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Outbred cats, features of care and character. Domestic mongrel cat Yard cats character

Brief description of the breed: Outbred and mixed breeds

Outbred cats are not inferior to purebred cats in intelligence and intelligence, and often surpass them. It is known that among stray cats only the smartest and smartest survive. But the character of a small outbred kitten is very difficult to predict.

Outbred cats, as a rule, have good health, rarely get sick, are not afraid of drafts, and are not susceptible to many genetic diseases characteristic of their purebred counterparts.

As a rule, a purebred cat is easy to maintain; it does not require any special conditions, unlike many pampered purebred cats. The animal must be properly fed and maintained with dignity.

Despite the variety of cat breeds, the most common type of this animal in Russia remains the so-called yard cat. A mongrel cat has neither breed nor pedigree. However, many people prefer it. The point here is not only that you can take a kitten into your home completely free of charge. If you want to adopt one or already have a “commoner” cat, some advice from the Internet portal “Petovod” will not be of any use to you.

“Mongrel,” of course, is better to have for the soul, since it will not participate in any exhibitions and does not require a lot of expenses. It will not require unnecessary waste of nerve cells, which, as is known, are not restored, because preparing for any exhibition is extremely stressful not so much for the animal itself, but for its owner.
It is well known and no one has disputed for a long time that outbred cats are healthier than purebred cats. “Mongrels” have stronger immunity and are less likely to catch an infection. Consequently, less money will be spent on going to the veterinarian, or nothing will be spent at all. In addition, such cats are much easier to train; it is easier to teach them to use the toilet, walk independently on the street and, most importantly, return home.

“Simples” are not picky about food and are almost omnivorous. However, if you start pampering cats with expensive food, the animals will never look in the direction of fish waste, for example, or stale meat.
Non-pedigreed cats have one, but very significant, disadvantage: breeding them will not bring you any material benefit. The only thing you can get moral satisfaction from is that you gave the kitten “in good hands” and, thus, warmed someone’s lonely soul, or made a small child happy. The “fruits of love” of mongrels, in worst cases, will be drowned due to the impossibility of placing them anywhere.

As a rule, “mutts” are quite loyal to children if they do not particularly bother them. They love to play, especially at a tender age. The character of the “simple girl” cannot be described, as they say, “with one brush”: she can bite and be softer than velvet. It all depends on upbringing and parental genes. In any case, a cat will bring you a sea of ​​love and affection, provided that you respect and love it.

Any animal is the best and most faithful friend. Cats, of course, are willful and freedom-loving creatures, but in response to the sincere love of their owner, they give even greater love and affection. A sweet cat that follows you on the street can become the most devoted creature in the world. Advice from the Internet portal “Petovod” - you shouldn’t chase expensive and fashionable cat breeds, it’s better to just find yourself a true friend who will be there regardless of the circumstances and time. Picking up a homeless kitten is the highest manifestation of humanity, since it is precisely such animals, according to one of the writers, “our last angels on Earth.”

Domestic cats are very sensitive to traditions. They may become seriously upset and worry for a long time because the furniture has been rearranged, because many guests have come to the house, or because the owners have gone somewhere for several days. Perhaps you just laid a new beautiful carpet on the floor in the living room, but the animal did not like its smell. Many cats experience stress if they were taken out to the country in the summer, where they led a completely free lifestyle, and then suddenly locked up again in a city apartment and left alone for all days of the working week. This can lead to any changes in the pet’s behavior, even to the point where it suddenly refuses to use the toilet. Nervous cats can begin, for example, to endlessly lick their sides, to the point that all the hair comes out and non-healing ulcers form. We'll have to come up with some kind of entertainment for furry pets. An indoor cat needs toys all the time. These can be the usual balls and balls, and various animals stuffed with catnip (they are sold in pet stores), and various play towns and houses for cats, which, however, can only be placed in a spacious apartment.

There are a huge number of cat breeds. Owners of such animals treat their pets with special care. They take them to various exhibitions, trying to emphasize the exclusivity of their pet and its compliance with all breed standards. But there are also owners who are crazy about the simplest, yard cats. It is this type of animal that will be discussed in our article.

Are they mongrel?

In recent years, many animal lovers have preferred to have mongrel pets in their homes. There are reasons for this: yard cats are not picky about food, they have strong immunity and care for them is very unpretentious. And yet it would be wrong to call these animals outbred. Both street and purebred cats have common ancestors who lived in the wild. Their modification occurred due to domestication, when the usual habitat and way of life became completely different.

What does the term "breed" mean?

A breed is a group of domestic animals of the same species that differ from other members of the family by certain characteristics. This formulation appeared relatively recently, or rather about 2 centuries ago. Organizations involved in felinology (the study of anatomy and physiology, as well as the characteristics of the breed and selection), highlight the characteristic properties and traits of pets. After which all this data is formed into a certain standard that is suitable for a particular breed.

Street cats are considered to be outbred, but they also have their own characteristics. Most yard cats belong to aboriginal breeds, which are characterized by certain external characteristics and a peculiar disposition. All of them were formed naturally, without the intervention of breeders. These include the Turkish Angora, Siamese, Persian, Siberian and Celtic cats.

History of domestication of cats

The history of relations between humans and cats goes back several thousand years. Ancient chronicles and archaeological finds testify to this amazing neighborhood.

For a long period, scientists believed that the first who managed to domesticate cats were the ancient Egyptians. This conclusion was made after studying one tomb, which was built in 1950 BC. There were corresponding images on the wall paintings. However, studies of Cypriot burials in 2004 refuted these claims. The tomb, which dates back to about 9,500 BC, contained the remains of a man and a cat.

In ancient Egypt, these animals were given special attention. They were treasured because they helped people get rid of mouse infestations. The Egyptians considered cats to be sacred animals. In the Middle Ages, attitudes towards them were ambiguous: in some countries cats symbolized kindness and tranquility in the home, while in others they were credited with magical properties and connections with evil spirits. Animals were especially widespread in some countries of Europe and North Africa, as well as in Russia, Japan and China.

In those ancient times, people did not attach much importance to cat breeds. This concept came into use about 200 years ago, when the rapid development of such a science as selection began.

On the territory of modern Russia, yard cats and cats appeared during the formation of Ancient Rus'. The breeding of purebred groups began only in the second half of the 18th century. In those years, the most popular breed was considered the Russian Blue, presumably bred in Great Britain.

Description of yard cat breeds

In recent years, keeping purebred pets in the house has become fashionable. But if you are not too concerned about the pedigree of your pet and you just want to have a devoted four-legged friend in your home, you should pay attention to street cats.

If you carefully look at the photos of yard cats, you will see that they have certain similarities with purebred cats. Since street animals quite often have admixtures of various breeds, it is very difficult to predict what appearance their offspring will have. Hereditary traits can affect the size and color of the animal; the length of the coat and eye color also depend on them.

It is known that most yard cats living in northern latitudes are more massive in size and have thick, fluffy fur. But their relatives from tropical regions have much less fur, and these animals are more graceful. In addition to heredity, such external signs are determined by climatic influences and habitat.

Ordinary yard cats have one more feature - they always have fur; the absence of fur is characteristic only of certain breeds. Also, among their street relatives, individuals with a white color are rarely found.

The colors of the fur of yard cats are so varied that purebred individuals can envy them. There are animals that have a spotted color, which represents entire patterns. Among outdoor cats you can often see tri-colored ones. This suit has been considered lucky for a long time. Despite the variety of colors, the most common is light wool with dark stripes.

Personality of street cats

The character of non-pedigreed pets cannot be called unambiguous. Some cats have a calm and meek character, while others have an important appearance and consider themselves royalty. In most cases, these animals are not touchy and non-aggressive.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that yard cats do not have such exclusive characteristics as their purebred counterparts, they are nevertheless not without merit.

  1. Lasting immunity. Breeding breeds using selective breeding methods has greatly weakened the immune system of animals. This is why the life expectancy of street cats is many times higher than that of purebred pets. Yard cats have strong protective functions of the body and are able to resist many infections.
  2. Temperament. Such animals tend to be docile in nature. They become very attached to the owner who picked them up on the street.
  3. Reproduction. Since yard cats do not need a purebred partner, finding a mate for them to reproduce will not be difficult.
  4. Indispensable on the farm. Outdoor cats are excellent mouse hunters. Nature endowed the animal with these qualities, and it is among the domestic representatives of the family that this instinct is much more developed.
  5. Price. You don't need a big investment to get a pet. You can pick up a cute, albeit not purebred, kitten on the street. Some cats even choose their own owner, coming to visit and “imposing” themselves.
  6. Exhibitions for barn cats. You heard right. Indeed, there are special exhibitions designed for outbred cats. On them, judges evaluate the external characteristics of the animal and its grooming.

The disadvantages include the inability to make decent money on the offspring of a pet and the excessive sensitivity of non-pedigreed cats. These animals are very sensitive to any changes that occur in their usual habitat. Noisy feasts and even rearrangements in the house can negatively affect the pet.

Modern cats are descendants of once domesticated wild animals living on all continents of the Earth. Before people began to deliberately breed purrs of the desired colors, separating animals into breeds and classes, simple “Vaseks” were loved for their ability to exterminate rodents and their ease of care. To this day, outbred cats are valued for their good health, and such pets also participate in exhibitions along with their purebred relatives.

There are many of them and they are wearing vests

Cats that do not belong to any particular breed make up almost 90% of the world's purring population. Tamed by the ancient Egyptians, these animals faithfully serve man to this day.

Outbred cats are the most numerous representatives of their kind

Since the purr was loved not only in the Nile Valley, but throughout the globe, in different parts of the planet domuses (as domestic mongrel felinologists call them) began to look different over time.

Currently, experts classify simple fluffy cats living in apartments as either a street breed (a cross between several breeds, in the formation of which humans no longer participated) or a street-aboriginal breed (when yard cats descend from wild local purrs). The latter are divided into the following varieties:

  • Celtic cats (European shorthair);
  • Siamese cats;
  • Angora cats;
  • Persian cats;
  • Siberian cats.

Initially, people were not involved in the selection of street fluffies, so among these purrs there are both blue-eyed and green-eyed beauties. The tails of mixed-breed cats can be either long or short, which is also true for the ears and the body as a whole.

The appearance of outbred cats is influenced by their habitat and climate. Thus, northern murkas are distinguished by their massive build and long hair with a thick undercoat. And on the southern shores, graceful and slender seals with short, easily blown fur are more common. And the weight of smooth-haired Domus is no more than 6 kg.

The length of the fur of outdoor cats depends on the climate

The specificity of origin also affects the process of pigmentation of the coat of a mongrel cat. Among the representatives of the species there are both spotted and monochromatic purrs. The palette of colors amazes the imagination with its diversity - here you can find red cats, black, gray, and even happy tri-colored ones.

The most common color among outbred cats is tabby, and the rarest color is white. This can be explained simply - in outdoor conditions it is necessary to constantly camouflage and hunt.

Thus, despite the unflattering name, a simple street kitten may well grow into a beautiful and graceful animal with an unusual fur coat and bright eyes. The main thing is to show him due care and attention.

Photo gallery: typical types of outbred cat colors

Tortoiseshell color is not uncommon among outbred cats. Black street cats are clever night hunters Ginger cats have long been considered protectors from witchcraft. The gray color of the fur coat is an ideal way to camouflage Calico cats are a good luck charm for many pet lovers. White cats are the rarest among outbred cats

How do outbred cats behave?

Outbred purrs have personalities that vary as much as their appearance. Everything here is like with people - it is impossible to predict in advance what kind of temperament a newborn kitten will have in the future.

Outbred cats have an independent disposition

If a baby is picked up straight from the street, such a “mongrel” will grow into a devoted and affectionate pet. An animal saved from hunger and cold will retain a grateful attitude towards its owner and members of his family for the rest of its life.

Growing up, a cat that does not belong to any breed can please its owner with the following qualities:

  • absence of hidden grievances and desire for revenge;
  • indifference to the owner's furniture and flowers;
  • love of life and positive attitude.

At the same time, street cats perceive even the slightest changes in life quite sensitively and with excitement - from home renovations to moving to another place of residence.

In general, outbred cats behave non-aggressively, they are quite calm and docile. However, this does not mean that all yard cats are gentle and affectionate. There are also such wayward “personalities” who rarely let anyone near them. There are both phlegmatic “loungers” and sporty-looking “activists” among the Domus.

An interesting feature of non-breed cats is the ability to quickly memorize commands, which is due to the high level of intelligence of this group of cats. Therefore, ordinary domestic cats are very easy to toilet train and even teach simple (and, if desired, not so simple) tricks.

Like many human-raised animals, outbred purrs do not tolerate separation from their owner well and can even become mopey or depressed. Therefore, you should not leave your pet alone for a long time, and in case of forced business trips, it is better to get a “companion” for your fluffy. And although conflicts between pets are not ruled out at first, after a week or two the tailed animals will find a common language and become friends.

Video: exhibition of outbred cats

Domestic cat health

Ordinary yard cats have long been valued by pet lovers for their good health and the absence of genetic diseases, which purebred purrs often cannot boast of. This feature was formed over centuries in the wild and remained with cats even after they settled under the same roof with humans.

Domestic cats are renowned for their good health

Good immunity becomes the basis for a long and interesting life for outbred cats. After all, these animals reach old age at 8–9 years, and the average life expectancy is 10–12 years. Often there are also long-livers, “reaching out” to 16–17 years of age.

However, when it comes to the health of domuses, you need to take into account some features:

  • if among the pet’s ancestors there were purebred individuals, then you should be prepared for the manifestation of hereditary ailments;
  • Tolerability of drugs is strictly individual and it is very difficult to predict the consequences of anesthesia or the effects of other medications.

Outbred cats are not protected from typical “street” diseases - ringworm, helminths and fleas. Therefore, after a yard kitten gets into your home, you definitely need to go with your baby to the veterinarian and save the fluffy from such misfortunes.

And to ensure your beloved mustache has a long and happy life, it is important to get vaccinated regularly. Moreover, after one year of age, vaccinations need to be done only once a year.

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As a rule, simple domestic cats do not require special care skills and are able to take care of their appearance on their own.

Despite their “street” origin, one can only envy the cleanliness of outbred purrs. As true representatives of their kind, domus carefully monitor the condition of their fur coat and the sharpness of their claws. Therefore, there must be a special scratching post in the house. The owner should also regularly trim the pet’s claws with special tweezers or a nail clipper.

Otherwise, keeping a purebred cat includes the following points:

  • washing no more than once every six months, and for long-haired dogs - monthly;
  • eye cleaning - once every 1–2 days;
  • cleaning the ears - weekly;
  • Tartar prevention and teeth cleaning - once a week.

In addition, cats with long hair need to be brushed weekly, and during autumn and spring shedding, the procedure should be carried out daily. Thanks to such careful care, tangles will not form on the purr's coat, and the skin will not become inflamed and itchy.

Walking in the fresh air is also of considerable importance for yard mustaches. Therefore, if you live in a city apartment without free access to the street, it is better to accustom the cat to a harness and leash from childhood.

Mongrel cats love long walks

You should walk your fluffy away from highways and paved paths so that the animal can walk on soft grass and breathe in the aromas of nature. It is also recommended to avoid dog walking areas, since the latter can frighten the cat and “discourage” its desire to leave the walls of its home.

Video: how to care for a domestic cat

What to feed a mongrel cat

When deciding to get a purebred purr, nutritional issues come to the fore, because “noble” cats are distinguished by a sensitive and delicate digestive system. The situation is different with simple yard mustaches.

You can feed outbred cats either food or natural food.

The ancestors of simple Domus hunted mice and small birds, which provided their descendants with a strong stomach capable of digesting almost all edible foods. It is clear that it is unacceptable to give cats alcohol and soda, but a caring owner will in any case make sure that their pet’s diet is correct.

Here's what else you need to know about feeding outbred cats:

  • You cannot mix ready-made industrial feeds and natural food;
  • if the cat eats “natural food”, you should add vitamins and minerals to the menu;
  • include cartilage and other solid foods in your diet to prevent tartar (or buy special bones at a pet store);
  • Long-haired cats should be given a special herb to remove swallowed fur from the stomach.

In addition, you should not feed your homemade cat with raw milk, because the consequences of eating such a dish are diarrhea and indigestion. Feeding with spices, fried, salted and smoked foods, chips, pasta and sweets also leads to the latter.

To avoid health problems in your pet, it is better to give preference to the following products:

  • fresh and cooked meat (beef, chicken);
  • fish without bones (preferably sea);
  • boiled and stewed vegetables (zucchini, carrots);
  • low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • boiled chicken eggs (or, alternatively, quail eggs);
  • greens (lettuce, dill).

In matters of nutrition, outbred cats are not always picky - there are both picky cats and “gluttons”. Therefore, the mustache should be fed twice a day in portions of 150–200 g. Veterinarians recommend giving food to your fluffy at the same time - this way the beneficial substances will be better absorbed. Kittens have their food bowls filled four times a day until they are 6 months old.

A prerequisite for a healthy diet for a mongrel cat is the round-the-clock availability of clean drinking water and the absence of contamination in the food bowl.

It is advisable that the dishes with food stand at some distance from the drinking bowl to prevent pieces of food from getting into the water.

Where to find a mongrel kitten

Despite the apparent simplicity and obviousness of the answer to the question of how to acquire a simple domus, there may be several options for getting a kitten without a breed into your home:

And although purrs of semi-noble origin will not be allowed to show for their respective breeds, this should not upset furry owners. After all, felinologists came up with special competitions for domestic cats, which are held according to strict rules. At such competitions, the appearance and behavior of the cats are assessed. Animals must be well-groomed and non-aggressive. In this case, defects in appearance (six-fingered, for example) and injuries (scars, broken tail) are allowed.

Important points that you should pay attention to when choosing a kitten you like from a private person or in a nursery:

  • the cat should be cheerful and inquisitive, not get scared and not attack;
  • the baby’s fur should be clean and fluffy, without tufts or bald spots;
  • The seller must keep the ears, nose and eyes of the animal clean;
  • the purr's tummy cannot be too swollen, this means that the furry has worms;
  • There should be no unpleasant odor coming from the pet’s mouth, indicating diseases of the teeth and digestive tract.

The best age to purchase a mongrel kitten from your own hands or from breeders is considered to be 2.5–3 months of age. At this time, the baby begins to wean off mother's milk and socialize. Therefore, getting into a new family will be accepted by the fluffy without unnecessary stress and deterioration in health.

Video: how to choose the right kitten

For a long time, cats have been our companions and companions. According to history, cats appeared in Ancient Egypt more than 6,000 years ago, but archaeologists say that there are feline remains dating back more than 9,000 years. Of course, from these finds it is impossible to determine whether these were animals close to the house or prey that the ancient man received while hunting.

In any case, the cat family has a long and very rich history. There were times when cats were loved and revered, praised and even considered messengers of the gods. But unfortunately, people were not always favorable to the cat family. During the Inquisition, cats were considered magical animals, and were often persecuted by the church.

Cats appeared in Rus' at the end of the 6th and beginning of the 7th centuries. It is known from sources that cats lived in churches and monasteries. Perhaps they did not gain such fame among us as in Egypt, but the peasants in every possible way protected and valued their furry relatives. When the construction of a new house was completed, the cat was the first to enter it in order to drive away evil spirits. Stealing a cat was considered a serious crime and was considered the same as stealing cattle.

About the appearance of breeds

Despite all the changes and trials, cats have remained hand in hand with us to this day. Of course, after a long time, their appearance changed somewhat - at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, active breeding of the breed began.

Breeders sought to develop certain characteristics in animals - color, unusual body shape, tail, paws and ears, or other features. Animals brought from abroad were more often subjected to such selection, for example, oriental breeds, representatives of which were often presented as a gift as a sign of peace and long-term cooperation.

At times, nature itself presented surprises - as a result of genetic mutations in the body of animals, the following breeds were developed: American Curl, Sphynx, Rex, Manx, Scottish Fold and others.

Yard cats and their popularity

Still, the most popular and numerous of the felines remain simple yard cats, or “noble cats.” These cats can be found almost everywhere, in any yard or playground.

Cats have long become symbols of many commercial companies. Some entrepreneurs specifically use the image of an ordinary domestic cat so as not to show the advantages of a particular breed.

It doesn’t matter whether you decided to get a yard cat or opted for a cat of “noble blood”, this choice will be the right one for you in any case. After all, by letting a representative of the cat family into your home, you get a new family member who will delight you and surround you with his care and warmth.

Advantages and Weaknesses

Here are some interesting facts that distinguish “noble” cats from their purebred relatives:

On my own behalf, I would like to add the following - it makes no difference whether your pet is purebred or just a “nobleman”, you will still love him more than anyone else.