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Concert script "from heart to heart" for people with disabilities. Scenario of a charity concert for disabled children "From Heart to Heart!"

(Dance sketch - “Angels”).

(Words are heard in the background of music):

(Slides about goodness)

Goodness flies from heart to heart,

Like a bird.

Knocks on hearts to wake up

And return.

To return and give

Joy to all people

Above the gray day to soar -

Not a little anymore.

Our task is so simple:

Give kindness from heart to heart

And quickly into your heart

Kindly open the door!


Hello, dear friends! We are very glad to meet you and welcome you to our charity concert

"Heart to Heart"


Sometimes, having abandoned all personal concerns, we feel a terrible thirst for thanksgiving. Everyone who is now in this room came here to give joy to the children who need our attention and participation. Everyone who came here with the desire to do good has not hardened in soul, and gives their present, without expecting anything in return.

Host: You will give this joy today, and a simple human THANK YOU from our guests will be the biggest dividend of your contribution.

(Video about sick children)


Sick children, sick children...

Like you and me, like me and you

They live in this world

And they have their own dreams.


Some don't hear the sounds of the world,

And the lyre will never touch their ears.

And they won’t hear the birds singing,

And the sound of footsteps when they learn to walk.


And even the gentle creak of the window frame...

How the wind howls will not be heard,

As the dawn wakes up,

And they won’t hear, they won’t hear,

How children's laughter comes into the world.


Others live in complete darkness.

They don't see the colors of the world

In all its beautiful completeness...

And they won’t see the greenery of the forest,

And they won’t understand the wonders of this range of colors,

They won't see a face with a smile,

How tender is the look of a beloved mother...


The baby was born. Clean, white board.

And we can write anything.

So let him know this world to the bottom!

Not at all as convenient for us!


Even though he doesn’t hear, we will teach him to look like this,

We will teach you how to feel nature,

That you can never regret

And he will never say that he is of a bad kind.


Even though he doesn’t see, we’ll teach him to listen,

We will begin to stir up all the feelings inside him,

Or conquer our whole world with dexterous hands.


Our artists are looking forward to the opportunity to give you a lot of pleasant impressions and emotions.

(Children read poems)

Good deeds at school

The guys are all busy

And the corridors are quiet,

Walking - kindness wandering.

Good morning here

Good afternoon and good hour,

Good evening, good night,

It was good yesterday.

Touch me with kindness-

And the diseases will be washed away by the wave,

And sadness will pass by,

The soul will be illuminated with beauty.

Not from a craving for vanity

And it didn’t happen yesterday

This is brotherly, with love,

Wishes for health,

Best wishes.

And life seems to be better,

And my heart is more cheerful,

May others be well

You wish on earth.

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute always.

And if it helps anyone

Your kindness, your smile,

That day was not lived in vain,

This means you are not living in vain.


It floats further and further into the past on September 7, 2011, when a Yak-42 plane crashed near the airport near Yaroslavl, the passengers of which were hockey players, coaches and employees of the Yaroslavl hockey club “Lokomotiv”, flying to Minsk for the first match of the season. Of the 45 people on board, 44 died (43 immediately, and another - striker Alexander Galimov - a few days later, in the hospital). Only flight engineer Alexander Sizov survived...

Soon after the tragedy near Yaroslavl, we learned a secret that was carefully hidden by one of the victims - Lokomotiv captain Ivan Tkachenko. It turns out that for many years he, without saying a word about it, helped sick children, remaining to everyone a certain, unknown to anyone, Ivan Leonidovich. And 15 minutes before boarding the plane, he sent an SMS, checking whether his transfer had reached the account of 16-year-old Diana Ibragimova, a patient with acute leukemia, to whose account he had sent another 500 thousand rubles the day before...

Please watch the video clip with Diana Ibragimova’s mother.

(On the screen is a video with Ivan Tkachenko)

“Why did Ivan Tkachenko do charity work secretly? Why didn’t he talk about this in the press and call on others to follow his example?” We will never get an answer to these questions. One can only assume: Tkachenko believed that this would be self-promotion, and self-promotion and charity are “two incompatible things.”

The Gospel of Matthew says: “See that you do not do your alms in front of people so that they will see you: otherwise you will have no reward from your heavenly Father. When you do alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do... Truly I say to you: they are already receiving their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret...”


I want to shout to people:

Be more generous with affection,

The path of man is difficult

Looks a little like a fairy tale.

In a world without affection, know, -

Tears, rain, frost.

To adults and children, please know -

We need affection, not threats.

Strive to open at least once

The star of humanity in everyone.


We give the floor to the director of our school, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Ivanova.

(director's speech)


(Musical number 8a class)

(Photos of Ksyusha Karaeva on the screen)


What is happiness?

With such a simple question

Perhaps I wondered

Not just one philosopher.

And in fact

Happiness is simple.

It begins

From half a meter tall.


These are vests

Booties and bib,

New described

Mom's sundress.

Torn tights,

Broken knees

These are painted

There are walls in the corridor.

Happiness is soft

Warm palms,

There are candy wrappers behind the sofa,

There are crumbs on the sofa.

It's a whole heap

Broken toys

It's permanent

The rattle of rattles.


Happiness is heels

Barefoot on the floor.

Thermometer under my arm,

Tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds

Bruises on the forehead

It's permanent

What? but why?

Happiness is a sled

Snowman and slide.

small candle

On a huge cake.

It's endless

"Read me a story"

These are daily

Piggy with Stepashka.


This is a warm nose

From under the blanket

Hare on the pillow

Blue pajamas.

Splashes all over the bathroom

Foam on the floor.

Puppet show,

Morning in the garden.


The good girl Ksyusha lives in our Insar... These are the words I would like to start our conversation about Ksyusha Karaeva, girl. who, at the age of six, knows what it’s like to not sleep at night on days when it’s cloudy and damp outside. These days, when the mood is already bad, the nasty illness haunts Ksyusha. To fight it, the girl has to drink terribly bitter medicine, get injections, and spend little time on the street. But no medications can scare Ksyusha, she heroically fights her illness, has fun when it’s not fun at all, and pleases her mother with her successes and obedience. It is very difficult for illnesses to cope with such a strong girl, and therefore we are sure that Ksyusha will not come to terms with her illness, will overcome it, will study well and become a good doctor, and will not allow her children to get sick. And we wish you, Ksyusha, only sunny days. and cloudy days. let them pass by. We are proud to have met you. Be healthy, Ksyushenka!!!

(And the guys have prepared this number for you………………………………………………………………….

(Photos of Dima Miroshin on the screen)


Little eyes are the ocean of the soul.

You read fairy tales with your mother in silence.

You expect affection from people, you trust them.

My little boy is dear and loved.

You are a sunny bunny in a sea of ​​sharp ice floes.

I know that you will make the evil world different.

Zorina: These are words about Dima Miroshin, the younger brother of our Shcheglov Ilya. The disease manifested itself in Dima when he was still just a baby, but it just became attached and does not lag behind. But Dimochka grows up and fights her illness together with her mother, who spends days and nights with her son, working with him and looking for all existing and non-existent medicines. But Dima doesn’t let her down, drinks bitter pills and doesn’t even wince. This is what a hero boy is. And what can the disease do, of course, run away. Just a little more and she will leave him forever. And Dima will be a healthy boy, he will become a great athlete, he will come to our school, and at first we will not even recognize him, and then we will be proud to know him. Health to you, Dimochka, and great willpower.

(This kind song sounds for you)

(Photos of Dima Makshanov on the screen)


Zorina: Dima Makshanov studies at our school, a strong, handsome guy and a wonderful student and a true friend. But what an absurdity... Ailments and illnesses, for some reason, choose the best. Probably because they are more interested in fighting strong people. With people as strong as Dmitry. Although his illness is very difficult, Dima behaves as if it does not exist at all. Not a single student at school even knew that he had any health problems. He is the first in all labor matters. does not recognize any concessions for himself. And even the Exams will be given on equal terms. This is character, endurance and self-respect. And Dima, we really believe in you. We believe. that your dream will come true and you will become what you dream of. I wish you success, health and true friends!!!

(Dima sings for you…………………………….)


“What makes you go into immortality

The smallest particles of existence?

They are separated by stars and centuries,

And I disappear with them.

But disappearing, in the Universal Book

I leave clear features.

And in every atom, and in every moment

Bridges have been built between me and Eternity.”

Zorina: Poems by the girl Sonya, who has never lived the life of ordinary children, a severely disabled child, recognized as such by all possible commissions.

At eight, there was a problem teaching her to use a spoon. The girl was sitting in front of a full plate, and was hungry, and the spoon was lying right there. But she cannot take a spoon and eat. She was crying from hunger - and was absolutely helpless. She could not do these voluntary actions. And her mother had to tell her: “Sonya, take a spoon.” Then only Sonya was able to take her. “Scoop it up.” Scooped it up. “Put it in your mouth.” And so on. This was her condition for about eight years.

Listen to her poem when she was eight years old, a time of great helplessness in the simplest matters:

"I'm scared. My head is buzzing.

There are words rushing about and asking to leave.

“Let us, Sonya, let us into the world!”

But my mouth is shut

And the key to the lock is in the brain -

And how to get it?

Well, help me!

I don't want to remain dumb

But fear bolted his mouth.

Words are born, live and work miracles

In the worlds that I create in my head... And so

In the end they die. So that they can live

They need to be released into the world, outside.

But how? Tell me!

What if people don’t understand them?

Passing through my mouth,

The words will change, the world will not accept them,

Will he push you away, and then take me off too?

How to live? I'm scared. My head is buzzing."

Dear Guys!

At that moment, when it seems to us that we are really bad and nothing seems to be able to fix it, you and I just have to realize that there are people somewhere who are now a hundred times worse than us, and having realized this, thank God for our fate, and always believe in miracles. It is no coincidence that our meeting today is taking place on the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Word to the priest…….

(Musical number)

(Reads the verse against the background of musicRyskina Anastasia)

Take care of your children

Don't scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days

Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

If you feel tired

I can't control her,

Well, son will suit you

Or your daughter will extend her hands.

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

This is a short moment of happiness

Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

These golden days will flash by

And they will leave their native hearth

Your children have grown up.

Flipping through the album

With childhood photographs

Remember with sadness the past

About those days when we were together.

How will you want

Return again at this time

To sing a song to them little ones,

Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.

And while there is children's laughter in the house,

There's no escape from toys

You are the happiest person in the world,

Please take care of your childhood.

(Kids read)

Children are happiness, children are joy,

Children are a fresh breeze in life.

We can't be earned, this is not a reward,

God gives us grace as adults.

Children, oddly enough, are also a challenge.

Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.

They need care, affection, understanding.

Children are time, children are work.

Children are a miracle, a message of kindness,

Rays of sunrise, droplets of love.

Children are every girl's desire

(Even careerists, at heart).

Children mean getting up frequently at night,

Children mean nipples, colic, potties.

Children are disputes in matters of education,

Mom's prayers, dad's posts.

Children are affection, sincerity and friendship.

They argue for fun, but they love so seriously.

There is no need to be disingenuous with them, there is no need to hide -

With children's eyes you can see right through everything.

Children are dads who are often not at home,

Children are mom at home all day.

Children are often a small circle of acquaintances,

Own plans are moving into the shadows.

Children are like life started all over again:

First smiles, first steps,

First successes, first failures.

Children are experience, children are us.

(Photos of Oleg Romanov on the screen)


What is the sweetest candy in the world?

Sugar - I could once answer.

Honey, marmalade, pastille.. and sherbet..

Only now I understand the answer

A dear child - the smell of the top of the head,

What remains on our pillow,

Tender fingers...and marigolds...

Ass, knees... and elbows...


What is the most bitter bitterness in the world?

Mustard - I could once answer...

Radish and vinegar... wormwood and quinine...

Well, now my answer is only one:

Trembling lips - crying is on the way

That's what makes my heart skip a beat

The most bitterness - a native child -

Eyes full of tears and resentment

Zorina: A student of our school, Oleg Romanov, whom we will talk about now, is not going to cry or be sad at all. After all, his name and surname almost coincide with the name and surname of a wonderful coach, a good person - Oleg Romantsev. And this is not even a question... Our Olezhka will become a great football player, and in the future the best coach of a football team and will lead Russian football out of trouble. Isn’t it Oleg? This agile, energetic, resilient child has enough strength and will for big VICTORIES!

At the 2018 World Championships, we will root for ours! And today, our dear Olezhka, we wish you victories over notebooks and textbooks, we wish you health and good luck.

(For you, Oleg, our musical gift)

(Photos of Maxim Nikonov on the screen)


I will kiss your soft little hand,

I barely touch my nose with my lips,

My heart melts with love for the child,

For me there is no better creature in the world!

The precious little one sleeps carelessly,

Tiny fingers clenched into a fist,

Will be the first guy in the future, of course

He's already a cool guy!

Life with Maksimka has become fuller and more beautiful,

And hearts are filled with happy light!

Dear boy, my ray of sunshine,

I admire you, the joy is not hidden.

Worried about you, I turn to the children

(And the words are taken from the depths of my soul):

“You are dearer to us than all the riches in the world,

Happiness and joy to you, our kids!”

Zorina: Yesterday I was visiting Maxim Nikonov, and once again I was amazed at the courage of the children who endured difficult, even painful treatment. They have so much strength, warmth, the ability to make friends and do good to other people. He greeted me as if we had known each other for a long time. A cheerful, happy boy, not at all spoiled, although it would seem that in order to please such children you need to give in to them in everything. And he is so small, and already so smart and businesslike. I look like my mother, I just want to tell you. Maxim will go to school soon, he can already read, knows poems and songs. He's having fun and doesn't want to be sad at all. Dear Maxim, we are very glad that we met you. And I will take your example as a real man. Never get sick, Maksimka, and make your mother happy!!!

(Number for Maxim)

(Photos of Dasha Zykina on the screen)


I'll sort out your mobile phone,

And I’ll pour jelly into the alarm clock.

You won't scold me

Because you love me so much!

I'll come and open the cabinets

I'll wash the floors with soup.

There's no reason to scold me

You are my mom!

I've been standing in bed for three hours

And I don't want to sleep.

Well, you're rocking me,

quietly humming a song!

The first laugh, my aha,

Ladushki and the first tooth.

You'll never forget

because you love me so much!

I'm not saying yet

I’ll just repeat the syllables.

Well, when I grow up I’ll say:

Mom I love you!

Zorina: Little Dasha Zykina came to our school and looked at everything around with great interest. She's interested in everything, that's her age. Children are unlikely to remember this age when they grow up. Only his mother will not forget him. When Dasha was very young, she had an accident. Difficult treatment, IVs and injections did not make Dasha at all capricious and a crybaby. This cheerful girl will become the pride of her mother, she will delight her with her successes, she will be the first beauty, maybe even “Miss World”; for all her torment in childhood, God will definitely reward her a hundredfold. Grow up big, Dashenka, and we wish you health and are waiting for you to come to our school, to first grade. We really need girls like this!!!

(Number for Dasha)

(Photos of Maxim Parshutkin on the screen)


My son once told me:

- I want them to be

Like a bird, you


The flight has become over my shoulder,

Felt the power:

- And where will I fly?

I asked.

The son replied:

- Nowhere

Moms don't fly.

Moms always have wings

The kids are locked up.

Zorina: These words are very suitable for Maxim Parshutkin’s mother Irina………. Only a real mother can protect her children in this way. Maxim also got into a car accident. The driver’s inattention brought the boy to the hospital ward. It wasn’t easy for him then, in addition to his illness, there were also problems in the family. But it’s only cowards who abandon ship. Maxim and his mother fought their trouble very courageously. And although Maximkin’s illness does not give up, Maxim is not going to give in to it. He does not recognize any pity - he is a real boy. He is mom's first assistant. Beloved brother of his two sisters and just a wonderful boy. Maxim, we are so glad that you came to our school today, by the way, his own sister studies here. It’s so wonderful that we met, now you have many more friends. Never be sad, Maxim, grow up healthy and happy!!!

Number for Maxim)

(Photos of Alena Timofeeva on the screen)


Time flew by quickly

Looks like I just gave birth...

My daughter has grown up

I started walking early.

And I dreamed that I would see

And I’ll take it in my arms.

And I’ll say: “I’m your mother”

And I will press you to my chest.

This is the first moment

I will never forget.

I am the creation of our love

I fell in love forever.

I fell in love with our little bundle,

Our sweet child:

These eyes, this nose,

Both serious and joking.

You will grow up with joy, daughter,

Be smart, be yourself.

And without any hassles,

Be happy, mischievous!

Zorina: Our sunshine... They don’t even talk differently at our school about Alyonka Timofeeva. He will blow everyone away with his smile. She was the leader in all good deeds, she was an example to everyone in her studies, she was the number one artist at school, and now she has also taken up scientific work. The deputy has already spoken at the seminar. VR directors, taught adults how to competently conduct research. Can you imagine? What a clever girl we were lucky enough to study at the same school with. The boys 2a are all completely smitten by this charmer, the girls consider her her best friend, the teacher her best student! The best in everything! May God give her even better health so that she has a complete set. Our dear Alyonka! We all love you so much! We admire your willpower. Let us take your example, both adults and children. Get healthy! Always make everyone happy!!!

(Number for Alena)

(Photos by Vika Timofeeva on the screen)

Adults! If you're sad,

Cats scratch at my soul -

Childhood at the pharmacy ask:

In drops or dragees.

A couple of colored vitamins

Five drops of sugar -

And barefoot without shoes

Walk straight through the puddles.

It will be reflected in your eyes

The sky is so blue...

The sun, a blade of grass and a bird

As if you would become.

The trees are big again

I want to sing and play!

...Maybe you'll even decide

No more scolding of children?

Childhood magical kingdom -

The joy of funny pranks...

It's a pity that it's about a miracle drug

Moms don't know yet.

But no problem! God bless,

Instead of wonderful ideas

Adults will come to help

Children's laughter and smiles!

Zorina: Vika Timofeeva is still just a little girl, and she has already seen so much... But she has not become bitter, she smiles at passersby and doctors, she loves her mother and grandmother, and shares her joys with them in a language that only they understand. How close children are with their closest people in moments of joy and sorrow... Dear Vikochka. God grant you health! And may your family’s days be only joyful.

(Number for Vicki)

(Photos of Oleg Vanina on the screen)


From birth, a little lump -

Helpless, sometimes whiny.

How nicely he wrinkles his nose,

The world will come to know a big, beautiful world.

He will cling to me trustingly,

He presses his head to his chest,

He freezes, sometimes he falls asleep,

The heart beats evenly and evenly.

And if he gets sick,

Then grief enters my heart,

The child is crying, tired,

The stamp of suffering in the gaze.

Then sadness and pain in half,

And compassion and participation,

And yet I wish you

— Experience the happiness of motherhood!

Zorina: Every time a person shows even the slightest victory over an illness, everyone around him rejoices. “Here,” the experts say, “you have moved to another level.” Even if this is a very small step, even half a step, but the level is completely different and this is VICTORY over the disease.

We see an example of this victory in this room today. Oleg, you came to us yourself! This is VICTORY. I have no words... Let's greet the Hero while standing. Oleg! We believe in you, we are proud of you. And we understand that you are strength. I can’t do this to everyone. I wish you health and fulfillment of all your desires.

(Number for Oleg)

(Photos of Zhenya Durmanova on the screen)


In a small room on a cloudy evening

A tired mother prayed quietly

I began to cry out to Heaven with hope:


"God is all-merciful, the power of Heaven

Be merciful to my request

If guilty, punish me, a sinner

But don't punish my daughters.

If, once upon a time, with a generous right hand

What if you want to reward me?

I will turn to you with my last request

Protect my children from harm.

Soon they will enter their adult life

In a world where intrigue, self-interest and deceit

Let my soul be a boat with oars

So that they are not knocked off course by the ocean.

Lord Our Father, be merciful

Don't punish them with loneliness

Send them faithful companions in this life

To avoid the mistakes of others.

It is in your power to punish or have mercy

It is your will to take or give.

I stand before You with prayer for the children" -

The mother, bowing her head, whispered.

With quiet prayer the mother protected

Sleeping in their daughters' cribs

She asked for a lot and just didn’t want it

They repeat their share.

Zorina: No matter how old a child is, for his parents he will remain a small and endlessly beloved son or daughter. With her kindness and spontaneity, Zhenya Durmanova simply slays everyone. How much affection, the desire to help everyone, to have pity, and decency, fits into this girl. Efficient, responsible, I’ll say it again, decent - just an angel, so you can safely say about her. Mom and dad's assistant, Sonya's beloved sister, good friend, irreplaceable teacher's assistant. Dear Zhenya! We really hope that all illnesses and adversities will pass you by. That all your dreams will come true. That you will not become bitter towards life and will be just as good. Happiness to you, dear girl!!!

(Number for Zhenya)


Today I would like to bow low to our mothers, those who BELIEVE and do everything possible to make their children laugh, run, and play.

We were healthy, happy, successful.


Made from fluffy mohair threads.

I will tie your life -

I won't lie a single loop.

I will tie your life

Where in a pattern across the field of prayer -

Wishes of happiness

In the rays of true love!

I will tie your life

From cheerful melange yarn,

I will tie your life

And then I will give it from my heart.

Where do I get threads?

I will never confess to anyone.

To connect your life,

I'm secretly releasing my...

We admire your patience, courage, FAITH, HOPE, LOVE! To you dear, heroic mothers, I sing a song today.


Presenter: The children we talked about so briefly today are different... , have different interests and habits. They have one thing in common: the desire to live, to live like all the other children. And we can help them with this with our kindness!!!


I wish you well

Good night until morning

I wish you all good dreams,

Good deeds and kind words.


I wish that with you

People had more fun

To kind eyes

You looked at people.


Our concert is over. Thank you to everyone who came to this cozy hall today and thereby made a significant contribution to the fulfillment of children’s dreams - to become healthy.


Be healthy!

(All participants, from 7b, sing the song “It’s great that we have all gathered here today and give gifts to children.”)

OR SANTA CLAUS with the Snow Maiden???

Scenario of the charity concert “From Heart to Heart”

Purpose of the concert:
- formation of the need for benevolence
attitude towards others;
- development of skills of showing compassion and creativity.
- to instill in schoolchildren the moral concepts of mercy, kindness of soul,
sincerity, philanthropy;
- translate these concepts into beliefs and concrete actions;
- consolidate and develop positive tendencies in behavior;
- create favorable conditions for (Words are heard in the background of music):

(Slides about goodness)

(video "Mercy" words by Maria Teresa)

(leaders exit)

Presenter 1:

We are all in a hurry to get somewhere

Postponing meetings, good deeds,

Without noticing either sunrise or sunset,

And time rushes like an arrow,

Sent to the goal by a skillful hand.

Presenter 2:

It seemed like a snowstorm had just blown,

But now they have given way to spring showers,

And we repeat: later, later...

It feels like an eternity ahead!

And so it goes day after day,

Presenter 3:

But don’t expect mercy from time!

For good deeds

You shouldn't skimp

So that there is less evil in the world.

And anyone could happily make friends.

Presenter 1:

Hello, dear friends! We are very glad to meet you and welcome you to our charity concert “From Heart to Heart”.

Presenter 2: And today we will give you our creativity, warmth and good mood!

Presenter 1: Goodness flies from heart to heart,

Like a bird.

Knocks on hearts to wake up

And return.

Presenter 2: To return and give

Joy to all people

Above the gray day to soar -

Not a little anymore.

Presenter 3: Our task is so simple:

Give kindness from heart to heart

And quickly into your heart

Kindly open the door!

Presenter 1: We give the floor to the school director L.V. Zhukova.

Presenter 2: Sometimes, having abandoned all personal worries, we feel a terrible thirst for thanksgiving. Everyone who is now in this room came here to give joy to people who need our attention and participation. Everyone who came here with the desire to do good has not hardened in soul.

Presenter 3: All people, without exception, need support and support. But people with disabilities, children and families who find themselves in difficult life situations especially need them. It’s much easier to defend your interests, to prove that you can do a lot, if you have like-minded people with you. Remember that when a person smiles, he radiates goodness and carries a charge of positive emotions.

Presenter 1:

Don't stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute always.

And if it helps anyone
Your kindness, your smile,
That day was not lived in vain,
This means you are not living in vain.


Presenter 1: We, the concert participants, will give this joy today, and a simple human THANK YOU from our guests.

Presenter 1:

I want to shout to people:

Be more generous with affection,

The path of man is difficult

Looks a little like a fairy tale.

Presenter 2:

In a world without affection, know, -

Tears, rain, frost.

To adults and children, please know -

We need affection, not threats.

Presenter 3:

Strive to open at least once

The star of humanity in everyone.

Performance by 1st grade students

Presenter 1: Children are our future – the flowers of life. Often they are deprived of attention, warmth, kindness, love, family, health, they find themselves thrown to the sidelines. Orphans, disabled children, children on the verge of life and death. How scary it is to be unwanted, unloved, hungry, sick, without the slightest ray of hope in your heart.

Presenter 2:

The worst way we can react to such children is indifference. Just pass by without flinching a single fiber of your soul. And participation and empathy can save little souls and make at least one person happy. Just think: save a child’s life, warm him with the warmth of his soul, teach him to enjoy life.

Presenter 3:

But it’s absolutely easy to help. There are many ways to do this; even the poorest and busiest person can contribute to saving a child. A thread from the world - a shirt for the poor.

All:Together we can do anything!

Adults! If you're sad,

Cats scratch at my soul -

Childhood at the pharmacy ask:

In drops or dragees.

A couple of colored vitamins

Five drops of sugar -

And barefoot without shoes

Walk straight through the puddles.

It will be reflected in your eyes

The sky is so blue...

The sun, a blade of grass and a bird

As if you would become.

The trees are big again

I want to sing and play!

Maybe you'll even decide

No more scolding of children?

Childhood magical kingdom -

The joy of funny pranks...

It's a pity that it's about a miracle drug

Moms don't know yet.

But no problem! God bless,

Instead of wonderful ideas

Adults will come to help

Children's laughter and smiles!

Presenter 1: There are, as always, not enough good people, there is, as always, a shortage of good people.
Kind people are not always understood; the hearts of the kind hurt more.

Presenter 2: Kind people generously help the sick, kind people give warmth and comfort,
The kind ones walk in step with the weak and don’t expect any “thank you.”

Performance by 2nd and 4th grade students

Presenter 1: You can only disarm with kindness, it is like a miracle that is given to us from above.
She, like an Angel, walks with you, she knocks on your heart, do you hear?
Miracle Kindness is walking around the world. We carry it from heart to heart.

Presenter 2: They are sisters: Kindness and Beauty. We will save this world with Kindness.
She's everywhere, see? Look around! In the feeder, in every bread crumb.
She's smiling, just smile! And in a bowl of milk for the cat.”

Presenter 3: There is such a golden rule: love another with a pure heart,
You want to be loved!
Shine on others with kindness and radiance,
If you want them to shine for you!

Presenter 1: There is a holy commandment from God,
The one that will protect the soul from sin: no matter how much love you desire for yourself,
Give it to others with interest



Evening came. A certain man took a small candle and began to climb up a long spiral staircase with it.
- Where are we going? - asked the candle.
“We climb the tower to light the ships’ way into the harbor.
“But not a single ship in the harbor can see my light,” the candle objected.
“Even though your light is small,” said the man, “still continue to burn as brightly as you can, and leave the rest to me.”
Thus talking, they reached the top of the stairs, and approached a large lamp. The man lit the lamp with a small candle, and soon, the large polished mirrors behind the lamp reflected the rays from the small candle, and its light spread for miles around and deep into the sea, illuminating the way for ships and travelers.
Just as a small candle or even a match can light a huge fire and show the way to hundreds of people, so a small flame of your spiritual warmth and good example can, in principle, change the lives, worldview and destiny of people, even if you yourself are not yet fully aware of this.
Just be a light to the people around you, like that beacon that joyfully guided ships to a safe harbor.

Presenter 1: “Kindness does not die, it heals us and resurrects us.
And this main feature in the human race does not decrease"

Presenter 1:

I wish you well

Good night until morning

I wish you all good dreams,

Good deeds and kind words.

Presenter 2:

I wish that with you

People had more fun

To kind eyes

You looked at people.

Presenter 3:

Let your home be very cozy,

Let people not forget about you,

Let friends fill your life,

Will be a loving, attentive family!

Presenter 1:

Let hope warm your heart,

Let doubts melt like snow,

May all your best dreams come true,

Let all the best flowers bloom for you!

Every year a charity concert is held at our school as part of the SOS decade. Tickets are sold for a nominal fee (5-10 rubles) and the proceeds are transferred to social institutions (orphanage, nursing home). The concert is held by school students; performance numbers are prepared by representatives of primary, secondary and secondary schools. The class organizer of the concert is responsible for distributing tickets, conducting rehearsals, presenters, and musical accompaniment. This scenario was implemented at MAOU Secondary School No. 10 in Kandalaksha in December 2009 as part of a school charity concert and is used annually to organize extracurricular educational events (for example, during a class hour).

A charity concert

Goals: Using examples of charitable activities, consider the traditions of patronage and charity that existed in Russia.
1. reveal the meaning of the concepts “charity”, “mercy”, “philanthropy”, “philanthropist”;
2. study important milestones in the development of the history of charity;
3. cultivate a sense of pride in the past of your country, its glorious traditions and the people who made history.

Additional files: presentation “BLAGOO CREATE”, files of musical accompaniment (fragments of classical music in modern processing), tickets to the concert.

Concert numbers (numbers can be arbitrary - songs, dances, poems, skits):
1. Waltz 10 "A"
2. Samba 10 "A"
3. Cha-cha-cha elementary school 4th grade
4. Song Alexander 6th grade
5. Musical composition Artem and Borya10 “B”
6. Sketch “12 months” 10 “B”
7. Verses 11 "A"
8. Song 11 “B”
9. Scene “Othello” 9 “B”

Concert script.

Spectators gather. Music: 2_intro.mp3
1 presenter
Music: 50 Bach - Suite nr.2 "A joke" (Last).mp3
1 slide

Now that we have learned
Fly through the air like birds
Swim underwater like fish
We are missing only one thing:
Learn to live on earth like people.

Bernard Show

2 presenter
Good evening, dear friends! Thank you for coming to spend this evening with us. We are glad that the charity concert attracted so many caring spectators. As you already know, all funds received from ticket sales will be sent to the Children's Home.
1 presenter 2 slide
The charity concert taking place today concludes the annual SOS Decade.
New Year holidays and Christmas are ahead. Each of us believes in the best and we wish you all health, strength and wealth, happiness and good endeavors!
2 presenter3 slide
We are different - and this is our wealth. We are together - and this is our strength. What about happiness?
1 presenter 4 slide
Happiness is when you live and dream.
5 slide

Happiness is what a person desires for himself alone.
Good is what a person desires for himself along with everyone else.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

2 presenter
Our concert is held under the motto “Do Good.”
1 presenter
Charity, patronage, mercy are almost forgotten concepts in the middle of the 20th century. Only at the end of the century did they gradually begin to return to our lives.
2 presenter
When did charity originate in human history? The answer is simple: “when one person completely disinterestedly helped another, while feeling an unprecedented elation…”
1 presenter6 slide"Happiness"
We too can feel the elation. At all times, the waltz has been a bright decoration of the holiday. And today students of grade 10 “A” will perform before us.
2 presenter
Charming girls and elegant young men will be transported for a few minutes into the extraordinary world of dance. Meet us!
Concert number No. 1
1 presenter 7 slide
The concept of patronage came to us from the Ancient World. Patron of arts Guy Tsilnis , who lived before our era, was a close associate of the Roman Emperor Augustus and carried out his instructions. He calmed popular unrest, tried on opponents, and softened the emperor’s cruelty. Virgil and Horace, the best poets of that time, enjoyed the support of Maecenas. He organized luxurious feasts and treats for people of art. Thanks to his patronage of people of art, the name of Maecenas became a household name.
2 presenter
Patronage is a state of the human soul. A modern philanthropist is not someone who transfers money with a dry, cold calculation. A philanthropist is a person who has great spiritual love for his people and the Fatherland.
1 presenter
Students of grade 11 “B” will perform before us with a great mood and great love...
2 presenter
An extraordinary song will sound now. Meet us!
Concert number No. 2
1 presenter 8 slide
Mercy is compassion, heartfelt participation in the lives of the needy and weak. The reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich became a striking event in the formation and development of charity in Rus'. The prince's charitable activities, along with other merits, were noted during the canonization of St. Vladimir.
2 presenter Slide 9
Charity developed during the reign Peter I . The governor was entrusted with the responsibility “to begin setting up hospitals, almshouses, orphanages, restraining houses and spinning houses for idle people.”
1 presenter
Under Peter I, private donations were the main source of funding for all these institutions. As an example to the boyars, the tsar himself donated up to a third of his salary for these purposes.
2 presenter
Pupils of the 10th “B” social profile class of our school actively work in the children’s public organization “Lifebuoy”. They prepared a skit for our concert.
1 presenter
Meet us!
Concert number No. 3
2 presenter10 slide
Charity has also developed widely with Catherine II . During her reign, charity houses for the poor, almshouses for the wards of the Orphanage, a midwifery institute with a maternity ward for poor women were created, orphanages, schools and hospitals were organized.
1 presenter
By the end of the 19th century, it became fashionable among industrialists and wealthy merchants to invest money in the development of culture and art. Museums, schools, libraries, exhibitions, art galleries are the objects of charitable activities of Russian patrons, whose names have forever entered the history of Russia: Tretyakovs and Mamontovs, Morozovs and Prokhorovs, Bakhrushins and Shchukins, Naydenovs and Botkins , as well as many others. Monuments have been erected in their honor in many Russian cities.
2 presenter
Representatives of the contemporary art world are present in our hall today. And now the winners of the regional ballroom dancing competition, students of the 4th “A” class of our school, Yaroslava and Danil, will perform before us. The guys study under the guidance of Elena Vladimirovna.
1 presenter
The fiery dance “Cha-cha-cha” performed by them will give us moments of happiness. Meet us!
Concert number No. 4
2 presenter 11 slide
There is a monument at the entrance to the Tretyakov Gallery Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov . Using his own funds, he collected paintings by Russian artists, and then donated them to the capital. He cared about the availability of masterpieces to the people, and also looked after the families of many artists. In the will left by Pavel Mikhailovich, he donated one hundred and fifty thousand rubles in silver “for the establishment of an art “museum” or a public art gallery in Moscow.” The gallery was opened in 1912 and many of us have already visited it, or will definitely visit it.
1 presenter 12 slide
The name of the Russian industrialist is also well known Savva Ivanovich Mamontov . It was he who opened the Private Opera, in which Chaliapin's genius blossomed, and organized the famous community of artists, which included Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasily Polenov, Ilya Repin, Valentin Serov, Mikhail Vrubel, Mikhail Nesterov, Konstantin Korovin and others.
2 presenter Slide 13
The family of glorious philanthropists of Russia also includes the family Morozov . The Morozovs were a family in which, by the beginning of the 19th century, there were five generations who actively took part in industry and social activities.
Many charitable institutions, psychiatric clinics, and a children's hospital were created by the Morozov family.
1 presenter
There are creative dynasties in our school too. Alexander, a student of grade 6 “B”, will delight us with a song today...
2 presenter
The wonderful world of art will open before us. Meet us!
Concert number No. 5
1 presenter
Do you know who a “philanthropist” is?
2 presenter
It turns out that this word is of Greek origin and means “patron of the needy.”
1 presenter Slide 14
One of the first philanthropists of our time was Mstislav Rastropovich . His investments in children's medicine amounted to more than $8 million.
2 presenter
Here you need to name names Galina Vishnevskaya, Vladimir Spivakov, Vladimir Krainev . They are the creators of charitable foundations that support Russian culture.
People's Artist for more than 10 years Joseph Kobzon supports the Yasnaya Polyana orphanage with his own funds.
1 presenter
Contemporary instrumental music is wonderful. The sound of the guitar has always delighted listeners.
2 presenter
And today students of grade 10 “B” - Artem and Boris - will perform before us. Meet us!
Concert number 6
1 presenter 15 slide
But one should not think that charity was carried out only in the capital. In the provinces we have also met, and continue to meet, people who are ready to give up part of their savings for the benefit of the townspeople. Traditionally, our school hosts the “Mercy” campaign as part of the “SOS” ten-day period. The “Treasury of Good Deeds” is replenished from the contribution of each of us.
2 presenter
What cognates can you name for the word “kind”? ( Answers are heard from the audience... Benevolent, kind-hearted, conscientious, voluntary, good-natured...)
1 presenter
We are sure that you all possess these qualities.
2 presenter

Let beauty rule the world,
Cruelty will disappear like a dream,
And let kindness live next to her,
As the most important human law.

1 presenter
Beautiful dances, good melodies, modern decorations create a festive atmosphere. The world is beautiful! Pupils of class 11 "A" - Victoria and Artem give you their dance. Meet us!
Concert number No. 7
2 presenter16 slide
8th grade students took part in a poster competition on the theme “I choose a healthy lifestyle.” Their works can be seen in the 1st floor foyer.
What is a healthy lifestyle? (Answers from the audience are heard...)
1 presenterSlide 17
And 7th graders participated in a competition on the theme “Healthy eating is great!” Their work is interesting and entertaining.
What is healthy eating? (Answers from the audience are heard...)
1 presenter
We hope that everyone sitting in this hall will be healthy and rich.
2 presenter
He is also merciful and compassionate both to his loved ones and to complete strangers.
2 presenter 18 slide
Elementary school students prepared an exhibition for Mother's Day. You could see the portraits in the 2nd floor foyer. They are extraordinarily beautiful.
How do you help your mother every day? (Answers from the audience are heard...)
1 presenter
Be kind to your parents and grateful to them. They love you and believe that you will become good people.
2 presenter
There are many proverbs about kindness. Do you remember them? (Answers from the audience are heard...)

... the matter praises itself.
Life is given for... deeds.
If you did... - hide it, if someone else did it to you... - tell me.
Take on the task boldly, you won’t be able to do it yourself - others will help.
Without... there will be no business and... name.

1 presenter
9th "B" class prepared a humorous sketch "Othello" for our evening.
2 presenter
And now we will see an extraordinary modern production. Meet us!
Concert number No. 8
1 presenter Slide 19
Give warmth and light to those who need it!
2 presenter
Under this motto the “Mercy” campaign was held at our school. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the collection Money to provide charitable assistance to the Children's Home.
1 presenter 20 slide
The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work, Elena Anatolyevna, and the Chairman of the Council of High School Students, Dmitry. ...
1 presenter
Do good! There is no greater joy.
And sacrifice your life, And hurry -...
Not for fame or sweets,
And at the behest of the soul!
2 presenter
Our evening continues with an extraordinary dance group. “Samba” performed by 10 “A” class will remind us of the summer sun in the long polar night. Meet us!
Concert number No. 9
1 presenter 21 slides
Our evening is coming to an end. The charity concert was prepared and held by students of class 10 “A” of physics and mathematics. Thanks to the audience for their support and attention, thanks to the students for organizing wonderful performances, we invite all concert participants to the stage:
Music: Doroga_dobra.mp3
4 "A", 6 "B", 9 "B", 10 "A", 10 "B", 10 "B", 11 "A", 11 "B"
2 presenter
We are different - this is our wealth! We are together - this is our strength!
Slide 22 The spectators leave. Music: 2_intro.mp3

Elena Bronnikova
Scenario of the charity concert “Let childhood happen”

Charity concert script

MDOUDSKV No. 20 of the village of Stepnoy municipal formation Yeisk district

« Let your childhood happen»

The curtain is closed.

Leading: (behind the scenes) poem. "What is happiness" N. Shirobokovo

What is happiness?

With such a simple question

Perhaps I wondered

Not just one philosopher.

And in fact

Happiness is simple.

It begins

From half a meter tall.

Happiness is soft

Warm palms,

There are candy wrappers behind the sofa,

There are crumbs on the sofa.

It's a whole heap

Broken toys

It's permanent

The rattle of rattles.

Happiness is heels

Barefoot on the floor.

Thermometer under my arm,

Tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds

Bruises on the forehead

It's permanent

What? but why?

This is a warm nose

From under the blanket

Hare on the pillow

Children's pyjamas.

Splashes all over the bathroom

Foam on the floor.

Puppet show,

Morning in the garden.

What is happiness?

It's very simple

It begins

From half a meter tall.

Meaning of the word "happiness"

One on the entire planet -

This is when in the house

Children always laugh.

All the children go out to scene song"Give a smile to the world"

Afterwards everyone stands.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys -

Hello our guests.

We are pleased to welcome you to our traditional holiday « Let your childhood happen»

Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear guys!

(children read poetry)

1. On the first day of summer, all children

Celebrate the holiday of light!

2. Every adult you will answer:

Our happiness is our children!

3. What kind of holiday? Defense Day childhood,

nipple and panties,

4. And toys, gently sewn

A mother for her children,

5. And cribs and pillows,

And multi-colored jump ropes,

6. And rattling rattles,

And, of course, candy!

7. Today we need someone who is good at studying

Today we need someone who is friendly with a fairy tale.

8. Praise and honor to such guys.

Such children are here today!

9. First day of summer, become even brighter!

Celebrate the first of June everywhere!

After all, this is All Children's Day,

It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

Children leave with scenes to the words of the presenter:

In the troubled world of storms, passions,

The planet lives and spins.

How good it is for children

There is one day - the beginning of summer!

Children laugh so well

All over the Earth, all over the planet!

We want peace to reign around us,

And to give happiness to everyone!

Shine your smiles, warmed by the sun!

Peace and happiness to you, children of the planet!

Presenter: The word for greeting is given to the manager

Presenter: Alexandra Alekseevna, they say if you did something good, hide it, if they did it to you, tell it.

After all, life is given for good deeds. Therefore, we want to talk about those people who help kindergarten people who care about fate, who always take part in solving problems big and small. And one of them….…. I invite you to stage.

(after the performance)

Presenter: From our entire team, parents and students children's We wish you health, joy, prosperity, warmth! We look forward to further cooperation with you! All you earthly good.

A reward for good and a noble cause what is happening today will serve to accomplish it. Thank you to everyone who came to this room today. Yes, exactly, today you did not remain indifferent to the development of our children. But creative and individual abilities manifest themselves precisely in preschool age. And their development requires support. Therefore, we say thank you very much for your contribution to this. a noble cause, dear viewers!

No matter how life flies -

Don't regret your days,

Do good deeds

For the sake of people's happiness.

To make the heart burn,

And did not smolder in the darkness

Do a good deed -

That's why we live on earth

The counting commission, which I now I'll introduce:

Kryzhnaya Svetlana Vladimirovna, Fisun Elena Semenovna and Chairman Luganskaya Olga Vladimirovna

The floor is given to the chairman of the counting commission

Leading: Quite recently our country celebrated the holiday of a great victory.

The Great Patriotic War ended many years ago. Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers defended peace on our land. And today we dedicate this issue to the great holiday and to all those who fought in this war.

Children read poetry (Diana and Slava)

1. For what nature gives us

The soldiers defended themselves in the fire.

May Day 45

Became the last point in the war.

2. We give our dance to veterans

Remembering brave fighters

Let's not forget their great feat

The feat of our grandfathers and our fathers.

Dance "Cranes"

Leading: Childhood- This is the most carefree and happiest time. Every adult, at least for a moment, would dream of returning to this wonderful world of goodness and miracles.

We want all your dreams to come true, and we want you to forget all your problems for a while and plunge into the world childhood.

We invite you to our magical country childhood.

Dance "Eared Nanny"

Leading: How good it is to be a child! No worries for you problems: in the morning your mother wakes you up and takes you to kindergarten. And there your teachers, friends and a very interesting life are waiting for you. life: ... never be bored!

And I want it to childhood never ended!

How wonderful it is when dreams come true and wishes come true. When everyone is happy!

Dance "Rainbow of Wishes"


Look at this world, a world not invented by us

Let's decorate childhood world with different pencils

He is naive, like a child and his dreams are pure

A world of boys and girls, a world of happiness and beauty

Dance "Hipsters"


Charity, mercy. Consonant words, kind. And kindness is an amazing thing! It brings people together like nothing else.

Kindness saves us from loneliness, emotional wounds and unsolicited grievances. We will receive more than we give if we more often remember what unites us, about the fact that a person becomes a person only thanks to another person. Do good! And may the whole universe hear us!

And now I want to give the floor to the counting commission, which will tell us about the progress of our good deed.

Speech by the Counting Commission.


Fairy tales give us miracles! and you can’t live without miracles!

They live everywhere, and they are our friends!

There the sunny colors dance a waltz for you.

We can't live without fairy tales, they can't live without us!

Fairy tale “How the mice fought with the cat”


You can only disarm with kindness; it is like a miracle that is given to us from above. She, like an Angel, walks with you, she knocks on your heart, do you hear? Miracle Kindness is walking around the world. We carry it from heart to heart.

They're sisters after all: Kindness and Beauty. Let's save this world together


Presenter: A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. Good deeds are never lost, he who sows politeness reaps friendship, he who grows goodness harvests love.

And so I give the floor to our veterans. On we invite you to the stage....


Presenter: One person can’t do anything, but together we are strong. After all, drop by drop there will be a trickle. Coin by coin, the result will be a huge amount, and therefore I again want to give the floor to our counting commission.

The floor is given to the counting commission

Leading: How many interesting things happen in childhood! So much free time! And how many friends there are around! And we wish you to find new friends this summer!

Neither oceans nor meridians

They don't stop us from being friends

Friendship, like a bird, to distant lands

Flying in spite of all winds!

Dance "Dove of peace"

Presenter: And now, to sum up the results, we invite the chairman of the counting commission and the head children's garden to Alexandra Alekseevna.

(while they're walking) the presenter says the words

U there are no seasons for charity, no need to wait for holidays or round dates, no need for special reasons: if you have a desire to help, you just take it and do it. Sometimes it takes very little to make children happy.

This is our effort and your participation, and, most importantly, the consciousness that together we are not indifferent to their destinies.

After the counting commission announced the results of the action, stage with the manager.

Presenter: We express our heartfelt Gratitude for the gifts you collected and delivered, money that will give children a lot of pleasure, positive emotions, joy, admiration, because... childhood impossible without fairy tales, games and toys! The stream of goodness in your hearts will become a big river in the revival of Russian folk traditions, the moral and patriotic education of little citizens of great Russia.

Closing song "I paint this world"


students and teachers of the State Public Enterprise "Children's Art School"

State Institution "Department of Education of the Akimat of the Zhitikarinsky District"

"Heart to Heart"

Concert hall 15:00

Presenter: Minyailo O.V., Akbergenova Z.U.

Responsible: Minyailo O.V.

Present: ________________


to cultivate in children feelings of empathy, mercy, kindness of soul,

sincerity, philanthropy, tolerance towards people with disabilities.

Create a comfortable, friendly environment;

Develop the emotional sphere;

To form an aesthetic culture, highly moral personal

qualities of pupils;

Form the need for a friendly attitude towards others; - show the creative success of students.

An ensemble of dombra players prepared on stage.

Fanfare sounds. The presenters come out.

Presenter 1:

Armysyzdar, kadirli konaktar!

Without s_dermen kayyrymdylyk zhane meіrіmdіlіk merekesіnd kezdeskenimizge ote kuanyshtymyz. Without this button, press the button, press the button, or press the button before turning on the TV. Omirinіz moldir mahabbatka, үмітке зәнімге стілсін. Bugin sizge Balalar oner mekteptin okushylary ozderinin bir more zhylulygyn sylaydy. Balalar sіzge arnay merekelik concerttik badarlamasyn suysine dayynada. “Zhurekten zhurekke” atty concertimiz ayaktalgannan kein adamdar kol ushyn berip, meyirimdi is zhasap, sesimtal zhylulygymen zhane kamkorlygymen bolіsedі umіt tenemiz. Adamnyn omirinde os kasietter ote manyzdy.

(Hello, dear guests!

Presenter 2:

Here today, my friends,
We gathered for a reason.
We hasten to please you,

Giving warmth of hearts.
May the angel always protect you
From life's losses,
And childhood, at least sometimes
The door opens for you!
The ensemble plays without announcement.


Head Dina Malikadzharova

“El aiyryl Gan" Halyk kuy

Presenter 1:

Bіzdің concertімізді қырқ toғызыншы oblastyk zhas muzyktar baykauynyn qatisushylary – kazak aspap ensemble asada. Zhetekshisi D.Malikadzharova.

(The right to open the concert was awarded to an ensemble of Kazakh instruments - a participant in the 49th regional educational competition for young musicians. Director D. Malikadzharova).

Leading 2 :

Our artists prepared with great diligence for today's concert, and are looking forward to the opportunity to give you a lot of pleasant impressions and emotions. Let's greet them with loud applause!


solo singing class

Song "Sun-grain"

Presenter 2:

Today we will tell you about a miracle. About the miracle that lives next to us. This miracle cannot be touched, but can be seen and heard. It can make us laugh and cry. It has soul and heart. A miracle is born here and its name is Kindness!

You can only disarm with kindness; it is like a miracle that is given to us from above.

She, like an Angel, walks with you, she knocks on your heart, do you hear?

Miracle Kindness is walking around the world. We carry it from heart to heart.

They are sisters: Kindness and Beauty. We will save this world with Kindness.

She's everywhere, see? Look around! In the feeder, in every bread crumb.

She's smiling, just smile! And in a bowl of milk for the cat.”


solo singing class

Song "Pussy Blues"

Leading 2 :
The English say: “My home is my castle” and lock the gates.

And we propose today to open the doors, open the windows, let more warmth, light and fun into our hall.

We are with you! Life is always beautiful
And everyone is gifted with something.
Let only joy rule,
And the light of hope is not defeated.
In the whirlpool of all events,
At the most difficult point,
Hope, believe, create,
As the soul is commanded.

A piano class student performs for you


“Leshy” A. Klyucharyov

Presenter 2:

All people, without exception, need support and support. It is much easier to defend your interests and achieve your goals if you have friends and like-minded people nearby. Sometimes just one smile is enough, and someone next to you feels much better. Remember that when a person smiles, he radiates goodness and carries a charge of positive emotions. So let's give each other smiles now! Do you feel how the room has become warmer?
And now your cheerful mood will be supported


solo singing class

Song "Snowflake"

Presenter 2:

At our school they learn not only to sing wonderfully. In addition to the vocal department, there are also such instruments as: piano, button accordion, accordion, dombra, guitar. Experienced professional teachers help you master them. With the help of their mentors, the children get acquainted with the most interesting world of music. The most talented and hardworking of them represent our school and district at regional, regional and international competitions. Very soon the 49th regional educational competition for young musicians will take place in Kostanay. Our school will be represented by students from the national department. We now bring to your attention the performance of one of them.

On the stage 6. TROFIMOV EGOR

accordion class

E. Andosov “Auen” “Song without words”

Presenter 1:

Sahnada bolashakty oblys baikauynyn katysushysy

Dombyra sonybynyn okushysy


"Turki Alemi" play

Concertmaster S. Averyanova

(And again the future participant of the regional competition plays for you


dombra class

"Turki Alemi" »

Concertmaster S. Averyanova)

Presenter 2:

We wish you simple happiness,
And quiet earthly joy.
May life's bad weather
Always bypassed.
Store with care as before
There are beautiful features in my soul
As before, give generously to everyone
Fire of spiritual warmth.
For you, dear friends, stands


piano class

“Hope with Sad Eyes” by N. Poplyanov

Renata and Katya are also preparing to take part in an important piano competition, which will take place in Lisakovsk during the spring holidays. Let's wish them a successful performance and support them as friends


Presenter 1:

Or adamda ozinin ezhelgi armany bar. Take the barlyk jaks of the adamard and take the stings of the armands together with the heat, the basins will not be able to remove the toltyruyn armandaids.

Bugin bіz balalarmen bіrge ossy saule nuryn shashaiyk!

(Each person has his own secret dream. But all good people also have a common dream - to make the world brighter, cleaner and kinder.

Let's do this today together with the guys!)

Presenter 2:

We want happiness to reign in the world,
And people smiled again and again,
So that good things happen most often,
May love conquer all misfortunes!

Presenter 1:

Siz ushin Dombyra sonybynyn okushysy


M.Bisenovtyn “Sexen er” kuyimen

(Plays for you9.TURGANOVA NURIYA

dombra class

“80-er” M. Bisenov)

Presenter 2:

How many kind words there are on the Blue Planet:

Peace, Motherland, love, teacher, mother, children!

I want there to be more light

Goodness and beauty around us all,

So that summer shines in your soul all year round,

Warmth was given by the joy of kind eyes.


solo singing class

Song "I will draw"

Presenter 1:

Sahnada Dombyra sonybynyn okushysy




dombra class


Presenter 2:

What do you think will happen if you now invite cheerful, pretty girls onto the stage who can not only play, but also be strong friends?

It is clear that it will be a wonderful number!!!

Meet us! On the stage


Head I. Paleeva

"A cucaracha"

Presenter 1:

Sahnada Zheke әn salu sonybynyn okushysy


"Dudaray" animen


solo singing class

Song "Dudaray")

Presenter 2:

There are, as always, not enough good people,

There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.

Kind people are not always understood

The hearts of the kind hurt more.

Kind people generously help the sick,

Kind ones - they give warmth and comfort,

The good ones walk in step with the weak ones

And no “thank you” is expected.

And on our stage

14. Vocal ensemble "BAYTEREK"

Head: Ogorodnikova S.G.

Song "Topolya"

15. "Frozen"


solo singing class

Presenter 2:

In the lives of each of us there are people who are more important than all others combined. Of course, these are our parents. Parents are wealth! Their gift in the form of life given to us is priceless, we must remember this forever.

16.Vocal duet: PELTEC MAXIM


Song "Let's Pray for Parents"


solo singing class

Song "Just Give"

Presenter 2:

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute always.

And if it helps anyone

Your kindness, your smile,

That day was not lived in vain,

This means you are not living in vain.


Wasps of Merkelik notada bіz concertіmіzdi ayaktaymyz. Barlyғynyzғa densaulyңyңыз мқты, көңілінѣіз постіті віліп әдяйм қалаған тілECTерініз орнідлінѣіз інілінѣзіз!!! Kezdeskenshe deyin, kosh sau bolynyzdar!

(On this solemn note, we end the concert of students of the music department. We wish everyone present good health, good spirits, a positive mood and may all your wishes come true!! Until we meet again!!!)