in pairs.

Looking at plants and reading text.

St. John's wort.

In ancient times, this plant was considered a herb for ninety-nine diseases. By special royal decree he was transported from Siberia to Moscow. Popular rumor endowed the grass

“terrible power” - mows down every beast right and left. Hence the name of the plant. This plant helps with wound healing, ailments, and coughs.

Tea made from St. John's wort flowers and leaves is very useful.

Pharmaceutical chamomile.

You need to know about chamomile.
White tiny flower -
For poultices, for lotions.
If inflammation
Decoction - calming.

Medicinal chamomile is used for the treatment of sore throat, cough, pain reliever


The plantain grows
Only the time comes
On the ground dry and hard
Near the roads.
People talk about him
Kind words.
Plantain will help everyone -
Humble grass.
If you cut your hand
Or knocked his leg,
He will heal your wounds
And it will add strength.

Dandelion-grows in fields, meadows, gardens, forests, along roads, near homes. Medicinal raw materials are leaves, roots, herbs. In medicine, dandelion root and herb are used as a bitterness to stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

Shepherd's Purse- found everywhere in fields, vegetable gardens, along roads. Shepherd's purse decoction used for fever, for healing wounds and ulcers. Shepherd's purse herb is used in the form of freshly squeezed juice or a recently harvested plant.

Celandine- found throughout the country on rocks, wastelands, and vegetable gardens. The medicinal raw material is herbs. It contains 20 toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on many microbes and are dangerous to humans and animals. The plant heals wounds and removes warts.

Linden blossom - use the bark to treat burns; The fruits are used to stop nosebleeds. An infusion of linden flowers is recommended for rinsing the mouth, (sore throat), for headaches, for colds.

Yarrow- perennial. Flowers are collected in baskets. Grows in meadows. Herbs and flowers help with digestive diseases and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Slides: chamomile, plantain, yarrow, celandine, St. John's wort, shepherd's purse, dandelion, linden flowers.

A story about plants.


Physical education minute.


Do you think there are rules for those who collect plants?

What are they for? Why do you think so?

Teacher's explanation of the task.

As a group, you should discuss the rules for collecting plants. One child will prepare a story about the rules. Whichever group is ready to tell us the rules, you will raise the flag and sit upright.

Group work.

Discussion in groups.

Statement of rules by a group representative.

Explanation of the task.

Read the text on p. 61 and compare with what you already know. Make notes in your textbook with a pencil.

Reading text p. 61.and text analysis.


3. Reflection.

Regional component.

Frontal conversation.

What plants grow in our area?

All these plants grow in our region. And there are also many useful and beautiful: hawthorn, burdock, wormwood, coltsfoot, clover, nettle and many other plants.

And now we’ll play the game “Sharp Shooter.” To do this, remember everything we studied in the lesson. You need to connect the name of the plant with its purpose for treatment

Individual work.

Working with the table “What a plant heals”

.Checking on the interactive whiteboard.

Game "Do you believe..."

1. Do you believe that all plants are medicinal?

2. Do you believe that 1 plant can treat several diseases?

3. Do you believe that during an illness you can only be treated with pills?

4. Do you believe that if you get injured in nature, you can only help yourself with medicine?

5. Do you believe that if a plant is a weed in the garden, then it cannot be medicinal?

6. Do you believe that all the plants a person needs can be plucked as much as possible?

7. Do you believe it, children can pick medicinal plants themselves, brew them and drink them as tea.


Our lesson is coming to an end. I would like to know what interesting and useful things you learned in class.

What topic did you study in class?

Suggest phrases:
I met...
It wasn't easy...
I did it...
I would like...
I remember...

What did you like about the lesson? Let's see which of you did the best. Count the chips and tell who earned how many chips.

Homework. At home, read the textbook again on pp. 60-61. Do the task in your notebook p.38.

Lesson summary.

Literature used:

1. Study nickname O.N. Fedotova, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov “The world around us” 1st grade (Moscow, Academic book/Textbook, 2011)

2. Reader by O.N. Fedotov, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov (Moscow, Academic book/Textbook, 2011)

3. Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Methodological manual for teachers. – M: Academic book/Textbook.

Internet resources:

1. www.medicalplant.ru/20.shtml

Preparatory group Educational area "Cognitive Development"

Prepared and conducted by Teacher of MBDOU No. 122 "Radiant" Konovalova S.I. 2015

Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about medicinal plants.

Software tasks:

  • expand children's knowledge about medicinal plants and their healing properties
  • specify parts of plants used for treatment
  • establish the rules for the collection and use of medicinal plants
  • generalize children's knowledge about trees
  • develop cognitive interest, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Previous work: collecting material about medicinal plants, looking at illustrations, slides of medicinal plants, talking about healing properties, reading fairy tales, riddles, poems about medicinal plants, creating an album "Medicinal plants" .


  • pictures of tree leaves
  • tree slides: birch, oak, aspen, rowan, pine, spruce
  • pictures of medicinal plants (chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, dandelion, plantain, nettle)
  • cards with parts of medicinal plants.

Children enter the group and greet the guests.

V.: Guys, we received an unusual letter today:

Here is an envelope big and yellow
How did you find us, envelope?
How did you get into our group?
Let's figure it out, oh, wait!

Our address is on the envelope
Whose reverse is it? Forest!

Are you guys wondering what they are writing to us from the forest?

Animals write: “We are looking forward to your visit! Come to the spring forest, we will be friends with you, life will be more fun for us!”

Q: Guys, are you ready to visit the forest dwellers? Who are called forest dwellers?

V.: There are many different trees in the forest. Now tell us which ones we will pass by.

Didactic game "Recognize a tree by its leaf" .

V.: There are so many trees in this forest, they are all different: birch, oak, aspen, pine.

What forest are we in?

Children: Mixed.

V.: Guys, we came with you to a forest clearing (a green cloth is spread on the carpet).

Let's relax and play a little.

Physical exercise.

We came to a forest clearing,
Lifting your legs higher
Through bushes and hummocks,
Through branches and stumps,

Who walked so high -
Didn't trip, didn't fall.

V.: Where are the animals that invited us here? Is no one waiting for us here? (Sad bunny comes out).

V.: Hello, bunny! Could you tell us where the forest dwellers went? We received an invitation from them to visit, we came, but there was no one there. Where are they?

Bunny: All my friends are sick, and I don’t know how to help them. After all, there are no pharmacies in the forest and nowhere to buy pills and medicines that would help them recover.

Q: Guys, maybe you know how you can cure animals without pills and medicines from the pharmacy?

V.: Of course, there are many herbs and flowers growing in the forest that help against diseases. What can they be called? Why are they called medicinal? Name what medicinal herbs you know.

V.: Well done. You named many medicinal herbs. But so that the bunny can fill them out better and know what diseases they help against, we will play a game.

Didactic game “Guess the riddle about the medicinal plant” .

The one who first guesses the riddle will take a picture of this plant, put it in a clearing, and tell what diseases this plant will cure. And you, bunny, listen carefully and remember.

* “The golden eye looks at the sun
As the sun frowns,
The eye will squint"


Helps increase appetite and relieve fever.

- “Every leaf of mine loves trails
On the side of the roads.
He will once be kind to people
Helped heal the wounds.


Helps against wounds and cuts, and against colds.

* “You are not falling into our hands
You burn like mustard,
You're a weed in the garden, but you can't throw it away
You bring a lot of benefit
And you won’t leave us in trouble.”


Helps stop bleeding, cough, strengthens hair.

* “Curly hair is standing in a field, a white shirt
There’s a golden one in the middle, who is she?”


Helps with coughs, colds, fever, sore throat.
- “If something hurts, even the beast cannot resist
What herb should you drink the infusion with?
With miracle weed... (St. John's wort)»

Stops bleeding
destroys worms, heals wounds.
- “She has a healing leaf
Tea with it is tasty and fragrant"


Treats headaches, colds, sore throats.

V.: How beautiful our clearing has become, how many medicinal herbs and flowers there are. Bunny, now you know about their healing properties, and you will definitely cure your friends.

Z. Guys, thank you for telling me what herbs I can use to help my friends heal. But I don't know what can be made from them.

V.: Guys, do you know?

(Decoctions, tinctures, medicinal teas)

Q: Guys, do you know which parts of plants are medicinal?

Didactic game "Tops-Roots"

Z. Thank you, then I’ll quickly run and collect herbs.

V.: Wait, bunny, don’t rush. Guys, what else should we tell the bunny about? That's right, about the rules for collecting medicinal herbs.

Name them.

You cannot collect grass near the road.

Damaged or broken herbs and flowers should not be collected.

Must be collected in dry weather.

Dry not in the sun, but in the shade, under a canopy.

Z.: Thank you guys for your advice. I now know that my friends can be cured without pills, that every disease has its own medicinal herb, and that the best pharmacy is Nature.

V.: Yes, bunny, you're right.
Forest like a fairy tale kingdom
There are medicines growing all around here,
In every grass, in every branch

And medicine and pills.

V.: Goodbye, bunny. May your friends get well soon and invite us to visit. We really want to meet them. Well, it’s time for us guys to go back to kindergarten. We have prepared tea for you "Health" , we will treat our guests to it too. Let's determine what herbs were used to prepare it.

"Green first aid kit"

Topic: “Green first aid kit”

1. To develop knowledge about the variety of medicinal plants and methods of their use by humans.

2.Introduce recipes for medications used to treat certain diseases

3. Find out the rules for collecting medicinal plants.

4. Continue learning about ways to improve your health.

5. Develop children’s environmental culture and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: computer, presentation “Green Pharmacy”, album “If you want to be healthy”. Collection of herbs: chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, calendula, cut-grass, camel thorn, wormwood. Plants: oats (grains), onions, garlic. Newspaper "Secrets of Plants". Collection of recipes - herbalist. A basket with “vitamins”: onions, turnips, cabbage, radishes, carrots, garlic, lemon, dill, beets.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organization of children.

2. Checking children’s creative tasks /optional/.

Children are given a task to choose from:

Drawing on the topic: “If you want to be healthy”

Drawing up rules for hardening the body.

Identifying ways to harden the body.

As a result, the oral journal “If you want to be healthy” is being created.

3. Message on the topic of a moment of health.

We have learned a lot about our body, we are learning to take care of it, strengthen it, but, unfortunately, there are situations when a person gets sick.

What does your mother do when you are sick? (children's answers)

Where do you get your medications? (At the pharmacy)

What is a pharmacy?

Pharmacy is an institution where medicines, sanitary and hygiene items are sold or manufactured.

The theme of our health minute is “Medicinal plants. Green first aid kit."

SLIDE No. 1.

What do you think it is?

The Green Pharmacy is the oldest pharmacy on our planet, and its age goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Plants are the first medicines of ancient man; we no longer know how he used them, but the very first printed sources mention medicines from plants.

Herbalist is a book describing herbs and methods of herbal treatment, a collection of recipes.

An herbalist is a person who understands medicinal plants and knows how to compose recipes.

What medicinal plants do you know? (children's answers)

And now the plants themselves will tell us about this.

I am a daisy, familiar to you too

A medicinal friend will always help you

And if you happen to catch a cold,

A cough will develop, a fever will rise

Pull the steaming mug closer to you

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction.

I am one of the most popular medicinal plants. I have an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effect. My decoctions can be used for burns, frostbite, fever, and allergies. For rinsing the mouth and throat, for colds. Previously used against freckles. They use my inflorescences.


The plantain is growing, the time is just approaching

On dry and hard ground near roads

People say kind words about him:

Plantain, a humble herb, will help you.

If you cut your arm or knocked down your leg

He will heal your wound and give you strength

Helping people silently, without fear of adversity

A plantain lives on the ground next to us.

I heal wounds, cuts, stop bleeding. My decoctions and infusions also treat coughs and bronchitis. The eyes are washed with the decoction. Leaves and seeds are used.


I blossomed on the sunny edge

She quietly raised her lilac ears

People say she is buried in the grass

Doesn't like to go forward

But everyone will bow to me and take it carefully

I am a tricolor violet. People call me “pansy”. I help with coughs, colds, allergies. Use the above-ground part (grass)


Used for coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, burns, insect bites, and also for appetite. Leaves and inflorescences are used.

There's no mistaking my smell for anything else. I am a very fragrant plant. I soothe headaches, I am used for insomnia, for stomach diseases, for gargling and mouthwash. It is also used as a seasoning. Leaves and inflorescences are used.


I am the cats favorite grass. Did you find out? I am used as a sedative for insomnia, as well as for liver diseases. Roots are used. I can be replaced with another medicinal plant - a resident of wastelands - motherwort.

St. John's wort.

I am the herb for 99 diseases. Many legends are associated with me. People have long noticed that some animals, eating me on sunny days, suffer from itching, skin inflammation, and then die. Hence the name - St. John's wort. But I help people: they use me to treat headaches, radiculitis, and stomach pain. I improve my appetite and relieve allergies. The ointment is used to heal wounds.


People call me marigolds. My products and infusions help in treating the stomach, liver, and heart. I treat burns and bruises. Rinses are very effective. They collect flower baskets from me.

SLIDE No. 10

PRACTICAL WORK (children have samples of herbs and plants on their tables).

Pay attention to sample No. 1. This is chamomile. Do you remember what diseases it is used for? Smell the fragrant crushed inflorescences, which are harvested from June to August (depending on the region).

Smell sample #2. What kind of fragrant herb? This is mint. When is it used? Leaves and inflorescences are collected in June and July.

Sample No. 3. This is St. John's wort. Why this name? What does it cure? Collected from June to August.

Sample No. 4. This is calendula. Fragrant flower baskets smell pleasant. Collected from July to August. What diseases does it help with?



Wounds and cuts




Anyone who listened carefully will find it easy to choose a medicinal plant for each ailment.

SLIDE No. 11-12

PRACTICAL WORK (children with a teacher turn to herbs and plants on the table).

Sample No. 5. This cut is grass or crow's feet. Heals cuts and wounds well.

Sample No. 6. This is camel thorn. It treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract well and normalizes digestion.

Sample No. 9. This is wormwood. Treats digestive diseases of the nervous system. Fresh juice promotes wound healing.

Sample No. 7. This is oats. Decoctions and infusions are used to restore strength in case of loss of appetite due to stomach diseases. Removes toxins, normalizes metabolism, it contains many antioxidants.


Chamomile. Many useful herbs grow

On the soil of my native country

Can cope with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.

Herbal witch. I want you friend

Add another flower to the bouquet

Chamomile - I figured out your deception!

Look! Here is dope - a poisonous herb!

Your gift will give me a headache

Take him back!

Oh, that Grass Witch! He just wants to do something nasty! Either a poisonous root will be slipped in, or inedible grass.

Herbal witch. - I changed my mind, guys.

Let's go to the forest together

Let's collect sage and mint

Let's pick tender lilies of the valley

At home we will put them in water

Chamomile. I understood immediately, brothers.

Her cunning plan

Come on, get out of here, you harmful thing!

We know these plants, we take care of them and protect them.

From people like this one - a bouquet collector!

They have long been listed in the Red Book

We don't tear them for fun

We'll take them to the pharmacy

People make medicine from the gifts of the forest kingdom!

Why didn't chamomile take dope? Lily of the valley?

Datura is a poisonous plant that can cause severe headaches; use with a doctor's prescription. Soothes coughs and is used by people suffering from seasickness.

Lily of the valley is a poisonous plant, listed in the Red Book. It cannot cure a cut or a cough, but it helps with heart disease and insomnia.

SLIDE No. 13-15

The water surface is covered with large, round, umbrella-like leaves. They are coated with water-repellent substances. The most beautiful part is the lotus flowers. Lotus is a medicinal plant. It was used in Chinese-Tibetan medicine to treat rheumatism. Lotus nuts can grow even after a thousand years. It is considered a sacred plant in India and other countries.

Why do plants end up in the Red Book?

Human activity has a detrimental effect on the species composition of the flora. Many plants often end up in bouquets. There are fewer and fewer of them. What do people do to preserve plants? They create botanical gardens, greenhouses, greenhouses, and nature reserves. Botanical gardens are research institutions where plants are grown and collected.

Therefore, people involved in collecting and preparing plants must follow some rules.

Collection rules

1. What to collect - a person must be able to distinguish between lek. plants and non-medicinal and know what you need to take from this plant (root, leaves, inflorescences, etc.)

2. When to collect - medicinal plants are collected when they contain the maximum content of pharmacological active substances. Do not collect during rain or when there is dew on the grass.

3. How to collect - when collecting medicinal plants, each plant must be placed separately and be sure to agree with the pharmacy or other doctor. institutions where they will accept what you have collected (baskets, linen bags). Use a knife.

4.Where to collect - clearing, meadow, swamp, forest - places suitable for collecting. Plants should not be used near highways or roads because they accumulate toxic substances from car exhaust pipes (zinc, sulfur, lead)

5. When collecting, save – when collecting, you need to take as much as you need. You cannot take plants that are listed in the Red Book, and you cannot collect medicinal plants in the same place from year to year.

Practical group work (in groups).

Execution of application: sign

1.Do not trample flowers

2.Do not pick flowers

3. Take care of nature (the song by Yu. Antonov sounds - “Don’t pick flowers”)

Children perform appliqués

Practical work (herbs)

What's left on the table? (onion, garlic)

Why are they together with lek. plants?

Many vegetables and fruits are sources of vitamins, microelements, contain antioxidants, improve immunity, and can heal.

What properties of onions do you know? (treats runny nose, cough, helps with sore throat, acute respiratory infections, improves appetite) antimicrobial agent.

Garlic is a good antimicrobial remedy for runny nose, sore throat, cough, insect bites, and diabetes.

/BASKET/lemon, cabbage, dill, parsley, carrots, rare, beets

What does your mom use when you're sick?

Parsley - heartsucker - cough

Carrot - eyes

Beet - intestines

WORK WITH CARDS /in pairs/children connect the plant and the disease/


Lemonstomach upset

Cabbage runny nose


SLIDE No. 18 – check yourself

Summary of the lesson. Blitz survey.

What is your cat's favorite grass?

What can be replaced?

A plant used to treat freckles?

Instead of a bandage for burns and wounds?

What plant can even the blind recognize?

In which part of the plant do medicinal substances accumulate?


b) at chamomile

c) at the plantain

What new did you learn?

What didn't they know?

Creative homework /optional/

Choose a bouquet of flowers to treat any organ:

stomach, liver, eyes, intestines, etc.

Make a recipe using medicinal plants to treat colds and improve immunity.

Teacher's poem

I don't walk in the steppe - I walk in the pharmacy

Understanding her herbal file

Boundless steppe, endless steppe

You are the right recipe written by nature.