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Intrauterine insemination. Artificial insemination with husband's sperm: how the procedure works

Intrauterine insemination (IUI, artificial insemination) is a method of assisted reproductive technology (ART), the essence of which is the introduction of sperm from the husband or donor into the uterine cavity using a special catheter.

After intrauterine insemination with sperm, the fertilization process occurs similarly to natural conception: sperm need to travel through the fallopian tubes to the egg and fertilize it. If the patient is diagnosed with tubal obstruction, intrauterine insemination is not advisable - in this case, doctors proceed immediately to IVF.

Intrauterine insemination with sperm: indications

The main indications for IUI are:

  • Cervical factor (when sperm are immobilized in a woman's genital tract)
  • Decrease in sperm quality indicators
  • Sexual-ejaculatory disorders in men
  • Retrograde ejaculation (if sperm concentration and motility are normal)
  • Infertility of unknown origin

It is important to consider that a prerequisite for achieving pregnancy using intrauterine insemination with sperm is completely patent fallopian tubes. To increase the chances of success of the procedure, a woman is recommended to undergo hormonal stimulation of ovulation.

Preparing for IUI

Before intrauterine insemination, the patient must periodically attend an ultrasound scan so that the doctor can determine ovulation and schedule the procedure for the optimal time for the sperm and egg to meet. Before introducing sperm into the cervical canal, the biomaterial is prepared in a specially equipped embryology laboratory equipped with certified equipment and consumables. The purpose of processing is to obtain a purified fraction of the most motile sperm. Laboratory-improved sperm quality significantly increases the chances of pregnancy compared to natural sexual intercourse.

Intrauterine insemination: stages of the procedure

Stage 1. Determining the time of ovulation using ultrasound (when performing IUI in a natural cycle).

Stage 2. Introduction into the uterine cavity of processed and concentrated sperm of the husband or donor on the day of ovulation (both in stimulated and natural cycles).

The IUI procedure is painless, since the introduction of sperm is carried out through a special catheter, which, due to its minimal diameter, easily penetrates the cervical canal. In total, the duration of the intrauterine insemination procedure is about 2 minutes. After the intervention, the woman needs to be in a horizontal position for about 20-30 minutes.

According to statistics, the average effectiveness of this ART method is about 15%.

Intrauterine insemination did not help: what to do?

Considering that the price of intrauterine insemination is significantly lower than the cost of IVF, many women with diagnosed infertility consider it advisable to achieve the desired pregnancy by using this particular method. However, reproductive specialists are unanimous in the opinion that if pregnancy has not occurred after 3-4 cycles of IUI, the subsequent use of intrauterine insemination is futile, and it is still necessary to begin planning IVF.

Intrauterine insemination: cost

The queries “intrauterine insemination cost”, “intrauterine insemination: price”, “intrauterine insemination: how much does it cost” are very often asked on clinic websites and in posts on thematic forums. Women who want to get pregnant are actively interested in this method because, as already mentioned, its cost is significantly lower than IVF, and, moreover, it is more gentle in its effect on the body.

Why is intrauterine insemination considered the most accessible method of ART? The cost of this procedure is lower primarily due to the fact that it does not require taking expensive medications, as is the case with IVF.

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Doctors are trying to solve the problem of infertility using many artificial methods, including insemination of a woman’s uterus with her partner’s sperm. The method has its advantages and disadvantages. Despite the fact that the effectiveness of the procedure is low and amounts to about 15-20%, the method is being used more and more often.

Intrauterine insemination is the artificial implantation of a partner's sperm into a woman's uterus. The method is carried out to ensure the reproductive functions of partners. The method has its advantages.

It is closest to the act of natural fertilization, it has an affordable price, the method is easy to carry out and does not require expensive preparation and the use of a large number of medications.

Disadvantages include minor pain during the procedure, invasiveness (introduction into a woman’s body), which results in an increased risk of infection. The method also has a low percentage of successful fertilization.

Who is the procedure indicated for?

Insemination can be performed on any couple with infertility or single women who do not have a partner but want to have a child. Artificial insemination can be indicated for both male and female forms of infertility.

For successful fertilization, the woman’s hormonal background must be normal, there must also be good patency of the woman’s genital tract, and there must be no inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the uterus and vagina, as this can interfere with the attachment of the fertilized egg (zygote) to the endometrium.

In addition, healthy sperm with a sufficient number of active sperm must enter the uterine cavity. If one of the points necessary for fertilization is absent or fails, conception may not occur.

Artificial insemination for a reason is carried out when there is a violation of the structure, number or motility of sperm, a violation of ejaculatory functions or impotence.

The reasons for this condition may be the following factors:

  • genital injuries;
  • past infectious diseases (mumps or hepatitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis);
  • alcohol or smoking abuse;
  • emotional or physical stress.

Intrauterine insemination due to female infertility is carried out in case of anatomical incompetence of the female genital organs, diseases of the endocrine system, deficiency or excess of hormones.

The causes of such conditions may be the following factors:

  • "Cervical factor on the part of the woman." This is a condition in which the cervical canal is covered with very thick and viscous mucus. Sperm trapped in it cannot enter the uterine cavity, and sperm cannot reach their destination - the egg.
  • Vaginismus is a condition in which spasm (contraction) of the vaginal muscles occurs, which interferes with sexual intercourse and conception.
  • Idiopathic (without obvious cause) infertility.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus (for example, chronic endocervicitis).
  • Previous operations on the uterus that make pregnancy difficult (amputation, cryotherapy).
  • An allergy to seminal fluid or the woman’s body secreting antibodies to the partner’s sperm.
  • Ovulation disorders.

Who is contraindicated for artificial insemination with sperm?

  • patients with severe mental illness who cannot bear a child;
  • women with obstruction or absence of fallopian tubes;
  • in the absence of genital organs (uterus or ovaries);
  • for severe inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (for example, grade 3-4 endometriosis);
  • neoplasms of the female genital organs;
  • malformations of the uterus, in which it is impossible to get pregnant (for example, a bicornuate uterus).

Preparation for the procedure

Correct intrauterine insemination should begin with the preparation of the material – the partner’s sperm. Either unprocessed seminal fluid (native sperm) or processed purified sperm is used.

The second option is preferable, since some women may experience an allergic reaction in the form of anaphylactic shock immediately after insemination. The reaction occurs to a protein contained in a man's sperm.

Processing of the material involves separating sperm from seminal fluid, which reduces the risk of anaphylaxis. In addition, the most active sperm are selected, which increases the likelihood of successful conception.

Frozen donor sperm material can also be used. In this case, the seminal fluid is frozen for at least six months, after which it is re-checked for infection.

Artificial insemination with donor sperm is used when a man has genetic diseases that can be passed on to the child, as well as for women who do not have a sexual partner but want to become pregnant.

If there is a lack of sex hormones or a violation of ovulatory functions, hormonal stimulation is performed before the procedure. This leads to the maturation of the egg in the woman’s ovary and its release into the lumen of the fallopian tube (ovulation).

Sperm insemination procedure

For successful insemination and conception to occur, sperm must be introduced at the time of ovulation. To do this, after hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, observation is carried out using an ultrasound machine. The doctor monitors the growth of follicles.

Artificial insemination is carried out either a day before ovulation or a few hours after it. Interestingly, several ovulations can occur in one menstrual cycle, then more than one injection of sperm can be carried out. So, a woman can undergo from one to three inseminations per cycle.

Another important point necessary for successful conception is the sufficient preparedness of the endometrium of the uterus (mucous membrane). This factor is monitored using ultrasound and, if the thickness of the membrane is small, appropriate hormones are administered.

Direct injection of sperm takes place on a gynecological chair, reminiscent of a regular examination by a gynecologist. The material is introduced using a special catheter directly into the uterine cavity.

As a rule, the procedure is painless. On the day of the procedure, the woman is advised to avoid physical and emotional stress. In addition, it is advisable to maintain careful hygiene of the genital organs, since the uterus after the procedure is very sensitive and can easily become infected.

The success of conception depends on several factors:

  • the age of the woman (it is recommended to carry out the procedure up to 40 years);
  • causes of infertility (male infertility reduces the chances of success);
  • past infectious or inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, since after them scar changes can form on the mucous membrane.

Possible consequences and complications after insemination:

  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. This condition occurs when the body is overly sensitive to hormonal drugs or when the dose of hormones is incorrectly selected. At the same time, the ovaries begin to actively increase in size, and metabolism is disrupted. As a result, protein metabolism is disrupted, blood pressure decreases, and a large amount of fluid is released into the abdominal cavity. The functions of many organs (liver, kidneys) are impaired. This condition does not go away on its own; the woman needs to be hospitalized in a hospital, and insemination must be postponed.
  • Multiple pregnancy (increases the risk of self-abortion).
  • Allergy to implanted sperm.
  • If the rules of asepsis are violated, an acute infectious or inflammatory process may develop in the woman’s genital organs.
  • Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy. In this case, pregnancy is impossible.

Like any method, artificial insemination has its drawbacks. However, the procedure is often used as an alternative to in vitro fertilization, which helps many couples have a baby.

Artificial insemination method

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Diverse has become increasingly popular in recent years. The most complex and time-consuming procedure is the process of taking female and male gametes, which are combined in specially prepared conditions. Intrauterine insemination is no less popular. How the procedure goes and its effectiveness - all this will be described in this article. You will also learn the main reviews about this event and be able to get acquainted with the opinions of doctors.

What is intrauterine insemination?

This article will tell you how the procedure goes. However, before doing this, it is worth knowing a few things.

Insemination is a unique method of fertilization. It does not involve classical sexual intercourse. Partners may not even touch each other. A man and a woman may be separated by a long distance at the time of conception. The artificial insemination procedure is a manipulation in which ejaculate is introduced directly into the cavity of the reproductive organ. So, this bypasses the vagina and cervical canal. This operation can be performed with freshly collected sperm or frozen material. In the second case, the ejaculate is pre-processed. It is worth noting that you can conceive a child in this way using material from your husband or an outside donor.

Who is the procedure prescribed for?

In what cases do doctors say that a couple needs artificial intrauterine insemination (how the procedure takes place will be described below)? Indications for this may vary. Often this is a pathology in a man or woman. However, sometimes the disease can affect both partners. The main indications for manipulation include the following:

  • Production of antisperm bodies in a woman’s vagina. This often happens during long-term marriage. It is worth noting that not all doctors confirm this assumption. A postcoital test will help identify pathology.
  • Long-term infertility associated with absence, provided that the second sexual partner has good sperm count.
  • Insufficient sperm activity in a man. In this case, it is advisable to first carry out medication correction.

There are other (individual) indications. For example, insemination is performed for couples who have been unable to conceive a baby for a long time for unknown reasons. Often, this method of fertilization is used by couples who are forced to spend a long time apart. In this case, they simply physically cannot conceive a child on their own.

Contraindications to fertilization in this way

Before insemination is carried out, the doctor must schedule a conversation with both partners. The doctor explains the effectiveness of the manipulation and also informs about contraindications. You should refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes in a woman;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina;
  • for pathologies of the cervical canal and cervix;
  • menstruation period;
  • lack of ovulation.

In the latter case, the procedure is performed only after a certain correction. Only a doctor can choose an individual preparation regimen for a specific couple.

Where is the procedure performed?

If insemination is indicated for you, your doctor will tell you how the procedure goes. The operation can only be performed within the walls of a hospital. This may be a government agency or a private clinic.

In the first case, you will need some documents confirming that you really need such a procedure. It is also necessary to have your passport and insurance policy with you. Be prepared to stay in the clinic for several days. Private institutions perform the manipulation at the request of the client. However, be prepared for the fact that in this case you will have to pay a certain amount for insemination. The average cost of such an operation is in the price range from 5 to 40 thousand rubles. Much depends on the condition of the partners and the preliminary preparation of the material.

Intrauterine insemination: how is the procedure performed? Preparation

Before insemination, the couple must undergo certain examinations. Preparation includes a spermogram. A man must take this test after five days of abstinence. The remaining studies are carried out exclusively by representatives of the fairer sex. This includes blood diagnostics, determination of the condition of the fallopian tubes (metrosalpingography), examination of the uterine cavity (hysterosalpingography). The doctor must also make sure that ovulation occurs in the expectant mother’s body. This can be done using ultrasound or by determining the level of certain hormones.

Based on the test results, the spermogram should be normal. Otherwise, the sperm is processed immediately before insemination. A woman's fallopian tubes should be passable along their entire length, and normal microflora should be present in the vagina. How does artificial insemination work? Let's consider the algorithm of actions.

Carrying out insemination: algorithm

How does insemination occur? Doctors say that the woman is first examined using an ultrasound sensor. Doctors must make sure that the ovaries have at least three follicles. Their size is also assessed. According to experts, ovulation should occur in the coming hours.

Before insemination is performed, sperm is collected. If necessary, it is processed and cleaned. Also, sometimes it makes sense to fill the substance with useful substances to prolong the viability of sperm. A woman sits in a doctor's office.

The gynecologist draws the partner's or donor's sperm into a syringe. A thin tube - a catheter - is connected to its end. A soft hose is inserted into the cervix and reaches the internal os. After this, the specialist injects the contents of the syringe into the cavity of the reproductive organ.

Effectiveness of manipulation: expert assessment

You already know how insemination is done. Reviews from doctors suggest that with natural fertilization there is a greater likelihood of a successful outcome than with this procedure. According to reproductologists, the effectiveness of this method is estimated at no more than 20 percent. At the same time, repeated insemination increases the chance of a good outcome.

Pre-treatment of sperm and stimulation of the ovaries lead to the fact that the effectiveness of the procedure is estimated at 40 percent.

Opinions of doctors and patients about artificial insemination

You already know how insemination is carried out. Reviews from patients indicate that this is a rather painful manipulation. Unpleasant sensations appear when a catheter is inserted into the cervix. Also, some women report that they had minor spotting after the procedure.

Doctors say that if the procedure is not followed, inflammation can develop in a woman’s uterus. This situation poses a particular danger if the operation is successful.

Instead of a conclusion...

You learned what insemination is, how the manipulation is carried out and what its effectiveness is. Remember that this procedure is not a panacea. The result of the procedure can be found out within ten days after artificial insemination. The most accurate result can be shown by a blood test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. Follow all the rules for preparing for manipulation. This will increase the chance of a positive outcome. I wish you success!

Stages of the artificial insemination method, indications, preparation, chances of getting pregnant

Of all the ART methods, the closest to the natural process of conception is only artificial insemination (AI). The cost of this procedure compared to IVF is attractive, but it is not suitable for everyone.

lasts longer than IVF itself. It is done in reproductive centers around the world. Much experience has been accumulated in the methodology, and therefore it is widely used and brings the expected results.

The essence of AI is the introduction of purified sperm into the genital organs (internal) of a woman.

Historically, four options for insemination at the site of delivery of male germ cells have been formed:

  • In the vagina, closer to the cervix. Now this method is called “artificial insemination at home.” The effectiveness of the option is questionable, but there are women who managed to get pregnant this way.
  • Directly into the cervix. Nowadays it is used extremely rarely due to lack of effectiveness.
  • Into the uterine cavity. Today, this is the most used and effective method of artificial insemination. This will be discussed further.
  • Into the fallopian tubes.

As with all patients requiring reproductive assistance, when performing AI, doctors follow an individual approach. Indications, contraindications and physiological capabilities of the organisms of future parents are taken into account.

Therefore, artificial intrauterine insemination can take place in different ways:

  • with drug stimulation of the ovaries (efficiency increases, since 2-3 eggs mature at once in one cycle);
  • without stimulation - in a natural cycle.

Based on their sperm characteristics, it can be recommended.

For single women, clinics provide a special program, according to which the procedure is carried out for those who want to conceive, give birth and raise a child on their own (without the participation of a man).

Artificial insemination: indications

AI can be carried out with male and female factors.

For women, the indications for artificial insemination are as follows:

  • infertility of unknown origin;
  • endocervicitis;
  • sexual disorder – vaginismus – a condition in which natural sexual contact is impossible;
  • abnormal locations of the uterus;
  • immunological incompatibility - the presence of antisperm antibodies in the mucus of the cervical canal;
  • violation of ovulatory function;
  • a woman's desire to become pregnant without intercourse.

Indications for artificial insemination for men:

  • impotence or lack of ejaculation;
  • male subfertility – decreased sperm activity;
  • retrograde ejaculation - sperm is thrown into the bladder during ejaculation;
  • small volume of ejaculate;
  • increased sperm viscosity;
  • hypospadias – congenital abnormal structure of the urethra;
  • chemotherapy.

AI Stages

Despite its mechanical simplicity, AI is a delicate and responsible work of a team of specialists - a gynecologist-reproductologist, clinic laboratory staff, and doctors of related specialties. The methodology involves a step-by-step and sequential approach.

Stages of artificial insemination:

  • Examination. At this stage, a thorough study of the health status of both partners, the identified causes of infertility is carried out, and a strategy for the procedure is determined.
  • Treatment. If any somatic and infectious diseases are detected, they are treated. Doctors take measures to improve the condition of a woman’s body, ensure the pregnancy is carried to term, and avoid possible complications during childbirth and the pregnancy itself. If necessary, treatment is prescribed to a man to improve sperm quality.
  • If the preparation plan provides for a stimulating effect on the ovaries, a hormonal simulation is performed.
  • Direct artificial insemination.
  • Determination of pregnancy by hCG monitoring. In the absence of pregnancy, the procedure, according to regulatory documents, is repeated up to 6–8 times. Although recently experts have come to the conclusion that if 3 attempts at AI were unsuccessful, then it is necessary to change tactics and consider the possibility of performing artificial insemination in a different way. For example, IVF, ICSI, PIXI, IMSI.

Preparing for artificial insemination

The effectiveness of artificial insemination depends on how accurate the diagnosis is. At this stage, doctors decide whether stimulation is needed and how to clean the sperm.

A woman's preparation includes:

  • detailed medical examination by a gynecologist, therapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist;
  • tests;
  • ultrasonic monitoring;
  • treatment of detected chronic diseases, including infections and inflammation of the genital organs;
  • study of the menstrual cycle (needed to determine the cyclicity and regularity of ovulation);
  • and the condition of the inner lining of the uterus;
  • after treatment, control tests are taken;
  • drug stimulation of the ovaries.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the couple, it can take a period from several weeks to six months.

Preparing a man:

  • consultation with a urologist;
  • tests for sexually transmitted infections;
  • analysis of prostate secretion;
  • Additionally, prostate massage may be prescribed;
  • treatment and correction of identified disorders.

On what day of the cycle is artificial insemination performed?

Carrying out artificial insemination is effective only in the periovulatory period - these are several days of the cycle during which the release of an egg (or eggs during stimulation) from the follicle is possible. Therefore, the phases of the menstrual cycle are monitored first. To do this, you can measure rectal temperature and build graphs, use ovulation tests. But the most accurate method of monitoring the development and maturation of the egg is ultrasound. Therefore, after critical days, ultrasound is performed quite often, every 1–3 days. The frequency of ultrasound may vary. The higher the degree of maturity of the female reproductive cell, the more often an ultrasound is performed (in order not to miss ovulation and to determine on what day of the cycle artificial insemination should begin).

The ideal option is to introduce sperm into the uterus during the periovulatory period 1–3 times. The first time it is administered a day - two days before ovulation, the second - directly on the day of ovulation. And if several follicles mature in the ovaries, they can burst at intervals of 1–2 days. Then the sperm is injected again. This increases the efficiency of the procedure as a whole.

One of the determining factors on which day of the cycle to perform artificial insemination is the origin of the sperm. If used, then it can be administered based only on ovulation. If you use fresh (native) sperm, then take into account the fact that high sperm quality can only be achieved if you abstain for at least 3 days. Therefore, sperm can be injected immediately after ovulation. It does not harm, as it has been proven to be viable for up to 7 days.

How does artificial insemination work?

On the appointed day, the couple arrives at the clinic. A woman undergoes an ultrasound. A man gives a sperm sample. Sperm cannot be introduced into the uterine cavity immediately without prior preparation. This is fraught with anaphylactic shock. This type of allergic reaction develops quite rarely, but its course threatens the patient’s life. Sperm preparation (purification and concentration of the viable fraction) takes about two hours.

How is artificial insemination performed? Quickly, painlessly, under sterile conditions. You don't have to worry about this. And the sensations will be minimal - only at the moment the flexible thin catheter passes the cervical canal of the uterus.

The woman moves into the gynecological chair. Speculums provide access to the cervix. Prepared spermatozoa along with the medium are drawn into a syringe and connected to a catheter. With a slight movement of the catheter, they penetrate the uterine cavity and carefully inject the prepared suspension of the “best” sperm from a syringe. On the first day - that's it. The manipulation is completed. And the woman remains in a horizontal position for 15–25 minutes. After which he returns to everyday life.

At certain times, the manipulation is repeated 1-2 more times. Follicle monitoring continues until ovulation. And after two weeks, the effectiveness of insemination is assessed - the level of the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin - is determined. If pregnancy is not confirmed, AI is repeated in the next cycle.

Efficiency and chances of getting pregnant

The chance of getting pregnant with artificial insemination is higher in women under 30 years of age, with patency of both fallopian tubes and normal ovulatory function. The average effectiveness of one procedure is 18%. This is slightly more than during natural sexual intercourse. The quality of the sperm used plays a significant role in the positive outcome of AI.

Some fertility clinics claim success rates as high as 28%.

Seventy-eight percent of women succeed in becoming pregnant in the first three cycles of insemination. The effectiveness of subsequent procedures decreases sharply. That is why doctors rationally change the tactics of artificial insemination and recommend other IVF methods after three attempts at insemination.

It should also be mentioned that the chances of artificial insemination increase in stimulated cycles.

Intrauterine insemination is a reproductive technology in which sperm is taken from a man and placed in a woman's uterus. There is no sexual contact. This method has been practiced in our country since 2003. We will talk about its features and the process itself in this article.

Intrauterine insemination is used to achieve pregnancy, which for certain reasons cannot occur. The procedure itself is the artificial insemination of a woman with sperm. There is no classical sexual intercourse.

Insemination can be carried out using either fresh or frozen biomaterial. The sperm is injected directly into the uterine cavity, bypassing the vagina itself and the cervical canal.

Intrauterine insemination is performed without anesthesia. It does not have serious negative effects on a woman’s body. A woman's hospitalization is not required for insemination.

Types of intrauterine insemination

Depending on the biological material used, it may be:

  1. Insemination with husband's sperm.
  2. Insemination with donor sperm.

If intrauterine insemination with donor sperm is used, it is pre-frozen or ready-made frozen material is used. It is stored in special cassettes for about six months. This period allows us to identify some diseases in sperm that were not identified during the test.

If the material is used, the patient's husband must give his written consent to the procedure.

The insemination process itself can:

  1. Accompanied by hormonal stimulation.
  2. Not accompanied by hormonal stimulation (with a natural cycle).

Hormone stimulation is not prescribed to young women who have a regular cycle and are ovulating. Hormones increase the number of follicles, but lead to hormonal imbalance and multiple pregnancies. Hormone therapy makes the IUI procedure much more expensive.

Sperm can be injected:

  1. In the vagina.
  2. There are marks in the neck.
  3. Into the uterine cavity.

The last method is the most effective.


Intrauterine insemination is prescribed to couples of a certain group. It is mainly used when a woman is infertile. For IUI, two participants in the procedure must be examined.

The intrauterine insemination method is used in the following cases:

  • Insufficient sperm activity in a man. Here, sperm cannot reach the egg and die while still in the vagina. Pathology can have the following causes: serious infections, heavy stress, unhealthy environment and constant stress.
  • Erectile dysfunction or ejaculation disorder. The phenomenon can be observed quite often. As a result of this pathology, a man suffers from absolute or temporary impotence. If the man cannot be cured, then intrauterine insemination will give the couple a chance to have a child.
  • Oncology in a man. If a man has undergone chemotherapy, his sperm quality decreases significantly. Experts advise submitting biological material for freezing before irradiation.
  • High viscosity of plasma in sperm.
  • Abnormal phenomena in the development of the penis.
  • Immunological incompatibility. It is observed in very rare cases. Incompatibility refers to the presence of antibodies in a woman to sperm. The immune system extinguishes viable cells before they reach the egg.
  • Female vaginismus. Vaginismus refers to contractile actions of the vaginal muscles. It leads to the inability to perform sexual intercourse or to severe pain in a woman. In this case, not only intrauterine insemination, but also the advice of a psychologist can help the couple. A specialist will help identify where the problem is coming from and teach a woman to relax during sexual intercourse.
  • Lack of ovulation in a woman. In this case, the woman is in long-term infertility. The second partner usually has good sperm counts.
  • Infertility, the cause of which cannot be determined.
  • A woman is allergic to sperm.

Insemination is done if a woman does not have a regular sexual partner. Here, of course, biological material from a donor is used. His sperm is also used in cases of impaired sperm motility in the husband, unhealthy ejaculation, and also if geneticists have given the couple an unfavorable prognosis.


IUI has its contraindications:

  • Complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, it will not be possible to physically deliver sperm to the right place.
  • You cannot become pregnant artificially or naturally if a woman has cancer.
  • The size of the patient’s uterus is up to 35 mm.
  • The patient has pathologies of the cervix or cervical canal.
  • A woman is sick with sexually transmitted infections.
  • A woman has fibroids or polyps.
  • The woman has a premenstrual state (here we should talk about temporary contraindications).

How is intrauterine insemination performed?

There are several conditions for the IUI procedure:

  • The first condition: the woman must be ovulating.
  • The second condition: the man must have a sufficient amount of sperm. At the same time, sperm must have good and healthy mobility. This condition is assessed using a spermogram.

The procedure is carried out in a natural or hormone-stimulated cycle. However, partners are initially examined to identify health abnormalities.

The woman undergoes the following tests:

  • Hormone analysis.
  • Test for rubella. This disease causes a threat to the life of the fetus, various deformities, and pathologies. Therefore, the possibility of rubella must be excluded before pregnancy.
  • Analysis for the identification of harmful viruses: ureaplasma, herpes, trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasma, .
  • Analysis to detect cancer cells.
  • Photo of the fallopian tubes and uterus. The doctor assesses the condition of the organs, in particular the patency of the fallopian tubes.

A man passes:

  • Analysis for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Spermogram procedure. It shows sperm count, consistency, sperm volume, sperm shape and evaluates sperm motility.

Doctors try to correct detected deviations using tests. Next, treatment and re-diagnosis are carried out. Only after this the specialist decides on the need for an IUI procedure. The question of which biomaterial will be used is also immediately resolved: husband or.

Stages of insemination

Intrauterine insemination can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Stimulation of ovulation in a woman (not in all cases).
  2. Carrying out folliculometry and laboratory monitoring of the onset of ovulation.
  3. Collection of biological material (sperm) or defrosting frozen donor material. This stage is carried out during the periovulatory period.
  4. Preparation of sperm for insemination.
  5. The process of introducing sperm itself. This is carried out using a syringe. The sperm is injected with a catheter through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity.

The IUI procedure itself is quick. The woman does not feel pain. The doctor gains access to the uterus using a vaginal speculum. There is no need to dilate the cervix, since the catheter used has a small diameter and easily penetrates through the cervical canal, dilated during the ovulation period. But sometimes there are cases when it is necessary to use expanders.

Visualization with the help of devices of the location of the catheter tip is not necessary. The doctor is guided by his professional feelings. After the tip of the catheter enters the uterine cavity, it presses on the syringe. After the entire amount has been administered, the syringe and catheter are carefully removed. After the procedure, the woman should lie on her back for half an hour. At this time, she may show signs of anaphylaxis and a vasovagal reaction. In this case, the doctor takes emergency measures.

Preparation of biomaterial (sperm)

Due to the fact that spermatozoa bypass the vagina, where they often die due to the acidic environment, even not very fast sperm have the opportunity to participate in the fertilization process. Their high concentration in the uterus significantly increases the chance of conception.

There are no special requirements for sperm collection from a man. But it is advisable to take her to a medical facility to avoid unwanted transportation.

Before sperm are implanted into a woman’s body, they undergo preliminary preparation. This takes about three hours. The doctor selects more viable sperm for further procedure. Sperm is examined for quality indicators, which are specified in WHO standards. After the work has been done, the collected viable material is left alone for 30 minutes. The procedure is necessary. During this time it should naturally liquefy.

Several methods are used to prepare sperm. With any method, there should be one outcome. Seminal plasma should be removed as much as possible from the sperm (this is necessary to prevent an undesirable reaction). It should not contain immature, dead or poorly motile sperm. In addition, antigenic proteins, bacteria, leukocytes and prostaglandins are removed. The result is a material of excellent quality and high concentration.

There is a special kit for home insemination. The sperm is drawn into a sterile syringe and inserted through a catheter into the vagina. As a result, a large amount of sperm is produced near the cervix. This procedure is considered more of a vaginal procedure, therefore the chance of getting pregnant is less than in a clinic. After administration, the woman must maintain a horizontal position for 30 minutes.

In addition to insertion items, the kit includes a pregnancy test. It can be performed on the 11th day after insemination. If the test gives “not pregnant”, then the determination is repeated after 7 days.


Intrauterine insemination almost always occurs without complications. But there is a probable risk of their occurrence. Complications may be the following:

  • Infection of the uterus and pelvic organs.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Vasovagal reaction.
  • Allergic reaction.

Complications can occur after pregnancy. These include: multiple pregnancy, pregnancy outside the uterus and spontaneous miscarriage.

Efficiency of IUI

The chance of success, according to WHO, is 12%. The effectiveness increases slightly if you perform repeated intrauterine insemination in the same cycle. It is very important to perform IUI very close to the time of ovulation. Doctors are using all possible methods to find out the day of its onset.

The effectiveness is also influenced by the type of infertility, the age of the woman and man, and the parameters of the sperm used. In addition, the condition of the fallopian tubes and endometrium is very important.

The intrauterine insemination procedure can be repeated up to four times. It does not have a negative effect on a woman’s body. If after many attempts there is no result, then they resort to IVF.