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Pathological deformation of the cervix. Possible consequences of a bent cervix. Causes and development factors

Approximately a quarter of women, when visiting a gynecologist and undergoing an in-depth examination due to health complaints in the reproductive area, learn about the diagnosis of “uterine retroflexion”. This incomprehensible word is translated into ordinary language as the bend of the uterus.

How can this position of the uterus affect a woman’s health and possibility of conception , what the threat is in the future and where such a bend came from, as well as what to do in such cases and how to treat a bend of the uterus, the site tells.

What is this?

Gynecologists call uterine inflection a condition in which the body of the uterus deviates relative to its cervix and its normal anatomical location in the pelvis.

In the standard position, the uterus is located deep in the pelvis, approximately in the middle, parallel to the vagina, supported in a stable position by special uterine ligaments - dense cords of connective tissue. The uterus lies in the same plane as the cervix and vagina for a reason: this way there are anatomically fewer obstacles in the way of sperm during fertilization.

Typically, a uterine flexion is detected as a congenital condition, that is, it is an anatomical feature of a woman. However, in some cases, a bend of the uterus can form due to various pathologies of the woman’s reproductive sphere, mainly of an inflammatory or adhesive nature.

Location of the uterus

Based on the location of the uterus in a woman’s pelvis, doctors distinguish several pathological positions:

  • anteflexion of the uterus- that is, its bending to form an obtuse angle forward, towards the bladder. This condition occurs most often in nulliparous women and is a normal variant. After childbirth, anteflexion most often disappears completely;
  • uterine anteversion- this is also a forward deviation of the uterus, but along with it the cervix also deviates;
  • less commonly, hyperanteflexia occurs - this is a sharp bending of the body of the uterus forward, up to its almost complete folding in half;
  • retroflexion of the uterus- deviation of the uterine body back towards the rectum. This condition is basically what is meant by the bending of the uterus;
  • leteroflexion- this is a deviation of the uterus to the side, to the right or left from the axis, towards one of the ovaries.

Sometimes, in parallel with the bending of the uterus, its rotation along its axis, twisting, is also observed.

Where does the disease come from?

If this has been the case since birth, it is simply an individual anatomical feature as a result of any disturbances in your mother’s pregnancy.

Typically, such a bend is insignificant and cannot in any way affect sexual function, reproductive health and the ability to conceive and bear a child. This bend of the uterus will not manifest itself in any way, and you may never know about it, since after childbirth it will most likely cease to exist altogether.

And if the bend of the uterus occurs after the birth of a woman, it is necessary to determine the reason that caused this phenomenon.

This usually occurs as a result of inflammation inside the pelvic cavity or adhesions after injury, surgery or some other problem. Most often, this occurs with genital infections that are not cured in time and spread to the pelvic area, as well as for endometriosis , during operations in the abdominal organs, caesarean section.

Bend of the uterus and its consequences

In addition, the position of the uterus in the pelvic area depends on the ligaments and their elasticity and resilience. Under the influence of age or various influences, the ligaments of the uterus weaken, and a pathological position of the uterus, and even its prolapse, can form.

In addition, the position of the uterus can be affected by other pelvic organs and their diseases - pelvic tumors, damage to the bladder, colon.

How does the bend of the uterus manifest itself?

First of all, women with pathological curvature of the uterus may notice quite pronounced pain during menstruation, an increase or sharp decrease in the volume of discharge, the appearance of clots, spotting intermenstrual discharge . With sharp bends of the uterus, there may be pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse, and problems may arise with conceiving and bearing a child.

In very rare cases there may be constipation or increased urination due to pressure from the uterus on these organs.

Pregnancy and uterine flexion

With physiological bending, and it is usually not very pronounced, pregnancy and bearing a child will not differ in any way from those in the normal state of the uterus.

Bend of the uterus and its consequences

With pathological bending of the uterus as a result of various types of processes cause of infertility It is adhesions, endometriosis, or infections and inflammation that cause the pathology. All these processes make the meeting of sperm and egg difficult, and if pregnancy occurs, they interfere with the normal growth of the uterus and the fetus in it.

Sex positions, raising legs and other folk tips for conceiving for a woman with a bent uterus will not help without solving the main problem - eliminating the factors that cause the bent uterus.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the present stage of development of technology in gynecology, a bend of the uterus is easily diagnosed by examination and confirmed by ultrasound during examination with a vaginal sensor.

With congenital or physiological deformation, no therapeutic measures are required, the woman lives and has sex as usual, and pregnancy is not difficult.

For pathological bends of the uterus, treatment tactics are determined based on the causes. Usually, during the adhesive process, laparoscopic operations are performed (through small punctures in the abdominal wall) to cut the adhesions. If the bend of the uterus is caused by inflammation, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy are necessary.

In addition, if the ligaments are weak, special gymnastics and exercises to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor (Kegel technique) are indicated.

Separately about myths

Young mothers whose girls are growing up are often frightened by the bending of the uterus, which allegedly can occur if girls start to sit on their bottoms too early. This myth is completely unfounded.

Sitting or any other position of the child during the formation of its static functions cannot in any way affect the position of the uterus. Therefore, if your daughter begins to sit up on her own, you should not disturb her, let the child study and develop skills - this will not threaten her with problems in the sexual sphere.

In general, the bending of the uterus itself is not dangerous, does not pose any difficulty in terms of pregnancy and does not cause inconvenience to the woman.


Pathological processes in a woman’s body often lead to disruption of the normal position of the internal genital organs. In first place in terms of clinical significance is the bending of the cervix.

Physiologically, upon examination, the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are easily displaced. This possibility helps the course of pregnancy and childbirth, and also creates conditions for the functioning of the bladder and intestines.

Uterine displacement during pregnancy is not permanent. After emptying the bladder and bowels, as well as after normal childbirth, the uterus returns to its normal position.

What is cervical bending: a disease or structural feature

With age, the position of the genital organs changes. During puberty, the uterus descends into the pelvic cavity; during childhood it is higher. In postmenopausal age, the uterus, due to atrophy of the genital organs, descends deeper into the pelvis and deviates posteriorly. These options are considered the norm only for women of these age categories.

In a healthy woman, the internal genital organs are located in the center of the small pelvis at the same distance from the symphysis and sacrum. The fundus of the uterus does not protrude above the plane of the entrance to the pelvis. The vaginal part of the cervix and the external os of the cervical canal are in the same plane.

Types of pathology

Abnormal positions of the uterus are considered to be disturbances in the relationship between the cervix and the body of the uterus.

Uterine displacements occur in different directions:

  • along a vertical plane;
  • around its axis;
  • on a horizontal plane.

Clinical observations show that different types of cervical bends are often combined. Not all position anomalies occur with the same frequency. Retroflexion (bending backwards) and anteflexion (bending anteriorly), as well as deviations of the uterus to the right and left, are more common. Rotation and twisting are rare forms of positional anomalies.

Causes and development factors

Displacements of the cervix depend on pathological processes occurring outside of it. Anomalies in the position of the internal genital organs occur:

  • as a result of inflammatory processes;
  • the presence of neoplasms in organs located in the pelvis;
  • due to general diseases of the body.

If the pathological process is localized in front of the uterus, then it is displaced posteriorly and vice versa. Tumors of the appendages and other unilateral pathological processes displace the organ to the left or right. Due to this ability to move, types of cervical bends have appeared.

Clinically, the most important thing is the bending of the cervix posteriorly and pathological displacement anteriorly.

The reasons leading to a bent neck include:

  • hypoplasia of the genital organs;
  • decreased tone of the uterine ligaments during infantilism;
  • body features (asthenic type);
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • multiple and frequent births;
  • surgical interventions;
  • ovarian failure;
  • aging of the body.

The causes and consequences of cervical flexion are interrelated. For example, with asthenia, the tone of the uterus and its ligamentous apparatus decreases. Weakness of the abdominal wall increases the weight of the internal organs on the pelvic floor muscles, which contributes to flexion.

Long-term debilitating diseases cause a decrease in tissue tone and lead to bending of the cervix in the presence of additional unfavorable conditions.

Symptoms of a bent cervix

Previously, bending was considered an independent disease. It was later found that in many women, severe forms of cervical curvature are asymptomatic and are discovered by chance. The bend that occurs with mobile retroflexion, not caused by inflammatory processes, does not cause discomfort.

Women complain of the following symptoms:

  • dull, aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • dysfunction of neighboring organs (frequent urination, constipation, pain during bowel movements;
  • menstrual dysfunction (heavy and painful periods);
  • copious discharge associated with inflammatory processes;
  • reproductive dysfunction.

Nagging pain and painful periods are a reason to consult a doctor

How to get pregnant with a deviated cervix

Women are interested in knowing how to get pregnant with a deviated cervix, if this pathology itself is not the cause of infertility. Much depends on concomitant pathology associated with underdevelopment of the genital organs or inflammatory diseases.

Considering that the curvature of the uterus is indirectly related to the causes of infertility, and no other diseases have been identified, measures are recommended for the successful conception of a child.

Kegel exercises

The exercise technique is aimed at strengthening the connective and muscle tissues that support the uterus in the correct position.

  • contraction of the vaginal muscles, as if raising and lowering an “elevator”;
  • tension of the vaginal muscles for 10 seconds followed by relaxation.

These exercises are done in sitting, lying and standing positions.

Gynecological massage

Massage for diseases of the female genital area, acting reflexively on the body, regulates the functions of the central nervous system:

  • eliminates pain;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • promotes resorption of inflammatory processes;
  • restores metabolism;
  • normalizes menstrual function;
  • increases the tone of the uterine muscles;
  • eliminates adhesions;
  • corrects the curvature of the uterus;
  • increases the chance of getting pregnant.

Gynecological massage is indicated for patients with a bend in the presence of residual effects of the inflammatory process

Massage is contraindicated for patients with the following diseases:

  • presence of uterine bleeding;
  • revealed erosions and polyps of the cervix;
  • condition after gynecological operations;
  • all stages of pregnancy.

Incorrect position of the internal genital organs creates an obstacle for sperm to achieve their goal. Knowing the subtleties of intimate life, you can make the moment of conception easier.

Features of intimacy

The most successful postures for bending the cervix are:

  • position “on all fours” (the position shortens the path of sperm towards the egg);
  • “missionary” position (the woman lies on her back, a bolster or pillow is placed under the pelvis).

The main condition for choosing the right position is that the female pelvis is higher than the chest.

Before sex, it is advisable for a woman to take a warm bath in a sitting position to warm up the lower part of the body and increase blood flow to the pelvic area.

Previously, it was believed that after sexual intercourse a woman needed to lie down for an hour with her pelvis elevated for better absorption of the semen. Considering that the speed of sperm movement is high, and that they are “drawn” by the mucus of the cervical canal into the uterine cavity immediately after ejaculation, this condition is not relevant.

The immediate clinical significance of cervical inflexion is small. This anomaly of location deserves attention because it is an indicator of the disorders that caused it. Scientists believe this problem is easy to fix. Women's chances of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child are high.

Consequences and complications

Women may experience problems regardless of the stage of pregnancy. The most common complication is spontaneous abortion in the early stages and premature birth in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The cause of miscarriage is most often weakness and shortening of the cervical muscles, as well as decreased tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Gymnastics tightens the abdominal and pelvic muscles, but the cervix must be closely monitored throughout pregnancy.

Regular medical supervision during pregnancy can prevent troubles.

How does childbirth occur with this pathology?

Preparation for childbirth is carried out before labor begins. If there were no problems during pregnancy, then during childbirth you need to be prepared for surprises.

One of the reasons for bending is the weakness of the muscle and connective tissue of the cervix. Therefore, during childbirth there is a danger of labor weakness.

There are several methods of preparing the cervix for childbirth:

  • use of vaginal gel “Prostin-gel” (introduced into the cervical canal before the onset of labor, for the purpose of stimulation);
  • creating a hormonal background through the administration of estrogen drugs, most often Sinestrol (administration should begin a week before giving birth, 20 thousand units, twice a day);
  • introduction of prostaglandins into the cervical canal (the use of the drug Prepidil is recommended);

All manipulations and treatment are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Every 3 hours, the condition of the fetus, contractile activity of the uterus, and the progress of cervical dilatation are assessed. The patient's pulse and blood pressure are monitored.

In order to start the labor mechanism, dilate the cervix, and stimulate labor, Enzaprost is prescribed.

In case of development of weakness of labor, delivery is carried out by Caesarean section.

The postpartum period, as a rule, proceeds without any special features. Women who had a bent uterus before pregnancy are recommended to sleep on their stomach after childbirth.


The diagnosis of uterine displacement is not difficult. The vaginal part of the cervix is ​​facing anteriorly, is below the normal level, and the body of the uterus is deviated posteriorly. Between the body and the cervix there is a sharply defined angle, open posteriorly.

During the examination, it is necessary to determine in detail the size, shape, consistency of the uterus and the condition of the appendages. A mobile uterus is easily removed from the folded state, but its removal is contraindicated if there are adhesions, tumors and ongoing inflammatory processes.

Bend treatment methods

Treatment is carried out only in cases of detection of diseases. If the cause of the curvature is developmental delay, then treatment methods are aimed at strengthening the immune system and the general condition of the body.

The treatment complex includes:

  • good nutrition;
  • playing sports;
  • physiotherapy;
  • water procedures.

General strengthening therapy, a special set of gymnastic exercises help to increase the tone of the uterus, its ligaments, the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor.

A bend in the neck associated with inflammatory diseases requires medical treatment. Complex treatment is carried out taking into account the stage of the process.

Fixed retroflexion occurs in chronic inflammation. In this case it is recommended:

  • physiotherapy (ozokerite, paraffin);
  • mud therapy at resorts and sanatoriums (peat mud);
  • mineral baths.

The uterus does not need to be corrected in the following cases:

  • no complaints;
  • regular menstrual function;
  • reproductive and sexual functions do not cause problems.

If anti-inflammatory treatment does not give the desired result, gynecological massage is used. The effectiveness of the massage is to increase blood circulation in the genitals, which helps strengthen the ligaments and increase the tone of the uterus. At the same time, softening of the adhesions occurs.

The effect of treatment is enhanced when combining massage with physiotherapy or mud therapy.

If systematic conservative treatment does not give the desired result, indications for surgery appear.

Surgical treatment

The point of surgical treatment is to bring the uterus forward from the bend back and fix the uterus in this position.

This is accomplished by the following steps of the operation:

  • shortening of the round ligaments;
  • suspension of the uterus to the anterior abdominal wall.

The widespread implementation of this operation did not bring the expected success. Currently, surgical treatment of uterine flexion is performed in patients with other gynecological diseases requiring surgical intervention:

  • displacement of the uterus caused by a tumor;
  • the bend is combined with prolapse of the vaginal walls or prolapse of the uterus.

Surgical treatment is considered unjustified in the following cases:

  • underdevelopment of the genital organs;
  • multiple complicated births.

After surgery, such patients experience a relapse because the cause of the curvature is not eliminated. This group of patients is prescribed general restorative and special conservative therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies

A fixed uterus cannot be cured with herbal decoctions, but adding them to a comprehensive anti-inflammatory treatment will not hurt. Since inflammation of the female genital organs leads to infertility, you can take the advice of traditional healers.

Therapeutic gymnastics and massage

One of the ways to straighten the abnormal position of the uterus is therapeutic exercises. These are mainly exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominal wall. Exercises should be done constantly, devoting a few minutes of your time.

  1. Exercise "cat". Take a knee-elbow position and alternately, while inhaling, bend your back like a wheel, and while exhaling, bend it down.
  2. Inhaling in the same position, try to sit on the soles of your feet. Exhaling, return to the starting position. Try not to lift your elbows off the floor.
  3. Sit on the floor. Straighten your back. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Alternately bend to the right and then to the left leg. When bending, inhale; when straightening, exhale.
  4. Standing on all fours (arms straight), slowly raise your left leg and right arm. Hold your breath for 15 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with your right leg and left arm.
  5. Sitting on your heels, slowly raise your arms up. Inhale. Tighten your abdominal and perineal muscles. Count to 10. Lower your hands. Exhalation.
  6. Stand up. Spread your legs wide apart. Inhale. Bend your palms towards the floor. Legs are straight. Exhalation. Repeat 5-7 times.

This is an active version of gymnastics. There are also passive gymnastic exercises. Massage goes well with passive gymnastics. Passive movements are performed not by the patient himself, but by the massage therapist. The complexity of passive movements gradually increases during the course of treatment. Passive movements are performed smoothly, at a calm pace, without causing pain.

Therapeutic gymnastics is the easiest way to treat

Courses of massage therapy are performed in clinics, hospitals, and sanatoriums. In case of chronic diseases, the prescription of repeated courses is determined by the doctor.


Considering that uterine bending is possible in two ways (one congenital, and the other acquired after illness), preventive measures are carried out from the moment the girl is born. All of them are aimed at strengthening the body.

A rational, balanced diet, exercise, and water procedures are the key to the success of the proper development of the female body.

Bend of the uterus is a deviation from the desired position of the body of the uterus in the pelvis. The pathology can be congenital or acquired. The second option occurs after surgery, inflammation or insufficient ovarian function.

The uterus may be bent backwards:

  1. Retroflexion of the uterus. In this disease, the body of the uterus moves back towards the rectum. It is retroflexion that means the bending of the uterus.
  2. Anteflexion of the uterus. This is a slight bend of the uterus forward towards the bladder. Because of this, a slight obtuse angle is formed. When a woman has not given birth yet, this is the norm, because after childbirth everything returns to normal.
  3. Leteroflexion of the uterus. Her body curves to the left or right towards one of the ovaries.
  4. Anteversion. The essence of this pathology is that the uterus and its cervix deviate.

In addition to the bending of the uterus, diagnosis reveals its rotation along its axis. It feels as if the uterus is twisting.


The causes of a bent uterus are rarely individual. Most often, the disease is acquired during life. Numerous factors can influence this:

  1. Heavy physical activity.
  2. Endometritis and inflammation of the uterus and its appendages.
  3. Intestinal diseases.
  4. Untimely emptying of the bladder at an early age, constipation.


The clinical picture of the disease can only manifest itself as the bending of the uterus is clearly pronounced.

Most often, women experience pain during sexual intercourse, menstruation, urinary disorders and irregularities in the menstrual cycle. When pregnancy occurs, there is a risk of miscarriage. When examining the patient, the doctor tries to determine whether the uterus is fixed. To do this, he moves it in different directions. If it is fixed, then there is no displacement to the sides, and no painful sensations arise during movement.

The symptoms that arise indicate the presence of problems that can cause infertility.

Bend of the uterus during pregnancy

How to get pregnant if a woman has a tilted uterus? A similar question rarely concerns women who have not given birth; it is another matter when the child is already inside, and the uterus does not want to take a normal position.

In this case, there is a risk of complications. They can manifest themselves in the form of complicated bowel movements, urination, and flatulence. Serious problems often arise - from miscarriage to acute inflammation of the bladder. If a woman has a frequent urge to go to the toilet “in a small way” and stool disturbances in the early stages of bearing a child, then she should immediately notify her gynecologist about this.

During gestation, the uterus will grow, it will fill most of the woman's pelvic area, press against the sacrum, displace the bladder and put pressure on the rectum.

To correct the bending of the uterus during pregnancy, it is necessary to resort to surgery. During this process, the uterus is pushed into the required position. The operation is not complicated, and thanks to it, the mother will be able to fully bear and give birth to a child. As you get closer to giving birth, your doctor may recommend a cesarean section. But such a decision is made only if the cervix is ​​not dilated enough.


Therapy for this pathology is carried out to restore a woman’s fertility and prevent pathologies during pregnancy. The bending of the uterus back and towards the front does not always become an obstacle to conception, but it reduces the likelihood of its occurrence. Even if a woman with such a diagnosis managed to become pregnant, then if she bends, there is a possibility of consequences developing. But here it all depends on the complexity of the disease:

  1. If the bending of the uterus occurs in a mild form, then the pregnancy is unlikely to be complicated, and after childbirth the uterus will return to its place.
  2. When the cervix is ​​bent combined with torsion, pregnancy is unlikely.
  3. When the cause is adhesions and inflammation, this has a detrimental effect on the course of pregnancy, increasing the risk of miscarriage.

Drug therapy

To treat a bent uterus, the following can be used:

  • Vitamins;
  • Hormonal drugs;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Medicines that resolve adhesions.

Kegel exercises

Through such exercises, you can strengthen and restore the elasticity of connective tissue strands. They are required to maintain the natural location of the uterus in the pelvic cavity. Therapeutic gymnastics can be prescribed in combination with other therapeutic methods, but can also be used separately. Therapeutic exercises are very often used as a separate method of therapy in preparation for pregnancy.

There are several techniques for Kegel exercises:

  1. Reduction. You should alternately contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles. Initially, do 10 approaches 3-4 times a day. Over time, increase the number of repetitions to 20-30 times.
  2. Content. It is also necessary to contract the muscles, keeping them tense for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Elevator. The essence of this exercise is to alternately tense the vaginal sections. It is necessary to strain the muscles from the lower to the upper sections with minor pauses. Next, smoothly relax the muscles. Perform 5 approaches.
  4. Waves. It is necessary to alternately contract 3 groups of perineal muscles, forming 3 loops. Each turn should contract from front to back, and their relaxation occurs in the reverse order.
  5. Positioning. Any exercise should be performed in a lying or sitting position, but not standing.

Gynecological massage

I can prescribe massage for uterine flexion for the following reasons:

  • adhesive process,
  • prolapse of the uterus and weakness of its muscles.

Benefits of gynecological massage:

  • elimination of adhesions,
  • restoration of the correct position of the uterus,
  • normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs,
  • improvement of the tone of the uterus and its muscles,
  • restoring fertility and preventing the risk of miscarriages.

Only a doctor can perform gynecological massage. To do this, the patient will have to visit specialized departments with specific regularity. The treatment procedure is performed in a gynecological chair. It must be located at a specific angle.

During the massage, the woman moves to the edge of the chair, spreads her legs and leans on the footrests. The patient should be completely relaxed. If pain and severe discomfort are felt during the manipulation, then you must inform your doctor about this.

The doctor massages the uterus with both hands. One hand relative to the vagina, and the other outside, through the stomach. The purpose of this manipulation is to treat the uterus from all sides during palpation. This way, it will be possible to break up adhesions and scars during the massage.

After completing the entire course of gynecological massage, a woman can become pregnant, improve her well-being, normalize metabolic processes and improve sensitivity during sexual intercourse. The session lasts 3-5 minutes, but can be extended to 10-20 minutes if the patient feels well.

Gynecological massage should not be performed on women with:

  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • elevated temperature,
  • menses,
  • tumors in the pelvic organs,
  • cervical erosion,
  • congenital form of uterine bending.

Very often, gynecological massage is prescribed after completing a course of anti-inflammatory therapy and adhesions.


If the curvature of the uterus does not allow the girl to become a mother, then after a year of active attempts at conservative treatment, the doctor will be able to prescribe surgical intervention to the patient. To perform it, the laparoscopy method is used. After the operation there are no scars or other complications.

It is extremely rare for a doctor to prescribe abdominal surgery. It is necessary for complex adhesions, which in mild form can be quickly removed by laparoscopy.

When using any method of surgical intervention, the doctor will be able to give the uterus a normal position and tighten the necessary ligaments. If left untreated, uterine inclination can become complicated with age in the form of uterine prolapse. Then more pronounced symptoms and pain occur.

Lifestyle changes

In addition to therapeutic exercises, gynecological massage and drug therapy, it is necessary to reconsider the lifestyle.

  • eat properly and balanced;
  • saturate the body with essential vitamins;
  • exercise regularly;
  • give proper time to sleep and rest, lie down on your stomach during night sleep;
  • do not carry heavy bags or perform excessive physical activity;
  • do not stay on your feet for a long time;
  • empty your bladder and bowels on time;
  • timely treat various gynecological pathologies, regularly visit a doctor for routine examinations;
  • maintain intimate hygiene;

Poses for conception

To quickly achieve pregnancy when the uterus is bent, there are certain postures and movements. A couple can have sexual intercourse in any position, but before ejaculation, the man must change the position to a classic one. It can be behind or on top.

The best poses for bending the uterus:

  1. A very popular position when the woman is below and the man is on top. With this arrangement, the penis will go deeper and move closer to the uterus. With this position, the chance of successful conception is high.
  2. For successful conception, you can use the position when the man is behind. A woman can be in any position - standing on her knees, lying on her side. This pose is one of the most effective and efficient. Doctors believe that with regular ejaculation in this position, pregnancy can occur very quickly. But this is provided that there is no inflammation or other pathologies.

After completing sexual intercourse, a woman should not get up for 30 minutes. It is also effective to throw your legs up and lie in this position for 15 minutes. After this, lower your legs and take a similar position. You can fully get out of bed in 20 minutes.

Deflection of the uterus is a common pathology. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the severity of the pathology. If it is moderate or mild, then you can manage with conservative methods, but in severe cases, the doctor resorts to surgical treatment. And although the problem is of an intimate nature, you should not be ashamed of it, so all points must be discussed with your doctor.

The bend of the cervix does not always need to be considered as a pathology that requires one treatment or another - in many cases it is a feature of the anatomical structure of the woman’s reproductive system and in no way interferes with her reproductive function and the general functioning of the body. Moreover, in some cases, incorrect position of the uterus can cause pain and lead to infertility.

What is pathology

The bend of the uterus is the deviation of an organ from the traditional anatomical position that it should occupy. This pathology can be either congenital or a consequence of a number of reasons, which will be discussed below.

The highest chance of being at risk for developing this pathology remains in girls who, at the onset of puberty, had an underdeveloped reproductive system. In addition, a high probability of uterine flexion is present in asthenic young women with low weight, an underdeveloped skeleton and a lack of muscle mass.

There are movable and fixed options for bending the uterus. The first develops as a result of various physiological (asthenia) and gynecological factors - childbirth, infectious diseases, etc., and the second, as a rule, is the result of the formation of adhesions.

An improperly positioned organ can put pressure on neighboring organs located in the pelvis. In addition, its unnatural position creates an obstacle to the path of sperm into the fallopian tubes, which can lead to permanent infertility.

Causes and factors for the development of the disease

As already noted, the bend can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathology is the result of a violation of intrauterine maturation of the fetus and for the most part has slight deviations from the norm. Women with this form of bending can become pregnant and not even be aware of the pathology, which in most cases disappears spontaneously after childbirth.

Acquired uterine inclination has a less favorable prognosis. Among the causes of the disease, the following should be indicated:

  • advanced sexually transmitted infections;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive system and other pelvic organs;
  • surgical operations that subsequently cause adhesions;
  • weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the uterus;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms of the female genital area, intestines, and bladder.

Options for the location of the uterus in the pelvis

Gynecologists use the following classification of uterine bending:

  1. retroflexion - posterior deviation towards the rectum;
  2. anteflexion - moderate anterior tilt towards the bladder;
  3. hyperanteflexia - strong forward bending;
  4. anteversion - a sharp anterior tilt, which also causes a shift in the location of the neck;
  5. leteroflexion - sideways curvature of the organ towards the left or right ovary.

In addition to the bending of the uterus, sometimes there is also a simultaneous rotation of its body around its axis, which significantly complicates the picture. In gynecological practice, the first and second variants of pathology are most often recorded.

How can the disease manifest itself?

With a slight deviation from the norm, the bend of the uterus does not manifest itself in any way. In more serious cases, the following symptoms may be present:

  • dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain);
  • an increase or decrease in the volume of blood released during menstruation;
  • blood clots during menstruation;
  • spotting in the middle of the cycle;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • constipation;
  • frequent urination;
  • miscarriages;
  • infertility.

Basic diagnostic methods

Diagnosis is made through a gynecological examination of the patient. In addition, this procedure allows you to determine the degree of mobility of the uterine body.

To clarify the location and nature of the displacement of the uterus, a woman is also recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination, including a transvaginal one. In addition, an ultrasound examination will make it possible to assess the condition of neighboring organs and their possible impact on the uterus.

Treatment of pathology

It is necessary to treat cervical inflexion only in cases where it prevents pregnancy, causes a risk of miscarriage, causes discomfort to the patient, or provokes other undesirable phenomena - constipation, menstrual irregularities, etc. In all other cases, this condition is considered an anatomical feature that does not require treatment.

To combat the bending of the uterus, the following are used:

  • drug therapy - treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and other pelvic organs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, including steroids;
  • physiotherapy - UHF, mud therapy, ozokerite therapy, exercise therapy, Kegel gymnastics, gynecological massage;
  • surgery - in most cases this is a laparoscopic method of removing adhesions that change the anatomical position of the uterus;
  • folk remedies that can help fight inflammatory diseases of the female genital tract.

Drug therapy

Antibacterial agents are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, which can cause a bent uterus. Depending on the scope of influence, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • tetracyclines (Doxacycline);
  • macrolides (Summamed);
  • nitromidazoles (Metronidazole);
  • penicillins (Ampicillin);
  • lincosamides (Clindamycin).

Type of drug, dosage, regimen, etc. is the prerogative of the attending physician. Self-medication with antibiotics is categorically unacceptable, since instead of benefiting you, you can complicate your condition!

In addition to antibacterial drugs, steroid drugs, for example, Dexamethasone, are also used to combat the inflammatory process.


UHF, mud therapy and ozokerite therapy are methods aimed at intensifying blood circulation in the pelvic organs, resulting in the activation of restoration processes in the tissues of the female genital organs. These physiotherapy methods have proven themselves in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and their consequences.

Exercise therapy

A set of therapeutic exercises for uterine flexion should be selected individually by a physical therapy specialist depending on the position of the patient’s organ. So, for example, when the uterus is tilted back, the basis for performing the exercises will be the knee-elbow position or the position lying on the stomach, and when bending forward, the position on the back will be. A properly designed set of exercises helps the uterus gradually move into place under the influence of its own weight.

In combination with exercises that help return the uterus to its place, exercises are usually used to normalize intestinal motility.

Kegel exercises

This gymnastics has a positive effect on the restoration of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, which is designed to hold the organ in a certain position. Here are the main techniques of this technique:

  1. Alternate contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. The exercise must be done 3 times a day, 10 times.
  2. Similar movements should be done while holding the tension for 7–10 seconds.
  3. Tension of the vaginal muscles from bottom to top, followed by relaxation in the reverse order.
  4. Alternate contraction of the muscles of the vagina, urethra and anus.

The exercises should be performed in various positions - standing, sitting, lying, squatting, knee-elbow position.

Gynecological massage

Gynecological massage can in some cases help a patient with a bent cervix without surgical intervention. This type of therapy can eliminate minor adhesions, thereby restoring the correct anatomical location of the organ. In addition, the normalization of blood circulation, which is the result of massage, increases the tone of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the uterus. The procedure can eliminate infertility and reduce the possible risk of premature termination of pregnancy.

Gynecological massage is performed on an outpatient basis. The gynecologist performs the procedure simultaneously from the vagina and abdominal wall. The number of procedures may vary depending on the patient's condition.

Massage has certain contraindications:

  • genitourinary system infections;
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute phase;
  • menstruation;
  • cervical erosion;
  • tumors of the pelvic organs.

With congenital bending of the uterus, the need for such a massage, as a rule, does not arise.


To eliminate adhesions, in the vast majority of cases, a gentle laparoscopic method is used, when adhesions leading to displacement of the uterus are dissected through several punctures in the anterior abdominal wall using special instruments equipped with fiber optics. It is extremely rare that in case of extensive adhesions it is necessary to perform traditional surgical intervention with dissection of the abdominal wall.

Traditional medicine

Douching with solutions that have pronounced astringent properties will help the uterus take the correct position. Here are some recipes:

  1. Oak bark. Boil a tablespoon of oak bark in a liter of water over low heat for 20 minutes, then strain, add cold boiled water to the full volume and use for douching. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  2. Tannin. To prepare the solution, just dissolve a teaspoon of tannin (it is sold in a pharmacy) in a glass of water. Douching is carried out in the morning and evening for 14 days.
  3. St. John's wort. Pour three tablespoons of herbs into two liters of boiling water and cover to infuse, then strain. The solution is ready. Douching should be done twice a day for 7–14 days.

Moreover, you need to know that you should not get carried away with douching uncontrollably, since it can disrupt the condition of the vaginal microflora.

Forecast and prevention of the disease

If the uterus is congenital, the patient may not require treatment at all, and in order to become pregnant, she simply needs to change the type of sexual contact. To facilitate the penetration of sperm into the uterus, a woman is recommended to use the knee-elbow position.

In the case where the bend has developed due to a number of reasons discussed above, the use of a whole range of therapy methods can give a good result.

  • healthy eating;
  • active lifestyle with regular dosed physical activity (PT);
  • sleeping on the stomach or on the back, depending on the location of the uterus;
  • prohibition on lifting weights;
  • visiting the toilet on time;
  • regular examinations by a gynecologist;
  • timely detection and treatment of gynecological pathologies;
  • intimate hygiene.

What is cervical inclination and how does it affect pregnancy (video)

Do not rush to panic when you learn about the bend of the uterus. In most cases, the prognosis of this pathology is quite favorable. The main thing is to find out the cause of your pathological condition and begin treatment. And in many cases, it is enough to simply approach the issue of conception competently and no treatment will be required at all.

The pathology of the anatomical violation of the location of the child's place in the abdominal cavity is represented by an anomaly called uterine bending. This article will tell in detail about the gynecological features of the bending, the reasons for its occurrence and the effect on conception.

What is uterine inflexion? This is the name for pathology in the form of some deviation of the position of the uterus from its standard axis. The anatomical norm for the location of a child's place in a woman's body is the formation of an obtuse angle in relation to the pelvic organs, and not a bent angle formed during bending.
A bend is formed for various reasons: it can be congenital, acquired. In addition, it has different synonymous names - retroflexion of the uterus, bending, bending of the uterus backwards, anteriorly, backwards, etc. depending on the offset angle. Deviation of the uterus posteriorly, with a displacement towards the rectum, occurs in women more often than with an anomaly of the uterine body anteriorly.
The bend of the cervix changes the angle of the normal fundus and cervix, which causes:

  • the uterus is bent backwards (retroflexion), when an acute angle is formed directed towards the spine and rectum;
  • bending of the uterus anteriorly (hyperanteflexion and anteversion) - deep bending;
  • lateroflexion - rotation of the uterus to the left or to the right of the axis in the direction of the ovaries.
  • Retroflexion of the uterus is common in gynecological practice. Bend of the uterus posteriorly, anteriorly or to the right can appear during life for various reasons. There are also types of bending in the presence of adhesions:

  • fixed. It happens in women who have had inflammation in the pelvis;
  • movable or partially movable. It can develop after a sharp decrease in body weight, childbirth, prolonged illness in bed, a decrease in organ tone, and atrophy in old age.
  • IMPORTANT! The bending of the uterus, problems and treatment are discussed when the uterus is tilted backwards or shifted to the right and left. Anterior bending is not considered a pathology.

    Bend of the uterus causes and consequences

    Deformation of the child's place in women can be congenital and acquired. Congenital inflexion of the cervix is ​​most often discovered during a gynecological examination.
    Pathology (flexion of the uterus) could arise in the prenatal period if the girl’s mother, while pregnant, suffered from a cold infectious disease at the moment when the fetal genital organs were forming (before 12 weeks of pregnancy).
    Congenital uterine flexion can disappear on its own some time after childbirth, so you should not be scared or worried when you hear such a terrible diagnosis from a doctor. This is simply a feature of a particular organism.
    The location of the uterus may change under the influence of other abdominal organs: its body may tilt or bend.
    An anatomical feature of nulliparous girls is considered to be some posterior deviation of the uterus. During pregnancy, the baby's place straightens and there is no bend.
    Acquired retroflexion of the uterus could have formed due to various unfavorable factors. The main reasons for the bending of the uterus are:

  • anatomical feature;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • scars and adhesions that appeared after surgical interventions;
  • injuries to the abdominal organs and obstetric pathologies that occurred during childbirth or after frequent abortions;
  • state of chronic stress;
  • sudden weight loss due to poor nutrition and heavy physical activity;
  • infections and inflammations (for example, endometriosis), as well as tumors;
  • underdevelopment of internal female organs;
  • weak abdominal muscles.
  • The causes of bends are a consequence of prolonged inflammation of the reproductive organs and lack of timely treatment. A bent corner of a child's seat can occur, most often, due to postoperative adhesions. Therefore, when treating a bend, gynecologists, first of all, should pay attention to this fact.

    Signs of anomaly

    There are no direct symptoms of uterine bending, which indicate a deviation from the gynecological norm. Sometimes women complain about:

  • painful and irregular menstruation (especially in adolescence);
  • the appearance of discharge (leucorrhoea) of unknown etiology during the interval between menstruation;
  • unpleasant discomfort and pain during intimate intercourse;
  • inability to get pregnant;
  • painful sensations when urinating;
  • frequent intestinal disorders (constipation alternating with diarrhea) with a normal diet.
  • All of these symptoms indicate retroversion and require examination by a specialist. If signs of pathology cause some discomfort in everyday life, then the gynecologist can prescribe treatment and a procedure to eliminate the unpleasant signs.
    But in most cases, the anomaly in which the uterus is deviated posteriorly is not felt by women and does not affect the woman’s quality of life, does not cause unpleasant discomfort during sexual intercourse, with the exception of rare cases when nagging pain in the lower abdomen may bother.
    This means that the pain symptom requires observation and regular visits to the gynecologist in order to prevent complications in the future, which do occur in cases where the child’s place begins to deviate from the normal position.
    Why is a bent uterus dangerous? A woman may experience infertility and prolapse of the walls of the reproductive organ, which can lead to its loss or amputation.

    Diagnosis and treatment of uterine bending

    How to determine the bend of the uterus? Retroflexion of the uterus is diagnosed and determined using a minimum number of methods. In addition to a gynecological examination (using the bimanual method), which reveals pathology and deviations of the organ from the norm, the woman is examined using ultrasound, carefully identifying the presence of adhesions and scarring after inflammation and surgical interventions.
    How to treat the anomaly? It makes sense to correct the bend of the uterus only if it is impossible to get pregnant. There must be direct evidence (data from laboratory and instrumental examinations) that shows that it is the pathological bend that is the cause of infertility.
    The forward bend of the uterus does not require therapy, but the backward bend is treated, taking into account age-related characteristics, and only in case of a fixed appearance caused by adhesions. The following types of individual therapy are prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory (in the form of antibacterial and sulfonamide drugs to remove harmful microorganisms);
  • hormonal and vitamin (to maintain balance and tone of the body);
  • physiotherapeutic (physical therapy, electro-procedures, gynecological massage, mud therapy).
  • In addition to medication and physiotherapeutic treatment for uterine flexion, it is recommended for preventive and therapeutic purposes:

  • reasonable alternation of work and rest, positive emotions;
  • training the muscles of the intimate area (effective exercises for Kegel bending of the uterus);
  • reduction of physical activity on the lower limbs and the body as a whole, refusal to lift weights;
  • timely urination and defecation (prevention of bending);
  • special gymnastics for a bent uterus (moderate strength exercises to strengthen the abs, walking on all fours, flexion-extension of the back, rotation of the hips), Pilates and oriental dancing (a hobby can be turned into therapy and prevention of uterine displacement).
  • Surgical intervention for the uterus from behind is resorted to if the pathology is caused by adhesions and tumors in the pelvis. By removing neoplasms, they simultaneously straighten the curvature of the uterus and remove the causes and consequences that caused it (adhesions, tumors, inflammation). Laparoscopy (surgery without an incision) is used or the abdominal cavity is dissected.
    Some gynecologists suggest treating an anomaly of posterior bending by wearing a special pessary - a vaginal plastic device that prevents the prolapse of the walls of the uterus, which is tilted backwards. A pessary is also prescribed to prevent miscarriage if a long-awaited pregnancy occurs with this pathology.

    Conception at the bend

    The curvature of the uterus and conception is the main interaction of two concepts that worries a woman who dreams of offspring.
    When confirming the diagnosis of abnormal location of the uterus, it should be noted that it is the anatomical anomaly that is an obstacle to the free path of sperm to the egg.
    A woman must undergo all necessary rehabilitation before planning a pregnancy, otherwise conception may be in danger in the form of spontaneous abortion or other complications.
    Couples dreaming of a child are offered special sexual positions. Fertilization depends on the correct position at conception. Posterior bend of the uterus, postures:

    1. knee-elbow;
    2. the woman should lie on her stomach with her pelvis slightly elevated.

    Such positions ensure that the uterus is located in a normal anatomical position, the man’s genital organ can go deeper, which contributes to the greatest possibility of conceiving a baby.
    It is also advisable to have sex on the days of ovulation and after some abstinence, when more sperm are released during ejaculation than during regular intimate relationships.
    After intercourse, it is recommended to lie quietly for half an hour or do the “birch tree” leg exercise, resting your lower limbs on the wall or headboard of the bed.
    In case of pathology of the uterus to the right, the woman’s position is chosen on the right side, and when it is bent to the left, on the left. Conception with a posterior bend is more likely than with an anomaly when the baby's place is bent anteriorly.
    Retroflexion of the uterus is a common phenomenon, so when you hear such a diagnosis, you should not despair or be upset. You should be upset if pregnancy does not occur for a long time and take the necessary measures. In all other situations, this diagnosis, in the absence of signs characterizing the pathology, does not affect the woman’s health in any way.
    Many women with a backward uterus give birth to normal, healthy children and live full lives, not even knowing that the uterus can bend.

    To prevent abnormalities in a woman in the future, even in adolescence, girls need to monitor the timely onset and nature of menstruation, seek help and advice from a pediatric gynecologist for algodismenorrhea (very painful periods). Pain during menstruation occurs due to the bending of the body of the uterus, since the bend interferes with blood outflow.
    Girls and women who dream of healthy offspring are recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in moderate sports (swimming, aerobics), eat a balanced diet, avoid stress, and take vitamin complexes a couple of times a year. Sports with power loads are not advisable.
    A woman with a cured bend is advised to take care of herself and avoid emotional stress, heavy physical labor and heavy lifting. It is necessary to undergo sanatorium treatment (at least once a year) for physical and mental support of the body.
    It is necessary to avoid constipation and restrain the body's natural needs when it comes to defecation or urination.

    IMPORTANT! Congenital and acquired bending is not an obstacle to the onset of a normal pregnancy. After childbirth, the anomaly (uterus posterior) may go away on its own.

    Video: Bend of the uterus (Retroflexion)