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Fluomizin vaginal tablets – how do they work and when are they used? Fluomizin suppositories during pregnancy: is it possible or not Fluomizin suppositories prescribed for 12 days

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Fluomizin is an antibiotic, antifungal drug with a hemostatic effect. The drug is not cheap (like other analogues), but it is still widely used in gynecology to suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora (staphylococci, Klebsiella, streptococci, E. coli, Listeria, Trichomonas, Candida fungi).

Fluomizin contains dequalinium chloride (an active compound of ammonium salt and ammonia hydrate). Release form: vaginal tablets.

The drug is indicated for local use (intravaginal administration), therefore the degree of penetration of the active components in its composition into the systemic bloodstream is low. Dequalinium chloride, transformed into dicarboxylic acid, is excreted through the intestinal cavity. The dequalinium composition begins to have an effect only after 2-3 days, but women note a clear decrease in tissue swelling, leucorrhoea, and mucus from the vagina.

Fluomizin is prescribed for medicinal purposes with an effect on the urogenital organs and providing antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibacterial effects for:

  • candidal vaginitis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • vaginal infections (Trichomonas, Candida fungus).


  • allergy to active substances;
  • ulcer of the vaginal mucosa, cervix;
  • age up to 16 years, for girls during puberty (before the onset of sexual activity).

Fluomizin costs 579 rubles for 1 package.

Analogues of fluomizin with similar effects and matching level 4 ATP code, some of them are cheaper:

  • Hexicon;
  • Malavit;
  • Lysate;
  • Vagisept;
  • Hinofucin;
  • Betadine;
  • Klion;
  • Metrovagin;
  • Polygynax.

Comparative price table of analogues and substitutes

Name Average price Analogue or substitute
Fluomizin ~579 -
Hexicon ~246 Z
Zalain ~378 Z
Livarol ~670 Z
Pimafucin ~433 Z
Polygynax ~521 Z

When calculating the average price, all forms of release were taken into account. The exact cost of drugs can be found in online pharmacies. Apteka.ru or Piluli.ru.


Hexicon is an antifungal (antiviral) antiseptic that has an antibacterial effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, suppressing the activity of chlamydia and yeast-like fungi. The active ingredient in Hexicon is chlorhexidine bigluconate. An auxiliary component is corn starch.

Hexicon is the cheapest analogue of fluomizin with an identical release form:

  • torpedo-shaped biconvex vaginal tablets;
  • vaginal suppositories.

Hexicon does not have a negativistic effect on the vaginal microflora, but long-term use can cause bacteria and viruses to become resistant to it. In particular, when treating a purulent infection, the activity of the active substance can be noticeably reduced.

According to the instructions, the drug is used in the treatment of:

  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • exocervicitis;
  • vaginitis (mixed, nonspecific, trichomonas);
  • for preventive purposes against infection with sexually transmitted diseases (ureaplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, trichomoniasis);
  • on the eve of childbirth (abortion), placement of an intrauterine device.


  • excessive hypersensitivity to active substances;
  • allergic reactions.

Prescription for girls before the start of intimate life - exclusively with the permission of the treating gynecologist.

Side effects (itching, burning, irritation of the vulva) are rare, but if they occur, it is worth stopping the drug.

Hexicon is a cheap analog and can easily replace Fluomizin when used for infections of the urogenital tract. Price 246 rub.


The antifungal drug is an analogue with a release form (as well as fluomizin) - vaginal suppositories in blisters. Contains sertaconazole nitrate (active ingredient). Excipients:

  • vitepsol;
  • colloidal suppository;
  • silicon dioxide

According to pharmacology, active sertaconazole (a derivative of imidazole, benzothiophene) has a fungistatic, fungicidal effect. ) is often prescribed by gynecologists with the aim of suppressing infectious pathogens that provoke the development of sexually transmitted diseases and lead to lesions of the vaginal mucosa (skin covering).

Sertaconazole (active component) in the drug is active against dermatophytes, staphylococci, streptococci. The mechanism of action is the suppression of ergosterol synthesis in the membrane structures of yeast-like fungi and bacteria.

The purpose of the drug is vulvovaginal candidiasis (infection of the vaginal mucosa with Candida fungi).

Zalain is not prescribed if the active components are intolerant. For women during pregnancy and lactation only in case of probable benefit rather than potential harm to the fetus or newborn.

This is a cheap analogue of fluomizin - 378 rubles.


Antifungal, cheap analogue of fluomizin with local use in gynecology for therapeutic therapy against fungal infections that are sensitive to the active component.

The release form of the drug is torpedo-shaped suppositories. The active substance is ketoconazole (imidazoledioxolane derivative) with a fungicidal, fungistatic effect to suppress the growth (reproduction) of fungal infection.

Additional components:

  • macrogol 1500;
  • macrogol 400;
  • butyloxyanisole.

The analogue drug actively suppresses the synthesis of ergosterol in the intercellular space of microorganisms (dermatophytes, yeast fungi, staphylococci, streptococci).

Main purposes:

  • vulvovaginal candidiasis;
  • urogenital herpes;
  • prevention of fungal infection affecting the vaginal mucosa.

REFERENCE! Livarol (suppositories) is an analogue of fluomizin, but may become useless in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Before using the drug or if detected adverse reactions You should consult your doctor.


  • pregnancy (1st trimester);
  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 12 years old.

For pregnant women in the 2nd-3rd trimester - in special cases. During the feeding period - with caution. The drug Livarol is a cheaper analogue of fluomizin. Costs – 670 rubles.


An antibiotic drug from the macrolide group with an antifungal and fungicidal effect. The release form of the drug is suppositories for local administration into the vagina.

The active ingredient is natamycin. According to its pharmacological properties, it is considered an analogue of fluomizin. Additional components:

  • potato starch;
  • povidone K30;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate.

The candle shell contains sucrose, gelatin, acacia gum, methyl parahydrosibenzoate, talc, beeswax, triacetin, cellacephate, and kaolin.

According to pharmacology, active natamycin in Pimafucin quickly penetrates into the membranes of fungal cells, leading to a violation of their integrity. It begins to bind to ergosterol, which is part of the cytoplasm of cells, and loses its contents.

The effectiveness of the drug Pimafucin has been proven against mold and yeast fungi of the genus Candida.

Indications for use of pimafucin analogue:

  • vulvaginitis;
  • vulvitis;
  • yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida;
  • vaginitis

Pimafucin is an analogue of fluomizin, but cheaper. Price –433 rub.


An effective antifungal drug that has a destructive effect on microorganisms, preventing their further development and reproduction.

It is produced, just like the analogue Fluomizin, in vaginal capsules of a pale yellow color with a soft consistency, with a yellow-brown homogeneous mass inside.

The drug (an analogue of fluomizin) contains 3 active substances: Neomycin, Polimexin B, Nystatin. Additional substances - glycerol, tefoz 6z, gelatin, soybean oil, dimethicone 1000.

Active components (neomycin, polymyxinB) are antibiotics. As it penetrates into the cells of the vaginal mucosa and is evenly distributed, it begins to have a destructive effect on pathogenic bacteria (anaerobes, streptococci). Nystatin exhibits fungicidal and antifungal activity against Candida yeast.

Polygynax quickly heals ulcers and erosions in the vaginal cavity, improves metabolism, regenerates tissue and is almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream.

The drug, as a cheaper analogue of fluomizin, is often prescribed to women for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases:

  • cervicovaginitis;
  • mixed vaginitis, bacterial;
  • vulvovaginitis.

The vaginal preparation in capsules can be used for prophylactic purposes to avoid damage to the vaginal microflora by infectious agents. You can also use:

  • during diagnostic procedures;
  • before or after radical diathermocoagulation to cauterize erosion;
  • before insertion of an intrauterine device or childbirth.


  • individual intolerance to active substances;
  • pregnancy (1st trimester);
  • lactation period.

A cheaper analogue of fluomizin costs 521 rubles.

Fluomizin, Nystatin, Vagilac have a similar effect on the body.

Fluomizin suppositories are an antiseptic from domestic manufacturers. It is available in vaginal tablets and is often prescribed to women for the purpose of therapy for vaginosis (vaginitis) caused by Trichomonas, Candida fungus.

Fluomizin is an expensive drug, although cheaper analogues can be used as a replacement, but after first agreeing on the choice of the optimal drug for therapy with the attending physician.

Every woman has a genetically inherent desire for motherhood (with rare pathological exceptions), but, unfortunately, when a miracle happens and a woman moves into the category of a future mother, she often has to deal with a lot of troubles to a greater or lesser extent, of course. The vast majority of expectant mothers first become acquainted with vaginal candidiasis (thrush) during pregnancy; in others, who have become acquainted with this dirty trick earlier, candidiasis usually worsens. In addition, other bacterial diseases of the vagina may appear and worsen. After all, a pregnant woman’s immunity is objectively reduced, and these pathogens feel at ease. Therefore, it is necessary and possible to fight them. But how to do this so as not to harm the baby. Any obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you that it is better to use drugs for this at the local level. These include fluomizin suppositories during pregnancy.

Fluomizin suppositories instructions

Of course, in order to reduce the risk of developing various vaginal infections during pregnancy, it is necessary to treat them before its onset. But as often happens, a woman finds out that she is pregnant without really expecting it, which is why she undergoes all the necessary tests after conception. The discovery of an infection in such cases comes as a complete surprise. As for Thrush, this pathology is generally a very cunning beast. It has a habit of accompanying a woman throughout her life, worsening at any opportunity (overheating, hypothermia, sweet, spicy foods, alcohol, sex, menstruation, antibiotics, high fever, pregnancy), sometimes even despite proper nutrition, timely effective treatment, and so on. . But if before pregnancy everything is clear what to do with vaginal infections, then during pregnancy you need to be very careful so as not to harm the baby.

Therefore, doctors usually prescribe local treatment with vaginal suppositories or tablets that are administered intravaginally. This method of treatment also includes fluomizin suppositories during pregnancy. Their active component is a substance with an unusual name - dequalinium chloride, which can not only suppress the activity of bacteria, bacilli and protozoa, but even destroy them completely. The treatment regimen is simple. The intervaginal tablet is inserted internally, in the moist environment of the vagina it quickly dissolves, the active substance is released and... begins to act. As a result, the pathogenic flora is destroyed.

Fluomizin during pregnancy is prescribed both for the treatment of vaginitis of various origins (including trichomonas), and for the treatment of a woman’s birth canal immediately before childbirth. The relative safety of this drug during pregnancy is due to the fact that only a tiny amount of the active substance enters the blood of the expectant mother, which means that the likelihood of dequalinium chloride reaching the fetus is minimal. The course of treatment for expectant mothers usually does not exceed six days. Moreover, the symptoms of the disease disappear on the second day, which does not mean that treatment can be stopped. But after six days there is a complete guarantee that all the pathogens of the disease have “died in vain”!

The course of treatment involves inserting just one vaginal tablet or suppository of fluomizin into the vagina; it is better to do this before bedtime so that the substance does not leak out. However, experts say that even in this case the drug does not lose its effectiveness, the only thing is that the laundry may be stained. Before inserting the tablet, it must be moistened, otherwise there will simply be no effect.

Fluomizin suppositories during pregnancy: contraindications

Despite the fact that the drug is considered safe for pregnant women, doctors strongly do not recommend using fluomizin suppositories in the first trimester of pregnancy. At least, as they write in the instructions, there should be very serious reasons for this, when the benefits to the mother outweigh the possible risks to the fetus.

In addition, fluomizin should absolutely not be used if a woman has problems with the integrity of the vaginal and cervical mucosa: ulceration or erosion. Adverse reactions in the form of redness, itching and burning are also possible. If this occurs, you should immediately note the drug.

Pregnant woman advice

To prevent re-infection, it is necessary that the sexual partner also undergo treatment for infections. Otherwise, the treatment will be endless and ineffective, which is dangerous for the developing fetus.

Fluomizin suppositories are used quite often during pregnancy, since women may encounter infectious diseases while carrying a child. The emergence of pathogenic microflora can be for a variety of reasons. This often occurs due to stress, a weakened immune system, and the formation of infections and fungi.

Feature of the drug

According to reviews, Fluomizin during pregnancy helps eliminate sexually transmitted infections, which pose a great danger to the fetus. The active substance of this drug is dequalinium chloride, and also contains other auxiliary components.

The microbes on which they act are sensitive to the components of the drug and completely suppress their activity. Literally after a few days of using the drug, the result will be noticeable. This antiseptic acts very quickly, and a change in the nature of the discharge can be noticed almost immediately.

After the tablet is inserted into the vagina, it immediately begins to dissolve, resulting in a significant concentration of the active substance. This leads to the destruction of pathogenic organisms.

Instructions for use

The drug "Fluomizin" is used quite often during pregnancy. Instructions for use are quite simple, as you only need to use 1 tablet per day. To do this, the drug is injected deep into the vagina, preferably right before bed, lying on your back and bending your knees.

Just 6 tablets are enough for a course of therapy. During this time, you can completely eliminate all the problems of the body. It is worth noting that this medicine has various side effects that need to be studied before use.

Indications for use

Fluomizin suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed to women in the following cases:

  • treatment of sexually transmitted infections;
  • sanitation of the birth canal before childbirth;
  • disinfection before surgery.

This medicine has a wide spectrum of action. However, it is often used to treat vaginitis, which worsens during pregnancy as a result of a weakened immune system. The drug "Fluomizin" during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is considered a fairly safe drug, since only a small part of it is absorbed into the woman's bloodstream, and the rest is quickly eliminated from the body.

Use during pregnancy

Since this antiseptic has virtually no contraindications, it can be used throughout pregnancy. Basically, sexually transmitted infections can be detected during testing in the first trimester. The drug "Fluomizin" during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is used only as prescribed by a doctor, if the benefit is much greater than the possible harm to the fetus.

Infectious diseases of the female reproductive system mainly worsen in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as right before childbirth. A woman’s immunity during this period is significantly reduced, and the infection easily penetrates the body. Vaginitis poses a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and the child, who may become infected during childbirth. In addition, vaginitis causes significant discomfort to women.

Fluomizin is often prescribed for prenatal sanitation to protect the child from sexually transmitted infections. Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, Fluomizin can be used to treat the following diseases:

  • thrush;
  • vaginitis;
  • chlamydia.

The drug "Fluomizin" can be taken in the early stages of pregnancy only after consultation with a specialist, as it has certain contraindications. The drug begins to act immediately after insertion into the vagina, and absorption occurs in minimal quantities, which eliminates the possibility of its penetration into the bloodstream and then to the fetus.

Discharge after using suppositories

There may be a small amount of discharge after Fluomizin during pregnancy, as this medicine can leak. To eliminate the consequences, during therapy you need to:

  • carefully monitor hygiene;
  • follow the doctor's recommendations;
  • discontinue use during menstruation.

It is worth noting that if immediately after the introduction of suppositories the discharge is too strong, then this may be a sign of a repeated inflammatory process, as well as a deterioration in well-being. The following signs may indicate disturbances in the body:

  • increase in temperature;
  • intense itching;
  • release of clots mixed with blood.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to prevent more serious consequences, and also to stop taking the drug. If you ignore these problems, an inflammatory process of the uterus and kidneys may occur with a rapid increase in symptoms.

How can Fluomizin be dangerous?

The drug "Fluomizin" for thrush during pregnancy can be harmful, so it should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, taking into account all available indications and contraindications. However, for most women they do not cause any side effects at all.

If the vaginal mucosa is affected, this drug is strictly prohibited, as this can cause a deterioration in health. If side effects occur, you should definitely contact your doctor, who may stop the course of therapy or prescribe analogues.

When using the drug "Fluomizin" you cannot be sexually active. The course of therapy implies the exclusion of sexual intercourse, since otherwise the treatment will be meaningless. The partner must undergo exactly the same treatment to eliminate the risk of re-infection.

Contraindications for use

According to reviews, Fluomizin during pregnancy cannot be combined with products containing anionic surfactants. However, it is worth noting that such products themselves are dangerous and are strictly prohibited from being used during pregnancy. When introducing the first tablets, you need to very carefully monitor your body’s reaction, as side effects may occur.

“Fluomizin” during pregnancy has mostly positive reviews, since the tablets act quite quickly and effectively. However, since side effects are still observed when using this remedy, special caution must be exercised.

In addition, it is worth considering that the use of absolutely any medications, including vaginal tablets, in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated. Therefore, before carrying out treatment, you need to think carefully about everything and use them only if absolutely necessary. If possible, sanitation of the birth canal should be carried out almost before the birth itself.

Vaginal tablets "Fluomizin" can be used completely calmly, since in most women they do not provoke absolutely any side effects. However, in some cases there may be itching, burning and a slight increase in temperature. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The best analogues

If for some reason it is not possible to use Fluomizin, then it can be replaced with analogues. The drug "Terzhinan" is considered more affordable. In addition, among the popular analogues are the following:

  • "Hexicon";
  • "Vagisept";
  • "Ginofor";
  • "Pimafucin";
  • "Ketoconazole";
  • "Zalain."

The drug "Utrozhestan" is not an analogue. It is not recommended to use the medicine on your own; you should consult a doctor who will choose the best option.

During pregnancy, a woman experiences a decrease in the body's protective functions, the production of antibodies decreases, which leads to the activation of pathogenic microorganisms. Weakened immunity is the reason that the expectant mother’s body becomes extremely sensitive to pathogenic microorganisms, especially those affecting the genitourinary system.

To treat urogenital infections during pregnancy, only drugs that are harmless to the fetus should be used, therefore most drugs are prohibited, however, in pharmacology there are still drugs approved for use during pregnancy - Fluomizin suppositories.

Fluomizin is prescribed to a pregnant woman if the woman has been diagnosed with urogenital pathologies. The drug is used for the treatment of infectious vaginitis:

  • bacterial,
  • candida,
  • trichomonas.

Symptoms that should cause a woman to see a doctor with suspected vaginitis are unusual vaginal discharge:

  • too abundant;
  • yellow, green or gray;
  • curdled consistency;
  • with an unpleasant odor.

In addition to changes in discharge, vaginitis is characterized by burning and redness of the external genital organs, pain during sexual intercourse and urination.

Important! Fluomizin can only be prescribed by a gynecologist, since before using it a smear for microflora is necessary, since it is ineffective for a certain group of pathogens.

The active ingredient of the drug is dequalinium chloride, which has a broad spectrum antimicrobial effect. It is capable of destroying pathogens such as:

  • gram-positive streptococci;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • listeria;
  • gardnerella;
  • candida;
  • coli;
  • proteas;
  • fusobacteria;
  • bacteriodes;
  • Trichomonas vaginalis.

The big advantage of the drug is that it is absorbed into the blood in small quantities, is remarkably filtered by the liver and is excreted in the feces.

Fluomizin is also effective for the treatment of thrush, since it not only helps to suppress pathogenic microflora, but also the growth of lactobacilli necessary for a woman’s intimate health.

The effect of using the drug is noticeable after two days - swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, pain stops. However, after the symptoms have gone, treatment should be continued to prevent relapse.

Attention! Examination of the sexual partner is also mandatory; if the disease is also detected, then treatment must be carried out simultaneously. If diagnosis is not carried out, re-infection is possible.

Fluozimine during pregnancy - instructions

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed extremely rarely, despite the fact that it is considered safe for the fetus. However, doctors still try not to prescribe medications until the fetus has developed all its organs and systems. If the drug is used, then an individual dosage is selected in each case and the treatment period can be reduced.

The drug is used in the form of vaginal tablets, which must be inserted deep into the vagina; it is most convenient to do this while lying on your side with your legs slightly tucked.

Important! Before insertion into the vagina, the tablet must be moistened with water, since, unlike suppositories, it has a denser consistency.

In the second trimester, Fluomizin should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, the dosage regimen is as follows - 1 suppository per night. The course of treatment is 6 days.

Attention! Before administering the tablet, you should wash your hands to prevent new infections.

During treatment, you should wear panty liners and avoid using soap and other surfactants; you can wash with plain water or herbal infusions. Sexual activity should be suspended during therapy.

The treatment regimen may differ depending on the diagnosis, stage of pregnancy and individual characteristics of the body.

Fluomizin is also used in the third semester, in addition to therapy if indicated, it is also prescribed for sanitation before childbirth, usually within 3-5 days.


The big “advantage” of Fluomizin is the almost complete absence of contraindications for use. T Therapy with it is prohibited only in the following cases:

  1. Erosions and ulcers on the vaginal mucosa.
  2. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  3. Renal failure in severe stage or decompensation stage.

The drug in rare cases causes side effects, such as:

  • itching and burning;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • edema;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • angina pectoris.

While taking the drug, concentration is not impaired, so driving and other dangerous activities are not prohibited.

Important! If unpleasant symptoms appear while using the drug, you should immediately consult your doctor.