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Blood pigments in dog stool. What to do if your dog has blood in his stool. What to do if your dog has bloody stool

Many dog ​​breeders have repeatedly encountered the problem of diarrhea in dogs. Indigestion is not a separate pathology, but signals functional failures and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea in animals occurs for a variety of reasons. Diarrhea is often harmless and often goes away without any treatment. In some cases, this phenomenon requires an immediate response from the owners, especially if the dog has diarrhea with blood and mucus. The problem should not be ignored, since this type of diarrhea most often develops against the background of serious diseases of various etiologies.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a clinical problem, which is often characterized by the release of liquid, pasty, watery stool. Depending on the root cause, the stool may contain foam, mucus, undigested food residues, and bloody substances (clots, threads, inclusions).

Diarrhea occurs in animals acute which goes away without any noticeable symptoms And chronic– lasts more than two weeks.

If your puppy or dog is diarrhea, it is very important to determine the root cause that caused the stomach upset. Prolonged diarrhea can cause dehydration (dehydration), exhaustion, and electrolyte imbalance in the body.

Important! Prolonged diarrhea is dangerous for small puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches.

In most cases, the nature, color, and consistency of feces can determine the cause of diarrhea in animals.

Black liquid stool with mucus in dogs and other domestic animals indicates the presence of digested blood. The stool appears to have a tar-like consistency. A similar phenomenon occurs due to bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

If it is noticeable in your pet's stool bright scarlet blood, bloody substances - this is a symptom of bleeding of the large intestine. The blood is not affected by enzymes and is excreted unchanged in the stool.

If the stool is normal in color but contains , foam,, such diarrhea most often occurs with acute inflammation in the digestive tract.

Causes of bloody diarrhea with mucus

The presence of blood, bloody clots, inclusions in the dog’s feces, profuse bloody diarrhea is a characteristic symptom of many serious, life-threatening diseases for the pet. In this case, first of all, you need to determine where exactly the bleeding site is located.

Bacteria that cause salmonellosis and leptospirosis damage blood vessels and affect the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Erosive foci, small bleeding ulcers, and ulcers appear on the walls of the intestines and stomach. Acute inflammation develops in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Mucous, bloody, acute diarrhea in animals is a characteristic symptom of the atypical form of rabies.

If there is a large amount of mucus in the pet’s stool, bloody substances are noticeable, very often this phenomenon develops against the background hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. In addition to diarrhea, dogs suffer from debilitating vomiting and severe thirst. In sick animals, the temperature rises sharply, activity decreases, and there is no appetite.

Other causes of bloody mucous diarrhea in dogs include: feeding with low-quality prepared feed, raw meat products of dubious origin, poisoning with potent chemicals, poisons, and medications. Vomiting, mucous, bloody diarrhea often occurs due to intestinal obstruction, the presence of foreign objects in the lumen of the colon that injure the walls.

If there is mucus, bloody clots, or inclusions in the stool, the cause is often due to dysbacteriosis. The disease can develop due to long-term use of medications after antibiotic therapy.

When to contact a veterinarian

Having noticed that their beloved pet is diarrhea, there is blood in the stool, and a large amount of mucus, many owners are interested in the question: “What to do in such a situation and how to help the dog at home?”

The following symptoms are the reason for a visit to the veterinary clinic:

  • prolonged profuse diarrhea for more than two days;
  • foul odor of stool;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • loss of appetite, refusal of food, water;
  • increase in general temperature by 1-2 degrees;
  • yellowness, anemia of the mucous membranes;
  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • inadequate response to external stimuli.

Important! You should not self-medicate. Consult a veterinarian and take your pet to the clinic. After conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, the veterinarian will determine the root cause of diarrhea and select the optimal treatment regimen for your pet.

Treatment methods

Therapeutic therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause and normalizing the general condition of the animal.

If a dog is diarrhea due to severe poisoning, detoxification therapy, sorbents, probiotics, and enzyme agents to normalize digestive processes (Enterosgel, Lactobifadol, Festal) will be prescribed. To relieve intestinal spasms, no-shpa or its analogues are prescribed.

Important! In case of bloody mucous diarrhea, the animals are given IVs, which are necessary to restore the water-salt balance in the body.

For diarrhea with mucus and blood, gastroprotectors and medications that improve blood clotting are also prescribed - Vikasol, Etamzilate, calcium gluconate, Dicinone. Phthalazole, furazolidone, loperamide, enterofuril will help eliminate bloody mucous diarrhea. The veterinarian will select the drug and dosage.

To relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, in addition to pharmaceutical medications, you can give your dog decoctions of medicinal plants. Chamomile, oak bark, St. John's wort, and blueberries help well. Decoctions based on medicinal plants have an anti-inflammatory, astringent effect.

For tumors, intussusceptions, and ruptures of the intestinal walls, surgical intervention is performed.

Feeding dogs with diarrhea

For 12-24 hours the dog is kept on starvation diet. It is mandatory to adjust the diet, prescribe a therapeutic diet or special food if the pet is kept on a ready-made diet.

Food in the first weeks, if bloody mucous diarrhea is caused by poisoning, should be nutritious and easily digestible. Give your pet low-fat cottage cheese, skim milk, and natural yoghurt in small quantities.

Offer your dog a small portion of rice cooked in chicken or beef broth. Divide the daily food intake into several meals. Feed your pet in small portions, 4-5 times a day. There should always be fresh drinking water in the bowl. As soon as the stool and the general condition of the dog are normalized, you can transfer the animal to its usual type and feeding mode.

Every dog ​​owner has more than once encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea in a dog. Unfortunately, in most cases, the reaction of pet owners is typical: the disease is completely ignored, being considered something completely natural and passing by itself.
Let's figure out when an upset stomach is harmless and when the help of a veterinarian is needed.

Forms of indigestion in dogs

Acute diarrhea in dogs it is characterized by the release of liquid feces lasting up to 2 weeks. If there are no side symptoms such as fever, refusal to feed, vomiting, lethargy, etc. , then most likely the reason is in the food you give your pet. This type of diarrhea can be treated at home if it lasts less than 2 days. If diarrhea does not go away or gets worse, then this is a serious reason to consult a veterinarian.

Chronic diarrhea in dogs is characterized by the release of liquid feces lasting more than 2 weeks. In such cases, as a rule, the cause of diarrhea is various chronic diseases: gastritis, enteritis, etc. An urgent examination by a veterinarian and laboratory tests are required!

Causes of diarrhea in dogs:

1. Violations of dog feeding rules : use of stale/spoiled food, sudden change in diet, consumption of inedible items, intolerance to any food components

3. Bacterial diseases. Salmonella, staphylococcus, clostridiosis and other bacteria and bacterial toxins. Most often, infection occurs through drinking contaminated water, contaminated food, and eating the feces of other animals.

4. Viral infections (parvovirus, nonspecific, coronavirus, rotavirus and plague enteritis, adenovirosis, etc.)

5. Taking medications (such as aspirin, antibiotics, corticosteroids, anti-cancer drugs) or toxic substances, poisons can also cause diarrhea in a dog either through irritation of the intestinal mucosa or causing dysbiosis

6. Various metabolic disorders , usually liver and kidney diseases, cause symptoms similar to poisoning, including diarrhea

7. Inflammation of the pancreas – pancreatitis – can also cause diarrhea in dogs

8. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis accompanied by diarrhea mixed with blood

9. Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and other abdominal organs and can also cause diarrhea in dogs

10. Stress

11. Allergy can also trigger the onset of diarrhea

Causes of bloody diarrhea in dogs:

The causes of bloody diarrhea in dogs can be completely different: from mechanical damage to the intestinal mucosa to the deadly disease leptospirosis. Any of the reasons that caused such a symptom as diarrhea with blood requires an immediate visit to the veterinarian!

1. Parvovirus enteritis. This disease poses the greatest danger to puppies from 2 to 18 months; the death rate of animals is very high. The result of the disease is absolute inflammation of the mucous membrane. Accompanied by vomiting.

2. Chemical poisoning. Often the reasons for this are the dog’s habit of picking up on the street, as well as the carelessness of the owners, who may leave, for example, household chemicals in the wrong place.

3. Traumatic entero-colitis. In this case, a dog may experience diarrhea with blood after chewing wooden sticks and other inedible objects, and also, very often, after eating bones.

4. Consequences of taking medications . Quite often, bloody diarrhea in a dog occurs after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs intended for humans.

Secondary symptoms of diarrhea in dogs:

diarrhea and fever a dog may have a dangerous viral disease: distemper, enteritis, etc. The temperature can be either high or low. In this case, urgent treatment is necessary

diarrhea and lethargy in a dog, as a rule, they talk about food poisoning. However, sometimes serious infectious diseases begin this way. If this condition in a dog continues for more than 1-2 days, then this is a reason to contact a veterinarian

diarrhea and refusal to eat within one day - this is a normal reaction of the dog’s body to low-quality food, provided that the dog does not have vomiting, fever, lethargy, etc. If any of these symptoms are still present, then this is a serious reason to consult a veterinarian. Often, such symptoms indicate a severe infection with worms, and if the dog refuses to drink water, this may indicate parvovirus enteritis

diarrhea and discharge from the eyes, nose and/or cough they talk about a dangerous virus - canine distemper, as well as viral rhinotracheitis. It is worth noting that the mortality rate from these diseases in young dogs is very high, so if you have the slightest suspicion, you should urgently consult a veterinarian

diarrhea and vomiting They occur quite often in dogs, and taken together, these symptoms can indicate a fairly large number of diseases of various origins. Quite often, diarrhea and vomiting can be symptoms of poisoning, however, they pose a huge danger to puppies because they are signs of a viral infection.


Green color. Since the color of your dog's poop is often an indicator of the color of recently eaten food, greenish stool may be a sign that your dog has started eating grass for some reason—observe his behavior to determine if this is the case. Green color in your dog's stool can also signal something more serious, such as a gallbladder problem, so don't let the issue go unnoticed for too long.

Yellowish and orange color stool may be a sign of gallbladder-related problems, such as if bile leaks from the gallbladder into the abdomen and is passed as feces. It can also be a sign of a liver problem and in such cases there may be associated symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and even jaundice.

Red color usually means there is blood in your dog's stool and the first thing to do is check to see if there are any visible sores or cracks around the anus that could be causing the blood.

Black color stool often indicates bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract (stomach or small intestine) and is a sign that urgent veterinary attention is needed before this symptom develops into a serious illness condition. Bleeding ulcers are sometimes caused by black, tarry stools, as well as the dog's habit of eating rat poison, which causes bleeding.

Grey colour stool, especially when it looks greasy, can again indicate bile leaking into the dog's abdominal cavity, and this can also be a sign of problems with the pancreas.

Chocolate brown- This is the color of feces that your dog should normally have. In addition to being chocolate-colored, stools should be doughnut-shaped and moderately firm and firm.

Treatment of diarrhea in dogs

Treatment of diarrhea in dogs should be done based on the reasons that caused it. If diarrhea in a dog is just a short-term phenomenon caused by a malfunction of the digestive system, then it can be cured on its own. In severe cases, treating diarrhea in a dog on your own is not only useless, but also dangerous for the animal’s life, because it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the diarrhea.

What to give your dog for diarrhea:

* Give smecta, enterosgel or activated carbon inside at the rate of 1 t. per 10 kg of animal weight. These medications remove toxins from the intestines

* Decoctions and infusions of oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort, blueberry fruits, etc. have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect

* No-spa reduces intestinal spasms, weakens its violent peristalsis, and also has an analgesic effect

* Lactobifadol normalizes intestinal microflora

Treatment of bloody diarrhea in dogs:

It is impossible to treat bloody diarrhea in dogs on your own!

 Treatment is always carried out with the help of droppers, which are used to replenish the water balance in the dog’s body, to remove toxins and replenish blood volumes

 Treatment of diarrhea with blood must be carried out using substances that improve blood clotting: Vikasol, Calcium Gluconate, Dicynon, etc.

 Otherwise, treatment is the same as for ordinary diarrhea.

What to feed a dog with diarrhea (diet for dog diarrhea):

1. In the first day after diarrhea, it is necessary to completely exclude feeding the dog and provide it with constant access to clean water! If you refuse to drink, force it, because... Not drinking water can lead to dehydration!

2. If the dog’s diarrhea has stopped, then you can give the dog some well-boiled rice in chicken or beef broth, gradually increasing the dose of food, dividing the daily norm into 4-5 meals

3. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, give your dog fermented milk products in small quantities.

4. Within a couple of days, it is possible to switch to normal food, provided that the dog’s diarrhea has stopped!

If your dog's diarrhea does not stop within 1-2 days, then immediately seek help from a veterinarian, especially if the dog's diarrhea is accompanied by symptoms such as:

Increased or decreased body temperature

Discharge from eyes and nose

Lethargy, vomiting and refusal to eat

How serious and dangerous is it when a dog has bloody stool? If there is fresh blood in the stool, this indicates bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract. But not only profuse red blood is a dangerous condition. The appearance of the slightest streaks of blood and black, tarry stool should alert the owner, otherwise it could cost the dog’s life.

Causes of the disease

How can you understand why a dog poops blood? Bleeding can develop as a result of injury or serious illness.

Types of diseases leading to bleeding in dogs:

  • tumor;
  • infectious;
  • exchange;
  • somatic.

There are 3 types of blood in a dog’s stool:

  • scarlet blood in large quantities;
  • streaks of blood;
  • tarry liquid stool.
  • white chair

List of diseases accompanied by bleeding in dogs:

  • constipation, formation of anal fissures;
  • infectious, toxic gastroenteritis;
  • space-occupying formations in the stomach and intestines at any level, helminthiasis;
  • ulcers in the stomach, duodenum (duodenum);

Symptoms of the disease

The appearance of blood from your pet's anus can indicate various diseases. Therefore, it is important to know the main symptoms of this disease.

Typically, dog poop is light or dark brown in color. If blood impurities appear in them, this is very serious and indicates failures or internal damage. Thus, bright scarlet veins may indicate damage to the large intestine, in particular in the rectum.

If blood discharge changes the color of the stool to dark, almost black, then one can judge that there is a disorder in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

It happens, although rarely, that an animal develops diarrhea mixed with blood. This may indicate severe poisoning or serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What to do?

It is quite clear that if you discover blood impurities in your pet’s stool, you should immediately show him to the veterinarian. In this case, you should not show independence. But the faster you do this, the more chances he will have to recover.

If you cannot do this right away, then first of all, provide your pet with rest and apply a cold compress to the abdomen and sacrum. Under no circumstances should you feed him, give him a laxative, or give him an enema!

The appearance of blood in the stool almost always indicates the seriousness of the illness, the real cause of which can only be determined by a veterinarian after performing the necessary examinations. For the dog owner, only an auxiliary function remains. For example, therapy for rectal bleeding involves a high-quality and balanced diet, timely examinations by a specialist and monitoring the nature of bowel movements.

Show care and attention to your pet, record all deviations in their health, then it will be easier to treat them for various diseases. And some of them will not be able to appear at all.

Examination and diagnosis

Determining the severity of the disease in an animal and its severity involves a number of examinations:

  • visual inspection of the dog;
  • stool examination;
  • examination of the rectum;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the peritoneum;
  • performing a colonoscopy or gastroscopy (depending on the color of the blood impurity).

For a correct diagnosis, the information that is required from the dog owner also matters a lot:

  • timing of the onset of symptoms of the disease;
  • whether deworming was carried out in a timely manner and when;
  • what kind of diet does the pet have (does it chew bones, picks up food or other objects from the ground);
  • does he suffer from loss of appetite, etc.

Based on all this, a diagnosis is established, and a treatment regimen is determined accordingly. Elimination of blood from stool is possible only if the root cause that caused such a symptom is cured. Therefore, do not delay your visit to the veterinary clinic with your four-legged friend. Not only his health, but possibly his life will depend on the speed of your actions.

Hemorrhoidal bleeding

In adult dogs, varicose hemorrhoids develop as a consequence of labor and regular constipation. When these nodules are injured by hard feces, intense bleeding develops. In this case, the feces are intensely stained with fresh blood due to its large amount. Blood loss is regular, significant and leads to anemia. A dog's feces with blood scare everyone, but the bleeding stops on its own. It is necessary to urgently seek help from a veterinary hospital to prescribe adequate therapy and eliminate the risk of recurrent hemorrhage.

In case of rectal prolapse, the diagnosis is not difficult, since the defect is visible to the naked eye. When prolapsed, the intestine is visible from the anus, is easily injured, and bleeds slightly. Most often it is a complication of constipation and bladder stones. Immediate contact with a veterinarian is necessary, because the intestinal wall may be pinched, blood flow stops, and necrosis develops. This situation requires emergency surgery.

Infectious, toxic gastroenteritis

The mechanism of development of gastroenteritis with bleeding is the same during infection or toxic damage to the gastrointestinal tract and is explained by the release of toxic products into the intestinal lumen. It often develops in puppies when they are improperly kept in a cold room or improperly fed, which lead to a decrease in immunity.

Due to the addition of an infectious agent or endogenous toxins, for example, due to pyelonephritis, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract becomes swollen. Exposure to food masses, gastric juice, and pancreatic enzymes injures the delicate mucous membrane, and the dog poops blood. The severity of bleeding varies. The less pronounced the bleeding, the more dangerous it is for the dog, since it does not get to the veterinarian sooner, but only after complications develop.

As the disease progresses, the dog develops diarrhea with blood. She refuses to eat, becomes lethargic and apathetic, hides in secluded places, and periodically moans. If a dog has diarrhea with blood, then I should treat it myself; I need to urgently consult a doctor, undergo a full examination aimed at finding the source of bleeding, the cause of the disease, and select individual therapy and diet.

Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, helminthiases

With a long-term oncological disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the tumor growing into the lumen of the organs is constantly injured by feces and gradually begins to bleed. The severity of bleeding varies. It must be remembered that blood in the stool may not be visible to the naked eye. Hidden bleeding is also dangerous for the body, as it indicates a serious pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations by a veterinarian.

If a dog poops blood due to tumor diseases, then it is too late to ask the question of what to do. Regular examination of the dog by a veterinarian is necessary, which will allow diagnosing the disease at an early stage and preventing its progression and the development of complications. Helminthic infestation - eimeriosis develops more often in puppies at the age of 2-3 months, leading to the appearance of blood streaks in the stool.

Ulcers are the cause of bleeding

Ulceration in the stomach and duodenum with a complicated course leads to bleeding. Intense ulcerative bleeding from the stomach is accompanied by bloody vomiting. But blood loss of about 200 ml will not cause vomiting. A transformation of the blood occurs as a result of the work of enzymes and intestinal bacteria, and the dog develops tarry black liquid or mushy sticky feces. In this situation, immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary.


The following basic activities are required:

  1. If possible, eliminate the causes of the disease.
  2. Hemostatic agents.
  3. Replenishment of circulating blood volume.
  4. Detoxification therapy.
  5. Maintains liver and kidney function.
  6. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer agents according to indications.
  7. Compliance with diet.
  8. Local treatment in the form of enemas, gastric lavages, if prescribed by a veterinarian.

Prevention after recovery consists of regular examinations by a veterinarian, preventive vaccinations, anthelmintics, and proper nutrition to avoid relapses.

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Blood in the dog's stool... what to do?

  1. Age of the dog? May be associated with worms.
  2. Do nothing until visiting the veterinarian. And then the craftsmen do not advise... .
    Show a doctor as soon as possible, it is possible to call a doctor home.
  3. wet doggy anal
  4. You didn’t write what you fed the dog and what other symptoms there were. If you feed raw beef and there are no other problems besides diarrhea - the temperature is normal, reacts normally, is not apathetic, plays, there is an appetite, then this looks like an intestinal infection from raw meat, you can give an antibiotic, for example Sulfademitoxin, for a dachshund, a third of a tablet once a day a day, if you give Sulfademisin, then a third of the tablet 3 times a day. I’m not a veterinarian, I’m just now treating my own people for exactly this, both of them got sick at the same time, the old dachshund and the young golden one, and both have diarrhea with blood. It helped with the first pill, but you need to give it the whole course. I fed him raw beef, now we cook the meat.
  5. The appearance of blood in a dog's stool is not normal. The feces of a healthy dog ​​are light to dark brown (the color depends on the nature of feeding).

    The appearance of fresh blood (clots, streaks) indicates bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract (large intestine). Stool staining black is a symptom of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastroduodenal ulcers (approximately 50-55%), acute gastric ulcers).

    Causes of gastrointestinal bleeding:
    - helminthic infestation;
    - invasion by protozoa (isosporosis);
    - infectious diseases (canine viral enteritis, leptospirosis, viral hepatitis);
    - nonspecific gastritis, colitis, enteritis;
    - stomach and duodenal ulcers;
    - intussusception (intestinal obstruction);
    - tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

    helped in any way I could! good luck with your treatment!

    Better yet, take him to the vet!

  6. But from a bone like a chicken, tubular one, couldn’t this happen?
  7. Ours had this from eating bones, both boiled and raw, but you write that you didn’t feed it... But maybe someone secretly gave it from the holiday table (guests, children?)
  8. Well, of course, I can stupidly list the diseases that cause intestinal bleeding... Ulcerative colitis, polyposis, neoplasms... I think you understand perfectly well that treatment is individual in each case.
    As a general recommendation, switch to fractional feeding, finely chopped boiled chicken breast + round, well-cooked rice. Give food 4 times a day, 150 grams, no more. Mandatory - Etamzilat, 0.5 ml 2 times a day, into the muscle.
    Well, go to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
  9. Feed her soft food and everything will pass
  10. Go to the doctor, definitely. And not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but today. Do not experiment with any pills before seeing a doctor.
  11. Could be an anal fissure... To the vet
  12. worm urgently
  13. It often happens that if you were given a lot of bones before, switch to a more gentle food for a few days, if there are no helminths, treat, after 2-3 days, let the intestines heal, and if the feces are liquid, go to the veterinarian, this may be the cause of enteritis, even in vaccinated dogs, they often die if not treated in the first 2-3 days

Diarrhea is an intestinal disorder. Manifests itself in frequent (2 to 6 times more often than usual) liquid bowel movements.


If your dog has bloody diarrhea lasting more than two days or secondary signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

There are acute and chronic indigestion. Acute diarrhea manifests itself up to two days. If there are no accompanying symptoms (fever, convulsions, vomiting, etc.), most likely this is a reaction to the food or its change.

Chronic lasts up to two weeks. In this case, it may indicate a disease: gastritis, enteritis, etc.

Black or red color of stool indicates the presence of blood in it. To exclude the possibility of it getting in from the outside, the dog’s anus is examined for cracks, wounds, and other injuries. Black (tar-like) or “melena” indicates digested blood. More often occurs with bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Red - for bleeding of the large intestine. She does not have time to be exposed to enzymes.

Most often, bloody diarrhea is a sign of a life-threatening pathology. You should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.


Bloody diarrhea in a dog can be a symptom of:

  1. Parvovirus enteritis. Most affected puppies die between the ages of 2 and 18 months. The stool is initially mucous, then watery, and finally becomes bloody with a foul odor. The dog is vomiting foam.
  2. Leptospirosis. Bloody diarrhea indicates the severity of the disease. The animal quickly dies.
  3. Chemical poisoning. The dog can pick them up on the street.
  4. Traumatic enterocolitis. The cause may be sharp edges of swallowed bones or sticks, or other inedible objects.
  5. Chumki. Along with diarrhea, the dog may experience mucous discharge from the nose and eyes, photophobia, lethargy, and weakness. The temperature rises above 40 degrees.
  6. Long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for humans and glucocorticoids.
  7. Helminthiasis, dysbacteriosis. Worms (nematodes, liver flukes) damage the intestinal mucosa, which is penetrated by a network of blood vessels. As a result, they begin to bleed. With dysbiosis, the intestinal walls are damaged by small particles of food.
  8. Intestinal infections in puppies due to severe stress and immunodeficiency.
  9. An atypical form of rabies with a severe form of gastroenteritis.
  10. Tumors. Growing into the intestinal walls, they damage the mucous membrane, blood vessels, and tissues, causing bleeding. May lead to purulent peritonitis. Neoplasms are more often observed in adult animals.

A puppy develops diarrhea mixed with blood due to parvovirus enteritis. The disease is characterized by a high mortality rate. Especially before the age of three months.


At the clinic, the dog is examined and anamnesis is collected. A general blood test is performed. The degree of blood loss is assessed by the level of hemoglobin. The white blood cell count indicates the degree of inflammation and response to infectious agents.

Fecal analysis can identify helminth eggs and detect protozoa. Using bacterial culture, pathogens are detected and their sensitivity to antibiotics is determined. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method is aimed at identifying pathogens of infectious diseases.

An abdominal x-ray is taken to detect a foreign body or perforation of the intestine or stomach.

To clarify the diagnosis, additional tests may be performed:

  • biochemical blood test to assess the condition of the liver, kidneys, heart in case of severe blood loss, dehydration, and the effects of toxins;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity if peritonitis is suspected allows you to detect free fluid and estimate its volume;
  • gastroscopy is performed if bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract is suspected;
  • A colonoscopy is done if bleeding from the lower intestine is suspected.

First aid

Before visiting the veterinarian for your dog:

  • give Smecta, Enterosgel, Neosmectin, activated carbon (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight). They help remove toxic substances from the body;
  • drink decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort. They have an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • they give No-shpu, Papaverine to ease intestinal spasms and normalize intestinal motility;
  • give Bifidumbacterin, Lactobifidol to normalize the intestinal microflora.
An adult dog should not be fed until 24 hours, a puppy - until six. Drinking should be plentiful. If the animal refuses to take the liquid on its own, it is given water from a syringe.

These remedies are only a temporary measure aimed at alleviating the animal’s condition. According to reviews from dog owners on forums, the pet should be taken to the clinic as quickly as possible.


In the hospital, droppers with Ringer-Locke solution are required to replenish the dog's water balance. They give medications to improve blood clotting: Vikasol, Calcium Gluconate, Dicion, etc. To stop gagging, they give Cerucal.

In severe cases of anemia or hemophilia, transfusion of blood or its components is necessary.

Diarrhea due to viral and bacterial infections is treated with immunomodulators. To treat bacterial infections, antibiotics are used - Tylosin, Sulgin, Diarcan. They have no effect on viruses.

For protozoal infections caused by protozoa, Metronidazole is indicated.

In case of food poisoning and toxic infections, antidiarrheals are not given so as not to delay the removal of toxins from the body.

Helminthiasis can be treated with anthelmintic drugs. One of the best is Drontal.

Surgery is required if a foreign body or tumor is found. To treat the tumor, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are prescribed.

If there is significant blood loss, transfusion is indicated.

Nonspecific treatment

Along with traditional therapy, folk remedies are used. Chamomile decoction has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and calming effect.

A decoction of oak bark has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effect.


It is easier to protect a dog from any disease than to cure it. For prevention it is necessary:

  • carry out regular and timely deworming;
  • Provide a balanced diet at home and adhere to the norm of dry food. If you decide to switch to another food, you should do this gradually to protect your pet from stress;
  • vaccinate the animal in accordance with the vaccination schedule;
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly.
