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Quotes about big eyes. Phrases about eyes. Who owns the aphorism “Empty eyes are an empty soul”

  • Shh... Your eyes better ask for forgiveness.
  • You can drown in blue eyes, like in the ocean... or you can swim out, if you know how to swim... It’s not clear what to do with green eyes, it’s like a swamp, if it gets sucked in, that’s it...
  • It is easy to deceive the eyes, but it is difficult to deceive the heart.
  • The eyes are gray-blue, each one kind, some evil.
  • And yet the eye draws only what it sees, but is deprived of the opportunity to know the soul!
  • Phrases about eyes with meaning

    • I believe! These eyes don't lie. After all, how many times have I told you that your main mistake is that you underestimate the value of human eyes.
    • He was alive, but it was difficult to understand it from his silent eyes.
    • It’s a pity that we don’t notice how loving eyes pass near us.
    • Look what your eyes are like! They are desert...
    • Beautiful phrases about eyes- If they ask me what is the most beautiful thing I have seen in the world, then I will answer without hesitation - your eyes!
  • Their eyes are full of sunset, their hearts are full of dawn.
  • Eyes can tell each other a lot, and answer different questions without words. And if you couldn’t read something in them: the wrong eyes... Not the ones you wanted to meet.
  • They see illusion with their eyes, but truth with their hearts.
  • The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, figure or hairstyle. It glows in her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gates of the heart in which love lives.
  • He has eyes that everyone should remember. It’s better for me, being careful, not to look at them at all.
  • A man can close his eyes, Menedemos thought. - Why can't he do the same with his ears?
  • How much grief and melancholy still fits in two such small spots that can be covered with one finger - in human eyes.
  • Never offend or try to lie to a person who looks into your eyes and sees his life in them!
  • Sometimes it is easier to look into the eyes of death than into the eyes of a person.
  • One day, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, I will meet her, and I will see two more, in which I will drown.
  • Everything about him was old, except for his eyes, and his eyes were the color of the sea, the cheerful eyes of a man who does not give up...
  • Putting on a smile... does not mean being happy. Happy people smile with their eyes...
  • If you have smart eyes and a mysterious smile, it means you are being photographed.
  • Black eyes have more power of expression and more liveliness, but blue eyes have more meekness and tenderness.
  • When a woman speaks to you, listen to what she says with her eyes.
  • Men always try to notice your eyes and try to understand what information you convey with their help, even if you don't.
  • Our holiest tears never appear before our eyes.
  • Phrases about eyes with meaning- Don’t rush to break the silence... Saying unnecessary words... If you want to hear the soul... Look carefully into the eyes.
  • Sometimes the eyes remain dry, and the heart quietly cries.
  • When I look into your sweet eyes, I see the look of an angel!
  • He died - the poet's caravan left the mortal world. But how can we calculate the loss - who can give an answer? The eyes, without thinking, will say: “Only one is gone,” But the mind will sadly exclaim: “How many are gone!”

    He is gentle, your lips are a bud, your beautiful eyes are pure, your teeth are diamond, and again, like a dream, your beautiful eyes. Lanita - roses with milk, and again deep eyes, movements - stiffness with fire, ah, those beautiful eyes! And there is thick night in the hair, but eyes, eyes - depth! You are the daughter of slender mountains, your figure is like a poplar, like a string. And the shadow falls femininely, beautiful eyes glow. Alas, only the heart is like flint, but... beautiful eyes burn.

    Eyes are the most dangerous thing a person has.

    The eyes never lie.

    “Yes” is a word that women pronounce more easily with their eyes than with their lips.

    Look into my eyes, and you will not be able to express your feelings arbitrarily! - It’s even more difficult, ma’am…. - Nothing is impossible in love, Lovely!

    She had extraordinary eyes. They reminded me of the seashore, and, I don’t know why, I took it and called it Ocean.

    “You said that you believe in the great wizard behind the scenes.” - I believe. - And that you want to look him in the eyes. - I look.

    Awakening from silence and oblivion, I jumped up, pressing my hands to my face. Then he took a deep breath and opened his eyes in fear. No, this is not an illusion, not a deception of the senses, and not a dream; it's true, standing in front of me was a beautiful woman with infinitely deep golden eyes. The vision shocked me. Oh, if only this feeling of serenity and peace did not disappear!

    In these last hours of the night, the idea came to me to blind myself, so as not to see anything else, so that I could forever contemplate only these golden eyes with my inner gaze. I turned around, I wanted to rush back and shout: “No, no, I won’t leave you!” And yet I did not do this, but went on my way, day after day, night after night, like everyone else. But in the evenings, when the starry night turned silvery blue, I sat down at the piano and played the Moonlight Sonata. At the same time, I was completely calm, and my heart overflowed with happiness; after all, what I did was right. So I can love her forever, so she is the mistress of my life! Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't left. Again and again, to the sounds of triplets scattering like a silver rain, I feel her approaching me and freeing me from suffering and worries; I hear her voice again, reminding me of matte gold strewn with roses: “Let's go home...”

    Screen. The screen is put on display, and, of course, this makes her happy. It’s no coincidence that the screen just falls to the floor every time out of delight. They put the screen on display, But in vain she is so alarmed: After all, she is here to divert her eyes From what she is not supposed to see.

    Shh... Your eyes better ask for forgiveness.

    When you speak as a human being, do not listen to what the tongue babbles. Talk to his eyes. Only they will tell you what his mind is thinking.

    There is no soul... There is only my body, Performing everything automatically... For others, everything is clear and skillful - For me, everything is missed and inappropriate. I don’t dare to complain and get angry, Blame people, fate and God... If a bird has lost its wings, Its way to the sky is forbidden! only my unpreparedness for it... For others, everything is clear and skillful - For me, everything is past and inappropriate. So, raising my eyes to my native sky, I’m lying like a swift on the asphalt...

    The sparkle of her eyes was as memorable to me as the sunrise at dawn and the first pouring rain of October.

    I go crazy about you. Your emerald-colored eyes attract you better than any magnet. Your thin, soft features with a gentle smile; your dark brown thick hair; your gentle hands; your fast heartbeat; your tight hugs; your unforgettable sweet and intoxicating smell - it all captivates me every day, again and again. I think I will never find a limit to these feelings. I completely drowned in love for you.

    He has your eyes. So incredible, bright, I will drown in them for the rest of my life.

    I want to see you again. And even if I don’t have the courage to look at you again, I’m always glad to just be next to you, furtively observing your gestures.

    And she looked into his dark eyes, unable to resist the magical attraction of their hearts, but stubbornly driving away from herself all the thoughts that occupied his essence. His heart sank to his feet when he leaned towards her and carefully touched his cheek with his palm, pushing her hair back and continuing to gaze intently into her very soul. A moment and their lips touched, setting off an irrevocable mechanism in their hearts and causing fireworks of various shades of emotions to splash out, rise from the chest to the collarbones and spread with a pleasant warmth that makes their limbs tremble. Two beautiful souls barely audibly touched at the tips of their lips, having gotten dirty from the greasy fingers of their previous partners, but having not lost their sincerity and warmth over time. A pleasant feeling spread through their bodies while their souls sang in unison, dancing happily in the middle of a fountain of deep feelings spreading in all directions, and with a sigh of pleasure they fell into the abyss of fateful and fatal love that gripped two hearts at the same time.

    If you have never cried, your eyes cannot be beautiful.

    Sophia Loren

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    She looked at me like I was looking at an unoccupied taxi.

    Ramon Gomez de la Serna

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    To think that the eye, with all its unique adaptations for setting the focus at different distances, for transmitting different amounts of light, for smoothing out spherical and chromatic distortions, could have been formed in the course of natural selection, I confess, seems to me utter absurdity.

    Charles Darwin

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    You can say everything with a look, and yet you can always renounce a look, since it cannot be repeated exactly.


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    You know that very special look that a woman gives you when she wants intimacy with you? I do not know either.

    Steve Martin

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    If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already examined everything else.

    Yanina Ipohorskaya

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    When you don't take your eyes off a woman, she becomes prettier before your eyes.

    Arkady Davidovich

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    I saw Napoleon on the Elbe. He had dark gray, languid eyes, like those of a restive horse.

    Lord John Russell

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    Learn to give signals in Morse code: short and long glances.

    Yanina Ipohorskaya

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    The eyes show what you are now, the mouth - what you will become.

    John Galsworthy

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    Everyone dreams that in the look of his girlfriend there is something from the look of a dog.

    Yanina Ipohorskaya

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    The human eye is a microscope through which the world is seen larger than it is.

    Kahlil Gibran

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    Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes.

    Coco Chanel

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    It's better to live with a broken heart than with your eyes closed.

    Alexandra Bulgakova

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    Whoever once looked into the moss moss of my eyes, into the forest of eyelashes and between the eyebrows, saw the palace where the birch bark Savior kisses the saffron Brahma...

    Nikolay Klyuev

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    Suddenly, about three hundred paces away, something flashed, the juniper bushes parted and among the dark needles a gray triangular head with pointed ears and bloodshot eyes appeared. I couldn’t shoot, because the wolf was still too far away, and he waited patiently, although my heart was still beating. Soon the animal came out of the bushes and in several leaps approached the bushes, carefully sniffing from all sides. One hundred and fifty paces away, the wolf stopped, as if he had sensed something. I knew that he wouldn’t come any closer and pulled the trigger.

    Henryk Sienkiewicz

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    I love your eyes, my friend, With their fiery, wonderful play, When you suddenly perceive them And, like heavenly lightning, You quickly glance around the whole circle...

    Fyodor Tyutchev

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    Oh, eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. Everything is seen.

    Michael Bulgakov

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    What's there in the eyes? Protein, pupil. Lens, iris, cornea. Eyeball, retina. Color. It is different, but it is only a color: green, brown, blue - it is blue, green, brown everywhere, and there is nothing personal in it. […] And everything that is said about the eyes, which are this and that, sometimes good, sometimes evil, sometimes there is a mystery in them, sometimes an abyss, sometimes fear, and everything that is said about gentle eyes, about smart, stupid, even beautiful , about penetrating, about staring eyes, about fox, wolf, about crazy, about burning and about eyes that are easy to recognize from a thousand, all this is facial expressions and nothing else, all this is the eloquent words of artists, quite vulgar, by the way, word.

    Andrey Dmitriev

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    - Hello!.. - He waited a little and repeated: - Dad, hello!.. Eh, you!.. Dream-grass. The hundred-year-old looked at him intently, the folds around his eyes somehow thickening, but they were terrible eyes without thought.

    Sergey Sergeev-Tsensky

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    She was the only one I remember who looked me straight in the eye - as if I meant something.

    Ray Bradbury

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    I adored the eyes alone, - There is so much tenderness in them, so much affection! When I kissed them, the colors stuck to my lips.

    Mikhail Savoyarov

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    With our eyes lowered into the pan (Not in a literal sense, however), we spent an hour peeling potatoes, celery, carrots and onions.

    Sasha Cherny

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    Ah, I’m in love with the eyes alone, I’m carried away by their play... How wonderfully good they are, But whose they are, I won’t reveal.

    Tatiana Shchepkina-Kupernik

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    The blue and lilac colchicum blossomed in the meadow And your eyes are of the same tones

    Guillaume Apollinaire

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    Is it possible to explain anything when you don't look each other in the eyes?

    Erich Maria Remarque

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    I knew since childhood that there is a plant called “night blindness”. If you rub your eyes with it, you can go blind, although it seems not permanently. And it’s called that because chickens don’t see anything at dusk and climb up to roost early. But I didn’t know that there really was such a disease - “night blindness”.

    Konstantin Vanshenkin

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    If I open my eyes at the wrong time, I won’t be able to see the fundus, but the dregs at the bottom are visible, which cannot be explained by melancholy.

    Mikhail Aizenberg

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    Is Pavlik’s exclamation clear now? Know that I am ready to climb any fire, If only I know that they will look at me - Your eyes... Mine, modest: Eyes brown, the color of horse chestnut, with something golden at the bottom, dark brown with – at the bottom – amber: not Baltic: eastern: red.

    Marina Tsvetaeva

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    She lived in this world like a red twig: flexible, beautiful and accessible. - Are you blooming? - asked Grigory. - Like roadside henbane! - Squinting her radiant eyes, Daria smiled dazzlingly.

    Mikhail Sholokhov

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    Countess... - she was indeed already waiting for me in the garden..., this kind woman who at first glance is not very old, not very old, but not very young either, not very young. Besides, she's not too ugly, but she's not too pretty either. Perhaps only one thing was certain about her: her eyes, stunning gray eyes! And especially the old way she used them! This look... it immediately caught me... and did not let go until she herself looked away.

    Alphonse Allais

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    Now raising her eyes, like an honest and cheerful woman, now lowering them, she left the house, driven by a weak hope, the futility of which she herself recognized. The autumn sun was shining warmly, the sweet smell of a leaf of a still green lemon, and the blossoming geranium burned under the steeple with red spots, like a cardinal’s cassock...

    Leonid Andreev

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    What eyes she had, dear sir! For the sake of your peace of mind, I wish you never to meet anyone like him! They were neither blue nor black, but a special, unique color, specially created for them. They were dark, fiery and velvety, a color found only in Siberian garnets and some garden flowers. I will show you a scabiosa and a variety of stockrose, almost black, which resemble, although they do not accurately convey, the wonderful shade of her eyes.

    Marina Tsvetaeva

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    He has stupid eyes. Where there are smart eyes, there is stupidity and disgusting... And he has stupid eyes, but he is smart...

    Andrey Dmitriev

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    Eyes are the initials of the soul.

    Don Aminado

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    Eyes accustomed to the steppes, Eyes accustomed to tears, Green - salty - Peasant eyes!

    Marina Tsvetaeva

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    - There is nothing more difficult than looking a person straight in the eyes and telling the truth...

    I liked being looked at while my eyes were closed.

    "Andre Aciman"

    People often tell me that I have beautiful eyes... and they also say a lot of things about my eyes.

    You can fly into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes all your life.

    There should be a reflection of happiness in the eyes of beautiful and big ones.

    I want to see you again. And even if I don’t have the courage to look at you again, I’m always glad to just be next to you, furtively observing your gestures.

    "Valeria Sidelnikova"

    Do you know that he has the bluest eyes I've ever seen in my life? You know, of course...

    "Janusz Leon Wisniewski"

    You can drown in blue eyes, like in the ocean... or you can swim out if you know how to swim... it’s not clear what to do with green eyes, it’s like a swamp, if you get stuck, then that’s it

    The most beautiful eyes in the world are wanted, they crossed the territory of friendship and stole my heart, I look into them and realize that I love you.

    Your eyes are like two diamonds in a deep African mine.

    There is one world in which my soul feels at home... This is the world of your thoughtful eyes...

    If you have never cried, your eyes cannot be beautiful.

    Looking into a person’s eyes, you need to see his soul in them, and not just your own reflection.

    You can always recognize a stupid man by his stupid eyes. But women's eyes... The devil knows them! Either depth or languor; It’s either a thought or curiosity... and suddenly she’s a fool!

    "Sasha Black"

    Eyes that have never cried cannot be beautiful.

    "Sophia Loren"

    It would take at least a hundred eyes to be able to close them to everything.

    "Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

    Green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by their loyalty to those they choose.

    Eyes, nose and lips are what we pay attention to first when we evaluate someone's appearance, including our own.

    "Vadim Nord"

    The most beautiful place in a person is the eyes. The best moments in life are when those eyes look at you.

    If your right eye offends you, pluck it out...

    "Margaret Mitchell"

    I always dreamed of seeing in her eyes the love that is in mine. And today, finally, I saw her. But she is not for me...

    Is it possible to explain anything when you don't look each other in the eyes?

    "Erich Maria Remarque"

    The eyes, like the mirror of the soul, cannot smooth out the impressions from the mirror glass.

    "Gennady Efimovich Malkin"

    Women's eyes speak clearer than words.

    A stranger is a person whom you have not looked into the eyes, because one glance is enough to understand a lot.

    She liked his eyes - their irises consisted of orange and green flecks, surprisingly distinct in the sunlight. And she also liked that he was so tall.

    "Ian McEwan"

    There are moments in life when tears cloud your eyes... but it’s a thousand times harder when your soul cries, but your eyes are dry...

    Eyes are the initials of the soul.

    They never looked into each other's eyes - they walked side by side, staring at the same target.

    "Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

    I looked into his eyes, and my heart began to beat, but not from the memories: I was overwhelmed by a real feeling, my mouth was dry, it became difficult to breathe. The place where his hand touched my back felt like it was burning with fire.

    "Stephanie Meyer"

    The artist paints through the eyes of love, and only the eyes of love should judge them.

    The eyes have the amazing ability to begin a conversation before the lips move, and can continue to speak when the lips have long been closed.

    All my life I have looked into people's eyes, but this is the only part of the body where, perhaps, the soul still resides.

    I lay down on the grass and my eyes filled with stars.

    "Iris Murdoch"

    Everything about him was old, except for his eyes, and his eyes were the color of the sea, the cheerful eyes of a man who does not give up...

    "Ernest Hemingway"

    When a man looks into my eyes, I feel uncomfortable. There is a feeling that either he examined everything else, or considered that there was nothing to look at.

    The eyes remained the same blue as I remembered them - the anchor that kept me on this planet.

    "Stephanie Meyer"

    Heaven is not mistaken - it is the eyes that deceive us.

    One careless, accidentally intercepted glance can sometimes say more than a long intimate conversation.

    "Marina Tsvetaeva"

    With the help of our eyes we receive all visual information. However, they can reveal our hidden feelings and thoughts. Sometimes eyes can say more than words.

    Eyes speak more than words - that's why when it hurts, we turn away.

    What is not in the thoughts will not be in the eyes.