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What does pink discharge mean? Sexual infections and endometritis. Cause of pink discharge

Surely, every representative of the fair sex has encountered at least once in her life pink discharge that occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Some experience them regularly. This phenomenon can be considered normal if it is not accompanied by other symptoms.

Types of discharge

“Pink” is a rather conventional designation.

They can have a slightly pink tint, or they can be bright red, because their composition is a small part of blood and vaginal secretion of a transparent color, which increases during ovulation. Depending on the amount of secretion and blood, their color is usually formed.

Mostly women face the following:

  • brown in the middle of the cycle or after menstruation;
  • white;
  • bloody;
  • curdled;
  • transparent.

If any of the listed types suddenly appears on you, it is best for you to consult a gynecologist, because such symptoms may indicate a hormonal imbalance or the onset of the disease. And the sooner it is identified, the easier and faster the treatment will be.


When the egg matures, the hormonal system changes greatly due to an increase in estrogen levels. This hormone significantly affects the lining of the uterus - it must be ready to receive an egg if fertilization occurs. These changes lead to slight bleeding, which mixes with vaginal secretions and produces a pale pink discharge in the middle of the cycle.

There are other factors as well. This may be due to the presence of an intrauterine device, as it can also change normal hormonal levels.

And even the use of modern oral contraceptives, which girls consider the safest, can have a similar side effect.

Such reasons are not a cause for concern, because they are completely justified.

There is also no need to worry if gynecological manipulations have taken place. Blood appears due to microdamage to the cervix or vaginal mucosa.

Some girls observe the symptom after sex. Most often it manifests itself due to excessive intensity of contact or due to incompatibility of the size of the partner’s penis and the partner’s vagina.

Pink discharge after period

This is a fairly common phenomenon, which indicates that the body has not yet completely gotten rid of the remaining blood. This is normal, and you don’t even need to worry about it.

It’s a completely different matter if they are accompanied by unpleasant pain in the abdomen or lower back, their smell changes, and their color becomes dirty. It is worth saying that the cause of this discharge can be genital tract infections, untreated or advanced diseases - uterine fibroids, polyps, inflammatory processes and even various malignant neoplasms.

Such negative symptoms should alarm the girl and be a reason for an immediate trip to the antenatal clinic.

Pink discharge mid-cycle

As a rule, they occur 2 weeks before the next menstruation during the period of ovulation, therefore among gynecologists they are often called ovulation. They can be used to judge the readiness of the female body to accept a fertilized egg.

Women who experience this phenomenon consistently every month may try to get pregnant these days. This is a natural signal to the most optimal time for fertilization.

Among the reasons may well be erosion of the cervix, but the pink color should contain yellowish-brown impurities in this case.

Pink discharge during pregnancy

In the first three months, such isolated events are common for most pregnant women. This is a sign that the fertilized egg is successfully implanted into the wall of the uterus. More than 80% of all women with a similar symptom safely go to term and give birth to a child.

Do not ignore if the symptom recurs and its intensity increases. It may indicate placental abruption and the threat of interruption, or an actively developing inflammatory process.

A pregnant woman urgently needs to see a gynecologist, undergo an ultrasound examination and pass all the necessary tests.

If vaginal secretions have a dark pinkish or brown tint, consult a doctor immediately. This color indicates coagulated blood, which the woman’s body is gradually getting rid of.

Often the cause of this may be a small hematoma. Only a doctor can cope with it. With a high degree of probability, he will prescribe vitamins or weak hormonal drugs to the pregnant woman.

Sometimes small discharge occurs on days when the expectant mother should have had her period before pregnancy. This is a completely normal hormonal condition, so it does not pose any danger. False menstruation may be accompanied by not too strong nagging pain that occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Pink discharge in women can be for both harmless reasons and very dangerous for health. The information below should not be used to attempt to diagnose yourself. There's no need to guess. If the discharge continues for more than 1-2 days, and is quite heavy, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
And now the possible causes of pink discharge in women, which are most often diagnosed by gynecologists.

Vulvovaginitis and kraurosis of the vulva

This is an inflammation of the vulva and vagina. It occurs more often in girls before menarche and older women. It occurs due to pathogenic microorganisms that enter there from the intestines (most often), due to pinworms. This occurs with poor personal hygiene, frequent and active masturbation, and the insertion of foreign objects into the vagina. If any object remains in the vagina, this can cause sanguineous discharge.

Kraurosis of the vulva is more often a problem in older women, resulting from a lack of the hormone estrogen. For this reason, the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner and loses its protective properties. This is a precancerous disease that must be treated.

Body and cervical cancer

Knowing about the possibility of this, every woman should regularly, once a year, visit a gynecologist for a preventive examination. And if uterine cancer is more common in women over 50 years of age, then cervical cancer can be diagnosed in women in their thirties. Not long ago a big discovery was made. The causative agent of cervical cancer is certain types of papillomavirus. It is transmitted sexually and is very common.

Girls are recommended to get vaccinated against papillomavirus, thereby protecting themselves from cancer in the future. But nevertheless, whether the vaccination was done or not, whether papillomavirus is detected in gynecological smears or not, once a year every woman must take a smear, the so-called PAP test (cytology smear), and be examined by a gynecologist.

If the smear result is not very good, and even more so if there is pink discharge after menstruation in women, you still need to do a colposcopy and, possibly, a cervical biopsy. Then everything is decided based on the results of the biopsy. If it shows third degree dysplasia, conization is performed - a section of the cervix is ​​removed. But a biopsy can also show cancer... Then the question of more extensive surgical intervention is decided. It should be noted that even cervical cancer has almost no obvious symptoms and does not cause pain. A woman may not suspect anything, but already be terminally ill.

But it is not all that bad. Cervical cancer is a slowly progressive disease. And it never appears on a healthy neck. Oncology is always preceded by dysplasia (the appearance of atypical cells). The doctor can see them first in the results of the PAP test, and then in the histological material taken during the biopsy, and, if necessary, conization. Timely conization prevents cancer.
This is why it is so important to visit a gynecologist regularly.

Pink discharge in women after 50 years of age during menopause is an alarm bell. It is advisable to immediately visit a doctor when they appear, rather than wait until they stop. This way the doctor will be able to see for himself and tell where the bleeding is coming from. If endometrial pathology is suspected, an ultrasound scan and, possibly, diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity with mandatory histological examination of the material will be prescribed. And then, the doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the test results and histology. The oncological process is detected in this way. In this case, the treatment is surgical - removal of the uterus, and during menopause, necessarily with the appendages.

Use of contraception

The use of hormonal and intrauterine contraceptives can cause spotting. After installation of the intrauterine device, bleeding may occur during the first month. If it intensifies, Tranexam is prescribed as a hemostatic drug. This is how the endometrium reacts to a foreign object in the uterus. But if this is accompanied by pain, or bleeding has been observed for the second month, you need to do an ultrasound of the uterus to check whether the spiral is located correctly in the uterus. Perhaps it has moved, which is why spotting and pain occur. In this case, the contraceptive must be removed.

In the first three menstrual cycles of taking hormonal contraceptives, pink discharge in the middle of the cycle in women is considered normal. Doctors recommend waiting a little while for the body to get used to the pills. If this phenomenon continues for more than 3 months or you don’t want to wait, you can start taking a drug with a higher estrogen content with the new menstrual cycle. This usually helps.

Sexual infections and endometritis

The inflammatory process in the vagina and uterus often causes bleeding. And it is provoked by various infectious pathogens. During the examination, the gynecologist must take a smear for microscopy. And if the results show inflammation, then the tank is cultured to determine sensitivity to antibiotics and infection using the PCR method. Treatment will depend on the results of these tests.

It is impossible to delay, since from the vagina the infectious process can spread to the uterus, and then endometritis and fallopian tubes will occur, which will cause an adhesive process in them (the main cause of ectopic pregnancy).

Threat of miscarriage

Pink discharge in women instead of menstruation often means an interesting situation. But this is not his specific sign. This is the absence of menstruation. Women who had sexual intercourse in their last menstrual cycle should then take a pregnancy test. And if the pregnancy is unwanted, quickly do an ultrasound and donate blood for hCG in order to terminate it with minimal consequences for the body.

In general, pink discharge during pregnancy is perceived by women as a threat of miscarriage. It is not treated abroad, since it is believed that only the most non-viable embryos that have developmental defects do not survive. In Russia, confirmed intrauterine pregnancies are preserved. Treatment is carried out in a hospital. They relieve the tone of the uterus and give progesterone and hemostatic drugs.

A woman should understand that spotting can occur not only during intrauterine pregnancy, but also during ectopic pregnancy. That’s why it’s so important not only to take a blood test for hCG, but also to do an ultrasound of the uterus. Because if the hCG level is high, but there is no fertilized egg in the uterus, it is probably developing somewhere else... Then surgery is necessary.

Pink discharge in women before menstruation, smoothly, for 1-2 days, flowing into normal menstruation, may be a variant of the norm, if there are no other complaints. If there is infertility, there is intermenstrual bleeding, heavy menstruation, this may be a symptom of endometriosis. It is treated with hormonal drugs.

Sexual intercourse, masturbation

Bloody discharge may appear after mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina and (or) cervix. In this case, there are no problems with diagnostics. There may be severe bleeding, in which case you should call an ambulance. You should consult a doctor depending on how you feel. Most likely, it will be enough to postpone sexual activity for a while, and then be more careful in the future.

Ovulation and implantation bleeding

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, some women experience barely noticeable spotting, often indicating that ovulation has occurred and the endometrium has responded to it in this way. The situation is absolutely normal and does not require treatment. In this case, the daub will disappear within 1-2 days.

If conception occurs, then about 7 days after it there may be another slight spotting. This is the so-called implantation bleeding. But this phenomenon is even more rare than ovulation bleeding.

As you can see, there are many possible causes of intermenstrual bleeding. If your discharge is not “accidental”, is profuse, or causes anxiety, consult a doctor. Better to play it safe.

Every woman has experienced pink vaginal discharge. Many women experience such discharge once a month, and for some, pink discharge is infrequent.
But there is no need to be afraid of pink discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle, since this is considered normal if the discharge does not cause itching, discomfort and does not have an unpleasant odor. Pink discharge after “critical days” is a discharge of different color and consistency, the composition of which is blood, epithelial cells and transparent vaginal secretion, which is intensively produced during ovulation. Therefore, gynecologists call pink discharge in women ovulation. From such discharge we can say that the woman is ready to receive a fertilized egg. Women can become pregnant precisely on those days when there is such discharge every month.

Pink discharge before menstruation

Pink discharge before menstruation does not always indicate a disease. For many women, pink discharge before menstruation may appear during ovulation. The causes of pink discharge are changes in hormonal levels. Estrogen levels increase, which leads to the rejection of a small part of the uterine lining. Because of this, blood capillaries burst and bleed. Therefore, pink discharge 2 weeks before menstruation can be observed in girls due to the ovulation process.

Some girls begin to have pink discharge 2-3 days before their period, it is not very abundant and may be pale pink in color. Such discharge then turns into menstruation and becomes more abundant and changes color. This is considered the norm, since the female body is individual.

Causes of pink discharge

Pink discharge in women can be divided according to two principles:

  1. Are the norm;
  2. They signal about pathologies and diseases.

Normal occurrence of pink discharge:

  • Pinkish discharge after menstruation may appear if a woman gave birth less than a year ago. They will end when the menstrual cycle is restored;
  • Discharge appears after taking oral contraceptives;
  • Residue from menstrual blood may cause pink discharge. They usually appear the day after menstruation;
  • Visit a gynecologist if, during the examination, the genitals are accidentally damaged by medical instruments;
  • An intrauterine device can also cause discharge if it was recently inserted.

Reasons signaling pathologies:

  • Ectopic pregnancy - light pink discharge is observed after menstruation. Such discharge usually occurs in the first weeks and is accompanied by severe pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.
  • Endometritis - accompanied by pink discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • Infectious diseases that occur in the uterine cavity. Such discharge has a rotten odor and is accompanied by pain.
  • Cervical erosion - bloody or pink discharge appears after sexual intercourse.
  • Cervical polyps can be detected by a gynecologist during an examination, but pink discharge may also appear after sexual intercourse.
  • Disruption of the endocrine system, in particular dysfunction of the thyroid gland due to unstable hormonal levels, can provoke pink secretion.

If you find such signs in yourself, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

Pink discharge after period

A small amount of mucous discharge in a woman after her period is normal. Their color can be either pink or dark brown. The pink color of the discharge is a small amount of blood that continues to be released at the end of menstruation. If pink discharge after menstruation is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching and pain, consult a doctor immediately. By contacting a specialist in a timely manner and prescribing the necessary medications, serious problems and complications can be avoided. Pink discharge after menstruation with additional signs may indicate pathology. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

Pink discharge during pregnancy

Pink discharge in early pregnancy causes panic and fear in women. Many people think that this could be a threat of miscarriage. There is no need to worry too much if such discharge is not abundant and has a pale pink color.

In the first trimester During pregnancy, the discharge may take on a pale pink color. Such symptoms should not be a cause for concern for a pregnant woman, since during this period hormonal changes in the entire body occur.
Pink discharge during early pregnancy indicates microtrauma of the mucous membrane (after an ultrasound with Doppler, after sexual intercourse, after examination by a gynecologist with a mirror). Therefore, at the beginning of the period of bearing a child, you need to reduce sexual intercourse.
In the second trimester There should be no such allocations. But there are exceptions when they appear:

  • In case of cervical erosion (you must inform your observing gynecologist about this in order to prescribe special medications that stop the development of erosion);
  • Partial placental abruption (if the discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back and has a brownish tint, there is a risk of premature birth. In this case, you need to immediately go to the hospital. You cannot hesitate here, because your baby’s life is at stake.

In the third trimester pink discharge can cause early labor. Such discharge may be a mucus plug leaving the uterine lining. This can happen two weeks before giving birth, or a few hours before the onset of contractions.

Pale pink discharge that appears in women at different phases of the menstrual cycle can be a symptom of trauma to the vaginal and cervical mucosa, endometrial pathology, and infectious processes.


This is an inflammatory process in the cervix, caused by various pathogenic bacteria and viruses. It can be the result of both a chronic infection and a recently acquired one.

Often, cervicitis occurs on the mucous membrane where ectopia (erosion) of the cervix is ​​located. Therefore, many gynecologists recommend getting rid of ectopia in order to avoid frequent inflammation of the cervix.

A doctor can see cervicitis during a gynecological examination; the cervical mucosa is inflamed. The number of leukocytes in the smear is increased. And if a culture is done and a smear is taken for sexually transmitted infections, it is possible to determine the exact causative agent of the disease and the treatment tactics.

The most common causes of pale pink discharge are: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis. Let's briefly talk about each of these infections. All of them, except bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis, are sexually transmitted.

Chlamydia. The incubation period is up to 3 weeks. Symptoms in both men and women are erased. But pale pink discharge may appear after menstruation if infection has occurred. Treatment is carried out with the help of antibiotics, and if the infection has already become chronic, more than one drug may be prescribed, and the treatment itself may be long-term. It is important for both partners to be treated, otherwise there will be a re-infection, and in this case the disease can occur with complications. These include inflammation of the appendages, and as a result, infertility.

Mycoplasmosis. Infection with it can occur not only through sexual contact, but also in utero. It is he who is the culprit of urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), pyelonephritis, bacterial vaginosis in women and prostatitis in men. In case of severe symptoms, antibacterial therapy is carried out.

Trichomoniasis. This disease can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through household contact, since Trichomonas, the causative agents of the disease, remain viable for up to several hours in a humid environment. So, you can become infected with them, for example, by using someone else's towel. The incubation period is up to 4 weeks. Then women experience profuse yellow vaginal discharge, which may have an unpleasant odor and foam. This may also be pale pink discharge in women before menstruation, especially after sexual intercourse, which is painful for women with trichomoniasis. The disease is detected in a routine gynecological smear. Treated with Metronidazole.

Ureaplasmosis. Just like mycoplasmosis, this infection can be transmitted to a girl during childbirth. And in the future, it can cause urethritis, urolithiasis, and provoke pale pink discharge during early pregnancy, which is often perceived as a threat of miscarriage. By the way, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth in women with ureaplasmosis is higher than in those who are not infected. Treated with antibiotics if there are symptoms of the disease (for example, urethritis). But carriage of ureaplasmosis cannot be treated.

Bacterial vaginosis. This is vaginal dysbiosis. It happens when there is less beneficial microflora, new infectious pathogens appear, against which there is no immunity yet. The main symptom of bacterial vaginosis is a foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Treatment is similar to that prescribed for trichomoniasis.

Endometriosis is the proliferation of hormone-dependent cells that normally line the inner surface of the uterus beyond its boundaries. It is for this reason that women experience intermenstrual, pink and brown discharge. Often endometriosis affects the cervix, and it begins to bleed. The doctor most often makes the diagnosis immediately after a gynecological examination of the cervix.

The causes of cervical endometriosis are abortions, diagnostic curettage, and “cauterization” of erosion performed before the onset of menstruation (endometrial cells can enter the wound after the procedure).

It is impossible to completely get rid of endometriosis. But its symptoms become invisible with menopause. Therefore, to improve well-being and stop the spread of endometrial cells, hormonal drugs are taken. Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) are also very effective. When taken regularly, intermenstrual bleeding disappears.

Adnexitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, unilateral or bilateral. It is caused by various microorganisms, often gonococci and chlamydia, but there may be others. They can get there through the blood or through the ascending path - from the vagina. This can happen after medical intervention in the uterus, installation of an intrauterine device.

During an acute process, women feel weak, unusual discharges appear from the vagina, including those mixed with blood, body temperature rises, and they suffer from pain in the uterus and ovaries. If treatment is not started, inflammation may spread to the peritoneum, and then peritonitis will begin. Adnexitis is also fraught with the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which leads to infertility and ectopic pregnancy.

The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints. Antibacterial therapy and, if necessary, painkillers are prescribed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Indomethacin rectally, are often recommended.

Ovulation and pregnancy

Ovulation, the period of “birth” of an egg from a follicle, is sometimes a quite noticeable process for a woman. Based on this, for many decades, women have been building contraceptive schemes and calculating the most successful period for sexual intercourse, which should lead to conception. During ovulation, a short-term decrease in some sex hormones occurs, which entails a very slight endometrial detachment. Well, a woman can notice it in the form of pinkish discharge on about 12-16 days of the cycle.

Ovulation is determined in different ways. Of course, this can be done most accurately with an ultrasound if you regularly undergo folliculometry. Or do ovulation tests (sold at the pharmacy), 2 times a day, following the instructions.

At home, a method for measuring basal temperature is used. Every day, without getting out of bed after a night's sleep, a woman measures the temperature in the rectum and writes down all the data obtained. Immediately before ovulation, there is a slight decrease in temperature, and after ovulation it rises by 0.4-0.5 degrees.

In addition, during ovulation, a woman may experience a slight tingling pain, usually on one side, in the area of ​​the ovary where the follicle ruptured. In this case, the discharge becomes abundant and mucous. A woman's sex drive increases.

If you have pale pink vaginal discharge instead of your period, but this phenomenon is not typical for you, you need to take a pregnancy test, if possible. The fact is that this kind of discharge in the early stages of conception may indicate a threat of miscarriage, and sometimes is a sign of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy. Normally, there should be no bleeding during pregnancy.
The causes of spotting can be infections, which we wrote about earlier, and cervical pathologies. But all this is perfectly diagnosed. The main thing is to get to the doctor.

Normally, mucus streaked with blood appears in the expectant mother shortly before labor and is a sign of its imminent onset.

Sexual intercourse

For this reason, spotting can occur in both pregnant and non-pregnant women. And if there were no rough actions on the part of the partner, then the culprit is infections and (or) insufficient hydration of the vagina. In turn, the reasons for this low hydration are:

  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • fatigue, stress, lack of foreplay;
  • lack of estrogen, occurs during menopause and (or) after removal of the ovaries.

Infections can be cured, foreplay can be lengthened, lubricant can be used, perhaps, different positions during sexual intercourse can be tried - and your intimate life will shine with new colors.

Bleeding, and this is how pink discharge can be characterized, is a signal from the body about some kind of trouble. Listen to him.

Pinkish discharge in the middle of the cycle is often called ovulation, as it indicates the body’s readiness for fertilization. After the egg matures, the hormonal background changes and the level of estrogen increases. As a result, the endometrium changes and minor bleeding appears.

Other reasons for the appearance of pinkish discharge in the middle of the cycle include: rupture of the follicle as a result of the release of the egg, installation of an intrauterine device, the use of hormonal contraceptives, and certain medications. However, if pink discharge is accompanied by burning, itching, and discomfort, they may indicate infectious and inflammatory processes, the formation of fibroids and polyps. In these cases, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of pink brown discharge

Brown spotting may occur in the middle of the cycle. If they are scanty, this is considered a physiological norm. Usually in this case the woman does not need treatment. Bloody discharge may indicate developing uterine bleeding, which is a symptom of the following diseases: cervical erosion, endometritis, fibroma, cancer of the cervix, adnexa, tumors, internal adenomyosis, sarcoma. These conditions require urgent medical intervention.

If spotting appears after sexual intercourse, it may be caused by cervical cancer or erosion. If the discharge is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, it is a symptom of inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus. They may also indicate injuries to the genital organs, hormonal imbalances (progesterone deficiency, hyperprolactinemia), polycystic ovary syndrome. Intermenstrual discharge may appear after some gynecological procedures, deep emotional shock, stress, severe shock, climate change.

Brown spotting in the middle of the cycle may be due to hormonal contraception. In this case, they are considered a variant of the norm. However, if hormones are not taken, discharge may include the following: the use of medications containing estrogen, the use of emergency contraception drugs (Postinor, Gynepriston), the presence of an intrauterine device, thyroid dysfunction, low levels of thyroid hormones, vaginal inflammation caused by infections, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

A large percentage of girls and women experience brown discharge between periods, but, however, not everyone is in a hurry to see a doctor. As a rule, a girl begins to sound the alarm only when she is completely tired of the discharge. This is wrong, because a symptom of this kind can be a sign of a serious illness.

In general, any suspicious discharge from the genitals is a reason to contact a specialist and undergo all the necessary tests.

If a girl is pregnant, then if she has bloody discharge, she needs to call an ambulance, as this may be the first sign of a miscarriage. If medical care is provided on time, tragic events can be avoided.

But what can spotting in the middle of a cycle mean in a non-pregnant girl?

Gynecologists divide such discharge into two groups: uterine and intermenstrual.

Uterine bleeding can be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Cervical erosion. Erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane. This defect appears due to early entry into sexual activity, in the presence of infections, as well as hormonal disorders. Almost every woman faces this disease. Erosion is usually cauterized by a doctor.

  • Cervical cancer. This tumor most often occurs in women after 40 years of age. Doctors say that cervical cancer can occur due to frequent changes of sexual partners, hormonal contraception, and smoking.

  • Endometritis of the uterus is an inflammation of the mucous membrane. Signs of this inflammation are increased body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, and weakness.

  • Adenomyosis refers to formations located inside the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself. As a rule, this disease is a consequence of abortion and uterine curettage. Adenomyosis is treated with hormonal medications.

Intermenstrual bleeding may occur due to:

  • Use of drugs such as Postinor. Postinor is an emergency contraceptive drug.

  • Microcracks in the mucous membrane caused by too violent sex.

  • Acclimatization, severe stress, depression, shock.

  • Hormonal imbalances. The body may lack a certain hormone, such as progesterone.

  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

If after each sexual intercourse you are tormented by bloody discharge, then the number of possible diseases is narrowed. Main discharges:

  • Cervical erosion.

  • Cervical cancer.

  • Vaginal tumor.

In any case, if you discover such an unpleasant symptom as spotting, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination, perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and prescribe appropriate tests. Remember, the sooner you contact a specialist, the sooner you will begin treatment.