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Dream interpretation chicken eggs are white. Interpretation by actions. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of breaking an egg? Why do you dream about broken eggs?

If you dream of a chicken egg, don’t worry - it’s a favorable sign. This may indicate the beginning of a new stage in life. But in order to decipher the dream as accurately as possible, remember as many details as possible.

General information based on dream books

According to the old English dream book, dreaming about chicken eggs means success in trade and love

Often such a dream is interpreted as a good sign, but there are exceptions. Let's look at the interpretation of a dream about chicken eggs according to various dream books:

  • Miller. If a man had such a dream, then wealth and success on the love front await him. For a woman, the dream has a different interpretation, and indicates that she is very passionate about something or someone.
  • Wangi. An egg in a dream symbolizes the planet and all living things. If it is fresh, then expect good events in the future, but if it is cracked or rotten, it indicates a poor environmental situation in the world.
  • According to Freud. A girl who sees a chicken egg in a dream will soon meet a guy with an impressive manhood. If a representative of the stronger sex had such a dream, he is very fixated on sex.
  • Tsvetkova. Eggs in a dream promise the arrival of guests. It’s a good sign if a pregnant girl sees such a dream. Her birth will be easy, and the baby will be born healthy.
  • Nostradamus. Such a dream speaks of the birth of a new life. For a couple dreaming of a child, this may promise a quick addition to the family.
  • Medium Hasse. Joy and pleasure await you. It is possible to receive a bonus or promotion.
  • Gypsy. Chicken eggs in a dream - to profit. Such a dream could also mean a meeting with an old friend who will do you a good service.
  • Medea. The dream symbolizes the birth of an idea, the implementation of which will bring you financial independence.
  • Spring. A new person will appear in your life who will become your close friend and ally.
  • French. Expect good news from afar. There is a possibility that a distant relative wants to transfer part of his property to you.

This is interesting. Seeing eggs that a chicken has just laid in a dream foretells the prospect of having large offspring in the future and devoting your life to children and family.

Interpretation by quantity

Seeing a lot of eggs in a dream, according to Aesop’s dream book, means a happy marriage, good children and prosperity for many years

According to the Mayan dream book, if you dreamed of one egg, then wait for your relatives to arrive. Esotericist Tsvetkov deciphers such a dream as a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex, whose heart you will conquer.

But the women’s dream book connects the dream with upcoming worries and worries. Seeing a lot of eggs in a dream, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, portends success in business. Your colleagues and bosses will notice your efforts and praise you. But the famous dream interpreter Lyudmila Shereminskaya interprets dreams as upcoming worries.

Someone close to you will find themselves in a difficult situation and will not be able to get out of it without your help. The Mayan dream book deciphers such a dream as upcoming love experiences.

According to Freud's dream book, seeing a basket full of eggs is evidence of your promiscuous sex life. It's time to come to your senses and settle on one partner with whom you can build a strong family in the future.

You should know. Seeing an egg in a dream, according to the Wanderer’s dream book, means pregnancy and the birth of a child.

Interpretation by size

Small chicken eggs in a dream indicate that you are paying too much attention to small problems, trying to make mountains out of molehills.

If a woman had such a dream, then she is wasting her time on men with whom she cannot build a serious relationship.

It is worth reconsidering your views on life and paying attention to more serious and decent representatives of the opposite sex.

If a man dreams of one small chicken egg, it means that he is investing his energy in an unpromising business.

Sometimes people may dream of large or even huge chicken eggs. Such a dream can be considered a good sign. You have every opportunity to achieve what you want. There is no need to doubt, you need to act.

This is interesting. If you dreamed of large chicken eggs, expect praise at work and monetary rewards.

Decoding dreams by color

  1. According to the Mayan dream book, painting eggs in a dream means dissatisfaction with your lifestyle
  2. Yellow is a sign that your past actions are fraught with consequences. If you have done something bad and are hiding it from others, then know that soon your secret will be revealed, and retribution cannot be avoided.
  3. Red means trouble. An unexpected obstacle will arise on your way that will greatly harm you. For family people, a dream can mean betrayal of a spouse.
  4. Black - to great grief. It is especially bad if a pregnant woman had a dream. It may be a harbinger of miscarriage or difficult childbirth.

But clean and fresh eggs dream of good news.

Integrity of an egg in a dream: cracked, broken, rotten

If you dreamed of a cracked chicken egg, then soon due to some annoying misunderstandings all your efforts may be in vain. For a couple in love planning to get engaged in the near future, such a dream can even predict a break in the relationship.

If you saw an Easter egg in a dream - expect a declaration of love

According to Miller's dream book, seeing fresh broken eggs is a good sign. Soon fortune will smile on you and your business will go uphill. But according to the French dream book, seeing such a dream always means sadness and disappointment in the people you trusted.

According to most dream books, rotten eggs in a dream do not bode well. Expect betrayal of friends, betrayal of your partner, intrigues at work, loss of property and losses.

If you had such a dream, then you should not immediately fall into despair. We need to soberly analyze the situation, as they say, “forewarned is forearmed.”

It is important. Dirty chicken eggs dream of the collapse of your endeavors.

Actions: find, collect, buy, cook, beat, peel boiled, eat

Finding chicken eggs in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, is a sign of joyful events. You may unexpectedly become rich or meet your love. For girls, such a dream predicts many promising fans, flirting and a fun time.

Collecting eggs is a favorable dream, promising prosperity and well-being. According to Vanga’s dream book, such a dream foreshadows a new stage in your life. All bad things will remain in the past, and a series of pleasant events awaits you in the future.

Buying eggs, according to the French dream book, prophesies diversity in life. But the gypsy dream book interprets the dream in its own way. Purchasing eggs in a dream means misfortune and bad news. It may also indicate that you are giving up your own happiness for the sake of your loved ones. This will not bring anything good in the future.

Boiling eggs means taking part in gossip and intrigue, which will soon cause considerable harm to your reputation. Frying means loss of both money and loved ones.

Breaking eggs in a dream is also a bad sign. If you did this, then expect problems with the law in the near future; if you saw how another person did this, in reality you will become a witness to a crime.

But peeling a boiled egg means an improvement in your financial situation and a promotion. Such a dream also prophesies gifts and tempting offers in the future. The more pieces you manage to clean, the more gifts fate will give you.

Eating egg dishes in a dream means favorable events. If you ate with pleasure, then some incredible event awaits you ahead, which will make you a truly happy person.

You should know. According to Miller's dream book, seeing yolks or whites in a dream means you will soon get rich.

Each dream book deciphers the chicken eggs we dreamed of in its own way. For a more correct interpretation of a dream, read several options for meanings and use logic: dreams always come so that you can prepare yourself or your loved ones for something.

According to most interpretations, seeing chicken eggs in a dream is a good sign. This is a symbol of a new beginning, new life, prosperity. The only exception is a frankly inedible product. Rotten, too dirty or suspicious-looking chicken eggs represent troubles and poor health.

The French dream book, with its characteristic sophistication, advises paying attention not just to raw chicken eggs, but also to their shade. For example, snow-white ones portend success in any endeavor, reddish ones also promise success, but you have to try hard to achieve it.

If you are lucky enough to see in a dream how a chicken is about to hatch from an egg, the dream book promises a joyful event or a successful outcome of a business that has already begun. For pregnant women, such a sign in a dream has a particularly positive meaning - an easy birth and a healthy baby - this is what you dream of about a chicken hatching before your eyes.

Meneghetti's dream book is not so optimistic: according to his interpretation, the creature hiding under the shell symbolizes the unknown and uncertainty in a dream, so in reality it advises to be on the alert.

A dream in which you had to collect chicken eggs speaks of your desire for change and novelty. Undoubtedly, positive, says the dream book. You are exploring career prospects, looking for meetings with like-minded people, trying to add some “zest” to family relationships. Judging by your activity, the chances of success are quite high.

Despite the fact that this is just a dream, Vanga, the famous fortune teller, considers boiled chicken eggs on a global scale. In her prophecy, this dream foreshadows climate change throughout the planet. Humanity may lose its usual flora and fauna, and besides, it will have to look for new ways to obtain fresh water - this is what boiled eggs mean in dreams.

If you happen to buy chicken eggs in a dream or acquire them in some other way, for example, by finding them or receiving them as a gift, the dream book promises that variety and dynamics will come into your life. New hobbies, romantic adventures, a business trip or a change in activity at work are possible - in a word, you will not be able to stay in the rut, warns the dream book.

The egg fell and broke...

According to Miller's dream book, chicken eggs symbolize prosperity and profit. If they are carefully placed in the basket, it means that someone intends to make you a profitable business offer. Even broken eggs seen in a dream are considered a symbol of a successful coincidence of circumstances, an unexpected gift of fate.

But according to the interpretation of the esoteric dream book, broken chicken eggs represent complete collapse and failure in any endeavor: the deal will turn out to be extremely unprofitable, a new acquaintance will end in disappointment, health may fail at a crucial moment.

The dream book of Nostradamus warns of possible troubles with the law. What you see in a dream suggests that the likelihood of becoming an unwitting accomplice or witness to a terrible crime is now higher than usual.

The interpretation can also be allegorical. If you dreamed about how you or someone else breaks chicken eggs, you may find yourself participating in something that, in principle, does not contradict the law, however, grossly violates the code of your personal values.


Why do you dream about the Egg?

ABC of dream interpretation

Egg - symbolizes the birth of an idea that will soon hatch.

Seeing a chick that has already hatched portends a new calm period of life.

A lot of eggs - anxiety, uncertainty of the situation.

Breaking an egg is a misfortune.

Seeing a shell means unfulfilled hopes.

American dream book

Eggs - integrity. New life and new potential.

English dream book

Dreaming about eggs means quick success in trade and love.

If there are a lot of eggs, the dream foretells a happy marriage, good children and prosperity for many years. You can safely hope to get a better job; it will soon be yours.

If the eggs are rotten, the dream foretells you the deceit of treacherous friends or the hypocrisy of unfaithful lovers.

If in a dream you eat eggs with pleasure, it means that pleasure and considerable joys await you ahead.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about an Egg in a dream according to the dream book?

Eggs - dream about the arrival of guests.

Women's dream book

The egg is an ancient symbol that means the beginning, source, foundation.

A dream in which an egg appears means that a period of searching and acquisition has begun in your life. Try to make sure that success does not turn your head, and that the material does not harm the spiritual.

Idiomatic dream book

“Hatch, sit on eggs” - waiting with a specific purpose; “throw rotten eggs” - overthrow, protest against a declared leader, speaker; “energy egg” - cocoon; “running around like a chicken with an egg” - petty egoistic worries, troubles; “hit in the balls” - in a particularly vulnerable place; “laying a golden egg” is a brilliant idea, a source of enrichment; “is in the shell of his ideas and views” - limitation, isolation, narrow outlook.

Intimate dream book

Seeing chicken eggs in a dream means you will meet a male representative who will surprise you with the volume of his manhood.

If the person who has such a dream is a man, you should not be afraid of any homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise that we just talked about awaits you in a public bathhouse or, say, a sobering station.

If you dream of broken eggs, it means that you can offend some already complex person with some careless look or word. Even if you really want to express everything that’s “boiling up,” it’s better to remain silent.

Eating an egg in a dream means a close relationship with someone around you, whom until now you knew only formally, for example, as a colleague.

Painting Easter eggs means you need to take a new approach to your intimate life. Each time you just repeat what happened before without making any changes, and the feeling of “zest” leaves your sex. It’s not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Turn on romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one and nothing can tear you away from each other, from your world for two; arrange a marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in a bubble bath.

Islamic dream book

Dishes made from eggs and meat speak of profits made without much effort. Pickles are always a sign of quarrels and troubles, and those who eat them in a dream should expect their appearance. Anyone who sees them without eating them will lose his capital by investing it in some business.

Icelandic dream book

Seeing eggs means special sadness; owning an egg means profit.

Italian dream book

An egg is a rather negative symbol, since an egg is “something” in a shell. A secret, unknown, unexpected creature that is hidden from direct perception. The floor of the shell can be anything: something alien to a person, separate from him, some other life that can influence the life of the subject, his behavior, development, sense of self, or something threatening, fraught with danger. In addition to this interpretation, a sexual interpretation of this image is also allowed, since the egg, due to its shape, symbolizes the male genital organs.

Culinary dream book

Eggs in a dream portend success in any new business.

Eggs that you eat in a dream indicate that you are in good health.

Maly Velesov dream book

Eggs - profit, guests will show up, harvest, / illness, shame, sin, tears, trouble, grief, death of loved ones, loss, something in the household will disappear or deteriorate, quarrel, troubles, fight, quarrel, worries; whole - for good; a lot - success; in the nest - bad, quarrel, trouble; painted - thieves, family quarrel; red - good news; roll - good, harvest, profit, money / you’ll break your head; to break - death (of a relative), loss, quarrel, annoyance, misfortune; broken - to the deceased, illness, loss, trouble, do not marry a plump girl; eat - to fever; eat without measure - illness, harm; yolk is a nuisance.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about an Egg?

Seeing several eggs means the presence of pronounced extrasensory abilities (prophetic dream).

Eating a soft-boiled egg means you won’t complete some important task, and you will suffer for it; the disease cannot be completely cured.

Golden egg - upon awakening, make a wish - it will come true.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Seeing an egg in a dream and breaking it, clearly distinguishing its three constituent parts, the shell, the white and the yolk, means that you are currently busy searching for the meaning of life, but philosophizing does not bring you peace.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The egg is a symbol of the male genital organs. Potential life that must be primarily fertilized from without; dark substance (matter), which must be penetrated by the light of the conscious before the birth of a new one. Easter and Sunday. Archetype of probable individuation. A secret essence in which good and evil exist inseparably.

Russian dream book

Frying or boiling eggs means losses; a lot - for guests or gifts; to break - the stinginess of a loved one; in the nest - love adventures; rotten - monetary loss.

Russian folk dream book

In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, it means wealth, profit or something empty.

Eating an egg in a dream means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to empty and unnecessary things.

Breaking an egg means that by your careless actions you can harm yourself.

A dream in which you are waiting for chickens to finally hatch from eggs means that you are too passionate about something that is no longer relevant to you.

You are trying to break and peel the shell of an egg - they are thrusting upon you a business in which they will try to deceive you and involve you in financial expenses.

Family dream book

A nest with eggs seen in a dream portends wealth and a happy marriage. After such a dream, a woman often behaves too frivolously.

If you ate an egg in a dream, anxiety associated with something unusual may settle in your home.

When you see broken fresh eggs, know that fate is ready to generously reward you. You will be loved and respected for your extraordinary mind and high sense of justice.

Rotten eggs - dream of loss of property and decline in business.

Seeing a basket of eggs is a harbinger that you will participate in profitable business transactions.

Bird eggs found in the forest dream of receiving an inheritance from distant relatives.

Slavic dream book

Eggs bring profit; eating them brings peace.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing eggs is a sign of profit and benefit; crushing eggs means a quarrel with someone at home, annoyance and displeasure; getting dirty with crushed eggs means persecution from enemies; collecting white eggs means profit; Eating eggs in moderation means calm and contentment; eating them without any measure portends harm and illness.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about an Egg?

Finding a nest with eggs in a dream is a prediction of family happiness, wealth and many children.

For women, this dream promises numerous love interests.

There are eggs - expect unusual disturbances in the house.

Seeing fresh broken eggs is a harbinger that fate will be favorable to you and will give you generous gifts. You will be loved and respected for your high spirit and commitment to justice.

Seeing rotten eggs is a harbinger of loss of property and moral decline.

Seeing a basket of eggs is a sign of profitable business deals.

A dream in which you see bird eggs promises you an inheritance from distant relatives or high profits from successful business ventures.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The egg is a reflection of the beginning in general. Reflection of the beginning of a new life.

Azar's Dream Book

Eggs - a new person in the family or an unexpected guest will appear

Vanga's Dream Book

An egg in a dream represents the world, the planet, all living things that surround you.

A rotten egg in a dream portends a threat to life on Earth due to the fact that more and more advanced types of weapons are being invented, means of destroying living things, from which there is no salvation and which are in the hands of unworthy people who are capable of destroying all living things and destroying human civilization.

If you break an egg in a dream, this means that the planet is in danger from space. Perhaps, in the very distant future, a meteor shower will hit the Earth, which will split the planet into pieces, and all living things will die.

There is an egg - such a dream suggests that all living things exist by devouring living things, and so it was, and so it will be. But a person must thank God for sending him a lot as food, and not forget that he owes everything to the Creator.

Boiling an egg - such a dream suggests that a time will come when it will be very hot on Earth, and rivers and seas will begin to dry up, and plants and animals will begin to die, and people will begin to change in order to survive in the unbearable heat.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

An egg or eggs are the consequences of your actions or thoughts that have not yet been realized, but are no longer dependent on your will.

Seeing them, finding them - wealth, profit.

Buying is a misfortune.

Cook - gossip.

Distributing is a danger to life, especially for pregnant women.

Breaking is a crime, murder.

There is sadness.

Eating too much or overeating means deterioration of health, great harm.

Black, scary-looking eggs are evil fruits.

Colorful, dirty eggs - the awareness that the results of your actions are unlikely to be as good as you would like.

Huge, monstrous, the size of a house - the future does not depend on your will.

Seeing a lot of big ones means following in the footsteps of other people's works.

A lot of empty shells - a certain completion / end of a certain period of life.

Collecting bird eggs is your desire to return to the beginning of life, to do everything in a new way.

To suck an egg means to become a dependent, a parasite, to pass off other people’s thoughts as your own.

Fiery - unexpectedly for you, significant consequences of your actions.

Eggs falling from the sky or floating in water are a torment of conscience.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The egg is a very powerful sign, symbolizing new life and new potential. In many ancient traditions, the egg is associated with immortality.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs, an egg means great potential and even a container for the secrets of life. On one of the Egyptian papyri you can see an image of an egg hovering above a mummy. It is believed that this is a symbol of eternal life in the future. If this sign appears to you, then you are on the verge of entering your full potential. This is a time of new beginnings.

Dream book for a bitch

Eggs are an addition to the family.

Eating eggs means anxiety, restlessness.

Breaking eggs in a dream means you are loved, happy, those around you treat you with honor and respect for your high moral qualities, kindness and justice.

Collecting eggs in a basket is a very profitable and profitable business that your partners are ready to offer.

Quail eggs are a small inheritance or a gift from relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Eggs in a dream usually warn you to be careful.

Seeing chicken eggs in your dream is a sign that your business will go well if you take due care and do not take risky steps.

A good dream in which you see that a chicken has laid an egg - this dream portends profit for you.

If the egg was laid by a rooster in your dream, such a dream promises profit from victory in some controversial matter.

Rotten eggs are a sign of disappointment. After such a dream, you should not blindly trust tempting offers - they can result in big losses.

Boiled or fried eggs - portend some difficulties and disputes in your home.

Broken eggs mean that your intemperance can cause you harm.

Finding eggs of forest birds in a dream is a sign of unexpected profit. But if these eggs are spotted, then you will be overcome by some doubts.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Eggs - a new person will appear in the family or an unexpected guest will come.

An egg means news that will make everyone cry.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Eggs - news of someone’s pregnancy will reach you.

A testicle means a small income.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a small egg means your child will unexpectedly come to visit you.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Broken egg - gossip, bad luck; red egg - abundance; a whole egg is good news;

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

If you dream of chicken eggs, this means that your new partner will surprise you with the size of his manhood.

Broken eggs - dream that you can offend a person with your careless word. It is better to remain silent in such a situation.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Eating eggs is a loss; putting them under the hen means profit; and taking them out is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of an Egg in a dream?

Eggs - profit, increase in the family, contentment and joy.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Egg - symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth.

Watching a creature hatch from an egg in a dream is a sign that you will soon witness the appearance of a living creature on earth.

For a young pregnant woman, such a dream predicts a successful birth.

Finding a large unusual egg in a dream means that in the future the egg of a large unusual animal will be found. Perhaps it will be the egg of long-extinct dinosaurs.

If you dreamed that you broke an egg, this dream prophesies that you will commit a crime. Perhaps take the life of some living creature.

If someone breaks the egg, in the future you will become an involuntary witness to a brutal murder.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see an Egg in a dream?

A dream with a broken egg portends a sad event, which, however, will turn out to be unexpectedly positive.

Cooking scrambled eggs - for the visit of guests.

Boiled eggs promise insignificant success that does not justify the investment and effort spent.

To see a dream with bird eggs in a nest predicts an unexpected find or a major purchase.

An egg with two or more yolks is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and success in life.

A lot of eggshells - to a quick marriage or addition to the family.

Dream book of the past

Eggs - most likely, you fear for your past, you are afraid that some of your unseemly actions will be revealed (what is hidden under the smooth white shell - your impeccable appearance) will become visible.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Eggs - someone will appear, profit, joy

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Eating eggs in a dream means unusual troubles in your home.

If you dream of broken fresh eggs, this is a sign that fate will soon generously reward you. You will become a favorite of many people thanks to your sublime mind and high sense of justice.

Finding a nest with eggs in a dream means wealth and a happy marriage. It is possible to receive an inheritance from distant relatives.

For women, such a dream foreshadows frequent hobbies.

A basket of eggs means that you will participate in profitable business transactions.

Rotten eggs - foreshadow the loss of property and decline in business.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Egg according to the dream book?

Eggs are a symbol of creation, emergence, and unrealized human potential. The chick hatches from it, which means the birth, implementation, embodiment of a creative idea, plan, idea.

Throwing eggs means collapse, exposure. A lot of worries; broken - loss, collapse of all plans; abortion.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a chicken egg in a dream means big losses.

If you dreamed that you broke a chicken egg, you will be in trouble, but you will not suffer large losses.

Eating a chicken egg means losing all your savings.

If you dreamed that you fried eggs from a chicken egg or used an egg to prepare some dishes, you should know that a secret enemy is ready to stab you in the back at any moment.

You dreamed that you were boiling a chicken egg - know that you have a secret enemy, and this is a woman.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends gave you a chicken egg as a gift, know that soon misfortune will befall this person, which will touch you with the edge of its wing.

Buying a chicken egg means misfortune due to your fault.

You lost or gave an egg to someone - the troubles that were supposed to befall you will overtake this person.

If you dreamed that you stole an egg, beware, a dog may bite you.

Freud's Dream Book

The egg is a symbol of the female genital organs. Most often, such dreams are associated with the desire to have a child.

A lot of eggs - symbolizes your dream of a large and friendly family (unless such a dream is caused by a feeling of severe hunger).

Rotten egg - symbolizes health problems or complications during pregnancy.

A boiled egg speaks of your frivolity in matters of procreation.

A broken or scrambled egg symbolizes your concerns about having a child. Often these concerns relate to restrictions on sex during pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

The egg is the whole set of deeds and intentions.

If you accidentally break an egg, or if it goes rotten, that’s bad.

Frying eggs or boiling an egg - all matters are resolved well.

Easter egg - declaration of love; eating an egg means happiness and profit.

Giving an egg means finding a true friend.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

One egg, two - waiting for guests; a lot - success; to beat or see broken is a loss.

Aesop's Dream Book

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the origin of life and has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians whose actions were associated with evil spirits ate an egg in the shell to double their strength. You probably remember that the fairy-tale villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, and infinity.

The custom of painting and eating eggs is still very popular. Folk wisdom contains many sayings and proverbs related to this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: “Not worth a damn.” In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy. They said about a caressed and spoiled child: “A hatched egg is always a chatterbox.” It was believed that no serious actions should be expected from such a person.

If you eat an egg in a dream, it means that in reality you are paying too much attention to an empty and unnecessary matter.

A dream in which you dropped and broke an egg means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness.

Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

To dream about how you collect eggs in nests means that significant changes for the better will come in your life.

If you saw in a dream how you hatched eggs yourself, it means someone close to you will need your attention and help.

A dream in which you treat someone to a dish of eggs indicates that a person will appear in your life who will change your whole life.

Seeing rotten eggs in a dream is a bad sign.

Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means an ambivalent situation.

If in a dream you are trying to cook scrambled eggs, and a live chicken crawls out of a broken egg, this is a sign that you are using your chance unwisely.

Seeing a huge mountain of eggs in a dream means prosperity.

A dream in which you saw a snake devouring an egg means evil and illness.

To see a pike hatching eggs in a dream is a sign that you are overly carried away by your fantasies, which are replacing your real life.

A dream in which you are waiting for a chicken to finally hatch from an egg means that you are too passionate about something that is long in the past. They say about this: “These are hatched eggs.”

If in a dream you are trying to break and peel the shell of an egg, in reality you will have to be more careful. They will try to deceive you and involve you in significant financial expenses. People say: “They peeled off like an egg.”

Medieval dream book

Cooking chicken eggs is a sign of wealth.

Seeing eggs or laying them out means empty words.

Seeing white eggs means wealth.

French dream book

Seeing white eggs in a dream means that your cherished desires will come true.

A red egg means an unexpected unfortunate circumstance that will greatly harm you.

Clean, fresh eggs portend good news.

Seeing a whole basket of eggs in a dream means participation in an unsuccessful enterprise.

Broken eggs always dream of sadness.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of eggs, there will be some guests.

Beating eggs is a misfortune.

If there are a lot of eggs in the nests, there is a quarrel, a nuisance.

Universal dream book

If you see an egg in your dream, the most obvious meaning that the dream carries is fertility. We all come from an egg fertilized by sperm. The Easter egg is also a symbol of fertility and resurrection.

If in a dream you are sitting on eggs and waiting for someone to hatch from them, it means that you have a lot of work to do to achieve your goal.

If you walk on eggshells in a dream, it means you should be more sensitive.

In a dream, you or someone else breaks a shell - this symbolizes the formation of personality and gaining independence. It could also be that the dream is telling you that you are being encouraged to do something you don't want to do or go somewhere you don't want to go.

Is the egg in your dream hard-boiled or soft-boiled? In the first case, in a dream, your desire is expressed to be more persistent and clearly define your position. Also, such a dream may indicate that you have literally gone through fire and water and have strengthened your character.

If the egg is liquid inside, it means that you lack softness in your life. Perhaps you yourself want to be more gentle or expect this from other people.

If in a dream your face or the face of another person is smeared in egg, it means that in real life you are in a difficult situation.

Gypsy dream book

Eggs are happiness in family love.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing an egg means the birth of children.

A lot of eggs - troubles associated with children.

Easter eggs - joy from children, respect and help.

Broken - to infertility, unsuccessful pregnancy.

Erotic dream book

Seeing a basket of eggs in a dream means you have come to the conclusion that your sex life is too chaotic. Subconsciously, you strive to create a family and think about procreation.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Egg according to the dream book?

An egg is a sign that a new idea will soon dawn on you.

If you ate an egg, you will be very alarmed about something.

According to the dream book, a broken egg means that you will be the darling of fate.

Rotten - you will need money and attention.

Seeing rotten eggs is a harbinger of loss of property and moral

If you dreamed of boiled ones, your efforts will be in vain, you will not be able to find a reason to be happy with the result.

According to the dream book, a large egg promises you great happiness, you will be lucky in everything, higher powers will protect you from any adversity and help you achieve everything you want, the main thing is to listen to your inner voice and follow your guiding star without further ado.

If you see a chicken egg in a dream, they are a warning that all our thoughts are materializing, so everything that happens to us is only our own fault; they also symbolize some new opportunities and prospects.

Quail eggs in a dream indicate that your intuition is much more developed than that of most people; develop this gift in yourself and use it for good purposes.

In a dream you saw ostrich eggs - you should take a more responsible approach to the problem of a loved one, do not follow his whims and do not be afraid to be harsh, otherwise you will not help him, but will only aggravate the problem.

If you dreamed of snake eggs, this is a warning that your enemies are somewhere nearby and pose a potential danger to you.

The dream in which you saw white eggs foreshadows the successful implementation of what was planned and so desired in the very near future.

If you dreamed of broken eggs, difficult times may come in your home, material well-being may deteriorate, and against this background, the emotional atmosphere.

If you dreamed of an ordinary fresh raw egg, this is a sure sign that a new member will appear in your family, or you will become much richer financially.

If it is atypically large, you are no longer the master of your own position, and in many ways you have to take into account the opinions of third parties.

If you dreamed of boiled eggs, someone is spreading unpleasant rumors about you behind your back, this can cause you a lot of trouble, so try to nip them in the bud.

You see that it is soft-boiled - this is a warning that you should not leave what you started unfinished, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences, especially when it comes to health issues; if there is an illness, it must be completely eradicated.

The dream book interprets a rotten egg as a warning about problems at work, which will lead to financial complications and misunderstandings within the family, and most likely the reason for this will be the betrayal of those with whom you do business.

If at the same time they are black, this is an extremely bad omen, indicating that your enemies are quite insidious and strong, they pose a real threat to you.

If in a dream there are Easter eggs, decorated, this promises you a romantic adventure, someone will deprive you of peace.

If you saw a lot of eggs in a dream, prosperity awaits you in everything, you will create a strong and happy family, and at the same time build a successful career.

If in a dream you collect eggs, you are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs and want to fix everything; this seems possible only by starting all over again.

You simply take them out of a bird’s nest - you will be successful and happy, you will be able to achieve everything you want, and you will find true love.

At the same time, you understand that they are rotten - take a closer look at those with whom you have to communicate, among them there are vile and hypocritical people from whom you can expect anything, be as careful as possible with them.

If you dreamed that you were buying eggs - perhaps now you are in despair due to the inability to realize what you want and the need to live under someone else's orders.

If you were able to find eggs in a dream, prosperity and success in financial matters await you, as well as a prosperous family life.

You dreamed of golden eggs - this is a sign of incredible luck; you will have a unique opportunity, which is very important to notice in time and make the most of it.

If the egg is black in a dream, it means that you have enemies who are plotting something evil against you; be careful to repel their blow in time.

If you dreamed of cracked eggs or eggs that were broken, this is a warning that now you need to be extremely careful in everything related to material assets; due to the slightest mistake, you can lose a large sum of money.

If you yourself have broken them, it means that you have forgotten that you need to fight for your well-being and personal happiness, and having achieved them, work hard to preserve them.

If in a dream you dreamed of an egg with two yolks, this means that you will live in abundance, your house will become a full cup, and you will achieve all your ambitious goals.

Peeling eggs in a dream is a warning that you may become a victim of scammers, so you should be extremely careful, otherwise the material damage will be very large.

If you dreamed that you decided to paint eggs for the holiday, this is a sign that you should bring something new into your intimate life, become more skilled lovers, but you don’t need to change anything radically, just add a few piquant details.

If in a dream the eggs are male, this indicates your psychological and physical readiness to have your own offspring.


Rotten eggs according to the dream book

The dream book interprets a vision where there were rotten eggs as a warning. A symbol seen in a dream perhaps promises trouble that will happen soon and reports an upcoming unfavorable period. You should behave more carefully and refrain from dubious enterprises. The accompanying details will help you correctly interpret what such a sign means in a dream.

What does the dream mean?

Dreaming of rotten eggs foreshadows health problems. Rotten chicken informs a pregnant woman about complications during pregnancy.

Seeing rotten eggs in a dream means: the planned goals will not be fully realized. You should consider your plans more carefully or reconsider your life priorities.

Did you dream of throwing away rotten eggs? This means, according to the dream book, troubles in the family. Quarrels with the other half, conflicts with children are possible. Try to objectively assess the situation and find ways of reconciliation.

Breaking them in a dream means be more restrained in your actions. Impulsivity can cause significant harm to you.

Business sphere

Seeing a boiled chicken egg that is spoiled means losses. Eating it in a dream means losses in business await ahead. A difficult period is approaching, so it is necessary to reduce business activity and postpone the conclusion of major transactions for some time.

Did you dream about a broken rotten egg? The dream book explains: this is disappointing. Be careful not to trust the most seemingly attractive offers. They can cause great damage.

Seeing them in a dream means: the dreamer’s moral decline may occur. You should remember your convictions even in the most difficult situations. After all, even a single act that contradicts generally accepted moral standards can not only ruin one’s reputation, but also lead to a loss of self-respect.

Why do you dream of throwing away rotten eggs? The dream book warns: loss of property is possible. Try to avoid any risky big business, because if it fails, you will have to compensate for losses at the expense of your property.

Love, relationships

Often rotten eggs - raw or boiled - symbolize in a dream the machinations against the dreamer of those whom he considers friends.

For lovers, a dreamed vision is a reason to think. The dream book notifies: a loved one is unfaithful, his hypocrisy becomes noticeable even to those around him. Pay attention to those nuances of your relationship that for some reason you did not like. Perhaps you previously assessed them incorrectly - too leniently, obviously positively?

Dreaming of chicken rotten eggs is a harbinger of meetings with two-faced people. Be careful, try to keep such communication to a minimum, provide as little information as possible about yourself or your plans.

Why dream of breaking a rotten egg? The dream book calls such a plot a signal: it’s time to end a relationship that has not brought joy for a long time. Don't be afraid to do it - why torture yourself further? It is better to free yourself from what you are already burdened with.


The dream book interprets such a plot in a dream as a harbinger of bad news. Perhaps trouble will happen to someone close to you - get ready to provide help or at least provide moral support.

Why dream of eating a spoiled egg dish? The work into which a lot of effort was invested, with great hopes attached, will be in vain.

When a seemingly fresh egg turns out to be rotten in a dream and you have to throw it away, it means that a business that promises benefits will turn out to be unprofitable and a failure. However, if you exit it in time or stop promoting this enterprise, you can get by with small losses.

Why dream of breaking them to cook scrambled eggs and finding that they are rotten? The dream book informs you: you have an ill-wisher capable of vile acts. Right now he is preparing an insidious blow, so be on your guard and try to minimize the damage caused.


Dream interpretation Chicken eggs

Why do you dream about chicken eggs in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about chicken eggs reminds of the materialization of thoughts, so you only have yourself to blame for what is happening.

Soon you will be offered to take advantage of new opportunities, tempting prospects that will bring success in business.

Where have you seen chicken eggs? What were chicken eggs like? What did you do with chicken eggs?

Where have you seen chicken eggs?

Dreamed of chicken eggs in a nest

Why do you dream of chicken eggs in a nest? With due care, diligence, and the absence of rash risks, success in your activities, financial stability, and well-being awaits you.

What were chicken eggs like?

Dreaming of cracked chicken eggs

The Felomena dream book defines cracked chicken eggs as unjustified hopes. There will be a period of disappointment and sadness due to failures at work, as well as in romantic relationships.

What did you do with chicken eggs?

Find chicken eggs in a dream

If you dream that you have found chicken eggs, success and prosperity in financial affairs are expected. Well-being will also be established in family life, where harmony and mutual understanding will prevail.

I dreamed that I was frying chicken eggs

Did you fry chicken eggs in your dream? There is an enemy lurking among your surroundings, ready to stab you in the back, waiting for the right moment. Be careful, do not give in to provocations.

Why do you dream about buying chicken eggs?

If you dreamed that you were buying chicken eggs, it denotes despair due to unfulfilled plans, the inability to achieve what you want, as well as the need to live according to the orders of others.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Muslim dream book


Dream Interpretation Eggs

Eggs, Boiled eggs, Chicken eggs, Easter eggs, Buy eggs, Break eggs, Broken eggs, Collect eggs, Raw eggs, Rotten eggs, Fry eggs, Fried eggs, Two eggs, Beat eggs, Chicken from egg, Cracked eggs, Chick from eggs

If you saw Chicken Eggs in a dream, you happened to Collect Eggs in a dream, Dream Interpretations foretell that in reality a lot of pleasant events await you, unplanned profits or the arrival of long-awaited guests. Eggs in a dream symbolize family happiness, peace of mind and success in business. And an even more favorable prognosis awaits those who dreamed of a Chicken crawling out of an Egg. This is a sign that you should expect an addition to your family.

I dreamed about raw chicken eggs, Collecting eggs in a dream- family happiness, well-being; unexpected profit.

A Chicken Egg is traditionally considered a sign of family happiness and prosperity, and the promised happiness will be greater, the more Eggs you saw in your dream.

Buy or find eggs in a dream- receive an inheritance.

The dream is more likely to come from the region, since it has no logical explanation. However, no one forbids you to hope that unexpected profits or inheritance will appear in your life in reality.

Dreamed about Easter eggs- to joy; lack of vivid impressions; willingness to undergo a sexual experiment.

A dream can have several connotations. First of all, Bright, Colorful Easter Eggs indicate that in reality you are in an elevated, Joyful mood. Or vice versa - you are sorely lacking bright emotions and feelings. And on the other hand, Easter Eggs may indicate that you are internally ready to diversify your intimate life and will be happy to undertake any kind of experiments. Moreover, the Interpretation is equally relevant for both women and men.

Breaking eggs in a dream, Dreamed of broken or cracked eggs- to a loss; financial losses due to your own negligence.

See others kick their balls- financial losses will pass by.

An egg is a very fragile substance. Having broken the Eggs in a dream, be as vigilant and careful as possible in reality - your financial well-being and family happiness require a very careful attitude towards yourself.

I dreamed that a chick emerged from an egg, a chicken hatched from an egg- the fruits of one’s own labors; otherwise - to pregnancy.

In the traditional and rather old interpretation, the Chick Hatched from the Egg Symbolically means a child who will appear in your family very soon. And at the same time, this Chicken or Chick may be some new idea or plan that you are carefully hatching and which will definitely come true in real life.

I dreamed about rotten eggs- vain hopes and efforts.

An anxious dream is something to which you have put a lot of effort and pinned a lot of hopes, but in reality it will turn out to be not so tempting and promising.

I dreamed about two eggs- for the arrival of guests.

Eggs in a dream foreshadow the arrival of guests, the number of which can be predicted if you count how many Eggs you saw in your dream.

Frying eggs in a dream, Dreamed of fried or boiled eggs- to troubles in the family; to malaise.

An egg is a favorable image of sleep, but only if the Egg seen was raw. Cooked Eggs in a dream foreshadow troubles and problems. On the other hand, eggs are a very nutritious product. Perhaps the appearance of this dream was provoked by your own body, which encourages you to change your diet in favor of lighter and healthier foods.


Dream books interpret this symbol in different ways; much can be explained by analyzing the circumstances that accompany the appearance of raw eggs in a dream. So, if it is of an ordinary appearance, of normal size, then this can be considered a good sign - you are probably expecting an addition, the birth of a child, or material gain. When you dream of raw eggs of unrealistically huge sizes, it means that you have lost power over your destiny, and it depends on the will of others.

If you dream of fresh, but broken eggs, expect some pleasant surprises, gifts of fate, maybe not immediately, but after some time.


Why do you dream about eggs (chicken)))?



The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth. Watching a creature hatch from an egg in a dream is a sign that you will soon witness the appearance of a living creature on Earth. For a young pregnant woman, such a dream predicts a successful birth. Finding a large unusual egg in a dream means that in the future the egg of a large unusual animal will be found. Perhaps it will be the egg of long-extinct dinosaurs. If you dreamed that you broke an egg, then this dream prophesies that you will commit a crime. Perhaps take the life of some living creature. If someone breaks the egg, then in the future you will become an involuntary witness to a brutal murder.


Why did you sign “(chicken)”?


If in a dream you find a nest with eggs, then fate will give you large offspring, family happiness and prosperity. For a woman, such a dream can also portend love interests
Seeing a basket of eggs means the possibility of a profitable deal.
If you dreamed of bird eggs, then you will receive an unexpected large inheritance from a distant relative or another big win.
Looking at a bird's nest in a dream means that you will be interested in successful entrepreneurship. For a young woman, this dream foreshadows a change of home.

Ellochka Petrova

Eggs dream that someone will come to you.

Vasta Mawela

to welcome guests

Elena Prokhorova

To a new person in the family


EGGS = a new person in the family or an unexpected guest will appear.


Indeed, eggs in a dream symbolize someone’s appearance. The number of eggs is the number of meetings and conversations.

I dreamed of chicken eggs... beige in color - but huge in size - like ostrich eggs! There were about 8-10 eggs. What is it for?


Everybody lies

a very large profit that you have something to do with... but not yours if you wanted to steal one of their eggs or were guarding them... Might be work related


You will have guests and among them there will definitely be children. You will have troubles with children.


a few eggs to great success

☜♡☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

Eggs in a dream usually warn you to be careful. Seeing chicken eggs in your dream is a sign that your business will go well if you take due care and do not take risky steps.
A good dream in which you see that a chicken has laid an egg - this dream foretells you profit.


Seeing eggs in a dream means abundance, buying them means misfortune, boiling them means gossip, distributing them means danger to life, breaking them means a crime.

Collecting bird eggs in a dream means your desire to do everything in a new way; sucking an egg means becoming a dependent.

Seeing a chick hatching from an egg in a dream means relief, relief from anxiety, responsibility or fear.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. In a dream, a person can see events from the past, present and even future. A dream in which eggs appear has many interpretations, but we can say with confidence that it does not foretell serious troubles in the near future. Broken eggs are a symbol that fate will generously reward a person for his work; he will feel his importance in society, love and respect from his immediate environment.

The female one also says that a person who sees a nest with eggs in a dream will soon strengthen his financial position. For a man, he promises the return of debts, an unexpected inheritance, etc., but rather, marriage and a strong marriage. Seeing a basket of eggs in a dream means an exciting proposal, for example, participation in an unusual project that may seem stupid at first glance. But rotten eggs are a negative symbol, foreshadowing a loss of strength, as well as their irrational use.

A rotten egg in a dream symbolizes the loss of a loved one or property. It is better for the dreamer not to take on risky business, otherwise it will lead to complete collapse.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller's dream book, eggs represent the beginning of a new life. A woman who sees them in a dream will probably soon find out about her interesting situation -. Seeing several eggs in a dream means that in order to accomplish his plans, a person may need outside help, for example, colleagues, friends or relatives. Eating eggs in a dream means unjustified worries and fears that take all the dreamer’s attention and prevent him from concentrating on serious things.
Easter eggs in a dream are a harbinger of unexpected joyful emotions. The dreamer can confidently implement his plans; luck will accompany him both in work and in personal affairs.

Aesop's Dream Book

In Aesop's dream book, the situation with eggs is not as positive as we would like. He takes a dual interpretation. On the one hand, eggs are considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, a new idea. And on the other hand, it is an artifact of sorcerers and magicians, which helps them increase their strength by taking away the life energy of others. For example, eggshells may be a sign of weakening of the body. This means that the dreamer should pay more attention to his health and devote all his efforts to its restoration. If a person sees in a dream how an egg hatched, most likely he is living in the past, not noticing that everything around him has changed - new opportunities and goals have appeared.

If you had a dream where you clearly saw chicken eggs, remember the details of this dream and try to decipher it. To correctly interpret a dream, you need information about what exactly you saw. By remembering all the details, you can understand why the egg is dreaming.

If you dreamed of raw eggs, then this dream most often indicates your relationships with others. Large chicken eggs symbolize pleasant communication with old friends. And if you saw them in the nest, then you can safely entrust all your experiences to your loved ones.

Collecting eggs that chickens have just laid means mistrust on the part of your loved one. And the chickens that hatch them in the nest are a sign of a pleasant evening with your loved one.

What kind of eggs did you see?

  • Raw white - to an unexpected offer from the authorities.
  • Brown - to the envy of colleagues.
  • Broken - for the arrival of old friends.
  • With two yolks - for a confidential conversation with children.
  • Quail among chickens - get ready for a serious conversation with your friend.

The dream book explains raw eggs on the table as your reluctance to communicate with the opposite sex. And if you see them in a plastic bag, be prepared to be reprimanded at work.

But if these are not chicken eggs, but goose eggs, a promotion awaits you in the service. Raw quail eggs dream of a showdown in your close circle.

Boiled eggs

Many people wonder why they dream of eggs if they see them boiled in a dream. Experts unanimously say that this happens due to events in personal life.

If you see boiled eggs in a pan of water, expect betrayal from your loved one. But taking them out of the pan means quickly resolving an old conflict.

  • Collecting boiled eggs on a plate means misunderstandings in a relationship.
  • Peeling them means a sudden quarrel.
  • Cutting into a salad means moving to a new stage of the relationship.
  • Eating means meeting your partner’s relatives.
  • Quail - to groundless jealousy on the part of your loved one.

A dream in which you put boiled eggs in the refrigerator speaks of your unrequited love. But if you take them out of there, the dream book promises you a mutual feeling in the near future. A romantic evening and a passionate night are foreshadowed by halves of boiled chicken eggs. And a long trip with a loved one - cut into four parts.

Omelettes, fried eggs and scrambled eggs

Fried egg dishes in a dream are a harbinger of joyful events in your life. Scrambled eggs on a plate dream of a pleasant trip, in a frying pan - a fun party, and on the floor - a quick financial gain.

The dream book also claims that fried eggs with a liquid yolk indicate the arrival of long-awaited guests, and with a solid one - a reception of old friends at home.

  • Fried chicken egg dishes at a holiday mean a salary increase.
  • Scrambled eggs and bacon - to praise from the boss.
  • A lush omelette on a plate is a sign of a long-awaited vacation alone.
  • Collecting liquid protein from scrambled eggs is a pleasant chore
  • Fried quail - an unexpected gift.

If you had a dream that you were frying eggs in nature, be prepared for an important person to appear in your life. And if you saw that you were cooking in the rain, it means that this person will become very close to you.

A dream in which fried egg dishes are decorated with herbs speaks of an approaching wedding. And if vegetables are used as decoration, a beautiful romantic trip to another country awaits you.

Dreams with smell

Sometimes people are faced with the question of why they dream of eggs when they are rotten. This often happens before some important event.

For example, when applying for a new job, you may dream of broken rotten eggs. And before entering a university - with cracks.

  • If you see them in the kitchen, it means negotiations with business partners.
  • Feeling an unpleasant smell means an upcoming vacation.
  • Eating rotten egg dishes means a salary increase or a bonus.
  • Chickens near a rotten egg - a declaration of love.
  • Collecting them in a nest means a speedy recovery.

A dream in which you saw broken chicken eggs with an unpleasant smell on your table speaks of a rapid rise up the career ladder. And if you are trying to collect them and throw them away, wait for a new, influential patron. If you bought them at the market, you will soon be able to realize your talents.

Don't take dreams too literally. Their meaning directly depends on the events happening in your life. Therefore, you can really evaluate a dream and find out its meaning only when you carefully analyze your life. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Since ancient times, the egg has been considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, the beginning of some important task or stage. In general, the appearance of this object in your dream is a favorable sign. The interpretations of many dream books tend to suggest that seeing a whole, beautiful, clean chicken egg in a dream means the appearance of positive events or pleasant meetings in reality. To decipher the meaning of sleep in more detail, you need to remember various small details and actions that you performed with the eggs. The outcome of the dream interpretation will depend on these aspects.

Whole raw eggs

If you dreamed of one or more whole, clean chicken eggs of normal size, this may portend some kind of acquisition or purchase. Also, their appearance in a dream can be considered as:

  • The onset of a new stage in your life, changes for the better.
  • Someone will come to you - guests and acquaintances are possible.
  • Success in business, trade, business.
  • For men, such a dream promises good luck in love affairs, for a woman - a future meeting with her chosen one.
  • For pregnant women, dreams in which beautiful whole chicken eggs are present are a favorable sign. It is believed that the woman will successfully give birth, and the baby will be strong and healthy. The same thing means a dream in which chickens hatch from eggs.
  • For spouses dreaming of children, such a dream promises the appearance of offspring.

Boiled eggs

If you dreamed about the process of boiling eggs, be attentive to the people around you. Perhaps someone is plotting against you. Boiled chicken eggs that appear in a dream may mean that there are no obstacles to the fulfillment of your desires. You can safely begin what you have planned. Actions performed with boiled eggs in a dream mean:

  • Clean - you will receive a promotion, good offers from business partners. Your financial situation will improve significantly.
  • Eating this product is considered a very good sign if you like its taste in a dream. You will meet a good person or a pleasant event will happen in your life. If the eggs are tasteless or bitter, this portends resentment, tears and troubles.
  • A man who dreamed that he was feeding his beloved with boiled eggs should expect a new addition to the family. But a girl who feeds a young man a dish of boiled eggs in a dream should be wary of betrayal on his part.

Broken, spoiled eggs

Basically, most dream books are inclined to believe that breaking raw chicken eggs in a dream is a bad sign. You need to be more attentive to your friends and family, as quarrels are possible with them. Other interpretations:

  • Your dreams of quick profit and success are unattainable.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of broken eggs - there is a threat of fetal loss.
  • Illness or even death is possible.
  • The eggs were fresh at first, but then quickly spoiled - your friends will betray you.
  • If you accidentally crush a raw egg and get dirty, be careful, as you can suffer from the actions of unkind people.
  • If one of the spouses dreamed of broken eggs, he should think about the relationship and take steps to improve the situation in the family.

Lots of eggs

A lot of whole chicken eggs that appeared to you in a dream mean prosperity and noticeable improvements in life. Also, this dream gives hope for other positive events:

  • Good harvest, big profit.
  • If you find a large nest with eggs, expect a happy life of abundance or a prosperous marriage.
  • Seeing a lot of eggs for a young girl means she will have many fans and the opportunity to develop intimate relationships. However, you shouldn’t hope for a long-term relationship.
  • If you dreamed that you were collecting chicken eggs, changes for the better will occur in your life. Such a dream predicts career growth, interesting acquaintances with new people, and an active, rich life.

When trying to unravel your dream, pay attention to the sensations you experienced. Remember what tastes and smells were present in the dream, and whether you liked what you were doing. Many dream interpreters agree that the positive emotions experienced by a person in a dream indicate a successful outcome of events.