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Oily hair and dry skin. Oily scalp Restoration of oily hair and dry scalp

Dry scalp occurs when the sebaceous glands in the scalp are disrupted, causing moisture to be unable to be retained in the cells. This causes a person to experience itching, dandruff, and constant discomfort from the tightness of the scalp. This trouble entails the following: the hair, not receiving enough moisture from the hair follicles, begins to split and break. If you delay in solving this problem, then in the future you may encounter serious diseases: seborrhea, baldness, thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin, and others. Dry scalp requires constant competent care, and in advanced cases, the help of doctors may be required to solve the problem. To understand how to moisturize your scalp, and what products will be useful to you for this, you need to find out the cause of the problem.

The reasons leading to dehydration of scalp cells can be divided into two large groups: external and internal.

External factors include:

  • abuse of styling devices that can overheat the hair and scalp;
  • washing your hair with excessively hot water;
  • poor hair care: frequent washing, abuse of hair styling products;
  • frequent hair coloring;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun without a hat;
  • being in a room with dry air;
  • frequent presence in rooms where there is tobacco smoke;
  • using shampoos and other cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type.

External factors also include a complete lack of hair care. After all, just washing your hair is not enough today. If you do not use a conditioner after washing your hair and do not make moisturizing masks, then dehydrated hair and scalp can become your problems.

Internal factors include:

  • dehydration of the body due to non-compliance with the drinking regime and abuse of diets;
  • skin diseases;
  • metabolic disorders, which can also be caused by diseases, poor chaotic nutrition and, again, diet abuse;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

If the sensations on your scalp bring you constant discomfort, if it constantly itches, if dandruff haunts you, then these are symptoms of dry skin, which means you need to urgently take measures to eliminate the problem.

Folk remedies for dry scalp

Dry scalp can stop being a problem if you apply moisturizing masks 1-2 times a week. To do this, you don’t have to visit beauty salons or cosmetologists; you can help your hair become more beautiful at home.

  • Burdock oil is a proven and reliable remedy that solves many hair and scalp problems. It is a medicinal product in itself, so it just needs to be applied regularly to the skin and hair along the entire length. You need to keep this mask on your hair in a warm place for at least 40 minutes, and if possible, leave it overnight. Burdock oil can be used together with sea buckthorn oil and honey (all products are taken in equal parts). The mixture should be applied to the scalp and left for at least 40 minutes. Let us remind you that washing off oil from your head is quite problematic, so leave such procedures for the weekend.
  • A simple and healthy hair mask based on homemade fatty sour cream. It should be mixed in equal parts with lemon juice, and then an egg should be beaten into the resulting mixture. The composition must be thoroughly beaten and slightly heated in a water bath. It is also applied to the scalp for 30-40 minutes.
  • A mixture of fresh cream (about 100g) and flour, which is applied to clean hair and scalp, will moisturize the scalp well. The mask should turn out viscous, keep it on for half an hour. It is washed off with clean running water without shampoo.
  • You can quickly get rid of the problem of dry scalp if you nourish it with an egg yolk-based mask once a week. The raw yolk of one egg needs to be beaten, mixed with two tablespoons of hot water and a tablespoon of vodka. The mask is applied with massage movements to the hair roots and left for half an hour.
  • An onion mask will help not only cope with dryness, but also stop hair loss. It is prepared like this: you need to prepare puree from a medium-sized onion in any way convenient for you (using a meat grinder, blender or grater). Then the pulp is laid out in gauze folded in several layers. The juice secreted through the holes in the gauze should be wiped over the scalp exactly as long as it takes to treat the entire head. Next, you need to wrap your hair in cellophane and a warm towel. The mask lasts for an hour.

All masks must be washed off in one way (unless otherwise stated above): with a large amount of warm running water using shampoo. For rinsing, it would be a good idea to use a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, as well as mustard (1 tablespoon per liter): they will not only help strengthen the hair, eliminate unpleasant odors, such as from onions, for example, but also fight the problem when the hair is prone to to fat content .

The problem of dry head cannot always be solved with folk remedies. . In special cases, you should resort to cosmetics or even medications.

Cosmetic and therapeutic products to combat dry scalp

Burdock, sea buckthorn and other oils mentioned above are included in hair masks, shampoos and conditioners. If you find one of these components in a cosmetic product, you can safely use it to combat dehydration of the hair and scalp.

But there are other compositions:

  • Moisturizing shampoos.

Usually they are not just a shampoo for daily scalp hygiene, but also a product for gentle care of sensitive scalp and hair. They are able to gently wash your hair without harming the epidermal lipid barrier, retaining moisture in the hair and nourishing the skin. They do not take time, do not irritate the skin and do not dry it out. An example of such a product is Emolium shampoo, which can cope with the problem of dry skin even in a child, because it can be used to wash the hair of children over 3 months old. This moisturizing shampoo is able to nourish and regenerate not only the hair, but also the hair follicles, providing them with moisture for a long time.

  • Moisturizing masks.

Now we are not talking about compositions prepared independently, but about products developed specifically for hair restoration and nourishment of the scalp. Masks that have a truly healing effect on the scalp are usually sold in pharmacies.

  • Multivitamin complex.

Lack of vitamins is one of the main problems of dry skin, including the scalp. By taking a complex of vitamins and following a drinking regime, you can quickly ensure that the water balance in the skin is restored and it begins to look younger.

Dry scalp with psoriasis

To care for hair with psoriasis, you need to stock up on special keratolytic shampoos that do not contain tar, which help remove dead skin cells from the scalp and moisturize dry scalp. They are applied to the roots of the hair and left for 5 minutes, after which they are washed off. Such products help the skin cleanse itself of lesions; after using them, you need to wash your hair with a mild shampoo that prevents the formation of dandruff. It is worth noting that the shampoo should be free of fragrances and dyes. As an option, you can even use a children's one, as it will minimize the possibility of allergies.

What is dandruff and methods for eliminating it that really work!

Dandruff (seborrhea) is one of the manifestations of unhealthy, dry scalp. This problem is familiar to every adult: some encountered it once, while others suffer from it all their lives. Seborrhea is dead skin cells on the scalp. In the correct “schedule,” such cells should be renewed once a month, but if the yeast fungus on the scalp begins to actively multiply, then this cycle closes to seven days, and dandruff begins to form once a week or even more often. As a result, “spent” cells accumulate on the scalp, bringing a person both physical and moral distress. After all, seborrhea not only causes itching and other inconveniences, it also makes a person’s appearance unkempt.

Treating dandruff by itself is completely useless. You need to start by moisturizing your skin. You need to make sure that the anti-dandruff shampoo you choose is also moisturizing.

This is how it turns out to be an unhappy chain: improper hair care (here, improper nutrition) entails loss of moisture throughout the body, including the scalp. This problem leads to the following: the appearance of dandruff, which in turn leads to the fact that the head quickly becomes fat. This makes us wash oily hair more often, which further aggravates dry scalp. Vicious circle! What to do? We offer a solution - comprehensive treatment!

If dry scalp is a rare occurrence for you, then take our advice! In less than a month, your hair will not only look like the photo in a glossy magazine, but will also be healthy. Otherwise, when dry scalp is your constant problem, consult a doctor immediately so as not to aggravate the problem to the extreme!

In conclusion, I would like to say the following: all of the above tips and recommendations should be followed by absolutely everyone, regardless of whether there are problems with dehydration or not! After all, the best treatment is prevention!!!

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When it comes to caring for oily hair scalps and dry ends, there are many products available to help you achieve the balance you need. Although heredity is considered to be the main cause of oily skin and dry ends, taking care of your hair daily and preventing environmental damage is the key to proper care. You probably never wanted to have an oily scalp, but you can definitely deal with this problem.


Choosing the right daily care

    Choose the right shampoo to wash your hair. At first glance, this may seem like a very simple choice, but it turns into the seven circles of hell when you see the endless rows of shelves of different shampoos in the store. Most often, shampoos for oily scalp and dry hair are sold with the label “for combination hair type.”

    Choose the right air conditioner. Despite the existence of effective 2-in-1 products, it is still recommended to use separate shampoo and conditioner for proper hair care. By dealing with two problems at once (oily skin and dry roots), it will be much easier for you to regulate the amount of shampoo and conditioner you need on your own.

    • Determination by visual signs: conditioners for dry hair usually have a creamier consistency, and unlike others, they are not as transparent.
  1. Determine how often you wash your hair. It depends on your hair's thickness, coarseness, and frizz, among other factors, but any skin type needs to be cleared of dead cells, dirt, and oil buildup. Regular washing can be said to be washing twice a week, daily or even once every two weeks. If your scalp is too oily, then the oils and dead skin are not being washed out properly.

    Washing head. Wet your hair thoroughly in the shower and then squeeze a drop of shampoo, one to three centimeters in diameter, into the palm of your hand. The amount of shampoo may vary depending on the length of your hair. The technique of washing your hair should be similar to a light massage of the skin followed by thorough rinsing.

    • From time to time, you can use toilet soap to wash your hair instead of shampoo. However, such a product can be used once a week at best, and not repeated for a long period of time. Toilet soap provides active cleansing of the scalp, but is too harsh on the hair.
  2. Use conditioner. Conditioner should be applied immediately after shampoo and then rinsed with water. While the amount of shampoo should be carefully measured, conditioner for dry hair can be applied much more generously.

    • Using conditioner is important because it moisturizes dry hair ends after shampoo has stripped away the natural oils.
    • If you experience dryness in your hair between applications of your regular conditioner, then consider using dry conditioners. These conditioners are sprayed onto dry hair after a shower and then brushed through for added moisture.
  3. Comb your hair if dryness occurs. Combing your hair helps distribute natural oils evenly throughout your hair, which helps combat the problem of oily scalp and dry roots. It is advisable to comb with a brush immediately after taking a shower; Wet hair is at its most elastic at this point, so breakage is less likely to occur during this period of time.

  4. Massage your scalp. This is part of proper shampooing, but is also beneficial outside of the shower. A gentle massage stimulates hair follicles and improves blood circulation, which helps release additional natural oils needed for healthy hair.

    • You might think that stimulating your scalp to produce extra oils is counterintuitive if you already have oily skin. However, when combined with other hair care methods, these oils will nourish dry hair rather than clogging the scalp.

Hair care beyond washing

  1. Do not use brightener. Regular hair coloring can cause hair loss, especially when using bleach. If you color your hair regularly and still have problems with dry roots, consider giving it a little break.

    • Any heat or chemical treatment can have an adverse effect on the health of your hair over time. Limit the use of hair dryers and straightening irons if you have a problem with dry roots.

Greetings to those who really care about their health!

I recently met a friend with gorgeous hair. We chatted with her, she has been actively using natural homemade masks for six months now, and gradually, with their help, she was able to solve various problems on her head. The most pressing issue for her was dry skin.

Dry scalp and what to do with this problem we will discuss today. First, it’s worth finding out what exactly we are dealing with and what preceded the problem.

  • frequent use of coloring agents;
  • insufficient care;
  • frequent use of electrical appliances: hair dryer, straighteners, etc.;
  • exposure to the sun or exposure to the wind without a hat;
  • work in a dry room;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal changes.

Let's find out right away how serious the problem you are facing is. Peeling of the skin, or more simply dandruff, is a fairly common and very unpleasant phenomenon. Sometimes such manifestations lead to panic, but it’s not worth it; a rational approach to the problem is enough.

If these are the consequences of hormonal disorders, dermatology, accompanied by alopecia (baldness), seborrhea or psoriasis, then you simply need to consult an experienced trichologist.

It is important to understand what cleaning products you use. The shampoo should not contain aggressive fillers, for example: sulfur detergent, silicone or artificial fragrances. These substances will certainly have a negative effect on the scalp.

Any cosmetic product, according to its characteristics, should be suitable for your skin type and have a neutral PH balance.

In this case, folk remedies come to the rescue, devoid of chemical impurities, which are contraindicated in case of excessive dryness.

Give up artificial cosmetics for a while and give preference to traditional medicine.

There are products for your choice that are worth paying attention to; they are very simple in components, but very effective in action.

Onion mask

Take freshly squeezed juice from a small onion, add a tablespoon of olive (vegetable, burdock, sea buckthorn) oil and the same amount of lemon juice, mix until smooth and apply to dry skin and hair.

Put on a plastic cap and warm your head with a towel. Leave this beauty for one hour.

Then you need to rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.

And if you add one teaspoon of mustard per liter of water for the final rinse, you will instantly neutralize the onion smell.

This incredibly effective mask helps in many ways: with dryness, dandruff, hair loss, damaged and dull hair.

Honey mask

Take one tablespoon of honey and two olive oil, mix and heat in a water bath (do not let it boil!).

Apply to dry hair for 20 minutes, warming with a plastic cap and towel.

Wash off the mixture with a moisturizing shampoo. This is an ideal product that helps from the first use!

With regular use, it completely solves the problem of dry skin.

Burdock mask

Mix two tablespoons of burdock (castor) oil with a chicken egg until a homogeneous mixture, apply to dry hair, sequentially parting the hair.

Insulate with a hat and a warm towel for half an hour. Wash off using a moisturizing shampoo, rinse thoroughly - preferably with a decoction of regular chamomile. An excellent product that solves all problems associated with dry skin.

Sour cream mask

You need to take full-fat sour cream or yogurt (if you have it, then country milk), you only need one tablespoon, add the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and one chicken egg.

Stir and heat in a water bath. Parting your hair, apply sequentially to the entire skin, cover with a cap and towel, and leave for half an hour. Rinse with prepared oak bark decoction.

On a note! Instead of decoctions, you can use apple cider vinegar (one spoon per liter), which perfectly helps with dryness and neutralizes the fat balance to the required level.

You can also make an excellent mask for dry scalp using apple cider vinegar by mixing one teaspoon of vinegar with a tablespoon of honey. Apply for half an hour, rinse with moisturizing shampoo.

All these simple recipes have been tested by time and practice! They perfectly correct problems and fight the causes of dry scalp, dandruff (seborrhea) and completely solve the problem of hair loss.

By the way, remember one important nuance: do not wash your hair with hot water, only warm water, the scalp is quite sensitive!

It is enough to regularly apply a homemade mask once a week; in especially advanced cases, you can use folk remedies twice a day. However, it is worth considering that it is not enough to take care of yourself only on the outside. Surely, the problem of dry skin also affects internal processes.

Carefully review your daily diet, which should contain sufficient amounts of fatty acids. These include various types of vegetable oil, fatty fish, olives, sesame seeds and herbs.

You can also add overseas avocado, which is simply full of essential fatty acids.

Should be excluded:

  • food with semi-finished products and canned products;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee;
  • reduce the consumption of sweet foods to minimum doses;
  • give up refined oils;
  • try to drink more plain clean water (up to two liters per day).

Additionally, you should consult with a specialist who will give a full recommendation and prescribe a complex of essential vitamins that is right for you. It is not recommended to choose them yourself.

It is best to undergo a complete preliminary examination for the presence of possible diseases and, of course, if any are found, treat them.

Massage and comb your hair often; using a massage brush is especially useful. This has a very beneficial effect on the hair follicles and removes dandruff.

Choose the right products for washing your hair, choosing moisturizing shampoos and balms.

Rinse your hair thoroughly after washing your hair, completely removing any remaining cosmetic products. You shouldn’t dry your hair, it’s better to just pat it dry with a towel and let it dry naturally.

Comb your hair only after it is completely dry, as combing wet hair weakens the hair follicles. After a short period of time, you will notice how your skin has transformed, and your hair has become silky and healthy!

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Until we meet again,

Anastasia Smolinets

Dry scalp and oily hair are not only a cosmetic problem. The diseased skin is constantly itchy and becomes infected when scratched. This causes inflammation to develop. Oily hair is heavy and cannot be held firmly, which is why it begins to thin out prematurely. High-quality treatment is possible only after identifying the cause of the phenomenon. Next, the most effective traditional and folk methods of getting rid of the problem will be presented.

What are the reasons

Dry scalp occurs for many reasons and can be illusory. In the latter case, the impression of excessive fat-freeness arises due to severe dandruff. Skin covered with a layer of dead scales appears very dry. Because of this layer, the distribution of sebum occurs, and the hair begins to rapidly become oily. Their appearance becomes unhealthy. Without treatment, the condition of the scalp and scalp worsens.

Causes of true dry skin and increased oily hair:

  1. Improper hair care- with excessive use of styling products, even of the highest quality. They cause a greasy film to appear on the hair and at the same time dry out the skin.
  2. Intensive use of thermal styling devices. Hair dryers and other devices that apply heat during drying and styling cause the top layer of skin to become overdried and dehydrated. The result is itching and burning. Sebum, which continues to be produced in normal quantities, is not fully consumed by dry skin and therefore spreads excessively through the hair. They become oily, and the skin actively peels off.
  3. Hormonal disorders in the body. They are detected through tests and treated by doctors. Using hair cosmetics until the cause is eliminated is ineffective.
  4. Poor nutrition. Due to a lack of vitamins, the top layer of skin loses its ability to retain fluid and properly absorb sebum secreted by the glands, which in excess begins to spread through the hair.
  5. Low fluid intake. Chronic dehydration develops, in which the skin of the entire body suffers from dryness. Hair becomes excessively oily due to changes in the consistency of sebum.

Attention! Oily hairstyles with dry skin can occur in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After the natural restoration of hormonal levels, the problem goes away on its own.

Troubleshooting methods

When the cause of the problem is unknown, seeking medical help is necessary. There is no universal remedy for treating hair and skin, and therefore it must be approached comprehensively. If you make the wrong choice, professional remedies can only worsen the situation. Traditional methods will not harm and, if the problem is not hormonal, will effectively eliminate it.

Folk recipes

By using home remedies for hair and scalp, We must remember some general rules, without which a positive result cannot be achieved. These include:

  • regularity of use of funds;
  • using only high-quality components;
  • compliance with the duration of treatment.

Remember! Mistakes when using folk remedies make them ineffective.

Popular recipes:

  1. Vinegar rinses. Only use fresh apple cider vinegar. This product has a positive effect on the skin, improving its metabolic processes, and at the same time preventing the spread of oil through the hair too quickly. To rinse, dissolve 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 500 ml of cool, but not very cold water. After washing with the composition, rinse your hair and then do not wash it off. The procedure must be carried out once every 2 days. Daily washing if your hair is oily and your skin is dry is unacceptable. When the problem is completely eliminated, vinegar rinses are repeated periodically for prevention. Make them once a week, and reduce the amount of vinegar to 2 tablespoons.
  2. Nettle decoction. Nettle decoction is used for rinsing and compresses. Substances from the plant eliminate excess sebum production, if any, and deeply moisturize the skin. Nettle infusion also forms a protective film on the hair, which prevents it from becoming too quickly coated with fat. For the decoction, take 3 glasses of water and 4 large heaped spoons of dry May nettle. After the composition boils, boil it for 2 minutes. When warm, the product is filtered. Rinsing is carried out after washing your hair once every 3 days. Compresses are done daily. A waffle towel is soaked in warm broth and wrapped around the head. Afterwards, put on a plastic cap and insulate your head with a terry towel. Keep the compress for 30 minutes. The composition should not be washed off at the end of the procedure.
  3. Colorless henna. The product is recommended if the hair is particularly oily and the skin is very dry. Henna is mixed with heated whey to the consistency of thick sour cream. The composition is applied to the head and left for an hour. For maximum efficiency, you should insulate your head. Wash off the mask with cool water. The procedure should be carried out once every 4 days.
  4. Essential oils. Rinsing with water and a few drops of essential oil helps keep your hair looking good for a long time. Oils used: bergamot, rose, tea tree, mint, citrus mixture. It is important to use essential oils, and not cosmetic ones, which can only increase fat content.
  5. Clay masks. They should be used no more than once a week. They help restore normal skin moisture and deeply cleanse it, which normalizes sebum production. Masks also improve the appearance of hair and help remove all excess fat from it. In rare cases, such masks can cause allergies.
  • Red clay useful if severe skin irritation occurs due to dryness. The powder is diluted in boiling water until a mass is obtained, which should be similar in consistency to thick sour cream. When the composition has cooled slightly, apply it to the head and leave for 15 minutes. The mask should be washed off with cool water without shampoo.
  • White clay useful if the condition is also aggravated by hair loss. Clay powder is combined with still mineral water. The mass should be similar in thickness to toothpaste. Apply the mask for 25 minutes. After this, it is washed off, like the previous one.

Professional products

Professional shampoos help to effectively cleanse hair and moisturize the skin. The most popular means are:

  • shampoo “7 herbs” produced by Schauma;
  • “Clean line” for oily hair and skin moisturizing using a herbal decoction;
  • “Le Petit Marseillais” shampoo with white clay;
  • products produced by Loreal for the care of problem hair.

Advice. It is best to select professional shampoos after accurately determining the cause of the unpleasant phenomena.

To speed up recovery from violations and prevent future problems, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid frequent use of thermal styling devices.
  2. Wash your hair no more than once every 3 days.
  3. Perform a preventive rinse with an apple cider vinegar solution.
  4. Comb no more than 3 times a day.
  5. Use brushes with natural bristles, not metal teeth.

Dry scalp and increased oiliness of hair most often appear due to improper care. If timely measures are taken, the problem can be eliminated within 2-3 weeks.

Useful videos

What results from improper care of oily scalp.

How to easily get rid of oily hair - a proven method.

Brittle and dull hair that cannot be styled and a constant desire to scratch your head are the first symptoms of a dry scalp. Insufficient attention to the problem can lead to hair loss.

Causes of dry scalp

Overdrying of the skin is usually caused by a violation of its water-lipid balance as a result of exposure to various factors. Because of this, the skin intensively loses moisture and the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. Main causes of dryness:

  • Frequent hair coloring. The dyes contain aggressive substances that not only change the structure of the hair, but also irritate the skin. Drying of the skin occurs especially often when dyeing your hair yourself, when women want to save on hairdresser services.
  • Unbalanced diet. The lack of foods containing vitamins A (retinol), E (tocopherol), B vitamins in the menu, abuse of coffee, spicy and salty foods leads to malnutrition of the epidermis. Insufficient fluid intake also contributes to dehydration of the skin.
  • Wrong choice of shampoo. If you have dry hair and scalp, you don’t need to buy products “for all hair types,” much less use shampoos for oily and normal hair.
  • Temperature effect. High and low temperatures negatively affect the condition of the skin, so in winter you cannot be in the cold without a hat; in summer you must wear Panama hats. Hats should be made only from natural materials to allow the skin to “breathe”. Drying your hair with a hot hairdryer is also harmful.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems cause metabolic disorders in the body, which leads to dehydration of the skin.
  • Washing your hair with tap water. Tap water contains chlorine, calcium and magnesium salts, which intensively “dry” the skin and hair. Chlorinated water in swimming pools is also harmful, so you should wear a cap when swimming.
  • Allergies, skin diseases. Allergens and pathogens of skin diseases (fungi, bacteria) cause disturbances in nutrition and metabolic processes in tissues, the response of the epidermis to the introduction of foreign agents is dryness, allergic reactions.
  • Smoking and alcohol. Bad habits negatively affect the condition of blood vessels, blood supply to the skin deteriorates, and it loses moisture.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Hormonal changes occurring in the body can cause dry skin.


  • Constant feeling of discomfort: itching, tightness of the scalp, desire to scratch it.
  • The appearance of dandruff - flakes of exfoliating epidermis.
  • Thinning, dulling of hair, brittleness and hair loss, split ends.
  • When combing, the hair becomes highly electrified.
  • After washing your hair, the feeling of skin tightness quickly returns.

When these symptoms appear, we can confidently talk about dehydration of the scalp, but sometimes itching, dandruff and deterioration of hair condition are accompanying diseases that require treatment by a dermatologist.

How to distinguish dry scalp from skin diseases

Diseases that are accompanied by dry scalp:

  • Dry seborrhea (a type of seborrheic dermatitis)– a significant decrease in the secretory function of the sebaceous glands with a change in the qualitative composition of sebum. Dandruff flakes appear on the skin, their number is constantly increasing. The hair begins to break and looks powdery due to seborrheic plaque. The disease is accompanied by itching and dryness not only of the scalp, but also of the face.
    Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by certain types of yeast-like fungus Malassezia, which affects the sebaceous glands. The activity of the fungus is provoked by hormonal changes in the body, diseases of internal organs (colitis, liver and biliary tract diseases). There is also a high probability of seborrheic dermatitis if it was identified in close relatives (hereditary predisposition).
    Seborrheic dermatitis can be dry or oily. Oily seborrhea is accompanied by hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, dandruff flakes are greasy, yellow, layered on top of each other, and inflammation of the sebaceous glands occurs. Dry seborrhea is less common, not everyone is familiar with its symptoms, so when it appears, patients do not seek help from a doctor, but try to get rid of dandruff in the usual ways.
  • Psoriasis– a non-infectious disease with completely unknown causes; a genetic factor plays a large role in its occurrence. It starts with dry skin, then pink bumps covered with white scales appear (psoriatic plaques). Characteristic symptoms of psoriasis are the appearance of tiny droplets of blood when scales are removed and the formation of new elements at the site of scratches or scratches. In addition to the head, the disease often affects the skin on the elbows, knees, and lumbar region.
  • Atopic dermatitis– a chronic disease, the causes of which are hereditary factors, disorders of the nervous and immune systems, pathologies of internal organs, and intoxication. It manifests itself as dry skin and severe itching. When scratched, the skin becomes rougher, red spots appear on it, which later turn into weeping wounds.

If symptoms similar to the listed diseases are detected, you should seek help from a dermatologist.

Dry scalp treatment

Treating dry scalp starts with changing your lifestyle and habits. Need to:

Masks for dry scalp

Homemade masks can not only eliminate dry skin, but also restore hair structure, restore shine, volume, and color. Masks are made 1-2 times a week.

  • Onion mask. A fresh onion is crushed in a blender or meat grinder and placed in gauze folded in several layers. The released juice is rubbed into the skin, the head is wrapped in a towel, and washed off after half an hour.
  • Yolk mask. Mix raw chicken egg yolk, 20 ml of vodka and 50 ml of boiled water. The mixture is rubbed into the skin and hair, wrapped in a towel, and washed off after half an hour.
  • Oil-honey mask. Add 25 ml of liquid honey to 50 ml of olive oil. The mixture is applied to the hair and scalp for 20 minutes.
  • Burdock. Warm burdock oil in its pure form is applied to the skin and hair for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Smetannaya. A tablespoon of full-fat sour cream is mixed with a raw egg and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix and apply the mixture for half an hour.

The masks are washed off with warm water, then washed with shampoo for dry hair, and rinsed with herbal decoctions.

Washing hair for dry skin

Following proper hair washing routines is also important for maintaining healthy skin:

  • First of all, you need to choose a shampoo: it should contain moisturizing and nutritional additives (glycerin, soy and aloe extract, shea butter, almond oil, panthenol, herbal decoctions), strengthening components (keratin, silk, wheat or rice proteins), silicones for protection from external influence. The label should say “For dry hair types”; universal products for all hair types should be avoided.
  • It is recommended to wash dry hair once every 5-7 days.
  • The water should be hot, as hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands.
  • Hair is thoroughly combed before washing. At this stage, you can apply a mask you prepared yourself to your skin.
  • The shampoo is first applied to the palms, slightly diluted with water, whipping into foam, then applied to the hair and distributed over the head.
  • While washing your hair, you can do a massage: the shampoo is distributed in random circular movements, while the pressure on the skin with your fingers should be a little stronger than during normal washing. Massage improves blood circulation, restores the function of the sebaceous glands, and stimulates hair growth.
  • After washing, the shampoo is thoroughly washed off, the head is rinsed with a decoction of nettle or calendula (2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of water, boiled for about 3 minutes, filtered after cooling).
  • Apply balm or conditioner to the hair.
  • Dry your hair carefully; it is better to wrap your head in a towel and wait for the fabric to absorb the moisture.
  • Do not comb wet hair; it is better to dry it naturally, without using a hair dryer.

Video about the causes and treatments for dry scalp

Following the rules of care helps restore health to the scalp and hair. If you cannot eliminate dandruff, dryness, itching and flaking of the skin on your own, then you need to seek help from a dermatologist who will prescribe the necessary drug treatment.