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There has never been a better medicine for bones and joints than larkspur. Comfrey, which will heal any fractures and strengthen bones! Comfrey compress for fractures

, 4 plants for recovery after a fracture:

1. Comfrey (Symphitum officinalis L) - effective for fractures.

Also used for: various bone diseases, chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, purulent skin lesions, bleeding, the initial stage of tuberculosis, promotes tissue regeneration, significantly reduces pain.

Traditional medicine recipes that use comfrey:

* For fractures (when plaster is applied), take tincture of comfrey (aerial part). 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over comfrey, cool, and strain. Take 3 r. a dessert spoon per day for a month. You should not change the dose or increase the time of taking the tincture as the plant is quite poisonous.

* After your plaster is removed, the tincture can be used as a lotion 2-3 r. in a day.

* 10 g of finely chopped comfrey root or herb mixed with 100 g of pork (internal) fat; Keep this mixture in a water bath for 2 hours, it is necessary to let the tincture stand overnight, strain well. The resulting ointment must be rubbed onto the injury site in the morning and evening.

* Add 3 tbsp to 500 ml of water. comfrey roots, cover the dish with a lid and put on low heat for 30 minutes (just don’t boil), then leave for 4 hours, strain. Use for baths, washes and compresses.

Side effects. The plant contains quite toxic substances, which is why you should not take tinctures from the rhizome internally, and apply it externally only to intact skin. Contraindicated during pregnancy.

2. Larkspur (high larkspur, larkspur).

Also used for: fractures, inflammation of the lungs, whooping cough, all diseases of the genitourinary organs, headaches, pleurisy, female diseases, it also has an analgesic effect, a high antibacterial effect.

Recipes for folk remedies with larkspur for recovery after fractures:

* 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water over the raw material, let it sit for 1 hour, strain and use no more than 3-5 liters. per day - for fractures, as well as for jaundice, diseases of the genitourinary organs, and an enlarged liver. If the tincture remains, it can be used for lotions.

* For fractures or toothache, you can use larkspur poultices. Apply steamed larkspur grass to the fracture site or to the gums.

For burns, hernia and jaundice, you can make the following tincture. 1 tsp add larkspur (root) to ¼ liter of water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. Take 3 r. per day 1 tbsp.

Side effects. Larkspur is also a poisonous plant, so dosage must be strictly adhered to and taken orally with great caution.

3. Chaga (birch mushroom) - for fractures, it is advisable to use chaga.

Also used for: disinfection, inflammatory processes, treatment of tumors, injuries, high blood pressure, skin diseases.

Traditional medicine recipes that use birch mushroom (chaga):

* A small piece of chaga (about 10-15 g) must be poured with boiling water, infused and can be used as tea. For diseases that are accompanied by fluid retention in the body, it is worth limiting the use of such tea.

* Chaga tincture - soak ¼ kg of chaga in 2 liters of water, after the mushroom has softened, take it out (do not throw out the water) and grate it on a coarse grater, then put it back. The bowl with the mushroom should be placed on low heat and kept for 1 hour without bringing it to a boil. Strain and cool.

Side effects. With long-term use, the excitability of the autonomic nervous system increases, which disappears after discontinuation of use or a reduced dose. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. When using chaga, you should not administer intravenous glucose, and you should also not use penicillin.

4. Mumiyo(“mountain resin”, tears of the mountains) - good for bone healing.

Mumiyo is a substance of organic origin. Also used for: diseases of the liver, immune system, tissue restoration after injury, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

*Mumiyo is taken 0.1 g in the morning and evening for 4 weeks (months).
* After your plaster is removed, you can dilute the mummy and make lotions, but not less than 2 rubles. in a day.

* Mix ½ g with rose oil (drink), also wipe the fracture site.

* mumiyo and honey in a ratio of 1:20. 1 gr. Dissolve mumiyo in 1 tbsp. boiled water and leave for 1 day. Then add honey and mix well. Use 1 tbsp. 2 r. per day before meals (5-7 days)

For recovery after fractures It is recommended to eat fish (as it contains phosphorus and calcium), milk and dairy products (which contain a lot of easily digestible calcium).

Many people are recommended to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures after the cast is removed, but they can also be done at home. To do this, you need to take “Hercules”, boil it without salt in plain water and apply the hot pulp (just so that it does not burn) on the damaged area. Do not remove the bowl with the rest of the porridge from the heat, just turn the heat down. When the gruel has cooled, replace it with a new portion, but this time hot, and continue this for 30 minutes (7 days). It is not necessary to prepare new porridge every time.

Attention: treatment must be carried out under close medical supervision!

Be healthy!

Attention! Before using folk recipes for the treatment of diseases of various kinds, - consult your doctor, herbalists, to prevent negative consequences!


Who would have known that this herbaceous plant with purple, blue, violet or white bell-shaped flowers, so beautiful and festive, is very poisonous. Moreover, it, with a powerful root and a strong ribbed stem, covered with hairy bristles below, is capable of standing a person on his feet.

Meet Dr. Larkspur. It is also medicinal comfrey, bonebreaker, viz-grass, horned cornflower, tallow root or spur. There are so many statuses for one herb of God, which heals and helps to regain lost health.

In the form of an ambulance, comfrey moved to us from the distant lands of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia, China and settled in the forests and steppes of the European part of Russia. You can't help but notice him. Rising almost 2.5 meters above the ground, it greets the world with its oblong-ovate, dissected leaves. Either it will look out from the thickets of bushes, then from the slopes framing streams and rivulets, or importantly spread out on wet meadows.

A plant from the Buttercup family of the genus Delphinium (lat. Delphinium) blooms in May–June, but the healing power in the brown root with white crumbling pulp accumulates by late autumn. He is famous for his ability to treat fractures, help bones heal, restore damaged ligaments, and relieve pain.

Spurs are collected for medicinal raw materials at the age of three years, when the roots turn black. Inside there is white crumbling pulp that secretes mucus. In the old days they knew that this was done on the New Moon in November.

In the old days, comfrey was an ordinary garden crop. The stems were peeled and used in pickles, soups and seasonings. During religious fasts, he gave the body protein, essential vitamins and minerals.

Composition and healing properties

Like no other plant, larkspur contains a lot of allantoin or glyoxylic acid diureide. It is rich in alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, plant mucilage (water-soluble polysaccharide), vitamin B12.

It contains plant acids – phenolcarboxylic acids:

  • hydroxycinnamon;
  • lithospermic;
  • neochlorogenic;
  • chlorogenic;
  • rosemary;
  • coffee shop

The medicinal plant contains a set of tannins, proteins and triterpenes, phytosterols necessary for the human body (stigmasterol, β-sitosterol, isobauerenol in the form of a glycoside, triterpene alcohol).

The list of useful substances is supplemented by iridoids and inulin, choline and starch, and coumarins, monoterpene glycosides and traces of essential oil. The leaves and stems have organic calcareous compounds that solve osteoporosis problems. People respected larkspur for its amazing properties to heal various diseases. Its most important purpose is to restore damaged bones. In addition, they were treated:

  • pain in the joints and amputation stump;
  • inflammation of the periosteum;
  • osteochondrosis and phlebitis;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • sciatica and gout;
  • wounds and thrombophlebitis;
  • frostbite and burns;
  • chronic bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis and sore throat;
  • osteomyelitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease and diathesis;
  • mastitis and rheumatism;
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • enterocolitis and chronic colitis,
  • internal bleeding and nosebleeds;
  • dysentery and diarrhea;
  • kidney diseases and hemorrhoids;

The perennial helps lower blood pressure. Women use decoctions as a contraceptive. Comfrey gives those doomed a chance to defeat malignant tumors.

We repeat that larkspur is a very poisonous plant. Alkaloids - consolidine and cynoglossin in large doses cause paralysis of the central nervous system.

So, having an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, medicinal herbs work miracles of healing and give health.

Larkspur in traditional medicine recipes

The health warrior with its flowers, leaves and roots is used in decoctions, infusions, tinctures and ointments.

1. An ancient recipe from Transcarpathian herbalists for fractures, back pain, osteochondrosis. The rhizome is cleaned and pounded in a mortar (you can use a meat grinder). Fill with 1:3 only moonshine (not vodka or alcohol). Place the container in a dark place for seven days (shake 6 times daily). The tincture is effective until it is light, when it turns brown, you need to prepare a new portion. Used for compresses and rubbing.

2. Recipes of a Siberian healer for old salt deposits. This nuclear weapon is used to raise people who have been crushed by years of pain and suffering. The secret is simple. Peeled and crushed roots (1 part) are mixed with lard (2 parts). The ointment is rubbed into places where salts are deposited, for thrombophlebitis, and helps with boils and abscesses, burns.

3. Roots with honey will drive away salts from everywhere, and whoever needs it will also cure tuberculosis. Mix them in crushed form 1:4 with honey. For two weeks, take the mixture one teaspoon before meals half an hour. Break for 2 weeks and treat again.

4. The washed roots are wrapped in clean paper and stored in the basement or lower section of the refrigerator. Take it out and clean it. In the morning, cut off a 1 cm piece, chew it thoroughly and swallow the chaff to taste like hay. Do this half an hour before breakfast. Further according to the scheme:

  • 5 days of treatment – ​​10 days break;
  • 10 days of treatment – ​​20 days break;
  • 20 days of treatment - 30 breaks.

If the disease does not subside, repeat the course in the same sequence.

5. For diabetic foot. People suffering from diabetes may experience unbearable pain from cracks and wounds in their feet. Eventually, the disease can progress to gangrene. To prevent this from happening, a healing infusion is prepared in the Caucasus.

6. Dry crushed root (2 teaspoons) is poured with cold water - boiled and cooled (300 ml) for eight hours. Then the water is poured into a clean container, and the root is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and allowed to cool. The first infusion is added to the second and left for another day. Take the remedy every 2 hours all day from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, so, until wounds and ulcers heal.

7. Zhivokostovaya ointment for all bone diseases. One root is washed, but not peeled and crushed. Mix with chicken or rabbit fat (1 teaspoon) and milk (3 tablespoons). Everything is heated to a hot tolerable temperature. Form cakes and apply to sore spots, fixing and insulating the compress overnight. Do it until you recover.

After grinding, the root immediately turns brown, releasing mucus that quickly thickens. Therefore, everything is done quickly and carefully when mixed with other components. Products containing this raw material are not boiled.

Preparations containing a poisonous plant must be used with extreme caution. Hypotonic patients are advised to consult a therapist before treatment with comfrey, as it lowers blood pressure. Pregnant women and children should not take this product. And also if there is individual intolerance.

Even before the great Avicenna, humanity turned to plants for help in diseases. Larkspur is one of them. Today, this amazing medicinal herb is undeservedly forgotten, and may even completely disappear from our Earth. But folk wisdom lifts up layers of age-old traditions, telling us about the life-giving abilities of the surrounding green world.

Larkspur is available as an ointment for topical use. The main purpose of the drug is to relieve pain and inflammation in joints and muscles. The drug is often used for sports injuries and everyday bruises. The ointment can be used without a doctor's prescription. However, for long-term treatment of serious joint diseases, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will accurately determine the dosage.

The medicine contains comfrey root and tannin components. Together they relieve severe pain and inflammation. The gel regenerates ligaments and helps quickly recover from bruises and injuries. Thanks to the presence of vitamin E, the drug heals wounds, nourishes cells and stops destructive processes. Thanks to its natural ingredients, Larkspur causes virtually no side effects, with the exception of an individual allergic reaction. You can use the medicine for household injuries and sprains without a doctor's prescription.

Indications for use of the drug

Larkspur ointment is prescribed as a symptomatic treatment for joint diseases. Used for the following diagnoses:

  • Painful attacks in the joints, which are accompanied by an inflammatory process;
  • Discomfort in the back and lower back due to radiculitis;
  • Comprehensive treatment of osteochondrosis at any stage;
  • Combating negative symptoms during joint arthritis;
  • Injuries or bruises while playing sports;
  • Treatment of severe sprains in the tendon area;
  • Pain relief from closed bone fractures;
  • Treatment of cracks, fight against excessive dry skin in winter.

Contraindications for use

Gel Zhivokost does not have a large list of contraindications. Doctors do not recommend using it only in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. You can check the medicine for allergies yourself. To do this, apply a small amount of gel to the bend of your elbow. After 10 minutes you can see the reaction on the skin. If there is no red rash and itching sensation, then the drug is completely suitable for treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

The instructions for use do not describe cases of dangerous interactions with Larkspur. However, before using another drug, it is recommended to consult your doctor. Many doctors do not allow two gels to be applied to the skin at the same time. This may cause skin reactions or severe allergies.

Features of the use of the medicine

Larkspur ointment has some properties and features that must be taken into account at the time of treatment. Here are some tips from doctors on using the gel:

  1. Use of the medicine by children under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited. No studies have been conducted on this category of patients, so the effect of Larkspur is unknown;
  2. Before using the gel, you must check your individual sensitivity to the drug. It is not recommended to immediately apply the product in large quantities;
  3. Try to keep the drug away from the area near the eyes and mucous membranes. In case of contact, immediately wash off the gel with cool water;
  4. It is forbidden to apply Larkspur ointment to an open wound. This may provoke a reaction and impair healing;
  5. The gel should not be applied to the face, since the skin here is much thinner and more sensitive;
  6. It is prohibited to use the drug on ulcers or scratches;
  7. If a patient uses Zhivokost for a long time, but the symptoms do not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor. The remedy may not work for this diagnosis. Then the doctor will prescribe an analogue of the medicine to the patient or change the dosage.

If you follow all these rules, then treatment with Larkspur will be quick, effective and harmless to the body. In case of any difficulties, you should consult your doctor.

Application of gel for pregnant women

Larkspur ointment is contraindicated during pregnancy in any trimester. The use of the gel can provoke severe allergies in a woman, which will affect the health of the fetus.

During lactation it is also necessary to refrain from therapy with Zhivokost. Doctors confirmed that the gel composition can enter the woman’s blood and milk through the skin. Thus, the baby will receive a small dose of medicine when feeding and can be poisoned. Therefore, if emergency treatment is necessary, a woman should immediately stop breastfeeding.

Effect of medication on driving

Larkspur ointment, when used for a long time, will not cause problems in the patient’s reaction. Therefore, doctors allow you to drive during treatment. Also, during therapy, you do not need to give up work that involves controlling technical mechanisms.

Dosage of the drug

To relieve pain and inflammation, the doctor prescribes the patient to use Larkspur three times a day. The gel is applied in a thick layer only to the damaged area of ​​the skin where pain is felt. Doctors recommend applying Larkspur at night and wrapping the painful area with a special bandage. The next morning the pain will be much less, since the drug works more effectively in the warmth.

The duration of therapy is determined for each patient individually after a complete examination. It depends on the stage of the disease and the overall picture of the diagnosis. The instructions for use describe that the course of treatment should not exceed 6 weeks per year. You can divide this time into several uses each month.

Drug overdose

Cases of overdose with Larkspur have been reported extremely rarely. The drug does not accumulate in large quantities in the blood and does not cause negative reactions. However, when using the gel in large quantities more than 5 times a day, a skin reaction and severe rashes on the body may begin. In this case, you should immediately stop using the ointment and rinse it off with cool water. After such a reaction, it is better not to use Larkspur for a week.

Side effects on the drug

Zhivokost ointment is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes side effects. They usually occur when the dosage is incorrect or when treatment is taken for too long. Here are some side effects of Larkspur:

  • Skin allergies;
  • Redness at the application site;
  • The occurrence of urticaria;
  • Severe itching during the day;
  • The skin begins to peel off.

If such reactions occur, you should immediately stop applying the ointment and report the symptoms to your doctor. Typically, such manifestations disappear the next day after Larkspur is discontinued.

Expiration date of the medicine

In order for the gel to retain its medicinal qualities longer, you need to know some rules for storing the drug:

  1. After use, Zhivokost must be immediately closed tightly with a lid so that excess moisture or air does not enter the jar;
  2. The gel should only be kept in its original packaging;
  3. It is prohibited to store the ointment in the refrigerator;
  4. Larkspur cannot be heated over a fire, otherwise it will change its medicinal properties;
  5. It is important that children do not have direct access to the medicine and cannot take it orally or apply it to the face;
  6. Try to keep Larkspur away from sunlight or sources of moisture;
  7. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years;
  8. It is forbidden to use the product if it is expired;
  9. The optimal temperature for storing Larkspur is from 23 to 25 degrees.

If you follow all the rules described above, the gel will retain its healing properties for a long time and will not deteriorate.

Analogues of the drug

If the patient is allergic to Larkspur, then the doctor prescribes another medicine with an analgesic effect. Alorom and Alflutop gels can be used as analogues. Some doctors prescribe the drug Gevkamen and Biofreeze.

Each medicine has its own instructions for use, which must be studied before treatment. The analogue may have different contraindications and side effects.

Comfrey officinalis. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

Ancient sources indicate that comfrey was widely used in Ancient Rome as a powerful remedy that provided soldiers with wound healing. The plant was also noted by the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides. And, despite the fact that even at the dawn of the development of medicine it was known about the medicinal properties of comfrey, its study by scientists began only in the 19th century. But traditional medicine has never lost sight of this medicinal herb and recommended the use of comfrey for joints and in the fight against inflammation.

Botanical description

You can find the herbaceous plant in forests and ravines, in clearings and meadows, near swamps and rivers. Comfrey can grow near housing. He feels comfortable in gardens and even vegetable gardens. You can distinguish the medicinal plant, popularly nicknamed larkspur, by the following characteristic features.

  • Stem. The branched, erect stem can reach one meter. It is densely covered with light dense hairs.
  • Leaves . Large petiolate leaves grow in the lower part of the stem, the length of which reaches 15 cm and the width - 5 cm. The upper leaves of comfrey are sessile. They are rough to the touch and have stiff hairs. When the leaves are rubbed, a faint cucumber smell appears.
  • Flowers. Bell-shaped flowers form paniculate inflorescences. They are located at the ends of the stem and multiple branches of the plant. Comfrey flowers can be purple, blue, and sometimes lilac and even purple.
  • Fruits. The large black fruits are oval or round in shape. Four to five such nuts are formed in one flower.
  • Root. The plant has a black rhizome with long root shoots. The cut of the root is white, very juicy, and sweetish in taste.

The root is mainly used for treatment. However, in folk medicine it is believed that the leaves also bring benefits. The rhizome is dug up in early spring or after the growing season, in the fall. The leaves are harvested during the flowering period of the grass.

The use of comfrey in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of comfrey are dictated by the content of biologically active components that give the plant various healing effects. Among them is allantoin. This substance is a natural antibiotic with pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Allantoin gives larkspur the ability to accelerate regeneration and restore bone tissue. This is why comfrey herb is useful for treating pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The healing properties of comfrey include the following positive effects on the body:

  • restoration of bones and soft tissues;
  • stimulation of healing of injuries and wounds;
  • relieving pain, spasms;
  • relief of inflammation.

In official medicine, a variety of ointments, creams, and balms are prepared from comfrey, intended for the treatment of joints. Particularly popular is the balm based on larkspur (comfrey) Dr. Taisa. The herb is appreciated by homeopaths. On its basis, a homeopathic drug for the treatment of ODA, “Symphytum” ointment, was created.

Comfrey is used not only in medicine. The herb is used in cosmetology. Medicinal larkspur extract is added to the bath to ensure effective softening and moisturizing of the skin. The aromatic procedure eliminates acne, inflammation, and promotes tissue regeneration.


Larkspur can cause serious harm. It is important to remember that comfrey is poisonous. The plant contains alkaloids (consolidine, cynoglossin, lasiocarpine), which have carcinogenic properties and, in the case of large accumulations in the body, can lead to tumors. Therefore, the plant is not used for oncology. In addition, these substances can affect the central nervous system. Therefore, side effects from the abuse of comfrey sometimes manifest themselves in the form of paralysis and difficulty breathing. Doctors give the following contraindications to the use of larkspur:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • liver diseases;
  • larkspur allergy;
  • lactation period.

The use of larkspur must always be agreed with a doctor. Even when it comes to using external means.


Comfrey roots are used to prepare medicinal infusions and various decoctions. They are used as raw materials for the manufacture of ointments. A medicinal powder is prepared from the roots and even the juice is squeezed out. And fresh leaves, rich in ascorbic acid, are used not only in medicine, but also in cooking. They are added to salads to give the dish a spring taste. Traditional healers recommend the following recipes for medicines.

From joint pathologies

Peculiarities . To reduce joint pain, reduce inflammation caused by arthritis, arthrosis or rheumatism, it is recommended to resort to healing ointment. This product is used to apply compresses. A thin layer of medicinal ointment is applied to the affected area. Compress paper is applied on top. The joint is then wrapped in a woolen scarf. This compress is kept for at least four hours. The event is repeated daily for ten days.


  • comfrey root - two tablespoons;
  • pork fat - four tablespoons;
  • pharmacy "Dimexide" - one teaspoon.


  1. The root is carefully ground to obtain a powder.
  2. Comfrey is combined with pork fat.
  3. Add Dimexide.
  4. The ointment is mixed.

After injuries and skin ailments

Peculiarities . Larkspur decoction promotes bone regeneration in case of fractures. It is used to eliminate pain, relieve inflammation after sprains and bruises. The drug is recommended for washing bleeding wounds. This remedy will help get rid of skin problems and effectively speed up the process of boil ripening. Therapeutic compresses will help relieve the pain of polyarthritis. Apply compresses for four hours, carefully wrapping the source of discomfort with a woolen scarf. It is recommended to repeat the procedure ten times.


  • comfrey root - 100 g;
  • water - 1 l.


  1. The larkspur is slightly chopped.
  2. The rhizomes are filled with water and simmered over low heat for ten minutes.
  3. The broth is filtered.

For osteomyelitis and varicose veins

Peculiarities . For the treatment of osteomyelitis, as well as varicose veins, compresses from a medicinal decoction are recommended. Such compresses are applied throughout the night. The recommended course of treatment can last from two to three weeks, depending on the severity of the pathology.


  • comfrey root - one tablespoon;
  • water - glass.


  1. The dry root is slightly crushed.
  2. It is placed in water and boiled for 20 minutes.
  3. The solution is filtered.

For bone tuberculosis and gout

Peculiarities . For the treatment of bone tuberculosis and gout, internal administration of larkspur infusion is recommended. This remedy can be used to treat rheumatism and arthrosis. Take the infusion one tablespoon at a time. The medicine is taken three times during the day and preferably before meals. One course lasts on average two weeks.


  • comfrey root - 15 g;
  • milk - 250 ml.


  1. Comfrey rhizome is ground to a powder.
  2. The milk is brought to a boil.
  3. Chopped larkspur is poured with hot milk.
  4. Cover the container and leave for half an hour.
  5. Filter the drink.

For pain due to intervertebral hernia

Peculiarities . For the treatment of intervertebral hernias, compresses made from larkspur tincture with vodka are recommended. In case of severe pain, it is necessary to rub the concerned areas with the drug. In addition, for ten days, compresses from the tincture are applied to those areas of the spine in which hernias are found. After the course, take a break for ten days. Then the treatment is repeated. To prepare comfrey tincture at home, use the following recipe.


  • comfrey root - 50 g;
  • vodka - 0.7 l.


  1. The dry root needs to be slightly soaked in plain water.
  2. The soaked raw materials are poured with vodka.
  3. The medicine is infused, shaking occasionally, for two weeks.
  4. Be sure to filter.

For bleeding

Peculiarities . To stop bleeding, it is recommended to apply powder obtained by grinding larkspur root directly onto the wound. This product will disinfect the wound and accelerate healing. But, as reviews show, fresh comfrey juice copes with bleeding faster and more effectively. This liquid can be used not only for wounds, but also in case of nosebleeds. To eliminate the problem, turundas are prepared. They are soaked in larkspur juice and inserted into the nasal passages. When the gauze is completely filled with blood, the turundas are replaced with new ones. This can be repeated three times.


  • larkspur root (exclusively freshly dug) - 100 g.


  1. Comfrey is carefully washed under water and cleaned.
  2. Fresh raw materials are crushed.
  3. The pulp is placed in cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out.

For prostatitis

Peculiarities . Herbalists recommend using suppositories made from larkspur and black poplar buds to treat prostatitis. This remedy provides a strong antiseptic effect, thanks to poplar buds, and an effective reduction in the inflammatory process due to the inclusion of comfrey in suppositories. Place candles for a month, every other day, at night.


  • cocoa butter - 30 g;
  • comfrey root - 30 g;
  • black poplar buds - 20 g.


  1. Cocoa butter is melted.
  2. Powders from comfrey roots and poplar buds are poured into this mixture.
  3. The drug is mixed thoroughly.
  4. The mixture is placed on a sheet of foil. By rolling the foil, a “tube” with a diameter of 10-12 mm is formed.
  5. The drug in foil is placed in the refrigerator.
  6. Waiting for it to harden.
  7. Then the foil is unrolled. The frozen tube is cut into “candles”, 3-4 cm long.
  8. From the components indicated in the recipe, you should get ten suppositories.

Traditional medicine recommends taking comfrey preparations orally for gastritis and bronchitis. However, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) withdrew all internal medicines from comfrey from sale at the beginning of this century. This was due to the discovery of carcinogenic properties in the plant, that is, the ability to cause tumors. Therefore, taking comfrey internally is dangerous.

However, if you have larkspur growing in your garden, then do not rush to dig up the roots. An effective “lifesaver” at your fingertips. Pay attention to the leaves. If your lower back hurts or the joint makes itself felt, then treatment with comfrey can help you. Simply tear fresh leaves into pieces and apply to the sore spot. Wrap in clean gauze and leave the compress for 10-12 hours.

The plant can stop bleeding and cleanse purulent wounds. But the herb is most useful for diseases of the joints and spine, due to its ability to ensure tissue regeneration, reduce pain and accelerate bone fusion.

Comfrey officinalis. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

Ancient sources indicate that comfrey was widely used in Ancient Rome as a powerful remedy that provided soldiers with wound healing. The plant was also noted by the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides. And, despite the fact that even at the dawn of the development of medicine it was known about the medicinal properties of comfrey, its study by scientists began only in the 19th century. But traditional medicine has never lost sight of this medicinal herb and recommended the use of comfrey for joints and in the fight against inflammation.

Botanical description

You can find the herbaceous plant in forests and ravines, in clearings and meadows, near swamps and rivers. Comfrey can grow near housing. He feels comfortable in gardens and even vegetable gardens. You can distinguish the medicinal plant, popularly nicknamed larkspur, by the following characteristic features.

  • Stem. The branched, erect stem can reach one meter. It is densely covered with light dense hairs.
  • Leaves. Large petiolate leaves grow in the lower part of the stem, the length of which reaches 15 cm and the width - 5 cm. The upper leaves of comfrey are sessile. They are rough to the touch and have stiff hairs. When the leaves are rubbed, a faint cucumber smell appears.
  • Flowers. Bell-shaped flowers form paniculate inflorescences. They are located at the ends of the stem and multiple branches of the plant. Comfrey flowers can be purple, blue, and sometimes lilac and even purple.
  • Fruit. The large black fruits are oval or round in shape. Four to five such nuts are formed in one flower.
  • Root. The plant has a black rhizome with long root shoots. The cut of the root is white, very juicy, and sweetish in taste.

The use of comfrey in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of comfrey are dictated by the content of biologically active components that give the plant various healing effects. Among them is allantoin. This substance is a natural antibiotic with pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Allantoin gives larkspur the ability to accelerate regeneration and restore bone tissue. This is why comfrey herb is useful for treating pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The healing properties of comfrey include the following positive effects on the body:

  • restoration of bones and soft tissues;
  • stimulation of healing of injuries and wounds;
  • relieving pain, spasms;
  • relief of inflammation.

In official medicine, a variety of ointments, creams, and balms are prepared from comfrey, intended for the treatment of joints. Particularly popular is the balm based on larkspur (comfrey) Dr. Taisa. The herb is appreciated by homeopaths. On its basis, a homeopathic drug for the treatment of ODA, “Symphytum” ointment, was created.


Larkspur can cause serious harm. It is important to remember that comfrey is poisonous. The plant contains alkaloids (consolidine, cynoglossin, lasiocarpine), which have carcinogenic properties and, in the case of large accumulations in the body, can lead to tumors. Therefore, the plant is not used for oncology. In addition, these substances can affect the central nervous system. Therefore, side effects from the abuse of comfrey sometimes manifest themselves in the form of paralysis and difficulty breathing. Doctors give the following contraindications to the use of larkspur:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • liver diseases;
  • larkspur allergy;
  • lactation period.


Comfrey roots are used to prepare medicinal infusions and various decoctions. They are used as raw materials for the manufacture of ointments. A medicinal powder is prepared from the roots and even the juice is squeezed out. And fresh leaves, rich in ascorbic acid, are used not only in medicine, but also in cooking. They are added to salads to give the dish a spring taste. Traditional healers recommend the following recipes for medicines.

From joint pathologies

Peculiarities. To reduce joint pain, reduce inflammation caused by arthritis, arthrosis or rheumatism, it is recommended to resort to healing ointment. This product is used to apply compresses. A thin layer of medicinal ointment is applied to the affected area. Compress paper is applied on top. The joint is then wrapped in a woolen scarf. This compress is kept for at least four hours. The event is repeated daily for ten days.

  • comfrey root - two tablespoons;
  • pork fat - four tablespoons;
  • pharmacy "Dimexide" - one teaspoon.
  1. The root is carefully ground to obtain a powder.
  2. Comfrey is combined with pork fat.
  3. Add Dimexide.
  4. The ointment is mixed.

After injuries and skin ailments

Peculiarities. Larkspur decoction promotes bone regeneration in case of fractures. It is used to eliminate pain, relieve inflammation after sprains and bruises. The drug is recommended for washing bleeding wounds. This remedy will help get rid of skin problems and effectively speed up the process of boil ripening. Therapeutic compresses will help relieve the pain of polyarthritis. Apply compresses for four hours, carefully wrapping the source of discomfort with a woolen scarf. It is recommended to repeat the procedure ten times.

  1. The larkspur is slightly chopped.
  2. The rhizomes are filled with water and simmered over low heat for ten minutes.
  3. The broth is filtered.

For osteomyelitis and varicose veins

Peculiarities. For the treatment of osteomyelitis, as well as varicose veins, compresses from a medicinal decoction are recommended. Such compresses are applied throughout the night. The recommended course of treatment can last from two to three weeks, depending on the severity of the pathology.

  • comfrey root - one tablespoon;
  • water - glass.
  1. The dry root is slightly crushed.
  2. It is placed in water and boiled for 20 minutes.
  3. The solution is filtered.

For bone tuberculosis and gout

Peculiarities. For the treatment of bone tuberculosis and gout, internal administration of larkspur infusion is recommended. This remedy can be used to treat rheumatism and arthrosis. Take the infusion one tablespoon at a time. The medicine is taken three times during the day and preferably before meals. One course lasts on average two weeks.

  1. Comfrey rhizome is ground to a powder.
  2. The milk is brought to a boil.
  3. Chopped larkspur is poured with hot milk.
  4. Cover the container and leave for half an hour.
  5. Filter the drink.

For pain due to intervertebral hernia

Peculiarities. For the treatment of intervertebral hernias, compresses made from larkspur tincture with vodka are recommended. In case of severe pain, it is necessary to rub the concerned areas with the drug. In addition, for ten days, compresses from the tincture are applied to those areas of the spine in which hernias are found. After the course, take a break for ten days. Then the treatment is repeated. To prepare comfrey tincture at home, use the following recipe.

  1. The dry root needs to be slightly soaked in plain water.
  2. The soaked raw materials are poured with vodka.
  3. The medicine is infused, shaking occasionally, for two weeks.
  4. Be sure to filter.

For bleeding

Peculiarities. To stop bleeding, it is recommended to apply powder obtained by grinding larkspur root directly onto the wound. This product will disinfect the wound and accelerate healing. But, as reviews show, fresh comfrey juice copes with bleeding faster and more effectively. This liquid can be used not only for wounds, but also in case of nosebleeds. To eliminate the problem, turundas are prepared. They are soaked in larkspur juice and inserted into the nasal passages. When the gauze is completely filled with blood, the turundas are replaced with new ones. This can be repeated three times.

  • larkspur root (exclusively freshly dug) - 100 g.
  1. Comfrey is carefully washed under water and cleaned.
  2. Fresh raw materials are crushed.
  3. The pulp is placed in cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out.

For prostatitis

Peculiarities. Herbalists recommend using suppositories made from larkspur and black poplar buds to treat prostatitis. This remedy provides a strong antiseptic effect, thanks to poplar buds, and an effective reduction in the inflammatory process due to the inclusion of comfrey in suppositories. Place candles for a month, every other day, at night.

  • cocoa butter - 30 g;
  • comfrey root - 30 g;
  • black poplar buds - 20 g.
  1. Cocoa butter is melted.
  2. Powders from comfrey roots and poplar buds are poured into this mixture.
  3. The drug is mixed thoroughly.
  4. The mixture is placed on a sheet of foil. By rolling the foil, a “tube” with a diameter of mm is formed.
  5. The drug in foil is placed in the refrigerator.
  6. Waiting for it to harden.
  7. Then the foil is unrolled. The frozen tube is cut into “candles”, 3-4 cm long.
  8. From the components indicated in the recipe, you should get ten suppositories.

However, if you have larkspur growing in your garden, then do not rush to dig up the roots. An effective “lifesaver” at your fingertips. Pay attention to the leaves. If your lower back hurts or the joint makes itself felt, then treatment with comfrey can help you. Simply tear fresh leaves into pieces and apply to the sore spot. Wrap in clean gauze and leave the compress on for hours.

You are healthy

Treatment and prevention of diseases. Conversation with a doctor. Food is medicine.

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    Comfrey - helper for bones

    Comfrey - helper for bones

    “You will help broken or crushed bones with medicine” - so about comfrey back in XI century, the famous physician and scientist Odo of Mena wrote. People often call this plant larkspur and use it as a poultice and compress for dislocations, bruises and broken bones. Even the scientific name of comfrey is “symphytun" - translated as "merging".

    In our country, larkspur grows almost everywhere: in damp, damp meadows, along the banks of rivers, lakes and in roadside ditches. This, by the way, is where the name comes from - comfrey.

    The most valuable thing about the plant is its thick root, which is dug up in the fall or spring before the leaves appear. The root is cleared of soil, washed in running water, dried, cut into cubes and dried under a canopy. Store in wooden or glass containers for no more than 3 years.

    Comfrey root contains allantoin, a substance that stimulates the development of new cells, as well as tannins, choline, inulin, resins, and essential oil. It has been proven that decoctions, infusions and powders prepared from this miracle root have the properties of stimulating the growth of healthy cells and renewing tissue.

    It is no coincidence that since ancient times it has been widely used for treatment bone fractures, dislocations, inflammation of the periosteum. Comfrey helps with osteochondrosis, radiculitis, boils, skin rashes, sore throat, ulcerative stomatitis and many other diseases. Preparations from the roots of this plant have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic, astringent and enveloping properties.

    If you are tormented by a cough and arthritis does not allow you to sleep.

    Sprinkle powder from dried comfrey roots wounds, boils And ulcers The ointment made from it is indispensable for treatment bruises of the elbow and knee joints. It prevents swelling and fluid accumulation in the joint capsule, and quickly relieves pain when moving the joints. It is also used to relieve inflammation when rheumatoid joint lesions, arthritis, gout. Dried and powdered roots are mixed in equal proportions with melted pork fat or unsalted butter. The ointment is rubbed into painful areas at night and then wrapped in a warm woolen cloth.

    At furunculosis use fresh (unpeeled) roots instead of dried ones. They are passed through a meat grinder three times, mixed in equal proportions with rendered lard and then applied to the affected area on a gauze napkin. In addition, for these diseases, take 1 teaspoon of root powder mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey twice a day. The mixture is washed down with a small amount of water.

    You need to mix 1 part of crushed dry comfrey roots and 2 parts of dried horse chestnut flowers (available at the pharmacy). The mixture is slightly moistened with vodka and put in a warm place for half an hour. Then pour in 3 parts of fresh rendered pork fat and leave to simmer in the oven for 2-3 hours (but do not let it boil!). The cooled mixture is squeezed through a cotton cloth, and the resulting liquid is poured into glass jars. Apply the ointment to a linen cloth, apply it to the sore spot, cover with compress paper or tracing paper and secure with a bandage. Usually such compresses are done at night.

    A decoction of comfrey roots is taken orally for cough, initial stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, externally - with nosebleeds. To prepare the decoction you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed comfrey root into 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours. Take 1 dessert spoon every 2-4 hours. For nosebleeds, soak a cotton swab in the broth and insert it into the nose.

    To prepare an infusion of comfrey, which is used as an adjuvant for bone tuberculosis, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry crushed root is poured with 1 glass of hot milk, steeped in a thermos for 4-6 hours, then filtered. Add 1 tbsp to the warm infusion. a spoonful of honey, 1 fresh egg and 2 teaspoons of any rendered animal fat. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

    If arms go numb or legs cramp, one of the reasons may be intervertebral hernia. Of course, you can’t treat yourself with comfrey alone, but you can use it to relieve pain. The recipe is simple: grate the fresh, unpeeled root on a fine grater, apply the pulp to the sore spot and hold until it hardens. Then rinse with warm milk. A to boost immunity It is useful to eat vitamin puree: mix grated comfrey root with honey in a ratio of 1:5. Take ½ teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

    For lumps in the breast (mastopathy) Traditional medicine advises taking 500 g of fresh comfrey root (or 300 g of dry, after soaking it for a day in water), 70 g of pine resin, 400 g of pork fat, 1 glass of vodka. Pass the root through a meat grinder 3 times. Melt the pork fat, add it to the gruel and simmer over low heat for a minute, stirring constantly. At the end, add melted resin and pour in vodka. Remove from heat. As soon as the mixture begins to harden, stir well again. Apply the ointment to a linen cloth, apply it to the body, cover with a thick layer of cotton wool, and again with linen cloth on top. Secure with adhesive tape or bandage. Wear the bandage for 2-4 days, then change it.

    If red rashes appear on the skin, this may be an allergic reaction to the resin. In this case, the bandage should be removed immediately and the body should be washed with warm water and soap.


    Comfrey contains poisonous alkaloids, which in large doses can paralyze the central nervous system, so preparations from comfrey should not be taken for a long time.

    Use comfrey correctly!

    I regularly use Larkspur balm for my joints and am very pleased with the results. And this summer I decided to make a tincture for joints from comfrey leaves myself. But the effect from it turned out to be much weaker than from the balm. Explain what is the reason?

    E. Latushkina, Plyos.

    It’s not for nothing that comfrey is popularly called larkspur. The roots of this inconspicuous-looking herb contain a record amount of allantoin, a substance that stimulates the active renewal of bone, cartilage and muscle cells. In addition, comfrey roots are a source of the main bone mineral, organic calcium.

    Therefore, comfrey has long been used to treat and prevent diseases of bones and joints.

    But getting the larkspur to truly “open up” is a task accessible only to a specialist. This is why your homemade tincture was less effective than Larkspur balm.

    Firstly, when making joint remedies based on comfrey, it is not the above-ground part of the plant that is used, but the roots - they contain 8 times more allantoin than stems and leaves!

    Secondly, comfrey should be harvested in late autumn or early spring, before the growing season begins - it is at this time that the valuable properties of the plant reach their peak. In this case, the root should be slightly dried.

    And finally, to obtain the maximum effect (which Larkspur balm has), it is necessary to combine comfrey with a number of components that enhance and complement its effect.

    Larkspur balm contains extracts of six medicinal plants that help prevent inflammation, provide nutrition to joints and prevent pain.

    Chondroitin in Larkspur balm provides joints with first-class “building material”. And mumiyo and formic alcohol help protect them from the harmful effects of cold, dampness and overload. Want to get the most out of comfrey? Use Larkspur balm!

    Balm Zhivokost - new life for your joints!

    city ​​"Stoletnik" No. 17, 2013

    widow's hump

    There lived an elderly couple in our village. Everything was fine until the woman’s husband died. One of the children took her to their place, but she could not live there and returned. The woman was almost never in her house; she stood near it in any weather. She told everyone who passed by about her misfortune and cried. She recently died, and I remembered my grandmother’s story about the attitude towards widows in their village.

    The villagers gathered together on August 30th. This day was considered a widow's day. They helped the widows in whatever way they could: women cleaned the house, men did repairs. In general, it was not customary to leave people to grieve alone; they always tried to surround them with care and warmth. Grandmother said that especially for older women, in the first year of widowhood, serious changes occur in the body, they become more vulnerable to various diseases. The gait and figure change, and for some, a hump appears. Previously, this phenomenon was attributed to the widowhood of women. This name for the disease - widow's hump - has survived to this day. The disease is familiar to many women during menopause and menopause.

    The widow's hump, as a rule, develops in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra; in most cases, the cause of the appearance is damage to the cervical spine. Doctors believe that this disease is associated with endocrine disorders, and therefore appears in women with age, when the body and spine lose their former mobility. If left untreated, over time it will lead to frequent headaches, dizziness, and high blood pressure, since the inflammatory process prevents the appearance of new blood vessels and leads to impaired nutrition of the brain.

    Lethargy, drowsiness appear, and interest in everything disappears.

    My grandmother treated widow's hump with ointment.

    To prepare the ointment, my grandmother used comfrey roots. Fresh roots were finely chopped, 1 tablespoon of roots was poured with half a glass of vegetable (unrefined) oil. She poured hot water into the pan and placed a cup of medicine in it. I put it in a Russian oven for 6 hours so that the oil did not boil, and filtered it. I rubbed the hump with this ointment, as if dispersing it towards the shoulders. The course of treatment is one week, a break of two weeks, and another course. If the disease is not advanced, it is treated very quickly.


    Name in Latin: Symphytum officinale Linne

    Synonyms: larkspur, fat root, greasy root, bone crusher


    Comfrey is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Borage family and is a perennial.

    Comfrey can reach a height of 100 cm. The stem of comfrey is erect, with numerous branches, and covered with dense hairs. The leaves are elongated, large in size, the flowers are similar in shape to Bells, collected in inflorescences-panicles in the form of a curl, the color varies from pale pink to dark lilac. The flowering period of comfrey lasts from early to mid-summer. Then fruits appear on the plant - nuts with one seed. The roots of comfrey are powerful, spreading, black on the outside and white on the inside.

    Comfrey grows in almost all regions of Europe, the southern regions of the Urals and Siberia. Comfrey is found in Africa, on the American continent, on the Japanese islands and even in New Zealand. As a rule, it reproduces as a weed, but it is rare to find large thickets of comfrey. Comfrey prefers soils with good moisture, rich in nutrients, and often grows near rivers and streams, in swamps, lake shores, in ravines, and roadside ditches. The Russian name “comfrey” is precisely connected with its favorite places of growth. The Latin name Symphytum comes from the Greek symphyo - “to grow together” and indicates its ability to heal fractures. Comfrey is also popularly called bonebreaker, greasy root (because the pulp of its roots is white, juicy and oily to the touch), Larkspur. Comfrey should not be confused with larkspur, another medicinal plant.

    Preparation and storage of comfrey

    Comfrey roots have healing properties. They can be harvested either in spring or autumn. The roots are dug up, thoroughly cleared of soil, and washed in water. Clean roots are cut into pieces cm long and dried. To dry, you need to spread the roots in a room with a good flow of fresh air. Final drying is carried out in dryers at low temperatures, not higher than 40 degrees.

    Comfrey roots are stored in fabric bags, cardboard boxes or in tightly closed containers, in rooms with low air humidity. Subject to storage conditions, raw materials retain their healing properties for up to three years.

    In some cases, comfrey leaves and flowers collected during the flowering period are used as medicinal raw materials (recipes for their use, in particular, are available in German and French medicine).

    History of the use of comfrey

    For a long time, comfrey has been known as a medicine that promotes the healing of bone tissue in case of fractures. It is already mentioned in ancient Greek books - both the founder of botany, Theophrastus, and the physician Dioscorides wrote about comfrey. Ancient Roman soldiers used comfrey to treat wounds and boils. Avicenna talks about comfrey in his famous work - “The Canon of Medical Science”.

    In Europe, too, all healers valued the medicinal properties of comfrey. It continued to be used as a powerful remedy for recovery from fractures, healing wounds and various injuries. Comfrey is mentioned in the works of the physician and alchemist Paracelsus, and its properties to heal, relieve inflammation and accelerate regeneration are described in almost all popular herbalists of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The cultivation of comfrey begins - monks at monasteries engaged in agriculture plant entire beds of comfrey to use its raw materials for treatment. In the 17th century, they began to plant comfrey for further harvesting in Russia in “pharmacy gardens.” It should be noted that, although comfrey can be cultivated, ordinary gardeners consider it more like a weed - it spreads quickly and, due to its powerful long root, is quite difficult to get rid of. In the Soviet Union, comfrey was grown as a forage crop rich in protein and other valuable nutrients.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, comfrey was actively studied by medical science, publications were devoted to it in authoritative specialized publications. Researchers have proven the regenerating properties of the plant, as well as its anti-ulcer effect. The effectiveness of comfrey-based medicines has been proven in clinical trials. Later, however, official medicine limited the internal use of comfrey; it was mainly used externally, due to the fact that the plant contains some toxic compounds. Comfrey is widely used in cosmetics, in dental rinses for the treatment of periodontal disease, etc. In dermatology, comfrey-based creams are a good remedy for acne, and ointments are also used to treat other skin diseases. External medications containing comfrey can be found in pharmacies.

    In folk medicine, comfrey was used not only as a remedy for fractures, but also as a medicine for tuberculosis, as well as for stomach ulcers. Children were bathed in a decoction of comfrey root, and comfrey juice was given to prevent colds and strengthen the immune system. As an external remedy, comfrey was used in the form of rubbing for multiple sclerosis, as a lotion for frostbite and burns.

    Currently, comfrey retains its popularity among herbalists and herbalists. Comfrey decoctions with milk are considered a good remedy for treating colds and diseases of the respiratory system. For diarrhea, comfrey has an astringent effect. Comfrey is widely used for bone healing and tissue regeneration. Traditional Bulgarian medicine uses comfrey to treat wounds, mastopathy, inflammation of the mouth and throat. German herbalists prescribe comfrey to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, hemorrhoids, as an antifungal agent, and also to stop bleeding. Comfrey tinctures are considered an excellent cure for radiculitis pain. In African countries, comfrey is considered a contraceptive.

    In homeopathic practice, comfrey, in addition to fusion of bone tissue, is used in cases of gastrointestinal diseases, paralysis, and dental damage.

    Chemical composition

    The main treasure in comfrey is allantoin. Although this substance itself is very common and is found in many plants, in comfrey its concentration is especially high and provides unsurpassed medicinal properties.

    Thanks to allantoin, damaged tissues are quickly restored, fractures heal faster and new cells are formed more actively. Thus, the regeneration process is much more intense. Choline Vitamin B4) stimulates local blood circulation, which, when applied topically with comfrey, promotes the healing and nourishing processes of the skin. Comfrey also contains sugars, flavonoids, fiber, and ascorbic acid.

    The roots and leaves of comfrey are especially rich in Vitamin B12 - an essential element of the hematopoietic system, which is also responsible for proper metabolism.

    Comfrey is also a champion in potassium content; it contains polysaccharides, tannins, triterpenes, inulin, protein compounds and starch. Rosmarinic acid helps suppress inflammatory processes, fights free radicals and has an analgesic effect. The tannins, essential oils and alkaloids of comfrey support its medicinal properties.

    Use of comfrey in medicine

    Traditionally, comfrey is used primarily for the treatment of various bone and soft tissue injuries. It is used for speedy recovery after fractures, for the treatment of rheumatic pain, arthritis and arthrosis. Comfrey preparations have a beneficial effect on joints. They help relieve stiffness and improve joint mobility. Comfrey ointments help cope with pain, accelerate the healing of wounds and bruises, reduce swelling, and improve blood circulation in damaged areas. In addition, comfrey is known for its strong hemostatic effect, and it can be used both as an external remedy and as a drug for oral administration for internal bleeding.

    External use of comfrey helps heal trophic ulcers and other difficult-to-heal skin lesions. The excellent healing properties of comfrey are known for herbal medicine of osteomyelitis. For bone tuberculosis, comfrey is used in conjunction with other remedies as a means to further strengthen and restore bone tissue.

    For respiratory diseases, comfrey exhibits its anti-inflammatory properties and helps to liquefy and remove mucus. A decoction of comfrey roots is recommended to be taken as part of complex therapy for chronic bronchitis.

    Speaking about the healing properties of comfrey, you should pay attention to its ability to have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. This is especially true for inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and increased acidity. Comfrey fights inflammation, has a soft enveloping effect, and its tannins exhibit astringent properties. It is recommended for stomach and duodenal ulcers. However, you should be very careful when using comfrey internally and strictly follow the dosage - it is known that comfrey alkaloids are poisonous in large quantities.

    Medical research confirms that the external use of comfrey preparations is effective for healing burn injuries to the skin, for recovery from sprains and various injuries, reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

    Comfrey finds its use in dentistry - as a medicine for various gum injuries. Rinses with comfrey are used both separately and in combination with other herbs and medicines; they help well with periodontal disease and stomatitis, and have an antimicrobial effect. Comfrey is also known to have a beneficial effect in the treatment of caries.

    In dermatology, comfrey is known for its properties to cure psoriasis, acne and other skin diseases, including furunculosis. Traditional medicine recommends using fresh comfrey juice to relieve inflammation, treat acne and minor skin damage. Pharmacological preparations are produced based on comfrey - ointments, syrups, as well as homeopathic remedies and various cosmetic preparations that stimulate the renewal of skin cells.

    Treatment of diseases

    Comfrey is used in the treatment of the following diseases:


    Taking Comfrey is contraindicated for:

    Recipes 1

    Comfrey - for colds, chronic inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, chronic bronchitis, dysentery

    1 tablespoon of crushed root, pour 1 glass of cold boiled water, leave in a thermos for 6-7 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 6-7 times a day.


    Pour 1/2 tablespoon of crushed root into 1 cup of boiling water, cook over low heat for 2 hours, leave until cool, strain. Take 1 dessert spoon every 2 hours.

    For coughs, pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach diseases, colitis, diarrhea, kidney diseases, ulcers, tumors. Externally, the decoction is used as a lotion for skin diseases, diaper rash, burns.

    Grind the root to a powder. Take 10 grams of powder, add 1 glass of water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1 dessert spoon 6-7 times a day.

    For fractures

    Pour 1 teaspoon of roots with 1 glass of boiling water, cook for 30 minutes over low heat, leave until cool, strain. Take 1 dessert spoon every 2 hours.

    For salt deposition, glomerulonephritis, ulcers and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract

    Take 1 part of the root, grate it on a fine grater, pour in natural honey 1:1, leave for 2 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

    For pulmonary tuberculosis

    Pour 40 grams of crushed root into 1 liter of hot milk, leave overnight in a warm place, strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

    For prostate adenoma

    Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed roots into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

    For osteoporosis

    Soak 1 teaspoon of roots for a day in cold boiled water, drain the water, pour in 1 liter of milk. Simmer in the oven for 4 hours, strain. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day after meals for 1 week. The next week, also steam 1 tablespoon of the root in milk, strain and mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals for 1 week.

    For gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals


    For oral infections, stomatitis, cracked corners of the mouth, cervical erosion, herpes, baldness

    Pour 100 grams of crushed root with 40% alcohol, leave for 21 days in a dark place, in a closed glass container, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 30 drops 4-5 times a day between meals.


    Grind the root to a powder. Sprinkle it on bleeding and non-healing wounds and ulcers. You can take the powder orally, mixing it with honey 1:2, 1 teaspoon each, diluting with a small amount of water, 3 times a day before meals.

    For skin diseases, burns, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, wounds, ulcers, abrasions, cuts, sarcoma, thrombophlebitis, severe bruises

    Grind the roots to a powder. Take 1 part of the powder, mix with 4 parts of pork fat, grind thoroughly, mix. Place in the preheated oven, wait until all the fat has melted, then simmer for another 30 minutes. Strain while hot and pour into a glass container, closing tightly. The ointment eliminates inflammatory processes and bleeding, enhances the process of tissue regeneration.

    For chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of the kidneys, boils, dysentery, gastrointestinal bleeding, cough, pneumonia

    Pour 2.5 tablespoons of crushed root into 1 liter of hot milk, steam in the oven for 7 hours over low heat, do not bring to a boil, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day, in small sips. It is more effective to alternate a decoction of comfrey in milk with comfrey and honey. Grind the root, mix with 2 parts of bee honey, mix thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Alternate the intake for 7-10 days: first larkspur with milk, then with honey.

    For enterocolitis, dysentery, chronic ulcerative colitis, chronic bronchitis and broncho-ecstatic disease, for hemoptysis, bleeding

    Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed root into 1.5 cups of cold boiled water and leave for 8 hours. Pour the resulting infusion into a jar, and pour 1 cup of boiling water over the roots again, leave for 10 minutes, strain and mix all portions of the infusion. Drink 500 ml. infusion per day, but not immediately, but in small sips throughout the day.

    For cancer of various localizations

    Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed root into 1 glass of cold boiled water and leave for 8 hours. Pour the infusion into another bowl, and pour 1 cup of boiling water over the same roots, leave for 1 hour, strain. Combine both infusions. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, before meals or 2 hours after meals.


    12/15/16 Irina

    There are no words with which it would be possible to express my gratitude to you for your sensitivity and help!

    Thank God, my mother’s gumboil went away. I rinsed and made baths with Comfrey.

    On the eve of the New Year and the magical holiday of Christmas, I wish you and your loved ones health and joyful greetings

    Every day that comes, prosperity in all matters and happy holidays!

    10.11.16 Natalya

    I would like to thank you and the site Staroslav for educating us in herbal medicine. I have a tincture of Comfrey that I made to stop bleeding. Recently, my mother fell on a concrete path in the garden, one knee was swollen, and it was painful to bend and straighten her leg. I advised her to make lotions from my Comfrey tincture (I read on Staroslav’s website that ointment with Comfrey is good in such cases, but I didn’t have any ointment). And, lo and behold! After the first use it became noticeably better.

    Thank you, with your help I helped a person dear to me.

    06.29.16 Irina

    Yulia Evgenievna, hello!

    Mom makes lotions from Comfrey, she says Comfrey makes her feel better.

    Thanks a lot. Be healthy, take care of yourself.

    06/20/16 Marina

    Good afternoon, Yulia Evgenievna!

    My brother completed a course of taking Comfrey and Orchis. The stool has been restored, there is no blood or mucus.

    With respect and great gratitude!

    03/16/16 Olga

    Hello, Yulia Evgenievna.

    Now my condition is stably normal, weakness and tachycardia are no longer so pronounced. Today I did the last procedure with Comfrey. There are no allocations.

    Thank you very much!

    03/10/16 Natalya

    Hello, Yulia Evgenievna!

    The herbs began to work. I’ve been drinking a collection of herbs for a month now, a tincture of milkweed for two weeks, and during my last period I drank tincture of Comfrey. Started the second course of irrigation with Chaga. My periods went very smoothly, without bleeding or clots. There was no pain or numbness in the legs this time.

    03.03.16 Victor

    Yulia Evgenievna, good afternoon.

    Night pains, one might say, are a thing of the past - Comfrey removes them very well.

    Turpentine baths are pure bliss! Thank you so much for such a wonderful recommendation!

    Hello! Yulia Evgenievna, my name is Elvira. This is my first time contacting you, but I really hope for your help. We need your advice. I am 55 years old, weight - 78 kg. Heightcm.

    I have fibroids and a cyst on the left ovary. At the moment, the uterus is anteflexio, with a fuzzy, uneven contour, measuring 51x76x69. The myometrium is a heterogeneous structure of medium echogenicity with a subserous node along the anterior wall in diameter - 60 mm. The uterine cavity is not dilated. M-echo: 6 mm with a fuzzy, uneven contour, normal structure and echogenicity. Parametric Fiber is not changed. There is no free fluid in the retrouterine space. Left ovary: an anechoic cyst with a diameter of 40 mm is located. At the same time, I also have fibrocystic mastopathy and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

    I treat myself with herbs as best I can; I have not turned to herbalists. I don't want to delete anything. I douche with Fileynik and smear my chest with Larkspur ointment (I did it myself using internal fat).

    Before childbirth there was erosion of the cervix. After giving birth (at 32 years old), only a trace remained (so the doctor said). Polyps on the cervix were removed 2 times. menopause began in the summer of 2016, but it still makes me feel hot.

    Sometimes papillomas appear on the neck, I remove them with Celandine. hair loss, acne and intestinal problems (gas, constipation, hemorrhoids and intestinal fissures). The doctor recommended suppositories based on oak bark and suppositories with belladonna.

    I am hypertensive. The last time my blood pressure rose was 172/120, I felt very dizzy, my heart was a little worried, it seemed to be pounding quickly and there was a ringing sensation in my ears. The cardiogram is normal. In 2004, I had a triple fracture with fragments of the ankle joint, my plaster was removed early, the bones did not have time to heal well. Now there is severe pain when walking, and recently even when at rest. I apply ointments, but it doesn’t help much.

    My husband has gout and I notice the same symptoms in both my legs. There is severe pain at the base of the thumbs. Lately it's been painful to hold objects in your hands. Back pain - osteochondrosis. I am overweight, I tried to lose it through diets. Exercise is not for me. After the fracture, I can’t run; it’s even difficult to walk quickly.

    During exercise, severe pain begins in the right side. This is probably why I have nervous tension (sometimes hysteria) and often have nightmares. The teeth have to be removed due to the fact that a cyst is growing on the roots. There are practically no teeth left. If possible, please provide advice. Thank you very much in advance.

    Tension and hysterics are a manifestation of menopause. You know that menopause is almost always fraught with osteoporosis. Perhaps, if the fusion of bones is uncertain, this moment should not be brought closer? Do you want to start taking light hormones like femoston?

    Kirkazon may slow down ovarian failure and reduce hot flashes. But if there are no follicles in both ovaries, it is better to euthanize them. You won’t be able to use the poisonous Kirkazon for a long time, and you can’t trample on pituitary hormones!)).

    Digestive disorders are not surprising - unfortunately, there is nothing to chew. Therefore, the teeth must be gradually inserted, but in the meantime, use digestive enzymes and natural bile; add spices to the mixture: turmeric and ginger.

    Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    Note. You can bring it to a boil and after 3-4 minutes pour it into a thermos overnight.

    2.1. Anal fissures.

    After defecation, lubricate with edible walnut oil. But the most important thing is to achieve daily bowel movements without effort.

    Tubages 2 times a week; drinking plenty of fluids.

    1 tsp pea flour in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water.

    If I missed something, we still have a lot of time ahead, Elvira :-).

    See you soon and, I hope, fruitful communication!

    01/29/18 Alexander

    Good afternoon Dear Yulia Evgenievna!

    I am 40 years old. Complaints of periodic ulcers on the oral mucosa. If I bite something in my mouth, over time a painful ulcer appears. Only 1 item appears. Frequent flatulence, after eating, after 30 minutes. In the morning, while lying in bed, periodic gurgling in the stomach is often observed. After this, an unpleasant taste in the mouth and an unpleasant odor appear.

    A month ago I was examined by a gastroenterologist.

    2. Ultrasound of internal organs. Everything is normal, except for the small size of the gallbladder. I prepared for the ultrasound correctly. This has not been discovered before.

    3. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The diagnosis is superficial reflux gastritis. There were no ulcers at the time of examination.

    4. Blood test for Helicobacter IgG. Result - 7.69 at normal

    01/29/18 Elena

    Hello, Yulia Evgenievna! I am 41 years old, height, weight - 64 kg. From the age of 11, menstruation was regular, without delay, strong on the first day, then scanty for 5 days. Cycle days. there were no pregnancies. Two laparoscopies: in 2010, an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary and a paraovarian cyst of the left were removed; 2015 – endometrioid ovarian cysts and fibroids on a thin long stalk were removed. They said that the tubes were not passable, adhesions and endometriosis. They prescribed hormones, but I didn’t take them.

    At the moment I am very worried about pain in the ovaries in the first 5 days of the cycle and PMS, which manifests itself in an unstable emotional state and swelling of the breasts. Ultrasound shows fibrocystic mastopathy. I'm currently being treated with leeches. Hair problems are also a concern. In childhood and adolescence I had gorgeous hair, but I couldn’t make a ponytail and it didn’t fit in one hand.

    In my teens I started having problems with oily hair and dandruff. For as long as I can remember, I always rinsed my hair with nettle decoction after washing. Gradually the amount of hair decreased. At the age of 15, my first gray hair appeared and I began to dye it, which probably aggravated my problems with oiliness and hair loss.

    In 2014, I decided to become a vegetarian, stopped eating meat, my hair began to fall out so much that I was afraid to wash my hair. I turned to a trichologist, who prescribed a huge bunch of tests for hormones, vitamins and minerals. All tests turned out to be normal, except for ferritin - only 5 units, although my hemoglobin was 140. Hidden iron deficiency anemia).

    They prescribed an iron supplement and said that it needed to be raised to 70. In the first month, ferritin rose to 35 units and stopped. hair loss gradually returned to normal, a lot of growing hair appeared on my head, but it was very thin. Many, growing to 5-10 cm, fall out. That is, when washing, I lose very little long hair, mostly short hair.

    I took iron for a year, but ferritin never rose. It turns out that my iron is not absorbed? Although I drank it according to all the rules, together with ascorbic acid, separately from products containing calcium. I am going to address this issue to a hematologist.

    At the moment, the scalp above the forehead is showing through. I monitor TSH and T4 once every six months, and take courses of spirulina powder. I submitted my hair for spectral analysis, the iron in the hair is normal, but the calcium is higher than normal. I took magnesium supplements, supposedly it removes excess calcium from the body.

    I also have problems with digestion, constant constipation, which I eliminate by taking laxative herbs and eating prunes, beets, and so on. But sometimes they help, sometimes they don’t. Taking iron supplements aggravates the problem of constipation. Please select herbs for the treatment of endometriosis, gastrointestinal tract and hair maintenance.

    Yes, you need a hematologist, there are subtleties in treatment with iron preparations and they depend on the total iron-binding capacity of the serum, first of all. It is also very possible that you lack zinc and copper, they are closely related to iron and iodine. You also need to analyze the numbers of TSH, T4 free and total T3, antibodies to TPO, iodine in the urine. Now let's start the correction.

    Peel 25 nuts, pour 400.0 ml of vodka or 150.0 ml of 60% alcohol into the partitions. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Drink 15 drops 2 times a day.

    The course is exactly one month, repeat ferritin and thyroid hormones.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

    You can bring it to a boil and after 3-4 minutes pour it into a thermos overnight.

    3.1. Hair. Start by rubbing Burdock Oil overnight and see the effects immediately. Continue with the second excellent remedy that actively affects hormones - Fenugreek.

    1 tbsp. Roll the seeds with a rolling pin to crush them slightly and pour 300.0 ml of cold water overnight. In the morning, bring the brown infusion to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain and taste. To correct bitterness and unusual spicy taste, you can add honey.

    Drink 70.0 ml 3 times a day one minute before meals. Rub the swollen and boiled seed into the roots daily for 2 months. Rinse your hair with the rest of the broth after washing. You know the safe way to wash - this is a mixture of steamed black bread and raw egg yolk.

    Irrigations and tampons.

    1 tbsp. pour 400.0 ml of water into the mixture, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for a minute.

    Strain, squeeze, add to 400.0 ml. For irrigation, 150.0 ml of warm solution is required. Douche according to all the rules, filling a 200.0 ml syringe or rubber bulb with the solution. Lie down in the bath with your legs over the side (in the posture of a woman in labor), and inject the solution in portions, holding each for 1-2 minutes. At the end of the procedure, soak the cotton-gauze swab generously and leave it overnight.

    Irrigation is done from any day of the cycle, 14 times in a row.

    Good start and see you soon!

    01/16/18 Zhumagul

    Much depends on your complaints today: constipation, pain, weakness). A lot depends on the treatment performed. Important: was there an operation? Did you have chemotherapy or did you do both together? If there is a suspicion of metastases? Complex therapy (medicines, herbs, folk remedies) must be started without delay.

    1. At your discretion, ASD or poisonous tinctures. Choose between Hemlock, Aconite, Catharanthus, Celandine.

    I think for now you can start with Greater Celandine in tincture. It is very effective and prepares quickly:

    2.0 g of dry herb pour 100.0 ml of 60% alcohol, leave for 7 days, strain and drink a drop 3 times a day, before meals, in 1 tbsp. water. Course - 1 month, break 14 days and repeat if necessary.

    2. Collecting herbs for drinking.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Take in equal parts and mix evenly. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml and add 1 tsp. Befungiga. Drink 100.0 ml three times a day. Course - 2 months, change of herbs.

    While maintaining natural bowel movements, use therapeutic microenemas or tampons.

    1 des.l. pour 100.0 ml of water into the mixture, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for a minute. Strain, squeeze, add to 100.0 ml. The procedure must be carried out after defecation. Warm infusion in the amount of 50.0 ml is collected in a rubber bulb of the same capacity and administered rectally. After the procedure, you need to maintain the knee-elbow position or the position lying on your back with your legs raised and closed for 15 minutes so that the solution does not leak out. Course - 10 procedures. Break for 2 weeks and repeat.

    3.1. Prepare a tincture of Comfrey root as a lotion for damaged bones:

    20 grams of roots, crushed to a grain, pour 200.0 ml of 60% alcohol for 14 days, shake periodically. Strain.

    I look forward to your clarifications, analyzes (if possible) and questions, dear Zhumagul!

    01/15/18 Natalia

    Husband, 48 years old. Weight - 66 kg, height cm.

    Diagnosis: acoustic neuroma on the right (a giant tumor of the right cerebellopontine angle, emanating from the dilated internal auditory canal), KOOS IV, occlusive hydrocephalus. Condition after ventriculoperitoneal shunting dated December 11, 2017.

    Is it possible to reduce the tumor size to make surgery easier?

    Yes, there is such a possibility! You will be surprised, but drastic changes in diet and lifestyle quite often lead to a reduction in tumors. But not many people are ready for such changes. The topic of nutrition for tumors is of great importance, and many herbal medicine practitioners offer specific regimens.

    Read Lebedev E. “Let's treat cancer. Let's treat everything,” Alefirova A.N. Cancer, I declare war on you." And choose the most acceptable one together with your spouse.

    Start with this collection and add the tincture of Prince of Siberia.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Course - 1.5 months.

    Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1-2 tbsp. 4 times a day. Course - until the tincture of the same name is ready.

    Pour 50.0 grams of chopped herbs into 300.0 ml of 60% alcohol, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Drink a drop in a tablespoon of water, 3 times a day, before meals.

    With the same tincture you can make ordinary lotions, like a compress for ear pain, but without insulation.

    I'm ready to help.

    Catch you later!

    01/09/18 Olga

    I am 38 years old. Diagnosis: leukoplakia of the bladder neck. The tests revealed ureaplasma. I don't have children. I would like to have a child, but for now (with such pain) it is not possible.

    Symptoms: frequent urination, burning and pain during and after urination, no feeling of bowel movement, lower back pain. There were no remissions. Exacerbations occur 3-4 days before menstruation and during ovulation. I have been sick for 3 years.

    Took: Euphorbia pallas (1st course according to the “hill” scheme, up to 20 drops, 2nd course 2 weeks after the 1st, 10 drops 3 times a day, 5 weeks), Skullcap in tincture (drops 3 times a day , 5 weeks).

    I drink Hydrastis Canadian and chlorophyllipt in capsules (dietary supplements), I drink propolis tincture, honey with royal jelly and Ginseng root in courses. There is a 25-30% improvement, bladder symptoms are now much easier during menstruation. swelling and pain during menstruation persist.

    I read on the website that you can try Goldenrod, Comfrey. Question: please adjust my treatment. Tell me how to properly take Goldenrod and Comfrey in tincture (so far I have only found this option on sale, there is a problem with the delivery of herbs, since I live in a war zone)? How long can you drink Skullcap and Euphorbia pallasa? How many courses per year? Thank you!

    First, do a urine culture, give urine according to Nechiporenko, and we’ll build on that. In any case, the scheme must be changed every 1.5-2 months.

    1. If the urine culture is sterile, you can discontinue the goldenseal tincture.

    2. If pathogenic flora is sown, replace Hydrastis with Wormwood tincture and add rinsing with Collargol or Protargol. Such washings will be done for you in the medical unit.

    30.0 grams of dry herb Wormwood, pour 150.0 ml of 60% alcohol, add 2-3 buds of spicy cloves and a pinch of Centaury herb. Leave in the dark for 10 days, strain. Drink 15 drops 3 times a day, before or during meals. Course 2-3 weeks.

    3. Start taking Mumiyo orally and local procedures with it.

    With a weight of up to 60 kg, the daily dose of Mumiyo is 0.3 g. With a weight of up to 70 kg, the dose is 0.6 g. With a weight of up to 80 kg, the dose is 0.9 g.

    Dissolve Mumiyo in a glass of water or carrot juice, drink in the morning, an hour before meals. Course - 28 days.

    Moisten the tampon with a 2.5% solution of Mumiyo (2.5 g per 100.0 ml of boiled water) and insert it into the vagina overnight. Course 8-10 treatments.

    As for the delivery of herbs, you can go to the city and buy herbs at Staroslav’s store. Provided that there is our branch in your city. If not, give me your friend's address))

    12/21/17 Natalya

    Dear Yulia Evgenievna, please help. Natalya, 46 years old (Ukraine), writes to you. My illnesses: stomach ulcer with high acidity, gallbladder removed, chronic thyroiditis, but now my hormones are normal.

    I suffer from sinusitis and tonsillitis. Also VSD of the hypertensive type. But I am more concerned about gynecology, according to ultrasound - fibroadenomyosis.

    I didn’t give birth, my periods lasted 7-8 days, and at the end I was spotty for a few days. Before my period (10 days before) I feel very bad. I was prescribed Epigalin, but because of my stomach I couldn’t take it. Please help me, how to treat adenomyosis?

    Try to follow a proper diet. The main thing is warm, light food in small portions; exclusion of coarse fiber from fresh vegetables; medicinal jelly (oatmeal, buckwheat) every day; and the stomach will not “object” to herbs.

    Place 100.0 g of crushed Mistletoe shoots loosely in a bowl, pour in 500.0 ml of 70% alcohol. Leave for 3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature, shake occasionally. Drink 30 drops 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course is 2 months, a break of 14 days and the course is repeated. Conduct at least 3 courses per year.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day before meals, in small sips. Course - 1.5 months. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    The regimen for taking Borovaya Uterus and Red Brush consists of 4 short cycles of 2 weeks each, with a break of 1 week between them. The herbal infusion is prepared in an enamel bowl in a water bath.

    2 tbsp. a mixture of Borovaya uterus and Red brush herbs crushed in equal quantities, pour 200.0 ml of hot water, bring to a boil and simmer for minutes. Leave for 30 minutes. Cool, strain, squeeze out the remainder. Add 1-2 tbsp of herbal infusion to portions. 3 times a day. Or drink with a little honey.

    1 des.l. Infuse crushed Comfrey roots overnight in a glass of boiled water at room temperature, strain in the morning. Pour a glass of boiling water over the roots again and leave for half an hour. Strain, combine.

    For irrigation, 150.0 ml of warm solution is required. Douche according to all the rules, filling a 200.0 ml syringe or rubber bulb with the solution. Lie down in the bath with your legs over the side (in the posture of a woman in labor), and inject the solution in portions, holding each for 1-2 minutes. At the end of the procedure, soak the cotton-gauze swab generously and leave it overnight.

    Do irrigation from any day of the cycle, once in a row and repeat in the next cycle.

    GOOD LUCK, Natasha, and Merry Christmas!

    12/20/17 ayk

    esophagitis, hypertrophic gastritis, bulbitis. I’ve been suffering for a year, medications don’t help, pain on the sides, belching, heartburn.

    Please give me some advice.

    You are experiencing a reflux of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Why is this happening? This is mainly caused by stressful situations, eating in fits and starts, hastily, without waiting for the borscht to cool down or the salad to warm up a little. Not chewing food properly. Our hands cannot tolerate very hot water. Why should the stomach tolerate tea from a samovar or soup straight from the stove? He only needs warm food (37-38 degrees).

    We need to radically change, if not our lifestyle, then our diet.

    Always eat at home at the same time. Then the bile will not be thrown into the stomach, which is also the case with you, unfortunately. You need to grind the food a little with a blender and exclude carbonated drinks, seasonings, alcohol, coarse fiber (fresh vegetable salads, snacks in the form of marinades and pickles) from your diet. Drink more clean warm water, it will reduce heartburn. A heating pad on the epigastric region (if there was no ulcer!) will reduce the pain.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, warm. Course - 1.5 months. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    Pour 25.0 grams of herbs into 250.0 ml of olive or linseed oil, simmer in a boiling water bath for 1 hour and leave for 2 hours, tightly wrapped. Do not strain, store in a cool, dark place.

    Drink 1 tsp for heartburn, reclining.

    3. If the pain is very severe, call an ambulance. If the risk of perforation of the ulcer is not confirmed, block the nerve endings with Comfrey.

    1 des.l. Infuse crushed Comfrey roots overnight in a glass of boiled water at room temperature, strain in the morning. Pour a glass of boiling water over the roots again and leave for half an hour. Strain, combine. Drink 1/2 cup for pain, without canceling the main herbal collection.

    Keep in touch with us, GOOD LUCK!

    12/13/17 Anna

    Dear Yulia Evgenievna! I have read so many wonderful reviews and thanks about you. I really ask for help for my mom.

    She is 63 years old. Diagnosis: stage 4 stomach cancer. Three and a half years ago, part of the stomach was removed, everything was fine. Now metastases have appeared in the peritoneum and there is a small amount of fluid. We did 3 chemotherapy treatments. They didn’t take me to the 4th because atrial fibrillation appeared. Today, the arrhythmia was removed and discharged from the hospital.

    I understand that herbs are needed. Help me please!

    Now we need to decide the main question: either continue chemotherapy or switch to plant poisons? I consider Aconite Djungarian in tincture to be such a poison. If the mother already has anemia, pain has appeared, there is high leukocytosis and she is losing weight, chemotherapy should at least be postponed and started like this:

    3 tbsp. Heat spoons of roots crushed to a grain for half an hour in 500.0 ml of water in a boiling water bath. Do not bring the infusion itself to a boil, it will lose its properties! Remove, wrap and leave for 3 hours, then strain. Drink 100.0 ml 2-3 times a day. The course is 3 weeks so far.

    2. Drink the herbs anyway.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. Course - from 1.5 months. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    3.1. Start with hypertonic dressings. You need to make a saturated salt solution. This is about 100.0 grams of salt per warm water. Moisten the gauze belt generously, squeeze it lightly and apply it over the entire width of the stomach for 1.5-2 hours. Moisten with warm water as it dries. Course days.

    3.2. Mom will immediately have to limit the amount of salt in her food to 2.0 g/day. Then she will drink less, and there will be less ascites, which, if not properly cared for, can reach enormous sizes - 15 or more liters. In total, the amount of water and other liquids should not exceed the amount of urine excreted per day.

    3.3. Any collection of herbs must contain diuretics.

    4. Nutrition. The usual, but in small portions, lightly chopped with a blender, without frying.

    Juices of beets, plantain, carrots with pulp, pomegranate. Hemodiet.

    You can learn different perspectives on nutrition for stomach cancer. Read A.N. Alefirov cancer. I declare war on you,” E. Lebedeva, “Let’s treat cancer. Let's treat everything."

    There is still a lot to discuss, so tests are needed upon discharge, Anna.

    WAITING, your code RakuNO!

    12.12.17 Oksana

    Good afternoon, I ask for your help!

    Diagnosis: reflux, catarrhal esophagitis, cardial insufficiency of the 2nd degree. Hypertrophic gastritis, hypertrophic duodenitis. duodeno-gastric reflux.

    A strong surge of acid (I feel it all the time), a cough that bothers me, especially in the morning, and pain in the chest that radiates to the back.

    Now I take Nexium, Itomed and Maalox. Please recommend a herbal remedy. There is no more strength. They offer surgery.

    I sympathize, but first you need to try the herbs. You won't be late for the operation, this is not a train! I don’t even mention a diet, apparently you don’t eat anything anyway! And yet: you need to eat warm slimy porridges, purees (everything that does not need to be chewed), in small portions and often. Among other things, dear Oksana, you need to drink more clean water, this helps reduce heartburn and burning.

    1. Basic collection.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly.

    1 tbsp. pour 200.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 200.0 ml. Drink 50.0 ml 4 times a day, before meals, warm.

    Course - 1.5 months. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    1 tsp Infuse crushed Comfrey roots overnight in a glass of boiled water at room temperature, strain in the morning. Pour a glass of boiling water over the roots again and leave for half an hour. Strain, combine. Drink 1/2 cup for pain, without canceling the main herbal collection.

    Grind the tuber mechanically to small pieces, then to a coarse powder.

    1 des.l. pour the powder with lukewarm boiled water and leave, stirring occasionally, until it thickens moderately.

    The resulting jelly perfectly relieves heartburn, burning sensation and does not allow you to lose weight during an exacerbation. The course is at least 1 month.

    And I would start with Comfrey. If he helps even a little (and he will), join the collection.

    With wishes for successful herbal practice, see you!

    07.12.17 Tatyana

    My father (57 years old) had a hemorrhagic stroke on the left side in 2013; a sharp rise in blood sugar was recorded. As a result, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Takes Glidiab.

    After the stroke, the mobility of the left arm was reduced. But dad walked, his left leg was a little sluggish when walking.

    This year, walking became worse, and pain appeared in my leg.

    After examination, a diagnosis was made - occlusion of both lower extremities, inoperable on the left side. The vessels of the head (they are normal) and neck (occlusion on the right, 50% stenosis on the left) were examined.

    The doctors said they couldn't help.

    Takes blood pressure pills, statins, Halidor for pain relief, Duzopharm, Plavix.

    Please help us avoid leg amputation and prolong the life of our loved one.

    The task is complex, there is calcium, cholesterol, microthrombi in the vessels. Medicines are all needed, but herbs will do what medicines cannot - they will cleanse the blood vessels. But this is very difficult for a person. We need to completely reconsider our diet, based on the simple principle “We are what we eat.”

    I quite consciously encourage your father to switch to a partial raw food diet. This is just a scary word, but in reality it is an 80% vegetarian table in the form of salads, vegetable smoothies, juices with pulp. You need seafood in the maximum possible volume, there is a lot of iodine, which will gradually reduce the size of the plaques.

    You should categorically refuse industrial meat and deli meats and switch to preparing the main dish only by baking in the oven or on the grill. I consider it necessary to leave ordinary vegetable soups in the diet. We need herbs that dilate blood vessels and bind calcium. They are assembled.

    In addition, a separate recommendation for restoring microcirculation through the capillaries: yellow turpentine baths. But first you need to read the work of A.S. Zalmanov “The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body.” This is a book about re-education of capillaries.

    I am ready to accompany your father)).

    Grind the shoots and fruits and take 50.0 grams of each, place loosely in a bowl and pour 500.0 ml of 70% alcohol. Leave for 3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature, shaking occasionally. Drink 30 drops 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course is 2 months, a break of 14 days and the course is repeated. Conduct at least 3 courses per year.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly.

    2 tbsp. pour the mixture with 500.0 ml of cold drinking water overnight. In the morning, bring to a boil and pour into a thermos for 2-3 hours. Strain, squeeze.

    Drink 100.0 ml 5 times a day, before meals, warm. The course is 2-2.5 months. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    Start rethinking your diet and choosing a juicer.

    See you in touch and GOOD LUCK!

    06.12.17 Nina

    Hello, Yulia Evgenievna!

    Thank you for your work! Several years ago, my mother was able to stop and even reduce fibroids thanks to your herbs! Now I also need your help.

    During a routine examination with a gynecologist, I was diagnosed with fibroadenoma of the right breast. The size is 2.5 centimeters, they said that it is not critical, but it needs to be cut.

    They did an ultrasound and puncture and confirmed that the tumor was benign. But I believe that you can do without surgery! What herbs should I take? What would you advise in my case?

    Also, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity revealed a cyst in the kidney (0.9 cm), calcimite around it, and a slightly enlarged liver. Is there any way to fix this?

    Thank you in advance for your response!

    A tumor is always a decrease in antitumor immunity. Therefore, start with organizing your lifestyle: proper nutrition with the obligatory inclusion of seafood and iodine-containing products (sea kale, cranberries, persimmons, feijoa, buckwheat and others). Moreover, your liver needs it. Signal to switch from fried to baked! You need walking, a good night's sleep, and relief from stress of any kind. And add herbs to this.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. Course - 2 months. Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    2. Selenium Active. Tablets of any dosage, 200 mcg per day. Course - 1.5 months.

    Melt 250.0 grams of lard (or chicken fat) in an oven preheated to 70 degrees, add 50.0 grams of powdered Comfrey root and simmer for 6 hours, stirring. Cool and store the ointment in the refrigerator. Before use, remove the required amount in advance to warm at room temperature. Apply to the tumor area 2 times a day. Course - 3 weeks, break 10 days and repeat.

    Mammogram control after 1.5 months.

    With wishes of good luck and getting rid of the problem!

    11/27/17 Elena

    I came across your site by accident. I'll try to be brief. Many years ago, my son, then 20 years old, a university student, was admitted to a psychiatric hospital and began many years of “treatment.” They drank, pierced everything that exists. There was no result other than deterioration.

    Then the Internet appeared, we began to study this disease on our own. As far as I understand, since he began to laugh often, this is an excess of serotonin, so we excluded proteins from his diet. Simply put, we switched to vegetarianism, additionally excluding legumes.

    At the same time, they began to cleanse the body with herbs and juices. Now he is taking courses of Comfrey root for hallucinations and talking to someone.

    I also found on the Internet that schizophrenia can be successfully treated with Rhodiola rosea. In search of this Golden Root I came to your site. Please tell me, are we doing the right thing? Maybe you can tell me something else?

    And he also often has a stuffy nose, not even properly stuffy, just like a runny nose. From time to time we rinse with a weak solution of peroxide and lubricate the bridge of the nose with Dr. MOM. We did mustard baths, but after a short time it appears again. About two years ago we took Groprinosin against viruses.

    Best regards, Elena.

    Well, what can I tell you, Elena?

    Successful treatment of schizophrenia is a myth. Without knowing the nature of the disease, without knowing anything essentially about the BRAIN, it cannot be cured.

    You can go into remission and the easiest way is to remove aggression and hyperactive unmotivated behavior. But “glitches” are the worst to treat.

    Some consider more or less adequate patients with preserved intelligence to be contactees, and consider hallucinations to be a dialogue with an invisible but existing world. The vast majority of psychiatrists use means of suppressing the psyche.

    If there is some hebephrenia, it can be suppressed or reduced.

    Herbs are usually used for inhibitory action.

    But I don’t know whether they make sense for your son.

    If his delirium is not destructive, if there is no self-aggression in him, he sleeps well, eats and maintains his intellect, then herbs need symptomatic and restorative effects.

    Now you can focus your efforts on combating flatulence. Yes, large amounts of Fiber cause flatulence, but the gases are odorless. With normal digestion there should be no flatulence. A runny nose can be a consequence of sinusitis, and sinusitis can be a consequence of adenoids. Apparently he doesn’t leave the house, doesn’t breathe fresh air?

    1. runny nose. This is where I would use Comfrey oil. I have never heard of using Comfrey for delirium. Usually, traditional medicine gives a lot of Bitters: tincture of Wormwood, Centaury and others.

    But first, try dripping your Comfrey infusion into your nose, 4-5 drops 5 times a day. If the effects are good, continue and you can use the oil.

    Pour comfrey roots crushed to fine grains with unrefined vegetable oil 1:5 and place in a boiling water bath with a lid. Stir without letting the oil boil for 4 hours. Cool, strain.

    There are “soldier” herbs: Dill, Fennel, caraway. They are simply added to all dishes and they have a carminative effect, so do it.

    And taking into account the underlying disease, give such a fee.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First, mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, warm! Course - 1.5 months.

    Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

    3. Sorbents. Polyphepan is the most active, you will like it.

    Ready to continue the dialogue, Elena! Your code is SHIELD-1, see you!

    20.11.17 Natalya

    Hello, my name is Natalya. I want to turn to you for help. My height and weight are 86 kg. In July 2016, I had severe pain in my right abdomen. They started in the morning with a spasm and then spread throughout the entire abdomen due to bloating. Every step was reflected by pain in my stomach.

    I went for an ultrasound to rule out appendicitis (the pain was somehow localized to the lower right). Ultrasound showed signs of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis without exacerbation, liver hemangioma (diagnosed for the first time). An endometrioid cyst of the left ovary, 4 cm in size, was discovered. After a long and unsuccessful treatment with both medication and herbs, on October 26, 2017, a laparoscopy was performed to remove the cyst (at the time of removal, the size was 6 cm). The ovary is preserved. During the operation, the pipes were checked: the left one was impassable (the surgeon was unable to restore patency), the right one was restored.

    Multiple small foci of endometriosis were found throughout the peritoneum. The doctor prescribed buserelin injections for 6 months, but after weighing everything, after consulting with more than one specialist, I am inclined to not use this drug (it’s too much of a burden on the whole body, and I don’t have that much health).

    One doctor said that endometriosis is usually the result of problems with the thyroid gland or gallbladder. I don’t know how true this is, but the thyroid gland, as far as I examined (blood TSH, T3, T4 and ultrasound), was normal, but the gastrointestinal tract periodically fails: the intestines become inflamed, bloating, slight pain on the right side.

    I would like to add: I have had my periods since I was 11 years old, the cycle has always been regular, painless or moderately painful, moderately heavy, but in recent years it has always had clots. At one time there was spotting after menstruation for up to 9 days (in total with menstruation). pregnancy 1, labor 1 with stimulation, there were no abortions or miscarriages, there was a history of bilateral oophoritis (2014).

    Before the operation there were pain attacks, over the last year 4 times before menstruation (sharp pain in the lower abdomen and spreads throughout the abdomen, it passed within 4-5 days). Often general weakness and headaches.

    After the operation, there was severe weakness, even some kind of apathy, tearfulness, which, in general, is not typical for me.

    Among the latest tests, there is a CBC and some biochemistry indicators:

    CBC: leukocytes - 5.16 (normal 3.1-9), erythrocytes - 4.5 (3.5-4.8), hemoglobin(), platelets(), ESR - 10 (2-14).

    Glucose - 5.35 (normal 3.9-6.4), amylase - 145.7 (0-220), lipase - 92.8 (0-190), ALAT - 19.4 (0-33), ASAT - 15.2 (0-34), total bilirubin - 6.1 (2-20), urea - 4.74 (2.5-8.3), creatinine - 73.3 (42-95), cholesterol - 4.9 (3.15-5.3).

    I haven’t had an ultrasound after the surgery yet.

    If any tests are necessary, I will provide additional tests that you deem necessary.

    1. How can you control the course and manifestations of endometriosis by taking herbs?

    2. Is it possible to get pregnant and carry a child?

    3. Is it possible to use an infusion of grape seeds for endometriosis? I prepared it in the summer, I wanted to drink it with pine buds, but I was confused by the presence of phytoestrogens in the grape seeds. I found two opposing opinions on taking phytoestrogens for endometriosis.

    4. How to treat cholecystitis and pancreatitis? Now I take Milk Thistle powder, washed down with Agrimony decoction.

    Thank you in advance, I'm waiting for your answer.

    Now I am answering you, based on the vast world experience in treating endometriosis against the background of increased weight, pelvic pain, peritoneal contamination and tubal obstruction due to adhesions. That is, your case.

    1. Phytoestrogens are strictly contraindicated for you. Moreover, all treatment is based precisely on their maximum possible reduction.

    For young women with plans for pregnancy and pregnancy (!), Buserelin-Depot is used primarily. You can rely on a 3-4 month regimen of taking Indole-3-carbinol and Epigallate at the same time, Longidaza suppositories according to the regimen. Treatment of endometrioid adhesions can only be supplemented with herbs (see below).

    I do not advise you to waste time and start treatment with buserelin with the support of herbs.

    1. Your herbs, collection for drinking.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. The course is 2-2.5 months.

    5 days before menstruation (until buserelin has taken effect), add 1.5 tbsp to the collection before mixing. Burnet root officinalis.

    1 tsp Infuse crushed Comfrey roots overnight in a glass of boiled water at room temperature, strain in the morning. Pour a glass of boiling water over the roots again and leave for half an hour. Strain, combine. Drink 1/2 cup for pain, without canceling the main herbal collection; do irrigation 7 days before menstruation.

    3. Agrimony and Milk Thistle are a good pair)). Add Burdock and Chicory root powders 1:1 to Milk Thistle. And continue. Full course - 2 months.

    20.11.17 Oksana

    Hello! How to stop diarrhea? We tried everything, FGS showed erosive formations in the stomach and intestines.

    Stopping diarrhea is difficult. And you most likely have nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

    1. Start taking Sulfasalazine as directed. It won't do any harm anyway.

    2. Attach the herbal collection.

    Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, roots to 3-5 mm. First mechanically, to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder. Mix evenly.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. The course is 2 weeks so far.

    Default quantities are in tablespoons.

    Keep me posted, Oksana, I’d love to help!

    11/13/17 Roman

    Hello. I ask for your help in treating my mother. She is 54 years old, height, weight - 60 kg. The story is this: 2 years ago she received an electric shock (220 V). She didn’t lose consciousness, there were no burns, her hands hurt a little, but she didn’t pay much attention to it.

    After about two months, my health began to rapidly deteriorate: stiffness, temperature below 40, pain throughout the body, muscle hypertonicity (they became as hard as wood). At the hospital they diagnosed him with rheumatoid arthritis. After about a year, the muscles practically “dissolved”, and I lost a lot of weight. Then she also fell ill with severe pneumonia. The doctors suggested making punctures to pump out the water, but my mother refused. Fortunately, the treatment was successful and the pneumonia was cured.

    Here are the latest test results.

    The main diagnosis: rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis with predominant damage to the joints of the hands, feet, knees, and shoulders, active phase, stage 2 activity, seronegative, R-stage.

    Complications: PFS 1-2 degrees.

    Concomitant: myocardial fibrosis of mixed origin. Sinus tachycardia. CH 1 tbsp.

    Research data: blood pressure 110/70 mmHg.

    Blood pressure 140/80 mm.from.st.

    UAC Hb - 159; Er - 5.6; L - 7.3; ESR - 30 mm; e 1% p 2% s 64% l 30% m 3%

    Blood sugar - 4.7 mmol

    Prothrombin index 88%

    General protein - 77.4 g/l; bilirubin - 13.2; VLP - 44 units; timolova - 10.0; AST - 24, ALT - 29; seromucoids - 0.234 units; SRB - 24; rheumatoid factor (-); urea - 5.5 mmol; urea nitrogen - 2.5 mmol; residual nitrogen - 18.4; creatinine (-); thrombotest - 18.0; PTC - 24; PTI - 92%; APTT - 57; fibrinogen - 3.33; fibrinogen B (-)

    OAM p/w 1014 straws; protein - sugar - ac (-); L 1-5; Eps 4-8.

    Urine according to Nechiporenko L - 250.

    Urine negative for sugar.

    No stool was detected; hidden blood benzide sample negative 24 (2p).

    R-scopy of the gastrointestinal tract: Lungs and heart within the limits of age-related changes. The sinuses are free. The heart is normal.

    X-ray of the hands: spotted osteoporosis of the phalanges of the fingers.

    ECHO CS: the cavities are not expanded. LV myocardial hypertrophy. EF 47% reduced. tachycardia. Fibrosis MK, AK. Small MN.

    ECG heart rate 75 beats/min.

    Doctors recommended taking Methylpred, Ibuprofen, Zolopent. I took them for a month, then stopped to avoid side effects. I took the tincture of Dioscorea Caucasian for 2 months, and the combined tincture Sabelnik Mumiyo Comfrey Elecampane + Lapukh + Wormwood for 2 months as well. Pain in the hands and balls of the feet bothers me, and my fingers and toes often turn white. The ointments used were Diclofenac, Dolgit, Voltaren, Nimid, Ketonal (5%), Apizartron and Viprosal. From the last two, the condition worsens, the temperature rises (possibly a reaction to poisons), from all the rest the effect is minimal. I ask you to give advice on three main issues:

    2. Fibrosis of heart valves.

    3. liver hemangioma. (I read that this can be treated with tincture of chanterelle mushrooms. What do you recommend?)

    Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to your answer.

    Most likely, the electric shock did not go unnoticed and provoked the breakdown of connective tissue, which underlies arthritis. The heart valves, which are solid connective tissue, were also damaged. Perhaps your mother often suffered from purulent tonsillitis in the past. Sometimes one is enough, after which arthritis, rheumatic carditis, nephritis occurs, resulting in fibrosis.

    Antinuclear antibodies and rheumatoid factor clearly speak in favor of rheumatoid arthritis; but not always enzymes that appear from the breakdown of tissues are just seromucoids - 0.234 units; SRB - 24. They require laboratory standards to assess the degree of activity of the process.

    hemangioma. We need its dimensions. Only large hemangiomas may ever present with bleeding. But hemangioma can be a manifestation of endometriosis. Ask your mom about this.

    Chanterelles are wonderful mushrooms, both tasty and medicinal. But I think that their healing properties are greatly exaggerated. You can only check this on yourself if you want)) There are no conclusive statistics. At the same time, it exists for Chaga or Agaricus - recognized leaders of fungotherapy. I think it’s better to cook chanterelles with sour cream and eat them.

    Let's start with the heart. We need to calm him down and improve the functioning of the valve apparatus.

    Grind the grass evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots and fruits to 3-5 mm, mix evenly.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. Course - 2 months.

    Default quantities are in tablespoons.

    3-4 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of dried horse chestnut flowers into powder, pour in melted lard or chicken fat and mix. Place in the oven at 75 degrees for an hour. Cool and store in the refrigerator. Apply to joints twice a day for 1-1.5 months.

    3. Use as many citrus fruits as possible in your diet. It is best to eat 1 lemon per day.

    Let's clarify everything and adjust the collection.

    09.11.17 Mila

    I have high prolactin, hence the problem with my cycle. How can I reduce prolactin to normal without medications and hormones? I did an MRI (everything is normal), sella turcica (normal), and tested adrenal hormones (slightly elevated).

    Gynecologists reduce and induce the menstrual cycle with the help of Duphaston and Dastinex.

    Most likely the problem is in the pituitary gland. Even if there are some microscopic changes on the MRI that the doctor does not consider diagnostically significant, they will definitely give high prolactin. It is possible to reduce it, but what is well treated is what is well diagnosed. You need a diagnosis, but you don’t have one.

    Perhaps you have prolactinoma or microadenoma of the pituitary gland, or a problem with the adrenal glands, or PCOS, or hypothyroidism. Therefore, I work with specific people who have weight, height, character, certain blood pressure, specific problems with menstruation and specific hormone levels: prolactin, macroprolactin, cortisol, ACTH, DHEAS, testosterone, TSH, progesterone, estradiol.

    If you are interested in a diagnosis, you will have these numbers. In the meantime, without guarantee, you can start like this:

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day before meals. Course - 1.5 months.

    Default quantities are in tablespoons.

    1 tbsp. crushed root pour 200.0 ml of drinking water overnight. In the morning, heat until steam appears, remove, wrap and leave until completely cool. Strain and drink 2 tbsp. 3 times a day, with an interval of 30 minutes from collection.

    Drink every other day, course - 3 weeks, control prolactin.

    If you accept this option, I will be in contact with you during this time.

    08.11.17 Olga

    Good afternoon I ask for help in treating my chronic diseases.

    In 2009, I was diagnosed with leukoplakia of the bladder. They were then treated with infusions of solutions into the bladder; after similar procedures, after a couple of years, attacks of acute cystitis recurred. In 2011, she was treated again. The cause of leukoplakia was then identified as trichomoniasis, which was subsequently treated.

    At the moment, after two pregnancies and childbirth, the same symptoms have returned: periodic pain when urinating, slight pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urge. They appear after hypothermia or sexual intercourse (the partner has been constant for many years). The test for trichomoniasis is negative, the smear is also normal, but the discharge is periodically white, similar to thrush.

    I saved myself by collecting urological herbs and cranberry juice, but not for long.

    In addition to leukoplakia, hemorrhoids appeared after childbirth, a small nodule on the outside. There is no pain.

    I read about the benefits of Goldenrod for leukoplakia and started taking the decoction.

    Thanks in advance for your answer.

    Goldenrod is a target herb for cystitis, pyelonephritis, here you have hit the nail on the head!

    But! If the leukoplakia area remains or increases, you need to add traditional antitumor herbs. Taking into account the pain and dysuria, try this collection.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture overnight, bring to a boil in the morning and pour into a thermos. Leave for an hour, strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day before meals. Course 3-4 weeks.

    2. Hemorrhoids are common after childbirth. This is a special case of varicose veins, that is, poor venous circulation with stagnation of blood in the veins. A “nodule” is the mucous membrane of the rectum with a vein overflowing with blood.

    You can get rid of it with the simplest measures:

    2. Do not wear clothes that are tight at the waist.

    3. Do not wear high or unstable heels.

    4. Unload the veins of the rectum with any exercises on the calf muscles and pelvic floor muscles. These are a variety of squats, seated supports, walking in place, running in place. Do not sit for more than an hour without a break for such exercises and, in general, avoid any sitting.

    Try this recipe:

    3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over Dill seeds to cover, leave until absorbed.

    Wrap in cotton cloth and secure while hot. Time until cool, twice a day.

    GOOD LUCK and all the best, contact us!

    02.11.17 Olga

    Hello! My name is Olga, I have a question for you.

    Five years ago I caught a cold and was treated by an ENT doctor. The last drug was Nasonex and from that moment I began visiting clinics. The nose cannot breathe, there is suffocation in the nasopharynx. They waved it off, only Nasonex.

    In September I suffered from left-sided sinusitis, the puncture was replaced with a Yamik catheter. Then wash with cefotaxime. Drops of Rinofluimucil and Polydex, a local antibiotic was prescribed Flemoklav solute, but since it did not suit me, Suprax was prescribed. And now Nasonex.

    The CT results showed signs of non-odontogenic sinusitis on the right, a mucocele of the left maxillary sinus of non-odontogenic etiology.

    What is possible herbal treatment for this diagnosis? After antibiotics there was a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract, they took a course of Gastrocalm. Thank you.

    Now I will offer you a whole range of measures that will help you restore these very important structures without barbaric methods!

    First of all, give up antibiotics and start restoring your immune system (see below). But we will focus on proper local treatment.

    1. Start the next “therapeutic” cycle by rinsing the sinuses through the nose with a warm 2% solution of baking soda; daily for 7 days and then start herbal medicine.

    2. Flushing the sinuses using the cuckoo system.

    Break 20.0 grams of Eucalyptus leaves and pour 500.0 ml of boiling water into a thermos, where it steeps for 2 hours. Strain, squeeze and rinse the nose while lying down with your head lowered and turned to the side; gradually injecting at least 100.0 ml of infusion into each nostril.

    3.1. At the end of the procedure:

    3.1. Place 2 drops of the prepared Eucalymin solution into each nostril.

    Course - 10 procedures every other day.

    3.2. Or, instead of Eucalymin, use a 5% Mumiyo solution, mixed with 10 drops of fresh Aloe juice. Dissolve 5.0 g of Mumiyo in 100.0 ml of drinking water, add juice and mix.

    Place 5-7 drops into each nostril in the same position, 3 times a day. Course - 10 days.

    3.3. It is quite possible that Comfrey will help you.

    1 tbsp. crushed root pour 200.0 ml of drinking water overnight. In the morning, heat until steam appears, remove, wrap and leave until completely cool. Strain and store in the refrigerator, reheating before use.

    Drop 5-7 drops into each nostril 3-4 times a day. I suggest you start with it.

    Grind the grass evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots and fruits to 3-5 mm, mix.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day before meals in small sips. Course - 1.5 months.

    Default quantities are in tablespoons.

    Repeat such courses 3 times a year, and in between, get used to the cold, that is, choose a hardening system.

    5. Try a salt cave! Go there for an hour and observe your nasal breathing. If you notice that both nostrils are breathing, take a course.

    6. Place an air ionizer in your house. Negative air ions are very useful for everyone and especially for you.

    And I am absolutely sure that only a complete complex will help you say goodbye to sinusitis.

    With best wishes, see you soon!

    10.25.17 Anna

    Hello. I would like to clarify which herbs are best for mom.

    Diagnosis: multiple myeloma, myeloma kidney. They don’t do chemotherapy yet, and the body reacts very poorly to what they did and doesn’t accept it.

    Urea and creatinine levels are off the charts. I read on the Internet about the benefits of the herbs Sabelnik, Veronica officinalis, and Comfrey. Mom's bones hurt very badly! Maybe you can recommend something?

    Unfortunately, your mother has developed kidney failure, and you need to urgently reduce your urea and creatinine levels. Now this is the main thing. Otherwise, mom will end up on dialysis!

    1. Start by completely eliminating animal protein: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and cheese. And this alone will somewhat reduce the levels of residual nitrogen.

    2. Limit the amount of liquid you drink to the amount of urine you excrete per day. Start counting both volumes.

    3. Buy Phytolysin paste and use according to instructions, dissolving in water.

    4. Constantly use a collection of special herbs.

    Grind the grass evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots and fruits to 3-5 mm, mix.

    1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or in a boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove and leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze, add to 300.0 ml. Drink 100.0 ml 3 times a day before meals in small sips. The course so far is 1 month.

    Default quantities are in tablespoons.

    5. Sorbents will help neutralize and remove urea (Polyphepan, Litovit, Carbohit and others).

    7. Taking into account the underlying disease, Comfrey officinalis would be more suitable for mom than the herbs you mentioned.

    1 tbsp. crushed root pour 200.0 ml of drinking water overnight. In the morning, heat until steam appears, remove and leave, wrapped, until completely cooled. Strain and drink 1-2 tbsp. 3-4 times a day before meals. Course - 3 weeks, break 2 weeks and repeat.

    Comfrey tincture will relieve pain when rubbed and rubbed.

    20 grams of roots, crushed to a grain, pour 200.0 ml of 60% alcohol for 14 days, shake periodically. Strain, use for lotions, compresses, rubbing.

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