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Plates for straightening teeth. Dental plate for a child: when is it better to place it, effectiveness, disadvantages Orthopedic plates for teeth

Braces are considered an effective way to correct uneven teeth. Due to the unaesthetic appearance and long-term use, many patients refuse to install structures. Dental experts have found an alternative to braces, replacing them with dental plates.

What are teeth straightening plates?

Unlike braces, the cost of the plates is much lower, without sacrificing operation, which is even more comfortable. The devices have an arch that will capture several teeth, the other part of it is fixed on the palate.

Braces are indispensable in correcting unnatural bites, and are also recommended after wearing braces. The products are not sold in regular pharmacies; they have different shapes and are made individually for each client.

Mounting methods

The method of fastening structures can be removable or permanent:

  1. Removable systems are more convenient to use, since they can not be used while eating and brushing your teeth. The advantage affects the price of the product, and they are suitable for minor curvatures of the dentition. They are attached to the teeth using metal hooks.
  2. Permanent ones are similar to braces; they consist of locks with metal arches, which regulate the tightening force and direction. The structures can correct severe curvatures and fill gaps between teeth. The period of use of fixed plates for adults ranges from 24 months to 3.5 years. For children, the period is most often reduced because their teeth can be straightened more quickly.

Types of plates

Dental products are different:

  • With the presence of a retraction arc. The design can be made for the upper and lower jaw. It helps straighten the front row of teeth. They have an adjustable effect on the teeth using a wire.
  • With a hand-shaped process. As a rule, they only affect one specific tooth, which will be mixed under pressure.
  • Single jawed. A single-jaw plate uses pressure from adjustable screws on certain or all teeth to correct their anomaly. It is often used by patients with shortened or narrowed teeth.
  • With pusher. Active pusher restorations consist of one or two flavored elements and are used exclusively for straightening the upper front teeth.
  • Frenkel apparatus. Able to correct all irregularities in the dentition and return the bite to its natural position. The structure of the orthodontic system is complex due to the presence of cheek shields and labial pilots attached to an iron base.
  • Andresen-Goipl activator. The advantage of the Andresen-Goipl orthodontic activator is that it can be used simultaneously on the upper and lower rows of teeth. The components of the product can correct the patient’s bite.
  • Bruckle's apparatus. It is made of an inclined part and an external arc-shaped wire, which has attachments to the lateral teeth. The design is installed on the inside of the lower teeth, the upper incisors bend forward by pressure, and the lower jaw backwards. Thus, it helps to straighten the bite, their use is not convenient enough and in comparison with them, wearing braces will be more comfortable.

Installing plates on teeth

Made according to the individual characteristics of the jaw structure, the plate is installed as follows:

  • An x-ray is examined;
  • Impressions of the jaw are taken;
  • Custom designs are manufactured and installed.

The plates can be of different colors and contain designs at the request of the client. As a rule, the first installation is a trial in order to identify and correct design inconsistencies.

Indications for installing dental braces

Indications for the installation of dental products may be as follows:

  • Abnormal development of dental bones;
  • Correction of irregularities in one or more teeth;
  • Correction of narrow palate;
  • Prevention of tooth displacement or stopping the process that has begun;
  • Preventing tooth displacement after wearing braces;
  • Correction of active or slow jaw growth.

Rules for caring for plates

Despite the strength of the manufactured staples, they tend to be damaged if the patient violates the rules for their use.

To maintain them in good condition throughout the recommended period of wear, you must adhere to the following steps:

  • The braces need to be cleaned with special gels every day. It is allowed to use toothpaste and a toothbrush as cleaning agents;
  • At least once a week, systems must be disinfected in a specially designed antiseptic solution, in which they are immersed for approximately 10–12 hours;
  • Removable structures must be washed with warm boiled water before putting them on;
  • If structures are removed for some time, they should be in a container specially designed for storage;
  • Deformed or broken plates are not recommended to be worn until corrected by a specialist;
  • Periodically it is necessary to apply a little oil to the place where the key is inserted;
  • It is not recommended to leave braces on your teeth while eating;
  • For the fastest effect from the plate, it is recommended to wear it at least 20 hours a day;
  • Experts recommend removing the device before playing sports., especially if there is a possibility of damage;
  • To avoid abnormal results from wearing braces, it is not recommended to ignore the clinic visits prescribed by your doctor;
  • The plates should be rinsed every day with a liquid containing fluoride.

Advantages and disadvantages of dental plates

Wearing systems that make a smile aesthetically attractive is undoubtedly the right decision for the patient. It will allow him to raise his self-esteem and live, enjoying every moment. Installing dental plates has its pros and cons; if you constantly think about the end result, the latter will seem like trifles.

Strong arguments in favor of wearing braces are:

  • The fastest possible correction of minor anomalies in jaw development and adjustment;
  • Possibility of removing orthodontic systems, which makes operation even more comfortable;
  • The fastest possible manufacturing process, from 14 to 30 days;
  • Low cost relative to braces.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The plates must be worn most of the day Although they are less noticeable than braces, public figures will have trouble wearing them at certain times.
  • The systems cannot cope with severe malocclusions.

Cost of dental plates

The use of braces for minor defects in the dentition is not advisable, since their prices can be impressive. This mainly affects dental plates, the cost of which can be from 10 thousand rubles, in less populated regions than Moscow, prices may start in the capital from 15 thousand rubles.

Children under 16 years of age are provided with free installation of systems in non-private clinics. In this case, you will have to pay for a jaw impression and an x-ray examination.

The plates are designed in such a way that need adjustment every 6 months. To do this, you should contact a specialist who will monitor the effectiveness of their action. In some cases, you can adjust products yourself by turning the inserted key in one direction.

Restoration of crooked teeth.

One of the most popular orthodontic structures plates that have long proven themselves in practice are plates. They are suitable for those who for some reason cannot wear, for example, braces, or use other methods for these purposes.

Moreover, they are different low price and high efficiency. Until recently, plates were most often recommended for children, but nowadays they are often used to treat malocclusion in adults.

Design Features

From the point of view of orthopedic design, dental plates are removable retainers. They were originally developed to consolidate the results achieved while wearing braces. The models may look very different, but they all have a number of similar elements:

  1. palatal part, it is made of medium-hard plastic;
  2. metal arch covering a row of teeth. It performs the main function of correcting teeth, which occurs due to the pressure it continuously exerts.

The design of the plates allows create minimal stress on teeth, which eliminates the possibility of damage to the root system. The roots get the opportunity to comfortably rearrange themselves and gradually change their location in accordance with the movement of the upper part.

The arc is made of a metal alloy, including titanium and nickel. They are also used for braces.

It is these metals that have the unique characteristics of maintaining “shape memory.”

The essence of this action is their ability to return to its original shape under the influence of heat, regardless of the strength of its deformation. This quality allows an arch made of such an alloy to resist pressure from the teeth.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity, the arc may vary in thickness. The same material is used to make hooks mounted on incisors.

Sometimes designs have built-in activators, which allows you to use the same design throughout the entire course of therapy. It just needs to be tightened from time to time with a special wrench in order to regulate the tension density.

From an operational point of view, plates are superior to braces in terms of comfort and safety.

Watch the video about teeth straightening plates:

Types of plates

Dental plates for teeth straightening are divided into: removable and non-removable.


Fixed structures are used for children and adults. In appearance it is very similar to braces. They look like a system of clasps attached to the outside of the teeth. A metal arc is passed through the locks.

Its position can be corrected, which allows you to regulate the force of pressure on improperly growing teeth, while correcting defects. The desired sustainable result can be achieved by wearing such plates for up to two years.

In mild cases of slight crooked teeth in children, this period can be shortened. For adults in particularly dire situations, it is recommended wearing up to 3-3.5 years.


For the manufacture of removable structures they use high quality plastic. Prostheses of this kind must be attached to the teeth with metal hooks; they are equipped with additional screws, springs and brackets that enhance the leveling effect.

This type of plate is more often used to correct children or adolescents due to their simplicity and ease of use compared to the non-removable type.

The wearing period is maximum one and a half years. For individual reasons, it is increased if there are medical indications for this.

The removable type is divided into a number of subtypes, differing in structure and purpose:

  • single jawed plates for straightening teeth (pictured), their purpose is to eliminate deformations of teeth located separately, and also, if necessary, restore the required size of the dentition if it is narrowed or shortened. To adjust the degree of wire pressure, you need to tighten the screws that are built into the system. Used equally often for both children and adults;
  • having a hand-shaped process, located on an arc. Plates of this type are used when it is necessary to correct the position of just one tooth. The tension of the structure allows, by applying pressure exclusively on a tooth that is deformed, to gradually restore its position;
  • having a retraction type arc. These are used to correct the protrusive position of teeth in the frontal position on either of the two jaws. The arc in this case is equipped with springs of one or two parts, and the active pusher exerts an action on it. Most often it is used when working with front teeth;
  • Brückle's apparatus allows you to correct problems with the location of teeth in the front row and exclusively on the movable jaw;
  • Andresen-Goipl activator restore crooked teeth on both jaws at once, consists of several parts;
  • Frenkel apparatus effective for correcting not only dental problems, but also the entire bite. This design is the most complex in terms of structure; it includes lip pads and cheek shields mounted on a metal base.

In terms of cost, non-removable products are more affordable than removable ones. At the same time, the latter can be removed independently if necessary. Moreover they almost invisible to others.

Product differences

The plates are distinguished from each other in terms of their mechanism of action:

  • functional– designed to normalize the functioning of the chewing muscles and stimulate jaw growth. Sometimes these devices are used to prevent the development of bad habits in a small child, for example, thumb sucking or toys, which often cause the formation of a crooked bite. Such devices can be either double-jawed or single-jawed. When they are used, the child is unable to open his mouth to speak or eat.

    Wearing such plates lasts a little more than half a day, up to 14 hours a day.

  • mechanical having screws, arches, clasps, etc. in the design. Metal wire is used to make them. Serve to expand the dentition, help straighten crooked teeth;
  • plates combined action– combine parts of the two above-mentioned designs.

There are several more types of plates of different designs:

  1. single jawed, correct unevenness of individual teeth, adjust the width and size of the dentition, and are used by tightening screws;
  2. with a hand-shaped process allowing pressure to be applied to only one abnormally growing tooth;
  3. with pusher, to correct the palatal position of teeth in the upper row.

Indications and contraindications

The use of plates may be prescribed by a doctor for the following purposes:

  • to correct the growth rate and shape of the jaw bones;
  • in case of danger of teeth displacement;
  • changes in the position of one or more teeth;
  • changes in the width and size of the palate;
  • to form the correct bite;
  • to prepare teeth for the subsequent installation of braces or to consolidate the effect obtained after wearing them.

Despite the advantages in using the plate, there is a number of contraindications to wearing it in the form of:

  • diseases of periodontal tissues;
  • allergies to structural components;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

In practice you can find conventional wisdom regarding the effectiveness of plates in solving serious orthodontic problems.

Indeed, complex clinical anomalies associated with malpositioned teeth or open bites are often beyond their capabilities. Braces can do this better. However, it would be more correct to note that In general, plates are not intended for particularly complex problems.

Their task is to align single defects, when individual teeth are slightly rotated and out of line.

The advantages of using records are as follows:

  • they can be removed when eating or brushing teeth, as well as in all other cases as necessary;
  • they are extremely easy to care for;
  • do not create discomfort or pain compared to braces;
  • made from safe hypoallergenic material, non-traumatic for the mucous membrane;
  • economically much more accessible.

At the same time the method is different a number of disadvantages:

  • It has age restrictions– removable plates are significantly more effective in childhood, when teeth are still very pliable;
  • apply only for simple deformities;
  • Due to the ease of removal, sometimes it is necessary to additionally monitor the regularity of children wearing them.

Choosing a correction method

In order to choose the right method for correcting malocclusion or other defects in the position of teeth among the variety of modern technologies, you must be guided by individual indicators, and also remember the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.

In particular, in comparison with plates, Braces have the following positive factors:

  • non-removable design facilitates rapid achievement of treatment effect;
  • good adaptation to their wearing by patients;
  • possibility of troubleshooting in the doctor’s office;
  • the most effective method for dental defects at present.

Their negative sides are the following:

  1. difficulties of care, the need to use a large number of additional funds;
  2. high price.

Teenagers are often embarrassed to wear braces because they too noticeable to others. Colored ligatures help overcome this complex, which can be used to create your own image. In addition, braces can be attached to the inside of the teeth.

Can also be used to correct unnatural positioning of teeth. splinting method, combining a row of teeth in the form of a block structure using a special orthopedic device - a splint.

Its positive aspects are the following:

  • reducing the amplitude of tooth mobility, in order to avoid them and possible loss;
  • redistribution of the load while chewing food, eliminating strong pressure on damaged teeth;
  • structural strength;
  • no discomfort or difficulty in caring for the oral cavity;
  • not traumatic for soft tissues;
  • allow you to treat gums and adjacent teeth;
  • invisible to others and does not affect the aesthetics of the oral cavity;
  • do not affect the quality of diction.

Wearing and caring for the plates

While wearing the plates, the specialist does not continuously monitor the stages of treatment. He also has no way to monitor the patient follows all instructions correctly. If you do not pay attention to them, the treatment period can increase significantly.

  1. Plate needed wear throughout the day constantly. Removal is allowed only for cleaning and eating. Sometimes a two-jaw model, purchased separately, is prescribed for nighttime sleep.
  2. During the period of wearing plates, teeth require especially careful care, because on the plates themselves and the surface of the teeth plaque is delayed, which can cause caries.
  3. To clean the plates themselves, you can use only special gel. You will need to purchase two types of it at once - for care for every day and deep cleaning once a week.
  4. With doctor's permission remove the structure for the period of night sleep, its storage must be carried out in a special solution for cleaning and disinfection.
  5. Clean them soft bristle brush. It is also necessary to remove them before eating to preserve their integrity and increase their service life.
  6. From time to time it is necessary visit a doctor, which will tighten the plates.


Price of a plate for straightening teeth in children and adults determined by the design feature, manufacturing materials and pricing policy of the clinic.

  • The simplest plate, standard color, made of medium-hard plastic, without including any elements, will cost no more than 10,000 rubles.
  • Similar models from non-ferrous materials, as well as plastic with increased softness will cost 12,000 or more.
  • Average cost of models with one screw is 9,000 rubles. If you need to add screws, then each new one will cost 1,000 - 2,000 rubles. Adding a flap specifically for the tongue to the system costs 500 – 1,500 rubles.
  • Models for straightening premolars and molars cost 14,000 rubles.

Despite the significant development of modern orthodontic treatment, plates remain popular and are widely used in practice.

Due to a number of significant advantages, today they are chosen for the treatment of malocclusion. even adults.

When choosing any of the methods for correcting the shape of the dentition, you should remember the individual characteristics of its structure and listen to the advice of a specialist.

Dental plates for children: price, types, advantages

Malocclusion is a common problem in children. Technologies to eliminate this problem are constantly being improved, new techniques and modern designs are appearing. They are much more effective and simpler than the previous ones. One of the most popular technologies today is dental plates for children. The price for their installation differs depending on their type. Now there is no need to install braces for many years if the bite needs to be corrected slightly. It will be much easier and cheaper to use special convenient plate systems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Children's dental plates have their advantages:

  • They are much easier to get used to than braces. After all, sometimes they can be removed to brush your teeth more effectively or to eat more comfortably;
  • If the plates are removable, then they can be cleaned. To do this, just take them out of your mouth, and then treat them with a special product and rinse with boiling water;
  • Dental plates do not cause any discomfort while eating;
  • The orthodontist makes an impression of the child’s teeth so that the plates can be made in a special workshop. Therefore, children do not need to sit in the dental chair for a long time;
  • Finally, you don’t have to struggle to put them on. This happens in one easy movement and does not require the help of an adult.
  • Despite the large number of advantages, there are also disadvantages to using plates to correct bites in children:
  • Children can remove such plates on their own. Therefore, the close attention of adults is required to ensure that the child wears them for the required amount of time.
  • The orthodontist recommends wearing these products a certain number of hours per day. If this time is less than recommended, the result may be different than desired.
  • Such plates can only hold the teeth in the correct position; they are not able to move them. In some cases, this may not be enough to change the malocclusion.

Types of plates

Dental plates for children may differ in price, since there are different types: removable and non-removable. The latter are permanently fixed on the surface of the dentition. They are locks. A metal arc is passed through each of them in order to correct the direction in time. The period of wearing such plates for children is approximately 1.5-2 years. It is determined by the doctor.

Removable dental plates for children are simpler in design. They are made of high-quality and safe plastic, and are attached using small metal hooks. They can be constantly removed when necessary. They are effective only if minor correction of the position of the teeth is necessary. Their period of use is no more than 2 years.

The price for non-removable dental plates for children is slightly higher, but the effect is better. And removable options will be completely ineffective if the curvature of the teeth is quite serious. At the same time, others may not even notice that the baby is wearing them, which is very important for teenagers who are very sensitive to their appearance and are embarrassed by any defects.

Prices for children's plates for correcting bite

Prices for such plates may vary for each individual patient. The final cost depends on factors such as:

  • duration of wearing;
  • type of malocclusion;
  • required design;
  • number of replaceable plates.

Today, such correction technology is rightfully considered not only one of the simplest, most gentle, but also affordable. After all, the price for it is very affordable.

Dentistry today makes it possible to achieve perfect results in eliminating congenital or acquired defects of the jaw bone, abnormal bite, the absence of one or a number of teeth, enamel pigmentation and other clinical situations.

If the problem is solved in a timely manner, you can achieve even greater results and maintain the effect of treatment for many years.

A special section of dentistry is represented by pediatric dentistry, where adequate treatment and correction of jaw deformities at an early age allows one to maintain a snow-white smile and straight teeth as they grow up.

Plates for teeth straightening (otherwise known as braces, retainers) are orthopedic structures for gradual alignment of the dentition. In pediatric dentistry they are a good alternative to classic braces.

The product consists of the following parts:

  • arc (titanium/nickel alloy with memory effect);
  • palatal part (high-quality plastic with medium level of hardness).

The following algorithm can be applied to the operating principle of removable retainers:

  1. Under the influence of the plate, the jaw stretches or contracts.
  2. Fangs, molars, and incisors are straightened if they have an incorrect angle.
  3. The pressure of the plate guides the teeth, eliminating malocclusions.
  4. The wire passes through special clasps and is attached to the teeth.
  5. Twisting allows you to reduce or increase pressure to move teeth in the desired direction.

Alignment plates cannot correct severe jaw defects or malocclusions.

The purpose of retainers is to delicately eliminate local imperfections and curvature of teeth (one or more). To treat complex situations, more serious long-term systemic installations are often resorted to.

Indications for installation

There are no specific guidelines for the use of plates at a certain age. Their installation is possible both in early childhood and in adult patients. Most often, corrective braces are installed on children who have molars.

  • acceleration or deceleration of the processes of formation of jaw bones;
  • correction of jaw shape;
  • eliminating possible bias;
  • changing the angle of one unit;
  • correction of sky parameters;
  • formation of a normal bite;
  • preparing teeth and jaw bones for installation of braces;
  • maintaining results after removing braces.

Dentists are of the opinion that it is advisable to correct the bite with corrective plates in children during the period of replacing baby teeth with permanent ones.

The video shows in which cases leveling plates are used.

Main contraindications

Due to the simplicity of the design, there are no absolute contraindications to installation. Before installing the plate, the child undergoes a thorough examination of the oral cavity, evaluates the effectiveness of the use of retainers, and excludes malocclusions and complex deformations of the jaw bone.

The main contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions to materials;
  • course of periodontitis;
  • pathologies of the development of the respiratory organs and respiratory tract;
  • swallowing reflex disorders;
  • mental illness;
  • epilepsy.

During the course of some diseases, installation of corrective structures is possible, but the dentist together with specialized specialists can assess the risks of complications.

Types and features of designs

Bite correcting plates are classified into two categories: removable and non-removable. Each type has its own method of installation, fastening, and special wearing instructions. The orthodontist will select the required type of structure in accordance with the problem being solved.

Removable retainers

Removable structures are popular in pediatric dentistry. Such plates are installed if the child requires minor bite correction.

The staples consist of a plastic base and hooks. Removable retainers do not pose a danger to the child, do not create discomfort while wearing, they can be easily tightened, distributing the necessary load on the jaw.


  • adequate cost;
  • ease of use.


  • effective only for minor malocclusions;
  • are intended to correct only one unit.

Removable retainers are classified according to other criteria, distinguishing the following subtypes:

  1. Single jawed. Recommended for wearing in case of pathological deformation of separately located units in children, as well as adult patients. They allow you to restore the optimal size of the dentition if it is narrow or insufficiently long. Pressure is applied to the jawbone by tightening special screws.
  2. With a branch on a metal arc. Used when the angle of only one tooth is disturbed. Under the influence of the screed, the process affects only the pathologically changed unit and gradually levels it out.
  3. With a retraction type arc. Installed when the incisors of the lower or upper jaw are protussive. The result is achieved by regularly tightening the screw elements.
  4. With a pushing fragment. The block consists of one or two parts on springs. Ideal for eliminating deformities along the upper jaw line.
  5. Bruckle's apparatus. Effective for eliminating minor defects in the frontal dentition on a mobile jaw.
  6. Andresen-Goipl activator. Suitable for correcting pathologically altered teeth on the upper and lower jaw bones simultaneously. Consists of several parts.
  7. The Frenkel apparatus is designed to correct irregularities in the dentition, as well as to restore the correct bite. Refers to complex structures in structure. In addition to hooks and clasps, cheek shields and lip pads are installed on a metal base.

The main advantage of removable structures is the ability to remove or provide some rest to the oral cavity. These braces are worn for about 18 months, but the period of wearing may vary as directed by your doctor.

Fixed structures

Fixed plates look like a metal arc (wire) with locks. With the help of locks, the arc is firmly fixed, while maintaining the ability to change position.

Fixed structures are used by both adults and children. The appointment for the installation of such retainers assumes a severe curvature of the dentition.

The duration of wearing depends entirely on the severity of the dental situation. Permanent plates are installed for up to two years, but if necessary, the doctor can extend the wearing period.

The non-removable design allows you to eliminate severe pathological bites and straighten your teeth.

The staples have high fastening strength and guarantee almost 99% success in correction. Such installation systems are more expensive due to the high quality of the material used and the complexity of the product parts.

Manufacturing and fastening

Teeth straightening plates are made of high quality medical plastic. This material does not cause allergies and does not injure the oral cavity. The metal arc is made of an alloy of nickel and titanium.

Titanium is a popular material in the manufacture of dentures; it is highly durable, unaffected by temperatures and acids, and is known for its hypoallergenic properties.

The plates are made in accordance with the anatomical structure of the jaw, the position of the teeth in the row, and the severity of the deformation. The manufacturing process may take some time, as fitting or additional correction is required before installation.

Only after making the ideal molds does the doctor begin installation. All preparation looks like this:

  1. Taking an x-ray. A photograph of the jaw is important for a clearer picture of the patient's teeth and other jaw defects.
  2. Cast. The impression allows you to make a model from plaster that is identical to the anatomical structure of the patient’s teeth.
  3. Manufacturing. The plate is made of medical plastic based on the existing plaster model.

After the plate has been successfully installed in the mouth, the patient may feel discomfort for some time when eating or talking.

After a week, such sensations disappear and the presence of the plate in the mouth is practically not felt. It is important to follow all hygiene rules and monitor the integrity of the structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many patients doubt the successful treatment of malocclusion with plates. But despite the simplicity of the product, retainers have undeniable advantages:

  • opportunity to shoot while eating or brushing teeth (removable retainers);
  • ease of wearing, methods of care;
  • no pain or discomfort;
  • hypoallergenic materials;
  • reasonable cost.

In addition to the advantages, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • age limit(high effectiveness has been proven in childhood);
  • Can be used for mild deformities(for example, diastema, incorrect palate size, etc.);
  • easy to remove(regular adult supervision is required when wearing removable structures).

It is up to the patients themselves to decide which bite correction systems to choose. But only a doctor will determine exactly which types are suitable for a particular case.

Duration of wearing

The wearing time is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disorders. If the plates are installed after the braces system, then the correction can take up to two years.

The curvature of one or more teeth requires continuous wear for six months or more. Straightening the front teeth while wearing removable dentures requires the use of the structure around the clock throughout the year.

If you only need to prevent malocclusion, then wearing removable plates at night is sufficient.

Unpleasant sensations

With proper installation and ideal dimensions of the structure, the appearance of pain can be caused by caries, stomatitis, or too much screw tension.

If you experience pain or discomfort, it is important to contact an orthodontist to find out the true causes of the pain. If necessary, the design is corrected.

Rules of care

It is important to remove the removable structure before each meal. This will prevent food particles from getting into the structure of the structure, which makes the correction ineffective.

Leftover food can cause tooth decay or infection of the oral cavity (for example, ulcerative stomatitis). In addition, a set of some rules will speed up the treatment process and avoid side effects:

  1. Remove the plates from the oral cavity only with treated hands, then rinse them thoroughly with boiled water or special solutions.
  2. The plate should remain in the antiseptic solution until the morning.
  3. During the day, it is necessary to clean the plate with gel or ordinary paste.
  4. The correction plate should be removed during intense sports activities.
  5. After eating, it is better to always rinse your mouth to completely remove any remaining food.

An orthodontic product should always be worn after brushing and removing plaque.

Plates and braces - selection criteria

Both braces and dental plates are orthodontic structures for eliminating pathologically altered bites and straightening the dentition.

Advantages of plates:

  • ability to remove if necessary;
  • easy to care for the oral cavity and structure;
  • adequate cost.

Disadvantages of plates:

  • removable structures often make treatment ineffective;
  • when broken, it takes more time to repair;
  • long-term addiction.

Advantages of braces:

  • continuous exposure to teeth;
  • quick addiction;
  • quick elimination of breakdowns and defects during wearing;
  • bite correction occurs much faster;
  • ability to move teeth in different directions.

Disadvantages of braces systems:

  • difficulty in daily hygiene;
  • high price.

Any corrective system can eliminate defects in the dentition and jawbone. Patients choose orthodontic structures according to different criteria, based on their financial capabilities, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Estimated cost

The cost of plates for dental correction is determined by the type of design, quality of materials and status of the dental clinic.

An important aspect in determining the price is the region where the dental office is located.

Type of correction plate Approximate cost in rubles
Classic simple plate 7000 - 12000
Classic plate made of very soft plastic 12000 - 20000
Complex design with one screw 9000 - 12000
Screw installation per unit 1000 - 3000
Installing the tongue flap 500 - 2000
Installation of a premolar or molar system

According to statistical data, only every tenth inhabitant of the planet has a correct bite. If the problem with the bite is not significant, there is no need to correct it. However, some people are less fortunate, and incorrect positioning of teeth not only interferes with chewing, but also with self-confidence and simply smiling. Therefore, in case of dental anomalies or malocclusion, it is important to consult with an orthodontist in a timely manner.

It is best if treatment begins in early childhood - the growing jaw will take on a new shape faster and less painfully. Orthodontic plates are used to straighten teeth using gentle pressure. The most favorable age for a child to use them is up to 12-13 years.

Orthodontic plate device

The plates are a metal arc on a plastic base with clamps. Their action consists of gentle pressure and timely correction using a screw. You can tighten the latter with a special key. This is done to expand the surface of the plate and place more stress on the dentition.

This orthodontic structure is made based on the individual measurements of the small patient, while the plastic base is adjusted to the surface of the gums with extreme precision. Eliminating dental defects with the help of plates does not cause much inconvenience, and children get used to them over time.

Orthodontic plates for children are made from polymer and metal, which are hypoallergenic. In this case, the child can choose the color and design himself. Removing the plate for meals or hygiene procedures is not difficult.

Indications for use

Installing plates on children’s teeth can correct the following problems:

Types of plates

Plates are divided into two main types - removable and non-removable. The latter refer to devices with clasps that are attached to the outside of the dentition. With the help of locks, a metal arch is installed, which is adjusted from time to time and thereby promotes the correct position of the teeth. Fixed devices can cope with even very significant defects and are often used to correct teeth in adolescents and adults. This design needs to be worn for about two years.

The components of removable plates are a plate and an arc; sometimes screws and hooks are additionally used. This design is not able to correct a serious orthodontic problem. The average wearing period is 1.5 - 2 years.

Removable orthodontic plates are divided into the following subtypes:

  • single-jaw – operate by tightening screws;
  • with a hand-shaped process – intended for the correction of single teeth;
  • Frenkel apparatus - a complex device with shields and pelotes is used for retruded or protrusive position of the anterior teeth;
  • Andresen-Goipl activator - consists of two parts, is capable of correcting several defects at once;
  • Brückle apparatus – used for the lower jaw when correction of protruding teeth is required;
  • retraction-type arch – it wraps around the teeth from the outside, used when it is necessary to straighten the front teeth (we recommend reading: is it possible to straighten teeth in adults without using braces?);
  • an arch with an active pusher consists of a base made of plastic and a spring - designed for the palatal position of the upper teeth.

The effectiveness of plates - photos before and after teeth straightening

According to reviews, the use of a cosmetic plate to correct children's teeth has a positive result in a short period of time. Exactly how long to wear the structure depends on the complexity of the problem and is decided by the dentist individually. For example, a growing crooked incisor takes the correct position after just six months (see photo). Although you can see positive progression after just a month of wearing the plate.

However, the plate is not always able to cope with an existing anomaly, such as severe crowding of teeth or a deep bite. According to statistics, plates are effective in 8 cases out of 10. In addition, the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment depends on when the correction begins. Undoubtedly, the teeth of children and adolescents are much more pliable than those of adults.

Manufacturing and installation stages

Plates for teeth are made individually. First, the child is given an X-ray of the maxillofacial area and casts. After which the shape of the latter is checked and the plates themselves are made. They must be fixed in the correct position and match the contour of the teeth.

Placing plates on the teeth does not hurt at all, and the child will be able to do it himself. For the first time, the device is installed for only 10 minutes. The adaptation period takes from three to five days. Although at first discomfort and impaired diction will naturally be present. Watch a video review on using the plate:

How to tighten the structure correctly?

To ensure gradual leveling, twisting increases the load and expands the main surface of the plate. You need to tighten it using a special key; it is inserted into the hole and turned along the guide arrow. After twisting, the child may feel discomfort, but the procedure must be performed, otherwise a good result will not be seen.

Pros and cons of records

One of the main advantages of dental plates, as opposed to braces, is that the child can care for them independently. In addition, when making devices for children's teeth, an adult will be able to control the process and check the device after production. The production of the plates takes place in the laboratory, so the child’s visit to the dentist will not take much time. It is worth noting other undoubted advantages of plates for children:

The disadvantage of these devices is their limitations in the field of application. This is due to the fact that the plates are not capable of moving teeth, but can only hold them in the established position. Therefore, effective correction of teeth with serious defects is impossible. Sometimes the reason for the ineffectiveness of the plates is an unauthorized reduction in the time they are worn. In addition, the disadvantages are:

  • discomfort during adaptation;
  • not suitable for serious dental problems;
  • you need to wear them most of the day;
  • less pressure on the crowns compared to braces;
  • often recommended for children under 12 years of age;
  • Parental guidance required.

Plate care

Wearing plates does not require frequent dental check-ups. Therefore, the implementation of care instructions depends directly on the little patient, and to a greater extent on the control of his parents. If they are violated, the period of wearing the plates will increase significantly.

Proper care of the device consists of the following points:

  • The plate should be worn at all times, except for cleaning and eating;
  • if the dentist allows you to remove the structure while you sleep, it is placed in a special container with a disinfectant solution;
  • requires thorough cleaning of teeth and plates from plaque;
  • clean the device with special products (gels for everyday use and for deep cleansing once a week);
  • A soft-bristled brush is recommended for cleaning the plates;
  • It is recommended to remove the device before playing sports;
  • At the appointed time, visit the dentist for an examination or tightening of the plate.

Other ways to straighten teeth and correct bites

The most common method used to straighten children's teeth is plates. However, there are alternative methods and devices for correcting dental defects: