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Individual educational route for the development of a child in preschool according to the Federal State Standards. Designing an individual educational route for a preschooler in a preschool environment

Individual educational route for the development of a child for the second half of the 2017-2018 academic year

Common data:
Date of Birth
Family information:
Mother (full name, education, place of work)
Father (full name, education, place of work)
Teachers (full name):
Educational psychologist
Teacher speech therapist
Physical education instructor

Health group
Regime of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution
Conclusion of the PMPC
PMPC recommendations

Relevance: low level of mastery of the program in the field of “Socio-communicative development”
Target: provide an individual trajectory of comprehensive development, taking into account existing speech, psychological, and physical health.
development of gaming activities;
familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;
formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community, preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health;
development of free communication with adults and children;
education of cultural and hygienic skills;
formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Implementation of an individual route:

Situational conversations, conversations: (“Friendly family”, “Magic words” - about friendly relations between people, etc.)
Didactic games of choice, different types of construction sets
Outdoor games “Hares and Carrots”, “Put on the Cap”, etc. (to encourage the initiative to take a leading role in the games)
Positive dynamics in development are observed. He began to show interest in the world around him.
Perseverance appeared. Can do things with peers
He began to take part in gymnastics and outdoor games more often.

Periodicity-In one day
Recommendations and forms of working with a child:
Solving logical problems.
Game situations “Teach a friend to play the game” “Check your friend’s work”
Friendly conversations with peers on topics suggested by the child.
Reading literary works, learning poetry, sayings. Compiling a story from pictures. Word games “Good - bad, Call me kindly”, “Who called?”
The level of aggression towards peers has decreased.
The child began to show interest in fiction. Favorite fairy tales appeared. I started bringing books to kindergarten for my peers to read from home.

Periodicity-2 times per week
Recommendations and forms of working with a child:
Labor activity.
Role-playing games and group games
(“Sailors”, “S.T.O”, Supermarket”, “Away”)
Construction from period material, paper.
Follows instructions from an adult and tries to finish what he has started.
Began to take on the role. Reacts calmly to suggestions from peers during the game.

Methods for assessing the success of a preschooler: observation

Recommendations for working with parents:
Individual conversations
Consultations “We educate with kindness” “Features of development of a 4-5 year old child”
Joint participation with your child in creative competitions
Recommendations for visiting the swimming section
Consultation with a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution
Consultations with a teacher-speech therapist at a preschool educational institution

Conference: Development of preschool children

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten "Bell"

Locality: Lipetsk region, village. Terbuny

Among the leading methodological principles on which Russian education of the 21st century should be built, an important place is occupied by individualization principle.

In a broad sense, the individualization of education presupposes its reorientation towards the individual, towards the unique individuality of the student. In practice, the process of training and education is mainly focused on the average level of development of the child, therefore not every student can fully realize their potential. This confronts educators with the task of creating optimal conditions for realizing the potential of each student. One solution in this situation is to draw up and implement individual development trajectories . Individualization of training, education and correction is aimed, first of all, at overcoming the discrepancy between the level set by educational programs and the real capabilities of each student.

INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL ROUTE- this is a personal way to realize the personal potential of a child (pupil) in education and training:

  • intellectual;
  • emotional-volitional;
  • active;
  • moral and spiritual.

PRIMARY GOAL drawing up an individual educational route (IOM)- this is the creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of preschool children, their social and personal development.


  1. create a favorable subject-development environment for the child’s social development;
  2. organize a unified work system;
  3. improve the teacher’s communication style with the child;
  4. create conditions for the development of a child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, and the communicative and social competence of children;
  5. to form in the child a sense of self-esteem, awareness of his rights and freedoms.

The need to build individual educational programs is due to the following factors:

  • the number of preschoolers who, due to developmental and health problems, are unable to study according to the regular system is growing;
  • Some preschoolers cannot attend kindergarten at certain times due to health conditions or family circumstances;
  • the emergence of pedagogical systems that consider individualization of learning as the main pedagogical tool “Talented children”, “Look at me as an equal”, “We are different”, etc.;
  • The material and technical possibilities for providing individual education are expanding.


The IOM is being developed for all children, and not just for children with developmental problems and children with advanced development.

IOM is a characteristic of the units of education mastered by a child in accordance with his individual developmental abilities and learning abilities.

Individual educational route (IOM)

An individual educational route is a personal way to realize the student’s personal potential in the education of intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity, moral and spiritual development. The component of this route is individual child development card- This document, which includes the main indicators of the development of a child attending a preschool educational institution over time.

When developing an individual route, the following are highlighted: principles:

  • the principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development. Compliance with this principle involves identifying potential abilities to assimilate new knowledge as a basic characteristic that determines the design of a child’s individual development trajectory;
  • the principle of respecting the interests of the child;
  • the principle of relying on children's subculture. Designing activities to support a child’s individual development should be based on adults’ knowledge of the experience of living through age-related crises. Each child, enriching himself with traditions, norms and ways of coping with difficult situations developed by the children's community, lives a full-fledged childhood experience. This is what allows him to easily interact with peers and understand the way of life (form a picture of the world) in accordance with his age.
  • the principle of refusal of average rationing. The implementation of this principle involves avoiding a direct evaluative approach during a diagnostic examination of the child’s level of development, which in its extreme expression leads to the desire to “label”, understanding what is the norm.

Norms are not the average of what is (or the standard of what is necessary), but what is the best that is possible at a particular age for a particular child under appropriate conditions.

An individual educational route includes the main areas: (DIFFICULTIES OF CHILDREN BY SECTION)

  • organization of movement (development of general and fine motor skills);
  • development of skills (cultural-hygienic and communicative-social);
  • formation of the child’s activities (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, objective-practical, playful, productive types - modeling, appliqué, drawing);
  • speech development (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);
  • formation of ideas about the environment (the objective world and social relations);
  • formation of ideas about space, time and quantity.



1. Observation and initial diagnostic phase.

  • Identification of preschoolers experiencing difficulties: in different types of activities.
  • Determining the causes of the child's difficulties.

2. Stage of designing an educational route.

  • building individual educational routes for preschoolers, based on identified difficulties and established causes of these difficulties.
  • determination of the goal, methods of pedagogical support, content of the work.

3. Implementation stage.

Through specially organized activities (subgroup, frontal, individual lessons), organizing joint activities of the teacher with children, creating conditions for independent activity,

4. Final diagnostic stage .

identify the results of the route.


Observation to identify difficulties in a group of children, which is divided into types of activities. We consider it appropriate that this section of the Program should be devoted to teacher’s observation system of children’s activities in the process of mastering the Program in order to determine whether the created conditions meet the needs of children and timely changes in the content of training, forms and methods, so that educational technology best suits the children of the group. The results of observation of children in the group are presented in Table No. 1.

Table No. 1.

Children's activities




Cognitive and research

Perception of fiction





Artemyev Artem

Rurikova Ruslana

Filling out the table allows the teacher to obtain information about what activities and how often a particular child chooses and what types of activities and activity centers of the group are most attractive to children, what the majority of children in the group are passionate about. In addition, the information received about the most popular types of activities in activity centers provides a reason for further pedagogical actions. For example, children’s productive activities can be filled with materials and activities that will stimulate children’s development in other directions:

  • familiarization with the world around us (through the selection of illustrations for viewing, copying pictures for coloring and shading, introducing new visual materials that require children to experiment with them, etc.);
  • speech development (through the use of children’s drawings to create original children’s books, catalogs, etc.);
  • development of gaming skills (through the creation of attributes for games).

By reviewing notes from their observations, educators identify educational areas in which the child's achievements are most noticeable (strengths) and those areas that cause concern or special interest. Based on the identified strengths or problematic aspects in development, individual goals are formulated. The goals can always be achieved by reorganizing the environment and creating new learning opportunities.

A development map is a convenient compact tool that allows a teacher to quickly record the results of observations of children in the process of educational activities, interpret the data and use the results of data analysis when designing the educational process. The use of development maps allows us to note the dynamics in the development of individual children and compare the results of each child with the progress of the group as a whole.

1. HISTORY - collecting general information about the child, familiarize yourself in detail with this information and the structure on the leaflets.

Work on an individual route, the structure of which is presented to you in the instructions and on the slide in Table No. 2.

Table No. 2.


Initial diagnosis

Target section

Pedagogical technologies and methods used

Expected results in accordance with targets

Approximate time frame for achieving results

Forms of interaction with parents

Petrov Ivan

Poorly developed gross motor skills (the ability to control one’s body in space)

1. Develop physical activity

2. Improve coordination of movements

3. Practice walking on a limited surface

Educational field "Physical development"

1. Games with running, crawling, climbing.

2. Ball games.

Technologies L.D. Glazyrina,

M.D. Mikhanov

1. The child is active.

2.Improving coordination of movements in walking and running in ball games.

3. Do a balance exercise.

4. Masters basic movements

From 1 to 3 months.

  1. Consultations
  2. Reminders
  3. Instructor recommendations
  4. Observation of a child during motor educational activities.



1. Conversation and survey of parents

Parents' knowledge is actively used to determine the child's interests, characteristics of his behavior, development of self-care skills, speech, intellectual and social skills. The main goal of the conversation is to establish contact with parents, get to know the child, introduce parents to the kindergarten and determine the main areas of cooperation.

2. Diagnosis of child development:

Diagnosis of the child is carried out by kindergarten specialists.
Each specialist pays attention to his own area. Psychologist – level of mental development, features of interaction with children and adults, emotionality, speed of mental reactions, adaptation to a new environment.

3. Observation of behavior in the group:

During the adaptation period and the entire time the child is present in the preschool educational institution, the teacher and specialists observe the child in different situations, determining the level of development of self-care skills, features of contact with other children and adults, productive activity skills, development of motor and speech skills, cognitive sphere, manifestation of independence and activities, areas of interest, etc.

The following observation techniques can be used: registration of episodes, diary notes, observation maps, observation log, video surveillance.

To fill out the card, the teacher does not need to organize special situations. When assessing, the teacher uses the existing specific image of the child, the information that has accumulated over a certain period of observation.


  • Conversations, games, activities, reading fiction, sketches aimed at getting to know various emotions and feelings;
  • Art therapy techniques;
  • Games, exercises and trainings;
  • Relaxation psycho-gymnastic exercises.
  • Activities, games and exercises for the development of mental processes.


Final diagnostics .

Final diagnostics are being carried out.

Goal: to identify the results of the route.

Reporting (after the expiration of the planning period for individual work).

  • IOM adjustment
  • Adjustments to the individual educational route are associated with changes in conditions.

DO YOU THINK that consent is required for a child's educational examination?

IN ANY CASE IT IS REQUIRED, PARENTS SHOULD BE KNOWN about individual work and correction at the preschool educational institution, and the form of this consent is at your discretion. I developed my own pedagogical examination consent form, which is presented on the screen.

Thus, a well-structured individual educational route for a child will ensure his personal development, easy assimilation of program material and promote successful socialization in the children's team.

Svetlana Parkhomenko
Individual educational route for a preschooler

Individual educational route for a preschooler(IOM) is a mandatory element of the effectiveness of every modern educator.

The essence of IOM preschooler Federal State Educational Standard defines a new approach to preschool education. One of the main requirements for it is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the education and development of future schoolchildren. Considering that the program is aimed at the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not learn it well enough, and the most capable ones may lose motivation to learn. That is why individual IOM provides an approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics preschooler. By it is meant educational program, which is aimed at teaching a specific child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

Purpose and directions of IOM Individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, aimed at solving specific problems.

Purpose of development and implementation in the training program educational route- this is the formation in kindergarten of factors that will be aimed at positive socialization and social and personal development of pupils. The latter includes the basic processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

The main problem that it solves individual educational route for a preschooler - development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated in open classes. Areas of work educational route is as follows:

Formation of movement, which includes improving motor skills;

Opportunity to engage in different areas of activity;

Improving speech skills;

Development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

Development of ideas about time and space.

At the same time, the implementation individual route involves regular monitoring to track the degree of development educational programs for each pupil preschool. IOM structure In the process of being introduced into the system formation of new standards, all educators were required to take advanced training courses. An example was shown to them, sample which has been discussed in some detail. However, this type of monitoring of child development is important not only for workers education, but also for parents, who often do not know about the purpose of this pedagogical tool. To the structure educational route must include the following components: How: - target, which involves setting specific goals that meet new standards; - content - systematization and grouping of educational subjects; - technological, which determines the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques; - diagnostic, defining complex of diagnostic tools; - organizational and pedagogical, determining the conditions and ways to achieve the goals; - effective, containing the final results of the child’s development at the time of transition to schooling. Necessary preliminary steps before compilation educational route Since the main goal educational route- this is the identification of difficulties in the learning process and social development of each child; a careful study of its characteristics is necessary.

Example individual educational route for a preschooler involves preliminary research activities before recording the child’s results and is mandatory, including the following actions:

1. Drawing up a profile of the child. This document must indicate the pupil’s visits to other preschool institutions and breaks between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, a thorough study of his family is necessary, followed by drawing up its characteristics. In this case it is worth reverse attention to the relationship between the child and parents, since excessive care can cause suppression of the pupil.

4. Determining the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of his success;

5. It is also necessary to identify the child’s propensity for specific types of activities in order to help in development through such games. Decor educational program Example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the extent to which it is necessary to carefully study all areas of the life of each individual child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher begins to compile individual route, which includes the following sections:

General information about preschooler;

Family characteristics;

Appearance Features preschooler;


Features of motor skills;

Cognitive sphere preschooler;

Level of knowledge by program sections;

Level of speech development;

Attitude to classes;

Characteristics of activities;

Having difficulties in communication;

- individual characteristics;

More information about preschooler.

This in-depth analysis allows us to build individual work with a preschooler quite effective.

Publications on the topic:

Individual educational route Individual educational route according to O.O. “Teaching literacy” for a student in the senior group. Name of company:.

Individual educational route for children with FNR, ONR Individual plan of correctional work for the 2017-2018 academic year. Child's I.: Log. conclusion: 1. Preparatory stage Purpose: thorough.

Individual educational route for a 3–4 year old preschooler in five educational areas The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows us to speak today about the formation of a new system of preschool education.

Individual educational route for a child of the senior group Educational field “Social and communicative development” Socialization, development of communication, moral education Relevance of the problem:.

Explanatory note

In this methodological manual, an individual educational route for a child with developmental problems due to illness has been developed, consisting of types, causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms) of the child, as a result of which learning conditions are organized and described for the child in order to develop his potential and form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

Introduction, which explains the reason for drawing up the child’s individual educational route, general information about the child at the time of development of the IEM, the purpose, objectives, number of IEM classes, form of IEM.

Diagnostic data for the child. Diagnosis of child development is the basis for building an IOM. Along with diagnostics, in the process of implementing IOM, monitoring is carried out in work with preschoolers - this is control with periodic monitoring of the child’s level of development with mandatory feedback. Monitoring allows not only to register the state of a child’s development at a given moment, but also provides materials for comparison, analysis and correction of developmental disorders and deviations. The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development for assessment, planning of the correctional and developmental process (development of IOM) and forecasting the final result.

The child’s health route includes an individual motor regimen, hardening procedures, physical activity and therapeutic and preventive measures for the child.

The child’s employment grid, which indicates the sequence of introducing the child into activities common to all children;

Implementation of an individual route, which indicates the topic, content, result of the lesson and what needs to be improved.

A dynamic observation sheet is maintained where all changes are made. The purpose of such observation is the correction of the components of the educational process, the selection of optimal forms of its organization. Having an idea of ​​the desired result in the form of specific performance criteria, depending on the results of the interim examination, it is possible to make timely changes to the IOM for a better implementation of the educational process and its effectiveness for a child with limited health capabilities.

Effective implementation of IOM will ensure positive dynamics in the child’s personal development. Undoubtedly, such work will require the teacher to have professional competence and interest in the process and result of his work.



"TsRR-kindergarten No. 102"

Individual educational route for a child


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"TsRR-kindergarten No. 102"

Individual educational route

Child's full name

Date of Birth _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Last name, first name, mother's middle name, age, education________________________________________________________________

Father's last name, middle name, age, education________________________________________________________________

IOM start date______________________________________________________________________________________________

Reason for registration: persistent failure to assimilate OOP of preschool education due to illness______________________________________

Age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work: 4 years ______________________________________________________

Goal (IOM): opening new perspectives in the acquisition of special education in preschool educational institutions, enriching the child as an individual; assistance in adaptation to a group of children, development in the child of surprise at his own capabilities; encouragement and stimulation of individual _____ child's capabilities; involving parents in the creative process.___________________________________________________

Tasks: identify the child’s special educational needs; provide individual pedagogical assistance to the child; promote the child’s assimilation of the educational program of preschool education; ensure positive changes in the development of the child, his targeted advancement in relation to his own capabilities, stimulation of individual capabilities; provide methodological assistance to parents of children with disabilities._____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of classes per week: 5 lessons _________________________________________________________________________

Form of conduct: lesson, play activities, joint activities, conversations, observations, individual work. ____

Expected Result:________________________________________________________________________________________

Form of work with parents:consultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience._________________________________

Parent ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagnosis of child development

The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development for assessment, planning of the correctional and developmental process (development of IOM) and forecasting the final result.

Physical development

Somatic development


Speech development


Features of the development of cognitive processes














Types and causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms)

Compiled by: teacher Karpizenkova I.V.

The materialization of an individual program for supporting a child with mental retardation is a special individual card for supporting development and learning, which reflects all stages of the correctional and developmental process in relation to a specific child. All stages of diagnosis are reflected in the “individual development map of the child.” The structure of this map includes the following sections (Appendix No. 1): The study of each process occurs using several methods and is assessed on a 4-point system: low level - 1 point, average - 2 points, above average - 3 points, high level - 4 points.

Individual educational route for a child’s speech development

Individual educational route

child's speech development

F.I. child: _____________, _______________ (date and year of birth).

Speech therapy conclusion: ______________________.

He understands spoken speech.

Polymorphic disorder of the sound pronunciation of whistling sounds (_______________)); sonorous sounds (________________), etc.

The syllabic structure of complex words is disrupted (rearrangement, omission of syllables).

Phonemic hearing is impaired.

Phonemic functions are not formed.

Confuses the concepts of sound and syllable. Doesn't always highlight the first sound in a word, rarely the last one.

Cannot determine the sequence of sounds in a word / the number of sounds in a word.

7. Coherent speech is poorly formed.

Experiences difficulties in composing a story based on a series of plot pictures. Can't post pictures that make sense. Composes a story of 2 or 3 sentences based on leading questions.

The story contains agrammatisms.

Based on the diagnostic results, the following individual development route was determined:

Gololobova Maria Alexandrovna,

GBDOU No. 26, St. Petersburg

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Examples of individual educational routes for preschoolers

The paper presents examples of compiled individual routes for preschoolers experiencing various types of developmental difficulties.

Individual routes for the development of a child in a preschool age according to the Federal State Educational Standards sample table


Individual routes for the development of a child in a preschool age according to the Federal State Educational Standards sample table

Individual development route for a child of middle preschool age in the “Speech Development” section of the program.

is the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the structure of the o.

Individual educational route for a child in the second junior group

Improve the style of communication between the teacher and the child: adhere to a psychologically correct style of communication, achieve the respect and trust of the student; Create conditions for the development of a child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, and the communicative and social competence of children; To form in the child a sense of self-esteem, awareness of his rights and freedoms (the right to have his own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at his own discretion) The individual educational route is determined by: the needs and requests of parents; individual functional capabilities and level of development of pupils; Individual educational routes are developed: - for children who do not master the basic general education program of preschool education; - for children with disabilities, disabled children.

Individual educational route for a preschool student

Pedagogical diagnostics showed that the child
  1. Low level of cognitive, speech, social-communicative, artistic and aesthetic development and average level of physical development.
The purpose and objectives of the educational route based on the data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics The goal is to master an adapted educational program for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as PEP) based on individualizing its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of the pupil.