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Dream of relieving yourself little by little. Enuresis (involuntary urination during sleep)

Dreaming that you are writing- portends that you will make a mistake that will almost lead you to death.

Seeing someone write- means that you will be reproached for carelessness. Some kind of lawsuit may cause you trouble.

Trying to read something written in an unknown language- means that after such a dream you will get rid of your enemies only if you do not undertake new business transactions.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Write, draw patterns- favorable news awaits you, but you must show interest in the issue yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The Russian language is rich and powerful, and sometimes there are words in it that have different meanings, but are identical in spelling. And now we will encounter one such couple. So, to write or to write? - that is the question!

And so that our dear users do not have to search twice, we decided to combine the interpretation of dreams about these two very different processes in one article.

Write according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself writing is not a good dream; it suggests that the dreamer is ready to make a mistake, for which he will have to pay dearly; the price of this mistake may even be the life of the sleeper.

To see a picture of how someone else writes - expect accusations of a carefree life, a trial.

Finding a certain manuscript written in an incomprehensible language and trying to read it means the dreamer will avoid the machinations of enemies if he does not engage in new activities for some time.

To write a message to someone - you are ready to condemn someone, but do not rush to do this - your conclusions are wrong, and repentance will soon overtake you.

Writing an anonymous message means your self-confidence has been shaken, since you consider your rival in love much more worthy of the object of your passion.

Frequent dreams that one of your friends is writing you a letter - you will receive soon news from him or his visit to you.

What does it mean to dream about writing according to Freud’s dream book?

Writing a note to a representative of the opposite sign on a high-quality sheet of paper means the dreamer is satisfied with the intimate side of his life and his current partner.

Writing a message to someone who belongs to your gender means readiness for homosexual contact.

Write according to Vanga

Making notes yourself means receiving some news that will be closely associated with the younger generation of the family.

Why do you dream of writing according to a housewife's dream book?

In such dreams, not only the writing process is important, but also what you write with and on what. If

  • write on a piece of paper, then something annoying is expected;
  • write in chalk - a dream threatens separation from a loved one;
  • make inscriptions on mourning ribbons - you will not lack the courage to resolve the problems that have arisen with the help of some extraordinary measures.

If in a dream you are writing a book, then soon you will have to get rid of financial difficulties.

Why else do you dream about writing?

  • Why do you dream of writing in a notebook?

Write notes in a notebook - you should pay attention to your studies.

Put quotation marks, using quotations in your notebook, to several scenarios:

  1. receive long-awaited news from your parents;
  2. complete some undertaking that will bring considerable benefits;
  3. limit yourself in your own rights.

Writing in a copybook means gaining experience in something, having previously made some mistakes.

  • Why do you dream of writing on paper?

Writing on good paper means satisfaction with your life and the events in it.

Writing something on an untidy, crumpled or torn piece of paper means that you have driven all your desires and needs deep inside, living not your own life, but someone’s imposed one.

  • Writing a letter in a dream

Writing a romantic letter with a confession of love experiences is a sign of a new novel in which the relationship will develop gradually and beautifully.

Another message to write without blots and mistakes is to find out that those around you value you for your reputation.

Handing a written letter into the hands of the postman means you won’t trust anyone with your experiences and feelings.

Writing a congratulatory letter means an unexpected and joyful meeting.

Business correspondence, in which the dreamer is involved, predicts a number of troubles for him.

Writing anonymous letters means your unrequited feeling will cost you considerable mental strength.

The electronic version of writing your message hints to the dreamer that in the business sphere he needs to show more initiative, otherwise he may not see career growth.

  • To write an essay

Express your thoughts not on a given topic, but on a free one - you have a number of interesting thoughts and ideas that you will share with a person in an unexpected meeting.

Essay for the exam - meeting friends from your youth, school years. Also, your financial difficulties will soon be resolved.

  • Write poetry

You live surrounded by an illusory world, fearing a collision with the real one.

  • Why do you dream about writing SMS?

Sending an SMS means that the dreamer will face a series of wasted efforts, since he will not yet be able to achieve what he wants.

Why do you dream of writing according to Miller’s dream book?

The process of urination in a dream indicates that the body needs a respite from the fast pace of life that the sleeper leads.

This dream also warns of the possibility of a protracted illness, including ending up in the hospital, which frightens you.

There is blood in the urine - it is possible that blood relatives will experience health problems. Give them time.

Drinking urine means in reality surprising those around you with an inappropriate act.

What does it mean to write in a dream according to Freud's dream book

Urinating while experiencing relief, inexplicable joy, indicates that you have accepted yourself for who you really are. The attacks of awkwardness will disappear from you, as well as all your complexes.

Watching your own genitals in the process of urination is a sign that in reality you have power and good ability to fertilize and bear children.

Why do you dream of writing according to Vanga’s dream book?

What matters is where this process takes place.

If at home, then you will have to fight for some property.

If at work, then you dream of a new position, a salary increase.

If you have to urinate directly on the ground, then the dreamer dreams of purchasing a certain plot.

Why do you still dream about writing?

  • pissing boy

You have to enter into confrontation with several rivals for this or that property.

  • pissing man
  • peeing child, baby

If the kid went “under himself” - to hear a reproach from his superiors about his competence.

Seeing the image of a urinating child means following momentary desires and not thinking about the future.

  • Why do you dream about peeing in the toilet in a dream?

Get what you want, while getting rid of problems and worries.

  • Why do you dream of peeing on the floor?

... and getting urine on your feet portends success in business.

  • Why do you dream of writing in blood?

You need to pay attention to the health of your loved ones. Some of them are at risk of serious illness.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


I dreamed of writing

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are writing foretells that you will make a mistake that will almost lead you to death. Seeing someone write means that you will be reproached for being carefree. Some kind of lawsuit may cause you trouble. Trying to read something written in an unknown language means that after such a dream you will get rid of your enemies only if you do not undertake new business transactions.

Why does an artist dream?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to see is a warning against illusions and wasted hopes; to be him is strong love.

The meaning of a dream about an artist

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing an artist in a dream means that soon all your worries and worries will end, and complete calm will come. Buy paintings from an artist - as your relationship with a new acquaintance develops, you will find out that this is the person you have been waiting for all your life.

The meaning of a dream about drawing

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that someone was drawing you, it means that you are filled with unspent feeling and don’t know where to direct it, to whom to pour it out. You would like to surrender yourself to love selflessly, because self-sacrifice and mercy are defining for your character. If you haven't met your life partner yet, know that it will happen very soon. Someone will feel an irresistible attraction to you. If you drew in a dream, it means that in real life you tend to idealize yourself and your life, not paying attention to objective factors. You convince yourself that everything in your life is going well and flawlessly, but in reality things are not so rosy.

I dreamed about the postman

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a postman, it means you will take responsibility for an unpleasant and unprofitable job. If you dream of a postman bringing you a letter, it means that you will soon receive unpleasant news. Hearing the postman's call or his knock on the door means an unexpected visit. If you dream that the postman is passing by your house, then sad events are possible in reality. If you hand a letter to the postman to send, you will be offended by people who are hostile to you. Talking to the postman means involuntary participation in some kind of scandal.

Why do you dream about the postman?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

receiving letters is a warning not to rush; hands over a letter - divulging a secret.

I dreamed about a portrait

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you look at a portrait of some beautiful person, then the answer to this dream is this: while enjoying something beautiful, you should remember that such joys are fraught with worries and betrayal. Dreams in which you see portraits cause damage to your daily activities.

Why do you dream about a portrait?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

pleasant fright; own - aspirations, plans; children; family - to separation, troubles in business or relationships; friends - good news; removing from the wall is ingratitude; hang on the wall - fame; draw - meeting; unexpected acquisitions; buy - purchase housing; portrait (for the bride and groom) - wedding upset; someone draws - (similar or dissimilar) - circumstances will be in your favor or against you, especially if the artist is a woman.

I dreamed about a picture

according to Miller's dream book

If a picture appears in front of you in a dream, it means that trouble will happen to you and you will be deceived. If in a dream you paint a picture in oil, it means that you have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise. If you damaged a painting in a dream, it means that you will have to make significant efforts to protect your rights. Buying paintings in a dream is a prediction of unworthy speculation. Seeing your portrait on a family tree in a dream promises you prosperity and satisfaction, but at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of mutual understanding. If you dream that you are surrounded by the best engravings of ancient and modern masters, it means that you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements, in comparison with which your real successes seem miserable. Visiting an art gallery in a dream means disagreement. You will begin to make efforts to establish peace and mutual understanding at home, striving with your soul for completely different people.

Why do you dream of drawing?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

unexpected income from a trivial matter; for the young - deception through hope.

Why do you dream about a pencil?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

someone gave it to a woman - avoid contact; writes a note - a desired lover; the tip breaks - an unexpected separation; erase what is written - forget love; writing with a thick pencil is good luck in business or personal.

Why do you dream about urine?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

concerns, main desires; urinate - hopes will come true; recognition (if the stream is strong); someone is urinating - other people's plans; a child will be born if a woman (the dream of the Median king Astyages about the daughter who gave birth to Cyrus); spilled - trouble through children; see Excrement.

Why do you dream about chalk?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

success in business.

I dreamed about chalk

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to dream that she has whitened her face means a secret desire to gain admirers. To dream that you are writing with chalk on a blackboard means that you will receive public honors, unless the blackboard in your dream is black. In the latter case, this means failure. Hands stained with chalk promise disappointment.

Urinating somewhere secretly in a dream means that in life you will do a bad thing and do not want anyone to know about it. After such a dream, you should be careful not to do anything stupid that will complicate your relationships with loved ones and work colleagues.

Urinating in front of a lot of people is a bad dream. He points out to you that you should not neglect the conventions accepted in society, otherwise it will turn away from you. Perhaps after such a dream you will have to change your place of residence or work. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may become an exile and seek happiness on a foreign side.

Urinating on someone in a dream is a sign of a quarrel with that person. After such a dream, you should avoid conflict situations. See interpretation: latrine.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Urine

Whoever sees himself urinating in a dream, if he has problems or worries, he will free himself from them, if he is in debt, he will pay them off, and if he is rich, he will become arrogant.

Whoever sees in a dream that he is urinating blood will sleep with a divorced wife or relative without knowing it.

And whoever sees that he has urinated in a people’s home or in their camp will establish family relations there through marriage.

And whoever sees that he has urinated more than required, or is soiled with urine, or its smell is very disgusting, or emits urine while people are looking at him, then this is a sign of misfortune or the revelation of evil, because of which he will be disgraced.

Drinking urine indicates doubt about the integrity of earned profits or wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from

Whatever you see in night visions.

To find out the interpretation of dreams about urine, it is enough to remember the vision in detail and look into the dream book. Urine is not a bad sign, but sometimes it can warn of impending troubles.

If you urinate

When urination lasts for a very long time in a dream, it means that a series of joyful events awaits you. And the dream book interprets a large puddle of urine on the floor as a surge of positive emotions.

If you get your feet wet, you will soon go on an interesting journey. And if liquid gets on your clothes, then it’s time to update your wardrobe.

  • Peeing in the toilet means getting rid of negativity.
  • Doing this in a crowded place means lack of harmony in the soul.
  • Collecting a urine test means worrying about your health.

As the dream book says, urinating while experiencing discomfort in a dream means solving complex problems in reality. Experts recommend not to refuse the help of loved ones. Now, more than ever, it will come in handy.

Urinating in water is a sign that all your troubles will soon end. And if in a dream you urinate in a diaper, it means that you have a reliable patron.

Someone else's urine

Why do you dream about urine if it is not yours? For example, the interpretation of dreams describes the discharge of a dog as minor problems that your friend will help you sort out.

According to the dream book, cat urine means trouble. Most likely, they will be delivered to you by a person pretending to be your friend.

Children's urine in a dream is a sign that you are deprived of attention. However, you should not blame others for this. Most likely, you are to blame for your loneliness.

Think about how you behaved with your loved ones recently. If you have offended them in any way, be sure to ask for forgiveness.

If you dreamed of another person’s urine, according to the dream book, this means that you will meet an interesting person. Discharge from a representative of the opposite sex indicates an upcoming whirlwind romance. You can safely plunge into it headlong. Your feelings will be mutual.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpretation of such dreams in Miller’s dream book is positive. For example, if you dreamed that you were peeing, then this is a sign that it is time to clear your house of clutter.

At the same time, as soon as you do this, changes for the better will occur in your life. The dream book also recommends ridding your soul of negative feelings. Such actions will transform you, new people will be drawn to you.

A dream in which you cannot urinate indicates that you cannot make an important decision. You constantly hesitate, consult with different people, receiving a lot of different recommendations in response. Miller's dream book suggests calming down, listening to your heart and making a choice.

Other meanings

The interpretation of dreams about urination depends on many other factors. If in a dream you saw urine with blood, then you definitely need to undergo a medical examination. Such dreams are often an important warning.

If after a dream about urine with blood you do not have the opportunity to see a doctor, try to take preventive measures. Give up bad habits, play sports, start taking vitamins.

  • Discharge with blood on the floor means loss of strength.
  • Urinating in a dirty toilet means wealth.
  • Urinating during sex means new sensations.
  • Droplets on the floor mean minor troubles.
  • Several people peeing in the toilet means an argument.

If in a dream you had to drink urine, it means that in reality you are doing unnecessary things. In other words, if you put in a lot of effort, you will not see the result of your work.

Spilling liquid in a dream means missing out on a happy occasion. And if you douse yourself with it, you feel unwell.

The interpretation of dreams will help you find out exactly why you dream about urine. All you need to do is remember all the nuances of your dream and draw parallels between the explanation of the dream and real life. Author: Vera Drobnaya