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Contraction of the uterus after childbirth: how to speed up the process? Causes of poor uterine contraction after childbirth

From the inside, the uterus is a huge wound, and it is most damaged in the area where the placenta was attached, which is where a large number of thrombosed vessels are located. In addition, on the inner surface of the uterus there are remnants of the fetal membrane and blood clots.

Normally, the uterine cavity should clear out within the first 3 days. In this process, a significant role is played by phagocytosis (phagocytes are leukocytes that are capable of dissolving bacteria) and extracellular proteolysis (dissolution of bacteria using proteolytic enzymes).

Thanks to these processes, wound secretion (lochia) is released from the uterus. In the first days, lochia appears as bloody discharge, on the 3-4th day it becomes serous-sucrose with a high content of leukocytes, by the end of the third week, the uterine discharge should be liquid and light and disappear completely by the sixth week.

Moreover, if we say about the restoration of the epithelium of the uterine cavity(inner membrane), then it occurs after about 3 weeks, and the placenta is restored closer to the end of the postpartum period.

How long will it take?

Typically, uterine contraction takes on average from one and a half to two and a half months. In this case, the most active decrease in the volume of the uterus occurs in the first days after birth.

So, immediately after birth, the size of the uterine pharynx in diameter is about 12 cm and this allows, if necessary, to insert a hand into the uterus to remove the remnants of the placenta.

However, after the first day, the entrance to the cervical canal narrows to the point that only two fingers can enter it, and on the third day – one. The external uterine os will close completely around the third week.

Moreover, if immediately after birth, the weight of the uterus is 1 kg, That after 7 days it will be approximately 500 g, after 14 – 350 g and by the end of the postpartum period, i.e. after 2-3 months, the uterus will reach its prenatal size with a weight of approximately 50 g.

It is worth considering that the process of uterine contraction is accompanied by slight cramping pain in the lower abdomen, and they are most pronounced and intense after repeated births.

If these contractions are very painful, then after consulting a doctor, you can use certain painkillers or antispasmodics to reduce pain, but it is better to do without them.

However, it happens that in some women in labor the uterus does not contract after childbirth (atony) or it contracts, but extremely slowly (hypotonia).

Both options are dangerous for women's health, as they can cause a number of other complications.

The uterus does not contract: what is the reason?

Among the most common factors, affecting the slowdown of uterine contractions after the birth of a child, gynecologists identify:

  • the number of fetuses a woman bears;
  • location of the placenta;
  • difficulties encountered during pregnancy or childbirth;
  • heavy weight of the child;
  • woman's health status, etc.

So, for example, Uterine contractions occur more slowly in women whose pregnancy was:

  • or complicated (hypertension, nephropathy, etc.);
  • if there was low attachment of the placenta;
  • the fruit was quite large in size;
  • the mother's body was severely exhausted;
  • labor activity was weak;
  • After giving birth, the woman behaved very passively and practically did not move.

Don't shrink at all after childbirth, the uterus may:

  • its inflection;
  • injuries of the birth canal;
  • her underdevelopment;
  • inflammatory processes in the appendages and the uterus itself (including in the past);
  • fibroma (benign tumor);
  • bleeding disorders, etc.

If the uterus contracts slowly

Immediately after the baby is born A cold heating pad is applied to the new mother’s belly, this helps stop bleeding and speed up uterine contractions.

Over the course of several days that the woman in labor will be in the maternity hospital, doctors will constantly check the condition of the uterus and the level of its contraction.

Determine the low ability of the uterus to contract The gynecologist can, during a routine examination, check the condition of the fundus of the uterus (in this case it will be soft).

Moreover a woman should not be discharged from the maternity hospital until the doctor is sure that the uterus is contracting at a normal pace.

If the gynecologist sees that the uterus cannot contract on its own, he prescribes special drugs to the woman that enhance her contractile activity ( prostaglandins or oxytocin), as well as, if necessary, external massage of the uterine fundus, which is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall.

The main impulse to accelerate uterine contractions is breastfeeding, so we advise you to start breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible.

It is also recommended to move a lot (if possible) and lie on your stomach more often, or even better, sleep on it. The rules of personal hygiene should not be neglected, namely regularly washing, treating wounds, etc.

A significant influence on the level of uterine contraction has emptying your bladder regularly. Women often do not pay due attention to this fact, especially since if after childbirth they were given urination, because then urination brings a lot of painful sensations. However, despite the pain, you should try to go to the toilet as often as possible.

Usually, after childbirth, the uterus actively contracts even in those women who did not avoid slight physical activity during pregnancy. Therefore, we advise you to walk in the fresh air as often as possible during pregnancy, do simple housework and do...

If all of the above methods did not have the desired effect and the uterus still does not contract, a solution may be. The fact is that lochia (postpartum discharge) or part of the placenta may remain in the uterine cavity, or the uterine os may be clogged with blood clots formed.

Without cleansing, all this will inevitably lead you to the development of an inflammatory process, perhaps not only in the uterus itself, but also outside it. If this does not help, unfortunately, the consequences for the woman become even more serious: she will have to undergo surgery or, in the worst case, even remove the uterus.

But, fortunately, healthy women who follow all the recommendations of doctors, as a rule, do not have serious problems with uterine contractions after childbirth. So take care of yourself and be healthy!

Expert commentary

The delay in contraction of the fetal receptacle organ is called subinvolution of the uterus. Usually the uterus contracts to its original level by the end of the sixth week postpartum period. In non-breastfeeding women - by the end of the eighth week.

The most rapid contraction of the organ occurs immediately after the birth of the child. The average length of the fruit is 40-50 centimeters. In utero, the child is in a folded state: the legs are pressed to the body. The length of the uterus before birth is 35-38 centimeters, and after childbirth it instantly shortens. Instead of two-thirds of the fetal growth, the size of the uterus becomes comparable to the head of a newborn.

A woman's hormonal background changes. The production of growth hormones stops. Instead, substances are synthesized aimed at restoring the body.

The human body is undoubtedly unique. But in relation to other mammals. The main processes are typical reactions, and the postpartum period is no exception.

Uterine contractions are an indicator of the course of the postpartum process. Only by the size of the uterus can one judge the general condition of the postpartum woman. When the uterus contracts normally, then everything goes as it should. If there is a delay in uterine contraction, you don’t need to do expensive tests to understand that the postpartum period is going through serious problems. Both immune and hormonal.

After delivery by Caesarean section the contractility of the uterus is significantly lower than after childbirth through the natural birth canal.

Therefore, recently, postpartum women who have undergone a Caesarean section have It is recommended to get out of bed as early as possible as soon as the side effects from anesthesia subside. Movement promotes contraction, and inaction leads to lethargy. Including the muscular layer of the uterus.

Dynamics of uterine contraction in the normal postpartum period

After the placenta has passed, the height of the uterine fundus is determined at the level of the navel. Each subsequent day of the postpartum period, the fundus of the uterus drops by 1.5-2 cm. By the time of discharge from the maternity ward - on the sixth day - the height of the uterine fundus should be no more than 4-5 cm from the womb.

A delay in uterine contraction for at least one day is considered a pathology.

Causes of uterine subinvolution

The reasons for delayed uterine contractions may be hormonal disorders, anatomical defects, and infectious agents.

Hormonal disorders

Prolactin deficiency– a hormone responsible for milk production. Even in postpartum women who are not breastfeeding, the initial levels of prolactin, the main parental hormone, remain at a fairly high level in the first day of the postpartum period.

The production of prolactin leads to an immediate release of oxytocin, a hormone that contracts the muscles of the uterus. Prolactin is produced reflexively when the nipples are irritated. Therefore, in nursing mothers, uterine contractions occur much faster.

Prolactin deficiency leads to a decrease in uterine contractility. Central regulation of the cerebral cortex is of great importance. When a child is desired, prolactin production is significantly higher.

Anatomical reasons

Remnants of the placenta attached to the wall of the uterus, prevent its reduction. Just as a person cannot move his arm in a cast, the uterus cannot contract completely, constrained by the attached lobule of the placenta.

Blockage of the external os of the cervix, flexion of the uterus and other wisdom relates more to theory. With normal contractility, these factors have no significance. A person exhales air with equal success, regardless of whether he has his own jaw or a false one. Likewise, the contents of the uterus freely leave its cavity when the muscles contract.


Postpartum infection is often a continuation of a process that began during pregnancy. Infection under sterile conditions is impossible.

Postpartum endometritis develops after suffering chorionitis - inflammation of the membranes. The inner surface of the uterus, affected by inflammation, does not respond to stimulation with oxytocin. The uterus becomes flabby, contractions become sluggish.

Causes of uterine subinvolution are identified in the maternity ward and treated in a hospital setting.

The time that a young mother is carrying a child, as well as the moment of childbirth itself, are the most important and task-filled times. It would seem that all difficulties and fears have already been overcome, and the baby is already snoring sweetly in the crib.

But often it is during this period that even more questions arise that relate to the health of the woman in labor. And one of the first such problems occurs when the uterus does not contract after childbirth.

After the moment of birth of the fetus and cutting of the umbilical cord, the next stage is the birth of the placenta - the placenta, umbilical cord and membranes in which the child was located. The baby's place has its own attachment and after the womb has contracted and removed it, a large wound is formed with vessels that contain blood clots. At this moment, muscle contraction begins, and white blood cells and special proteolytic enzymes begin to destroy bacteria.

Of course, this process does not take a couple of minutes and normally lasts three days, during which the woman observes spotting - the so-called lochia. Over time, this discharge changes its color and consistency to light and by 6-7 weeks disappears completely. At the same time, the endometrium (inner lining) is renewed, which is completed at 3 weeks.

The baby's place will be "overgrown" by the end of the postpartum period. If we consider the change in weight at the same time, then at first the reproductive organ weighs almost a kilogram and becomes half as much in just a week.

It returns to its original mass after eight weeks, having essentially shrunk twenty times.

Visually, the woman in labor can observe a small tummy for about two more months, until the fibers contract and she returns to her previous position. Naturally, the fastest and most visible effect of this is observed in the first days after birth: immediately after the fetus is removed, the pharynx is open twelve centimeters and this allows, in case of poor separation of the placenta, to stick your hand in there and fix the problem, but on the third day it will only be possible to pass one finger. In the third week it closes completely.

Knowing about all sorts of complications, a young mother may constantly think about whether the uterus may not contract after childbirth. An important point is the return of the female womb to the first this type, occurring along with cramping pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen. In this case, two polar states can be observed.

  1. The first refers to hypercontractions, which are very painful and require correction with painkillers or antispasmodics.
  2. In the second case, after childbirth, the womb does not contract at all, that is, it becomes atony or only partially (hypotonic type). These conditions are very risky, because they can lead to extensive blood loss and, as a result, death.

What's the point?

Why does the uterus contract poorly after childbirth? There are certain reasons that can lead to this situation. They need to be considered based on their type of hypocontraction: simply insufficient or complete absence of spasms. Of course, there are general provisions that affect this and are the most common:

  • pregnant twins or triplets;
  • placenta attachment site;
  • large fruit;
  • condition of the woman in labor.

The uterus does not partially contract after childbirth if the pregnancy was accompanied by various complications. For example, or nephropathy. This also includes exacerbation of chronic diseases. The process is slowed down by the heavy weight of the fetus, presentation or attachment of the placenta closer to the cervical canal. On the mother’s side, physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle) and general weakening of the body affect equally.

Another reason why the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth is a violation of the blood’s ability to clot, as well as various defects in the development of the placenta, diseases of the genital organs (even those that have already passed), fibroids (benign tumors), and trauma to the birth canal. To this list it is worth adding abnormal positions of the organ itself: bending towards the front or bending backwards. Such options prevent not only a return to previous sizes, but also the correct outflow of excreted fluid.

Will show the exact reason ultrasonography, which takes place on the third day.

Another proven fact - low level Prolactin provokes the development of hypotension, as it is responsible for the production of oxytocin. Being in direct proportional dependence, these hormones are tied to a woman’s desire to give birth. The lower it is, the worse the production of substances. Therefore, sometimes it is worth thinking about how much you want to become a mother. Sometimes it happens that subconsciously a person is not ready for this.

What to do?

Already in the maternity hospital, starting from the moment the child is born, the obstetrician-gynecologist maintains vigilant control over the condition of the mother’s uterus. The amount of blood released is measured, the time it takes for the umbilical cord to descend, and the height of the bottom of the organ is checked. The fundus immediately after birth is found at the level of the navel and decreases by 2 centimeters every day. By the end of the week it is already standing five centimeters above the symphysis pubis.

If any problems occur with this (a lot of blood, the umbilical cord almost does not descend, the fundus drops at least two centimeters per day, and it itself is soft), then drugs are administered (for example, oxytocin or prostaglandins) or massage. When a woman is transferred to a general ward, monitoring is carried out and, again, the volume of excretion is calculated. If necessary, inspections are carried out.

According to the rules, discharge is not possible until the doctor is sure of the mother’s well-being. It is worth noting that oxytocin, which can be administered artificially, is produced very well during breastfeeding.

Feeding in this case plays a role in both prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.

If the uterus does not contract after childbirth, some doctors give recommendations regarding sleep - improve sleep, as well as a sufficient amount of movement during the day. Another tip concerns regular urination, which, after suturing, may be uncomfortable, but helps contractile activity.

When these recommendations and medications do not have the desired effect and the bleeding only increases, then the only possible option becomes. The thing is that pieces of the placenta could remain in it, or the cervical canal itself could remain “clogged” with lumps of blood.

This option should not be dismissed, because all the unremoved tissue is an excellent breeding ground for various microorganisms, especially with an open pharynx, which will take them there like a springboard.

There are times when even cleaning turned out to be ineffective and then, reluctantly, obstetricians-gynecologists resort to suturing the vessels or removing the uterus, otherwise the woman will simply die from heavy blood loss.

Grand total

If you are already at home and understand that the uterus has not contracted, then do not panic. Assess the situation: is it bleeding so much that you need to change the pad every 20 minutes or is the discharge a little more than usual? In the first case, call an ambulance without delay, but in the second, you can quite easily plan a visit for tomorrow.

Now that you are aware of the possible reasons for what is happening, an understanding comes that concerns adherence to all the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Remember that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Light physical activity, lack of laziness, and breastfeeding are the best solutions for any mother.

This can be wonderfully combined with various walks in the fresh air. As for girls who are just expecting a child, they are more likely to enjoy swimming and certain exercises designed specifically for such tasks.

Pregnancy is a difficult period for the female body. First of all, the hormonal background changes, the mammary glands gradually swell, and the uterus grows. It is worth noting that it can increase approximately 500 times. Each woman's uterus is gradually a unique mechanism. It takes a certain period of time for the uterus to contract to its original size. There are many factors that can influence this process. In some cases, after childbirth, the uterus contracts poorly. What are the reasons? How to deal with this?

Organ condition

After childbirth, the uterus is essentially a very large wound. This organ is most severely damaged precisely in the place where the placenta was attached. There are a large number of clogged vessels here. In addition, on the inner walls of the reproductive organ there are pieces of the placenta and fetal membrane, as well as large blood clots. With normal recovery, in the first three days the uterus simply cleanses itself. At this stage, extracellular proteolysis is of particular importance - the dissolution of pathogenic bacteria with the help of proteolytic enzymes, as well as phagocytosis. These processes contribute to the production of wound secretion, which is also called lochia.

During the first day, the discharge is bloody. On the fourth day, the lochia becomes serous-sanguineous. After three weeks they lighten up. After about a month and a half, the discharge almost completely stops. Tissue restoration in the uterine cavity occurs within three weeks. The place where the placenta was attached takes much longer to heal. Recovery lasts until the end. At this time, some changes occur in the female body. But what to do if the uterus does not contract after childbirth?

How long does it take for the uterus to contract?

Is it possible to determine whether the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth or whether its recovery is proceeding normally? First of all, you should pay special attention to timing. Normally, uterine contractions occur within 1.5-3 months. The organ decreases in size most actively during the first day. After the baby is born, the uterine os is about 11-12 centimeters in diameter. This allows you to insert a hand into the cavity of the organ to remove the remnants of the placenta. After a day, the channel is significantly reduced. As a result of this, only two fingers can be inserted into the uterine cavity, and after another day - one. The organ canal will close completely only by the end of the third week.

Does the weight of the uterus change?

The weight of the uterus also decreases. Immediately after birth, the organ weighs approximately 1 kilogram. After a week, this figure decreases to 500 grams. And after two - up to 300 g. By the end of the postpartum period, the weight of the uterus is 50 grams. By this time, the organ is completely reduced to its original volume. However, in some situations after childbirth, the uterus contracts poorly. This may be a consequence of hypotension or atony. Both conditions are dangerous for women's health. Such phenomena can lead to bleeding or a number of more serious complications.

Poor contraction of the uterus after childbirth: reasons

There are many factors influencing the process of uterine contraction. This list includes:

  1. Large weight of a newborn baby.
  2. Difficulties that may arise during childbirth and pregnancy.
  3. Number of fruits.
  4. Location of the placenta.
  5. The state of health of the mother in labor, etc.

The uterus contracts poorly after childbirth in those women who:

  • The pregnancy was complicated, for example, accompanied by abnormalities such as nephropathy or hypertension.
  • More than one fetus developed in the uterine cavity.
  • The placenta was low attached.
  • The fruit was quite large.
  • The body is severely exhausted.
  • Labor progressed poorly.

After childbirth, the uterus contracts poorly in those who behave passively and practically do not move.

If the uterus does not contract at all...

There are situations when the organ does not contract at all. This can also be caused by many factors. The uterus does not contract if:

  1. During pregnancy or childbirth, it was bent.
  2. The birth canal was injured.
  3. Polyhydramnios was noted during pregnancy.
  4. There is an inflammatory process not only of the appendages, but also of the uterus itself.
  5. There are benign tumors - fibromas.
  6. Blood clotting is impaired.

In the presence of such pathologies, the uterus does not contract after childbirth. What to do in such cases? Who should I contact?

Doctors' examinations

Almost immediately after giving birth, a young mother is placed on her lower abdomen with a large heating pad with ice. This allows you to temporarily stop bleeding, as well as speed up the process of uterine contraction. Within several days, doctors conduct regular examinations of women in labor. The size and condition of the organ is determined by palpation. This allows you to determine the speed of uterine contraction. With such an examination, the doctor can identify the organ’s low ability to decrease in size on its own. Its bottom remains soft during this phenomenon. If after childbirth the uterus contracts poorly, the woman is left in the hospital. Discharge home will occur only after the doctor is convinced that the organ has decreased in size.

Bad what to do?

If the doctor, after examining the woman, notes a very slow contraction of the uterus, then special drugs are prescribed for therapy. As a rule, this is "Oxytocin" or "Prostaglandin". Their active substances stimulate the contractile activity of the organ. In addition, the gynecologist can prescribe an external massage to the woman in labor, performed through the abdominal wall.

If after childbirth the uterus has not contracted, then you should put the baby to the breast more often. Natural feeding of the baby stimulates this process. It is for this reason that many young mothers put their baby to the breast in the delivery room. In addition, doctors recommend moving as much as possible. If the birth was natural, the woman can lie on her stomach. Experts even recommend sleeping on it. Thanks to this, the uterus contracts much faster.

A new mother should not forget about personal hygiene. After childbirth, a woman should wash herself with warm water twice a day. If there are external seams, they must also be carefully processed. It is usually recommended to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate for this.

Urination and uterine contractions

It is often the woman’s fault that the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth. What to do in such cases? The contractile activity of the organ is affected by regular urination. Many women in labor simply do not pay attention to this. In addition, many women may experience discomfort and pain during urination, which arise due to internal sutures. As a result, most women in labor try to visit the toilet as little as possible. It is not right. Urination speeds up the contraction process of the uterus. Therefore, experts recommend emptying your bladder more often. bladder, despite the pain and discomfort.

If all else fails...

If the mother's uterus does not contract and the methods listed above do not help, then cleaning the organ cavity can solve the problem. There are many reasons for the development of this phenomenon. In some cases, the uterus stops contracting normally if more postpartum discharge - lochia - has accumulated in its cavity. There may also be pieces of the placenta and blood clots in the organ cavity. Often they clog the uterine os.

Without cleaning the organ cavity, such accumulations can cause an inflammatory process. At the same time, it will develop not only in the uterus, but also outside it. If cleaning does not help, then the consequences for the woman can be disastrous. To restore the size of the uterus, doctors may prescribe surgery. In the worst case, surgery is performed and the organ is removed. Experts resort to such measures in rare cases. Healthy women who follow doctors' recommendations feel good after the birth of their baby. Their uterus contracts well and there are no problems.

In conclusion

Now you know why the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth. To speed up this process, you should follow all the recommendations of specialists. In special cases, the gynecologist may prescribe special medications. Do not forget that slow contraction of the uterus is a dangerous phenomenon for a woman in labor, which can cause serious disorders in a weakened body. In some cases, removal of the organ is required.

To avoid such a pathology in the future, doctors recommend that pregnant women not be lazy and not avoid light physical activity. It is for this reason that expectant mothers should spend more time in the fresh air. In addition, an evening walk can improve your sleep. In addition, a pregnant woman can perform a special set of exercises and even swim.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes, and after childbirth, its recovery takes from a couple of months to several years, and some features remain for life. The most important change that is noticeable to everyone around is the large, rounded belly of the expectant mother. The skin, muscles and uterus are stretched to make the baby more comfortable inside. The birth of a child is a great stress for the mother’s body. An important component of overall recovery is the normal contraction of the uterus after childbirth.

Unfortunately, this period does not always pass without complications. In the first two months after birth, medical supervision is necessary to assess the contraction process and stimulate it in case of complications.

After the birth of a child, the uterus is enlarged and stretched. It is cleared, and at the same time bloody discharge is observed -. The upper part of the uterus is located just below the navel, the main part is in abdominal cavity. Due to stretching and decreased tissue tone, it remains mobile.

After childbirth, while the uterus contracts, blood and lymph vessels are compressed. They partially dry out and gradually go away. The muscle tissue increased due to the growth of the fetus decreases in size, and some cells die and are resorbed.

The inner layer of the uterus after the birth of a child is one large bleeding wound. Most of the damage is in the area of ​​attachment; there are many vessels in which blood clots gradually form. The entire internal surface consists of blood clots and remnants of the fetal membrane. Pain occurs due to contraction of the uterus - a natural and normal process.

When the postpartum period passes without complications, the uterine cavity is sterile for 3-4 days after the birth of the child. Cleansing occurs through phagocytosis, a process during which white blood cells engulf and dissolve bacteria. Proteolytic enzymes formed from the breakdown products of blood cells also play an important role.

How long does it take?

Many new mothers often have concerns about how long the uterus contracts after childbirth. If there are no complications, it will take about 6 weeks. During this period, the weight of the uterus decreases from 1000 to 60 grams, the most intense changes occur in the first 6-10 days.

The uterus recovers more slowly in the cervical area. The process of its reduction lasts throughout the entire postpartum period. The diameter of the internal uterine os after the baby is delivered is 10-12 cm, which allows you to manually remove parts of the placenta. Within 24 hours it is significantly reduced, becoming passable for 2 fingers, and after 3 days for 1. After three weeks, it closes completely.

How long the uterus will contract after childbirth depends on the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth. On average, the process lasts 1.5-2 months, but can be completed in 4 or 10 weeks. Such terms are a variant of the norm.

Reasons for non-contraction of the uterus

The timing of uterine contractions after childbirth may increase for several reasons:

  • pregnancy and (, etc.);
  • characteristics of the woman’s body, concomitant diseases;
  • (incision of the uterine cavity).

All these factors are taken into account when a doctor monitors the recovery process. So, with multiple pregnancies, the normal duration of uterine recovery increases by several weeks. In such situations, medication support may be prescribed.

In some cases, the uterus does not contract at all. Such a complication is possible with uterine bending, inflammation in the pelvic organs, fibroids, benign neoplasms, serious injuries to the birth canal and a violation of the blood coagulation system.

What to do if the uterus contracts poorly?

What to do to make the uterus contract after childbirth? Immediately after delivery, women place a heating pad with ice on their stomach. Reducing the temperature constricts blood vessels, helps reduce bleeding and speeds up uterine contractions.

Over the next few days, while the young mother is in the maternity hospital, the doctor checks daily how the recovery process is going. If upon examination it is discovered that the fundus of the uterus descends slowly and remains soft, then a conclusion is made about a reduced ability to contract. According to the doctor's decision, special drugs can be administered that stimulate this process (Oxytocin, prostaglandins), as well as a course of massage through the abdominal wall.

In many maternity hospitals, special attention is paid to the establishment: when the baby suckles, the woman’s body releases hormones that help shrink the uterus.

Discharge from the maternity hospital is made after the doctor is convinced that the process of uterine contraction is proceeding normally. In the next 1.5-2 months, you will need to regularly visit the gynecologist on an outpatient basis. If during the examination it is revealed that the pharynx is clogged with blood clots, or that lochia or part of the placenta remains in the uterine cavity, it will be prescribed.

What should be normal?

You can determine whether the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth or normally by looking at several symptoms.

If the recovery period passes without complications, then the woman experiences:

  • some tenderness in the mammary glands;
  • in the lower abdomen - discomfort;
  • bloody, and after a while yellowish vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • diarrhea for 1-4 days after the baby is born.

The uterus contracts most intensively in the first 10 days after birth, it is during this period that symptoms are pronounced. At the end of 6 weeks they almost completely disappear.

Most often, discomfort in the postpartum period is tolerable, but some women have a reduced sensitivity threshold and need medical help. To reduce the pain accompanying uterine contractions, you can take No-shpa, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and use Diclofenac suppositories.

What to do to make the uterus contract faster?

It will be useful for every woman to know how to speed up uterine contractions after childbirth.

  1. Breastfeed your baby. When nipples are irritated during this period, hormones are produced, including prolactin, which promotes uterine contraction. The earlier feeding starts, the better.
  2. Do not go on bed rest and move as much as possible: walk, do housework, care for the baby. However, if the birth was complicated, the possibility of physical activity should be discussed with your doctor.
  3. Sleep on your stomach, especially during the day.
  4. Take care of genital hygiene: wash yourself several times a day (and at first after each visit to the toilet), treat wounds.
  5. Empty your bladder at the first urge, even if it causes discomfort. The more often, the faster the uterus will contract.
  6. Gymnastics after childbirth to contract the uterus is based on contraction of the abdominal muscles, perineum, vagina, as well as movements of the diaphragm using breathing.

There are cases when all these methods do not help, since the uterus is prevented from contracting by lochia or the remains of the placenta after childbirth; only a cleansing procedure can help. It is performed under general anesthesia using a special instrument that looks like a spoon with a hole. You should not be afraid of these manipulations; without them, the development of inflammation of the uterus and nearby organs is inevitable.

During the forty weeks that a woman carries a child under her heart, her entire body experiences global changes, ranging from changes in hormonal levels to changes in the location of vital organs. The greatest metamorphoses still occur with the uterus - having increased more than five hundred times during pregnancy, after childbirth it will have to return to its previous size. This happens, although faster than stretching, but, nevertheless, the process is relatively long. You should not expect complete contraction of the uterus after childbirth. You may even notice that many women who have already given birth look like they are pregnant for a few more days.

The process of returning it to its previous size begins immediately after the birth of the child. How much does the uterus contract after childbirth? It's quite difficult to say. This process is accompanied by the expulsion of the baby's place and remaining blood, and it happens differently for all women.

Since it depends on many factors, it is impossible to determine how long it will last in each specific case. One of the most significant effects on the uterus is oxytocin, which is produced when a woman breastfeeds. Therefore, if, doctors recommend paying special attention to establishing lactation.

It is believed that on average, the uterus can take between one and a half to two and a half months to return to its pre-pregnancy size. However, she loses more than half of her weight within the first week after birth. Contraction of the uterus after childbirth- the process is not painless, it can and should be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The sensations are quite similar to contractions, since the muscles of the uterus make contractile movements.

If the uterus does not contract after childbirth, they talk about atony, and slow, poor uterine contractions after childbirth called hypotension. Doctors rarely encounter complete paralysis of the uterine muscles, but hypotension can lead to bleeding or other complications, so it is quite dangerous for a woman in labor. If the uterus does not contract, she needs help.

Why the uterus does not contract after childbirth

Doctors tend to say that the answer to the question is How long does the uterus contract after childbirth? for each individual woman, it’s not so difficult. To do this, you need to analyze how many fetuses there were in this pregnancy, what were the features of its course and delivery, how the placenta was located, to which wall of the uterus and in what part of it it was attached, how much the child weighed, how healthy the woman was, and so on.

Based on what has been described, we can conclude that if you suffered from toxicosis and other complications of pregnancy, if the child is very large or there are several of them, if the placenta was located too low or had the presence of placenta previa, if labor was too weak and long, if If a woman is exhausted and constantly lies down after childbirth, the risk is very high.

If a woman suffered from polyhydramnios, flexion of the uterus, inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, fibroids or underdevelopment of the uterus, blood clotting disorders and injuries to the birth canals, then it is quite possible that the uterus does not contract after childbirth at all.

If the fundus of the uterus is soft, then there is a high risk of atony and hypotension.

The uterus does not contract after childbirth

As soon as the baby is born and the placenta is rejected, an ice heating pad is applied to the woman’s stomach, since cold causes vasoconstriction, which increases the intensity of uterine contractions and helps remove residual blood from the female body. Pace uterine contractions after childbirth are constantly checked by doctors in the maternity hospital until the time comes for discharge.

It is worth noting that in case poor uterine contractions after childbirth a woman should not hope for a quick discharge. If the uterus does not contract after childbirth independently, doctors help her with intramuscular or intravenous administration of drugs such as oxytocin. It is also possible to influence it with the help of a massage performed through the abdominal wall.

The most important factor influencing the rate of uterine shrinkage is breastfeeding, which needs to be established as soon as possible.

Why is it so dangerous? poor uterine contractions after childbirth? If the uterus does not contract enough, it remains , blood clots that can block the exit from the uterine os. The result can be various diseases, the main symptom of which is the appearance of an unpleasant odor of discharge. That is why when all other methods uterine contractions are ineffective, doctors give the woman a cleansing. It is worth noting that recently cleaning has been done more and more often and is often a routine safety net, since while a woman is in the maternity hospital, doctors are responsible for her health.

Unfortunately, it may also happen that the uterus does not contract after childbirth, despite all your efforts and the efforts of the medical personnel responsible for you. If neither cold, nor lying on the stomach, nor physical activity, nor cleaning and administered medications lead to a decrease in the size of the uterus, doctors are forced to make a serious decision about the need for surgical intervention. In such a situation, it is even possible to remove it.

Before taking such measures, it is better for a woman to consult more than one gynecologist. Contact a doctor you trust, or visit several specialists. If everyone agrees that the uterus needs to be removed, then you should not delay it, so as not to provoke the development of infectious diseases around this organ.

Thus, poorly contracting uterus after childbirth may be a serious cause for concern for a recent mother. Its return to its previous size is a very important process, requiring close attention to all the side effects that appear during the process of its restoration. If, after being discharged from the hospital, you notice that the nature of the discharge has changed dramatically, for example, if it has an unpleasant odor, immediately visit a gynecologist. If the amount of discharge is too small, this may indicate a lack of uterine contractions, but if the discharge becomes similar to bleeding, this is a signal that the woman needs urgent medical attention.