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How to recognize an ovarian cyst? Main symptoms. Methods for diagnosing cystic ovarian formation

Among female diseases, ovarian cysts are very common. Benign formations bring a lot of trouble to their owner in the form of menstrual irregularities, pain, and discomfort. Knowing the main signs of the onset of this disease, a woman will be able to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Types of ovarian cysts and their characteristic features

Why does inflammation of an ovarian cyst occur, how does it appear and how do the types differ? First you need to understand what a neoplasm is, which often appears in women of childbearing age. A cyst is a cavity shaped like a sac filled with fluid that appears on the surface or inside the ovary. The dimensions, structure, reasons for which it appeared, and detection method may be different.


The most common type is functional, and can appear on both the left and right ovary. It is formed due to a hormonal disorder, if the overripe follicle could not rupture in time before the onset of the next menstruation. The main signs of a functional ovarian cyst are that it disappears on its own in one or more menstrual cycles and does not require surgical intervention, although the size sometimes reaches several centimeters in diameter.


A woman's egg matures in a small sac attached to the wall of the ovary called a follicle. If there is a hormonal imbalance in the body or in the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvis, ovulation may not occur. In this case, the follicle does not burst, but becomes increasingly filled with liquid, forming a voluminous capsule. Over a period of time, the reverse process occurs, the cavity with fluid decreases in size, and signs of cystosis are not visible.

Corpus luteum cyst

A similar process can occur in the corpus luteum, which is formed on the basis of a ruptured follicle. The expansion of the walls of the cavity where the egg has matured is provoked by the presence of endocrine diseases and the malfunction of the ovaries during inflammation. With insufficient production of the necessary hormone progesterone, a compaction appears with liquid contents inside. Discomfort will be felt when the formation grows to a large size (8-10 cm in diameter). The corpus luteum cyst resolves on its own.


A very dangerous form is mucinous. The structure has a multi-chambered tuberous surface. According to the characteristics of an ovarian cyst, it is distinguished by the presence of internal partitions; the chambers are filled with mucous secretion. Very often, the mucinous type is diagnosed in women before menopause. Severe nagging pain appears, the cystic formation quickly reaches enormous sizes, sometimes the diameter reaches 30-35 cm. Urgent surgical care is able to stop the process, which can degenerate into a malignant tumor.


The reasons why the dermoid appearance occurs are not fully understood. This often happens in the presence of abdominal injuries. Due to the large accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, the capsule reaches a size of about 12-18 cm in diameter. Often, during ultrasound diagnostics, torsion of the pedicle of the dermoid cyst, which contains nerves and blood vessels, is detected. This causes sudden sharp pain. It is possible to get rid of the tumor only by performing surgery, with further rehabilitation treatment.


The endometrioid ovarian cyst received its name for the similarity in its tissue composition with the mucous membrane inside the uterus. Small dense capsules that appear on the surface of the ovary are filled with a dark, thick liquid consisting of the remains of blood released during menstruation and lymph. Depending on the stage of development of the formation, treatment is surgical or hormonal therapy is prescribed.


Gynecologists classify the hemorrhagic type as functional. It differs from others in that blood vessels rupture inside the corpus luteum or follicle. Signs of a hemorrhagic cyst are hemorrhage with severe pain in the lower abdomen. It is impossible to do without surgical intervention. The removed ovary or part of it, together with the unwanted formation, undergoes histological examination to exclude the diagnosis of a cancerous tumor.

General symptoms of cystosis

It often happens that a woman learns about the presence of the disease in the gynecologist’s office during an examination or during an ultrasound, where changes in the ovaries are recorded in the photo. At the initial stage, the formation of formations at the physical level does not manifest themselves in any way and does not bother the patient, but all types have similar signs of the appearance of a cystic formation, which should not be ignored. Get tested if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • increased frequency of aching, nagging pain, with aggravation;
  • uncharacteristic discharge;
  • erratic menstrual cycle with frequent periods or absence of them;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • increased abdominal volume;
  • low but persistent temperature;
  • unexplained constipation;
  • pressure on the bladder with increased urination.

How does an ovarian cyst hurt?

The leg of the neoplasm has nerve endings, so when it is compressed or twisted, pain occurs, often very strong and sharp. The same symptoms of acute pain occur when the capsule ruptures. In other cases, it is an aching pain that is protracted and not associated with the menstrual cycle. Pain appears in the groin of the abdomen on the left or right side, depending on where the tumor is located. Without treatment, pain in the ovaries can spread to the legs and lumbar region.

What is the discharge from an ovarian cyst?

During the growth of a cystic formation in the ovary, one of the signs is small spotting that does not coincide with menstruation. The color ranges from dark brown to red. Scanty discharge may appear when pressure is applied to the abdomen during a gynecological examination in the presence of an endometrioid ovarian cyst.

Can there be bleeding with an ovarian cyst?

Bleeding, varying in intensity, occurs when diagnosing a hemorrhagic type of cyst, left or right ovary. Bursted blood vessels, accompanied by acute sharp pain, allow blood to leak into the abdominal cavity or through the vagina. There are cases when uterine bleeding is provoked by a corpus luteum cyst, resulting from uneven exfoliation of the endometrium. Bleeding can occur during the most terrible course of the disease - the transition to the oncological stage.

What are the symptoms of an ovarian cyst in women when it ruptures?

Signs of an ovarian cyst during rupture are characterized by intense pain that blocks the woman’s independent movement. Calling an ambulance is necessary if a woman has the following symptoms:

  • sharp, paralyzing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bleeding, both internal with swelling of the abdomen, and external;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure;
  • dizziness, in some cases loss of consciousness;
  • increase in body temperature, which is not affected by antipyretic medications;
  • blue lips, pale skin.

Possible complications and consequences of the disease

If a cystic disease of any type is detected, treatment should not be ignored, even if it is a functional type that does not require special intervention and resolves on its own. The processes occurring inside the body do not always signal a failure of any system in a timely manner. In order not to miss the important time allotted for starting treatment and blocking the development of the disease, you need to undergo regular examination by a gynecologist in a timely manner.

In some cases, the disease progresses very intensively, which leads to the degeneration of the formation into a cancerous tumor, which is rarely treatable and leads to death. Rupture of the seals and the entry of cystic fluid into the abdominal cavity in a short period of time leads to an inflammatory process, peritonitis and, as a result, blood poisoning. This often occurs in the presence of a serous, dermoid cyst.

Failure to promptly seek medical help out of ignorance or under other circumstances during bleeding will lead to critical blood loss, which can lead to the death of the patient. In the best case, a woman is predetermined by long-term recovery treatment after removal of the female internal pelvic organs, which were affected by an irreversible inflammatory process due to bleeding.


Ovarian cysts are a common occurrence in women of childbearing age. Typically, symptoms of an ovarian cyst appear when the tumor has reached a large size or caused complications. If you regularly visit a gynecologist, then diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cysts will be timely. But how can you understand that you have a cyst if for some reason you haven’t been to the doctor for a long time?

Ovarian cyst: causes and consequences

A cyst is a neoplasm inside the ovary, which, in most cases, is filled with liquid contents. According to statistics, this condition is detected in 50% of women with and 30% of women with regular cycles. The cyst also occurs in 6% of women after menopause.

Possible causes of ovarian cysts are frequent surgical interventions on the pelvic organs; chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs; hormonal imbalance due to endocrine diseases, violation of the regimen of taking hormonal medications, etc.

In many cases, ovarian cysts do not require treatment. These are the so-called (temporary) ones, which usually go away on their own. But treatment for an ovarian cyst is necessary if it does not disappear within three months. However, there are so-called true cysts, which need to be treated as quickly as possible. These include paraovarian, endomentiodic, dermoid, mucinous and serous ovarian cysts.

Without timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, ovarian cysts increase in size and may be complicated by rupture of the ovarian cyst or torsion of its stem. And this threatens peritonitis and even death.

Main symptoms of ovarian cyst

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst usually appear when the tumor has grown to a certain size. Here's what should alert you:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen of an aching or pulling nature. Ovarian cyst pain usually appears on one side
  • Feeling of pressure inside the abdomen
  • Menstrual irregularities (the cycle lengthens or shortens)
  • The appearance of bleeding between periods
  • Pain during and after sex, after physical activity
  • Unreasonable weight gain
  • Increased abdominal volume. Abdominal asymmetry may also appear

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst may vary depending on the type of cyst. If you experience these symptoms, try to contact your gynecologist as soon as possible. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis based on the results of the examination and prescribe the correct treatment for an ovarian cyst if its presence is indeed confirmed.

How to suspect a ruptured ovarian cyst and torsion of its stem?

Excessive physical activity, heavy lifting, and too much sex can cause ovarian cyst rupture or cyst pedicle torsion.

Severe unilateral pain with an ovarian cyst, which radiates to the leg and rectum, may indicate a rupture of the ovarian cyst. At the same time, blood pressure decreases, signs of general intoxication, dizziness, cold sweat, and symptoms of acute abdomen appear.

The intensity of pain with an ovarian cyst in case of torsion of its legs depends on the degree of torsion. With this complication, the woman tends to take a position on her side with her legs bent towards her stomach. Intoxication increases quickly or gradually (fever, nausea, vomiting). Without timely treatment, peritonitis develops.

If such symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance.

Elena Kukuevitskaya

– tumor-like formation of the ovary of a benign nature. It is a pedunculated cavity filled with liquid contents and tends to increase in size due to the accumulation of secretions. There are ovarian cysts (follicular, corpus luteum, endometrioid, etc.) and supraovarian cysts (paraovarian). It is often asymptomatic and may manifest as discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual dysfunction, and dysuric disorders (due to compression of the bladder). It is complicated by torsion of the cyst stalk, rupture of the capsule, leading to a picture of acute abdomen and peritonitis.

General information

– tumor-like formation of the ovary of a benign nature. It is a pedunculated cavity filled with liquid contents and tends to increase in size due to the accumulation of secretions. There are ovarian cysts (follicular, corpus luteum, endometrioid, etc.) and supraovarian cysts (paraovarian). It is often asymptomatic and may manifest as discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual dysfunction, and dysuric disorders (due to compression of the bladder). It is complicated by torsion of the cyst stalk, rupture of the capsule, leading to a picture of acute abdomen and peritonitis.

The term “cyst” (Greek “kystis” - bag, bubble) is used in medicine to designate pathological cavities in organs, consisting of a capsule and liquid contents and increasing in size as secretions accumulate. Cysts are the most common type of benign formations and can occur in almost all tissues and organs: teeth, kidneys, liver, mammary glands, pancreas, thyroid gland, male and female genital organs, etc.

Ovarian cysts are a widespread disease and occur more often in women during the childbearing period: in 30% of cases they are diagnosed in women with a regular menstrual cycle and in 50% - with an irregular one. During menopause, ovarian cysts occur in 6% of women. The concept of “ovarian cyst” hides a large group of tumor-like neoplasms that differ from each other in structure, causes of occurrence, course and approaches to treatment.

General information

Treatment of ovarian cyst

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the nature of the formation, the severity of clinical symptoms, the patient’s age, the need to preserve reproductive function, and the risk of developing a malignant process. Watchful waiting and conservative treatment are possible if the ovarian cyst is functional and uncomplicated. In these cases, monophasic or biphasic oral contraceptives are usually prescribed for 2-3 menstrual cycles, a course of vitamins A, B1, B6, E, C, K, and homeopathic treatment.

In some cases, diet therapy, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, and treatment with mineral waters (balneotherapy) are indicated. In the absence of a positive effect from conservative therapy or when the size of the ovarian cyst increases, surgical intervention is indicated - removal of the formation within healthy ovarian tissue and its histological examination.

In recent years, the laparoscopic method has been widely used in the surgical treatment of ovarian cysts. Laparoscopy is usually not used if it is reliably known that the malignancy of the process in the ovaries. In this case, an extended laparotomy (abdominal surgery) is performed with emergency histological examination of the tumor.

For ovarian cysts, the following types of operations are performed:

  • Cystectomy– removal of the cyst and preservation of healthy promising ovarian tissue. In this case, the capsule of the ovarian cyst is removed from its bed with careful hemostasis. The ovarian tissue is preserved, and after recovery the organ continues to function normally.
  • Wedge resection of the ovary– excision of the ovarian cyst along with the surrounding tissue.
  • Removal of the entire ovary (oophorectomy), often together with tubectomy (i.e. complete removal of the appendages - adnexectomy).
  • Biopsy of ovarian tissue. It is carried out to take ovarian tissue material for histological examination if a cancerous tumor is suspected.

Dermoid, mucinous, endometrioid ovarian cysts can only be removed surgically. It is also necessary to remove an ovarian cyst before a planned pregnancy due to the high risk of torsion of its stem or an increase in tumor size. Early diagnosis of ovarian cysts and planned surgery can significantly reduce the amount of surgical intervention, recovery time and avoid the dire consequences of the disease.

For ovarian cysts at a young age, when it is necessary to preserve reproductive function, a cystectomy or resection of the organ is performed, preserving healthy, unchanged tissue. During menopause, in order to prevent oncological processes, the uterus and appendages are removed - extended hysterectomy (panhysterectomy). After surgical removal of the ovarian cyst, a course of restorative treatment is prescribed.

To avoid the risk of complications, ovarian cysts must be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner to preserve reproductive function. This is only possible with a competent, conscious attitude towards your health and regular (2 times a year) preventive examinations by a gynecologist.


Functional ovarian cysts can form repeatedly throughout life, as long as menstrual function is maintained. Properly selected hormonal therapy helps avoid relapses.

It is also possible for endometrioid ovarian cysts to recur, but this depends on the correct operation and further treatment. Removed ovarian dermoid cysts do not form again. After removal or conservative treatment of an ovarian cyst, pregnancy may occur.

Why have there been so many cysts in people recently? Is it really bad ecology that is to blame again?! Most likely, the matter is not in environmental pollution, but in the development of diagnostic technology. After all, it is hardly possible to determine for more than 90% whether it is a cyst or not; such cysts are silent:

  • do not cause pain
  • not palpable
  • do not increase the temperature,
  • not visible when viewed.

Therefore, you can find out for sure whether you have a cyst or not only with the help of an ultrasound, and sometimes only after a computed tomography scan. Self-determination methods only work when the newly formed bubble:

  • big enough;
  • begins to become inflamed and pain is felt;
  • located close to the surface of the skin or mucous membrane.

How to find out if there is a cyst on the ovary?

Normally, the gonads in women are small in size:

  • ovary height approximately 2.7 cm,
  • width about 2.5 cm,
  • thickness 1.9 cm.

If any type of ovarian cyst appears, it immediately increases in size. Therefore, during each examination, the gynecologist probes these organs, determining their size.

The woman herself, by palpation, can find out whether there is a cyst on the ovary, if its size is more than 2-3 cm. Then the gland itself turns out to be almost doubled in size. Even doctors cannot always identify small cysts with their fingers. A 1-2 cm bubble can only be felt if it is inflamed and pressure causes pain.

There is a greater chance of cysts forming on the right ovary because it has a more intense blood supply.

A large ovarian cyst larger than 5 cm is easy to identify. She:

  • visible when viewed in a mirror as an asymmetrical formation,
  • causes compression and pain in adjacent tissues,
  • affects the cycle, can cause a delay in menstruation,
  • requires intensive treatment or removal surgery.

Unfortunately, many women are not inclined to listen to the condition of their organs and check it through self-examination. And they learn about the presence of an ovarian cyst only after its rupture or torsion of the leg. You need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the surgical department of a gynecological hospital if:

  • there is an acute pain in the abdomen, or some strange unpleasant sensations that gradually intensify, perhaps within 1-2 days,
  • the skin became pale and covered in sweat, possibly cold and clammy,
  • nausea, vomiting, fever,
  • whether you suspected you had an ovarian cyst or not - in this case it doesn’t matter, it could have grown in the 2 months that have passed since the previous ultrasound.

If the cyst was inflamed or purulent, the danger increases many times due to diffuse peritonitis. It is very difficult to independently determine which cyst is on the ovary. This is not always determined by a gynecologist using an ultrasound. You can make assumptions about the type of ovarian cyst based on some indirect signs.

  • Functional cysts, follicular And luteal They form spontaneously and often disappear on their own within 3 months. Determined only for large sizes. Rarely are they painful.
    • The danger is hemorrhagic complication– hemorrhage into the cyst cavity as a result of rupture of a vessel after injury, straining, . In this case, pain occurs, but not always immediately and severely, the temperature rises. The hemorrhagic cyst is rapidly approaching rupture. The clock is counting. A cyst with hemorrhage can be removed by laparoscopy, but after rupture it will most likely require a traumatic laparotomy with a large incision.
  • Dermoid ovarian cysts, or teratomas. They don’t hurt until they grow to 5 cm or more. Do not affect other body functions. Treatment is only surgical.
  • Polycystic. This is a hormone-dependent formation of multiple ovarian cysts. Can be determined by:
    • unexpected weight gain,
    • swelling,
    • changes in male pattern hair – on the face, legs,
    • change in voice timbre,
    • pain in the lower abdomen in the area of ​​the ovarian cyst,
    • headaches,
    • discharge in 1 part of the cycle.
  • Endometrioid. During menstruation, they enlarge and fill with blood, becoming more painful. At this time, the risk of rupture increases. Signs of endometriosis appear:
    • pain that may be constant but becomes noticeably worse during menstruation,
    • spotting before and after menstruation,
    • symptoms of anemia - pallor, weakness, hypotension, brittle nails.

What to do if you suspect you have an ovarian cyst? To find out for sure whether there is a cyst, you need a gynecologist. Even if you are one of the few women who follow the golden rule - visit the antenatal clinic every six months for a routine examination. Have you recently visited your local lady doctor and were told that everything is fine? Look at the women's forum in your city and find recommendations from a doctor with extensive experience in successful treatment. It is always useful to listen to the opinions of at least two experts and compare them.

How to identify cysts on different organs?

The word “cyst” refers to any benign bubble in the human body. In their origin, form, characteristics, and danger, they can be very different. To find out whether there is a cyst in any of the organs, you need to understand what exactly this type is.

Urgently do an MRI, see a neurologist, neurosurgeon

You should not neglect independent methods for identifying a cyst, especially if you do not often undergo a full medical examination. When you feel some kind of lump, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a cyst or not, the next steps are the same in any case - you need to go to the doctor, get diagnosed and treated. Perhaps surgery is already needed.

If you can’t or don’t want to get to the doctor, go for an ultrasound yourself; this can be done in any paid clinic without a queue or referral. What the doctor working on the machine will tell you will definitely make you contact a doctor of a specific specialization, and not look for a forum with dubious information. But even an ultrasound does not always make it possible to find out whether it is a cyst or not. The final conclusion can only be made with the help of a puncture or biopsy.

And be happy when, after the examination, they say that it is definitely a cyst. An alternative diagnosis to a cyst is a tumor, and this is much worse, even if it is benign.

Methods for diagnosing cysts in the ovary are the main ways to identify cystic formations, since the symptoms of the disease do not always appear as the disease develops.

General information about the disease

An ovarian cyst is the formation of bubble-like formations on the surface of the ovary, which are benign in nature. Most often, an ovarian cyst is a pedunculated formation filled with liquid contents. Cystic formations tend to grow, which occurs due to the accumulation of secretions inside the cyst. Depending on the reasons contributing to the formation of tumors and their contents, medicine distinguishes several types of ovarian cystosis. The most common types of cysts formed on the ovaries are:

  • follicular;
  • paraovarian;
  • endometrioid;
  • dermoid;
  • mucinous.

The size of the cyst can vary from a few millimeters to 20 cm or more. It depends on the type of cyst and the stage of development of the disease.

Features of various types of cystic formations

The follicular form of the disease and cystosis of the corpus luteum are neoplasms that have a functional nature of occurrence. These formations form in the ovarian tissues or on their surface. The formation of these cystic formations is associated with processes occurring in a woman’s ovaries. The formation of the neoplasm cavity occurs from the tissues of the follicle or corpus luteum. The main cause of this type of disease is hormonal imbalance.

Corpus luteum cystosis occurs under the influence of disturbances in estrogen synthesis. When this disease develops, regression of the corpus luteum does not occur. At the site of the tumor, a cavity appears, which is filled with hemorrhagic fluid.

Paraovarian formations are formed under the influence of the ovarian appendages, without involving the ovarian tissue in the transformation process.

It is formed with the participation of cells of the uterine mucosa during their migration to the ovary. The formation of a cystic neoplasm occurs when a pathological focal proliferation of mucosal cells occurs on the ovarian tissue. The contents of an endometrioid cystic neoplasm are old blood. Endometrioid cysts can develop in a bilateral form.

Serous cyst is formed from epithelial tissue. The cyst cavity is filled with serous contents. The size of this type of formation can reach 15 cm in diameter.

Paraovarian cysts form in the periovarian region or at the site of the mesentery of the fallopian tube. This type of cyst is a thin-walled formation that can reach 20 cm.

Hormone-producing cystic formations are a rare form of the disease. This type of neoplasm can degenerate into malignant formations.

Mucinous cysts are neoplasms that contain mucin, which is a mucous substance. Such forms of the disease are very rare and have a high probability of degenerating into a malignant tumor during their development.

Symptoms of ovarian cystosis

Most often, formation occurs without the appearance of characteristic symptoms. This type of formation is capable of resorption under the influence of hormones. The manifestation of symptoms depends on the degree of development of the disease and its type.

Detection of follicular cystosis or corpus luteum cystosis most often occurs by chance (during an ultrasound of the abdominal organs). At the initial stage of development, a woman may experience minor pain in the abdominal area.

With prolonged development of neoplasms, more serious symptoms of the disease may appear. These symptoms may include:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • severe pain arising in the lower abdomen;
  • development of the inflammatory process in the ovaries.

When cystic tumors reach large sizes, a woman may experience pain on the sides of the abdomen, its volume increases, and a frequent urge to urinate occurs.

In the absence of therapeutic procedures, pain can appear in the lumbar region and during sexual intercourse. In addition, irritability and increased body temperature occur.

Diagnosis of ovarian cysts and examination of the patient

For timely detection of ovarian cysts, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations, at least 1-2 times a year.

In addition, if any manifestations of the disease occur, an unscheduled examination of the body should be carried out. Upon examination, the doctor determines whether there is a possibility of enlargement of the ovarian appendages.

During the examination, the gynecologist identifies the degree of mobility of neoplasms, their pain and location relative to the pelvic organs. To determine the type of cystic formation, differential diagnosis is carried out. To determine the type of cystic formation, depending on the complexity of the disease, various examination methods can be used. The diagnosis is made by the attending physician based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the woman’s body using several methods. Differential diagnosis of the disease allows you to choose the right treatment and achieve the most positive result from the measures.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs

Ultrasound of a cyst is one of the most common methods for diagnosing diseases of the pelvic organs. An ultrasound is performed with a full bladder, which allows you to accurately determine the location of organs, their size and shape. An ultrasound examination can reveal the extent of damage to the ovary by the formation of cystic formations.

During the examination, two types of sensors are used: transabdominal and transvaginal. Diagnosis of ovarian cystosis is best done using transvaginal sensors. The use of this type of sensors allows you to obtain more information about the state of the organ. The transvaginal sensor gives a clearer picture of the location of organs in the pelvis and most accurately shows the structure of the ovaries. The reliability of this examination method is approximately 99%.

Computed or magnetic resonance imaging and tumor marker analysis

If doubt arises after an ultrasound, the patient is recommended to undergo examination using CT and MRI. These techniques are used to identify diagnostically difficult cases that require additional examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Since developing cystic formations can be harbingers of the occurrence of malignant formations, it is necessary to test the patient’s blood for the presence of the following markers:

  • SA-125;
  • alphafetoprotein;
  • human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • CA 19-9.

The analysis is required to determine the organ malignancy index and the ROMA algorithm.

Carrying out examination using laparoscopy

Laparoscopy can be prescribed for the purpose of both diagnosing and treating the disease after receiving the results of an ultrasound examination. Before using laparoscopy, preliminary preparation is carried out, which consists of conducting a clinical analysis of blood and urine. In addition, a blood test is performed for sugar, coagulation and the presence of HIV, and an ECG is additionally prescribed.

Laparoscopy is a simple technique that allows you to visualize organs using a special video camera. The image from the camera is transmitted to the monitor. This examination method allows for visual examination and identification of neoplasms on the surface of organs. If necessary, during the examination the cystic formation can also be removed.