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Phytoestrogens for women over 40. Phytoestrogens are a magic pill for menopause. Phytoestrogens - a natural non-hormonal remedy for menopause

Phytoestrogens are special plant substances that are similar in chemical structure to estrogens. Estrogens are sex hormones that have a strong feminizing effect.

Phytoestrogens comprise a whole group of chemical substances such as flavones, isoflavones, coumestans and lignans. These substances are neither plant hormones nor estrogens, but in the human body can cause effects similar to sex hormones.

Isoflavones- natural components found in some foods and herbs, such as soybeans, clover. These substances belong to phytoestrogens. Isoflavones are part of the human diet and have metabolic and anticarcinogenic properties.

Mechanism of action

In their structure, phytoestrogens are similar to estradiol. Due to this, they can act as both estrogens and antiestrogens. These substances were discovered in 1926, but until the 1950s their effects remained unexplored. For the first time, it was noticed that sheep that graze on pastures rich in clover (a plant with a lot of phytoestrogens) have reduced fertility.

The main mechanism of action of phytoestrogens is binding to estrogen receptors, which exist in two types: alpha and beta. Many plant estrogens have a much greater affinity for beta receptors. The effect of phytoestrogens on the body is approximately 500-1000 times weaker than the effect of human hormones.

The main structural elements of the plant hormone molecule, which explain its high affinity for estrogen, are:

  • phenol ring;
  • an isoflavone ring that mimics the estrogen ring at the site of contact with the receptor;
  • low molecular weight of the compound, similar to female sex hormones;
  • the distance between the two hydroxyl groups of the isoflavone core, which is similar to estradiol.

In addition to the feminizing effect, phytohormones can also have an antiestrogenic effect. In a healthy woman with normal hormonal levels, plant-derived estrogens compete with her personal hormones. They occupy those receptors that could use natural hormones.

Products containing phytoestrogens

According to a study by L.W. Thompson and B.A. Booker published in 2006, nuts and oilseeds top the list of foods that contain phytoestrogens. Following them are soy products, cereals and bran bread, legumes, meat and other food crops. The largest amount of isoflavone is found in soy and other legumes. Lignan phytoestrogens in foods are found in flax seeds, nuts, fruits (citrus fruits, cherries, apples) and vegetables (broccoli, spinach, garlic and parsley).

The best studied phytoestrogens are those found in soy: the isoflavone substances daidzein and genistein. These substances are present in the plant in the form of glycosides. Thanks to the action of bacteria in the human intestine, the compound breaks down into pieces. Not all breakdown products cause a cellular estrogenic response; the main contribution to the hormonal action of soy is made by equol (a modified product of daidzein).

To enlarge the bust, it has long been recommended to eat cabbage. All its types (cauliflower, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli) contain large amounts of phytoestrogens, which can increase hormonal levels.

Dairy products also contain natural estrogens. Blue cheeses contain a large amount of these substances, which is due to the action of a special fungus.

Any seeds and nuts also contain a large amount of phytoestrogens. Phytosterols, which have hormonal activity, are found in wheat germ, olive and palm oils, as well as coconut oil. Dried fruits such as dried apricots, prunes and dates also increase estrogen.

People eat not only foods with phytoestrogens, but also drinks with these hormones. Red wine contains resveratrol, which exhibits high antioxidant activity. Pycnogerol is obtained from grape skins and seeds. The hop cones from which beer is made contain 8-prenylnaringenin, which is 10 times more active than other phytoestrogens.


Comparative amounts of phytoestrogens in food sources (µg/g)

1 µg = 0.000001 g

SourcesAmount of mcg per 100 g of product
Flax seed379380 mcg
Soya beans103920 mcg
Soy yogurt10275 mcg
Sesame seed8008.1 mcg
Flax bread7540 mcg
Soy milk2957.2 mcg
Hummus993 mcg
Garlic603.6 mcg
Dried apricots444.5 mcg
Pistachios382.5 mcg
Dates329.5 mcg
Sunflower seeds216 mcg
Chestnuts210.2 mcg
Olive oil180.7 mcg
Almond131.1 mcg
Cashew121.9 mcg
Green bean105.8 mcg
Peanut34.5 mcg
Onion32 mcg
blueberries17.5 mcg
Corn9 mcg
Coffee6.3 mcg
Watermelon2.9 mcg
Cow's milk1.2 mcg

Table isoflavones

Food sources of isoflavones (µg/g)

Food groupTotal isoflavonesDaijouinGenisteinGlycetin
Soybeans1176-4215 365-1355 640-2676 171-184
Roasted soybeans2661 941 1426 294
Soy flour2014 412 1453 149
Protein isolate621-987 89-191 373-640 159-156
Tofu532 238 245 49
Soy hot dog236 55 129 52
Soy bacon144 26 83 35
Cheddar cheese43-197 0-83 4-62 39-52
Mozzarella cheese123 24 62 52
Tofu yogurt282 103 162 17
Soy drink28 7 21 -

Herbs with plant estrogens

Red clover. Phytoestrogens from clover flowers and grass contain isovlavone and coumestane compounds. There are no studies yet that would show that this plant can be safely used to prevent menopausal disorders.

Licorice. The roots of this plant contain an isoflavone called glabridin. In small doses it stimulates the proliferation of cancer cells, and in high doses it suppresses them.

Alfalfa. Estrogens in alfalfa herbs are represented by coumestrol and a small amount of formononetin. Like red clover heads, this grass can cause reproductive problems in sheep. The effect of this plant on people is also not well understood.

Linen. This herb contains large quantities of female phytohormones of the lignan group. In the intestines of the human body, herbal estrogens are converted into enterodiol and enterolactone.

Effect of phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens in small doses have the same biological effect as endogenous hormones. Their effect on the body largely depends on the gender and age of the person who consumes products with phytoestrogens.

  • Impact on young women

Plant hormones can act in the opposite way. This is due to the concentration of female sex hormones in the blood and the sensitivity of their receptors.

If a woman has normal estrogen levels, then plant hormones will act as antiestrogens. The higher their concentration, the more pronounced this effect. Therefore, phytoestrogens in tablets do not always have a positive effect on the female body. In the clinic, there are certain indications for these drugs, such as the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation.

The effect of phytoestrogens on breast cancer remains controversial. Some studies (D. Ingram et al., 1997) have shown that these substances have a protective effect, while other experiments (M. L. De Lemos, study 2001) describe that phytoestrogens stimulate the growth of cancer cells in women with breast cancer. .

  • Impact on men

A 2010 study by D. M. Hamilton-Reeves et al found that adding isoflavones or soy products to foods did not change testosterone concentrations in men. There were also no changes in sperm morphology, concentration, number or motility. The effect of phytoestrogens on the development of testicular cancer remains controversial and remains unproven.

  • The influence of children and adolescents

It was believed that plant estrogens had a very strong feminizing effect on young boys, especially during the neonatal period and puberty. Therefore, it was recommended that boys and women during pregnancy not abuse products that contain estrogens. But research by R.D. Merritt and H.B. Hanks, which was published in 2004, proved the opposite. A review of the literature concluded that feeding soy formula to infants did not cause further problems. There were no abnormalities in sexual development, behavior, or immune system functioning.

Plant estrogens during menopause

After 50 years, a woman may experience a number of disorders, including irritability, lethargy, fatigue, depressed mood, hot flashes, palpitations and other symptoms. One of the modern trends in the treatment of menopausal disorders is hormone replacement therapy.

Since taking hormonal drugs during menopause sometimes leads to the appearance of serious side symptoms, women often abandon these drugs and resort to the help of phytoestrogens. Medicines containing isoflavone phytoestrogens (for example, Menoril, Klimaxan, Remens, Klimadinon) are mainly used.

Since during menopause there is a pronounced decrease in the concentration of hormones, plant substances do not act as antiestrogens, that is, their use is relatively safe for women after 40 years of age.

Phytohormones can potentially have the following beneficial effects:

  • reduce the severity of menopause and act as a mild form of hormone replacement therapy;
  • reduce blood cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis;
  • may reduce the risk of breast, colon, prostate and skin cancers.

Data Published by E. Lethaby et al in 2013, plant estrogens for women after 40 - 50 years of age do not significantly alleviate menopausal symptoms. At the same time, it is additionally necessary to conduct a study of the effects of genicistein, whose influence has not been fully elucidated.

Phytoestrogens in foods and medicinal herbs are used for various hormonal disorders in gynecology. Their uncontrolled administration can lead to the fact that they behave not like normal female hormones, but like antiestrogens. The potential of phytohormones has not yet been exhausted and may be revealed in the near future.

Estrogens are sex hormones produced by a woman's ovaries. This process is continuous. It begins during puberty and lasts until menopause. That is, estrogens are produced throughout the entire period of a woman’s reproductive age. These hormones have an active effect not only on the reproductive system, but also on the entire body as a whole. Such roundness and softness of female forms, attractive to the opposite sex, depends on the level of estrogen; it is they that influence the formation and distribution of fat cells in the body according to the female type. Hormones are also responsible for calcium absorption, bone growth, and even heart rate. Therefore, a deficiency of estrogen in the body has a detrimental effect on overall health. This is especially true for women after menopause; during this period, the production of such hormones in the body practically stops. In this case, plant-based phytoestrogens will come to the rescue.

What are phytoestrogens?

These are phytohormones that are produced in plants and regulate their growth and development. Of course, such substances cannot completely replace natural estrogens, but they can significantly improve well-being in various cases. During menopause, phytoestrogens are especially useful for women; such substances prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and prevent the leaching of calcium from bones. Under the influence of phytoestrogens, skin aging slows down, metabolic processes in the dermis are normalized, and increased dryness and wrinkling are prevented.

Phytoestrogens in food

Which foods contain the most phytoestrogens? When talking about these substances, soy and soy products are most often mentioned. Today, soy is the number one phytoestrogen known to science. Maybe this explains the wonderful appearance of Japanese and Chinese women? And that is why in these countries the level of cardiovascular diseases is significantly lower than in Europe? Its nutritional value is similar to the protein we get from milk and meat. But, unlike these products, soy contains virtually no cholesterol. In addition, it improves memory and concentration. However, you should know that in some cases the consumption of soy is contraindicated, namely in case of endocrinological diseases, genitourinary ailments, and pregnancy.

Beans, lentils, beans, peas - all these are also foods rich in phytoestrogens.

Since ancient times, it has been known about the beneficial properties of flax seed, which is an excellent source of not only essential fatty acids, but also active phytoestrogens. An extract from flax seeds is used in pharmaceuticals in preparations for women that help soften and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Cereals are plant phytoestrogens, wheat is especially prominent among them. Oats, lentils, and millet also contain phytohormones. In addition, bran is very useful.

Seeds and nuts are also an additional source of these substances; in addition, these products are rich in protein and essential amino acids.

Dairy products are an invaluable source of phytohormones. Herbivores eat plants and therefore produce milk rich in phytoestrogens. Also useful substances are contained in sour cream and cottage cheese. But most of them are found in hard cheeses. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, this dairy product is made from natural milk, and secondly, many types of cheese contain so-called cheese mold, and these fungi themselves are a source of phytoestrogens.

Plant phytoestrogens

Almost all plants contain phytoestrogens in one form or another.

Red clover


The plant contains the phytoestrogens formononetin and coumestrol. Scientists have not yet fully figured out what effect these substances have on humans.


Its seeds are a source of lignans, which, penetrating the intestines, are converted into enterolactone and enterodiol. The action of these elements is similar to the action of isoflavones.

Liquorice root

The plant contains glabridin. Today, scientists are studying its effect on cancer cells. It is known that in low concentrations this substance stimulates cancer growth, and in large quantities glabridin suppresses it.

Red grapes

The plant contains resverantol, which is a phytoestrogen and plays the role of an antioxidant.


Contains the substance 8-prenylnaringenin - a highly active phytoestrogen. Women whose work involves harvesting or processing hops often experience menstrual irregularities.

and hog queen

These are also phytoestrogens plants that have a powerful effect on a woman’s reproductive function.

Black currant and raspberry leaves

In addition to large amounts of vitamin C, they contain flavonoids. Once fermented, the leaves of these plants can be used as an alternative to black tea.

Yarrow herb

The plant contains phytosterol. stimulate menstruation and strengthen blood vessels.

Shepherd's Purse

A decoction of this herb helps stop bleeding.

Common cuff

The composition contains phytosterol. The plant tones and normalizes the menstrual cycle.


An infusion of the plant helps regulate menstruation and reduce sweating during menopause.

What medications contain phytoestrogens?

The preparations must contain a sufficiently large amount of phytoestrogens for the result to be noticeable. Regarding the choice of medication, it is advisable to consult a specialist. All medications of this kind contain phytoestrogens of plant origin, the most effective of which are the following:

Beer makes men feminine

This alcoholic drink contains phytoestrogens of plant origin. Moreover, their quantity is almost the same as in soy protein. However, beer by its nature is harmful to the body, so there is no talk of any benefit here.

Most men who regularly drink this drink have bulging bellies and fat deposits. The reason for this is phytoestrogen, which acts in the same way as the female sex hormone.

The natural increase in fat deposits in women is intended by nature; this is associated with bearing a baby, so that in any situation he and the mother have enough nutrients. In a man, the hormone testosterone should predominate, then his body will not be round, but muscular and sculpted. Women should also not abuse this drink, as it can cause other health problems. Regular kvass, which contains malt, is also rich in phytoestrogens, can be a useful replacement for beer.

The effect of phytoestrogens on the body

According to most scientists, phytoestrogens are extremely beneficial for women. They are needed for:

    prevention of cardiovascular diseases (isoflavones regulate fat metabolism);

    prevention of osteoporosis (phytoestrogens promote the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which reduces the likelihood of bone fractures);

    normalization of the psycho-emotional state (the frequency and intensity of hot flashes is reduced, blood pressure is normalized, due to which sleep improves over time);

    strengthening the immune system (phytoestrogens have antiviral and antimicrobial effects, which protects the woman’s body from infection);

    preventing cancer (regularly including soy in your diet can reduce the risk of developing tumors of the mammary glands, skin, and colon).

You should know that in the presence of a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the activation of isoflavones in the intestine slows down, phytoestrogens in this case will not be effective. The same situation is observed with a deficiency of fiber and a predominance of fatty foods in the diet.

The effect of these substances on the human body is still being studied today. At the moment, scientists agree that there is no reason to be afraid of phytoestrogens in food. But phytoestrogens should be taken with caution. And only after consultation with your doctor.

Phytoestrogens are present in some representatives of the flora and are a plant analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen. They do not act as plant hormones, but are simply present in it in a certain amount and are responsible for growth, development, protection from ultraviolet rays and fungal diseases.

Hormones and phytoestrogens

Hormones play a big role in maintaining a healthy reproductive system in women. Thanks to estrogen, the most important processes occur: conception and bearing a child. In addition, the function of the heart, blood vessels and skeletal system is normalized. It is believed that with a sufficient level of this substance, the skin is elastic, smooth, non-greasy, and the bones are strong enough. With age, this balance is disrupted.

Science is trying to find ways to compensate for this deficiency using natural means.

This issue has not yet been studied enough and opinions are quite contradictory, but there is a certain list of foods and herbs that contain phytoestrogens, whose composition resembles natural estradiol, as well as drugs created on their basis.

Due to their structure and similarity to estradiol, phytoestrogens in women can cause both estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects. Once in the body with food or in the form of a medicinal decoction, when the hormone content is low, phytoestrogens increase its level. If it is already elevated, then phytoestrogens try to suppress it, clearing space for themselves.

Types of phytoestrogens

All phytoestrogens are divided into 3 groups:

  • Isoflavonoids;
  • Lignans;
  • Kumestans.

It is believed that for women over 40 years of age, phytoestrogens or medications containing them are most beneficial in relieving the symptoms of impending menopause.

Beneficial features

They have the following properties:

  • help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, regulate fat metabolism, protect blood vessels from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, maintain normal blood clotting and reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • promote better absorption of calcium and phosphorus, reduce their leaching from bones, thereby strengthening bone tissue;
  • during menopause, relieve hot flashes, normalize blood pressure, to improve well-being and get rid of depression;
  • strengthen the immune system, have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Foods with phytoestrogens

In nature, the most phytoestrogens are found in soy, and although their antitumor effect has not yet been sufficiently studied, there is evidence that eating it reduces the risk of developing breast, colon, and skin cancer. High levels of these natural estrogen analogues are observed:

  • in legumes;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • cereals (wheat, barley, oats), especially in their sprouts;
  • vegetables (carrots, asparagus, parsley, celery, garlic, some types of cabbage);
  • in vegetable oils.
  • The fruits and flowers of hawthorn contain flavonoids that strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation and regulate blood pressure.

Legumes and grains, vegetables and vegetable oils are rich in phytoestrogens and are available to any woman

Accordingly, phytoestrogens, for women after 40 years of age and after the attenuation of ovarian function, when concentrated in a certain amount, play the role of replenishing, although not fully, the lack of estrogen during this period of life.

Herbs with phytoestrogens

Herbs containing phytoestrogens can also be used for medicinal purposes for women of any age:

  • boron uterus and red brush have a positive effect on the function of childbirth;
  • yarrow strengthens blood vessels and stimulates menstruation;
  • shepherd's purse stops bleeding;
  • the ordinary cuff normalizes the cycle;
  • sage infusion optimizes menstrual periods and reduces sweat production;
  • elecampane to normalize irregular and painful periods;
  • rosemary infusion improves blood circulation and normalizes the monthly cyclical process.

There is also a sufficient list of plants with a high concentration of a natural analogue of the hormone:

  • red clover, alfalfa;
  • flax seeds;
  • hop;
  • licorice root, red grapes.

Using some of these plants, biological supplements containing phytoestrogens are created. Drugs from this series are used by women over 40 years of age to overcome the symptoms of menopause, cope with this problem with minimal damage to health, improve their mood and, if possible, return their life to its previous course as much as possible.

Medicines for women after 40

Let's look at the main drugs containing natural hormones available for use.


The drug inoklim was created from soybeans, it is produced in capsules and is a dietary supplement, which, according to the instructions for use, helps cope with the symptoms of menopause during menopause, and also eliminates vaginal dryness at this time. Another drug from this series, Doppelhertz active menopause, with a similar mechanism of action.


In addition to soybeans, red clover, specially grown for this purpose in Switzerland, is used to make such natural substitutes. Thanks to its phytoestrogens, the drug Feminal has been synthesized for women over 40. It is available in capsules of 30 pieces per package. The course of treatment takes on average 3 months. Daily intake is recommended at 1 pill per day, thereby replenishing the daily requirement for estradiol.

The advantages of this additive over its analogues are as follows:

  • due to its complex composition, it has a more pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • close to natural female estrogen;
  • well tolerated and can be used for a long time (up to 2-3 years);
  • effectiveness has been proven in clinical trials.


Klimadinone is no less popular; it is obtained from the rhizome of black cohosh. Plant materials are not collected in the wild to avoid the appearance of genetically modified samples, but are cultivated in certain places, using good seed material. This drug reduces sweating, smoothes out mood swings, which helps a woman experience age-related hormonal changes less painfully. Remens and klimaktoplan, also obtained from black cohosh, have similar properties.

Some ladies are concerned about dryness and sagging skin, especially on the hands, during the decline of sexual function. They begin to purchase all kinds of ointments and creams with phytohormones, succumbing to provocative advertising or listening to the advice of friends or acquaintances.

But experts warn that preparations with phytoestrogens for women after 40 years of age only bring benefits when they enter the stomach. These substances do not penetrate the body through the skin.

Natural or synthetic hormones?

Preparations with phytoestrogens are sometimes used by gynecologists in women who cannot take synthetic analogues for a number of reasons. In this case, women over 40 years of age can mitigate the symptoms of future menopause without medications and dietary supplements using the following recommendations:

  • reconsider your lifestyle;
  • find time for proper rest;
  • Do gymnastics to the best of your ability, even if it’s just morning exercises;
  • balance your diet in advance.


Based on the individuality of each organism, you should not get too carried away with preparations with phytoestrogens, dietary supplements, or include in your diet a large number of foods rich in phytoestrogens, or decoctions of similar herbs. Before you begin to treat symptoms of menopause, consult your doctor. Let him understand your condition and draw up an adequate regimen for taking the necessary medications so that they have a positive effect.

Women, paying a lot of attention to their health and appearance, invariably reach an age when physiology makes itself felt. Crossing the threshold of forty or fifty years, there comes a feeling of certain changes in the body: the skin is already drier, wrinkles are spreading across the face, the body begins to forget about its former harmony. The use of phytoestrogens will help cope with the problems of menopause.

From the article you will learn about the benefits of phytoestrogens for women over 40, medications, containing these substances and how they differ.

Phytoestrogens - a natural non-hormonal remedy for menopause

Phytoestrogens are substances contained in plant fibers. Their structure is similar to the hormones produced by the female body - natural estrogens. A decrease in the body's production of these hormones is one of the main signs of the onset of menopause.

Due to their natural origin and structural features, phytoestrogens are often used as a natural simulator of female estrogens. Their use helps normalize hormonal levels during the period of greatest disturbances - before the onset of menopause and throughout the entire menopause.

The effect of phytoestrogens is as follows: when entering the body, these substances affect the cells of the skin, muscles and various tissues according to the same principle as the natural hormone. As a result, these cells feel “young” and improve their functioning.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely stop menopause and resume the usual functioning of the body, but it is still possible to minimize its manifestations.

Preparations containing phytoestrogens

These substances are found in the tissues of many plants. But among them there are leader plants.

The most reliable and productive sources of phytoestrogens include cohosh, soybeans and pueraria.

The listed plants have already been well studied; on their basis, a whole range of containing phytoestrogens preparations for women after 50. They differ both in composition, results, and in price.

Isoflavones in the composition play a major role in the effectiveness of such products. This type of phytoestrogens has an effect equivalent to the effect of the production of estradiol, the most important natural estrogen.

Therefore, doctors often prescribe medications containing these substances.

Let's look at the most popular medications that help bring the functioning of a woman's reproductive body back to normal.