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Akita Inu: description of the breed and its characteristics. Description and characteristics of the Akita Inu breed Diseases and breed defects

Akita Inu is one of the oldest dog breeds known to us in the world. They are famous for their imperious appearance, high watchdog and security qualities. Having appeared several thousand years ago, Akita took an honorable and priority place among dogs and is considered a noble breed. Her whole appearance and stateliness radiate wisdom and greatness.

The Akita Inu breed is one of the 14 oldest breeds in the world. Scientists have proven this fact by conducting a genetic study and carefully studying the dog’s pedigree. The antiquity of this breed is also indicated by rock paintings and found remains dating back to the second millennium BC.

The Akita Inu dog is native to Japan. The first individuals meeting today's standard appeared on Japanese lands back in the 17th century. These dogs were kept by peasants, using them for hunting and protection. But by the 18th century, Akita dogs were recognized as “elite” and came under the protection of the authorities. Subsequently, this breed became available and allowed only to high-ranking aristocrats and representatives of the imperial family. Akita Inu dogs began to have a class affiliation and a high rank.

Representatives of the Akita Inu breed took part in the Second World War and, despite the large loss in numbers, the breed qualities of these dogs have been invariably preserved to this day.

Description of appearance and breed standards with photographs

Akita Inu dogs are majestic representatives of the Japanese empire. Their external data does not leave many generations indifferent. A stately and strong physique, even posture and a peaceful look are the main advantages of the Akita. The playfully curled tail and almond-shaped eyes add a certain charm to the majestic image. The classic physique and at the same time original appearance captivated Europeans and Americans, who recognized the Akita Inu breed as a unique standard of beauty.

Breed standards:

  1. Head proportional to the body, large and massive. The forehead is wide, with a depression in the middle part, and has a clear and pronounced transition to the nasal region. The muzzle is wide, elongated and tapers towards the nose, forming a blunt triangle.
  2. Teeth strong, white. They have a scissor bite. The lips fit tightly to the jaw and are black in color.
  3. Nose with a black and large lobe. Slight pigmentation is only acceptable for dogs with white fur.
  4. Eyes small, triangular in shape. Regardless of coat color, they are always dark brown. Eyelids black.
  5. Ears triangular with rounded ends, straight and erect. Small in size in relation to the head.
  6. Body large, proportional and muscular, with heavy and well-developed bones. The back is straight with a wide and developed forearm, which smoothly curves into a powerful neck. The sternum is wide and strong.
  7. Paws strong and straight. The hind limbs are slightly spaced apart.
  8. Tail high-rise, long and curled towards the back. Evenly covered with long and coarse hair.
  9. Wool thick, coarse and straight, has a soft undercoat. The average length of the outer hair is 5 cm.
  10. Dimensions and weight. Depending on the gender, the height at the withers can be from 61 to 71 cm. The average weight of the dog is 25-35 kg.

The height of Akita Inu dogs is 61-71 cm, average weight is 25-35 kg.

Varieties of Akita Inu

In the last century, Akita Inu was crossed with different breeds of dogs, including with, wanting to achieve improvement and variety of the breed. As a result of such experiments, the fighting, herding and hunting Akita appeared. Later, dog handlers decided to return the original image of the dog, and the experiments began to be done with an emphasis mainly only on the color of the Akita Inu.

Today the following varieties of Akita Inu are known:

  • Tiger(color includes white, red or black).
  • Red(red color, with white spots on the paws, belly or muzzle).
  • White(the coat is completely white, the nasal planum is black or with slight pigmentation).
  • American(stands out for its large size and stocky build).

Among the famous Japanese breeds there is one very similar to the Akita Inu. It can be noted that the external difference for an inexperienced person between these Japanese breeds is only in size. Despite their similarities, they were intended for different purposes.

The photo shows Akita Inu dogs of different colors.

Character and intelligence of the breed

If we characterize the behavioral and mental qualities of the Akita Inu, then we can confidently call this breed unique and fully built. These dogs are distinguished by their reasonable mind and good memory. They are not capable of rash and unreasonable actions.

Akita's temperament is calm and balanced, without obvious or spontaneous signs of aggression. Although this breed is recognized as one of the best guard and watchdogs, this does not mean its uncontrollable temper. This dog will do anything to protect its home and owners, and will carefully think through all the moves of the attack.

Akita Inu are independent and willful. The character is represented by seemingly incompatible qualities - sincerity and restraint. They feel the psychological state of the owner and show support. Thanks to these traits, the Akita Inu is an excellent companion and a loyal, devoted friend. These dogs get along well with other pets and become very attached to the family in which they live.

Akita Inu dogs are quite calm, but they make excellent companions for their families.

Features of training

Dogs of this breed can be trained, but not as easy as it might seem. When raising an Akita Inu dog, it is important to take into account its unique and strong-willed character. Training should be measured and professional. Appeal and tone can only be in a calm and clear form. It would be a good idea to contact an experienced dog handler, as this is a very responsible task that requires patience and endurance.

Akita is a very smart and loyal dog. Having started raising it from an early age, the owner will not be disappointed with the result and the docile behavior of his pet.

Subtleties of caring for and keeping a dog

Akita Inu is a picky breed of dog and does not require special or labor-intensive care. Such a dog can live both in an apartment and in the yard of a private house. She can winter outside without any problems if she has a warm and reliable shelter. If the dog is kept in an apartment, then it is important to provide regular walks and exercise in the fresh air. Akita Inu is very active and playful, especially during the first 2 years of its life. That is why this dog will be happy to take long walks and play together with its owner.

Akita Inu dogs enjoy going on long walks with their owners.

Bathing and grooming

This breed is characterized by increased shedding and requires careful brushing at least once every 2 days during this period. The rest of the time, it will be enough to comb 1-2 times a week, using a special brush with natural bristles.

Tooth and nail care and walking the dog

Walking - daily, morning and evening. The duration of each walk should be 2 hours.

Nutrition and diet

Even during the active breeding of these dogs in Japan, the so-called “Japanese” diet developed. It consisted mainly of rice, fish and vegetables. Today's Akita Inus are not as picky about their diet and have a more varied diet.

  • lean meats (veal, duck);
  • dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt);
  • boiled sea fish;
  • cereals (oats, barley and rice);
  • vegetables and vegetable broths.

Akita Inu dogs can be fed both balanced food and natural food.
  • chicken, pork or turkey;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • wheat, corn and oatmeal.

Regardless of the time of year, it is important to ensure the constant availability of drinking and clean water.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the dog:

  • from 4 to 7 months it is recommended to carry out 4 feedings per day;
  • from 8 to 12 months, reduce to 3 feedings per day;
  • After a year, 2 feedings a day will be enough.

Health and life expectancy

Akita Inu dogs are distinguished by their good health and good immunity, but they are also susceptible to certain diseases, including:

  • Skin diseases (pemphigus);
  • Eversion of the eyelid (hereditary);
  • Thyroid diseases.

To avoid the above diseases, you need high-quality care and a nutritious, balanced diet. Timely vaccination will protect against various deadly viral infections.

The average lifespan of an Akita Inu is 11-15 years.

Akita Inu dogs have fairly good health.

Choosing an Akita Inu puppy, kennels and prices

A puppy of this noble breed should not be purchased from random people or from unverified nurseries. To purchase an Akita Inu, it is recommended to contact the breed club. Before purchasing, it is important to decide for yourself the purpose of the pet you are purchasing: for yourself or for professional breeding. If your option is the second, then you should invite an experienced dog handler who understands this breed to make the purchase.

When choosing a puppy you should pay attention to:

  1. Pedigree, awards and titles of parents.
  2. The number of puppies in the litter (it is better if it is not numerous).
  3. Possible genetic and hereditary diseases.
  4. External data and behavior (healthy appearance and activity are an indicator of the animal’s well-being).
  5. Conditions of detention.
  6. Performed veterinary procedures and vaccinations.

Famous Akita Inu kennels and prices for puppies

The price of a puppy depends on class and compliance with breed standards.

Before purchasing, it is important to decide for what purpose you need this dog:

  • Pet class puppies can cost $2,000-3,000.
  • Breeding class cost will be about $4,000.
  • Show class It is considered the most expensive variety, the price of which in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus reaches $10,000.
  • Nurseries in Moscow:

  1. "Ookami" Website address: http://ookami-kennel.ru
  2. “LavrDeDis” Address: http://www.akita-inu.ru
  3. "Izumi Gai" Address: http://dog-akita.com/

Nurseries of St. Petersburg:

  1. “Indigo-Smile” Website address: http://www.indigo-smile.com
  2. "Rikoran" Website address: http://www.rikoran.com
  3. "SutekiInu" Website address: https://sites.google.com/site/sutekiinu/

Nurseries in Kyiv:

  1. “From the city of light” Website address: http://am-akita.kiev.ua
  2. "Akita-Inu" Website address: http://www.akita-inu.kiev.ua

Minsk nurseries:

  1. “Lekdeiri” Group address: https://vk.com/lekdeiri
  2. “Scarb Palessya” Website address: scarbpalessya.jimdo.com

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The advantages of the Akita Inu include its attractive appearance, calmness, devotion and high companion qualities. But, like all living creatures, this breed also has disadvantages, these include: difficult training, aggressive attitude towards other animals and hunting instincts.

This breed also requires time and quality care, which is why it is not recommended for inactive and passive people who do not have enough time for a dog.

Akita Inus are very attractive dogs, but they require a lot of attention from the owner.

According to information from ancient historical sources in Japan, the ancestor of modern representatives of the breed is the Matagi Inu (Matagi is an ethnic group of hunters, inu is “dog”). The region of origin of the Akita Inu is considered to be Akita Prefecture on the island of Honshu. Matagi Inu and her ancestors served people as indispensable hunting assistants, allowing them to hunt even very large or agile animals: Japanese macaques, bears, wild boars.

In the 12th-13th centuries, a new popular entertainment arose in Japan - dog fighting. It became a cruel selection for these dogs, leaving only the strongest, most evil and hardy. In the 19th century, a wave of industrialization swept across the country, many residents moved, and the number of crimes increased. Because of this, the Matagi Inu were retrained to guard property. At the same time, bullmastiffs, mastiffs, and Great Danes were brought from Europe to Japan, reviving the tradition of dog fighting. Increasingly, Akitas were crossed with these dogs to produce more aggressive and larger dogs.

This caused concern among Japanese dog breeders, because the breed began to lose its features, so in 1931 the Akita Inu was transferred to the status of a natural monument at the state level. Breeders are actively engaged in reviving the breed, selecting only the best representatives for breeding. The first official standard was introduced in 1934, but over time it had to be adjusted. Around the same time, the breed received its modern name, and in 1967 a thematic museum was opened.

The Akita Inu suffered serious damage during World War II - these dogs almost disappeared. They suffered from hunger, became victims of barely surviving people, their skins were used for clothing. At the end of the war, a government decree was issued to exterminate all dogs unsuitable for military purposes, since a real rabies epidemic had begun in Japan. For this reason, breeders hid some representatives of the breed in remote settlements, breeding them from the Matagi Inu. Hobbyists also bred hybrid generations of Akita and German Shepherd to adapt them for military service.

After the war, a new round of restoration of the Akita Inu breed began, the greatest contribution to which was made by Morie Sawataishi - it was thanks to him that these unique dogs have survived to this day. Purebred individuals had to be collected all over the country, but it paid off. The American military liked the charming and proud Akita, so the breed was brought to the United States.

Video: Akita Inu

Features of the American Akita

The American branch of this breed appeared precisely after World War II, when US military personnel began to export puppies to their homeland. It is interesting that they were mainly interested in large mestizos, somewhat similar to bears, and not purebred dogs. This played into the hands of Japanese dog breeders, who did not want to share the laboriously recreated breed.

Selection experiments continued in the USA, where they managed to obtain more massive dogs with a menacing appearance - which is why we now have two varieties of the breed with significant differences. The Americans managed to gain recognition from the AKC (American Kennel Club, an organization that registers purebred dogs and new breeds) only after refusing to import new dogs from Japan. This led to a severe limitation of the gene pool, and therefore the development of the breed as such. The Japanese continued to work on colors, since they had a large variability of genes at their disposal. Today, the Akita Inu is considered a good companion, a devoted protector of the owner and his property.

Appearance and special features of the breed

The Japanese version is called Akita Inu - these are medium to large sized dogs with a dense, at the same time graceful physique. The head with small ears resembles a fox. Only a few color options are recognized. The fur must be short and there must be a white mask on the muzzle.

The US variant is called the Great Japanese Dog or American Akita. They are exceptionally large dogs with heavy bear-like heads. Almost any variant of suit is recognized, including black or with a dark mask.

general description

Akita Inu thrives in moderate to cold climates. Among the characteristic features:

  • fairly large head;
  • erect triangular ears;
  • strong physique;
  • tail curled into a donut.

An adult male has a height of 66-71 cm at the withers, weight from 45 to 59 kg. Females are 61-66 cm tall, weigh from 32 to 45 kg, while their body length is slightly longer than that of males. The Japanese version of the breed is slightly lighter and smaller. Eight-week-old puppies usually have the following parameters:

  • large Japanese - weight 8.16-9.97 kg;
  • Akita Inu – weight 7.25-9.07 kg.

The growth of dogs is slow; the animal’s development finally ends only by 3 years. Puppies gain weight quite actively (up to 7 kg per month); after reaching 35-49 kg, their development slows down greatly, but does not complete until the age of three. Don't worry if your pet doesn't quite fit into existing growth charts as these are very general guidelines. In general, the dynamics are as follows:

  • 6 weeks – the puppies are large and very charming, little like adult dogs;
  • 6 months – body proportions change, the dog becomes more toned, the puppy roundness disappears, characteristic features are more clearly defined;
  • 1 year – bitches begin to heat, but they cannot be considered adults;
  • 1-2 years – the growth process slows down greatly, but the transformation of the body continues, especially in the head area;
  • 2 years – the dog stops growing in height, expands slightly in width, small changes will continue for another year.


The classic standard is a dense short coat (about 5 cm), which is slightly longer on the neck and tail. The coat is erect, made of coarse guard and needle-like hairs, the undercoat is very thick and downy. Akita Inu can only have this color:

  • pure white;
  • red with white fragments and mask (urajiro);
  • brindle, also with urajiro;
  • red with black tips of hairs (sesame).

The American Akita comes in any color. Long-haired dogs are often born - this is a consequence of a combination of recessive genes from the father and mother. They are the same in character, but do not fit into the standard, therefore they are considered a reject.


In puppies, the ears are drooping, while in adult dogs they are erect, facing forward and slightly to the sides. They do not accept this position immediately, and this is influenced by two factors:

  • age - only as you grow older and strengthen the special muscles, the ears will begin to rise. Chewing and gnawing on toys can speed up this process;
  • change of teeth - until permanent teeth appear in place of milk teeth, the ears will not rise completely.

It often happens that they fall back or only one ear is erect. This process takes from 10 weeks to 6 months, so there is no need to worry until six months - the position of the ears will level out.


The eyes are brown (preferably as dark as possible), small, deep-set. They have a triangular "oriental" shape that is noticeable from birth. For dogs of light color, black “eyeliner” is allowed, which only emphasizes the special cut.


In purebred dogs it is fluffy, thick, and rolled into a tight ring. Babies have a straight tail that curls during the first 2 months of life. If the dog is sleeping or just relaxed, it may unwind slightly, but it never becomes straight. Visually and to the touch, this part of the body does not change even during the molting period. The fluffy “donut” tail seems to balance the pet’s large head.


The description of the paws differs little for different standards: straight, arched, with thick pads, similar to a cat's. Both varieties of Akita have tightly closed toes, which gives them the ability to swim well. In this case, not only the forelimbs are involved, but also the hind limbs. However, most dogs of this breed do not like to swim, entering the water only when absolutely necessary.

Photo of an adult Akita


The lifespan of an Akita Inu is approximately 10-12 years. Females live a little longer than males, but statistically the difference is small - only about 2 months. This indicator is the same for both types of dogs. Before World War II, life expectancy was much longer - 14-15 years, but the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki forever left its mark on genetics.

Akita Inu character

It is difficult to briefly describe the character of this breed. Akitas are very versatile dogs. The American subspecies is distinguished by more serious habits, the Japanese are somewhat more playful and frivolous. At the same time, most representatives of the breed are not stupid sofa pets or overly gloomy dogs. There are several main character traits.

  • Own independent thinking - this is often mistaken for stubbornness, but in fact it is enough to establish mutual understanding.
  • The sense of hierarchy is very developed, so they try to establish a rank in relation to the owner’s other dogs. It is important to achieve recognition of the person as the leader within the first weeks and months of the dog’s life, otherwise he will dominate.
  • Trainability – Akita Inu dogs quickly grasp new knowledge and skills, so they begin to get bored if they repeat the same thing for a long time. It is very important for them to understand why they perform certain tasks, so it is worth taking care to develop the right motivation.
  • No fear of heights - it is worth blocking off the balcony and other dangerous places, because puppies are very brave and not too smart. Adult dogs jump high, caring little about where they land.
  • Craving for space - they like to run a lot, frolic in nature, and visit new places. Physical activity is vital for them.
  • Tenderness – mentally these dogs are very sensitive, they are easily offended.
  • Loyalty to the owner - the Akita will not pester or interfere with everyday activities or recreation, but they are very loyal creatures. They love to quietly follow their owner everywhere.
  • Patience – despite being dominant, a properly trained dog is incredibly patient. She will modestly wait for you from work or sit quietly by the bed, waiting for you to wake up.
  • Attitude towards other people - Akita gets along well with older people. The attitude towards children depends on their behavior and family affiliation.
  • Attitude towards dogs - if the other dog is smaller and lives in the same family, there will most likely be friendship. Relationships with representatives of the same species and the same sex, completely alien dogs, are difficult. Aggression (at least in the form of growling) is especially active if the second pet is of the same or larger size.
  • Fear of small spaces – Akita Inu dogs do not like too cramped enclosed spaces. They try to get a good view and control of the space.
  • Aggression – these dogs are very sensitive to the relationship between guest and owner. Welcome visitors need not worry. Such dogs do not like strangers, so they will closely watch the guest until they understand how appropriate his presence is in the house. Only proper training will help manage innate aggression.
  • Security - they are good guards, but they do not immediately rush to bite. For example, they will simply try not to let a thief leave the house, waiting for the owner’s help.
  • Barking dogs are fairly quiet dogs, but they are very sensitive to new people, animals and sounds, and are able to use their voice to issue a warning to someone who is invading their territory.

Training and education

The foundation of education is the socialization of children. The most important period is from 3 weeks to 4 months - this completely determines whether the dog can get along with a person or not, whether it will grow aggressive, and how it will react in the future to new people and animals. Akita Inu must understand that only the owner determines the boundaries of his world, having the rights of a leader. Introduce your dog to as many places, events, and people as possible. The understanding of the world that is laid down at this stage takes root by the year and can no longer be corrected. Keep in mind that before “going out into the world” you should get all the vaccinations and wait a little.

From the first day the puppy moves to its new home, a hierarchy should be defined. Some owners are touched by the kids, allowing them to behave inappropriately, but already at a tender age the Akita understands everything and probes the boundaries of its leadership. The owner must be caring, loving and calm, but with a strong character. If the dog does not recognize him as the undisputed dominant, trouble will soon arise. It comes to the point that some people abandon or even euthanize the dog, unable to cope with its upbringing. Several other points are of great importance.

  • Try not to leave the puppy alone at first - introduce the dog to the apartment and things, but don’t leave him alone. If you need to leave, protect your baby from dangers and fragile things.
  • Start training as early as possible - these pets are very smart, so they understand the required minimum of commands by 8 weeks after birth. In a couple of months, you can expand the list of techniques and bring them to automaticity.
  • The whole family and friends should communicate with the puppy - pet it, hold it in your arms, play. This will help the dog adapt to noise, children (if there are any), and in the future it will be easier to tolerate brushing and other hygiene procedures.
  • Teach your baby that the owner has the right to take away any item or food - this must be done from the age of 2 months to at least six months. Take the toy, but don't tease, pause and return it. Akita will get used to the fact that the owner will always return what he deserves, so he can be trusted. If you do not develop this style of behavior, an adult dog will react extremely aggressively to attempts to take away an item taken without permission or food that was not given.
  • Despite the great temptation, do not take the puppy to sleep in the bed - this habit in itself is not terrible, but the dog must get used to the fact: the leader sleeps on the bed, the Akita sleeps on the floor (arrange a soft rug or a separate bed).
  • Before giving your puppy a treat, give the command “sit.”
  • Show strength of character, but do not frighten or hit the animal - the Akita Inu should feel respect for its owner, not fear.

Despite its dislike for confined spaces, the Akita Inu is well suited both for living in a city apartment and for keeping in a private house. In any case, it is extremely important to provide long walks during which the dog can realize his energy. Start exploring the world around you after completing all vaccinations.

  • Walk around the area and beyond, change routes every day.
  • Visit both quiet and noisy places so that the dog gets used to as many situations as possible (park, forest, shops, beach, market, pet store, square). In the future, when she gets into a crowded place, she will not experience serious stress.
  • During walks, keep your Akita on a leash, showing leader control.
  • Although this breed does not like other dogs, teach them to behave calmly. When meeting another pet on a leash, let them get to know each other and sniff each other. If everything goes well, don't interfere. If aggression or growling occurs, separate the dogs.
  • Teach your dog to travel in the car - start with trips of 5-10 minutes a day, gradually increasing this time to 35-45 minutes.

Features of care

Akita Inu sheds heavily twice a year: from January to February and from May to June. During this period, the dog must be brushed every day or at least 3-4 times a week. The rest of the time, brushing 4 times a month is sufficient. Constant shedding is possible in a house with very warm and dry air. Another reason is illness or poor diet. There is no need to cut or trim your pet's coat. There are other care recommendations.

  • Bathe your dog no more than 1-2 times a year so as not to wash off the special protective lubricant of the coat. These dogs are very clean themselves, they know how to lick themselves, and the rest of the dirt will be removed during brushing.
  • Brush your pet's teeth 1-2 times a week. Use only a special product.
  • Regularly examine your Akita's eyes and ears to notice inflammation, discharge or an unpleasant odor - all this indicates the need to urgently visit a veterinarian.
  • Trim your nails every month if they don't wear down naturally.

Accustom your dog to any procedures while still a puppy. You may simply not be able to cope with an older dog or it may cause stress and loss of trust.

Akita Inu Health and Diseases

This breed is in good health, provided that the puppy does not have any serious congenital defects. Sometimes they suffer from genetic diseases and are sensitive to certain medications. Among congenital and acquired/age-related ailments there are:

  • entropy (inversion of the eyelid);
  • hip dysplasia;
  • bloating;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • pseudoparalytic myasthenia (weakness of all muscles of the body);
  • von Willebrand disease (blood pathology);
  • retinal atrophy.

How to choose a puppy

You can buy purebred puppies only from large, reliable breeders. The main signs of a healthy Akita Inu baby:

  • active and cheerful;
  • puppy of average fatness;
  • beautiful shiny coat;
  • runs confidently, stands firmly on its paws;
  • not aggressive, not afraid of loud sounds.

Pay attention to the color and shape of the Akita Inu's eyes - if they are round and light, this is not a purebred pet. Features of the shape of the eyes are necessarily congenital, and the color changes with age only to a lighter color. The bite must be correct, the pigmentation of the nose and mouth must be uniform. If you buy a puppy older than six months, and its tail has not yet curled, this is a bad sign. If you plan to participate in competitions and exhibitions, then it is better to choose a baby with an experienced dog handler. When purchasing an ordinary pet, it is enough to use the criteria outlined above.

Photos of Akita Inu puppies

How much does an Akita Inu cost?

The standard cost of a purebred Akita Inu baby is from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. Price varies depending on

  • color, for example, sesame puppies are a real rarity;
  • pedigree - eminent parents will increase the total amount;
  • nursery – the cost differs slightly from one breeder to another;
  • compliance with the standard - puppies that cannot take part in competitions, for example, with long hair, will be cheaper.

More than a hundred years ago, Akita Inu service dogs became the hallmark of Japan. These amazing animals have been recognized by the international dog community for their amazing appearance. Literally everything about this dog exudes sophistication and nobility. Even a slightly dense physique does not spoil the appearance of the animal. But the breed cannot be called decorative. Beneath its cute appearance lies a formidable animal, which during the times of the samurai took part in battles and guarded the emperor's palace.

The breed is not very popular in our country, so buying it is problematic, and its price is quite high.

History of the breed

Scientists have proven that Akita Inu dogs are to one of the 14 most ancient breeds in the world. This is evidenced by the remains found in Japan, which have been preserved since the second millennium BC. The Japanese samurai warriors considered these dogs their mascot and took them into battle.

The appearance of these beautiful animals has not changed since the 17th century. The breed was named after the province of the Japanese island of Honshu, where dogs of this breed with already formed appearance first appeared. In the 18th century, the Akita was declared a sacred animal, and only members of the imperial family could own one. A special collar was put on the animal, which could tell about the social status of its owner. Each dog was assigned a separate servant who fed and looked after it.

The breed is also interesting because it is the only one in the world that was bred without any admixture of other breeds. In the 30s of the 20th century, the Akita Inu community was created, the purpose of which was to ensure that dogs were not crossed with any other breeds.

During World War II, many dogs were sent to the front, where they performed various combat tasks. As a result, there are very few dogs of this breed left, but the Japanese still managed to preserve their purebred. The Akita Inu is still popular in Japan, however, not everyone can afford to have a pet.

The breed first appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century, and immediately gained great love and popularity. Almost all representatives of the star elite wanted to get such a dog.

Akita Inu - description of the breed, photo

The Japanese dog can conquer with just one glance. It seems that her slanting eyes are “imbued” with wisdom. Among many breeds, the Akita Inu is distinguished by:

For purebred Japanese Akita Inu Only three colors are allowed:

  1. White (there should not be a single spot on the fur).
  2. Brindle with white urajiro.
  3. The main color is red, where the muzzle mask, chest and inner surface of the paws should be white.

For the Japanese breed, the black mask that the American Akita has is not allowed.

The Akita Inu has practically no negative aspects of character. It combines all the positive qualities inherent in other breeds. Akita puppies are cheerful, mischievous and playful character. Changes in mood and outbursts of aggression are unusual for them.

The dog has a balanced temperament, and before defending its owner and rushing into battle, it will study the situation and evaluate the possible consequences. This dog breed is very smart and can become a true friend. In a large family, she will entertain the kids, and for a single owner she will become a real companion.

The only negative trait of the Akita Inu is its uncontrollable curiosity. She must always be aware of all events, so if she hears even a small noise, she will definitely come running to see what happened. In the house, the pet will examine every object and crevice, checking what is in them. But such curiosity is inherent only in young dogs. It goes away with age.

As soon as the Akita crosses the threshold of puppyhood, it shows composure and restraint. The dog's entire appearance indicates that it is independent and calm. However, silent and confident behavior is deceptive. In fact, it is a very sensitive, friendly and gentle animal.

Dogs of this breed are very obedient and not prone to willfulness and dirty tricks. They value good treatment and respect people who reciprocate their feelings. The Akita treats strangers with distrust. However, he does not show off his alertness and vigilance. But in relation to another Akita Inu dog will be aggressive. Having met a neighbor's dog on a walk, she may rush into battle, since the dog will see him as an enemy who has encroached on its territory. At this time, even the most beloved owner will not be able to stop her. Perhaps this negative trait is an innate sense of superiority over other animals.

In order for an Akita to show its intelligence and its natural qualities, it is necessary to educate it from the first months. By paying her due attention and satisfying her curiosity, the result can be a loyal and intelligent friend. A dog of this breed is considered a puppy until it is 2-2.5 years old.

The breed is not picky, and can be kept both indoors and outdoors. She has such thick fur that even in harsh winters she prevents the dog from getting cold. However, you still need to worry about the insulated booth.

The indoor Akita needs walks, which should be twice a day for at least two hours. During a walk, the dog will walk discreetly and proudly next to its owner. But to prevent your pet from gaining excess weight and becoming lazy and indifferent, he must receive physical activity. Therefore, during walks you should pay special attention to this.

It is often not recommended to completely bathe dogs of this breed, since regular water procedures can lead to various diseases. Therefore, bathing is carried out no more than two to three times a year. For this purpose they are used special shampoos for dogs. After water treatments, the coat should be dried with a hairdryer or simply dried well with a towel.

Your pet should be thoroughly brushed two days a week to remove tangles from its fur. Particular attention should be paid to the “fur coat” during molting. You can speed up the renewal process by using a special mitten or brush, combing out the old fur every other day.

Your pet should be fed carefully selected dry food, which can be combined with traditional food. Since dry food already contains all the minerals and vitamins, you can pamper your dog several times a week with vegetable broth, a lean piece of meat, kefir or cottage cheese. It is imperative to ensure that your dog always has a bowl of fresh water. During shedding, it is recommended to feed them with supplements specifically designed for wool.

Attention should also be paid to your pet's teeth.. You must not allow tartar to form on them, which can lead to pain and bleeding gums. You can avoid it by using a toothbrush and toothpaste that are specifically designed for dogs.

Education and training

When raising an Akita Inu, you need to stock up on free time and patience, since the independent and wayward dog has a difficult character. For those new to dog ownership, raising a breed can seem overwhelming.

When raising a pet, you need to be affectionate, but at the same time firm and flexible. A dog that feels rudeness and pressure may become offended, become withdrawn, and worry about the situation for a long time. The pet will not immediately follow commands. First he will think, and then he will either do it or simply leave. But You cannot shout or use brute force. This will be a very big mistake, since you will still not achieve results, and you will make an enemy. At the first possible opportunity, the pet can take revenge.

But Akita does not accept excessive tenderness. The dog loves children, but if a child begins to pull its tail, it may react aggressively. The breed of these dogs is a predator, so there is no need to arouse aggression in them once again. You should not set your pet on fire or allow fights with other dogs.

Even from puppyhood, Akita Inu needs to be taught who is boss in the house and how to treat family members and guests. In the process of raising her, she must be encouraged with words and all sorts of goodies.

Choosing a puppy and the price of an Akita Inu

Japanese service dog standing from 20 to 70 thousand rubles. The price for it depends on its pedigree and purebred breed. The most expensive puppies are sold in nurseries. But you can visit dog shows and find a pet there to your liking. However, breeders do not sell Akita Inu at very low prices. The cost of the breed can be significantly lower if the puppy is reserved in advance. Also, sometimes you come across advertisements on the Internet where you can buy a Japanese Akita at a lower price than in a nursery.

When buying a puppy, you need to focus on average parameters. If you purchase a dog from a breeder, then you The following recommendations will help:

By following these recommendations, you can purchase a healthy, active and loyal friend for you and your family. But if you want your dog to become a producer or champion in the future, You should choose a pet with an expert of this breed or a dog handler.

Proper maintenance and care, as well as timely education and training of the Japanese Service Akita Inu will allow you to get a well-groomed adult animal with a level of intelligence that is loved and appreciated all over the world.

Akita Inu Characteristics Height

Males: 64-70 cm
Females: 58-64 cm

Origin A country ICF classification Group Section Standard number Akita Inu on Wikimedia Commons

To preserve and develop hunting qualities in Japan in the 6th century. Clubs for lovers of these dogs were founded. They drew up instructions for keeping, breeding, and training. In the 15th century stud books were established, in which nickname, origin, color and other information were recorded.

Breed characteristics


Japanese Akita is a large Spitz-type dog breed developed in the mountainous regions of northern Japan as a semi-functional hunting breed. The Japanese call this dog “The Treasure of Japan.” The height at the withers for males is 64-70 cm, and the weight is 35-40 kg. Bitches are smaller in size, the weight of bitches is between 30-35 kg. For Akita Inu, only three colors are allowed:

  • red with white coloring on the inner surface of the paws, chest and muzzle mask (so-called “urajiro”)
  • brindle with white urajiro
  • white (without a single spot).

A black mask, like the American Akita, is not allowed on the Japanese Akita Inu.


An energetic, independent, cheerful and courageous dog with a balanced character and a high level of intelligence. He is wary of strangers and shows vigilance. Parenting requires perseverance and endurance.

One of the difficulties of the breed is the desire to dominate in a canine environment. Her high fighting qualities are used to the maximum.

Akita feels great both in a city apartment and on the street, in an enclosure. The wool does not require complex care - it is enough to comb it once a week. During seasonal shedding, you need to comb more often, 3-4 times a week, helping the dog get rid of dying hair.

Legendary Hachiko

In 1932, an Akita Inu named Hachiko became famous throughout Japan. Hachiko met the owner every day when he returned from work by train. One day the owner died at work, but the dog waited for him at the station for several hours. For 9 years after the death of the owner, the dog came to the station at the same time and waited for his return from work. The 1987 films “The Story of Hachiko” (Japanese: ハチ公物語) and the 2009 remake “Hachiko: The Most true friend" featuring Richard Gere.

A year before Hachiko’s death, a monument was erected near Shibuya Station, which became a meeting place for lovers. The image of Hachiko has become an example of selfless love and loyalty.



  • The first Seminar on the Akita Inu and Shiba Inu breeds from the lecturer of special Akita Inu seminars in Japan, an employee of the editorial office of the book AKITA of the Japanese Dog Club, JKC and AKIHO expert Mr. Hiroshi Kamisato
  • The only Akita Inu in the CIS (as of March 26, 2012) which has the rare and most prestigious title in Japan MEIYO SHO WINNER
  • Olga Volkova“Fire Dog” // Magazine “Kommersant Weekend” - 2005. - No. 242 (3326).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Koldofsky
  • Anti-plagiarism

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    AKITA INU- (Akita Inu, Akita, Japanese Akita), a breed of working dogs from the Spitz group (see SPITE DOGS); bred in Japan for hunting wild boar, deer and bear. It is known that such dogs have been bred since the 17th century on the island of Honshu, in the prefecture of ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Akita Inu- Akita Inu. Akita Inu. Akita Inu is a breed of working dog from the Spitz group. Bred primarily for hunting wild boar and deer. The exact origin is unknown. Such dogs have been bred for over 300 years in Japan (hence the name, on the island of Honshu... ... Encyclopedia "Animals in the House"

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Akita Inu is a dog originally from Japan. This breed plays an important role in Japanese culture and is a national treasure. It has an ancient history and a number of features that set it apart from other dogs. The name of the breed combines two Japanese words. “Inu” means dog in Japanese, and Akita is one of the provinces in the north of the island of Honshu.

Origin story

Japanese dog breed Akita-in y is among the most ancient. This fact is supported not only by stories and legends, but also by scientific facts. Scientists studied the pedigree of these animals and conducted genetic research. In Japan, the remains of dogs of this breed dating back to the 2nd millennium BC were found. e.

The ancestors of the Akita are considered to be a cross between a Chinese Spitz dog and a mastiff. According to another version, the breed appeared as a result of crossing a mastiff and a Siberian husky.

Mentions of the first animals, the exterior of which was similar to the description of the modern Akita Inu breed, appeared already in the 17th century. Since then, the appearance of the breed has remained virtually unchanged.

This dog is truly purebred. Only emperors, members of their family and aristocrats close to the emperor could afford to keep it. Dogs living at the imperial court had their own servants; the animals wore special collars, which indicated the status of the dog’s owner.

During the Second World War Many representatives of this breed were sent to the front, where they participated in military operations as strong, hardy and loyal animals. At the same time, they were actively exterminated, especially by the American military, because of their warm, thick wool, suitable for clothing. As a result, the Akita Inu Preservation Society was created to preserve the breed and its purity.

Gallery: Akita Inu (25 photos)

Breed standards and varieties

The weight of this dog can vary from 32 to 45 kg if it is a female, and 40-45 kg if it is a male. The dog can grow from 67 to 74 centimeters in height. These are the tallest representatives of the Spitz-shaped varieties. The average life expectancy is from 10 to 12 years.

Double coat with undercoat. The color range is quite wide; the dog can be gray, white and red.

Today, all dogs of this breed are divided by color:

  • brindle - has white, black and red fur;
  • red - red color with white spots on the paws;
  • white - this variety has completely white fur;
  • American - distinguished by its large size and dense build.

The main requirement for a purebred individual is a clear pattern and pure color of the coat.

Akita is well built, has strong muscles. The characteristic feature is a flat head and a short muzzle, which resembles a bear.

The exterior is not similar to any other breed. You can find external similarities with a wolf, a fox and a bear at the same time; in some ways they resemble a husky, a husky and a spitz, Shunsuke.

In the middle of the 20th century, the Akita was crossed with the German Shepherd. Thus, herding, fighting and hunting varieties were developed. Over time, scientists began to work to return the dog to its original appearance.

Akita Inu character

Representatives of this breed have absorbed almost all the best qualities that are inherent in other dogs. . They have virtually no negative character traits.

Puppies have a mischievous and cheerful character. This breed is not characterized by spontaneous attacks of aggression or rapid changes in mood. They are smart and have a balanced character.

The only negative feature is excessive curiosity. Puppies explore every corner of their home, but curiosity decreases with age.

If you have children in your apartment or just need a friend, an Akita is what you need. It is not for nothing that the famous dog Hachiko, famous throughout the world for its devotion, was of this particular breed.

In order for a dog to fully develop its abilities and personality, it needs to be trained from the first months of life. An animal is considered a puppy until it is 2 years old; it is a breed of late development.

Adults are distinguished by restraint and composure. Their behavior is more calm. Akita gets along well with all people, as long as it is treated with respect and love.

Japanese dogs treat strangers with distrust, but never flaunt their caution and vigilance. If another dog appears on the horizon, the situation may become more complicated. Akita sees other dogs as a potential enemy who encroaches on its territory, and the enemy must be attacked.

Characteristics of the Akita Inu breed are distinguished by such features as:

  • cunning;
  • patience;
  • devotion;
  • cleanliness;
  • courage;
  • pride;
  • friendliness.

Akita is not picky about grooming, she gets along well both in the apartment and on the street. If the dog lives in an apartment, then it should be walked at least twice a day for two hours. She should have a sufficient amount of physical activity, as Hachikos are prone to gaining excess weight. Lack of walks can make your dog disobedient and lazy.

Wool does not require any complex care. It is enough to comb it several times a week and make sure that no tangles form. During the period of fur renewal, you need to comb it every other day.

Nutrition should be approached with full responsibility. It is forbidden to feed the dog from your table. The best option is good dry food. It can be combined with cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable broth and lean meat. During the shedding period, your pet needs to be given special supplements that promote good coat growth.

Training and education

If you decide to take care of raising your pet on your own, you should be patient. This is a wayward animal, so not everyone can raise him correctly.

Consistency should be followed in training; commands should be spoken in a gentle voice. Screaming and rudeness can cause a pet to withdraw into itself.

The Japanese dog breed needs to be trained from birth. The very first thing to do is to instill a sense of respect for family members. It is almost impossible to re-educate an adult. Don't forget about rewards in the form of goodies and kind words.

It is very important to properly socialize the animal, otherwise it may become uncontrollable.