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The impact of physical education and sports on the human body. The influence of physical activity on the body of students

Health effects of exercise

In the modern world, with the advent of modern household appliances, which have significantly facilitated a person’s work activity, but at the same time his physical activity has decreased. This reduced human functionality and contributed to the emergence of various diseases.

But excessive physical activity is also harmful. A reasonable solution, in this case, would be to engage in health-improving physical education, which helps strengthen the body. Physical culture contributes to the prevention and healing of the body, which is very important for people with various diseases.

Physical exercises are natural or specially selected movements used in physical education. Their difference from ordinary movements is that they have a target orientation and are specially organized to improve health and restore impaired functions.

The role of exercise


By engaging in physical education, we acquire the motor skills necessary in everyday life and at work. The dexterity, speed and strength of our body movements develops. The control of movements, which is carried out by the central nervous system, is improved.

As a result of training, the work and structure of all organs of our body, and especially the higher parts of the central nervous system, improves. The mobility of the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex and in other parts of the nervous system increases, i.e., the process of excitation more easily transforms into the process of inhibition and vice versa. The body therefore reacts more quickly to all kinds of external and internal irritations, including irritations coming to the brain from contracting muscles, as a result of which body movements become faster and more dexterous.

In trained people, the nervous system more easily adapts to new movements and new operating conditions of the motor system.


During physical exercise, the strength of excitation and inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex increases, resulting in increased muscle tension during contraction. In this regard, the structure of muscle fibers changes - they become thicker, muscle volume increases. By systematically doing so-called strength exercises, for example with weights, you can dramatically increase muscle volume and strength in 6-8 months.


Training has a beneficial effect not only on the muscles. The entire musculoskeletal system is strengthened, bones, ligaments, and tendons become stronger. Systematic physical exercise significantly affects the external shape of the body, contributes to its proportional development in childhood and adolescence, and in adulthood and old age allows you to maintain beauty and slimness for a long time.

On the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle prematurely ages a person. He becomes flabby, his stomach sags, and his posture sharply worsens. Typically, a person who is not involved in physical labor and sports is slouched, his head is tilted forward, his back is hunched, his lower back is excessively arched, his chest is sunken, and his stomach is protruded forward due to weakness of the abdominal muscles, even if not.

Physical exercises that strengthen the muscles (especially the muscles of the trunk) can correct your posture. For this purpose, it is useful to do gymnastics and swim - breaststroke is best; Correct posture is facilitated by a horizontal position of the body and uniform exercise of numerous muscle groups.

With specially selected physical exercises, you can eliminate lateral curvatures of the spine in the initial stage of development, strengthen the abdominal muscles weakened by inactivity or long-term illness, and strengthen and restore the arches of the feet with flat feet. Vigorous exercise and diet can help you fight crippling obesity.

Physical exercises that correct physique defects must be used according to the instructions and under the supervision of a medical specialist.


A trained person becomes more resilient, he can perform more intense movements and perform heavy muscular work for a long time. This largely depends on his circulatory, respiratory and excretory organs working better. Their ability to sharply intensify their work and adapt it to the conditions created in the body during increased physical activity increases significantly.

Hard-working muscles require more oxygen and nutrients, as well as faster removal of metabolic waste products. Both are achieved due to the fact that more blood flows into the muscles and the speed of blood flow in the blood vessels increases. In addition, the blood in the lungs is more saturated with oxygen. All this is possible only because the work of the heart and lungs is significantly enhanced.

In trained people, the heart adapts more easily to new working conditions, and after finishing physical exercise it returns to normal activity more quickly.

With rarer heart contractions, more favorable conditions are created for the heart muscle to rest. As a result of training, the work of the heart and blood vessels becomes more economical and is better regulated by the nervous system.


At rest, a person makes about 16 respiratory movements per minute. During physical activity, due to increased oxygen consumption by the muscles, breathing becomes more frequent and deeper. The volume of pulmonary ventilation, i.e., the amount of air passing through the lungs in one minute, increases sharply. And the more air passes through the lungs, the more oxygen the body receives.


In trained people, the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) increases. Red blood cells are oxygen carriers, so by increasing their number, the blood can receive more oxygen in the lungs and deliver more of it to the tissues, mainly the muscles.

In trained people, the number of lymphocytes - white blood cells - also increases. Lymphocytes produce substances that neutralize various poisons that enter the body or are formed in the body. An increase in the number of lymphocytes is one of the proofs that as a result of physical exercise the body's defenses increase and the body's resistance to infection increases. People who regularly engage in physical exercise and sports are less likely to get sick, and if they do get sick, in most cases they tolerate infectious diseases more easily. Trained people have more stable blood sugar levels. It is known that with prolonged and hard muscle work, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases. In trained people, this decrease is not as sharp as in untrained people.

In people who are not accustomed to physical labor, the flow of urine is sometimes disrupted during intense muscular work. In trained people, the work of the kidneys better adapts to changed conditions, and metabolic products formed in larger quantities during increased physical activity are promptly removed from the body.

Thus, we see that physical culture and sports have a beneficial effect not only on muscles, but also on other organs, improving and improving their functioning.

To be a healthy, strong, resilient and well-rounded person, you need to constantly and systematically engage in various types of physical exercise and sports.

Physical exercise also evokes positive emotions, cheerfulness, and creates a good mood.

Physical exercises will be effective when they are performed not occasionally, but regularly and correctly. In this case, physical exercise can reduce the possibility of the appearance, and if the disease already exists, then the exacerbation of a chronic disease. Thus, physical exercise is a powerful and effective disease prevention.

Through physical education and sports, children develop and develop self-respect and a responsible attitude towards their health, introduction to reasonable physical activity, and learning the ability to resist forms of behavior destructive to health.

Insufficient work of individual muscle groups has an adverse effect on the body. The consequence of this is disorders in individual parts of the body, affecting the entire body. Thus, with a prolonged stationary sitting position without breaks for active rest in the form of movements of the whole body, the blood circulation of the abdominal organs (stomach, intestines and liver) is disrupted, which may result in undesirable consequences associated with the main function of the intestinal tract.

The most important thing in the muscular system of children and adolescents is its exercise, training, which gradually involves individual muscle groups (in their mutual connection) in movements and thereby ensures the development of muscles and improves motor skills.

Purpose of the study: “To consider and identify the effect of physical activity on the physiological state of the muscular system of adolescents.”

Relevance of this study is that systematically, gradually increasing, but at the same time strictly dosed training of individual muscle movements during the training process makes the movements familiar, easy and enjoyable. If these activities are not excessive in time and load, then they usually do not cause fatigue in a trained child and teenager. In connection with the above, the enormous hygienic and physiological importance of training the muscular system becomes obvious. Thus, the student is able to create a favorable educational background for the muscular system and avoid various sports injuries.

Research methods: In this work, a theoretical analysis of the anatomical characteristics of the muscular system of adolescents was carried out. Methods of group activity, tests at the beginning of work and at the end of work on the project were used. Can be done conclusion that the muscles, while performing their work, simultaneously improve the functions of almost all internal organs, primarily this concerns the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The muscle is an active element of the movement apparatus.

"Research Plan"

The activity of muscles is organically connected with the work of the brain and nerves, which mutually influence each other. As already noted, muscle exercise promotes the development of the cerebral cortex. The education of mental qualities, such as perception, memory, will, is associated with rational physical education. The work of the brain is more productive when its nutrition with blood delivered to it is enhanced. Thus, moderate physical activity activates mental activity.

For example, trained back muscles strengthen the spinal column, relieve it, taking part of the load upon themselves, and prevent the “loss” of intervertebral discs and slipping of the vertebrae. Children's muscles differ in their structure, composition and functions from the muscles of an adult. The muscles in children are paler and more tender in appearance, richer in water, but poorer in protein and fat, as well as extractive and inorganic substances.

The above determined the topic of the study: "The influence of physical activity on the physiological state of the muscular system of adolescents."

  • 1. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the muscular system of adolescents.
  • 2. Analyze the importance of physical exercise on the body of adolescents.
  • 3. Justify the importance of physical exercise as the main auxiliary factor.

Object of study: students of the sports school of the main group in the village of Priobye, students of the ski section of the MKOU "Serginsk Secondary Educational School", students of the secondary school of the control group of the MKOU "Serginsk Secondary Educational School".

Subject of study: the state of the muscular system during physical activity and at rest. As hypotheses The secondary objective of the study was the assumption that the body of a teenager, who is exposed to regular physical activity, is less susceptible to sports injuries. physical muscular activity health

The peculiarities of the development of muscles and motor skills of children and adolescents put forward a number of hygienic requirements aimed, on the one hand, at protecting their muscular system, and on the other, at its development and strengthening. Considering the relatively rapid fatigue of muscles in children and adolescents and their lack of training, it is necessary to avoid prolonged physical stress, bearing in mind the possible dire consequences that could lead to crippling of a growing organism. This applies not only to children of primary school age, but also to adolescents studying in high school. To ensure normal muscle development in children and adolescents, moderate physical exercise is necessary, be it sports, agricultural or other physical labor. When working, muscles receive a more abundant flow of blood containing nutrients and oxygen. The blood that flows into a muscle when it works nourishes not only it, but also the bones to which it is attached, as well as ligaments. Muscle work also has a positive effect on the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow, thereby improving the composition of the blood.

Muscular work has a beneficial effect on the entire body, in particular on organs such as the heart and lungs, and activates metabolic processes. With a one-sided load on any one muscle group, its excessive development occurs due to some underdevelopment of the remaining muscle groups, and this circumstance negatively affects the activity of the entire organism. Only comprehensive muscle exercise ensures the normal physical development of the growing organism as a whole and contributes to the improvement of the morphological and functional properties of individual organs and systems. Physical exercise has a comprehensive effect on the body. Thus, under the influence of physical exercise, significant changes occur in the muscles.

If muscles are doomed to long-term rest, they begin to weaken, become flabby, and decrease in volume. Systematic physical exercise helps strengthen them. In this case, muscle growth occurs not due to an increase in their length, but due to the thickening of muscle fibers.

Research methodology

In the process of researching this topic of the project, work was carried out with pupils of a sports school, boxing department (main group) in the village of Priobye, pupils of the ski section and students of an educational school (control group) in the village of Sergino, in the form of a motor load of gymnastic exercises of passive and active flexibility. Only at middle school age does gymnastics become the main type of physical education among adolescents, since at this age the muscular system has developed sufficiently for this kind of exercise. The main indicator was a test for the increase in flexibility, strength abilities and reaction speed of those involved. The results obtained were processed and a comparative description of the results obtained was carried out. The test was carried out at the beginning of the study and at the end. The test of flexibility and strength abilities was measured by the main test exercises according to the “Governor's Competition” program. The reaction speed test was measured by catching a falling ruler. The difference in flexibility was compared in centimeters, in strength abilities the number of times was divided by body weight and a percentage difference was obtained, and in the reaction test centimeters were also compared.

Study subjects of the main group of the Priobye boxing department (sports school)




Quick reaction


Quick reaction

Subject #1

Subject #2

Subject #3

Subject #4

Subject #5

Subject #6

Subject #7

Subject #8

Subject #9

Subject #10

Study subjects of the main group ski section of the village of Sergino (educational school)




Reaction speed


Reaction speed

Subject #1

Subject #2

Subject #3

Subject #4

Subject #5

Subject #6

Subject #7

Subject #8

Subject #9

Subject #10

Study subjects of the control group in the village of Sergino (educational school)




Reaction speed


Reaction speed

Subject #1

Subject #2

Subject #3

Subject #4

Subject #5

Subject #6

Subject #7

Subject #8

Subject #9

Subject #10

Research results and discussion

The results of the study show that a positive increase in flexibility, strength abilities and reaction speed is expressed in students of the sports school (main group), in students of the ski section (main group), and is less pronounced in students of the educational school (control group). The muscular system does not function in isolation. A muscle is an active element of the movement apparatus. All muscle groups are attached to the skeletal system through tendons and ligaments.

It is possible that rhythmic muscle contractions (during uniform walking and running) transmit their information along the motor-visceral pathways to the heart muscle and, as it were, dictate a physiologically correct rhythm to it.

Thus, an increase in flexibility on the test is observed in 60% of students in the main group in Priobye, 50% in students in the main group in Sergino, and 20% in students in the control group.


Thus, the muscular system of adolescents has its own characteristic features. The strength of muscles depends not only on their volume, but also on the strength of nerve impulses entering the muscles from the central nervous system. In a trained teenager and adult who is constantly engaged in physical activity, these impulses cause the muscles to contract with greater force than in an untrained person. Under the influence of physical activity, muscles not only stretch better, but also become stronger. Muscle hardness is explained, on the one hand, by the proliferation of protoplasm of muscle cells and intercellular connective tissue, and on the other hand, by the state of muscle tone. To avoid sports injuries, proper warm-up and regular physical activity are necessary.


  • 1. Methods of teaching gymnastics at school: Proc. for students higher textbook establishments. M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000.
  • 2. Human physiology. Textbook for universities / Ed. N.V. Zimkina. L., 1975.
  • 3. Children's sports medicine /edited by prof. S.B. Tikhvinsky, prof. S.B. Khrushchev. M.: Medicine, 1980.

“The influence of physical exercise on the health of a teenager”

Abstract completed

9th grade student

Voitenkov Igor

MBOU Alexandrovskaya secondary school

With the development of technological progress with the advent of computers and smartphones, which make work and daily life easier for people, people’s physical activity has sharply decreased compared to even the last decade.

One of the main reasons for high morbidity in children in the Russian Federation is the low level of physical activity. The population of Russia as a whole is “provided” with physical culture and sports by only 30-40% of the required, “physiologically justified volume of physical activity for the normal development of the body” (N.M. Amosov).

With a sedentary lifestyle, which most modern teenagers lead, the volume and strength of muscles decreases, the amount of adipose tissue increases, bones are depleted of calcium and become less strong. Physical inactivity also negatively affects the emotional and mental state of adolescents; they become irritable and uncommunicative, and then lethargic and indifferent to what previously caused joyful emotions.

It has been scientifically proven that outdoor games and physical exercise have a positive effect on the normal growth and development of a child. Properly performed physical exercises contribute to the development of such positive qualities as independence and self-control, attention and the ability to concentrate, resourcefulness and courage, endurance and others.

Physical education and sports not only help you to be fit and fit, not only help reduce the incidence of illness in children and adolescents, but also contribute to a more cheerful perception of the world around you and resistance to stress. Children who are involved in sports or engage in physical education have higher self-esteem, self-esteem, and greater confidence in their own abilities.

Physical education and sports sometimes become the only forms of physical activity available to a person, with the help of which a person’s natural need for movement and exercise is satisfied.

Movement and sports are good for health for the following reasons:

Strengthens the musculoskeletal system: muscle volume and strength increases, skeletal bones become more resistant to stress.

The nervous system is strengthened and developed. This occurs due to increased agility, speed and improved coordination of movements.

The functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves. The influence of sport on the human body makes the heart and blood vessels more resilient.

The functioning of the respiratory system improves. During physical activity, due to the increased need of tissues and organs for oxygen, breathing becomes deeper and more intense.

Immunity increases and blood composition improves. In regularly exercising people, the number of red blood cells increases from 5 million per cubic mm to 6 million.

The attitude towards life changes. Physically active people are more cheerful and less susceptible to sudden mood swings, irritability, depression and neuroses.

The impact of sport on a growing body

Medical statistics show how sports and children’s health are connected. According to doctors, 70% of frequently ill children and adolescents do not play sports and often skip physical education lessons. Mental stress at school, constant sitting at the computer or in front of the TV at home lead to the fact that the body does not receive physical relaxation.

This contributes to functional disorders and turns schoolchildren into “young old people”, susceptible to a wide variety of diseases that were previously more often diagnosed in older people (pathologies of the skeletal system, vascular and heart diseases).

The influence of physical education and sports on the body of schoolchildren is invaluable - it is young and growing people who need constant loads and movement. The sedentary lifestyle of modern children is of extreme concern to doctors and teachers.

You should play sports with a reasonable approach and moderation: overload during training is unacceptable. There is also a risk of traumatic injury, so remember to take safety precautions

Exercise break that activates blood circulation at the feet

Standing at a support, rise high on your toes 8-10 times, ankles tightly together. Then shake each leg, bending at the knee, in a relaxed manner. Repeat 2-3 times. Breathe rhythmically. The pace is average.

A physical exercise that normalizes cerebral circulation

    Starting position - basic stance 1-3 - hands behind the head, elbows out, bend over, inhale, hold the tension - 3-5s; bring your elbows together, tilt your head forward and release your arms, straightening your shoulders, exhale. 4-6 times.

    Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands - right at the top, left at the back, hands in a fist. Quickly change the position of your hands 1-10 times. Do not hold your breath.

    Starting position - standing, holding on to one support or sitting, head straight. 1 - move your head back; 2- tilt it back; 3- straighten your head; 4- Straighten your chin forward. 4-6 times. Breathing is uniform.

Physical education break

    Walking in place, squeezing and unclenching your hands. 20-39 s.

    Starting position - o. With. 1-2 – arms up to the sides, head back, bend over, inhale; 3-4 – arms down, relax your shoulders, bend slightly, head on your chest, exhale. 4-6 times.

    Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart. 1- hands in front of the chest, inhale; 2- jerk back with bent arms, inhale; 3- jerk back with straight arms, inhale; 4- starting position, relax your shoulders, exhale. 6-8 times.

    Starting position – legs apart. 1- turn the body to the right, arms up, look at the hands, inhale; 2-3 – springy bend forward, arms down, don’t lower your head, exhale in portions; 4 - starting position. Same to the left. 3-4 times.

    Starting position - main stance Run in place for 30-40 s. with the transition to slow walking. 15-20 s. Do not hold your breath.

    Starting position - basic stance 1 - left leg with a wide step to the side, arms to the sides, inhale; 2-3 – bending the left leg, springy tilt to the right, hands behind the back, inhale in proportions; 4 - starting position. The same with the right leg. 3-4 times.

    Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-3 – rising on the toe of the right foot, swing the left relaxed leg forward, back, forward; 4 - starting position. The same on the left leg. 3-4 times. Do not hold your breath.

I try to play sports more often. I feel better and more energetic this way. When I started going to a sports club at school, I even stopped being very tired after training. Exercising in the morning is really good. And you need to walk more often. For example, I do my abs, train my legs on a machine, do squats, run, jump, like to ride a bike, and play sports games.

Conclusion: physical exercise leads to a beneficial effect in the body. Everyday exercise increases all the capabilities and abilities of the body, including mental ones. Physical education sessions have a beneficial effect on the restoration of children’s physical and mental performance, prevent the increase in fatigue, improve students’ mood, and relieve static muscle loads.

The health of the younger generation is considered as an integral component in the overall system of socio-economic priorities in Ukraine. The main tasks are related to preventive, prophylactic measures in managing public health through a system of technologies for assessing risk factors in the diagnosis of pre-nosological stages.

A properly organized daily routine, rational distribution of the child’s time, including for rest, night sleep, and spending time in the fresh air, is the key to a balanced nervous system and health.

Preventive measures used in children's rehabilitation and health centers (kinesitherapy centers) year-round have a good effect. Low physical activity contributes to the growth of vegetative-vascular dystonia and poor posture.

It is advisable for the maximum number of children from the age of five to attend preschool institutions. Organizing students into teams allows for targeted mass preventive and health measures.

An educational institution must proceed from two interrelated basic provisions - education and the development of the child’s health potential in the learning process, a health-saving educational process.

Certification of educational institutions has been introduced, it is planned to introduce doctors on staff at schools, and transfer physical education from a test to a health-improving form. The transition to subject-based learning is accompanied by a breakdown of existing stereotypes, differentiation in learning, an increase in intellectual load in parallel with hormonal age-related changes, intensive growth and development of the body. The development and learning of a child should not proceed at the expense of the body’s reserves, but by increasing its potential, taking into account physical and age-related capabilities.

Reforming the general education system strengthens the role of preventive medicine, the family, and the student himself in maintaining and promoting health, the criterion of which is the health index. The health index is the number of identified abnormalities in organs and systems compared to the total number; an algorithm has been created for determining this index. A well-being index has also been developed for the family - the life support index. These indices make it possible to identify vulnerabilities and purposefully carry out health-improving and preventive measures.

The allocation of health-improving and preventive measures for children and adolescents as an independent discipline is due to the unique conditions of education and training that do not coincide with the professional and social life of adults.

F.F. Erisman made a significant contribution to the health and prevention of children and adolescents: in the patterns of growth and development; in estimated indicators of physical development; about the causes of myopia; in the development of hygienic standards for lighting; by the size of the desks and their designs (Erisman’s desk); in the development of measures to prevent fatigue in the form of scheduling requirements.

Medical activities in the field of health improvement and physical education of children and adolescents are based on preventive norms and rules, government regulations, laws, acts and are of a state nature. However, the role of the family and the individual itself is also great and undeniable.

Subject of study, goals, objectives

Medicine of children and adolescents is the science of the patterns of growth and development in phylogeny and ontogenesis; determining the share of its main components in this process; about methods and ways of hygienic regulation of the health of the younger generation while simultaneously combining the entire range of activities with the educational process.

Hygiene of children and adolescents is the science of protecting and promoting the health of the younger generation, the principles and methods of hygienic regulation of accommodation and educational conditions, and the area of ​​practical application from preventive, health-improving, corrective management of the process of growth and development of the body to effective assistance to it in this. The health of the younger generation is in the hands of the current generation - architects, builders, doctors, teachers, representatives of various industries and agriculture. They normalize and control the conditions of stay; food quality; learning process; health improvement, treatment, recreation for children and adolescents. A coherent system of national events must be combined with public and equally important individual events.

The subject of study is the general educational process, the object of study is children and adolescents.

The purpose of the study is to improve the educational process system; promoting the harmonious development of children and adolescents; correction of deformities of the musculoskeletal system, vision, nutrition.

The main tasks are related to solving the problems of a modern school: posture, vision, nutrition, health.

A growing organism, in its anatomical and physiological characteristics and functional capabilities, differs significantly from an adult formed person. He is more sensitive, his health is largely determined by the correct combination of work and rest, sleep, color and light, movement, nutrition, illumination, sitting at a desk, work table, sufficient ventilation and cleanliness of the air environment.

In Ukraine, it is planned to implement a targeted program to preserve the health of students. Somatic health goes under the motto of primary hygienic prevention: “I know how not to get sick.” Physical health is diagnosed according to criteria such as body length and weight, weight and height indicators.
Mental health is determined by positive desires; physical and somatic - adaptation capabilities, performance; resistance to damaging factors; moral - performance of duty, motivation of behavior, level of moral and volitional qualities.

Hygienic principles of age periodization of children and adolescents

Biological factors of growth and development (biological clock) are inherent in the body itself by nature, and sanitary, hygienic, social and living conditions polish and correct them. Spasmodic growth and development are known in hygiene as periods of “extension” and “rounding”.

The first period is associated with hormonal processes, the second - in adolescence and the end of growth until 18–20 years.

Each age period completes a certain qualitative and quantitative stage of accumulating readiness for a certain activity and its implementation.

Age periodization unites children and adolescents by biological and social status: upbringing, study, mental and physical activity, nutrition, formation of all types of health.

School age is divided into: junior (second childhood); middle school (teenage) age; senior school (youth) age.

Age periodization is necessary to substantiate the system of health protection and development of physical, mental and moral capabilities, methods of their training and education.

Calendar, chronological, passport age does not always correspond to biological maturity; the difference can be ±5 years. The reasons for the lag in the development of an individual can be nutritional, movement, social and environmental factors.

Accelerated biological development in the 20th century was recorded in all age groups. There are several hypotheses for this phenomenon: the modern generation is more intensively exposed to solar, radioactive, electromagnetic radiation; complete nutrition, rich in vitamins and biological food additives; interethnic marriages; urbanization; computerization. All this poses new tasks for hygiene and education - about the timing of the start of schooling; about the duration of lessons, studies; levels of physical development; length and weight of students by age groups; respectively, about the sizes of educational equipment, clothing and shoes; physical activity; calorie content and nutritional quality. This dictates the need for constant monitoring of the level of development, physical health of children and adolescents, systematization of data for sanitary and hygienic regulation of the conditions of the educational process.

Children of primary school age are at risk of skeletal deformation during static postures behind educational equipment, and hand bones when performing work. The skeletal system is longer than the development of muscle mass. Muscle mass begins to develop intensively from about 10–11 years, but unevenly.

Large muscle groups of the back, shoulder, and thighs grow faster than small muscles of the hand and foot. Because of this, children need dynamic changes of at least 5–7 minutes in order to correct disorders of the musculoskeletal system. During the same age period, increased emotionality, instability of attention, rapid onset of fatigue and overwork, and apathy are noted. What is required is the correct physiologically and hygienically justified combination of mental and physical work, rationing the duration, nature and magnitude of loads according to the rank of difficulty of the subjects.

In adolescents of middle school age, growth and development is accompanied by hormonal status. The ossification of the spine and the attachment of the costal arches is not yet complete; the risk of postural disorders and its scoliotic alignment remains.

Sanitary and hygienic violations in terms of sufficiency of natural lighting, artificial lighting, font size, its clarity; in terms of distance and differentiation when sitting behind educational equipment leads to the development of the “bowed head” syndrome. A shift in the center of gravity of the head contributes to muscle tension, difficulty in the outflow of venous blood, the appearance of headaches, and deformation in the cervical-upper-thoracic spine. At the same time, the fulcrum of the head shifts and vision is impaired; resting the chest on the table or desk deforms it. A possible change in the cavity-capacity of the chest contributes to a change in the dynamic balance of intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure. The resulting risk factors change the effective ventilation of all parts of the lungs, blood flow to the heart and outflow into the systemic circulation. Incomplete ossification of the fusions of the pelvic bones during jumps, dismounts, and hops can contribute to a change in the angle of the pelvis and disruption of specific functions of the female body.

Muscle mass is characterized by both increased growth and increased strength, especially in boys. A correctly selected dosage of physical exercise in terms of structure, strength, and time will help smooth out functional hormonal surges. In adolescence, it is necessary to develop the function of breathing and circulation as efficiently as possible through movement. At high school age, the formation of the skeletal and muscular systems is completed. Boys and girls reach the completion of the processes of growth and development; in the future, only their stabilization, maintenance of physical health and performance are required.

Hygiene of the educational process, the degree of readiness of children for learning

Control over the growth and development of children and adolescents, starting from general education preschool institutions, over the sanitary and hygienic conditions of their placement and stay there is entrusted to medical personnel. They carry out all primary care preventive measures in full, monitor the dynamics of the health status of preschoolers and students, and organize their health improvement.

The results of periodic examinations make it possible to assess the health levels of each child and the team as a whole, to identify the effectiveness of the ongoing health-improving and complex sanitary and hygienic measures. A medical examination of children aged 5 years is of particular importance for determining their degree of readiness, identifying medical indications and contraindications for education from the age of 6, and providing health improvement for children in need. Some first-graders do not adapt well to school conditions, having insufficient functional readiness with an adequate intellectual level. Such children begin to get sick more often, miss classes, they are physically developed below standard indicators, they get tired quickly, and their academic performance decreases.

School maturity is understood as such a level of development of functional systems that ensures that students complete the school program without compromising health and normal development. To determine the degree of readiness of children 5 years old for learning from the age of 6, it is necessary to be guided by the Sanitary Rules and Standards for the Organization of Education for Children of 6 Years of Age.

In preschool institutions, the educational, educational process and preventive medicine are combined, aimed at early diagnosis of diseases. The occupancy of groups, starting from pre-school juniors and up to school 5-6 years old, should not be more than 20 children, school groups can be filled with up to 25 children.

Capacity in cities and rural areas is determined by the purpose of the institution, but a mandatory hygienic principle is the isolation of groups, classes, and premises for different purposes.

For the successful upbringing and education of children, it is strongly recommended that parents enroll them in preschool institutions from the age of 5. Children do not all adapt to new living and learning conditions in the same way. With physiological adaptation, children do not get sick and easily cope with the curriculum.

With reduced adaptive capabilities, they begin to suffer from acute respiratory viral infections more often; they may exhibit inadequate neurotic reactions, neuroses of functional systems, and depressive states.

Nutrition for children and adolescents should be nutrition for growth and development, multicomponent, balanced, adequate to physiological needs, and providing energy.

These hygienic fundamentals are determined by the rapidly occurring processes of growth and development during these age periods. Nutrition and protein components significantly influence the development of all systems and intelligence. Protein and vitamin deficiency leads to slower growth and development of psychomotor and intellectual reactions, and memory impairment. Excess protein in the diet accelerates body growth in length and increases susceptibility to allergic reactions. Carbohydrates and fats must also be balanced to prevent obesity, hidden vitamin and protein deficiency.

Be sure to use non-food carbohydrates - fiber, pectin substances, which suppress putrefactive microflora, promote the removal of radionuclides, toxic substances and stimulate the development of bifidobacteria in the intestines.

The motor needs of children are provided by physical education classes, games, and morning exercises. Physical education classes should be preventive for the musculoskeletal system, visual impairment, posture, and development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Educational furniture is subject to appropriate hygienic requirements and standards. The basic requirements for seating are that the seating distance must be negative, with the edge of the table extending 4 cm horizontally beyond the edge of the chair. The vertical differentiation of the table and seat depends on the student’s height and is normally 1/3 of the height. In order to compensate for forced postures during breaks, special gymnastics is necessary - a series of simple exercises to prevent visual impairment, deformations of the musculoskeletal system, eliminate congestion and stimulate blood circulation and breathing.

The health of the younger generation, the physical development of children and adolescents must be considered from modern hygienic positions and principles. Currently, the age structure of students in general education institutions is changing, and the amount of intellectual workload is increasing.

Innovative teaching methods and technologies increase the stress of sensory systems, especially vision. Long-term forced static postures when sitting at a desk, table, reading, writing, or working with a computer contribute to deformation of the musculoskeletal system. The fulcrum and center of gravity of the head shift, which causes the appearance of the “bowed head” syndrome. Chest deformations contribute to the emergence of risk factors for the development of respiratory and cardiovascular pathologies.

Motor hunger reduces physical and mental endurance, and the number of students with functional disorders increases. Such children and adolescents are assigned to preparatory or special medical groups (SMG) for physical education, which is not entirely the right decision. Primary prevention of these disorders is not used, but secondary prevention is used, which is not very effective without medical supervision.

A decision was made to change the status of physical education from a credit form to a recreational form with the introduction of doctors into the workforce. The problem under consideration should be more clearly resolved at the level of preventing risk factors for the occurrence of functional disorders in a child in the educational process.

1.3 The effect of physical exercise on the child’s body

Physical exercise has been considered a means of stimulating physiological processes in the human body since the time of Hippocrates. Physical exercise has a positive effect on the functioning of all internal organs, and systematic exercise improves the functional state of the central nervous system.

During exercise, a large amount of blood flows to the working muscles, they receive nutrients and oxygen from the blood, that is, with regular exercise, the muscles become stronger, their power and performance increase.

There are four main mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of physical exercise:


Trophic (that is, governing the nutrition and vital activity of the organism);

Compensatory (from the word “compensation”);


The tonic effect of physical exercise is expressed in the maintenance of vegetative processes.

This means that vascular tone, which is imperfect in children of preschool and school age, is maintained normally. In addition, physical exercises and outdoor games improve the emotional state, normalize the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, and cause a feeling of “muscle joy” in the child. The tonic effect of physical exercise is also important for increasing the resistance of the child’s body, increasing the body’s resistance to overheating, overload, and other extreme factors.

The trophic effect of physical exercise is manifested in the fact that under their influence metabolic processes and tissue regeneration are activated.

The compensatory effect of physical exercise is manifested in the formation of compensation: improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, improving vascular reactions and the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

The normalizing effect of physical exercise is to gradually expand the range of functional indicators of the child’s body, that is, physical exercise normalizes all body functions. Since the child’s body is characterized by the involvement of many organs and systems in the pathological process, the child’s growth and psychomotor development are often disrupted. Physical exercises are the main means of normalizing the motor sphere and restoring physical performance.

Compared to the body of an adult, a child’s body has its own specific physiological characteristics, which are important to take into account when organizing classes.

The development of a child’s body proceeds unevenly: periods of accelerated growth are followed by periods of slower growth, during which differentiation of body tissues occurs, that is, tissues also grow and develop at different times.

Preschool age is the most important for the formation of movements. At the age of 5-7 years:

The adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to physical exercise increase;

The musculoskeletal system is intensively developing;

The cerebellum, subcortical formations, and cortex are maturing;

The mechanism for comparing words with perceived reality improves;

Sensory-knesthetic control develops, that is, control of movements using vision, taste, hearing, smell, touch;

The ability for self-analysis and self-control develops;

The child gradually realizes the need for physical activity in improving his body.

Movement, in fact, is the main function of the child’s body; through movement, the baby learns the world, improves the musculoskeletal system, regulates metabolic processes, on the mutual harmony of which growth and physical development depend.

In order to properly organize activities with a child, you need to get acquainted with the features of the anatomical and physiological development of his body at different periods of life.

The growth and development of preschool children occurs under the noticeable influence of the thymus, thyroid glands and pituitary gland. For example, under the influence of thyroid hormones, the child’s mobility increases, and the processes of oxidation and combustion of nutrients in the body intensify. In this regard, at 6-7 years of age, stretching occurs after a “rounding off period” of 3-5 years.

At preschool and school age, the ossification process is still insufficient, which is why mobility in various joints and the spine is pronounced, which, with irrational loads, leads to deformations of the musculoskeletal system.

Large muscles develop earlier than small ones, so babies have sweeping movements, but small and precise movements are difficult for them to perform. Children's muscles differ in structure, composition and function. In color, they are paler than the muscles of adults, since children's muscles contain less hemoglobin. In addition, children's muscles are poor in proteins, fats and inorganic salts.

The growth and development of the chest is closely related to the development of lung, heart and liver function. In the first years of life, the chest has a conical shape with the base downward; by the age of 6-7 years, the upper part of the chest expands, the whole of it shortens, the position of the ribs changes, which helps to increase the mobility of the chest and allows for more efficient breathing movements. The shape of the chest is affected by physical exercise, sitting at a table, as well as previous diseases, such as rickets.

By the age of 7, the nervous apparatus that regulates cardiac activity improves, so heart contractions become more rhythmic, but the heart muscles are still not strong enough, which means there is a danger of overloading the heart with irrational exercise.

By the end of preschool age, the number of red blood cells in the child’s blood increases and the percentage of hemoglobin increases. An increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin indicates that gas exchange is increasing and the performance of the child’s body is improving.

Children's breathing is more shallow than that of adults. One of the characteristic signs of child breathing is increased ventilation of the lungs. It is interesting that in childhood there is a difference in the types of breathing: boys develop diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing, and girls develop chest breathing.

Lung capacity increases particularly rapidly between 6 and 10 years of age. Such an increase indicates an increase in oxygen consumption and an increase in the release of carbon dioxide, which is why it is so important to pay special attention to the cleanliness of the air in the room where you plan to study with your child.

As the child grows, the shape of the chest changes. Deep rhythmic breathing becomes possible with good development of the muscles of the diaphragm, anterior abdominal wall, and intercostal muscles. The better developed the back muscles are, the greater the volume and ventilation of the lungs while sitting and standing. That is why it is important to strengthen the listed muscles during classes.

Preschool children are characterized by a rapid change in the processes of excitation and inhibition, that is, the ability for self-regulation in children is low. This explains the lower stability of attention and the emotional nature of children's reactions.

Precise movements quickly tire children, so in preschool age it is preferable to use outdoor games and play exercises that do not require prolonged intense attention.

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