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Composition of tropicamide eye drops. Tropicamide is an effective eye drop for diagnosis and treatment. Analogues and synonyms

in polyethylene bottles of 5 ml; There are 1 or 2 bottles in a box.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- anticholinergic, mydriatic.

Blocks m-cholinergic receptors, causes mydriasis and paralysis of accommodation. Compared with atropine, the mydriatic effect of the drug and the paralysis of accommodation it causes is significantly shorter. It has a lesser effect on intraocular pressure, but its increase during use of the drug is possible, which should be taken into account in patients with angle-closure glaucoma.


Mydriasis develops 5-10 minutes after instillation and reaches a maximum at 15-20 minutes. Pupil dilation persists for 1 hour (using a 0.5% solution) and 2 hours (using a 1% solution). Maximum paralysis of accommodation after 2-fold instillation of a 1% solution, on average, occurs after 25 minutes and persists for 30 minutes. Complete relief of paralysis of accommodation occurs after 3 hours.

Absorbed into the systemic circulation, as a result of which systemic side effects may develop (most often observed in infants, small children and the elderly).

Indications for the drug Tropicamide

Examination of the fundus and lens, determination of refraction; surgical practice (cataract extraction, operations on the retina and vitreous body, laser coagulation of the retina); inflammatory eye diseases, prevention of the development of synechiae in the postoperative period (as part of complex therapy).


Hypersensitivity, glaucoma (angle-closure and mixed primary).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Possibly if the expected effect of therapy exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.

Side effects

Local reactions: impaired accommodation, decreased visual acuity, increased ophthalmotonus, development of an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma, allergic reactions.

Systemic reactions: anxiety, agitation, dry mouth, dysuria, hyperthermia, tachycardia.


Enhances the anticholinergic effect of antihistamines, tri- and tetracyclic antidepressants, procainamide, quinidine, MAO inhibitors.

When used simultaneously, sympathomimetics increase the paralysis of accommodation caused by Tropicamide, while parasympathomimetics weaken it.

Simultaneous use with nitrates, nitrites, disopyramide, haloperidol increases the increase in intraocular pressure in patients with a narrow angle of the anterior chamber of the eye.

Directions for use and doses

Conjunctivally, pressing lightly on the lacrimal sac area for several minutes (to reduce drug absorption).

For diagnostic pupil dilation: 1 drop of 1% or 2 drops of 0.5% solution (over 5 minutes), ophthalmoscopy is performed after 10 minutes. If the effect is insufficient, simultaneous use with phenylephrine is possible.

To determine refraction: instill 6 times with an interval of 6-12 minutes. The study is carried out 25-50 minutes after the onset of accommodation paralysis.

Children, incl. for breastfeeding - only in the form of a 0.5% solution. Premature infants should dilute the solution in a 1:1 ratio with isotonic sodium chloride solution (to prevent the development of systemic effects - urination disorders, defecation, tachycardia).

For therapeutic purposes, the dosage is determined by the doctor individually.


Symptoms: when taken orally - dry skin and mucous membranes, tachycardia, dilated pupils, agitation, convulsions; at high doses - coma, respiratory paralysis.

Treatment: gastric lavage, administration of activated carbon, intravenous administration of 1-2 mg of physostigmine (after 1 hour - again); for convulsions - intravenous administration of 10-20 mg of diazepam; when hyperthermia occurs, use physical cooling methods.

Precautionary measures

Contact lenses should be removed before use. They can be used 30 minutes after instillation. Should not be used by vehicle drivers during work in the evening and at night (visual acuity may decrease).

Storage conditions for the drug Tropicamide

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Tropicamide

3 years. After opening the bottle - 4 weeks.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
H30 Chorioretinal inflammationRetinitis
Central and peripheral chorioretinal dystrophy
H599* Diagnostics/assistants for eye diseasesAngioscopy of the iris
Diagnostics in ophthalmology
Differential diagnosis of eyeball injection type
Fundus examination
Examination of the fundus and lens
Monitoring the condition of the posterior segment of the eye
Examination of the retina during surgery
Retinal examination during surgery
Retinal examination after surgery
Retinal examination after surgery
Determination of the true refraction of the eye
Determination of refraction
Determination of refraction using skiascopy
Ophthalmological diagnostics
Pupil dilation
Creation of mydriasis
Creation of cycloplegia
Fluorescein angiography of retinal vessels
Z100* CLASS XXII Surgical practiceAbdominal surgery
Angioplasty of coronary arteries
Carotid angioplasty
Antiseptic treatment of skin for wounds
Antiseptic hand treatment
Balloon coronary angioplasty
Vaginal hysterectomy
Corona bypass
Interventions on the vagina and cervix
Bladder interventions
Intervention in the oral cavity
Restorative and reconstructive operations
Hand hygiene of medical personnel
Gynecological surgery
Gynecological interventions
Gynecological surgeries
Hypovolemic shock during surgery
Disinfection of purulent wounds
Disinfection of wound edges
Diagnostic interventions
Diagnostic procedures
Diathermocoagulation of the cervix
Long surgical operations
Replacing fistula catheters
Infection during orthopedic surgery
Artificial heart valve
Short-term outpatient surgery
Short-term operations
Short-term surgical procedures
Blood loss during surgery
Bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period
Laser coagulation
Laser coagulation
Laser coagulation of the retina
Laparoscopy in gynecology
CSF fistula
Minor gynecological operations
Minor surgical interventions
Mastectomy and subsequent plastic surgery
Microsurgical operations on the ear
Mucogingival surgeries
Minor surgeries
Neurosurgical operation
Immobilization of the eyeball in ophthalmic surgery
Complications after tooth extraction
Rehabilitation period after surgery
The period of convalescence after surgical interventions
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
Pleural thoracentesis
Pneumonia postoperative and post-traumatic
Preparing for surgical procedures
Preparing for surgery
Preparing the surgeon's hands before surgery
Preparing the colon for surgery
Postoperative aspiration pneumonia during neurosurgical and thoracic operations
Postoperative nausea
Postoperative bleeding
Postoperative granuloma
Postoperative shock
Early postoperative period
Myocardial revascularization
Resection of the apex of the tooth root
Gastric resection
Bowel resection
Resection of the uterus
Liver resection
Small bowel resection
Resection of part of the stomach
Reocclusion of the operated vessel
Bonding tissue during surgery
Removing stitches
Condition after eye surgery
Condition after surgery
Condition after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity
Condition after gastrectomy
Condition after resection of the small intestine
Condition after tonsillectomy
Condition after removal of the duodenum
Condition after phlebectomy
Vascular surgery
Sterilization of surgical instruments
Sterilization of surgical instruments
Dental operations
Dental intervention on periodontal tissues
Thoracic surgery
Thoracic operations
Total gastrectomy
Transdermal intravascular coronary angioplasty
Transurethral resection
Removal of a tooth
Cataract removal
Cyst removal
Tonsil removal
Removal of fibroids
Removal of mobile baby teeth
Removal of polyps
Removing a broken tooth
Removal of the uterine body
Removing stitches
CSF duct fistula
Surgical infection
Surgical treatment of chronic limb ulcers
Surgery in the anal area
Colon surgery
Surgical practice
Surgical procedure
Surgical interventions
Surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract
Surgical interventions on the urinary tract
Surgical interventions on the urinary system
Surgical interventions on the genitourinary system
Heart surgery
Surgical procedures
Surgical operations
Vein surgery
Surgical intervention
Vascular surgery
Surgical treatment of thrombosis
Partial gastrectomy
Transperitoneal hysterectomy
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
Coronary artery bypass surgery
Tooth extirpation
Extirpation of baby teeth
Pulp extirpation
Extracorporeal circulation
Tooth extraction
Tooth extraction
Cataract extraction
Endourological interventions

Trade name of the drug: Tropicamide

International nonproprietary name:


Chemical name: N-ethyl-alpha-(hydroxymethyl)-N-(4-pyridinylmethyl)benzolacetamide

Dosage form:

eye drops

1 ml of the drug contains:
Tropicamide 0.5%:
Active substance: tropicamide 5.0 mg; Tropicamide 1.0%:
Active substance: tropicamide 10.0 mg
Excipients: sodium chloride, disodium edetate dihydrate, benzalkonium chloride, hydrochloric acid, purified water.

Description: transparent colorless liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: S01FA06

pharmachologic effect
M-anticholinergic agent blocks receptors of the sphincter of the iris and ciliary body, causing short-term mydriasis and paralysis of accommodation. Slightly increases intraocular pressure.
Mydriasis develops within 5-10 minutes and reaches a maximum at 20-45 minutes. Maximum pupil dilation lasts 1 hour. After 6 hours, the pupil returns to its original size.

The percentage of absorption of the active substance entering the nose through the lacrimal canals is relatively high (side effects due to systemic action are possible).

Indications for use
Tropicamide 0.5%:

  1. for diagnostic purposes when performing ophthalmoscopy and determining refraction (including with increased sensitivity to other drugs that dilate the pupil);
  2. for the prevention of the development of synechiae in the complex therapy of inflammatory eye diseases.
Tropicamide 1%:
if paralysis of accommodation is necessary during refractive examination.

Hypersensitivity, glaucoma (especially angle-closure), intraocular hypertension.

Pregnancy, lactation, infancy.

Directions for use and doses
Tropicamide 0.5%:

  • For diagnostic pupil dilation: 1-3 drops over 10 minutes. With 3-time instillation, ophthalmoscopy can be performed after 10 minutes.
  • To determine refraction: 6 times with an interval of 6-12 minutes.
  • When used for medicinal purposes: instill up to 6 times a day.
Tropicamide 1%:
for the effect of cycloplegia when studying refraction, 1 - 2 drops of solution; instillation is repeated after 5 minutes. If the patient has not been examined within 20-25 minutes, you can additionally instill 1 drop to prolong the mydriatic effect.

Side effect
Local reactions: allergic reactions, increased intraocular pressure, photophobia, decreased visual acuity.
Systemic side effects: headache, psychotic reactions, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, hyperthermia, dry mouth, dysuria, convulsions.

When applied topically, an overdose is unlikely.

Drug interactions
Adrenergic stimulants can enhance and m-cholinergic stimulants can weaken the effect of tropicamide. Tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines, amantadine, quinidine, and antihistamines increase the likelihood of side effects when interacting with tropicamide.

special instructions
During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.
The drug contains benzalkonium chloride (a preservative), which can be deposited on the surface of soft contact lenses. In this regard, it is not recommended to use soft contact lenses during the treatment period.
Rigid contact lenses should be removed before instillation and put on no earlier than 15 minutes after.
To reduce the resorptive effect, it is recommended to apply light pressure with a finger on the area of ​​the lacrimal sac for 2-3 minutes after instillation.

Release form
Eye drops 0.5% and 1.0%.
10 ml in a plastic bottle with a dropper stopper and a screw-on protective cap equipped with a safety ring. 1 bottle along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions
In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children

Best before date
In unopened original packaging: 3 years.
After opening the bottle: 4 weeks.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

on prescription.

K.O. Rompharm Company C.P.JI. St. Eroilor 1A, Otopeni, Romania. 1A Eroilor Str., Otopeni - Romania
Send claims regarding the quality of the drug to the following address: Representative of the manufacturer in the Russian Federation Rompharma LLC 119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 32A

Rumyantseva Anna Grigorievna

Reading time: 7 minutes


When visiting an ophthalmologist, many patients encounter eye drops Tropicamide.

Sometimes the drug used for diagnostic procedures, sometimes their instillation necessary to perform surgery on the organ of vision or carry out treatment.

The medication is a solution that is dropped into the eyes. His classified as M-anticholinergics that change pupil diameter by acting on the receptors of the circular muscle of the iris and ciliary muscle.

Note! Tropicamide is used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes and preparation for surgical intervention on the organ of vision.

Useful properties of drops

Means has mydriatic and anticholinergic effects. The medication blocks M-cholinergic receptors, which are located in the iris and ciliary muscle due to the inactivation of muscarine.

Because of their relaxation maximum occurs pupil dilation and paralysis of accommodation, when light hits the eye, the iris sphincter cannot contract.

Medicine buried in the conjunctival sac: you need to pull the lower eyelid down and drop the solution into the resulting cavity.

You can also use the drug using pipettes or a dropper that the bottle has; during the procedure they should not touch the eye.

According to the instructions for use, if you need to dilate the pupil,apply 1 drop of 1% solution or 2 drops of 0.5% solution. After 10 minutes, ophthalmoscopy is performed.

When it is necessary to induce paralysis of accommodation, use 1 drop of 1% Tropicamide.

Should Drop it into the eyes 6 times at intervals of 7-10 minutes.. Refraction is determined within 30-50 minutes after the last distillation.

Indications for use

Drops are widely used in ophthalmic practice, helping to identify and treat many eye diseases.

  • Examination of the fundus under mydriasis;
  • Measuring refraction against the background of paralysis of accommodation.

As a medicinal purpose:

Drops can be used in the implementation eye surgeries:

  • Laser coagulation of the retina;
  • Removal of cloudy lens (cataract);
  • Vitrectomy.

Interaction with other drugs

When Tropicamide is used together with H1-histamine receptor blockers, benzodiazepines, MAO inhibitors, antipsychotic drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, Procainamide, Quinidine and phenotizades, their effect mutually increases.

Important! The simultaneous use of Tropicamide with sympathomimetics increases paralysis of accommodation, and the joint use of parasympathomimetic drugs, on the contrary, weakens it.

If the patient suffers from angle-closure glaucoma, instillation of drops while taking nitrites, nitrates, disopyramide, glucocorticosteroids and haloperidol contributes to an increase in IOP, which threatens the development of an acute attack of glaucoma.

Features of use during pregnancy

Sometimes, while pregnant, women need to instill Tropicamide.

The procedure is performed only with the permission of the attending doctor., which identifies the patient’s indications necessary for instillation.

Features of use in children

Keep in mind! Tropicamide is not recommended for instillation in infants, as it can lead to dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Children under 6 years of age,allowed apply only 0.5% solution.

To minimize the possibility of systemic effects, the medicine is diluted in saline in a 1:1 ratio. To dilute the drops, you will need sterile sodium chloride, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Side effects

Specialists allocated by local and systemic adverse effects of Tropicamide.

The first group includes those side effects that affect only the site of instillation of the medicine and are manifested by symptoms affecting the organ of vision. These include:

Systemic side effects occur after Tropicamide enters the circulatory system. More common in children and the elderly. Similar effects include:

  • Feelings of anxiety and restlessness;
  • Nervous excitement;
  • Dry mucous membranes;
  • Lack of sweat separation;
  • Headache;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Development of hypotension;
  • Urinary retention;
  • Increased body temperature.


It is worth noting! The drug is not indicated for all people. There are certain conditions under which you should avoid using these eye drops:

  1. Development of angle-closure glaucoma.
  2. Increased IOP.
  3. Individual sensitivity to the drug.

Composition and features of release from pharmacies

In modern conditions Tropicamide are issued in one dosage form - eye drops with a concentration of 1% and 0.5%.

This is a colorless, transparent solution, packaged in a plastic bottle and equipped with a 5 ml dropper dispenser.

Medicine purchased strictly according to an ophthalmologist's prescription.

The active ingredient of the drops is tropicamide. A 0.5% solution contains 5 mg of the active ingredient in 1 ml. In a 1% solution it is 10 mg per 1 ml.

Note! Excipients of the drug are:

  • Sodium chloride;
  • Benzalkonium chloride;
  • Sodium EDTA;
  • Hydrochloric acid;
  • Water that is specially purified and deionized.

Storage conditions and periods

The medication should be kept away from children and keep away from light at room temperature.

Shelf life is 3 years, but if the bottle is opened, it should not be used for more than 4 weeks.


If necessary, replace Tropicamide drops, you can use one of the following analogues:

Average price in Russia

The cost of Tropicamide depends on the price of the wholesale batch launched abroad and imported into the Russian Federation, as well as the concentration of the drug.

In Russian pharmacies the average price of 0.5% eye drops is 60-78 rubles, A 1% solution – about 100-120 rubles.

Most often, the doctor warns about this phenomenon. In any case, it is eliminated on its own after the action of the drops ends.

Medicine under no circumstances cannot be used for angle-closure glaucoma.

Before instillation, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the eyes to rule out PAH in the patient: if it develops in the patient, the medication can provoke an acute attack, which can lead to loss of vision.

While using drops you should try not to touch the tip of the dropper so as not to cause contamination of the contents of the bottle.

A must remove contact correction devices. After instillation, the lenses are put on only after 30 minutes.

There are no documented data on overdose of Tropicamide when used topically.

If it enters the bloodstream, systemic side effects may develop, and in high doses, coma and paralysis of the respiratory center, followed by death.

If in a patient signs of overdose are observed, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and give him activated charcoal and seek qualified medical help.

If a person has taken Tropicamide orally, monitoring of his well-being will be required until his condition normalizes.

Or treatment of various diseases.

There are drugs that doctors use to diagnose and study the causes of visual impairment in patients.

One of these is Tropicamide. Its main property is the ability to dilate the pupil while simultaneously preventing its narrowing.

This effect of the drug is used in ophthalmological practice when it is necessary to examine the fundus and treat adhesions and inflammation of the eyes.

Instructions for use

Form of the drug and qualitative composition

Today, the only dosage form of Tropicamide is drops. This is a colorless, transparent liquid, packaged in a plastic bottle with a dropper dispenser.

Two dosage options for the drug are available - 0.5% of the active substance and 1%. In the first case, 1 ml of Tropicamide contains 5 mg of the active ingredient, in the second version - 10 mg. The active ingredient is the chemical Tropicamide.

The auxiliary components are:

  • sodium chloride (aka table salt),
  • sodium EDTA,
  • hydrochloric acid,
  • benzalkonium chloride,
  • deionized and highly purified water.

Therapeutic effect

Tropicamide is part of the group of M-anticholinergic drugs. In other words, it has the ability to block M-cholinergic receptors present in the vessels and muscles of tissues with organs, including the iris of the eye and its ciliary muscle. The result of this action is the effect of muscle relaxation for a short time.

When the iris and muscles relax, maximum dilation of the pupil occurs with simultaneous blocking of muscles (paralysis of accommodation), which are not able to respond at the moment to changes in the light beam. That is, by keeping the muscles relaxed, Tropicamide keeps the pupil dilated.

The pupil begins to dilate after about 5-10 minutes. Maximum pupil dilation is achieved after administration in 15-20 minutes. This state lasts for an hour when 0.5% drops are instilled and for two hours from 1% of the composition. Normal recovery of the pupil occurs after 5-6 hours.

The effect of Tropicamide is often compared with Atropine, which has a stronger effect on ophthalmotonus. But such a mitigated effect does not exclude the possibility of increased intraocular pressure.

Precautionary measures

When administering the medicine, you need to pinch the tear ducts with your finger and hold for two to three minutes. This measure serves to prevent the solution from entering the nasopharynx, from where it can be completely absorbed into the bloodstream.

Photophobia and visual disturbances resulting from instillation of Tropicamide disappear on their own after the effect of the drug wears off.

If it is necessary to treat children under 6 years of age, Tropicamide 0.5% is used. To eliminate the risks of systemic effects of the drug, it is necessary to dilute it with saline in a 1: 1 ratio. As a result, the 0.5% solution must be converted into 0.25%. Only in this form can it be instilled into children. The drops must be diluted with sterile saline solution.

Combination with other medications

If Tropicamide is used together with antipsychotics, antidepressants and histamine blockers, then a mutually reinforcing effect is observed from the action of eye drops and these drugs.

The combination of Tropicamide with nitrites (eg, nitroglycerin) and glucocorticosteroids significantly increases intraocular pressure.

For whom is the product intended?

Drops are used for the following purposes:

  • diagnostics
  • preparation for surgery,
  • treatment.

From a diagnostic point of view, Tropicamide is used for:

  • checking the condition of the eye lens,
  • fundus examinations,
  • analysis of eye refraction.

For surgical purposes, drops are used for:

  • cataract extraction, or surgery on the eye lens,
  • retinal laser therapy (laser coagulation),
  • operations on the vitreous body and retina.

Treatment with eye drops involves:

  • complex therapy of eye inflammation (keratitis, uevitis, iridocyclitis),
  • prevention of synechiae after surgery.

How to use drops

The traditional way to use eye drops is to instill them into the lower region of the conjunctival sac.

This procedure can be performed with a pipette or a special dropper included with the bottle.

A 1% solution is administered drop by drop into each eye before bedtime. Treatment lasts 2 - 4 weeks.

When using a dropper, it is better not to touch its tip. Otherwise, it may become contaminated and microbes may enter the eye. If you have contact lenses, they must be removed before the procedure.

Half an hour after this, contact lenses can be put on. This applies to hard contact lenses. As for soft lenses, they should not be used at all during treatment. This is due to the danger of benzalkonium chloride being deposited on their surface.

Use in childhood

When treating children under six years of age, only Tropicamide drops at a concentration of 0.5% can be used. To minimize the risk of side effects, the drug should be diluted with sterile saline solution in equal parts. This way you can obtain a solution with a concentration of 0.25%, which is ideal for use in children.

It is advisable to put drops in children's eyes before bedtime. The drug should be administered one drop into each eye, and the duration of the therapeutic course should be from two to four weeks.

Extreme caution should be used when using Tropicamide to treat newborns, as this drug can cause central nervous system disorders.

Impact level

To dilate the pupil as much as possible, a drop of a 1% solution or two drops of a 0.5% solution is enough. In the latter case, the interval between drops should be about five minutes. After 10 minutes, the pupil dilates, which makes it possible to carry out diagnostics.

To study refraction, it is necessary to develop paralysis of accommodation. To do this, a 1% solution is injected into the conjunctival sac six times, one drop at a time, with a break of 6-12 minutes. Refraction can be examined in the interval of 25-50 minutes after the sixth drop.


Tropicamide eye drops are contraindicated if you have:

  • angle-closure and mixed primary glaucoma,
  • sensitivity to the drug,
  • intolerance to its components,
  • allergic reaction.

When using the drug, caution is required for pregnant and lactating women, as well as when treating infants.

Types of Side Effects

The use of Tropicamide may result in local and systemic side effects.

The local effect is manifested by negative symptoms in the eye and vision area:

  • disturbance of accommodation,
  • increased ophthalmotonus,
  • decreased visual acuity,
  • burning in the eyes,
  • an attack of angle-closure glaucoma,
  • increased intraocular pressure.

Systemic undesirable effects are possible when the drug enters the bloodstream in the form of:

  • difficulty urinating,
  • pressure drop due to vasodilation,
  • suppression of sweating,
  • dry mouth,
  • secretion production by mucous membranes,
  • tachycardia,
  • intestinal hypotension,
  • headache,
  • nervous excitement,
  • temperature rise.

These factors are especially typical for older people and children.

Analogues and synonyms

Its shelf life is three years. An opened bottle can be stored for no more than 4 weeks.

In Russian pharmacies, Tropicamide 0.5% costs an average of 70-85 rubles, 1% - 130-140 rubles. In Ukrainian pharmacy chains the average price of the drug is: 0.5% - 19-32 UAH, 1% - 35-50 UAH.

1 ml of Tropicamide eye drops may contain 5 or 10 mg of the active substance of the same name.

Additional substances: hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt, water.

pharmachologic effect

Mydriatic, anticholinergic effect.

What is Tropicamide?

Tropicamide is a drug that suppresses m-cholinergic receptors ciliary muscle and the sphincter muscle of the iris, quickly and for a short time enlarges the pupil and paralyzes the ability to accommodate.

The increase in pupil diameter begins 6-9 minutes after a single instillation of the solution into the conjunctival sac, the maximum effect develops after 17-20 minutes and lasts for 60 minutes when instilling a 0.5% solution and 120 minutes when instilling a 1% solution. After 5 hours the effect disappears completely.

Maximum paralysis of the ability to accommodate after administration of 1% Tropicamide twice with a break of 5 minutes is recorded after approximately 25 minutes and lasts up to half an hour. Restoration of physiological functions occurs in this case after 3 hours.

When the drug is instilled behind the eyelid, the active substance is able to penetrate into the systemic bloodstream to a clinically insignificant extent.

For medicinal purposes, the drug is used for:

  • complex therapy of inflammatory eye diseases and postoperative prevention synechia.

For diagnostic purposes, the drug is used for:

  • call mydriasis when examining the condition of the fundus and lens;
  • call paralysis of accommodation when measuring refraction.

Drops are also used during surgical interventions:

  • retinal laser therapy;
  • lens surgery;
  • vitreous and retinal surgery.

Side effects

  • Reactions from nervous activity: behavioral disturbances, psychotic symptoms, headaches.
  • Reactions from the vision: deterioration of visual acuity, increased intraocular pressure, photophobia.
  • Reactions from the circulatory system: signs of cardiopulmonary failure, tachycardia.
  • Other reactions: allergic phenomena, dry mouth.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug is used for instillation behind the eyelid; Tropicamide should not be administered intravenously or into the nose.

The dosage regimen when used for medicinal purposes is determined by the doctor individually.

For pupil dilation 1 drop of a 1% solution or 2 drops (with a five-minute interval) of a 0.5% solution of the drug is instilled behind the eyelid. After 10 minutes, ophthalmoscopy is allowed. With low effect strength (high light intensity or use for destruction posterior synechiae) the drug is administered together with Phenylephrine.

For causing paralysis of accommodation(when measuring refraction), 1 drop of 1% of the drug is injected behind the eyelid 6 times with a break of 7-12 minutes. The study is carried out within 30-50 minutes after the last instillation.

In infants and children under 6 years of age, only 0.5% eye drops should be used.

In premature infants, a systemic anticholinergic effect of Tropicamide cannot be ruled out, which increases with each new use. This phenomenon is leveled out without reducing the effectiveness by diluting the drug 0.9% sodium chloride solution in a 1:1 ratio.

When instilling the drug, light pressure should be applied to the lacrimal canals to limit the increased absorption of Tropicamide and prevent the development of a systemic anticholinergic effect.

There are no reports of cases of overdose of the drug when instilled according to the instructions.

Sharing anticholinergic drugs and H1-histamine receptor blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines, Quinidine, Procainamide, benzodiazepines, MAO inhibitors, antipsychotics may mutually enhance their effects.

The paralysis of accommodation created by the drug is enhanced when used in combination with sympathomimetic drugs and is weakened when used together with parasympathomimetic drugs.

When using Tropicamide and nitrites, nitrates, disopyramide, alkalizing agents, glucocorticosteroids, Haloperidol on the background angle-closure glaucoma an increase in intraocular pressure is possible.

On prescription.

Keep away from children. Store in a dark place at room temperature.

Three years. After opening the bottle, store for no longer than 4 weeks.

Before instilling Tropicamide to increase pupil diameter before examining the fundus, the patient should be excluded from angle-closure glaucoma, because if it is present, acute attacks after using the medicine cannot be excluded.

Before using the drug for diagnostic purposes, the patient should be warned about temporary blurred vision and possible photophobia.

It is forbidden to touch the tip of the dropper; failure to comply with this rule causes contamination of the contents of the container with the drug.

Before using Tropicamide, you must remove soft contact lenses. You can place them back half an hour after administration of the drug.

Before using this tool for diagnosis in children, you should notify the accompanying person about the possible temporary deterioration of vision and the appearance of photophobia.

When using this product, you should not drive a vehicle.

Analogues of Tropicamide: Midriacil, Midrum, Midriaticum, Unitropic.

In children under six years of age, only Tropicamide eye drops with a concentration of 0.5% are allowed to be used.

Before using this product for diagnostic purposes in children, you should notify the accompanying person about the possible temporary deterioration of vision and the development of photophobia.

The use of the drug in infants and young children can cause neurological disorders.

During pregnancy, it is possible to use the product only with the permission of the attending physician and if indicated.

During lactation, the product must be used with extreme caution.

Reviews of Tropicamide indicate 100% effectiveness of the drug when used both for diagnostic purposes and for the treatment of ophthalmological pathologies. Reviews of eye drops in children, pregnant and lactating mothers do not report the development of additional side effects or their occurrence for more than an hour compared to other groups of patients.

There are quite often articles on the Internet with the titles “Tropicamide for addicts”, or “Why do drug addicts use Tropicamide?” This drug is often used as an intravenous drug, which entails persistent addiction and serious consequences for the health and life of those who administer it.

Photos of the effects of Tropicamide intravenously

Tropicamide price, where to buy

The price of Tropicamide eye drops 0.5% 10 ml in Russia is 63-69 rubles. Buying this form of release in Moscow will cost approximately the same amount - prices do not differ from the Russian average.

In Ukraine, the average price of Tropicamide 0.5% 5 ml ranges from 23-26 hryvnia.

Tropicamide 1% 5ml No. 2 eye drops

Tropicamide 1% 10ml eye drops

Tropicamide eye drops 0.5% polyethylene 5mlFarmak (Ukraine, Kyiv)

Tropicamide h/c 0.5% p/e 5ml

Tropicamide 1%/5 ml No. 2 eye drops. Warsaw Pharmaceutical Plant Polfa JSC (Poland)

Tropicamide 0.5%/5 ml No. 2 eye drops. Warsaw Pharmaceutical Plant Polfa JSC (Poland)

Tropicamide 0.5%/10 ml eye drops. Rompharm Company S.R.L. (Romania)

Tropicamide 1%/10 ml eye drops. Rompharm Company S.R.L. (Romania)

is a solution used as eye drops. According to its pharmacological properties, Tropicamide belongs to the class

M-anticholinergics, which act on the receptors of the sphincter of the iris and the ciliary muscle of the eye, which changes the width of the pupil. As a result of the action on the receptor structures of the sphincter of the iris and the ciliary muscle of the eye, a short-term strong dilation of the pupil (mydriasis) occurs with simultaneous


accommodation. Palsy of accommodation is a condition in which the eye muscles are unable to regulate the width of the pupil depending on the amount of light flux. That is, Tropicamide, on the one hand, dilates the pupil, and on the other hand, prevents its narrowing.

This effect of Tropicamide is used in practical ophthalmology, when the doctor needs to examine the fundus of the eye, determine refraction using skiascopy, or for the effective treatment of inflammatory phenomena and adhesions in the eyes. Tropicamide is also used to prepare for surgical and laser operations on the eyes.

To date, Tropicamide is available in only one dosage form - eye drops. Tropicamide is a colorless and transparent solution, packaged in a plastic bottle with a 5 ml dropper dispenser. This medicine is produced by the pharmaceutical corporation "WARSAW PHARMACEUTICAL WORK POLFA, S.A." at factories located in Poland.

Tropicamide eye drops contain as an active component a chemical substance with the same name as the finished drug - tropicamide. Today, the drug is available in two dosage options - with a concentration of the active component of 0.5% and 1%. A 0.5% solution of Tropicamide contains 5 mg of active substance per 1 ml. And in a 1% solution the content of the active substance is 10 mg per 1 ml.

Tropicamide 0.5% and Tropicamide 1% are available in identical bottles with a 5 ml dropper dispenser. Sometimes, in order to designate a drug with a certain dosage, the terms “Tropicamide 0.5” and “Tropicamide 1” are used, where the number corresponds to the concentration of the active substance.

The auxiliary components in Tropicamide 0.5% and 1% are the same and are contained in equal quantities. So, Tropicamide eye drops contain the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • sodium chloride (table salt);
  • disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (sodium EDTA);
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • specially purified and deionized water.

usually written out as follows:

Rp.: Tropicamide 0.5% - 5 ml

D.S. 2 drops in each eye. An interval of 5 minutes should be maintained between drops.

Prescription for Tropicamide 1% as follows:

Rp.: Tropicamide 1% - 5 ml

D.S. 1 drop in each eye.

In the recipe, after the designation “Rp.” The name of the drug in Latin is indicated, as well as the concentration of the solution and the volume of the bottle with eye drops. In the second line of the recipe after the designation “D. S." the dosage regimen and instructions for use of the drug are indicated.

Tropicamide is a drug from the group of M-anticholinergic drugs. This means that it blocks M-cholinergic receptors located in the muscles and blood vessels of almost all organs and tissues of the human body. The letter “M” in the name of the receptors stands for an abbreviation for the word “muscarine”. Muscarine is the name of a substance that is the main mediator and intermediary for the inclusion of these receptor structures. M-anticholinergic - means that the substance has the ability to block the functioning of the receptor structure due to the inactivation of muscarine, which causes certain effects.

If an M-anticholinergic agent is administered intravenously, the effects of blockade of muscarinic receptors will manifest themselves in the form of changes in the functioning of all organs and systems. And if an M-anticholinergic agent is used topically, like Tropicamide as eye drops, then the drug causes effects only in the area that was exposed to the drug.

Tropicamide acts on M-cholinergic receptors located in the iris and ciliary muscle of the eye. As a result of blocking the receptors, muscle relaxation occurs, which lasts a short time. Relaxation of the iris sphincter and ciliary muscle leads to maximum pupil dilation and paralysis accommodation. The phenomenon of accommodation itself lies in the ability to adjust the width of the pupil depending on the intensity of light. Palsy of accommodation occurs when relaxed muscles are unable to constrict the pupil when an intense beam of light enters the eye. That is, Tropicamide dilates the pupil due to maximum muscle relaxation and keeps it in this state. Keeping the pupil dilated is achieved by maintaining the muscles in a relaxed state.

Pupil dilation ( mydriasis) reaches a maximum 15 - 20 minutes after instillation of Tropicamide solution into the eye. The onset of pupil dilation is observed 5 to 10 minutes after instillation of the solution. Mydriasis persists for 1 hour after instillation of a 0.5% solution into the eye, and for 2 hours after application of a 1% Tropicamide solution. Normal pupil width is restored 5 to 6 hours after instilling the drug into the eyes.

Paralysis of accommodation develops as a result of several repeated instillations of Tropicamide solution into the eyes. The maximum severity of paralysis of accommodation is recorded after double instillation of a 1% solution after 15 minutes, counting from the last injection of the drug into the eye. Paralysis of accommodation persists for half an hour after its development. Complete restoration of the pupil's ability to accommodate occurs 3 hours after instillation of Tropicamide.

Tropicamide has a shorter duration of action on the eye than atropine. In addition, Tropicamide drops do not have as strong an effect on ophthalmotonus as atropine. Despite its milder effect compared to atropine, Tropicamide can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure. This factor must be kept in mind when a person suffers from angle-closure glaucoma.

Tropicamide eye drops are used for diagnostic procedures, to prepare the eyes for surgical interventions, and also as a therapeutic agent. Indications for the use of Tropicamide eye drops for diagnostic, preparatory and therapeutic purposes are shown in the table:

Tropicamide drops should be instilled into the lower part of the conjunctival sac. You can instill the solution into your eyes using a pipette or a special dropper with which the bottle is equipped. If a bottle dropper is used, you should avoid touching the tip as this may contaminate it and introduce germs into your eyes. Before instilling Tropicamide, you must remove contact lenses. You can put on contact lenses again after half an hour after instilling the drug.

After instillation, Tropicamide causes visual disturbances and photophobia, which disappear on their own after the drug wears off. When the medicine is injected into the eyes, it is necessary to pinch the tear ducts with your finger for 2 - 3 minutes to prevent the solution from entering the nose, from where it is almost completely absorbed into the bloodstream. Tropicamide entering the bloodstream by absorption through the nasal mucosa leads to the development of systemic effects of M-anticholinergics, which manifest themselves in:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • dilation of blood vessels with a drop in pressure;
  • inhibition of sweating and secretion production by all mucous membranes;
  • dry mouth, etc.

In order to maximize pupil dilation, it is necessary to drop a 1% or 0.5% solution into the eyes. In this case, one drop of a 1% solution or two drops of a 0.5% solution is sufficient. If a 0.5% solution is used, then one drop is first injected into the eye, and the second only after five minutes. After 10 minutes, the pupil dilates and allows for diagnostic manipulations. If pupil dilation is not sufficient, then Tropicamide can be used simultaneously with phenylephrine.

In order to develop paralysis of accommodation, to conduct a refractive study, it is necessary to inject one drop of a 1% Tropicamide solution into the conjunctival sac of the eye six times, with an interval of 6 to 12 minutes between them. A refractive examination can be performed between 25 and 50 minutes after the last (sixth) drop of solution is administered to the eyes.

Tropicamide can be used in children from birth. However, in children under 6 years of age, only 0.5% concentration of Tropicamide can be used. Premature infants have an increased risk of developing systemic effects of Tropicamide due to the drug entering the nose and subsequent absorption into the blood through the mucous membrane. Tropicamide enters the nose through the nasolacrimal duct. But through the nasal mucosa, almost all the amount of the drug that gets on it is absorbed into the blood. As a result of entry into the blood, Tropicamide has systemic effects such as dry mouth, persistent dilation of the pupils, difficulty urinating, vasodilatation with a drop in pressure, intestinal hypotension, tachycardia, nervous agitation, hallucinations and increased body temperature.

With repeated use of Tropicamide in premature infants, the risk of developing systemic effects of the drug increases. To reduce this risk and prevent systemic effects of the drug in premature infants, it is necessary to dilute the drug with saline in a 1:1 ratio. And it is necessary to use exactly this 0.5% solution of Tropicamide, diluted in half, for instillation into the eyes of premature babies.

For the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases (for example, keratitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis), Tropicamide is also used as part of complex therapy. Typically, the drug is prescribed one drop of a 1% solution in each eye every evening (before bedtime), for 2 to 4 weeks. The minimum period of therapy with Tropicamide is 2 weeks, but if the disease has not completely resolved after this period, the course of treatment can be extended to 4 weeks.

Interaction with other drugs. When used simultaneously with histamine blockers (Zyrtec, Erius, Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenistil, Claritin, etc.), phenothiazines, antidepressants, Procainamide, Quinidine, benzodiazepines and antipsychotics, the effects of Tropicamide and the listed drugs are mutually enhanced.

The combined use of Tropicamide and nitrites (Nitroglycerin, etc.), Disopyramide, glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, etc.) and Haloperidol leads to a strong increase in intraocular pressure.

Overdose When applied topically, Tropicamide was never detected. If the drug enters the bloodstream (for example, by absorption through the mucous membranes of the nose), the following may develop:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • tachycardia;
  • nervous excitement;
  • convulsions;
  • at high dosages - coma and paralysis of the respiratory center with a fatal outcome.

To treat systemic manifestations of Tropicamide, gastric lavage should be performed, and then activated charcoal should be given to the person. It is also recommended to administer 1–2 mg of physostigmine intravenously. Physostigmine can be administered every hour. If convulsions develop, they must be stopped by intravenous administration of 10–20 mg of diazepam. When a fever develops, the person should be cooled using physical methods - cold water, hot water bottles with ice, etc. The condition of a person who has taken Tropicamide orally should be monitored and the necessary symptomatic medications should be administered until his condition is completely normalized.

In children under 6 years of age, only 0.5% Tropicamide drops can be used. To minimize the risk of developing systemic effects of the drug, it should be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with saline solution. Thus, immediately before use, you should prepare a 0.25% solution from a 0.5% solution, and use it for instillation into the eyes of children. To dilute Tropicamide, use a sterile saline solution purchased from a pharmacy.

To treat inflammatory processes in the eyes, Tropicamide is best taken in the evening, before going to bed. Typically, one drop of a 0.25% solution is instilled into each eye. Instillation is carried out daily for 2 - 4 weeks.

When using Tropicamide for the purpose of performing diagnostic procedures, you must be aware that the drug will lead to temporary visual impairment and photophobia. These phenomena will go away on their own after the drug wears off, without any additional treatment.

Tropicamide should be used very carefully in infants, since at this age the drug can lead to the development of disorders in the central nervous system.

Tropicamide is contraindicated for eye drops only if a person has the following conditions:

1. Closed angle and mixed primary


2. Increased intraocular pressure.

3. Sensitivity,


or intolerance to Tropicamide components.

Tropicamide may cause local and systemic side effects. Local concerns exclusively the place of application of the drug and manifest themselves in various ways.


Concerning the eye and vision. And systemic side effects appear when Tropicamide enters the bloodstream, for example, when the solution is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the nose, where it flows through the nasolacrimal duct if it is not applied with the fingers. Systemic side effects most often develop in young children and the elderly.

All local and systemic side effects of Tropicamide are reflected in the table:

Today, drugs synonymous with Tropicamide include the following drugs:

  • Eye drops – Mydriacyl;
  • Eye drops – Midriaticum-Shtuln PU;
  • Eye drops – Midrum;
  • Eye drops – Tropicamite;
  • Eye drops – Unitropic.

The following drugs are analogues of Tropicamide eye drops on the domestic pharmaceutical market:

  • Drops and ointment for eyes – Atropine;
  • Atropine sulfate eye films;
  • Eye drops – Cyclomed;
  • Eye drops – Cycloptic.

Often, adults and parents who have undergone a fundus examination procedure using Tropicamide speak positively about the drug and reassure those who ask questions about the action of the drops on various forums and blogs. People note that the drug briefly impairs vision and also causes only a slight tingling sensation in the eyes, which is easily tolerated even by children. Moreover, the majority of parents indicate that children do not even cry after instilling Tropicamide into the eyes. The overall public opinion about the drops agrees that the drug is not at all scary, and it can be safely used for both children and adults who need to dilate the pupil for some purpose.

The second and very large part of the reviews about Tropicamide consists of statements from drug addicts and their relatives. Drug addicts use Tropicamide in the form of nasal drops, intravenous injections, or add it to heroin to enhance the effect of the latter. Drug addicts use Tropicamide internally precisely for the purpose of obtaining its systemic effects, such as nervous excitement, hallucinations, etc. Some respond well to it because they like the effect, while other drug addicts, on the contrary, are dissatisfied with the effect of Tropicamide. According to narcologists, the drug causes very rapid addiction and severe withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal), which lasts at least a month.

The cost of Tropicamide drops is determined by the price of the wholesale batch, which is purchased abroad and imported to Russia. In addition, the cost of the drug is determined by the amount of customs duties, transportation and storage costs. However, since Tropicamide is produced by only one pharmaceutical company, there is no difference between drugs sold at different prices.

Today, in Russian pharmacy chains, the cost of a 0.5% solution ranges from 60 to 76 rubles, and a 1% solution – 110 – 121 rubles.

You can purchase the drug at almost any pharmacy. Due to the tightening of the circulation of drugs that affect the central nervous system, today Tropicamide is sold exclusively by prescription. This is due to the creation of obstacles for drug addicts who buy Tropicamide and administer it intravenously instead of injecting

narcotic drugs

When purchasing Tropicamide, you should pay attention to the expiration date of the medicine, as well as the integrity of the packaging. The shelf life of 0.5% and 1% Tropicamide solution is the same and is three years from the date of manufacture of the drug. Eye drops should be stored in a dark place, at an air temperature between 15 and 25oC. Violation of storage rules leads to loss of therapeutic effect or its significant weakening. If the Tropicamide package is dented or opened, the drug should not be purchased.

In April 2013, the Ministry of Health issued a decree according to which Tropicamide, from June 25 of this year, moves into the category


Subject to subject-quantitative accounting. This means that patients will only be able to receive eye drops based on a special prescription, which must be written by an ophthalmologist.

This measure was introduced due to the fact that the sale of Tropicamide according to prescription form No. 107-1/u does not prevent the acquisition of the drug by drug addicts who use it to enhance the effects of injecting drugs or as an independent means to help obtain a drug-like effect. That is why, according to the new order of the Russian Ministry of Health, Tropicamide will be dispensed from pharmacies according to prescriptions of form No. 148-1/u-88, having a series and number. These prescriptions will have to be stored in the archives of pharmacies for three years.

This order is called “On approval of the list of medicines for medical use, subject to subject-quantitative accounting” dated 04/05/2013. Thus, Tropicamide is placed in the same group with potent, narcotic and poisonous drugs. In addition to the order, an explanatory note was issued to the draft order of the Ministry of Health of Russia “On approval of the list of medicines for medical use, subject to subject-quantitative accounting”, and a new “List of medicines for medical use, subject to subject-quantitative accounting”, which includes Tropicamide.

Midriacil is an ophthalmic drug that contains tropicamide as an active ingredient. Moreover, like the drug Tropicamide, Midriacil contains 5 mg or 10 mg of the active substance per 1 ml. That is, Midriacil is also available in two concentrations - 0.5% and 1% solution. However, unlike Tropicamide, Midriacil drops are available in 15 ml bottles, which are equipped with a special Drop-Tayner dispenser. In fact, Midriacil is a drug synonymous with Tropicamide, which is manufactured by another pharmaceutical concern.

When using Midriacil to dilate the pupil, for example, when examining the fundus, it has a weaker effect compared to Tropicamide. Therefore, if Mydriacyl was unable to dilate the pupil to the required size, then you should resort to Tropicamide. Due to its weaker effect, Midriacil is a better option for use in young children compared to Tropicamide.

The human eye is an amazing system. And eye diseases entail severe discomfort. In some cases, during medical interventions or for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to use pupil dilators, such as Tropicamide. Analogues of this drug must contain the same active substance and work accordingly.

The eyes of living creatures are a complex system consisting of many components, one of which is the pupil. It is a hole designed to allow light rays to enter the eye, where the visible image is focused, converted into nerve-electric impulses and sent to the brain for processing and analysis. Depending on the intensity of the light flux directed into the eyes, the pupils may narrow or dilate. This ability is called accommodation - the adaptation of an organ to external conditions. The “light gate” operates under the control of several components: the autonomic nervous system causes the dilator and sphincter of the pupil to act, allowing light to pass through, and then other components of the visual system begin to work. Medicines such as Tropicamide, its analogues, work to dilate the pupil, regardless of the amount of light entering the organ of vision.

In ophthalmology, special components of medications are used that affect the functioning of the visual system, causing the pupil to dilate. One of these drugs is Tropicamide. Reviews about it are in the vast majority of cases positive; people note the effectiveness of the drug in cases of justified use. Thus, some of those who have used this product even note an improvement in vision, since the drops relieve fatigue well after prolonged visual strain, for example, when working with small objects. Some patients who suffered from conjunctivitis are grateful to Tropicamide drops that they helped get rid of purulent discharge. Both women and men note that the drops cope well with eye redness caused by overwork. The product is available in the form of drops, in which one active ingredient is tropicamide. Its amount can be 5 mg or 10 mg in 1 ml of liquid of the drug, which corresponds to 0.5% and 1% solution.

If it is necessary to cause paralysis of accommodation of the iris and pupil of the eye, ophthalmologists prescribe the drug "Tropicamide". The composition of this product is as follows:

  • tropicamide,
  • benzalkonium chloride,
  • hydrochloric acid,
  • sodium chloride,
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt,
  • water.

An active remedy for forced dilation of the pupil of the eye - Tropicamide drops. The instructions for use of this medicine indicate what substances it contains. But how does it work to cause paralysis of accommodation of the sphincter and ciliary muscle of the eye, but not harm vision?

The substance tropicamide is an M-anticholinergic blocker, which stops the functioning of the iris receptors that react to light. This action of the substance causes a temporary dilation of the pupil, which is called mydriasis.

The drug "Tropicamide" (eye drops) has a special purpose: it interferes with the ability of the eye apparatus to adapt to the amount of light entering the retina through the pupil, causing paralysis of the sphincter of the iris, which dilates and contracts the pupil. Indications for the use of this drug are:

  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • postoperative condition (prevention of the formation of adhesions - synechiae of the iris);
  • during a diagnostic examination of the lens or fundus of the eye;
  • when measuring the refraction of the eye (the process of refraction of light rays perceived by the eye).

This drug is used during surgery on the lens, retina or vitreous body of the eye.

Being an organic M-anticholinergic blocker, Tropicamide (eye drops) is used to paralyze the pupil - its forced dilation for a short time. The drug has a local effect, not being systemic, although, quickly absorbed into the blood, it acquires the properties of a systemic drug. Its use is contraindicated in some cases. This medicine should strictly not be used for angle-closure and primary mixed glaucoma. These are two separate types from a fairly large number of eye diseases caused by an increase in intraocular pressure above the permissible level. With a form of glaucoma such as angle-closure, the outflow of intraocular fluid can be blocked by pupil dilation under the influence of Tropicamide.

The drug is available in the form of drops in a bottle with a dropper-dropper. This simplifies dosing of the drug to avoid overdose. Only the attending physician decides in what dose and regimen to use this medicine. To dilate the pupil for ophthalmoscopy, instill 1 drop of a 1% solution or 2 drops of a 0.5% solution with an interval of 5 minutes. If the effect of mydriasis is insufficient, phenylephrine is additionally used. To measure refraction, 1 drop of a 1% solution is administered with a break of 7-12 minutes. The procedure should be carried out within a maximum of 50 minutes after the last instillation. The complete cessation of the effect of the drug occurs within 5 hours. Children are advised to use a 0.5% solution of the drug. Treatment with Tropicamine instead of Atropine is prescribed by a doctor; it is carried out by instilling 1-2 drops of the drug into each eye 6 times a day. When administering the drug, one should be aware of its absorption into the bloodstream and possible systemic effects. To reduce this effect, when instilling the medicine, you should press on the corner of the lower eyelid to narrow the tear duct through which the medicine enters the body.

By dilating the pupil, the drug "Tropicamide" can cause the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dysuria;
  • hyperthermia;
  • hypotension;
  • headache;
  • accommodation paresis;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • psychotic disorders;
  • dry mouth;
  • tachycardia;
  • photophobia - photophobia.

Any side effects caused by the use of the drug "Tropicamide" require symptomatic treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

"Tropicamide" - eye drops intended for instillation behind the eyelid in a certain amount according to a certain scheme. It is quite difficult to overdose on a drug unless you do it intentionally. But if an overdose occurs, then symptomatic treatment is possible. It is carried out with Physostigmine, a drug made from Calabar beans. This medicine is a parasympathomimetic alkaloid that constricts the pupil and reduces intraocular pressure. This drug is used as an antidote. It is also possible to use symptomatic treatment with benzodiazepines - psychoactive drugs with a hypnotic and sedative effect, beta-blockers to normalize cardiac activity and cold lotions for hyperthermia.

The drug “Tropicamide” is actively used in medical practice. Its analogues contain the same active substance and are used for the same indications. There are many such drugs in the pharmacy chain, but only the attending physician can prescribe this or that drug for use, taking into account the medical history and the need for a particular drug. The absolute analogue of “Tropikamin” is “Mydriatsil”. The difference between these two medicinal products is only in price - Tropicamil is cheaper than its analogue Midriacil. But in the clinic of eye diseases, ophthalmologists also use other substances that have a similar effect to tropicamil. For example, phenylephrine. This substance also causes mydriasis and stimulates the outflow of intraocular fluid.

Sometimes pharmacists hear the question: “Irifrin” or “Tropicamide” - which is better?” It is impossible to give a definite answer to this, since drugs for use are prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account all the specific characteristics of the body and the purpose of using the drug. Although these two drugs have somewhat similar effects, they have different purposes. The doctor uses this as a starting point when recommending the use of a specific drug.

The drug “Tropicamide”, used for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, the instructions for use of which contains all the information necessary for the patient and the doctor, is a local agent. But one should take into account its compatibility with other substances that the patient takes, since the substance is absorbed into the blood and becomes systemic. Adrenergic agonists enhance the functionality of tropicamide, but M-cholinergic stimulants, on the contrary, weaken it. Some antidepressants (tricyclics), the antiviral drug amantadine, the antiarrhythmic drug quinidine and antihistamines can cause systemic side effects.

The drug "Tropicamide" itself and its analogues require some special measures in use. The drug should not be used without removing contact lenses. They must be removed before applying the product, and installed back half an hour after the procedure. After instilling the medication, it is necessary to press on the lacrimal sac to reduce the penetration of the drug into the systemic bloodstream. During the period of using this drug, you must refrain from driving vehicles and performing work that requires extreme concentration. Any use of Topikamide requires a mandatory preliminary examination to detect glaucoma. Under no circumstances should the drug “Tropicamide” be used for other purposes; this leads to disastrous consequences for health and life.

Tropicamide eye drops are a special solution that is used as eye drops. Its main property is considered to be a significant ability to dilate the pupils while simultaneously preventing its narrowing.

Tropicamide eye drops dilate pupils

A similar property may be required during fundus examination. Pupil dilation is also necessary for the treatment of adhesive phenomena.

The main form of release of tropicamide is drops. They are made in the form of a colorless liquid, which is packaged in a special plastic bottle. The bottle also has a special dispenser that simplifies the instillation process. The active ingredient in the composition is tropicamide. Basically, the drug can have two types of dosage. The first option includes the presence of 5 mg of the active ingredient, and in the second option the amount of the active ingredient will be 10 mg.

In addition to the main substance, other active ingredients can also be found in the drops:

  • Sodium chloride.
  • Sodium EDTA.
  • Hydrochloric acid.
  • Benzalkonium chloride.
  • Purified water.

These are additional components that contain Tropicamide eye drops.

At the moment, tropicamide is included in the group of M-anticholinergic drugs. Thanks to this action, it is possible to block the eye muscles for a certain period. They will begin to expand, and accordingly the eye pupil will also expand. The pupil of the eye can be kept relaxed while using tropicamide.

It is important to know! Relaxation of the pupil occurs after about 5-10 minutes. The maximum effect can be seen after 20 minutes. This condition can last for an hour.

Many experts can also compare the effect of tropicamide with Atropine eye drops. The only peculiarity is that after using tropicamide, an increase in eye pressure can be avoided.

The instructions for tropicamide eye drops state that they should be used for:

  • Carrying out diagnostics.
  • Preparations for the operation.
  • Treatments.

From a diagnostic point of view, these eye drops can be intended for:

  • Checking the eye lens.
  • Fundus examinations.
  • Analysis of eye refraction.

For surgical purposes, the use of tropicamide may be required for:

  • Cataract extractions.
  • Laser therapy of the retina.
  • Operations on the vitreous body.

Tropicamide solution 1%

Treatment with eye drops also involves:

  • Carrying out anti-inflammatory therapy.
  • Prevention of synechiae after surgical interventions.

Now you know when to use these drops. During use, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Tropicamide eye drops are contraindicated for:

  1. Angle-closure or mixed glaucoma.
  2. Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  3. Intraocular pressure.
  4. Intolerance to components.

During use, you must also remember that using this type of drops is not recommended for pregnant women.

While using these drops, you may experience local or systemic side effects. Local character can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Photophobia.
  • Burning in the eyes.
  • Violation of accommodation.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.

Systemic effects may occur when drops enter the bloodstream. The most common symptoms include:

  • Suppression of sweating.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Headache.
  • Increase in temperature.
  • Nervous excitement.

Most often, these factors can occur in older people. To avoid such problems, consult with specialists.

The instructions for using Tropicamide eye drops state that the traditional method of use is instillation into the conjunctivitis sac. A special dropper located on the bottle will help you perform this procedure. This solution must be administered one drop into each eye before going to bed. The duration of treatment is up to 4 weeks.

Eye drops are best used before bedtime

When using the dropper, which is located on the bottle, it is better not to touch it. Otherwise, you may get an infection. If you use contact lenses, then remember that they must be removed. You can put on lenses only 30 minutes after administering the drops.

To ensure maximum pupil dilation, a drop of a 1% solution or 2 drops of a 0.5% solution is enough. In the second case, the interval before use should be approximately 5 minutes. In just 10 minutes you will be able to see the first results.

Paralysis of accommodation may need to develop for refractive testing. To do this, it is necessary to instill 1 drop into the conjunctivitis sac 6 times every 10 minutes.

While using these drops, it is necessary to clamp the tear ducts. Thanks to this, you can prevent droplets from entering the nasopharynx. Otherwise, the drops may be absorbed into the bloodstream. Photophobia and visual disturbances will go away after this drug wears off.

Tropicamide drops

For the treatment of children under 6 years of age, it may be necessary to use a 0.5% solution. Also, when using these drops, they must be diluted with saline. solution. Only in this case can the drops be used for children.

If Tropicamide is used with antipsychotics or antidepressants, then an enhancing effect can be noticed. It is not recommended to combine these drugs, as intraocular pressure may increase significantly.

Once purchased, these drops will need to be stored in their original packaging. The storage location must be protected from sunlight. In Russia, the cost of the drug will be from 100 to 140 rubles. If you want to purchase drops in Ukraine, then remember that their cost will be about 50 hryvnia.

If you haven’t found the original drops, then remember that you can use the following analogues:

  1. Cyclomed.
  2. Atropine.
  3. Cycloptic.
  4. Atropine sulfate eye films.

These are the main drugs that have a similar effect. We hope that this information will be useful and interesting.