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The meaning of the name Eva for a girl is winter. Meaning and characteristics of the name Eva for a girl

Such a beautiful female name as Eva endows its owner with sensuality and hard work. These women often make scandals even over the most seemingly trivial reasons. The meaning of the name Eva suggests that these ladies are prone to frequent outbursts of jealousy, complicating relationships with their partners. Marriage is the main goal in life that these women strive for.

The interpretation of the name says that Evushka attaches great importance to home comfort, children and the family “nest”. A job can only be attractive if it brings in a solid income. Small earnings do not inspire her. Married life and raising offspring are of much greater importance.

The meaning of the name Eve for a girl says that it is best to name those babies who were born under the signs of Taurus or Pisces in this way. Children born under the sign of either Virgo or Scorpio should not be called this way. This point is important.

Another meaning of the name Eva for a child speaks of the high curiosity and mobility of this baby. During her childhood, Evochka perceives the world around her as a wonderful, fascinating fairy tale. He often comes up with adventure stories and tells his friends and parents about them.

Some girls, even after growing up, tend to often stay in this illusory world, which can create a number of certain life troubles. They often become clients of various psychics and magicians. Parental education is of great importance. If the mother and father direct their daughter’s fantasies in the right direction, then she may later grow into a talented writer or film industry worker.

These girls study well, but they rarely become excellent students, because they do not like to stand out. They do not show any inclination towards public works. They love to study astronomy and exact sciences.


Sexual life plays one of the most important meanings in the life of this lady. Prolonged abstinence can make her character unbearable and overly hot-tempered. Women with this name can only bring a man into a state of ecstasy with their touches.

With all his sensuality by nature, he has high moral principles. This means that most of these women are even able to act as models of morality for other representatives of the fair sex. Sexual intercourse before official marriage is extremely rare.


In married life, such ladies are very faithful wives. This fact means that they almost never cheat on their husbands. Loyalty is not the least important thing for them. Quarrels in the family can arise due to jealousy.

Eva will make not only a faithful wife, but also a sensitive, caring mother. Children are a source of inspiration and joy for her. Does not accept any injustice towards children. Can adopt a child.

The husband's name is also important. The strongest marriage can develop with Alexei, Evgeniy, Vitaly, Maxim or Konstantin. You should not start a love relationship with Oleg, Arthur, Yaroslav and Stanislav.

Business and career

Persistence will help this woman achieve her desired income and status. A career can be especially successful in positions such as linguist, doctor, lawyer, teacher and fashion designer.

In general, work rarely captivates these ladies. In most cases, they prefer a career as a housewife, which means they engage in the development and upbringing of children with enthusiasm and complete dedication.

Origin of the name Eva

The existing mystery of the name allows us to say exactly where this adverb came from.

It's Hebrew. The exact etymology is “living”, “life”. According to ancient Christian texts, this was the name of Adam's second wife. The first was Lilith. Lilith ran away from Adam and, turning into a snake, provoked Eve to bite the apple.

History also reports that the adverb is the personification of the Slavic Goddess of birth and spring, whose name is Zhiva. The origin of the name Eva is permeated with a Christian spirit. You can find analogues of the adverb in Poland, the Czech Republic (Eva), Georgia and Israel (Hava), as well as in the UK (Iva).

Characteristics of the name Eva

The main character traits are persistence and stubbornness. Can be unpredictable, fun and very passionate. These women charm those around them with their charisma from the first minutes of communication. That is why they always have many useful contacts.

The characteristics of the name Eva suggest that she is a very grateful person. She is responsible for any service rendered to her with the same service. Doesn't like to be in debt. Conflicts with friends and others may arise due to a tendency to inconstancy. May not fulfill previous promises.

The pros and cons of character make such a person a real choleric person. These women are distinguished by great hard work and high intelligence. Negative traits include envy and unsociability. They often prefer to hide their thoughts within themselves. At the same time, they try to appear to others as self-confident and good-natured people.

Close people are of great importance to Eva, whom she loves sincerely and boundlessly. These ladies have a strong will. Not prone to selfishness. The actions she commits are capable of causing a real sensation in society and causing a wave of discussion.

Most often he wins an argument. He is not afraid of difficulties. What scares this girl most is losing. It is defeats on the way to achieving a goal that can cause severe depression. Being in a depressed state, he withdraws into himself and avoids all communication.

Even an accidental word can traumatize the owner of this name. But she will always defend herself, no matter how seriously she is offended. He can also act as a defender of an offended person or animal.

The mystery of the name

  • Jade and sard stone.
  • Name days December 24 and 31, June 5, March 11, January 5.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Virgo and Aries.

Famous people

  • Eva Green (born 1980) is a model, French film and theater actress. She starred in the films “300: Rise of an Empire”, “Last Love on Earth”.
  • Eva Polna (1975) is a Russian singer and songwriter. Soloist of the group "Guests from the Future".
  • Eva Mendes (1974) is an American actress. She played roles in the films “Fast and Furious 5”, “Cops in the Deep”, “Holy Motors Corporation” and others.

In different languages

The exact translation of the name Eve from Hebrew is “life.” Below is how this adverb is translated and how it is written in some languages:

  • In Chinese – 伊娃
  • In Japanese - イブ (ibu)
  • In English – Eva
  • In Greek - Hebe (Hebe)
  • In Latin – Yeva
  • In Arabic - חוה (Hawa)

Name forms

  • Full name: Eva.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Evushka, Evochka, Evka, Evanyulya, Evanyulyechka, Evunka, Evseyka, Echka, Evonka.
  • Declension of the name - Eva - Eva - Eva.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Eve (abbess, venerable martyr).

The meaning of the name Eve, of course, will interest many representatives of the fairer sex, because that was the name of our only biblical ancestor. What secret does it hide? Will its owners be happy and does the meaning of the name Eva affect the girl’s character?

What does the name Eva mean?

Name Eva: meaning for a child

As a child, he is a sweet, kind, dreamy child, who, however, loves to be stubborn and play pranks. The girl is very active, which imposes certain obligations on her parents. The baby needs an eye and an eye, and when she grows up a little, her energy should be directed in the right direction. Eva is a name for a girl with many talents. She sings well, is flexible enough to do gymnastics or dancing, and can write poetry. Eva is a mediocre student. She is not trying to be the best in the class and prove her superiority to anyone. “As it will be, so it will be” is the principle by which Eve lives. There is some mystery and mysticism in the girl’s character. She loves various stories about magicians and psychics. She comes up with some events on her own, and tells them so realistically that over time she herself believes in them. Eva is a very athletic girl. She enjoys skiing, swimming, and hiking.

The mystery of the name

What mysterious thing does Eve carry within herself? The secret of the name manifests itself already in the girl’s adolescence. One of them is her intuition. Eva is a secretive girl; she does not like to share her experiences with anyone, especially if this manifests itself only at the subconscious level. That is why her amazing abilities go unnoticed.

What else is remarkable about Eve? The secret of the name also lies in the girl’s vulnerability. She is absolutely unable to defend herself and cannot tolerate aggression from people she knows. Eva really needs the support of relatives, especially men. The best protector for little Eva is her father or older brother, and in adulthood, her husband.

Characteristics of the name

The main character trait that distinguishes adult Eve is incredible sensuality. However, along with this there is also jealousy, sometimes completely groundless. Despite this, she has no shortage of men. Moreover, fans do not give her a pass, so the girl can choose as much as she wants. Of course, there are many positive qualities in Eva’s character. First of all, it is romance and kindness. The girl is diplomatic and tries to find a compromise in any situation. However, he does not forget about his interests.

Unfortunately, the girl also has negative character traits. She believes that everything in the world will work out by itself and all she can do is go with the flow and collect bonuses. Eva is completely unable to concentrate and somehow act in difficult situations. However, sometimes her passivity helps her get away with the most difficult alterations.

Eva, as a rule, is very decent, which she demands from others. The girl is ethical by nature and strictly follows the rules of morality. She is responsive, but if she believes that a person can cope without her help, she can be firm. Eva loves animals very much. In a fit of tenderness, he can bring home a stray animal picked up on the street and faithfully care for it.

As friends, Eva prefers educated people with good manners. She does not like advisers and plans all her undertakings herself, without relying on anyone. Despite this, the girl turns out to be a very grateful person and tries to repay in kind for any service provided. Eva's quarrels with friends may arise due to her inconstancy and reluctance to fulfill some promises.

Eva: full name and shortened version

  • Evushka, Evochka, Evulya, Evusik, Evita, Evusha - a diminutive name.
  • Efi, Yves, Efa - shortened version.
  • Eva is her full name.


By nature, Eva is a careerist, but she cannot find herself in all areas. As a rule, a girl has the greatest inclination towards medicine, pedagogy, and philology. As a boss, Eva can prove herself in an administrative position, but as a subordinate girl she is very attentive and diligent. In the professional sphere, it is better for a girl to pay attention to work that gives her the opportunity to learn something new. She can make a good journalist, writer, circus worker, choreographer, advertising designer, translator.


Consistent, prudent in business, in love, Eva is the complete opposite. She is vulnerable and vulnerable. The girl takes any insults seriously, and especially will not tolerate betrayal. Eva likes to be surprised and gives preference to partners who have a passionate, fiery nature. In a society of rationalists and “crackers”, the girl gets bored and feels insecure. Sexual relationships play a very important role for Eve. She herself is very inventive in bed and is happy if she can give her partner unearthly pleasure. Long-term abstinence can make her character overly hot-tempered, sometimes even unbearable. However, despite its sensuality, the moral side wins. Sexual intercourse before marriage for a girl is an exception to the rule and is practically impossible.


Family has special meaning for a girl. The name Eva left its mark on the fate of its owner. A woman will not tolerate betrayal, but she herself will always be faithful to her husband. However, despite the fact that Eva is a wonderful wife, not every man can get along with her. This is influenced by her hard work and activity, which sometimes frighten representatives of the opposite sex. Eva feels their fear and therefore is in no hurry to connect her destiny with them, taking a long time to choose a mate. Eve's first marriage is usually unhappy. Often, mothers-in-law are to blame for this, with whom the girl has a strained relationship.

Eva values ​​her family very much. She knows how to create comfort, cooks well, but rarely gives up her career because of her family. The maximum a girl can do is take a break during the birth of a child. If it so happens that Eve will raise a child alone, then she will do everything for him, but with age she will demand the same attitude towards herself. In her old age, Eva becomes despotic and tough.

Name compatibility

Eva can have a strong marriage with Evgeny, Maxim, Alexey, Vitaly, Konstantin.

Eves born in winter are contradictory and quarrelsome; as a rule, they give birth to sons. “Summer” owners of the name, on the contrary, have a gentle character, are attentive to loved ones, and have daughters. Those born in the autumn period are patient and easily forgive insults. "Spring" Evas are intellectually developed and have a fast-paced character.

The name Eva is one of the most famous female names in the world. According to the Abrahamic religions, which include all branches of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the name Eve is the name of the first woman in the Old Testament world.

From Hebrew, the name Eve (written as חוה‎, pronounced as Chava) is translated as “life-giver,” and if so, then we can safely say that The name Eve means "life giver". However, in context, the name Eva can be translated as "naughty" or "movable". Like many other names that come from the Bible, the name Eve can have several meanings.

The name Eva, which is familiar to us, sounds completely different in other languages. In the Czech Republic and Poland the name Eva is pronounced as Eva, and in the UK as Iva. The closest pronunciation of the name Eva in Georgia to the original source is Khava.

The name Eva is also a short form of a large number of other names. These are the names Evgenia, Evangelina, Evelina, Evdokia and many others.

The meaning of the name Eva for a girl

Eva is growing up as a cheerful and active girl. It’s not for nothing that the name is translated as mischievous. This imposes certain obligations on parents. Little Eva needs a lot of walks outside, and as she grows up it’s best to direct this activity in a positive direction. Eva enjoys visiting all kinds of clubs, but often changes them.

Eva is a good student, but she takes her studies calmly. She doesn't have the drive to be the best in her class. Studying for Eva is not a tool for self-realization. Eva is successful in all subjects, but she will definitely have several favorite disciplines.

The girl is growing up in good health. She rarely gets sick, which is facilitated by her love of physical education. However, during adolescence, parents should pay attention to the child’s diet. Often, when she gets carried away, she forgets to eat, which can negatively affect the digestive system in the future.

Short name Eva

Evka, Eva, Yves, Iva, Ivvy, Efa, Efi.

Diminutive pet names

Evochka, Evushka, Evonka, Evusik, Evunya, Evusha, Evulya, Evita.

Name Eva in English

In English, the name Eva is written as Eva, but read as Iva.

Name Eva for international passport- EVA.

Translation of the name Eva into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Həvva
in Arabic - إيفا‎‎
in Armenian - Եվա (Eve)
in Belarusian - Eva
in Bulgarian - Eva
in Greek - Εύα
in Hebrew - אווה‎
in Spanish - Eva
in Italian - Eva
in Chinese - 伊娃
in Latin - Eva
in German - Eva
in Polish - Ewa
in Romanian - Eva
in Serbian - Eva
in Slovenian - Eve
in Ukrainian - Eva
in Finnish - Eeva
in French - Eve
in Czech - Eva
in Japanese - イブ

Church name Eva(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Eve. Eve can be baptized under her worldly name at baptism, but she can, of course, change it.

Characteristics of the name Eva

If Eve’s characteristics in childhood are active, then in adulthood she can rather be called hardworking. She is still active and cheerful, but most of her energy is spent on various useful things. Eva is an adult, self-sufficient person. She has no need for listeners in the form of girlfriends. She herself perfectly assesses life situations and knows what is good and what is bad. Thanks to this, I often consider her secretive and self-confident.

Eva is a winner by nature and is ready to work hard to win. She has strong strong-willed qualities, which greatly helps Eva in life. Sometimes tired of easy victories, she herself begins to look for more difficult and interesting tasks. Eva takes defeat extremely hard. She temporarily loses the strength to do anything and can only be cured with time. The task of loved ones is to support Eva.

Eva loves to work, but she loves work where there is room for real life achievements, otherwise she will become bored. If Eva did not give her all at work, then she believes that she worked dishonestly. But this does not mean that Eva will do stupid, meaningless work; do not underestimate her. Eva could make an excellent leader. She will fill the team with confidence in success by her example.

Well, the most important calling in Eva’s life is family. In her priorities, family is the most important and most important. Eva is a natural mother and a wonderful wife, but not every man can live next to her. Her activity and hard work cause shock and even fear in some men. It is not surprising that, feeling this very well, Eva is in no hurry to get married and chooses a mate for herself long enough to start a family. She simply cannot love such a man, no matter how hard he tries.

The secret of the name Eva

One of the secrets of the name Eva is her wonderful intuition. Eva is already not a fan of sharing her inner experiences, and considers intuitive sensations to be completely personal. Therefore, her intuitive abilities remain a mystery to many. Those around her, trying in every possible way to influence her, often do not understand that Eva clearly sees their thoughts and motives.

The second secret of Eva can be called her vulnerability. She does not know how to defend herself at all and is very worried about aggression from other people. Here Eva needs support and protection from loved ones and, best of all, from a man. Such a man for little Eva can be a father or brother, and for an adult - a husband.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Doe.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Date palm.

Plant- Magnolia.

Stone- Ruby.


The name Eve is Hebrew in origin. Derived from the Hebrew Havva, which comes from the word “Hayya” (to live). The literal interpretation of the female name Eva sounds like “living.” By the way, names such as Eva and Evita are considered derivative forms of Eve, although few people know about this.

The female name Eva has a lot of features in terms of significance. It combines two important factors - good meaning and beautiful sound. Plus, this name has very strong energy, which can directly influence the character, essence and nature of the bearer.

Conversational options: Evushka, Evochka

Modern English analogues: Yves, Iva, Eva, Chava

Meaning and interpretation of the name

According to the main version, the meaning of the name Eva promises its bearers such character traits as determination, activity, sensuality, temperament, sensitivity and gentleness. And depending on the season of birth, character traits such as poise, restraint, self-control and self-sacrifice for the good of people may also occur. It is not surprising that girls named Eva often turn out to be people working in the field of donations and charity.

Eva, in most cases, is a very kind, shy, reserved, intelligent, resourceful and efficient girl, who has simply an excellent imagination and good intuition. This is a girl for whom everything always goes according to plan, who will never deviate from her plans, and will treat any matter with due responsibility.

Advantages and positive features: kind and positive, will never leave a friend in trouble, will help even if you have to sacrifice something important, will always show sympathy and understanding. And Eva is an open and sociable person, although a little shy.

Eva treats her badly people with changeable moods, those who are difficult to predict, fickle and unpredictable individuals. She avoids communicating with deceivers and selfish people, and tries to spend time only with trusted people.

The name Eve belonged to the ancestor of the entire human race and the first woman. That's what Adam himself called her.

Character of the name Eva

The nature of the name Eva is such that it promises the bearer of this name a complex and constantly changing nature. The character of a girl named Eva is unpredictable, she is always changing, and at the same time changing of her own free will. For example, a lack of self-confidence and determination quickly changes to the opposite only with Eve's immediate personal desire to change herself. But that's not all...

The character of the bearer of this name form provides for the presence of a large number of shortcomings, including immaturity, calmness, inability to make contact and reluctance to trust people. She is so afraid of betrayal and infidelity that she does not even risk letting anyone near her, at least until adulthood. That is why throughout almost her entire life she suffers from loneliness - this is her character.

On the other hand, one cannot ignore the fact that character is one of the most mysterious parameters - it largely depends on additional factors, including parental upbringing and the influence of even the time of year in which Eve was born.

Early childhood

A girl named Eva usually has a bright and active early childhood, which is not surprising. The character of the girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Eva is too unpredictable, and this quality will only intensify as she grows up. Plus, there are a number of other characteristics, including mobility, energy, activity, efficiency, the desire to communicate more and be in sight of the whole world.

And Eva has been craving popularity and respect since childhood. But there is a “but” - popularity in society, the dream of which the girl named Eva necessarily has, is hampered by such traits as immaturity, isolation, inability to make friends and communicate on topics that are interesting to the interlocutors, naivety and gullibility. Usually Eva is an insecure child, indecisive, shy and always doubting her own decisions and actions. Because of this, it is difficult for her to get along with the staff of a kindergarten, for example, or a yard.

But she is successful in terms of her own development. She finds it easy to do new things, and she learns everything with great pleasure; her parents don’t have to force her to do anything.


Teenager Eva is already a different person - the meaning and energy of this name still play a vital role in the formation of her personality. This name endows her with the qualities that were mentioned above, but additionally gives rise to other characteristics in her. So, in adolescence, this girl’s sociability increases, and also, her eloquence begins to appear - she gradually makes friends, becomes more self-confident and tries with all her might to become popular in society. In part, most bearers of this name succeed in this.

Another interesting point is that the girl whose parents decided to choose the name Eva has a factor of persistence and perseverance in terms of learning everything new, which naturally bears fruit. So, Eva can become an excellent student and cope with the study of any subject, be it an exact science or a humanitarian subject. In addition, Eva may also have diligence, perseverance, and excellent self-control in terms of emotions. She will never flare up, show aggressiveness, and will not be offended without a good reason, and in general, her ability to control her own emotions is amazing, everyone would like this...

Adult woman

Adult Eve, over whom the meaning of this name continues to protect, is already a woman with excellent character and excellent endurance, capable of surviving any everyday troubles with minimal psychological consequences. At this same stage of life, the meaning of the name Eva can give a bunch of other qualities. Having reached maturity, she becomes a self-confident and decisive lady, but at the same time distrustful.

It just so happens that all Evas, without exception, are too distrustful, perhaps the reason is the patronage of such a factor as significance, but the main thing is not this, but the fact that Eva will never let an untested person get close to her. Before calling someone a friend, Eve checks this person for selfishness and loyalty, and only after making sure of the person’s loyalty does she decide to dedicate him to her life, experiences, grievances and feelings. By the way, Eva is very sensitive and receptive, and can be offended by any little thing, even by the most harmless criticism - although, again, a person whom she did not call her friend will never know about this.

The interaction of Eve's character with the seasons

Winter - the winter bearer of the name Eve, thanks to the influence of the meaning of Winter itself, will grow into a person predisposed to leadership. She will manage and control everything around her, but often such qualities as a difficult character and personal authority will play against her. She is kind and sympathetic, sincere and good-natured, but makes many everyday mistakes.

Summer - this girl will be an attentive, good-natured, caring and diligent person, trying to change the whole world for the better. Prone to love and happiness, lucky, but will often be betrayed by someone who is close in spirit. She is selfless and mentally tough. This one will have to be raised by being tough, because it won’t bother her.

Autumn - a baby born in the autumn months will be calm and balanced by origin of the soul. Patient and kind by nature, such a woman will enjoy success with the male half of humanity. But there is a “but” - she will often forget about herself and begin to help others to her detriment. At any moment she will be ready to make reconciliation with the one who is to blame for the conflict.

Spring - this newborn will grow up to be an intellectual girl, one for whom science and creativity will replace communication with peers. She is charming and interesting, but her mind, clearly more perfect than that of men, can repel even the strongest and most callous.

Fate named Eva

The fate of the name Eva in love, marriage and, as such, relationships with men is very difficult, but it is also impossible to predict it with “certainty” accuracy. This is one of the most theoretical parameters - fate largely depends on the bearer of this name and on her upbringing. Although there are points in which the practical majority of researchers believe.

One of these moments is the confidence of experts that every Eva, without exception, is by nature too illogical in terms of love. Having fallen in love, Eva can become unpredictable, emotional, overly forgetful and unnecessary. Fate suggests that when she falls in love, she becomes too fickle a girl, which cannot but bear fruit that negatively affects her life as a whole. In addition, many researchers are confident that the fate of the bearer of the name Eva involves a large number of separations with many stormy romances.

At the same time, the fate of mature Eva may turn out differently - mature Eva, having fallen in love and got married, risks becoming a boring and predictable, but responsible, obligatory and permanent woman.

Love and marriage

Eva is used to considering love as the most important impetus for a successful life. She likes it when a man demonstrates his feelings brightly, emotionally and persistently. From love, this woman expects a storm of positive emotions and a fountain of feelings, but she is not interested in men without initiative.

Eva has been searching for a long time for the ideal man, one who is at the same time witty, temperamental, intelligent, active, and open. She hesitates for a long time to start a family, but despite her caution, she still gets married at an early age. As a result, the first marriage collapses.

Eva’s husband must be patient and understanding about her desire to be the head of the family, because she is a leader by nature. Eva’s rather harsh disposition does not prevent her from being a hospitable and skillful housewife, delighting her loved ones and guests with delicious cuisine, a great mood and home comfort. She also doesn’t allow anyone to poke their nose into her family and the relationships in it.

Eva as Mother

Eva becomes a very caring and loving mother. She easily copes with all the hassles associated with caring for tiny babies. She was not used to cowering over the stroller at every breath of one of the kids. She calmly goes about her household chores while the child, sleeping in a stroller, breathes the air near the open balcony. From the cradle she teaches him to be independent and introduces him to the outside world.

When the children get a little older, Eva continues to prefer not to babysit too much in her behavior with them. When raising her children, she uses even severity, without shouting or screaming. She is very demanding, even slightly despotic, towards her children. At the same time, she does not forget to show affection and tenderness from time to time.

Eva pays special attention to the issue of children's education. She thinks in advance about her children’s future kindergarten, their future school, and sometimes even a higher education institution. On the other hand, she respects the opinions of her children and will not suppress their dreams and desires. And the opinion of the father of the family is also important to her.

Compatibility with male names

Eva has the best combination in terms of love and passion with such male names as Trofim, Makar, Egor, Robert, Gordey, Varlaam, Alfred, Boris.

An ideal, reliable, lasting and happy marriage will be between men named such as Samuel, Solomon, Khariton, Efim, Alexey, Anatoly, Thomas, Frol and Ernest.

And Eve shouldn’t get involved with Anton, Apollo, Savely, Maximilian, Demyan and Vilen at all, because there is complete incompatibility.

Purposeful, strong-willed and sensual, Eva knows how to control herself and is used to achieving everything herself. The secret of the name Eva lies in the energy and richness of nature that conquers those around her and helps her achieve her desires.

The translation of the name comes from the word Chava, which means “to breathe” or “to live” in Hebrew. There is also a translation option meaning “cheerful, perky.”

The female name Eva is not very widespread among the descendants of the Slavs, although its popularity has increased slightly in recent years. The name is not Muslim, its nationality is already difficult to determine, it is in use abroad and is used in different parts of the world.

The Orthodox calendar includes only one saint with this name - Eva Pavlova, whose memory falls on February 7 and August 27. According to the Catholic calendar, there are two dates - September 6 and December 24. One of these days will become Eve’s name day - the first day after her birthday.

Traditions and sounds

The history of the name goes back to what, according to biblical tradition, is considered the first woman on earth. It was Eve who ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus Eve became the progenitor of the human race. Some researchers considered her the embodiment of an ideal woman and, reflecting on Eve’s act, attributed to it a sacred meaning - the beginning of the comprehension of truth and human development.

What the name Eva means is revealed more fully through an analysis of the energy of culture. The name Eve refers to the Jewish egregor. The Hebrew origin of the name Eve connects it with those qualities that were especially valued by the Jews when it first came into use.

Therefore, Eves are often characterized by such traits as mystery, fortitude, some conservatism, and aristocracy. Fate often connects them with science; they usually choose solitude, preferring to keep their distance from people. Eve, whose instincts will be unusually developed due to the powers of the Jewish egregor, may well become a strong and influential person if she is interested in this.

The characteristics of the name Eva are complemented by sound influence. Each letter contributes to the meaning of the name Eva.

  • E - full of ideas, the ability to easily resolve conflicts and insight.
  • B - creativity and ease in establishing contact with people.
  • A - thirst for solid ground under your feet, desire for creation, energy.

The mutual influence of sound energy creates a bright individuality. The girl will easily adapt, and perhaps take the place of a leader or a “gray eminence”.

When using diminutive forms, perhaps only the meaning of the name for a girl changes somewhat, since the affectionate version of the address is rarely used in relation to adult women. The full name Eva has the following common forms:

Evushka, Evochka, Evika, Iv, Iva, Hav, Eva.

Each of these forms adds something to the interpretation of the name. For example, the affectionate version Evushka or Evochka is associated with the development of gentleness and awareness in a girl.

  • Evika, Iva, Yves - pronounced sophistication and desire for harmony will appear.
  • Hav - emphasis on independence and prosperity.
  • Eva - the abilities of a speaker, insight, and curiosity will develop.

The process of growing up

The description of the name allows you to look into the future and outline the path that Eve will take. A child is characterized by a developed imagination and a penchant for mysticism and mystery. She likes made-up stories; it’s as if she lives in her own world. She loves to talk, share her impressions, and she is spontaneous and sweet.

A daughter pleases her parents by reflecting them: she often takes on independence from her mother, and responsiveness and good nature from her father. She is independent, but obedient, and if she causes any trouble, it is trivial.

Eva is very energetic and often becomes the epicenter of events. She seems to speed up the flow of life around her. Events rush at a gallop, and Eva collects impressions and then shares them like precious stones.

At school, the girl is more interested in natural disciplines; she often achieves success in mathematics. Her classmates love her, since Eva is a sincere, peace-loving person, incapable of betrayal.

In her youth, the girl is willful, although she does not lose her prudence, so it is quite easy to win her over to her side if you find undeniable arguments for the truth of this particular position. Eve, whose lively mind requires constant feeding, strives to be friends with intellectuals who can speak with her on the same level. A girl in adolescence becomes picky regarding her close circle of friends.

She easily penetrates all the locked doors of a person’s soul and quickly understands him, while she herself remains an eternal mystery to those around her. The girl does not like to share her experiences. Few people notice how vulnerable, tender and sensitive nature is hidden behind the façade of confidence, independence and strength.

Adult Eva is an adventurer, she doesn’t like boredom, dullness, or regularity at all. She craves impressions and risks, Eva loves to win, and she especially likes to solve complex problems that challenge her abilities. It is thanks to this that the girl often makes it very high. She works to achieve her desired position and is not used to waiting for handouts from fate.

This woman's character traits suggest that she will want to become an expert in her chosen field. Almost everything suits her; her mentality allows her to master even professions considered masculine.

Considering that the girl is naturally endowed with the ability to establish contact with others, she will make an excellent doctor, teacher, lawyer, and journalist. She is fair, tactful, smart, quickly understands people and has organizational skills. She will be able to build her own business and show herself well as a boss.

Unbreakable union of hearts

Eva is easy to get carried away with, she is mysterious, gentle and seductive. In a romantic relationship, she gives herself over to feelings and emotions, becoming amazingly alive and unfettered by the framework of rationalism, logic and dry calculation, which is what she expects from her chosen one.

The girl wants an exciting, passionate relationship, devoid of boredom and banality. Therefore, cold and overly reasonable partners will not come to court. She gets a lot of energy from being in love, so she looks for him, and when she finds him, she gives all the tenderness to her loved one.

Eva has high demands on her partner. He must be smart, gallant, open, active, temperamental. And when she finally finds a person who satisfies her, she becomes the most faithful and devoted to him.

The marriage is particularly turbulent at first, with the girl struggling for power. A man will need patience to withstand this avalanche of self-will. On the other hand, by choosing the right tactics, the husband will eventually find a caring and active wife who will always fight for the interests of the family and his love. Her children grow up in strictness. She requires them to fulfill their duties, teaches responsibility early, knows how to reward for correct behavior and protect them from dangers.

Not every partner is suitable for a woman named Eva. The meaning of her name is very harmoniously combined with the meanings of the names of some men - as a rule, it is with them that Eva is most comfortable:

  • A girl with a strong and happy family will build a strong and happy family. They will have a very bright and interesting life.
  • Strength and the desire for leadership make Eva and Evgeny similar; their characters do not fight, but merge, forming a strong and long-term unit of society; they know how to find a compromise.
  • Common interests, mutual support and responsibility inherent in Alexey and Eva cement their connection, forming an excellent foundation for happiness and harmony.

Difficulties are expected with those who cannot find an approach to the girl. However, all these problems can be easily solved if you pay close attention to them and discuss important issues. Eve has low compatibility with men named:

  • . There are a lot of passions, uncontrollable feelings, they cause instability in relationships, partners need to learn to restrain themselves.
  • . It is worth considering on what basis the alliance rests, because it seems that they have nothing in common. If common points are not found, the relationship is unlikely to last long.
  • . They need to clearly define boundaries, otherwise Eve will compete with him to the point of breaking up.