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Phenibut: side effects in adults and children, indications and contraindications, instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues. Medicinal reference geotar Phenibut contraindications for use

Phenibut is γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid, a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

The appearance of nootropic drugs (nootropics), which have an activating effect on metabolic processes in the central nervous system and restore intellectual activity, dates back to the seventies of the last century.

Nootropics help improve bioenergetic processes in brain cells, activate the transmission of nervous excitation and can increase the resistance of neurons to hypoxia.

Phenibut was created by Russian professor V.V. Perekalin (Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen) and underwent further clinical trials at the Research Institute named after V.M. Bekhterev (Department of Psychopharmacology) under the leadership of senior researcher R.A. Khaunina.

Phenibut and the astronauts' first aid kit. The drug was included in the mandatory list of medications that were in the first aid kit of astronauts aboard the space station.

Experience has shown that traditional tranquilizers did not cope with the task and could not reduce the influence of the stress factor on the astronauts’ body, while phenibut did not have an excessively calming effect characteristic of other tranquilizing drugs and maintained the high performance of the astronauts.


Pharmacological group

Group of nootropic drugs

Active substance

Phenibut, white crystalline powder, sour taste. Soluble in water and alcohol

Dosage form

Tablets 250 mg, No. 20

Mechanism of action

Phenibut is classified as a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and phenyl derivative of phenylethylamine. The active substance has a high absorption rate and is quickly and easily absorbed into the body tissues.

Distribution in liver and kidney cells is uniform, metabolism by liver cells is about 95%, metabolic products do not have pharmacological properties.

Excretion by the kidneys - after three hours unchanged, partially excreted in bile; an important factor is that the concentration of the active substance in the brain cells does not decrease after excretion of the drug. Studies have shown the presence of the active substance in brain tissue within six hours after taking a dose of the drug.

Phenibut has calming properties and acts on the body without relaxing the muscle component. The mechanism of operation is based on the normalization of the transmission of neuronal impulses to the central nervous system, activation of metabolic processes, improvement of blood circulation in the brain, which together gives a high therapeutic effect in the form of a calming and improving brain function.

The active ingredient phenibut does not affect adrenergic receptors, which are nerve endings sensitive to adrenaline (stress hormone), which are produced by the body under extreme conditions. Therefore, the drug cannot cause stimulation of motor and mental activity.

The predominant pharmacological effect is nootropic and promotes better absorption of oxygen by brain cells. The antihypoxic effect of Phenibut is complemented by the drug’s ability to enhance and prolonged the effect of hypnotics, neuroleptics, anticonvulsant dosage forms and narcotic substances.

Phenibut has the following effects:

  • psychostimulant;
  • antiplatelet;
  • tranquilizing;
  • antioxidant.

As a result of clinical trials, it was possible to prove the high effect of the drug and its ability to significantly improve the functional state of the brain. The effect of the dosage form is due to the ability of the active substance to normalize metabolism and activate cerebral circulation.

The drug eliminates:

  • anxiety;
  • internal tension;
  • phobias;
  • headache;
  • persistent insomnia.

With regular use, there is an improvement in sleep, a reduction in the severity of nystagmus, a decrease in the manifestations of general asthenia and vaso-vegetative symptoms, an increase in physical and mental performance, memory, concentration, speed and accuracy of sensory-motor reactions.

The drug helps improve microcirculation in the tissues of the eyes, reducing the negative effects of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system.

Indications for use of the drug

Phenibut is prescribed only by a doctor:

A delirious state is observed in patients in the acute period of myocardial infarction, with severe intoxication, etc. Chronic alcoholism and dehydration contribute to the development of delirium.

Phenibut is used to relieve somatic, autonomic and psychopathological disorders diagnosed in alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Indications for use in diseases:

  • Meniere's disease;
  • kinetosis;
  • diseases associated with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, accompanied by severe dizziness, which developed as a result of the penetration of pathogenic infections;
  • pathologies that lead to dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, having a traumatic nature or vascular origin.

Phenibut is approved for use in children and is prescribed:

  • with enuresis;
  • stuttering;
  • ticks.

Mild form of pathology. The daily dose is 0.5 g, the dose is divided into two doses, Phenibut is taken for about a week; the dose is then 0.25 g, taken for one to two to three weeks until the general condition completely improves.

Dizziness resulting from mechanical injuries or caused by diseases of the vascular system. The daily dose is 0.75 g, the dose is divided and taken three times a day, the course of therapy lasts fourteen days.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. Phenibut is part of complex therapy and is intended to relieve symptoms. The first fourteen days of treatment for osteochondrosis - daily dose of 0.75 g, one tablet three times a day, the dose is divided into three doses. Then the dose remains the same, but the number of doses is reduced to two (daily dose 0.5 g).

Menopausal syndrome in women. It is recommended to combine this treatment with other therapeutic methods. The dosage is selected individually, depending on the severity of symptoms, the presence of concomitant somatic diseases and the course of menopausal disorders in women in general.

Moderate pain syndrome with vertebral disorders. Dosage – tablet twice a day, with a daily dose of 0.5 g. The recommended treatment period is one month.

Analogs and Phenibut itself are used to prevent motion sickness syndrome (traveler's syndrome, seasickness, travel sickness).

Motion sickness syndrome. A single dose is recommended approximately 60 minutes before the start of a trip (airplane flight, trip by sea transport, car, bus, etc.). When the very first mild symptoms of kinetosis appear, you must urgently take a tablet of the drug.

Attention! With severe symptoms of motion sickness syndrome, accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, a dose of even 0.75-1 g has no effect.

Attention! Self-medication with Phenibut is unacceptable. Uncontrolled use and illiterate treatment will only aggravate the situation and can lead to serious health consequences. It is prescribed only by a doctor after an external examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis and, if necessary, laboratory and diagnostic measures.

Only a qualified doctor with sufficient experience can give competent recommendations regarding treatment with Phenibut and indicate the correct treatment algorithm in compliance with the dosage and duration of the course. Depending on the dose, Phenibut can act as a nootropic or a tranquilizer.

Self-medication with taking inadequate doses leads to a situation where the result is not the pharmacological effect that was expected by the patient.

Phenibut and addiction

Phenibut is addictive. Habituation develops only with long-term use.

Stopping taking Phenibut is not difficult. To avoid the development of withdrawal syndrome, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose of the drug over the last seven days of therapy.

Contraindications for use

Phenibut is contraindicated:

  • in acute forms of renal failure;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis);
  • in case of severe liver dysfunction;
  • in a type of activity associated with increased concentration and memory;
  • in children under eight years of age.

Side effects

At the beginning of the course of treatment it is possible:

  • the appearance of drowsiness;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • allergic reactions in the form of itching, skin rashes, urticaria, etc. (rarely).

Usually, side effects disappear after several days of use and do not require discontinuation of the drug.


Active ingredient - Phenibut has no toxic properties.

Attention! Long-term use of the drug at a dose of 7–14 g per day causes:

  • hepatotoxicity;
  • fatty liver;
  • eosinophilia.

It is generally accepted that the drug is very hepatotoxic. Considering that no more than 5% of the active substance is excreted by the liver, this statement is not true, as evidenced by numerous clinical trials. The effect that Phenibut has on the liver is negligible.

Side effects develop due to too long or uncontrolled use, when the patient does not comply with the prescribed dosage or duration of treatment. For the formation of fatty liver and hepatotoxicity, the dose of the drug must exceed the recommended therapeutic dose by at least three times.

Overdose symptoms

If the dose is exceeded, the following is observed:

  • severe drowsiness;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • development of renal failure.

Assistance in case of overdose is symptomatic therapy, which necessarily includes gastric lavage and induction of vomiting. It is recommended to take about 20 tablets of activated carbon, which helps to deposit and remove unnecessary substances and poisons from the body.

The drug does not have a specific antidote.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is taken orally, regardless of meals.

Adult patients. The dose is 250–500 mg three times a day. The doctor, if necessary due to the course of the disease and if the patient is well tolerated, increases the dose of Phenibut to 2500 mg. per day.

The drug does not belong to the category of drugs subject to strict reporting and can be dispensed without a doctor's prescription. There are pharmacies that dispense Phenibut without a prescription, and there are those that require a prescription.

The maximum single dose is Phenibut 750 mg.

People over 60 years old – 500 mg.

The maximum daily dose is 2500 mg.

The course of treatment is usually four to six weeks.

Attention! The dosage should be selected individually. When selecting the optimal dose, the age of the patient, the individual characteristics of the body and the pharmacological effect of the drug on a particular patient, diagnosis, the presence or absence of concomitant somatic diseases, the patient’s condition at the time of prescription of the dosage form, the set therapeutic goals and the patient’s possible use of other medications for the treatment of the main and concomitant diseases other than Phenibut.

Pediatric patients.

The drug is prescribed to children from eight years of age.

Age 8–14 years – 250 mg 3 times a day.

The highest single dose is 300 mg.

Phenibut and infants. The instructions say that Phenibut is allowed for children from 8 years of age.

Neurologists, however, prescribe the drug to infants after pathological births or to newborns when a woman in labor is diagnosed with gestosis during pregnancy.

In such cases, infants are often diagnosed with pathology of brain structures. It is also considered advisable to prescribe the drug in case of traumatic brain injury in an infant.

The result of therapy of infants with Phenibut. There is an increase in blood circulation in the brain. The child becomes calmer, the background of his development is more favorable.

When prescribing the drug to infants, one should proceed from a comparison of possible side effects of treatment and the likelihood of developing dangerous disorders of brain activity, which inevitably leads to a slower pace of development.

Information for patients. During the entire course of therapy it is prohibited:

  • drive vehicles and mechanisms that require extreme concentration and reaction speed;
  • engage in any type of activity that requires speed of psychomotor reactions.

How to take it if you miss the next dose?

If a dose is missed once or twice, the course of therapy should be continued as usual.

Interaction with other drugs

Phenibut is allowed to be combined with other psychotropic drugs to achieve mutual potentiation during the entire course of therapy. The simultaneous use of Phenibut and other drugs requires a review of the dosage recommended in the instructions and is the prerogative of the attending physician.

It is usually necessary to reduce the dose of Phenibut and other psychotropic drugs used simultaneously.

Phenibut enhances and prolongs the duration of action:

  • antipsychotic drugs;
  • sleeping pills;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • narcotic drugs.

Attention! During the entire course of therapy with Phenibut, it is strictly forbidden to consume any alcoholic beverages or ethanol-based dosage forms, since Phenibut can enhance and prolong the effect of ethanol.

Special instructions for medical practitioners

Taking the drug for a long period of time requires laboratory monitoring: blood tests and liver function tests.
For patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be prescribed with caution, weighing the appropriateness of the prescription and the side effect that irritates the mucous membrane. It is possible to take the drug in a lower dosage in this case.

Analogs of PHENIBUT:

  • Noofen (manufactured by Olainfarm JSC, trade name - Noofen, active ingredient - phenibut, Latvia).
  • Noobut ​​IC (manufactured by Interchem, Ukraine, trade name - Noobut ​​IC, active ingredient - phenibut).
  • Bifren (manufactured by Pharma-Start, Ukraine, trade name – Bifren, active ingredient – ​​phenibut).
  • Quattrex (manufactured by Pharma-Start, Ukraine, trade name – Quattrex, active ingredient – ​​phenibut).
  • Noomax (manufactured by Biovita Laboratories PVT. Ltd. For Pro-Pharma, UA, LLC, Ukraine-India, trade name - Noomax, active ingredient - phenibut).

All of the listed analogues contain an identical amount of the active substance (phenibut), therefore they have similar pharmacological effects and are absolutely interchangeable dosage forms.

Medicines with similar pharmacological effects, but with a different active ingredient

There are drugs on the market that differ in composition and have similar effects:

  • Aminalon (active ingredient - derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid);
  • Piracetam, Biotropil (active ingredient - piracetam);
  • Vinpocetine, Neurovin, Cavinton, Vicebrol (active ingredient – ​​vinpocetine);
  • Somaxon, Dendrix, Ceraxon, Neocebron (active ingredient – ​​citicoline);
  • Encephabol (active ingredient – ​​pyritinol);
  • Memosam (active ingredients - piracetam and cinarizine).

The issue of drug safety and its sales in Europe

The results of clinical trials have proven the safety of the drug if the specified dosage and duration of treatment are strictly observed.

The study showed:

Phenibut has a weaker sedative effect compared to other popular medications, such as diazepam.

Phenibut is available without a prescription in many countries. In some countries, Phenibut is sold in sports nutrition stores.

Dear visitors of the Farmamir website. This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.




Phenibut is a nootropic drug. Eliminates tension, anxiety and fear, improves sleep. Extends the latent period and shortens the duration and severity of nystagmus, has an antiepileptic effect.
Reduces symptoms asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms, incl. headache, feeling of heaviness in the head, sleep disturbance, irritability, emotional lability, increases mental performance. Improves psychological indicators: attention, memory, speed and accuracy of sensory-motor reactions.
From the first days of therapy, patients feel better, their interest and initiative, and motivation for activity increases.
When using Phenibut after severe traumatic brain injuries the number of mitochondria in the perifocal areas increases and the course of bioenergetic processes in the brain improves.
Phenibut also has an antioxidant effect.
When used in elderly people, Phenibut does not cause congestion and excessive lethargy.
Normalizes lipid peroxidation processes. Does not affect cholinergic and adrenergic receptors.

Indications for

– asthenic and anxious-neurotic states, accompanied by anxiety, fear, anxiety;
– obsessive-compulsive neurosis;
– psychopathy;
– stuttering, enuresis, tics (in children);
– insomnia, night restlessness (in older people);
– prevention of stressful conditions (including before operations and painful diagnostic tests);
– abstinence (as part of combination therapy);
– alcoholic delirium (as part of combination therapy);
- Meniere's disease;
– dizziness associated with disorders of the vestibular apparatus of various origins (including infectious, traumatic and vascular);
– prevention of kinetosis.

Mode of application:

Phenibut is used orally before meals, course 4-6 weeks.
For adults the drug is prescribed in an average dose of 250-500 mg 3 times a day; if necessary, the dose is increased to 2.5 g/day. The maximum single dose is 750 mg, for persons over 60 years old – 500 mg.
Children from 2 to 8 years old- 50-100 mg 3 times/day, maximum single dose – 150 mg; children 8-14 years old - 250 mg 3 times a day, maximum single dose - 300 mg.
To relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the first days of therapy, the drug is prescribed 250-500 mg 3 times during the day and 750 mg at night, with a gradual reduction in the daily dose to the usual for adults.
For otogenic labyrinthitis and Meniere's disease during an exacerbation - 750 mg 3-4 times / day for 5-7 days, with a decrease in the severity of vestibular disorders - 250-500 mg 3 times / day for 5-7 days and then 250 mg 1 time / day within 5 days. For mild diseases - 250 mg 2 times / day for 5-7 days, followed by a dose reduction to 250 mg 1 time / day for 7-10 days.
For the treatment of dizziness for disorders of the vestibular apparatus of vascular and traumatic origin - 250 mg 3 times a day for 12 days.
For the prevention of kinetosis- 250-500 mg once 1 hour before the intended trip (the effect is dose-dependent).

Side effects:

Phenibut is generally well tolerated. When first taking Phenibut or in case of an overdose, drowsiness may occur.

From the side of the central nervous system: increased irritability, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, headache, drowsiness.
From the digestive system: nausea (at first doses).
Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching.


– individual intolerance;
– children under 2 years of age;
– pregnancy, lactation.

other medicinal
by other means:

Enhances the effect anxiolytic, neuroleptic, hypnotic, narcotic and anticonvulsant drugs.

Should not be combined with drinking alcohol.

each tablet contains: active substance: phenibut - 250 mg;

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, povidone K-25, calcium stearate, potato starch.

PharmacotherapeuticI'm a group

Other psychostimulants and nootropics. ATS code: N06BX22.

pharmachologic effect

Phenibut has a positive effect on metabolic processes in nerve cells of the brain. The active substance phenibut (γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride) can be considered as a derivative of γ-amino-butyric acid (GABA) or as a derivative of β-phenylethylamine. Phenibut has nootropic activity, and as a GABA derivative it has an anxiolytic (tranquilizing) effect. Does not affect cholinergic and adrenergic receptors.

The drug reduces tension, anxiety, fear and improves sleep, so it is used to treat neuroses and before operations. Phenibut prolongs and enhances the effect of hypnotics, narcotics, neuroleptics and antiparkinsonian drugs. Phenibut lacks anticonvulsant activity. Phenibut lengthens the latent period of nystagmus and shortens its duration and severity. The drug significantly reduces the manifestations of asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms, including headache, a feeling of heaviness in the head, sleep disturbances, irritability, emotional lability and increases mental performance. Psychological indicators (attention, memory, speed and accuracy of sensory-motor reactions) improve under the influence of phenibut, in contrast to the influence of tranquilizers. In patients with asthenia and in emotionally labile patients, from the first days of therapy, subjective well-being improves, interest and initiative, and motivation for activity increase without unnecessary sedation or agitation.

Indications for use

Asthenic and anxious-neurotic states: anxiety, fear, anxiety.

Elderly patients experience sleep disturbances and restless night sleep.

Prevention of anxiety states that arise before surgical interventions and painful diagnostic examinations.

Meniere's disease: dizziness associated with dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer of various origins; prevention of motion sickness during kinetosis (a condition characterized by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, vestibular disorders and caused by being in a moving object).

In children - treatment of stuttering and tics.

As an auxiliary drug in the complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Directions for use and dosage regimen

Inside, after eating.

For adults Prescribe 250-500 mg 3 times a day.

The maximum single dose in adult patients is 750 mg, in patients over 60 years old - 500 mg.

The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the course can be extended to 4-6 weeks. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, tolerability of the drug and the achieved effect.

Children aged 8 to 14 years - 250 mg 3 times a day. Children over 14 years old dosages are prescribed for adults.

To relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the first days of treatment - 250-500 mg 3 times during the day and 750 mg at night, with a gradual reduction in the daily dose to the usual for adults.

For illness and syndromeMeniere during an exacerbation - 750 mg 3 times a day for 5-7 days, with a decrease in the severity of vestibular disorders - 250-500 mg 3 times a day for 5-7 days and then 250 mg 1 time a day for 5 days. For mild diseases - 250 mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days, followed by a dose reduction to 250 mg 1 time a day for 7-10 days.

For the treatment of dizziness due to dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer of vascular and traumatic origin - 250 mg 3 times a day for 12 days.

To prevent motion sickness - 250-500 mg once 1 hour before the intended trip (the effect is dose-dependent). Phenibut is ineffective in the development of severe motion sickness phenomena (“uncontrollable” vomiting, dizziness and other symptoms).

In patients with impaired liver function high doses of phenibut may cause hepatotoxic effects. Patients in this group are prescribed smaller doses of the drug under monitoring of liver function.

There is no data on the adverse effects of phenibut on patients with impaired renal function when taking therapeutic doses.

Side effect

Classification of undesirable side reactions by frequency of development: very often (≥1/10); often (≥ 1/100 to Nervous system disorders*: drowsiness (at the beginning of treatment), increased irritability, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, headache.

Gastrointestinal disorders*: nausea (at the beginning of treatment).

Disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissues: rarely - allergic reactions (skin rash, itching).

Disorders of the liver and biliary tract*: with long-term use of high doses - hepatotoxicity.

If the above adverse reactions or adverse reactions not listed in these instructions for medical use of the drug occur, you should consult a doctor.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, liver failure, children under 8 years of age, pregnancy, lactation.

WITH caution: erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.


There are no reports of cases of overdose.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms are possible: drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. With long-term use of very high doses, eosinophilia, arterial hypotension, fatty liver degeneration, and renal dysfunction may develop. In case of overdose, treatment is symptomatic. There is no specific antidote.

Precautionary measures

With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor liver function indicators and peripheral blood patterns.

Caution should be exercised in patients with erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to the irritating effect of the drug. These patients are prescribed smaller doses of the drug.

The drug contains lactose. Should not be used in patients with rare congenital galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Use in children

The drug in this form of release can be prescribed to children from 8 years of age.

Phenibut is a nootropic drug with a slight tranquilizer effect. It helps normalize brain function, improves memory and memorization processes, and can improve blood flow in the central nervous system.

After taking the medication, a person stops worrying and begins to sleep better. Phenibut for neurosis can be taken by both adults and children, but in a strict dosage, since unpleasant consequences for the human body may occur.

The drug contains aminophenyl butyric acid, which is a compound of phenylethylamine and gamma amino butyric acid. With the help of this substance, metabolism in the brain is ensured and the structure of cells in this department is improved.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, which performs a nootropic function, helps improve memory, attention, and the efficiency of mental processes. The second substance, called phenylethylamine, helps in eliminating pathological conditions that make a person anxious, anxious, and fearful. This component helps normalize sleep processes, increase brain performance, and improve blood flow.

After taking the medication, the following therapeutic effect is observed:

  • the patient begins to tense less internally in anticipation of trouble;
  • anxiety is eliminated;
  • the degree of anxiety decreases;
  • fear is relieved;
  • sleep processes are normalized;
  • the brain is better supplied with blood by increasing the speed of blood flow and reducing the degree of resistance of the vascular system;
  • the brain begins to function better;
  • the processes of memorization, attention, and memory become significantly better;
  • dysfunction of speech and motor processes decreases;
  • a person stops stuttering and dragging out words;
  • asthenic manifestations become smaller, which leads to increased interest and motivation for various types of activities, including educational ones;
  • relief of symptomatic manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia is observed (the dizziness and headaches stop, the degree of irritability decreases, panic attacks disappear, the person begins to fall asleep faster, etc.).

Older patients do not become lethargic when taking Phenibut, but become more active.

Indications for use

Treatment of neurosis with Phenibut takes place in combination with other medications in the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurotic manifestations of various types;
  • asthenia;
  • neurasthenic manifestations;
  • depression;
  • obsessions;
  • panic attacks.

Reviews from doctors and patients about the medication, which is indicated to be taken for various neurotic problems, fear, and panic conditions, are only the most positive. The required therapeutic effect is quickly achieved. A few days after the treatment of neurosis began, it becomes stable.

The tablets remain in the human body for a short period of time, as a result of which the desired effect is achieved, after which the medicinal substances are excreted by the kidneys and liver. The medical product does not contain toxic or other negative substances; only natural ingredients were used in its production.

For gastritis and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, taking special medications should be careful, because after consuming the tablets, the acidity in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract increases.

Phenibut is prescribed:

  • if mental and emotional activity decreases;
  • for depression and neurosis-like conditions;
  • in conditions caused by chronic stress;
  • in case of asthenia, fear;
  • if a person begins to worry without any reason;
  • if the brain is insufficiently supplied with blood due to problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • in encephalopathic conditions;
  • if there is a respiratory failure due to any pathology;
  • if you feel dizzy due to impaired vascular functionality, injury, development of internal otitis media, negative effects of infections;
  • with dysfunction of sleep processes;
  • in cases of nightmares;
  • if you are worried about neurosis or logoneurosis;
  • for enuresis and other problems of the genitourinary system;
  • if the child is hyperactive;
  • if young patients have tics;
  • if a person gets motion sickness in transport;
  • for fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia);
  • with the development of alcohol syndrome.

The medicine is safe for the human body; after its use, there is no addiction to the components it contains.

Taking the medication is indicated for brain injury, strokes, intoxication conditions, cervical osteochondrosis, menopausal syndrome, delirium alcoholism and others. But in these situations, the drug is taken as an additional drug to other medications.

You can also take medication as a preventive measure. After taking the medicine, a person ceases to be apathetic, fatigue is not felt, and the degree of negative impact of fears and panic states without any reason decreases. It is recommended for students to drink while preparing for exams, tests, and presentations. If the medication is used regularly, its effectiveness increases.

The drug may be prescribed as a prophylactic agent to help cope with depression caused by labor and caring for the new baby.

How to use

Adult patients are prescribed by doctors to drink from 0.75 to 1.5 grams of the drug three times a day. Sometimes a higher dosage is prescribed. It is permissible to consume 0.75 grams of the active substance at a time. For neuroses, 0.75 grams are prescribed for 7 days three times a day. Then the dose is slightly reduced. Treat for another week with 0.5 grams of the active substance (1 tablet) three times a day.

After a week, it is recommended to take 0.5 grams of the active substance per day, this dosage is divided into two times. After 5 days you should stop taking the special medication.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Usually the drug has no contraindications for use. Phenibut should not be prescribed to pregnant women or breastfeeding children.

The medication can be taken with caution if you develop:

  • erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • failure of the renal and hepatic systems.

You should not take tablets if the patient is intolerant to any of the components of the medication.

If a woman is determined to feed her newborn with breast milk, then she must stop taking the pills.

If difficult situations arise, you should consult a doctor. Based on research and analysis, the specialist will prescribe the safest medications that can calm the patient and not harm the baby.

Dosage and features of administration

Adults with neurosis are recommended to drink from 200 to 750 mg/day. In children, the dosage is significantly reduced to 250 mg. It is recommended to divide the dosage into 2-4 doses throughout the day. The severity of the patient's condition and his age are taken into account by the doctor when prescribing the dosage.

If an adult takes more than 12 tablets during the day, an overdose occurs. Children should not take more than 3 tablets per day.

You may experience an overdose in the following situations:

  • if at the same time other tranquilizers, neuroleptics, narcotic substances, sleeping pills, as well as medications that relieve seizures were used, therefore it is recommended to reduce the dosage of both drugs;
  • if a special drug was used together with medications of a toxic principle of action, since they have a negative effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, kidneys and liver.

When taking medications other than those listed above and Phenibut at the same time, no pathologies are observed.

Side effects

Sometimes after taking a medication you may experience various side effects:

  • the patient feels sick, sometimes vomiting is possible;
  • dizzy and severe headache;
  • a rash appears on the skin;
  • makes a person sleepy;
  • constipation or, conversely, diarrhea appears;
  • a person feels dryness in the mouth, which cannot be eliminated by any amount of liquid;
  • the patient feels overexcited;

After taking medication tablets, there is a weakening of attention, so it is forbidden to drive a car or work with potentially dangerous objects and tools.

In adults

In addition to treatment in adults, the medicine can be used in other situations.

The medication effectively relieves alcohol withdrawal syndrome in combination. It helps relieve anxiety, anxiety and other symptomatic manifestations and psychological experiences.

But taking medications and drinking alcohol together is prohibited. The drug helps eliminate the signs of delirium tremens. If a person has been poisoned by alcoholic beverages, then the use of medication is prohibited, just as it cannot be used to bring a person out of binge drinking.

In children

It is forbidden to take medication in tablets if the patient is under 8 years of age.

Children with neuroses and panic attacks are prescribed to take a special medicine in a different form. It is available in powder form. But sometimes a doctor can prescribe Phenibut to infants in situations where the child was injured as a result of childbirth, had asphyxia, or was neuroinfected.

It is possible to treat children starting from 2 years of age if their psyche develops with disturbances. After using Phenibut, there is an improvement in memory and an improvement in the condition of young patients.

The medication is currently one of the best means to help cope with neuroses and panic attacks. Despite the minimum contraindications to its use, it is worth consulting with your doctor. If you follow the recommended dosage, the risk of developing negative consequences for the human body will be significantly reduced.

Aminophenylbutyric acid

Pharmacological group

Nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants)


pharmachologic effect

Nootropic drugs

Tranquilizing drugs

Indications for use of Phenibut

Applicable for the following violations:

  • deterioration of mental activity;
  • weakening of emotional activity;
  • memory problems;
  • signs of asthenia development;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • the appearance of fears, including nightmares;
  • feeling of restlessness and severe anxiety;
  • weakening of attentiveness;
  • development of insomnia;
  • alcoholism, and also psychopathological and somato-vegetative disorders that develop against the background of alcohol withdrawal (the drug is combined with other medical procedures);
  • palaxyxia;
  • the appearance of dizziness, which is associated with vestibular dysfunction caused by diseases in the vascular system, and in addition to infections or injuries;
  • to prevent the development of motion sickness caused by kinetosis;
  • development of osteochondrosis in the area of ​​the thoracic or cervical vertebral part, as well as female menopausal disorders (the medicine is used in combination with other medical measures);
  • urinary incontinence, stuttering, and in addition tics and hyperactivity in children.

The use of tablets in combination with other detoxification drugs is also carried out to eliminate the state of alcohol withdrawal in combination with delirium, and also in case of alcohol intoxication, which is of a pre-delirious nature.

In addition, Phenibut is used to prevent stress, which is often observed in patients during the period before surgery or a painful diagnostic procedure.


Acting as a nootropic, Phenibut has a positive effect on higher integrative cerebral activity. The drug helps improve mental function, stimulates memory and cognitive activity of the brain. At the same time, it strengthens brain resistance to the effects of various negative factors, including oxygen starvation, as well as extremely high loads.

The medicine reduces the severity of the consequences of serious disorders arising from strokes, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, brain intoxications, etc.

In people who have previously suffered a severe TBI, when using drugs, the number of mitochondria within the perifocal region increases, and in addition, the dynamics of processes occurring inside the brain improves - tissue respiration, blood supply and cerebral use of glucose, and in addition energy activity.

At the same time, the medicine helps strengthen cortico-subcortical connections - connections between the cerebral cortex and its subcortical sections.

Phenibut has the following therapeutic effects:

  • corrects higher cortical activity, which is disrupted due to local cerebral lesions;
  • increases the level of mental judgment and improves the development of critical abilities;
  • increases cortical control over the functioning of subcortical areas;
  • affects the activity of processes that are associated with memory (memories and memorization, and also learning ability);
  • increases the duration of the period of wakefulness, eliminates depression or darkness of consciousness, clarifying it as much as possible;
  • increases the body’s overall resistance to various stress factors;
  • causes an anti-asthenic effect, expressed in reducing weakness and lethargy, and in addition to eliminating signs of physical and mental asthenia, etc.;
  • has a stimulating effect on mental activity (the medicine reduces the severity of mental retardation, increases volitional activity, and at the same time helps to improve speech and motor function, etc.);
  • has antidepressant properties;
  • It has a tranquilizing and sedative effect, weakening emotional excitability and irritability.

The stimulating effect of the tablets does not lead to an increase in motor or speech excitation, the patient’s addiction to the drug with the subsequent appearance of dependence, and in addition to the depletion of the body’s reserves of activity.

Like other nootropics, the drug has low toxicity, a high degree of compatibility with substances from other drug groups, and at the same time the absence of severe side symptoms and complications.

The medicinal effect from the use of drugs in most cases gradually develops over several weeks. Because of this, it is recommended to prescribe it for long courses.

The anxiolytic effect of the drug is manifested by reducing the excitability of subcortical structures located inside the brain (this includes the thalamus with the hypothalamus, as well as limbic structures), which form the development of emotions, and in addition by slowing down their interaction with the cerebral cortex, and suppressing the reflex activity of the spinal cord (for example, a drug that suppresses spinal reflexes of a polysynaptic nature).

By directly acting on γ-aminobutyric acid conductors, the drug helps to simplify the GABA-mediated movement of nervous reactions into the central nervous system. The active element of the drug is able to improve the active activity of the brain, stabilizing the metabolic processes occurring inside it and improving circulatory function.

At the same time, the patient experiences an improvement in hemodynamic values ​​(for example, the linear as well as volumetric velocity of blood circulation increases), a decrease in the level of vascular resistance, an improvement in microcirculation processes (also inside the eye tissues), and in addition the creation of conditions under which the induced or spontaneous platelet aggregation. The latter, in turn, reduces the risk of blood clots in people who have problems with cerebral circulation.

In addition, Phenibut has anticonvulsant and antioxidant properties.


Penetrating into the body, the drug is quickly absorbed, after which it is distributed throughout various tissues. The active element easily penetrates the BBB. About 0.1% of the consumed portion of the drug penetrates into the brain tissue.

The medicine is distributed evenly within the kidneys and liver. Biotransformation of the active component occurs 80-95% inside the liver tissue. The resulting metabolic substances have no medicinal activity.

The drug does not accumulate inside the body. The process of excretion of the substance begins approximately 3 hours after taking the drug. However, the level of this element inside the brain tissue does not decrease. It is detected inside the brain for another 6 hours.

Approximately 5% of drugs undergo renal excretion in unchanged form. Another part of the drug is excreted in bile.

Using Phenibut during pregnancy

It is forbidden to prescribe Phenibut to nursing or pregnant women. The only exceptions can be cases when the likely benefit of therapy for a woman is higher than the occurrence of complications in the fetus.


Main contraindications:

  • the presence of intolerance to phenibut or additional elements of the drug;
  • children under 8 years of age;
  • acute kidney failure.

Caution is necessary when prescribing to persons with diseases in the digestive system, and in addition with lesions of the gastrointestinal tract of an erosive-ulcerative nature. This group of patients should use Phenibut in reduced dosages, because it can have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes.

Side effects of Phenibut

Typically, side effects occur only in the initial stages of treatment. Patients often experience increased feelings of drowsiness, headaches and nausea, as well as changes in blood pressure values.

Taking the medication can also cause the following negative effects:

  • increased feelings of excitement, anxiety, and irritability;
  • the appearance of dizziness;
  • development of individual signs of allergy.

Directions for use and doses

The medicine is taken orally, in a course regimen. The duration of such courses ranges from 1-1.5 months.

Adults consume a daily portion, which is 0.75-1.5 g. It should be taken in 3 doses. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 2.5 g.

For a single dose, it is allowed to consume (an adult under 60 years of age) no more than 0.75 g of the drug. Elderly people are prohibited from taking more than 0.5 g of medication at one time.

Regimen of use and dosage of Phenibut in the treatment of various pathologies.

Persons who experience dizziness due to the development of otitis media, as well as those who have been diagnosed with padalexyxia, are required to take the drug in this regimen:

  • during exacerbations, you should take tablets in the amount of 0.75 g, 3 times a day for 5-7 days;
  • after the severity of signs of vestibular dysfunction decreases, the dose is reduced to 0.25-0.5 g, taken 3 times a day (at a similar dose, the medicine should also be taken for 5-7 days);
  • after this, therapy lasts another 5 days, and the drug is taken in a daily portion of 0.25 g.

If the disease is of a fairly mild severity, the daily dosage of the medicine can be 0.5 g - it is taken within 5-7 days (the dosage itself should be divided into 2 doses). After this, therapy should last approximately another 1-3 weeks - during this period the drugs are taken in a daily dose of 0.25 g.

To get rid of dizziness that occurs due to vascular diseases or injuries, Phenibut is used in a daily portion of 0.75 g. It is divided into 3 separate doses. Often this course lasts approximately 14 days.

To eliminate osteochondrosis in the thoracic/cervical vertebral region or remove signs of female menopause, the medicine should be used in combination with other medical procedures.

During the initial 2 weeks of the course, the medicine is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet (the daily portion of the drug is 0.75 g). Later, the number of uses is reduced to 2, still 1 tablet per dose (the daily dose will be 0.5 g).

If the disease has a moderate pain syndrome, in case of a vertebral disease or menopause, the drug is prescribed in combination with other drugs - 1 tablet taken 2 times a day (in general, the daily portion is 0.5 g). This course should last for 1 month.

Like other similar drugs, Phenibut is used for prophylaxis to prevent the development of the so-called motion sickness syndrome, which appears when traveling by water or when flying on an airplane.

In such cases, it is necessary to use the drug once - approximately 1 hour before the planned start of the trip (or when the first signs of kinetosis occur). The optimal serving size is 0.25-0.5 g (or 1-2 tablets). The severity of the effects of drugs depends on the dose size.

But it must be taken into account that if pronounced signs of motion sickness develop (such as severe vomiting), a dosage of 0.75-1 g will not bring any effect.

To eliminate these disorders, you need to rinse the patient’s stomach and perform the required symptomatic procedures. The medicine does not have a special antidote.

Due to the fact that Phenibut is a substance with a low level of toxicity, only its prolonged use in very high portions (7-14 g per day) can lead to the appearance of hepatotoxic symptoms.

For example, in a patient, the number of eosinophils inside the peripheral blood increases beyond the permissible norm, and at the same time hepatic steatosis may appear (this is a chronic disease that occurs due to the accumulation of a large number of triglycerides inside the liver tissue and manifests itself in the form of fatty degeneration of the liver cells).

The drug potentiates the effects of alcoholic beverages, as well as their toxic properties. In addition, there is evidence that its action is enhanced by the effect of antiparkinsonian drugs.