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Man born on November 23rd characteristics. November: influence of the sign Sagittarius. Mythical creature, element of Sagittarius

What is behind us and what is in front of us -
only an insignificant amount compared to what
what's inside us...

Walt Emerson

There is no clear opinion about the 13th zodiac sign, and yet, here is what is written about the sign.

What do we really know about the signs of the zodiac, except that there are twelve of them and that the names of the signs of the zodiac come from the names of the twelve corresponding zodiac constellations in which the Sun is alternately located in its annual movement. Astrologers assure that the signs of the Zodiac certainly leave a certain imprint on the character and personality type of their owner, and also mark twelve stages of human development. It seems that everything in this world has long been predetermined for a person - read horoscopes and you will know where to go, at what speed and what to expect from life in general. It is difficult to argue with professional astrologers, but there are moments in astrology that are either hushed up or not advertised, because the “celestial specialists” do not have a consensus on some issues.

This sign is called "Ophiuchus", it covers the last 5 days of the sign of Scorpio and the initial 5 days of Sagittarius, from November 17 to 27. These 10 days are called "Via Combusta" or "Burnt Path". According to ancient Greek myth, there lived the sun god Helios, who had a solar chariot. Moving on it across the sky, he lit up the day. One day, the son of Helios, Phaeton, found himself behind the chariot, who either couldn’t cope with the control of this complex system, or Scorpio scared him, or Zeus didn’t like something and he hit Phaeton with lightning, only this chariot turned over and started such a fire in the heavens, that it incinerated everything around for ten days. This is where these days got the name “Burnt Path”. The Gods restored something, but not everything; the ashes were too huge. This zodiac sign symbolizes sudden death, disasters and other troubles.

What does this mean for people born between November 17th and November 27th? Horoscopes say that people born at this time repeat this heavenly path from time to time in life, that is, they burn bridges behind them (like Scorpios), but when reborn, they believe in the highest justice and humanistic ideals. (like Sagittarius). Some symbolism of cleansing fire, the Phoenix bird, which is reborn from the ashes. With all this, the basis remains negative, torn, the memory of the terrible tragedy is always alive. Hence, in the lives of these people, everything is too contrasting - something completely
fall, then absolute rise. Ophiuchus does not recognize a third, that is, two perfect extremes. Either Caesar or no one - that's what the ancients said. Life, as a bet in a big game, is thrown on the altar of fate, people imagine themselves equal to God, but, like Phaeton, who does not know how to drive a chariot, but took up this task, they take on too much, but do not calculate their strength and “burn” like this, something you wouldn't wish on your enemy.

A positive feature, as we noted, is the ability, even after a fall, to be reborn like a Phoenix, but it is not for nothing that the symbol of this sign is a Snake biting its own tail. These people only dream of peace. Their fate is fate - even having returned, reborn, they again “climb into history.” Globa believes that in Ophiuchi, death and life are together. If you take Ophiuchus, it will be Woland, his two eyes: one was alive with golden sparkles; and the other is absolutely dead, a black bottomless abyss. This is the character of Ophiuchus: on the one hand there is an icy desert, lifelessness, as if one half is dead, cold, rational, like a burnt desert, and the other is alive, rich, filled, loving. And one or the other principle in him alternately has the upper hand.

This is such an “astrological” spot.

The sign between Sagittarius and Scorpio is Ophiuchus

The border between Sagittarius and Scorpio

If you were born on the border of two signs, then you may have a completely different Zodiac, a sign of the so-called upper Zodiac with completely different characteristics. The sign between Sagittarius and Scorpio is Ophiuchus. This is the one who conquered karma. First you need to know karma, karma first starts as such - the genus, the tree, the law of cause and effect. Only after this is it possible to break the rings of this karma. Ophiuchus are those who have two planets in their horoscope on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Not even in conjunction, but simply one or two planets on the border of these signs, so that there is a border between them. Imagine that there are not 12 signs of the Zodiac, but as many as 14. Both the signs of Cetus and Ophiuchus exist, but little is known about them to most astrologers, and even more so, almost completely unknown to the general public. The whale and Ophiuchus are located opposite each other. Keith is between Aries and Taurus, Ophiuchus is between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The whale is considered the “underworld” of the Zodiac, the most complex and dangerous sign of the Zodiac. Today we will talk about Ophiuchus - an unusual and exclusive zone of the Zodiac. Ophiuchus is far from new in either astrology or astronomy. It was known to astronomers and astrologers of antiquity along with Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Orion, Lyra and other 48 ancient constellations. And real professional astrologers always take into account the influence of Ophiuchus on a person’s life. If you were born on the border of the signs, you are neither Scorpio nor Sagittarius, but an Ophiuchus with Scorpio traits, and the usual descriptions of Scorpio and Sagittarius only partly match you. You retain the basic qualities of these signs, but you are a person with an incredible destiny. You can disappear forever, without saying goodbye, without leaving traces behind, you have the ability to be completely reborn, to become a different person. You bring incredible joy and happiness to some people, grief and devastation to others. A series of strange and inexplicable events follows behind you, like a trail, which sometimes you yourself are unable to explain.

Ophiuchus people usually move a lot, are always on the road, meet many different people on their way, and they know how to find their own key to each of them and form a special relationship with them. They may have several families in different cities, even several lives or layers of life, different social circles. This is, in fact, a real Chameleon who changes color, coloring, behavior, who at any moment is ready to change his life and turn the past into ashes in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Ophiuchus can be very dangerous. If you harm Ophiuchus, he may in return bring you great trouble, destruction, even death. And not because Ophiuchus are evil people and do this on purpose. The nature of this sign is a “burnt bridge” effect. When he leaves his place of residence, he burns all bridges behind him. This person knows how to start from scratch at any stage of life, and he will still be able to build everything anew. Ophiuchus can “erase” his past and start living from scratch, as if nothing had happened before. He is not afraid of dangerous situations, risks, he has no sense of fear, he loves adventures and adventures. In any dangerous situations, he usually survives, he is unusually tenacious. If there is a plane crash, everyone dies, but Ophiuchus survives. The ancient Roman astrologer Manilius writes that for people born at the time of the rising of Ophiuchus, snakes are completely harmless. Such people “will carry snakes in their bosoms and on flowing clothes, kiss them without suffering from poison.” In Latin, this constellation is called Serpentarius, in translation it really means Ophiuchus - “the one who carries snakes.” In the life of Ophiuchus there is always a contrast - either a complete fall, or a magnificent rise. There is no third. He takes pleasure in destroying what he created before in order to create something new. Seeks new adventures, strives for challenges. On the other hand, he, like no one else, knows how to have fun and enjoy life. He is literally able to plunge into the world of pleasures and wild joy, risk and adventure. The main difference between Ophiuchus and other signs is that life does not give him the opportunity to stop. If any other person can have a stop, block, conservatism, turn back, then Ophiuchus does not, only forward. This is the only sign of the Zodiac for which stopping, inaction, and conservatism are absolutely contraindicated. If he stops, collapse and disintegration immediately occurs, and he is forced to move on. The nature of Ophiuchus is such that he can only live in such difficult, essentially inhuman conditions. But for him these are the only acceptable human conditions. For Ophiuchus, his whole life is a series of battles. Some kind of situation constantly arises in his life in which no one helps him and everything depends only on himself. This was the case with Paganini, who even played on one string. Being around Ophiuchus can be interesting, but very restless. They may have dizzying, at first glance unexpected and even undeserved, successes in life, but they may also have the same failures. Unfortunately, it also brings bad luck to people associated with it. At the moment when you begin to get used to it, when you think that you have known it, studied it, you already have it completely in your hands and you control it - nothing like that, it suddenly becomes completely different, shows a different facet. It’s difficult to communicate with him; you don’t know how to approach him. He gives the impression of duality, contradiction, so characteristic of Ophiuchus. But sometimes, when you have given your all, and you no longer have the strength to respond to the evil of other people, but you know that you are right, and seeing fear in the eyes of those who have shown weakness, you think about what if everything was easy and luck came to you on its own in your hands, it would be very boring to live..."

A little about Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus are very reliable, holding the load for a long time where others retreat. In this they can outshine even Capricorns. However, if the world nevertheless bends them, and their efforts turn into dust, Ophiuchus falls loudly and to the very bottom. Phenomena such as binges, disappearances from home, etc. are possible. For example, this is what Goga does in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” The classic behavior of Ophiuchus, by the way - the beloved woman is excluded immediately - as soon as her “sin” was discovered.

Goga manages to move, at least a little, his own standards of existence towards the tolerance of other people’s principles only through the ritual of drowning old Goga at the bottom of many bottles.

However, Ophiuchus has a tremendous ability to regenerate; they rise from ashes, dust, dust, dirt - again, precisely because they “have to”.

In fact, there are not 12, but 13 zodiac signs! Some scientists justify this fact by the displacement of the earth's axis after a strong tsunami in Asia. And Chinese astrologer Dr. Li explains this by the constant movement of everything in the Universe, including the stars and the Sun. Therefore, the star is now crossing the regions of 13 constellations. The 13th sign of the zodiac is Ophiuchus.
“Ophiuchus is not formally one of the zodiac signs, but its influence in astrology is quite remarkable,” says Dr. Lee. - A person born under this sign is often endowed with a special task. His path is service to people, sometimes reaching the point of self-sacrifice. A real Ophiuchus is a person who has stepped over his destiny. His own problems bother him much less than the affairs and concerns of those around him. And the more difficult the situation develops around him, the more energetically and selflessly he gets down to business. Many great things are accomplished through his will and talents.
- How many days a year does Ophiuchus “reign”?
- This sign covers the last five days of the sign of Scorpio and the initial five days of Sagittarius, that is, from November 17 to 26. - These 10 days are called “The Burnt Path”. The decade deserves special attention. According to ancient Greek myth, the sun god Helios owned a solar chariot. Moving on it across the sky, he lit up the day. And one day, the son of Helios, Phaeton, sat behind the chariot, who, according to one version, lost control; according to another, Scorpio scared the horses, as a result of which the chariot overturned and a fire began in the sky, which lasted 10 days. The fire burned everything around. The gods restored something with their own strength, but this ashes were huge. Hence the name - "Burnt Path". Therefore, Ophiuchus is a symbol of disasters, death and other troubles.
- That is, people born under the sign of Ophiuchus, like others born under other signs, have characteristic features unique to them. And the statement that Ophiuchus has equal parts of Scorpio and Sagittarius traits is not true?
- Ophiuchus are unique. Some of them are called upon to bring good to our planet. Others - negative personalities - are given in contrast. Everything on Earth - both positive and negative - should be in equal parts. For example, one Ophiuchus - dictator Augusto Pinochet - is balanced by another - Sathya Sai Baba.
Among Ophiuchus there are wonderful healers and psychics. But not everyone can take advantage of their unique gift. It was not in vain that I talked about “The Burnt Path”. The fact is that most of Ophiuchus live according to the Phoenix principle (this is my personal definition). They first burn everything and then rebuild it from scratch. These people are twofold - good constantly fights evil in them. And victory comes alternately to one side and then to the other. For example, I know a woman born on November 23rd. She married the man she loved, but after a couple of years, according to her, something suddenly clicked in her, and she destroyed her happiness with her own hands. Her marriage fell apart. Time passed, she realized that she could not live without her husband, and tried to restore the relationship. Fortunately, her husband loved her and until the last moment hoped to return his missus. Therefore, the matter ended with a happy ending. But, as a rule, most Ophiuchus people completely burn their bridges behind them. And then they greatly regret it.
- What else is inherent in this sign?
- Ophiuchus are people with an incredible destiny. They can disappear forever, without saying goodbye, without leaving traces behind, and have the ability to be completely reborn, to become a different person. Ophiuchus brings incredible joy and happiness to some people, and grief and devastation to others. A series of strange events follows behind them, like a trail, which they themselves are sometimes unable to explain.
Ophiuchus people usually move a lot, are always on the road, meet many different people on their way, and they know how to find their own key to each and form a special relationship with them. They may have several families in different cities, even several lives or layers of life, different social circles.
Ophiuchus can be very dangerous. If you harm Ophiuchus, he may in return bring you great trouble, destruction, even death. This sign is not afraid of dangerous situations, risks, he has no sense of fear, he loves adventures and adventures. In any dangerous situations, he usually survives. If there is a plane crash, everyone dies, but Ophiuchus survives. The ancient Roman astrologer Manilius writes that for people born at the time of the rising of Ophiuchus, snakes are completely harmless. Such people “will wear snakes in their bosoms and on flowing clothes, and kiss them without suffering from poison.”
The main difference between Ophiuchus and other signs is that life does not give him the opportunity to stop. If he stops, collapse and disintegration immediately occurs, and he is forced to move on.
- What are the negative traits of Ophiuchus?
- Pessimism, consciousness of death. An annoying thought: “Why do we live, because we still have to die?” - constantly spinning in their minds. Hence the high rate of suicide among people of this sign. There are especially many such cases in adolescence, when a person is looking for the meaning of life. However, Ophiuchus can commit suicide even when nothing in life holds him back. For example, there are no parents who need constant care, there is no child who needs to be fed, clothed and looked after in every possible way. There is no loved one.
- Which ones are positive?
- The ability, even after a strong fall, to be reborn like a Phoenix. In addition, he, like no one else, knows how to have fun and enjoy life. Ophiuchus is able to literally immerse himself in the world of pleasures and wild joy, risk and adventure.
The symbol of this sign is a snake biting its own tail. If we compare Ophiuchus with a literary character, then these are the two eyes of Bulgakov’s Woland: one was alive with golden sparkles, and the other was absolutely dead, a black bottomless abyss. This is the character of Ophiuchus: one side is an icy desert, lifelessness, and the other is alive, loving. And a loving or loving Ophiuchus is the most positive person in the whole world.
- They say that people born under the sign of Ophiuchus came to save humanity?
- Not certainly in that way. Ophiuchus, who is destined for a special mission, has a sign on his body. If in the armpit (for men on the left, for women on the right) there is a mole or a brown birthmark that was already there at birth, then this is a sign. A sign of a healer, a psychic, or a person who will do a lot for people. An equally important sign is a group of moles that resemble the shape of a constellation in the form of the letter Y. Such a figure should be clearly visible on the body. The ideal location is in the center - on the back, stomach, lower back. Moreover, the moles should be approximately the same. And they shouldn't be red or raised. In general, the presence of your zodiac sign on the body (in the form of moles) indicates that a person has some talent. Which is given from above and which needs to be developed and given to people.
But if a person was born from November 17 to 26 and has the above-mentioned signs on his body, then this means that he needs to fulfill a special mission in life!
- Who among the famous people was born under this sign?
- Among Ophiuchus there are a lot of athletes, musicians and prominent political and military figures. For example, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Suvorov, Indira Gandhi, Augusto Pinochet.
- Why is Ophiuchus still not included in the astrological calendar?
- There will always be twelve zodiac signs. The trajectory of the Sun is divided into 12 sectors. The passage of the Sun through the sign of Ophiuchus is divided between Scorpio and Sagittarius. According to the International Astronomical Union, this situation will continue for another century and a half, and then the list of zodiac signs will have to be rewritten again - Scorpio will have to be “kicked out” from it.
By the way, opposite Ophiuchus is the sign of Keith. It is located between Aries and Taurus. The whale is considered the “underworld” of the zodiac, the most complex and dangerous sign. But astrologers still talk little about it.

To complete the picture, we can provide a table of the actual passage of the sun through the constellations - since this is happening now, and not at the time of the birth of astrology in the Sumerian civilization 5000 years ago

In a new way The old way

1. Aquarius/ 16.02 - 12.03/ 25 Aquarius//21.01 - 20.02
2. Pisces / 13.03 - 18.04 / 37 Pisces / 21.02 - 20.03
3. Aries / 19.04 - 14.05 / 26 Aries / 21.03 - 20.04
4. Taurus / 15.05 - 21.06 / 38 Taurus / 21.04 - 20.05
5. Gemini / 22.06 - 21.07 / 30 Gemini / 21.05 - 21.06
6. Cancer / 22.07 - 11.08 / 21 Cancer / 22.06 - 22.07
7. Leo / 12.08 - 17.09 / 36 Leo / 23.07 - 23.08
8. Virgo / 18.09 - 31.10 / 45 Virgo / 24.08 - 23.09
9. Libra / 01.11 - 23.11 / 23 Libra / 24.09 - 23.10
10. Scorpio/11.24 - 11.29/ 6 Scorpio/10.24 - 11.22
11. Ophiuchus / 30.11 - 17.12 / 18th Sagittarius / 23.11 - 21.12
12. Sagittarius / 12.18 - 01.19 / 33
Capricorn/22.12 - 20.01

13. Capricorn / 20.01 - 15.02 / 27

The constellation Ophiuchus is located under Hercules. Ophiuchus was always depicted as a man entwined with a snake, the god of healing Asclepius (lat. Aesculapius). According to legend, the sun god Apollo fell in love with Asclepius' mother Coronis. But Koronida did not remain faithful to him; she, being pregnant, fell in love with a mere mortal. For treason, Apollo struck her with lightning, and abandoned the child, whom he managed to save, to the mercy of fate. A local shepherd, Arestan, accidentally discovered the baby and took him in. Later he was called Asclepius. Having matured, he went to study with the wise centaur Chiron, who taught him to use medicinal herbs, communicate with all-knowing snakes, and heal. Being a doctor, he sailed with the Argonauts for the Golden Fleece. But Zeus ordered the death of the great doctor. Apollo was shocked by the tragedy of his son, and Zeus, in order to somehow console the Sun God, placed Asclepius with a snake among the stars.

People born under the sign of Ophiuchus
November 17. Soichiro Honda is a Japanese industrialist and engineer, founder of the company of the same name. Danny DeVito is an American film actor.
November 18th. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre is a French artist and creator of photography. Eldar Ryazanov - film director.
November 19. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - scientist, poet, educator. Mikhail Kalinin is a statesman and party leader. Indira Gandhi is the Prime Minister of India. Calvin Klein is a trendsetter. Meg Ryan and Jodie Foster are film actresses.
20 November. Maya Plisetskaya - prima ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR. Mikhail Ulyanov and Alexey Batalov are actors.
November 21. French writer Voltaire. Mikhail Suslov - former secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Actress Goldie Hawn and singer Björk.
November 22. Vladimir Dal is the creator of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. Hans Gamper is the founder of the Spanish football club Barcelona. Nikolai Dobronravov is a songwriter. Boris Becker is a German tennis player. Victor Pelevin - writer.
November 23. Anatoly Lunacharsky - People's Commissar of Education. Nikolai Nosov is a children's writer.
November 24. Alexander Suvorov - Generalissimo. Scott Joplin - musician, king of ragtime. Dale Carnegie is the author of the famous book. Alexander Maslyakov is the host of the KVN game.
November 25. Lope de Vega - Spanish playwright. Augusto Pinochet - Chilean dictator. Nonna Mordyukova - actress.
November 26. Tina Turner is an American rock singer.
November 27. Galina Polskikh is a film actress. Bruce Lee - film actor, martial artist. Boris Grebenshchikov - musician, leader of the group "Aquarium". Yulia Tymoshenko is the Prime Minister of Ukraine.


Born on November 23: the meaning of the birthday

This period reveals to the world people with a difficult disposition, quite expressive and sharp. Their character has incredible strength, their diligence and strong-willed qualities are worthy of admiration.

From early childhood zodiac sign of people born on November 23, makes their irrepressible contradiction and waywardness manifest. They are guaranteed to have tense relationships with parents and teachers, and only over the years will they moderate their hostile ardor.

Such persons lack tact and patience, they openly demonstrate their antipathy and, in order not to earn a negative reputation, it is advisable to minimize interaction with society.

Surely you are accustomed to encountering misunderstandings from others, if you were born on November 23, your zodiac sign is Sagittarius, giving you an extraordinary worldview and a specific way of self-expression. Few people will understand them, and therefore they often perceive you not the way you want.

You need to understand that with your own difficult character you are dooming yourself to live in opposition to the world around you, and, as a result, you will encounter difficulties that could easily be avoided.

Those who were revealed to the world on November 23 are almost always dissatisfied with everything: your zodiac sign gives you excessive directness, which is perceived by others as tactlessness. These are avid debaters and provocateurs, but when they start a conflict, they quickly capitulate.

In your opinion, is the influence of the zodiac sign noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

November 23: influence of the sign Sagittarius

As a rule, Sagittarians who were born on November 23 have a highly developed ability to joke, which often helps them out in problematic situations created by themselves. With their wit and sparkling remarks, they can melt any ice and turn ill-wishers into allies.

Therefore, it is very important for them to cultivate the ability to look at the world around them with humor, smoothing out all misunderstandings with a joke.

The paradox is that those born on November 23 are really capable of a lot, they are smart and savvy, their always correct decisions help them win the sincere respect of others. In the professional sphere they will enjoy undeniable authority.

To achieve internal harmony, such persons need to organize the work process as competently as possible and try to create a harmonious family union. But the most important thing is to remember self-improvement and tireless work to eradicate your own shortcomings.

On November 23, 1992, the popular musical performer and film actress Miley Cyrus was revealed to the world. She became interested in music as a child and took acting lessons at the Armstrong Theater Studio in Toronto. It was there that she first tried herself in the TV show “Doc”. Real recognition came to her in 2006, when she was invited to the serial film “Hannah Montana”. At the same time, her musical career began with soundtracks for various TV series.

You were born on November 23rd - the zodiac sign is Sagittarius. You are enterprising, very sociable, and you are filled with enthusiasm and vitality.

You are naturally honest and charming, making friends easily and making a strong impression on people. You are an active, courageous and active nature, so you are always very busy, often your whole day is scheduled to the minute.

You are very impatient, you try to be on time everywhere, not to miss your chance, you want to constantly expand your horizons.

Most likely, you are an idealist, you like to think and dream, and you like to be aware of new ideas. However, at times you quickly become bored with any activity; Obviously, you need to develop greater diligence and constancy in yourself; introspection and self-analysis help with this.

You are full of creative energy, you are attracted by the atmosphere of competition, you have a fighting character; therefore, both in material life and in feelings you need scope.

You are smart, know how to lead, and generally have the most versatile abilities.

You are characterized by spontaneity and frankness; Sometimes you show excessive directness and causticity, and others may perceive you as not being soft enough and not very tactful. But your inherent warmth and ability to sympathize usually compensate for your inappropriate, inadequate statements.

Until the age of 28, you are mainly concerned with gaining freedom and expanding your capabilities: you have a desire to travel more, improve your educational level, and develop a personal philosophy of life.

The turning point in your biography occurs at the age of 29. You strive to make your life more organized, streamlined, take a more pragmatic approach, and focus on achieving your main goals.

Another significant change in orientation awaits you at age 59. During this period, your need for independence, the search for progressive ideals, and the desire to express your own uniqueness will increase.

Personal qualities of those born on November 23

You are intelligent and intelligent, you are full of enthusiasm, love to learn and know how to quickly grasp information. Sagittarians born on November 23 recognize the power of knowledge; the accumulation of information strengthens their intellectual abilities and strengthens self-confidence.

You have idealism, pride, and strong beliefs that you love to share; with others, and your natural abilities to clearly and vividly express your thoughts in speech and writing help you in this.

You can inspire and impress others using your passion and personal charm.

The day you were born promises you a love of variety and a life of excitement and adventure. You are able to direct any possible manifestations of impatience and incontinence into a positive direction of constant self-improvement.

You have additional advantages: activity, strong feelings and receptivity, which means more opportunities and self-expression; therefore, we can assume that compared to other people you are in a more advantageous position and your decisions may be much more significant.

Work and vocation of those born on November 23

You know how to work with people, charm them and lead them. Therefore, it will be quite natural if you discover a strong craving for leadership.

You want a job that will provide you with maximum freedom, so you may well prefer to go into business on your own.

You are ambitious and versatile, and it is in your interests to strive for variety and change.

Developed intelligence, insight and the ability to convince other people are a good reason to prove yourself as a humanist and philanthropist; you can succeed by being a reformer.

Those born on November 23 can equally succeed in the fields of education, law, science, literature or politics. You are sensitive and receptive, you have an innate ability to understand the problems of others, and you are well suited to professions that involve caring for others.

On the other hand, you are enterprising and your energy can find outlet in the business field. A lively creative imagination and a natural ability to charm and captivate will ensure your success in show business, in particular in the music industry.

Love and relationships born on November 23

You are very charming and friendly, you really radiate warmth. With such qualities, you can turn out to be a very tempting partner for people of very different backgrounds and very different social circles.

You strive for reliability, security and stability, and like to plan your future. In your personal life, you are most likely attracted to strong-willed, decisive and purposeful partners.

You are very sociable, capable of being a hospitable host and setting the tone at social evenings. In addition, when it comes to other people's problems, you are able to show deep understanding and empathy.

An ideal partner for those born on November 23

The chances of you meeting your loved one and finding happiness will increase significantly if you date those born on the following days:

  • Love and friendship : 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 21, 25, 27, 31 January; February 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 25, 29; March 2, 5, 7, 17, 23, 27; April 3, 4, 5, 15, 21, 25; May 1, 3, 13, 19, 23, 30; June 1, 11, 17, 21, 28; July 9, 15, 19, 26, 29; August 13, 17, 24, 27; September 5, 11, 15, 22, 25; October 3, 9, 13, 20, 23; November 1, 7, 11, 18, 21, 30; December 5, 9, 16, 19, 28.
  • Favorable contacts : January 11, 16, 30; February 9, 24, 28; March 7, 22, 26; April 5, 20, 24; May 3, 18, 22, 31; June 1, 16, 20, 29; July 14, 18, 27; August 12, 16, 25; September 10, 14, 23; October 8, 12, 21, 29; November 6, 10, 19, 27; December 4, 8, 17, 25.
  • Soulmate : January 9, 29; February 7, 27; March 5, 25; April 3, 23; May 1, 21; June 19; July 17th; August 15; September 13; October 11; November 9; December 7th.
  • Fatal attraction : 22, 23, 24, 25 May.
  • Troubled relationships : January 15; February 13; 11th of March; April 9; May 7, 30; June 5, 28; July 3, 26; August 1, 24; September 22nd; October 20, 30; November 18, 28; December 16, 26.

Publishing house "Olma-Press"

Mercury rules this decan and gives people born during this period an independent character. Their talents are truly diverse and multifaceted, and their abilities are inexhaustible.
Important years: 36, 40.
Graceful gladiolus - symbol these people.
They have a calm disposition, they work hard, are diligent and attentive, they do not chase leadership positions. In a partnership or a team of like-minded people, they are able to open up and achieve great success.

November 23

Fate: Those born on November 23rd have a complex character; they are strong-willed, agile, energetic, sometimes recklessly rushing headlong into the pool, and sometimes even aggressive. They are distinguished by unconventional thinking. And this makes them a black sheep among those around them, who attribute everything to the strangeness of those born on this day; they simply do not take them seriously, which gives rise to alienation, isolation and the accumulation of grievances in the souls of those born on November 23. It is difficult to communicate with them, they are cautious, and they are inherently suspicious in relationships. And their entire existence is like a struggle in which survival is at stake. The financial sector is full of both successes and failures.

Birthday secret: Open opposition to systems of management and power characterizes those born on November 23 well. They openly oppose it, without fear of anything. At the same time, they are unlikely to take anything on faith. However, this circumstance does not at all dissuade them from observing generally accepted commandments; the main thing for them is to justify and be convinced of the truth of their faith. If unacceptable demands are imposed on them that do not earn them respect, they may react silently, or in few words, or even limit themselves to an eloquent gesture.

Usually those born on November 23 are able to give in to the arguing side, but constantly creating conflicts is their calling. Those born on this day have a quarrelsome character, quarrelsome and irreconcilable, especially if they are among people who are alien and unpleasant to them. Therefore, it is better for them to be in a favorable friendly atmosphere or even alone. Such people, as a rule, are guided by the principle: live and don’t interfere with others’ lives. However, all their sanity disappears as soon as they are hurt. They can be so cruel that no one could ever imagine. And at the same time, they remain vulnerable when the conversation turns to certain topics, which are often used by others in the form of levers of manipulation and pressure.

Such is the Day of Disrespect that there is nowhere without quarrels. Especially in their youth, those born on November 23 have constant conflicts with their parents or one of them. Moreover, even in adulthood, the child’s spirit of contradiction still lives inside. Only in adulthood (around 40-50 years old) do they manage to correct themselves, to set a different program for their reckless conflict nature. The death of a parent who leaves without reconciliation and mutual understanding with those born on November 23 can have a devastating effect on their soul. Therefore, they need to remember about the short duration of life and hurry to establish relationships, smooth out contradictions, make peace and achieve mutual understanding before it is too late.

Those born on November 23rd are characterized by excellent reactions, and they also have a good sense of humor. If the latter is developed to a lesser extent, then it needs to be improved, developed, it can become an air cushion that facilitates and relieves tension in conflict situations. The development of “light” feelings will give impetus to the evolution of those born on this day. As a rule, they begin to think about immaterial things after reaching the age of thirty, but full awareness of the significance of spiritual life comes even later, after 10-12 years.

They should resort to relaxation in the form of meditation to give vent to negative energies and free themselves from interfering negative energy. It sounds contradictory, but those born on November 23 have powerful potential that can lead them to success, authority and stability. To grow spiritually, they need consistency, both at work and in their personal lives and family. If their life is organized correctly and harmoniously, they acquire peace of mind, and their wild instincts remain under lock and key. For higher goals and moving forward, they should be relentless in order to develop further.

Health: Nervousness is inherent in those born on November 23; they tend to follow a complex of self-isolation and detachment. Psychological balance is the primary task for them, the most difficult, but feasible and rewarding. They should be open to criticism and not be afraid of it in order to train their essence, there will always be criticism and they need to be ready to respond to it. Their incessant search for philosophical foundations, spiritual, religious postulates for life will lead to vulnerability of mental health.

But earthly pleasures are not alien to those born on November 23, especially delicious dishes and bed pleasures. If they give in to gluttony and a penchant for fatty, unhealthy, high-calorie foods, then their nutrition will become destructive. As for physical activity, any exercise is difficult for them, but they should at least somehow exercise themselves, although not too much effort.

Advice: Keep your reactions under control. Deny others access to control your feelings. Cultivate objectivity, evaluate yourself from the perspective of others, from the outside. Don't stop growing, you need it from birth to old age.

November 24

Fate: Solid character and strength distinguish those born on this day. These are purposeful people who boldly open new doors; they are able to achieve enviable heights, gaining well-being, prosperity and comfort in life. A sharp mind, the gift of eloquence, practicality and discipline are the keys to their victories. Their circle of friends is large, and they are all devoted and faithful people. However, envious people are not asleep, ready to annoy you at any moment. Their talents can manifest themselves in the field of art - music, painting, theatrical activities, artistic painting. They love to travel and love to change their place of residence. Financial luck is favorable to them.

Birthday secret: Energy and sociability overflow in those born on November 24, but the feedback is very important for them - the assessment of their efforts by others. Those born on November 24 may live alone, but one glance is enough to see the importance of friendship in their lives. They are great friends, but bad enemies. Their quarrelsome character constantly embroils them in discord and entangles them in complicated stories, but this same trait is the engine to success.

Those born on November 24 are not inclined to run away from difficulties; if necessary, they provide support to others, and they face all problems. Their passion for discussion is considered a trigger for tension in society, be it psychological or social. They find happiness in discussions on their favorite topics. The eccentric nature, physical characteristics or psychological characteristics of those born on November 24 allow them to distinguish themselves from others, especially in their youth, to feel their difference from others. And this feeling upsets them, because it is an obstacle to their identification with a certain group or society. Therefore, the desire to be “like everyone else” can become motivational in life, and it also turns into an “Achilles heel”, which will be hit by negative energy from the outside.

The desire of those born on November 24 to live carefree and easily will constantly meet resistance in the form of internal challenges and external circumstances. This gives rise to inconsistency in the behavior of those born on this day. They can indulge in unbridled fun, and then, on the contrary, remain isolated. And such extremes alternate with enviable consistency. Therefore, finding their social role means a lot for those born on November 24th; they need it to develop as an individual, understand their own values, belong to a group and be confident that they are no worse than others.

Those born on November 24 can be cheerful, cheerful, lively, helping loved ones, participating in everything that happens. They often create an army of friends around them, protecting and cheering them on at various events, such as holiday dinners and parties. And it is a great pleasure for them to enjoy delicious food in friendly company. Those born on November 24 should accept themselves as they are, so as not to be on the run from their own essence. This way they will have a stable, happy, productive life. In addition, differences from others are not a bad thing; you should perceive them as a strength of your personality, which will help you achieve success in your career and life in general.

Health: Those born on November 24th make good cooks, gourmets and connoisseurs of the culinary arts, because their penchant for pleasure is endless. Therefore, they need to carefully monitor their habits - abuse of fatty foods, alcohol, otherwise they will need to expect problems with digestion and the cardiovascular system. Those born on November 24 love physical activity; active sports, for example, tennis, aerobics, and team games, are suitable for them. To gain psychological comfort and eliminate depressive moods and anxiety, they should discover the sources of problems and get to their essence.

Advice: Balance your life. Show responsibility for your life, develop your best traits and realize your best impulses. Running from problems is pointless. If you are no different from others, humble yourself and continue to live in joy.

November 25

Fate: Calm people are born on this day; they are responsible and kind. The first half of life can be complicated by difficulties, various adversities, and failures. However, a high patron will greatly help to overcome them, and favorable living conditions will be created around. They will achieve a position, a career, create a wonderful family, and establish a life in which there will be prosperity and luxury.

Birthday secret: Such people are experts in various life tricks; they know how to win at marathon distances by spending energy correctly and breathing correctly. They are in no hurry, but they are bringing events closer and closer. Their dynamism and frantic energy do not exclude the presence of internal restraint, which adds another large bill to the treasury of advantages. The daily work of those born on November 25 is dynamic and productive, but in personal relationships calm, sensitivity, and balance reign. Their enormous energy is not chaos, but a directed, even, smooth avalanche. Often they choose individual work and being alone, but the red thread running through their lives is attachment to someone, and these are necessarily strong individuals - parents, spouses or children.

Those born on November 25 tend to be in the shadow of this person, but the time comes for independent swimming, and they set out on it, emerging from the shadow. Such symbiotic relationships among those born on November 25 are not uncommon and can be long-lasting. However, a breakup, divorce, damaged relationships with loved ones can abruptly end them and lead to the fact that those born on this day begin to be independent, demanding recognition from others. Sometimes they have a romantic admiration for some figure or image; the sources of such a trait are the fantasy and dreams of those born on November 25 in their youth. Therefore, it is not surprising that those born on November 25 admire talented individuals whose success they simply deify.

Those born on this day strive for victories, sacredly believing in their possibility, but failures plunge them into the abyss of melancholy and depression, leading to nervous breakdowns. Another aspect of their productivity and enthusiasm at work is that they turn into a coordinating and effective center, without which the work of secondary links slows down and they become indispensable. But they can no longer change their lifestyle and simply step away from the work process. Only favorite activities among household members can become an alternative to work problems. With age comes a desire to contemplate life and acquire spiritual knowledge.

The personalities of those born on November 25 are highly moral, and their concepts of good and evil acquire an orderly character. However, you should not promote these values ​​and impose them on others. In addition, those born on this day need to restrain their cruelty and authoritarianism. The expectations, assumptions and hopes of those born on November 25, which were not fulfilled or justified, lead them to despondency, so you should not form a strong opinion about people and events.

Health: A positive and stable attitude towards life cannot be taken away from those born on November 25th. But they should spend their energy more rationally and avoid the negative influences of those who, through malicious intent, can win them over. Therefore, those born on November 25 must learn to say “no” and be vigilant. They need to look after their legs and take preventive measures to prevent circulatory diseases (varicose veins and others); as they age, they should not ignore these problems. They need proper nutrition, as they go to extremes - they forget to eat or indulge in gluttony. They are recommended to have a regular diet rich in fresh vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, and generally enriched with proteins. The high activity of those born on this day allows them to do without physical exercise, but their presence will only be beneficial.

Advice: Don't judge, don't condemn, this is not for you. Maintain independence, stop worship, painful attachments and fantasies. Don't force anything or force anyone. Develop sociable character traits.

November 26

Fate: People with great potential are born on this day. They are purposeful, strong, confident and talented. They have their own opinion for every case; they are distinguished by independence in judgment. Confidence in the correctness of their judgments will never move them from their position. They are not subject to the influence of others, because they themselves show leadership qualities and can influence others; they have the ability to wait for the right moment. Therefore, the research sphere is the most fertile for them. They may be interested in mysticism and the occult. Money issues are also resolved easily and positively.

Birthday secret: A peculiar behavior is observed in those born on November 26th; it is as if they were subjected to a “different test”, different from the usual one. Their ideas are often clothed in a global philosophical meaning, but practicality and pragmatism do not bypass the personalities of those born on this day. In their aspirations to achieve success, those born on November 26 still put spiritual development and the realization of creativity at the forefront. They are a better reward in life than material gifts of praise and honor. Most of them perceive life as a creative process, so the value of every day and its experience are important to them. And at the same time, their soul can be torn from overwhelming incredible plans and romantic ideas.

Those born on November 26 try every day to balance two principles - poetic and practical, since they are not able to give up either of them. This takes many years and a huge amount of energy. However, the success of this enterprise will truly be rewarded: having managed to find a balance between contradictory traits, they will become almost perfect. This synthesis is made possible by their life experiences. But if they fail to cope with the task of combining the two principles, then eternal confrontations between logical and pragmatic arguments and fantastic and whimsical ones are inevitable.

They have the ability to succeed in any of these areas, but the anxious feeling that they are not fully revealed and realized will haunt them. Love relationships are full of twists and turns, and all because of the individualism and love of freedom of those born on November 26, which in their souls prevail over the desire to find a permanent partner. Many people born on November 26 are torn between frantic passion and indifference, unwilling or unable to settle on one thing. As a rule, friendship is more valuable and more important to them than a lover, especially friends of the same sex. The devotion to their friends born on November 26 has no limits; they are ready to tell them their most secret things.

The other side of the coin is their departure, rapid and unexpected; they are the first to break off relationships, burning bridges, if they realize the completion of any connections or the inevitability of this break. Therefore, establishing close relationships with them can be dangerous. Those born on November 26 think about family relationships, marriage, and children through the prism of restraint and skepticism. And some even reject the prospect of marriage. They will suffer from loneliness, but still believe that this is the best alternative to the boring, ordinary constancy of life and marriage. Such people show their full individuality to the public, which sometimes becomes difficult due to strict social mores and rules.

For most people born on November 26, success in society comes, and emotional attachment does not play a role here if they understand their goals and aspirations and invest the original traits of their nature in achieving them.

Health: Those born on November 26th are distinguished by powerful physical and intellectual energy. Refined natures should pay more attention to their body. Physically developed representatives, keen on sports and sex, prone to dangerous and risky behavior, should beware of injuries to the legs and spine. Those born on this day should not isolate themselves from others because of far-fetched reasons that they are not able to join the team because of their dissimilarity and originality. They need variety in their diet, since constant food will provoke gastronomic habits that are not good for the stomach.

Advice: Look for ways to interact with others. Realize that you are not such a unique individual and that you can be ordinary like everyone else. Don’t constrain your feelings, open your heart and love with your whole being.

November 27

Fate: Persistence and stubbornness are striking traits of those born on this day. They are purposeful, calm and determined. They achieve their plans only on their own. And their fate is in their hands. Striving for a prosperous life and putting in maximum effort to achieve it will lead to happiness and well-being, and success will become a way of life. If they let go of the reins and turn into weak-willed creatures in the face of fate, they are guaranteed a boring, dull life.

Birthday secret: Such people tend to either generate excitement, or fall into the maelstrom of exciting events, or combine both properties. Those born on November 27 are easy-going, ready to electrify everything they touch. Those born on this day are so impulsive that sometimes they don’t even think about the correctness of the path they have chosen; they have no time to talk about it. Intuition often comes to the rescue, but it does not protect against troubles.

Those born on November 27th may be surprised by the manifestation of neurotic traits, when their inner being and outer world are engulfed in continuous movement. They are able to work to the limit of their strength, giving their full energy when completing a task requires meeting strict deadlines. As a rule, these people are irreplaceable in the team, so they are entrusted with such responsibility. An instinctive sense of what needs to be given to colleagues at one time or another, technically or emotionally, allows them to occupy leadership positions. Lacking authoritarian inclinations, those born on this day will themselves internally protest against the restrictions that they will need to impose on their subordinates, they will even experience discomfort and inconvenience from their power.

For them, freedom of action is the only desired need. Those around you should take this for granted, and if they come to terms with this property of those born on November 27, they will be happy with them. If one day those born on this day meet people with high morals or individuals with an inflexible psyche, then they will be disappointed, which can turn into irritability and attacks of anger. Angry feelings as such can be very harmful to those born on this day. Hidden indignation can lead to prolonged depression and decreased self-esteem. Those born on November 27 perceive any successes and failures as hyperbolic: if they take off, then to cosmic heights; if they fail, then they are of catastrophic proportions.

The life of such people is not like a pendulum, swinging from bad events to happy ones, since each period for those born on this day is quite long. Those born on November 27 find it difficult to come to terms with hopelessness, and yet their bright periods are longer. The family life of those born on November 27 can be harmonious and happy, as they love children, love to equip the family nest, turning it into a reliable rear. Happiness for those born on November 27 is a harmonious combination of family ties and freedom of movement, but in reality such a synthesis is rarely embodied.

Communication with children born on November 27 is more like communication with peers, friends or brothers/sisters, and even in this case they are not able to show authoritarian traits. And this can result in serious problems for children who need the authoritarian, strong personality of the parent; not meeting this within the walls of the home, the child will look for parental strength in the outside world. The life circumstances of those born on November 27 are constantly associated with cruelty. Sometimes they become a source of cruelty, or show this quality towards others. For their spiritual life, it is necessary to pacify the splashing energy, the ability to accept changes and cope with difficulties. The development of their personality must go through awareness of their energy potential and directing it in a constructive, right direction.

Health: Strong emotions are typical for those born on November 27, so the muscles and nervous system are periodically under tension. In this regard, rationality should be a prerequisite for their life, especially as they age. Having a permanent partner for those born on November 27 will be a supporting factor, but due to their personality, a permanent relationship is unlikely. They need to strive for a calm environment, eat food slowly, with pleasure. Home warmth, care and good sleep can have a wonderful effect on them. The diet should include roughage - bread, brown rice, grains, root vegetables, pasta, some types of meat, poultry.

Advice: Calm the energy storms within. Channel your energy into a positive, creative flow. Make attempts to gain deeper knowledge of yourself. Asking for help or leniency is not shameful, don’t be afraid of it.

The transition from autumn to winter is the period of dominance of the ninth sign of the zodiac horoscope. Namely November 23rd, what zodiac sign begins? The 23rd day of the eleventh month is considered the first day of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is the only sign of the zodiac that is depicted as a person and an animal at the same time.

According to legend, the centaur Chiron is Sagittarius. He was the son of the god Saturn. This centaur was one of those who was respected not only by the gods, but also by people. Chiron was wise, a predictor of the future, and also a great teacher. Among his students were the sons of Zeus himself, including Hercules.

While hunting with his disciples, Chiron was wounded in the knee by a poisoned arrow from Hercules. Terrible torment began to torment the immortal centaur. He could not die, so the torment lasted for a long time. Hercules, blaming himself for what happened, went in search of death for his teacher. During his search, Hercules learned about Prometheus, who was forever chained to a rock and cursed to eternal torment. His liver was pecked out by crows, again and again. The curse was in force only until someone decided to take its place. Chiron agreed to replace Prometheus; for his noble deed, the gods allowed him to die. Thus, Prometheus was freed from curses, and Chiron was placed in the sky in the form of a constellation.

Stones: peridot, turquoise, topaz, tiger's eye, amethyst, sapphire.

Plant: carnation, cornflower, rose, narcissus, palm, gladiolus.

Colors: blue, purple, cyan, shades of red.

Talisman: horseshoe, salamander.

Characteristics of the sign.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius belongs to the element of fire. It is worth considering that it is universal, constantly changing. People born under this sign are inventive, attentive, inquisitive, have good intuition and a flexible character.

A person under the sign of Sagittarius is freedom-loving, his views on the world are always simple and clear. He constantly seeks the truth, regardless of its forms. He tries to study the entire world around him. Due to constant curiosity and excessive study of others, Sagittarius is prone to mistakes. Often exaggerates the performance, thereby showing himself to be an inept, tactless and careless person.

The character of representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius born on November 23 is open. They are very sociable and active individuals. They often find a common language with their surroundings and are friendly towards others. Sagittarians will never communicate with selfish goals; there is no duplicity in them. But openness and love of truth often become their bad traits, since they always say everything right to their faces. Sometimes such action offends and even insults others. But this is forgivable for Sagittarius, because they themselves do not know that they can offend.

Sagittarians do not like restrictions; they try to be free. That is why they are always on the move, moving, traveling. They often change jobs, and even place of residence. They are not afraid of constant changes and sometimes strive for them themselves.

Sagittarians do not try to burden themselves with marriage; they prefer open relationships, without frames and restrictions. They choose a life partner with caution, and do not run after the first person they meet. But at a time when they are not yet thinking about starting a family, Sagittarius born on November 23 allow themselves many fleeting hobbies. As a rule, the feeling comes over them quickly, but fades away at the same speed.