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Label all the meanings of the concept dream that you know. What is this - a dream

DREAM - an image created by the imagination of something valuable and desirable, but currently inaccessible. In psychology, imagination is often interpreted as a type of imagination directed toward the sphere of the desired distant future. The category M. arises at the intersection of such categories as imagination, desire and value. M. is distinguished from the category of “goals” by its indifference to issues of pragmatic realism: the object of M. can be, in principle, an inaccessible object of desire, the unattainability of which is recognized by the dreamer and which, due to this, is not a guideline for human activity. M. is distinguished from such concepts as “desire” or “need”, firstly, by the obligatory participation of the imagination in creating the image of what is desired and, secondly, by the high value status of what is desired. The concept of “M.”, as a rule, is applied in relation to the most valuable objects of desire for a given person or community, due to which this concept becomes close to the concept of the ideal. The most important characteristic property of M. is the inability to achieve what is desired at the moment, and sometimes at all. It is this feature of the concept of M that makes this word synonymous with such words as nonsense, dream, vision, ghost. The semantically primary unattainability of M. encourages the widespread use in advertising and propaganda of such expressions as “dream come true,” “dream come true,” etc. - syntagmatically, such expressions carry a connotation of paradox, but in essence they should testify to a miracle and radical changes that have occurred in reality. The unattainability of M. is in close connection with its high value - M. arises without regard to actually available opportunities and therefore carries within itself the most daring and cherished human desires. The mandatory participation of imagination in the functioning of M. is explained by the function of imagination in emotional regulation: unfulfilled desire generates tension, which is partly relieved by the fulfillment of desires in the imagination. The high value status of M. allows it to be used as an important indicator of an individual or collective worldview: by M. one can judge an individual or a community, since M. embodies their “ultimate values.” The practice of formulating the characteristics of a subject through his M. gives rise to ideas about stereotypical M., presumably characteristic of certain communities: the “American Dream” of rapid material prosperity, the “Russian Dream” of a miracle, etc. Also, to characterize a particular element of material culture, the idea of ​​whose M is often used. it could be, for example: “the car is a racer’s dream.” The embodiment of stereotypical dreams in works of literature leads to the creation of the genre of utopia, as well as science fiction facing the future. The absence of M., the inability to dream, as a rule, is associated with a practicality devoid of a long-term vision and focused only on relatively easily achievable goals, the strength of which is a good, albeit superficial, knowledge of the surrounding reality, and the weakness is the lack of the ability to set long-term goals. Traditionally, M. is considered the most important factor in motivating cognitive and creative activity. In this regard, M. is considered as the very first stage of the cycle of human activity, the final stage of which should be a scientific discovery, business enterprise, etc. At the same time, M. can play the role of a psychological tool of escape from reality. Thus, depending on the volitional properties of the individual, the same M. can play both a mobilizing and demobilizing function. K. G. Frumkin


what, or about what, to play with the imagination, indulge in the play of thoughts, imagine, think, imagine something that is not in the present; It’s nice to think, to think about the impossible. Dream about yourself, become arrogant. -sya, imagine, think. You are dreaming, delirious. He dreamed about himself. I got so caught up in this thought that I couldn’t part with it. Am I dreaming before? I was daydreaming, thinking. I'm dreaming, not fit for work. I dreamed a lot, dreamed my fill. I dreamed under the moon. I dreamed about everything. I dreamed about everything and got tired of it. I dreamed all night. I was daydreaming in earnest. Dreaming Wed. duration dream about. valid by value verb A dream in general is any picture of the imagination and play of thought; an empty, unrealizable fiction; ghost, vision, mara. Dreamer m. -nitsa f. hunter to dream, think or play with imagination; who has a high opinion of himself. -ny, related to a dream, dreaming, willing to dream; unrealistic, imaginary, imaginary; unfounded, contrived, arrogant, arrogant; haughty. -nost f. property, state by value adj.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


dreaming, dreaming, ness., about someone or something. Imagining, indulging in dreams about someone.... What millions of honest people in capitalist countries have dreamed and continue to dream about has already been realized in the USSR. Stalin. Dream about traveling. Dream about fame. Dream about an artistic career. Dream about yourself with adv. (a lot, highly, etc.; colloquially disapproves) - to have too high an opinion of oneself. It’s in vain that you dream so much about yourself. Krylov.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Ayu, -ay; nonsov., about someone or something and with undef. Indulging in dreams about someone or something. M. about the future. M. about travel. M. become a musician. Only m. is possible about someone. (about someone very good; colloquial).

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


nesov. nepereh.

    1. Indulge in dreams and fantasies.

      Think about doing something. desired, strive for something in dreams.

    1. decomposition Hope, guess.

      Have an intention, a strong desire.



Dream- Russian rock band. She is best known for the song “Pilot” from the album of the same name.

Initially the team was called "Gaer Georges". The group was created by two students of the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute - Oleg Pruglo and Oleg Gorshkov. Pruglo became a drummer, and Gorshkov wrote music, poetry, played the guitar and performed songs.

In 1995, the final composition of the group was formed, Alexander Shulgin became the producer of the group, the name changed to “Dream”. A video for the song “Pilot” appears. On December 20, 1996, an album of the same name was released on the Becar Records label, which included 14 songs; videos were subsequently shot for the songs “Knock Knock”, “February” and “I See Dreams”. The album was a great success with the public and received positive reviews from music critics.

However, in 1999, the group ceased activity due to a conflict with the producer. The team is actually breaking up due to the inability to give concerts and record songs anymore, since all rights to compositions, videos and the name of the group belong to Shulgin. At that time, the new album was almost ready, but “Pilot” remained the only one in the group’s discography for many years. After that, for several more years, some songs were published on various collections, for example, in 1999, the song “Pink Juice” was included in the collection “Invasion. Step 2."

In 2008, fans of the group who found Gorshkov on the Odnoklassniki.ru website wrote to his page and asked him to return. Oleg, who had not been involved in music for a long time and wrote songs “on the table,” gives in to persuasion and returns to the stage with new material. In 2008, he assembled a new lineup. The first concert of the renewed band took place in the Moscow club “16 tons” on June 6, 2008. The hall was full. After some time, Oleg gives several more concerts in Moscow clubs and announces the imminent release of a new album, which, according to him, was never released in the 90s. The record goes on sale on February 28, 2010 and is named “Time to Dream”. Almost immediately after its release, the musicians again went to the studio, where they were recording their third album.

Examples of the use of the word dream in literature.

He was an agricultural technician - one of those who dreamed to plant pli-ai seedlings on Sarak, and one of the few who did not give up on his dream after the first seedlings died without producing flowers.

Trying to express himself as eloquently as possible in order to pay due respect to the mare, Style said: “I regret that I have to ask Neisa to miss the favorable moment to acquire offspring, but it so happens that the Adept from the Blue Castle has an unknown enemy, perhaps another powerful Adept who killed his double once and now dreams do the same with him.

Since the evening dreamed and at night, waking up, dreamed How about we go for a walk with her up the Azau River - there are already thawed patches there.

He dreamed with the help of the Entente troops, return in their carts to the shores of the Sea of ​​​​Azov.

You see, Mr. Rawlins was going to go to Staunton himself and install the last panel in the aquarium, but then Rawlins’ wife suddenly called and said that she wanted Mr. Rawlins to take her to the cinema, to see a picture that she had been watching for a long time dreamed look.

Prince Edward of Aquitaine, who had been considered the king for some time, was a pale young man with long eyelashes who silently followed all the events taking place, although it was believed that he dreams only about Madame Philippa Gennegau, suddenly declared to his mother, the patron lord, Monsignor Orleton, the lord bishops, and all his associates that he would never accept the crown without the consent of his father, without the king’s official written statement of abdication.

You think you are solving a social problem, boast that you can eat honey and locusts, and at the same time in the shower dreaming about wealth, about the delights of a luxurious life, about women.

The Countess de Granville loved her daughters so much that dreamed make them angels like Mary Alakok, but the daughters would prefer a less virtuous and more affectionate mother.

None of the enemies dared to attack them, and, having safely brought everyone back, Alcibiades himself became proud, and instilled in the army the arrogant confidence that under his command it was invincible and invincible, and among the common people and the poor he truly gained unprecedented love: neither they are no more than a friend dreamed, in addition, so that Alcibiades would become a tyrant over them, others openly talked about this, advising him to despise all envy, to rise above it and, throwing away laws and regulations, get rid of the talkers - the destroyers of the state.

The heroine of the play - Princess Almeria of Valencia - is taken prisoner by the king of Grenada, dreaming marry her to his son Alfonso.

Therefore the Duke dreamed so that the Amorites would launch an attack as quickly as possible, while the people are still on our side.

Philip the Arabian, a cruel and treacherous man, was appointed prefect. dreaming moreover, about imperial power.

When others saw only the laws of their caste, felt no other duty than that of their Home Stone, I dared dream about the Great Ar - when there will be an end to senseless wars, bloodshed and terror, an end to the worries and fears that darken our lives - I dreamed that a new world would rise from the dust, a world of legality and honor, power and justice.

What if, with her help, dreamed Asquith, it will be possible to produce not fabulous palaces and temples, but silicone materials needed by industry.

Susana Bombal When Iran, in the sixth century Hijri, saw from the minarets a black swarm of the desert bristling with peaks, Attar of Nishapur looked at the rose and said, almost inaudibly, As if dreaming, and not saying: - Your vague world is in my palms.

Dream … Dictionary of Russian synonyms

DREAM, dreams, family. pl. not used, female 1. Creation of imagination, something imagined, mentally imagined. “Dreams are boiling, in the mind, suppressed by melancholy, an excess of heavy thoughts is crowded.” Pushkin. || original Ghost, vision. “I saw terrible... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Mystery of feelings * Memory * Desire * Dream * Enjoyment * Loneliness * Waiting * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Dreaming, nonsense, reverie, thought, vision, apparition, illusion, specter, whim, self-deception, self-delusion, utopia, fantasy, chimera, castle in the air, play of imagination, dream, delusion, unfulfilled desire. Shattered illusions.. Wed. . See ideal,... ... Synonym dictionary

- “DREAM”, USSR, MOSFILM, 1941, b/w, 100 min. Historical socio-psychological drama. After working on two political ones; With biased films about Lenin, Mikhail Romm turns to the social tragicomedy about... ... which is close to his theme and genre. Encyclopedia of Cinema

dream- DREAM is an image created by the imagination of something valuable and desirable, but currently inaccessible. In psychology, imagination is often interpreted as a type of imagination directed toward the sphere of the desired distant future. Category M... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

Dream, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

DREAM, s, meaning. genus. pl. used dreams, women 1. Something created by the imagination, mentally imagined. M. about happiness. M. came true. 2. units An object of desire, aspiration. M. all my life. 3. dream, meaning tale What's n about? very good (colloquial joke) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

DREAM. The etymology of the word dream is unclear. Dissatisfied with the explanations of Matzenauer, Miklosic, Goryaev and Preobrazhensky, prof. G. A. Ilyinsky assumed the root *mĭk in the word mčьta and compared it with cumikat, mìcnut, vl. mikać blink, mik... ... History of words

dream- a necessary condition for the transformation of reality, an incentive, a motive for an activity, the final completion of which was delayed; a special form of imagination, localized in a fairly distant future and uniting... ... Great psychological encyclopedia


  • Dream, Maria Lodi. The action of the novels takes place in France in the 60s of the 19th century, during the era of the dictatorial regime of Napoleon III. Parisian boulevards, cafes, embankments, salons and... appear before the reader’s eyes.

Hello site readers. In this article I will answer the question:

A dream is an innermost desire for something very specific, the fulfillment of which will bring a person enormous wealth. Thanks to the ability of our imagination, which can paint absolutely any picture in our mind, regardless of the current situation, all dreams become truly real. Our dreams are those imaginary pictures, the thought of which excites us very much and evokes very powerful positive emotions. They take possession of us and take us away from reality. Please note that these imaginary pictures are different and individual for all people, and if someone does not support your dream, do not be offended.

Remember your childhood, how we enthusiastically dreamed that one day we would become an astronaut and fly into space, or a jet pilot or the owner of a large business, we would live in our dream house near the ocean. As a child, there were simply no boundaries for dreams. We had pictures of our future pasted on the walls: beautiful luxury houses, super-powerful airplanes, the latest cars, sandy beaches with sea water shining from the sun. But what happened then? Time passed and these pictures disappeared from the walls. People began to realize the harsh "reality", began to understand that nothing comes simple and easy. To do this, you need to work hard. And people abandoned their dreams and simply forgot about them. It’s much easier, I forgot - and you don’t have to do anything. And the world requires very little, just to remain devoted to your dreams. It is for this reason that dreams remain memories from childhood.

For some reason, adults have the word "dream" is associated with distant childhood, and when they are told what is simply necessary in order to achieve (here is an article for you), they immediately fall into bewilderment. Adults have completely forgotten how to dream, and it is for this reason that there are so many unsuccessful people in our world. To achieve anything meaningful, you need a huge supply of energy. Moreover, it is necessary to maintain this energy reserve at a high level all the time. Without a dream it is simply unrealistic. Many adults do not dream only because they think that dreams are unrealistic. This means that they do not understand at all what a dream is.

Dreams are the most important value of a person. They inspire a person, charge him with energy, and evoke a burning passion in his soul. Thanks to dreams, people are able to work 18 hours a day and sleep only 6 hours without feeling tired. All the gifts of modern civilization that surround you and that you use were once the simple dreams of some people. Dreams encourage a person to create miracles. Many people say: "This is impossible". But I assure you, if this is your true dream, and you are ready to make it come true, then nothing is impossible for you. If something you dream of does not yet exist in nature, then it will be created for you.

Whatever you can imagine, you can realize in reality.

This is why we are given our imagination, to be the basis for. A person with a dream is distinguished by energy and enthusiasm for life, his eyes sparkle, he clearly sees where he is moving, what needs to be accomplished, his consciousness is always occupied with constructive thoughts about. Such a person always smiles and on his face you can see the clear meaning of life. This emotion is difficult to describe in words, but if you ask “What is your biggest dream in life?” A clear image quickly appears in your head, evoking powerful emotions, which means you have a dream. Ask this question to other people! Most likely, they will either not understand it or will start to think for a very long time. In exceptional cases, someone will tell you something specific, but looking into their eyes, you will see only longing. Know that this is not a dream.

January 16, 2018

Dreams and goals have always been the engine of human progress. A dream is often understood as the opportunity to achieve the impossible, something that does not fit into the framework of the usual understanding of the world. We can say that if a person doesn’t have a dream, then he doesn’t have a future either. After all, she is a prototype of the future that is worth striving for.

What can aspirations be?

What is a dream if not the desire to realize one’s highest purpose, something worth living for? It could be:

  • A dream of happiness for yourself, your family and your country.
  • Self-realization in the professional sphere.
  • A journey that will allow you to expand your horizons and learn something new.
  • You can also dream of being able to help others and do charity work.

Dream and passion

Many people would like to understand for themselves what a dream is. The definition of what the goal of each individual person is depends only on himself. But defining a dream is simple. To do this, you need to listen to yourself. In addition to the fact that a person likes a dream, it should arouse passion in him. Therefore, we can recommend this way of defining a dream: first, list all your desires and goals, and then note those that evoke passion. However, we must remember that this feeling also includes pain. In relation to dreams, this is expressed in regret. It will be very painful if the goal is not achieved.

To define your dream, it is also helpful to imagine what life will be like when that goal is achieved. You can imagine yourself in the place of a chess player who knows the consequences of every move. Then the consequences that the fulfillment of desire entails will be clear. This way you can get rid of unnecessary dreams and leave only truly valuable dreams.

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Living the dream

For many, the question of what a dream is is not an easy one. After all, there are many people who are accustomed to living in reality. On the one hand, they can be understood - after all, dreamers cut off from life often turn out to be complete losers in everyday life who do not know how to cope with life’s difficulties. However, regarding those who live entirely only with pressing problems, it cannot be said that they are absolutely happy.

After all, without dreams and goals, life becomes insipid. Besides, real life is rarely always rosy. Rather, on the contrary, you often want to escape from it into the world of fantasies and dreams. One of the meanings of the word “dream” is the imagination of the future, a mental image of what is desired. It is impossible to realize your desires if you do not dream about them, if you do not have a proper idea about them. And those people who focus their attention only on the problems of reality inevitably miss the opportunities that life presents to them.

Image of the desired future

There is another definition of what a dream is. This is a special form of imagination, characteristic of man and distinguishing him from animals. The dream projects a better version of the future. Only humans have the divine gift of dreaming. It allows you, despite any difficulties and obstacles, to go towards your goal. After all, what a dream is has a definition: it is the ability to see the desired result in the absence of any signs of it in the real world.

For example, a fat person dreams of becoming thin. In reality, its weight can be 80, 90, 100 kilograms. Maybe those people who hear about his aspirations will twirl their fingers at their temples. However, he has the desired result in his imagination - he sees himself losing weight. And this standard will allow him to reach his goal. Of course, no one says that this path will be easy. However, the higher the value of the dream. After all, her image allows you to move forward, as they say, in spite of all winds.

Dreams and creativity

"What is a dream?" - people ask themselves. Another meaning of this word is: this is a necessary condition with the help of which the transformation of reality occurs, the motive of human activity. It is often a motivating force for people in creative professions. Musicians, composers and sculptors use their dreams to create their masterpieces. Other people sincerely admire their creations. Although they themselves cannot create, for example, a beautiful statue, in their imagination they are able to see their dream embodied in a work of art.

Interesting question: what is a dream? Dictionary definitions

This word has been given many different definitions. For example, these are given in Efremova’s explanatory dictionary:

  1. A dream is something imaginary, mental.
  2. An imaginary image of something that attracts a person.
  3. Subject of aspiration.

And in Ushakov’s dictionary you can read the following meanings of the word “dream”:

  • Something imaginary, imagined in thoughts.
  • An imaginary image of something that is the subject of aspiration.

It can be noted that these definitions are very similar to each other. A dream is an ethereal image that allows a person to strive for the best and have a guideline in life. She is a saving shore where you can hide from any bad weather.

The origin of this word will also be interesting. The word "dream" was borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language - it came from the lexical unit mčta, which is a derivative of the Upper Sorbian mikać / flicker. During the time of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, this word meant a ghost, a ghost.

creative power

The concept of dream has not been used very often lately. The meaning of this word, however, is clear to everyone. The image of a dreamer does not seem entirely positive - most often this word evokes associations with passivity, combined with the ability to see beauty. However, a person indulges in dreams constantly - when he thinks about the future, about what awaits him in a few years or tomorrow morning.

Every adult makes plans, somehow imagines his future life. Without asking the question “What does a dream mean?”, he still thinks about how he will buy a new dress, a yacht, a house. We can say that dream is synonymous with creation. A man thinks that he would like to have the same mansion as his favorite Hollywood star. And when he manages to achieve this, then we can say that his dream has come true, creating reality. Therefore, thoughts about a good future or happiness cannot be condemned. Rather, only the habit of replacing real life with dreams can be reprehensible.

A dream must be supported by action

Each person has his own idea of ​​what a dream is. A person can inspire both himself and others with his dream. Or he may constantly indulge in ethereal dreams that will not lead to any goal in the future. Then the dream turns into self-deception. That is why one of the hallmarks of a dream is its creative power.

The dream is always aimed at making the world a better, more convenient, more pleasant place. And in order to fulfill it, you always need to work a lot. This distinguishes a creative dream from stupid dreams that exist only in fantasy. Those same people who are accustomed to only thinking about a possible wonderful future, but not acting, can be dangerous in making their dreams come true. Often the cruel circumstances of real life crush these dreams so quickly that such would-be dreamers lose the desire to take action to realize their aspirations until the end of their days.

Therefore, a dream is something that a person can achieve through his own efforts. Everything else is ethereal dreams. For example, someone dreams of a family and then creates it. Or he draws rosy pictures of a prosperous life in his mind and achieves it. A real dream should motivate a person to take action.