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Evdokia's name day. Proverbs, folk signs and holiday traditions in Rus'

The name Evdokia appeared in Byzantium, it was formed from the word “eudokia”, which translated from ancient Greek means “benevolence”. In Rus', the name Evdokia became widespread along with Christianity. Ordinary people changed the name, it began to sound differently - Avdotya. The patron saint of this name is the Venerable Martyr Evdokia, Grand Duchess of Moscow. She was baptized, then renounced her wealth, dedicated herself to God and received the gift of miracles.

In early childhood, Evdokia is mischievous and stubborn; she usually does not obey her mother and grandmother, only her father, whom she fears and respects. This girl is easily offended, capricious, and it is difficult to calm her down. Little Evdokia is very inquisitive, even curious, she needs to know everything, see everything. She is cunning and inventive, this girl is constantly coming up with new ideas. Evdokia is capable, studies easily and with interest, but is restless and therefore not always among the first. Evdokia is kind, thrifty, caring, soft and compliant. She always tries to avoid conflicts, as she does not like to quarrel.

Fate: Evdokia has a pleasant appearance and is very proud of it. Evdokia values ​​her family very much and tries to create a warm, spiritual environment in her home.

The Saints: Evdokia Iliopolskaya (name day March 14), Evdokia Moscow (name day May 30, July 20).

Angel Evdokia Day

The name Evdokia is of Greek origin. Derived from the name Eudokia, meaning "favour". In European languages ​​it is often confused with the related female name Eudoxia, meaning “blessed”. The paired male name Evdokim is translated as “one of good repute.”

The name came to Rus' from Byzantium along with Christianity. It was widespread among the simple classes, but it was changed, and it began to sound like Ovdotya (Avdotya), Evdokeya. In Ukraine and Belarus - Yavdokha. It was also used among the upper classes. Catholics celebrate Evdokia's name day on March 1st. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name days of Evdokia.

Evdokia is an independent and determined woman. Although life can be very difficult for her, she still overcomes difficulties, achieves her goals and can generally stand up for herself. However, sometimes Evdokia can, as they say, “withdraw into herself” and stop trusting people. This causes the girl great suffering. Usually Evdokia has only one friend, to whom the girl is very attached. Evdokia is very jealous of her friend, and any disagreement with her is noticeably distressed. However, having quarreled, a girl bearing this name is unlikely to take the first step towards reconciliation.

Evdokia has a beautiful face and figure, which makes her very attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, and she knows it. The girl devotes a lot of time to her appearance and always follows the latest fashion trends. A girl with this name is proud and unapproachable, does not tolerate criticism from others. At heart, she is very vulnerable and touchy.

The name Evdokia is rare; in everyday life, a girl is more often called Dusya or Dunya, which may seem unattractive to a child. As a result, the girl will either be embarrassed by her rare name, or, on the contrary, will strive to emphasize it, keeping in mind her unusualness. Both extremes are equally bad. Parents will need to try to balance these two desires, since it is best when a sense of self-confidence is combined with the need for self-affirmation. Developing a girl’s sense of humor and kind self-irony can help with this.

Evdokia is characterized by mobility and good nature. If nothing disturbs a girl’s self-esteem, then she is largely characterized by optimism. Logic is to a lesser extent inherent in Evdokia. Girls with this name live more with their hearts than with their minds. Evdokia believes as long as she loves. In communication, she is sincere and good-natured, and has a good sense of humor. Evdokia has a sufficient reserve of strength and energy to achieve success in her chosen profession.

Career, most likely, will not be an obstacle to strong family relationships. In relationships, a woman named Evdokia more often takes the initiative. She tries to choose gentle, soft and pliable men. She expects complete harmony from relationships; she needs either everything or nothing. She gets married late - her bar is too high. But in family life, Evdokia is usually happy.

Evdokia Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 11 – Evdokia (Guseva), MC. /novomuch./; Evdokia (Nazina), MC. /novomuch./
  • February 5 – Evdokia (Kuzminova), priest, novice /new martyr/
  • February 13 – Eudoxia Kanopskaya, mts.
  • March 14 – Evdokia (Arkhipova), prmts. /novomuch./; Evdokia Iliopolskaya, priest, abbess
  • March 20 – Evdokia (Sinitsina), prmts. /novomuch./
  • April 20 – Evdokia (Pavlova), priest, novice /new martyr/
  • May 30 – Evdokia (in nuns Euphrosyne) of Moscow, Grand Duchess
  • July 20 – Evdokia (in nuns Euphrosyne) of Moscow, Grand Duchess
  • August 17 – Evdokia (Iya) Roman, Persian, prmts.
  • August 18 – Evdokia (Shikova), MC. /novomuch./
  • August 26 – Evdokia of Constantinople, queen
  • August 27 – Evdokia (Perevoznikova), priest, nun /new martyr/
  • September 24 – Evdokia (Iya) Roman, Persian, prmts.
  • September 28 – Evdokia (Tkachenko), priest, nun /new martyr/
  • November 16 – Evdokia (Safronova), MC. /novomuch./
  • December 23 – Evdokia (Martishkina), MC. /novomuch./

The name Evdokia is quite rare, but is gaining popularity among the population. More and more often, parents give it to their newborn girls. Therefore, the question – what does the name Evdokia mean – always remains relevant.

Origin of the name Evdokia

There are several versions of the origin of this rare name. One of them says that it originates in ancient times. Derived from the male name Evdokim, which means “specially successful.” But some scientists think differently. The name Evdokia comes from the ancient Greek Eudokia, which means “good news”, “goodwill”.

Following the second version, this name arose in ancient Rus' along with Christianity. At one time it was especially popular not only among ordinary people. It was also given to girls of the noble class. But soon the name was changed. Now it began to sound like Avdotya or Evdokeya. Later the name spread to Belarus. There it sounded in its own way - Yavdokha.

The character and meaning of the name Evdokia for a girl

A rare name leaves its mark on a child. In life, a girl will rarely be called Evdokia, more often Dunya or Dusya, which she doesn’t really like. Later, the baby will be ashamed of her beautiful name. Parents need to make a lot of effort to prevent the child from withdrawing into himself. To do this, from childhood she needs to instill a sense of humor and good irony.

The name has a positive connotation, which cannot but affect the baby. Evdokia treats others well, she is kind and friendly. Trusts his heart more than his mind.

The owner of the name is distinguished by her determination and complete independence. Parents will have to deal with her character from childhood. A girl’s mother does not have strong authority, but the child always listens to her father. Sometimes too vulnerable and touchy, Dunyasha cannot harbor a grudge for long, and soon all the squabbles are forgotten.

The child studies well at school. She finds it easy to study, thanks to her inquisitiveness, stubbornness and curiosity. These qualities help to achieve your goals, not only during school years. The energy that lives inside pushes her to exploits and gives birth to new ideas that are brilliantly brought to life.

The meaning of the name speaks of vulnerability, but if Evdotya is offended, then a very strong rebuff will follow. In adulthood, a woman reveals all her talents, and many of her qualities appear here. She becomes more practical.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Evdokia for a girl

One of the meanings of the name is independence. This also manifests itself in the girl’s personal life. Despite her open character, Dunyasha has only one friend, but she trusts her completely. The girl can hardly bear even small disagreements. But she will never be the first to reconcile.

Relationships with the opposite sex

This quality leaves its mark on relationships with the opposite sex. Avdotya tries to take a leadership position, tries to be the head in the relationship. Therefore, she is surrounded by men who allow her to do this. After all, not everyone will agree to minor roles. However, with Evdotya it’s simple. The girl is pretty and knows how to use it. She often has several fans at once.

The chosen one must satisfy all the needs of the woman. Evdokia prefers to receive more from her beloved than to give in return. She is more suited to sensual and romantic men who fulfill all her whims. The most favorable alliance is with Gerasim, Evdokim, Emelyan, Kasyan, Ratibor, Fedot, Dementy.

The girl is in no hurry to tie the knot, despite having a large number of fans. Family means too much to her; she approaches the choice of a life partner thoroughly. Therefore, the girl is happy in the family, gives herself completely to her family, sometimes even quits her favorite job. Dunya cooks well. She is a wonderful mother, but she teaches her children to be independent early and sends them to kindergarten. The woman spends all her free time with her family and practically does not cheat on her husband.

However, the girl’s fate may turn out differently. Often, a couple's divorce is inevitable. This happens due to the fact that Dunyasha listens only to herself and her opinion is the only correct one. The girl does not take into account the feelings of others, even her husband. Not every man is able to withstand such pressure, especially if the financial side of the marriage is shaken. Evdokia does not make concessions and rarely refuses planned purchases. Finances often become the cause of discord in the family. An adult woman needs to learn to restrain herself and listen to her husband more often if she wants to maintain mutual understanding.


At work, the girl does not strive to make a career and at the first opportunity leaves her position. She prefers the role of a housewife. But if Evdokia is forced to work, then she fulfills her duties well.

Character flaws include vanity and resentment. Evdokia follows fashion, tries to dress well, and often attends parties. The girl does not tolerate comments addressed to her even from her loved one. People around her consider the adult Dunyasha to be arrogant, so they don’t communicate with her much. A woman needs to show more interest in the team and then she will make new acquaintances.

Name forms and declension by case

Full name: Evdokia.

Derivatives of the name are Donya, Evdosha, Evdokiyaushka, Evdosya, Dosya, Dunya, Dunyasha, Dusya, Avdotya, Avdosha.

The owner of the name must know how to decline it correctly. The word denotes a proper name, therefore it is declined as a noun, ending in - iya.

Nominative case – Evdokia

Genitive case – Evdokia

Dative case – Evdokia

Accusative case – Evdokia

Instrumental case – Evdokia

Prepositional case – about Evdokia

Evdokia in the calendar

Orthodox name days of Evdokia fall on January 11, February 5, February 8, March 1, March 14, March 20, April 20, May 30, July 20, August 13, August 17, August 26, September 24, September 28, November 16, December 23.

Famous namesakes of Evdokia

Eudoxia Licinia is the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II.

Evdokia Lopukhina - the first wife of Peter 1, the last Russian queen.

Evdokia Rostopchina - countess, Russian poetess, translator.

Evdokia Bocharova – pilot, WWII participant, commander of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment.

Short form of the name Evdokia. Evdokiya, Evdya, Evdonya, Donya, Dona, Donyakha, Donyasha, Evdosya, Dosya, Evdokha, Evdosha, Dosha, Evdunya, Dunya, Dunyara, Dunyatka, Dunyakha, Dunyasha, Evdusha, Soul, Dusya.
Synonyms for the name Evdokia. Evdokeya, Avdotya, Avdokeya, Ovdotya, Eudokia.
Origin of the name Evdokia. The name Evdokia is Russian, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Evdokia is of Greek origin. Derived from the name Eudokia, meaning "favour". In European languages ​​it is often confused with the related female name Eudoxia, meaning “blessed”. The paired male name Evdokim is translated as “one of good repute.”

The name came to Rus' from Byzantium along with Christianity. It was widespread among the simple classes, but it was changed, and it began to sound like Ovdotya (Avdotya), Evdokeya. In Ukraine and Belarus - Yavdokha. It was also used among the upper classes. Catholics celebrate Evdokia's name day on March 1st. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name days of Evdokia.

Evdokia is an independent and determined woman. Although life can be very difficult for her, she still overcomes difficulties, achieves her goals and can generally stand up for herself. However, sometimes Evdokia can, as they say, “withdraw into herself” and stop trusting people. This causes the girl great suffering. Usually Evdokia has only one friend, to whom the girl is very attached. Evdokia is very jealous of her friend, and any disagreement with her is noticeably distressed. However, having quarreled, a girl bearing this name is unlikely to take the first step towards reconciliation.

Evdokia has a beautiful face and figure, which makes her very attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, and she knows it. The girl devotes a lot of time to her appearance and always follows the latest fashion trends. A girl with this name is proud and unapproachable, does not tolerate criticism from others. At heart, she is very vulnerable and touchy.

The name Evdokia is rare; in everyday life, a girl is more often called Dusya or Dunya, which may seem unattractive to a child. As a result, the girl will either be embarrassed by her rare name, or, on the contrary, will strive to emphasize it, keeping in mind her unusualness. Both extremes are equally bad. Parents will need to try to balance these two desires, since it is best when a sense of self-confidence is combined with the need for self-affirmation. Developing a girl’s sense of humor and kind self-irony can help with this. Evdokia is characterized by mobility and good nature. If nothing disturbs a girl’s self-esteem, then she is largely characterized by optimism.

Logic is to a lesser extent inherent in Evdokia. Girls with this name live more with their hearts than with their minds. Evdokia believes as long as she loves. In communication, she is sincere and good-natured, and has a good sense of humor.

Evdokia has a sufficient reserve of strength and energy to achieve success in her chosen profession. Career, most likely, will not be an obstacle to strong family relationships.

In relationships, a woman named Evdokia more often takes the initiative. She tries to choose gentle, soft and pliable men. She expects complete harmony from relationships; she needs either everything or nothing. She gets married late - her bar is too high. But in family life, Evdokia is usually happy.

Evdokia's name day

Evdokia celebrates name day on January 11, February 5, February 8, March 1, March 2, March 14, March 20, April 20, May 30, July 20, August 13, August 17, August 18, August 26, August 27, September 24 , September 28, November 16, December 23.

Famous people with the name Evdokia

  • Elia Eudoxia ((d.404) wife of Emperor Arcadius, daughter of the commander of the Roman army Bauto)
  • Licinia Eudoxia ((422 - 462) daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II and Eudoxia)
  • Eudokia ((c.401 - 460) before baptism - Athenaida; wife of Emperor Theodosius II. Known as a talented poetess, she patronized the Monophysites for some time. She spent the last years of her life in Jerusalem, engaged in the construction of churches and charity.)
  • Eudoxia (Bulgarian princess, daughter of King Fedrinand I of Bulgaria)
  • Evdokia Iliopoliska ((d. ​​about 160/170) early Christian saint, revered as a martyr)
  • Evdokia Angelina Komnena ((c.1173 - 1211) youngest daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Alexios III, niece of Emperor Isaac II Angel, cousin of Emperor Alexios IV Angel)
  • Evdokia Dmitrievna ((1353 - 1407) daughter of the Grand Duke of Suzdal Dmitry Konstantinovich, wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich. Known for her charity. Also known as the Venerable Euphrosyne of Moscow (in monasticism); in 2007 the 600th anniversary of her repose was celebrated, in commemoration of which On August 21 of the same year, a new award of the Russian Orthodox Church was established - the Order of St. Euphrosyne of Moscow.)
  • Evdokia Nagaya ((d. ​​1597) princess, first wife of the appanage Staritsa Prince Vladimir Andreevich, wife of Prince Vladimir, cousin of Tsar Ivan IV)
  • Devorra (in the world - Evdokia Naryshkina, nee Hamilton; a figure of the Old Believers, the aunt of Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna, the wife of the Duma nobleman Fyodor Naryshkin, the niece of Artamon Matveev's wife Evdokia Hamilton (thanks to this marriage, Natalya was brought up in Matveev's house, where the tsar looked after her). Researchers believe that her life in the Arzamas district had a significant influence on the spread of Old Believers in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Local Old Believers preserved the memory of her, at least until the end of the 19th century, her place of residence was called “Tsaritsyn” or “Devorrin” and was held in high esteem. among the Old Believers, and Devorra herself was considered a saint among them.)
  • Evdokia Fedorovna ((1669 - 1731) nee Lopukhina, at birth - Praskovya Illarionovna, monastically Elena; tsarina, first wife of Peter I (1689-1698), mother of Tsarevich Alexei, the last Russian tsarina and the last reigning equal non-foreign wife of the Russian monarch)
  • Evdokia Istomina ((1799 - 1848) legendary dancer of the St. Petersburg Ballet. A graduate of the theater school, a student of Charles-Louis Didelot, glorified by Pushkin in “Eugene Onegin”. Istomina enjoyed the greatest success in the ballets “Zephyr and Flora”, “The African Lion” ( 1818), “The Caliph of Baghdad”, “Euthimius and Eucharis”, “Roland and Morgana”, “Lisa and Colin” (1820), “Lelia of Narbonne”, etc.)
  • Evdokia Rostopchina ((1811/1812 - 1858) née Sushkova; countess, Russian poetess, translator, playwright and novelist)
  • Evdokia Saburova ((d.1614 or 1619/1620) tonsured - nun Alexandra; the first wife of Tsarevich Ivan, daughter-in-law of Ivan the Terrible. A year after the wedding, she was exiled to a monastery.)
  • Evdokia Zavaliy ((1924 - 2010) the only woman - commander of a Marine Corps platoon during the Great Patriotic War, guard colonel)
  • Evdokia Grekhova ((1907 - 1992) agricultural innovator, foreman-livestock breeder of the Karavaevo breeding farm, Kostroma district, Kostroma region, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1948, 1951))
  • Evdokia (Yavdokha) Share (real name - Verkhovynets-Kosteva; Ukrainian Soviet actress)
  • Evdokia Ivanova ((1810 - 1905) married – Sokolova; Russian theater dramatic actress, opera singer (soprano))
  • Evdokia Bocharova ((1913 - 1982) maiden name - Karabut, by her first husband - Bershanskaya; Soviet pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War, commander of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment)
  • Evdokia Marchenko (writer and poetess, member of the Writers' Union of Russia)
  • Evdokia (Eda) Urusova ((1908 - 1996) Soviet actress, star of the Ermolova Theater, People's Artist of Russia. Hereditary princess. She became famous in the cinema in the roles of Charskaya ("The Casket of Maria Medici") and Agnessa Ivanovna ("Courier").)
  • Evdokia Turchaninova ((1870 - 1963) Russian and Soviet theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1943), winner of two Stalin Prizes of the first degree (1943, 1948))
  • Evdokia Orlova-Chesmenskaya ((1761 - 1786) née Lopukhina; wife of Count Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov, mother of the maid of honor Anna Alekseevna Orlova)
  • Evdokia Aleshina ((1915 - 2000) team leader of the seed collective farm “Svoboda”, Puchezhsky district, Ivanovo region)
  • Evdokia Nosal ((1918 - 1943) deputy squadron commander of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 218th Night Bomber Aviation Division of the 4th Air Army of the North Caucasus Front, guard junior lieutenant)
  • Evdokia Kadi (Cypriot singer who represented her country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 with the song "Femme Fatale")
  • Evdokia Ingerina ((c. 840 - 882) Byzantine empress, daughter of a Varangian warrior from the imperial guard, concubine of the Byzantine Emperor Michael III)

Evdokia (Avdotya) - ivy, whistler, freckle. Spring winds begin to blow. Evdokia - wet the threshold. Avdotya takes off eight fur coats. The Evdokeys came - the peasant had some idea: to sharpen the plow and repair the harrow. Since, according to the old style, Evdokia fell on March 1, i.e., it opened spring, many signs and customs were associated with it. As is Evdokia, so is summer. If the ivy is nice, it will be nice all summer. Avdotya is red, and spring is red. March 14 has always been considered a “firm” summer indicator: what is the day, so is the summer. If it’s clear on Plyushchikha, it’s a wonderful year, if it’s cloudy, it’s a bad year.
People tried to predict summer on this day. As Eudokea is, so is summer. Where the wind comes from is from Evdokea, from there in the summer. Snow and rain mean wet, and frost and north wind mean cold summer. Evdokeya has water - Egori (day of May 6) has grass. If the chicken on Avdotya gets drunk, then the sheep on Yegorya will eat. If it's a cold day, you'll have to feed the cattle for an extra two weeks. We have a good wind on Eudokea - from the west and south.
It was believed that melt water obtained from snow on this day had special healing powers. They collected snow from the hills for the sick and gave them snow water to cure various ailments.
Clear weather on this day foreshadows a good harvest of wheat, rye and herbs. Evdokia Red Day - harvest of cucumbers and milk mushrooms. Puddles on Evdokia at the doorstep - beekeepers will bathe in honey. If the rook arrived before March 14, the summer will be wet and the snow will melt early. In Evdokia, snow means harvest, warm wind means wet summer, wind from the north means cold summer. Often on this day there is a return of winter. It’s cold in Evdokia, it takes an extra two weeks to feed the cattle. On Evdokia, the marmot wakes up and whistles. Those who saw a swallow that day threw a handful of earth at it, saying: “On you, swallow, on the nest!” Seedlings sown in pots on this day cannot be damaged by frost. Usually cabbage is sown on this day. The women believed that on Avdotya “all the underground springs would boil,” so they began to whitewash the canvases. The snow collected on Evdokia has a special healing power; it is stored in jugs, hidden from prying eyes, and given to patients from all sorts of diseases for a whole year.

Evdokia Plyushchikha. The name is given from the condition: when it thaws, it flattens. Another name is Evdokia Zamochi Podol. If the chicken drinks water on Evdokia, then on Yegoryev's Day (May 6) the sheep will eat grass. March 14 has always been considered a “firm” summer indicator: what is the day, so is the summer.
Juniper branches straighten - for good weather.
The wind gets stronger towards night - this means bad weather.
The squirrel's fur acquired a bluish tint in early spring.
The rook arrived before this day - the summer will be wet, and the snow will melt early.

Small oatmeal

Previously, the Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1 (in the new style - March 14). It was a symbol of a new time, when a new cycle of field work could begin, the official welcoming of Spring.
This is the most ancient of the reliable and known New Year celebrations.
After the adoption of Christianity, this holiday began to be celebrated as the day of the Venerable Martyr Evdokia, who took upon herself the image of Vesna (Vesenitsa).

Tales of the Russian people collected by I.P. Sakharov.

Observations.- Call of spring.- Plush.- Timing.- Snow

With Evdokey standing, the dog is covered in snow. - From where the wind blows on Evdokey, from there it will blow in the spring and summer. - If it’s new to Evdokey with rain, then the summer will be wet. - It’s nice on Evdokey, it’s nice all summer. - And March sits on the nose , if frost hits the moon on Evdokey. - There is no water in March, no grass in April. - February lets in water, but March picks up.
The villagers notice that from the day of Evdokia the winds begin to blow and whistle. Then they say: “Here you go!” The whistler has arrived."
In the villages of the Smolensk province on St. Evdokia is calling for spring. Women, girls and children climb onto the roofs of barns or hills and sing:

Spring is red!
What did you bring us?
Red fly.

Plush, buns. This is what the villagers call the features that separate the ice and snow into pieces - buns. These buns appear after the thaw. The sun, warming the snow, forms streams, which on March mornings, freezing, leave special features on the snow and ice. Then the old people say: “The buns woman spent the buns.” And in other places I happened to hear that old women, recalling some event, said: “And that was on the buns.”
The first day of March marks the end of winter hiring for our villagers. Spring hiring begins in March. With new dates they say: “From Evdokey to Yegorye” or “From Evdokey to Peter’s day, to Aspasov’s day.”
From the first of March, Russian goosekeepers begin holding meetings about goose hunting and setting the days to release the geese to fight.
Our people think that from the first of March snow receives special healing powers. They collect snow from the hills for the sick and give them snow water to cure various ailments.

The name Evdokia is a name of Greek origin and comes from the word εὐδοκία, which translates as “favour”. Linguists say that the most likely the meaning of the name Evdokia is “favored”. At least, this is the context in which the name was used by the ancient Greeks. The name has become widespread, because it is revered by both Orthodox and Catholics. However, recently this name is increasingly falling out of use.

The name Evdokia has paired male names. These are the names Evdokii and Evdokim. Male names have a similar meaning, because they have the same version of the origin of the name Evdokia. From the names Evdokia and Evdokim such folk forms as Avdotya and Avdokim originated. The name Avdotya has not yet fallen out of use, although it is used quite rarely.

The meaning of the name Evdokia for a girl

Little Evdokia is a rather complicated child. She is proud, touchy and capricious, but most importantly, she does not recognize authority at all. Evdokia always does things her own way. This will of course cause a lot of problems for parents, but do not despair. Evdokia is a kind girl, although only those whom Evdokia trusts see this. She does not like to do good deeds for show, as many children do. You can also note her independence. She doesn't like being helped, so parents shouldn't insist on help unnecessarily. Let it be better to come to the right conclusions through trial and error. Just try to make the experience as painless as possible.

Evdokia studies quite well, although she often has problems with teachers. She is a capable girl, but is too demanding of her teachers. This may affect her attitude towards a particular subject, but in principle it will not change her attitude towards learning. She is very proud and considers herself unworthy to receive low grades.

The girl’s health cannot be called strong, but it is not weak either. This is a kind of “golden mean”, because she still gets sick less often than many people around her. The weak point of her health is her tendency to be overweight and problems with her spine. She should move more and watch her posture. And of course, you shouldn’t neglect preventive measures.

Short name Evdokia

Evdonya, Evdosya, Evdokha, Evdosha, Evdunya, Evdusha, Eva, Doka, Dosha, Doha

Diminutive pet names

Evdokiya, Evdokiechka, Evdokienka.

Name Evdokia for international passport- EVDOKIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Evdokia into other languages

in Belarusian - Eudakiya
in Bulgarian - Evdokia
in Greek - Ευδοκία
in Italian - Eudossia
in Latin - Eudocia
in German - Eudokia
in Polish - Eudoksja and Ewdokia
in Serbian - Jevdokija
in Ukrainian - Evdokiya

Church name Evdokia(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Evdokia.

Characteristics of the name Evdokia

As she grows up, Evdokia does not change much in character. She is still harsh and proud, but as before, this is only an external manifestation. Behind her independent and strong character lies a vulnerable and kind nature. Evdokia is very kind and sympathetic, but does not like to demonstrate it. It is worth noting that Evdokia will not allow all sorts of scoundrels to take advantage of her kindness. If she finds out about the deception, she will simply cut the person out of her life. She has a fairly wide circle of friends, but this communication is very superficial. Evdokia communicates somewhat distantly and coldly. A very limited circle of people know what Evdokia really is like.

Evdokia doesn’t particularly like to work, although she knows how to do it. She is quite successful in her profession, but as soon as the opportunity arises, she will immediately quit her job. This leaves a certain imprint on her work activity. She is rarely talented in her profession, although she achieves serious success with her perseverance and diligence.

Evdokia’s family life is usually successful, although from the outside she may seem far from an ideal wife. Evdokia devotes more time to family leisure, and sacrifices housework. She and her husband often try to “go out into the world,” go for walks and generally have a good time outside the home. It is worth noting that Evdokia tries to avoid conflicts at home and is much more tolerant than in ordinary life.

The secret of the name Evdokia

The secret of Evdokia can be called her serious attitude towards deception. She will never forgive deception and use of herself, no matter for what good purposes it was done. Often Evdokia even finds an opportunity to take revenge for such an attitude towards herself. Moreover, she does not do this right away, but waits for the right moment. She will teach such a lesson that the offender will certainly remember it for a long time.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Seal.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Willow.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Turquoise.