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Slang - text abbreviations in English with translation and examples: wtf, omg, brb, lol and others. What is "omg"? Examples of using the expression

The expression “understand at a glance” has recently become increasingly widespread. Either human laziness or constant busyness leads to the fact that in messages on social networks many people not only do not complete words, but use either their abbreviation or non-standard abbreviations, mainly consisting of consonant letters.

Some such acronyms have acquired the status of independent parts of speech and are firmly entrenched even in colloquial slang.

What does LOL mean?

For example, “lol,” an English word meaning uncontrollable laughter, came to us around 2003 with mobile emoticons. For many, instead of bright yellow balls, in response to a humorous phrase, three large letters LOL were knocked out, which subsequently began to be included in a certain context of expressions.


OMG – oh, my God! An exclamatory phrase, but already an American one, which has a literal translation as “Oh, my God!” You can also find the Russian abbreviation “omb”, but it is used very rarely due to the awkward pronunciation of the last letter “b”. OMG also expresses extreme surprise or outrage.

66 (bb)

Instead of goodbye, you can see a double “b” in SMS communication. The person who sent such an Internet meme simply says “bye bye” or “bye-bye” in English. It was the first two letters of the foreign expression that replaced the standard “goodbye.”

What does KK mean?

KK – of course, of course! The abbreviation of double “k” is precisely a striking example of reducing time in correspondence. There is even one cute legend about this. Allegedly, in an online conversation with one client, a lawyer, rushing to confirm his consent to further cooperation, responded to a question asked on social media. network, I silently agreed twice, but when I looked at the screen, instead of two words, there were two letters “k”, and under them a bunch of question marks from a surprised and incomprehensible lady.


The phrase “maybe”, especially on Vkontakte, during correspondence, was also noticeably reduced to the first two letters “mb”, as well as the phrase “personal messages” - to “ls”.

PM is more common in public records, especially in groups where the administration sometimes asks you to send wishes, complaints, objections, etc. to PM.

What does SPS, SP Vkontakte mean?

Thank you on Vkontakte is also brief, in the form of “thank you” or “sp”. It turns out that when typing the entire word “thank you”, according to the rules, both hands are used, but with the short version - only two fingers.

An emoticon in the form of “xz”, which is often used as an impudent smile, generally means an impartial and even offensive expression “who knows”. The person who sent such an acronym is clearly in a hostile mood and instead of answering “I don’t know” or “I don’t know”, he puts such a symbol.

But the expression “bro”, contrary to the opinion of many, is very positive and positive. Literally it means “brother”, “buddy”, “buddy” and comes from the English abbreviation bro – brother.

There are a great variety of similar Internet memes, from quite peaceful to obscene and evil. The most interesting thing is that not all of them were invented thanks to human wit. Resourcefulness and quick wits play a big role here, because even a minor spelling error can give a word a completely different meaning and application.

Every year, correspondence on the Internet is increasingly saturated with a variety of abbreviations and abbreviations that convey various phrases and emotions in a compressed form. People must be getting lazy about typing messages, and they are trying to optimize this process as much as possible.

In linguistics, there is even a special term for commonly used abbreviations - acronyms. Of course, this section of the language is not limited only to Internet traditions, but they already occupy a significant part of it.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to understand the various letter combinations SY, BRB, AFK and so on. For example, what does the widely used OMG mean? How to pronounce, understand and use it correctly? Let's look at this reduction in more detail.

Abbreviation OMG

OMG- one of the oldest and most widely known abbreviations of the “new era”. It has long gone beyond the web and is often used by representatives of different generations around the globe, regardless of age and language.

Literally, the acronym “OMG” stands for “Oh my God” or “Oh, Lord!” in Russian version. Using this short construction, you can express a wide range of emotions to your interlocutor, from delight to complete disgust. Like the original, "full-length" phrase, the acronym "OMG" is an interjection whose meaning depends entirely on the containing text.

  • Do you remember Seryozha? Isn't he a nice guy?
  • OMG, how can you even remember him? He drowned his hamster in chicken broth!
  • Let's go to that restaurant for the anniversary of our meeting.
  • Are you really going to invite me there?! OMG, your friends will be jealous! You are the best guy in the world!
  • The lead singer of this group died tonight.
  • OMG, no! He was my favorite singer! Now I will be depressed.


As can be seen from the examples, the abbreviation « OMG» used in emotional phrases of all possible moods in order to emphasize the writer’s experiences. However, it goes without saying that its use is only appropriate in informal correspondence. It’s worth remembering this, because we don’t put emoticons in business letters.

The pronunciation of the abbreviation “OMG” does not imply any special nuances; this construction in speech sounds exactly the same as it is written - “omg”, that is, [about me ge]. In English transcription the situation is the same - [about emji].

By the way, this is one of the few acronyms that have become firmly established not only in epistolary slang, but also in the oral speech of many peoples of the world. It is better not to use the Russified version of “omb”, meaning “oh my God”. He doesn't practice speaking, so you may not be understood.

Examples of popular abbreviations on the Internet

To date, dozens, if not hundreds of more or less established abbreviations have accumulated in the Internet environment, which makes it very difficult to become fully familiar with them. However, if every time you come across an unknown construction, you find out its meaning, then very soon you will master a basic set of popular acronyms.

Below are 5 of the most famous of them:


It may seem like this contraction has something to do with laughter, but it doesn't. The literal meaning is “hugs and kisses.” In the Russian version it can be deciphered as “kiss - hug”. This is one of those mini-constructions in which the letters do not carry a speech load, but are only symbols (X - kiss, O - hug). So it is more correct to consider it as a complex emoticon.


Also one of the most popular acronyms, used not only in written but also in spoken language.

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The oldest abbreviation that preceded the usual kolobok bursting with laughter. Explanation: “rolling on the floor laughing,” that is, “rolling on the floor laughing.”

By the way, I wonder if this has happened to at least one person from those who constantly use ROFL in speech. An analogue of the old Albanian “pazzatalom”.

One of my friends very often uses two words “LOL” and “OMG” when communicating via the Internet. When I asked her what these words meant, she replied that “LOL” is a response to someone’s funny message, something like “laugh,” but she doesn’t really know what “OMG” is. I decided to conduct my own “investigation” and find out what these two words actually mean and where did they come from?

It turns out that these words, abbreviations from Internet slang, have long become independent words, and in England they are even included in the Oxford Dictionary. However, these words were born in England. The word LOL stands for "laughing out loud" and means "to laugh out loud." Well, OMG means “oh my God,” translated into Russian it will sound like “oh, my God.”

However, in the Russian language there is no exact word for translation of these expressions, so everyone translates them for themselves in their own way. For example, in addition to the aforementioned “laugh,” the word “LOL” is also translated as “uh-hahaha” or is simply written as it is in response to someone’s very funny joke or expression, when it is simply impossible to express all your fun and laughter with a simple emoticon. Sometimes the word “LOL” is used with irony, sarcasm, and mockery. Sometimes it can be translated this way: they blurted out such nonsense that I’m lying under the table.

The British themselves, most often, instead of the word “LOL”, use another version of it - lololol.

OMG is used very rarely in Russian. Maybe the whole reason is that this word in Russian has only an obscene analogue.

It is not to be expected that these two words will appear in our Russian dictionaries. Our linguists are not yet ready to accomplish such a “feat”. However, it is still worth arguing about whether such words as “LOL” and “OMG” are needed in Russian dictionaries. And this dispute will clearly not be in favor of the latter.

For some reason, our dictionaries have difficulty accepting words - neologisms. But sometimes in the most ordinary dictionary of the Russian language you can find words such as “eyes”, “finger” or “mouth”. And no one is against the fact that these words, which have fallen out of use, are practically out of use, are explained there. So why not write words like “LOL” and the like in dictionaries?

No, I don’t think that the simple and understandable phrase “I’m funny” should be replaced once and for all with the word “LOL” or, even worse, the word “laughing,” which just makes me sick. But is it possible to somehow get out of the situation? If these words - abbreviations - are used quite often on the Internet and every interlocutor of all kinds of chats knows them, does this mean something? Probably, without these words, Internet communication would be simply boring. And most often it is young people who communicate using chats, who want to somehow push the boundaries of everyday life and rules. And these words help to do this, at least in virtual communication. However, no virtual communication can replace a simple conversation in which the interlocutors see each other’s eyes and can feel each other’s mood. And here no “laughing magic” is simply needed.

Today we will talk about fashionable computer abbreviations(and not only). We have two wonderful videos on this topic. Let's get started!

asap= as soon as possible. This abbreviation is often used for letters and short notes at work (called memo) and is translated "As soon as possible". For example, “Call me back asap!” means “Call me back as soon as possible!”

What is IOU?

iou= “I owe you.” This word can be used within business relationships and is translated "I owe you"(usually about money). In legal English, the abbreviation IOU refers to a signed document certifying the existence of debt obligations.

Principles for reading some abbreviations

Our savvy reader could already guess on his own that some abbreviations in English you can simply spell it out or numbers, and get a meaningful phrase. First, let's look at the most common symbols:

  • u = you (you);
  • r = are (there is);
  • c = see (see);
  • y = why (why);
  • 8 = ate (ate);
  • 2 = two/to/too (2/to/too);
  • 4 = for (for).

New abbreviations are appearing at great speed, but once you understand the basic logic and mechanism of formation, you will be able to decipher them yourself! The main thing is to know how the letters are read. Examples: ICQ = I seek you (I am looking for you), icu = I see you (I see you), i4cu = I foresee you (I foresee you), sk8 = skate (skate). A little more complicated: y u no...? = why you no (why don’t you)...? = why don't you...?

Yes, that's right, there is an ERROR: ...cat don’t... Such

Unfortunately, not all abbreviations are so easy to decipher. Those abbreviations where each letter corresponds to a word are called initial abbreviations. For example, LST = Large Solar Telescope, UNSC = UNSC = United Nations Security Council = United Nations Security Council. Even more unfortunately, they can have many meanings... For example, UNSC can also stand for United Nations Space Command.


lol= laugh out loud = I laugh out loud= LOL. This is probably the most popular abbreviation on the Internet, so everyone should know it!

What does BRB mean?

brb= be right back. If during conversations on ICQ or Skype you need to go to the toilet, you can write brb to your interlocutor, which means "I'll be there soon". This abbreviation will also be useful for gamers to know.

OMG what does this mean

omg= oh my god = Oh my God! This abbreviation is especially popular among young girls. According to some English speakers, the word God can offend the feelings of another person, so it is better to say oh my goodness/gosh. However, the translation into Russian will not change.

WTF translation

wtf- one of the many informal (read obscene) abbreviations. It expresses an extreme degree of misunderstanding and stands for what the fuck = what the f...?/what the fuck? Naturally, this phrase may sound offensive and unpleasant. try to use it only in the company of friends. Otherwise mom will find out and make an attack.

Other abbreviations

  • plz = please = please;
  • l8r = later = later;
  • ?4u = question for you = question for you;
  • jk = just kidding = just kidding;
  • asl = age, sex, location = age, gender, location (used when dating online);
  • ttyl = talk to you later = let's talk later;
  • cya = see you = see you;
  • np = no problem = no problem;
  • idk = I don’t know = I don’t know;
  • tmi = too much information = too much information;
  • k = okay = okay/good.

For examples of the use of these abbreviations and the subtleties of their use, watch the video! Want even more speeds? 😉 Watch the lesson.

The Internet has its own fashion. Everyone who uses the Internet regularly, at least once a day, knows about this. Only, unlike real life, where fashion extends to style, appearance, some things, shoes or clothes, on the Internet fashion manifests itself in communication and in trends that are popular at one time or another.

in the Internet?

So, if we talk about fashion trends, then it could be any event that has become popular among Internet users. For example, an upcoming holiday, some international competition, the release of a film or book. You can notice that this event is in fashion by how it is reviewed in the community, on various platforms where communication takes place in a public form. Such platforms include blogs, VKontakte groups, forums, communities on other social networks, and chats in games. The form in which this or that trend can be presented also varies - the event can be ridiculed and presented completely seriously; it can be characterized in a positive or negative way, and so on. In addition to events, a word, phrase, or even a phrase can become fashionable. For example, at one time the expression “omg” was popular. What this means is known to many Internet users who use the network at least a couple of times a day.

Lol and omg - what does this mean?

Many popular expressions came to us from English-speaking users. This is not surprising, since their prevalence is due to the demand for the English language itself. This means that not only Americans, but also Chinese, Europeans and other peoples around the world can use the word "lol". This expression, by the way, is used in cases where a person wants to emphasize how funny he is (literally the phrase means: “I laugh very loudly”). Another word - "omg" - has also become quite popular. It expresses surprise and means oh my God, and is translated - “My God!”

Where do online buzzwords come from?

It is not known exactly who exactly comes up with different popular words. In general, we can only say, for example, that the birthplace of the word “omg” is Dota (the most popular online game), since it was from its chats that it began to be used in everyday life. In particular, it was her players who most often wrote the phrase “omg stats”, showing surprise at the statistics of themselves or their colleagues. Most likely, this is where this word came from. Now, for example, Omg Dota is the name of one of the expansions in the game, which is somewhat different from its basic version.

There are also versions of how phrases like “lol”, “wtf”, “idk” appear. Everyone knows what they mean, but when exactly they were used for the first time is unclear, since this is folklore, folk art.

How to be “on topic”?

Since there are quite a lot of similar fashionable phrases, words and abbreviations, the question arises of how to be “in the know” in order to know them all and not ask every time: “Omg - what does this mean?” There is only one answer - communicate online.

You can, of course, constantly ask questions to your friends, who often sit in different online chat rooms, and find out the most current information in this way. However, you may not always be able to understand the true meaning of new words. If you are really interested in this, we recommend that you yourself participate in “online life”, which, by the way, has already absorbed many people from reality around us. If you really give part of your personal time to the Internet, then questions like “omg - what does this mean?” will be irrelevant to you.

Diversity of Internet Trends

Recently, you can notice that a single set of Internet trends has begun to fragment, splitting into different directions in communication. For example, VKontakte communities can use their own terms, while Dota players actually speak their own slang.

A kind of specialization occurs, during which a person has his own sphere of communication on the network. This, in turn, shows how much it is expanding and developing in parallel with the real one.