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Are Filipino healers healers or scammers? Surgery with bare hands: The whole truth about Filipino healers Filipino doctor

If you watched the film “Love and Doves,” then you will probably remember the scene when a fan of everything “psychic” Raisa Zakharovna tells vacationer Vasily about Filipino Heelers. According to her, the Filipino doctor literally pulled apart the skin of the abdomen with his hands - “they have some methods there - the skin parted itself,” took out the organs and washed them in the basin almost with a brush. And all this was called bare-handed surgery. But is it true what Gurchenko’s heroine said, or is Philippine traditional medicine nothing more than profanation? This will be discussed in more detail below.

Filipino healers: treatment or quackery?

Since the beginning of the 90s, these traditional healers became widely known in our country. He allegedly performs surgical operations without using any instruments.

Activity Filipino healers is not recognized by modern medicine, the mechanism of their effect on the patient is believed to be similar to the effect of placebo, and visible surgical penetration into the patient’s body with bare hands and instant healing of the operation site is considered a deft manipulation.

First legend

Word " healer» used only in countries of the former USSR. In the rest of the world, including the Philippines, where English is the official language, this concept is defined by the expression "psychic surgeon."

Attention of the world community healers attracted back in 1959, when they became known from Ron Ormond and Ormond McGillom. Activity healers they called it “surgery of the fourth dimension” and openly said that the essence of what was happening was not yet entirely clear. Either these are the tricks of an ordinary magician, or a miracle of the Lord.

The very first healer known outside the Philippines is considered to be Eleuturio Terte. He began treating people at the age of 25, and at first he used a knife for operations, like all normal surgeons. When Terte was accused of illegal medical practice, he unexpectedly discovered that he did not need a knife, and he was able to open the patient’s flesh with his bare hand, without leaving any scars.

Having once cured a dying American officer, the doctor became a celebrity. Terte was interviewed and his house was besieged by crowds. The famous director Ormond filmed all his operations and gave the tissues removed by the healer for analysis. The results were stunning: the particles really belonged to the patients, no deception was discovered! Meanwhile, the healer plunged his finger directly into the person’s eye, and he did not feel any pain, healed ulcers and “removed” cataracts! Terte demonstrated the same thing before an important medical council that flew in from Switzerland.

Dr. Steller, professor of physics at the University of Dortmund, wrote a voluminous work in which he admitted that he had conducted hundreds of analyzes and studies of Terte's operations and had not caught any cheating. As the scientist testified, filipino heeler really managed to perform surgical operations with his bare hands without any hypnosis, anesthesia, pain or infection!

He was echoed by the Japanese doctor Isamu Kimura, who examined the blood after a number of operations on Terte and found that it undoubtedly belonged to the operated patients. Sometimes the analysis showed that blood clots were... of inorganic origin! Terte explained this fact by the fact that these inclusions are, so to speak, the materialization of the disease itself, bad energy remaining in the hands of the healer.

Terte died in 1979 at the age of eighty. In extreme poverty, because he did not take any money for his operations, believing that God did not give him a gift so that he could profit. Sometimes the unique healer didn’t even have enough to eat during the day!

Performance or miracle?

You can get a personal impression of watching a healer at work by watching one of the popular science films about them (for example, shown on Channel One in 2006).

The extraordinary emotions of an outside observer are well conveyed by journalist Vsevolod Ovchinnikov. In his book he describes a visit to Philippines' most popular healer Alex Orbito.

The first thing that caught Ovchinnikov’s eye that morning was a fair number of visitors who came to the healer’s cramped courtyard. There were about eighty of them, many of whom had been waiting since the night. And the people kept coming! The courtyard was lined with long benches, making it look like an open-air cinema, with the only difference being that the role of the screen was replaced by a glass wall of a room with an area of ​​about 30 square meters. There was a couch, an armchair and a small table in the room. There was a Bible on the table, and on the wall hung a crucifix and a poster with the gospel words of Christ: “According to your faith, be it done to you.” Since the local dominant religion (Catholic) supports healers, considering their art to be healing through faith.

At about half past nine the singing of psalms began, which was taken up by those present. At some point, a short, youthful Orbito appeared. Although he smiled welcomingly, his tenacious, prickly gaze created the impression of a steel spring compressed inside the healer. Healer approached the table and, placing his hands on the Bible, froze for about half an hour. His fingers and face turned pale. Meanwhile, the psalms rang, and those present gradually came to a state of exaltation. Ovchinnikov writes that even he was “struck.”

The next sufferer lifted his shirt, and the doctor, without anesthesia or disinfection, began to massage the sore spot. Then his left hand suddenly froze, and it became clearly visible how the index and middle fingers of his right hand slid deeper. An open wound filled with blood was clearly visible, and unpleasant slurping sounds were heard. Then Orbito pulled out from the gap a fragment of something brown, similar to a piece of liver, and, leaving his left hand motionless, with his right he picked up a cotton swab, blotted the oozing hole, and a second later walked away from the couch.

His assistant used a fresh swab soaked in coconut oil to wipe away any traces of blood. There was not even a scar left at the operation site, only slight redness. Less than two minutes have passed since the start of the procedure! Orbito was already attending to the next patient. Silently he felt the affected area, splashes of reddish liquid splashed out again, a dull slurping sound was heard, tissue fragments were again extracted, instant healing occurred - and the transition to a new patient. All this was repeated over and over again in front of dozens of witnesses...

It remains to add that Alex Orbito was the first person to call himself an operating surgeon. He became widely known due to his relationship with Hollywood actress and writer Shirley MacLaine. Orbito was later arrested in Canada on fraud charges, but was soon released due to unproven charges.

Data. Failures. Criticism

In the spring of 1984, the popular American entertainer Andy Kaufman was diagnosed with lung cancer. He went to the Philippines. The treatment was supposedly successful, but Kaufman soon died from kidney failure due to metastases. This incident was vividly portrayed by Milos Forman in the film “Man on the Moon.”

Currently, touring or full-time healers practice everywhere. Russia also came into their sights.

In the late 90s, at the first stage of development of the Russian market, Filipino healers came to our country on their own. A whole group led by a well-known representative of this profession and the author of the book “Healing by Understanding,” Virgilio Gutierrez Jr., visited Moscow in April 1996. They trained about a hundred people, three of whom were even invited to do internships in the Philippines. Patients were consulted. But the initiative did not receive further development.

Today, those who want to communicate with healers fly to the Philippines themselves. Gutierrez receives them on the island of Cebu. His patients are mainly residents of Russia and Ukraine who have the necessary funds (treatment excluding travel and accommodation costs about $2000). Meanwhile, the attitude of local authorities towards healers is deteriorating. There are no specialized clinics for them, and six-day treatment courses are organized in rented rooms in small provincial hotels.

Back in 1975, the US Federal Trade Commission declared that the activities of healers are deception. The statement was made on the basis of a court decision that prohibited American travel agencies from organizing health tours to healers. In particular, it was noted: “Operations healers“is a complete fake, and their bare-handed surgery is simply fake.”

In 1990, after conducting its research, the American Cancer Society stated that there was no evidence of any positive effect of healer operations on the course of the disease. The organization persistently urged patients not to waste time and not resort to the help of scammers.

The British Columbia Cancer Agency shares the same view. The essence of his claims is not that healers' operations can cause direct harm, but that conventional treatment may be delayed or excluded, which can be fatal.

In Russia, there are no official cases or medical reports related to healers. There are interviews with famous surgeons who studied this phenomenon. For example, with Professor Gershanovich, head of the department of therapeutic oncology at the Research Institute of Oncology named after. Professor N.N. Petrov. When he was a team doctor for chess player Karpov, he was in Baguio in 1978 for a world championship match with Viktor Korchnoi. Then he managed to visit healer. Gershanovich risked undergoing surgery himself. He wanted to have a varicose vein on his leg and a small benign tumor removed above his left eye. Both were very convenient for demonstrating the “miracle”, since they were clearly present on the body. But, despite all the efforts of the healer, the removal did not work. Quite the contrary. The mentioned formations became inflamed, and they had to be urgently operated on in Leningrad. Gershanovich summed up the result of the experiment on himself as follows: “After everything I saw, I can take an oath: there was no surgery, there was a skillful trick.”

Popular illusionist James Randi also dubbed "surgery" healers fraud. He claims that their manipulations can only deceive untrained spectators, but are blatantly obvious to professionals. Through his foundation, Randy offers a million US dollars to anyone who can prove their supernatural abilities. The illusionist himself easily repeats everything actions healers. Many of his colleagues achieved the same: Christopher Milbourne, Robert Gertler, Criss Angel.

Explaining the secrets of the "healers", James Randi claims that their hands, located under the fold of the patient's collected skin, create a complete sensation of penetration. “Deleted fragments” can be easily faked by using flattened lumps of animal entrails, hidden either in the palm of your hand or in an easily accessible place. Imitation of bleeding is achieved by using a small bag of blood or a sponge soaked in it. To enhance the plausibility of the illusion, cases of real cuts are also possible.

But even the most derogatory criticism still does not give a clear answer to the question about Filipino Heelers: true or fake? Especially considering the completely selfless service of people like Terte. Apparently, the truth lies somewhere in the middle: there are only a few unique psychic surgeons, but there are many more who want to warm their hands to their fame.

Philippine Heelers

The first reports of miraculous operations without a scalpel appeared in the English-language press in the 1940s, and here, apparently, in 1978, during a chess tournament for the title of world champion between Karpov And Korchnoi held in the Philippines in Baguio. And since then, interest in this topic has not subsided.

Who are healers?

Let's start with the name. Healer- the word is not at all Filipino, in English healer comes from the verb to heal- to heal, it turns out that literally a healer is simply a healer, a physician, a representative of what is now called “alternative medicine.” Filipino healers can use completely different techniques and methods of healing: here is the use of plants and herbs, the preparation of nutritional regimens, local types of massages (for example, traditional hilot) with the explicit or not very use of reflexology, “energy” non-contact passes with or without religious content etc., etc. However, only one group of techniques is of greatest interest - healers who perform bloody surgical operations without a knife or other instruments, only with their own hands.

And one more thing about the name: in English the word “healer” is too general; usually a different definition is used for Filipino healers: healers do “ psychic surgery» ( mental surgery).

Operation without a scalpel

Having prepared himself by entering a meditative state, the healer, in front of the audience, penetrates his fingers under the patient’s skin, removing the diseased organ or the material cause of the disease. Blood comes out of the incision in obvious spurts, but after the end of the operation there are no tears or scars left on the skin. The person being operated on practically does not feel any sharp or unbearable pain.

What do healers do?

The list of diseases for which people turn to healers is truly enormous: it naturally includes various tumors and neoplasms, hernias, cysts, hemorrhoids, cataracts and other eye diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, sinusitis, hypertension, thyroid diseases, various addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.), osteochondrosis, arthritis, thrombophlebitis, infertility, diabetes, etc.

However, it is worth noting that the healer will not necessarily take on a specific patient; for various reasons, healers may refuse. For example, some Christian healers believe that healing can only occur with the support of the Holy Spirit, an indispensable condition of which must be the personal faith of the person being healed in the Savior.

Recently, when official medicine has practically lost its “human face,” patients increasingly prefer alternative healing methods. Of the many non-traditional methods of treatment that exist today, perhaps the most amazing is the art of Filipino healers (esoreiter.ru).

Some consider these people to be truly omnipotent healers, while others consider them virtuoso charlatans. Witnesses from many countries claim that the magical hands of healers actually penetrate human bodies and save those whom traditional medicine has abandoned. After these operations, no traces remain on the patients’ bodies!..

So who are these people - brilliant healers or scammers?

Healers are traditional Filipino healers who perform surgical operations without using any special instruments or even gloves. However, they do not use anesthetics and this also differs from other healers and especially modern surgeons. The work of healers is somewhat akin to psychosurgery, since they influence patients both physically and mentally.

The word “healer” comes from the English “heal,” which means “to heal.” However, this name is “local”; In the West, such healers are better known as “psychic surgeons” and “surgeons of the fourth dimension.” It is clear that such names intrigue the simple-minded ordinary people even more...

The first written mentions of healers date back to the 16th century and belong to members of the crew of a sea ship who ended up on a Philippine island and there witnessed magical healing. One of the sailors was lucky enough to experience this miracle for himself, after which his condition improved dramatically. However, this information remained in the old diaries.

Only in the forties of the last century were Europeans able to record how a Filipino healer worked with a patient. After that, the whole world learned about healers. Today you can find many photographs and videos of miraculous healings on the Internet.

There are now no more than 50 real healers, despite the fact that in almost every settlement in the Philippines there are 8-10 people who call themselves this big word. The most famous is June Labo, to whom patients come from all over the world. Perlito Alcazar, Maria Bilosana, Nida Talon are also very popular.

Like other traditional healers, Filipino healers use herbal medicine, massage, various spells and other unconventional methods of treatment. However, the main difference in their actions is surgical practice.

Fantastic surgery by Filipino healers

These people carry out their unique operations literally with their bare hands. Without a scalpel, clamps and all other instruments, they penetrate the human body and remove foreign objects, stones, waste, etc. from there.

These amazing operations, like conventional surgeries, begin with patient preparation. Preparation includes communication between the healer and the patient and general meditation. Then the healer tells the patient in detail what exactly he will do and how he will do it. Next, pain relief is performed - but without the usual injections. By pressing on certain points, the healer performs partial anesthesia - and the patient becomes insensitive to pain.

During the operation, the patient remains fully or partially conscious. However, he does not experience pain or any discomfort. Those who have experienced the skill of healers say that during the operation you can feel light slaps or a soft tingling sensation.

From the outside, such an action seems like something supernatural. The healer scans the patient's naked body, running his hands over it. Then, at a certain place, the hands stop - and the healer’s fingers enter the patient’s flesh, after which simply unimaginable manipulations begin. Despite the appearance of blood, the patient remains calm, and the healer removes blood clots, tumors or some other formations from his body. These “treasures” are shown to the patient, telling the patient that the cause of the disease has been eliminated and the person is completely healthy.

Are Filipino healers scammers?

What are the arguments of those who consider surgeons-healers to be skillful scammers? They refer to the fact that during a preoperative conversation with a healer, the patient is offered a glass of alcoholic tincture of some herbs. Skeptics believe that it is with the help of this drink, and not acupressure and meditation, that pain relief is achieved for the patient.

Further, how does the healer know where to look for what requires removal, and what generally hurts the patient? So, in order to find out, they give him a difficult glass to “spank”, after which they simply find out from the “stirred” patient what is bothering him. That's it, no more no less!

And of course, the absence of any traces of the operation is completely baffling. The inexorable logic of skeptics says: if there was blood, if something was taken out of a person, where is the trace - a wound or a scar? Since they are not there, there was no operation, but... a simple suggestion that was applied to impressionable and often desperate people. Well, of course! And this explains everything!

Meanwhile, there are fully confirmed facts of healing by healers of patients whom official medicine recognized as hopeless. After returning from the Philippines, such patients are in no hurry to see doctors; it’s just that after some time, it is completely by chance that they do not have a certain disease, for example, a cancerous tumor.

It is true that they say that Filipino healers do not undertake to help people with diseases of the brain, blood and bone cancer, as well as very advanced cancer. As for all other patients, healers accurately “detect” those who do not believe in their powerful power, and also refuse treatment. As they say, according to your faith may it be...

Video: The Mystery of the Philippine Heelers


The following is the account of a man who witnessed a practice common in the Philippines, where vestiges of African culture still exist:

“I spent two years (1976-1977) with my husband in this amazing, magical world. And the most amazing thing I saw here were the Filipino healers. I got to know seven of them better - get to know their families, way of life, watch their work, assist in operations.

My acquaintance began with Holen Morgaite and David Elizalde - quite famous people. Holen (Greek by nationality) was the first foreign healer. She arrived on the islands from Australia, where she practiced healing through the laying on of hands. She believed that this gift came to her from birth, and the path to healing was shown to her by a “prophetic voice.” He often talked to her, gave advice on how and what to do, and in 1972 he ordered her to drop everything and go to the Philippines, which she did.

The first quasi-operation I saw performed by Holen Morgaite is forever etched in my memory. This was a cure for chronic sinusitis in a patient who came from Australia. On this day, he stood behind me in the general mass of inquisitive people near the “operating table”, pale, worried, and restlessly asked me (knowing that I was a doctor) whether it was worth doing the operation or not. He suffered from chronic sinusitis for 20 years and was treated unsuccessfully with frequent punctures of the sinuses. He pinned his last hope for recovery on Filipino healers. I advised him to take a risk. After thinking, he made a restless sigh and quickly sat down on the operating chair. Holen, smiling, welcomed his impulse, touched her nose, quickly smeared the bridge of her nose with a solution of turpentine, moistened her fingers with it, pinched the bridge of her nose between the second and third bent fingers, made two sliding movements downward, and a stream of bloody mass poured into the tray. Continuing to squeeze blood out of her nose, she removed pieces of tissue from there. The tray quickly became full. Then Holen made the same movements with her fingers, but only in the opposite direction (towards the base of the nose), and the bleeding instantly stopped. The patient took a deep breath and spat out the bloody mass from his mouth. With the same quick movements, Holen blew some powder into the patient’s nose with a rubber balloon, forced him to take a few breaths through his nose, and released him. The patient began to breathe through his nose for the first time in many years and left the room with a frightened face. I stood just as stunned.

It so happened that my husband became the “pioneer” of Holen’s operational services in our Russian colony. Even before his trip to the Philippines, doctors discovered he had ulcers in his stomach and duodenum. After examining him. Holen strongly suggested surgery. He agreed. Everything happened as I described above. The husband himself commented sparingly on the operation: “It doesn’t hurt, it’s not scary, but there’s little pleasure.” A few days after the operation, the stomach pain subsided. Over the next two years they did not bother him; he ate and drank everything.

A year later, while on vacation in Moscow, my husband again underwent a full examination - even traces of ulcers disappeared.

I was constantly interested in the question: how does Holen explain his healing abilities? She said: “I am a deeply religious woman. I can come into contact with the cosmos, my patron, and even God. Every day I pray a lot and ask for healing spiritual power. I am in a good mood and in excellent health. If the healer is bad health, bad mood, poor sleep, if he serves God poorly, then he will not have the necessary spiritual strength, and he has no right to engage in healing.”

I was told that there are no more than 300 known healers in the Philippines, of which 4-5 people live in the capital. Among them, Virgilio Gutierrez is a healer, as they say, from God. My acquaintance with him lasted a whole year. We have established the kindest, most friendly relations. I knew that Virgilio is 39 years old, a native Filipino, a yogi, who visits India every year, where he continues to improve yoga, train his body and spirit; Known outside the Philippines, he has been to Japan, Germany and the USA. According to him, at the age of seven he began to learn healing, and by the age of 20 he was fully formed as a healer and could already operate. I had the opportunity to see about a hundred operations he performed, to experience this art of his twice on myself and to conduct small experimental studies with him. In addition, he provided assistance to our sailors more than once.

In general, it seemed to me that he didn’t know what it meant to refuse. In his house, he opened a real educational institution for healers, in which they could hold receptions if they wished, and on Sundays his house turned into a prayer temple. Gutierrez himself saw patients three times a week, and spent the rest of the time in the mountains, in nature. He ate food once a day, strictly observing all fasts. He successfully operated with rubber gloves, could perform all manipulations with his eyes closed, healed not only people, but also animals, and had the ability to activate the growth of plants. The range of his abilities was unusually wide. He said that the ability to enter into a trance and get out of it at the right moment helps him maintain them, and that yoga classes give him a lot.

Gutierris treated deafness, cholecystitis, sinusitis, gastritis, lumbosacral radiculitis, eczema, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, kidney stones, peptic ulcer, varicose veins, etc.

I want to tell you about one operation that shocked me.

Just before I left for Moscow, when all my films ran out, I came to Gutierrez’s clinic in the morning. At this time, a man appeared, led by the arms of relatives. He was very pale and could hardly walk. He was quickly placed on the couch. Gutierrez examined the patient and said: “There is an ulcer in the intestines, it’s bleeding a little,” and began to prepare the patient for surgery. He leveled the general area of ​​the patient for a long time, then lubricated the stomach with specially prepared coconut oil and, as usual, with quick movements of his fingers, he parted the skin, then the subcutaneous tissue, identified a place for opening the peritoneum, and made several movements with his fingers over the peritoneum.

There was a whistling noise... and the intestines were exposed.

Gutierris quickly began to sort through the loops of intestines, like a real surgeon, until he found an ulcer in the initial section of the large intestine. He showed it to me. In appearance it was a small cone-shaped elevation, slightly swollen. The healer moved his fingers over it for a few seconds, making his passes, and lowered the intestines into the abdominal cavity. Then everything went as during a regular quasi-operation - quickly and consistently. After 8-10 minutes it was all over. The patient continued to lie on the couch, pale, with a face covered in perspiration, spoke quietly, and was very weak. After 30 minutes, he got up and, leaning on his family, went home. Previously, the relatives received a bottle of herbal infusion from Gutierris. Two more days later, I came to say goodbye finally, and saw this patient again.

He looked healthy, showed no complaints, and came then to take another dose of herbal infusion. Gutierrez recommended that he not engage in physical work for another month and continue taking the herbal infusion.

Here, at Gutierrez's, I met a healer from Switzerland who introduced herself as Ursula from Bern. She had lived in Manila for six years, was constantly with Gutierrez, often visited his house, managed his household, assisted him in all operations, having one desire - to learn the secret of quasi-operations and master them. She believed that the reason for her failures was that Gutierrez did not want to reveal his secret to her. This made her very sad. I later talked about this more than once with many local healers. They saw the main reason for the failures of Europeans (whites) in mastering quasi-operations only in the thinking of a white man. Europeans are no longer so closely connected with nature; they cannot completely dissolve in it. They are less connected with God, with the cosmos. Their thinking is analytical, critical, and there is a lot of mistrust in it. And this does not give them the opportunity to be “children” of nature, to accept it as it is, and live according to the laws of the Universe.

However, even for the Filipino, the path to healing is far from easy and, of course, not everyone discovers its secrets. I remember meeting one of the strongest healers at that time, Josephine Syson. She lived in a remote rural area, 250 kilometers from the capital. Our small group - my son and I and ex-world chess champion Boris Spassky and his wife Marina - took a long time to get to her and arrived only in the evening, when there were no more patients and the healer was resting. Josephine greeted us warmly, and a frank conversation gradually ensued. As always, two questions were of particular interest to us:

"How did you become a healer and how does the quasi-operation work?" “I chose my path for a long time, painfully,” Josephine began her story. “Almost all my peers had already made their choice, and I was still tormented by uncertainty every day. One of these days, I suddenly felt some kind of inner prompt : “Be a healer.” I immediately believed in my destiny and began to prepare myself for it.” She was only fourteen years old when her teachers created a whole program for her. She had to go to the mountains for 6 months, pray there all day long, fast for 42 days, remain silent for 42 days, without showing any concern for her body. “I really wanted to do all this, but I didn’t have enough endurance and will. After 2-3 weeks, the program failed, and I had to start all over again. This was repeated 5 times. Only on the sixth time I overcame it. Exhausted, returning to the village, I approached to the church and saw a beggar. And suddenly it turned out that I could see all his insides. They were black. A prophetic voice told me: “Go to him and treat him.” I don’t remember what happened next.”

Josephine had a hard time with the gift that had been revealed to her - it frightened, worried, and for several days she experienced terrible weakness. After that, she began to see other patients. At first, no more than two people per day. After the appointment I felt like I was sick. This went on for several years. Explaining her condition, Josephine says: "My body served as a channel through which the Holy Spirit acted on the sick. The Holy Spirit is strong, it weakens the body." She is now a healthy, strong, confident healer. Can accommodate any number of patients. She can diagnose with her “inner vision” and treat by laying on hands and pressing on biologically active points, and performs quasi-operations. The entire district (within a radius of 150 km) is now treated only by her, and the peasants also treat their livestock from her.

I experienced her art of surgery myself. I had residual thrombophlebitis on my right leg. Syson examined my leg, and before I could agree to the operation, I felt the nails quickly entering the skin and saw the wound opening.

My head began to spin, a state of nausea appeared, and I asked to pause the operation and close the wound. In a voice that brooked no objections, Syson replied: “Calm down, everything is going according to the program.” After 5-7 minutes everything was over. After 30 minutes, the leg began to hurt unbearably, a burning sensation appeared at the operation site, but after 5-6 hours all these phenomena passed. True, when the next day I measured the electrical potential of Chinese biologically active points at the site of the operation, the indicators were maximum. They returned to normal only after three days.

On the second visit, I took the risk of having surgery on her for an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis. Food in the Philippines is spicy, cooked with a lot of spices and seasonings, everything is fried in coconut oil. And most Europeans with liver disease in the tropics do poorly. I well remembered the discomfort from the first operation, but the pain in the gallbladder area did not go away. Josephine welcomed my decision, eagerly examined my liver and, fussing about, began to prepare for the operation.

However, I categorically refused the bloody operation. Then she suggested a gentle, bloodless treatment option.

She pulled out a jar of coconut oil from a wall cabinet and said, “This is a healing oil processed by my hands seven times. I use it on special occasions, but for you I use it.” With quick movements of her fingers, she rubbed a cotton wool soaked in it under my skin in the area of ​​the gallbladder, then slowly turned me onto my stomach and, as it were, squeezed this cotton wool out of the skin on my back from the point where the pain was radiating. Josephine showed me this cotton wool and I was surprised at how wrinkled, wrung out and dry it was. I didn't feel any pain, no discomfort. The mood was good. But on the way home, after about 30-40 minutes, I again felt unbearable pain in my gall bladder, after another hour I was no longer sitting in pain, but lying in the car.

After 6 hours the pain subsided and I felt quite tolerable. True, when in the next three months, throwing all precautions aside, I greedily attacked Philippine spices, the pain resumed - apparently, my body was still not adapted to such food.

Summing up the objective material I have, my personal observations, impressions, research data from famous enthusiastic scientists, I can say with complete confidence that Philippine quasi-operations are not a myth or the tricks of clever illusionists, but a real practice. According to my observations, in approximately 70 percent of cases there is a significant improvement, and in some cases, complete recovery of the patient.

Externally, quasi-operations look simple. An unfamiliar patient from the general flow of patients lies down on the table and exposes the sore spot. To begin with, the healer, using hand passes, creates a powerful, uniform field around the patient (or perhaps creates a single field with the patient), then puts his hands on the sore spot and, as it were, gropes for “something”, orients himself, his hands freeze at one point. The healer concentrates his consciousness (enters a trance), then after a few seconds makes a sharp throw of his palms into the depths of the body.

At the same time, he makes quick, vibrating, forward movements with his fingers. He inserts the first phalanges of the fingers into the skin, then light, tearing and moving movements of the fingers deeper are felt. Then the edges of the wound begin to move apart, and the first blood appears. By removing it with a cotton swab, you can examine the resulting cone-shaped wound and the underlying tissues, which bleed less than the skin itself. The healer's fingers work so quickly that it is quite difficult to follow and comprehend what follows what.

Only the conscious division of the operation into fragments, long-term observation, supplemented by personal feelings from the operations undergone, gave me the opportunity to comprehend what was happening. I shared my findings with the healers, telling them the sequence of their actions at the time of the operation, they were very surprised. Their consciousness did not record this sequence. All hand movements, they believe, are controlled by someone from within; everything is done at some subconscious level. The wound is closed by moving the fingers and palms of the same nature with even greater speed, but in the opposite direction (outward). The edges of the wound seem to stretch behind the fingers and take their place at the moment of care, so it is difficult to trace what depends on what. The viscous consistency of the skin disorients the observer.

The healer makes final, control movements with his fingers along the joined edges of the wound, and the surgical site is cleared of blood. On the skin after closing the edges of the wound in the first seconds, one can still notice (against the background of slight redness) only a whitish, slightly raised scar, which after a few seconds turns pale and disappears. If you slightly delay the time of cleansing the surgical site from blood, then the scar may no longer be visible. There were no traces of the operation left. Over the next 2-3 hours, the surgical field experiences a burning sensation and increased skin sensitivity. Pain sometimes appears later and does not last long. At the time of the operation, the person being operated on is pale, agitated, often covered in perspiration, and there is a strong vegetative reaction. He perceives questions as coming from afar and answers them in monosyllables and reluctantly. The patient begins to move actively immediately, but he is still recommended to rest in silence for at least 30 minutes.

Having followed all the recommendations, the patient returns to his relatively normal state in about an hour and goes home. The operation time can vary from 3 to 15 minutes. If you divide it into phases, then it takes no more than 30 seconds to form a wound, the same amount to close it, and the rest of the time remains directly for the bloody intervention.

Healers enter the patient's body in different ways.

There are quite a lot of intervention techniques; it depends on the healer’s understanding of the content of the disease, on his natural purpose, the state of his energy, the ability to operate and enter a state of trance. All healers are divided into three groups. The first are healers who operate on a patient while in a state of trance all the time. They work automatically, as if they see nothing, they don’t answer questions, they do everything quickly. They are very sensitive to various external influences. For example, the healer Torte fainted from a flash of lightning during an operation. The second group of healers enters a trance only at the initial moment, and then they turn on, become contactable, you can talk to them, they answer questions (Josephine Syson). The third group of healers knows how to go into a trance for seconds, and then direct all the healing energy only into their hands (Aglae, Mercado Marcello).

There is a group of healers who perform tissue dissections at a distance, without touching the patient’s body.

For example, Juan Blanca opens the patient's skin with one cutting movement of his index finger, located above the patient at a distance of 15-20 centimeters. A small (2 cm) wound is formed, over which droplets of blood slowly appear. Almost all patients experience slight pain, like a cut in the skin. Then the pain disappears. The entire further treatment process is carried out through a two-centimeter incision. The healing of the wound proceeds as with a regular incised wound. Sometimes Juan can take a stranger’s finger into his own hands and use it to make a cut in the patient’s skin. He says that in this way he confirms that biological energy is easily transferred to another person by touching the healer’s hand and can carry out his will. He has no complications during wound healing. Incredulous Americans checked Blank's fingers many times - were there any cutting tools there? - but found nothing.

Healers prepare themselves for the working day in different ways.

Some, three hours before operations, perform liturgical chants at home, read prayers, and passages from the Bible. At the same time, the following words must be pronounced: “Oh You, Great, Infinite Power. You, the great Flame of life, of which I am only a spark. I surrender to Your Healing Power, so that it flows through me and strengthens, restores and heals this person. Give Yours "Force to penetrate through me, so that this person can feel Your vital Energy, Strength and Life and be able to manifest it in the face of Health, Strength and Energy. Make me a worthy channel of Your Power and use me for Good. The world will be with Your healing work." Usually, at such hours, ointments, medicines, and water are laid out on the healer’s table, which the patients bring the day before to replenish their spiritual energy. There are healers who perform prayers and other ritual ceremonies throughout the night. This gives them healing power for the whole day. There are healers who perform a prayer service only before the operation itself.

In 1973, Professor Schibler and Professor Kirzgeser observed how the healer Blanca simulated an injection of energy into a patient. One of the professors tested this injection on himself. There was a mark and even a slight hemorrhage left on the skin of the shoulder where the injection was made. Another time, scientists placed paper foil in the path of the injection. It turned out to be broken.

This means that the power of energy was great. With such an injection, the patient almost always feels pain. Before the injection, the healer touches the open text of the Bible with his right hand, claiming that in this way he takes energy from there, and forms his fingers as if working with a syringe, then injects energy into the patient's body through an imaginary syringe. This procedure is done several times. Some healers give two to four injections to prepare the patient for surgery. Almost all healers feed the patient with their energy before the operation, although they do it in different ways. It is believed that patients thereby acquire greater endurance and resistance to the disease. It seems to me that this procedure is also important for the healer - it creates confidence that his intervention will be successful, that the patient’s body will respond to this by mobilizing its energy forces.

I can’t help but tell you about what I thought was an interesting conversation with the healer Max. I was very interested in the question of the energy that healers supposedly feel and which they freely control. To the question “How do you manipulate your energy?” Max said the following:

“Yes, we own energy, we feel it very much, and it is created in the head, as a result of prayers. The right side of the body produces positive energy, the left - negative.” They can easily change the direction of energy and its charge. In the Philippines, all healers mainly work with positive energy. If we compare these quasi-operations with conventional ones, the difference between them is obvious. A conventional operation mechanically eliminates the cause of the disease and thereby helps restore the normal function of the organ. Quasi-operation does not always do this. Often, the healer directly influences the diseased organ with his energy, thereby restoring its normal state. For example, when treating appendicitis, the healer opens the abdominal cavity and takes the appendix out not at all to remove it, but to directly influence it with energy. By performing a light massage with their fingers, they empty the appendix of its contents, after which they return it to its original place. After a day, improvement occurs, and then recovery. This has been confirmed more than once during control examinations by certified doctors.

The fact is that with quasi-operations the purpose of the intervention is different than in conventional surgery. It consists in restoring the pathologically altered function of the organ, creating favorable conditions for stimulating the body, which itself overcomes its diseases. If anything is removed during quasi-operations, it is pieces of fatty or connective tissue, lymph nodes, blood clots, etc. Healers say that they, as it were, personify the disease, and by removing them, healers remove the person’s disease.

The procedure for removing teeth looks amazing. She literally shocks both patients and observers. I remember this scene. Patients sit waiting for help. Among them are several people with toothache. A healer walks along the rows and asks who is worried about what. One of the people sitting opens his mouth and shows a bad tooth. The healer, looking into the mouth, touches the tooth and moves on. About 5 minutes later he comes back and asks in surprise why the patient continues to sit with his mouth open, since his bad tooth has already been removed.

One common character trait of all healers is striking - will and perseverance, the desire to help the patient. In the first days of my acquaintance with healers, I once asked one of them to perform on me all the manipulations that he performs on a patient. "Are you in any pain?" - he asked. And when I found out that my request was motivated by curiosity, I said: “Unfortunately, this is impossible, since healthy people do not give me a surge of healing energy.” This desire (will) to heal the patient directs the “vibrational” wave of the healer to the desired point, which achieves the healing effect. There are healers who provide healing effects through 2-3 channels (larynx, eyes, breathing, etc.). These are generalists, super-gifted people. This is a special conversation.

I often asked healers: how do they determine what type of treatment a patient needs, what are they based on when they offer this or that intervention? I remember Gutierrez’s answer: “Examining a patient is like listening to music. It itself adjusts the consciousness to a certain mood. Listening to music makes one laugh, another is sad, a third is excited, and so on. Everything happens outside of our consciousness, the subconscious works here.”

N. LOPATENKO. HEALERS: ON THE EDGE OF THE UNCOMPROSIBLE In 1939, an event occurred in one of the Krasnodar scientific laboratories, the significance of which at that time was not properly assessed, which is quite natural? not only in the USSR, but also in the West. Having completed the difficult cycle of scientific

Who are they, healers? Alexander Grigoriev, psychoenergetic therapist, continues the story: – All medical practice in the Philippines can be divided into orthodox medicine (which is licensed by the government and uses classical forms of treatment) and spiritual

A person in his right mind will never stop taking care of his health. He will never stop looking for new ways to improve his health. Today, when the trusting “doctor-patient” relationship in traditional medicine is undermined, when dealing with health problems, people turn to such a phenomenon as alternative medicine. Among all the existing treatment methods, surgery using the method of Philippine healers is perhaps one of the most amazing.

They are considered great healers, sorcerers, and charlatans. Eyewitnesses from all over the world claim that the hands of healers really magically penetrate the human body and treat ailments that traditional medicine has turned away from. So who are they - healers, Filipino healers?

Who is this?

It is traditionally accepted to call those who perform operations of varying complexity only with their hands, that is, without any special tools. In their practice, Filipino healers also do not use anesthetics. These are the most famous differences between healing and other medical teachings, but they are not the only ones.

Philippine medicine is associated with the concept of psychosurgery, because healers act not only in the physical, but also in the mental, influencing the consciousness of their patients.

Many titles

The name "healer" is derived from the English word Heal. What does "heal" mean? Let us note that these amazing people are called not only healers. In the Western world they were given the titles of “psychic surgeons”, “mental surgeons”, “surgeons of the fourth dimension”. With such verbal turns, people emphasize the extraordinary nature of the healer’s treatment method.

First mentions

Thanks to the seafarers, information about the amazing Filipino healers began to spread across the globe. Written sources from the 16th century contain testimonies from sailors about healing miracles seen on distant islands.

In the 40s of the 20th century, it was possible to document the process of a healer working with a person. Since then, Filipino healers have become known everywhere. Today it is much easier to see how healers work, photos of which are easy to find in open sources.

Famous healers

It is believed that there are only about 50 people in the Philippines with deep knowledge of Philippine psychic surgery. But healers in the Philippines are also included in special official lists. Thus, there are many more of them officially registered (several thousand). Therefore, it is worth drawing conclusions about the quality of treatment of a particular healer. The parallel with our medicine can be traced again.

One of the famous modern healers is June Labo, whose clinic today accepts patients from all over the world.

Also in the homeland of the amazing trend of alternative medicine, the most famous names of such healers as Alcazar Perlito, Nida Talon, Maria Bilosana, Alex Orbito, Virgilio D. Gutierrez, Rodolfo Suyat. Filipino healer is an honorary title that, among many others, can only be earned by a talented, true healer.

In Russia, the most famous healer was Virgilio Gutierrez, now a doctor in Gutierrez, he taught the art of surgical intervention by healers to selected students.

Filipino healers in Russia

Since the connections between continents and islands have become stronger, you can get an “appointment” with a healer not only in distant countries. Heelers also live in Russia. They carry out treatment with their own, unconventional methods, which brought them world fame and a lot of gossip.

It is customary to turn to alternative medicine when everything that traditional medicine can offer does not help. At the same time, patients do not always fully trust those methods that they rely on last. So healers, whose reviews are contradictory, belong to this area of ​​​​alternative treatment.

Healers appeared in Russia about 20 years ago. Today there is even an Association of Filipino Healers. This organization is headed by Ruschel Blavo, a well-known researcher in the world scientific community about the phenomenon of extrasensory healing.

Ruschel Blavo dedicated several books and a documentary film to healers. In addition, the scientist conducts seminars on the unique capabilities of Filipino healers, demonstrating their art.

Other Filipino healers in Moscow and other Russian cities have held seminars more than once, introducing people to the mystery of knowledge of their extraordinary medicine.

Healer treatment techniques

In fact, in addition to surgical interventions, healers also use other healing techniques. Thus, Philippine medicine includes the use of various spells, treatment with herbs, stones, and manual therapy. All these methods are traditional for Asian peoples, but surgical operations are the most famous.

The operations are carried out by healers only with their hands. They do not use any tools, such as scalpels or clamps. Thus, the doctor can remove any foreign body, accumulated waste, or stone formations from the human body. The doctor finds deviations in the condition of certain organs on his own and begins his work there. Diagnostics and other tests are not carried out, which is also surprising for those who are encountering the art of Filipino healers for the first time.

Psychic surgery - a miracle of healing

Strange as it may seem to us, healers profess the Catholic faith. Like most things historically, healers have a Bible on their table even during operations. If we consider the operations of healers as a kind of ritual, then in it Christianity is closely intertwined with local worldviews.

Moreover, Filipino healers perform their miracles of healing, inspired, so to speak, by prayers. The Philippine Catholic Church officially recognizes the surgical operations of healers as one of the manifestations of the divine miracle of healing.

Patient preparation

Not only the operating process itself is important, but also the preparation of the patient for treatment. The healer begins to work with the patient long before the operation itself begins. The medicine of the peoples of the Philippines is focused primarily on working with the spiritual essence of man.

The healing process, in which both the sick person and the healer participate, consists not only in the physical improvement of a person’s condition, but also in the improvement of spirit and consciousness. Preparing the patient for surgery includes communication with the surgeon, meditation, and preliminary theoretical familiarization with the upcoming process.

Before the start of surgery, the patient still receives anesthesia, but not in the form that is familiar to us. The healer, using special movements, introduces the patient into a state of complete or partial (like partial anesthesia).

A person can feel the process of the operation while conscious. But there is no pain or other unpleasant sensations. There may be a slight tingling or patting sensation in the surgical area. This is how those who have experienced first-hand experience of the reality of the methods of Filipino healers report their impressions.

Treatment process using the method of Filipino healers

The way an operation performed by a healer looks from the outside seems like something supernatural or outright fraudulent.

A seemingly ordinary person stands over a patient. He is in a semi-conscious state. And then the doctor runs his hands over the patient’s body, as if scanning him. Then the hands stop in a certain zone (this turns out to be exactly the zone in which the patient has health problems). And then it’s as if the healer’s fingers penetrate the body of the person lying in front of him and unimaginable manipulations begin.

With deft movements of his fingers, the healer makes some passes. We see blood or something that looks like blood, but it does not flow, as we panicky expect when we see a break in the skin. The healer continues the treatment, removing blood clots or other substances from the person’s body with his bare hands. This is the reason why the patient feels unwell. This is how (naturally, differently in each case) Filipino healers treat.

It is natural that some observers and those who simply learned about the fact of Philippine medicine perceive such manipulations sharply: with distrust and open accusations of quackery.

Attempts to expose the methods of healers

Following skeptical attacks towards the miraculous practice of exotic healers in the last century, attempts were made to explain the “show” they put on before the public. Healers in the Philippines today are still actively provoking skeptics to all sorts of checks.

The process of operating with bare hands has been explained by various extraordinary interpretations. The “penetration” of a healer’s hands under a person’s skin is nothing more than a high-quality illusion. The “blood” that appears and the resulting “clumps” of disease (or bad energy) is a cleverly done puncture of a special bag of liquid (even chicken blood, perhaps), taken by the charlatan as a prop for a “trick.”

However, some people still claimed that after the healing session their health improved. To this, convinced skeptics object that healers have the gift of hypnotic influence and convince their “victims” that they really feel better.

The Skeptic's Point of View

There are many things that can be viewed with skepticism when studying the Philippine method of healing. Well, almost everything! To perform a complex operation with your hands, without causing an infection and getting a positive result for the patient’s health is the stuff of science fiction.

When you get acquainted with the miraculous treatment, questions after questions arise, and this is natural. So why, given such opportunities, do Filipinos still get sick and die? The abilities of healers go beyond our understanding, but they are not able to achieve such results.

Despite their wonderfulness and dozens of extraordinary stories of people who were healed by healers on the Flippins and outside the islands, they can’t do everything.

Do healers really penetrate body tissue with their hands?

Healers interested in the practice of psychosurgery are tormented by one important question: do the doctor’s hands really penetrate into the patient’s body? Does this really happen without the help of instruments, like with conventional surgeons?

Alternative medicine, the types of which amaze the minds of most visitors to clinics, has a rich palette of methods. The mental tools of healer surgery occupy a prominent place among them, and here's why.

The answer to the question that worries us will be positive (if we take our trust in the Filipinos and their healing miracles as a starting point). Healers penetrate the human physical body, but this does not happen with every operation. As the healers themselves say, this is not always necessary.

Why is this so? Healers also give a very conscious explanation for this. The disease occurs due to the appearance of bad, unhealthy energy in a person’s energy body. This is what Filipino healers extract from patients during sessions. Often, to conduct such a psycho-operation, it is not necessary to open the physical body.

The very penetration of the healer’s hands into the body can be compared to immersion in water. The water molecules seem to part before our hands, allowing them to freely carry out any actions in the water. Similarly, due to the innate special talent, the healer enters the human body. Incredible - but maybe real!

What can't healers do?

Views on the Philippine phenomenon vary due to the fact that only a small number of people have experienced it or have reliable sources of information about it. However, from any point of view, a logical question arises: what can’t healers do?

Like traditional medicine, treatment with Philippine methods cannot prolong a person’s intended life span. You can remove the disease, thus returning your allotted time.

Mental illnesses are also beyond the power of healers. Although they deal with the human spirit, the ability to influence the mental is limited. This can be explained somewhat simplistically. Philippine surgery is, first and foremost, surgery, that is, it involves the removal of unhealthy tissue from the human body. With the psyche, healers are not able to carry out such manipulations.

Let's add to this the fact that, as in all fields of activity, there are good specialists and not so good ones. This also applies to Filipino healers.

Specialization of Filipino healers

Personal abilities are of great importance in which direction of treatment a healer will develop most. For example, one of the best healers in the Philippines, Labo, works with tumors and has become widely known outside his country precisely because of this. Other diseases also respond to the miraculous treatment of the famous healer.

Another Filipino healer, Jose Segundo, is best at manipulating teeth.

Principles of healers in practice

As for what a conscientious healer will undertake and what he won’t, the situation will be the same as with traditional doctors. The healer will undertake to treat any patient, even if his condition is hopeless. Just like our doctors, he will try to extend a person’s life or reduce his suffering.

Regarding the issue of treating mental illnesses, healers themselves openly say that this area is not in their power. Naturally, you can find such specialists in local Philippine medicine, but this will be a completely different type of healing. Most often, locals assign this creepy concept of “exorcism of demons.” Other representatives of local medicine are engaged in healing souls from “demons”.

Are the capabilities of Filipino healers real or

It is impossible to draw clear conclusions about the reality of healing using the method of Filipino doctors based on everything we know. To believe or be completely dissuaded, you need to encounter this amazing phenomenon with your own eyes.

As with any theory, there will always be those who agree and those who are against. You can find many facts confirming the reality of the phenomenon or fraud. Our choice remains ours: we choose the sources we trust.

It is clear that alternative medicine in the form of healing has acquired another mind-blowing technique on the path to health.

Among healers, undoubtedly, there are people who have some kind of gift. The actions of such healers resound throughout the world and deserve the deepest respect and admiration. There are also charlatans whose plans are only to profit from the trust gained by true healers.

Let us note that the acute rejection of the fact of healing in our country, and in many others, is determined by the difference in worldview. It is difficult for us to imagine that a person can have such power over physical and mental matters. But in countries where the most ancient folk beliefs have been preserved, people willingly believe in this. Apparently there are reasons...

To summarize what has been said...

Filipino healers are an extraordinary phenomenon in the rich world of various alternative medical teachings. They can treat a person by performing surgery without instruments or pharmaceuticals.

They first learned about healers as healers who worked miracles in the 16th century. Since then, they have become known in all countries, but views on healing have remained controversial. No wonder: it is extremely difficult to believe in a miracle among familiar things.

We hope our article brightened your time and quenched your thirst for knowledge about such an interesting phenomenon of our world as Philippine healing.