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What is required to sell cigarettes? The case is tobacco: modern realities of legal business in the retail sale of cigarettes and tobacco products. OKVED for trade in tobacco products

It is known that the business of selling cigarettes brings considerable and, most importantly, stable income to its owners. The demand for tobacco products (both in Russia and far beyond its borders) is very high, and for smokers they are a daily need, just like essential goods for every person.

This feature allows you to literally do this, because the number of people wishing to purchase cigarettes, despite the anti-tobacco program and the constant rise in prices, does not decrease.

However, it should be understood that the main components of a successful business are the correct location of the outlet and the presence of the most popular types of cigarettes in it, which will ensure a quick turnover of invested funds and profit.

Cigarette selling business - pros and cons

Before starting a cigarette business, a novice entrepreneur needs to know about the advantages of running it, possible risks and negative aspects. Not so long ago, most goods were sold in kiosks that could be found literally at every turn. Today the situation has changed somewhat and people prefer to purchase goods and food in stores and supermarkets. Nevertheless, tobacco stalls still thrive today. This is due to the fact that cigarettes are the product that every smoker wants to buy without wasting their time in long lines.

Let's consider the main advantages of the tobacco business, which allow novice entrepreneurs to choose this type of activity. These include:

  • great demand for tobacco products;
  • the ability to conduct business in a small trading pavilion (significant savings on rent);
  • no need to maintain a large number of employees;
  • the ability to conduct trade with a minimum set of equipment;
  • long shelf life of tobacco products;
  • quick return on initial investment.

As for the negative aspects of doing business selling tobacco products, it should be noted that opening an enterprise will require a considerable amount. First of all, the bulk of the costs will go towards purchasing the first batch of goods.

The high degree of competition should also be highlighted. It is easily explained by the demand for tobacco products. For this reason, in places with high foot traffic, there are quite a lot of kiosks that sell cigarettes. Therefore, in order to ensure sales, the trade pavilion should be located where there are a minimum number of points selling cigarettes (ideally, none).

Do you need a license to sell cigarettes?

Beginning businessmen are probably interested in the question of whether a license is needed to sell tobacco products. Starting from July 2, 2005, Federal Law No. 80 has been in force in the Russian Federation, according to which this type of business activity does not require a license. That is, according to the new rules, it is allowed to sell cigarettes without special permits.

Tobacco business – where to start?

Let's consider the main stages of starting a business selling tobacco products.

Selecting a sales format

If a businessman decides to start selling tobacco products, he must be well versed in the realities of this market. To achieve success, you should decide on the format of doing business, and also constantly analyze changes in the legislative framework:

  1. Trade kiosk. Opening a tobacco kiosk will be the easiest, since it will require a small investment in rent, as well as for the purchase of goods. This format of doing business is quite simple to implement: the entrepreneur periodically purchases small quantities of cigarettes and other tobacco products, after which they are sold by the stall seller. The return on investment with this model depends primarily on the location of the outlet and the number of regular customers.
  2. Tent. If an entrepreneur does not know where to get it, he can start by selling small batches of cigarettes by opening a stall in the market. What is good about this model of running your own business? There is no need to invest money in renting a trade pavilion, as well as utility rooms for storing goods. The tent unfolds and assembles fairly quickly, is compact, and cigarettes only take up a few boxes. The profit from retail sales of tobacco products fully justifies the minimum investment at the start.
  3. Warehouse. Wholesale trade in cigarettes is possible only if there are appropriate agreements with tobacco product manufacturers, as well as large trading companies. As for the return on investment when doing business using this model, it directly depends on the volume of products sold. To become a wholesale seller, you must initially have a sufficiently large amount for a one-time purchase of a large batch of cigarettes. You should also find reliable suppliers who will ensure uninterrupted supply of goods. It is imperative to offer interesting selling prices for small wholesalers and retail outlets, which will make up the bulk of regular customers.
  4. Installation of vending machines. Such equipment for the sale of tobacco products is widely used in many countries around the world. To install a machine, it is necessary to coordinate this business model with local governments. Its cost fluctuates around 230-250 thousand rubles. Such equipment cannot be installed everywhere, since the machines cannot determine the age of the person who wants to purchase cigarettes. Since their vacation is allowed to persons who have reached the age of 18, installation can only be permitted in those places where minors are not allowed.

If an entrepreneur wants to open a tobacco store from scratch, you need to know that at the start you will need a lot of money to purchase and renovate the premises, purchase equipment and the first batch of goods. In addition, there is a big risk of waiting a long time for the return on the initial investment, especially if the location is chosen incorrectly.

Opening a small tobacco shop or trade tent will be the best solution that will minimize risks and quickly recoup the investment.

Business registration

To officially engage in business activities, it must be registered with the tax service. A businessman has two options - to register an individual entrepreneurship or LLC with the Federal Tax Service.

In the first case, cigarette trading will be preferable for individual entrepreneurs, since small business representatives pay taxes to the state according to a simplified scheme. When opening an LLC, there is one peculiarity: if the enterprise goes bankrupt, liability for monetary obligations will be limited only to the amount of the businessman’s deposits.

As practice shows, registration does not require collecting a large number of documents and going through complex procedures for obtaining permits (as is the case with entrepreneurs who, for example, decided on such a popular attraction as). To open a kiosk, you will need to conclude agreements with regulatory organizations - the sanitary and epidemiological station, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

Selection of premises

It’s easy to guess that purchasing a MAF (stall, kiosk) or renting one will not be difficult. But finding the right profitable location for the sale of cigarettes as a business to develop successfully is not an easy task. First of all, the search depends on the size of the locality and the number of inhabitants in it.

It is quite difficult to compete in large cities, since they have numerous retail chains selling tobacco products. Nevertheless, there is a way out of this situation: a place for a cigarette kiosk should be looked for in areas remote from the center, near the metro, public transport stops and markets.

The situation is completely different in small towns, where there is a shortage of tobacco trade pavilions. Even in the center you can rent a room or kiosk for selling cigarettes at a relatively low price. To compete with other entrepreneurs, you should offer customers a wide range of tobacco products, as well as a high level of service.

Important: There are some legal norms in accordance with which a trade pavilion selling tobacco products must be located. It is prohibited to place kiosks near medical institutions, kindergartens, sports facilities and educational institutions.

Equipment purchase

How to equip a trade pavilion selling tobacco products and cigarettes? Definitely, this will not require large financial investments, as, for example, in the case of purchasing an expensive one. The kiosk will need to install a cash register, a chair and a small table for the seller.

You will definitely need a small safe where the proceeds will be stored. Please note that the windows of a retail store must be equipped in a special way: they must be equipped with transparent shelves of small dimensions on which cigarettes and other goods can be placed.

For safety reasons, it is recommended to equip the sales stall with bars. They will protect the display case from hooligans at night, especially if 24-hour operation is expected. When choosing equipment for selling cigarettes, you should not forget to install narrow shelving or a compact cabinet for storing products inside the kiosk.

The total cost of equipment for equipping the kiosk is about 52 thousand rubles:

  • glass shelves - 5 thousand;
  • cash register – 10 thousand;
  • furniture and shelving – 20 thousand;
  • safe – 10 thousand;
  • installation and purchase of gratings – 7 thousand.

There may be additional costs for the purchase and installation of alarms, lighting and heaters. An entrepreneur will have to spend about 20 thousand rubles for these needs.

Recruiting staff

Before you invite people to the sales position, you should decide on the kiosk's operating hours. It directly depends on the location of the outlet. For example, if a stall is installed near 24-hour entertainment venues (nightclubs, bars, restaurants), then it must work in two shifts (day and night). With this mode of operation, 4 sales people will be required.

If a tobacco stall is installed in a residential area, it is advisable to set its working hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. In this case, you will need 2 sales people who will work in shifts. As for their remuneration, it amounts to about 8-12 thousand rubles. Please note that these amounts can be significantly higher in metropolitan areas.

As a rule, there are no problems finding personnel to work in a kiosk selling cigarettes. To motivate employees to perform their duties efficiently, the owner of a tobacco shop can make a small bet and charge a percentage of sales.

The seller does not need to have special education or experience in trading. You can train a person to operate a cash register very quickly, and many applicants will already have such experience.

The main requirements for the seller are a friendly attitude towards customers and excellent knowledge of the assortment of the outlet. The seller is also obliged to know the rules for selling tobacco products and not violate the provisions of current legislation.

Supplier search

One of the most important issues that an entrepreneur must resolve is finding reliable suppliers of cigarettes for his kiosk or shop. Without this component, tobacco sales will not bring the desired results.

Imagine that you already have regular customers who buy their favorite cigarettes every day and bring in a stable profit. If customers' favorite types of cigarettes are not presented in the store, they will find another tobacco shop, and you will lose a stable income.

Important: The recommended selling price is set on cigarette packages. This means that a businessman cannot change the price of a product in order to increase his earnings. For this reason, it is important to find suppliers who will offer the minimum selling price for tobacco products.

When searching for a supplier, it wouldn’t hurt to visit trading companies that distribute cigarettes in the city. As a rule, special prices are set for buyers for certain volumes of purchased goods (wholesale and small wholesale).

It is also necessary to know all the wholesalers who sell tobacco products and their selling prices for cigarettes. If there is a failure in the supply of products or popular tobacco products are not delivered to the kiosk, you can always purchase them yourself and deliver them to your outlet.

It is imperative to ask the potential supplier to confirm the availability of quality certificates. It is not recommended to purchase original and rare types of cigarettes “for testing”. They will most likely be unclaimed buyers, and the money invested in their purchase will not be returned soon.

Search for sales channels

If you plan to open a wholesale outlet, its main buyers will be small retail stores, kiosks, as well as visiting consumers (mainly from the settlements of the region) who purchase small and large quantities of tobacco and cigarettes. If there is a trade stall at the market, the main buyers will be random passers-by. In a tobacco kiosk located in a residential area, the majority of consumers will be its residents.

Important: In order to establish sales channels and attract the attention of buyers, it doesn’t hurt to create an attractive exterior for the tobacco shop and come up with an original name for it.

It is also important to follow a few simple rules that will allow you to attract new customers and not lose regular customers. To do this you will need:

  • place a bright price tag on each pack of cigarettes in the display window;
  • offer customers the opportunity to buy cool (summer) and hot (winter) drinks;
  • purchase high-quality disposable tableware for preparing drinks;
  • release the products of the stall (kiosk) in branded packaging with the company logo.

The last point must be observed for the reason that in the competition for potential clients, under the same conditions, the one who offers better service wins.

New products from well-known tobacco brands are constantly appearing on the tobacco market. Many people prefer to change cigarettes quite often. If regular customers ask about new types of tobacco products, it is worth purchasing a small batch. In this way, you can not only expand your product range, but also...

Rules for the sale of cigarettes

Owners of trade pavilions and sellers are required to know some simple rules for the sale of tobacco products. As we have already said, cigarettes cannot be sold without official permission from local governments and registered business activities.

Regardless of the degree of reliability of the supplier, you should monitor the availability of information about the manufacturer and the price of the product, which are indicated on each pack of cigarettes (this is required by law).

The selling price should always be the same as the recommended price. For this reason, you should always carefully check any change in product prices. This must be done in order to avoid punishment.

Sellers must understand that the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products on the territory of the Russian Federation to minors is strictly prohibited. For such a violation, the company can be fined a decent amount. The same applies to the individual sale of cigarettes. If you plan to open a trade pavilion, its area must be at least 25 m².

It would be a good idea to contact the commodity inspection department to clarify the acceptable range. For example, entrepreneurs who want to earn additional profit through sales of household chemicals (which, by the way, are in great demand in residential areas) risk being among the worst offenders of the law and paying considerable fines.

Tobacco sales - financial plan

Let's consider a financial plan.


Before opening your own enterprise selling tobacco products, you need to draw up a business plan. This will allow you to calculate the minimum amount of investment (one-time investment) required at the start, as well as the approximate amount of possible monthly profit. Initial costs will be:

  • registration of entrepreneurial activity – 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of necessary equipment – ​​50 thousand rubles;
  • rent – ​​15 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of the first batch of cigarettes is 60 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary – 30 thousand rubles (based on 2 people);
  • other expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

As a result, the minimum starting amount should be about 170 thousand rubles. Please note that if an entrepreneur enters into a long-term rental agreement with the kiosk owner, he will be able to save a lot on expenses.


You shouldn’t expect huge profits from operating a single outlet. Most entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that a kiosk will bring in a lot of money in the first month of operation, but this is not the case.

It is worth understanding that as the business develops, the number of operating retail outlets should be increased, which will allow you to receive tangible income. This result can be achieved after several years of competently building a marketing strategy.

Typically, the trade markup on cigarettes per pack at retail kiosks does not exceed 20%. In addition, you should understand that the cost of cigarettes is fixed, so if they are more expensive, you can forget about the constant flow of customers.

Let’s assume that a retail outlet sells 100 packs of cigarettes per day, provided that the store is located in an area with good foot traffic. One unit of production costs an average of 70 rubles. The daily revenue of the kiosk will be 7 thousand rubles.

We multiply this amount by 30 days and get 210 thousand rubles - this is exactly how much a cigarette retail outlet can bring in per month. From it you should subtract the mandatory payment of taxes, rent of a tobacco kiosk, funds for the purchase of products, employee salaries, monthly expenses, and you will get about 80-90 thousand rubles of net income.

In practice, this amount is about 40-50 thousand rubles if the business is run correctly. With such success, it is realistic to recoup the investment in 6-8 months of work.

Selling cigarettes as a business - reviews

Alexander, 43 years old, Tyumen:
I have 2 of my own tobacco kiosks, one of them is located at the Central Public Market, and the other at Solnechny (our Tyumen markets). The central one generates normal revenue only from cigarettes, since they sell about 200-250 packs per day. The situation is weaker with the “sun”, because even on weekends, when there are a lot of people, it is not always possible to sell more than 150 packs. As for the markup, it is impossible to establish more than 10%. In general, things are going well in terms of income, I will open a new outlet soon. For beginners, I can recommend saving money in order to scale their enterprise in the future.

Marina, 38 years old, Astrakhan:
From my own experience, I will say that for a more or less serious start, you need to invest at least 300 thousand rubles in the development of one kiosk. A trade pavilion with expensive varieties of tobacco brings in about 70 thousand rubles a month, while for some reason cigarettes from popular brands sell rather poorly. I also have a kiosk in a residential area, so my monthly income does not exceed 30 thousand rubles (from tobacco). Draw your own conclusions.

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Selling tobacco products, if organized correctly, can bring in good income. To start selling cigarettes in Russia, you do not need to buy a license.

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Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 82 Published 05.11.2017

The sale of tobacco products is one of the most profitable areas of the trading business.. According to statistics, every fourth resident of Russia is addicted to tobacco. Despite the large-scale anti-tobacco campaign and constant tightening of cigarette sales, the popularity of the tobacco industry is constantly growing. The modern market is overflowing with such goods, but more and more novice entrepreneurs are paying attention to this area. Below we will look at what is needed to sell cigarettes at retail and evaluate the profitability of this enterprise.

The tobacco sales business is considered one of the most profitable in the world

Business development models

Before considering the modern realities of the tobacco market, it should be said that this area is profitable only with constant analysis of various changes in legislation. Also, this business is difficult to classify as a quick-payback idea. . The development of such an enterprise requires substantial initial investments. The average payback period for a small tobacco kiosk is eighteen months.

You should also be aware of current legislation in this area. The law on the sale of cigarettes states that the display of tobacco products in store windows is prohibited. However, let's move directly to the development models of this business. There are three main directions for the sale of such products:

  1. Small kiosk. This model involves the purchase of a small wholesale batch of goods for further sale. Here the main emphasis is on trade in the most popular tobacco products. The profitability of this enterprise depends on demand and the number of regular audiences.
  2. Tobacco warehouse. Wholesale sales of cigarettes are carried out subject to an agreement with direct manufacturers or sales representatives. The payback of such a model depends on the quantity of goods sold. The opening of such a point is accompanied by high financial investments in the initial stages. The reliability of suppliers also plays an important role here. In order to make a profit from such an enterprise, it is necessary to establish cooperation with small retail outlets.
  3. Tent at the market. The model under consideration is based on the sale of a small amount of goods, due to the lack of utility rooms for storing goods. The profitability of this model has a direct relationship with the final cost of the product, as well as the cost of renting the premises. It is also necessary to take into account the remuneration of hired personnel.

How exactly the cigarette trade will be carried out depends on the level of initial investment in the development of the enterprise. Most beginning entrepreneurs prefer the first and third business models in order to reduce possible risks.

Trading cigarettes for individual entrepreneurs has a number of advantages

Legal aspects

This area of ​​business is highly popular due to a number of specific advantages. These advantages include the absence of the need to rent premises with a large area, a long shelf life of the product and ease of transportation. All of the above has a direct impact on the level of financial costs at the initial stages of developing your own business.

In order to open such an enterprise, it is necessary to collect certain documents. First of all, you should register with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur. In order to open an individual entrepreneur, you must provide the original passport, TIN and pay the fee established by the state.

The optimal model for starting such a business is opening a tobacco kiosk. In this case, when filling out the documents, you must indicate that the selected type of activity is retail trade. In addition, the sale of cigarettes as a business has a number of characteristic features in the form of strict regulations. One of the main requirements for a tobacco kiosk is its location. Such a point should be located at a certain distance from educational institutions and cultural organizations.

According to current legislation, it is prohibited to sell cigarettes individually. Each pack must contain the number of cigarettes stated on the packaging. It is mandatory that each package of tobacco products must be labeled. Currently, the sale of such products through online stores, public places or trade fairs is prohibited. This product is only available to persons over eighteen years of age.

Information about the product is transferred only from the seller to the buyer. One of the important rules for opening a tobacco kiosk is notifying the tax authorities about conducting such business activities.

You should also adhere to the requirements of government agencies regarding trading activities and place of registration.

Since the sale of cigarettes is strictly regulated by law, first of all, start by studying the regulations

Advantages of a cigarette selling business

One of the important questions that concerns many aspiring entrepreneurs is whether a license is needed to sell cigarettes? According to the bill dated July 2, two thousand and five (serial number 80-F3), this type of activity is excluded from the list requiring the acquisition of a special license.

This means that in two thousand and seventeen such a business is not subject to mandatory licensing.

In addition, the state accommodated budding entrepreneurs and removed the requirement for the area of ​​retail outlets. But it is important to note that new requirements have also been introduced. Today it is prohibited to display such goods on glass display cases. Selling cigarettes through the window is also prohibited. Due to the fact that the sale of cigarettes has strict regulations, the development of such an enterprise should begin by studying various legal aspects. Initial investment amount To open a tobacco kiosk you need a small room.

The best option is a room whose area does not exceed twenty square meters

The equipment of the room is of particular importance. This product requires compliance with a certain storage temperature. The approximate cost of purchasing and installing climate control equipment is about 75,000. In order to reduce the amount of initial costs, you can purchase special cabinets. The cost of such a cabinet varies from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles. However, purchasing such narrow-profile equipment will cost much less than purchasing climate control equipment.

The main component of the trading sphere is issuing checks to customers. This means that when opening a retail outlet, you need to purchase a cash register and register it. If you plan to store your daily earnings in the store itself, you will need to purchase a reliable safe.

There are also certain rules for transporting tobacco products. Cigarette cartons must be packed in airtight material during transportation. When opening your own outlet, it is important to understand that the free space of your store should be filled with products, but the goods should be arranged in such a way as not to restrict movement around the store.

An extensive assortment is created from products of different price categories

Wholesale sales of cigarettes is a business that generates stable revenue. At the stage of planning a business strategy, you should approach the creation of an assortment responsibly. The products offered must be designed for different audiences. In order to increase the income received, you can allocate a separate rack for key rings, ashtrays and lighters. In addition, you can diversify the assortment with hookah tobacco or cigars.

When hiring staff, you should pay attention to the presence of experience in sales. The seller of a tobacco boutique must not only have correct diction, but also understand the features of each name. It is the seller's job to attract regular customers.

The initial financial investment for opening a tobacco business ranges from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles. Approximately half of this amount will be spent on purchasing tobacco products. 30,000 rubles – the cost of monthly rent of the premises. The above amount includes the cost of repair work and production of an advertising banner. The cost of purchasing climate control equipment, special cabinets and shelving ranges from 400,000 to 700,000 rubles. In addition, you should take into account the costs of registering as an individual entrepreneur and paying tax duties. You should also take care of the salaries of your employees and accountant in advance.

Cigarette vending machines

Selling tobacco products is an activity accompanied by various risks, which is more suitable for self-confident men. However, this does not mean that women engaged in entrepreneurial activities will not cope with such a task. When organizing such an enterprise, various nuances should be taken into account. In this regard, at the initial stages, it is best to give preference to selling small quantities of goods.

In many European countries, the sale of tobacco products is carried out using special equipment. However, in the realities of the Russian market, in this situation it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant authorities. Otherwise, penalties may be imposed on the owner of the machine. Buying equipment for selling cigarettes is quite difficult.

Such a purchase will cost 250,000 rubles. It should also be taken into account that equipment will have to be ordered from Europe. Such a machine can hold about 3,000 packs of cigarettes.

The main problem with such activities is that the machine is not able to determine the age of the buyer. That is why such equipment is placed only in places where persons under eighteen years of age are not allowed. A license to sell tobacco products through vending machines is not required.

In most cases, tobacco business owners, in order to prevent possible risks, prefer to trade in small volumes


The supplier of tobacco products, like the person selling such a product, must know about all the nuances of this type of activity. The right approach to wholesale sales can bring much greater profits than retail sales of products. Considering that it is possible to conduct a wholesale business using the Internet, there is a chance to significantly reduce the level of initial investment. With wholesale sales, there is no need to rent premises for a store, and there are no costs for repair work.

An online tobacco seller avoids various financial losses associated with finding a location for a retail outlet. Thus, the savings from such an undertaking is about 300,000 rubles. Taking these factors into account, we can say that this approach pays off much faster.

These opportunities make the cigarette wholesale business more attractive for budding entrepreneurs. Also, given that this product is in demand, wholesale sales of cigarettes become a source of constant profit. Wholesale sales allow you not only to significantly increase the range of goods offered, but also to increase your profit.

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Rosstat calculated: 60% of Russian men and 14% of women regularly smoke tobacco, so the sale of cigarettes promises a stable profit. But this product is harmful to health. Trade in it is strictly regulated by law. Rules for the sale of tobacco products are constantly being tightened in order to reduce the number of smokers and protect children from bad habits. We tell you how to sell cigarettes without breaking the law.

Are permits required to sell cigarettes? Nowadays a special document permitting the sale of tobacco products is not needed. But at the same time, the retail outlet must comply with strict requirements for their placement and display to customers.

Let's consider what is needed to sell cigarettes from the point of view of the law and whether a license is required to sell tobacco products.


Unlike the sale of alcohol, the sale of tobacco products is not licensed. Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs have the right to trade them. This norm applies to retail and wholesale trade. There is no need to search on the Internet for “how much a license to sell cigarettes costs” - it doesn’t exist. Therefore, any retail outlet has the right to sell cigarettes and tobacco without receiving any documents from regulatory agencies. The norms are enshrined in Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2013.

Stores are required to store cigarettes in closed boxes, which are opened at the request of the buyer

Sales time limit

You can sell cigarettes at any time. The law does not establish time restrictions on their sale - again, unlike alcohol, which cannot be purchased at night.

Rules for displaying tobacco products in a store

If a license for tobacco is not required, and you can trade it freely at any time of the day, are there any difficulties at all with selling cigarettes? There are, and they relate to the placement of goods inside a retail outlet. Open display of packs of cigarettes and tobacco in store windows is prohibited. Shelves with tobacco products are covered with opaque shields: casual buyers, especially children, should not see them.

The buyer learns about the availability of cigarettes at the point of sale from a special list that is placed at the cash register. The list is drawn up on white paper, in black in the form of a table, where all products available for sale with prices are indicated in alphabetical order. The use of drawings or photographs is strictly prohibited. At the buyer's request, the cashier opens the shelf with cigarettes and shows him the goods. Before displaying or selling, the employee must ensure that the buyer is of legal age.

Cigarette prices

Another requirement that the cigarette business must comply with concerns the cost of tobacco products. The manufacturer puts a minimum and maximum price on each pack - the store has no right to violate these boundaries.

Prices are determined by the product manufacturer. They are in proportion to each other: the minimum is equal to 75% of the maximum.

For exceeding the price, the seller will receive a fine: a citizen of about 5 thousand rubles, an official - 50,000 rubles, or even will be disqualified for 3 years, and an LLC - double the amount of excess revenue received for the year.

Tobacco display cases are closed to prevent casual customers and children from seeing cigarettes.

Features of business organization Above we examined the legal requirements in the field of trade in cigarette products. The rules have been tightened for several years and now cigarettes can only be sold in stationary facilities.

These are just the initial requirements that you will have to face when starting a cigarette business. The law imposes special requirements on cash register equipment, taxes, and storage conditions. Let's consider recommendations that will help you create a competent business plan for a tobacco store.

Application of CCP

Trade in cigarettes requires the use of cash register equipment under any taxation, almost without exceptions (about them in the next section). Tobacco is an excisable product. For more than a year now, all cigarette sellers have been operating only through an online cash register. is a special system that reports all operations of a retail outlet to the tax service.


Until July 2018, there were relaxations for several categories of business regarding the use of cash registers in the sale of tobacco products. Now almost all of them have lost their validity and any cigarette retail outlet sells products through an online cash register.

Until July 2019, there are deferments in installing an online cash register for:

  • LLC and individual entrepreneur on UTII;
  • Individual entrepreneur on patent taxation;
  • retail outlets in hard-to-reach areas of the country.

The law obliges such sellers to provide buyers with confirmation of payment upon the buyers’ first request. The preferential regime will last a little less than a year. It is unknown whether it will be extended. It is likely that all tobacco dealers will still be required to operate through an online cash register.

The buyer gets acquainted with the range of tobacco products through a list where names and prices are listed

OKVED for trade in tobacco products

Trade in tobacco products requires the use of a special economic activity code. General - “Retail trade in tobacco products” 52.26. The numbers change periodically, and the names are extremely rare. Before registering with the Federal Tax Service, you need to check the relevance of OKVED.

Additionally, some stores will require additional specific codes. For example, wholesale trade in cigarettes - 51.35 “Wholesale trade in tobacco products.” A non-specialized hypermarket with a small assortment of the most popular cigarettes - 52.11 “Retail trade in non-specialized stores primarily in food products, including drinks, and tobacco products.”

Rules for retail trade in tobacco products

To open a tobacco store from scratch, a businessman will have to comply with the legal requirements for the retail circulation of cigarettes.

We discussed some of them - the rules for displaying and installing an online cash register - in the previous sections. However, there are others.

Russian legislation prohibits the sale of cigarettes by the piece (Article 19 15-FZ). More precisely, it is prohibited to sell cigarettes in any other form other than a pack of 20 units of goods. Tobacco products must be separately packaged in their own container. They cannot be packaged in other quantities or together with non-tobacco products.


Electronic cigarettes are subject to the same sales and placement rules as regular cigarettes. The exception when their display on a display window will be legal is if they look different from a standard cigarette pack. Most electronic cigarette packaging is significantly different from tobacco packaging, so they can be placed completely openly.

At the same time, they cannot be sold to minors, despite the absence of nicotine in the composition. Why? The law prohibits the sale of alcohol and tobacco to children. There is no such ban regarding electronic cigarettes. That is, if a cashier sells a vape to a 15-year-old, he cannot be fined. But from an ethical point of view, this is not very good: smoking an electronic analogue completely imitates the usual one. Prohibiting the sale of vaping products to minors can be considered a useful recommendation for a retail outlet.

Nasvay, chewing tobacco

Federal law strictly prohibits the retail and wholesale trade of nasvay, chewing or sucking tobacco. Its circulation and consumption is subject to administrative or criminal penalties (depending on the detected volume).

Cigarettes can be stored indefinitely in a dry and warm room

Cigarette storage conditions and expiration dates

Cigarettes and tobacco products do not have an expiration date. In theory, they last forever. Cigarettes are packaged in two layers: a cardboard box and plastic on top. The integrity of both layers must be monitored so that the products do not lose their characteristic smell and do not wrinkle or break. Do not place cigarette cartons near products with strong odors.

But over time or under the influence of negative factors, even a well-packaged product can lose certain properties or become completely unusable. The main enemy of cigarettes is dampness. The warehouse where they are stored must be dry (humidity up to 70%) and, preferably, heated - from 15 to 23 degrees.

However, even under the right conditions, cigarettes should not be stored for too long. The amount of carcinogens in tobacco increases over time, which will increase the already considerable damage to the health of the smoker.

Prohibitions and restrictions on the sale of cigarettes

The tobacco business must comply with all restrictions established by law. They can be divided into categories:

  • limiting the circle of buyers;
  • location requirements;
  • accommodation requirements.

Selling cigarettes to minors

Selling tobacco products to children under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited - Article 20 of Federal Law No. 15-FZ. If there is any doubt about the buyer’s age, the cashier must ask for his passport and check his date of birth. Refusal to present a document is grounds for refusal to purchase.

Fines for selling cigarettes to children

The penalties for selling tobacco to teenagers are significant. It is established by the Code of Administrative Offenses - Article 14.53. A citizen will lose 2-4 thousand rubles, an official will be fined 30-50 thousand rubles, and an organization will be fined 100-150 thousand rubles. The fact of sale is proven by a test purchase. The law strictly protects minors from tobacco use, and in order not to lose a large sum of money, you must follow the rules of implementation.

For violating the rules of selling cigarettes, the store, owner and seller will have to pay a serious fine

Fine for trading in the wrong place

The law also establishes where a tobacco shop cannot be opened. The prohibited ones include:

  • territories of educational, cultural, sports complexes or institutions;
  • premises of public authorities;
  • places near educational and children's institutions (up to 100 meters);
  • all train stations, bus stations, airports (except duty-free shops), metro stations, hotels.

If an entrepreneur violates federal law, he and the store will face administrative punishment. It is also provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses - Article 14.53. A citizen will pay 2-3 thousand rubles, a cashier or seller - 5-10 thousand rubles, and a legal entity - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Where to report violations

When it is necessary to report a violation of the rules for the circulation of tobacco products, contact the local police department. The district police officer or other authorized employee will conduct an inspection or test purchase (if there is a complaint about sales to teenagers). If a violation is discovered, the perpetrators will be required to pay a fine.


The circulation of tobacco products is strictly regulated by Russian laws. The main goals of such control are caring for the health of citizens and collecting taxes. Tobacco is an excisable product, so everyone who sells it uses an online cash register. From it, sales data is immediately sent to the Federal Tax Service. Packs of cigarettes cannot be displayed openly in shop windows - only a list of the available range. For violating trade regulations, you will have to pay a large fine - up to 150 thousand rubles.

Cigarettes are a product that will always be in demand. Therefore, when opening a retail outlet, you should think about selling tobacco products. In order for such a business to bring good profits, it is necessary to understand all the nuances of its opening and registration. How to start a cigarette business will be discussed further in the article.

Advantages and disadvantages of a sales business

Before starting your business activity in the field of cigarette sales, you must carefully study all the possible benefits and risks of such activity. Since cigarettes are a small consumable item that may be needed at any moment, small retail outlets selling them have not lost their relevance today. Selling cigarettes can be a very profitable business. Its main advantages are the following:

  • presence of constant active demand;
  • the possibility of opening small retail outlets;
  • the ability to hire a small staff;
  • long shelf life of tobacco products;
  • short payback period for initial investments.

The market for the sale of tobacco products is characterized by great competition. If there is good demand, then there will always be many supply options for it. Therefore, small points selling cigarettes are most often opened in crowded places. For beginners in this field of activity, it is worth choosing a place where there is expected to be a large flow of people and a small number of similar kiosks around. It may be worth taking a closer look at the new residential areas and the area around them.

One of the most important negative aspects of starting a business selling tobacco products is the considerable amount of start-up capital. The bulk of the initial investment will be directed to the purchase of goods.

Tobacco business license

On the territory of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2005, Federal Law No. 80 is in force, which states that entrepreneurs engaged in the sale of tobacco products do not need to obtain a special license or certificates.

Also, the sale of tobacco products dated February 23, 2013 is regulated by Federal Law No. 15 “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.” Any commercial activity related to cigarettes is regulated by this law. This “anti-tobacco law” introduced and is introducing certain restrictions on doing business in cigarettes. It provides for a ban on smoking in any public places, cinemas, etc. Since 2018, only those outlets that have special official registration can sell cigarettes. Certain restrictions were also introduced for the form of sale of tobacco products.

Thus, you cannot sell tobacco products through small windows. In addition, the ban affected the individual sale of cigarettes. Now, you cannot buy less than one packaged pack. To persons under the age of 18 and who have not presented the appropriate documents, the sale of tobacco products is strictly prohibited.

According to this law, the area of ​​a cigarette outlet in the city should not be less than 25 sq.m. If it is not possible to provide such conditions in rural areas, then cigarettes can only be sold in delivery form.

Also, when choosing a place to open a store selling tobacco products, an entrepreneur must take into account the list of areas prohibited for such activities. Cigarettes cannot be sold in medical institutions, train stations, sports institutions, at stations and public transport stops, in hotels, hostels, sanatoriums and boarding houses.

According to this law, there are certain requirements that the design of a cigarette outlet must meet. So, it must contain:

  • at least one place where tobacco will be sold;
  • packages sold should contain no more than 20 cigarettes;
  • a specially equipped place for the sale of cigarettes;
  • warehouse (utility room) where they will receive and store tobacco products for sale;
  • the range of products of such a store must be written in black font on a white A4 sheet (the price and name of the cigarettes must be clearly stated);
  • each tobacco product must have a state-issued excise stamp;
  • For all products sold in the store there must be documents from the manufacturer about the quality of the product and its compliance with certain standards.

There are also certain rules for displaying tobacco products in a store. Thus, it is prohibited to openly sell cigarettes. The entire assortment must be placed in closed boxes; transparent glass display cases cannot be used. It is also prohibited to display electronic cigarettes, which in appearance are very similar to the tobacco version.

How to start a business selling tobacco products?

To open a cigarette business, you need to decide on a sales format. If you plan to open a retail kiosk, you must carefully read the requirements for its design. It is important to take into account that the size of its premises cannot be less than 25 square meters. m. If you follow all the requirements, then opening such a retail outlet will require the least investment and at the same time give a relatively quick return on investment.

There is also the option of opening a retail outlet in the market. But in this case, it is necessary to provide for such requirements as the mandatory presence of a utility room.

One of the options for a cigarette business would be to organize a wholesale trade. The key point of this form of vision of entrepreneurial activity is the search for reliable suppliers. Just in case, it is necessary to provide a couple of backup options from large manufacturers.
An entrepreneur who decides to engage in wholesale sales in the tobacco business needs to find a large amount of initial investment in order to purchase large quantities of goods for sale. Having a loyal customer base is also very important. Therefore, it is worth immediately providing for various bonus programs and promotions in order to retain several regular customers.

Choosing a location and premises

An important step in creating any trading business is choosing a place to sell products. In this case, the tobacco business has its own nuances.

One of the two key criteria for selecting a place to sell cigarettes is:

  • this place is not prohibited by law for locating such a retail outlet;
  • in this place you can put a stall with an area of ​​at least 25 square meters. m.

In addition, it is worth considering that not every suitable place can make a good profit from selling tobacco products. Most often they are bought in two situations: when cigarettes have run out and you need to buy them urgently, or in reserve. The ideal option for retail outlets would be a situation where cigarettes need to be purchased urgently.

When choosing a location, the assortment of goods and their price play an important role.

Buyers who make their choice of cigarettes based on price usually clearly know their need for them. It is more profitable and easier for them to buy whole blocks of packs, for example, for a month. They use every possible way to save money on their addiction. For them, the best option is cigarettes in the middle and low price segment. The location of the retail outlet is not the most important for such buyers, since they are ready to go to any part of the city for the best offer. For this segment of buyers, the most important thing is to ensure effective word of mouth, which will be based on a liberal pricing policy.

By giving a lucrative offer, you can create a base of regular customers who will recommend your “favorite store” to other smokers. The main thing is to maintain this pricing policy all the time, because in this case cigarette brands can be leveled out.

Buyers who are primarily interested in “what they smoke” and not “for how much” will choose cigarettes of a certain brand. If they don’t find what they need in the store’s assortment, such a buyer can do without cigarettes and look for them in the next store. Retail outlets for such a target audience should be selected in pass-through (but permitted) places. It is very important to monitor your assortment and constantly analyze changes in demand. This way you can replenish your stock with the best-selling brands from time to time. It is also important to supplement the range of products with related smoking items (lighters, matches, chewing gum, etc.). They very often account for up to half of the monthly income.

How to set prices for cigarettes?

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 187 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, some types of tobacco products must be labeled with the maximum retail price at the time of production. This is an important point in pricing in the tobacco business. The inscription must be clear and readable.

The minimum retail price at the required time is determined by the manufacturer himself. The relevant tax authorities must be notified of this. In Art. No. 13 of Federal Law No. 15 states that the minimum cost of a pack of cigarettes should not be less than 75% of the MRP.

If the owner of a business selling cigarettes sells goods at prices below the minimum or above the maximum cost, he will bear administrative liability under parts 1 and 2 of Article No. 14.6. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

An entrepreneur must set prices for his products, taking into account all the nuances. This will help you more accurately determine future profits. In theory, retail outlets selling tobacco products cannot bring a profit of more than 25%.

Do I need to buy a franchise to sell cigarettes?

You can create a cigarette business either independently or through a franchise. The second option will be simpler. All the nuances regarding the design of a retail outlet and the sales format are decided by the main company. They will also become reliable partners from whom goods will constantly be supplied for sale. But, in this case, the entrepreneur’s profit is limited within the pricing policy set by the main company.

For those who are trying themselves for the first time in this area of ​​trade, the easiest way is to buy a franchise. So, there is an opportunity to learn from the inside all the intricacies of the tobacco business, and then open your own business.

Equipment for a stall selling tobacco products

Since there is a rule prohibiting the display of tobacco products, the store selling them must be provided with a humidor. This is a box that contains tobacco products. It maintains a certain humidity and temperature at which tobacco products can be stored in commercial form for a long time.

In addition to such a box, the entrepreneur needs to purchase:

  • safe;
  • airtight material for packaging goods when transporting them in large quantities;
  • cash register (receipts must be issued to all customers);
  • furniture and shelving.

All the space in such a store can be allocated for placing the goods sold, leaving a small comfortable area for the seller.


In the process of selecting workers for a cigarette kiosk, it is important to take into account their work schedule and location. If this establishment is open 24 hours a day, then it is necessary to hire at least 4 sellers.

Retail outlets in residential areas usually operate 12-hour shifts. For this, two sellers will be enough. The average salary of employees of such institutions is about 8-12 thousand rubles. in small towns. Since the tobacco business is a trade sector, interest from sales in the form of a salary can be a good motivation for the active work of sellers. In this case, finding employees is not so difficult, since they do not require specialized education.

How to find good suppliers?

In the sale of tobacco products, an important issue is the search for reliable partners.

If the sales format is aimed at a target audience that is interested in a certain type of tobacco, it is necessary to ensure its stable availability in the assortment. Otherwise, it is very easy to lose regular customers.

When looking for partners, you should carefully study the companies that sell tobacco products in the city. Also, in order to avoid risks, it is necessary to navigate the wholesale cigarette sales market. If supplies from main partners suddenly drop off, it’s worth being able to quickly purchase the required product yourself.

A potential partner is required to present all necessary quality certificates.

Sale of tobacco products: income, expenses, profitability

The total amount of basic starting investments in such a business will be about 170,000 rubles, which will cover the following expenses:

  • expenses for official registration of the enterprise: 10,000 rubles;
  • cost of equipment (depending on the size of the outlet): about 50,000 rubles;
  • the cost of renting the premises (will depend on its size and location): 15,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods for sales: about 60,000 rubles;
  • salary (2 employees): about 30,000 rubles;
  • additional expenses: 5 thousand rubles.

The average expected profit per month from such a retail outlet cannot be more than 25%. It is a mistake to think that the tobacco business brings big profits in the first month. This is a type of trade that needs to be developed and its sales volumes increased.

If a retail outlet sells about 100 packs of cigarettes per day at a cost of 70 rubles per pack, then the daily income can be 7,000 rubles.

On average, you can get about 210,000 rubles per month from such a stall. Real net income can be 80-90,000 rubles/month.

The average payback period for a cigarette business will be 6-8 months. This business activity has an average level of profitability.

How to register a tobacco business?

To register a business selling tobacco products, you must officially register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

There is a simplified taxation system for individual entrepreneurs, so this form of business would be the best option for opening a tobacco kiosk. To open such a retail outlet, you must obtain official permission from the fire inspectorate, sanitary and epidemiological station and Rospotrebnadzor.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you must present copies of your passport and TIN, as well as pay a state fee and add the corresponding receipt to the package of documents.

The total annual tobacco market worldwide is worth more than US$600 billion. The products of this branch of the food industry are in constant demand and in almost every corner of the planet. Opening your own tobacco business is an opportunity to make a profitable investment to generate income, regardless of the season or consumer preferences.

Currently, a large number of social campaigns are being conducted aimed at reducing the number of smokers in society and discrediting the tobacco business. Despite this, the number of people consuming such industrial products is not decreasing. These data indicate the potential success of the idea of ​​opening a cigarette shop or vending machine to sell tobacco products.

Despite the seemingly great competition in this business segment, the real struggle for a place in the cigarette trade niche is just beginning. A thorough market analysis, competent marketing, and informed business decisions can help create a profitable, competitive enterprise.

Tobacco products are not as demanding on storage conditions as other food industry products. It is always in demand and has its buyer. In many ways, these two factors are decisive when choosing to open a tobacco shop as a business.

Rules for trade in tobacco products

The rules for running a tobacco business are determined by legislation or other regulatory documents of a particular region or country. For example, in Ukraine there is licensing for the sale of cigarettes. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this practice has recently been abolished.
Before deciding to open a tobacco shop or kiosk, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules for trading products in the relevant region.

Trade in tobacco products has a number of features and rules that all market participants must adhere to:

Sales of goods must take place in specially equipped places (shops, kiosks, tobacco shops);
a trading establishment must have an electronic cash register or a commodity cash book;
an enterprise selling a tobacco product must be registered as a business entity;
the sale of cigarettes is prohibited on the territory of educational and medical institutions, and venues for sporting events;
The seller has no right to sell products below or above the retail price established by the state.

Services provided to tobacco kiosks

The main service of a tobacco shop is the sale of nicotine products. To increase the profitability of a business, it is necessary to include in the assortment the maximum possible number of types of products and related products.

The point of sale of tobacco products should have a wide range of products. So, it is necessary to take into account all the tastes of customers: include in the line of products offered women’s cigarettes, thin, light, with all kinds of flavors or tastes. For connoisseurs of cigars and cigarillos, it is necessary to ensure the availability of the appropriate product. Recently, hookah smoking has become increasingly popular. If the room allows, you can provide a compartment with hookah pipes and mixtures.

Matches and lighters are usually sold as related products. The assortment can be expanded by adding chewing gum, means to eliminate bad breath, etc. Some points of sale of tobacco products provide space for a coffee machine in the premises. Many customers, especially in the morning, would not mind pampering themselves with an aromatic drink along with quality tobacco.

The relevance of opening a tobacco kiosk

The number of smokers in the post-Soviet space, on average, is 25% of the total adult population. Despite the large-scale fight against nicotine addiction, these numbers remain at this level from year to year. Therefore, the business of selling tobacco products, at least in the foreseeable future, will always have its client.

The sale of nicotine-containing products in specialized outlets is quite relevant. As a rule, the client already has an established taste in cigarettes. When he comes to a tobacco store, he will not spend a long time choosing a brand or brand or require professional advice. The main task of the trading platform is to provide the buyer with the necessary goods as quickly and conveniently as possible.

Franchise work

Working as a franchise in the tobacco retail sector has both its advantages and disadvantages. The latter, as in many other business areas, include the need to meet the requirements of the franchisor and the inability to make independent decisions.

However, working under a franchise will be useful for beginning entrepreneurs or businessmen who want to expand the range of their store. For example, such not very popular products as chewing tobacco or paper for homemade cigarettes can significantly increase the status of the store in the eyes of customers. But it doesn’t make sense to buy a wholesale batch of products because of the long lead time for their sale. The franchisor can provide the tobacco shop with such a product in exactly the quantity it needs.

In addition, franchisees can always receive expert assistance in legal matters or on topics related to the market segment. Some companies provide their “sponsored” necessary equipment or goods on credit or for rent.
Competitive advantages

The competitive advantages of a tobacco shop, and especially a kiosk, are difficult to create even for the most experienced entrepreneurs. The main criterion for such a store in the eyes of the client is the speed and quality of service. The buyer will not stand in line at the supermarket for a pack of cigarettes - it is important for him to quickly purchase the right product and go on about his business.

At the point of sale of nicotine products, the client expects to receive related products - matches, lighters, chewing gum. He also expects that a specialized point of sale will definitely have exactly the brand of cigarettes that he smokes.

Promotion and advertising.

Typically, a small tobacco kiosk does not require a separate advertising campaign. It is important for a potential client to know that somewhere nearby you can purchase the necessary product. Therefore, it is advisable to take care of external advertising or signage that will clearly make it clear about the products being sold.
If a point of sale of nicotine-containing products offers exclusive brands or is part of a large network, then an advertising company is in demand. Such stores have their own customers, to whom it is important to inform about the opening of another service point.

What do you need to open a tobacco kiosk?

To properly open a tobacco kiosk from scratch, you need to implement the following stages of entrepreneurial activity:
draw up a financial plan for the future store;
document business activities;
choose the right premises and personnel;
purchase or rent the necessary equipment;
purchase goods necessary for sale;
take care of external advertising.

It is important to remember that some regions have their own characteristics of organizing and running a tobacco business. Thus, in Ukraine, even a small stall selling cigarettes must have a special license. And in Russia, from July 1, 2018, vending (trade) machines for selling retail products must be equipped with special online cash registers.

Documents for registration of a tobacco kiosk

Before completing all the necessary documents for opening a stall selling tobacco products, you need to decide with whom the newly created enterprise will cooperate. For a small kiosk it will be enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. If you plan to conduct most of your business relations with legal entities, it is better to register as a limited liability company (LLC).
It is important to remember that individual entrepreneurs have the advantage of a simplified taxation system. At the same time, the liability of an entrepreneur in the event of bankruptcy of an LLC is limited only to the amount of the contribution.
It is necessary to purchase a cash register at a retail outlet and enter into a contract for its maintenance. Like most business entities, you will need to sign documents with the trade and fire inspection, SES and Rospotrebnadzor.
Room and location
The location of the point of sale of tobacco products is one of the most important factors influencing the success of the business. It is important that there is a large flow of people at the place where the products are sold. To do this, it is necessary to study the possibilities of locating a store in the central areas of a populated area, residential neighborhoods, and in places of transport interchanges.
The premises for a tobacco shop can be an ordinary kiosk, which can be purchased or rented. It is important to coordinate the location of the point of sale with the local administration. In some settlements, a fight is being waged against small architectural forms (SAFs) that disrupt the architectural ensemble of streets.
You should never set up a retail establishment in the basement or on the second floor. The principle of a tobacco shop for most customers sounds like this: “come quickly, buy quickly, leave quickly.”

Equipment and assortment for a kiosk selling tobacco.

The choice of equipment for a retail space depends on its size. The last thing you have to worry about is setting up a kiosk selling cigarettes. It will require:

Cash machine;
safe for storing proceeds;
chair for the seller;
shelves on the windows;
It is advisable to have bars if the outlet will be open late.

In larger shops or stores, you will need to purchase display cases and a cabinet to store the products sold. The implementation of an additional assortment will require, accordingly, the purchase of separate equipment - a coffee machine, a water refrigerator, etc.

In a given region, there are from 10 to 30 popular cigarette brands that are preferred by smokers. This is the assortment you should count on when ordering the initial batch of goods for a tobacco shop. It is necessary to choose a reliable supplier. Which can provide the necessary assortment. You should not immediately order exclusive or expensive tobacco - the bulk of the retail establishment’s revenue comes from the mass buyer. Over time, it will be possible to better understand customer preferences and adjust the assortment.

Staff for a tobacco kiosk

The number of hired workers for a kiosk selling tobacco products depends on its operating hours. The greatest income comes from retail outlets operating round knocks. If this is not possible, it is advisable to extend its operation to at least 22-23 hours.
An entrepreneur selling nicotine-containing products in a stall or kiosk will have to hire at least two sellers. The work schedule for subordinates is usually set in the form of shifts - two every two days or some other way. Payment of staff wages must consist of the minimum required by law and an allowance. As the latter, you can set a certain percentage of sales. This way, sellers will be interested in the successful functioning of the enterprise.

Business plan for a tobacco kiosk

Before you calculate how much it will cost , you need to decide on its format. A small kiosk will require less investment than a tobacco shop with a wide range of main and additional products.

In order not to make mistakes with the calculations, it is necessary to clearly calculate the initial and regular investments in rubles. The first includes registering a business, purchasing equipment and goods, and purchasing premises. If the retail space will be rented, then it is worth transferring the amount of costs to regular investments. As a starting investment, you may need to spend on an advertising campaign when opening a point.

Regular investments

Regular investments in a tobacco store include:
costs of renting premises and paying for utilities;
employee salary expenses;
tax deductions;
purchasing goods as they are sold.

The general expenses that you will have to spend on at first look something like this:

Business registration - 10 thousand rubles;
purchase of necessary equipment - 60 thousand rubles;
salary of sellers - 30 thousand rubles (15 thousand rubles per person);
rental of premises - 8 thousand rubles;
purchase of the first batch of goods - 50 thousand rubles;
other - 6 thousand rubles.

The total investment amount will be about 164 thousand rubles. The given figure may change up or down. In different regions, the level of wages or the cost of renting premises is different.

Approximate opening dates

Approximately, opening such a business takes up to three months. During this period, it is necessary to register the enterprise and obtain permits (if required by law). Bureaucratic procedures usually take a month. It will take the same amount of time to find a suitable kiosk and arrange it. It is worthwhile to include about a month in the calendar plan for the selection of personnel, suppliers and the purchase of goods.

If you plan to open a large store selling tobacco products, it may take longer to open. In such a room it will be necessary to arrange a place for the sale of exclusive and additional goods. To sell elite varieties of tobacco, the establishment’s staff will have to learn a little knowledge of the characteristics of the products.
Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other type of business, a tobacco sales point has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects of the enterprise include:

Relatively low opening costs;
presence of constant demand;
there is no need to arrange a large room;
products have an almost unlimited shelf life;
no special equipment is required to store goods;
a small number of personnel whose work is easy to control;
minimum package of required documents;
with proper organization of the enterprise - a fairly quick payback.
The disadvantages of a tobacco shop as a type of business activity include:
high competition;
the need for initial capital investment;
relatively low monthly earnings, which cannot be increased due to seasonality or a sharp increase in demand;
negative social perception of the business owner by healthy lifestyle activists.

Risks and payback of a tobacco kiosk.

The business of selling tobacco products at retail is not extremely profitable, but it can provide its owner with a regular income. The sale of excisable goods is associated with certain risks, primarily related to compliance with laws. Shop sellers must not sell products to minors or at inflated prices.

Choosing the right location for a kiosk is the key to a successful enterprise. In an established niche for the sale of tobacco products, it is sometimes difficult to find an area through which a large number of potential customers pass.

Beginning entrepreneurs often encounter unscrupulous suppliers who miss delivery deadlines. Some wholesalers may “slip” counterfeit, low-quality, or completely unnecessary goods for a businessman. To avoid such a situation, it is important to study competitors’ reviews of suppliers and choose the most acceptable one.

The profitability of a business depends on the size of the locality and the number of clients. The maximum markup that kiosk owners can afford is 30%, but usually it does not exceed 15-20%.

When selling 50 packs of cigarettes per day at an average price of 70 rubles, the daily revenue of the trading platform will be 3.5 thousand rubles. therefore, an entrepreneur will receive about 100 thousand rubles per month, of which 25-30 thousand rubles are net income. Thus, in the best case, a kiosk selling tobacco products will pay for itself in six months. Beginning entrepreneurs should be guided by the fact that it will be possible to finally return the initial investment after a year.