Diseases, endocrinologists. MRI
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The cat is lethargic, eats nothing, sleeps. The kitten is constantly sleeping: why, what to do, whether to wake him up, whether to take him to the vet. Sleepiness in kittens: normal or abnormal? Sluggish cat after sterilization and poor appetite, what is the reason

The reasons why an animal does not feel well are very different, here are a few of them:

2. Worms.

At the very beginning of the disease, the cat behaves actively, eats well, but despite this, it loses weight. Therefore, at the initial stage, it is possible to assume infection with worms only by reducing the body weight of the pet. In the future, the animal begins to lose appetite, problems with feces appear. Treatment is carried out with special anthelmintic drugs.

3. Poisoning.

In a mild form, it responds well to treatment - the cat should be given plenty of water to drink. Another thing is severe poisoning. It is manifested by difficulty breathing, diarrhea and vomiting, dry nose and elevated body temperature, the animal sleeps all the time. In this case, self-medication is dangerous, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Severe poisoning can be caused by:

  • poisonous plants;
  • means of household chemicals;
  • foreign bodies swallowed by a cat;
  • poisoned mice and rats.

Symptoms of this disease are shortness of breath, hoarseness, cough. The cat is lethargic. It is impossible to cure this disease on its own, the help of a veterinarian is required. The most common treatment for asthma is antibiotics.

5. Poor intestinal permeability.

Cats older than 10-12 years old with long hair most often suffer from this ailment. Poor permeability is due to the large amount of wool and hair that has accumulated in the intestines of the animal. Cats lick themselves with their tongue, causing the fur to enter the body of the animal. Indicators of this disease are absent or difficult stools, a noticeable increase in the abdomen. Also, the cat does not eat well and constantly sleeps.

To treat bad bowel patency, the veterinarian prescribes laxatives, which can be supplemented with a dropper. In severe cases, operations are performed to remove the foreign body from the body of the animal.

6. Diseases of the kidneys.

If the pet rarely urinates and the process is accompanied by pain, it can be assumed that the cat has urolithiasis. The animal at the moment of emptying the bladder begins to meow loudly, showing that it hurts. The main causes of such diseases are infections, the appearance of kidney stones and hypothermia.

7. Trauma.

A fracture, dislocation, or bruise is one of the most common causes of cat lethargy. To exclude this option, it is necessary to take an x-ray.

Like humans, cats sometimes have days when they are out of shape, don't feel very well, look lethargic and sleepy. But if you notice more than one sign of illness, then something is really serious with the cat and she needs help. Perhaps your cat has been suffering from a disease for a long time that you did not notice. Cats often don't show their condition until they become very ill, and some symptoms, such as frequent trips to the toilet or lethargy, can be taken as normal by owners. It is important to know the main symptoms for which you need to go to the veterinarian. Knowing the main signs of the disease and the characteristics of diseases will help, if not to warn them, then at least seek help in time, while the symptoms are just beginning to appear.

The main symptoms of diseases in cats: dry nose (usually wet to the touch), high fever, nausea, lethargy, excessive thirst, sneezing and coughing, discharge from the eyes, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Major Cat Diseases:

1. (cat flu) - a viral infection of the respiratory tract, extremely contagious for cats. Symptoms are similar to the human flu and include sneezing, coughing, fever, lack of appetite, and watery eyes. In such situations, supportive treatment is prescribed - good nutrition, plenty of fluids, wiping the muzzle, especially the nose and eyes, to clear them of the drying discharge. Eye and nasal drops are used, antibiotics may be prescribed. A serious complication is eye damage and even blindness. Every responsible cat owner should vaccinate her against rhinotracheitis.

2. feline leukemia- most likely, this disease for a cat will be fatal. It is the equivalent of human leukemia or blood cancer. Symptoms include high fever, nausea, anemia, and difficulty breathing. May be accompanied by comorbidities. Again, be a responsible owner and vaccinate your pet against this terrible disease!

3. Feline infectious enteritis- a viral disease that spreads easily and quickly among cats. Symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, severe depression. Again, there is a vaccine available - please use it!

If you travel with a cat to Europe or you need to take it on vacation to a hotel for animals, even in order to mate a pet, you will need a veterinary passport with all vaccinations!

4. Excessive thirst and constant heavy drinking can indicate a couple of very serious diseases - diabetes or kidney failure. If this symptom is accompanied by high fever, blood in the urine, general weakness, this may also indicate a urinary tract infection.

urinary tract infection in cats has similar symptoms to this problem in humans. Sick cats often visit the litter box to urinate, you may notice their obvious severe pain during urination. Keep a close eye on your pet when she begins to go to the toilet more often than usual. Urinary tract infections cause eerie sensations in cats, and they tend to howl in pain while urinating. At some point, the cat may begin to urinate past the litter box in hopes of relieving the pain. This can be deadly as the urinary tract can be completely blocked, so rush to the vet immediately, don't torture the animal.

Diabetes is also a common disease in cats. Just like a urinary tract infection, it is similar to a human disease and has similar symptoms. Elderly and suffering cats are more likely to suffer from this disease. Cats with diabetes typically exhibit lethargy, excessive thirst and urination, and weight loss with an increase in appetite. Symptoms can develop into digestive problems and hair loss as the disease progresses.

5. Weight loss with increased appetite and heavy meals in the absence of other symptoms may mean that your cat has. Sometimes you can see them in stool. An anthelmintic drug in the form of a tablet, suspension or drop on the withers should quickly solve the problem. If the symptoms persist, it may be something more serious and requires veterinary attention, such as hyperthyroidism.

6. The presence of cuts or swelling probably indicates that your cat has had a fight somewhere, but combined with lethargy, it can indicate an infection in the wound that needs to be treated with antibiotics. Do not delay visiting a doctor so that surgery is not required instead of antibiotics.

7., also known as cat distemper, is a disease caused by a virus transmitted through contaminated litter boxes, food, and water. Symptoms of this disease are easy to detect, as the cat develops apathy and lethargy, severe diarrhea, and loss of appetite. In some cases, the coat becomes dull and begins to fall out. Distemper is a rapidly progressive disease that can be difficult to control. The good news is that there is a vaccine against this virus.

8. Another viral disease is feline infectious peritonitis. Symptoms are sometimes difficult to notice and are most often found in places with more than one cat (shelters, cat collectors' homes). The first symptom is bloating, which may be accompanied by fever, convulsions, bleeding in the eyes, and loss of balance. Although supportive treatment is given for this disease, all affected cats eventually die.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat within two days, please contact your veterinarian. Cat diseases often appear unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. You, as the owner, are responsible for the health of the pet, you must be vigilant and always ready in case the cat shows unusual behavior. Keep your cat clean, feed and drink quality products without contamination. Make preventive annual visits to the veterinarian, as there are cat diseases that cannot be dealt with at home.

    When I moved to a new place of residence, I had a similar problem. But then I did not know about stress and everything else, and I was frightened in earnest. The cat was afraid of the new apartment and constantly hid from me. He didn’t go to the toilet for several days, and he didn’t eat at all for about 4 days, probably. But over time, it began to slowly climb out, and then I breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was fine, but how scared I was then.

    Savoon Elizabeth

    My cat has had stress too. After talking with the dog, or rather, after she chased it. So, no veterinary drugs and drugs helped her. The cat closed up and behaved strangely for two days. I took her to the veterinarian, who prescribed several drugs, but to no avail. And you know what? The usual valerian helped!! I gave the cat a few drops and she purred, as if nothing had happened! So sometimes the answer lies right under your nose.

    My cat does not eat or drink for 3 days, I give Rigedron 2 ml each - an interval of 10 minutes - I give activated charcoal - I give milk a little with a syringe - sweet water -glucose. The veterinarian in our city is strange - he refused to put a dropper for fear that the cat would scratch (this is not a veterinarian, I think, but an idiot). Help with advice: what should I do, the cat sleeps upside down all the time! I would put the system myself, but I don't know how.

    Sabachka girl 4 years old, stopped eating, does not drink water at all, just licks and constantly sleeps, what to do, tell me

    Hello, my cat recently disappeared and was on the street for two weeks, earlier she didn’t leave the apartment at all, she ate only whiskey in dry and liquid form after I found her, she was emaciated and didn’t eat at all, and today I found pieces of blade in the feces and paper, etc., and she vilifies and her nose is dry, what should I do?

      Sergei Zhidenko

      To begin with, stop feeding the cat with whiskas - it's like eating chips and crackers for a person, such a diet does not bode well for the pet (overweight, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart). Similar symptoms are typical for an intestinal infection, take the animal to the clinic, the doctor will prescribe the necessary antibacterial and supportive treatment.

    my cat is 18 years old .. abruptly stopped eating .. now he doesn’t even drink water .. he doesn’t even reach the tray. lies in a dark corner. I have already started going to the toilet under myself .. what should I do?

    Kitten 3 months old. Sluggish, does not eat or drink, the nose is dry and often vomits (some kind of bile). There are no normal veterinarians in the vicinity ((. Is it possible to cure him at home?

    Kitten 1 month old. He doesn't eat or go to the toilet. Only screams.

      The kitten needs help to go to the toilet, I take soft toilet paper, smooth it in several layers and gently massage the ass and make it pee. You need a lot of paper.

    The cat is almost 10 years old.
    The last few days (since 12.08) he has been eating almost nothing. Sometimes he drinks. He lies on the floor, bed or window sill all day long in one position: on his side.
    What to do?

    Hello! Help me please. My cat has not eaten or drunk anything for three days. Lost weight terribly. I do not know what to do. She gave activated charcoal, analgin, diluted the antibiotic with milk, nothing helps, she doesn’t eat herself - I feed through a syringe. At first glance, there are no fractures, she can jump or jump off the couch herself, she walks, but not much. What to do? We don't have veterinarians.

      Specialist Ysatik

      Hello! Animal age? What preceded such a state (new food, pregnancy, childbirth, absence from home)? What temperature? Analgin is contraindicated for cats. It's hard to say without seeing it. If there is no doctor, although this is doubtful, I can advise the cat to pierce a course of antibiotic (Ceftriaxone (1 g), dilute 5 ml of novocaine) 0.5 ml 2 times a day for 5 days. Vitamins (Katozal 0.7 ml subcutaneously 1 r / day for 5 days).

      • Hello kitty 23! He does not eat, does not drink, lies with his eyes open, does not react to anything. What to do?


    Good evening. This is the problem of a cat (approximately pivrichny) we have three days, two of which we don’t eat and don’t eat anything, today tearing the wound, bringing it in .... they gave a pill for worms, more than half of the virva, to sleep for the whole hour. please scho work!!!

    Specialist Ysatik

    Good day! Possibly, troublingly, if you are on the street, there may be a helminthic invasion. At the same time, it is necessary to normalize the state: Polysorb skin for 2 years, antibiotics in injections (Sinulox, Ceftriaxone, Pharmazin toshcho), after normalization I will start again with antihilmint and polysorb after 2 years.

    Hello. Bought a kitten Scots, the third day as. The first day was active, playful. Yesterday and today he sleeps almost the whole day, and sleeps at night. I pick it up and bring it to food, it eats a gramulka, literally. Laknet a couple of times and that's it. Can drink a little water or milk. Doesn't want to play. Is this an adjustment period or what?

      Specialist Ysatik

      Hello! If on the first day the kitten behaved actively, now it is unlikely that he will adapt, most likely he is unwell. It is necessary to measure the temperature, pay attention to urine and feces (their presence, color, consistency), look for some other symptoms.

    Tell me, please, we have a cat for almost 2 months. today, recently, they accidentally stepped on her paw, behaved normally, then she became slow and kind of sleepy, often sleeps, eats and goes to the toilet, but what is this behavior connected with. (Vaccinations and antihelminthic suspensions have not yet been done)?

      Specialist Ysatik

      Hello! Does an animal step on its paw? If so, then the paw is fine. Why it became sleepy is hard to say. If it eats, recovers, then there is no reason to worry. But with deworming, I would not pull in your place. Observe the condition of the cat for a day or two, and if there are no obvious signs of illness, carry out antihelminthic treatment.

    My cat is about a year old. But for 5 days he does not eat anything. On the first day, he vomited from eating and that was it, and he fell ill. Lies heavily breathing and meowing heavily wheezing. Rarely walks. Doesn't eat or drink. By and large, I went once in 5 days. All lost weight.

    My cat is 2 years old, bad breath appeared, became lethargic, sleeps almost all the time, huddled in a secluded place, eats, drinks very little for 3 days, the cat is a yard, does not ask to go outside, once a day we put him out for half an hour, walks whether he went to the toilet - it was not possible to trace, the stomach is soft, painless, there are no bruises either, what could it be?

      Anastasia Chernova

      Hello! These symptoms only speak for themselves. that the cat is unwell, to determine what the reason will be only after examination in the clinic.


      Elena, good afternoon! My cat has the same symptoms. She is 2 years and 7 months old. How did you cure the cat? Tell me, help!


    Hello! I have a cat 3 years old, no breed. For the second day, he hardly moves, does not eat, does not drink, does not go to the tray. Dilated pupils and accelerated breathing! Horror how scary for your bundle of happiness. What to do?! At the moment there is no way to contact the veterinarian!

      Specialist Ysatik

      Hello! Judging by the description, the cat has a severe pain syndrome, which must be urgently stopped. Until you contact the veterinarian, and this must be done URGENTLY, subcutaneously (in the area between the shoulder blades) physical. solution and glucose 5%, 25 ml. Intramuscularly 0.5 ml of papaverine and 0.5 ml of ceftriaxone (diluted with 5 ml of novocaine). If the animal does not urinate, it may be stones that have clogged the urethra and then no medication will help.

    Your mouse, my kitten died just like that (vomited with bile and didn’t eat or drink, it hurt to swallow) it’s a shame, I hope he survived with you

    Hello, my cat is 7 years old, just yesterday he came home to eat, and this afternoon a neighbor brought him immobilized, he doesn’t eat anything. She gave me water, lost weight too, is frail and lies all day, breathes hard and does not open his eyes. At one time he tried to get up, but everything was even - he immediately fell down. Tell me what to do?

      Specialist Ysatik

      Urgently take the cat to the clinic, he needs emergency treatment.

    Hello, my cat is 1 year and 6 months old. I don’t know what to do, he lost weight, he didn’t eat for 3-4 days. just drinking and sleeping. what to do, we do not have a veterinarian nearby, is it possible to cure a cat at home?

      Specialist Ysatik

      Hello! It is difficult to treat an animal without examination and some characteristic symptoms. If the situation is completely hopeless, then you can pierce a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

    Please help, we don't have veterinarians at all! Cat 11 months old, suddenly fell ill. On the morning of the 12th, he began to feel sluggish, by the evening the temperature rose high, gave half a tablet of paracetamol, as in childhood, after half an hour the cat had dilated pupils and drooling (that evening he peed and went down normally). I didn’t vomit and it doesn’t work, I can’t take water, I don’t eat, when we try to give water it starts to choke as if to suffocate, today with the same actions convulsions appear, some doctor said to inject ampicillin with navocain and vitamin B12, understand we have no other help , and the animal suffers and wants to go outside.

      Specialist Ysatik

      Hello! Paracetamol is toxic to cats. Inject a cat with an antibiotic (ampicillin is generally suitable), actively solder with a solution of polysorb (an tablespoon per glass of water) - drink 5-10 ml every 2 hours. From vitamin B 12 will not be worse. In the mouth crushed streptocid 2 r a day for half a tablet. Novocaine is not worth it. If there is a strong temperature, then you can drink 1/6 of a packet of nimesil (dilute with water), provide the animal with peace. But of course, you need to see a doctor!

    Hello, the cat is about 8-9 months old, I don’t know for sure, since it’s a foundling. She doesn’t drink or eat for two and a half days, and in the morning she was an ordinary kitten, she only pulled out two leaves from a flower, and after dinner she vomited foam, first white, the next day yellow. But it breaks only after we give it water to drink. Temperature 38.8. The nose, when not sleeping, is cold and wet, does not go to the tray itself, but when I take it there, it urinates, but very little. Not walking for the most part. The abdomen is soft, does not respond to palpation, only slightly expresses dissatisfaction with the tail, the tongue is pink. There is a very unpleasant smell from the mouth. I am now singing rehydronone, it seems that she does not have the urge to vomit. Maybe it's a transitional age that manifests itself? Or something serious?

      Specialist Ysatik

      Hello! It's definitely not transitional. From which plant did you pull out the leaves? There is a suspicion of poisoning - drink Polysorb for 2-3 days (st. Spoon per glass of water), 3-5 ml at a time every 2-3 hours. If there is no bowel movement, then an enema or a mild laxative. Perhaps the pit is clogged with wool, then a special paste for its dissolution. And of course a visit to the veterinarian.

A healthy appetite is one of the main indicators of a pet's well-being. But refusal to eat is not always a violation of behavior or a sign of illness, in some cases this is the norm. It is important to know why the cat is not eating in order to be able to correctly assess the condition of the pet and provide timely assistance if necessary.


Cats are known conservatives. Some pets hate change so much that even after rearranging the furniture. What can we say about changing the diet? There is nothing unusual in the fact that a cat refuses food if it is not the usual food in front of it, but something unfamiliar: a different consistency, temperature, a different shape of granules, a new smell and taste. For this reason, the pet should not be transferred to a new food immediately, but for at least a week, gradually mixing it into her usual food.

If you are worried about the health of your pet and do not know how much a cat can not eat, striking against a change in diet, proceed from the following parameters:

  • a healthy young cat can fast for about five days without harm to the body;
  • healthy - about three days;
  • - maximum day;
  • a pet suffering from any chronic disease, regardless of the stage and degree of manifestation of the disease, should not starve for more than two days.

These deadlines can only be met if the cat does not eat anything in protest, but. Clean water should be freely available at all times.

In addition to changing food, a pet may go on strike due to a change in feeding place or replacement of old bowls with new dishes. Cats with a labile nervous system also refuse to eat for less serious reasons: they put a tub with a plant next to the bowls, changed the rug under the bowls, washed the bowls with a cleaning agent, etc.

Fasting day

Sometimes a cat refuses food for about a day for no apparent reason. Some veterinarians believe that cats voluntarily arrange a fasting day for themselves, cleansing the intestines in a simple way. Their opponents argue that there are no hunger strikes for no reason, and the following factors may be the reason for refusing food for a day or a little more:

  • the day before the cat overate;
  • the pet ate something indigestible;
  • the cat actively ran and played after eating, which caused temporary difficulties with digestion;
  • the pet is “offended” by one of the family members, for example, for not wanting to stroke or play.

Be that as it may, if the cat does not eat anything for a day or two, but at the same time feels great, the temperature and stools are normal, the behavior is normal, there is no reason to panic.


People who keep dogs on a leash or in enclosures are well aware of the following feature: in winter, a dog eats greedily and a lot, in summer - less and with less appetite. Seasonal deterioration or improvement of appetite is one of the manifestations of the thermoregulation mechanism. How long can a cat not eat if the unbearable heat has been going on for several weeks? Usually, the terms vary from a day to three days, and in between the pet eats in small portions. After all, the more calories a cat receives, the more heat will be generated during digestion and the more difficult it will be to cope with the heat.

Summer is clear. Why doesn't a cat eat in winter when it's cold outside? The reason may be in the central heating operating at maximum. People often overlook the fact that domestic cats live in an apartment microclimate. We go to work, visit, etc., but the cat, if it is not walked and let out on the street, almost does not react to the change of seasons.

sexual instinct

Sensitive cats lose their appetite in as little as a week. Depending on physiological characteristics, appetite may return with the onset of estrus or only at the end of this period. Some owners note that during estrus, their cat does not eat for a week, spending all the time sleeping and loud calls from a partner - this is the norm if the pet is in good health and drinks enough water.

It is advisable to show the veterinarian for cats and cats that are rapidly experiencing periods of hunting. Perhaps the hormonal background of the pet is disturbed - then the veterinarian will most likely recommend castrating the pet.

Cats are less likely to deny themselves gastronomic pleasures. But in the event that a cat lives in the neighborhood, which is in the period of sexual hunting, even the most restrained pet can lose its appetite.

stress factor

If, after rearranging furniture, repairs, the appearance of a new pet in the house, during the absence of the owner or after sterilization, the cat does not eat, perhaps. From a human point of view, the reasons may be less significant, such as the arrival of guests or a small quarrel between family members.

Active games, affectionate communication, new toys - any positive emotions help to cope with stress. In severe cases, the doctor will recommend a mild sedative. Be careful: stress can signal the onset of an illness or an exacerbation of a chronic illness.


postpartum period

If the cat does not eat after giving birth for a maximum of a day, but at the same time both she and the kittens feel satisfactory, there is no need to try to force feed the pet. There are several reasons for fasting:

  • mommy is afraid to leave the kittens;
  • the cat ate more than one placenta during childbirth;
  • an inexperienced cat experiences postpartum stress;
  • the birth was difficult, and the pet just needs more time to recover.

If the cat does not eat for more than one day, be sure to contact the veterinarian, even if everything seems to be in order. Urgent consultation is necessary if the following symptoms are added to the refusal of food: lethargy, high or low temperature, profuse discharge from the vulva, vomiting and / or diarrhea, painful tight abdomen. If a nursing cat does not eat, you should also consult a doctor as soon as possible: milk production takes a lot of strength and nutrients from the mother's body, and therefore, normally, lactation is accompanied by an increase, and not a loss of appetite.

Consequence of anesthesia

As a rule, the cat does not eat after the operation for up to two days - this is the norm, if there are no other reasons for concern. Drugs for the introduction of narcotic sleep inhibit all body functions to one degree or another. This effect is especially noticeable when assessing the motor and digestive functions - the muscles are relaxed, the coordination of movements is disturbed, and the appetite is reduced. It is difficult for a pet to walk, it is even difficult to keep his head in a natural position. In addition, the swallowing reflex is disturbed, so it’s even good that the cat does not eat after sterilization for some time - it will not choke.

Appetite should return five to eight hours after complete recovery from anesthesia. Complete exit is when there are no signs of the drug’s action left, coordination of movements is restored, the cat does not stagger, the temperature is stable, etc. It is a mistake to count eight hours from the moment when the cat opened its eyes - this is only the coming to consciousness, the drug will be excreted from the body for several more hours.

If you don't want, we'll force you

If you're wondering how to get a cat to eat, think twice if it's worth it. Of course, there are situations when this is necessary. For example, the pet is sick, the appetite is reduced - the veterinarian recommends feeding from a syringe or from a spoon, just to eat something. But without consulting a doctor, you should not try to force feed a cat! It is important to find out the reason for the refusal of food and return the pet to a normal appetite.

If everything is in order with health, the pet is not stressed, the food is familiar, but for inexplicable reasons it remains untouched, arrange a home interrogation with passion. Perhaps someone is feeding your pet delicious treats in your absence.

What to do if the cat does not eat and behaves actively - the owner decides, here you need to focus on the educational moment. And if the cat refuses to eat and looks lethargic, unhealthy, or behaves inappropriately, this is already a sign of the disease.

For gourmet cats, refusal to eat should have very, very good reasons: either the food is stale, or the food is not the one the animal is used to, or it has experienced stress. In any case, these reasons must be clarified so that further actions do not harm the cat. An animal's refusal to eat has two shades: safe (when the cat is simply naughty or requires a change in food) and threatening the health of the animal.

Cat and her bowl - habit and love

Sometimes things that are unremarkable for a person, but shocking for an animal, become the cause of a cat's "hunger strike":

  • buying a new bowl;
  • moving familiar eating utensils to another place;
  • moving to a new place of residence;
  • dirty bowl;
  • a bowl washed with a chemical agent.

We propose to consider and analyze each problem in more detail.

  1. The owner decided to pamper his pet with a new bright bowl, bought the most beautiful one, poured food with a slide, and the cat does not eat anything, what should I do?

It is possible that the dishes have an unpleasant pungent odor (low-quality plastic emits a very strong odor that even blocks the breath of a person, let alone a cat with a more developed sense of smell!).

Solution: buy other dishes from a different material and wait until the animal gets used to it.

  1. They moved the cat's bowl to a more convenient place from the point of view of a person, but the cat does not consider it convenient and refuses to eat. What to do if the cat does not eat from the usual dishes in an unusual environment?

Solution: just put everything back the way it was.

  1. When moving into a new home, or even after a home renovation, it can be stressful for an animal to find that everything has changed drastically. Usually, a stressful state in animals is manifested by a loss of appetite.

Solution: pay more attention to the animal, wait patiently until the cat gets used to the new place.

  1. Every cat owner should understand that for a noble and clean animal, clean dishes are no less important than for the owner himself. And if you can’t understand why the cat stopped eating and what to do, check the bowl: you may have washed it poorly and spoiled food residues disgust the animal. Perhaps you offered your pet food “not the first freshness” - in this case, you can’t count on his good appetite: the cat eats only high-quality foods.
  2. Washing a cat's bowl with dish soap is not a good idea. The bowl will shine and smell, but the cat will refuse to eat from it precisely because it smells. Cats don't like strong scents, and cats find the mixture of food and chemical smells very unpleasant and try to avoid it.

Overate or naughty?

The cat refuses to eat, what to do? The answer to the question can be found without the intervention of a veterinarian, if you yourself have spoiled the animal, indulging its every whim. Cats are not stupid creatures, they understand from the first time what the owner’s weakness is, and use it to their advantage.

One of the cat's interests is to get some delicacies every day instead of buckwheat and soup. Noticing that the cat does not touch food for one or two days, do not sound the alarm - she did not get sick.

Important! It is even useful for cats to unload, giving rest to the digestive system, and they do this periodically.

But these animals are also great masters of manipulation, so along the way they beg the owners for something tasty.

Knowing that the “big man” has several circles of sausage in the refrigerator, the cat will not touch the porridge, but will wait until it is treated to something more interesting.

The solution to the problem (although what a problem it is!) lies in the display of restraint by the owner. But it is so difficult not to treat your pet if she purrs, rubs against her legs and does not take her eyes off you.

Another option why the cat does not eat is that the owner takes care of his pet so much that he offers her large, simply huge, portions. The animal eats or even overeats and lives with a feeling of constant satiety. And it is natural that at some point the cat will want to take a break from food and starve a little.

The cat does not eat, but is active and cheerful

What to do if the cat does not want to eat, but does not look hungry, leads a normal life, without losing either form or inherent cheerfulness? Watch the animals. It doesn't look like it has completely given up food, most likely, the cat has found an additional source of food for itself. This type of refusal is typical for cats living in the private sector and having free access to the street: they can catch mice or birds, they can be fed by neighbors.

In summer, the cat may refuse to eat due to extreme heat. He replaces food with drink, loses a little weight, but remains active and playful.

Refusal to eat before and after lambing

Cats have a special relationship with food, they become very fastidious and picky during pregnancy, and just before lambing they refuse to eat at all.

All the resources of the cat's body during this period are directed to the process of giving birth to offspring - and although rumor has attributed amazing ease to cat birth, it is not so easy for an animal to cope. Food takes a lot of time and effort necessary for a cat to safely resolve the burden, and the animal saves - it does not eat, and sometimes does not drink, until the last cub from the lamb is born.

The situation with refusal to eat can continue after the kittens have been safely born. After all, cats have different personalities and each of them has a different level of responsibility. One, some time after lambing, will go to recuperate, and the other, even being very hungry, will not leave the newborn kittens. What if the cat does not eat, how will she feed the kittens?

Important! If your cat is one of these sacrificial mothers, place a bowl of food next to the basket (box) in which she sits with kittens - so she can both eat and keep the cubs in sight.

In one of the previous sections there is a point about the stress that a cat goes through not finding a bowl in its usual place, but when the animal is responsible for the babies, the moved bowl becomes not such an essential detail.

If a cat after childbirth does not touch the food for a day, this is not a cause for concern: she needs time to recover. But if the animal does not eat for a longer period, it is necessary to call the veterinarian.

Not eating and behaving inappropriately

If the cat has suddenly lost interest in food (and these animals love to eat), which in itself seemed strange to you, plus everything, he periodically has bouts of inadequate running around, and he began to shit in the corners, but since childhood he has been accustomed to tray, this may be a sign of the appearance of worms in the animal.

When the cat stopped eating and drinking, what should the owner do? In any case, show the animal to the doctor: if the pet has worms, then he will not refuse water, but if the intestines are obstructed, the animal will not be able to drink or eat.

It is not so difficult to get rid of worms - the veterinarian will prescribe the necessary drug and course of treatment, but obstruction can cause serious problems, often fatal. The cause of intestinal obstruction can be a tumor, volvulus, ingestion of inedible objects by animals (sausage skins, Christmas tree rain, own wool when licked).

Important! Even if you are sure that the pet ate something wrong, do not take any measures on your own: do not give an enema, do not give a laxative, do not drink the cat. Only a qualified specialist can help the animal in this case.

Loss of appetite with viral infection

The disease knocks out any living creature from the usual mode - if a hyperactive cat suddenly lost interest in food and games, it is necessary to show the animal to a veterinarian - an infection is possible.

The most common diseases are feline herpes and feline calcivirus. They do not pose a great danger to the animal, but require timely and competent treatment. Loss of appetite, nasal discharge, sneezing, redness of the eyes and watery eyes are the main symptoms of these diseases.

Loss of appetite is a symptom of feline calcivirus

What to do if the cat does not eat during the illness, you can ask the doctor directly. The answer will be unequivocal: do not force, do not stuff from a syringe. These methods will do absolutely nothing. The cat itself will determine when it needs to eat - the appetite will return as the animal recovers.

What should be done if the cat is not eating? was last modified: September 12th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

Sometimes a situation arises when your beloved cat does not eat anything, and you begin to painfully think: what to do in this case? If a pet has lost its appetite, then there can be many reasons for this, from the most common to very serious. Let's see why the cat does not eat anything.

Reasons why cats refuse to eat

Very often, a cat's appetite disappears during estrus, especially for the first time. In a few days everything will be fine and such a lack of appetite should not cause cause for concern.

The cat may not eat anything if the room is very hot, and this is quite normal.

If you abruptly transfer the cat to a new species, which she also did not like, then she may completely refuse food. Therefore, the transition of the animal to a new food must be gradual.

In long-haired cats, regurgitation or vomiting is often observed along with the refusal of food. This may indicate that the cat's stomach has accumulated hair, which he swallows while licking. In this case, it is necessary to use a special paste to remove such hairballs.

However, there are many other reasons why a healthy cat does not want to eat: maybe you have moved to a new place of residence, or perhaps very noisy guests have come to you, etc. However, despite the various reasons for refusing food, if the animal does not eat during the day, then this can already cause negative consequences in his body.

In addition, if the cat is lethargic, hides and does not eat anything, she has a dry nose - these are signs that she is sick. Severe pain in itself can also cause refusal to eat. In this case, you need to immediately contact the veterinary clinic, where the doctor will diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment for your pet.

With age, the cat's digestive system begins to work weaker, it develops various diseases, the old cat does not eat and sleeps a lot. In this case, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian, who will diagnose and prescribe, if necessary, treatment, as well as advise you on how to care for the old cat.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why your cat does not eat, and a veterinarian will help you figure out what to do in each case, who you should definitely contact for advice.

Many owners of domestic cats are faced with an unpleasant problem - the animal stops eating and drinking, respectively, it loses weight and becomes weaker. It is very important to know the main causes of what is happening in order to take emergency measures and contact the veterinary clinic in a timely manner for advice and subsequent treatment, if necessary.

Anorexia in a cat (the cat refuses to eat)

Anorexia in a cat.

Loss of appetite in a cat is called anorexia.

The desire to eat arises in an animal if it receives positive emotions, the absence of diseases, or as a result of building an associative series, for example, food packaging will make the cat remember food. Loss of appetite in animals is associated primarily with the appearance of a negative factor - disease that requires immediate medical attention.

Important! It is impossible to self-medicate and test various methods on an animal, since various diseases can be the reason for the lack of desire to eat.

Why does a cat eat poorly and lose weight

Moderately well-fed cat abruptly began to eat poorly and lose weight.

The first and main reason for the refusal of a cat to eat is the presence of a focus of inflammation or other disease . Therefore, such a condition can be regarded as a symptom that requires special attention. The reasons for the refusal of the animal to take food or water are divided into psychological and medical.

Psychological factor

Many diseases in cats can manifest themselves after stress. In this case, the cat is said to have been latently infected.

If the psychological factor is the basis, then the appetite is completely absent. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • moving to another place;
  • change of owner;
  • the appearance of a new person in the environment;
  • diet change.

Medical factors

Medical causes are varied, they can only be identified by undergoing an examination by a specialist.

The body may show inflammatory processes, disorders in the work of internal organs, blood diseases. Painful and unpleasant sensations also affect the lack of appetite and refusal to eat. Such reasons are the basis for concern and immediate treatment to the veterinarian.

Increased salivation can be a sign of an incipient disease.

It is important to understand that there is a difference between medical and psychological causes. So in case of ill health, the following symptoms are added to the lack of appetite:

  • lethargy;
  • delayed reactions;
  • lack of mobility and desire to play;
  • labored or heavy breathing;
  • discharge of pus;
  • nausea and;
  • change in habitual behavior.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases

GI tract of the cat.

Similar symptoms may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract - indigestion, problems with internal organs.

Each of the possible diseases requires a specific therapy, which can be developed solely on the basis of the results of the tests.

What should be done if the cat is weak?

Change food and watch the cat.

In the event that the cat refuses to eat for a long time, has lost weight and weakened, but has no other manifestations of the presence of the disease, then for up to 12–24 hours it should leave the cat alone and also change the food- Perhaps the refusal to eat is only psychological in nature.

However, if at least one negative symptom is added to the refusal of food and weight loss, one should contact a specialist immediately for qualified help or advice.

In the clinic, the necessary tests will be taken, an ultrasound scan will be carried out - all this will help to establish the true cause that influenced such a reaction on the part of the cat.

And also will be held:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • palpation of the abdomen;
  • temperature measurement;
  • weighing.

Examination of the oral cavity.

Treatment and care at home

When treating with antibiotics, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics in the cat's body.

The main treatment is prescribed by the veterinarian based on the results of the diagnosis and tests, since it is specific to each disease. The chosen therapy is aimed at eliminating not only the symptoms, but also the cause that caused the discomfort and, as a result, refusal to eat, followed by weight loss.

Help at home should be provided after consulting a doctor, since the owner may not recognize the true reason for refusing to eat, therefore, the animal may become worse after self-treatment. It is necessary to carefully observe the condition of the cat, as this will allow you to verify the presence or absence of symptoms. You can slightly warm the food (canned meat), so its smell will be stronger. It is important that it is not very hot.

Complete refusal to eat

Try mixing her favorite food and treatment.

Sometimes lack of appetite, weakness, and weight loss is due to the fact that the cat refuses a new food, for example, dietary food, which is prescribed by a specialist for the treatment of another disease. In this case, you should gradually mix the food familiar to the animal with the diet.. Then the probability that the cat will not refuse food and will be higher.

It is important to remember that special attention should be paid to the process of feeding kittens under the age of six months. You can include cow's milk in your diet.


Thus, if a cat refuses to eat, quickly loses weight and weakens, this may indicate serious problems with his health. It is necessary to show maximum attention and determine whether there are other manifestations of the disease, since such behavior may be associated with some kind of psychological trauma that the cat received in the recent past - moving to a new place, changing his usual food, or the appearance of an unknown person.

Everyone knows that domestic cats love to sleep. In order to get enough sleep, a typical cat needs at least 16 hours of sleep per night, and some specimens even more. Compared to humans, this pet sleeps most of its life. According to some sources, only opossums and bats are ahead of cats in terms of the amount of time spent sleeping. Until today, the reason why cats sleep a lot is not fully understood. Scientists explain this physiological feature by several probable reasons, most of which are associated with the evolution of the animal.

Predation as a way of life

The nature of cats is arranged in such a way that all of them, regardless of species, were and remain predatory animals. Domestic cats are also no exception. Nevertheless, at present they have lost many of the behavioral features characteristic of predators, which were acquired in the process of evolution.

As a predatory animal, the cat shows its maximum activity during the wakefulness of its prey, that is, at dawn and sunset. The rest of the time she needs to sleep and rejuvenate, which just explains why cats sleep a lot. To lead a predatory lifestyle, the animal needs to accumulate as much energy as possible, which would ensure a successful outcome of the hunt. For this reason, in the process of evolutionary development, cats have acquired the ability to accumulate maximum energy in order to use it when necessary, increasing the likelihood of a successful hunt.

Nutrition Features

Another explanation for why cats sleep a lot is the animal's food. The fact is that, as a predator, a cat needs an increased intake of protein. To digest protein foods, you need to sleep a lot. In addition, such food is very nutritious, which allows cats to spend less time eating and sleeping more.

Sleepiness due to boredom

Why do cats often sleep? It is likely that pets like to sleep because they simply have nothing to do. Cats are quite curious animals and they tend to get different experiences. Spending life in a house where the situation practically does not change, cats begin to feel bored. Even if the owners are at home, they do not always have the time and desire to entertain the pet. In order for the cat to sleep less, try to entertain it. At the same time, do not forget that she should spend most of her time sleeping, because it is so laid down by nature.

How do cats sleep

Like humans, cats sleep in two phases: deep and light.

Superficial sleep lasts from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours. During this period, the cat keeps its body under control so that at any moment you can jump up and run away or attack yourself.

The duration of deep sleep, as a rule, is about 5 minutes, and the cat cannot quickly get out of this state. The phase of deep sleep is replaced by drowsiness, and this alternation continues until the animal wakes up.

Weather influence

It's no secret that the weather directly affects the behavior of cats. Of course, their activity depends on many factors. This is age, and breed, and temperament, as well as the state of health. But the fact that dreary rainy weather explains why cats sleep a lot is a fact. It should be borne in mind that cat sleep should not exceed 80% of the time. For small kittens, sleep duration up to 90% of the day is considered normal. A longer sleep, as a rule, signals that the animal has a health problem.

Why is the cat lethargic and sleeps a lot?

Lethargy and drowsiness are a symptom of many diseases. Since the temperament of each cat is different, no veterinarian can determine whether the animal is in a normal state. This can only be done by the owner, who knows his pet well. The cause of lethargy can be quite natural. For example, it could be:

  • fatigue;
  • hot weather;
  • postoperative period;
  • taking certain medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • old age of the animal.

How to tell if a cat is sick

If your pet is sick, in most cases, other symptoms will accompany the lethargy and drowsiness. As a rule, the presence of a disease can be discussed based on the following signs:

  • the animal hides from everyone;
  • eats little;
  • does not drink water;
  • does not care for hair;
  • behaves aggressively;
  • breathing problems;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • fever;
  • pale gums.

If you notice unexplained drowsiness and lethargy in a cat, which is also accompanied by the above symptoms, you should take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Possible diseases associated with excessive sleepiness

Internet forums often discuss the topic “Why does a cat eat poorly and sleep a lot?”. As it turns out, often lack of appetite and constant drowsiness can be associated with infectious diseases, in particular worms. In order for the pet not to lose weight and not be lethargic, from time to time he needs to be given anthelmintic drugs.

Drowsiness can also be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In most cases, this condition is accompanied by diarrhea and other abnormal discharge.

Kidney failure is another equally common cause of loss of appetite and drowsiness in a cat. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. If the animal is not taken to the doctor in the near future, the situation may end tragically. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help save the pet, so you should not hesitate.

Also, excessive sleepiness and refusal to eat can indicate problems with the liver. In this case, it is necessary to pay a visit to the veterinarian, who will prescribe a treatment aimed at cleansing the organ.

In addition, diseases of the pancreas, reproductive system, blood, hypothyroidism, diabetes, purulent endometritis, colds and others can be the cause of reduced activity of a pet.

As you can see, the reasons why a cat eats little and sleeps a lot can be far from harmless. Therefore, if you suspect an illness, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian who can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment for your pet.

Sometimes it may seem to us that cats sleep for days. Someone does not react to this fact in any way, and someone even begins to worry that his pet is sick. But, if the cat sleeps all the time and does not eat anything, this is the norm, or the veterinarian can decide the pathology. Perhaps the animal is sick, and sleep is a consequence of weakness and loss of strength.

Cats were originally conceived by nature as big dormice. An adult cat can sleep up to 16 hours a day. Due to the fact that cats have a very fast metabolism, they need a lot of rest to restore their strength. Indeed, in their free time from sleep, cats are very active, and they have a lot of things to do! Eat, play, walk and frolic. You can notice the connection between kittens and young children: children also like to sleep after active games, thereby restoring their energy supply. Therefore, if the cat sleeps a lot, there is no need to worry.

Too much sleep is not a cause for concern for cat owners

If a cat cannot fall asleep in any way due to any external stimuli, for example, due to loud noise from construction, then this can negatively affect its nervous system, and the animal will be restless and irritable. Do not disturb your pet's sleep, do not wake him up, even if he seems to be sleeping too much. The animal may go astray, and this will be followed by health problems. Keep your pet away from this. However, if the cat, after waking up from a long sleep, is not active, lethargic, does not eat and does not want to play, then it should be shown to a specialist.

Cats, unlike humans, do not have sleep phases. A long and sound sleep does not take much time, most often the animal is just half asleep.

Everyone noticed behind his animal that the cat seemed to be sleeping, but he could constantly open his eyes, for example, as if watching what was happening. The cat, therefore, is always on the lookout, he is ready to react in case of danger and run away.

What do the experts say?

How much can also depend on external factors such as weather, temperature, the level of safety of the environment, the age of the pet, and so on. By the way, compared to domestic cats, stray cats spend much less time sleeping. After all, unlike couch potato couch potatoes, they have a lot of important things to do: get food, control their territory, visit other cats...

Little kittens spend a huge amount of time in a nap in the first days of life. Approximately 90% of the day is spent sleeping. This is not surprising, because during the rest the baby's body develops faster. It is also quite normal if a kitten twitches its paws or squeaks in a dream. Don't calm him down. Create all the conditions so that nothing could tear the baby away from a sweet dream. The body itself knows when to wake up. But if a kitten that is more than two months old sleeps too much and is not active, this can be a cause for concern.

Even such funny and uncomfortable positions should not cause concern ... But the lack of appetite and plus constant weakness and drowsiness are a reason to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible

In general, long sleep is normal for cats. If the cat behaves and feels normal during the periods of wakefulness, has no problems with stool or appetite, then there is no reason to panic.