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How many days does a dog go into heat? How often does a dog go into heat and how long does it last (features of breeds and how to determine heat) Smell and blood are normal

Estrus is a natural phenomenon that is better known as estrus in a dog. The first signs of this natural process indicate that the animal is ready to mate, since the main phase of puberty is completely completed at this point. Breeders of four-legged females need to know everything about what estrus is, when it first appears and whether there are any peculiarities in the behavior of the pet during this period. The owner can do everything possible to ensure that unwanted fertilization of the female does not occur.

It is easy to determine that an animal has gone into heat for the first time if you know how everything happens. Typically, the first signs of estrus can be seen between 6 and 12 months of age. Estrus often begins in almost two-year-old pets. The owner of a pet should be alarmed if the pet’s heat does not make itself felt even after this age.

An indicator of the health of the animal is also the cyclicality and correct frequency of the process. In most cases, discharge from a female occurs no more than a couple of times a year. Otherwise, if estrus occurs more frequently, its frequency may warrant a visit to the veterinarian. Most likely, the four-legged pet has experienced serious hormonal disruptions in its body.

How long does heat last?

How long estrus lasts in dogs is also an interesting point about which it is important to know at least general information. The duration of this biological process in animals depends on many factors:

  • at what age is the pet;
  • her breed;
  • general condition of the body;
  • living conditions, etc.

Often the duration of estrus in four-legged animals is about 20 days. Although it often takes up to 35 days. In any case, the duration of estrus for all pets may be different and determined by certain features.

Estrus phases in a pet

For breeders who would like to breed puppies, it is extremely important to know how this process generally works, how long it takes and when is the best time to breed. To do this, you need to understand each stage of estrus that takes place in the dog’s body:

  1. Proestrus lasts on average from a week to 10 days. At this time, a significant change occurs in the reproductive system, although there is no ovulation as such yet. The first manifestations of the process in the form of bloody discharge and swelling of the external genitalia help determine that the pet will soon be ready for mating. During this period, the males’ interest in her becomes noticeable, but when attempting to mate, the animal does not make contact. This behavior is explained by the dog's excitability and uncharacteristic playfulness.
  2. When ovulation begins, the female's tactics change dramatically. In the first couple of days from the moment when the pet becomes ready for mating, she is in constant excitement. She can allow males to approach her for mating for several days. The dog begins to do everything in order to attract the attention of males. If the discharge has not acquired a pale pink tint by this period, it is likely that ovulation has not yet occurred.
  3. The fact that she is in heat is indicated by both the external symptoms of the genital organs and the behavior of the female. If she stops allowing males to approach her, then such a manifestation can only indicate the cessation of estrus discharge.

As already mentioned, dogs go into heat differently. The duration and frequency of cycles may differ for representatives of different breeds. Typically, estrus often occurs twice a year in dogs: in the winter and in mid-autumn. But often, for example, northern breeds come into heat once a year, at the beginning of spring.

How does estrus manifest itself?

To understand what this phenomenon looks like, you need to have a clear idea of ​​where it all begins. Signs that your dog is about to go into heat:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Bloody discharge from the vulva.
  3. Aggression and behavior change.
  4. Interest from males.
  5. Shedding.

The first heat in dogs is an extremely important life stage. Often it goes away when the female has already completed the change of milk teeth to permanent ones. But it is almost impossible to determine for sure the period of its onset. Meanwhile, it is worth paying attention to some features of estrus in four-legged pets, due to breed differences. If your dog experiences significant deviations from the expected estrus dates, you should consult a doctor.

Features of estrus in animals of different breeds

Thus, in small animals, estrus begins at 6 months. In general, the deadline for signs of estrus to appear in small dogs is 10-12 months. By the age of one year, females usually have fully formed cyclicity, and the duration of discharge becomes the same. Signs of the process in dogs of small breeds can be called clearly expressed, regardless of whether this is the dog’s first heat or not.

Meanwhile, in larger animals, as well as representatives of medium breeds, they often appear only at 7-8 months. The occurrence of estrus closer to one year is also considered the norm. At 14 months, in the absence of pathology, the main manifestations of estrus can be noticed in all healthy dogs. However, it often happens that their first heat is sluggish. This is indicated by minor, mild symptoms. Due to the low intensity of secretions, males practically do not pay any attention to the female. But no matter how estrus proceeds, it is a full part of the dog’s reproductive cycle.

Postpartum heat: how soon does it happen?

Often the vigilance of owners is lulled by the birth of puppies. The birth of babies and feeding them with milk does not mean that the dog will not go into heat after giving birth. Estrus can definitely appear as early as a few months after giving birth. As a rule, the maximum time interval between the date of birth and the resumption of estrus is 6-7 months. You can judge your pet's new sexual activity by the same signs that occur during estrus in all dogs.

Meanwhile, if after giving birth an animal goes into heat, this does not mean that the dog is ready for mating. Many breeders try to do everything possible to prevent early unplanned mating, which can negatively affect the health of a female who has not yet recovered from a previous birth.

Estrus lasts as long in four-legged pets as in nulliparous females. In general, you can notice changes in the animal’s behavior and discharge from the vulva within 20-30 days. When the first bloody discharge appears in the female after giving birth, approximately 9 days should be counted from this moment. This period is the beginning of ovulation, which can last from 5 to 10 days.

After giving birth, the number of estruses per year in dogs should not exceed the number before the birth of puppies. As a rule, estrus in an animal that occurs 3-4 times a year indicates problems in the functioning of the reproductive system against the background of hormonal imbalance.

What should an owner do during a pet's heat?

In most cases, when a dog goes into heat after giving birth, this can result in considerable trouble for the owner. If the owner wants to avoid such problems, there is no need to do anything supernatural. You can prevent dirt throughout your home by using special underpants for dogs. They are sold at any pet store and veterinary pharmacy.

If it is extremely important for a dog owner to avoid new “consequences” of estrus after childbirth, it is advisable to walk the pet only on a leash. You can forget about precautions when estrus is completely completed. If the dog's next litter is not part of the owner's plans, it may be more advisable to consider sterilization, which can be done even during heat.

How estrus affects behavior in dogs, the duration of the difficult period and its cyclicity are the individual characteristics of each pet. We can talk about norms very conditionally, but they exist, and significant deviation from the norms sometimes signals health problems. A responsible owner must notice all the nuances and know what changes are possible during this period and how the girl behaves during the time of “love and passion.”

On average, the frequency of estrus in dogs is twice a year or three times every 14 months. Although some bitches, especially aboriginal breeds, are ready for dates only once a year. You should be concerned if heat does not occur for more than 8 months or if less than 4 months pass between periods. Since estrus in dogs is often delayed due to completely harmless reasons, we are not necessarily talking about a disease, but you still need to contact a veterinarian.

The exact estrus cycle in dogs becomes clearly defined only by the age of two years, if the pet is large, and by one and a half years, if we are talking about a decorative dog. During the period of growing up, pauses between estruses can be shortened or extended, which is the norm. But even adult ladies are not always loving “on schedule”: plus or minus two weeks before the significant date is the norm. In addition, the duration of estrus in dogs is not exactly a month (exactly a week, two, etc.), so the start and end dates of estrus shift from year to year. Those. the owner must record the dates constantly, because in very rare cases it is possible to accurately determine the dates by calculation.

It is important to remember not only how many times a dog comes into heat per year, but also which of the resting periods lasts longer. In most cases, cyclicity is easily observed: long and short resting phases alternate, replacing each other. For example, the duration of a dog's heat is two weeks. In April there is heat, then five months of rest, then heat again and six months of rest. If one of the heats occurs in the spring, the resting phases vary even more, amounting to 4 and 7 months alternately. If you forget about this feature and simply divide the year in half, you can incorrectly calculate the timing of the dog’s estrus, needlessly worrying about a delay that in reality does not exist.

How long?

On average, we are talking about three weeks, but this period is very arbitrary. A physiological disorder is considered to last less than a week or more than a month, but for some bitches even these periods can be considered the norm. You can understand only by observing the girl. It is advisable to identify periods of estrus and record the duration of each of them, so that in the event of a violation, the veterinarian, based on tests and the words of the owner, can quickly determine the reason for the delay or shortening of the resting phase.

The first phase of estrus is a period of bloody discharge, a gradual increase in the loop and constant growling towards persistent suitors. It is important to remember how long the dog’s heat does not cause hunting: with the onset of the time of “love”, the most dangerous or most desirable (if mating is planned) days come. Estrus or the second phase of estrus - mucous transparent discharge, a soft pliable loop, inviting games and characteristic poses when meeting male dogs. The girl often asks to go for walks, is disobedient during walks, and may run away in search of love. The third phase of estrus in a dog lasts as long as it takes the body to return to its normal state: the loop decreases, discharge stops, and the level of most sex hormones drops. As a rule, the duration of the phases is conditionally equal, plus or minus a couple of days.

It would seem that everything is simple to calculate, but the duration of estrus in dogs is influenced by many different factors. First of all, these are individual characteristics and heredity, so with a question about the period of love, it is wiser to contact the breeder if he has enough experience. In addition, the size of the bitch is important: large girls mature later and “walk” longer; estrus in small dogs is shorter and occurs earlier, sometimes as early as five months. The constitution also plays a certain role: wide bones, square format, voluminous muscles - later maturation and shorter estrus, light bones and overall slimness, leanness - earlier maturation and longer estrus.

How many days a dog's heat lasts is also influenced by the conditions of its keeping. If animals of different sexes are kept in the same house, estrus may be delayed. If the bitch is exhausted by excessive stress, contract. In winter, estrus is shorter, in spring and summer it is longer, which is especially noticeable when we are talking about kennel or enclosure dogs. A girl living in an apartment is almost not affected by the time of year, so the duration and frequency of estrus in dogs rarely changes with changes in the length of daylight hours and temperature conditions.

Among other things, the general condition of the bitch is important. There are many congenital pathologies that often do not affect health in any way, but determine how long dogs go into heat. These are not necessarily pathologies of the development of the reproductive system; the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other organs are responsible for the production of hormones, and therefore the sexual cycle. Chronic diseases can also change the duration of the cycle - systemic diseases, tumors, infections, “female” ailments, etc.

How long it takes for a dog to go into heat also depends on his age. Young healthy bitches bleed longer than teenagers and aging dogs. With age, not only the duration of estrus decreases, but also their frequency - the resting phase gradually increases from year to year. Although some girls remain active into old age. But there is no complete cessation of estrus just because of aging.

Do not forget to record how estrus affects the girl’s behavior, how many days the dog’s estrus does not cause a desire for love, how long the arousal phase and the resting phase last. This data will help if any changes suddenly occur. And remember that the veterinarian is the only competent person whose advice you can truly trust.

How estrus affects behavior in dogs, the duration of the difficult period and its cyclicity are the individual characteristics of each pet. We can talk about norms very conditionally, but they exist, and significant deviation from the norms sometimes signals health problems. A responsible owner must notice all the nuances and know how long his dog’s heat lasts, what changes are possible during this period, and how the girl behaves during the time of “love and passion.”

When does a dog's first heat start?

In females, puberty occurs at the age of approximately 7 months - 1.5 years (depending on whether the dog is a small or large breed), and is expressed by the fact that the female begins to shed heavily.

The first heat, unlike the next ones, is the shortest. Often only a weak manifestation of it is noted, the so-called hidden empty space is a slight discharge of blood, which attracts little male dogs.

In young bitches who are close to puberty, there is a possibility of false estrus; therefore, allowing mating, estrus can suddenly be interrupted without ovulation. But after a few days, the bitch can go into heat again and this time with ovulation. Signs of a female dog being in heat are bloody discharge from the loop, which makes her attractive to male dogs.

Duration of estrus

The duration of the process has a direct connection with the breed characteristics and dimensions of the ward. Small dog varieties first come into heat at about six months of age (this is an approximation). At the same time, some breeds, for example, the Yorkshire Terrier, will experience their first heat only around the age of one year.

In general, you need to be especially careful with small breeds of dogs during heat. In principle, it makes no difference to males what size your pet is. The powerful sexual instinct erases all dimensional boundaries. But for your baby this can become a big threat, because there is a likely risk of injury. Even if, by a happy coincidence, spontaneous mating takes place without consequences for the bitch, then the offspring from a large male simply cannot fit in the small uterus of the animal, and this can be fatal.

Estrus in dogs, regardless of breed, lasts at least 20-22 days, twice a year in young dogs and once in old dogs.

In large canine varieties, puberty occurs a little later, at approximately 12-18 months. The duration of estrus is individual for each individual, but it is believed that the optimal time for a successful mating is 12-14 days from its beginning, after which the bitch becomes more and more inert to the encroachments of males and by the 23rd day finally stops responding to them.

What signs can you use to determine if a dog is in heat?

Drops of blood on the sofa and floor, frequent urination, strange behavior uncharacteristic of a dog - all these symptoms indicate that the female has gone into heat.

Signs of heat:

  • My pet asks to go outside to the toilet more often than usual. At the same time, the female can mark with his urine every bush and every tree. In rare cases, the dog begins to pee in the house, trying to mark all corners and pieces of furniture with its scent.
  • Bloody discharge oozes from the female's genitals having a specific odor. In all places where the pet sat or lay, bloody drops remain, indicating that she has begun to go into heat.
  • Sometimes During this period, animals begin to shed intensively, leaving clumps of fur all over the house.
  • When a dog is taken for a walk, it shows an active interest in all the male dogs running past. In this case, the pet can try to break off the leash and run away from the owner.
  • During the period of estrus, the character of the animal also changes. Sometimes a favorite becomes overly excited and playful or behaves disobediently, not responding to the owner’s comments and commands. Some females, on the contrary, melt lethargic and sad, do not want to play and even lose their appetite.
  • A sign of heat can also be the fact that the dog often licks his genitals, in particular after each trip to the toilet.
  • Representatives of large breeds can act angry and aggressive even towards the owner. Therefore, it is advisable to limit walking with the dog, especially in places where children walk.

If the period of estrus coincides with the training and education of the dog, then classes must be postponed, since at this time the animal is not able to perceive and remember commands.

Stages of heat

The cycle consists of four periods:


At this stage, blood flow to the genitals increases. At this time, bloody discharge appears from the loop. This is explained by the fact that due to the flow of blood in the uterus, small vessels begin to burst, which leads to slight bleeding. Buy panties if you decide to use them. If not, remove the carpets. This indicates that the body is beginning to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth. At the same time, at this stage it is too early to make any meetings with the dog. There is no egg ready for fertilization yet, which means pregnancy will not occur, and the dog is unlikely to let the male dog in. It is especially noticeable at this stage how the pet’s behavior changes. It is possible to determine that estrus is beginning only by the fact that during walks the animal often sniffs the territory and shows attention to the opposite sex. That's why right now your pet may attack other female animals. The important question is: how long does this period last? As a rule, estrus lasts 7-10 days. During the entire period, you can use panties and prepare for the planned mating.


Next comes the second stage, when the dog is ready for mating. The duration of this period is only 4-12 days. But, as already mentioned, these terms are relative. It is noteworthy that as soon as the pet notices that a male dog is coming towards her, she immediately changes her behavior: she takes a characteristic pose and moves her tail. If she doesn’t let the male dog near, it means she’s not ready yet. In this case, the discharge stops, but the loop is still enlarged. During this period, the animal often pees at home and one should not scold her for this. You can make careful comments and walk your pet more often. Considering that this period does not last long, you should determine the favorable moment for mating in time. When the smearing stage passes, you can no longer use panties.


This period continues after the previous one for another 3-4 months. At this time, organ functions are restored. It is believed that the heat has already ended, but the recovery process begins. If there is no pregnancy and childbirth is not planned, hormone levels normalize. If it is the first time the woman is in heat, then an enlargement of the chest is observed. Naturally, panties are not needed at this time, since there is no discharge. Attention should be paid to the condition of the pets. Often, they then develop a false pregnancy with the processes of preparation for childbirth. Each owner should know what to do in this situation, how long recovery takes if there is no pregnancy, and what needs to be done before the next estrus to avoid complications.


This period lasts 110-140 days. It is he who determines the periodicity. In pets with regular estrus, it occurs 1-2 times a year. There is no need to do anything at this time.

Factors influencing the duration of estrus

Many dog ​​breeders have a question: if a dog is in heat, how many days does it bleed, and what influences the duration of this process. In fact, a variety of factors have an influence.

For example:

  1. Heredity, individual characteristics of the body.
  2. Pet size. Thus, large bitches mature somewhat later and their estrus usually lasts longer than representatives of small breeds.
  3. Constitution. How long estrus lasts in dogs is influenced by the parameters of the animal. So, if the body format is square, the muscles are well developed and voluminous, the bones are wide, then maturation will be later and the duration of estrus will be shorter. But in lean bitches, with a slender body and light bones, puberty occurs earlier and estrus lasts longer.
  4. Conditions of detention. When estrus occurs in dogs and how long it lasts depends on the presence of other animals in the house. So, if the apartment contains pets of different sexes, then the empty space tends to drag on. If the female is subjected to excessive stress, estrus is reduced.
  5. Season. So, in summer and spring the dog flows longer, and in winter - less. This is especially noticeable in four-legged animals that are kept in enclosures and booths. But for those who live in apartments, the season has virtually no effect. For such pets, the duration of the empty period extremely rarely changes with changes in temperature and day length.
  6. General condition of the animal. How long dog estrus lasts is influenced by various pathologies. Many of them do not affect the health of the pet, but appear exclusively on estrus. The thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and other organs are responsible for the development of the reproductive system and the production of hormones. If chronic diseases occur, the duration of the cycle also changes. For example, tumors, gynecological problems, various infections, systemic diseases have a significant impact on the duration of estrus.
  7. Age. Healthy, young females usually breed longer than juniors and older females. As a dog grows older, not only the duration of a dog’s estrus decreases, but also its frequency. Thus, the resting phase increases every year. True, some females remain active even in old age. Here it is necessary to note an interesting fact: empty space due to the aging of the body does not stop.

Before mating

If the owner has no experience in this matter, but offspring are planned, then it is better to start mating from the 3rd heat. By this point, the cycle will have improved, the female’s body will be stronger, pregnancy and childbirth will be successful.

By the third heat, the owner will have already determined the days of probable conception; they fall on days 11-16 from the beginning of the acute stage - estrus.

It is advisable to carry out mating in the first half of the day, without feeding the animal. Anti-flea and anthelmintic prophylaxis must first be carried out. This also applies to the male.

The process often takes place on the dog’s territory in a calm environment. Medium and large breeds do not require outside help, with the exception of the dog’s first boarding, where he can injure the bitch.

There are some nuances with small pets, depending on the size, constitution and the breed itself. What difficulties may arise during knitting:

  • The dimensions of mating dogs vary significantly.
  • Male aggression towards the pet owner.
  • Inaccurate determination of the peak of estrus in a girl.
  • Abnormal development of the female reproductive organs and tract.
  • Inappropriate body build (thinness, obesity).
  • Pathological processes of the urinary system.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Poor composition and structure of male seminal fluid.
  • Presence of fleas and worms.
  • Monitor the onset of the first estrus (no earlier than 6 months and no later than 1.5 years).
  • Consult a doctor if there is no or prolonged empty space.
  • Celebrate the beginning of a special period each time so as not to miss the next one.
  • Prepare, don’t forget about hygiene.
  • Walk without letting go of the leash, wear underpants.
  • You should not travel, attend exhibitions, championships.

Hygiene rules during estrus

Many owners wonder whether their pet needs special underpants for the estrus period. There are both pros and cons to their use.

But in some cases, owners use underpants for dogs during estrus. For example, if the dog is used to sleeping on a bed, or when traveling on public transport - to protect the dog from dirt during the period when it is most vulnerable.

When choosing sanitary panties, you should pay attention to the material: they should be made from natural fabrics, have a hole for the tail, and be adjustable in volume. The panties should not have seams so that they do not irritate the animal's skin. Also, the item must be suitable in size - the dog must be comfortable in it. There are options with Velcro, fasteners and even overalls or suspenders. Depending on whether the dog is used to wearing clothes, the choice of model depends. For female dogs, panties are sewn with a special pocket on the inside. It is designed for special gaskets.

Sometimes, in order to save money and if necessary, you can make such panties yourself, using cut-off rompers or children's shorts.

Problematic estrus in dogs

Next comes the period of the corpus luteum, followed by a period of sexual rest, which are approximately 60 and 120 days, respectively. During this period, females do not show signs of sexual arousal, there is no discharge from the genitals, and the external genitalia are of normal size.

In what cases should you consult a doctor during and after estrus:

1. Prolonged estrus, more than three weeks;

2. Heavy bleeding during estrus for three weeks or more;

3. Severe lethargy, refusal to feed and severe thirst, increased body temperature due to estrus;

4. Estrus, accompanied by cloudy discharge from the genital loop with an unpleasant odor;

5. Marked swelling of the mammary glands and the appearance of a large amount of secretion during estrus;

6. The appearance of discharge of various types after the end of estrus;

7. Increased or decreased number of estrus cycles;

8. Signs of false pregnancy (swelling of the mammary glands, decreased activity, restlessness of the animal) 2 months after the end of estrus;

9. Increased thirst in the female after the end of estrus, even in the absence of discharge from the genitals.

All of the above signs may be symptoms of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system and hormonal disorders, which require timely diagnosis and treatment.

To prevent the development of complications from the reproductive system of the female during estrus, provided that you do not intend to produce offspring, it is recommended to sterilize the animal at an early age. According to modern scientific research, it is better to do this before the onset of the first heat.

Why is there no heat?

With good general health and the state of the reproductive and hormonal systems, the dog's first heat occurs at the established usual times and then repeats with a certain cyclical regularity. If the dog is older than 18 months, and the first heat has not come, you should consult a veterinarian to find out the reason for this delay.

The main reasons for the delay/absence of the first heat:

  • poor living conditions, improper or insufficient feeding;
  • disruption of hormonal regulation of the reproductive system;
  • congenital disorders in the development and structure of the genital organs;
  • ovarian dysfunction (hypofunction, lack of appropriate hormones during the appropriate period);
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland and/or thyroid gland;
  • tumors and/or other neoplasms, cysts of the pelvic organs or directly on the ovaries;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • hermaphroditism (for example, when underdeveloped testes are found instead of ovaries).

How to behave as an owner

Many novice dog breeders do not know how to behave when their dog is in heat. Please note that it is better to sterilize the animal after the first heat, if you do not plan to breed puppies.

The issue of sterilizing a female dog during heat does not have a clear opinion, including among specialists in the field of modern veterinary medicine. The procedure itself (we are talking about the technique of sterilization) can be performed both during sexual heat and during the period of sexual rest. However, easily excitable dogs during estrus are highly sensitive and have difficulty withstanding anesthesia. For this reason, it is recommended that your dog be spayed once she is in heat.

Not every owner knows that during the estrus period the animal needs special care. So, you cannot scold the dog for unusual behavior and things in the house spoiled by secretions. It is best to purchase special elastic panties for dogs at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

When walking, be prepared for the fact that your dog may be the center of attention of members of the opposite sex. Today, according to the advice of experienced dog breeders, you can use a special spray that eliminates the smell of the bitch during estrus.

You need to walk your dog, holding it on a short leash, in places where there are no large concentrations of other animals. This will prevent accidental mating. Unplanned mating with a large male dog can not only result in the bitch becoming pregnant, but is also often dangerous for her health.

During estrus, you need to carefully monitor your dog's hygiene and feeding. To avoid catching some kind of infection, you should not allow your animal to swim in natural bodies of water. It is not recommended to take part in various exhibitions, competitions and sports competitions.

Some dog breeders resort to the use of hormonal drugs to induce, stop or delay the dog's estrus. The use of any medications, including hormonal ones, is inappropriate. There is no need to interfere with the natural physiological process of animal development and control it with any medications or hormonal agents.

Estrus in dogs is a natural and inevitable process. But it brings a number of everyday inconveniences to the owners, and is also capable of surprising with dramatic changes in the behavior of the pet. She stops obeying, ignores commands, dreams of “running away,” and walks turn the owner into a “means” of scaring away the tailed Don Juans. How to avoid unnecessary hassle during a special stage in the life of a female?

Bitches have a very strong emotional connection with their owner, become very attached, and are friendly and flexible. But during heat, even the most meek and phlegmatic “young lady” becomes simply uncontrollable. This usually happens twice a year.

Duration of estrus and its features

Other names for estrus are estrus and estrus. This is one of the stages of an animal’s reproductive cycle, a natural state that signals puberty and readiness for procreation. But in order to bear, give birth and raise healthy offspring, the bitch must also reach physiological maturity. If the owner plans to mate, the time of the first two estrus should be accurately tracked: it is better to mate the dog on the third estrus.

First heat

It is impossible to predict the exact timing, but it definitely occurs after the change of teeth. Also, sexual maturity has something in common with the process of heavy molting and depends on a number of factors.

  • Breed. The maturation of representatives of decorative breeds occurs in six to seven months, of average ones - in eight to ten. Estrus in large breeds most often begins at one and a half years; even 18 months is not considered a deviation from the norm. Individuals classified as infantile (poodles, boxers, retrievers, Labradors, Dobermans) reach sexual maturity at 12-14 months.
  • Genetics. When buying a “girl” puppy, be sure to inquire about hereditary predisposition: at what age did the mother, grandmother, aunt and older sisters start estrus.
  • Pheromones.
  • We are talking about animals living in the same family and influencing each other with smells. Male pheromones stimulate the maturation of females, while females unknowingly suppress the “maturation” of their same-sex female friends.

Lighting. Changing lighting affects the production of hormones. This does not apply to the natural alternation of day and night. Often, massive spring heats begin after very gloomy, cold, long winters.

In terms of time, the first empty space is the shortest. In many young dogs it can go unnoticed: with minor bleeding that stops by the third to fifth day. Early estrus can be false, without ovulation. After two to four months (sometimes earlier), the second, real one, begins. A fairly predictable and precise cycle is then usually established.

Despite the light discharge, to which male dogs react little, owners should not let their guard down while walking. When walking females of small breeds, do not allow a large “groom” to tag along with your pet. This can have the most negative consequences for the health of a miniature individual.


  • Due to a hormonal “explosion,” the pet becomes overly active, “flirtatious,” and disobedient. Other symptoms:
  • swelling of the loop;
  • dark red discharge;
  • drops of blood on the bedding or floor;
  • frequent urination;
  • constant licking of the loop;
  • aggression towards other bitches;
  • increased interest in male dogs (but does not allow him to approach him);
  • change in diet (sharp “eating” or, conversely, refusal to eat);

reaction to a touch on the back (freezes, arches).


  • The duration of the cycle is influenced by:
  • weight and size of the female;
  • psycho-emotional characteristics;
  • conditions of detention;
  • training intensity;
  • general well-being;

chronic diseases.

Estrus in young females is always longer than in older females. However, it does not stop even in dogs of “advanced” years. That is, these Canines do not have a “menopause,” and even a 15-year-old pet can become pregnant, which is dangerous for herself and her offspring.

Discharge may also be present after estrus: transparent, mucous, spotting, neutral odor. This is the norm. In any other situation, you must contact a veterinarian.


As can be seen from the table, emptying occurs in four stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, anestrus.

Table - Characteristics of estrus periods

Heat stageDuration, daysWhat is characteristic
Proestrus8-12 - A rush of blood to the genitals (loops swell);
- small amounts of bleeding;
- increased frequency of urination;
- state of excitement;
- playfulness;
- marking the territory (at home, on the street);
- simultaneous interest and aggression towards the opposite sex (keeps away males)
(ovulation on days 2-4, “dangerous days”)
- Softer vulva;
- different nature of discharge (pale pink, liquid, dark insignificant, stops altogether);
- readiness for mating (allows the male, stretches out, moves his tail to the side)
Metestrus (diestrus)From 2 to 10- End of bleeding;
- loss of interest and aggression towards male dogs
AnestrusFrom 60 to 150- Sexual rest;
- return to previous lifestyle (if pregnancy does not occur)

During metestrus (whether fertilization has occurred or not), progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, increases in the female’s body. Due to hormonal imbalance, a false pregnancy may appear in the sixth week after pregnancy. Signs: swollen nipples, colostrum and discharge from the loop appear, mood swings and a desire for loneliness are observed.

The periods of estrus are stable for six years. Then the duration of anestrus increases, as do the intervals between emptyings.

Traditionally, the period favorable for conception is 9-15 days from the beginning of estrus.


Abnormalities in health (presence of diseases, tumors) are indicated by the absence of estrus. And also its “non-standard” symptoms: duration longer than usual, “chaotic” onset, empty space without discharge. To calculate the next cycle, record the dates on the calendar. By tracking the schedule, you will not miss possible problems in canine “gynecology”.

The following signs of estrus are considered abnormal.

  • Bloodless (dry). It is also called hidden or “white”. There are no visible signs other than behavioral changes and swelling of the loop. At the same time, the ovaries work in a normal rhythm, females become pregnant after mating and have full-fledged offspring. Therefore, “bloodlessness” in the classical sense is not a violation of the cycle. One of the difficulties is to determine the period of sexual heat; for this, a laboratory examination is carried out: a blood test and a smear are taken.
  • Frequent.
  • If your pupil has a leak three or four times a year, this indicates problems in the body and requires veterinary intervention.

Lingering. The situation is even more alarming. There are several reasons - from hormonal to oncological. However, in females during puberty, “protracted juvenile proestrus” is allowed, when this phase lasts up to 40-50 days and is considered the norm.

Dry estrus is a little-studied problem, although in recent years it has become increasingly common and in a variety of breeds. Scientists are inclined to believe that this condition is hereditary. Climate, ecology, electromagnetic factors play a role, as well as feeding animals with dry food of dubious quality.

After childbirth

After the birth of offspring, dogs recover quickly. The first signal is postpartum discharge. Estrus begins after four months. The time period can increase to six months if there was a large litter or the female fed the puppies for a long time. A void that occurs after three months is considered early and indicates hormonal imbalances.

Precursors - increased urination, drops of blood from the loop. After 10-15 days, the discharge becomes transparent straw-colored and mucous. Lasts about three to four weeks. During this time, the dog must be walked on a leash.

After sterilization

It all depends on the type of intervention. With complete removal of the internal genital organs, the emptying ceases completely. The result is similar after oophorectomy (only the ovaries are removed). Although it happens that their functions are taken over by the adrenal glands, and estrus resumes. It also persists after sterilization, during which the fallopian tubes are tied.

Rules for keeping a pet these days

  1. This is quite a troublesome matter. The female becomes susceptible to infections. High risk of unwanted mating. The following eight tips will help keep your pet out of trouble. Avoid drafts and cold floors
  2. . Do not allow to lie on a cold or wet surface. Make sure you have warm bedding. Protect from intense loads, do not allow to jump over high barriers.
  3. Don't overfeed. The daily feed intake should correspond to the usual one.
  4. Avoid long walks. Walk often, but for 10-15 minutes. Reduce the time in frosty, wet and windy weather.
  5. Walk on a short leash. Even the most well-mannered dog can run away. A leash will prevent contact with other animals.
  6. Don't allow mating. Even if the female is off the leash, try to prevent her from communicating with the opposite sex. It is impossible to separate animals during mating.
  7. Postpone participation in competitions. Shows and heat are incompatible. The dog will cause anxiety among male participants, and may itself be unpredictable.
  8. Protect from infections. They are often picked up when swimming in open water. Bathe your child at home and without detergents, so as not to disturb the microflora.

Hygiene requirements

At the everyday level, the biggest inconvenience for owners is bloody discharge. The females are clean and constantly lick themselves, but this is not enough - the marks still remain on the floor and on the furniture. A smart solution is to roll up carpeting to prevent your dog from getting it dirty. You also need to regularly change the bedding on her sleeping place.

The ideal “hygienic” solution is special underpants (diapers) for dogs. Such clothing ensures cleanliness in the house and also allows you to avoid the annoying attention of male dogs. They are sold in pet stores, veterinary pharmacies and clinics. However, experts do not advise abusing this know-how, believing that the animal should lick itself. Definitely, panties are worn on a female who is accustomed to sleeping in her master’s bed, when she is transported in a car or public transport, or for walks.

Choose a hygiene product:

  • to size;
  • made from natural material;
  • with hole for tail;
  • with volume regulators (Velcro, suspenders, fasteners, overalls);
  • without rough seams;
  • with pockets for pads on the inside.

For reasons of economy, you can sew panties with your own hands from old onesies or children's shorts. A convenient option is a diaper made from baby diapers. For dogs, “three” and “four” are most often suitable, corresponding to the animal’s weight from 4 to 15 kg.


Dogs are smart, but subject to the influence of instincts. The strongest is procreation. No matter how much you play it safe, the female, following “nature,” will do the possible and the impossible in order to “marry” the first person she meets.

If you do not intend to breed, consult your doctor about which contraceptive method to choose for your pet. Note that a leash and fence are not considered reliable contraceptives.


Birth control pills are generally given to the dog within a month before the estimated date of estrus, that is, a course every six months. According to indications, hormonal drugs are prescribed to females who have already had at least one empty spot. Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, pregnancy.

It is not recommended to interfere with the reproductive cycle of an animal for more than two years. This is fraught with diseases of the cardiovascular system and hormonal disorders. Tablets can provoke the appearance of cysts and the development of purulent inflammation of the uterus (pyometra).


A contraceptive injection is convenient, but temporary. It is done a month before the expected estrus date, and not after mating, as many owners mistakenly think.

The method is effective with precise and regular emptying. Considering that it repeats on average once every six months, you will have to see a veterinarian every 4.5-5 months. If the empty space started earlier, consider that “the train has left.”

Terminating an unwanted pregnancy in a dog is difficult. Due to the structure of the animal’s genital organs, abortion is the same as a caesarean section, only in the early stages.


If you do not intend to devote yourself to breeding work, and your pet is a companion and friend, then it is better to sterilize it. By doing this, you will prevent a number of diseases of adulthood, including the most common “female” ailment - breast cancer.

The operation is most often performed at the age of eight to ten months, after the first heat. It’s not worth it earlier: the internal organs are still growing, and removing one of them can lead to deformation of the neighboring ones. Animals are also sterilized for medical reasons: in the presence of tumors of the mammary glands or uterus, “problematic” estrus, systematic false whelping, pseudolactation.

The procedure has its supporters and opponents, who argue for this reason with enviable consistency.

The advantage is that sterilization reduces or eliminates the risks of developing:

  • malignant tumor of the mammary glands;
  • pyometra;
  • anal furunculosis;
  • cancerous tumors on the ovaries and uterus.
  • oncology - the risk of developing bone cancer increases (especially in large breed bitches), the risk of spleen hemangiosarcoma doubles, and the risk of heart cancer increases fivefold (in certain breeds);
  • hypothyroidism - the likelihood of development increases three times;
  • excess weight - up to obesity;
  • urinary incontinence - in 4-20% of females, susceptibility to urinary tract diseases is also recorded;
  • negative reactions- severe side effects may occur after vaccination.

There is no consensus among doctors regarding sterilization. However, the majority are still on the side of this not very complicated operation. It is done under general anesthesia, and after a couple of weeks the dog feels completely healthy.

Doctors call the procedure humane. And despite all the advantages of the animal, they advise not to “humanize” the dog, attributing to it their own experiences and doubts about the correctness of the choice made.

Risks of accidental matings

After a street “marriage”, the pet will return home at least dirty, thin, flea-ridden and, most likely, pregnant. However, in addition to unwanted conception, the animal can get into much more serious trouble.

The onset of a dog's heat is a new period in its life when it is ready to bear puppies. The time of estrus will require maximum attention and care from the owner for his pet.

When does a dog go into heat?

The dog owner cannot prepare in advance and determine the moment when estrus (estrus, hunting) begins. For different breeds, the time when they are ready to bear children occurs at different ages. Estrus in small breed dogs can occur at the age of 6 months, in larger breeds from 1 to 2 years.

At six months of age, small dogs are not yet ready to give birth. Their emptiness can manifest itself in different ways and last only a few days. It can suddenly appear and just as suddenly disappear, without even causing a reaction from the males.

In representatives of large breeds, puberty occurs at the age of one to one and a half years and can also proceed inexpressively. The formation of the body of large dogs ends by 2–3 years.

How to determine the onset of heat?

The exact duration of the sexual cycle, the start time and the end time can only be determined using laboratory methods. To do this, blood is taken to check the level of the hormone progesterone and a smear. But it will not be difficult for an owner who knows his dog well to determine that he is in heat.

Characteristic signs will help him:

  • behavior changes, the animal becomes more active, playful, and behavior can change from aggressive to lethargic;
  • discipline decreases, a once obedient pet may not follow commands and obey poorly;
  • frequent urination, often leaves marks when walking;
  • interest in the opposite sex, increasing day by day;
  • blood discharge appears, traces of which can be found in the dog’s resting place;
  • when you carefully touch the loop, the bitch moves her tail to the side and freezes;
  • bitches of some breeds begin to shed.

Phases of the sexual cycle

Estrus in dogs (sexual cycle) is divided into 4 periods:

  • Phase 1. Start of estrus (proestrus)- the phase averages 6–9 days. During this period, the bitch changes her behavior, she shows interest in male dogs, but she does not let them get close to her. Dogs try to lick up bloody secretions, so it can be difficult to track them.
  • Phase 2. Hunting (estrus)- this stage, which lasts from 4 to 9 days, is characterized by the dog’s complete readiness for intercourse. Bitches who had heavy bleeding in the first phase become weaker and more fluid in the estrus stage. Ovulation can occur at the beginning of this phase or on days 2–4.
  • Phase 3. Recovery (diestrus)- This period takes 8 to 10 days. This is the time when the bitch does not want to accept any more males. Swelling of the vulva is subsiding. Bloody discharge stops, but mucous discharge may appear. It is during this period, whether the animal is fertilized or not, its level of progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone, increases. In this regard, some bitches show signs of false pregnancy, which, as a rule, disappear on their own after a few days.
  • Phase 4. Period of sexual rest (anestrus). It continues until the next start of the hunt. Its duration depends on many factors: time of year, feeding conditions, maintenance, breed itself, etc. In most cases, hunting takes place with a break of 6 months.

The intervals between the phases of the reproductive cycle are stable for 6 years, then the rest period and the time interval between estrus increases.

After the age of eight, dogs no longer tolerate pregnancy and feeding puppies well. For a breeding bitch, the eighth year of her life is the last when she is bred to produce offspring. Frequent births are harmful, so it is believed that she should have no more than 6 litters.

As a rule, emptying lasts 3 weeks and includes the first 3 phases of the cycle, but cases from 9 to 30 days are possible.

Cycle disorders

The reproductive cycle is the main indicator of an animal's health. Because how long a dog's heat lasts, owners can judge their health. Any deviations serve as a signal of the presence of diseases.

Violations may be the following:

  • Pustovka occurs more often or less often than 2 times a year (with the exception of breed predisposition).
  • The protracted phase of the onset of heat - the discharge continues for more than 3 weeks, but the bitch is not yet ready for fertilization. Most often, the cause is associated with a deficiency of hormones that regulate the functioning of the sex glands.
  • Split estrus is characterized by repeated manifestations of symptoms. The bitch shows all the signs of estrus and quickly disappears, but after a few days they appear again. This is due to insufficient synthesis of the hormone that stimulates the release of eggs from the ovaries. This phenomenon is typical for young animals under 2 years of age. But it can also be a consequence of inflammatory diseases.
  • Aggressive behavior with male dogs during hunting.
  • A prolonged stage of estrus lasting more than 3 weeks, when ovulation does not occur and pregnancy does not occur.
  • There is such a thing as dry or hidden estrus. At the same time, there are no manifestations of external signs of readiness for mating: blood discharge and a swollen genital loop. But the bitch can still get pregnant safely.

If the discharge is prolonged (more than 30 days), and even more so if it contains greenish inclusions, and the dog has lost its appetite and there is an increase in temperature, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

What should the owner do?

A dog's first heat does not mean she is ready to breed. Moreover, mating an animal at this time is strictly prohibited. Early matings will only slow down the development of the body. Moreover, the mammary glands are not yet formed, so puppies from young mothers will not receive proper nutrition.

You need to watch the animal very carefully while walking. Accidental mating should not be allowed. This can cause not only physical trauma to the ward, but also psychological trauma. The dog must not be let off the leash. You can protect her from being chased by cables by wearing special diapers so that they do not smell her secretions.

If the dog is a show dog, then it is better not to attend exhibitions during the hunting period or to use medications in the form of sprays during this period that remove the odor.

During heat, the bitch must be protected from hypothermia. Reduce time spent walking in rainy, cold weather. Do not overload with active physical exercise.

The opinions of dog breeders, breeders and veterinarians are divided on the question of whether it is possible to bathe a dog during heat. Some believe that estrus is a completely ordinary and normal physiological process, the loop is no more open than in a calm state, and therefore there is no need to change the animal’s life. Others argue that swimming, especially in open water, can lead to genital tract infections.

The question of sterilization during estrus also remains open. Some veterinarians believe that sterilization surgery does not pose a threat to the animal. The other part indicates a possible risk of bleeding and further hormonal imbalance.

If the owner decides to breed a dog, then 2 months before breeding it must be dewormed. Veterinarians and livestock specialists recommend starting to feed the animal with vitamins and minerals 1–2 months before the third estrus. This will strengthen not only her immunity, but also future puppies.

After intercourse, continue walking on a leash, since the dogs' heat is not over yet, and they will continue to attract males.

Hunting suppression

When kept in apartments, dogs in heat can cause significant inconvenience to owners. Pills that prevent or stop hunting are seen by them as the best way to eliminate inconvenience. But to prevent emptying or stop it, only hormonal drugs will help. There are phytotherapeutic and homeopathic remedies on sale, but they are ineffective.

Tablets and injections saturate the body with synthetic sex hormones and suppress the processes that cause estrus. There is an effect, but you need to remember the consequences. Giving a dog such contraceptives means increasing diseases of the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and provoking various tumors and cysts.

Hormonal pills, as a one-time measure, implying that the animal will still have offspring, can lead to disruption of the reproductive cycle, infertility, difficult childbirth, and stillborn puppies.

But still, if a dog is acquired not for breeding work, but as a pet, then the owner should think about sterilization.

The operation is carried out in two ways:

  • tubal ligation;
  • removal of the uterus and ovaries.

In the first case, dogs go into heat in a normal cycle: there will be mating, mating, but they will not be able to get pregnant. In the second case, estrus stops completely.