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How does conception and development of a child occur? In what cases can a home test result be false? Myths about conception

What is conceiving a child and how it happens

Biologists and luminaries of medical science have been studying the process of the birth of a new organism from two parent cells for centuries, but the question of how conception occurs is still not fully resolved.

- this is a combination of a sperm and an oocyte, merging into a zygote, which, continuing to divide, becomes an embryo, then a fetus, and finally - a small new creature that has come to the planet. Everything is simple - but there are still so many secrets here.

  • What is conception
  • Favorable and unfavorable day for conception
  • Incompatibility of partners is the reason for the absence of pregnancy
  • Stimulation for conceiving a child
  • IVF conception - what is it?
  • Pregnancy has occurred: what next?

What is conception

Conceiving a child is not an instant process. Sexual intercourse alone is not enough to conceive a child.

This happens in several stages, which are repeated in almost every menstrual cycle:

  • Maturation of the oocyte, which lasts for 14 days.
  • The release of the “ready” egg into the abdominal cavity is ovulation.
  • Capture of the egg by the villi of the fallopian tube and penetration of the oocyte into the infundibulum of the tube.
  • Penetration of sperm into the tubes. Passing the way from the vagina, through the cervix, the uterine cavity, some of the sperm die.

  • Meeting with the egg.
  • Dissolution of the oocyte membrane by sperm enzymes, penetration of the “fastest” one inside.
  • The fusion of the male and female “halves” is the formation of a dividing zygote.
  • Promotion of the zygote through the tubes into the uterus.

At any stage, a failure may occur and conception will not take place.

To successfully conceive a child, several factors must coincide:

  • successful ovulation;
  • , without genetic defects egg;
  • presence of active sperm.

After sexual intercourse, if a sperm meets an egg, the woman does not have any special sensations. The first week is not yet pregnancy. Knowing what happens after conception day by day, you can predict when a woman will feel the first symptoms of pregnancy.

The merging process takes place within 2-36 hours. The journey of the future embryo through the tubes continues for 6-7 days. Afterwards it enters the uterus, where. At this time, some note the first sign that allows them to understand whether fertilization has occurred. It is called "implantation bleeding."

A woman notices a drop of blood on her underwear or a pink mark on toilet paper (this does not happen to everyone). Her first thought: “My period has come - early!” But this is not menstruation, but evidence of the implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus - implantation. Small vessels are damaged - hence the admixture of blood. Pregnancy has begun.

What is an unfavorable day for conception?

Women know: there are days when the probability of a new life being born is almost zero. Unfavorable days for conception (safe) are considered to be 3-4 days immediately after menstruation. We take into account the week after the start of menstruation plus 3 - 4 days. This is the period of preparation of the female body for conception in the current cycle. The hormonal level changes, the maturation of follicles begins, of which by the time of ovulation the dominant one will be determined - the vesicle with the future egg. Conceiving a child is not yet possible.

With a cycle of 28 days by 14 (2 weeks from the expected end of the cycle): rupture of the follicle, release of the egg. Women are interested in how to understand that ovulation is near. A sure sign is a decrease in basal temperature. Sometimes my stomach feels weak.

You often feel unwell on this day, but ovulation (and the day after) is the most favorable moment for conception. The previous 2 days are considered suitable. Sperm can live in the tubes for 3-4 days; on the fifth day they die.

Conception window in the women's calendar

The “window of conception in the female calendar” (also known as “”) is approximately 4 days in the middle of each cycle. These are the previously discussed 3 days before ovulation plus a day after it. At this time, the uterus is ready for implantation.

If fertilization of the egg occurs after the window of conception has closed, the embryo will not be able to implant in the uterus. After this period, conception is impossible: the sperm die and the egg becomes unviable. The body prepares it to be released with menstrual blood.

Incompatibility during conception is the reason for the absence of pregnancy. Sometimes partners try to conceive a child for a long time, catching every ovulation - to no avail. The reason in some cases is the incompatibility of partners. How long to wait before going to the doctors is up to each couple to decide for themselves. The recommended period for seeking help is 6 months from the start of conscious and regular attempts to become pregnant. Doctors identify the following discrepancy:

  • by gene combinations;
  • immunological problems.

The biggest mystery is immunological incompatibility: the antigen proteins of a woman’s body, mistaking “strangers” (spermatozoa) from a man for dangerously degenerated own cells and destroy them.

Today, most problems can be corrected.

Ovulation induction increases the chances of success for those planning a child. It is used for a number of other gynecological problems. A preliminary examination is carried out:

  • blood sampling for hormonal testing;
  • checking the patency of pipes;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus, ovaries;
  • spermogram analysis.

Only qualified doctors know how to understand that stimulation will help in a particular case. Stimulation for conception is carried out either with clostilbegit (orally) or with gonadotropins (injection). The meaning is to help the maturing follicle, “spur”, forcing its development. What happens next is the same as during normal, natural ovulation: the egg leaves the follicle and “settles” in the tube. When stimulated (depending on the protocol design), several eggs mature. After sex, sperm quickly rush to the ready egg, one gets inside. A zygote is formed. Next, the zygote divides in the woman’s body, and after a week the embryo is attached. To support pregnancy, Utrozhestan and Duphaston are used.

IVF conception - what is it?

It’s the third week after PA (or replanting) - a home test should already show 2 stripes. During the examination, the gynecologist will see an enlargement of the uterus and note the cyanosis of the cervix. In the first days of pregnancy, a woman can learn about upcoming changes by her own feelings: something has changed in her, but she does not always realize what exactly. Still too fragile, unreliable.

If you are planning to conceive a child, remember that the first days and weeks are the most crucial time. You need to give your body the opportunity to get used to the new “resident”, and to do this, calm down, eat well, walk a lot, and get a lot of positive emotions. Then everything will go as it should. Help nature accomplish its great secret - the secret of the birth of new life!

Think for a moment: what is happening in your body right now? What secrets does the shell of the human body hide? What processes take place at the moment of the birth of a new life? The greatest natural miracle is the conception of a child, how does it happen? Let's plunge into this world of intrauterine life.

Fertilization process

After the completion of an intimate relationship, male reproductive cells - sperm - rush deep into the woman’s uterus and fallopian tubes. In search of an egg, weak and slow sperm lose the chance to reach their goal. More viable cells find it and fight to conquer the egg. However, only one sperm penetrates and completes fertilization. Now the egg and sperm have formed a zygote. In the first 12 hours after intercourse, the process of conception was completed.

In order to survive, a fertilized egg must find a source of nutrition. Attachment to the wall of the uterus will ensure the further development of the zygote, and the vessels and tissues of the uterus will serve as a “spring” of nutrients. But for this, the fertilized egg must pass through the fallopian tubes. Normally, they are wide enough (about 0.5 cm) for the free movement of the zygote into the uterine cavity. On day 1 after conception, the egg begins its journey. The villi of the inner surface of the tubes are directed towards the uterus, which sets it the correct course and resists reverse movement.

Embryo development in the uterus

On day 2 after conception, the fertilized egg continues to move towards the uterus. The constant division of cells within the zygote represents the development process of the future embryo. Eight cells appear in the embryo’s body already on the 3rd day after conception.

In rare cases, the first signs of pregnancy may appear from this time. Aversion to previously favorite smells and dishes, fatigue, constant sleepiness, constant nausea or temporary attacks, vomiting in the morning, discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in the amount of normal discharge from the genital tract, soreness of the mammary glands, increased basal temperature. More often, signs of pregnancy begin to appear from the 10th day after conception and later. Be careful, if you are bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, consult a doctor.

On the 4th day after conception, the fertilized egg takes the form of a berry - a blackberry, hence the name of the period - morula or mulberry. From this moment, the internal organs and systems of a small organism begin to develop - embryogenesis. At this time, the embryo continues its journey through the fallopian tube.

The cells inside the fertilized egg do not stop dividing; as a result, a whole complex of cells is formed - blastomeres. On the outside they are covered with a membrane - trophoblast. This is the basis for the development of the membranes of the fetal egg: amnion, placenta and chorion. They will continue to form for several more days (up to about 11-12 days after conception), and the placenta will continue to form until 12 weeks. Blastomers play a very important role: their enzymes are able to dissolve the lining of the uterus, which allows the embryo to implant. The stage of formation of the embryonic tubercle begins, which gives rise to the formation of the umbilical cord, amniotic sac and the embryo itself. During this period, the expanding embryo is called a blastocyst.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the uterus prepared to receive the embryo: the functional layer grew, it was saturated with carbohydrates, proteins and other useful substances. If the process of conceiving a child does not occur, this layer is separated and brought out - menstruation. In the case of fertilization of the egg, implantation of the fertilized egg occurs within a period of 5 to 12 days.

Once in the uterus on the 5th day after conception, the blastocyst floats in its cavity. At a certain moment, he is “attracted” to the wall. The nutrient membrane covers it on all sides and fixes it in place; the blastocyst itself launches its threads into the endometrium, where they connect with the blood vessels and tissues of the uterus. Usually attachment occurs on the 6th day after conception, however, from the moment the embryo enters the uterus until its attachment it can take up to 3 days. Complete implantation takes 40 hours.

When the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, the level of hCG in the female body increases. If you take a pregnancy test, it shows two lines - you are pregnant! However, testing in the early stages is often unreliable due to the low concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine. Pregnancy can be more accurately determined 14 days after conception.

New life of the embryo

Our baby has begun a new period of life. Most likely, the expectant mother is not yet aware of the miracle happening in her body. - a very important time. If you were planning a pregnancy, after sexual intercourse, stop using medications, smoking, alcohol, energy drinks, working with chemicals and physical activity. All this can negatively affect the development of the unborn child.

From the 7th day after conception, restructuring of the mother’s body begins, and hormonal levels change. Progesterone is intensively produced to maintain pregnancy. At this time, the unborn child continues to develop safely as long as he has enough of his own resources to survive. On the 8th day after conception, it is still possible for the egg to split in two. Two zygotes give rise to the birth of identical twins. The reasons for this event are still unknown.

Approximately 9 days after conception, the neural tube of the embryo, the future placenta and the umbilical cord begin to form. The process of development of the membranes of the fertilized egg continues. The connection between the placenta and the mother's body is fully established on the 13th day after conception. Now the baby is connected to his mother and receives all the necessary nutrients from her body. Do not forget that negative substances also penetrate through the membrane to the fetus.

What happens next?

The conception process ended 2 weeks ago. And now the baby is becoming more and more like a newborn baby. It is developing rapidly. 3 layers of cells are formed: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The first layer forms the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, skin and sensory organs (visual, auditory and vestibular apparatus, etc.). Starting from the 3rd week, there is an active process of formation of the gastric tube from the endoderm; soon it forms the mucous membrane of the entire internal surface of the digestive system. The bones, muscles and other internal organs of the unborn child originate from the mesoderm. It is this layer that will develop into the gastrointestinal tract.

From the 17th day of fertilization, the baby has every right to be called an embryo. Meanwhile, the baby's nervous system becomes more developed. For the proper development of the neural tube, and later the nervous system, a pregnant woman should take folic acid and a complex of vitamins. This will prevent the development of nervous pathologies in the fetus. The formation of the nervous system ends by the 6th week of the embryo’s life.

Very soon the expectant mother will begin to feel her baby, his every movement will cause maternal joy. So we went through a small part of the intrauterine life of a little man together, we learned how a child is conceived and his further stay inside the mother. Many discoveries and adventures await him ahead.

The birth of a new life is a touching, amazing, almost fantastic process. Expectant mothers have always been interested in the question of how a child is conceived. Two small autonomous cells, uniting, create a new person. And if the period when the fetus begins to move is more or less noticeable for the expectant mother, then the first days and even weeks of pregnancy remain “behind the scenes.”

Mother Nature is a wonderful and wise creator. Everything related to procreation is thought out to the smallest detail. Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a “girl of marriageable age” appears from the ovary - an egg ready for fertilization. It will remain in a state of readiness from 12 to 36 hours. If during this time conception does not occur after sexual intercourse, the egg dies and is excreted from the body along with menstrual bleeding. Thus, conception by days after ovulation can occur within a period of one to three days. In some cases, during the period of ovulation, not one, but several eggs are formed. In this case, there is a high probability of multiple pregnancy.

It is no secret how egg fertilization occurs. A female cell alone is not enough to generate a new life. The immediate process of conception begins when potential “suitors” - sperm - quickly burst into the female body. Like heroes from fairy tales and epics, they face a long and dangerous path to their cherished goal. The road ahead is not close - from the cervix to the fallopian tube - about 20 cm. Considering the tiny size of the sperm, this is a very decent distance.

First test

First of all, the “tadpoles” end up in the vagina. This happens in the first seconds after the act of intimacy. Here the first danger awaits them. Due to the acidic environment of the vagina, weak sperm (and these are the majority) die within 2 hours, never reaching the cervix. Thus, out of 500 million sperm that enter the vagina after sex, only a third reaches the cervix. This is how natural selection works.

Second test

For successful conception, there must be at least 10 million sperm in the uterus. Not everyone will be able to achieve the goal, because the second barrier - the cervix - is no less difficult and dangerous. There is also a high acidity environment here; in addition, there is a mucus plug in the cervix that interferes with further movement. True, during ovulation the amount of mucus decreases somewhat. The mucus usually moves towards the sperm, as if “washing away” the weak and indecisive on its way. The remaining specimens have sufficient strength to move “against the flow.”

Third test

Having passed the cervix, the sperm end up in the uterus. The reproductive organ helps the “tadpoles” in every possible way, increasing the speed of their movement. Gradually they make their way to the last point - the fallopian tube. The catch with this test is that the tube is covered with epithelial cilia. Vibrating, they block the path to the final goal for most applicants. So, from the multi-million army of sperm that find themselves in the uterus, by the end of the fallopian tube only a few thousand fighters remain in the row.

During their movement through the uterus and tubes, sperm change qualitatively, becoming capable of fertilization. Gentlemen are more patient: if the egg is “late,” they will wait for it, and fertilization can take up to 3-5 days.

What happens after conception

Let's look at the fertilization of an egg by day. We will consider the first day of the life of an intrauterine baby not the day of sexual intercourse, but the great moment when the sperm meets the egg.

Day one: fertilization

And now the coveted egg appears in the field of view of the applicants. They surround her in an attempt to complete the task at hand.

But a reliable barrier stands in their way - the protective membrane of the egg. To break through it, sperm will have to try very hard. But nature again came to the aid of the “tadpoles” by placing an acrosome in their heads. This is a special substance that helps the sperm dissolve the shell of the egg and penetrate inside.

Trying to break through the barrier, most of the “fighters” die, having exhausted their vitality. But the protective layer is weakened in some places by the action of the acrosome. At this moment, that very single sperm detects a “crack” in the membrane armor of the egg. He overcomes it and finds himself directly inside the egg.

Thus, the number of sperm entering the vagina plays a primary role in conception. The statement that only one sperm is needed for fertilization is not entirely true. Millions of “tadpoles”, having gone through a difficult thorny path, thus pave the way for one, the most successful.

It is not always possible to accurately predict how long it will take for pregnancy to occur after ejaculation. This largely depends on the presence of ovulation, sperm motility and the state of the woman’s gynecological health. The answer to the question of when conception occurs after intercourse is ambiguous. On average, up to 3 days can pass from the time sperm enter the female body to the direct meeting with the egg. However, sometimes the partner’s sperm are so tenacious that they are ready to wait for an egg for a whole week.

Days two to four: division

The sperm and egg become one, forming a zygote. About 36 hours will pass after fertilization and the zygote will begin to divide. Still in the fallopian tube, the zygote is now an entire cellular complex. Modern medicine can accurately indicate on what day the division of the zygote will end. After the fourth day after fertilization, the division process is considered complete. The zygote is represented by two cells - blastomeres. It remains the same in size, although the number of blastomeres will gradually increase. A future person needs space for growth and development. The pipe becomes cramped and uncomfortable.

On the third day, the zygote already has about 8 blastomeres, but still remains motionless. Only a day later, on the fourth day, the zygote of 16 blastomeres begins to move towards the uterus. At the same time, the blastocyst (embryo) itself remains tiny for all four days, practically unchanged in size. This is necessary for convenient passage through the fallopian tube. Full growth from this moment will begin directly in the uterus.

Days five to seven: embryo in the uterus

For the first few days, the woman does not suspect that such amazing events are happening in her body. Meanwhile, the embryo is already moving freely across the expanses of the uterus, in search of its place of residence. Having chosen a place convenient for itself, the future baby is attached to the wall of the uterus. The long and exciting journey is over. In this place he will live and develop for the next 9 months.

Days seven to twelve: implantation

The egg has implanted into the endometrium.

The zygote appears in the uterus 5-7 days after fertilization. After a few days (9-10 days following the fusion), the embryo will be completely immersed in the wall of the uterus. This process is called implantation. It lasts about 40 hours. It is reliably known how many days later implantation is completed - on the 12th day. From this moment on, the woman is considered pregnant.

After implantation, around day 20 of the cycle, a woman may experience certain symptoms indicating that a new life has arisen in her body. These include:

  • Implantation bleeding. It is often confused with menstruation. However, it is less abundant and ends, as a rule, on the same day it began. But if spotting brown discharge continues for up to 10-14 days, the woman should immediately consult a doctor.
  • The production of hCG - a special “pregnancy hormone”. It begins to be produced 5-6 days after conception. It is because of it that a woman feels morning sickness, weakness or drowsiness.
  • Sensitivity and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Increased ;
  • Aversion to certain odors;
  • You may feel a tingling sensation in the uterus or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.

All the events described occur in the body before a woman starts to miss her period or the main symptoms of pregnancy appear.

If it is the first pregnancy, a woman often writes off such symptoms as a normal malaise. Ladies who have been pregnant before are usually more sensitive to such manifestations and quickly realize that they are pregnant.

Days thirteen to twenty: delay

The most important sign by which a woman finds out about her pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. If it does not start on a certain day of the cycle, pregnancy can be suspected. Sometimes the delay can be caused by menstrual irregularities. One way or another, a woman should do a test to make sure her guesses are correct.

This period corresponds to approximately 5 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, the fetus is still very small - its size does not exceed 7 mm, and its weight is 4 g. But the doctor will already be able to see it on an ultrasound. The future person himself at this time resembles the shape of the letter C. Despite its tiny size, upon careful examination on the monitor you can see processes - future arms and legs. Sometimes you can even distinguish small tubercles in the area of ​​the top of the processes - future fingers.

Facial contours also begin to appear during this period: dimples of the eyes and cheeks, nasal and oral slits. The tiny embryo floats freely in the amniotic fluid, which begins to be produced at around 5 weeks.

It is during this period that the rudiments of the internal organs of the future person begin to form. At the initial stage of formation are the respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems. The cells of the small organism continue to actively divide. Very soon the heart of the unborn baby will begin its work.

How to keep your baby safe

It often happens that a woman finds out about her pregnancy even before the test results and consultation with the doctor. Women's intuition tells the expectant mother that a new life is growing inside her. But this does not always happen, and many women are not aware of their situation.

The first days and weeks are considered the most dangerous period for the unborn baby. After all, a potential pregnancy can end at any early stage. That is why a woman should worry about her health and do her best to help her body accept a tiny creature.

To do this, you should follow some recommendations:

  • It is worth preparing for conception in advance. In a few months (ideally, six months), potential parents should give up smoking, drinking alcohol and other bad habits.
  • The expectant mother needs to be thoroughly examined to study her women's health. The presence of inflammation or adhesions in the uterus or tubes can lead to dire consequences. A fertilized egg, without passing through the adhesive barrier, can begin to develop in the fallopian tube and subsequently lead to its rupture (ectopic pregnancy).
  • A woman is advised to drink. Preparations containing folic acid and vitamin E are especially recommended for expectant mothers. They significantly increase fertility (the ability to conceive).
  • Proper nutrition should become a woman’s companion for the entire period of pregnancy. Harmful foods should be excluded from the diet, but water, on the contrary, should not be neglected.
  • Serious physical activity is strictly not recommended for a potential mother. You should also avoid lifting weights. You can practice leading a calm lifestyle even before conception - the movements of the expectant mother should be smooth, unhurried and soft.

Pregnancy is a complex and simple process at the same time. It is complex due to the fact that the baby goes through a long journey from the fusion of two cells to birth. And at the same time, nature has simplified and thought through everything - the process of conceiving a child and its further development is thought out almost day by day. All that is required from the expectant mother is a little effort and unconditional love for the being within herself to make bearing a child as simple and enjoyable as possible.

Fantastic video

An incredibly exciting and realistic video about the conception and subsequent development of a child. Everything about the intrauterine life of a future person. A touching and at the same time very educational fantastic video.

The processes that occur at the moment when a child is conceived are difficult to predict and anticipate. Sometimes achieving fertilization is not at all easy; couples have to find the right moment and use the services of specialist doctors in the field of conception.

To get the expected positive result and increase the chance of having a healthy baby, every couple should take a responsible approach to planning and start preparing the body in advance. Proper preparation for fertilization significantly increases the body’s ability to successfully become pregnant and bear a child.

The female body can signal pregnancy earlier than any tests. At the moment a child is conceived, serious changes are already taking place inside the woman, associated with a change in the functioning of various life-support systems. The first symptoms of successful fertilization may appear as early as 10 days after the meeting of the sperm and egg. All the new sensations that the expectant mother experiences are associated with the production of the hCG hormone.

The first possible sensations after conception occurs:

  1. feelings of weakness and a constant desire to take a nap;
  2. morning urge to vomit;
  3. aversion to familiar tastes and aromas;
  4. increased breast sensitivity, possible formation of halos around the nipples;
  5. increased frequency of needing to go to the toilet to urinate;
  6. stretching in the lower abdomen;
  7. internal tingling sensation;
  8. decreased blood pressure;
  9. intestinal and gastric disorders.

All these unpleasant sensations may be associated with changes in the functioning of the body and its active restructuring. However, not every woman will feel the changes taking place; for some they may go unnoticed.

Another sure sign of fertilization is basal temperature. The degrees inside the rectum after the onset of a new menstrual cycle, being in an elevated state, indicate pregnancy.

The most obvious of all signs of successful conception of a child is the absence of menstrual flow. Thanks to this sign, most women learn that they will soon be able to become a mother.

Required conditions for conception

In order for the result of conception to be positive, when planning a child, a couple must undergo a full range of tests and consultations with doctors to determine compatibility according to certain parameters. The doctor evaluates the level of hormones and their effect on processes in the body. For a man, tests are carried out and a spermogram is assessed, which will show the level of cellular dynamism and vitality.

In addition, in order to assess how conception and fertilization will go, how high the chance of a successful result is, the couple needs to take into account several important indicators:

  • Rh factor. 85% of the population has a positive rate. But for those couples whose data in this analysis differ, it will be difficult to conceive a child without medical intervention. Complications may arise during pregnancy, so it is necessary to see a specialist from the moment the baby is planned;

Important! If the mother's Rh factor is negative, the situation with bearing a baby is especially difficult, because the body will try to reject an embryo with different indicators.

  • blood type. Most children inherit maternal blood parameters. Blood type does not have such a strong influence as the Rh factor. But expectant parents can receive specific fertility advice from a specialist, depending on their performance.

In order for the conception process to take place, you need to approach it responsibly. Some certain days are more conducive to positive results than others. A woman’s body has a complex structure; if you choose the right time, you can guarantee a high probability of fertilization success.

The success of conception is influenced by:

  1. Duration of the menstrual cycle. The number of days is calculated from the appearance of discharge until its next onset. The classic period is 28 days, but can vary from 25 to 30 days.
  2. Systematicity. In order to identify this indicator, you will have to keep a calendar, tracking the monthly beginning and end of discharge. The interval between menstruation can provide comprehensive information for calculating the correct one for conception.
  3. Volume of discharge. The sufficiency of secretions and their characteristics will help assess the health of the body and its readiness for fertilization.

Based on these three indicators, you can create a calendar that will help you calculate favorable days for sexual intercourse in order to increase the likelihood of conception.

The convenient period for conception can be calculated mathematically. To do this, you need to approximately determine 10-15 days from the beginning of the last menstruation and select the day preceding 3 days from the calculated date. It is he who is considered the most effective for sexual intercourse.

The period of egg release can be determined using basal temperature. At this moment it rises. In order to take a measurement, it is necessary to insert the thermometer into the rectum 5 cm and hold it for 6 minutes. The procedure must be performed in the morning. Systematically recording these readings will help determine the best moment to conceive.

Note! If you observe your basal temperature daily, you can immediately determine the process of successful fertilization.

Usually, before menstruation, the levels drop, but in the case of successful conception, the degrees will remain high throughout the entire gestation period.

Preparing for conception

In order for the unborn child to have a better chance of being healthy, both parents need to prepare for fertilization in advance. In addition, both spouses will have to visit specialists in advance and conduct certain tests, take care of the condition of their bodies in order to pass on only the best to the child. To prepare you will need:

  • Take care of your health. To avoid possible illnesses or overload (both physical and emotional), try to get enough sleep and follow the advice of your doctor.
  • Eat well. During the preparation period, the body must receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements from food.
  • Additional microelements. The female body must receive folic acid in the required quantity. This substance directly affects the body of the unborn child, his health and congenital abnormalities. You can increase your folic acid content through foods such as nuts, beets, cabbage, carrots and leafy greens.
  • Support the body with preventive measures. To reduce the likelihood of possible infections, you need to regularly carry out preventive maintenance of the body. In particular, pay attention to the mucous membranes (nasopharynx, intestines, vagina). These areas are most susceptible to disease.
  • Abstinence from alcohol, cigarettes and radiation. Drinking alcohol slows down sperm production and increases a woman's risk of miscarriage. To protect the unborn child from possible abnormalities in the functioning of the body and increase the chance of successful fertilization and conception of a child, it is necessary to limit the consumption of drinks for 3 months.

How does a child become conceived?

The main participants in the fertilization process are female eggs and male sperm. During the reproductive period, a woman's reproductive cells are produced by the ovaries under the influence of hormones. Their maturation is called the process of ovulation. As a result of the meeting of the egg and sperm, one can observe how the conception of a child occurs inside a woman. The hormone progesterone is responsible for the maturation of the egg, which further preserves and stimulates pregnancy.

At the moment the sperm meets the female cell, the internal system notifies all the body’s resources about the onset of fertilization. The woman’s body begins internal restructuring, and the embryo, meanwhile, is actively dividing into parts and follows the fallopian tube directly to its goal - the uterus.

After getting inside, it attaches to the wall and begins to consume nutrients from the walls, gradually creating a shell around itself - the placenta. Under the influence of progesterone, the uterus becomes loose and actively changes its structure.

If we consider IVF conception as it occurs, the principle of the procedure resembles a natural one. The difference is that male and female cells are connected by a specialist under a microscope. After cell division and evaluation of the resulting embryo, it is implanted into the uterus by a doctor and begins its further natural development.

Description of the process by day

To understand what complex process occurs inside the expectant mother, it is worth considering how a child is conceived day by day:

  1. After the eruption of the seed, 500 million cells begin to move towards the egg. At an average speed of movement, one single, most active sperm will reach its goal in a period of 3 to 6 hours;
  2. at the moment of squeezing a male cell into a female one, the body of the expectant mother receives a signal that conception has occurred and immediately begins the process of restructuring, at this moment a zygote is formed (fusion of sperm and egg);
  3. after 1-2 days, the resulting cell begins to divide, creating a blastomere (one cell divided into two parts);
  4. 3 days from the moment of conception, a process occurs through which you can understand how twins are conceived. During this period, the blastomere of 2 is divided into 8-16 parts, ready for the formation of not one, but several babies;
  5. on the fourth day, the embryo reaches its main target - the uterus and begins to condense its internal parts into one or more (when forming twins or triplets). At the moment of attachment of the embryo to the fallopian tube, an ectopic pregnancy may occur;
  6. The implantation process will take place over the next few days. The embryo will move freely throughout the uterus until it attaches to one of the walls. Immediately after this process is completed, the female body will begin to respond to the readings of the hCG hormone;
  7. the next stage after successful attachment is the union of the outer cells of the uterus and the embryo, creating a microvessel around the baby, which subsequently forms the placenta.

This is interesting! A blood test for the hCG hormone can show a positive result of pregnancy within 10 days after conception!


Conceiving a child is an important and crucial moment for the life of a future person. To successfully carry out fertilization and increase the chances of good health for the baby, you need to approach the planning stage with all responsibility.

Determining the body's capabilities, health status and replenishment of necessary microelements can be decisive in successful conception and further gestation during pregnancy.

Conceiving a child is a great mystery into which only two microscopic cells can be fully initiated. This is their big secret, and none of us can witness this amazing moment. Of course, more than one colorful film has been made on the topic of how a child is conceived. But all of them only confirm the mystery, mystery and charm of the most beautiful of natural creations!

Conceiving a child is truly a great miracle of nature! For the future little man, this is the moment of the beginning of his entire life, for future parents, these are moments of enjoying each other, for the science of the future, this is an inexhaustible source of scientific works and discoveries. All the processes that accompany the moment of conception of a new life are so perfect that their fullness and scale are difficult to perceive. That is why the interest of scientists and ordinary people in this issue never fades.

The life of any of us begins from this moment. A mature egg, having left the ovarian follicle, is sent to the abdominal cavity in the hope of meeting the only one whom fate has prepared for it. This is the moment in medicine. The honor of fertilizing a “young lady” will fall to only one of the millions of sperm. If sexual intercourse took place the day before (2-3 days before ovulation) or within 24 hours after ovulation, then the chances of successful conception are very high. The viability of the egg remains for just one day, and an army of millions will fight for the right to become the best!

Sperm retain the ability to fertilize for several days thanks to cervical mucus, which changes its composition and consistency every month specifically for this purpose. But the fastest, healthiest and most resilient of all will be able to perform the mysterious act of conception. After maximum effort, it will penetrate the membranes protecting the egg, dissolving into it and merging together into a single whole. The middle part and tail of the sperm will remain outside the resulting ball: only the head of the lucky one takes part in conception. From this moment on, the egg will “close” and become inaccessible to other candidates. This becomes possible due to a chemical reaction occurring in the outer shell that protects the egg, as a result of which the structure of its wall changes.

At the moment of conception, the genetic qualities of the future child will be laid down: its gender, eye and hair color, equipment and even character! The combination of chromosomes fused at the moment of conception will determine who will be born to a woman in the future. Moreover, the father is responsible for the sex of the heir: everything depends on the set of chromosomes carried by the sperm. It is interesting that of all 46 chromosomes of the resulting zygote, only one is “sexual”.

So, the fateful pair of female and male cells met and reunited into one life! Now this formation is called a zygote. On the 3-4th day after creation, she begins her journey to her first home, which for her will be the uterus for the entire 40 weeks of gestation. There is no other organ in the female body that meets the requirements and needs of a growing body so well. The cilia lining the inner surface of the fallopian tubes will help the fertilized egg overcome the difficult road. They make continuous movements, rolling the life-carrying “ball” closer and closer to the target.

The zygote will travel through the fallopian tubes for about a week. And along the way, it will not stop its development for a second. Every few hours, the cells of the zygote will fragment, and by the time it reaches the surface of the uterus, it will consist of several dozen cells. Then the improved egg, which by this time has become a blastocyst, will begin to prepare a place for planting. By scraping out cells from the uterine endometrium and making a depression on its surface, new life will “take root” here.

Despite the fact that the conception of a child was successful, this does not yet guarantee an equally successful pregnancy. The little miracle will fight for survival. A defenseless embryo is perceived by the female body as a stranger, whom the uterus is trying to expel from its cavity. But his desire for life is so great that he survives this fight with dignity and emerges victorious. Of course, a lot depends on the quality of the handsome sperm and on the abilities of the beautiful egg, that is, on the resources that their parents endowed them with. Therefore, doctors urge and carefully prepare for it. Healthy offspring will be your best reward for the work done. Take care of your health!

Especially for- Elena Kichak