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How to open a pharmacy or kiosk from scratch. A pharmacy in a village is not a luxury


Study the regulations governing. This must be done. Think through all the details of organizing a pharmacy. Create a business plan. Calculate the possible sales volumes of medicines, delivery costs, calculate the payback period for investments. Find out which organization is involved in issuing licenses for pharmaceutical activities. Find out from this organization the list of necessary requirements and documents to obtain a license. Keep in mind that if you do not have a medical or pharmaceutical education, then to obtain a license you must hire a pharmacist or pharmacist with medical education and experience.

Register as an individual entrepreneur if you have a medical education. To register, contact the tax office at your place of residence. If you do not have a medical education, register as an LLC and hire a pharmacist or pharmacist with a medical education diploma. The specialist must also have a personal medical record.

Find a suitable premises. Sign a lease agreement with the owner of the premises. Make repairs, equip the premises in accordance with sanitary requirements and fire safety standards, purchase and install racks for storing medicines. Submit documents for obtaining a license to the appropriate organization. The licensing authority will check your premises to ensure they meet the required standards before issuing a licence. After receiving a license, agree on the necessary package of documents with firefighters and the SES; representatives of these organizations will also come to inspect your premises. Once you have received the necessary permits, begin your activities.


  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 N 192-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of increasing the availability of medicines for residents of rural settlements”

Creating your own business in rural areas is a rather labor-intensive process, as it is associated with specific difficulties. Basically, such factors include: a small number of residents and a long payback period for the business itself. However, it is quite possible to overcome them if the entrepreneur considers not only his own benefit, but also the needs of rural residents.

You will need

  • - premises;
  • - business plan;
  • - start-up capital.


Analyze the possibilities of creating and developing your business. For these purposes, study the market for the goods offered, including village the location where you want to start your own business. Evaluate the production activities of competing firms.

Think about who you can attract to collaborate. Maybe you want your future enterprise to cooperate only with centralized suppliers, or you plan to purchase goods from local residents. For example, you can purchase various agricultural products from them for the purpose of further processing. In this case, you will need to enter into contracts with several processing companies and, if possible, ensure uninterrupted supply of the necessary products.

Choose a place, site or premises to open your company. If you are going to purchase a plot of land for construction, then buy it with communications already installed. After all, on village there may simply not be enough power for your gas, water or electricity connection.

You can enter into a rental agreement for some empty premises with the local administration. Just don’t occupy an ordinary wooden empty house. After all, it may be privately owned, and the reaction of villagers may be unpredictable.

In turn, if you purchased a plot of land for construction, you must contact the cadastral service. This service will amend the Unified State Register and draw up a new cadastral passport for you. Upon completion of construction, go to the BTI and take a technical inventory report for your premises. Then get a positive conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection, as well as from the fire department. All this must be documented.

Purchase the necessary equipment for the normal operation of your company. For example, if you decide to open a grocery store, be sure to buy refrigerators and freezers.

Order the product you want to offer to local people. On the first day of opening, hold some kind of promotion to attract the first buyers.

Video on the topic


  • your own business in the village in 2019

If you decide to become an individual entrepreneur and open your own business in a rural area, then know that the right business idea is the key to success. The implementation of small businesses in the village is an opportunity to revive small settlements.

You will need

  • - business plan;
  • - initial capital;
  • - premises;
  • - relations with suppliers;
  • - experienced seller.


Before starting a business in a village and opening your own store, you need to determine the target group of goods that will be popular and attract customers to you. Such goods in rural areas, naturally, are food (bread and sausages, dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages). Therefore, you need to open a grocery store.

Identify those products that should always be on sale. To do this, plan inventory so that popular products are on sale every day, and properly build relationships with product suppliers. It is this factor that will ensure you the respect of customers.

Those who decide to start a pharmacy business need to choose one of several options for its development, based on the amount of initial capital. You can open a small kiosk selling medicines or a classic type pharmacy, a mini pharmaceutical enterprise with the prospect of further development, or a pharmacy.

The most difficult moment in opening any pharmacy is considered to be obtaining a license to engage in this type of labor activity from the relevant body of Roszdravnadzor. Many people are hesitant to open a pharmacy business, believing that they may be denied a license due to the lack of a head pharmacy. A completely natural question arises:

Is it possible to open a pharmacy without a head pharmacy?

The answer is clear: Yes! None of the current legislation or regulations regulating the organization and implementation of pharmaceutical activities contain absolutely no restrictions in order to open a pharmacy enterprise of any type as an individual entrepreneur.

The answer is clear: Yes!

The main condition for this is the fulfillment of all the requirements contained in the “Regulations on licensing of pharmaceutical activities” (clause 4), which was approved in 2002 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 489) and put into effect in 2003.

And in the outdated standards and rules for opening pharmacies, it was clearly stated that you can create an independent pharmaceutical enterprise as an individual or legal entity. This means that a pharmacy can be opened by any person who has the ability to fulfill all the requirements contained in the license giving the right to engage in activities of this kind.

But there is a small nuance. You must have a special pharmaceutical education.

It is permissible for a pharmacy owner to hire as a pharmacy manager a person with such education and at least five years of work experience in this field. The legislative acts do not say anything about the mandatory presence of a head pharmacy in order to open a pharmacy.

Requirements for a pharmacy

  • To open a pharmacy, you need to select an isolated room or building with a separate entrance.
  • There must be ways for the access of a vehicle with goods and a place for loading and unloading operations.
  • In the building where it is planned to locate a pharmacy, it is necessary to provide basic engineering communications, as well as equip it with fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems. In points where only the sale of medicines will be carried out, without their preparation, the presence of ventilation and exhaust systems is not necessary.
  • When setting up a pharmacy in a medical institution (clinic, sanatorium-resort building, etc.), the minimum area of ​​the premises should be 25 m², in any other building - at least 40 m².
  • The pharmacy must have separate premises for taking medications, storing them, a sales area and a hall for visitors.
  • The equipment of a pharmacy point should include:
  1. climate control devices;
  2. equipment and means for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  3. lockers for employees;
  4. refrigeration equipment for medicines;
  5. showcases and counters.

The procedure for opening a pharmacy in a clinic

Step 1. Before you begin licensing a pharmacy, you need to select a premises that meets the basic requirements. It should be noted that in the clinic the choice is limited by the availability of free rooms. Therefore, you will have to be content with what the administration of the medical institution provides for rent.

Step 2. Register as a legal entity.

Step 3. Prepare a business plan.

Step 4. Fulfill all requirements and regulations necessary to obtain a license. You can become familiar with them, as well as the procedure for obtaining a license and the list of documents, by studying the following legislative acts:

  • Regulations on licensing of pharmaceutical activities, which came into force on March 30, 2003.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Medicines” No. 86-F3 dated June 22, 1998
  • Industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003 “Rules for the dispensing of medicines in pharmacies. Basic provisions".

Step 5. Prepare the room and install the necessary equipment.

Step 6. Select employees. Two specialists will be required: a pharmacist with a secondary specialized education - he will work with customers, and a pharmacist (a person with a higher medical-pharmaceutical education), who is necessary to provide a full range of medicines in accordance with the demand for them. You will also need a nurse (possibly without education) to perform sanitary and hygienic treatment of the premises. All employees are required to have a health certificate.

Step 7 Obtain documents permitting the opening of a pharmacy.

List of documents required to open a pharmacy

1. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To get it you will need:

  • Original and photocopy of identification document;
  • Original and photocopy of TIN certificate:
  • Original and photocopy of a certificate confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • Original extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • Certificate of ownership of the premises or a lease agreement;
  • Building plan from BTI and its explication;
  • A copy of the contract for sanitary cleaning work;
  • A copy of the agreement for conducting a medical examination of personnel;
  • Sanitary and medical records of all employees, with a note about vaccinations.
2. Sanitary passport of a pharmacy.
3. Permission from municipal authorities to locate the facility in accordance with the type of activity.
4. Permission from Rospozharnadzor. To obtain which you will need:
  • Relevant documents for establishing an enterprise;
  • Confirmation that the premises are equipped with fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems in good condition;
  • List of fire safety measures;
  • Results of resistance measurements in electrical wiring.

Step 8. Obtain a license from Roszdravnadzor authorities.

The procedure for obtaining a license to engage in pharmaceutical activities is one of the longest stages. This is due to the fact that the pharmacy business is related to people's health. Therefore, it is under the close attention of medical workers and other specialists, who carry out a more thorough check of compliance with all requirements than when applying for a license for any other type of activity.

The procedure for opening a pharmacy in a village or village

The procedure for opening a pharmacy in a village is similar to the procedure described above. The difference lies only in the cost of the premises - in rural areas, renting or buying it will cost much less than in the city.

In addition, you can do without hiring staff (if the future owner of the pharmacy has a pharmaceutical education), since in the village a smaller amount of medicines is required, so the owner himself can cope with all the work.

— Grigory Nikolaevich, how do you assess the current situation with the provision of medicines to the rural population?

— Unfortunately, the situation is very difficult. As you know, according to existing legislation, in rural areas it is allowed to sell medicines through medical assistant stations (FAP) under an agreement with the central district pharmacy. However, not every village has points fully staffed with permanent staff. In general, the personnel problem is central to the issue of providing the rural population with medicines. Doctors and pharmacists from cities do not want to work in villages, and those who live in rural areas often leave their jobs because they cannot provide a livelihood. As a result, there are now many villages in Ukraine where there is nowhere to buy medicine.

In regional centers, the provision of medicines to the population is carried out by central district pharmacies, which are often monopolists in this area. The lack of competition leads to the fact that prices in these pharmacies are often higher than in regional centers or in the capital. I can understand the managers of these pharmacies, since they need to maintain a fairly large staff, ensure the normal functioning of the institution, pay for utilities, rent of premises, etc. Along with these structures, private companies selling medicines also operate in regional centers. The advantages of such companies are mobility, the ability to quickly respond to market changes, greater flexibility in personnel matters, and flexibility in pricing.

— The draft rules for trade in medicines, which were widely discussed on the pages of the APTEKA Weekly, establish that the minimum area of ​​a pharmacy in rural areas can be 50 square meters. m. How do you assess such a change in previously existing standards?

— Those who provide medicines to the rural population have long said that the norm that previously existed for all pharmacies, including rural ones, does not meet the requirements of today. The development of the distribution services market and the need to have more working capital have led to the fact that it is now unprofitable to hold large inventories in a pharmacy. Yes, this is not necessary, since you can order and receive the necessary medications at any time. Such pharmacies, operating, as they say, “from wheels”, may have smaller areas. This is beneficial because it saves money on renting premises, paying for utilities, and maintaining staff. Accordingly, these pharmacies have a better chance of “surviving” and bringing profit to their owners. In our proposals for the draft rules for trade in medicines, we indicated that the functions of managers and their deputies in such pharmacies can be performed by people with a secondary pharmaceutical education.

Yes, reducing the minimum required pharmacy space is a progressive step that can make drug care more accessible to rural residents. However, there are many settlements where even such a pharmacy is unprofitable. In such villages, it would be advisable to open pharmacy kiosks selling over-the-counter medicines. The supply of medicines and medical products to kiosks must be carried out from a pharmacy or pharmaceutical warehouse, the structural divisions of which are such kiosks. In general, I believe that at this stage of development of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market we should not abandon pharmacy kiosks as one of the forms of work to provide medicines to the population, especially in rural areas. We have not yet “grown up” to cross off the pharmacy kiosk from the list of efficiently operating business structures.

— What would the decision to eliminate pharmacy kiosks lead to?

If we now decide to eliminate pharmacy kiosks, this will have negative consequences both for consumers of medicines and for entrepreneurs who sell medicines on the market. In this case, the number of pharmacies will immediately decrease by about a third, and almost everyone will suffer from this. Firstly, the consumer will lose the opportunity to purchase medicines at the right time and in the right place. Anyone who urgently needs any medicine will be forced to look for a pharmacy or hospital where the pharmacy is located. How can we explain to rural residents - elderly people, lonely people, disabled people, visitors - who urgently need to purchase and take the necessary medicine that they need to look for a hospital or a hospital pharmacy?

Secondly, along with consumers, the liquidation of pharmacy kiosks would also affect the interests of entrepreneurs, since some “small business structures”, whose sales network consists mainly of pharmacy kiosks, will immediately “collapse”, and a lot of people with special education will be left without work. In my opinion, we should strive not to abandon pharmacy kiosks, but to ensure that the pharmacy business in them is properly organized. In particular, it is possible to compile a list of drugs and medical products that would be allowed to be sold in pharmacy kiosks, and describe the conditions that must be observed during their storage and sale. It is very important that these conditions are feasible and ensure that the appropriate quality of medicines is maintained.

— You mentioned the personnel problem. Who will work in these kiosks?

- Indeed, this is a very important question. In my opinion, the problem of personnel to work in rural pharmacy kiosks can be solved if the sale of medicines in rural areas by specialists not only with pharmaceutical, but also with medical education is allowed. Considering that the kiosks sell over-the-counter drugs, as well as consumer medical products (bandages, cotton wool, plaster, etc.), I think that a person with a medical education, including secondary education, will be quite competent. This may not be an ideal solution, but when making it, you should take into account all the pros and cons, think about what is better: when the required over-the-counter drug is sold to the patient by a nurse, or when a sick person is forced to travel or even walk to get it to the district center . Of course, you can have the necessary supply of medicines at home, but, firstly, not everyone can afford home first aid kits now, and secondly, it is impossible to foresee everything, and it is unlikely that a person can confidently predict what kind of medicine he may need tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or a week later.

I would like to draw attention to one more aspect. It is no secret that many people seek medical help when they can no longer do without it. Not being too attentive to your own health is, unfortunately, our harsh reality. Even if people living in large cities do not always find time to visit a clinic, then imagine how things are in villages, where residents still need to travel tens of kilometers to the nearest doctor. Often, the one who works in a rural pharmacy kiosk is the only consultant to village residents on health-related issues. If this person has a medical education, then this is not bad at all. Of course, the advice of such a specialist should not go beyond his competence. For example, having noticed that a village resident often buys medications for headaches, a pharmacy kiosk worker can tell you that headaches can be caused by a number of reasons and recommend seeing a doctor. I would venture to assume that the advice of the person “in the white coat” will be taken seriously, will encourage the person to think about health problems and consult a doctor, and not swallow pills for years, trying to eliminate the symptoms of a disease that may require systemic treatment. We should not forget that if a person does not receive adequate medical treatment, including medication, then the niche of official medicine and the legal pharmacy business is occupied by various kinds of healers. Of course, not all of them deserve criticism, but there are many charlatans who make money from people’s illnesses and ignorance.

— What is the experience of running a pharmacy business in rural areas of the company you manage?

— We recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of the company. "Acinus" is one of the largest specialized private companies in the Kirovograd region. From a small private clinic, we have “grown” into a structure that has 26 sales divisions and provides effective medical care to the population of the region, including those living in rural areas. These retail outlets are located in many areas of the Kirovograd region, and the distance between them reaches 500 km.

The company strictly complies with licensing conditions and all requirements of regulatory authorities, although, to be honest, it is very difficult to ensure this in rural areas. When forming a portfolio of drugs, we take into account how in demand they are and how quickly they sell. If in a large city a pharmacy can “afford” to have in its assortment some medicines, the turnover rate of which is not very high, then in the countryside such a “luxury” is unaffordable. Therefore, the company very carefully selects the range of medicines presented in rural pharmacy kiosks or first aid stations. As I already said, the problem with personnel is especially acute. We have experience when we even announced a competition in one of the villages and sent its winner to paid training in the specialty “pharmacy”.

It is difficult to do business in an environment where the rules of the game are constantly changing, so I would like to wish government structures at various levels creating a regulatory framework in the field of sales of pharmaceutical products that the adoption of new laws and regulations contribute to stability in the market, and the regulation of the activities of business structures was built on reasonable principles of expediency. In order for the pharmacy business in rural areas to survive and develop, more liberal requirements for organizing the process of selling medicines are necessary. Yes, the pharmaceutical market should be civilized and oriented in its development to the norms existing in European countries. But we should also take into account the realities of our country and the demands of today. A third of Ukraine's population lives in rural areas. These are people who, like everyone else, are sick and need medical help. And there are companies that would like to provide this assistance. There is a normal market situation when there is a need for a service and a willingness to provide it. Regulatory mechanisms at all levels of government should help the development of socially oriented business. n

Victoria Matveeva, photo by Evgeny Chorny

The pharmacy business is a good start for an entrepreneur, because the demand for medicines has always been and will always exist. Health is the last thing people will save on, and this despite the fact that profits in this business do not depend on the market situation, climate change, or other factors.

However, there are also disadvantages, one of which is considerable competition. Many people know about the benefits of opening a pharmacy, and you will have to work hard to take a worthy position among them. A high-quality business plan is the best foundation for any new business.

How to open a pharmacy: business plan

First of all, you must be as clear as possible about what your future enterprise will be like and what exactly you want to achieve. Despite the apparent demand for this area, a pharmacy is still not a grocery store or a boutique.

Many people perceive a pharmacy to be on the same level as a hospital, and only go there if absolutely necessary. With an ill-conceived concept, your business is simply risks not paying off.

First, you need to decide what type of outlet your outlet will belong to. There are four options:

  • Pharmacy kiosk;
  • Small pharmacy;
  • Standard pharmacy;
  • Minimarket.

See the next article.

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Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Let's say standard pharmacies and points It is officially allowed to dispense medications prescribed by doctors with virtually no restrictions. Thus, the assortment at points of this type will be as wide as possible, which is extremely beneficial for you, as a seller.
  • On the other side, pharmacy kiosk will cost much less in terms of start-up investment,
  • A minimarket involves network expansion, which will also work to your advantage.

Your pharmacy may offer a standard range of medications, or it may specialize in a certain area.

Let's say not bad idea: focus on health-improving cosmetics made from natural ingredients.

Or you can choose products for babies as a business card: food, vitamins, healthy medications.

Detailed information will help you make a choice. market and competitor research. Collate all the data, identify what your city is missing and where you could be a pioneer. But at the same time, remember that the wider the assortment, the more profitable it is for you: it is necessary that every buyer finds from you exactly what he was looking for.

When exploring the market, try to note those drugs that are in demand and purchase them in large quantities. It doesn’t matter that this is no longer fashionable and there are many other alternatives - need to focus on demand.

Pharmacy location

As sad as it may sound, more than half of your business's success depends on location. No matter how beautiful the pharmacy is, no matter how wide its range, it will not attract attention in the labyrinths of a residential area.

That is why it is important not to give in to the temptation to save money, but rent a room in the center, no matter how expensive it may be.

Remember, the place should be crowded: it could be a bus stop, a popular avenue, or another area with a large crowd of people. In addition, it is worth considering such a factor as the proximity of competitors - this must be avoided.

Probably the only situation when opening a pharmacy in a remote place will not fail is complete lack of competition.

This state of affairs is typical for new areas, where new buildings are just being moved in and there is no infrastructure yet. In this case, it makes sense to hurry and occupy a niche - but be careful and carefully carry out all the calculations.

Premises requirements

Ideally, of course, the room should be large - this will allow you to allocate space for:

  • warehouse,
  • boss's office
  • kitchens, etc.

But in practice, especially with expensive rent, this is unlikely, and to begin with it is better to limit yourself to a small area. The minimum for a small pharmacy is 60 sq. m.

The most convenient are rectangular-shaped premises, but, again, it is difficult to find one - most often former apartments on the ground floors are offered for rent, the shapes of which can be very bizarre. However, the “rectangle” effect can also be created through shop windows.

Do not forget that the room should comply with sanitary standards. The state imposes much more requirements on pharmacies than on any other stores.

When drawing up a lease agreement, keep in mind that a pharmacy business can pay for itself in 2 or 3 years. Therefore, it is more profitable immediately conclude a contract for at least 5 years. Of course, if you're lucky and things go well, one year may be enough, but it's always better to be on the safe side.

Repairs and furnishings

Don't underestimate the role of renovations when opening a pharmacy. Visitors’ requirements for a place related to health issues will be higher than for stores of other types. It is very important that the pharmacy makes a favorable and serious impression.

But, at the same time, as practice shows, people tend to treat pharmacies with fear and disdain: they say, there are so many sick people there. Important as much as possible smooth out unpleasant associations and make your pharmacy a place where it will be comfortable to be. Everything around should remind the buyer that the pharmacy is not a terrible enemy, but an ally, primarily designed to prevent trouble.

About the staff

There are special schools that train pharmacists - ideally your employees must have this qualification. At the same time, it is now difficult to find a good pharmacist who meets all your criteria - there are not many of them.

It might be worth considering the option candidates with medical education, which you will train along the way. After all, in any case, a lot depends specifically on your product range and your customer service policy. After a while, you will receive a professional whose knowledge is in no way inferior to a college graduate.

The role of staff is largely depends on the type of pharmacy, chosen by you: say, a sales assistant in a mini-market requires much more enthusiasm when communicating with customers than in a pharmacy kiosk.

But it is imperative to ensure that the information is presented correctly and all the buyer’s requests are satisfied. In a place like a pharmacy, the client especially needs help and support from knowledgeable people.

Good sales can only be achieved with a team that understands the importance of the tasks. But don’t forget about decent wages for sellers – people should be interested work for you.

Features of a business plan for opening a pharmacy in a village

As a rule, small villages rarely have their own pharmacies: points are located in regional centers. Considering the number of elderly people living in villages and constantly in need of medicine, this is not very convenient.

Therefore, the decision to open a sales point in the countryside definitely makes sense. But it must be taken into account that the sales volume will still be incomparable with the city. It makes more sense to open a small pharmacy kiosk, which has everything you need in its assortment.

In other cases, your business will take too long to pay off, if it pays off at all. You need to open a kiosk in the most crowded place possible - in rural areas this is most often a bazaar, market or bus station. In the latter case, you are betting that residents of nearby small villages will also be able to visit your pharmacy.

Example of a business plan for opening a pharmacy

So, what investments will be required when opening a pharmacy:

  • Purchasing a license.

note that if you do not have a medical education, you will not be able to obtain a license to sell drugs.

In this case, you will have to hire a pharmacist first. Obtaining a license from a law firm costs around 50-60 thousand rubles;

  • Renting premises.
    If you are staying in the center, you should focus on prices from 70 thousand rubles and above;
  • Repair of the premises - from 60 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of a batch of goods - 50-100 thousand rubles;
  • Refrigeration equipment – ​​30 thousand rubles;
  • Cash desks – 50-150 thousand rubles depending on quantity;
  • Computers and software – 200 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising – from 50 thousand rubles.

Taking into account other minor expenses, starting investment amount for a small pharmacy approximately equal to 500-600 thousand rubles.

For an example of compiling a pharmacy development model, see the video:

Opening a pharmacy is in many ways easier than, say, a clothing store - both technically and in terms of investment. But you must remember that by getting involved in the medical field, you take on much greater responsibility.

Choose a pharmacy business if you really confident in competence and professionalism your team.