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Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Sound production. Summary of individual speech therapy lesson: Sound production

Children have various problems with many letters in the process of speech formation. One of the most common difficulties is setting the sh sound. Typically, children find it difficult to pronounce hissing sounds for the reason that they cannot relax the tongue and position it in the required shape, which is required by the correct articulation of the sound sh.

The main reason that a child cannot speak hissing sounds correctly is the way the parents communicate with the baby. Many adults deliberately copy the speech of a child, speaking to him in a childish way. Thus, the child hears the incorrect pronunciation and gets used to precisely this manner of producing the sound sh. That is why experts strongly recommend that parents speak to their children correctly.

In addition to the parental desire to imitate baby babble, some structural features of the articulatory apparatus play an important role in the production of the sound sh, which include the following points:

  • tongue movement is limited due to the shortened hyoid ligament;
  • articulation is affected by the size of the lips (too thin or full) and the size of the tongue (too large or small);
  • dental anomalies;
  • disruption of the auditory canal.

In most cases, a violation of the production of the sound w can be quite easily corrected at home with regular and careful work with the child. In some cases, children who have problems pronouncing hissing words will be helped by a speech therapist.


The key to good pronunciation is the correct articulation of the sounds sh and zh. To teach a child to pronounce the letters sh and z correctly, it is necessary to study one method of articulation, since the speech apparatus works almost identically when pronouncing both letters.
So, in order to correctly pronounce the letter w, it is necessary to work with the articulatory apparatus as follows:

  • the baby's lips should be slightly pushed forward in the shape of a tube;
  • the tip of the tongue is raised to the palate so that a small gap remains between them;
  • the lateral edges of the child’s tongue are pressed against the upper outer teeth, giving the tongue the shape of a cup;
  • a stream of air easily passes through the unused vocal cords, creating the necessary sound.

In order to understand how to teach a child to say the letter z, it is necessary to resort to the articulation described above, while connecting the vibrations of the vocal cords.
Regular exercises for making sounds are very important. These exercises can be done with a speech therapist or at home.


Experts have developed special speech therapy exercises for the sound zh and sh to help children learn to pronounce it correctly. This technique includes many different exercises. Below are the most effective and popular ones used among speech therapists.


This exercise for making the sound sh is aimed at relaxing the tongue. You need to open your mouth and smile. In a relaxed smile, extend your tongue forward and place the tip in a relaxed position on your lower lip. The side walls of the front of the tongue gently touch the corners of the mouth.

It is important to maintain this position without tension for several seconds. This exercise is basic for such a problem as producing hissing sounds, including the letters zh and sh.


The “Pie” task must be used to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, as well as to develop mobility of the lateral walls of the tongue. As in the previous exercise, the mouth is open in a smile, the tongue lies on the lower lip. Without straining your lips, it is necessary to lift the side walls of the tongue so that a depression is formed along the central axis of the tongue.

You need to hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds.


“Swing” is used to make a child’s tongue more mobile. The initial position of the articulatory apparatus is as follows: an open and relaxed smile on the lips, the tongue lies wide and flat (do not allow it to become narrow).

Tongue movements are performed alternately:

  • first, to produce the sound w, a wide and flat tongue is stretched towards the ceiling, after which it is directed towards the floor;
  • then the tongue moves first to the upper lip, then to the lower;
  • you need to put your tongue between your upper lip and upper teeth, and also do the same with your lower lip and teeth;
  • then the tongue touches the upper and lower incisors;
  • at the end you need to touch the wide tip of your tongue to the alveoli behind the lower row of teeth, and then behind the upper one.

The tongue moves through the teeth

This task is useful for making the sound w because it well develops the baby’s ability to control his tongue. To complete this task you need to open your mouth and relax your smiling lips. Using the wide tip of your tongue, touch the lower dentition from the side of the tongue, and then from the side of the lip.


This task for working on the letters zh and sh helps, first of all, to strengthen control over the production of the tongue. It also helps your baby get a feel for how to direct their tongue to the top of their mouth.

It is necessary to open your mouth slightly in a half-smile, relax your lips and fix the lower jaw in one position. Next, imagine that the tip of the tongue is a paint brush, and the sky is the ceiling that needs to be painted. In order to do this, you need to stroke the palate with your tongue from the larynx to the teeth and in the opposite direction, not allowing the tongue to go beyond the mouth.

The above exercises for producing the sounds w and z should be performed regularly. At the same time, parental control over exactly how the baby performs the exercise is very important - it is important to control the correct fixation of the jaw, the position of the lips and the movements of the tongue.

In order to speak the sound sh without problems, you need not only articulation, but also automation.


For the correct pronunciation of complex sounds, both staging and automation of sound are equally important. If the production of the sound w has already been carried out using speech therapy exercises, you can proceed to fixing the sound, that is, to automation.

Automation of the sound w is carried out by practicing the sound itself, syllables with this sound, and then words, sentences and texts. The production of hissing sounds receives particular benefit from working with pure sayings, rhymes, proverbs, etc.

  • The letter w in syllables and words.

Naughty, Chess, Scarf; RUSH, CHOCOLATE, SHORTS, SILK, WHISPER, WALK; JOKE, NOISE, FUR COAT; Latitude, Bump, Sewing; SIX, SHELEST, SIX, etc.

  • The letter z in syllables and words.


  • Automation of the sound sh with reading phrases.

MASHA feeds the baby.

In summer it is good to walk down the street.

PASHA and DASHA gave porridge to the baby.

GLASHA wrote a poem about OUR BABY.

Our songs about a bowl of porridge are good.

Speak in a Whisper: the haircuts are still sleeping near the swift.

I'm lying on the couch by the window.

Misha, give me a donut and tell me a fairy tale.

OUR NATASHA is more beautiful than all the girls.

  • Nursery rhymes will also help you pronounce the sh sound correctly.

A miner walked out of the mine
With a wicker basket,
And in the basket there is a ball of wool.
Our Dasha's miner found a puppy.
Dasha dances and jumps on the spot:
“How good! I have a friend!
I'll bake him a pie
I’ll sit down to sew him a fur coat and a hat -
My black puppy will be happy."

Correct operation of the articulatory apparatus and careful consolidation of the studied sounds are the only correct methods of sound production.

In order for a child to understand how to pronounce complex sounds correctly, it is necessary not only to perform special exercises, but also to monitor the correctness of his own speech.

If you regularly work with your child on making sounds, you will soon be able to forget about the problem of how to teach your child to say the letter w.

Natalia Volkova
Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound production [Ш]

Subject: Setting the sound Ш

Target: clarification of articulation sound [Ш], sound production


1) Educational: learn to pronounce correctly sound Ш, highlight sound Ш from a number of words;

2) Correctional - developmental: formation of a long-term directed air stream, development of articulatory praxis, development of fine motor skills of the fingers, attention and memory, development of phonemic hearing;

3) Educational: nurturing interest in occupation, education of independence.

Equipment: presentation "Articulation gymnastics", cotton ball on a string, prickly ball.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Now you and I speech therapy session.

Today little Antoshka came to visit you. (boy - presentation)

He found out that you would learn to hiss, and came to learn with you.

2. Articulation gymnastics

Smile at each other warmly (Ex. "Smile") – presentation, Tube (count to 10)

Antoshka still has few teeth, but show off yours (Ex. "Fence")

Antoshka really loves round lambs (exercise "Ring") He eats lamb with delicious jam (exercise "Delicious jam"). Very tasty jam, it’s a shame it’s left on my lip, I’ll lift my tongue and lick the remnants.

Antoshka washes down the jam with tea from a cup (exercise "Cup") - smile, open your mouth, place your wide tongue on your lower lip, lift the edges and tip of your tongue.

If the tea is hot, then you need to blow on it. Show Antoshka how to do it. And now I need a cup "to wash" and put it in the cabinet (put the cup behind your upper teeth).

3. Cultivation of a strong directed long-lasting smooth oral air stream

Antoshka loves to show tricks and watch them.

Let me show you some tricks now. ( Speech therapist offers the child a cotton ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm, attached to a thread 10-12 cm long). Hold the ball in front of your lips. - Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth slightly. Pull out your lips with a tube. Blow lightly on the ball. Look how beautifully the ball flew off your lips.

Now hold the ball to your nose. Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth slightly. Raise your tongue in a cup shape towards your upper lip. Blow on the tip of your tongue. Look how beautifully the ball flew up.

4) Finger gymnastics

Stroke my palms, hedgehog. You're prickly, so what?

I want to pet you, I want to get along with you!

(roll the ball between our palms, stroke it, touch individual spines with our fingers)

5) Development of phonemic hearing

Now we'll play a game "Hunter". As soon as you hear sound Ш, immediately catch him - slam him in palms:



6)Sound production

Antoshka loves to ride on a train. Shall we show him the train?

(blow hard on the tip of your tongue, don’t stop. And then gradually slow down the train - h - h- h and pull longer sound"H", which should go to "SH")

Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch, I'm driving the little train,

I'm taking my friends

It's more fun to travel together!

I drive a steam locomotive

I announce stops. (the train stops)

What stream of air comes out of the mouth?

(The tip of the tongue rises to the upper teeth, but does not press against them; the edges of the tongue touch the upper lateral teeth. The lips are slightly rounded, the stream of exhaled air feels warm. The upper and lower teeth are close together. The vocal cords are open, the stream of exhaled air passes freely between them .)

Look, this is the position the tongue and lips take when pronouncing sound"sh". (picture)

Now say sound"WITH", and then raise your tongue to the roof of your mouth and say the same sound"WITH" so that warm air comes out.

Let's show how the snake hisses. (sh-sh-sh...)

7) Summary classes.

Which sound did we learn to pronounce today? Who came to visit us?

Sound [sh]

Preparatory stage

Lesson 1

Spatial orientation

Cross orientation.

- Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Place your left hand on your right knee. Touch your left ear with your right hand. With your left hand touch your right cheek.

“We go up the mountain, we go down the mountain.” Pronunciation of syllables in combination with movements of the index finger.

“Let’s warm our hands.” Take a deep breath through your nose. Round your lips and exhale forcefully through your mouth. A warm air stream should be felt. Repeat 3-4 times.

Lip exercise

"Astonishment". Round your lips and pull them forward. Make the sound [o].

Tongue exercises

“The tongue is looking for a crack in the fence.” Insert a wide tongue into the gap between the teeth.

"Spatula". Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold in this position for a count of 10.

Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation

Game tasks

"The boat rocks on the waves." Drawing wavy lines in a box of millet cereals.

Isolation of the sound [ш] from a number of sounds that are distant in terms of acoustic and articulatory characteristics. Sounds: [v], [w], [l], [sh], [p], [b], [f], [sh], [m], [n], [sh]. Syllables: la, sha, fu, wu, po, ko, would, gee. Words hat, lump, fur coat, jar, shirt, raspberry.

Lesson 2

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

"Football". Take a breath. Smile and place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Using an exhaled air stream, drive the cotton ball into the “gate”.

“Let’s put out the candle.” Exhale evenly and slowly into the candle flame.

Pronouncing vowel sounds a-i, a-u, e-s-o on one exhalation with exaggerated articulation.

Lip exercises

"Wide tube" Close your teeth. Round your lips extended forward. The corners of the lips do not touch. Lips do not cover teeth. Hold your lips in this position for a count of 6.

Tongue exercises

"Delicious jam." Open your mouth slightly. Using the wide front edge of your tongue, lick your upper lip, moving your tongue from top to bottom. Repeat 5-6 times.

“The tongue goes to visit the nose.” Open your mouth slightly, lift the wide front edge of your tongue towards your nose. Hold it in this position for a count of 5-6.

“Teeth and tongue playing hide and seek.” Open your mouth slightly, cover your upper teeth with your tongue.

"Conversation between the Cuckoo and the Owl." Pronouncing syllables and sounds cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo; uh, uh, uh with a change in intonation.

Development of phonemic awareness

Isolation of the sound [w] among sounds that are similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics, against the background of syllables and words. Sounds: [s], [sh], [z], [s], [sh], [ts], [zh], [s]. Syllables: sa, for, zha, so, sha, tso, su, shu, zy, shi, sy. Words cuckoo, owl, sparrow, fox, beetle, bumblebee etc. The child raises his hand or claps his hands if he hears the sound [w].

Lesson 3

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

Close the wide tongue on the upper lip, bring a strip of paper (just above the nose). Blow on a paper plume (the air stream should go obliquely upward).

"The plane is buzzing." Pronunciation of the sound [u] with changes in the pitch and strength of the voice.

Lip exercise

Alternating exercises “Smile” and “Pipe”.

Tongue exercises

“The tongue swings on a swing.” Open your mouth wide, raise your wide tongue to your nose, then lower it to your chin.

“Let’s hide our teeth.” Cover the upper teeth with a wide tongue, then the lower ones.

“Glue on some candy.” Place a piece of candy on the edge of your tongue sticking out of your mouth. Suggest sticking it to the roof of your mouth behind your upper teeth.

Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue

"We play the drum." Pronouncing syllable combinations ta-da, ta-da, ta-da, ta-da, you-you, you-you, you-you with the movement of the index fingers of both hands.

Development of phonemic awareness

Definition of the sound [ш] in words. Find toys that have the sound [sh] in their names. ( Matryoshka, rattle, Cheburashka, bear, car, ball.)

ball, bear, baby.

Lesson 4

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

"Focus". Place a piece of cotton wool on the tip of your nose. Smile, open your mouth slightly. Place the wide front edge of the tongue on the upper lip so that its side edges are pressed and there is a “groove” in the middle. Blow off the cotton. The air should flow through the middle of the tongue, then the cotton wool will fly upward.

Lip exercise

"Elephant's trunk". Round your lips and pull them forward. Hold your lips in this position for a count of 6.

Tongue exercises

"Swing". Raise and lower your wide tongue behind your teeth, touching it with the tip of the upper gum, then the lower gum.

Place the tip of your tongue under your upper lip, then tear it off with a click.


- Prepare a “cup”, I will treat you with juice. What juice will you drink?

— Open your mouth slightly, place your wide tongue on your lower lip, then lift the tip and lateral edges of the tongue upward; a depression should form in the middle part of the tongue.

"Conversation between the piglets Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf." Pronouncing syllables na-na-na, na-na-na, well-well-well, but-but-but with a change in stress and intonation (fearful, confident, angry, calm).

Development of phonemic awareness

Find pictures on the topic “Clothing” whose titles contain the sound [w]. Determining the position of the sound [ш] in words hat, scarf, shirt, pants, shower.

Arrange the pictures on the typesetting canvas. Place objects in whose names the sound is heard at the beginning of the word on the top strip, on the middle - those whose names have the sound in the middle, on the bottom - those whose names have the sound at the end.

Lesson 5

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

“A strong wind blows the leaves.” Place a wide tongue (“shovel”) on the lower lip. Blowing with the formation of a “groove” along the midline.

Lip exercise

"The trunk of a large elephant and a small elephant." Alternating wide and narrow “tubes”.

Tongue exercises

"We're riding a horse." Clicking the tongue. The wide tip of the tongue is sucked to the palate and comes off with a click.

"Rose petal". The tongue is cupped on the outside, then inside the mouth. Make sure that the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars.

Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue

"Conversation of Hippos." Pronouncing syllable combinations bda-bda, bdo-bdo, bdu-bdu, bda-bda; bda-bdo-bdy, bda-bda-bdu-bdy with a change in intonation.

Development of phonemic awareness

Determining the position of the sound [ш] in words Shura, Masha, Natasha, stout, short, silly, naked.

Lesson 6

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

"The wind is rustling." Place the bottle upside down at nose level. Raise your wide tongue to your upper lip and blow strongly on your tongue. Noise is heard in the bubble.

"The baby elephant drinks some water." Make a “proboscis”. Inhale and exhale air through your mouth.

Lip exercises

Repetition of exercises from previous lessons.

Development of coordinated movements of the lips and tongue. Extend the lips into a “tube” and the tongue into a “cup” (outside the mouth).

Tongue exercises

Repetition of exercises from previous lessons.

"Harmonic". Smile, open your mouth slightly. Glue your tongue to the roof of your mouth, then, without lowering your tongue, close and open your mouth. As you repeat the exercise, open your mouth wider and hold your tongue longer.

Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue

Booby the Hippo learns to pronounce syllables watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch.

Development of phonemic awareness

Selecting pictures whose names contain the sound [w] from other pictures whose names contain [s] and [z]. The teacher pronounces the words, and the child chooses pictures whose names contain the sound [w].

Sound setting [w]

The position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing the sound [w] correctly

The lips are slightly rounded and extended forward like a tube. The teeth are brought together at a distance of 1-2 mm. The tip of the tongue is raised in a “cup”, but does not touch the palate. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars, and the middle of the front of the tongue forms a semilunar fissure with the palate just behind the alveoli. The soft palate is raised, the vocal cords are open. The exhaled air stream is strong. If you put the back of your hand to your mouth, you feel warmth.

Techniques for sound production [w]

Auditory perception of sound. Creating an auditory image of the sound “Noisemakers”. Onomatopoeia

The sound of the wind in the forest; the rustle of leaves on the trees; rustling of dry leaves; rustling of dry hay or straw, paper; the hiss of a gander, a snake; the rustling of mice in a hole, tires on the pavement; the sound of air escaping from a punctured balloon, a locomotive releasing steam.

Formation of a visual image of sound [w]

Articulation profile display. Clarification of the position of the lips, teeth and tongue. Description of the position of the organs of articulation.

Forming a sense of the position of the organs of articulation with the help of toys. Look how the monkey lifts its tongue “cupped” by its upper teeth.

еёё129 Drawings for tasks used at the sound automation stage [с]

Demonstration of correct articulation of the sound [sh]. Draw the child's attention to the position of the lips, teeth and tongue.

Plastic image of the shape of the tongue using the hands

With your right hand, draw a “cup” shape of the tongue, and with your left hand, the palate.

Setting the sound [w] according to R.I. Levina (1965)

Setting the sound [sh] by imitation

Raise your tongue to your upper lip and exhale air evenly and forcefully, controlling the air stream with the back of your hand.

Having achieved the release of a warm stream of air from the position of the tongue at the upper lip, move the tongue over the upper teeth to the palate with the mouth open. Round your lips and stretch them forward, bring your teeth together at a distance of 1-2 mm and exhale. The sound should be [w].

Arranging the sound [sh] based on the sound [t]

Pronounce the sound [t] several times at intervals of 2-3 seconds. Then the setting is given: the tongue “knocks” not on the teeth, but on the tubercles (alveoli). The sound [t] is pronounced at first with an aspiration, while a weak and short hissing sound is mixed with the sound of the explosion.

Round your lips and extend them forward, raise your tongue to the front of the palate. Press the lateral edges of the tongue against the molars. Transition from sound [t] to sound [w]: t-t-t-shhhh. Subsequently, the noise lengthens and is freed from the previous sound [t].

In the modern world, the number of children with speech disorders is increasing. Problems in the process of speech development can occur in any child. But the neglect of at least one sound pronunciation entails the risk of major speech therapy problems.

Therefore, the production of all sounds to the child begins with the initial identification of the reasons for the violation of the pronunciation of “R”, “S”, “W”, “Z” and others.

The formation of sound pronunciation begins in the first months of life. The first sounds arise involuntarily; they are usually the easiest to pronounce (“a”, “o”, “u”). Up to 3 years, replacement of sounds and distortions in their pronunciation are considered the age norm. By the age of 5, a full-fledged phonemic range is actively being formed.

If by the age of 5 a child cannot pronounce “sh” correctly, it is necessary to help him with the pronunciation of the sound through articulatory gymnastics and other methods.

The production of the sound “Ш” occurs between the third and fifth years of life. At first, the child’s pronunciation suffers and the sound is unclear. Sometimes children use a whistling C instead of a hissing one.

The most common reasons for delays in the stages of speech pronunciation are: improper development of the speech apparatus (problems with bite or frenulum of the tongue); inactive lower jaw.

To begin the correct formation of sound pronunciation, you first need to understand the sounds that are difficult for a child to pronounce, what the difficulty is. The first to be checked is the group of hissing, whistling and sonorant sounds. To check correctly, you need to ask the child to tell a poem, story, or fairy tale.

You can use special cards with images of the letter that needs to be checked.

Violation of a hard consonant is most often accompanied by incorrect pronunciation of a soft one. In this case, the pronunciation of the sound is checked separately from the word. If in this form the child pronounces the sound correctly, then you need to practice by repeating phrases and words. When it is clear that the sound is distorted, it is necessary to begin work on its production.

Reasons for the absence of the correct "Sh"

If we are talking about a healthy child with normal hearing and intact intelligence, The following reasons for distorted sound pronunciation are identified:

  • Incorrect speech breathing. If there are breathing problems, the child’s speech remains quiet, he stumbles over every word, and the end of the sentence is swallowed due to lack of air. The same process is observed in sound pronunciation; many sounds are distorted due to difficulty in speech breathing. You can notice difficulties when the exit during a conversation is sharp, through the nose. The child can also take small breaths to finish the sentence. You can practice at home. With daily practice that lasts no more than five minutes, the results will appear within a month, which will significantly speed up the process of sound production.
  • The problem is speech hearing. Thanks to phonemic hearing, it becomes possible to distinguish consonant words. A deviation occurs when a child does not notice differences in his pronunciation from other people. Impaired speech hearing leads to difficulties in learning to write and read. In some cases, dyslexia develops. The formation of speech hearing should be addressed from the moment of pregnancy, when auditory receptors begin to form in the fetus. Phonemic hearing develops by the age of four, so if after this age the child still pronounces sounds incorrectly and does not agree on the endings in words, this is a reason to contact a specialist. A comprehensive examination and medical history will help to more accurately determine the direction of correcting the disorder.
  • Poor development of the articulatory apparatus. The quality of sound pronunciation depends on the functioning of the speech apparatus and the individual work of the organs of the oral cavity. Sounds are formed in the oral cavity, so the correct location of the organs that are responsible for speech plays an important role in sound pronunciation. Incorrect structure may include an incorrect bite, the structure of the palate, or the formation of teeth. All this leads to the formation of blurred speech, unclear pronunciation of words and sounds. For accurate sound pronunciation, it is necessary to develop motor activity of the tongue, lip mobility (smile, rounding), and fixity of the lower jaw.
  • Individual structure of the frenulum. All people have different lengths of the hyoid frenulum. Problems with the correct production of sounds may arise if parents notice that the child does not reach the upper palate with his tongue, the tip of the tongue does not protrude, and the child cannot make a clicking sound. A short frenulum prevents the sucking reflex and creates an incorrect bite. You can correct the problem with the help of a speech therapist or dentist. Surgery to trim the frenulum is required for children who exhibit a lump or attachment to the actual tip of the tongue. In cases where structural problems have not been identified, they suggest developing the ligament with special exercises and massage. Usually, problems are identified during examinations of newborns, who can have their frenulum cut immediately in the maternity hospital.

Articulation gymnastics

The consonant sound “Ш” does not have a paired soft sound; by its nature it is dull and hard. When pronouncing, the speech apparatus is built in a special way:

  • lips move forward a little;
  • the tip of the tongue does not touch the palate when raised;
  • the tongue itself is shaped like a ladle, without releasing exhaled air on the sides;
  • there is space between the ligaments, the stream of air feels warm when you put your hand up.

Producing the sound Ш to a child in stages involves the formation of the correct articulatory apparatus.

Articulatory gymnastics serves to develop the correct arrangement of organs with subsequent sound pronunciation of hissing sounds. The technique is carried out several times every day, lasting five to six minutes. The selection of exercises should start from simple to more complex.

It is better to conduct it with preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in a playful way, which is the main activity at this age. This way the child will not lose interest and motivation. Strengthening exercises should be diluted with new ones after the first ones have improved.

They begin to train using a mirror so that the child sees not only the adult and his articulation, but also his mistakes and successes. When conducting special exercises, a parent or specialist only tries to control the process of implementation.

It is important to reinforce the results with a positive assessment of any actions. Improving the emotional background leads to diligence in performing gymnastics.

Staging exercises from sound C

The most common method of producing the sound Ш from S. This method is used when no impairment of the mobility of the speech apparatus is detected. Even a not loud whistling sound will be useful for staging hissing ones. The child needs to raise his tongue to the roof of his mouth and pronounce S without tension. After that, he needs to release the air when pronouncing. This produces a sizzling Sh.

The air should come out without unnecessary effort; the child should not strain his facial muscles or make excessive facial expressions.. The sound “Ш” is introduced to the child in stages in order to clearly explain the differences in the position of the tongue. Children often confuse the upper position with the sound S with the lower sound Ш, which is why a mixture of whistling and hissing occurs.

Exercises for setting the sound T

If there is interdental sigmatism, the child is gradually given a hissing T. They are first taught to touch the upper teeth with the tip of their tongue, going slightly beyond them. Thus, the development of the T sound begins.

The child is asked to pronounce the soft T several times in a slow rhythm, touching the tip of the tongue to the roots of the upper teeth. Then, lengthening the exhaled air, without touching the teeth, the sound Sh is produced.

Exercises for setting the sound R

In cases where a child has a normal pronunciation of the sound R, the production of the sound “Ш” is made from it. The exercise is performed together with the child in front of the mirror. It is necessary to pronounce the sound R in a whisper, gradually removing the air pressure when exhaling until the vibration stops. After the appearance of a slight hiss, the sound Ш will become without pronouncing R.

Exercises for setting the sounds A, E, Y

When the problem of producing the sound Ш from consonants arises, it is recommended to use vowels. This technique is difficult to use at home because it requires skills in operating a speech therapy probe. The child pronounces vowel sounds and raises the tongue to the palate with a special tool.

Setting the sound “SH”

The sound “Ш” is dull, soft in pronunciation, described in some cases as Шь.

Articulation of the sound “Ш”: the tip of the tongue must be raised to the alveoli while pressing the lateral edges of the tongue against the upper teeth. The muscles should be tense. When exhaling, press the tip of your tongue onto the roof of your mouth. The lips take on a rounded shape. The distance between the teeth should be no more than five millimeters.

Raising your hand to your mouth, you can feel a stream of warm air as you exhale. There is no vibration because the sound is dull. The sound Шь is produced after the pronunciation of Ш is normalized. The sound Шь, unlike Ш, is pronounced more drawn-out and tense. When spoken, the tongue presses on the roof of the mouth.

“SH” can appear independently after all the hissing sounds have been produced. If this does not happen, special speech therapy techniques are used. You should start with imitation exercises. In this case, the child is offered play techniques (imagine a hissing snake, a small train).

Be sure to use tactile techniques to check for correct articulation.

When the correct sound pronunciation occurs, the child is asked to pronounce the sound for a long time, stretching out a smile and pushing the tongue forward, until the sound appears.

Automation of the sound [ш] in syllables

Consolidation of sounds in syllables, words, sentences must be carried out in the form of a full-fledged lesson or homework. In order for the child to be actively involved in the lesson process, it must take place in a playful way.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the equipment that will be used. These could be toys, drawings with sound, methodological developments, speech therapy tools.

Mimic gymnastics

Classes begin with special articulatory gymnastics, which will prepare the speech apparatus for the exercises and relax the facial muscles.

Mimic gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  1. Move your lips left and right, stretching your facial muscles. Perform five times in one direction and the other, rest, repeat four more times.
  2. Alternately puff out your cheeks, repeating the exercise five times with a short rest.
  3. Frown your eyebrows, pout your lips, making an offended, capricious face. Practice an angry facial expression by pursing your lips. Make a surprised expression by raising your eyebrows. Repeat each exercise four to five times.
  4. Alternate rapid blinking with calm, relaxed opening and closing of the eyes.
  5. Trace the contour of your lips with your tongue, as if licking the remnants of jam or ice cream on your face.
  6. Make faces, make funny facial expressions, form your lips like a duck.

Each exercise can be accompanied by a poetic rhyme or an entertaining story. In this way, the child will not only develop facial expressions, but also train speech and memory.

Breathing exercises. Making the sound Ш while inhaling

Introducing the sound Ш to a child can be done step by step with the help of breathing exercises.

The most successful is the sound pronunciation through T. First, you need to ask the child to pronounce the sound T for a long time by touching the tip of the tongue to the inside of the upper teeth. The sound should produce a stream of air, which is noticeable when you bring your palm to your mouth. Then you need to exhale the air and make the sound T with a short breath.

The child should draw in air without using the larynx. It is necessary to draw in air until the tongue rests firmly on the alveoli. The sound should be similar to a rustling sound, which at the same time releases a chill on the cavity of the upper teeth.

After a rustling sound is heard, it is important to push the air back out with a sound after drawing in. At this stage you should get a soft Sh.

Positioning must be done carefully with short rests to avoid hyperventilation, which can lead to dizziness.

Mechanically assisted setting

To produce some sounds, special speech therapy instruments are used that help control the movement of the tongue and lips.

Mechanical placement can be done from the sound C. During prolonged pronunciation, a special probe in the form of a spatula is used to lift the child’s tongue to the upper teeth, moving it slightly back. After receiving the sound Ш, you should try to pronounce it without the help of instruments.

It is possible to have an effect when pronouncing the sound R. To do this, the child must, without a voice, stretch out, pronounce the sound R. Using the tip of the instrument, it is necessary to stop the vibration under the tongue until a hiss appears. After a certain number of repetitions, the hissing will occur involuntarily.

Strengthening pronunciation

Exercises to automate the sound “Ш”

Exercise on adding endings with the sound “Ш”:

Replace the first sound with Ш: slippers - hats, lips - fur coats, soap - awl, steam - ball.

Form a diminutive word: winter - winter, aunt - aunt, mistress - hostess, bread - bread, spot - speck.

Exercises to improve speech hearing:

  1. Guess the animal. You need a tape recorder with recordings of the sounds of various animals. The child needs to differentiate and name the animal.
  1. Finger game “Weather phenomena”. The one who conducts the game must name one of the phenomena; the child must knock on the table. For example, when pretending to thunder, a child needs to knock on the table with his fists. Depict lightning with light strikes of the fingers, while pronouncing a long sound Sh.

How to promote speech development in children

The correct pronunciation of all sounds, including the sound “SH”, is taught to a child in stages for the development of correct speech. Not only a speech therapist can help with this, but also daily independent activities that can be turned into a game so that the baby makes contact more actively.

Video about making the sound “Sh” for a child

How to play the sound Sh for a child in 1 minute:

Individual lessons with a speech therapist are necessary to establish and automate correct sound pronunciation. This method of work is necessary for children with speech pathologies and physiological disorders of the articulatory apparatus.

Classes are devoted to the production and automation of groups of phonemes or individual sounds. The topic of today's lesson: “Sound [S]”. During the lesson we use methods of sound production [С] and [Ш], developed for correctional work with preschoolers.


  1. Staging and automation of sound [C].
  2. Fixing sounds in isolated positions, in syllables, in words and sentences.
  3. Production of whistling sounds, their differentiation.



  • Setting and assigning the phoneme [C] in reflected repetition to the teacher, independently.
  • Enrichment of the dictionary.


  • Formation of syllabic analysis skills.
  • Fixing the sound [S] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences.
  • Development of thinking, memory, attention.
  • Development .
  • Development of motor skills of articulation organs and fingers.


  • Maintaining interest in learning and working with a speech therapist.
  • Cultivating hard work.
  • Developing the skill of controlling sound pronunciation.

To conduct the lesson in a fun way, you will need a toy (for example, a bear, an elephant), a mirror, a sound ruler, cards with letters and images of objects, and syllable diagrams.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Good afternoon, Zakhar (child’s name). Today we will meet a guest. He came to us to see what you were doing in class, to help you do exercises and play.

Come on, let's meet him. The elephant's name is Semyon. How are you?

We got acquainted, now we’ll tell the elephant what we’ll do today.

Let's learn how to pronounce the sound [C] correctly and repeat exercises to warm up the face, fingers, and tongue. Let's look at interesting pictures from fairy tales and come up with our own story. And Semyon will help us and learn too. What sound does the elephant's name begin with? (the child answers), and your name is Well done.

Game “Hear and Clap”

Goal: to develop phonemic awareness.

  • Let's play a game. I will name the words, and you will clap your hands if you hear the sound [C].

Sleigh, broom, elephant, owl, cat, bag.

  • Well done. The elephant praises you too. He is proud of you, wants to be just as smart and attentive.

Now let's get ready to warm up.

Articulation gymnastics

To produce the sound [C], articulatory gymnastics must be used. Completing tasks helps to relax the muscles, feel the position of the organs of the oral cavity, and set them up for work. This stage cannot be excluded from speech therapy sessions.

Repeat the steps after me. Rub your palms and fingers. Stroke yourself on the cheeks, forehead (3-4 times). Move your hands to your ears, rub the earlobes (3-4 times). Rub over the lips, under the chin (3-4 times).

Articulation exercises:
Performed in front of a mirror or without it, the child repeats the movements after the teacher.

  • Smile

We stretch the sponges as far as possible to the sides. We hold the smile for a few seconds, then relax the muscles. 2-3 repetitions.

  • Spatula

We smile, open our mouth, and place our tongue on our lower teeth. We slap our tongue on our lips and say: “Bya, five, five, bya.”

  • Jam

We lick our lips as if they were smeared with a sweet treat.

  • Needle

Stick out your sharp tongue, pull it out as far as possible, and now hide it back. Repeat.

Well done. Our tongue and lips are ready for the lesson.

Breathing exercises

Helps the child relax, take a break from articulations, and get ready for further work. Do 2-3 breathing exercises with your preschooler.

  • Puffing out our cheeks

Come on, let's make Semyon laugh. Let's show him how a fish breathes underwater. Take air into your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Try not to release it right away, hold it. Then puff up one cheek, then the other.

  • Trumpeter

Pull the sponges into a tube. Take air into your lungs and blow it out through a thin slit in your mouth, as if you were blowing out a candle.

Finger gymnastics

Now let's stretch our fingers. Let's make a “Lock”, “Ring Fist”.

Sound production

The main part of the lesson. The sound [C] is produced using a mirror. The child must follow the movements of the articulatory apparatus. Fix the correct positions of the lips and tongue. These exercises and methods can be used as ways to create whistling sounds in future classes.

  • First, let's tell the elephant how we pronounce the sound [C]. Show what the tongue, lips, teeth do, how the air passes. Let's remember together.
  • Fold your lips into a smile, clench your teeth, relax your tongue and place it at the bottom of your mouth. Its tip should rest against the lower teeth. Exhale into your palm. Do you feel the cold air coming out in a thin stream? Well done. Let's do it again.
  • Remember that the consonant C can be hard or soft, it is always unvoiced. Can you name a few words where C is soft. I call the word Sema. Try to come up with it.
  • And now words where C is hard. I call the word, dream. It's your turn.
  • Let's look at the pictures. They depict fruits. Name those that begin with S.
  • The child is offered color images: plum, pineapple, currant, cucumber, tomato, peach, etc.
  • Now let's talk for a long, long time. Ssssssss. Let's sing a song to Semyon, as if we were inflating the tires with a pump. S-S-S.

The production of the C sound in dysarthria is accompanied by vowel sounds. We pronounce the syllables su, sa, then the small words soup, dog. We sing not a separate phoneme, but syllables with vowels.

The production of the sound C is similar to the correction of the pronunciation of the phoneme Ш. The tongue takes the same position, the lips stretch to the sides.

Mechanical method

If a preschooler cannot cope with pronunciation on his own, use the production of the sound C with the help of a teacher and a spatula, toothpick, and fingers. The mechanical method of extracting a phoneme helps the child feel. Understand the correct positions of the cheeks and tongue, control the process of exhaling air during articulation.

Sound production:

  1. Place the toothpick on the child's tongue. It is immersed in the oral cavity by 1.5 - 2 cm.
  2. The child forms a groove on his elongated tongue and blows air along it. You can press on the toothpick, lowering your tongue to the lower palate. You will hear whistling sounds when you exhale.
  3. Place your tongue and toothpick in different positions, look for the right position for the clearest phonation.

Sound Automation

Pay special attention to sound automation. This stage of work is important for consolidating the norms of sound pronunciation in free speech. We automate sound in syllables, words, sentences, stories.

To automate the sound [S], syllable patterns will be required. The sound [S] should be hard, soft, and in different positions. After pronunciation, be sure to analyze the pairs, compare them by sound and meaning.

  • in syllables

Come on, let's read the cards with you. Repeat after me, look in the mirror at the movements of your lips and tongue. Tighten them up.

Sa-sa-sa - what a beauty.
Si-si-si, don't miss it.
Se-se-se, don’t go to your place.

The set of syllables may differ from the one given, use open, closed isolated syllables to set the sound s, use the same cards, phonemic sets for consolidation.

  • in words

Now let's move on to the words. Pronounce it correctly, don't rush.

Automation of the sound [S] in words at the end, in the middle, at the beginning of a word.

Look at the cards. What is shown in the pictures?

  • in sentences

You can use plot pictures from books and collections of fairy tales. The child is asked to repeat sentences and phrases after the teacher. Then compose your own text based on the proposed vocabulary.

  • in the texts

Look at the picture. What do you see?

This is Boris and Slava. The boys gathered in the forest. I will tell you them too, and you will repeat them.

Slava and Boris gathered in the forest. They want to see the pine trees and listen to the nightingale sing. They took their dog Strelka with them.

The child repeats the story. Correcting irregularities in sound pronunciation. Focus on the problematic sound.

Now come up with a short story about our guest, the elephant Semyon. I will offer you a few words to use in the text: elephant, scooter and pump.

The preschooler is given a few minutes to think about it at will. The text is being compiled. The teacher monitors phonetics, grammar, and syntax.

Do you like to solve crosswords? I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you with words with the sound [S]. Try to guess it.

Lesson summary

Today you and I learned a lot of new things, we learned to pronounce the sound [S] better. Say it again. Well done!

At home, repeat the tongue twisters: “Robin Bobbin eats all day, and he is not too lazy to chew. He ate a whole apricot, he began to peel the coconut,” “Took Sanya with him to the sleigh hill,” “Mow, scythe, while the dew is on.”

Let's say goodbye to Semyon and invite him to the next lesson.