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Why does scoliosis occur in children? What is first degree scoliosis? Why is it dangerous and how to treat it in adults and children? How is stage 1 scoliosis treated?

Such a disease as scoliosis is known to many. It is a persistent curvature in the spinal column. The curvature is located in the frontal plane, relative to the vertebral axis. All zones and departments are involved in the process, and it leads to deformations not only of the vertebrae, but also of other organs. Depending on the strength of the curvature, different degrees of the disease are distinguished. The first degree - the onset of pathology - is characterized by certain features.

Since the process of the emergence and spread of curvature is omnipresent, almost all organs participate in it or join it. It begins with a lateral curvature, which is most often followed by anteroposterior (pathological increase in the amplitude of physiological lordosis and kyphosis). After this, the spine moves sideways, rotates, and secondary deformation occurs at all levels - pelvic, thoracic, and others, which entails a disorder of the functions of internal organs (reproductive, cardiac, respiratory systems, and so on).

Scoliosis 1st degree: manifestations

Important! Most often, the occurrence of scoliotic changes occurs in childhood, as a result of injuries, hereditary anomalies, pathologies of various kinds, not necessarily related directly to the spine.

The insidiousness of the disease is that in eighty percent of cases its cause remains unclear. And since early detection is not always possible, the prognosis may vary.

By the way. Treatment can equally be both surgical and non-surgical, but most often, in the vast majority of episodes, the first degree of scoliosis is treated with conservative therapy.

If we talk specifically about the first degree of the disease, it, despite the fact that it represents the initial stage, is already considered a persistent deformation, accompanied by a lateral curvature up to an angle of no more than ten degrees. It can be complicated by increased physiological deformations and vertebral torsion when entering the next stage.

Table. Characteristics of degrees.

Numbering and parametersCharacteristics

The following signs can be observed: stooping, head down, asymmetry in the waist, shoulders located at different levels. As for radiography, the images show a slight tendency towards vertebral torsion (the effect of twisting a segment relative to its axis).

If in the first degree the curvature can disappear when changing the position of the body, then in the second it remains permanently. The signs include a lowered part of the pelvis on the side where the curvature is present. There is an asymmetrical triangle formed by the waist and shoulders.

A clear protrusion is observed in the chest area. A muscle roll forms in the lumbar area.

On the x-ray, vertebral torsion is expressed to a moderate degree.

All symptoms characteristic of the second degree are present and aggravated. These include bulging of the anterior arches of the ribs, the appearance of a hump on the ribs, and atony of the muscles in the abdomen. The ribs may sink and muscle contouring may appear.

The twisting in the vertebrae is highlighted extremely sharply, which can be clearly seen using x-rays.

There is a maximum increase in all signs accompanying the previous degrees. Not a single symptom disappears, everything only gets worse. In the area of ​​curvature, the muscles are extremely stretched, the rib hump is pronounced, the ribs are concave and sunken.

If you want to learn in more detail how they exist, as well as consider the characteristics, symptoms and treatment methods, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Scoliosis is recognized as a deformation of the growth period, that is, it occurs mainly in childhood and adolescence. There is a very complex classification of scoliotic changes, but if we talk about the disease in general (and about the stage of its occurrence, that is, the first degree), three main points can be distinguished.

  1. In 8 out of 10 cases, the cause of the disease remains unknown.
  2. Girls and female adolescents get sick 5-7 times more often than boys.
  3. There is the most dangerous time when the disease is most likely to occur. For children of both sexes – from 4 to 6 years. For girls - from 10 to 13 years old, for boys - from 11 to 14 years old.

As for the remaining twenty percent of the occurrence of the disease, the identified causes may be:

  • genetic and congenital deformation phenomena;
  • disturbances in metabolic processes;
  • pathologies of connective fibers;
  • severe injury;
  • different leg lengths or amputation of one of them.

Important! You should not mistake scoliosis for a disorder, replacing these concepts. The violation is not a permanent deformity, and it can be corrected with exercises or by maintaining the correct body position (watch your posture). Scoliosis in all cases requires treatment.


If we classify this pathology, there will be several classifications, according to various parameters. It’s worth starting by distinguishing two global groups – structural and non-structural pathology. This is followed by the division of each species into subspecies.

Table. Classifications of scoliosis.

Non-structural view

The nonstructural variant is a common lateral deformity not (yet) accompanied by vertebral rotation.

  1. The postural subtype occurs due to irregularities in posture, which can disappear when a person leans forward or lies down during X-rays.
  2. Reflex is a consequence of the patient being in a forced position due to the pain syndrome he experiences.
  3. Compensatory subtype - the result is shortening (congenital or forced) of one leg.

Structural view

Always implies, in addition to deformation, twisting of the vertebrae, persistent and pathological.

Taking into account the etiological factor, the division is made into the following groups.

Important! If the cause of development is not detected, or all of the above reasons are excluded, the following diagnosis is established -

Idiopathic appearance

In turn, scoliosis, which cannot be identified, is divided into the following types.

According to the time of onset of the disease and entry into the first degree:

  • the first and second years of a child’s life are infantile;
  • developed between 4 and 6 years - juvenile;
  • identified (and arising) at the age of 10-14 years - adolescent.

According to the shape of the curvature of the bends and the number:

  • in the form of C – single lateral;
  • in the form of S – two (paired) sideways;
  • in the form of Z - three, all lateral, an extremely rarely diagnosed option.

By location:

  • cervicothoracic, which is localized in the third and fourth thoracic vertebrae, where the point of curvature is located;
  • thoracic - the place of the eighth and ninth vertebrae of the thoracic zone;
  • thoracolumbar - a point below the ninth vertebra of the thoracic zone, somewhere in the 11th and 12th segments;
  • lumbar - the place of the first and second lumbar vertebrae;
  • lumbosacral - located after the fifth in the lumbar zone and at the level of 1-2 sacral vertebrae.

According to the course of the disease, speed and intensification, a variant of the progressive type and a non-progressive type are distinguished.

If you want to learn in more detail, as well as consider diagnostic and treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

List of symptoms and diagnostic methods

Of course, like all diseases that take on a severe deformative nature, scoliosis that has developed to degree 1 is especially important to diagnose as early as possible. The effect of the treatment and the degree of further health and physical development of the child depend on this. Since the initial stage is characterized by an almost asymptomatic course, it is worth paying attention to the onset of age when the risk of pathology is high. The first age is one to two years, the second is 4-6, the third is 10-14.

After this, the following signs are monitored.

  1. Dropping of one shoulder. Despite the fact that the child stands straight, one shoulder is higher than the other.
  2. Also, in a standing position with arms down, the clearance from the arm to the waist on one and the other side differs.
  3. There is an asymmetry of the shoulder blades - where there is a deflection, the shoulder blade is close to the spinal column and forms a protruding angle.
  4. The spinal column itself becomes noticeably curved if the patient leans forward.

Important! If you notice even just one of all the listed signs in your child, you should immediately contact a pediatric orthopedist for examination and diagnosis.

When diagnosing in a medical facility, the procedure begins with collecting an anamnesis and a detailed examination. The patient is examined in a standing position, then when he is sitting, followed by bending and examination while lying down.

  1. When the child is standing, the length of the legs and their proportionality are measured. The degree of mobility (abnormal) of various joints is also determined - in the ankle, knee, hip.
  2. The degree of kyphosis (anatomical natural curvature) must be measured to identify pathology.
  3. The mobility of the lower back and the paired symmetry of various parts of the body - shoulder blades, shoulders, and in relation to them the waist and neck - are determined separately.
  4. When examining the chest, abdomen, and pelvis, they try to detect abnormalities. Muscle tone is assessed, and abnormalities such as muscle ridges and deformed rib plates are recorded.
  5. When a standing child bends, asymmetry of the spinal line is revealed.

From a sitting position, the length of the spinal column is measured, the degree of lordosis in the lumbar zone, lateral deviations of the torso, and the position of the pelvis in relation to the legs are revealed. From a lying position, you can make observations about the curvature of the spinal arch, examine muscle tone and palpate the position of internal organs.

The next stage is instrumental diagnostics, which in the case of first-degree scoliosis is done using an X-ray machine.

X-ray examination

Important! If there is a suspicion of scoliosis or there are prerequisites for its occurrence, the patient must undergo it regularly, at least twice a year.

The first x-ray is taken in a standing position. Then, clarification pictures are taken with the patient lying down and stretched to assess the degree of deformity. To clarify the data, a magnetic resonance imaging study can be performed.

Features of treatment

Patients diagnosed with any degree of scoliotic changes come under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor or a vertebrologist. Doctors with these qualifications are very familiar with this pathology and can prescribe effective corrective treatment, as well as monitor this process until complete recovery occurs.

Important! Although grade 1 scoliosis is a disease, it can be completely cured if its progression is stopped and comprehensive therapeutic measures are applied.

Sometimes the disease progresses quickly and has a pathological effect on internal organs. The patient may be referred by the orthopedist to other specialists, such as a cardiologist, pulmonologists, and so on.

In all cases, the complexity and consistency of treatment is important. And if the pathology arose due to injury or different-sized lower extremities, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. For example, when one leg is shorter than the other, and scoliosis occurs due to this, orthopedic inserts-insoles or corrective shoes are prescribed, which compensate for the lack of length and allow the spine to be aligned.

By the way. Guys with scoliosis in the first degree are drafted into the army. Only the presence of second and further progressive degrees of scoliosis is exempt from military service.

Conservative therapeutic treatment of grade 1 scoliosis, including idiopathic ones, includes anti-scoliosis gymnastic exercises designed specifically for various degrees of scoliosis. Wearing a suitable orthopedic corset is also considered indispensable in therapy. A corset is especially necessary if the patient continues an active period of growth.

Scoliosis is a common and multifaceted disease that begins asymptomatically, can develop unpredictably and lead to a variety of consequences. Therefore, early diagnosis and timely treatment are very important to save the child and his parents from many health problems in the future.

Video - Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: treatment 1, 2, 3, degrees, exercises, causes, symptoms

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Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, which manifests itself in the deviation of the spinal column from its axis in the frontal plane. Roughly speaking, with scoliosis, the spine curves to the right or left.

Depending on the area of ​​the spine, the following types of scoliosis are distinguished:

  • lumbar;
  • cervical;
  • chest
  • combined.

The level of neglect of the disease is assessed in degrees from 1 to 4. It is determined by the doctor on the basis of an X-ray examination, the degree is determined by the degree of deviation of the spine from the vertical axis. A deviation of up to 10 degrees corresponds to the 1st degree of scoliosis, up to 25 degrees – the second, up to 50 degrees – the third, from 50 – the fourth.

Scoliosis 1st degree - what is it like?

The first degree of scoliosis is the least noticeable; it is often confused with ordinary stoop and is not sought medical attention. The specialist definitely needs an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis. It is quite difficult to notice the first signs of curvature by eye, but it is possible. Thoracic scoliosis of the 1st degree leads to asymmetry in the level of the shoulders; the shoulder blades are also at different levels relative to each other. Lumbar scoliosis of the 1st degree is manifested by a slight curvature in the lower back and uneven tone of the lumbar muscles.

Most often, left-sided lumbar scoliosis occurs, since 90% of people are right-handed, and their muscle tone on the left side of the body is weaker. Right-sided lumbar scoliosis is usually observed in left-handers. For the same reason, right-sided scoliosis of the thoracic spine is more common, since the load on the shoulder girdle in most people is uneven due to the “working” right hand.

Scoliosis is divided into 4 types depending on the part of the spine

Scoliosis usually has a single arc of curvature, and the spine takes on a “C” shape. If there are two arcs, then it resembles the letter “S” in its outline, more than two arcs - the letter “Z”. S-shaped scoliosis of the 1st degree is easier to diagnose than curvature with one arch, since it is visible to the naked eye. The patient has a stooped posture, the tilt of the head in a quiet position changes, the shoulder blades and shoulders are asymmetrical.

Causes of scoliosis

Scoliosis begins to form at a young age, from about 10 to 17 years, when the teenager’s skeleton rapidly grows and elongates, but the muscles do not have time to increase in size and maintain the spine in the correct position. At this age, children spend a lot of time at their desks, sitting hunched over with one shoulder forward. The habit of carrying a bag or backpack on one shoulder can also lead to scoliosis. Scoliosis often develops in adolescents involved in sports that involve stress on one side of the body: tennis, playing the violin, archery, badminton, etc. The spine has been in an incorrect position for a long time, the muscles get used to it and maintain it in this curved state. This is how scoliosis begins to develop.

The disease can appear without significant stress on the musculoskeletal system. If during a period of active growth a child leads an extremely sedentary lifestyle and sits a lot, then his muscles lose tone and poorly support the growing skeleton, and curvature of the spinal column is possible.

In some cases, scoliosis develops in completely healthy and active adolescents, and the disease cannot be identified. In 20% of cases, scoliosis develops due to congenital anomalies or past illnesses.

These include:

  • joint hypermobility syndrome;
  • spinal defects, torticollis;
  • rickets;
  • different leg lengths (due to injury or congenital);
  • Cerebral palsy, musculoskeletal injuries;
  • serious metabolic disorder leading to changes in bone composition;
  • Sometimes scoliosis develops after heart surgery in early childhood.

Also, scoliosis, due to its occurrence, is divided into the following types:

  • osteopathic. The reason is deformation of the vertebrae and bones;
  • myopathic. The reason is a pathology of the muscular frame, due to which the spine is not maintained in the correct position;
  • idiopathic. The cause could not be determined;
  • metabolic. The reason is a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

Metabolic scoliosis is extremely rare in adolescents and adults; most often it affects young children, weak muscles that do not allow them to keep the spinal column straight. Sometimes the cause of such scoliosis is an attempt by parents to teach their child to walk earlier than expected.

Signs of scoliosis 1st degree

Right-sided scoliosis of the 1st degree in the thoracic region primarily causes severe stooping and fatigue. It can be distinguished from ordinary stoop by the asymmetrical arrangement of the shoulders, shoulder blades and nipples. The same applies to right-sided scoliosis of the thoracic spine.

Scoliosis of the lumbar spine of the 1st degree is much more difficult to determine, since it has fewer symptoms. As a rule, it manifests itself in stooping and asymmetry of the waist, but this can be so faintly noticeable that the diagnosis can only be made on the basis of an X-ray examination.

Right-sided thoracic scoliosis in the initial stage is observed in almost all adolescents who spend a long time at a desk, but the disease often goes away on its own with uniform physical activity and playing harmonious sports (wrestling, swimming).

A curved spine is one of the main signs of scoliosis

Does scoliosis need to be treated?

Can scoliosis be cured? This is the question asked by all people who have heard their diagnosis. Yes, scoliosis can be treated at any stage, but treatment methods are different. The doctor will tell you how to treat grade 1 scoliosis and prescribe physical therapy, as well as exercises that need to be done at home until complete recovery. It must be remembered that for treatment and prevention of relapse, it is very important not only to perform exercises, but also to change your habits that led to the disease, and to monitor your posture all the time. Sports that evenly load the muscles of the body, such as swimming, are also indicated for treatment.

There is an opinion that grade 1 thoracic scoliosis does not require treatment, like lumbar curvature, since these diseases are not noticeable and do not reduce the quality of life. The main danger of this disease lies in its possible progression, since grade 2 curvature of the spine already imposes a number of restrictions. But grade 3 and 4 scoliosis can only be cured surgically. In this case, internal organs suffer, which are compressed, bent and cannot function normally. It is enough to look at photos of patients with advanced scoliosis to understand how limited these people are in their actions. In children and adolescents, grade 1 thoracic scoliosis can go away on its own, but it can also progress without treatment, but with treatment it always goes away.

Scoliosis and the army

Spinal diseases can be a serious reason for a guy not to be drafted into the army. Do they take you into the army if you have scoliosis? Yes, if it is grade 1 scoliosis. But in this case, the medical record will indicate that only minimal loads are permissible for the young man. If scoliosis has reached degree 2, then the guy is exempt from military service, since heavy loads can contribute to further deformation of the spine and lead to serious health problems.

Treatment of scoliosis

After making a diagnosis, the doctor refers the patient to massage and physical therapy. Exercise therapy for grade 1 scoliosis helps the muscles acquire tone and better support the spine, aligning it and preventing deformation. A therapeutic massage is also prescribed for grade 1 scoliosis, which relaxes tense muscles, so that the spine returns to its original correct position.

Important! For scoliosis, massage should be systematic, courses must be taken every six months until the positive result is consolidated. It is also very important that the massage is performed by a qualified therapist.

A corset is not prescribed for grade 1 scoliosis; at this stage, you can get by with simpler treatment.

Exercises for scoliosis

In addition to the exercises prescribed by the doctor for scoliosis, patients are recommended to do the following:

  1. Smooth pull-up on the bar. If this is too difficult, then the exercise can be performed on a wall bars with your feet resting on the bar. It is important that your back is straight.
  2. Raising the body from a position lying on your back and on your stomach. For noticeable improvements, 10-20 lifts daily will be enough.
  3. Lifting your legs from a position lying on your back 10 times daily.
  4. Hanging on a bar by hand for a long time will help combat slouching.

For the exercises to be effective, they must be performed daily without breaks. Exercises for scoliosis and light strength exercises are also indicated. Exercising is a treatment for scoliosis at home.

Disease prevention

Scoliosis can be cured, but it is much easier to prevent its occurrence. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to stand or sit so that the weight is evenly distributed on both sides of the body.
  2. The weight should be carried alternately in different hands to avoid distortion. It does not matter what weight we are talking about. The bag also needs to be carried alternately on two shoulders.
  3. Engage in physical exercise and sports, spend as much time as possible walking in the fresh air.
  4. Choose a hard mattress that does not allow the spine to bend, and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  5. During sedentary work, take short breaks, during which you need to walk and stretch.

Playing sports is an excellent prevention against scoliosis

Despite the fact that a significant percentage of curvatures develop in adolescence, this does not mean that adults are immune from scoliosis. A sedentary lifestyle, too soft a bed, and a lack of vitamins in the diet can lead to scoliosis, so the above recommendations apply to both children and adults.

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Scoliosis 1st degree is characterized by a lateral curvature of the spinal column and is one of the first among the most common diseases of the spine. This pathology is not a violation of posture, since it is not accompanied by deformation of the vertebrae, but occurs as a result of muscle imbalance caused by uneven loads.

With scoliosis, the spinal column not only bends, but also rotates around its axis. In this case, deformation of the chest may occur, and the position of the scapula may also change. The disease progresses rapidly and has only 4 stages of development. Scoliosis of the 1st degree is the easiest to treat, because global pathological changes have not yet occurred in the body.

The first degree of curvature refers to mild chest changes, which most often go unnoticed. Such an ailment is perceived as an ordinary stoop, which is the main reason for untimely consultation with a doctor and the use of gentle methods of treatment for treatment.

There are two types of scoliosis:

  • Right-sided - characterized by curvature of the spine in the frontal (lateral) plane in the form of an arc, with the convex side facing to the right. Depending on the location, it can be thoracic or cervical-thoracic, as well as thoracolumbar scoliosis. The higher the arch is formed, the more difficult the process of treating pathological curvature is. Right-sided scoliosis of the initial stage is often diagnosed in children 10-12 years old, the causes of which have not yet been fully determined.
  • Left-sided - a curvature of the spine to the left is observed much less frequently, but such pathology occurs much more aggressively. Left-sided curvature is less often detected in children, and in adults it is accompanied by motor and neurological disorders. Complications of this pathological process is rotation - twisting of the vertebral segments around the longitudinal axis. This phenomenon contributes to increased pinching of nerve endings in the area of ​​the vertebral foramina.


It is very difficult to recognize the presence of primary stage scoliosis, because the disease has no obvious symptoms. Pay attention, especially in childhood, to stooping and uneven placement of the shoulder blades, which are the primary manifestations of pathological curvatures of the spinal column.

Expert opinion

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How to treat

Treatment of grade 1 scoliosis is a long but very effective process, since at the initial stage of development the curvature is eliminated through conservative intervention therapy. To determine the correct method of influencing the disease, it is necessary to find out the cause of its development and eliminate it.

During the treatment of the first stage of the disease, preventive recommendations should be followed to prevent further curvature. Therapeutic measures are aimed at strengthening the muscle corset and supporting the spine. Not all types of exposure are suitable for these purposes, so self-treatment may worsen the patient’s condition.

Because treatment must begin as early as possible, at the first signs of stooping you should go for a diagnosis. Only after a thorough examination does a specialist prescribe effective treatment for pathological changes in the body.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and clear. Read more"

Some of the most effective therapy methods

  1. Therapeutic physical education is the most effective way to treat curvature of the spinal column in a comprehensive manner, which will help to quickly get rid of the pathology. Exercise therapy is an indispensable way to strengthen the muscles in the back area. Either a doctor or a qualified instructor should select the appropriate exercises., and the load should be given gradually. Overloading the muscles can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of any treatment method. Gymnastics not only helps to align the spinal column, but also helps strengthen the entire body, which prevents the development of many diseases.
  2. Massage procedures - physical impact on the muscle area helps to relax and stimulate them. During the period of exposure, there is a rush of blood to the muscle masses in the dorsal region, which improves metabolic processes in the affected areas. It is these processes that contribute to the formation of a strong corset that supports the spine. Massage for scoliosis should be performed by an experienced specialist., because inept influence on the affected area of ​​the spinal column can significantly worsen the patient’s condition. Courses of massage treatments are recommended to be carried out once a year and repeated annually.

Physiotherapy is also recommended as additional measures to influence pathological curvatures, with the help of which the effectiveness of gymnastic exercises and massage can be greatly enhanced. Physiotherapeutic effects include various methods of influence: muscle electrical stimulation, thermal procedures, electrophoresis.

During the treatment period, you should be observed by an orthopedist to monitor changes and make adjustments to the course of therapy. Only the supervision of a specialist and compliance with his instructions will allow you to quickly eliminate changes in the spine and return it to its previous state without surgical intervention.

Scoliosis is a persistent curvature of the spine to the side (to the right or left). Asymmetry is especially striking if a person is leaning down with his arms down. The most common scoliosis is the thoracic and lumbar spine. In addition to the curvature of the spinal column itself, the problem is also expressed in the protrusion of a rib or scapula on one side.

Attention! Remember that scoliosis and kyphosis (stooping) are completely different concepts and should not be confused.

Scoliosis of the first degree is characterized by the least pronounced deformation of the spine, when it is much easier to eliminate existing changes. The deviation from the norm is only 10 degrees. However, not everyone goes to the doctor at this stage of the disease, causing its further progression.

Remember! Of 100% of patients, 90% completely eliminate scoliosis, subject to the doctor’s recommendations.

Symptoms of first degree scoliosis

Scoliosis often begins to develop in childhood, from 10 to 17 years. It is during the period of rapid growth that its development is especially rapid. Parents usually do not notice problems in their child until he progresses to the following stages. And the symptoms at stage I of scoliosis are often insignificant and difficult to notice.

First of all, the child may complain of pain in the chest, groin, back, or pelvis. He gets tired quickly after a long walk, and stooping becomes noticeable. Be sure to pay attention to whether the shoulders are at the same level and whether the shoulder blades extend beyond their physiological boundaries. At the first stage of scoliosis, it is noticeable that one shoulder is slightly higher than the other.

Causes of the disease

In 80% of cases, scoliosis is called idiopathic, that is, arising for an unknown reason. However, there is often only one reason - a sedentary lifestyle, accompanied by improper sitting at a desk or table. In addition, we often put one shoulder forward when sitting at a table while writing or operating a computer mouse, which also does not contribute to the health of the spine. Eventually, he gets used to the new position - and as a result, scoliosis develops.

Attention! If scoliosis develops due to improper sitting at the table, it is often the right-sided pectoral form, because we often write with our right hand.

In addition, in adolescent children, the disease can develop due to sports that require greater load on only one side of the body - tennis players, archers, etc. This equally applies to children playing musical “asymmetrical” instruments.

In addition, predisposing factors to the development of scoliosis are weakness of muscles and ligaments, features of the nervous system, etc.

Rarer causes of the disease include:

  1. Joint hypermobility – increased flexibility of the spine.
  2. Vertebral deformities, congenital torticollis, rickets.
  3. Difference in leg length due to injury or birth defect.
  4. Diseases of a neuromuscular nature (paralysis, tick-borne encephalitis, etc.).
  5. Metabolic disorders in bones.
  6. Trauma or amputation of limbs.
  7. After heart surgery in children. However, for this reason, scoliosis occurs very rarely.

Can people with grade 1 scoliosis be drafted into the army?

Yes, young people with a slight curvature (up to 11 degrees) of the spine can serve in the army. They are assigned category “B”, according to which the conscript is allowed to serve, but with minor restrictions.

Attention! Myths that scoliosis is caused by herniated discs, osteochondrosis, flat feet, and osteoporosis have no basis.

Treatment at home

At the first stage of the disease, the curvature is so insignificant that it can be eliminated at home. Of course, you definitely need to visit a doctor to select an individual program of comprehensive measures, as well as exercises. Often, children who have a curvature of the spinal column are recommended to undergo therapeutic exercises in specially selected groups.

Let us consider the set of measures in more detail. The goal of treatment is to:

  1. Preventing the progression of scoliosis.
  2. Spinal stabilization.
  3. Strengthening the corset muscles.
  4. Deformation corrections.

In addition to massage, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapeutic procedures, which we will consider below, treatment should be accompanied by:

  1. Fresh air.
  2. Hardening the body.
  3. A diet that includes all the substances the body needs - proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc.
  4. Sleeping on an orthopedic mattress.

Massage for scoliosis

The main goal of massage is to relax cramped muscles and strengthen weak ones. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine on which side the muscles are weakened and on which side they are tense.

The massage begins with the legs, then work on the hips, stomach and finally the back. In massage, you initially need to influence the healthier areas of the body, and only then move on to the sick ones. In the first sessions, it is extremely important to relax the spasming muscles, after which you can begin toning the weakened ones.

Attention! Types of massage for different variations of scoliosis will differ in technique.


It is she who plays the main role in correcting spinal deformities. There are many exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles, improving posture and eliminating scoliosis pain.

Rules for doing the exercises:

  1. Don't make sudden movements.
  2. Warm up your muscles before gymnastics.
  3. Start the load small and gradually increase it.
  4. Gymnastics should be aimed not only at the muscles of the back, but also the legs and abdomen.

We remove the pain. Lie down on a hard surface, raise your arms up. Pull your arms up and your legs down, stretching like an accordion. Do it for a few minutes every day.

Squats. Find support with your hands (the back of a chair, for example) and sit down, holding onto it with both hands, from 5 to 20 times, 2 times a day.

Bend your leg at the knee and make a lock with your palms. Grasping your knee with them, try to pull your leg as close to your face as possible, trying to touch your chin.

To improve posture. Arm yourself with a rolling pin and place it on the back of your shoulders in a horizontal position. Holding it with both hands, walk around the apartment for two hours a day.

Remember! Depending on the form of deformation, the set of gymnastic exercises will vary. They must be selected by a doctor individually.

Finely chop a kilogram of aspen bark and pour boiling water (in the amount of 3 liters), then bring to a boil and boil for up to 7 minutes. Fold the gauze in three layers, filter the broth and add to the bath. Take such baths daily for 20 minutes.

Pour 0.5 kg of chamomile flowers with 6 liters of boiling water. Then proceed according to the technology described above.

Disease prevention

Prevention of scoliosis consists of eliminating all factors that provoke it - watch your posture, do not slouch while sitting at the table. Do gymnastics for preventive purposes, which will strengthen the back muscles and prevent the spine from deforming.

From the point of view of the shape of the curvature, scoliosis is divided into S-shaped(the line of the spine bends in two places), C-shaped(the spine line bends only in 1 zone), Z-shaped(the spine line curves in three areas).

Depending on the origin, scoliosis is divided into:

  • Congenital (hereditary). Appears due to the characteristics of intrauterine development of the fetus. Most often it can be an “inheritance” from one of the parents;
  • Idiopathic. One of the most common types of disease. Despite its widespread prevalence, clear causes for the occurrence of this type of scoliosis have not yet been identified. According to general data, it is believed that idiopathic scoliosis occurs due to rickets or diseases of the neuromuscular system;
  • Neurogenic. Develops due to diseases of the nervous system (polio, paralysis, etc.);
  • Static. Appears when there are disturbances in the growth of the musculoskeletal system, due to the peculiarities of the development of joints.

Prevalence and significance of scoliosis

Most often, scoliosis occurs in children and adolescents from 5 to 17 years old inclusive. The most common are grades 1 and 2 of spinal deformity (aged 5 to 12 years - 12% of boys and about 15% of girls). Between the ages of 13 and 17, the percentage of patients with grade 1-2 scoliosis increases: boys now make up 28%, and girls 34%.

Statistics show that scoliosis is the most common companion for middle and high school students. Fortunately, the largest percentage of the identified disease is of the preclinical form, so everything is fixable. Scoliosis of the 1st degree remains the most common.

The significance of this disease should not be underestimated, because a mild form of scoliosis can develop into a more serious one and lead to disability. Of course, a considerable period of time must pass for this, but with due inattention this period can be shortened. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to your spine from the very first days of diagnosing the disease and starting recovery as early as possible. Then you will avoid many complications and ailments.

Risk factors for developing the disease

For those who have been diagnosed with one degree or another of scoliosis, the question will always be relevant: what can the disease lead to? Is there a high risk of developing serious complications and developing the disease to more serious degrees?

Of course, there is always a minimal chance, but don’t be scared right away. First, you need to consider the origin of your disease: congenital or acquired. The congenital type has a slightly higher chance than the acquired type. The localization of scoliosis in this case is not particularly important.

There are a number of common factors that can influence the worsening of scoliosis:

Of course, this is not the entire list of factors that can aggravate the situation. We advise you to consult a specialist as soon as a diagnosis is made. The doctor will be able to give recommendations and monitor the treatment process, and will also ensure that complications do not develop.

Video: "What is scoliosis?"

Causes of scoliosis of the 1st degree

There are quite a few reasons for the onset of the initial stage of scoliosis. These may be hereditary causes associated with congenital disorders that were passed on from one or both parents.

In the case of idiopathic, i.e. acquired scoliosis is also not so simple. The most common reasons for the appearance of slight deformation are:

  • A sedentary lifestyle, which is accompanied by incorrect posture. Most often this is typical for schoolchildren and people with a “sedentary” type of work (office workers, programmers, architects, proofreaders, etc.). On this basis, the most common is right-sided thoracic scoliosis (because it is with the right hand that we write and hold the computer mouse);
  • Sports factor. Sometimes scoliosis can develop as a result of a seemingly completely healthy activity - sports. Those athletes whose load is distributed unevenly during sports training are often at risk (tennis players, archers, etc.);
  • Predisposition to poor development of ligaments, muscles and nervous system. Everything here is extremely simple: muscles that are too weak cannot maintain posture in the correct position. This problem often occurs in people of the asthenic type (hypotonic people with low weight and a “thin” nervous system). Such people should take care of themselves from childhood: do physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, maintain posture, monitor nutrition, try to avoid excessive stress;
  • Joint hypermobility. Excessive mobility and flexibility of the spine can be both a cause for the development of the first degree of scoliosis and an aggravating factor;

There is also a small list of reasons that are more rare:

  • Rickets;
  • Congenital vertebral deformity and torticollis;
  • Metabolic disorders in bones;
  • Limb injuries and amputations.

Symptoms of scoliosis 1st degree

In the early stages, scoliosis is practically invisible to the naked eye. There is also the possibility of misdiagnosis when muscle imbalance is mistakenly diagnosed as scoliosis.

There are a number of features that will help determine the presence of the first degree of vertebral deformity:

  • Slight pain in the back and cervical region;
  • Shoulder asymmetry;
  • Asymmetrical position of the pelvis;
  • Excessive stooping;
  • Straightening the spine in a horizontal position.

Most often, at the first stage, left-sided scoliosis of a benign nature of the C-shaped type occurs. If you do not deal with the problem right away, then in the future the shape will change to S-shaped (a second arc will appear for balance). But such cases are rare in the first stage.

Diagnosis of the disease

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Next fact

The most common age for diagnosing scoliosis of the first degree is the age from 11 to 16 years. The percentage of girls in this case is slightly higher than the percentage of boys. This fact is explained by the fact that the structure of bone tissue in girls is much more fragile, and the muscle frame is weaker than in boys.

The most common origin of first-degree scoliosis is idiopathic. Therefore, it is not possible to find out the specific reason for its appearance.

There are a number of diagnostic measures that allow you to timely determine the presence of changes in the spine:

Treatment of scoliosis 1st degree

The first degree of scoliosis is the most harmless at its stage. Therefore, with timely correct diagnosis, correcting deformed vertebrae will not be as difficult as in later stages.

Drug treatment

Most often, serious medications are not used at this stage. The doctor prescribes vitamins and restoratives. The most common medications to support the body during the treatment of first-degree scoliosis are:

  • Multivitamins (Multi-Tabs, Pikovit, Alphabet);
  • Strengthening preparations (tinctures of Eleutherococcus and ginseng);
  • Chondroprotectors (prescribed for older patients who need to maintain the integrity and functionality of cartilage tissue).

Surgical method

This degree of scoliosis does not require surgical intervention. Therefore, you should not think about surgery.

Massage and physical therapy

The most effective methods of combating first-degree scoliosis are therapeutic massage and physical exercise.

The main goal of massage for this problem is to prevent muscle hypertonicity, as well as the formation of a muscle roll, and restore proper blood flow and metabolism.

Effective massage techniques today remain:

  • Trituration;
  • Vibration;
  • Deep friction with weight elements;
  • Deep stroking.

A massage course should consist of at least 10 sessions. Techniques should alternate; uniformity is not encouraged.

As for physical therapy, if you follow the instructions correctly, you can really count on magical healing. It is physical exercises designed specifically for the treatment of first-degree scoliosis that remain the main method of posture correction in modern medicine.

Important! Only a doctor or instructor can prescribe the correct set of exercises. It is necessary to determine the level of curvature of the spine, as well as its type and shape. Only after this can a course of therapeutic physical exercises be prescribed, which is important to perform based on the instructions of the doctor (instructor), and not to engage in arbitrariness, so as not to harm the spine even more.

Therapeutic exercises should be performed at least 2-3 times a week, but do not overload the spine and muscles, since their weakening can lead to aggravation of the situation and even greater deformation. Monitor the dynamics, consult with your attending surgeon, repeat x-ray diagnostics.

As an example, here are a few exercises that are most often prescribed to people with scoliosis at the initial stage:

Prevention and diet for scoliosis of the 1st degree

The best prevention is to follow the order “Straighten your back!” Oddly enough, but during a developed habit of monitoring posture can prevent the development of scoliosis. In addition, try to do general strengthening physical education and keep your muscles toned.

Nutrition it must be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals. Try to forget about alcohol (this is especially true for people with nervous disorders). Avoid spicy, fatty and too salty foods. Also try to be more careful with sweets. If you notice symptoms of emerging deformation, consult a doctor as soon as possible and get diagnosed.


At the first stage, scoliosis is not dangerous. This degree occurs in 90% of patients. If the deformity is detected in a timely manner and the correct approach is taken, scoliosis will not be dangerous and will not lead to serious changes in the body.


To summarize what has been said, we note once again that:

  1. Although early stages of scoliosis are not dangerous for the body and are quite easily corrected, you should not leave the matter to chance. Contact a specialist, establish your type and stage of scoliosis, as well as the form and cause of its occurrence (if possible). A certain deformation in time will not lead to disability;
  2. If your lifestyle cannot be called active, then you should think about general strengthening physical education, daily walks in the fresh air or jogging. Keep your muscles toned, stop hunching over, start eating healthy. This is the most effective prevention that prevents the development of scoliosis;
  3. If you have already been diagnosed with a grade 1 deformity, don't panic. This is a benign degree. Discuss the course of treatment with your doctor, go for massage sessions, do physical therapy;
  4. Only a specialist can prescribe therapeutic exercises for you.. Don't choose the exercises yourself! This can be dangerous for your spine, but you don’t want to make the situation worse?
  5. When performing physical exercises, strictly follow the instructions and do not overload the muscles and spine;
  6. Monitor the dynamics, try to take x-rays as often as the rules allow. If unpleasant symptoms appear or the situation worsens, immediately inform your surgeon.

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