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Sergey Lukyanenko fake mirrors fb2. “False mirrors” Sergei Lukyanenko. Quotes from the book “False Mirrors” Sergei Lukyanenko

Fake mirrors Sergei Lukyanenko

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Title: False mirrors

About the book “False Mirrors” Sergei Lukyanenko

In the virtual world, everything is possible - only death is impossible. It was like that before, but it's not like that anymore. Somewhere in the labyrinths of the Deep, a mysterious Someone has appeared with the ability to kill for real. But the death of people in the Depth is the death of the Depth itself.

And then divers take to the streets of Deeptown...

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “False Mirrors” by Sergei Lukyanenko in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “False Mirrors” Sergei Lukyanenko

Well, it seems that there are indeed mostly computer dummies around. One player enters the “Labyrinth” every second, but not two or three dozen...
– Shooter, have you ever thought that everything is the same in life? – Nike suddenly asks. - What's around are mannequins. With different faces, with different characters. Somewhere there is more free will, somewhere less. But still, ninety percent are dolls. Made by someone to make our lives more fun.
- Why did it happen? – I’m even a little lost at this assumption.
– Well, if you believe in the transmigration of souls... There are more and more people. Where does everyone get their soul from? Here are the mannequins wandering around.

Chingiz swears. Continuously. Quiet. Amazingly intricate.

Instead of answering, Chingiz runs up and runs into the crowd, hooting.

“Sasha... Sasha, my dear,” Padla says hoarsely. – Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake with the size? A?

“I was already tired of this whole idea,” Dick admits. “And out of anger, I pushed my entry point into a very peculiar place... at the last stage of the “Labyrinth of Death.”
- Idiot…

My body ached as if I had been forced to drive ten hours along a country road in the cab of an old truck. I turned off the overalls and began to undress. A picture of Vika was waiting on the screen.
- Vika, wake me up at nine thirty.
“Accepted...” a quiet, gentle whisper. - Alarm clock for nine thirty...

“They smoke,” Maniac answers gloatingly. – They eat their cholesterol hamburgers, slurping and choking. They chat on their cell phones for hours. They grew their butts, every second one. But they are fighting for health, be healthy! How we used to fight for peace, when we had more tanks than in the whole world... Almost everyone knows that the Earth is round, but they only guess that there is something else on it, besides America. Enough...

Sergey Lukyanenko with the novel False Mirrors for download in fb2 format.

In the virtual world, everything is possible - only death is impossible. It was like that before, but it's not like that anymore. Somewhere in the labyrinths of the Deep, a mysterious Someone has appeared with the ability to kill for real. But the death of people in the Depth is the death of the Depth itself. And then divers take to the streets of Deeptown...

If you liked the summary of the book False Mirrors, you can download it in fb2 format by clicking on the links below.

Today, a large amount of electronic literature is available on the Internet. The publication False Mirrors is dated 2006, belongs to the Fantasy genre and is published by AST Publishing House, AST Moscow, Khranitel. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Don’t be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but in the meantime you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free downloading in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-reader. Remember, if you really liked the novel, save it to your wall on a social network, let your friends see it too!

It seems that not so long ago people did not yet know what virtual reality was. But now every PC user has already heard about it. However, even when computers were just entering people’s lives, Sergei Lukyanenko created an amazing virtual world. Readers liked him before, and they still like him now.

The book “False Mirrors” became the second in the series about the virtual city of Deeptown, although initially the author did not plan to write a sequel to the first novel. Fans were too eager to find out what awaited the heroes next, and one novel gradually turned into a trilogy. All the characters turned out to be alive, imaginative, they are like real people who live next to you, and you worry whether they will be able to survive in the virtual world.

People like to live in the Deep, make friends there, and go to work. You can change your appearance or do something that you would never do in reality. Everything is possible here except death. Now there is no longer a need for divers - those who are stuck in the game are automatically thrown out. The divers are legendary. But that was for the time being.

In the vastness of the Deep, someone has appeared who can kill people not only in the virtual world. The deceased in the Deep dies in reality. Previously, this was impossible. But if people die here, then soon the Depth will cease to exist. And then the divers have to re-enter the game to save people and the virtual world with them.

On our website you can download the book “False Mirrors” by Sergei Lukyanenko for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.