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The problem of journalistic ethics is reflected in the modern press. Unethical behavior

Most violations of ethical behavior by journalists can be seen during pre-election periods.

It is during election campaigns that journalists “denigrate” some candidates and ennoble others; not only unethical, but even tactless questions often “slip” into interviews, but the main principles in the work of a journalist are honesty, respect for the honor and dignity of people.

Thus, let us consider examples of unethical behavior of journalists during the 2004 election campaign for the post of mayor of Novosibirsk and 2003 for the post of governor of Novosibirsk.

Below is an article written by Khabatulina A. during the 2003 election campaign.

“In mid-November 1999, in the midst of the election campaign for the election of the head of the administration of the Novosibirsk region, the headquarters of the mayor of Novosibirsk Viktor Tolokonsky presented to the public an ingenious election trick - the Social Code of the Russian Federation. Or rather, the initiative to create it. Here are excerpts from newspaper articles from that time.

“According to V. Tolokonsky, the Social Code should systematize and “set out in the most concentrated form all legislative norms regulating the pension and social security of the country’s citizens.” The main attention should be paid to such a category as the “living wage” and bringing the level of the living wage into line with the minimum wage and pension.”

There were also skeptical statements about the reality of the election “trick”.

“Red Corner” dated December 14, 99 “this week the first stage of the development and preparation of a document ends, which has every chance of becoming the second most important after the Constitution of Russia.

Tolokonsky’s election idea, according to this leaflet, “received the support of the country’s leading economists, heads of administration of the largest cities in Russia, many governors and politicians.” Just like that! And Tolokonsky, fluffing his peacock tail, modestly said: “It seems to me that it (the code) will be of interest to everyone - the authorities, deputies, and the population. And it will simply be beneficial for politicians. And if someone takes credit for it, we will not be offended. The main thing is that the problems are solved." And he asserted: “It will be possible to adopt the final version of the Social Code as early as next year (2000). A year is a normal period"

To ensure that deeds do not lag behind words, Tolokonsky ordered the immediate creation of a working group to prepare a draft Social Code.”

“The elections were held, and the idea of ​​the Social Code was happily given a long life. And on the eve of the current elections, Tolokonsky is already presenting new global ideas as a done deal - to raise, multiply, provide, etc. etc. If you want care for the disabled, it will be there. If you want help for pensioners - yes, please! Raise science? Should we debug production? No problem, sir! The newly minted gubernatorial candidate finds a fresh way to flirt with voters - he shamelessly takes as a basis someone else’s work on the regional law on veterans (which was presented by communist deputies of the regional council several years ago and was successfully rejected by Governor Tolokonsky) and passes it off as a personally labored-out bill. But, rest assured, the matter is unlikely to move beyond projects - the bluff with the social code confirms this.

The instant noodles called “Social Code” have not yet fallen from our ears, and he is hanging a new one on us. And yet there are simpletons who believe again!

“Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me -

I’m happy to be deceived myself!”

But few people read or honor Pushkin these days. Therefore, prepare your ears, dear Novosibirsk residents! Because your “social protector” has stolen little from your budget, he has not only put noodles on you, but also many billions of debts, for which we will all have to pay off soon!”

Here you can see a clear failure of the journalist to comply with ethical standards. The article openly presents Tolokonsky as a liar, and clearly reflects the journalist’s negative attitude towards the governor of the Novosibirsk Region, and this is unacceptable in the work of a journalist. The journalist shows his subjective opinion, which may be erroneous. And this is a violation of the journalistic code of ethics.

“In the circles of the Novosibirsk elite, Viktor Tolokonsky has always had a reputation as a “politician.” His former deputy and now mayor, Vladimir Gorodetsky, has earned an equally well-established reputation as a “business executive.” Even the characters of Novosibirsk leaders match this distribution of roles. The governor regularly allows himself to sing to the orchestra in the square with a large crowd of people. The mayor for a long time underestimated the importance of personal PR, which turned into problems for him in the last elections...”

“In general, the 2003-2004 election cycle. proved the strength of the Novosibirsk political model. And the fact that Gorodetsky was again obliged to the “senior partner” for his election once again confirms that in the future he is unlikely to prefer the risk of pursuing independence to the dependent but stable position of “a man of Tolokonsky’s team.”

“But there is one intrigue left for the future. Governor Tolokonsky is currently limited to two terms in power, Mayor Gorodetsky is not. And sooner or later, Viktor Tolokonsky will face the question of a successor - now in the governor’s chair.”

Here you can see how the author of the article shows his negative attitude towards V.F. Gorodetsky, demonstrating his inconsistency and lack of independence. The journalist shows that Gorodetsky is Tolokonsky’s successor and on his own cannot do anything useful for the people. The opinion of the media, as is known, has a very strong influence on the consciousness and final choice of people. This article was published after the elections, and having been read by voters the day before, it could have swayed the opinion of more than one hundred Novosibirsk residents. But a journalist must be objective; this is the basis of his ethical behavior.

Results of the elections for the mayor of Novosibirsk on March 14, 2004: 42% of voters voted for Vladimir Gorodetsky, 24% for Jacob London, 14% for Sergei Kibirev. Second round, March 28, 2004: for Vladimir Gorodetsky - 58.9%, for Yakov London - 28.9%.

Here is an excerpt from another article: “The mayor has learned well the lesson taught to him during the election campaign. This is, of course, not about urban problems and management mistakes, but about the issue of forming a political image. At his first press conference after the election, Vladimir Gorodetsky admitted: “My own sin is that I used to be so inclined - do things, repair entrances and roads, and people will see and appreciate it. But we need to help people appreciate it.” Now the mayor is thinking about creating his own municipal television. This will certainly not be the only step towards the realization of serious political resources that Vladimir Gorodetsky managed to accumulate. If until now the Novosibirsk region was dominated by one heavyweight politician - Governor Viktor Tolokonsky - now there are two centers of gravity. It is this new configuration that will influence the main political processes of the next four years.

The path for implementing the mayor's resources in the coming years is, in general, clear. Vladimir Gorodetsky needs to seek the election of a loyal city council and send his deputies to the regional council, so that in five years, having secured broad support, he can fight for the post of governor - for Viktor Tolokonsky, this is his last term as head of the regional administration. And although Tolokonsky and Gorodetsky emphasize that they belong to the same team, the rapid redistribution of spheres of influence between the two politicians in Novosibirsk can change the vectors of their interaction from a parallel course to a perpendicular one.”

Thus, we examined some examples of non-compliance with ethical standards by journalists using the example of articles published during the election campaigns. However, this is just a small part of what journalists do not respect in terms of ethics.

Why are high ethical standards so important to the investment industry and investment professionals? As the 2008 global financial crisis demonstrated, seemingly unimportant individual decisions, such as approving loans to individuals unable to provide proof of stable income, can collectively precipitate a market crisis that can lead to economic hardship and job losses for millions of people. In an interconnected global economy and marketplace, each participant must strive to understand how his or her decisions and unethical behavior, as well as the products and services he or she provides, can affect not only the short term, but also the long term.

The investment industry serves society by matching those who provide capital or money with those who seek it to finance their activities. Consider those who provide capital—investors—and those who seek it—borrowers. Borrowers may seek funds to achieve long-term goals, such as building or upgrading factories, schools, bridges, highways, airports, railroads or other facilities. They may also seek short-term capital to finance short-term goals and/or support their daily operations. Borrowers can be businesses, schools, hospitals, companies and other legal entities and individuals. Some borrowers will turn to banks or other lending institutions to finance their activities; others will turn to stock exchanges to gain access to the funds they need to achieve their goals.

In exchange for providing capital to finance borrowers, investors expect their investments to generate returns that compensate for their use and associated risks. Before providing capital, diligent and disciplined investors will evaluate the risks and rewards of providing capital. Some risks, such as a downturn in the economy or a new competitor, may adversely affect the return expected from an investment. To help evaluate the potential risks and rewards of an investment, investors conduct research, evaluate borrower capabilities, conduct competitive analysis, read official statements, examine management's business plan, research reports, and industry reports. Responsible investors will not invest their capital unless they trust that their capital will be used for their benefit. Investors and society benefit when capital flows to borrowers who can bring the most value from capital through products and services.

Cash flows are more efficiently distributed between investors and borrowers when financial participants have confidence that all parties will behave. Ethical behavior builds and strengthens trust, which has benefits for individuals, businesses, and society, in contrast to unethical behavior. When people believe that a person or institution is reliable and acts in accordance with their expectations, they are more likely to accept risks associated with these people and institutions. For example, when people trust their money, they are more likely to invest their money and accept the risk of short-term price fluctuations because they can reasonably believe that their investments will provide them with long-term benefits. Entrepreneurs are more likely to accept the risk of expanding their business if they believe they can attract investors with the necessary funds to expand at a reasonable price. The higher the level of trust in the financial system, the more people are willing to participate in financial markets. Wide participation in financial markets allows the flow of capital to finance the growth of production of goods, provision of services, and infrastructure. All of this benefits society with new and often better hospitals built, bridges built, products produced, services provided and jobs created. Widespread participation in the financial markets also means that the need and demand for investment professionals is increasing, with the result that employment opportunities for those seeking to use their specialized skills and knowledge of the financial markets are also increasing.

Ethics always matter, but ethics are especially important in investing because the investment industry and financial markets are built on trust. Unethical behavior repels, ethical behavior attracts. Trust is important for all businesses, but it is especially important in the investment industry for several reasons. Reasons may include: the nature of client relationships, differences in knowledge, and access to information, as well as the nature of investment products and services.

In relationships with clients, investors entrust their assets to intermediary financial firms to provide intermediary functions and help in preserving their capital. If a firm and its employees fail to protect client assets, this can have serious consequences for everyone involved. Without trust and ethical behavior, intermediary firms would have no business.

Those who work in the investment industry have specialized knowledge and sometimes better access to information. Having specialized knowledge and better access to information is an advantage in any endeavor that gives one party more power. Investors believe that the people they hire will not use their knowledge to harm them. They rely on an investment professional who uses specialized knowledge to serve the client's interests.

Another reason why trust is so important in the investment industry has to do with the nature of the products and services. Other industries such as transportation, manufacturing, technology, retail or food processing plants produce products and/or provide services that are tangible and/or clearly visible. We can hold the tablet in our hands and check it. We can use software, dine at chain restaurants, and watch movies at movie theaters. We can judge the quality of a product or service based on many factors: How well will it perform its intended function? How effective is it? How durable is it? How attractive is this? Is the price reasonable or appropriate for the product or service?

In the investment industry, many investments are intangible and appear only as numbers on a page or screen. Without tangible products to verify and without any guarantee to protect the product or service to perform as expected, investors must rely on the information presented about the investment - both before and after purchase. When they contact their financial advisor and ask for an investment statement, they receive either an electronic or printed statement listing the transactions. They trust that the information is accurate and complete, and they trust the investment professionals they work with to protect their interests. The globalization of finance means that investment professionals are likely to have business opportunities in new or unfamiliar places. Without trust and ethical behavior, financial transactions, including global transactions, are less likely to occur. Unethical behavior can discourage counterparties from different parts of the world from interacting.

Due to these factors. This trust is created, maintained by the ethical actions of all individuals who work and/or work in the markets, including those who work for companies, banks, investment firms, sovereign companies, rating agencies, accounting firms, financial advisors and planners, and institutional and retail investors. When market participants act ethically, investors and others can trust that the numbers on the screen or pages of a report are accurate representations of information and have confidence that investing and participating in the financial markets will be profitable. Ethical behavior by all market participants can lead to greater participation, customer advocacy, and greater investment opportunities. Ethical behavior by firms can lead to higher levels of success and profitability for both firms and their employees. Clients are attracted to companies with a reliable reputation, which leads to business growth, higher revenues, and greater profits.

There is another one - unethical behavior. Unethical behavior is an act that goes beyond what is considered morally correct or right for a person, profession, or industry. Individuals may behave unethically. Entrepreneurs, professionals and politicians can also behave unethically. Unethical behavior poses more threats in the investment industry than in any other professional field. And a number of factors contribute to this.

At the microeconomic level. Firms with ethical behavior may also have lower relative costs than those with unethical behavior because regulators are less likely to initiate costly investigations or impose significant fines on firms in which high ethical standards are the norm.

At the macroeconomic level. Unethical behavior erodes and can even destroy trust. When clients and investors suspect that they are not receiving accurate information or that the market is not a fair playing field, they lose confidence. Investors with low trust are less willing to take risks. They may demand a higher return on their capital, choose to invest elsewhere, or choose not to invest at all. Any of these actions will increase costs for borrowers seeking capital to finance their operations. Without access to capital, borrowers may not be able to meet their goals of building new factories, bridges or hospitals. Disinvestment can harm society by reducing jobs, growth and innovation. Unethical behavior ultimately harms not only clients, but also the firm, its employee and others involved in the investment process. You can read an example of unethical behavior of a company in the article.

Decreased trust in markets can reduce the growth of the investment industry and tarnish the reputation of firms and individuals in the industry, even if they have not engaged in unethical behavior. Unethical behavior impedes the ability of markets to channel capital to borrowers who can create the most value from capital that contributes to economic growth. Both markets and society suffer when unethical behavior destroys trust in financial markets. For you personally, unethical behavior can cost you your job, reputation and professional advancement and can result in monetary fines and possibly prison. The unethical behavior of a company poses a threat both to the person/company that undertook such behavior, and to subjects who were not directly involved in the process.

Questions to consolidate knowledge after reading the article “Unethical Behavior in the Investment Industry”

Question 1

Which of the following statements is most accurate. Investment professionals have a special responsibility for ethical behavior because:

A) the industry is highly regulated.

B) they are tasked with protecting clients' assets.

C) the profession requires adherence to its code of ethics.

Solution 1:

B is the correct answer. Investment professionals have a special responsibility because clients entrust them with protecting client assets.

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Unethical behavior means implementing a different value system than the prevailing one in society. For example, in a society where the most important value is the human person, it would be unethical to give preference to profit: for example, to fire an employee who has been working for a long time at a company, since his work can be more efficiently performed by an automatic machine or computer. On the contrary, in a group where material well-being is the leading value, such behavior is the only possible and completely ethical one.

It is generally accepted that the following are considered unethical behavior options: ?

bribes, ?

extortion, ?

expensive gifts, ?

payment to an accomplice of a share of illegally obtained money, ?

conflict due to a clash of interests, ?

violation of laws?

fraud, ?

disclosure of company secrets, ?

use of information obtained in confidential conversations from members of the “in-group”?

illegal payments to political organizations for the purpose of passing beneficial legislation, ?

forgery of documents?

fictitious transactions and operations, ?

unreliable financial statements, ?

tax evasion, ?

causing moral damage, damage to business reputation, ?

artificially inflating prices?

secret agreements on prices and/or quantities of products sold, ?

violation of ecology, social standards, ?

unlawful use of other people's trademarks, false certificates, ?

low quality of products, especially in matters of safety.


  1. Behavior strategies and business conflict management
  3. Business partnership as one of the forms of business activity of entrepreneurs
  4. Shelamova G.M.. Culture of business communication during employment: textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed., stor. M.: Publishing center “Academy”. - 04 s. - (Business culture), 2009

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Immoral behavior- this is a special type of behavior of subjects that is denied and punished in a certain way in society. What should be understood by immoral behavior? Let's try to figure this out...

What is immoral behavior?

Immoral behavior is the behavior of a subject in which all the formed moral principles of society are assessed as insignificant, the usual moral and ethical view of the world is ignored, and is often perceived disdainfully or even aggressively.

Immoral behavior is often identified with the concept of deviant behavior, but in fact these concepts have different meanings, although they are very close. Immoral behavior should be considered those actions of a person that are not accepted and condemned by society, but at the same time do not carry a pronounced antisocial meaning and do not pose a threat to public safety. Measures of influence on persons leading such a lifestyle are usually public condemnation and censure.

Deviant behavior is a deviation from the norm and established rules. This type of human behavior requires adjustment - otherwise favorable conditions may be created for the development of crime. Deviant behavior, for example, is typical for many teenagers who have not yet formed a stable positive model of behavior in society, or, due to the notorious youthful maximalism, are ready to defend their ideas using radical methods. As measures of influence on such persons, punishments are used in the form of placement in special medical or educational institutions, up to isolation.

Examples of immoral behavior

To make it more clear, we will give examples that clearly demonstrate what distinguishes immoral behavior from deviant behavior.

There are many examples of immoral behavior in our everyday life. For example, when a person, getting off the bus, pushes the person in front in the back in order to leave the cabin faster.

Human behavior can also be called immoral:

  • using profanity in conversation (of course, provided that he does this publicly and not in a narrow circle of his “confidants”);
  • not observing the rules of basic politeness (for example, closing the door in the face of a neighbor following);
  • violating the rules of the hostel (for example, putting garbage on the landing, neglecting the duties of keeping common property clean), etc.

The use of violence in the family or among others, excessive or uncontrolled alcohol consumption, suicidal tendencies, and drug addiction should be considered deviant. Some experts tend to include prostitution here as well. However, if we talk about prostitution as an illegal business (organizing brothels, etc.), then this is already a crime, in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, excessive cruelty, for example towards stray animals, can be considered deviant behavior. Agree, all of the above does not have much in common with immoral behavior.