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Shar Pei dog (photo): a loyal dog with an amazing appearance. Shar Pei: description of the breed and everything about it All about Shar Pei


Origin: China

Class: according to the FCI classification - 2nd group (schnauzers, molossians and Swiss cattle dogs). Section 2 (Molossians, mountain dogs)

Usage: guard and hunting dog.

Color: black, deerskin, cream, mahogany, isabella, delut blue, apricot, chocolate. exception: white

Dimensions: height at withers: 44-51 cm; weight: 18-25 kg

Lifespan: 9-10 years

The Shar Pei is a regal and mysterious breed known for its independence.

Although the Shar Pei's appearance may seem clumsy and gloomy, dog owners will not hesitate to tell all family members about this animal's kind heart, its courageous character.

In many ways, the character of this breed is similar to.

The Shar Pei dog (the photo perfectly conveys the essence of the animal) is an intelligent and friendly dog, always ready to protect its owner.

History of the breed

The homeland of Shar Peis is China; guard dogs of this breed had a place of honor in the Middle Kingdom during the reign of the Qin Dynasty.

However, there is no information left about their origin: in 213 BC, Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered the destruction of books and documents containing the secret of the Shar-Pei.

Two main theories claim that royal dogs originated from mastiffs either from

Since ancient times, the Shar Pei dog breed has become one of the most popular in China; it was preferred by both noble people and ordinary people.

The life of Shar-Peis changed radically with the advent of communist power.

The communists, recognizing dogs as a burdensome luxury, ordered their destruction; the breed was practically exterminated.

Only in the 70s of the last century were several representatives of Shar Peis taken outside of China, and a large-scale campaign was organized to save this breed.

The standards were adopted in 1976.

Shar Pei means "sand skin" in Chinese.


A well-mannered, calm and self-confident dog, loyal and brave, the noble character of the Shar Pei cannot be ignored:

  • High intelligence. Smart and quick-witted animals are highly trainable. Shar Peis have their own “core”, and therefore when training these dogs a “steady hand” is necessary, otherwise the dog will feel superior. They have excellent intuition and are good psychologists. Intellect can be compared with dogs of the breed miniature schnauzer.
  • Independence. Independent dogs are most often guided by their own opinions and decisions. They strive for independence from puppyhood.
  • Bravery. Shar Peis are brave and courageous dogs, always ready to help their owner and his family members.
  • Self-control. Even if left alone in an apartment, a Shar Pei will never damage property, despite the fact that it will greatly miss people.
  • Guard qualities. The Shar Pei is an impeccable watchdog, suspicious of any stranger.
  • Attachment. Dogs of this breed are very attached to people; moreover, Shar-Peis are jealous of their owner towards everyone who approaches his territory.
  • Love for children. The gloomy appearance and prickly folds are just the outer shell; the good-natured Shar Pei loves to play with children and allows them more than they should.

Important! In ancient times, Shar Peis were subjected to harsh training to enhance their hunting and fighting instincts, just like those of the Shar Pei. The animal's genetic pool still stores this information, which is why early socialization is important for Shar-Peis, otherwise the dogs can become overly aggressive.


Shar Peis have always been considered excellent watchdogs, along with, and hunters, like.

A dog of this breed will become the protector of the whole family and will be very wary of strangers, however, with proper upbringing, it will not show causeless aggression.

How to choose a puppy

If you decide to buy a Shar Pei dog, choose your puppy carefully.

Healthy and purebred Shar Pei puppies are active and playful, they have clean ears and eyes, shiny coat and a very well-fed appearance.

The Shar Pei's head should be square, the tongue should be blue-violet, and, of course, the familiar folds of prickly fur should be clearly expressed on the baby's body.

Signs of a defect may include large ears, a low-set tail, a spotted tongue, a pointed muzzle, and soft and long hair.

A Shar Pei dog, the price of which starts from 8 thousand, may be not purebred, without documents.

Representatives of the breed with a pedigree have a cost of 40 thousand rubles.

Features of care


Caring for a Shar Pei involves brushing its coat and bathing it. There is no need to take the animal to a specialist.

Since the coat of dogs of this breed does not have an undercoat, it is enough to brush it 1-2 times a month.

Certain difficulties arise with carrying out water procedures - Shar Peis simply cannot tolerate water, even a walk in the rain will become a kind of heroism for the dog.

Despite the dissatisfaction of an independent pet, it needs to be bathed at least once a month.

Important! During water procedures, it is strongly recommended to cover the Shar Pei's ears, and due to the nature of the dog's coat, shampoos and other chemicals should not be used to avoid the development of allergies and irritations. After taking a bath, be sure to dry your dog, paying special attention to the folds.

Mandatory care measures include cleaning the ears and eyes and trimming the nails.


The calm and measured nature of Shar-Pei allows dogs of this breed to be kept in a city apartment.

In this case, you need to provide the animal with the opportunity for daily walks and physical activity. Not prevent .

You need to walk your Shar Pei twice a day, spending at least one hour on each walk.

To maintain the athletic shape of the animal, it is recommended to walk the dog not only on grass or lawn; asphalt and even pebbles should be included in the training program.

Walks should be active. It is recommended to train Shar Peis at the age of 3-4 months.


Feeding Shar Pei dogs has its own characteristics.

Surprisingly, well-fed dogs often have a poor appetite, or even completely refuse the offered food; at the same time, they have a high predisposition to obesity.

Shar Peis are sensitive and selective to the composition of their diet; even the choice of a dry alternative should not affect the quality of the food.

Shar Peis are independent dogs, most often guided by their own opinions and decisions. They strive for independence from puppyhood


Characteristic diseases

The Shar Pei dog has excellent immunity and rarely gets sick.

Diseases and unpleasant symptoms in dogs of this breed develop under conditions of improper care and feeding.

What health problems may be:

  • Inflammation of the ears. Shar-Pei's ears have virtually no ventilation, which is why it is important to clean the ears and cover them when bathing.
  • Food allergies .
  • Fungal diseases. With improper care, microorganisms begin to multiply in the skin folds, causing fungal diseases.
  • "Shar Pei fever." The disease, unique to this breed, is characterized by fever, tremors, and swelling of the joints.



A mating partner is determined by a healthy gene pool and the presence of a pedigree. Mating is done after the third - this way the dog’s body will become stronger enough.

Mating a female Shar Pei without a pedigree with a famous representative of the breed can cost its owner an amount exceeding the cost of the dog.

Cute folds of skin, phlegmatic appearance and calm self-confidence - in appearance, the Shar Pei dog looks extremely cute and attractive. However, inside the cute little animal lurks an ancient, primeval power that is rushing to come out. The Shar Pei breed is willful, proud and determined; it will never allow itself to be treated poorly by passing dogs, and at any opportunity it will look for opportunities to sort things out. Do not think that by adopting a puppy or an adult of the breed, you will turn your life into hell and constant struggle. You just need to devote enough time to education and training, then there will be no problems.

Those who love strong character traits in an attractive body will definitely appreciate a dog like the Shar Pei. But if the owner himself is not persistent and demanding regarding the education of this breed of dog, then the Shar Pei will not do him any favors and will gain leadership. There must be a strong personality next to him.

Breed standard (briefly).

Male weight: 25-30 kg.

Bitch weight: 18-25 kg.

Male height: 46-51 cm.

Bitch height: 46-51 cm.

Difficulty of care: light.

Grooming: minimal.

How many times to bathe: about 2 times a year.

Preferred living conditions: in a warm room.

Can they live in an apartment: Certainly.

Lifespan: about 9 years old.

Country: China.

Date of birth of the breed: about 3000 years.

FCI Group: Group 2.

FCI Section: Section 2.

FCI Standard No: 309.

How much does a Shar Pei cost?>

"By hand": up to $100.

PET class: up to $200-250.

BRID class: from $400 to $600.

SHOW class: from $600 to $1000 and above.

Education and training:

Difficulty of education: above average.

Difficulty of training: average.

You can train your child with: 12-14 years old.

Purpose of the breed.

Initial purpose: companion.

Where is it currently used: The Shar Pei serves as a friend to humans. This is its main and only purpose.

Attitude towards living beings.

Strangers: incredulous.

Children living in the family: adequate.

Animals: very aggressive, requires socialization.

Activity level and walking:

Need for activity: low.

Playfulness: low.

Duration of walking: about 1 hour a day.

Walking intensity: walks and games.

Character of the Shar Pei. Who is the breed suitable for?

The Shar Pei dog breed is not for people with weak character! Self-confident, self-reliant and independent, Shar Pei feel their superiority and strength with every fiber of their soul, and the royal sense of self-esteem may seem somewhat arrogant. The Shar Pei is ready to demonstrate the seriousness of its character to any dog ​​that dares to show disrespect. The owner of this lively breed must be strong in spirit no less than the dog itself, otherwise the Shar Pei will quickly take the place of the main one in the house and will dictate terms from the position of leader, which cannot be allowed if you want to keep yourself, your irreparable nerves and the surrounding things intact. Not everything is so serious, but control is definitely needed, and the owner is obliged to monitor the upbringing.

The character of the Shar Pei is assertive, but the dog itself does not need unnecessary movements. It is enough to spend about 1 hour a day walking. Take a walk or play a little active game - the Shar Pei still needs physical activity, which will make him waste his energy and be calmer. A single person or a married couple, a large family with older children can adopt a Shar Pei and... in general, there are no restrictions, except that a family with small children needs to monitor the interaction between the dog and the baby. It is better to give a dog to a child and entrust him with raising him no earlier than 12-14 years old. But even then, help the child in the process of training and education. Don't leave him alone to solve difficult problems.

History of the breed (briefly).

Most likely, the ancestors of the Shar Pei were either ancient mastiffs or smooth-haired chow chows. The Shar Pei and the Chow Chow lived at the same time, and there are similarities in their appearance. In addition, the blue-black color of the tongue is found only in these two breeds. The Shar Pei is at least 3,000 years old, and in the past this dog participated in battles. This is eloquently evidenced by the breed's physique: prickly, short hair, which is inconvenient for the enemy to hold in the mouth, folds in the skin and powerful, massive jaws. But soon the fighter’s career was over, as dogs that were large in size and had superior strength were brought to China.

After a while, the Shar Pei began to guard the houses of peasants and even helped hunters in their work. Already in the 1940s, after the communists came to power, the breed was practically exterminated only because it was considered a symbol of the privileged class. In 1971, lovers of the breed began its active restoration, buying dogs and making plans for its further revival. Things soon improved, and now the Shar Pei is one of the most popular breeds in Russia.

Contrary to the common misconception that caring for a Shar Pei requires special knowledge and a lot of time from owners, in fact, caring for these creatures is very simple. It is enough to work with a brush (with short bristles or rubberized) with the dog’s hair from time to time, bathe it 1-2 times a year with a special shampoo for dogs, wipe the eyes from time to time and sometimes wipe the folds on the face. When shedding, you can brush your dog outside so that fine hair does not remain at home, and be sure to teach the animal to calmly endure the procedures from an early age, rewarding calmness with treats and praise.

Back in the eighties of the last century, representatives of the Shar Pei breed were included in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest dogs. Now they have become recognizable all over the world.
DNA studies have shown that dogs have lived on the planet for more than three thousand years. This is a very old Chinese fighting breed. They were originally bred in China for dog fighting. Their loose, folded skin made it possible for them to slip out in a fight without being seriously injured. They were then bred and used for guarding and hunting.

According to Chinese beliefs, the Shar Pei's blue tongue, like an amulet, can scare away evil spirits. During the Second World War, the dog almost disappeared, as the animal tax introduced in China made it a luxury item. However, today it has become very popular.

The word “Shar Pei” is translated as “sand skin” and this is due to the fact that their coat is hard and short, reminiscent of a type of grainy, prickly sand.


Shar-Peis are often referred to as “teddies.” They give the impression of a “rounded teddy bear.” The coat is short. The color is one-color. To date, seventeen types of colors have been officially registered. Shar Peis have a massive head and a body covered with large folds. On their head, a very beautiful “hieroglyph” is laid out from the folds, which attracts potential owners. The ears stick out and droop forward.

The tongue is dark blue, the tail is raised high, slightly curled. Calm, serious, reserved dog, friendly and active.

Wary of strangers. They are unfriendly with strangers and are restrained in expressing their feelings. Most representatives of this breed, although independent, are devoted to their owners, love and protect their home. Shar Peis are very clean, unobtrusive and leisurely. By nature they are “philosophers”. To carry out the command, they must be given time to think. For socialization, a puppy needs training and education. Very smart.

Are common rules content And care behind Shar Pei

If you decide to purchase a small “teddy bear,” you need to consider several key points.

  1. Buy purebred babies from a nursery where you can find out the characteristics of their parents.
  2. The puppy must be at least one and a half months old.
  3. He must be healthy and vaccinated. (It is advisable to show him to a veterinarian).
  4. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed in order to understand how to raise a Shar Pei, how to train it and what its character traits are.
  5. Prepare everything you need to maintain it.

The first thing you should pay attention to is proper, balanced nutrition for your baby. A dog's health depends on proper nutrition.

We advise you to feed your pet complete commercial food that is balanced and adapted to all the needs of the dog, its size, age, and health condition. There is no need to combine feeding: dry food in the morning, wet food in the evening. This disrupts the acidity in her stomach. Don't forget that your friend should always have clean and fresh water.
The puppy must be vaccinated. And this issue is not up for discussion.
Give the “little bear” space to play. Shar Pei puppies are active and
They are playful and need their own territory. The room where the baby is located must be cleaned daily and the rug should be shaken out. Determine and show your student his place. It should be protected from drafts, sufficiently lit and warm so that the puppy can feel comfortable and safe. The mat should be dense and appropriate to its size. In the place that you determine for your ward, he should be able to hide and rest and, at the same time, be able to observe everything that happens on his territory (in the house).

If you choose the wrong place, he will not use it and will choose another one for himself. Learn to understand your new household member.

Also, designate a place to eat. Somewhere in a cozy corner of the house, where no one will disturb him.

When the “little bear” gets stronger and is vaccinated, he needs to be taken out for walks. You need to walk every day, morning and evening. Increase the duration of walks gradually. Shar Peis love long walks. Places for walking should be chosen that are not too busy, as the puppy may be frightened by loud noise and passing cars. Of course, you will want to teach your pet many commands and raise an intelligent and loyal friend, which, given his natural intelligence, will not be difficult. At the first stage, you are required to provide proper care for the dog.

Basic care

Keeping a Shar Pei at home is not as difficult as it might seem. Many people, given the decorative nature of the breed, do not know how to care for it and believe that this is a very complicated process and creates problems for the owners. Let's consider in order how to care for a Shar Pei, the order of your actions and their frequency. In the end, you will understand that everything is very simple and clear.

  • Every day, in the morning, you need to wipe your eyes to remove the small amount of pus that accumulates overnight. If the discharge is wet, you can remove it with dry cotton pads. If dry crusts have formed, moisten a cotton pad with boiled water and rinse them off. If pus appears repeatedly throughout the day, your pet most likely has an entropion. Contact a specialist or breeder. Entropion of the eyelids in “teddy bears” can be caused by the peculiarity of the structure of its skin: the eyelids are a large fold and cover the eye, deforming the cornea. Such problems can be eliminated by temporary filing or stapling. This is a temporary measure, and the procedure is safe and painless.

  • Once a week, pay special attention to your pet’s ears. Inspect, wipe, clean. This can be done with a dry cotton pad. If the contamination is too heavy, then you should soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide, but not too much, as the liquid may get into the small Shar Pei's ear canals. Wipe carefully and do not overdo it; clean dirt only in places that are clearly visible. Shar Pei puppies can figure out the rest on their own: he will shake his head, thereby shaking out dirt from the ear canal. Monitor your pet closely, as frequent shaking of the puppy's head and restlessness indicate the possible presence of otitis media.
  • Care includes taking care of the baby’s teeth. There are no particular difficulties here. It is enough to give the puppy special dry “chews” for cleaning his teeth or clean his teeth with toothpastes designed for this purpose.

  • Monitor the length of the claws; you can do this in the most convenient way at home with a nail cutter with a limiter, which regulates the required length of the claws for cutting and prevents you from catching too much. You should not allow your baby to have long claws, as he will not rest on his leg correctly, which can lead to deformation of the joints.
  • The short and memorable coat of representatives of this breed, as it may seem to an uninitiated person, requires a lot of work and time from the owner of this “teddy bear”. But in fact, caring for a Shar Pei puppy is no more hassle than caring for a long-haired dog that needs copious amounts of shampoo and brushing. For combing and combing, use brushes with short bristles or rubber brushes, or you can get by with a special glove. During shedding, it is recommended to take him outside and comb him well. As they grow up, babies change their soft coat to a harder coat, which corresponds to the characteristics of the breed.

  • Unlike many other species, Shar-Peis do not really like to bathe, and they don’t need it, since this breed does not have that characteristic dog smell that is typical for others. It is enough, as it gets dirty, to wipe the “bear cub”, all its folds, with a damp cloth (mitten). If an unpleasant odor does appear, this indicates that your friend has some kind of skin problem.

These dogs are given water treatments once a month, and especially thoroughly 2 times a year, during shedding. If you bathe them more often, you can wash off the special mask on their skin, which will lead to dandruff. You should know that he is especially sensitive to water, so you need to make sure that water and foam do not get into your pet’s ears.

When washing the hair, you should be very careful; when rinsing off the foam and applied products, rinse the animal’s body with water so that detergent residues do not irritate the sensitive skin of the animal under your care. For washing, all possible gels and shampoos for short-haired dogs, as well as tar soap, are used.

Nutrition plays a big role in hair care, as was previously mentioned in the article. We should also not forget that due to their short hair, representatives of this breed are very sensitive to the sun. In hot weather, they run the risk of getting heatstroke; to avoid this, you need to limit the time they spend outside, and while walking, protect your ward’s head from the sun.

It is necessary to know and notice the first signs of puppy health problems:

    • Leather
      The healthy cover of the animal is of delicate tones (depending on the subspecies), neither wet nor dry, smooth and odorless. If any growths, unpleasant odor, changes in skin color or dandruff appear, consult a specialist.
  • Wool
    The Shar Pei has a coat with a matte sheen and bright colors. It is hard to the touch, but not dry. The coat is thick, without undercoat. If there is a change in shine, fat content, brightness of color or thickness, you should pay attention to the diet of your ward and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian.
  • Mouth
    A coating on the tongue or bright pigmentation is a reason to worry about the health of your friend. Signs of illness such as bad odor from the mouth and discoloration of the gums should not be ignored.
  • Ears
    Healthy-looking skin in the auricle has a light milky color, without any growths or redness; the smell is weak; Sometimes light brown discharge is possible.
  • Eyes
    The eyeball is white, with several reddish vessels; The upper eyelid has a healthy pink color and is clean. In the case of a healthy eye apparatus, there is practically no discharge (the color is transparent).

The Shar Pei breed has several distinctive features that prevent these dogs from being confused with any others. Firstly, it is a blue-violet, so-called bear tongue, which in nature is found only in giraffes, gigantic lizards (blue-tongued skinks) and polar bears, as well as in fluffy chow chow dogs (there are suggestions that these breeds are related) . Secondly, in short-haired Shar-Peis, due to gene mutations, excess skin forms that gathers in folds, which is especially noticeable in small puppies.

Over several thousand years of the breed's history, the Shar Pei population has experienced ups and downs, even standing on the verge of complete extinction. Currently, the former fighting and guard dog has turned into a good-natured companion and loyal friend for its owners.

Origin of the breed

There is no confirmed historical data on the antiquity of the Shar Pei breed, but from DNA analysis scientists conclude that it is already 3000 years old. In addition, in tombs in southern China, archaeologists found clay sculptures and figurines of frowning, menacing dogs. Although the similarity of these dog figurines with modern Shar-Peis is conditional, it is assumed that these were them or their ancestors. By the way, the possible ancestors of the Shar-Pei include the then existing smooth-haired Chow Chow and ancient mastiffs.

Shar Pei dogs, common on the coast of the South China Sea, played the role of fighting and guard animals. Many qualities confirming these functions have been preserved to this day: powerful jaws, physique, excess skin, which did not allow the enemy’s teeth to reach the muscles. And the very structure of the Shar Pei’s coat seems to protect the dog: it’s short and prickly, it’s unpleasant when bitten, and the enemy tries to get it out of his teeth as quickly as possible.

Since in ancient times landowners and ordinary Chinese peasants entertained themselves with dog fights, fighting Shar Peis quickly gained popularity and spread throughout China, although they were inferior in strength and power to the Molossians brought to the Celestial Empire by Roman traders. Gradually, Shar Peis began to be involved in hunting and guarding houses and property, and they coped with these tasks perfectly. Until the Ming Dynasty, which ruled from the 14th century, the Shar Pei breed continued to flourish, but then frequent famines and constant wars forced the Chinese to think about their survival, and not about breeding dogs.

However, until the 20th century, Shar Peis were preserved in their pure form and in sufficient numbers, until the Chinese communist Mao Zedong came to power. Everything that did not fit into the ideals of communism, as elements of alien luxury, was destroyed or subject to exorbitant taxes. The Shar Pei population has begun to decline. The outbreak of the World War also did not contribute to the breeding of dogs. So, by the middle of the 20th century, the oldest Chinese breed of dogs was almost completely exterminated.. There were only a few Shar Peis left, their owners lived in Taiwan and Macau.

Breed restoration

In 1966–1968, several puppies from the remaining dogs came to the United States, and their offspring were registered as "Chinese Fighting Dog" in 1971 and as "Shar Pei" ("sandy hide") in 1973. Breeder Matgo Low became interested in the breed and decided to restore it. For several years, a group of enthusiasts searched for surviving dogs in Asia and transported them to Hong Kong.

Since the choice was limited to a few animals (no more than eight dogs) that seemed to retain pure breed qualities, to obtain offspring there was no choice but to resort to inbreeding (crossing dogs that are close relatives).

Unfortunately, to restore the breed, not the best individuals in the population were used, but all the dogs that were alive. Therefore, the breed qualities of modern Shar-Peis are probably somewhat different from their ancestors.

Attention! In 1978, the Shar Pei became the holder of the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest dog breed on Earth.

Nowadays, breeders and nurseries are happy to breed this breed, as they see the positive results of their work and good demand for puppies.

Breed standard

In terms of size, the Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog. The height of an adult reaches 45–50 cm, weight - 18–25 kg, and males are noticeably larger than females and have a more “masculine”, square body shape. The life expectancy of dogs with good care and proper maintenance is 10 years.

The physique of the Shar Pei is dense and strong. The head is large. The muzzle is short, wide, without a point, reminiscent of the muzzle of a hippopotamus. The nose is wide, the nostrils are large. The color of the nose is black or matches the tone of the main color. The jaw is strong and has a scissor bite. There are folds of skin on the neck, forehead and cheeks.

The dog's eyes are dark and almond-shaped. Because of the folds hanging over the eyes, the look always seems gloomy and dissatisfied. The ears are small, set high, directed towards the dog's eyes, and fit tightly to the skull. Prick ears are not allowed.

The Shar Pei's calling card is the folds on its body. They are formed by a mutated gene responsible for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which is part of the skin. The coat itself is short, straight, bristly, hard, and has no undercoat. Depending on the length of the wool, three types are distinguished: horse - up to 1 cm, brush - up to 2 cm, “bear hair” - up to 2.5 cm.

Another distinguishing feature is that the tongue is blue-violet or bluish-black, purple or lavender, or maybe blue with pink spots. The dog's palate and gums are the same color as his tongue. In dilutes, it is permissible to lighten the lips and palate to light brown and even pink (but not the tongue!).

Attention! A uniform pink tongue color is not allowed in Shar-Peis.

The tail is set high, thick, tapering towards the end. The tail is curled into a high ring or curved over the back (can deviate to either side of the back). The limbs are straight and widely spaced. There should be no folds on the Shar Pei's front or hind legs, as well as on the hips.


The Shar Pei color can be any solid color except white and is divided into two types:

  • Basic, containing black pigment. Possible colors: black, sable and isabella, fawn and red, blue and cream.
  • Diluted, does not contain black pigment, but brown pigment is allowed. Possible colors: chocolate, sable and isabella, red and cream, lilac and apricot. Usually, in order to avoid confusion, the type of color is added to the name of such a color, for example, “cream dilut”. The palate, lips and nose of diliuts cannot be black.

The color of the Shar Pei's skin and coat depends on the dominant color alleles in each individual individual. Even two dogs with the same coat color can produce puppies with different colors.. Often there are dogs with a muzzle that is darker in color than the fur on the entire surface of the body. A dark mask is allowed, up to black for basic colors, and up to brown for dilutes.

Deviations from the above standard are considered disqualifying characteristics. Their owners should not be allowed to breed; they are sold as a “pet” class, that is, only as pets.

Choosing a puppy

What should you pay attention to when choosing a dog - a friend, companion or protector for the next few years?

Firstly, it is recommended to purchase a puppy not “from hand”, but from nurseries that breed Shar-Peis. Only here is a guarantee of the purity of the breed, the presence of pedigree documents and a veterinary passport for the dog. By two months, puppies should receive a comprehensive vaccination against the main diseases of dogs, and after another three weeks - against rabies. If you buy a puppy before two months, the new owner will have to take care of the first visit to the veterinarian. But when high requirements are placed on puppies in terms of appearance, they are bought from a nursery at the age of no earlier than three to four months, by which time the dog’s breed qualities are better manifested, basic vaccinations have already been done, which will need to be repeated a year later.

Secondly, you need to determine for what purpose the puppy is being purchased. If only as a pet, then you can buy a pet-class dog, they cost much less, from 10 thousand rubles. Breed puppies will already cost at least 20–30 thousand rubles, and for “show” class puppies from champion parents they can ask for 40–70 thousand rubles.

After 1.5 months, each puppy born in the nursery undergoes certification (that is, examination by a specialist), receives a document confirming its conformity to the Shar Pei breed, and a card indicating the presence or absence of defects.

During the activation process, a mark is placed on the dog’s groin or ear. It is based on the results of the certification that one can judge whether the puppy belongs to the class “pet” (a pet with defects in pedigree characteristics), “breed” (corresponds to the breed, suitable for breeding) or “show” (there is a prospect for an exhibition career).


A healthy Shar Pei has shiny eyes, a wet nose, dry and clean folds of skin, and fur without a dog smell. To avoid inflammation, the dog's ears are cleaned 2-3 times a week, since they are usually closed and not ventilated.

A common problem for Shar Peis is food allergies as a reaction to a specific product or to an unbalanced diet in general. Allergies manifest themselves in the form of hair loss, blisters, swelling of the muzzle and eyes, intestinal upset, drooling and general lethargy. The solution to the problem is changing your diet or eliminating one of the products.

The tendency to obesity is regulated by frequent active walks and the exclusion of cereals and carbohydrates from food.

Because a fold of skin hangs over the Shar Pei's eyes, the fur can sometimes rub the cornea. Almost half of the puppies require a mini-surgery to secure the fold upward with special staples. When turning the eyelid inward, surgery at a veterinary hospital also helps.

If the dog's fur and skin are poorly cared for, fungi develop in the folds; this can be treated with medication. For prevention, you should bathe your dog in a timely manner and wipe its fur dry, including after walks.

A sharp increase in body temperature to 41 ° C, frequent shallow breathing, tremors, swelling and painful joints indicate the onset of “Shar Pei fever”. The disease is genetic, inherited, dangerous for kidney damage and the onset of arthritis. According to approximate data, every fourth Shar Pei can be a carrier of a mutant gene, this is due to the small breeding stock in the 20th century and inbreeding.

Some dogs have seizures once in their lives, while others have seizures regularly, up to several times a month. Even simple stress can provoke Shar Pei attacks. Sometimes attacks pass spontaneously within a day, but usually they are stopped by a veterinarian by intramuscular injection of Analgin, Baralgin, Diphenhydramine, Rimadyl, Prednisolone. Antibiotics are not required. The prescription of medications for a dog depends on the clinical picture of the fever; treatment is recommended only by a veterinarian.

Attention! Dogs exhibiting “Shar Pei fever” should be removed from breeding, preferably sterilized (neutered).


Shar Peis are very sociable, agile and active. This allows them to be used as companion dogs, including in families with children who like to play with puppies at home and run around with their pets on walks. But Chinese dogs have not lost their guard qualities. Their self-confidence, calmness in normal conditions, intelligence and devotion turn out to be important in situations where it is necessary to defend the owner, his children, home or property.

Without hesitation, a dog rushes at attackers, especially if it was trained to defend itself during training. The folded skin in this case gives an advantage to the Shar Pei. Not only is it unpleasant to the touch for dogs or other animals that have bitten a Shar Pei, but the folds also make it difficult to access vital organs and muscles. Grabbing the skin of a Shar Pei is practically painless, especially in the heat of a passionate fight. The dog's unique hearing and natural sensitivity allow these guards to hear and sense the slightest danger from afar. The apparent slowness of the Shar Pei at the right moment is transformed into quick responses.

This breed is very loyal and affectionate to its owners; the dog gets bored when alone. Despite this, rarely does anyone complain about the disgrace and hooliganism of a Shar Pei left in an apartment - usually he patiently waits for his owner to play and take a walk. A Shar Pei can only be called a cheerful ringleader and a bully at a young age. As he grows older and older, he loses his liveliness and prefers to lie down and think.

Raising and training a puppy

It is necessary to begin the process of socialization, education and training of a Shar Pei puppy from early childhood, so that the genetically inherent fighting and protective qualities do not begin to manifest themselves spontaneously and uncontrollably. If the puppy is directed correctly in the direction you want (as a companion dog, watchdog or security guard), he will grow into a balanced, obedient pet.

Since Shar-Peis are naturally independent and stubborn, you need to immediately show strength of character, show the puppy “who’s boss,” and not let him dominate family members, especially small children.

The owner must be firm in his desires, clearly give commands or prohibitions, but in no case should physical force or a strict collar be used, especially since Shar-Peis have a high pain threshold. For a dog to obey without fear, it must trust its owner, and this can only be achieved with affection and repeated training. When training, experienced Shar Pei breeders adhere to food rewards. The dog is more willing to follow commands, knowing that in the end there will be a tasty bite from the owner’s hands.

To socialize a companion puppy, from the first months he must see other dogs, cats, children, and you can let people you know play with him. But there is no need to pet him; due to the structure of their fur, these dogs find petting unpleasant. The watchman and security guard, on the contrary, need to be introduced to the concept of “stranger”; friends and neighbors should not be allowed to play with the dog; it must see the distance between itself, the owner’s family and strangers.

By four months, the puppy is able to understand and repeat basic commands, and learns to endure longer between walks. It is not recommended to lock Shar-Peis in a cage or small enclosure, as in cramped conditions they begin to get nervous and suffer (and stress leads to illness). Walks and active games are necessary for a dog from childhood. A small puppy needs several short walks a day - if possible, the owner goes out with the dog 6-8 times, just to teach it to go to the toilet outside the house. As the dog gets older, the intervals between walks increase, but at the same time the duration of being in the fresh air should also increase.

So, for an adult healthy dog, two walks of 1.5-2 hours a day, early in the morning and in the evening, are enough.

Who is recommended to get Shar Pei puppies? Adults who are capable of being responsible not only for their family and themselves, but also for a dog that can get sick, cause harm to strangers, run away and get lost. You need to realize that life with a dog means daily walks, vaccinations, looking for foster care while on vacation, and taking care of daily nutrition. Only balanced, patient people will be able to live peacefully and amicably with a dog that periodically tries to test the owner’s patience with its disobedience or stubbornness.

Shar Pei diet

The peculiarity of Shar Pei nutrition is that they cannot be overfed due to their tendency to become overweight. In this case, they become clumsy and lazy. There is also a reciprocal relationship - sedentary dogs, even with a moderate diet, gain weight, and this negatively affects the heart and kidneys.

How many times should puppies and adult dogs be fed? The advice is standard for many breeds: puppies are fed up to 6 times a day in small portions, gradually increasing the portions and the gap between feedings. After 1–1.5 years, a grown dog loses its teenage appetite; it is fed twice a day.

What to feed? Depends on financial capabilities, availability of time to prepare porridge, and also on the dog’s health. Recommendations can be made by a breeder or veterinarian familiar with the health characteristics of a particular dog. It is advisable to feed your dog balanced ready-made food (dry or canned) until it reaches adulthood. Then you can switch to natural food, which should include meat, vegetables, cereals, eggs, fish, kefir. The prepared dish should be thick, with the exception of kefir. Water should always be freely available. With a natural diet, you need to give your dog a complex of vitamins. Good brands of dry food contain microelements and vitamins.

In contact with

When you first meet a Shar Pei, you may think of it as a sad dog, but as soon as you get to know him better, you will understand that he is a funny, interesting dog that will give you a lot of fun.

From the history

Shar Peis came to us from China, the first mention of them was in 206-220 BC. During the Han Dynasty, dogs similar to Shar-Peis were depicted in various places. It is believed that in Tibet these dogs were used to guard the territory due to their fighting abilities.

This breed was not a palace breed, but was used exclusively to protect the home and guard the livestock of local residents. It was they who named these dogs Shar-Pei, which means “sand skin.” And all because of the properties of wool, which feels like sandpaper to the touch.

Shar Peis were popular in China until 1947, when the beginning of the communist regime imposed heavy taxes on all owners of dogs of this breed. Thus, Shar Peis were on the verge of extinction. Since the early 70s, the Chinese Mango Lo took several dogs from Hong Kong to the United States, thereby saving this breed.

The first Shar Pei dogs first appeared in Europe in 1979. In 1978, the Guinness Book of Records named this breed the rarest, referring to the fact that they existed in the world no more than 60.

Thanks to the restoration of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, American breeders began to breed Shar-Peis. In America, these dogs became the best-selling dogs and brought high income to breeders.

Description of the breed

The main feature of the Shar Pei is its loose skin with folds and a flat, wide skull. The dog's eyes are dark, almond-shaped, and have a lively expression. The ears are small triangular in shape, with the tips bent forward. The blue color of the tongue indicates its relationship with the Chow Chow breed. The nose of Shar-Peis is usually black, with wide open nostrils.

The neck is of medium length with loose skin. The Shar Pei has short, broad shoulders and a deep chest. They have a strong tail, wide at the root but tapering towards the end. The front legs are straight, strong, and the hind legs are muscular. They don't have wrinkled skin.

The color of its short fur can be completely different: from black to reddish. There are about 16 shades of color. They, in turn, are divided into three groups.

Group A includes the main shades:

  • cream. Dogs with this shade are poorly pigmented. They usually do not have a black mask;
  • red. This is the most common color of the Shar Pei. Another name for this shade is red;
  • sable;
  • black. Usually this color has many shades: from blue-black to olive. Perfect black is extremely rare;
  • blue. This color can be compared to a weakened black. This shade is relatively new, as it appeared only in 1985. But now many breeders specialize in Shar-Peis of this color. Purchasing such a dog from dog breeders is considered a special luxury and not everyone can afford it;
  • isabella It is a pinkish-cream color with a bluish tint. At first glance, the color can be confused with fawn or dark cream. But Shar Peis with this color have their own characteristics: a gray nose and a mask on the face. Such dogs are born from blue Shar-Peis.

Group B or dilute colors:

  • lilac dilute color. The color is quite rare. There are different versions of it from pink-blue to silver-pink. These dogs always have a nose that matches their color;
  • red dilute color. This is the name for any red color that does not have clearly defined black pigmentation. Dogs with this color may have a chocolate-colored mask on their face;
  • chocolate dilut. The name of this color speaks for itself. Shades can be quite varied from light milk chocolate to dark. In order to determine whether the dilute in front of you is chocolate, just look at its eyes and tongue. Their eyes are light brown and their tongue is light lilac;
  • creamy dilut. Almost the same as a regular cream color. It differs only in weak chocolate pigmentation.

Group C includes non-standard colors (breeding):

  • spotted. This color is characterized by spots all over the Shar Pei's body. In America, dogs with this color are quite popular;
  • black-and-white The main difference between this color is the black coat mixed with light. It is often confused with other colors.

Shar Peis grow to 44-51 cm at the withers and weigh 2.5-3 kg at the age of a month, 5-6 kg at two months and 9-11 kg at three months. Adult dogs usually weigh 18-30 kg.

Character of dogs

Important: This breed is definitely not athletic and is not for families with an active lifestyle. These are exclusively city dogs.

Shar Peis hate dirt, water and wet grass. Although its appearance is often compared to a hippopotamus, not every dog ​​of this breed will go near water. A short walk is enough for them. Most of them like to walk calmly, without rushing anywhere. Long walks in good weather, of course, will not hurt anyone, but for Shar Peis they are vital, then no. Therefore, even a vacation in the mountains will not be a holiday for these dogs. In bad weather, Shar Peis will happily sleep in a warm and cozy apartment.

You don't have to worry yourself about how to entertain your pet. These dogs are quite lazy, and they will happily just lie around at home, enjoying the comfort. Shar Peis have little need for active movements. But this does not mean that these dogs are not able to learn anything and move along with others.

As adults, Shar Peis are quite independent and self-confident. When they feel bad, they will definitely let you know about it. These dogs are extremely clean, so there shouldn’t be any problems keeping them in an apartment.

They are great with children, but they are not dogs intended for children. Shar Peis are excellent companions, they love their family, but do not accept affection from strangers, although this breed is not at all aggressive. They get along well with other animals and live in harmony, but it is desirable that they grow up together from childhood.

In general, Shar-Peis are affectionate, proud, and very interesting dogs.

Shar Pei care

Taking care of Shar-Peis is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The most important thing is the skin. First, the dog needs to be brushed in order to remove all dead hairs and promote the growth of new ones. The skin must be cleaned periodically, as well as the eyes, using swabs.

Sometimes Shar Peis are prone to infectious skin diseases and drooping eyelids. To do this, you should definitely consult a veterinarian, who may recommend a simple operation.

If you purchased a dog for an exhibition, then you need to be aware of serious disadvantages:

  • weak nose;
  • spotted tongue (except pink with spots);
  • big ears;
  • low ponytail;
  • wool is longer than 2.5 cm.

One often hears the statement about Shar-Peis: “they have too much skin.” In fact, loose skin appears in puppyhood; over the years, wrinkles practically disappear and for many this breed ceases to be interesting and unusual. Therefore, as a rule, all photos of Shar Peis for sale are taken at the age of 7-12 weeks.

There are some interesting facts about this breed that you may not know:

  • Like the Chow Chow breed, Shar Peis have a black and blue tongue;
  • Another feature of this breed is that sometimes the Shar Pei’s cheekbones can exceed their size, which is why wrinkles appear;
  • there are no folds on the legs;
  • The breed has two types of wool: the so-called horse (from English horse), short and thin, and brush (from English brush), which is slightly longer;
  • Shar-Peis got their name from their sandpaper-like fur;
  • in Russia this breed first appeared in the 90s;
  • The greatest interest is caused by dogs with blue coat color, these dogs are considered the most expensive;
  • Shar Peis most often suffer from infectious skin diseases and sagging eyelids. These problems are solved mainly through surgery;
  • Shar Peis live on average 12 years, maybe longer.